joinmeintheweeds · 5 months
In terms of colonization and the enmeshment of religion and politics, Dune is a feast for the mind. In terms of gender and it's hand in all of the above, Dune is a a pack of saltines with only a rare grain of salt to entertain your taste buds.
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Mother and Child (2009, Rodrigo García)
Mother and Child is a 2009 film written and directed by Rodrigo García. Alejandro González Iñárritu, Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro join García to capture with great skill the powerful bond that exists between a mother and her child.
The film premiered on September 14, 2009 at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Faced with her mother's insistence, Karen (Annette Benin) gave up the daughter she had at 14 for adoption. Elizabeth (Naomi Watts) is that little girl who now has to face her own issues about family, sexuality and power.
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s0apmactav1sh · 5 months
Its been a hot minute friends. I am currently going through a shitty ass time but here have me waffling about my fic im trying to write.
(This isnt an update, i just need to qrite something before i disappear for a bit over shit thats happening)
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Crawler, the nickname given to you by the 141 after they got used to you casually crawling around the ceiling so it just came naturally to them to start teasing you with the nickname whenever the found you having a fit and giving out about the recruits while sitting upside down on the roof.
"Ya alright there crawler?" With how usually it was to find you in the prediment you were in right now it was no secret you didnt like the recruits you dealt with on the daily "No! How do they even survive on missions. My gods-" Cue Gaz listening for an entire hour as you ramble on about every mistake made by each individule recruit, names given and all. Once you stop your out of breathe and glaring at gaz because of the stupid grin hes been giving you. "What are you smiling at?" "You."
Spiderman kisses. No matter what no matter where. Could be in a random hallway, an office the debriefing room or any of there rooms at this point with how much time you spend with them. Soaps always the one looking for them no matter if you agrue that your nothing like a spider and he is being silly. But still you give in to the puppy eyes the werewolf man gives you. Your quite the sucker for them.
"No way am I hanging upside down because you want a kiss!" The way soaps ears droop and his tail lessens in wagging has you feeling guilty but what truly sticks it to you is the puppy dog eyes he now has to try convince you. Lips so prettily pouted and everything and who are you to deny that face. Even if you huff and groan as you geting yourself situated and crouched on the ceiling. So he can kiss you like in the spiderman movies. And as soon as its over Soaps rushing off to gaz to bloat over what you did.
Ghost somehow being the one to discover the ear bursting screech you let out when anyones hand even remotely brushes off your tail. He didnt even mean to purposely do it and the wraith was so thankful he was already dead bc the screech you had let out when his fingers lightly touched off the tip was enough to have him wincing and covering his ears to protect them.
It was a pure accident. He didnt even realise he had come in contact with your tail until you let out a horrifyingly loud screech that had him covering his ears. "Jesus. What on gods green earth was that. Are you some sort of banshee aswell." Before he can even get an answer out of you, your gone having bolted for the door as soon as that sound left your lips. What an awkward interaction that leaves you both walking on eggshells around each other.
Price deciding with all the time youve been around and the fact that his boys seem to trust you he adds you to his horde. But in a way that you dont realise that you apart of it. It starts off with him patting your back after missions amd saying goodjob, even if you were just look out. Then it moves on to him giving you random things, youve been eyeing up a new pair of gloves? Hes bought them and left them outside your door the next morning before you woke up. Its not until he leaves one of his scales on top of your desk that your realise what was happen but still you kinda oblivious so you just pocket the scale and run your fingers over it for good luck before every mission.
Ever since the others had become more comfortable and accepting with you on the team Price had bene thinking of making you a part of his horde. You'd be just like his boys, the centerpiece the thing he cared about the most. So whenever he saw your dule eyes light up at the sight of new gloves or a weapon he knew the way of winning you over was sneakily gifting you little presents. Without your gruad up so much it was easier to tell that you were a bit oblivious. Certain signs and things not processing in your mind. So when he leaves the scale down hes not sure if youll even see it but sure enough he manages to walk past your room, stopping when he see you slip the scale into the pocket of your gear before walking away with a goofy smile on his face. You may not know that your now his, but hey you will soon enough when the rest of the boys give you something of significance to them.
Silly rambles. Ok ima go take my meds and cry myself to sleep I might bring back king!price at like 4 am tonight.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Vampire AU Pt 2
Answered some questions I got but no SoapGhost biting just yet
Interviewer: Why do you not like when Gaz feeds on Soap?
Ghost: It makes him smell… bland. It’s also rude. No one in the house feeds off Soap. Only I can but even there, I don’t. 
The Interviewer checked this information and it turns out to strangely enough be true. No one had ever itten Soap. 
Interviewer: So how do you feel about Soap?
Ghost: He’s my familiar.
Interviewer: And what does that mean to you?
Ghost: He does all of the chores around the house that I don’t want to do and gets me food. 
Interviewer pauses, clearly thinking he’ll continue. He doesn’t.
Interviewer: Do you like him?
Ghost: Like him? No. Absolutely not. He’s just a human. I don’t like… stay awake thinking about him. 
Ghost was once again staying awake thinking about Soap. He stared at the top of his coffin and just… thought of him. 
Soap smelled good. Most of the time. He was only human and he did deal with dead bodies occasionally, so Ghost gave him grace about that. But most of the time, he smelled… delicious. Ghost had a feeling if he tasted him, he’d be savory. Not sweet, Ghost didn’t really like the sweeter bloods like Alejandro did. He’d probably taste buttery too. Warm and so human under his hands. His heartbeat was so loud at times. Always even, never afraid of Ghost even when he should be. Sometimes Ghost would pick him up to get him out of the way of things and Soap would just smile. Ghost occasionally picked him up just so he could hear his heartbeat. It was a melody that he wanted to get lost in. 
This morning, it was clear he wouldn’t be sleeping, so he listened to everyone moving below. Gaz went upstairs to the attic where his bedroom was. 
Soap moved down below a little longer, most likely cleaning. He liked to get it all done before heading to bed so when Ghost woke up, he didn’t have to deal with it. 
The house started quieting down and he slowly stepped out of his coffin. Luckily his curtains had been pulled tight so it was safe for him to escape. He stretched and peaked out of his door. 
