#BEEG answer
smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Tell me about Ammon and his coworker! :) What’s their dynamic like, how did they meet, what’s one of their wackiest adventures?
Oh they’re so fun. So with Ammon’s coworker I want him to be from Lurelin. I feel like there’s not enough major characters from Lurelin in these stories (except one guy but I won’t get into him on this post just to avoid spoilers). But yeah he’s a guy from Lurelin and he’s very skilled at spear fighting and throwing. Like his throwing skills are INSANE. He and Ammon are both strong in their own ways basically.
They like to make fun of each other, a lot. It’s all light hearted but they act like brothers all the time. Obviously they need to be professional when in public and around Rhoam, but honestly Rhoam sometimes gets involved in the shenanigans, but that’s mostly after the calamity happens since Rhoam was not vibing that entire time lol. Basically they’re all pretty close but Ammon and his coworker are brothers.
Idk where this came from but I did have a thought that Ammon used to have a brother but he was killed by the Yiga or something so I feel like Ammon really appreciates his coworker for that.
I might change Ammon’s story a tad cuz I think they possibly met in an intense battle where they both defended soldiers or something, but idk. They both definitely show their skill and that’s what makes them worthy to be body guards to the king himself. If I don’t like that idea tho then I’ll just have them meet when they become bodyguards lol. But idk I feel like fighting together in a battle and surviving may strengthen their bind so idk.
And idk what adventures they’ve been on but I’ve been thinking about them losing Rhoam and they have to travel with Impa and Kogha cuz I feel like they’d be SO annoyed with Kogha and itd be fun lol. But that’s all I have!
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dragon-ascent · 9 days
I've had this on my mind for so long and I NEED to share it!
Imagine if reader has bees Morax/Rex Lapis wife/Husband for centruries by now. Two dragons in love BUT BUT, reader is like two or 3 times bigger than him in their dragon form with less bright colors and scarier in appearance. (In different reptile species the "female" tends to be bigger than the male and I just think is funny and has so much potential)
Rex Lapis looking like a noodle next to his spouse, is actually amusing
Aww that's so funny and also so endearing!!
Zhongli can't coil himself around you, but YOU sure can do it to HIM! Just wrapping your long body around his and licking his mane to groom him, and then he does the same but it takes twice as long for him to do it :]
You'd make this literal GOD look like a widdle baby but he wouldn't mind in the slightest! It means it's easier to pamper him <3
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strange0-0storm · 2 days
storm I have a proposal for you
smg4 x yokai watch
smg4 x Doctor Who
Since I technically did a crossover type thing with Doctor Who and SMG4
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I see SMG4 and 3 would be the main guys having the ability to see yokai tbh 😋
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b0tster · 11 months
How short are you with the boots on
6'5" lmao
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bloo-the-dragon · 5 months
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young-rui-official · 8 months
um. hi?
hi!! who're you..? are you someone else from the future..?
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thrandilf · 11 months
What's the full picture of your profile picture? :D
It's part of a screenshot from S4 but I flipped it and edited out a little of the background so it's all just purple!
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I think I had the screenshot myself but couldn't find it immediately on hand so here's a netflix stamped one orz. Free to use though!
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eggs-can-draw · 9 months
Will you rate my art?
(not the ship but my art I ask)
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very shaped!! I like the cartoony look of it :]
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ask-the-icetrancer · 1 year
The anger your experiencing is normal, just let it all out, and you might feel a little bit better after.
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"Finally someone gets it! This is all I've been trying to say, is that so much to ask?"
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acorncake · 2 years
Idk if you've done this already but from smallest to biggest how tall is each Hank?
I have before actually but (somewhat) recently a friend compared them side by side for me. Not all of my h4nks tho like shadow or shark, but ig I should share em too but it's more on length technically
Shark h4nk - 24ft
Shadow h4nk - 60m (roughly 194ft I think?) So he's the biggest
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Also I have no consistency for drawing them at their actual heights alfhekg
They didn't add it here but dragon h4nk does have an alt height of 8ft
Naga may be short than the other mags but hes long enough(35ft) and big enough to eat them (what a bastard)
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ticktocroc · 1 month
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@notmedizin asked:
6'2 tee hee! 📏
gimmie your muses height > accepting
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Medic's gonna have a field day with this one
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apricot-the-apricat · 2 months
3 harolce :0
How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn't stop? (to anyone scrolling through my askgame tag n seeing two different games at once this is (part of) why i include the questions in the post itself)
He's not very easy to annoy in general but I definitely wouldn't call him 'stoic' either, just patient. There are some things that get on his nerves more than they should though, and usually his response is either walking away from the situation if possible or (politely) approaching the person annoying him in an attempt to get them to stop.
