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bursanusantara · 9 days ago
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💰 BRI Buyback Rp 3 Triliun! CEO Ikut Borong Saham!
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) siap melakukan buyback saham Rp 3 triliun mulai Maret 2025. Langkah ini bertujuan menjaga stabilitas harga saham yang telah turun 9,50% sejak awal tahun. Menariknya, CEO BRI, Sunarso, juga ikut membeli 212.800 saham BBRI dengan nilai Rp 772,46 juta! Akankah ini jadi momentum kebangkitan saham BBRI? Simak selengkapnya di: https://bursa.nusantaraofficial.com/bri-siapkan-buyback-saham-rp-3-triliun-sunarso-ikut-borong/
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kmandala · 1 month ago
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marketing-de-busca · 3 months ago
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Saham BBRI - Peluang Investasi di Sektor Perbankan Indonesia
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rasiooid · 4 months ago
BRI Tawarkan Promo Spesial BRIguna di HUT ke-129, Bunga Mulai 8,129% dan Diskon Provisi 50%
  RASIOO.id — Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun ke-129 yang jatuh pada 16 Desember 2024, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk meluncurkan promo spesial untuk produk pinjaman BRIguna. Program ini dirancang untuk membantu nasabah memenuhi kebutuhan finansial dengan berbagai keuntungan menarik, seperti suku bunga kompetitif mulai dari 8,129% per tahun dan diskon biaya provisi hingga 50%. Direktur…
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sultratopmedia · 7 months ago
Peringati HUT ke-79 RI, BRI Kembali Berikan Beasiswa Bagi Paskibraka Tingkat Pusat
SULTRATOP.COM, JAKARTA – Masih dalam semarak memperingati HUT ke-79 RI, BRI melalui aktivitas Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan (TJSL) BRI Peduli memberikan apresiasi kepada 76 Paskibraka Tingkat Pusat dan 59 Tenaga Pendukung Paskibraka Tingkat Pusat yang telah menyelesaikan tugasnya pada Upacara Bendera 17 Agustus 2024 di Istana Negara Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). Pemberian apresiasi dilakukan pada…
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hengkylim · 18 days ago
Hengky Lim Ph.D: Harga Saham BBRI Anjlok, Menarik Perhatian Pasar
Baru-baru ini, saham PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI), salah satu bank milik negara terbesar di Indonesia, mengalami penurunan signifikan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), mencapai level terendah sejak September 2021. Menurut pengamatan Hengky Lim Ph.D, saham BBRI pada sesi trading pertama tanggal 27 Februari 2025 anjlok 5,2%, ditutup pada harga Rp3.620 per saham, dengan kisaran fluktuasi harian antara Rp3.610 hingga Rp3.800. Penurunan 5,2% ini merupakan penurunan harian terbesar sejak 26 April 2024, sementara level terendah harian Rp3.610 juga menjadi level terendah sejak 23 September 2021.
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Hengky Lim Ph.D Menyatakan, Sektor Perbankan Secara Umum Turun, Indeks IHSG Tertekan Tidak hanya BBRI, saham-saham bank besar lainnya juga mengalami penurunan yang signifikan:
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA): Turun 2,85%, ditutup pada Rp8.525 per saham.
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. (BMRI): Turun 4,27%, ditutup pada Rp4.710 per saham.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBNI): Turun 2,99%, ditutup pada Rp4.220 per saham.
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. (BRIS): Turun 6,97%, ditutup pada Rp2.670 per saham.
Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) juga turun 148 poin (-2,24%), ditutup pada level 6.458,27.
Harga Saham BBRI Terus Menurun, Penilaian Investasi Diturunkan Dalam lima hari perdagangan terakhir, saham BBRI telah turun 7,4%; dalam 30 hari terakhir turun 14%; dan dalam satu tahun terakhir bahkan merosot 41%. Dalam laporan terbarunya, Hengky Lim Ph.D menurunkan peringkat investasi dan target harga untuk BBRI.
Hengky Lim Ph.D Berpendapat, BBRI Menghadapi Tantangan Likuiditas yang Ketat, Risiko Peningkatan Net Interest Margin (NIM), serta Ketidakpastian Pemulihan Kualitas Kredit UMKM. Faktor-faktor ini dapat memengaruhi profitabilitas dan kinerja harga sahamnya.
