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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Bethany Cosentino of indie rock band BEST COAST in a shirt by Marc Jacobs for the August 2013 issue of GQ magazine. 📸: Paola Kudacki.
• Bethany Cosentino has a voice as strong as Loretta Lynn's or Neko Case's, and she writes songs that get stuck in your brain and won't leave.
• Essential Release: "Crazy for You" (Mexican Summer, 2010)
"Someone once asked me if I would give them my toenail clippings. I've had other people steal my water bottle from the stage and then tweet at me like, "Oh, I licked the water bottle after." People are weird.""
-- GQ Magazine, "Nouveau Garage: Rock Style, Starring Our Favorite Indie Bands," by Eric Sullivan, July 31, 2013
Sources: https://forthebananas.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/bethany-cosentino-of-best-coast-in-gq & www.gq.com/gallery/best-indie-garage-rock-style-gq-august-2013.
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thepictorialist · 3 months ago
Digging Water—Grey Stone 2024
photo credit: Jason Walden
Grey Stone Sound
After much introspection, I've decided to start uploading little GarageBand projects I mess around with.
Although I don't really make music as much as I "find" it, there are some pieces where I use a midi controller, AKAI MPK mini Mk3, and create my own sounds. But many are simply loops and samples that I put together like an audio puzzle.
Please enjoy.
All photography, artwork, logo, and video are, of course, original work except where noted.
This particular one was inspired by the Makah canoes in the PNW (where I live and get most of my inspiration), racing through the ocean waters. Watching them paddle with such determination, digging through the water while becoming in sync with the ebb and flow of the waves. It was like witnessing a dance.
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demo-wise · 1 year ago
I will reblog Trans-Siberian Orchestra until the day I die
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thekylemeredith · 6 months ago
For tonight's show, it's my interview with #Wire's #ColinNewman! We'll be talking about and playing a few of their classics.
We'll also hear from the Allman Betts Band, Lizzie No, Bethany Cosentino, and for tonight's TV In The Radio feature, the theme from ER.
6p ET on 91.9 WFPK
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princessbellecerise · 8 months ago
Nameday Celebration
Summary ✩ Call it recklessness or sheer stupidity, but Benjicot is determined not to miss his lovers nameday…Even if it means sneaking into enemy territory for the night
Warnings ✩ Smut, oral sex, established relationship, brief mention of violence, fingering, foul language
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The music around you was loud, and though it was quite merry, it did nothing to lift your spirits as you sat at the high table.
All around you, you were surrounded by the happy chatter of other lords and ladies that had travelled from all over to be here. Some of them even shared the same last name as you did, Bracken. But even though the evening was filled with music and light, warmth and laughter from your family, you still felt…disappointed.
You felt terrible, of course, sitting there in your fancy dress and feeling ungrateful at the ball that was thrown in your name—but you couldn’t help it.
People had come from all over the Riverlands for you, uprooted their lives and paid good coin on gifts for you, but none of that was what you truly wanted.
Your father had gone through great lengths to throw you this ball, spending coin that he didn’t have just to celebrate and maybe find you a suitable match.
By all means, it was supposed to be an amazing night in your life and yet you were so caught up in your feelings that you couldn’t even find it in yourself to be thankful.
All over, you constantly spotted sigils from houses such as the Freys, the Mootons, and the Mallisters. Even the Tully’s had made an effort to appear but none of those sigils were the ones that you wanted to see.
None of those sigils belonged to him.
Admittedly, you knew that you were a fool to ever think that he’d show up here. Your father would have sooner died than invite a Blackwood into his home, let alone have one around his daughter.
It was a feeble thought, and it was stupid of you to even be upset. Of course Benji would not show up your nameday celebration. You had known that ever since it was announced.
Your lover himself had told you that as much as he wanted to, there was just no way for him to celebrate your nameday with you. He sure as hell wasn’t invited and it would be too risky and too bloody to just show up unannounced.
The chaos that would ensue if a band of Blackwoods showed up would ruin your nameday for certain. And as much as you wanted to see him, you understood that his absence was for the best.
Still though, the feeling of disappointment had its grip on you.
You tried to act normal and you tried to make it seem like you weren’t utterly gutted, but you knew that your emotions had spilled out anyways. You were quiet and withdrawn, choosing to stay at the high table in the seat of honor rather than get up and dance with every one else.
You had chosen to sip on your wine rather than prance around with a man you didn’t care about.
You knew it was petty, but if your father wanted to be petty as well and not invite the Blackwoods, then you vowed not dance with anyone other than Benji.
It was problematic, seeing you were the guest of honor and you had declined many lords already, but you held fast. Each and every man that came to your table was turned away, to the displeasure of your father.
His ulterior motives of trying to find you a husband were not as discreet as he thought them to be. Every time the word ‘no,’ left your lips to a potential match, his lips pressed into a thinner and thinner line.
His patience with you was slowly running out.
Even though others might not have picked up on your sullen mood, he did. You were your father’s daughter after all. It was easy enough for him to tell that something was wrong, and whatever it was, he wasn’t happy about it.
After making sure that the coast was clear and that was no one was listening, he leaned in and addressed you with distain in his voice.
“Is something the matter with the celebration, Y/N?” He asked tightly.
His eyes, similar to yours, bore into you from behind his mask. Curiosity along with annoyance could be seen pooling inside them.
The answer that you had been mentally rehearsing all night finally had its chance to slip out.
“No father. Nothing is wrong with the celebration. Everything you have done for me is beautiful and much appreciated.”
Your father clenched his jaw as you took a sip of your wine, trying your best to avoid his heated stare.
“Is that so?” A small scoff left his lips. “Then why is it that you refuse to act the least bit of happy?”
You swallowed as your mind flickered to Benji. You were grateful that your mother had insisted on a masquerade ball, and that your mask was big enough to cover your face. If it didn’t, you feared you’d give much more than you wanted to away.
“I’m not…unhappy, father,” A sigh left your lips as you looked to the dance floor. Your eyes lingered on all of the couples who got to dance freely. On all of the ladies that got to be with who they wanted to without it ending in a bloody civil war.
Involuntarily, envy pooled in your chest.
“I’m just..tired, that’s all,” You continued, hoping your lie was enough.
It wasn’t.
Another scoff could be heard from your father as his chair scraped. From beside you, on your left, your mother looked on worriedly as he hissed.
“Tired? How can you be tired, daughter, when you have not even bothered to grace the dance floor?”
Silence was heard on your part as you swallowed again. You kept your eyes in front of you for fear that you’d say something to make him angrier. It wasn’t your intentions to get into it with your family, not tonight, so you kept your eyes straight and your mouth shut.
You focused on the many people on the dance floor as your father simply shook his head, mumbling about how ungrateful his daughter was.
Your mother simply gave you a disappointed look, but you ignored them both as something caught your attention.
At first, you thought that you imagined it. A simple trick of the light perhaps, or maybe you just had too much wine, but you could have sworn that you saw a flash of black, accompanied by broad shoulders and wide, gleaming eyes.
Your gaze became locked onto the stranger that bared these traits, so familiar to you but so far away. With your heart hammering in your chest, you watched as he made his way onto the dance floor. You couldn’t see him yet, not properly anyways. He was still hidden behind the horde of people all crowded together. Hiding behind the multitude of dancers and weaving in and out of the crowd.
It took all you had to keep your gaze on him and not look away. You couldn’t lose him. Not until he got closer. Not until you were sure.
For now, you were stuck following his movements with care, watching as he came closer, and closer, until finally…
Your heart stopped.
You weren’t sure if it was the wine or if you truly were hallucinating as your eyes locked with his, Benji coming to stand right in front of the high table. Beside him were two other men, all bare of any sigils and hidden under masks. But they were there. They were…
No, no.
It couldn’t be. He wouldn’t dare.
…Would he?
You started to doubt yourself. Telling yourself that there was no way that it could be him. It was too much of a risk. It was too dangerous for him to even consider such a thing…
But then he began to smile. That damned smile that you would recognize anywhere, under a mask or not. That and his eyes. You knew those eyes. That wide-eyed, crazed stare that often sent your heartbeat racing through your chest.
You knew them like the back of your hand. And sure enough, as you stared into the crowd, looking directly into those eyes, he winked.
Your chair scraped immediately.
Without much warning you stood, shooting a quick mumble towards your father before racing down the steps and towards him with determination.
Your father, thankfully, was none the wiser as you rushed forward, nodding in approval as you reached Benji and looped your arm with his.
He thought you had simply come to your senses and was dancing with some lord.
He had no idea who you were moving towards the dance floor with and if he did, you were sure that the smile would be wiped right off his face.
Lord Bracken would start a war if he knew a Blackwood had snuck under his roof, but alas that was the last thing that you were worried about.
You were more concerned about your lover getting caught, the fool having the nerve to laugh as you dragged him through the crowd. The two men he had brought along with him tried to follow, but they quickly ended up getting lost.
It was almost impossible to navigate through all of the twirling bodies, but you made it your mission to weave through them, Benji’s laughter getting lost under all of the noise. You were grateful that the masks at least concealed your true identities, allowing you to pull him along until no one else was around.
You managed to make it all the way to your room without getting stopped. As you did, you opened the door and all but threw Benji inside, making sure the door was locked before turning to your lover with a glare.
A wild gleam appeared in his eyes as he stared at you. It was obvious that he was more pleased than afraid as he grinned, crackling as he embraced you in his arms.
“Benji, Benji! Put me down!”
His laughter mixed in with your shouts of protests as Benji suddenly picked you up, spinning around in his arms.
The world suddenly went blurry for a moment as your lover twirled you, your eyes going in and out of focus. You felt dizzy whenever he finally let go of you, swaying a little bit until Benji steadied you.
When he did, you swore with everything inside of you were going to kill him.
“You idiot! What the hell were you thinking?”
Benji smiled sheepishly as you turned your fiery gaze on him, a mix of concern and anger lacing your voice. Worriedly, you glanced to the door, afraid that someone would burst through and discover him even though you had locked it.
With little time to protest, you were swept into his arms again and pulled against him.
“I was thinking that couldn’t help myself, my love. It is your nameday, and I had to see you,” He said softly, pressing his forehead to yours.
Instantly, some of your anger began to dissolve. You blamed not seeing him for weeks as the reason you began to fold so quickly, but some of your worry and panic still bled over.
“You had to? Benji you could have been caught! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to be here right now? If my father or the guards had discovered you—”
Benji cut you off with a loud laugh.
“Your guards are the sorriest cunts I have ever seen in my life,” He snorted. “I could have snuck an entire army into Stone Hedge and no one would have batted an eye.”
You playfully swatted his shoulder, giggling softly because you knew he was right. If your guards had done their jobs then Benji wouldn’t be here right now. Alone in a room with their Lord’s daughter, staring at her with a hungry look in his eyes.
A million different things ran through your mind. Everything from terror at getting caught to just being plain excited that he was here flooded your veins. You kept looking over your shoulder, expecting your door to burst open any second while Benji continued to hold you.
It took a few seconds, but when you were sure that no one was coming to seize your lover and take him away, a smile broke out on your face and you quickly embraced him back.
You threw your arms around Benji and held him tight, burying your head into the crook of his neck as you laughed lightly.
“Leave it to you, Benjicot Blackwood, to risk death and torture just to wish me a happy nameday,” You whispered, feeling his chest rumble underneath you.
Benji shrugged. “And to give you this,” He said cheekily, pulling away. When he did, you saw him reach into his pocket for a second before slowly pulling something out.
You bit your lip as Benji handed you a box, a velvet box with the Blackwood sigil embroidered on top.
With a curious look, you opened it up and then gasped at what you saw inside.
“This is…this is for me?” You asked incredulously.
Benji nodded, grinning.
“Of course it is, love. You’re the only Bracken I can give that to without loosing my head,” He teased slightly before continuing.
“D’you like it though? I had to go four towns over, all the way to The Crag so people wouldn’t ask questions. Figured it would have been strange if a Blackwood was caught asking someone to make a neckless with a Bracken sigil.”
The shyness that he sometimes was known for was evident on his face as he waited for your response, Benji nervously playing with his hands.
Luckily though, he didn’t have to wait long. He sighed in relief as he saw you grin, pulling him into another bone crushing hug and kissing his cheek.
“Benji…of course I love it,” You whispered in his ear, making him shiver. You could feel him relax underneath you, hugging you back as your eyes threatened to fill with tears.
“You mean it?” He asked, a bit more vulnerability shining through.
Your heart filled with more love that you thought was capable.
“Of course I mean it. How could I not?” You asked him softly. “It’s beautiful, and I can’t imagine it was easy for you to even have this made.”
You made a jest in order to keep yourself from crying.
Benji laughed lightly. “Aye. It nearly killed me to spend coin on that ugly red stag, but I think the back of it makes up for it. Look.”
He gestured for you to flip the necklace over and when you did, you discovered that it was double-sided. On the front, the sigil of house Bracken was carved, unassuming to anyone who saw it. But on the back…
You ran your fingers over the weirwood tree surrounded by ravens and lightly gasped. It was the sigil of House Blackwood, the symbol that belonged to the man you loved.
In tiny letters, barely visible unless you squinted, the initials B.B were engraved in one of the ravens.
Benjicot Blackwood.
“Oh. It’s beautiful Benji. Thank you,” You said again, your voice thick with emotion as you saw it. This time, you weren’t able to keep the tears from your eyes, one of them falling down your cheek as you sniffled.
Gently, Benji reached to your face and wiped it away. He smiled lightly and gestured for you to turn around. Taking the necklace from your hands, he then unclasped it and gently placed it around your neck.
When he did, he flipped it so that the symbol of House Blackwood showed instead.
“There. Just as it belongs,” He said.
Sniffling lightly, you allowed him to run his fingers over it, Benji placing soft kisses on your neck before turning you around.
When you did, you immediately planted your lips upon his, unable to resist it any longer.
You could tell that Benji was taken by surprise by the sudden action, but he quickly wasted no time in kissing you back. He matched the amount of passion in your kiss, greedily drinking in the taste of you after being starved for so long.
Not long after, what started as a soft, slow kiss turned into something more. The desperation that you both felt after not seeing each other for a while pooled over, and soon enough you found yourself tugging on his hair, wanting something more.
Benji clearly felt the same as he began to lead you towards the bed.
Gently, he laid you down on the soft covers and your heart pounded as he leaned over you.
Once more, his lips met yours in a swift kiss but this time it was accompanied by roaming hands.
You felt him touching you everywhere that he could, Benji feeling all of the parts that he missed.
His hands lingered on your waist and then your chest, fingers dancing over the material that covered your breasts. It was clear that just feeling you over your clothing wasn’t enough. He wanted more, and so you weren’t surprised when he broke the kiss, eyes hungry as he tugged on the yellow garb.
“Take this off,” He demanded softly, his dark eyes wild with lust.
Quickly, you sat up and with his assistance was able to get it off. Benji struggled a little bit when it came to your corset, resulting in your lover getting impatient.
Regrettably, this meant that you would have to explain to your Septa why the strings looked like they had been cut with a knife. A little annoyance pooled inside of you at the inconvenience, but you tried not to think about that as you stared at him, anxious to know what he wanted next.
“Turn around,” Benji then rasped, taking no time to drink in your naked body. “I want you on your knees, ass in the air.”
Despite his filthy words, his tone was oddly soft. Desire pooled in your core as you obediently listened, eager for whatever it was he had planned for you. You laid your head on your soft pillow, eyes fluttering shut as you felt the bed dip behind you.