Soap had blew out all of the candles and pulled all the curtains so Ghost walked around in the darkness. He crept downstairs to Soap’s room. It was the smallest room in the house, but it was still pretty nice. Soap had bought his own bed and had decorated it himself. Ghost saw books littering the desk and looked at them for a moment. Soap usually put them away, but he must’ve been tired. Price had bene asking him for things all night so it probably wore him out. He’d tell Price to leave him alone a bit more. While Soap acted as the house familiar, he was really Ghost’s familiar and Ghost didn’t want him to be worn out or neglect himself. 
Maybe he also selfishly wanted more of Soap’s attention on him. He wasn’t used to sharing him and watching him pay more attention to the others… 
Something feral and angry pressed against his fangs and Soap would be defenseless right now. He looked gorgeous, strewn among the pillows and blankets on his bed. Ghost didn’t feel bad staring since Soap had a shirt and boxers on. The house had started to get cold but in the summer, Soap sometimes didn’t wear anything. Ghost had learned quickly to knock in the summer if Soap had accidentally slept in. 
But right now, he looked peaceful and luckily modest. 
Soap turned over and Ghost silently stepped back, watching him stretch and get comfier. If he bit him, how would he do it? Would he sink his teeth in and rip a piece out of him? Or would he be gentle? 
Would Soap let him? Not to turn him. A selfish part never, ever wanted to turn him. But if it was just to taste him, would Soap let him? The idea of the two of them tangled together as he took from him. Ghost’s fangs hurt. They ached so bad. 
“So do you do this often?” Price spoke very softly and Ghost almost jumped out of his skin. 
“You were always the only one that could sneak up on me.” Ghost sighed. “Just when I can’t sleep.”
Price nodded and stood next to him. It made Ghost feel weird. It was one thing for Ghost to watch his familiar, but as much as Price was his sire, he didn’t want to let him watch Soap as well. “Let’s get out of here, John.”
“I think he left someone in the basement if you’re hungry.” Price smiled at him. He looked alive in a way Ghost refused to believe he possibly could. Even back then, Price must’ve been at least 200 years old when they met. Simon had been dazzled by him. A healthy amount of respect, appreciation and probably attraction meant he didn’t notice what everyone else did. 
The night he laid on that battlefield, body broken far beyond repair and ready to accept death, Price had told him he couldn’t let him die yet. It was a horrible transformation made much worse by the existing injuries. He had felt so pathetic, having Price care for him for so long. The memories were still quite a sore spot for him. 
Ghost nodded and followed him to the basement. There was in fact a person down there that was only half drained. Price didn’t eat very much as he mostly just caught glances at Ghost. 
“Why do you wear the mask?” 
Ghost groaned immediately and sank down to the floor. “Because I want to.”
“You’re such a handsome man though! You don’t need to cover up!”
“It’s not about that though.” Ghost sighed.
“What is it about then? Those days are so long behind us. No need to hide your identity. You could be anyone now!” Price grinned. “You could just be Si-”
Ghost got up and walked away from him, shoulders tensing. He walked straight up the stairs and through the living room and he could hear Price’s anxiety like it was a force.
“Simon! It’s still fucking daylight!” Price snapped so loud it vibrated the walls. 
Soap was up in moments and rushing over, clearly still sleep deprived, but more worried about Ghost than getting to sleep. “Sir, are you okay? Did something happen? Did I miss a curtain?” He looked up at Ghost who paused. 
Ghost stared at him for a moment and watched as Soap’s eyes went down to his mouth and he became painfully aware of the fact that his mouth was uncovered. Soap’s eyes widened and his heartbeat sped up. 
Ghost wanted to look in a mirror to know what he looked like, but there was never a reflection. He imagined the scars. Deep lines across his mouth in a harsh mock smile. Big fangs. One of his previous lovers had described him once. They said his lips always looked bloodstained, even if they didn’t have blood on them.
Did he still have blood on his face now? He hadn’t exactly cleaned his face off. Soap was scared. Surely he knew Ghost would never hurt him. 
Interviewer: Man, he looked pretty scary with the blood. He also is the first one I’ve seen that’s actually that pale. 
Soap: He’s so hot. I was so nervous he’d read my mind
Interviewer: Can they do that?
Soap: No, but like… you never know
Interviewer: What were you thinking?
Soap blushed: Very uncatholic thoughts thats for sure. 
Ghost schooled his expression and reached up, pulling down his mask. “No. You did a fine job, Johnny. Are you okay? We didn’t mean to wake you.” 
Soap’s heart sped up instead of slowing down like Ghost wanted. He also flushed a little. “Thank you, sir. I’m fine. Was worried I’d come up and you’d be… anyway. Do you want me to help you back in your coffin?”
Ghost looked behind him and Price was gone. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
Soap walked with him, the two falling into the same pattern they always did. When they first met, Ghost had walked faster and Soap had always jogged to keep up with him. Although it was funny, Ghost had slowed down. Rodolfo had noticed and teased him about it. Just a little. 
Ghost would never ever tell Soap. Ever. But he wasn’t in the best of places when he came along. Alejandro had pointed out when he stopped sleeping for nights on end. Ghost liked to believe it was just having to make sure they didn’t eat Soap, but he knew that wasn’t really true. He just liked… hanging out with the human. 
Soap offered his hand and Ghost used it to get back in his coffin. 
“If you wake up again, just get my attention okay?”
“I don’t need your permission.” Ghost grumbled.
Soap only smiled. “Course not. But I get nervous. I make one mistake and… I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you on my watch, sir.” 
Ghost stared up at him. He saw a glimpse of blond hair and green eyes that did not match Soap’s brown and blue. 
“Alright, Johnny.” Ghost reached up and Soap paused, watching him. He gently traced the scar over Soap’s eye, gloved fingers just barely, barely brushing it. “Have I ever asked where that came from?”
“No, sir.”
“Tell me when I wake up?”
“Of course, Ghost.” Soap smiled at him and Ghost must’ve been much more tired than he thought, because he thought of what his lips would feel like against his. 
Would his fangs cut him?
Soap watched Ghost’s eyes close and how he stopped breathing. It was something that had freaked him out at first. When they slept, whatever made them breathe just stopped. They were also effectively dead to the world, almost nothing woke them up. 