A good example of this is people being obnoxious in public, in his tavern specifically. He has zero tolerance for people arguing in the middle of the tavern or starting fights (things escalate quicker than usual when you can easily bite the other person), it's both annoying because they're being inconsiderate of the others in the room and personally distracting when he's tryina focus on playing music. Usually he just tells them to cut it out between songs or something like that, if it doesn't stop that easily he just tries to ignore them or get someone else to help. Thankfully people like him so oftentimes just asking nicely does actually work (and they take it outside or stop entirely) unless there's something actually serious happening.
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osamwah · 5 months
um but b o k u t o or ahem, well, nanami but anyway anyway IM GOING NOW BYE
it actually screams osamu and wriothesley to me 😩👌🏼 but Bokuto too!!
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apnourry · 11 months
True story. I went to see Rat Race in the theater (say it fancy) when it came out (with my pretend lesbian wife that I met online) and the audio was badly synced with the film and everyone walked out and got refunds. I only just watched it recently (last year) for free on YouTube or something like that. It's a pretty silly movie and I've definitely used the phrase "prairie doggin' it" in real life since heheheheaha. (I miss my fake lesbian wife.)
who are you?? there's so much going on here, i love it. I really admire the integration of excellent movie lines into your personal lexicon, it's a chefs kiss move. I also miss your fake lesbian wife🫡
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Rescue Bots x Reader romantic hcs
[A/n: I know its weird that i like these four. Shish.]
Anyways here yall go.
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Beeg frumpy man
Literally just picked you up and said, "I love you. You're mine now." And walked off with you
Hes a tsundere at first but grows softer the longer you're with him.
Fr he needs someone who'll listen to him rant or smth without making fun of him
Give this big boi a hug
He'll be confused, but he'll grow to like it
Kiss the big man.
He got BIG soft lips, well, big compared to you but you get the point.
You may be wondering how the flip they're soft.
The answer is, 'a flip ton of bendy cords and fuel lines layered with some memory foam and waterproof carbon fiber cloth' (same goes for the others)
Another thing you can do is pepper his face plates with kisses
Automatically starts blushing.
VERY protective and lowkey jealous
He carries you around like a baby. Theres no reason for it, thats just what he does. If Kade has any snarky remarks to say about it, you bet Heatwave is gonna clap back with something better.
Treats you like glass.
You're just so teeny tiny compared to him and he doesn't want to hurt you.
He'll feel absolutely terrible if he does.
Despite all of that though, he does generally treat you like a normal person. As well as letting you have your own life.
Do NOT make self deprivating jokes around this dude. For multiple reasons.
1, they make him stressed and sad (he won't admit that hes sad in front of the others tho)
2, It automatically triggers him to be even MORE protective
3, Heatwave will aggressively tell you how much he loves you and how pretty/handsome you are
For example,
'*Squishes your face with his fingers*, "Shush. You're fragging amazing. Say anything like that again, and i'm snuggling you for the entire godamn day."'
He doesn't yell at you though. Just has an aggressive tone.
He does the same for any insecurities you have too.
Oh, and he means every word he says when it comes to his bellicose praises.
"...I warned you, Dear."
*proceeds to pick you up in his hands and lay down somewhere while holding you against his chassis*
LOTS of kisses. Like for real you'll be out of breath when he's done with you.
It doesn't end there either.
He sometimes puts you in the passenger seat if there's an emergency so he can still keep an eye on you.
Depends on the emergency
He gets angrier than usual if you're the one in danger, he only calms down once you're safe.
He loves and supports you so much aaa-
He was VERY blunt when he confessed to you
"(Name). Forgive me for saying but I have fallen in love with you, and wish for you to be my conjunx endura. You don't have to feel the same, but you have the right to know."
He was lowkey surprised when you said you felt the same
Chase proceeded to kneel down and pull you into a hug. You responded with hugging him back along with a kiss on the faceplates, the rest is history.