You sighed as Benji kneeled in between your legs. In an instant, your felt his calloused hands roaming over your body, trailing all the way from the small of your back to the center of your core. Gently, his padded fingers traced your slick folds, eliciting a moan from you when they brushed over your clit.
“Fuck, how I’ve missed this.”
You said nothing as his fingers continued to tease your clit, too busy panting at the sensation.
It had been too long, you noted, since you had felt your lovers’ touch.
The more that tensions between your houses grew, the less time that you had to spend with Benji. It was too risky to be seen anywhere near Blackwood territory and your father had doubled the guards, making it nearly impossible to sneak out. Your meetings had been so few as of late, leaving you craving his touch like no other.
Eagerly, you wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, moaning when Benji sank a digit into your tight cunt. You cursed softly as he began to pump in and out, loving the way he curled them inside of you to reach your pleasure spots.
It seemed that your time apart did nothing to impact Benji’s memory. He still remembered exactly how to make you come undone, adding more and more digits until your cunt was stuffed.
The more fingers that he added, the louder you moaned. Pleasure that you had not experienced in weeks quickly began to cloud your senses, making you forget that you were supposed to be quiet in case anyone overheard you.
You could only imagine the disaster that would ensue if Benjicot Blackwood was discovered knuckle-deep inside of Lord Bracken’s daughter. Making her come undone on his fingers, slowly but surely, and whispering the filthiest of words in her ear.
You imagined that the aftermath wouldn’t be pretty, but alas all of those thoughts and worries faded away the minute you felt Benji kneel down, attaching his mouth to your cunt.
Any previous thoughts that you had were gone—replaced by muffled moans and incoherent blabber.
You whimpered as you felt Benji’s tongue lapping at your folds, eating your cunt like he was a man starved.
You felt him sucking on your clit, taking the bud into his mouth just as his index and middle finger curled against the right spot.
The combined pleasure had you gasping out, pillow forgotten as strangled cries left your lips.
Benji could feel your cunt tightening around his fingers and he smirked, coaxing you through your orgasm as you moaned and withered under him.
It took all he had to hold you down, using his free hand to keep your cunt firmly pressed against him. He refused to let up his assault until he could taste you on his tongue, the sweetness of your juices making him groan as well.
When he finally pulled away and released you from his hold, you managed to weakly look behind you and see him grinning. Benji licked his fingers, his face shiny with your arousal as he met your eyes.
“Hmm. So fuckin’ sweet. You want to taste, raven?”
Meekly you nodded, your face and your core burning at the nickname. Benji smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his lips while he grinded into you.
You could feel his cock hard as stone poking against your thighs. The thought of him being inside of you after so long briefly made you loose the ability to breathe as excitement flooded your veins.
The action allowed for Benji to slip his tongue in your mouth, kissing you sloppily for a moment before reluctantly pulling away.
His wild eyes were dark with lust as he fiddled with his own clothing, loosening his trousers so that his cock could spring free.
You felt your mouth water as you watched him stroke himself for a moment, spurts of preseed dripping down the base.
Benji let a hand roam over your back and gently used it to push you down, spreading your legs so that he could settle in between them.
With your back arched and your face pressed firmly against the pillow once again, he teased you by dragging his cock along your folds and then, he pushed in.
Together, you both let out a whine as Benji’s cock sank inside of you, your lover letting out a swear as you gripped him tight.
It had been a while since the two of you had sex, and it was evident in the way your legs trembled, your cunt straining to take him as he sank deeper.
You let out another whine, reaching behind you for something to grip. Luckily Benji seemed to get the message clear enough, and quickly he intertwined your fingers together.
Once he was buried inside of you to the hilt, he stilled for a moment, trying to catch his breath. Light kisses were peppered against your back as he leaned over you, holding you as close as possible before his hips began to move.
In a slow rhythm, he dragged his cock in and out as if to savor the moment.
As his hips snapped against yours and sent jolts of ecstasy through your body, your moans slowly started to combine.
You had forgotten how much you missed this. You had forgotten how much you missed him. Loneliness was awful but often times it was easy to get accustomed to it. After all, it’s what you signed up for when you took a Blackwood for your lover.
You expected to go days, weeks, or even months without seeing Benji. So when he was here, you did all you could to savor him before he had to leave again.
Every breath, every groan, and every whisper of encouragement was committed to memory. Every touch, every kiss cherished.
You relished in the way Benji’s cock felt against your walls, squeezing him as if it would somehow help you remember how it felt.
A small curse left his lips as you did, Benji leaning down to suck a love bite on your skin.
As his teeth grazed your neck, you groaned as he somehow managed to find both of your sweet spots.
“That’s it. That’s it. Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.”
Benji praised you as you began to fuck yourself on his cock, throwing your hips back and meeting his trusts. Your moans combined together as the pace sped up, the sound of heavy breathing quickly filling the room.
After a moment, you felt his weight shift off of your body as Benji opted to get back on his knees. He used his hands to keep your hips steady, pushing down on the small of your back to keep it arched.
With this new angle, he was able to drive into you quicker and repeatedly hit your sweet spot. Curses left his lips as you began to tremble around him, his own orgasm approaching at the same time as yours.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
You gripped the sheets tightly as obscenities left his mouth, feeling Benji quickly pull out of you just as your peak washed over you.
Hot spurts of his seed coated your back, Benji spilling himself onto your skin before finishing you off with his fingers.
The absence of his cock was most disappointing, but by the time you came down from your high you barely noticed.
You were too busy in a state of bliss, turning around to capture Benji in a kiss before shakily pulling away.
“Are you alright, my love?” He asked immediately, panting heavily as he collapsed next to you.
Sometimes, it amazed you how quickly he could change. One moment Benji was shy and sweet, giving you the most beautiful necklace for your nameday. And then the next he was making you cum, whispering the dirtiest things in your ear and fucking you so good that you saw stars.
Now, he had switched again, his soft side back on display as he held you in his arms.
He was careful enough not to cum inside of you and—much to your displeasure—had used your fancy yellow dress to wipe up his seed.
You suspected that he was too pleased by the action, but you opted not to say anything about it. Instead, you merely disregarded the dress and chose to cuddle in his arms, trying to soak the last remaining moments you had.
“Of course I’m alright. It is my nameday and I’ve just received the best gift of the night,” You replied after some pause.
You knew him well enough that you could practically hear the smirk appear on his face.
“What? The sex?” Benji asked cheekily, to which you playfully elbowed him.
“No you fool!” You giggled as you knew that was exactly what he was going to say. “The necklace! The necklace you risked life and limb to deliver to me personally!”
You rolled your eyes as Benji began to laugh behind you, the cheerful sound echoing through your chambers.
“Right, right. That is what I risked life and limb for,” He said innocently.
You didn’t have the energy to do anything expect roll your eyes again. You swore he was so stupid sometimes. From sneaking into enemy territory to making silly little jests, your Benji sure was a character to be reckoned with.
But, that was exactly what you loved about him.
Sighing softly, you shook your head and listened to the sound of his breathing. It remained steady behind you as Benji slowly relaxed, settling in your bed like he was simply at home.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that he was falling sleep. His body was certainly still enough to think so, but you knew as well as he did that he couldn’t stay here.
The party downstairs was slowly dying down. If you listened close enough, you could hear the final songs planned for the night dwindling down, and you knew pretty soon someone was going to come for you.
Benji couldn’t be here when they did.
Your father was probably already angry enough at your lack of presence. If he ever discovered the reason why you had so suddenly disappeared then he would have your head—Benji’s too.
And as much you loved lying in his arms, feeling the warmth and the love radiating from his body, you loved seeing Benji alive much more.
So, sure enough, as the final notes on the final songs began to play, he stood up.
“Well, I suppose that’s my cue to take leave, then.”
Benji smiled sadly as he began to gather his clothes, redressing while you watched him with despair. The sheets that were wrapped loosely around you began to fall as you stood as well, walking over to him just as he readjusted his dagger.
“Do you promise to come visit me soon?” You asked him anxiously.
Slowly, Benji began to nod. He knew as well as you did that soon was debatable. Tensions were at all time high as whispers of war breaking out in the Kingdom spread. They added to the already strained relations between your houses.
Still though, Benji could not bare to see your disappointment. He didn’t want to leave on a bad note, either, so he settled for an unserious answer to ease the situation.
“If your father doesn’t replace his guards any time soon then I’ll be able to visit you any time you’d like,” He chuckled.
He was met by a small giggle that had his heart smiling with joy. Softly, you gripped his hand, savoring his touch as you knew that it would be the last time for a while.
“Stay safe out there, Blackwood,” You told him softly. “Don’t get into any trouble and for Seven’s sake, leave the assize stones alone. Make sure that you come back to me, you hear?”
Your tone was playful, but he knew that you were being as serious as a dead man.
Briefly, his lips twitched a little as he fought the urge to tell you that it was your family that messes with the stones. But ultimately, he agreed.
“I will. I promise,” Benji said sincerely.
A soft kiss was then planted on your lips, you and Benji holding onto each other for one last time. When you pulled away, a sigh of disappointment left your lips as you watched him walk away.
Closing your eyes, you decided to count his footsteps until he reached the door.
When you got to ten, you heard the door open. And one last time, Benji called out to you.
“Oh. And Bracken?”
You opened your eyes to see that familiar goofy smile, his eyes shining as he looked at you.
“I almost forgot to tell you, but happy nameday, my love. I do hope that this was a good one,” Benji laughed.
And with that, he closed the door, leaving you smiling and shaking your head behind him.
That fool. What one earth am I going to do with you, Benjicot Blackwood?
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moonysbookshelves · 25 days ago
The Cadence of Part-Time Poets
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The Cadence of Part-Time Poets by @motswolo
Have been working on this 10 volume set for the past few months now, and they are finally complete. My Magnum Opus. I have peaked and probably depleted all of my brain power.
Thank you to @motswolo for writing such a beautiful story. My brain chemistry has been favourably altered. Will forever flinch when I hear Queen, The Beatles or Bob Dylan. Love to you from western Canada (west coast best coast lets gooooo).
I also posted a TikTok of these since posts here are limited and I love the insides as much as the covers, so if you wanna see between the pages, here’s that.
Also thank you @avisbindery for letting me scream and cry in your DMs while I read the fic. May you get some uninterrupted sleep now LOLLL.
Going to write a whole essay below about the ideas and details because uhhh I wanna yap bit!
So for starters, I wanted to make these binds look like magazines because of the epilogue where (spoiler) Tonya sees Remus in a copy of New Musical Express. But of course this fic is long, so I was like, what if I do multiple volumes? This very quickly spiralled into me painstakingly (finding publication-accurate fonts almost sent me to an early grave) recreating 10 different music-focused magazines from the 70s and 80s from scratch (thank you to Photoshop, Affinity, Procreate and Canva). Each volume features a unique cover, along with stylized typesets to match that display the songs for each chapter but in different designs. And then I went a little crazy and made a 45 sleeve and a cassette too, to really set the scene when I took the photos lol
While the covers display the dates pertaining to the contents of that particular volume (Sept 1975 for volume one, for example) I was thinking about what the magazines would say if they were really published when Marauders are traipsing about being spectacular and famous in the future. I sprinkled in details from the fic itself and fanon-ed it a bit, but that was the general inspiration :-) Tried to keep the photos used either faceless/obscured, or to use the fancasts on Mots’ Cadence master post. I also tried to use period-accurate photos but didn’t always succeed, so settled for photos of 4 member bands where I had to :”) But the general intent with the facelessness was that they could be implied to be Marauders. If you squint? lol. Just pretend. Pls.
Volume One: Based upon The Record Song Book. This magazine went on to inspire the typesets, since it publishes lyrics and such. The cover images are of Spacey Jane and David Thewlis.
Volume Two: Based on ZigZag, specifically the issue from July 1978 featuring Siouxie and the Banshees just because I thought it looked sick as fuck. I re-drew the abstract shapes and such in procreate. The cover images are The Clash and a young Gary Oldman. Lord he was foiiine.
Volume Three: Based on Trouser Press, November 1980. The cover images are a young Metallica, and my personal fav fan cast for James, Reiky De Valk. The film negatives are from a Bruce Springsteen tour, 1976.
Volume Four: Based on Gay Times (November 1984), a queer magazine from the UK because this volume contains Wolfstars first kiss hehe. Also hence Somebody To Love plastered all over the covers. The Front cover is Inhaler. The “4A” on this one is of course the boys’ dorm number, but I made the A the lambda symbol as this was a pride symbol in the 70s after Stonewall.
Volume Five: Based on Melody Maker. Front image is Alex Turner. All of the text on this one is pulled directly from the fic. The scene where they all drop acid and James jumps off the roof Almost Famous style had me hootin’ and hollerin’… until Tomny showed up hahaha :”)
Volume Six: Based on IT (International Times, Aug 1971). Front image for this one is Joy Division, and the back features Jane Asher for Lily
Volume Seven: Based on Record Mirror, June 1976. Front image is John Taylor of Duran Duran. Yum.
Volume Eight: Based on Rolling Stone. More vibes than anything for this one, but the quote still makes me laugh.  Front image is of Matt Hitt. Can you tell I photoshopped a cell phone out of this one? IDK. This photo just screamed ‘Remus’ to me so I had to use it. The back image is an old cigarette ad, but the photo is taken in Shepherd’s Bush.
Volume Nine: Based on Fusion magazine. Front image for this one is once again Inhaler. Oops. Back cover is our gals. Images are Jodie Foster as Cherry, Brenda Sykes as Mary, and Goldie Hawn as Lottie.
Volume Ten: Based on New Musical Express. You know why :”) These are all victims of fanon, but this one especially. I wanted it to be NME instead of the re-invented logos I’d been doing for all the rest, as I wanted it to look like the magazine the Sister gives to Tonya. I referred to an issue of NME from October 1979 for this and layered in fic references where it made sense to. The cover image for this one is (I think) Cigarettes After Sex. This issue also contains all of the B-Side chapters, and the Marauders song lyrics too just for fun :)
Slasher Chick: This is just my take on what Sybill’s zine could’ve looked like. Prob way off but I just wanted to have fun with this one since I had no cover to reference lol. The zine contains her little write-up and the interview, lifted straight from the fic :")
ok yap sesh over byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lmfaooooo
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naturalband25 · 2 years ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 10 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Bethany Cosentino of L.A.-based indie/surf rock band BEST COAST performs onstage at a secret show at Mrs. Bea's as part of Day 1 of SXSW Music Festival 2010 on March 17, 2010 in Austin, Texas, USA, during the band's "Crazy for You" era: 📸: Roger Kisby.
Source: www.gettyimages.no/detail/news-photo/bethany-cosentino-of-best-coast-performs-onstage-at-a-news-photo/97816349.
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 1 month ago
Mr. President - Coco Jamboo 1996
"Coco Jamboo" is a song by German Eurodance group Mr. President, and was released as the lead single from their second studio album, We See the Same Sun (1996). The accompanying music video was filmed in Carúpano, a small city located in the Venezuelan coasts. Mr. President was awarded the German 1997 Echo award in the category for Best Dance Single with "Coco Jamboo".
"Coco Jamboo" peaked at number one in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, and Switzerland. It was also a top-five hit in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Norway, as well as on the Eurochart Hot 100. In the UK, it peaked at number eight. It was successful in both Australia and New Zealand, where it reached number seven and nine. On the US Billboard Hot 100, it peaked at number 21, becoming the band's only charting single. On the Billboard Dance Club Play chart, it reached number 17. The single was awarded with a gold record in Austria, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland. It also earned a silver record in the UK and a platinum record in Australia, Germany, and Norway.
"Coco Jamboo" received a total of 74,6% yes votes!
