#BDAY!!!!!!!!! BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes 5 wen did this  HAPPEN !!!!!!!
catcrazies-midnight · 2 years
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libra-stellium · 4 months
Tracking Mars transits!
Notes from Planet in Transit - Robert Hand
Mars opposite Sun (Apr 30 - May 6)
This can be a time when some activity of yours is brought to a triumphal climax
This could be few things: my nails were so long and I was so proud of them (writing this on 6/3 and they're all broken now lmfao), i finally found a spray that worked to get rid of the mold on my bathroom walls, and I successfully made red thai curry chicken on my first try!
This activity may have started during the last transit of Mars conjunct your natal sun (Aug 26 - Sept 3 2023)
That was around the time when I started intentionally making food at home more and it was not going well lol i had chef block! And almost a year later I was making red thai curry chicken HEALED
The last transit of Mars square your natal sun (Jan 3 - Jan 10 2024) you had to face a challenge, if you survived successfully you will now enjoy the fruition of that effort
I don't remember if I faced a challenge lol during that time at work is when they asked me to sit in court with them to time the arguments for 20 days 9-5 and I thought I should quit lmao but nothing related to that happened in May....maybe it was a mental thing! I could stretch it and say that when they asked me that I panicked that I had nothing to wear (and hated my outfits the 3 days i went to court bc they ended up not needing me for 20 days lol) but in May I wore this really cute outfit out!
Mars trine Jupiter (May 9 - May 16)
One of the best transits for any kind of activity, high energy, feeling good, belief that you can do twice as much work
I did a lot! I cooked, I went to zumba, I went to get my friend a parking pass which ended up being like a two day ordeal lmao
Extremely favorable time for any physical activity, muscles have unusually good tone and vigor
Yep! Zumba was great! Also on 5/12 I got this body composition thing done at the gym and it was so funny bc as the guy is explaining to me that most people are not symmetrical he reads my results and was like "oh! I guess you are" lmaooo he doesn't know i'm a libra like of course I would be balanced on this thing lol
You are able to act with a complete picture in mind of what you are doing
I've been working on a 3000 piece puzzle and I got the bright idea to put the part of the puzzle away that I already finished bc looking at the size of it is overwhelming! I made so much progress in a couple days compared to a couple months
You can plan with greater foresight and thereby avoid pitfalls and be regarded as lucky
This! I felt so lucky getting my friend that parking pass bc we saved $55! I wen to go pick up a long term pass for 7 days and it was $150 and the guy in the office told me that if I came back the next day I could get the monthly pass for may instead half off for $95 and I was like BET and came back the next day to get it! It was also less work than the long term pass bc all they needed was my name not even a license plate
Particularly favorable time for any work that can advance your own interests
Spent time making the itinerary for my trip to Amsterdam!
Mars opposite Moon ( May 20 - May 27)
When I read about this transit I was so scared of it lmfao I was like omgggg this is literally my trip what if my bestie and I have a falling out? LMFAO absolutely ridiculous i've known her since 2007 there's no turning back now lol
Emotionally based relationships may be somewhat difficult, women may be especially hard to deal with, this transit creates emotional confrontations forcing you to master aspects of yourself you're not usually aware of, confrontations will be most powerful in your closest emotional relations
When I came back from my trip on 5/26, on my aunt's bday, after she opened the gifts I got her she told me how she shared my pics with my mom i'm NC with..... and I was like wtf??? why would you do that?? I felt so violated!! My moon is in the 8H so honestly it wouldn't be normal if I didn't get hit with some random act of betrayal from family frfr
If you are not self aware your actions will be dictated by irrational desires
I AM self aware! I was so angry at her for doing it but I didn't snap! I took 5 days to think it over before bringing it up again
Period of testing and confrontation which points to relationship tensions
yeah this was really showing how on my mom's side my aunt is bc it was so easy for her to disregard my boundaries just bc she "felt bad" my mom was sad and I honestly think it's bc I'm doing well in life so it looks like I'm the "bad person" to her bc i'm not suffering from going NC *rolls eyes*
Conflicts at this time all serve to creatively release tensions that have been buried within you and to increase your self knowledge
True! Bc what a random way to confront the whole "whose side are you on??" with my aunt willingly telling me that she share my trip pictures with the one person i intentionally removed from my life lol
Mars opposite Mercury (May 22 - May 29)
This overlapped with the Mars opposite moon above! And I avoided bringing it up again until 5/30 bc I knew i had this transit lol the boundary I set with my aunt was that she would no longer be getting pictures of what i'm doing and getting details about them bc I can't trust that she's not going to randomly "feel bad" and share with my mom and she responded "I respect your decision"