Soap closed the coffin and went back to his room. He put all of the books on his desk away and then went back to bed. 
Soap woke up the next day and saw a giant dog in the living room. He stared at him for a few minutes before deciding that was fine and also not his business. The wolf looked at him for a few minutes before putting his head back on his paws. 
Soap thought he looked kinda weird too, but again, not his business. He walked right past it and went to Ghost, fully intending to tell him about his scar and ask him what he wanted to do today. But as soon as Ghost’s eyes open, he looked angry. 
Alejandro started yelling before he got a chance to really ask him about it. “SOAP WHY IS THERE A MUTT IN MY HOUSE???”
Soap swung around and frowned. “What?”
Ghost was up and at ‘em immediately. “Ale, calm down. We’ll just kick him out.”
Soap winced. “Werewolf?” 
Ghost rolled his eyes and went downstairs to see Gaz between Alejandro and the wolf. “Kyle, get your pet out of here.”
Soap frowned. “He is still a person?? No need to be so mean?”
“I don’t care! I hope it hurts his feelings!” Ghost scoffed and crossed his arms. 
Rodolfo sighed. “Can you make him take a bath at least? He reeks.” 
Soap sniffed the air, only catching the faintest scent of cologne. 
Gaz hummed. “I like the smell.”
“You’re disgusting.” Rodolfo wrinkled his nose. “It smells like dog!”
Soap looked at the… werewolf. It was weird. He stared at him for a second before seeing it… change. 
Soap pulled away to throw up as its body bent and twisted. That was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. 
“Sorry about that. I know its kinda gross the first time ya see it.” 
“HE’S AMERICAN??” Price sounded scandalized. 
“My name is Alex.” Alex was naked. Completely. Not a hint of shame about this either. Soap averted his eyes but noticed that Rodolfo and Ghost both looked him over. Alejandro waited until Alex glanced at Gaz to look him up and down, but he certainly did. 
“Get him out.” 
Gaz shook his head. “If you guys can be super gross with each other, I can have my werewolf boyfriend.”
Alejandro gasped. “Our love is not comparable to you coupling with that… that…”
Alex growled. “Don’t say it.”
“That dog!”
“That is so bigoted! I don’t call you guys bats.”
Alejandro growled and they started snapping at each other.
Price frowned at Gaz. “Why don’t you settle down with a nice older vampire? You can pick a rich one.”
Soap gasped and looked at Ghost who sighed. “He’s not… He’s not flirting.”
Gaz grimaced. “Price…”
Price smiled at him. “Don’t you think you need someone who understand you? He’s a werewolf. Also he’ll die in 80 years.”
Gaz nodded. “It’ll be a glorious 80 years and then I’ll find him again when he reincarnates.”
Price frowned. “But he’ll be a baby!” 
“I’ll obviously wait until he’s in his 20s!”
Soap hummed. “Oh, grooming.” 
Gaz gasped. “No! Not grooming! Because I won’t be talking to him!”
“You’re still going to wait until he’s legal. Groomer behavior.”
“You say as if there’s not over 700 years between you and Ghost.”
Ghost tilted his head. “What? We’re not dating.”
Gaz: They act like that and they’re not even fucking.
Interviewer: I’m so glad someone else sees it
Gaz: That’s a little pathetic honestly. Like… seriously? They even smooch?
Interviewer: Not that I’m aware of
Gaz: Wow. Wow. No wonder Ghost is always so unhappy. He hasn’t gotten laid since….
Interviewer: Since?
Gaz glances around: Too many ears. Can’t say. But yeah, I don’t think he’s done anything since then. 
Interviewer: And how long was that?
Gaz: 40 years ago? I mean. Unless he’s slept with Alejandro or Rodolfo and I just didn’t know
Interviewer: Why wouldn’t they tell you?
Gaz: Because I’d want to join. Obviously. 
Gaz smiled at Price. “Look, he treats me well, okay? I like him.” He looks at Alex who was now growling at Alejandro who was aggressively hissing back. “He’s so dreamy.”
Interviewer: What the fuck. 
Alex huffed but decided to leave. Apparently it was a pack meeting or something. He kissed Gaz goodbye and he left. 
Soap was relieved, just so his vampires would stop freaking out. 
Price was sitting at the back porch, which was a bit odd, but Soap decided it wasn’t his business. 
Ghost however went to check on him. He thought he had freaked him out earlier. Yeah, walking around during the daylight wasn’t his smartest move thinking back on it. 
But Price didn’t look upset. He looked… enthralled. 
Ghost frowned and followed his gaze to where their next door neighbor was. Their neighbor was… a person. Ghost hadn’t really talked to him. According to Soap, he was pretty nice. He happened to have a nocturnal schedule as well. 
“You good?”
“He’s gorgeous.”
“We don’t eat the neighbors. Brings too much suspicion.” The neighbor was human and Price usually wanted to eat those. As did all of them really. Earlier hadn’t Ghost thought of devouring Soap? 
“He reminds me of my third wife.” 
Ghost blinked slowly and tried to shuffle through Price’s wives. Not all of them were women. Some were male wives and some were female wives. The third one…
“Oh my god. He does look like your wife.” 
Taglist anyone?
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dunefandomhub · 6 months
Fic Rec Friday!
I'm going to try and do weekly small fic recs, each week a different theme or ship with 3-4 recs each! I am open to taking suggestions/reccomendations at any time! Feel free to send an ask!
Paul Atreides x Duncan Idaho aka Atreidaho
Dust and Devils on my Conscience
After his father takes over an oil drilling company in the desert, Paul decides to join his parents in between two semesters at university, looking forward to a summer of wandering the desert with his mother, chatting with a girl he's met online, and pining over his father's fixer. He hadn't quite planned for the worm activists, or the acts of industrial sabotage.
10/10 chapters completed. 43k words. Rated E. Modern AU.
Venus as a Boy
Duncan lay down next to Paul, causing him to prickle all over his whole body. He smelled like soldier's soap, pulverized rock, sun protectant. Soothescent. Also, perceptibly, like spice. “I’m going to kiss you, so you can taste me,” he said. “Alright,” Paul croaked, which really meant: please.