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m4rv3l-girl · 1 month ago
Honeymoon (Bucky x Reader)
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Warnings: Smut. Unprotected sex. Breeding (blink and you’ll miss it.)
The warm breeze of the Amalfi Coast kissed Y/N’s skin as she leaned against the railing of their villa’s balcony. Below, the Mediterranean waves crashed gently against the shore, their rhythmic melody blending with the distant chatter of vacationers. She exhaled a contented sigh, her gaze fixed on the golden horizon where the sun was beginning to dip into the sea.
Behind her, the sound of footsteps padded softly across the polished tile floor. She didn’t need to turn to know it was Bucky. She could feel him—the comforting weight of his presence was something she’d grown used to over their time together. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back into his chest.
“Enjoying the view, Doll?” Bucky’s voice was a low murmur against her ear, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. His metal hand rested gently on her hip while his flesh one traced lazy circles on her stomach.
“It’s perfect,” she replied, leaning her head back against his shoulder. “Though I’d argue this isn’t the best view here.” She tilted her head slightly to catch his smirk, the one that made her heart flutter no matter how many times she’d seen it.
“Oh yeah?” he teased, turning her around to face him. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief, softened by a layer of tenderness he reserved just for her. “What’s better than this?”
She pretended to think for a moment, biting her lip to suppress her grin. “You. Definitely you.”
Bucky chuckled, a sound that made her chest warm. “Smooth talker,” he said, leaning down to brush his lips against hers. It was a soft kiss, the kind that made the rest of the world fade away. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers. “You hungry, Kitten? I could whip something up.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Bucky Barnes, are you trying to cook on our honeymoon?”
“Hey, I make a mean pasta,” he defended, his grin widening. “Besides, you’re supposed to be relaxing, and I want to take care of you.”
Her heart squeezed at his sincerity. “I am relaxing,” she assured him, reaching up to smooth a strand of his dark hair back from his face. “But maybe we could cook together? That way, you don’t burn the villa down.”
“Rude,” he said with mock indignation, though his lips twitched in amusement. “Alright, teamwork it is. But you’re on sauce duty. I’ll handle the noodles.”
Together, they moved to the small but well-equipped kitchen. Bucky rolled up his sleeves, revealing the scars that marked the transition between his flesh and vibranium arm. Y/N caught his hand and kissed his wrist, a silent gesture of love that still made his breath hitch. He looked at her as though she’d hung the stars in the sky, and she found herself grinning under the weight of his adoration.
They worked in easy harmony, laughing as Bucky insisted on taste-testing every ingredient and Y/N playfully smacked his hand away from the sauce pot. By the time they sat down to eat on the balcony, the sun had fully set, leaving the sky painted in deep purples and indigos. Candles flickered on the table, casting a warm glow over their faces.
“To us,” Bucky said, raising his glass of wine.
“To us,” Y/N echoed, clinking her glass against his. She took a sip, savoring the sweetness of the wine and the moment. “This feels like a dream,” she admitted, setting her glass down. “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up any second.”
Bucky reached across the table to take her hand, his thumb brushing over her wedding band. “It’s real, Doll. You and me, this life we’ve got…it’s all real. And I’m never letting it go.”
Her throat tightened with emotion, and she squeezed his hand. “You’re stuck with me now, Barnes.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said, his voice soft but full of conviction.
After dinner, they moved back inside. Bucky lit the fireplace in the living room while Y/N changed into something more comfortable: an oversized sweater that brushed against her thighs. When she reappeared, Bucky was waiting for her on the plush rug in front of the fire, two mugs of hot cocoa in hand.
“Come here,” he said, patting the spot next to him. She settled down beside him, curling into his side as he handed her a mug. The fire crackled softly, casting dancing shadows across the room.
“What’re you thinking about?” she asked after a moment, noticing the faraway look in his eyes.
Bucky glanced down at her, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “How lucky I am,” he admitted. “How someone like me ended up with someone like you.”
“Someone like you?” she repeated, setting her mug down so she could cradle his face in her hands. “Bucky, you’re everything. You’re kind, and brave, and selfless. You’ve been through so much, and you still have the biggest heart. If anyone’s lucky here, it’s me.”
He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. “You always know what to say,” he murmured.
“That’s my job,” she teased, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Being your wife and all.”
At the word ‘wife,’ his eyes opened, a flicker of heat joining the affection in his gaze. “Say that again,” he said, his voice dipping lower.
“Wife?” she asked, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
Bucky’s response was immediate. He leaned in, capturing her mouth with his in a kiss that was anything but soft. It was heated and consuming, leaving no doubt about where the evening was heading. His hands found her waist, pulling her closer until she was straddling his lap.
“I love you,” he said against her lips, his voice rough with emotion and desire.
“I love you too,” she whispered back, her fingers tangling in his hair as the firelight painted them in hues of gold and amber.
Y/N could feel Bucky’s heart pounding in his chest, syncing with her own. Their breaths melded together, their bodies entwined in a silent declaration of forever. He stood with her still in his arms, carrying her to the bedroom, the warmth of the fireplace trailing behind them.
Gently, he laid her on the bed, the soft fabric whispering against her skin as he hovered above her. His eyes searched hers for consent, and she gave it freely with a nod, her pulse racing at the intensity of his gaze. He kissed her again, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips, asking for more, and she opened for him eagerly. His hand slid up her thigh, pushing her sweater aside, and she shivered at the contact.
“Can’t wait to fuck you as my wife,” he murmured against her skin, his teeth scraping gently along her jaw. The words sent a shockwave of desire through her, making her core tighten with anticipation. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and the world outside their villa, outside their love, ceased to exist.
Bucky took his time exploring her body, his kisses leaving a trail of fire from her neck to her collarbone. His metal hand traced the line of her spine, sending shivers of pleasure down her back. He was so attuned to her, so gentle, that every touch felt like a declaration of love. His other hand found the hem of her sweater, lifting it over her head, and she watched the way his eyes darkened at the sight of her.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed, his voice thick with need. He kissed the swells of her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her sensitive nipples. She arched into the sensation, her own hands exploring the hard planes of his chest, feeling his heart pound beneath her palms. The weight of his body pressed into hers, and she could feel the evidence of his desire against her thigh.
With a growl, Bucky reached for the button of his pants, desperate to be closer to her. She watched him, her eyes dark with desire, as he freed himself, the fabric sliding down his hips.
Their eyes met again, and she could see the hunger in his gaze—a hunger that mirrored her own. The words “my wife” resonated in his eyes, and she felt a surge of power and love. She reached for him, her hand wrapping around his length, stroking him gently. He hissed in a breath, his eyes closing in pleasure, and she felt a thrill of power knowing she could do this to him, that she was the one he wanted.
“Look at me,” she whispered, and his eyes snapped open, locking onto hers. The air in the room was charged with anticipation, their bodies speaking a language more intimate than words. Y/N slid her hand up and down him fully, her touch light yet firm, and Bucky’s eyes rolled back in his head. He groaned, the sound raw and primal, and she felt a heady sense of satisfaction knowing she could elicit such a reaction from him.
Her hand worked in a steady rhythm, and she watched as his chest rose and fell with each ragged breath. He reached for her, his metal hand gliding up the inside of her thigh, his flesh one teasing the fabric of her panties. The anticipation was almost unbearable, a delicious ache that grew with each passing second.
Y/N leaned in to kiss him again, her hand still moving in a gentle but firm grip. Bucky’s hands found the waistband of her panties and began to slide them down. She helped him, her movements seductive and deliberate. As the fabric fell away, she straddled him once more, her bare skin against his, the heat of his arousal pressing into her.
With a playful smile, she began to grind against him, her hips moving in slow circles that made his eyes widen with lust. His hands gripped her hips, guiding her, urging her to take what she wanted. The friction was exquisite, a sweet torment that had her breath coming in short gasps. She could feel herself dripping, her body begging for more of him.
Their eyes never left each other’s as she rocked against him, setting a pace that had them both on the edge. Bucky’s hands roamed her hips, memorizing every inch of her as if it were the first time, his thumbs brushing against her clit, sending shockwaves through her.
Her movements grew more urgent, and she could feel the tension building within her, a coil tightening with every stroke. Y/N’s breath caught as she felt the first tremors of her climax, her eyes fluttering closed. Bucky’s grip on her hips tightened, his own need evident in the tension of his body.
“Wanna see you, Doll,” he rasped, and she obeyed, her eyes flying open to find him watching her with a fierce intensity that sent her spiraling over the edge. She cried out his name, her orgasm rising up from her toes to her head, leaving her trembling and gasping for air.
As the last spasms of pleasure subsided, Bucky flipped them over, his body covering hers, his own need now palpable. He kissed her deeply, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of their earlier dance.
“Now, it’s my turn to show you how much I love you, my wife,” he murmured, and she could feel the tip of his cock nudging at her entrance. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, eager for the connection that would seal their bond once more.
With a groan, he entered her raw, filling her completely.
The sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of burning and pleasure that had her nails digging into his back.
"I want to breed you, Doll," Bucky grunted against her neck, his voice a mix of passion and primal need. "Wanna make you a mommy."
Y/N's eyes went wide with shock, but the idea didn't repel her. Instead, it sent a new wave of heat through her. She’d never considered it before, but in this moment, with Bucky’s warmth buried inside her and his love shining through his eyes, she could think of nothing she wanted more than to be filled with his children, to grow their family.
Her hips bucked up to meet his, her inner muscles tightening around him. "..oh- God…," she managed to gasp out, her voice strained. "Bucky, please."
He began to move, his thrusts slow and deep.
Y/N’s eyes remained locked on his, the love and need in them only growing stronger as he filled her completely. She could feel every inch of him, the way he stretched her and the way he fit so perfectly inside her. It was as if they were two halves of a whole coming together.
His metal hand found its way to her hair, his calloused fingertips stroking through the strands with a tenderness that seemed almost out of place with the raw passion of the moment. Yet, it was this tender touch that sent her spiraling even higher, a stark contrast to the primal need driving his hips into hers.
Their bodies moved together in a dance that was uniquely theirs, a symphony of sighs and gasps filling the air as they both chased the peak of their desire. The strokes grew faster, his metal hand never leaving her hair, his flesh one gripping her hip tightly to keep her in place as he plunged into her over and over.
With each movement, she could feel her climax building once more, the pressure coiling tighter and tighter within her. Bucky’s strokes grew more deliberate, his breaths hot and heavy against her neck. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear, his words lost to the crescendo of their love making.
Y/N’s nails dug into his back as she met each thrust, her body moving in perfect harmony with his. The hand in her hair grew more insistent, pulling slightly as he pushed into her, the hint of pain only serving to enhance the pleasure.
Their eyes remained locked, their souls bare and exposed as they shared this moment of ultimate intimacy. Y/N felt herself climbing, her body tightening around him as she approached the edge once more.
And then, with a final, deep thrust, she shattered, her orgasm ripping through her with more force than ever before. She sobbed his name, her body arching off the bed as he held her tight, his strokes never faltering as he brought her back down from the heights she’d reached.
Bucky’s own release followed swiftly, his body tensing before he spilled himself inside her, filling her with the warm gush of his cum. He groaned her name, his hips faltering against hers as he emptied himself into her.
After a moment, he collapsed onto her, his weight a comforting blanket of love and satisfaction. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, whispering sweet nothings into the crook of her shoulder as he caught his breath. His metal arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer, as if trying to meld their bodies into one.
The aftermath of their love-making was a gentle lull.
Y/N’s hand traced the scar that joined his metal arm to his shoulder, her touch feather-light, as she whispered, “You’re everything to me, Bucky.”
He chuckled softly, his breath warm against her skin. “And you’re my everything, Doll.” He kissed the ticklish spot under her jaw, his eyes shining with affection.
They layed there for a while, their hearts beating in unison. Then, Bucky propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at her, a smirk playing on his lips.
“You know, I always knew married sex was going to be amazing, but I had no idea it could be this good.” His voice was filled with a teasing lightness that made her laugh.
“You’re terrible,” she said, pushing him gently. But she couldn’t hide the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. “It’s like you’re saying dating sex wasn’t enough for you.”
“Oh, it was plenty,” he assured her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “But married sex? It’s like going from a good cup of coffee to the best whiskey you’ve ever tasted. It’s got that something extra, that warmth that goes straight to your soul, you know?”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculousness. “So, I’m the whiskey in this scenario?”
“Always have been, Kitten.” He leaned down to kiss her again, a smile playing on his lips. His hand trailed down her side, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “But now, it’s like we’ve got all the time in the world to savor it. We can say to hell with everyone else - We’re hitched.”
Her eyes searched his, the love in them making his chest tighten. “Forever and ever, Bucky.”
He nodded, the reality of the moment sinking in. “Yeah. Forever and ever…”
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this one. Seriously, don’t we all just need a Bucky Hubby?
It was originally a request, but I managed to lose it..? 🤷‍♀️ (I don’t know.)
Anyway, I hope whoever requested it actually gets to read it! 🫶
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bloodrvvvsh · 8 months ago
Come Into My Bedroom. | Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
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Synopsis: Taking care of your lover’s long hair for him.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Warnings: None! This is entirely nothing but fluff. Established relationship, pet names (sweetheart), long haired Reid, very brief mention of drugs
Word count: 0.6K
Notes: I am a lover of Jesus Reid and nothing can stop me. This idea came to me as soon as I woke up and I’ve been itching to write it all day since
You were humming softly along to the music that filled the air, Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by The Smiths, as your fingers ran through the ends of Spencer’s hair. Spencer had always been such a The Smiths fan and you had grown fond of the band in the time of you two dating.
He was sitting between your legs on the floor while you sat on the couch. He turned his head, peering over his shoulder at you. “Are you sure about this?” he asked softly and you couldn’t help but beam a smile at him.
“Of course I’m sure,” you replied. In reality, you had been dreaming about doing this ever since his hair got long enough.
You adored his long hair. He looked so handsome with it in your opinion. The only problem was that between his long case hours and now after being shot in the knee, he didn’t always have the time to take care of it properly. Lucky for him, you were there to take care of it for him.
You had helped him wash it, taking your time to really scrub his scalp and messaging the conditioner through his hair, and now after letting it dry, you were going to brush it. You continued to hum, a smile that hadn’t weavered since you began still on your face.
“Tell me if I'm hurting you, okay?” you said and he gave a small nod in response. Hairbrush in hand, you raked it through the ends of his hair. 
The feeling of your hands in his hair never failed to get to Spencer. It didn’t really matter what you were doing - playing with the strands, washing it, brushing it, it didn’t matter. It all left a fuzzy feeling in Spencer’s chest.
You were probably the best thing that ever happened to him, ever. You were always so patient and kind with him, going out of your way to do such nice things for him. Like now.
He loved you more than anything.
“Did you know that each strand of hair can contain small amounts of fourteen different elements, including gold?”
“Oh, really?” You were one of the few people he had ever met that actually enjoyed listening to him ramble. He smiled softly, glancing back at you over his shoulder again. “What else?”
He shifted slightly, hands falling to his lap as he absentmindedly fidgeted with them. “Your hair contains everything that has been in your bloodstream, including medicine, drugs, minerals, and vitamins. Drugs can actually be detectable for approximately ninety days in the hair, while it’s generally only detectable for one to seven days in urine.”
“Wow,” you breathed out. “That’s kind of crazy, don’t you think?” You moved the hair hanging over his shoulders towards you and raked the brush through.
He could feel you tugging at sections of his hair, making his head tilt back slightly. “The average person has about 100,00 strands of hair on their hair. Blondes have the highest amount on average at 146,00, while redheads have the least at 86,000.”
