daily-coat-of-arms · 6 months
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Bærum, Norway
It delepicts a lime kiln witch was economically important to the municipality
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cebozcom · 7 months
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Stengt tunnel: Kraftig røykutvikling i Geiteryggentunnelen | CeBoz.com
Geiteryggentunnelen i Bærum er midlertidig stengt på grunn av kraftig røykutvikling. Les mer om situasjonen og tiltakene som er iverksatt.
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archiveofcanvas · 1 year
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Eilif Petersen Christiania 1852 - Bærum 1928
"Clematis and asters" 1905 Oil on canvas, 46.5 x 54 cm Signed in the center left: Eilif P 05
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sentient-carrot · 5 months
I met so many lovely people yesterday, even made a new friend!
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irisbaggins · 2 years
Fun fact y'all! I thought this was a continuation of my cold! It is, in fact, not! It's the VirusTM! Who knows if that was what hit me on Sunday or came after, but nevertheless, here I am! The VirusTM on Christmas!
This is the third Christmas in a row something negative has happened, but this year at least it's just being sick, thank fuck. Sucks though, 'cos I'm running on low sleep and coughing like a madman
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sevencardigans · 6 months
Aleksander Aamodt Kilde on Lindmo (x) - English Transcript
AL: Aleksander, it's so good to see you.
AAK: You too.
AL: It's so terribly painful to see the pictures of the horror fall you had in January. Do you remember what happened?
AAK: I remember parts of it. I was a bit in and out. It was very... I remember the entrance of the fall and falling on my back through the gate. Then I don't remember much until I'm leaning forward and feel that something has happened. I feel like I've really hurt myself. 
AL: You really cut your leg. Did you notice it?
AAK: That's what I wondered most when I was lying there, how my legs were doing. But I could only think about my shoulder, because it was really dislocated. It was just the thing that was hammering in my head, that there's something wrong with this shoulder. 
AL: So it was dislocated. 
AAK: Yes, dislocated. It was dislocated that way. It was kind of hanging forward a bit. I was leaning forward, then I "blacked out" again. When I'm lying on my back, I only look down at my legs. Then I see that something has happened to the leg. There's some film blood spurting out of the leg. Then I'm just like... Now I have to lie on my back or breathe calmly with my stomach. Then I just have to try to stay alive. Then it's straight to the hospital. 
AL: You'll get stabilized there. When do you wake up?
AAK: They flew me down to the ground and back into the helicopter. Then it was flying to the hospital. My shoulder hurt so much, but I was still conscious. Then I said, "You have to do something now," and in one second I was gone. Then I woke up after the operation, when it was around nine o'clock in the evening. I really had no idea what had happened. The first thing I thought of was that I had to tell my family, Mikaela, people, that I'm here. "It's okay, I'm alive." 
AL: But they had gotten the message, right?
AAK: They knew everything. 
AL: Mikaela was there and told you, then?
AAK: Yes, that's how it ended. So she was there, and that helped a lot. 
AL: You've fallen down before and hurt yourself. But how would you compare what happened there with the other things you've experienced?
AAK: I tore my ACL. It sucked, and it sucks. It's a big injury. No offense to ACL injury patients, but it wasn't even close. There's a trauma involved in what happened now that I've never experienced before. It's tough both physically and mentally. In one second, you go from going 150 km/h and living off your body to just being struck down and being in a wheelchair for eight weeks. It was very, very special and quite tough. When you end up in a wheelchair, you can often roll forward and get places. In the shower, you can shower by yourself. But it was difficult. I was like this and that. 
AL: With one arm...
AAK: Then you just go in a circle. So it's a bad arrangement. 
AL: It was an intense few days and weeks in the hospital, then home. Then you were also in need of care. Who could help you then?
AAK: It was my mom, then. She got on the plane and was there right away.
AL: And she's a nurse.
AAK: She's a nurse. That helped a lot. She has worked in the emergency department at Bærum Hospital, so she knew a bit about the big picture. She's seen a lot of terrible things before. But it's a bit different when it's your son. She's been a hero. Without her, I don't know what I would have done.
AL: Now there's an arm that needs to be fixed. You have the deep cut. Your body is scarred. But what about the head? What about the mental? How has it been?
AAK: It's been really tough. I've probably been at the deepest of the deep blue in my career and in life in general. I've been thinking a lot about everything. I've thought that I don't want to go through that again. I don't know if I want to do this again.
AL: Have you realized why you fell? Have you been able to see it?
AAK: Yes, I've looked at it a lot. I think it's part of the process. I think it's important to accept that it happened.
AL: Do you think you shouldn't have been skiing?
AAK: Yes, I actually do now. But I've gotten back on my feet. You learn from it. It's a process.
AL: Are you scared now? Is there an enemy now, that you're going to have fear? Can you have that?
AAK: That's a good question. I think I have to try first. I have to try and see if I can actually stand on the start, that I have no problem with this. But I hope and believe that it will go well.
AL: But have you ever thought that I won't do this again?
AAK: I have, several times. And I've told those closest to me that this might be the last time. 
AL: But have you made up your mind? Can you do more? Are you going back?
AAK: Yes, I'm going back. I'm going back. I got a little emotional here. 
AL: What you're saying now is that it's been pretty dark, but you've made sure to create something extra special and cozy in the middle of all this, I know. 
AAK: You know?
AL: Yes, I do. Someone has been gossiping a little bit. Why don't you tell me about it?