1/1 chapter complete. 6k words. Rated E. Omegaverse.
Bloody and Raw (but I swear it is sweet)
"The oft-repeated refrain that He Who Controls the Spice controls the Universe was not inherently untrue… not necessarily. It simply avoided an inconvenient and shrouded (and to some, distasteful) truth: She Who Controls Universe Politic controls He Who Controls the Spice." or, the colloquial "spiceblood" AU featuring vampiric Bene Gesserit tendencies, far too many religious references, and Duncan and Paul perpetually disagreeing about which one of them is supposed to be taking care of the other.
7/7 chapters completed. 17.5k words. Rated E. Vampire AU.
Lick Your Wounds, Lay You Down
“I’m not going to break,” Paul says, “if you’re rough with me.” Duncan gazes at him, desire tightening his voice. “You could give whores in Novigrad a run for their money.” “Have you fucked many of them?” “Not many,” says Duncan. “Some. Long before you were born.”
1/1 completed. 12k words. Rated E. The Witcher AU
If anyone has a request for future weeks theme/ship please send me an ask!
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lya-dustin · 3 months
Or Feyd Rautha is more than Nurbanu believed
Cw: mentions of child sexual abuse, grooming, trauma, murder
The idea of Feyd having some aversion to touch is not mine unfortunately i have no idea who i read it from, if you know who they are feel free to tell me
6/23/24: the post is this one by @thealexandriaarchives thanks @ak-47-666 for finding it🖤🖤
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Feyd has an aversion to physical touch.
Nurbanu is careful to let him initiate any physical affection for his sake. Their first night she had made sure to ask ---even out loud at times--- if it was alright to reciprocate his attentions. He had guided her in the ways he liked being touched and didn’t stiffen when she reached out for his hand while they slept.
Even she was surprised to know there is more to him that meets the eye ---even the trained eye of a Bene Gessrit. Beneath the hard shell was the soft mushy inside of a child who was torn from his family and molded into the monster the Baron wanted.
He was groomed to be more than his heir. Rabban as well, but Rabban had been the one to kill their father and hand little Feyd Rautha over to Vladimir Harkonnen to replace him in his bed.
There was a strange sense of understanding between them in this shared pain they hid.
Feyd needed to kill the Baron and his brother for what he did, and still does, to him and Nurbanu needed her father dead for what he allowed to happen to her when she was younger and her mother's and brother's death.
A part of them will always remain dead if their tormentors are allowed to live.
“As your wife, I could forbid even your slaves from touching you.” Nurbanu helps him wash the feeling of disgust and shame that came with the nightmares of his uncle forcing himself on him.
“No one would dare speak against the Na-baroness, your word would be as powerful as mine.” There’s a slight turn in his lips as he considers this small benefit. No one would care what goes on between him and his wife, no one would have to know why they do this.
The princess is careful with her hands, using her gift to make her hands as light as possible while soaping him up. It is a state of vulnerability one doesn’t find in sex; he is sitting on a stool as she washed away the phantom feeling of the Baron on him.
There is a tub here, one she’d love to use, but knows green fields of flowers would have to sprout up in Geidi Prime before Feyd Rautha steps into it of his own accord. As much as he pretended to find enjoyment in the depravity he had been raised in, it was the source of nightmares no one could understand.
“I could kill them for you.” A part of them would remain broken if they ---her father, his uncle and brother--- were allowed to live any longer. She could love him one day; they were not so different. Broken people forced to play the villain in other people’s stories.
But they would triumph, they would avenge themselves and the universe would tremble at their feet.
“You may be Bene Gessrit, but you are no warrior, wife.” He barks a laugh at the idea of her doing the killing, turns to look at her thinking she is joking and yet he knows not to underestimate his bride-to-be.
“Let me surprise you then, husband, let me kill those bastards for you without even lifting a finger.” Nurbanu leans down until the effect of her proximity and her words make darling Feyd Rautha agree to it either way.
“Surprise me, then.”
On their first breakfast in Arrakis, Nurbanu Corrino, the newly minted Na-Baroness of Geidi Prime uses the Voice to make Vladimir Harkonnen and Glossu Rabban fight each other to the death as part of their morning entertainment.
Feyd enjoys his wedding gift so much that he let's her cradle him as they recline on the large pillows watching the spectacle before them.
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omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
Qual è il problema di "un professore" su netflix? (Nessuna polemica eh, chiedo sinceramente perché non sono aggiornata sulla situazione del mondo serie tv in Italia, ma è interessante come argomento)
Prima di tutto è strano perché fino a qualche mese fa era di prime video, però sti magheggi di marketing non li capisco molto bene quindi vabbè
Netflix ha una strategia per quanto riguarda i format che è funzionale per Netflix ma non per le fiction che vanno in televisione (episodi veloci, fatti per essere guardati tutti in una botta, superficialità, altre cose che sono troppo fusa per sottolineare) e tende a spremere le serie fino a rovinarle, per poi magari cancellarle per motivi che di solito hanno a che fare con i soldi. Vedi cosa è successo con MareFuori, che scommetto ciò che vuoi che è stata rovinata per gli interventi di Netflix sulla scrittura ed è diventata una soap.
UnProfessore non è una serie fatta per stare lì, è una serie di Rai1 molto molto democristiana fatta per essere vista dai giovani così come dalle sessanta/settantenni pensionate innamorate di AleGassmann, ha un format completamente diverso dalle classiche serie teen che vanno su Netflix e il rischio è di trasformare completamente il prodotto fino a renderlo irriconoscibile, così come è successo con MF. Non sto dicendo che il prodotto originale sia perfetto, assolutamente no, però era fine a se stesso e ottimo nella sua bruttezza che alla fine ha ripagato in ogni caso, perché cambiarlo?
Mi auguro sia solo un accordo di distribuzione, ma purtroppo non sono così fiduciosa
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Skin and haircare thoughts re: Steddie fic/headcanons
(I will preface this by saying that it absolutely does not matter because Stranger Things takes place in a world where it's the 1980s but fucking Moby plays when boys die)
The following is mostly based on personal recollections of an 80s childhood/90s adolescence with a smattering of online research to confirm or rule things out:
It's already been pointed out in various places that the Fabergé Organics/Farrah Fawcett hair products Steve recommends to Dustin in season 2 were actually discontinued around that time, so unless Steve had bought up a stash of all the remaining stock like Elaine Benes when they discontinued her favourite contraceptive sponge, he wouldn't have been able to continue using them for long.
