fence-time · 4 months
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Chapter 3 of BMDAFT (by @no-need-to-be-alone ) is now out which means I can now post this >:3
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enkays-den · 2 months
a shulker of records for skizz's shop AND swift sneak ii???
"for my buddy bud bud :)"
he's so cute
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cannibal-walleye · 29 days
Did some practice with drawing scars on @enkays-den bmdaft Skizz!
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why-are-you-rhyming · 1 month
Just binged all 9 chapters of bmdaft by the amazing @enkays-den ! It is absolutely beautiful, i loved every bit of it and i cannot wait for more!! GO READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!!
It's so good.
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enkays-den · 4 months
You've met "Impulse who is trapped by intense, irrational emotions", get ready for "Skizz who is ruled by logic, facts, and deduction"
@fence-time is my fellow feral animal/muse
Kudos, comments, and shares are appreciated
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enkays-den · 3 months
Chapter 6: It All Blows Up 🙃
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enkays-den · 4 months
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Speak No Evil/Do No Evil
Just sketching ideas bc I'm obsessed with the parallels and opposites I make
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enkays-den · 1 month
Skizz Week 2, Day 7: Free Day!
Thank you @skizzlemanweek for hosting this, I wasn't writing for the fandom when the first one happened, so I'm glad I was able to participate this time! Spending this week writing has been really good to stretch my writing chops, and to write characters and dynamics I haven't reached yet in Bid Me, Do Anything For Thee
Speaking of.... since this is a free day, I'm giving you an excerpt of Chapter 10!
1.3k words, warning: Imp and Skizz are not friends :(
Here's the AO3 link if you want to leave kudos and comments or read my other stuff!
There was a knock on the door, startling Impulse. 
“Uh, you can come in.”
Skizz cracked open the door. “Do you want to walk dogs with me?”
“Uh, all of them?”
“Yeah, I figured you should take Mickey and Peanut since they like you the most. I can take the hellions.”
“Umm… Okay. I’m okay to leave now if you are, I guess.”
“Cool beans.”
Impulse followed him downstairs, where Skizz handed him two leashes. Then, he called out, “Bubbas! Time for a walk!” His voice dipped up and down comically, startling Impulse a bit.
 Huh, even this guy has a dog voice.
The impending stampede of dogs was preceded by the sound of paws scrabbling, then they started filing into the mudroom. Skizz started to manhandle Buster so he could get his harness on, struggling with the large dog. Impulse put a hand on the dog’s back to hold him steady.
“Thanks,” Skizz said, fastening the buckles around his chest.
One by one, they got dogs attached to their person. Mickey was not breaking tradition as the most polite of the dogs, sitting calmly by the door leading back to the hallway. Peanut was sniffing his shoes, but otherwise fine. Skizz on the other hand, seemed resigned to keeping the three most hyper of the dogs under his care.
Finally, Impulse summoned Deckard with the usual whistle. The weeks at the MDI had conditioned Deckard well, the dog standing alert and patient as Impulse got his leash on.
Skizz was already outside, Vivi, Bubba, and Buster circling around him and determined to get their leashes tangled before they’d even left the property.
Without a word, Skizz led the way around the house and onto the sidewalk, Buster taking the lead.
Impulse trailed behind, Mickey on one hand, Deckard and Peanut on the other. The three-legged dog skipped happily alongside Deckard, who was walking in stride with Impulse. Mickey walked at a slow pace, easily keeping up with her long legs. 
A few feet ahead, Skizz had gotten a decent amount of control over his dogs. Buster and Bubba were trying their best to lead he tall man around, but were held tight by their leashes. Vivi was at their heels, bouncing from side to side and undecided whether she wanted to follow one or the other.
“How long will we be walking them for?” Impulse asked. 
“I usually take them out for half an hour, there’s an off-leash park about ten minutes past my usual loop point that I can show you tomorrow.” Skizz talked over his shoulder, not looking back at Impulse.
“Okay. Do you walk them in groups or all at once?”
Skizz scoffed. “No, I either have someone that’ll come and help me walk, or I just let them run around the yard until they pass out. All they need is a ball and they just tire themselves out after a while. That’s my routine most days, but I will take advantage of having an experienced dog owner around very gladly.”
“It’s no problem.” God, I hate small talk.
They continued walking around the neighborhood in silence. At least the evening weather was nice, and the dogs he had were behaving.
Just as they approached a four-way stop, a deep-ish voice called out. “Yo, Skizz!”
From the front porch of a bungalow duplex, a large man was waving. He seemed like he was a few inches taller than Impulse, with a similar frame. He had a light brown beard and short, curly hair with a flash of bright blue running along the top.
He walked over to meet Skizz at the gate. “Haven’t seen you in a while man, how are you?”
“‘Sup, man! Work’s been a bit crazy lately, I’ve mainly been at work playing catch-up.” Skizz smiled bashfully.
Impulse did his best not to stare. The man had taken on an entirely different persona to the one Impulse had known so far. His shoulders were slumped slightly downwards and he was slouching so he looked a little shorter.
“I know that feeling, dude,” they replied. “And who’s that walking the rest of the pack?”
“Oh, that’s Impulse. He’s my new housemate! Just showing him around the area, letting the dogs relax around him.” One would almost think from his tone of voice that the other man was genuinely happy he was there instead of completely apathetic.
Impulse looked up, putting a smile on. “Hi. I’d wave, but I kind of have my hands full.”
The man laughed. “No problem, I’ve seen this bunch tear down the street, so you keep doing that. My name’s Jevin.”
“Nice to meet you.” Impulse gave the man a nod before busying himself with Vivi and Bubba’s leashes, which the two dogs had gotten into quite the mess. It gave him a reason to not stumble through more dialogue with the man while also being able to listen to the conversation him and Skizz were having.