He loves any kind of affection you give him, just don't use sarcasm, he can't pick up on it.
His love language is usually physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time
Chase only wants three things from you throughout this relationship.
Your happiness, your affection, and your safety.
Though he does want to keep you safe he's not really overprotective.
He insists on carrying you if you're somewhere where one of them could step on you.
You used to go on patrol with him...
Until you almost got merc'd by a haywire lawn mower.
Since then you stay at base, and he always looks forward to seeing you run up to him when he gets back.
Hes not a fan of scary movies, but he'll be fine if you're holding his hand or hugging him.
Bring an inhaler, you'll need it for how much he'll make you laugh
At this point he's still trying to learn human culture... that (un)fortunately includes slang
"(Name), look. I have acquired an 'annelid on a string'"
"Dearest conjunx, what is 'Goated with the sauce' and why does a caprine have a condiment?"
"(Name), what does it mean to 'simp' for someone?"
Whether you feed this fire or not is up to you.
Pet names include; Dearest, Honey, Love, My Light, My Conjunx Endura, ....scrinkle (I'm not sorry)
Despite the mixups with slang, hes still pretty damn blunt.
Not to mention, even with how monotonous Chase is pretty romantic when hes talking to you.
This means that you can tell that he's being honest whenever he starts whispering sweet nothings to you.
And Chase mean everything he says.
And he always looks you in the eyes when he says one specific line, just so you know he really means it.
"I love you"
Oml hes so friggin nervous.
He didn't confess to you... Kade did
He heard Blades talking to Dani about you so he decided to mess with him.
He only admitted it once you said you felt the same
"...you do!? This isn't a cruel joke right?... I.. love you too."
He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the forehead
Lots of snuggles, hand holding, kisses, hugs, carrying you around, you name it!
Flip, he loves touching you in general.
You're just so squishy compared to his kind, he can't help but be enamored
Big touch-starved snugglebug
He likes watching tv with you on his chest
Sometimes the baking shows he comes across motivate him to bake something for you.
Half the time its good, half the time it isn't.
Pet names are; Sweetie, Honey Bunny, Cupcake, Lil Squisha, and My Spark if he's feeling really romantic
Don't yell at him please :(
He will be more anxious and sad if you do.
Its enough from others, it hurts more if its from you.
Unless you're happy and excited. He'll be yelling with you.
Very protective and jealous
He isn't too overbearing with it though
Hes just nervous and scared
Nervous about something/someone hurting you, and scared that someone will take you from him.
Thats why he doesn't take you with him on missions, even with how much he misses you.
Please comfort him when hes scared, he REALLY needs it.
Blades loves your laugh so much
He'll find the cheesiest jokes to say just to get the smallest noise out of you.
He'll be very impressed with whatever talent you have, and will try his best to support you.
He needs it... badly.
Will immediately turn blue and get extremely flustered, but he loves it and won't stop you
He gives you little trinkets he finds at random... well, they're little to him.
"Y/N! I got something for you :3" *Proceeds to place the biggest tumbleweed you've ever seen right in front of you*
Sometimes, Blades legit out of nowhere picks you and and carries you somewhere where nobody else is around
He proceeds to lay down and put you on his chest
Totally peppers your face in kisses before looking you right in your eyes and saying how much he loves you.
"I love you so much, Honey bunny. You're my little cupcake and i won't give you up for anything or anyone. I promise."
Hes so sweet to you
It took some encouragement and advice from Gram for him to confess to you, but he did it!
He went out and picked a bouquet for you too
He sat down criss cross applesauce and told you how he felt after taking a deep breath.
"(Name)... I have.. developed some strong feelings for you.. romantic ones. You don't have to say yes, but i still want to ask.. will you please be my love for life?"
You of course said yes and gave him a hug before he could even give you your bouquet
He closed his eyes and returned the hug, all the while rubbing your back.
Dates at the zoo are a must. Obviously. Like cmon now. This is Boulder we're talking about.
Will bring you random plants and animals and ask if he can keep them
If not that, then he'll pick flowers and other plants for you. Ofc he makes sure theyre not spiky.
He paints for you.
Theres nothing he loves more than your lips
Well- he loves your tummy too.