(The idea of Steve debating whether a prospective date is hot enough to be worth using some of his favourite hoarded hairspray does charm me.)
(The increasingly scruffy appearance of his hair in seasons 3 and 4 could well be due to not having found an equally good replacement.)
There are often jokes about Steve having an elaborate daily skincare routine while Eddie uses 3(or more)-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/soap/aftershave/mouthwash/etc, but it's worth noting that what we think of as a skincare routine nowadays has really ballooned over recent years in terms of the number of products used and steps required.
The everyday standard in the 1980s for women was simply "cleanse, tone and moisturise," with the addition from time to time of an exfoliating scrub (crushed apricot kernel was super popular for this, like Aapri and St Ives, then later on in the 90s-00s we were told not to use apricot kernel scrub because it was too harsh and jagged and we should use scrubs with these lovely smooth scientific plastic microbeads instead ahahahaha oh dear) and/or a mud pack/mask. The cleanser was often just cold cream (e.g. Pond's) rubbed on and then wiped off with a soft cloth or cotton wool, or a mild soap (e.g. Clinique Facial Soap). Witch hazel was common for toner.
Serums weren't really a popular thing as far as I know until Elizabeth Arden brought out Ceramide capsules in 1990. Even if Steve might be doing a lot more work on his skin than would be conventional for a young man at the time (soap and water, aftershave) it wouldn't appear elaborate by today's standards. That's my main point.
There was also a lot of very stingy, tingly alcohol-based anti-acne stuff (which people liked because they could "feel it working," i.e. hurting, but could increase inflammation or provoke more sebum over-production by being too drying) and anti-ageing creams with collagen were getting popular, but Steve looks like the sort of lucky duck who never had much acne and as a late-teenager is unlikely to be thinking about anti-ageing yet so those probably don't factor in.
2-in-1 shampoo didn't arise until 1987, providing yet another reason why we must resurrect Eddie Munson. So he can use it and expect Steve to be impressed that he upgraded from washing his hair with bar soap.
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titleleaf · 6 months
more on BG Sister Matilda and the Dune Encyclopedia
The Dune Encyclopedia is put together like a collection of different in-universe articles and commentaries, and the result is really interesting if sometimes very frustrating. This kind of meta storytelling approach allowed the contributors to address some of the inadvertent inconsistencies and unexplored elements of the novels' worldbuilding but also to get a little silly with it. The entry on the mandatory SFF fuck-planet Gamont is so freaking weird that I have to share it with my fellow Duneposters -- we're given a passage from the diary of a humble Bene Gesserit laundress as she records the curious customs and peculiar folk songs she encounters there and we get the flavor of the place through her stubbornly innocent POV. This interlude was written by J.R.M. aka Julia Reed; the text that follows is Reed's, while all transcription errors are mine.
[content note: the cultural insensitivity in this is a little different than usual for Dune -- some of the themed areas on Gamont relate to Orientalist and racist fantasies around sexual enslavement drawn from our own Earth history, handled with all the flippancy of a horny Disney theme park. Also the canonicity of this is... dubious.]
Sabhaasdii, nAudrim 28:
Cold and windy again today, but the laundry-room is always warm. Lots of sisters complain about Wallach's weather, but not me. My job is a blessing.
Shannisdii, nAudrim 29:
Entertainment tonight. A very special dinner in honor of His Grace, Duke Philippos from Gallatin and his wife — a great lady, you could tell. After supper in the Great Hall, his musicians played and our choir sang. And that was very nice, but then I almost died! His Grace introduced his mentat — a fine-looking man, but tunic not well pressed — and asked him to very kindly favor us with a demonstration. Well, the mentat looked right at me and asked me what I did, so I told him I was the head laundress. Then he wrote something down on a piece of paper, and asked me to ask him any question that I wanted. Well, I don't know why, but the first thing popped into my head, and I said, "How many stars are in the Lyre Nebula?" Then he passed the note to Reverend Mother and asked her to read it out, and she did — it said "The number of stars in the Lyre Nebula is" — and then some big number. Well, that didn't go over too well. I mean, there was some polite applause, but mentats, after all!
Jehansdii, nAudrim 30:
I think I figured it out, what the mentat did. When I went to work this morning, I picked up the soap box and right on the back there's this big ad for a contest "Name the Stars". And it said, how many stars in the Lyre Nebula, and if you fill it out, you win a prize if you're right. And then I remembered that the mentat asked me what I did first, before anything, I still have his paper for a souvenir. I ought to send it in. Serve him right.
Phyllisdii, neSheustim 15:
I won!!! I can't believe it!!! The mentat was right and I won a Two-Week, All- Expense Paid Trip to Gamont, Planet of Pleasure, wherever that is.
Mothersdii. neSheustim 16:
Well I went to 'see Mother Caius today and it was very strange — very strange indeed. Said no. Said Sister Matilda, the trip would be too strenuous for a woman of your years. My years! I said I'm only fifty-seven add I've been doing laundry for forty years, and the the last eight and you can't be all that weak if you can do that. Then I told her just how much wash there was to be toted around. I promised to take Sister Bertha with me, so Mother said we could keep an eye on one another. Then she said something about innocence being the best protection and sent me off.
Glensdii, neSheustim 25:
I've been so busy I've really neglected my diary. A lot to catch up on. First, I'm writing this from Gamont, which is a very odd place. When we got off the ship, there was a wire fence between us and a line marked "Departures," and over on the other side were some Sardaukars of Salvation playing music and handing out pamphlets and passing the tambour. I was going to give them a donation and get some religious reading for the quiet times, but apparently the law allows them only to talk to a person going home, not one coming in. Then we went outside, and people were singing and natives were putting strings of beads around everyone's neck. These beads are to pay for things on Gamont, you just pop one off and use it like money. A very pretty little boy came running over to me and Bertha and said are you from Wallach, Sisters Matilda and Bertha? We said yes and he winked and handed us two brown envelopes. We looked inside and, goodness, the necklaces must have had two hundred beads on them. Later a man said, "Hey, you're Bene Gesserit." And we said that's right, how did you know? He said the B.G.'s always get their beads in plain envelopes. I don't think I'll ever spend all my beads — I mean, how much can one person eat and drink? Maybe souvenirs for the sisters in the laundry.
