kitty-c4t · 5 months
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You will now dance forever >:)
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Daniel when he saw Louis was going to forgive Armand:
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( This is probably only funny to me 😅 )
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homosexualslug · 3 months
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realized that both the beginning and the end of the happy paris stage of Loumand's relationship has this same contrasting orange to blue/green color scheme. and like. the visual metaphor of Armand literally leaving his cold, lifeless world behind him and choosing the bright, golden warmth of life with Louis instead of killing him like he was supposed to in that tunnel. but as soon as he chooses the coven over Louis, he separates from the warmth like oil in water that was never supposed to be there. and now he's back out in the cold. I'm normal about this, btw.
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claudia-lioncourt · 9 days
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I have loved you with all myself.
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, Season 1 Episode 7: "The Thing Lay Still"
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gothicwill · 25 days
I really dgaf that Louis was a serial killer in the 70s I’m more irked by the fact that he’s a landlord tbh
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mintoil · 26 days
idk why people were acting like louis was lying or projecting when he said armand was boring. he's an interesting character from a viewing perspective, but imagine that being the only person you're around all day everyday for 70 years. he has no job, no social life, no interests no hobbies, bro said "a vampire with hobbies, absurd", what else do you even have to do. pick up bird watching or something instead of telepathically listening to your boyfriend get piped across the city every other night. on top of that he throws a tantrum so bad he has to wipe your memory because you made one singular friend in 30 years oml.
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jaypentaghast · 1 month
Maybe a family could be two horrible dads, their ghost daughter with her ghost wife, her ex step-dad who planned her murder and step-dad's 70 year old boytoy
Maybe. In some other universe.
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jaggedjot · 4 months
There is a deep rooted bitterness underneath Claudia’s immediately infamous “two blood fat cocks slapping hands” line. After having spent more than a cumulative decade of her life searching for another vampire and being met with nothing but silence or pain, Claudia was welcomed by more than a dozen in one night, only to then be told by Louis that she should not see them again. It must reignite the resentment Claudia felt towards Louis’ open pessimism and misery while they travelled through Eastern Europe. The purposeful crudeness of the line, a sudden sour note after her teasing Louis’ fear “of your own lust”, suggests her frustration at being unable to fulfil her sexual desires. The disagreement the pair have in this scene about the significance of Lestat’s portrait reflects the larger rift in their relationship over Louis’ unwillingness to move past Lestat (“He's a hundred-and-something-year-old painting in a frame.” “They got a fսcking shrine to him!”). Claudia’s life was forcibly shaped time and time again to better serve Louis and Lestat’s love for each other; turned into a vampire so that they could repair their relationship, intimidated and hurt when she encouraged Louis to leave Lestat, made prisoner by Lestat ostensibly for Louis’ welfare, and now the memory of that relationship threatens her newfound kinship. It is galling enough that her long awaited introduction to a vampire community comes as an afterthought tacked onto Louis’ hand delivered invitation (“Come. And bring the petite beauty with you.”, “Monsieur de Pointe du Lac. Our finest seats.”), but the realisation that even that was determined by another man’s attraction to Louis has to be beyond infuriating. 
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vampmarie · 6 months
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more vamp kisses<3 loumands turn
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mugentakeda · 2 months
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autiwara · 30 days
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Edit: I'm over it, it's slowly growing on me
It's so crazy how you can spend almost 30 hours on something and still end up disliking it being an artist is so fun and cool </3
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genuinely my favorite thing about louis is the atrocities. he's cute and all and he's funny and kind sometimes but also...... he makes terrible decisions, hurts others and himself, is arrogant and avoidant and has depression as well as terrible taste in men. he frequently manipulates himself and others without even meaning to and the lies he's told himself about his own life have influenced him so greatly that he can't even recount events from his own life without unintentionally twisting them to show him in the position that is most cathartic for him to talk about. through all of this i still love him unconditionally. it's such an interesting character concept. what if your protagonist and narrator was so unreliable and whiny and biased all the time but you're hearing a nuanced portrait of his feelings as he made all these dumb as hell decisions. would you still sympathize with him? could you do it?
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polarsirens · 2 years
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what could have been (i’m sorry thumbelina)
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claudia is world's strongest soldier fr
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danielsarmand · 3 months
just imagined A Situation where louis, lestat, armand and daniel are all in the same place years after the dubai chapter and they find themselves surrounded by REAL danger so armand goes to try and fend off the worst of it and asks lestat to go with since they're the two oldest vampires of the bunch but louis steps up and says something like “no, he’ll stay behind with daniel, he can protect him” and armand just stares at him until louis adds “and you’ll protect me”. then daniel is all like “do i not get a say in this” and armand and louis go “no” in perfect sync and just like that they’re off and lestat is on babysitting duty for the night
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moggettt · 1 year
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just some guys being pirates being dudes :D
s2 is consuming my every waking thought 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
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