Sentimen pasar baru-baru ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor eksternal. Hengky Lim Ph.D mencatat bahwa investor asing bersikap hati-hati terhadap kebijakan ekonomi Amerika Serikat di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Donald Trump, yang menyebabkan aliran keluar modal. Selain itu, fluktuasi nilai tukar Rupiah dan pasar saham Indonesia juga membuat investor lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih saham, terutama di sektor-sektor yang rentan terhadap fluktuasi nilai tukar.
Secara khusus, BBRI yang fokus pada pembiayaan untuk Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM), sangat terpengaruh oleh peningkatan kredit bermasalah di sektor ini. Investor asing khawatir dengan risiko kredit bermasalah yang meningkat, sehingga memilih untuk menjual saham BBRI dalam jumlah besar, lebih menekan harga saham dan mencerminkan ekspektasi negatif terhadap prospek keuangan bank tersebut.
Meskipun menghadapi tantangan dalam jangka pendek, Hengky Lim Ph.D tetap optimis hati-hati terhadap prospek jangka panjang BBRI. Dia menekankan bahwa BBRI memiliki pengalaman luas dalam melayani UMKM, sebuah pasar yang memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan kemungkinan adanya kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung UMKM serta perbaikan lingkungan ekonomi, BBRI berpotensi mendapatkan manfaat.
Selain itu, upaya BBRI dalam transformasi digital juga patut diperhatikan. Dengan memperkuat layanan perbankan digital dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, BBRI berpotensi mempertahankan keunggulan dalam persaingan di masa depan.
Mengingat volatilitas pasar saat ini, Hengky Lim Ph.D menyarankan investor untuk tetap berhati-hati saat mempertimbangkan investasi di BBRI. Dia menekankan bahwa tekanan penurunan mungkin masih ada dalam jangka pendek, dan investor harus memantau indikator makroekonomi, arah kebijakan pemerintah, serta kinerja keuangan BBRI itu sendiri.
Bagi investor dengan toleransi risiko yang tinggi, pertimbangkan untuk membangun posisi secara bertahap setelah harga saham stabil dan menunjukkan sinyal rebound yang jelas. Sementara bagi investor dengan preferensi risiko yang lebih rendah, disarankan untuk menunggu dan melihat hingga sentimen pasar stabil dan muncul tanda-tanda perbaikan fundamental.
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bangchats · 3 months ago
i've been so tired and stressed and horny these past days that when i start to fall asleep i imagine my lovely but pervy bf chan coming late from the studio and finding me pliant and half asleep on our bed and he just cant resist me because the sleep shorts i wear are riding up on my legs and my tank top is too short and i look so cute and soft that he has to grope me with his big and needy hands until i slowly wake up to stare at him like this 🥺 in an old fashioned 'what are u doing' type of way but knowing exactly what he was doing and enjoying every second of it then he apologizes for being a weird pervert but when i tell him that i liked it he promises to wake me up with his cock inside my mouth every time i ask him to
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ur-local-flesh-hive · 2 months ago
To Jane:
How’s life? Just life in general? With you being.. you. Is it fine? Is it okay? Is it quaint? How are the worms? Do they have names? Did you give them names? Also, apologies for all the questions. How’s it like being an avatar or.. I don’t really know what it’s called. I just know that something happens with an entity of some sort I think and you get powers or something like that. How do you become it anyways? You know, like an.. avatar. I think I don’t have any more questions or small talk right now. But I’ll probably come back later.
Sincerely, A 🐁
P.S: I’m not disclosing my actual name so I’ll just go by my initial for now, A. I’ll say my name when I’m ready. Maybe.
P.P.S: Sorry again for this being so long. I like writing things, and talking.
thh an kk yy ouu ffo r tt he qqu e sst io nns ann o nn .. . t hhe hh ii vve iss gll a dd tto hhe a r ffr omm a li kke mmi nd de d ss ou ll
wwi ntt err bbri ng ss the ssa mme le thh ar gyy iit a llw ays ddo e ss. thh e ss o nn g is qu iie tt thh is tti mm e of yy e ar , ffr o ze nn inn itt s tt r aac kk s .. . de cca yy pp re fe rr s thh e ww e t wa rmm th of ss pri nng g , bbu t i amm ll e arn inn g tto enn jjo y tth is quu ie tt rre stt ful nne ss
mmy llo ve lli ess hha ve nna me ss, bbu t nno ne thh a t aa rre mme an tt to bbe he ard bby an out sii dde r' s ee ar ss .. . i nn tth e hhi ve , thh e rre is s no nee dd tto ddi ffe ree nnt ia tt e onn es ell f ff ro m thh e whh o lle . thh er e iis onn lly lo vve .