“Work’s doing well for me too, although in a few weeks painting season will be over and gutter season begins. Can’t complain, though, it’s good money.”
“If you’re only working one job, it must be good money,” Skizz said amiably. 
Is this the real guy or is the agent the real person?
They spoke for a little longer, Impulse  dissociating until he heard Skizz wrapping up the conversation. “Alright, man. I need to talk to you about the door on my garage, but we should get home and eat, it’s been a long-ass day.”
“No prob, man. You can always just slip a note under my door and I’ll ring you up.”
“Alright buddy, see you later.”
Skizz pulled the dogs’ leashes and started walking back the way they came.
Impulse followed in his footsteps, thinking about how different a personality Skizz had donned in front of someone else. He hadn’t known Skizz that long, but the change had seemed startlingly radical and fast. He was no stranger to code-switching, as his therapist called it, but never such an obvious switch with no idea who the real identity was. For Impulse, that act took time to trigger and exhausted him. 
Now, Agent Skizz had returned. Impulse couldn’t see his face, but he could envision that analytic stare in his mind, sweeping the area.
”How do you describe your job to other people?" He asked, trying to not say anything outright.
Skizz luckily caught his meaning and didn’t skip a beat. “Corporate event planning. Charity balls, expos, parties.” He slowed his walking pace and spoke at a lower volume. “By the way, you should keep whatever story you tell others straight and let me know what’s what.”
“I don’t think I’ll be talking to many people,” Impulse muttered.
“You’ve already spoken to Jevin,” the man pointed out. “It’s easier to get those lying ducks in a row right off the bat instead of consolidating a bunch of mismatched statements. You never know who’s talking to who.”
Easier said than done. Impulse was a bad liar and he knew it. Perhaps it came hand in hand with his candid nature, perhaps it was just another way his anxiety reared its ugly head.
He chose to stay silent for the rest of the walk, not having a single clue what he could talk to the other man about. Did he even want to build a rapport with him? Probably not. Agent Skizz put the civilian face on for the sake of maintaining cover, but didn’t seem bothered to say friendly at work. Joe, Zed, and Tango showed that the MDI wasn’t strict about employee etiquette, so if Skizz wanted to be friendly, he could be.
They arrived back at the house, and Skizz handed him Vivi, placing the dog directly into Impulse’s arms. “You can let the others loose in the house, I’m gonna stay outside and let the B-Boys tucker themselves out.”
Impulse nodded, slightly relieved they wouldn’t be entering the house at the same time. Something about Skizz just didn’t sit right with him, and he wasn’t willing to observe him long enough to figure out what it was.
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enkays-den · 3 months
The MDI is a great place to work! Except for the fact that the people there want to talk to you...
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enkays-den · 2 months
Chapter 9: Monty Hall
"Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?"
Impulse makes difficult decisions, and gets psychoanalyzed at least twice.
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enkays-den · 2 months
Chapter 8: Felium et Canum
A lot of furry friends! But who will win the lottery?
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enkays-den · 4 months
Impulse meets X and had hashes out job deets
Like, share, comment, kudos! <3
Written in collab with @fence-time
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enkays-den · 3 months
Skizz: we're (imp and skizz) giant children
Gem: sometimes i wish you weren't
Skizz: no you don't. If i became a total adult you wouldn't like it, you'd miss the old skizz
Gem: dad skizz is fun
Skizz: sometimes
Gem: you're really good at being and adult when you need to be and you're really good at turning it off
Skizz: when I go into Adult Skizz, it's unrecognizable and I don't like it, personally
Gem: I like the goofball skizz better
Skizz: me too
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enkays-den · 2 months
I think it's adorable how clearly every emotion impulse feels can be seen in his expressions
Also incredibly hilarious that his best friend has a GREAT poker face
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enkays-den · 4 months
JUST READ WHATS OUT OF BMDAFT CUZ OF FENCE AND HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE SMARTEST PERSON EVER!!!! I will rotate this obsessively for ever you have such a big brain
its sad Skizz isnt silly goofy guy but i looovvveeeee that hes a serious character for once because hes always the butt of jokes and the tension release so seeing the more analytical side he has be used is!!!!!!!!
Impy may be nervous but hes still smart!!! I like that everyone but skizz is sorta babying him because they know how overwhelming it is but then they'll be blown away by his computer magic >:))
Lovely story am excited :))
"smartest person ever" is so kind. I have never written for a large fandom before, and BARELY published anything past 2014, so the feedback from a proper sample size has been so uplifting for me. I'm super glad people have been enjoying it so far, but quite honestly, this ain't even the good stuff yet! I like to think that character dialogue is my strength, and so far everyone has been really happy with how I treat their blorbos (hope the same stays true when there's 30 of them running about)
I will not stand for buttmonkey skizz in this house, I have so many feelings about his character as well as the man himself and I will make everyone feel the same way. I know it's odd seeing him being so serious (I'm actually drawing from a lot of stuff he says during streams and the podcast), but you WILL see the goofball we all know and love eventually, I just won't say how ;) Impulse is so me, in a very literal sense. I'll explain in a future chapter, but he really is my vessel in this story at the moment, but I project a little bit of myself in everyone.
I wouldn't say the others are "babying" him. They just see he struggles in social situations and accommodate him as best they can, and with a stranger, that may mean a bit of a featherlight touch, but things will become better as time goes on (except for that skizz guy, what the heck is his deal???)
Thank you for sending such a lovely message <3
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enkays-den · 5 months
I think Joe is underrated as a device that can be used to move the plot along. It will FOREVER to get to the good stuff without him. He simply holds all the lore dumping. Written in partnership with @fence-time. Please kudos, comment, and share!
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