“Sounds like a lot of hair,” you murmured. You were almost done, just a few more finishing touches..
“There!” you chirped as you finished tightening the ribbon. “I’m done!” You reached out for the mirror sitting to your left and offered it to Spencer. Your teeth caught your bottom lip as you watched his expression carefully.
He gently pulled the braid over his shoulder, running his fingers along the twisted strands of his hair, stopping at the pink ribbon tied into a bow at the end. A smile tugged at his lips at the sight. He glanced back at you once more and your heart nearly melted at the look on his face.
“It’s stunning, sweetheart,” he said softly and your grin split across your face so wide your cheeks began to ache. You cupped his cheeks in the palm of your hands and pressed your lips to his, sighing softly into the sweet kiss.
You were going to have to braid his hair more often.
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lamentationsofalonelypotato · 3 months ago
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Chapter 16: I Thought I Was In Love Before
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV, Soldier Boy POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy, Protective Ben/Soldier Boy
Word Count: 10.3K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), IMPLIED SEX, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Sexual Innuendo, Heavy Petting? Making Out, Nudity, Illusions to Sex, A little bit of self-deprecating thought. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Listen While You Read🪴: "I've Been Waiting For You" by ABBA
Spotify Playlist 🪴
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N: This chapter is really just a whole lot of fluff and a bit of cheeky spice, that I couldn't help but write. I figured the two of them really needed just a chapter where someone wasn't being tortured, someone almost died, someone was hurt, or them fighting lol. ENJOY!
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There were more flowers in your entire apartment than in New York City on Valentine's Day, and you were sure that come morning there would be more flowers in here than what grew on the East Coast in the middle of spring.
Roses exploded from the bush in the corner splashing pinks and coral petals onto the floor, Lily of the valley dipped from outstretched stalks, honeysuckle, lavender, and lilac smiled from the pots on top of your dresser, and the gardenia on your bedside table filled the room with the sweet-smelling aroma. Even the pothos vines that trailed along your walls were brighter and greener, creeping along to secure your curtains while the Jasmine vines that crept up the wall behind your bed shed the white blooms over where Ben and you were laying.
You were sure that you had Jasmine smashed against your skin and threaded in your hair, but you weren't complaining. There was nothing to complain about, not if every time Ben took you to bed was anything like what had happened over the past four hours.
The number of men you'd slept with was in no way extensive, you could count it on one hand, which meant you weren't drawing from a wide range of experiences, not to mention that it had been probably over a year since you'd slept with someone, but Ben easily blew them out of the water.
Usually after you were with someone, you'd compare them to Newton, only because it was the longest relationship that you'd had and really the only guy you'd ever loved. When you'd finally slept with Newton, you'd thought that because you loved each other the sex was supposed to be good… but each time you were disappointed.
You could remember every awkward fumble of Newton's hands on your chest, every slobbery kiss, every time he said that he was "too tired" to return the favor, and every single time you felt unsatisfied while he turned over happy and drifted off while you tried to think of a way to muster up the courage to tell him that you wanted to try something new or at least tell him that you weren't happy.
Not being happy with Newton seemed to be a recurring theme and you didn’t know why you’d stayed with him as long as you did. Perhaps it was because you thought that it was true love, just as Ben stayed with Countess because he thought that was what love was like.
Turns out the two of you had just been waiting to find each other, and you couldn’t have been happier.
Nothing about the way Ben touched you was awkward or hesitant, it was confident, practiced, and just rough enough to give you a glimpse of how strong he really was. The way he kissed you was all consuming, as if he wanted to drink you in, swallow you whole until there was nothing left of you, as if he couldn't help himself but crash into you.
And Ben refused to let you touch him, until after he'd made you fall apart more times than you could count, whimpering, gasping, and screaming his name into the warm air of your bedroom with your hands tangled in his dark hair.
Not to mention you'd never get tired of the moans and breathy groans of your name on his lips. It made you feel powerful seeing Ben that way and hearing him say your name like that. Knowing that you were able to do that to him, to make him feel good the same way that he made you feel like you'd transcended to another plane of human existence. And you didn't think that you'd be able to stop anytime soon.
It was enough to make you regret making him wait for as long as you did. Maybe a part of you thought Ben was all talk, that there was no way that he was as good as he said he was, but you didn't expect Ben to know exactly what you needed as if he could see inside your head. And even though Ben said he wasn't gentle and didn't think that he could "make love" to you, what he just did for four hours came close.
Because he had unmade you, destroyed you, and then the shattered remains that pieced back together after he took you apart cell by cell was filled with so much love and ecstasy that you didn’t know where it all came from.
You'd never felt this way about anyone else in your entire life. Just as Ben thought he'd loved Countess, you thought that you loved Newton, but the way you felt about Ben was nothing compared to how you felt about your ex.
You weren't sure if you'd ever feel this way about anyone else ever. At the back of your mind the realization that you could potentially live as long as Ben did was hovering there and the truth was that you could see yourself spending all that time with Ben. You could see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. He was the only one you wanted and you hated how long it took you to admit it to yourself.
But there was a little twinge of something deep down that worried you Ben couldn't commit 100%, and then Ben would do something uncharacteristically soft and it would make you believe whole heartedly that he could.
And even if Ben couldn’t say that he loved you the traditional way, you knew he did. You saw it in the way he held you, saw it in the way he brought you coffee, saw it in the way he walked with you to and from work, and you saw it in the way he cared for you.
There weren't any casualties tonight, except the shower curtain and the rod. The shower had been a good idea in theory to cool off and clean up, until you grabbed the shower curtain and ripped the rod from the wall when Ben twisted his hips in a way that made you see stars.
You suppose that you had instigated it, after you laughed at Ben's inability to fit in your shower, and Ben took it as a challenge, but your plants had been spared.
And you were happy that your headboard had survived, it was antique, and you loved it, but there were a set of divots in the drywall behind the bed that made you hope that Mike wasn’t home and had witnessed what had caused them.
Though you had a sneaking suspicion that Ben had done that on purpose. It wasn't a secret to you how possessive and jealous Ben was, especially not after the way you'd seen him act around Jake. It was a trait that you'd never found attractive until you met him.
But there was something about the Ben’s jealousy and his almost primal need to claim you in every way he knew how that made you want him even more.
You hear Ben mutter your name faintly, breaking through your internal monologue.
You weren't up for moving now, your heart was thunderous against your rib cage, your limbs felt like jelly, and there was a layer of sweat coating your skin. You were laying on your back in your bed where the two of you had ended up, staring up at the ceiling in your bedroom trying to catch your breath, with the sheets and blankets tangled and thrown haphazardly off the sides at your feet.
And despite everything you thought about Ben, you never expected him to want to be close after sex, but he was laying on his side beside you, looking at you with a worried expression. His hand probes along your right wrist to catch your attention.
“Hmm?” You breathe because you can't seem to form words at the moment.
"You doing okay there Petals?" Ben looks smug, but you can hear worry slip into his voice.
It made you smile to yourself, because as rough and prickly as Ben's outer exterior was, you knew how much he cared about you even if he was unwilling to admit it aloud.
You take in a deep breath to find your voice and calm your heart. “Are you asking if you broke me with your dick? Or if you killed me with the almost Olympic level sex?”
Ben chuckles, propping himself up so he could stare down at you, his dark hair is falling forward over his forehead, and he's studying you with his green eyes.
He looks handsome. Ben always did, but here in bed with you, he looked normal, happy, and content. After the shower, his hair no longer had all the product that had been in it for the event at Vought, and after how many times you'd run your fingers through it, it was more tousled and scrunched than usual, but you loved it. He looked more like him again, not like the man that Vought had dressed up for the event. He looked like the man you'd fallen in love with.
You wondered if Ben noticed and liked that you looked more like you now, well, you as if you'd run ten miles. You were sure that your hair was a mess tangled and matted against the pillows, your cheeks flushed, and covered in sweat.
How the fuck can he look so good after doing that for four hours? Its unfair. I probably look like I've spent the past four hours trapped in a tornado while Ben looks like he's ready for a photoshoot for Vanity Fair.
"Because I never wanted to go to the Olympics, but I wouldn't mind going with you every once and a while." You cough out a laugh, still trying to catch your breath.
"Only once in a while?" Ben smirks. "Because you sounded like you'd be okay going every night not to mention it sure looks like you wouldn't mind going." He gestures to the blooms strewn around the room, before pulling one of the small, white fragrant flowers from your hair.
"Shut up."
Ben only laughs at you, flicking the flower away . "We can go whenever you want." He trails his fingertips against your cheek, brushing back some of the hair that was stuck to the flushed skin. “But you're okay? Sometimes I lose control-.”
“Some women like that.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.” He rolls his eyes at you and the hand that pushed your hair away cups your cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Ben's voice is soft and serious, his brilliant green eyes searching your face and then trailing down your naked body to look for injuries that you don't have.
Sure, you were a little bit sore, but it was a good sore, something that you wouldn't mind feeling all the time. The kind of sore that was satisfying to wake up to.
“Well when we first met-“ You begin to say, remembering when Ben had you by the throat and was preparing to rip you in half when he changed his mind and threw you across the room the day Homelander went on ice.
It was an odd first meeting and given how much Ben and you argued it seemed fitting that the two of you met how all great loves should, mid-fight.
You’d always wondered why Ben didn’t just kill you when he had the chance. It would have been one less headache for him to face that day. You remember looking into his eyes and seeing the anger and rage within, feeling just a feeling a shiver of fear skate down your spine when you realized it might be the last thing you ever do. It was honestly the only time that you'd ever been afraid of him. Pushing Annie out of the way had been worth it, knowing that you saved your best friend's life made your sacrifice worth it, but Ben hadn't killed you.
Ben swallows your next words, his lips moving fervently against your mouth, rough, with just a tickle of his beard against your cheeks. Honestly, your lips were already swollen and a little bruised, not to mention you had beard burn in a few places, but you weren't complaining and like hell you were going to stop doing something that felt so good.
 “Don’t fucking bring that up again. I hate that I hurt you.” Ben winces when he admits it, but his hand gently traces the gentle curve of your throat, a frown gracing his perfect lips as if he can imagine the bruised handprint you had for weeks later.
You'd caught him looking at the mark sometimes whenever you were on mission in those weeks together, but despite how the two of you had met, you weren't afraid of Ben. Sure, he had tried to kill you, but you'd done the same thing, so you'd figured the two of you were even. Plus, Ben annoyed you more than he scared you, and you didn't believe for one second that Ben would hurt you on purpose.
Ben might have been rough, but you didn't believe that he would ever find pleasure in hurting you or that he would beat you into submission if you pissed him off.
“It’s our history Ben.” You smile raising your hand to push his hair back, brushing your thumb over his cheek in a gesture that makes his lean subconsciously into your touch. “You can’t change it."
He frowns with a sigh, the green of his eyes lightening in the light from your bedside table lamp.
"Why didn't you kill me that day?" You whisper. "You didn't know me-"
Ben's expression turns to something that almost looks like shame for a moment, before it hardens. "You didn't belong there."
"In all that shit. I could see it in your eyes. I-" His jaw tightens. "I'd never seen someone like you before."
"Like me? Is this when you go back to insulting me again?" You snort.
"No. I-" He bites back his next words. "I've met other supes before, the ones that you said act like gods, the ones like my bastard son but you were-.” Ben huffs out a frustrated breath. “I don't fucking know you were just different, and I didn't want to-" Ben looks conflicted as if he can't find what to say.
Although you usually found Ben’s awkwardness in conversations when they got too personal cute, a part of you broke for him. You wondered if he’d been like that his whole life. If Ben had lived in a world, where he couldn’t open to anyone without an internal monologue from an unseen entity telling him that he was being a “pussy.” You remembered what your grandmother said about Ben’s father, and it only made your heart break more for him.
You made a promise to yourself right then and there that even if it took decades you were going to make Ben comfortable telling you what he was really feeling and thinking. You wanted Ben to know that it didn't make him weak to express emotion that way, that you thought it didn't make him less of a man to talk to you.
Your hand slips from his cheek trailing to curve around the back of his head, bringing his face to yours so you can kiss him, pouring as much emotion as you can into it. "It's okay." You murmur against his lips with a small smile. "I understand."
"You do?" He looks surprised.
"Yes.” You nod, trailing your fingertips in his hair. “No one else has ever said that to me or cared to notice. I think I wanted to be a part of that world because of Annie, to be closer to her, but I don’t belong in it. Even after everything that happened with Elijah and Darren-”
“No, you don’t.” Ben doesn’t say it cruelly or with disdain or in a way to belittle you, instead he says it with a sigh, his hand finding your hip, trailing his thumb over the curve of your pelvis. "I want better for you than this."
"You working for Butcher, working fifty jobs, coming back to this shitty apartment-"
You lock your arms around the back of his neck with a laugh. "We talked about this, I like our apartment."
Ben's entire body freezes where he's laying next to you, the thumb that was circling your pelvis coming to a halt. "You said our."
"Yes I did." You smile up at him, seeing the way his green eyes have brightened with the word. "The shitty apartment is half yours now."
"What a dream come true." Ben rolls his eyes. "At least at Vought it would have been quieter-"
"I think that Mike's screeching adds to the ambiance." You joke, loving the way his hair falls between your fingers and how Ben seems to lean into your touch before he can stop himself, that he reacts that way to you touching him just as you react to him touching him. But your smile turns sympathetic. "Poor Mike. I'm going to have to get him some noise canceling headphones-"
Ben's eyes darken to an emerald. "Let him listen, maybe he'll learn something. Plus, I did warn him my girl was kinda loud."
"Is that what I am?"
"Yes." Ben smirks. "Fucking finally."
You roll your eyes. "The way we started might have been rocky, but I like where we ended up."
“I do too, but I wish we had ended up here sooner.” His smile turns more into a smirk. Ben's hand grips your waist possessively, sliding you further across the bed towards him so he's leaning over you. “Told you it would be good. We could’ve been doing this since the day we met sweetheart.”
“Patience is a virtue.”  
“That I’ve never had.” Ben hesitates, something flashing through his eyes so quickly that you can't place it. “But you’re okay?” It comes out quiet, and you watch his gaze drop again to your body to check for injuries.
“No.” Ben’s eyes widen at your answer, before you smile and bring his face back down to yours, the words a breath upon your lips. “I’m better than okay, I’m with you.”
The look on his face breaks you, it's so honest, so unlike the usual hardened façade he wore that it made it difficult to breathe. It reminds you of the way your father looked at your mother whenever he'd get home from work, or when the two of them would sway back and forth in the kitchen to an ABBA song, and when he looked at her like she was his entire world and nothing else mattered.
You never thought that you'd want to see Ben look at you like that or that he would ever look at you that way, but now his green eyes are bright and happy, meeting yours and it made you feel so warm that you were sure you would just melt off the bed and into a puddle.
It was what you had imagined when you thought about falling in love with someone else, the past four hours had been exactly that too. It was the romance that you wanted, the one that you tried to use to block off Ben’s countless attempts to try and sleep with you.
And you couldn't have been happier.
"Are you okay?" Your smile turns more into a smirk. "No broken hip or anything? Because at your age I'd think that it's a hazard. Didn't think an old man could do any of that without serious injury."
Ben's gaze turns murderous, something dark shining in his eyes that makes your throat tighten. "You're gonna regret that Petals."
"Oh, am I?" You tangle your fingers in his dark locks, your smirk growing. It brought you joy to make him so angry, to annoy him as much as he annoys you.