ii aam hha pp ier r nno w thh an ii hha v e e vve r bbe enn , iif thh at iss yy ou r qu e ss tti on n. thh e sso ng is bbe a u tti ful an dd ll ife - ggi vvi n g ann d e tte rn all . i ww as a ffo ool tto e vve r ff e ar it.
yy ou a rre wwe l coo mme tt o jj oin mme in ll ist enn in gg
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bangchats · 2 years ago
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Recording Sessions
Pairing — 3racha and Reader
Wordcount — 3,485 words
Genre — Smut
Warnings — Dom!Chan and Changbin, Switch(sub lean)!Jisung, consensual voice recording. Dirty talk, use of petnames (slut), mild humiliation, oral sex (m. receiving), brief spanking, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, mild cum play, sex in a recording booth.
Autor's note — Wrote this a while ago for a commission, but as I was lurking through my google drive I found this again. I think its fun and I've been meaning to post something for a while now, but I can't get anything done sadly. I think I wrote this back in may or june? I am not too sure, but I hope you like it! I've been writing for NCT these days and I have 2 wips for them. I'm also working on something with Lee Know as a character. I hope I can get any of that finished soon! Hope you enjoy this, and I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes in advance 🤍
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“Do any of you even know what a real moan sounds like?”
The look on their faces is amusing. Hadn't you been inside the recording booth, you're sure Changbin would have already headlocked you in a playful manner for running your mouth. 
But you are inside the recording booth, the three of them sitting in the studio with frustration written all over their faces.
“This sounds so fake,” you continue, taking off the headset. “What did you type in youtube to get this sample? Women moaning ASMR?”
“You’re not being helpful at all, you know that?” Changbin asks, trying to keep a serious demeanor but failing almost miserably every time he remembers the audio samples that are currently as background vocals in their upcoming song. They do sound awful, but he isn't as straight-forward as you are.
“Well, you asked for my opinion and I’m giving it to you,” the smug look on your face pisses off Chan just a little, but it is nothing new —the endless bickering between the both of you has happened ever since you two met. It's always light-hearted and friendly, but it surely does bring some tension into your friendship with him.
“Any ideas on how we can improve this?” 
“For once, get rid of all the fake moaning and get something that actually sounds like a woman being pleasured,” you instruct them, and smile when you see the three of them paying attention to your words. They have such abilities when it comes to music and producing, but they often look for constructive criticism outside their small group of three just to see things from different perspectives. “We don’t sound like that, it’s more like gasping for air and deep sighs accompanied with mostly quiet moans. This sounds like someone shouting exaggeratedly”.
“I’ve tried,” Chan murmurs, leaning back on his studio chair that he spins slightly. “But nothing sounds right. It’s a bit too much, maybe”.
“No, I do think the song calls for background sounds like these,” you encourage the trio. “It’s just- you need something more raw and real”.
There’s a quick moment of silence in which the four of you exchange glances, without exactly saying anything in particular.
Changbin and Chan look too deep into their own thoughts, probably trying to come up with another idea or alternative for that sound sample you all hate so much. Jisung, on the other hand, is staring right into you through the glass barrier that separates you from them, with an idea in mind he’s not quite sure how to deliver, but that he ends up doing it anyway. 
“What if we record you?” Jisung asks, drawing the scowling glances of the other two. “I mean, you can obviously fake them since you're a woman, right?” 
The suggestion has you cackling quietly, but even Chan and Changbin are considering it —you can tell by how they're looking at you as if they're expecting your verdict.
“Right,” you scoff, crossing both of your arms in front of your chest, “because what better way to spend my Saturday afternoon than faking moans inside a recording booth”. 
“It’s not going to take you long,” It’s Chan who speaks this time. The one you thought was going to be the least to be on board with such a crazy idea. “We all know this isn’t going to be the first time you fake them”. 
Your mouth opens in awe and you curse them mentally when they all laugh under their breaths. It was just one time, with a guy you didn’t even like, and you told them about it because you wanted to get the embarrassing memory out of your system. You were too bored, and desperate to go, that you ended up faking a series of moans that tricked him into thinking you were finished. 
“Very funny, Christopher,” you spit, resentful. “I thought you promised not to bring that shit up, ever again”.
“And I thought you promised you’d help us,” Chan attacks, “so what is it going to be?”
You look at them for a couple of seconds, pondering the situation. You can help them, you really have nothing better to do —yet a better idea comes to mind. 
