bac-connex · 1 month
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A Brilliant Buddy and friend! When I think of the word "brilliant," the first person who comes to mind is Jharitza. She’s not only one of my closest friends at the BAC but also one of the smartest people I know. Having her as my Practice ConnEx buddy was such a gift, and our time together during the externship was nothing short of amazing. We were lucky enough to land the same externship at The Met, and even better, we got to be roommates for five days. From the moment we arrived in New York City, it felt like an adventure. Working together at such a prestigious museum was incredible, we learned so much and grew both professionally and personally. But apart from work, we had so much fun just exploring the city, trying out different types of food, and enjoying each other's company. Jharitza is the kind of person who lights up a room with her presence. She’s incredibly insightful, always asking the right questions, and her ability to solve problems is something I admire deeply.
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areyesrodriguez05 · 1 month
It Looks Like a Place for Collaboration!
Cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and history. This means working past differences, and working together towards a common good.
In DCAMM, there are many departments with a plethora of people from many different backgrounds. This creates a diverse pool of individuals who all have to work together and adapt to each other’s work ethic to make sure deadlines and deliverables are met and are well executed.
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ayeeiss · 1 month
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It Looks Like Massive!!!
We start our second day with a walking tour of the DCAMM buildings, guide by Brenda and Healy, who are interning with DCAMM this summer. During the tour, we explored the McCormack Building, the Mental Hospital, and Courthouse, learning many new things along the way. Some of these buildings were massive structures I hadn’t realized even existed.
Later, we attended overview meetings for each sector, including sessions with the Real Estate / P3 team, the Office of planning monthly team meeting, and the office of design and construction. DCAMM manages over 1,700 state properties, handling tasks such as maintenance, replacement, renovation, and consolidation. Lunch with the OP team was a great opportunity to share information and gain insight into their personal perspectives on work.
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cocoreveco · 2 months
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Workplace Wonders
My first day at The Met was incredible! We delved into the fascinating history of how The Met came to be. Did you know The Met is made up of 22 different buildings? Andrew Haswell Green, the financial genius among Central Park’s Founding Fathers, envisioned Central Park as not just a pastoral retreat but also a cultural showpiece. In the 1870s, he succeeded in getting two museums built on park land.
The American Museum of Natural History opened in 1877 on the Upper West Side. However, building The Met took a bit longer. In 1870, prominent New Yorkers established "The Metropolitan Museum of Art," with its first home in a former dancing academy on Fifth Avenue at 54th Street, far from the fashionable part of town at the time.
Karina, our externship guide, also introduced us to some of the exciting projects The Met is currently developing with renowned architects like Frida Escobedo, Nader Tehrani, Kulapat Yantrasast, Miriam Peterson, and Nathan Rich. The day was super educational, artistic, and profoundly inspiring. I can't wait to see what’s next!
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matthew-j-w · 2 months
I am Matthew!
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Hi, I am currently in my fourth semester at the Boston Architectural College, pursuing a Bachelor of Architecture. Originally from Texas, my background includes diverse experiences in pharmaceutical manufacturing and automotive technology. In my free time, I immerse myself in photography, capturing both natural and built environments. As I delve deeper into the field of architecture, I am driven by a passion to engage with and learn from a community of spatial thinkers and creative minds. I'm excited to be part of this journey and to share in the collective exploration of architecture.
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kush-choganwala · 9 months
I am Kush
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I am Kush Choganwala, holding a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from India. Recently, I relocated to Boston to pursue my master's degree at the Boston Architectural College (BAC). I am thrilled about participating in the Practice ConnEx program, providing me a unique opportunity to observe the daily operations of architectural firms here. I eagerly anticipate embarking on this incredible journey and commencing my externship with DiMella Shaffer.
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bac-connex · 2 months
Workplace Harmony
After exploring different workplace cultures, I’ve come to appreciate how diverse and impactful they can be. At Rafael Viñoly Architects, where I’m currently an extern, I’ve observed a culture that stands out for its supportive and dedicated atmosphere.