Twosday, neSheustim 26:
I'm exhausted. I woke up when it was still dark because I could hear someone breathing in bed with me, and I thought "Poor Bertha, she must be homesick," and I said "Now, now, Bertha," and I turned the light on. But no, it wasn't Bertha but a very handsome young man with a mustache. And I said "Young man, get out of my bed immediately!" and I thought, some hotel to make a mistake like that! Well, I guess I woke up Bertha, too, and she screamed because there was a man in her bed, and my young man said, "But I am your guide to the pleasures of Gamont," and I said it was too dark to see anything on Gamont. Then I called the manager and things got straightened out. He said Ahmed and Pol (the boys) would be available in the morning to take us sightseeing. I think this vacation is going to be more of a strain than the spring cleaning wash.
I certainly learned things about Gamont when it got light. I thought it was for vacations, like the seaside on Kestrel where my parents used to take me, and people would build sandcastles and swim and eat ices in the evening.
Gamont is not like that.
The whole place is divided into what they call little worlds. You go inside one and you can pretend you are someone in the past or future and they do all sorts of unusual things. We got in a carriage drawn by a thorse and Ahmed and Pol started to show us the sights.
First we went to Eden. There was a woman dressed up like a snake at the entrance who wanted us to check our clothing and pick a costume from the rack. On the rack marked "Adams'' were all these leaves of all different sizes (but fake ones — cotton), but they were all marked "Extra-Large." There were different brands, too, Fig, Conan, Stud, though what kind of a tree a stud is, I can't say. Well, I certainly wasn't going to get undressed, so we didn't go in Eden.
I asked Ahmed if there wasn't a seashore we could go to, and he said sure, and we drove off again. We came to a world called Nantucket, and decided to have lunch before going to the beech. There was a restaurant called The Flipping Frog. Food all right. There was entertainment, too — a man and a woman sang a very funny (but sometimes puzzling) song. Here's what I remember about the beginning:
First the girl sang,
"Who's that knocking on my door?" "Who's that knocking on my door?" "Who's that knocking on my door?" Said the fair young maiden.
The boy answered,
"D' ye ken me still, I'm Barnacle Bill, O' the 'Rakis Royal Navy. And here I stand, come from 'neath the sand, With the 'Rakis Royal Navy."
So the girl told him to wipe his feet upon the mat, but there must have been a hundred verses, and our food came, and I don't remember the rest. Afterwards we went to the beach. Bertha and I had a good time wading and enjoying the sun. Ahmed and Pol played cards.
Oh, I almost forgot: Gamont has seven days in its week. They're called Funday, Manday, Twosday, Womanday, Threesday, Tryitday, and Satyrday. When the couple was singing, Bertha almost choked, she was laughing so hard and her face got so red. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "When in Gamont, do as the Gamontians do." So I'm dating my diary differently while we're here. It'll be a nice memento.
Womanday, neSheustim 27:
I had a scare today. Went to Harem World and lost Bertha. We put costumes on — pretty things, but sheer, my goodness, you can see right through them. Little sheer pink top. Full, gathered pantaloon thing. Pretty gold belt. Hand wash, I guess, in cold water. But anyway, I think Bertha's getting upset by the excitement or something. I kept my underwear on when I put the costume on, but Bertha didn't. And I started to scold her, but she just gave me that "When on Gamont" business again.
Well, we went into the palace, and it was beautiful, I must say that for it, but a little gaudy — soft music and water splashing in fountains and men and women lolling around in little dark alcoves. Two huge men in turbans took us to reclining harem-chairs, and I guess I went to sleep. When I woke up Bertha was gone. I yelled for Ahmed and Pol and they came running from somewhere pulling their clothes on. I guess they were napping too. So we looked for Bertha through long dark hallways with men in turbans in front of the doors. They wouldn't let me in, so I just called out at each door we came to. Then we came to a door that said "Sultan's Chamber," and it was open, and inside there was Bertha, stark naked, sitting on a big red velvet pouffy cushion thing. I told the boys to shut their eyes and went in. Bertha just kept grinning, and saying, "The Sultan chose me, the Sultan chose me." I got her dressed and the boys helped me take her back to the hotel. I told Pol to stay in the room with her all day tomorrow and make sure she stayed quiet and rested.
Threesday, Jehannesdii, neSheustim 28:
After yesterday's scare and today's shock, I know I'll live forever, because if they didn't kill me, nothing will. There is a Bene Gesserit House on Gamont! Why didn't Mother Caius tell me? I think I know.
Ahmed was driving me in the carriage through the streets, and I was looking at the places — Ol' Plantation, Gay Paree — when I saw a little shop called "Ve Haf Vays" and I told Ahmed to stop. I'd been wanting to get some souvenirs for the sisters at home, and this was a leather-goods store with beautiful belts and boots in the window. Not much of a selection though — everything was black, besides there were too many buckles and straps and things. They even had whips, though why anyone would want to whip a sweet gentle creature like a thorse I don't know. Anyway, there I was in front of the store when I saw the B.G. emblem on the house on the comer. I couldn't believe my eyes. But I was so happy. I went right up to the door and knocked.
A little old sister opened the door, but she seemed surprised to see me — she said "They usually send younger ones." Then she shook her head and said "No accounting for taste" and led me into the parlor. And all over the walls of the parlor were these pictures of women. Well, I won't try to describe them, but let me tell you I recognized some. There was that nice young (and smart) Helen Mohiam, and it's beyond me why she would let them take a picture of her sun-bathing.
The head of the house (I will not call her Mother) came in, her face all painted and her eyelashes all long and black with some stuff on them. She says, "You're not one of my girls. Who are you?"
"No," I said, "I'm Sister Matilda, the head laundress from Wallach come to see your house. Who are you?”
And she said, "I'm the Procuratrix. Are you a lay sister?"
"Certainly not. I am a regularly professed sister and have been for forty years. And what, I'd like to know, is a lay sister?"