Its a tie
(They all do but you get the point)
Like Heatwave, he carries you like a baby. But he just does it because he thinks you're cute.
Like for real, to Boulder, you're the cutest little fleshy he's ever seen.
Until he sees a baby.
He looks at you with the most "🥺" expression ever
"No we're not having a baby, bubbas. Sorry"
His pet names for you are; Dearest, Bunny, My Flower, Small one, Sweetie, Dove, Angelfish, Wifey/Hubby/Lovey (whichever you prefer or identify as)
He loves you, but no. You can't go w him on emergencies.
Literally on the verge of tears if you're the one in danger
If that happens, prepare to be snuggled for 3 days straight.
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alianarepasa · 6 months
Meme Swap: Side Story Part 1 - No One Can Hear Them Speak!!
Summary: While Beeg and Eggdog are have their own mischief adventure, pretending as their owners, SMG3 and SMG4 have their own adventures in their pets' body as they try their best to find them to fix the bodyswap mess. This fanfic is a celebration for hitting 200+ reads on Meme Swap and will only have three parts.
Tags: Comedy, Body Swap, Family fluff
Note: It is recommended that you should read Meme Swap by @shygirl4991 first before reading this! Thanks to them for accepting and be the proof-reader for the fanfic!
2nd Part
Eggdog's eyes light up at the thought of being able to eat ice cream, he frowns looking at his dad then at Beeg. To the shock of Three he watches as Eggdog agrees and runs off with Beeg, this was bad news as Three and Four exchange looks.
"...Are you kidding me... Did Eggdog just-" as SMG3 was about to say anything, SMG4 screamed in a panic.
They couldn't believe in their eyes, their own pets, who are now in their bodies, literally ditch them! Especially for Eggdog, at which point, he agrees to help them, but when Beeg SMG4 instantly suggests that they could just run around and possibly pretend to be them, Eggdog agrees with him and they just... DITCH THEM?! This caused SMG3 to be angrily pissed.
While they're continually arguing to each other on who are the ones that are the faults for causing the bodyswap mess, at the otherside of the room, Bob and Boopkin could hear the commotion. Except, it's not the usual arguing they both hear sometimes from those two. All they could hear was... meme noises?
"Huh? Sounded like Three and Four's pets are... fighting? Should we tell Three and Four about this?" Boopkin asked Bob. "LOL! AS IF! THAT'S THEIR KIDS! THEY'RE SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO CAN STOP IT. LET THEIR STUPID PET BE!" Bob concluded with the "a bit mean but does kinda have a point" answer to Boopkin, as those two continued went back to what they are doing. Meanwhile for Four and Three, they're still arguing about it, until Four groans and has enough with it.
"YOU KNOW WHAT? CAN WE JUST ARGUE ABOUT THIS LATER, AND ASK ANYONE TO HELP US OUT?" SMG4 begged as he knows that this argument can lead to nowhere if they keep this up. "Ugh fine! Let's get this over with and get our body back! Who knows what those two are doing with it." SMG3 rolled his eyes and responded with an agreement to Four, as he does have a point, who REALLY knows what those two boys are up to. With that, they left the room.
As they are now in the main lobby, they noticed how much scarily bigger the room is. With them being in their pets' body, who are structurally small that needed to be carried, it gives the vibe that the room became more like a giant flat stadium, than a lobby. Both Four and Three then looked around the area and found Saiko. They quickly ran up to her, with Four asking for help.
"Hey Saiko! Please help us here!" Saiko looked down as she heard the noise. "I know this may sound strange, but this is us! SMG4 and SMG3! We accidentally got ourselves bodyswapped with our pets! Can you please tell us where they went?" SMG4 pleaded in a slight desperation, not realizing that to Saiko, all she can hear is his meme noise. "Awwww, hello you little ones! Are you looking for your owners?" Saiko said in a cutesy voice to Four and Three. "Wait- I- wha-?!" SMG4 was puzzled at what Saiko said, including SMG3, who was surprised by that answer. Did Saiko misheard what Four said? SMG4 tries to correct Saiko.