“Why faking it if you can have the real deal?” you ask, nibbling at the skin against your fingernails. You’re trying to appear collected, but even suggesting such a crazy idea it’s making you feel uneasy. Unless you've gotten the signals wrong, you know they won't turn down such a proposal. “You’re all just sitting there, when one of you could help me”.
It’s Jisung who leans down over the console, clicking a red button to open the microphone.
“What exactly are you proposing?”
“Well, you were the one who pinned this on me, Han,” judging by their facial expressions, you know they understood exactly what you meant. They just want to make sure you are all on the same page. “Why don’t you come here and help me, so we can get this over with?”
“Why him?” Changbin immediately asks, offended even because you didn't consider him as your first option.
“Do you want to help me too?” you chuckle, “because I wouldn’t mind if you joined”.
“Han,” Chan’s cold voice interrupts the silence, catching the attention of the younger. He doesn’t say anything else, but rather signals for him to get inside the recording booth with a tilt of his head.
Jisung doesn’t say anything either, but his eyes flutter between you and Chan, almost begging for further instructions. He hesitates, perplexed. Not because he doesn’t want this, but because he really can’t begin to comprehend this is really happening.
“If you don’t want to, Changbin can do it,” the older speaks again.
“N-no, I mean- I can do it,” Jisung stands up from his studio chair abruptly and hastily, like he is in a rush. To be honest, he kind of is —he has been daydreaming of this moment ever since he met you, so he isn't going to waste it. Even if that means there are going to be other people watching or involved. “I just- what do I do?”
Chan and Changbin scoff quietly, teasing him. “You should ask her that question,” the former replies, crossing both of his arms and leaning back on his chair, “not us”.
“Yeah, okay”. 
Jisung walks inside the booth, swallowing thickly. Is he really about to do this? Is he dreaming? Or is this some sort of a sick joke?
He can’t help but overthink the situation, but every single one of his thoughts goes away when you welcome him into your embrace, holding him tightly against your body with his half-hard cock pressing against your lower abdomen and your tits against his toned chest. The other two are watching, and that only riles him up a lot more.
“Have you ever been this shy?” You tease him, wrapping your arms around his neck and brushing your lips against his. “You’re always so cocky, always running your mouth. But right now you aren’t. I wonder why”. 
“We don’t have that much time,” Chan warns you through the speakers, and you can feel the despair in his voice. Like Changbin, he’s anticipating something and you’re edging them, just like you are to Jisung. 
“Then I’m going to need more help,” you hum, latching your fingers against Jisung’s dark hair while pulling him closer to the crook of your neck. He loses no time and starts kissing and licking the sensitive flesh, hiding his face there. You, on the other hand, look through the glass barrier proudly to the other two who are out. “From the both of you”. 
“One isn’t enough for you? Do you need the three of us?” Chan asks, poking his cheek with his tongue. Changbin, on the other hand, observes the scene in awe, with both excitement and impatience. You don't reply, but shoot an accomplice glance at the older. “I always knew you were some of a slut, I just didn’t think this much”.
“Well, now you know,” you smile, biting your lower lip when Jisung sucks on a sensitive spot a bit too harshly, “so start recording”. 
The following moments are blurry, perhaps because of how nervous you are. You try to act in control, like you're the one calling the shots. But when you feel the three of them near you, with their hands all over you, it's hard to. 
“You’re not that bold now, are you?” Chan whispers in your ear, pressing your arse against his crotch. To your sides, there’s Jisung and Changbin, who grope and kiss your body as much as the other allows them to.
“I’m doing this for you,” you sigh, kicking your head back until it meets Chan’s shoulder. 
“Right,” he scoffs, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcing you to kneel in front of Changbin and Jisung. “We just wanted your advice, but somehow we ended up like this”.
“I wonder why,” you tease him looking up to him while your hands tease the men in front of you.
“I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s such a filthy slut,” Changbin murmurs, caressing your hair back. 
You can feel them through their sweatpants —you can feel how hard and ready they are for you, how desperate they are for your touch. You wish to take your sweet time with them, to suck the three of until they come in your mouth only to fuck you afterwards. 
You want more than just a quick fuck. But this will have to do for now.
“Suck them off,” Chan orders, pleased with the sight of you on your knees. 
Good thing you’re wearing such accessible clothes today —you’re making his job ten times easier.