"Yes." He growls into your mouth pinning you to the bed, his body caging you in against the tangled sheets and blankets. Ben's eyes are glinting darkly in the light and makes you lose all feeling in your legs. "You are."
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A little while later, Ben traces your lips softly with his thumb as you try to catch your breath. You were honestly beginning to fade in an out of sleep, and there was a pleasant ache along your limbs that made you smile with every drag of his fingertips against your skin.
“Yes Gramps?”
"Don't call me that."
"I think it's cute." You sigh. "I like how out of touch you are with everything. It's adorable."
"I'm not adorable." He huffs.
"Yes, you are Gramps."
Ben rolls his eyes, but then laughs under his breath as if he thinks it's ridiculous to try and stop you.
Good, he's learning.
“Will you say it again?” He whispers.
“Gramps?” You joke.
“No.” Ben sighs heavily and jostles your exhausted body to make you stop, but it only makes you laugh at him.
“Say what?”
“What you said before.”
“Ben, I can’t really remember where I am right now so I’m gonna need you to be a little more specific.”
“When we were at Vought.”
You press your lips together in concentration trying to understand what he means. You'd said quite a few things to him tonight, things that you'd moaned while gripping his shoulders so tight that you would have left bruises on anyone else, and you try to think of what specifically he could be talking about.
What does he mean- Oh.
“I love you.”  You say it without hesitation, without looking away from his gaze, and without regret. You didn’t hate yourself for falling in love with him and you didn’t want to deny yourself of him anymore. Not when he was holding you close with a softness that Ben had said he was anything but, not when Ben took the time to care about what you liked, and not when Ben seemed truly happy for the first time since he’d been out of Russia.
Ben leans down to kiss you, but this time it’s not rough, it’s not him in a frenzy taking what he wants, it’s gentle and turns hungry the longer his lips are against yours, his hands roaming places along your body that make you sigh and reach up grip his shoulders as an uncontrollable moan slips from your mouth.
If it was always going to be like this you were sure that you’d become insatiable, but you were never going to admit that to Ben. As if you needed to stroke his monumental ego.
Plus, you had a feeling that Ben already knew that.
“Do you believe me?” You murmur against his lips, shuffling your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, looking up at him with a gentle smile.
“Yes.” Ben whispers. “Because I know you wouldn’t lie about something like that.”
“I wouldn’t ever do that to you Ben. I want you to know that. And I wouldn't manipulate you into being something you're not-"
“I know.” He traces the soft angles of your face with his rough fingertips, sending goosebumps over your skin. “You’re nothing like her.”
He didn’t have to say Countess’s name for you to know who he’s talking about. The last thing you wanted was for Ben to believe that you were telling him you loved him to manipulate him to do something or become something he wasn’t.
“I hope not.”
“It’s what I like about you.” Ben continues. “You’re soft."
"Soft?" You raise an eyebrow trying to figure out if it was an insult.
He nods. "All the other supes I meet act like they have something to prove, but you-" Ben sighs. "You're different. You're kinder, even when you shouldn’t be.”
“Shouldn’t be?” You ask mildly confused.
“I-“ Ben hesitates as if what he’s about to say is difficult for him. “What you said that night at the fundraiser is true, I’m not this man. I’m not-“ His expression turns dark for a moment and you realize that Ben was about to say Jake’s name. Ben's jaw tightens and you can see how difficult it is for him to say what comes next. "But fuck Petals you make me want to be that man. I don't think anyone else ever has."
You could feel your eyes beginning to water with the emotion that swelled in your chest. You'd never heard Ben admit something like that, never heard him say that he wanted to be better for you.
“Ben, look at me.” You whisper cupping his cheeks to raise his gaze from your chin. “I don’t want Jake. I want you. I know what kind of man you are. I trust you-“
“But you shouldn't-“ Ben presses and it reminds you of the same thing he said to you before he took you to your bedroom.
“Why do you think that?”
“Because I’ve done terrible things. I’ve killed people, tortured others,-“
"I've killed people too-"
"Not for the same reasons. You killed them because they were going to hurt you."
You gently push his hair back from his face. “Ben?”
“Yeah?” He's frowning, eyebrows furrowed together, and you kiss away the frown on his perfect lips.
“I know you. I know about the things you’ve done. I’ve seen the darkest parts and I love you anyway. All the little pieces of who you are make you… you. You wouldn’t be the man I love if you didn’t have them."
“No buts.” You squish his cheek and Ben gives you an annoyed look that only makes you snort. He was going to need to get used to your antics if he was going to survive living with you. “Everything you’ve done, the choices you made, the things that have happened to you, shaped the man I fell in love with and brought you to me. No one is perfect Ben. Everyone is flawed, it’s what makes us human. But sometimes the flaws are the best part. So please don’t hide who you are from me, because you think you have to. You’re not going to scare me away.”
“How can you say that when I’m so different than you?”
“Because you’re forgetting all the important parts I love about you.”
“Which are?”
“Well now it kinda feels like you’re fishing for compliments Gramps.” You joke and this time the ends of Ben’s mouth quirk up in a half smile. “You protect me, you take care of me, you always listen when I’m talking and you actually remember some of the things I say, you pay attention to what I like, you try to make me laugh with your disgusting sense of humor-“
“You know you like it Petals.” Ben smirks.
“And you annoy me.”
He shakes his head with a chuckle. “Doesn’t seem to be a good thing. Annoying you.”
“It is.” You giggle. “Because no one else annoys me quite like you do.”
“You’re so fucking weird.” Ben says, but it's not hostile, he says it with love, almost as if he can't believe how lucky he is.
“I love you too Ben.” You pull his face down to yours, cupping his cheeks with your hands and feeling the beard scratch and scrape against your palms.
“You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” He murmurs, trailing his kisses down to your jaw.
“Pretty much everyone you’ve met is from another century so-“
Ben raises his head to glare at you. “You annoy me too.”
“And you see it as a good thing right?” You tap him on the nose.
“Fuck no.”
The bed shakes with your laughter, Ben is still leaning over you, his right hand pushed into the sheets next to your head, his body resting comfortably beside you. You could feel how warm he was, the weight of his body like a warm blanket, and you knew that you could get used to this. You wanted this life with Ben so badly it burned through your body like wildfire. It made your heart ache, just as it used to when you thought about having a romance like your parents, your grandparents, and Annie and Hughie. When you’d think about finding the person who seemed perfect for you in every way.
Funny, given that Ben seemed to be the opposite of you, but that was why the two of you fit so well together.  
“You never listen to me, you always argue, you always find something I’ve done to complain about-“ Ben continues.
“Are you going back to insulting me? Because it wasn't exactly fun for me earlier when you yelled at me."
“Give me a fucking minute.”
You wait.
His voice shifts to something a little gruffer almost confused. “You don’t ask me for anything.”
It was probably the last thing you thought he was going to say. If anything, you thought he was going to say that you’re always covered in dirt.
“Countess she always-“ Ben frowns. “She was always asking me for shit. Jewelry, clothes, a new car. I always got what she asked because I thought that’s what you do for someone you care about, but you always fight me whenever I try to buy something for you. I don't understand you."
"You've said that before-"
"I know, but it's true. I've never fucking understood you." He smiles when he says it.
"That's okay, you have time to figure it out."
Ben hesitates, his hand tracing your arm. "I guess you do too."
The comment is paired with another rare soft smile, the kind of smile that you wanted to make him have every day for the rest of your life, and you understood why he was smiling like that. Because Ben was allowing himself to be comforted by the idea that he wouldn’t have to worry about losing you, that he wouldn't have to be alone and that you would be with him for as long as he was alive.
Something inside ripped open and you felt your eyes begin to water with the weight of his words, because Ben was saying that he wanted to be with you as long as you wanted to be with him.
"Yeah." You breathe. "I guess I do."
You contemplate for a minute what he said about Countess asking him for things. "Honestly, I do like gifts, but I like gifts that mean something." You sit up, gently pushing him off you, so you can gesture to the bookshelf standing proudly on the other side of your bedroom, the one that Ben bought you at IKEA. "Like the bookshelf."
"I bought you a diamond necklace and you liked the bookshelf more?" Ben sighs incredulous.
"Yeah." You laugh. "I've needed a bookshelf for ages, but I never was able to afford one. Do you have any idea how long I've had piles of books? Years. And-" You shrug your shoulders, gently taking Ben's hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over the hardened ridges and rough patches. You couldn't go long without touching him, you were realizing that about yourself and now that you were finally allowing yourself to touch him you weren’t sure when you would be able to stop. "I've also always thought that spending time with someone else is more special than big extravagant gifts."
You nod.
"Because I think there's something wonderful about just existing with someone, of inhabiting the same space and doing nothing at all. Of sinking into someone and just being there." You could feel your cheeks flushing. "When we watch a movie or when we sit and read together or when you walk with me to the plant shop, I like things like that. Spending time together without expectations or a sense of urgency. Taking the time out of your day to be with someone else. And it doesn't have to be sex either-"
"Are you saying that you didn't like the sex?" Ben raises an eyebrow. "Because you certainly sounded like you-"
"No! I-" Your cheeks flush. "I liked the sex."
"Thought so." Ben smirks.
"You're insufferable." You roll your eyes at him, considering what to say next. "I know that it's a little different than the girls you've met in the past, and I know that it might seem a little strange, but you didn't have to take me to Vought to impress me or win my love or something."
Ben looks confused.
"I mean, if you'd shown up on my grandmother's doorstep with a giant box of greasy Chinese food, a cheap bottle of wine, and a small bouquet of flowers I would have been equally happy."
"Mhmm." You continue to trace your fingers over the palm of Ben's hand, loving the way it feels in yours.  "You've got some big hands there mister."
"There isn't anything small about me Sweetheart, you know that. Got to see firsthand" Ben teases sitting up and leaning towards you with a smirk that makes you roll your eyes. He takes your free hand in his left brushing his thumb over the palm. "Yours are kinda small."
"Sorry sasquatch, we can't all have meat hooks."
"I like it." He murmurs.
"That you've got meat hooks for hands?"
"No, I like how small your hands are." He smiles crookedly at you in a way that makes your breath catch.
"Just take the compliment Petals."
"Well, no one has ever complimented my hands before so…"
"I'm sure that I can give a compliment to every part of your sexy body.”
"If you're about to start talking about my ass again, Ben I swear I'm going to lock you in a tree."
“Songs should be written about it. I’m just stating the obvious.”
You shake your head at him and continue to stroke your thumb over his palm while Ben does the same thing. He was being surprisingly gentle, holding your hand as if it was a fragile bird that could fly away at any moment.
“Why do you like my hands?”
Ben is quiet for a moment. “I don't know I kind of like how delicate they are, and I like how you always seem to have some dirt on them-“ Ben smooths his thumb over your palm. “I like how small they look in mine.” He mutters more to himself than to you.
“Ben?” You whisper.
He glances up, an ashamed look on his face. “Yeah?”
“I like how they look in yours too.”
You nod before you look back down at his hands with red cheeks. “I like how big yours are because they feel solid, strong, but also just a little bit gentle.” You could feel yourself blushing all over again. “When we first met, I didn’t think you could be, but you are.”
Ben scoffs.
“Stop.” You look up at him. “You don’t have to pretend right now, it’s just you and me.” You whisper, squeezing his hand encouragingly. "I know that you think that you have to be this tough, no feelings, jerk or playboy or toxic masculinity poster boy, but you don’t. Not around me. I love you and you opening up to me more is not going to make me stop or think less of you. You can tell me how you feel without me judging you."
The look in Ben’s eyes softens for a moment.
“I like the way you are when you’re around me.” You continue in a whisper. “You always seem softer and a bit happier.”
Ben doesn’t answer immediately, instead he continues to let you stroke along his hands. “I-um-I” He clears his throat. “I like who I am around you too.”
Your cheeks warm with his confession.
Ben clears his throat still looking down at your hand watching the gentle movement of your thumb against his skin. "Look, I-" He pauses. "I wasn't just trying to impress you."
"At Vought."
"Then why-"
"I don't want you to worry about any of this shit anymore."
"What shit?"
"Paying rent, buying groceries that aren't name brand, walking because you can't afford a car-" Ben sighs. "Fuck, the day we went to IKEA, and you looked at the price of that couch, I hated how you looked and-"
"Ben it's okay. I budget things and it works out. I'm used to it-"
"But I'm not. It's not okay." His hand tightens in yours. "And I don't want you to worry about any of it."
"No 'buts' Petals. "
"I don't want you to pay for everything all the time!" You shout.
"Why not?"
"Because it's your money-"
"Not anymore. You're my girl and that means you're not going to worry about any of it as long as I'm here."
"Do you think you're going to stay a long time?" You say it hesitantly, the part of you deep down that worried Ben couldn't be in an exclusive relationship rearing its ugly head all over again.
"As long as you want me here." The determination in Ben's eyes makes your heart stutter a beat, but there was just a little bit of something behind his gaze, something that looked like vulnerability, but it vanishes in the heat of his gaze.
"I'm pretty sure that I'm always going to want you here. It's too quiet without you."
“Then I’ll stay.”
Ben pushes you back against the bed, fitting his body over yours like a warm weighted blanket designed especially for you, kissing you with so much enthusiasm you're not sure that you remember how to breathe. You didn't understand how it could be like this, how you could feel this way about him especially after he annoyed you so much.
But just as he reaches down to grab your thighs to pull them up around his hips, your stomach growls loud enough to wake the dead.
Oh, holy fuck that is so embarrassing.
Ben hesitates and looks at you, your cheeks burning a bright red. "When was the last time you ate?"
"Um-" You clear your throat. "I mean I drank some of my latte earlier but-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I should have known." Ben sighs and extracts himself from the embrace of your thighs, getting up from the bed, and muttering something under his breath that you can't understand. “You always do this.”
"Wait, where are you going?" You ask him as you sit up.
"I'm going to find my fucking phone and order a pizza." He says, running his hand through his hair almost a little angry.
“It’s okay you don’t have to do that-“
“Yes, I do. I mean, fuck Petals, why don’t you ever remember to eat?” Ben grouses.
“Because I have a lot on my mind! A few things happened today, and I was upset because you weren't in the apartment when I got home and-"
Ben leans across the bed to kiss you, securing his large hand at the back of your head. "I'm sorry that you were upset. I swear that I'm going to make it up to you."
"Ben I’m pretty sure that you’ve spent the last four hours making it up to me-“
"Not long enough." He winks in a way that makes your throat tighten. "But let me find my phone.”
"Okay." You reach for his shirt on the floor prepared to help him find it, but Ben's hand comes down to your wrist to stop you. “Let me help.”
"Don't bother getting dressed Petals. This’ll only take a minute." He says with a wide smirk. "And I'm not done with you yet."
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You're not sure how you ended up on the couch naked and eating pizza, but somehow that's exactly what happens. When the pizza guy had been buzzed up, Ben had answered the door only wearing a pair of his boxers, his chest still sweaty and his hair tugged in two different directions, but Ben couldn't have cared less.
Honestly, you'd had to stop him from answering the door naked. The guy had no sense of shame, but you figured that someone who had founded Herogasm and spent at least seventy five percent of his week bed-hopping, had probably lost his sense of shame years ago.
Bean and Rex were now sharing the dog bed in the corner, a surprising turn of events, but you hoped that it meant the two of them had sorted out whatever sibling problems they were having.
Ben's arm was thrown over your shoulders, pulling you further into him while you ate a slice of pizza with your head leaning against his arm.
I could get used to this.
You exhale a happy sigh and cuddle further into him. Ben wasn't a cuddler, but he was allowing you to cuddle against his arm. But he seemed to be enjoying himself, eating his own slice while taking sips of a glass of whiskey that he was sharing with you.