"Uhh... haha... No Saiko, we are THE owners... We're just looking for our pets who are now in our bodies! Have you seen them?" Again, to Saiko, all she could hear from him was a multiple pufferfish meme sound. "Oh? Do you guys want to play then? I can get you two guys some toys!" Saiko asked, as if she ignored his question. SMG4's eyes then started to widen. "...Tha-that's not what I said..." SMG4 muttered frighteningly, as he then looked at SMG3, who also has the same reaction as he has. This doesn't feel right at all, did Saiko not understand what he said? As they're about to freak out, Melony walks in. "Hey Saiko! Is there something wrong?" She asked a question to Saiko. SMG3 then instantly tries to call on Melony to get his attention and see if she can hear him.
"OI! MELONY! TELL SAIKO THAT WE DON'T WANT ONE ANY OF THOSE, AND WE WERE JUST ASKING ON WHERE DID OUR PETS WENT! WE-" As SMG3 continued to explain everything to Melony, like how Saiko misunderstood what SMG4 said, both of the girls misunderstood what SMG3 said, as all they could hear from him was barking. Saiko pointed at those two on what's going on, in which Melony then started to guess herself.
"Hmmm, maybe they're asking where my pet, Axol Jr. is? They probably want to play with him." Melony assumed to Saiko that might be the case, which made SMG3 instantly start to yell at them. "WHAT?! WE DON'T WANT TO GO ON PLAYDATE WITH HIM!! DO YOU GUYS EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT I EVEN SAID?" This cause SMG4 to have a scary thought of something after what SMG3 said, what if they couldn't understand them? As if their way of speaking are... more for memery... SMG4 then holds SMG3, and rotates him, as he tells Three an awful revelation.
"Three... I think they can't hear us speak..." He said in a frightened expression. "Huh?! What makes you say that?!" SMG3 asked with a shocking yet angrily confused expression. "Three, we're LITERALLY stuck in our own pet's body! If Beeg and Eggdog CAN understand us, but the others do not... it means we're only been speaking in meme language this whole time..." SMG4 frighteningly explained, in which it caused SMG3 to freeze as he realized that could be the reason that the two girls misunderstood them. They can only speak a language that only Three, Four and their pets can understand. SMG3 then started to scream and panic.
"OH MY GOD! IF WE HAVE BEEN SPEAKING IN THE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE TO THE OTHERS, WE'RE LITERALLY! DOOMED!!!" He panickedly shuddered. "HOW IN THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS STUPID SITUATION WE ARE IN IF THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND US?" He added as he is feeling more scared about it. "I DON'T KNOW!" SMG4 responded worryingly. "THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO IS TO SPEAK TO OUR PETS! THEY'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN UNDERSTAND US!" He added, in which cause for Three to sarcastically agree on Four. "Yea! Sure! Let's just hope our kids would DEFINITELY listen this time, and finally get our bodies back! Because last time I asked Eggdog to switch us back, your pet DEFINITELY did not just... oh I don't know... BRIBE HIM TO DITCH THAT IDEA AND LEAVE US LIKE THIS!!!" he barked at Four angrily. "Well, do you have any other ideas that YOU think will solve this problem?!" Four asked in an annoyed manner.
As Three was about to say something, it got interrupted as they heard someone in the other room. "Okay Melony! I'm done setting the room up! Can you get those two little ones, and place them here please?" It seems like the meme guardians got distracted with their conversation, that the two girls had left, and have set up a playdate with Axol Jr. This will not end well. "Oh no..." they said in terrified unison. Four instantly rushes himself into the lobby's main door, and tries to pull the door open, trying to escape from this "playdate", but due to his current body, he struggles to at least move the door, even a bit.
"C'mon... C'MON!!!" He pulled, and pulled, but had no luck. Three meanwhile can only watch due to his body having no arms, or even hands. I mean sure, Eggdog could still hold anything, but for Three, this is like stuck into a new body, meaning he doesn't know what or how even those Eggdogs, including his own kid, can even interact with the item. After a few seconds of trying, SMG4 tired himself out, and started to doubt himself. "There's no use! I can't pull it to get it open!" He turns to Three. "Any other good escape route?!" "uhhh..." SMG3 looks around anxiously in a hurry. He moves a bit to find an alternate route and sees the window. "Aha! How about the window?" He suggested in which SMG4 agrees. They instantly went into the window, with Four jumping into the window frame and trying to open it, but like the door, it is completely shut. "Damn it-" as he tries to punch the window glass, it causes him to get hurt. "Ow!" Three responded by going up to the wall, and banging his head once, after seeing that, pretty much a substitute for a hand as a facepalm.