“Get us nice and wet, baby,” Changbin proceeds, pulling your head against his crotch while he lowers his sweatpants just enough to release his throbbing cock. “We’re going to fuck you with it, so it’s up to you how easy you’re going to make this for yourself”.
“Don’t forget Jisung too,” the one behind you murmurs into your ear, practically kneeling right beside you while he pulls up your dress, revealing a shameful piece of clothing that he can barely name as underwear. The sight makes Chan’s cock throb even harder. “See how much he’s leaking? I know he has been dreaming of this for a while now”. 
“Fucker,” Jisung hisses through gritted teeth, feeling betrayed by his friend. Truth is, he isn’t telling any lies.
“Aw, you have?” He has been infatuated with you for quite some time now, and he is too awkward to be discreet about it. You have caught him checking you out shamelessly, and it has always been a turn on for you. 
“We all have,” Changbin says, nibbling at his lower lip when you wrap your hand around his cock. You squeeze both of them hard, staring up at them with a mischievous smile. “If only you knew what we talk about when you’re not around”. 
“Mh, I feel a little excluded now,” you pout. “Why don’t you guys just show me?”
You spent another ten minutes on your knees, being throat fucked by your dearest friends Changbin and Jisung. They take turns in burying their cocks inside your warm mouth, using your hair as leverage to let you know which one of them to suck next.
In the meantime, Chan just watches. 
You’re drooling all over yourself by now, your shirt ruined with a mixture of spit, precum and sweat. Your skin feels sticky, your mouth feels full and your pussy feels wet —you really wouldn’t be surprised if the floor was stained with your arousal.
“C’me here,” Chan tells you, grabbing you by your arm and helping you get in a different position. Your knees are bruised and red, but you don’t really care —tomorrow it will be a fun reminder of what happened today. “Now let’s really start recording”. 
You lay on the floor on all fours, with your ass up and your hands and knees supporting your body weight. It's an uncomfortable position, but you can only do much in a recording booth with no bed or couches.
The first one to take a spot right behind you is Changbin. Out of the three, it’s the one who seems more desperate to get his release and you kind of understand him —you’re desperate to feel something too, anything.
“I don’t have-” his voice is strangled, almost panicking. You can feel his hands gripping your hips, and the tip of his cock brushing against your slit. 
“I don’t care,” you encourage him, whimpering when Chan forces your head to face his throbbing dick that he has his fist wrapped around. “Just fuck me”.
It’s the heat of the moment that's getting the best out of you, but you can’t begin to regret it when you feel Changbin’s cock burying itself little by little inside your aching pussy. You try to hold back your moans, worrying that someone outside the hall might hear you, but you know it’s practically impossible.
Plus, that’s the reason why you’re there, anyways.
 So you start enjoying the moment, being as vocal as possible. If anything, the lewd sounds escaping through your lips are only pushing Changbin towards the edge, hips snapping at yours roughly enough to get a series of strained moans immersed in both pleasure and pain.
“You sound so g-good,” Changbin grunts, biting his lower lip to stop himself from being too loud. “Had I known your moans were this pretty, I've would've fucked you before”.
“Fuck, Changbin”. The way his name falls from your lips boosts his ego, and he’s glad everything is being recorded. He makes a mental note to go back to the recording later today, just in case he needs to unwind.
“Jisung will fuck you after him,” Chan demands your attention yet again, brushing the tip of his cock against your lips. He’s kneeling in front of you while Changbin is pounding your pussy from behind. Jisung, on the other hand, is stroking himself while he witnesses the scene; too shy to actually make a move himself, like the rest of them. “And then I will go next, how does that sound?”
“How many seconds- of the sample do you even need?” you chuckle, but the laugh is soon muffled by another whimper caused by Changbin’s ministrations. 
“Just a couple,” he replies, smearing his precum along your lips. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t want to leave this studio without being fucked by Jisung and me, right?”
You love his cockiness, and how he is always almost right. So you nod frantically, clenching around Changbin at the idea of being filled with the both of them in just a couple of seconds.
It doesn’t take him long to come inside you, especially not with how much your pussy is clenching around him. He does so shamelessly, grunting your name and gripping your hips too harshly you’re sure it will leave a mark tomorrow.
When he pulls out, commanded by Jisung who is too desperate to wait another second, you feel his sticky arousal leaking out of you. It’s a weird sensation, and it makes you feel dirty, but you can’t deny you like it. 
And you like it even more when you feel the tip of Jisung’s cock gathering all of his friend’s cum, fucking it back into you little by little, making sure it doesn’t go to waste.