Today may be full of disputes and arguments
Not a good day for trying to settle arguments because neither you nor your opponent will budge
Your ego is thoroughly bound up with your opinions
Make sure that there’s a real issue at stake and only if you have a real position then defend it
Excellent day for any kind of mental work as long as you don’t have to work with others
Hasty because energy is high but self discipline should help
Be careful for any situation that has potential for accidents especially while traveling
Mars square Neptune (May 26 - June 2)
Deal with feelings of doubt, discouragement and inadequacy
I was feeling bad at work bc I've been so mentally exhausted I haven't been able to complete my work and I feel so bad about it like they're going to message me and tell me they know I haven't been doing shit lol
Taking the easy way will have you face even more discouraging consequences as a result
This may be a stretch but I was EXTREMELY bloated during this time because I was opting for snacking instead of full meals or just eating at weird hours instead of sticking to a schedule lol that was me taking the easy way and I couldn't sleep some nights
Your physical energies are low at this time, try to relax, body is more subject than usual to minor infections, chills, fever, and excessive physical strain should be avoided
Forgot about this transit and I went to bodypump on 5/29 and I can still feel the soreness in my armpits omg and I could barely walk on 5/30 lol I think the weights I picked were too heavy for this day
You'll have a successful transit if you conserve energies and confront your fears
I was exhausted lol mission failed! But i had fun so lol
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morifinwes · 4 years
hey laura!! yeah tumblr was acting up but i’m glad they’re going through now :3 that sounds like a good plan btw! (also oh no, hope everything is fine and that you get well soon! 💕)
oooo i’ll keep that in mind to wish you then ! tbh i never really know what i want for my bday so i just ask for books or smth that’s always a safe option fjdjs although i’ve gotten multiple copies of the same book on so many occasions i had to give them away to other people T-T
ahhhh that’s a smart choice!! you’re right that’s basically when the whole thing started going sideways (esp for wwx poor dude) it could possibly have *some* bad repercussions but like.... nothing can be worse than ur brother losing his core and you having to go through an excruciating process to give your core to him,,, right?
honestly, i would pick the same event, but if jc had to lose his core, then i would probably pick ‘wei ying come back to gusu with me’ bc a) wangxian wouldn’t have terrible misunderstandings for like . y e a r s b) the wens would have a better fate. gusu would suffer some consequences (i’m sorry lxc for all the diplomatic sht this would cause :p) and wwx would still have no golden core but ! it’s the best fix-it to canon after wwx gives his core to jc (if that makes any sense hdjd)
oooo omg i just googled dresden and apparently it’s famous for art museums? i could literally spend an entire day and then some at art museums (it’s actually happened once my friends almost abandoned me bc i was taking too long and ranting about impressionistic techniques :’)) so i’d love to visit! i’ve never been to germany but castles >>> especially the really old creepy ones oooo (and new zealand is an amazing place! esp if you enjoy hiking/extreme sports i would recommend kayaking there!)
okay today’s questions!
⭐️ cant think of any *deep introspective* questions today so,, top five wangxian moments? :3
⭐️ question about u! when did you join tumblr? and why?
ok that’s it for today! i should actually be studying so i’m sending this a bit early hehe >.< have an amazing day ! (^∇^)- 🍵
that sounds like a good decision!! ajsksk ngl now i'm curios about a wangxian fix-it au where wwx goes back with lwj to gusu. my family used to visit castles when i was young, we live in an area where a lot of castles are so for me it's kind of normal ig?
i've only seen pictures from dresden and ajkdksks i so badly want to go there. my sister went with my dad once, she really enjoyed it. also yeah art!!
top 5 wangxian moments (in no particular order)
1. when lwj carries wwx!!
2. the xuanwu cave when lwj hums/sings wangxian
3. you know the jingshi scene in cql? with the "luckily in this world somebody still trusts you?" yeah that one had me crying
4. the scene where wwx learns that lwj took in a-yuan
5. the bunny lantern scene in cql!!! (that one is just... so soft and lwj is soft and soft lwj is like !!!! also it was one of lwj's best looks)
i joined once in 2018 but i wasn't active really? one of my friends bullied me into it. then at the beginning of the year i got into it again, i deleted my old blog and made a new on which eventually resulted in the side blog. i actually didn't think i would enjoy it so much like i do now, it was just supposed to be some relaxing while being in quarantine etc. and then i got one of my online friends to get tumblr!! she's not very active but we talk a lot
ahssjs i know the feeling! have a great day 🥰💞
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