Sharing was a relative turn because the one time he gave you a sip, you'd sputtered it all out and almost coughed up a lung while Ben patted you on the back as hard as he dared, laughing all the while at you.
And predictably when Ben and you were done, he pulled you onto his lap, and the only thing you could think of was how wonderful you felt. Being with Ben made you feel vibrant and alive in the best way. He made you feel beautiful and made you feel as if Ben understood you more than anyone else ever had. That he saw through what everyone else called weird or unusual and loved you anyway. It was all you wanted for so long, a man who saw every part of you that others sneered at and fell head over heels.
Ben deepens the kiss, groaning into your mouth as his hands tighten on your hips hard enough to leave bruises, but you don't care. Everything about him felt right, the scruff of his beard scratching against your flushed cheeks, the smell of his shampoo (really yours) floating through the air with every breath you took of him, the soft pillow of his lips urgent as if he wanted to drink you in breath by breath and never come up for air, the rough trail of his calloused hands over your soft skin, and the hardness of his body molding around yours in the best way as you sat on top of him. You didn't feel self-conscious or uncomfortable, you couldn't, not when each time Ben touched you with a reverence as if wanted to savor you, to run his hands over every inch and discover new places that no one had ever been, and make you feel things that no one ever has or ever will.
You're so absorbed in Ben that you don't hear the jingle of keys in the lock of your front door, but you do hear the startled scream.
"What the fuck!" Annie screams as she enters the living room.
"Holy shit! Annie what the fuck are you doing here!?" You screech, diving off Ben and ripping the crocheted blanket off the back of the couch to cover yourself.
Annie had seen you naked before, what she hadn't seen was Ben naked or Ben and you having sex.
Oh, will the nightmare never end?
"I was just coming to find you! I was worried!" She shouts, her hand covering her eyes, but it was too late. You knew that she'd seen everything. And you mean EVERYTHING.
Well, it can't get any worse.
"Hey Annie did you find her and- OH HOLY FUCK!" Hughie exclaims as he enters the apartment behind Annie and immediately slaps his hand over his eyes so loud you can hear the sharp slap of his hand against his face. "I didn’t see anything!"
"Can someone shut the door before Mike comes in here and 'doesn't see anything either!'" You snap, clutching the crocheted blanket tighter against your chest. It was doing little to cover you, due to the wide spaces in between the granny squares, but it was the only thing big enough to cover all of you.
Because that's exactly what this situation needed, my neighbor coming in and getting everything on his Christmas list when he sees me naked on my couch.
"Why try to hide it baby?" Ben shrugs, leaning back against the couch not bothering to cover himself. "I want everyone to see what they can't have." He winks.
You smack him in the face with one of the couch pillows before shoving it into his lap. "You're not helping Ben." You wave a hand and a vine hanging on the back of your door shuts it with a slam.
"What?" Ben leans towards you with a salacious grin. "My girl is fucking gorgeous, should be the star of every wet dream-"
"Ben, I swear I will tie you up and-"
"But we already did that Petals." He grins. "I wouldn't mind doing it again-"
The wave of heat that travels through your body has nothing to do with embarrassment.
"Please do not finish that sentence." Annie interrupts, her hand still covering her eyes. "I'm already scarred for life."
"Join the club." Hughie mutters.
"You wouldn't have been scarred for life if you had just fucking knocked!" You shout at your friend. "Why are you here?"
"I was worried when you ran to the elevators and Ashley finally let me leave that ridiculous party! I tried to call you and you didn't answer, I went up to Ben's apartment and you weren't there, I called your grandmother and she said that she hadn't heard from you, so I figured you were here!"
"You called Di?" Ben asks.
"I was desperate!" Annie sighs. "I wanted to make sure she was okay-"
"Uh-huh well, you can see that she's fine and we were in the middle of something. Unless the two of you want to get another eyeful of my girl's perfect ass, you should clear out-"
"Ben!" You smack him on the shoulder.
"Absolutely, Annie let's go-" Hughie begins to say stepping backward with his hand over his eyes. He gropes through the air blindly trying to find her, but he comes up empty.
"Wait!" Annie removes her hand from her face, giving Ben a once over and not bothering to hide what she was doing.
"What do you have to wait for?" Hughie asks still reaching out for Annie with his eyes closed.
"Annie for fucks sake-" You groan, but Ben seemed to like all the attention.
She gives you a thumbs up. "I want details tomorrow."
It was more of a high five moment and you both knew it, but you weren't going to give her the satisfaction.
"ANNIE!" You huff face blushing an even brighter red. By now you were sure that you were as red as the strawberries that were hanging on the plant on your kitchen table.
"Bye babe!" Annie says cheerfully, pulling Hughie out the door behind her and slamming it.
"I'm going to kill her." You mutter under your breath, but Ben laughs.
"You're going to talk me up right baby?" Ben purrs wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you into him again. His lips fall to your ear, biting your earlobe before he murmurs. "Tell her all about how good I was?"
"Keep talking and I'm going to tell her that I had to fake it for four hours." You threaten.
It was an empty threat, like hell you were ever going to forget what Ben had done to you. And of course, you were going to tell Annie everything tomorrow over coffee or maybe over wine.
Definitely wine. I’m going to need to get a little bit drunk to cope with the thought that Hughie just saw me naked.
"Aww don't be like that Petals. We both know that you didn't fake anything."
“That you know.”
Ben’s gaze turns dark. “Oh really?” His grip on your waist tightens and he starts to pull the crocheted blanket away from your chest.
“Wait.” You say before you get distracted.
“What?” Ben pulls back. "What's wrong?"
"Annie called my grandmother, which means that she may have tried to call me." You look around the room for where your phone could be. It's between the couch cushions behind you and when you look at the screen you see that your grandmother had tried to call you twice, just as you suspected.
"She called me. She must be so worried." You push the call button.
Your grandmother answers on the first ring. "Hello?"
"Hey Gran, I'm sorry I didn't pick up. I was-"
"You don't have to explain. I know that you must have been preoccupied." The way she says preoccupied makes your entire body flush bright red.
Oh, sweet baby peony, please tell me that my grandmother didn't watch Ben and me having sex.
"Please tell me that you didn't-" You begin to croak.
"I didn't mean to." She breezes, and she doesn't sound ashamed. "But then Annie called, and I was worried about where you were so I looked ahead a bit and-“
"Oh, for the love of lemon cream pie." You groan, curling up into a ball because that seems the right thing to do after you've found out that your grandmother had a front row seat to see what Ben and you over the past four hours.
The couch shakes beneath you, and you realize that Ben is laughing. You raise your head to glare at him.
"Looks like the cats out of the bag Petals." He croons.
"I will kill you." You narrow your eyes at him.
"Sweet Pea, I was alive when Ben went to yearly herogasms, there really isn't anything I haven't seen." You hear your grandmother say.
"That doesn't matter." You groan, pulling the crochet blanket over your head in shame. "This is mortifying."
"Petals it's okay." Ben rubs your back, but it's not helping. "I did some of my best work, and you really did some-“
"Please do not finish that sentence."
"Honey, I didn't see too much." Your grandmother soothes. "But I am happy you called, because I want to speak to Ben for a moment."
You hold up the phone from underneath the crocheted blanket, remaining inside your cocoon of shame.
I'm never going to be able to look her in the eyes every again. Holy fuck why me? Why me!? I’d rather Mike walk in here while Ben and I were fooling around on the couch.
"Di, what's wrong?" You hear Ben say into the phone, but you don’t come out of your cave.
"What's wrong?" Your grandmother asks calmly. "Oh, let me think for a second… You're a complete MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT!" Your grandmother shouts it so loudly that you could hear it vibrating through the room.
You peel back the crocheted blanket on your head to look up at Ben who seems just as surprised at your grandmother's insult.
"Wait a minute, what did I-"
"No! No talking!" She shouts. "I couldn't have been any clearer, could I? Maybe if I'd hit you over the head with a frying pan it would have cleaned out your ears! Or given your brain a good shake."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about?! I told you what you needed to do. I told you that you needed to come here and what did you fucking do? You broke my granddaughter's heart and went right back to Stan Fucking Edgar!"
Ben's eyes shift to yours and you swear you can see a flicker of regret spark behind his gaze. It makes you reach out and take his free hand, squeezing it to ground him here with you. You knew that Ben felt bad about leaving you like that, you heard it in his voice when he talked to you back at Vought, had seen the regret in his eyes when he told you that he ‘should have been there.’
"That's not-" Ben says half-heartedly, his gaze still on you.
"No! It's exactly what happened."
"Stop anticipating what I'm going to fucking say!" Ben snaps.
"And you stop interrupting me!" Your grandmother shouts back.
"Benjamin, you better not fuck this up, because if you do, I will fuck you up." The threat hangs heavy in the air. "Now put my granddaughter back on the phone."
Ben huffs something under his breath and hands you back the phone, fuming. You give his hand another apologetic squeeze.
It was embarrassing enough that your grandmother had seen Ben and you having sex, but now you were mortified that she had yelled at him. You understood that they were friends, but Ben was still your boyfriend.
"Gran you shouldn't talk to him like that." You say into the phone, leaning into Ben's bare shoulder to show him that you weren’t angry with him. "He's apologized and it's okay-"
"It most certainly is not okay." Your grandmother says. "And somebody's got to talk to him like that, so it might as well be me."
"But Gran-"
"No buts sweet pea." She interrupts. "Now I know the two of you are busy today, but I would like you to come out here next week."
"Next week?"
"Yes. It's the annual town fall festival and I've got about a million things to bake, and I could really use the help." Your grandmother states. "Plus, Annie's mother is driving me up the wall about it and it would be nice to have someone here to make sure that I don't kill her."
"Oh okay." You frown and the thought of leaving Ben. The two of you had just finally worked it all out and now you were going to have to go back to Illinois. But you couldn't leave your grandmother high and dry. She needed you there and you loved your grandmother. "Well, I guess Ben can take care of Bean and Rex-
"I want to go." Ben interrupts you.
"Really?" You look at him surprised. "It's not something that you'd-"
"I want to go." He says firmly and this time it's Ben that squeezes your hand.
It made you smile, because you could see that Ben wanted to spend time with you even at something that he'd probably hate every second of.
Fuck, I love him so much.
"Okay. We'll be there." You reply to your grandmother, but you don't look away from Ben.
He's got that soft smile on his face, the one that you want to make him have every second for the rest of your life. You were sure that the same smile was mirrored on your own.
"Perfect. Now get back to doing whatever it was that you were doing, and don't forget to call me when you figure out what day you're going to start driving over."
"Drive? Wouldn't we fly?"
"Nope. For some reason you convince Ben that a road trip will be fun." She says knowingly and you realize that she's seen the future again. “Something about experiencing America in the 21st century.” You can imagine her waving her hand around as if she can’t quite understand.
"That's going to take some getting used to." You groan and wonder how much she had seen of your life. "Gran?"
"Yes, sweet pea?"
"Thank you. For everything."
"You're welcome." You could hear the smile in your grandmother's voice.
She didn’t need you to explain what you meant, she knew that you were talking about last week when she comforted you and tried her darndest to tell you that Ben and you were meant to be together. She had always been so patient with you, and you knew that she loved you just as you loved her. Going home was never a chore or something you dreaded. It was something that filled you with warmth, something that made you feel like you belonged, and the home was filled with the love your grandmother infused through the air with her thoughtful actions and kind words.
"I love you." You smile.
"I love you too sweetie. I'll see you next week."
You sit there in the silence for a moment, lowering the phone from your ear, before you look up at Ben.
"You okay Petals?" Ben drags the crocheted blanket away from your body, before he pulls you onto his lap.
"Yeah. I am." You smile, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to secure him against you. "Can you promise me something?"
 "Anything." His hands settle comfortably on your hips, but Ben doesn’t look away from your face.
"That you won’t leave like that again." This time you reach down and pull his right hand up to your chest, directly over your heart so he can feel the gentle beat through his skin.
"Go all radio silent and take all your stuff and just vanish into thin air." You clarify. "I didn't like that. It scared me and I-"
Ben's other hand cups your cheek, pulling your face to his before you can finish your sentence. You can feel how sorry he is, how much he wants to make it up to you. You know deep down that Ben didn’t mean to do that to you, that he only did it because he was trying to push you away, but that didn't make it any less okay.
"I promise." He says into your mouth before nipping at your sore bottom lip and easing the pain with a sweep of his tongue against the soft flesh. "I won't leave like that again."
"Good." But instead of kissing him again, this time you press your forehead into his shoulder with a soft sigh, cuddling into him.
"Tired?" Ben's hand begins to circle at the base of your spine.
"Mhmm. You wore me out old man."
"I thought you were faking it."
"I wasn't faking all of it." You press a kiss into the shadow of his jaw, holding on to him. You wondered if Ben was okay with how clingy you were but given his hand placement you didn't think that it bothered him.
"Thought so." Ben chuckles. "Petals?"
"Hmm?" You hum into his skin, tightening your arms around his neck. He was wonderful and warm in the best way, like the perfect heating pad. Not to mention the way his muscles tensed around your body made goosebumps flicker over your arms. You could feel a wave of happiness and contentment crashing over your head, the longer you cuddled into him.
"Will you promise me something?" He mutters into the top of your head.
"Of course."
He’s quiet for a few moments. "That you won't leave either." Ben whispers it so quietly that you're not sure that you heard him correctly.
You pull back just a few inches to look him in the eye. He looks a little ashamed, and you can practically see the internal self-deprecating monologue inside his head, his face scrunching up in disgust. He opens his mouth, probably to take it back-
Your lips meet his, gentle, unyielding, pouring every emotion you have into it, your hands finding the strands of hair at the nape of his neck to hold him closer to you. You wanted Ben to understand that you would never judge him for that, that he could be vulnerable around you without consequence. And you wanted him to believe how much you loved him and how much he meant to you.
Ben moans into your mouth, pulling you tighter against his chest, your body molding against his in the best way, in the way that Ben only could. His hands were everywhere, trailing warmth in their wake, making the tiredness that you had felt minutes ago fade as you began to burn beneath his calloused palms.
He tasted good, he smelled good, and he felt so damn good that it made you feel like you were catching fire one cell at a time, burning until there was nothing left but stardust.
"I promise Ben." You whisper against his mouth before he swallows the words whole. "I promise that I'll never leave as long as you want me here."
He hesitates, hands stilling on your hips. An odd look crosses his face.
"Ben? What's wrong?" You cup his cheeks, worried about him.
"I-" He swallows, but looks frustrated with himself.
"It's okay." You whisper, brushing your lips against his, understanding exactly what it is that he's trying to say. "You don’t have to say it. I know. I love you too.”
And you did know. You knew that it was difficult for him to admit something like that, but you didn’t care. You knew that Ben loved you as much as you loved him, and that was enough for you.
You settle back down against his chest, holding him close to you.
“Come on Petals, let’s go to bed.” He murmurs into the top of your head.
“Can we just sit here for a few minutes?” You whisper into his throat, nuzzling into his warmth.
Ben’s hand gently trails along your back, holding you steadily on top of him. “Yeah. We can do that.”
And you wondered if Ben liked this as much as you did, if there was a piece of Ben that longed for the quiet moments you loved so much, and the quiet moments when it was just the two of you and no one else.
You feel him press a kiss to your hairline, and it’s enough to send you off into the sweet relief of sleep, swallowed and enveloped in Ben’s warm embrace.