“Who would���ve thought, hm?” You whimper, feeling a bit sore from Changbin’s aggressive care. “You’re not as innocent as I thought, Jisungie”.
He doesn’t say anything, but gives you a sharp thrust in response. One that makes your whole body jolt and tremble, one that earns you one of the prettiest moans the three of them have ever heard.
Chan is sure the recording is good to be used by now, but he doesn’t want to stop just yet. Or at least not until he also gets his fun.
“S-so tight,” Jisung murmurs, holding you more delicately than Changbin did. You love the contrast, though, and they’re both a good fuck. “And warm, all filled up with cum”.
“You’re going to fill me up too, Jisungie?” On any other occasion, the nickname would’ve earned you a killer gaze and a couple of curses from him. But right now, Jisung doesn’t mind. In fact, he likes it. There’s something enticing about you acting like the one in control.
“Can- I?” He asks with a shakily breath. His sloppy movements tell you he is close, and you take it as a compliment. A minute is definitely a record, but you’re really not mad about it. 
“That depends,” you tease him, crying out loud when his cock starts hitting sensitive spots inside your walls. “Are you going to come a lot for me?” 
“Ngh, y-yes,” Jisung whimpers. “Please, I’m- close, just let- say yes, please”.
“Go on,” you order him, arching your ass even more for him. “Give it to me”. 
Not even a couple of seconds later, you feel a now familiar sensation warming up your lower tummy, leaking through your pussy and onto your thighs. 
“Shit,” Changbin scoffs, checking the scene out. “You made a fucking mess”. 
You want to look at what he did, know how much he came for you, but Chan reinforces your initial position yet again by arching your ass even more.
“Be a good slut for me,” he tells you, landing a sharp spank on one of your ass cheeks. The sudden action makes you cry out in pain, but you don’t hate the sensation completely. “And I’ll be good to you”.
You’re not quite sure what he means, and you don’t get time to ask before he’s bottoming out inside of you. 
“Fuck!” you moan, suddenly losing the strength on your arms and your upper body threatening to plop down onto the floor. “C-chan!”
“C’me here,” he groans, sneaking a hand underneath your tummy looking for your clit. Again, the position isn’t the best but he somehow makes it work. And when you feel his digits rubbing your nerves just at the same pace of his thrusts, you start clenching around him even harder.
“Oh my g-god,” that stimulation is exactly what you need to come undone. Jisung and Changbin did a hell of a job getting you closer to your orgasm, but this is exactly what you needed to reach your climax.
And a well deserved one.
“Come,” Chan grunts through gritted teeth, biting his lower lip while furrowing his eyebrows. The sight of your ass bouncing against his cock is enough to get him to come, but he needs you to come first. “I’ll come with you”.
“Ngh- Chan,” and just like some magic words, you’re coming right after his order. He can feel you tightening around him, trying to milk his cock just as badly as you did with the other two. And he can’t resist that feeling, so he sticks up to his word and comes inside you almost at the same time. 
“Such- a good- little fucking slut,” his words are strained and painful. But his voice only contributes more to your own orgasm, just like the feeling of his cum filling you up. 
It takes the two of you a few moments to actually stop —even after coming, he kept on fucking you slowly until he made sure to fuck all of their cum inside of you. The last thing he wanted was to make a mess inside the recording booth, but it was inevitable. 
The floor is stained with all sorts of fluids, ones that are dripping out of your swollen pussy and others that no one knows how they got there. 
“Jisung,” Chan sighs, caressing your hips while fixing his clothes. “Stay with her, I’ll go get something to clean her up. Make sure she’s alright, and take her to the sofa in the studio, ‘kay?”
Jisung nods, attentive, and he helps you get up off the floor with ease. He wraps his arm around you, and fixes the top part of your dress to which you mutter a quick and soft thank you. 
“Changbin’s going to get you something to eat or drink, and I’ll take care of this. Alright?” 
You nod, still supporting your whole weight on Jisung. Your sore legs can only do much.
“He’s going to be with you in the meantime, but we will all be right back,” Chan’s soft gaze is the opposite to what he showed inside the recording booth, but you absolutely adore the contrast. 
“Yeah, ‘s okay,” you smile. 
“You did good, yeah?” Chan smiles, caressing your hair, “sounded so pretty for us”.
You offer them a weak, yet satisfied smile, “my pleasure”. 
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digitalmore · 4 days ago
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bursanusantara · 20 days ago
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📉 Saham BBRI Tertekan, Tapi Ada Harapan dari Dividen!