As Four jumps down to the floor and about to give up, they instantly hear the knock, which makes Four have an idea. He whispered to Three about the plan to him and got the nod. Meanwhile, both Saiko and Melony left the guest room. As Melony went to find the kids, Saiko instantly went up to the door, and opened it, instantly saying hi, as it is Kaizo. As those two started talking, the meme guardians instantly sneak out while not getting caught by two girls and the demon. With the door still open, Three and Four swiftly went outside. This however caused Melony to go up to Saiko and Kaizo, and ask where those two were, in which they shrugged, without knowing that they completely escaped.
As they ran out of the castle, SMG4 started to look around and worrying over a runaway memes in their bodies, while SMG3 however, is still mad that his own precious egg son got tempted by that freeloader pet. Four's worriedness is more for the fact he is scared of what those two would even do in their bodies, amplifying to the fact that he saw the sun is setting, and he has these scary thoughts running through his head, with one of them made him think that if the sun goes down, or the time hits midnight, would that mean they will be stuck like this for eternity? And if that would be the case, is it even possible to do it again unless it would take a long time or even years for them to repeat that spell. Even if those thoughts aren't accurate, he knows damn sure that his trouble-making child doesn't want to go back to his original body that Four is currently stuck in. As much as Four knows that Beeg would sometimes cause trouble, he knows that Beeg is literally still a kid, or at least, he's pretty sure he just acted like a kid even if it was his meme pet to begin with.
Three's thought on the other hand is more mad at Beeg than Eggdog. Yea sure, he felt betrayed that Eggdog would ever do such a thing, after becoming his new right-hand man, but he does admit that being mad at Eggdog is a bit too cruel for him to do that, he can be strict, but he isn't overly too strict, it was more for the fact that Beeg was the one being the main source of Eggdog started to not listening to him. However, once the body swap issue is resolved, he is definitely going to give those two a good grounding, possibly a month or so.
As the two are trying to find the kids, Four then asks if there is any sign of them, in which Three replied with a no. As they looked around, SMG3 heard a familiar sounding voices. He turns around and instantly recognizes that it was Meggy and Tari.
"-and he said something about wanting to marry him or something along those lines? Which caught me off guard coming from him" Meggy informed Tari about what happened earlier, which Three meanwhile couldn't make out on who they were talking to. Tari however, giggled, yet surprised from that information that Meggy explained about, which of course the former inkling starts giggling on that idea as well. This caused Three to have an idea, as he instantly went to Four.
"Hey SMG4!" he called as Four got his attention. "Maybe if we make enough noise, we can get the squid's attention!" he exclaimed to Four as he had planned. SMG4 however doubted Three's plan. "What?! Have you forgotten what I said about-" Four's explanation got interrupted by Three. "Yea! Yea! They can't understand us in this condition we are in! But that's possibly because they aren't too big brain enough that it was us! The ginger-haired squid meanwhile is!" Three explained as Four thought to himself that he does somewhat have a point. Meggy is smarter than anyone else in the group, so it makes sense that maybe Meggy could read their body language and see if she can read that something is off. Four then had no other choice but to agree on Three's plan and instantly walk up to them.
Meggy and Tari meanwhile continued the conversation, not until it got interrupted with the noise. They looked around and saw that it was "Beeg SMG4" and "Eggdog". Not surprising enough, even the smarter person Meggy, couldn't tell that it was SMG4 and SMG3 who were stuck in their own meme pets' body. Tari then asked Meggy as she looked at the pair concerned. "Uh... is Four and Three's pets okay? They seem to be more noisy than usual." Meggy then smiled at the pair. "Maybe they're hungry!" That isn't already a good sign for Three and Four to hear as Meggy didn't recognize that something is off. "Come on Tari, let's get them food!" She exclaimed as she and Tari started to walk away. SMG4 then panics as he tries to follow them. "Meggy don't leave us here! MEGGY HELP US!!!" He then falls into the floor and frowns, while Three looks at the girls before instantly looks back at his meme guardian partner saddened by what he and Four saw. Four then sadly tells Three the conclusion of it. "It's over SMG3, no one really understands us..."
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