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A/N: Just a lovely bit of fluff and a little spice 😉. I really needed to just write a soft Ben and a reader enjoying their time together. 😊 There will be one more chapter that is a little bit of a time jump, but I think it will wrap up the series wonderfully! But don't worry, it won't be the last time I write for this reader and Ben. I have a mini-series planned and a few one-shots planned!
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rustedhearts · 12 days ago
the slip (rafe cameron x fem!reader)
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summary: it's valentine's day, but rafe can't tear himself away from old habits long enough for a romantic night together.
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
♡ the rafe collection ♡ the library
tags: drug use, toxic relationship, this took an intense turn for a hot sec
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inspired by ep 7 of “one day”
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ valentine’s day night ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
“Baby, you look so pretty tonight.”
Rafe rests his chin in his palm, blinking at you over the warm glow of candlelight. The tea light flickers in the center of the linen-clad table, wobbled by the warm, open-patio wind. Rafe insisted on an oceanside view tonight. Only the best for my baby.
Seagulls squawk and swoop into the sand, lighted pink in the dusty-rose sunset. The water glimmers on the horizon and reflects in Rafe's eyes like tiny stars. A glass of champagne rests at the edge of both of your settings. Your first present kisses the dip between your collarbone and catches every light. Rafe slipped it in your sleeping hand this morning, tickling you awake with the glide of strung diamonds along your palm.
"Just tonight?"
Rafe scoffs, leaning back to stretch his arms. His biceps bulge, cords of muscle writhing until they firm into lovely swells when he threads his hands together behind his neck.
"Fuck no, you're pretty all the time," he proclaims, mouth screwed into a grin.
It brings a giggle from your mouth. You reach for your champagne and it's cool and tingly slipping down your throat. Rafe swings his arms back down and watches you a moment.
You set the glass back on the table when his chair screeches back.
"Be right back, baby."
"Where are you going?" You frown, head tipping back to watch him.
Rafe swerves around the table, stopping to dip and pop a kiss across your cheek. "Jus' the bathroom, baby. Be right back, promise."
He's off in a gust of air, and you crane over your shoulder to watch him go. He strides through the back doors of the restaurant and past the sea of seated people and more candlelight. A broad back in light blue (which you picked to match his eyes), hair freshly lined just for the occasion.
Except the occasion is beginning to lose its glamour—given that this is Rafe's second trip to the bathroom, that is.
You don't want to believe it. You push at the small bits of your steak (that Rafe cut for you), sip at your champagne, enjoy the warm wind rustle through your hair—and do everything to convince yourself that your boyfriend isn't snorting a line in the bathroom right now.
He returns a few minutes later, hand rubbing your bare shoulder as he drifts by to his chair. Once seated, he inches in and sighs, hands rubbing together.
"'kay, baby, what'd I miss?"
You take another small sip of your champagne and purse your lips. "Well...nothing—"
"Aw, baby, pull your hair back, I can't see those diamonds."
You sigh, setting your glass down to sweep your hair over your shoulders. Rafe leans back into his chair and swipes his finger under his nose, rubbing twice.
You feel it immediately. The drop. The cold chill that sweeps your chest. The familiar disappointment creeping through like mold.
"You want your next gift? Hmm?" A loopy grin takes over his mouth and he reaches into the side pocket of the jacket slung over his chair.
Your head cocks to follow his hand, which returns tabletop with a black velvet box. He extends his other hand with an open palm and an expectant brow lift.
"C'mon," he coos. His voice is slipping into lazy. The drippy slur it takes on when he's coasting at a high.
"Know it's gonna look so pretty on you, baby."
You flick your hand out over the table and Rafe's grin perks up again. He kisses the back of your knuckles, fingers collected in his, and pops the velvet box open with the other hand.
A thin, delicate gold band and a gorgeous ruby gem, haloed by tiny diamonds. For a moment, you can't breathe. The fresh beach air feels thick and chewy.
Rafe squeezes your fingers and chuckles. "Stunnin', yeah? Just like you."
He wiggles it over your left ring finger and rubs the knuckle, admiring the way the gem catches the light. You're instantly overcome with the weight of it all. The thousands of dollars resting on your body, the wide, rough hands of a man too infatuated with drugs to bother dropping the facade to spend five minutes talking to you.
You're a doll to him. Something to dress, and feed, and cover in pretty diamonds.
"Rafe," you sigh, and it comes out like a scoff.
He tips his eyes up through his lashes. "You don't like it?—"
"I do, of course I do. It's beautiful—"
"So what's the problem?"
Your hand escapes his grasp and your elbow thunks the table. It jostles the silverware and your champagne glass, and heat swells in your cheeks as you reach to settle it all. Muscle knots in Rafe's jaw, a vein bulging in his throat. You can see the tablecloth shaking where his leg begins to bounce.
"You're high," you whisper.
His eyes shutter closed, lips pressed in a firm line. The sigh that leaves him feels weightless.
"C'mon—I'm not..."
"Don't shake your head at me, Rafe, I'm not stupid. You've been getting up all night to go to 'the bathroom.'"
His eyes pop open just in time to catch your fingers curling into air quotes—but your hands quickly drop to your lap when his fists bangs into the table. The silverware clinks again. Your glass wobbles on edge.
"I'm not!—Jesus, I'm not fuckin' high," he growls, leaning into the candlelight at a hush.
But it's too late. The patio's seen the outburst, they've heard the accusation. The tables directly surrounding yours seem to either scoot closer or turn an ear.
The hem of your dress bunched in your hands, you swallow every jittered nerve down to look him in the eye. The same welled-up baby blues you've seen glisten under the touch of his father's hand, against the weight of his family's legacy. The same eyes that usually watch upon you with such desire and adoration.
Right now, they're giving away everything he thinks he's hiding.
"How can you look in me the eye and lie?"
The next sigh doesn't come until you're standing and turning away, snatching the purse dangling on the back of your chair. It only occurs to you halfway through the restaurant that you have no way home, but you're already on your way out. You've already made your decision.
I'll get clean, baby.
I don't touch that shit anymore.
I promise.
You pass the truck in the parking lot and an ache already throbs in your feet. Tiny heels clicking over pavement, arms crossed over your chest. The sun's almost down now, lingering at the tree line in pale pink and creamsicle orange.
"Baby, come on."
He matches your pace but keeps a distance. Two or three paces behind. You can feel his warmth, smell his presence. A blink comes with the slow roll of a single tear. You swipe it away with your wrist.
"I slipped, alright? It's not a big deal."
You squeeze your eyes shut but your feet keep on.
I promise.
It meant nothing.
"Will you fuckin' talk to me?"
Rafe chuckles, shoes scuffing over the pavement. "Real mature."
You whirl around, hands slamming hard into his chest. He stumbles back a few steps, unsuspecting.
"Mature? You wanna talk about mature? You're not 18 anymore, Rafe. I'm not just one of your playthings at a party waiting around for you to stop sniffing lines. I mean, what the fuck am I to you?"
"What?" He cocks one eye shut and screws up his nose.
You place your hands on your head and huff. "I don't know why I'm trying to reason with you right now, you're high off your ass—"
"Stop fuckin' walking away from me."
His hand latches onto your arm, pulling you back with one tug. "Let me go."
"No, I wanna talk to you—"
"Let me go!—"
"I slipped. One fucking time, I slipped, and...and you-you wanna lose your mind in this establishment—"
"Oh, fuck you, Rafe!" you growl, hitting his shoulder with your other hand, still holding your purse. A pill container pops free and hits the ground. "Don't make me out to be crazy when you know you fucked up."
"I was tryin' t' do a nice thing for you, baby—"
"Were you? Dressing me up, getting me all these diamonds...it means nothing, Rafe. Throwing your daddy's money around—"
He leans down until you're eye level, and the grip on your arm tightens like a vacuum. The sorest of spots for Rafe was his father. Even for you, it was a line that could not be crossed. Speaking poorly of him, reminding Rafe how he was treated by him: they were all no-fly zones.
But you knew it was the coke scrambling any rational thought that made him touch you like this.
It was just the coke.
"Daddy's money? I work my ass off, and-and you know that. You fuckin' know that—"
"Yeah," you mumble, leaning away from the heat of his breath on your face. "Yeah, I know, Rafe."
"I've been through a lot of shit to get where I'm at. I don't wanna hear that shit come outta your mouth ever again, got it?"
Tears prick your eyes and you squint them at the dull, fading sun. "Let me go, Rafe. I wanna go home."
"Fine, you wanna go home? Fine, fuckin' go."
It takes a moment to find your balance when he releases you. You sniffle as you bend to retrieve the pill bottle near the grass, tucking it back into your purse. One swipe of your hand over your cheek soils an hour's worth of work and care, but the night's gone to shit anyway. That golden, glimmering facade has dulled to nothing.
Back in his truck, the handmade Valentine you crafted for Rafe waits in the passenger seat. He picks up the heart-shaped pile of lace and pink and sighs.
He taps a line out on the wheel and plugs his nose, and you walk home alone in silence.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You slip into your room with your head down and do your best to keep quiet. Your roommate would hate to find out Rafe's returned to his old ways. She'd never let him step foot in the house again.
So, you send her a text promising sweetness and love, assuring a download tomorrow morning at breakfast. For some reason, you didn't want her to know what you already did: you'd forgive him.
He came when you were slipping into bed, legs bare and glistening in the lamplight. The door skitters on its hinges, and you turn to see him poking his head around the corner. Cellophane crinkles against his chest: a bouquet of roses in a white bow.
You turn away, massaging lotion into your calf. Rafe sighs, nudging the door closed behind him.
“’m sorry, baby.”
The bed tips with his weight, and he places the roses near your feet. You try to ignore them as you move to the next leg. They were already lotioned directly after the shower, but you need something to do with your hands. You need somewhere to look other than his pleading face.
“You said you were done,” you whisper. “You promised.”
Rafe presses one hand into the mattress and leans forward. A kiss graces your cheek, firm and full-lipped.
“I know,” he sighs. His nose rubs against your jaw. “I just…I slipped.”
You find yourself curling into him. Your shoulders touch, your noses brushing. You squeeze your eyes shut and pull back.
“I-I know you don’t believe me—“
“I want to.”
Rafe tips his head and reaches out to brace his hand under your jaw. “Look at me, baby.”
His words are still drippy and loose, all strung together like one. Rafe runs his nose against your cheek again, jaw dropped open to exhale heavy breaths. He smells like truck exhaust and hours-old cologne. He feels like he's been laying in the sun. You can't help it when your hand feels along his bare bicep.
"I'll be better," he mumbles.
By the time he begins peppering small kisses along your jaw, you're already back in it. You've already forgiven him, and you know you will again when he inevitably slips once more. Twice more, three times—I can't help it, baby. I've got a problem.
Rafe cups his hand around the back of your head and guides your mouth to his, full-lipped and warm. Sweet mint and strawberry chapstick.
"I love you," you tell him.
"Love you, baby," he whispers into another kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day."
Your fingers zip over the top of his cropped hair, coming to rest at the nape of his neck. He fiddles with the clasp of your diamond necklace, still draped against your collarbones.
"Yeah." You press your lips into a smile, forehead touching his. "Happy Valentine's Day."
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bleedingoptimism · 11 months ago
Eddie manages the band's TikTok when they are on tour. The content is mostly behind the scenes of them on the road, news about where they will be going next, band practice, jam sessions, etc. The boys have been friends since high school and get along amazingly, like family. But also like shit, just like family. So there are also videos of Eddie laughing while Frank yells at Jeff for farting on his pillow in the tour bus or Eddie filming himself while running as Gareth chases after him for eating the last cookie. HIS last cookie.
The channel is pretty popular even though it doesn't update often. And the links to their merch store and ticket store while on tour, help a lot with the band's expenses. Music being online makes people buy fewer albums and vinyls. And Spotify paying 0,03 cents per song makes being an up-and-coming band that needs money to rent a studio for recording, bus fares, hotel accommodations and to pay the roadies and technicians… kinda hard.
But the TikTok helps! So Chrissy, Eddie's best friend, Gareth's fiance, and their manager, suggests that Eddie keeps the TikTok going while on break from tour.
It doesn't take long to come up with the perfect idea. Restoring Eddie's old van to make it a small house on wheels for road-tripping. But they’ll need a handyman, someone who knows what they are doing.
Luckily, Chrissy has a solution to that. Her cousin Vicky, just came back from traveling the coast on a huge RV with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s best friend and, according to Vicky, the man is an expert. He built the whole thing himself, from the ground up. So Chrissy tells Vicky, who asks Robin, who talks to Steve, and the meeting is set up.
On the day of the meeting, Eddie parks the van outside his place, sits on the back, and hits record on his phone, “Morning!” he says to the camera, squinting one eye as the sun hits his face because it’s actually noon, “I’m gonna do something fun during the tour break and I wanted to take yall with me. You see, ever since I was young, I've had this dream. Well, other than becoming a musician who can live off his music, thank you for that by the way,” he smiles and tips an invisible hat towards the camera. “The second thing I've always wanted is having one of those built-in movin' houses, a little RV, a camping van, you know the ones” he wiggles his brows and moves the phone a little around him, to show where he’s sitting so people know where he’s going with this.
“Sooo I asked a friend of a friend of a friend, who is an expert on making dreams come true, to help me and we are gonna mod my van. My lovely Haley, my faithful baby, who has been with me since the beginning… I'm scared. This dude better be good.” he laughs nervously.
part two -> 📱💞🚙
And then his focus shifts to something behind his phone, “Oh, here he comes now!” he waves enthusiastically and keeps looking, either forgetting he’s still filming his reaction or too distracted to save face, he squints a little and then frowns, blushes and, chuckles nervously again, “Oh no. he’s hot.”
☕🥐💕 coffee? by the lake's shore?
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lixiesfreckless · 1 year ago
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Into It | b. c.
➸ synopsis: the california sunset looks pretty damn good when you're on the hood of Chan's car.
➸ starring: bang chan x female reader
➸ word count: 3k
➸ general content: best friend!chan, car sex, drunk sex, chan is lowkey obsessed with you, mutual pining, dirty talk
➸ warnings: lots of swearing, sexual content, alcohol consumption, mentions of california(LMAO east coast on top)
➸ rating: 18+ MA
➸ author’s note: another oldie but goodie! also I don't even bias chan but I literally went insane writing this so what does that mean-
♫ into it- chase atlantic
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Far away.
You feel like your mind is so far away.
The engine roars in your ears as you and Chan zip around the outskirts of downtown Los Angeles, convertible top down to let the wind whip through the vehicle. 
Your hand dangles outside the car door, lazily twirling a half empty bottle of beer in your fingertips as you fully sink into the car seat. Your thoughts are fuzzy, his music is loud, and the breeze is enough to keep you from getting too hot. 
This is as close as you can get to bliss.
Palm trees lining the road, orange and magenta in the sky, hell— if heaven didn’t look like this, did you even want to go?
The car slows down enough for Chan to make a right turn, angling the two of you to a desert close to where they host raves and concerts every summer. By the time the current song stops playing, Chan is pulling the convertible off the road, driving over hardened clay and rocks until he’s about 50 yards away from the asphalt.
“Pass me one of those,” he says, putting the car in park and slumping into the seat. You reach down to the six pack of beer near your feet and pass one to him, bringing your own bottle up to your lips as he takes it.
The guy sticks the cap between his teeth, cracking it open with a sharp twist of his arm, and flicks the cap into the cup holder.
“That’s one way to crack open a cold one,” you chuckle, taking another swig.
“Too bad I’m not with the boys…” he sighs, narrowly dodging a swat from your hand as he laughs.
“Hush, I’m better than the boys.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, letting the troubles of the week dissolve under the tangy taste of the alcohol and the bass from the speakers.