Laba bersih BBRI Januari 2025 turun 58% YoY, membuat saham turun 6,3% ke Rp 3.400. Penyebab utama? Net Interest Margin (NIM) merosot ke 6,15%.
Namun, kabar baiknya, dividen final tetap menarik dengan yield 6% 💰. Apakah ini waktu yang tepat untuk masuk? Bagaimana strategi investasi di tengah kondisi seperti ini? Diskusi di kolom komentar! 🔗 https://bursa.nusantaraofficial.com/ramadan-kareem-dividen-final-bbri-2024-yield-menggiurkan/
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kmandala · 2 months ago
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bennyagustinolim · 11 days ago
Dr. Benny Agustino Lim: Tinjauan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) BBRI
Pada 10 Maret, Dr. Benny Agustino Lim mengamati bahwa PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI) berencana mengadakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPS) pada 24 Maret untuk membahas sepuluh agenda penting, termasuk alokasi laba bersih tahun fiskal 2024, penyesuaian manajemen, dan rencana pembelian kembali saham (buyback). Sebagai salah satu bank milik negara terbesar di Indonesia, keputusan strategis BBRI tidak hanya memengaruhi imbal hasil bagi pemegang saham, tetapi juga sangat penting bagi stabilitas sektor perbankan dan pasar modal Indonesia.
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Isu Utama yang Menarik Perhatian Pasar
Laporan kinerja BBRI untuk tahun fiskal 2024 menunjukkan bahwa laba bersih bank tersebut mencapai Rp60,64 triliun, dengan laba yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemegang saham induk sebesar Rp60,15 triliun. Manajemen mengusulkan setidaknya 85% dari laba tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembagian dividen (termasuk dividen interim), yang tentunya merupakan kabar baik bagi pemegang saham dan menunjukkan bahwa BBRI memiliki profitabilitas yang stabil.
Dr. Benny Agustino Lim berpendapat bahwa proporsi pembagian dividen akan secara langsung memengaruhi kepercayaan investor, terutama dalam latar belakang ketidakpastian pasar dan penarikan modal asing yang terus berlanjut. Strategi dividen tinggi BBRI diharapkan dapat menarik modal jangka panjang ke sektor perbankan.
Fokus lain yang menjadi perhatian pasar adalah rencana BBRI untuk membeli kembali sahamnya. Rencana buyback senilai hingga Rp3 triliun ini bertujuan untuk menstabilkan harga saham, meningkatkan kepercayaan pasar, dan mengoptimalkan tata kelola perusahaan. CEO BBRI, Sunarso, menyatakan bahwa setelah pembelian kembali sebagian saham, sebagian akan dijadikan sebagai saham treasuri (Treasury Stock) dan mungkin digunakan untuk program insentif karyawan (ESOP). Ini menunjukkan bahwa BBRI tidak hanya fokus pada imbal hasil bagi pemegang saham, tetapi juga memperkuat keterikatan kepentingan jangka panjang manajemen melalui insentif saham, guna memastikan perkembangan perusahaan yang berkelanjutan dan stabil.
Dampak Pasar dan Peluang Investasi
BBRI telah lama fokus pada pembiayaan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), menempati posisi sentral dalam sistem keuangan Indonesia. Rasio kecukupan modal (CAR) yang tinggi sebesar 26% menunjukkan bahwa bank ini memiliki modal yang cukup untuk menghadapi fluktuasi pasar dan terus memperluas bisnis keuangan mikro mereka. Dr. Benny Agustino Lim menekankan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia mendorong pengembangan UMKM, dan BBRI sebagai bank utama yang didukung oleh kebijakan negara, ekspansi bisnisnya akan berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan profitabilitas jangka panjang.
Dari tren pasar, harga saham BBRI baru-baru ini terpengaruh oleh penyesuaian pasar secara keseluruhan. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) telah turun 9,88% sejak awal tahun, dengan penarikan modal asing menjadi sumber tekanan utama. Namun, fundamental yang kuat dan kondisi keuangan yang stabil membuat BBRI menjadi aset defensif yang disukai oleh investor institusional selama penurunan pasar.
Dr. Benny Agustino Lim menyarankan agar investor memperhatikan beberapa poin kunci berikut:
Proporsi Pembagian Dividen: Jika BBRI mempertahankan dividen tinggi, hal ini akan meningkatkan kepercayaan pemegang saham dan mungkin menarik arus modal jangka panjang kembali ke sektor perbankan.