She said, "Oh, think of it as a little joke." And then she began the most garbled and incredible story I've ever heard. It seems there are three kinds of sisters — the regular ones that live in the chapter houses, and some that go into the world and marry and have families — well, I knew that — but then there are others, the lay sisters (some joke!), whose job is to infiltrate the Great Houses and let the sisterhood know what's going on.
"Aren't the women sent to the courts regular sisters?" I asked.
"Well, they are," she said, "in a manner of speaking. You know."
"No, I don't," I said.
"Well, put it this way," she said, "they serve as concubines and sometimes even wives. They come here to Gamont to learn the best ways of pleasing themselves and their royal lovers."
Maxine (that was her name) wanted to give me some brandy, but I'd never drink anything in that place. I went back to the carriage and straight to the hotel. Bertha was gone again, but I thought, she's on her own this time. I packed my things. And Bertha came back with Pol, and I said "I'm leaving." But she said, "We have so many beads left." "Do as you please," I said, "but tomorrow I'm going."
Tryitday Phyllisdii Matilda's Day, neSheustim 29:
When I checked out this morning, I just sat in the lobby. I didn't know where to go — I don't care about Eden or The Ol' Plantation or Harem World, but I don't want to go back to Wallach either. I'm not young, I know, but I'm not stupid, and I'm not sneaky, either. There are things I can do, and do well, and that ought to be enough for anybody. I won't use other people because I wouldn't want them to use me, and I won’t be a part of anything that does. I know what my duty is — I need to tell the Emperor just what's going on here — then it's his problem and I wash my hands of the matter. Pol and Ahmed are here — they flipped a coin (they said it's a local custom) and Ahmed is my guide today. So this diary goes in an envelope for the Imperial Mail. I'll have Ahmed take it there, then I'm going to take my bags and go ask for a job at one of the other places I saw. With my experience I know there’ll be something for me to do at "Suds and Bubbles."
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miladythewinter · 7 months
dune 2 is a feast for the eyes like the first one with amazing photography (shout out to that sequence in the harkonnen's world) and the music is, well, it's hans zimmer and i really enjoy his work. but i don't think i liked this one as much as the first one. it did however feel shorter than it actually is, unlike part 1. austin butler was awesome and i still think timothee is miscast but it also fits with the story being told so i go back and forth on this. all i'll say is that in every other scene he looks bored as hell. i don't think he's suited for this type of role. zendaya puts him in a corner in every scene and btw she deserves so much better than this.
that "Twist" was so soap opera-ish - including feeling like a last minute attempt at something - that it made me chuckle but i presume it's from the book and they felt forced to include it. no comment on the anya taylor joy scene. the bene gesserit and their whole machinations are really interesting and i wish they were in a completely different and better story.
all in all this was just "fine". all i have to highlight about it is really the technical work, despite feeling at times like those elements of the movie were fighting against each other for the spotlight. The rest, such as the inspiration for the story and its orientalism, is self-evident and it's a large part of why this will never be more than "great visuals, beautiful visuals" to me.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Filmmaker Paul McGuigan, born in Bellshill September 19th in 1963.
Paul spent ten years working as a professional photographer for the fashion and music press before becoming a film and television director. His first feature, the television adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s The Acid House won him many admirers and awards followed. His most notable work is the popular TV Conan Doyle version of Sherlock, other TV work includes Monroe, starring James Nesbit, American thriller series, The Family and more recently Marvel’s Luke Cage, and Designated Survivor: both for ABC/Netflix.
His films include Push, Lucky Number Slevin and Gangster No.1 and Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, stars Annette Bening and Jamie Bell.
More recently Paul has been directing stuff for the small screen with the mini-series Dracula, the American mystery-themed thriller Emergence and one of my favourites, the US crime drama Big Sky. His last big production was the mini-series Inside Man, which has David Tennant in the lead role, which had it's moments, but I wasn't overly impressed with it..
Next up for Paul is another S drama series called Judgement which is described as a high-stakes legal soap.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
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🤡 L'ipocrisia di Stati Uniti ed Unione Europea sta tutta qui. Non serve dire altro! 🤔
🌐 Il Mondo, quello vero, non la «bolla di sapone» costituita solamente da USA e UE, sa bene chi lavora per la Pace, e chi - invece - continua a gettare benzina sul fuoco del Conflitto e ad incassare - con la vendita di armi - enormi profitti 💰
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤡 The hypocrisy of the United States and the European Union is all here. Needless to say more! 🤔
🌐 The world, the real one, not the "soap bubble" made up only of the USA and the EU, knows well who works for Peace, and who - on the other hand - continues to throw fuel on the fire of the Conflict and to cash in - with the sale of weapons - huge profits 💰
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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angrennufuin · 3 months
Ranking meme: 1. Worst kissers, 2. Best Dancers, 3. Best... hair? O:
Three!!!! I'm gonna answer these in different posts and just link back.
Best Hair
An excuse for me, Mirkwood Angrennufuin, to talk about hair?? Ohoho. >:3
Aysel - I latched on to a blog post about Lhazaareen pirates being very proud of their hair and extrapolated wildly! So Aysel has midback-length black hair (she shaved it when she was young and mourning, but it has grown back) that she keeps meticulously trimmed, oiled, and otherwise cared for. Nobody else on this list spends even a fraction of the effort on hair health that she does, or has as elaborate and specific a hairstyle. I haven't worked out what all her braids mean, but they definitely mean something -- I like the idea of Aysel braiding prayers or good-luck charms into her hair every morning. I'll put Alis's design notes on her hairstyle at the bottom of this post, but the idea was to give an impression of wild, free-flowing hair that nonetheless is kept out of her face in high winds.
Sûl is an elf and therefore has great hair by default, but doesn't get to be top of the list because she in no way places as much importance on her hair as Aysel does. She has wavy, light brown hair that she mostly wears up or half-up; it's prone to frizz in humidity and a little damaged from her periods of illness. She likes her hair well enough, but has no qualms cutting or dying it as needed. Privately thinks she could rock the bald look but Would Prefer Not To.