You can’t remember exactly when you started spending your Friday nights like this, driving to random places in the passenger seat of Chan’s car. Usually you’d prefer to spend your nights indoors, but with him, it was never overwhelming. He was your weekly dose of adventure, and you became addicted easily.
But how could you not when he was so…Chan?
He always knew what songs to play, what you felt like talking about, what kind of view would cheer you up— he became someone that knew you better than your best friend, even.
And there was something so disarming about his vintage band tees, beat up converse, blond curls and dimples— especially his dimples. They were a weapon and he used them.
And they reappear right as you notice you’re staring at him. Serves you right for zoning out in his general direction.
“Something on your mind?” He chuckles, and you pop the passenger door open, shaking your head.
“Nope. Just need to stretch.”
You walk around to the front of the car, and the shell dips slightly once you perch on the hood.
This beer is defective, you decide. Alcohol is supposed to blur your thoughts, not sharpen them.
And yet all you can think about is the man moving to lean against the front of the car, standing just a foot away from you.
Your mind pretends not to notice the way Chan’s gaze lingers on your lips, almost glazing over every time you take a swig from the bottle in your hand. Your body however, burns. Reacts like water on hot oil. It feels like every cell is dancing in the remnants of the sunset when he looks at you. 
It might just be the alcohol though.
You lean back and lie on the hood of the car, using your hands as a makeshift pillow behind your head as you watch the sky turn an even deeper shade of pink. Chan takes one glance at you and takes a long sip of beer as he quickly looks away, pushing the sight of your shirt riding up your torso far back into his mind. The…things he could do there-
“Shit, how many of those have we gone through,” you mumble, lazily shifting your eyes up to the sky.
“Uh, four?” Chan glances back at you, mentally cursing at the way your face matches the sky above, dusted with pink. He doesn’t know it’s from you staring at his arm veins. “We have water in the back if you want some-”
“No, no I’m good.” Your voice sounds like honey to him; maybe he should pass the bottle back to you, just so you’ll stay quiet. “Just feeling more than a little buzzed.” 
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles, and the huskiness in his voice practically pokes you in the side. “Now would be the best time to do something crazy then.”
“Something crazy?” You laugh out loud, then sit up slightly on the hood, leaning back on your elbows. “There’s nothing but desert for miles. What are we supposed to do-”
Your sentence stops dead in its tracks as your eyes meet with Chan’s, the heat rushing to your gut all at once as the wind blows his blond curls into his eyes. He doesn’t even hesitate this time; his eyes wander lower and lower on your face until they land on your bottom lip, trapped between your teeth. 
“God, why do you always do that…” he whispers, shifting his gaze back to the road.
The wind whistles in your ears as you feel them growing hotter, unsure what to make of his sudden statement.
“Do…do what?” He looks back at you with tortured eyes, as if you’re the only water in the California desert.
“Bite your lip like that; it makes me think-” he stops and drains the rest of the bottle in his hand, then leaves it on the hood and shakes his head. “Never mind. I’m gonna turn the music up.”
Your eyes follow him as he trails along the side of the car, and you feel a certain window of opportunity beginning to close. Summoning most of your courage, you jump off the hood and walk up behind Chan, waiting for him to finish messing with the stereo before tapping him on the back.
“Yeah?” He turns around and barely has any time to think before you’re pressing on his shoulders, pulling him down slightly as you crash your lips onto his. He immediately catches your waist, letting out a surprised muffle that dissolves into a sigh as he pulls you against him.
You break apart after a moment, lips still tingly and buzzing with excitement, but you wonder if you’ve made the right decision as you look up at Chan, who still has his eyes closed.
“You’re drunk,” he whispers, finally looking down at you with a flushed face.
“Not drunk enough.” You twist the shoulder seams of his shirt between your fingers in consideration. “I’m sober enough to know that look. And if you don’t do something about it, then I-”
“You want me to do something about it?” He pulls your hips tight against his, and now that you’re leaning on him, you can feel the bass from the car reverberating through both of you. That combined with the buzz of the alcohol and his hands on your bare midriff nearly sends you over the edge, but you keep your composure.
And by that you mean you pounce on him— you love his voice, but you’re tired of talking about something you could be doing.
If you both were a little less tipsy, the kisses would probably be less frantic. But neither of you seem to care, hands grabbing at each other desperately as you search for better ways to pull each other closer.
“You have no idea,” he pants between kisses, “you have no fucking idea how badly I’ve wanted this.” You shudder into his lips, raking through his blond locks and tugging at the ends as Chan’s grip tightens on your hips. He takes a sharp inhale before picking you up, waiting for you to latch your legs around his torso before he slides his arms under your legs. As he walks around the car, you both never separate; you’re actually surprised when you feel the cool metal of the hood come into contact with the backs of your thighs.
He nestles himself between your legs, resting his hands on your thighs and tracing the distressed hem of your denim skirt as the bass of the song picks up. You’re lucky you’re on the hood and not the trunk; the subwoofers vibrating against you would have been too much for sure. 
He pulls away from your lips, dipping his head to catch his breath as he pants into the crook of your neck. To him, this is insane. He has you on the hood of his car. He has you on the hood of his car.
How is a man supposed to think straight in this situation? 
Meanwhile, his hot breath on your neck is driving you to the brink of insanity. Just a raise of your shoulder and he’d be kissing it. Shoot, he could make you crazy with his fingers just an inch higher too.
“Chan,” you whisper, not realizing how close your breathy voice was to his ear, and the last of his resolve practically evaporates off of him.
“Y/n…” his nose follows the curve of your neck as he makes his way up to your face, “tell me if I need to stop, I just…”
He hooks his hands around your knees and pulls, effectively pinning your hips together in a casual display of strength, and you gasp before he seizes your bottom lip between his, sucking and biting until a soft moan slips from your lips.
“Fuck, make that sound again,” he groans, hands sliding back up your thighs to the hem of your shirt. You relent, no longer keeping your sighs and sounds of pleasure to yourself as his hands slide under your crop top, around to your back.
He makes quick work of your bra, releasing the tension around your ribcage before sliding his thumbs along the underside of your breasts. Just thinking about all of the things he could do to you has both of you buzzing with anticipation, panting against each other’s mouths.
His thumb just barely grazes your nipple and you swear you see the world begin to tilt.
You don’t know what it is; normally a gesture that small wouldn’t elicit such a reaction out of you, but the alcohol in your veins and the bass under your thighs seem to bring every motion of his straight to your core. And usually you’d be embarrassed at how loud you are, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when he continues just like that, both thumbs barely putting any pressure on the peaks under your shirt.
Your head lolls back slightly, and Chan wastes no time in licking a thin stripe up the column of your neck, stopping right at the shell of your ear.
“Ideally, I’d want to take my time with you, but right now…” his voice is thick with lust as he flicks both of your nipples, and you jolt forward. “I don’t think you’d want me to.”
“Chan, please,” you gasp out, wanting to press your thighs together, “get on with it already.”
He obliges you, hands sliding down to your skirt and then back up under it, looking for the edge of your panties. Once he has them, he pulls them down and over your Nike blazers, tossing them into the convertible onto the passenger seat.
He then reaches behind you, pushing two empty bottles off the car as he presses you flat against the hood. The sound of the bottles breaking against the rocky terrain is barely registered by you though, you’re more focused on Chan’s free hand snaking back up your skirt.
Curses slip out of his mouth once his thumb brushes across your clit; he’s more than shocked to feel just how soaked you are, but you shake your head vigorously, catching his attention.
“Skip it,” you say breathlessly, looking directly into his eyes. He understands instantly, coffee colored eyes practically turning coal black seeing your desperation.
The sky seems to swirl different shades of purple and pink as the wind feathers over your body, and just past the contrails in the sky, you can see the stars beginning to poke their faces into the rosy backdrop.
There is a very real possibility that you are dreaming all of this.
But the sound of his zipper being pulled down snaps your senses into focus, and the possibility of Chan fucking you under a sky like this seems more urgent.
The next minute flies by, and before you know it Chan is lining himself up at your entrance, checking that the condom is on properly before lifting your skirt to your hips.
His eyes flicker to yours momentarily, and you nod before relaxing fully, letting your head rest against the hood as he holds onto your hips tightly.
And then you instantly tense up once he starts pushing into you.
It’s almost embarrassing how easy it is for him to slide in without really touching you, but the hiss he draws between his teeth tells you he’s not really focusing on that.
You’re focusing on how you didn’t catch a glimpse of him before he put it in, and now your entire lower abdomen is tingling in excitement over just how much of him there is. Silly how you were trying to sober up for this moment, only for you to feel high all over again with him fully inside you.
“I- shit, okay wow,” he hisses, dragging himself out and back in slowly. “You’re so warm, god-”
You can’t even respond, you’re so occupied by the feeling of his ridges along your walls that your fingers are already looking for something to grab onto.
Somehow in the haze of it all, you still want to urge him deeper, so you wrap your legs around his waist and watch as he tilts his head back, eyes fluttering closed mid-thrust.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, picking up the pace and holding your hips tighter as you whine, feeling him finally start to brush one of your sensitive spots.
Chan cannot process the scene playing out in front of him. You’re draped over the hood of his car, taking what he’s giving you so easily, face flushed and hair falling over your face from the wind. Your shirt is halfway up your torso, but your skirt is up six inches too high, high enough to see where he's sheathing himself inside of you. He couldn’t make this up if he tried.
The pressure building inside of you jumps to the next level once his hand slides up your shirt again, gently rubbing circles over your nipple as opposed to the faster thrusts down below. Your back arches into his hand as you gasp, squeezing your thighs around him tighter as you do so.
“Chan,” you whine, scratching your nails against the car, and a few more curses tumble out of his mouth as he stares down at you. 
“You’re so good y/n,” he pants, snapping his hips against you now, “better than I- ah, I imagined.”
“You’ve thought about this before?” You’re cut off by another moan; it’s a miracle how you can even speak.
Chan doesn’t reply; instead, he hooks his hands under your knees and drops them on his shoulders, then scoops his hands back under your hips and pulls them to his with a quick snap.
“I’ve thought about this before,” he says with a wicked grin, hitting you at just the right angle to pull a sharp gasp out from your lips.
“Oh my god, there-” you moan breathlessly, pressing your hands flat onto the hood of the car as he pounds into you relentlessly.
The sky is spinning. Your heart is pounding. You wish you could focus on something, anything other than the spongy part of you that Chan is hitting to the beat of the song under you, just so you could last a little bit longer. 
But the sight of him with your legs around his neck, eyes closed with strands of gold wisping across his face, the look of pure ecstasy painted across his cheeks, ensures that you have close to three seconds before the knot in your stomach unravels.
“Shit, don’t stop,” you say as you feel yourself coming undone, back arching into your release which only makes Chan pound deeper, heightening the intensity tenfold.
He cries out once you clamp down around him, spitting out random strings of curses until he’s emptying his restraint into the condom, slowing down his thrusts as he finally opens his eyes again, locking gazes with you.
He looks nothing short of ethereal with the now purple backdrop of the sky, framing his blond locks with lilac clouds as he slowly pulls out of you, doing his best not to overstimulate you. You almost tell him not to; being that full was nice, something you’d probably never admit unless you were actually drunk.
“Wow,” you breathe out, watching him lower your legs down to the hood. “That was…”
“Crazy, I know,” he laughs, still trying to calm his breathing as he looks at you. “But you were amazing, holy shit-”
“…better than the boys?” You tease, smirking up at him. 
He gives you a knowing look, picking up on the funny way you worded the question. But instead of getting flustered, he leans over the hood, caging you against it with his arms.
“Hmm…I don’t know. I think I’d have to try this a couple of times before I can give you a definite answer.”
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httpvomitello · 1 month ago
Carrying Your Love ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Summary: From quiet moments in a cottage to plans of escaping to the sea, Sirius learns that carrying your love is the one constant that keeps him grounded.
sirius black x f!reader
(part 2)
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The warm glow of the summer sun streamed through the window of the small, cozy cottage nestled in the rolling hills. The soft hum of a record player in the corner was barely audible over the crackling of the fireplace, even though it wasn’t quite cold enough to need one. Sirius Black, leaned back in a wooden chair, boots propped up on the table. He had a cigarette dangling lazily from his fingers, but it wasn’t lit—just something to toy with as he watched you move around the kitchen.
You wore one of his old band shirts, a relic from his rebellious youth, the hem brushing your thighs. The sight of you, so effortlessly beautiful, made his heart ache in the best way.
"You're staring," you teased, glancing over your shoulder with a smirk.
"Can you blame me?" Sirius drawled, grinning in that roguish way of his. "It’s not every day you get to see the love of your life swiping the last of the coffee before you’ve had a chance."
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help laughing. “Love of your life, huh? Since when are you such a romantic?”
"Since I met you," he quipped, his grin softening into something more sincere.
Sirius wasn’t the kind of man who thought much about settling down—not until you. For so long, he’d been running, whether from his family, his past, or the war that threatened to consume them all. But when you walked into his life, with your sharp wit and kind heart, he stopped feeling like a fugitive and started feeling like a man who could actually be happy.
"You know," Sirius began, tapping the unlit cigarette against the edge of the table, "I’ve been thinking."
You turned around, crossing your arms and leaning against the counter. "That’s dangerous."
He smirked but didn’t rise to the bait. "What if we got out of here for a bit? Traveled. Just you and me."
You raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And where exactly are we going?"
"Does it matter?" he said, his eyes sparkling. "Paris, maybe. Or that little village near the coast you keep going on about. We’ll bring nothing but a backpack and a map. Just—us."
The thought was tempting, more than you wanted to admit. But you had responsibilities here, things you couldn’t just leave behind. Sirius could see the hesitation in your eyes before you even said a word.
"Sirius," you said gently, "I love the idea, but you know it’s not that simple."
He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "I know, I know. But you can’t blame me for wanting to steal you away for a while."
You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind. He tilted his head back to look up at you, and you pressed a kiss to his temple.
"You don’t need to steal me away," you murmured. "You’ve already got me."
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Weeks later, the two of you stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. The salty breeze whipped through your hair, and the sound of crashing waves filled the air. Sirius had finally convinced you to take a short trip, though you hadn’t gone far—just a few days’ walk from home.
You had your arms wrapped around his waist, his leather jacket draped over your shoulders. It smelled like him—cigarettes, soap, and something distinctly Sirius.
"Do you ever think about the future?" you asked, your voice barely audible over the wind.
Sirius turned to look at you, his expression unreadable. "Sometimes," he admitted. "It’s hard to, though. The future always felt so... uncertain. But with you? I think about it more."
You smiled, leaning your head against his chest. "What do you think about?"
He hesitated, then said, "I think about us. About a little house by the sea, maybe a dog running around. Kids, if you want them. And you—always you."
Your heart swelled at his words. Sirius wasn’t the type to talk about things like this easily, and the fact that he was opening up meant the world to you.
"You know," you said softly, "I’ve been carrying your love with me since the day we met."
Sirius pulled back slightly to look at you, his gray eyes searching yours. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," you said, your voice steady despite the lump in your throat, "you’re with me everywhere I go. In everything I do. You’re a part of me, Sirius. And no matter what happens, I’ll carry that with me forever."
For once, Sirius didn’t have a witty comeback or a sarcastic remark. Instead, he cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing against your cheekbone.
"I don’t deserve you," he said, his voice hoarse.
"Don’t say that," you replied, covering his hands with yours. "You deserve everything good in this world, Sirius. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
He kissed you then, slow and deep, as if trying to pour everything he couldn’t say into that one moment.
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