A standout moment for me was when I was in the office late one evening—around 6 PM—and someone started playing the piano. The energy in the office was so vibrant and refreshing that it felt like the start of a new day. This blend of dedication and a lively, supportive environment makes it a workplace where creativity and enthusiasm truly flourish.
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bac-connex · 2 months
Check out The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Schedule in August 2024!
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bac-connex · 9 months
Workplace Vibe
At ICON Architecture, our first day was a unique blend of learning and exploration. The office, currently in hybrid work mode, provided a serene backdrop for our introduction. Joe, our mentor, seized the opportunity of a quiet Friday to guide us through the intricacies of their workspace, from different sections to the materials library and shared work computers.
The prime Downtown location of ICON became our playground for the day. Joe took us to a beautiful lunch space and a captivating architectural tour around Downtown and Seaport. His expertise allowed us to delve into any building that caught our interest, discussing and learning about its facade. This experience echoed the essence of working at ICON, where extending learning beyond the office walls is encouraged.
With Caroline and Kadjatou as my buddies, I'm excited about the promising team dynamics. Here's to a fantastic week ahead at ICON Architecture! 🌟
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bac-connex · 9 months
Caroline Hulbert's Intro
Hi everyone! I am Caroline Hulbert, a first-year Bachelor of Interior Architecture Student. I grew up outside of DC, and recently moved to Boston. I am excited to work with ICON Architecture this week!
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bac-connex · 9 months
I am Ben!
My name is Ben Duggan. I am a first-year Master of Architecture student. I am originally from Ontario Canada and have been in Boston for the past few months.
I am working at YouthBuild Boston this week and am super excited!
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bac-connex · 9 months
Paulomi's Intro
Hello, I'm Paulomi Choksi, a Master of Architecture student at BAC. I'm delighted to share that I'll be embarking on an exciting externship at DCAMM during the Spring 2024.
The opportunity has thrilled me, and I can't wait to contribute and learn during this experience!
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bac-connex · 9 months
Kadjatou's Intro
I am Kadjatou Balde, I am in my second year of Bachelor of Architecture. I am originally from Guinea and currently live in Boston.
Architecture for me is my way of expression. It is also, how I see myself helping others and being involved within my community. Coming from less developed country I have the wish with my study to hep this country increase its factories.
I am hoping that this ConEx will be efficient for me and give me more experience on how architects work in real life.
I am super excited for this Practice ConEx
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bac-connex · 15 hours
Thank you Gannett Fleming Boston
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bac-connex · 15 hours
A Trustworthy Buddy
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This year, I am committing to seeking a mentor or sponsor who can guide me through my journey in architecture. After reading the AIA Guide 6 on Mentorship & Sponsorship, I realize the importance of having someone who can offer more than just advice but act as a constant source of guidance and support as I grow both personally and professionally.
I am particularly inspired by the section on the value of building long-term mentorship relationships. I feel ready to commit to this because I want to expand my knowledge, not just academically but in real-world scenarios. Throughout this week, Isra Banks has shown me how valuable mentorship can be—her support in refining my resume and understanding the nuances of architectural practice has been transformative. This experience has fueled my desire to connect with someone who can continue to mentor me through my evolving career.
Having a mentor can broaden my perspectives, especially in architecture, where different design philosophies and practices can shape one's approach. Whether it's a professional architect or even a fellow student, having that trustworthy buddy who can provide feedback, share their experiences, and guide me through challenges is something I am ready and excited to embrace this year.
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bac-connex · 22 days
Thank you Artist for Humanity!
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I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Artists For Humanity (AFH) for an amazing experience. Working with such a creative and supportive team has been truly inspiring. From the engaging projects to the valuable mentorship, every moment has contributed to my growth and learning. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a dynamic environment and to work alongside talented individuals like Jainan. Thank you, AFH, for making this experience so memorable and enriching!
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