Linmir has very silky, very smooth, very straight hair that WAS a beautiful silver-grey and has now turned moon-white, and she doesn't do much to it. (Half-)elf privilege strikes again! When she was younger, she wore it loose (slicked back with camellia oil whenever her aunt could grab her for long enough), and then started wearing it in a high ponytail and dying the ends maroon at the suggestion of her ex. She kept it like that until she got a Dramatic Haircut just before the final battle; a dramatic use of her paladin powers had turned her hair white (with a single gold streak), and she bobbed it.
Rosenrot has long pre-Raphaelite curls in dark brown that she does a moderate amount of maintenance on but largely just keeps in two big braids. It was a great trial to her as a kid, because it's a lot of hair to keep track of for a little girl, and she would sometimes cry while trying to get it untangled. Even now, she usually wheedles Bene or his mom Philomena into doing her braids for her. I don't think she's ever cut it, and I don't think it would occur to her to do so. She loves having it played with.
Silence's hair is bobbed because it's the Fantasy 1920s, but also because when she was ten she got chewing gum stuck in it and it had to get chopped. Her mom's declaration was that she can grow her hair out again when she can prove herself responsible enough to care for it, but Silence kinda likes it short. It only takes ten minutes to brush! It's also lavender and thick but almost pin-straight; she's got major my little pony vibes.
Nee has very wild blonde curls that she has NOT been caring for or maintaining properly lately. She was okay at them in Wizard Grad School, but she's been living rough while on the adventure. And magic makes them do strange and arcane things, so she's largely just clipped them back and given up.
Hongyan has lovely hair (black, hip-length, tiny bit of wave) that he almost certainly has not brushed for the... Month? Two months? Ish? That he's been human. He has been bathed but mostly with like, bar soap. It's a mess. He preens it occasionally but he doesn't understand how hair works, really.
Asa is most frequently perceived as an amorphous blob of wild green curls, which they absent-mindedly tie trinkets and treasures and plants into whenever they feel like it. It's great hair! I love it! It is not, by most people's standards, a candidate for Best Hair.
Aysel hair design:
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Asa's mushroomy head:
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Next two asks:
[Best Dancer]
[Worst Kisser]
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occhidelmondo · 4 months
Cara Francesca,
Sei orgogliosa di me? Lo so, potevo studiare di più, ma lo sai come sono.
Sei felice di vedermi crescere? Tu mi manchi tantissimo, ho bisogno di te, ma tu non puoi più tornare qui. Mia adorata maestra manchi tanto... Lo immaginavi che sarebbe stato così?
Sai ho iniziato a capire che per far questo percorso devo imparare a saper stare da sola, ma è così triste non poter più parlare con te. Ascoltare la tua voce, sentire le tue storie, le tue centrifughe scainiche, la storia della musica raccontanta come una soap opera e ambientata ai giorni nostri, insomma mi manchi tanto tanto. Devo studiare di più, lo so bene cercherò di fare del mio meglio.
Vorrei un tuo abbraccio, un tuo consiglio, una tua parola, ti vorrei qui. Mi manchi tanto.
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m2024a · 6 months
Ecco perché Perla Vatiero ha vinto il Grande Fratello Perla Vatiero, nata nel 1998 ad Angri, in provincia di Salerno. Un nome che i telespettatori Mediaset conoscono bene: è la vincitrice dell’ultima edizione del Grande Fratello, ma anche un’ex concorrente di Temptation Island. Un personaggio semplice ma allo stesso tempo coinvolto in situazioni amorose complesse seppur comuni. Perla e Mirko: la storia infinita La vicenda televisiva di Perla Vatiero inizia, come già detto a Temptation Island, nel 2023. Lei entra in coppia con Mirko Brunetti, ma lui ne esce con un’altra, la tentatrice Greta Rossetti. Il triangolo amoroso, rivelatosi vincente, viene riproposto tale e quale nella casa del Grande Fratello, con Mirko entrato per primo, poi raggiunto da Greta e successivamente da Perla. Ed è lì che l’amore tra i due ritorna. Con alcuni coinquilini che fanno da tramite e altri che li spingono a lasciarsi andare, e il pubblico da casa che ne (s)parla in rete. Anche le rispettive famiglie sono state coinvolte nella loro storia, ciascuna con le proprie dichiarazioni sui social o nelle trasmissioni. Una coppia insomma, che crea dinamiche, nel bene e nel male. Perla batte Beatrice Luzzi Perla Vatiero, pur essendo entrata a metà programma, è arrivata in finale e ha vinto il Grande Fratello. A contendersi il sogno della vittoria (e i 100mila euro, di cui 50mila da devolvere in beneficienza) c’erano Beatrice Luzzi, Rosy Chin, Massimiliano Varrese, Simona Tagli, Perla Vatiero e Letizia Petris. La vittoria di Perla è stata una sorpresa per molti telespettatori, certi della forza di altri personaggi, prima fra tutti Beatrice Luzzi. La Luzzi, con un passato nelle fiction (era Eva Bonelli nella soap opera Vivere), si è fatta conoscere al pubblico del GF e si è distinta per il suo carattere schietto e sincero: lingua tagliente e coraggio, equilibrata ma sincera. Durante il reality ha avuto una storia con Giuseppe Garibaldi. Lo scontro finale al televoto con Perla Vatiero l’ha vista sconfitta materialmente, ma resta comunque uno dei personaggi chiave di questa edizione. Perché Perla Vatiero ha vinto il Grande Fratello? La notorietà di Perla Vatiero, dovuta al “viaggio nei sentimenti” fatto sotto la supervisione di Filippo Bisciglia, è sicuramente la chiave di volta che le ha garantito la vittoria. Perla è diventata un personaggio amato dal pubblico giovane di Temptation Island e molto commentato in rete, ben prima della sua partecipazione al GF. Il suo ruolo di fidanzata tradita, il continuo confronto con l’”altra” (Greta Rossetti), hanno fatto sì che il pubblico femminile si immedesimasse. La sua fandom è solida e instancabile. Il carattere determinato e tenace di Perla Vatiero, e il suo approccio verace alla vita, hanno fatto il resto. Congratulazioni per la vittoria!
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sabunmandicairbandung · 8 months
Jual sabun mandi cair bandung Bandung,wa 0896-3305-7580 Murah
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