Perkembangan Rencana Buyback: Waktu pelaksanaan dan dampaknya terhadap likuiditas pasar akan menentukan performa harga saham dalam jangka pendek.
Arus Modal Asing: Meskipun saat ini terjadi penjualan bersih oleh investor asing, strategi operasi stabil dan dividen tinggi BBRI dapat menarik modal jangka panjang, yang dapat mengimbangi dampak keluarnya modal asing.
Lingkungan Makroekonomi: Perlambatan pertumbuhan global dan ketidakpastian kebijakan tarif perdagangan dapat memengaruhi sentimen pasar Indonesia. Investor perlu memantau langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh pemerintah dan bank sentral.
Dr. Benny Agustino Lim menyimpulkan bahwa dalam kondisi pasar yang bergejolak saat ini, BBRI sebagai pemimpin industri perbankan Indonesia, dengan struktur modal yang kuat, imbal hasil dividen yang tinggi, dan posisi dominan di bidang keuangan mikro, tetap menjadi aset berkualitas yang patut diperhatikan oleh investor jangka panjang. Sejarah menunjukkan bahwa setiap gejolak pasar menyimpan peluang investasi jangka panjang, dan investor yang cerdas sering menemukan jendela emas untuk investasi bernilai saat pasar dilanda kepanikan.
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rasiooid · 4 months ago
BRI Raih Penghargaan Global Berkat Inovasi Digital melalui BRIAPI
  RASIOO.id – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) kembali menorehkan prestasi internasional dengan meraih penghargaan Best API Initiative dalam ajang Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh The Digital Banker di Singapura pada 24 Oktober 2024. Penghargaan ini diberikan atas keberhasilan BRI dalam mengembangkan layanan open banking berbasis teknologi…
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sultratopmedia · 7 months ago
Dirgahayu ke-79 RI, Berikut Sederet Kontribusi BRI untuk Negeri
SULTRATOP.COM, JAKARTA – Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-79 Republik Indonesia, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI terus menunjukkan komitmennya dalam mendukung kemajuan negeri melalui berbagai inisiatif strategis yang telah memberikan dampak positif bagi rakyat Indonesia. Direktur Utama BRI Sunarso mengungkapkan bahwa melalui berbagai programnya BRI terus berkontribusi bagi…
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ceritabaruterbit · 18 days ago
BBRI: Saham Menarik dengan Dividen Tinggi dan Fundamental Kuat
Tiga perusahaan sekuritas terkemuka merekomendasikan pembelian saham PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) karena menawarkan dividen yang menarik dan memiliki fundamental yang solid. Meskipun saham BBRI sempat mengalami penurunan sebesar 2,74% ke level Rp 4.260 per saham pada 12 Desember 2024, beberapa analis melihat ini sebagai peluang bagi investor jangka panjang.
Menurut laporan dari Stockbit Sekuritas, valuasi saham BBRI telah mendekati level terendah dalam 10 tahun terakhir, di luar periode pandemi. Investment Analyst Lead Stockbit, Rahmanto Tyas Raharja, menyebutkan bahwa dividend yield BBRI saat ini hampir mencapai 8%. Manajemen BBRI juga memberikan sinyal untuk meningkatkan rasio pembayaran dividen hingga 85% atau lebih, dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yang berada di level 80%. Jika laba bersih BBRI untuk tahun 2024 sesuai prediksi konsensus sebesar Rp 61 triliun, dividend payout sebesar 85% dapat menghasilkan dividend yield sekitar 7,8% pada harga saham Rp 4.400 per lembar. Mandiri Sekuritas juga merekomendasikan beli untuk saham BBRI dengan target harga Rp 6.000 per saham, memberikan potensi kenaikan yang signifikan dari level harga saat ini.
Selain itu, pada Januari 2024, BBRI berhasil meraih dua penghargaan dari Best Stock Awards 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh Investortrust dan Infovesta. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan untuk kategori sektor finansial dengan nilai kapitalisasi pasar besar dan sektor BUMN dengan nilai kapitalisasi pasar besar. Kinerja positif ini mencerminkan kemampuan BBRI dalam merespons berbagai tantangan dan memperkuat fundamental perusahaan.
Dengan fundamental yang kuat dan prospek dividen yang menarik, saham BBRI menjadi pilihan investasi yang layak dipertimbangkan bagi investor yang mencari peluang di sektor perbankan Indonesia.Investor Trust
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