AAK: Yes, I can. There have been many ups and downs. One of the ups has been the closeness to family and Mikaela, especially. So I was lying in the hospital in Innsbruck and thought that this is it, in a way. Then I called and ordered a ring from Norway, so... I'm engaged. 
AL: Look at her! What a happy lady!
AAK: It's a victory. 
AL: She's so happy. I have a thousand questions, but first things first: With your bad leg, did you manage to get down on your knees?
AAK: I did, actually. It wasn't easy. No, it went really well. Adrenaline, you know. I didn't feel any injuries then. Then it was just a matter of going for it. 
AL: That's a winner. Down into a beautiful kneeling proposal. Congratulations!
AAK: Thank you so much. 
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mariacallous · 5 months
The Islamic State’s recent return to prominence with its bloody attack on a Moscow concert venue overshadowed a solemn and tragic anniversary of a different kind of terrorism. Five years ago in March, a white supremacist named Brenton Tarrant carried out twin shooting attacks against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Fifty-one people were killed, all of whom were Muslim.
Until then the conventional wisdom was that Islamist terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIS posed the only serious terrorist threat to Western countries, with Christian white supremacists rarely mentioned. This assumption was shattered with the Christchurch attack, which would become the defining exemplar of modern far-right terrorism—and a precursor of more tragedies to come. At a moment when attention is again focused on the threat from the Islamic State, it is important to remember that other terrorist threats exist and can have equally lethal consequences. The violent, almost viral momentum of such attacks inspire copycats and require an holistic appraisal to effectively and sufficiently counter them.
It took only weeks for other violent far-right extremists to emulate Tarrant’s target and tactics. On March 24, an arson attack on an Escondido, California mosque was perpetrated by a white supremacist who spraypainted “For Brenton Tarrant -t. /pol/” on the pavement, an obscure reference to the 8chan imageboard that both terrorists frequented. A month later, that same person, John Earnest, walked into a Jewish synagogue in nearby Poway and opened fire, murdering one person. “Tarrant was a catalyst for me personally,” he wrote in his manifesto, which itself copied another of Tarrant’s tactics.
10,000 miles away and five months later, Philip Manshaus, a 21-year-old Norwegian neo-Nazi, was clearly and directly inspired by Tarrant in his targeting choice, communications efforts, and sanctification of his terrorist predecessors when he murdered his Asian-origin stepsister as she slept, before proceeding to the Al-Noor Islamic Centre in Bærum, a posh suburb of Oslo with a GoPro attached to his helmet. (Manshaus was quickly subdued by elderly worshippers.)
Tarrant’s influence can also be seen in the shooting at an El Paso Walmart, perpetrated by Patrick Crusius, a white supremacist who killed 23 Latinos in August 2019. (Crusius opened his manifesto by referencing Tarrant.) And, Payton Gendron, who killed 10 Black Americans at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo in May 2022, plagiarized large sections of the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto in his own screed.
With his own violent act, Tarrant was following the model arguably advanced by Anders Breivik eight years earlier. In July 2011, Breivik murdered 77 persons in twin attacks. Tarrant himself was actually inspired by events in the United States. While dismissing Donald Trump as a politician, he nonetheless praised the then-serving president “as a symbol of renewed white identity.” Notably, Tarrant also weaponized strategies of leaderless resistance and accelerationism, which respectively advocate for lone acts of violence designed to spread violence and disorder leading to the collapse of elected government; both of these can be traced to the American neo-Nazi movement of the late-1970s and early 1980s.
More than anything, then, the Christchurch shooting was indicative of the increasing internationalization of domestic, far-right terrorism. The potential for its continuation and expansion should be a matter of greater international concern. A more coordinated and systematic transnational response, focusing on better countering social media radicalization and increased multi-lateral law enforcement coordination and intelligence sharing, is key to containing this threat.
The ideology of Tarrant’s manifesto, titled “The Great Replacement,” can be traced back at least as far as the Reconstruction era after the U.S. civil war. The name refers to a conspiratorial rant which claims that Jews and Marxists in the West are deliberately replacing Western white communities by encouraging and facilitating mass immigration in previously homogeneous polities. Today, this dangerous and virulent ideology poses a particular challenge when it is weaponized by politicians and media figures.
What is also noteworthy about the Tarrant model, and is in fact more easily achieved today, is lone actor violence using firearms. In the United States, where the lack of gun control laws significantly enhances terrorist capability, such attacks are particularly effective at totally destabilizing communities, entrenching a deep sense of perennial danger. Precisely this point was made by the European white supremacist who attacked a gay bar in Bratislava in October 2022. His manifesto praised the Buffalo shooter for successfully damaging the cohesiveness of the community in which he acted.
It is the nature of these “extremely online” terrorist attacks that details are often hidden from public view for years after. Only this February, for instance, have researchers in New Zealand revealed previously unknown online posts that actually undermined much of what Tarrant would eventually declare in his manifesto, suggesting he in fact began dreaming of his violent act long before he claimed. Not only do his earlier posts suggest law enforcement and intelligence agencies may have missed an opportunity to intervene in this budding terrorist’s trajectory, they also reveal specific details about his tactics and targeting, which followed those of Dylann Roof, the gunman who in 2015 attacked a place of worship in Charleston, SC. The findings underscore the continuing centrality of social media for modern terrorism and counterterrorism—and the importance of tackling social media radicalization head on.
The New Zealand government has led the charge in holding social media companies accountable for wanton radicalization on their platforms. Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern founded the Christchurch Call, which has worked with social media companies to better address harmful content on their platforms through countermeasures including content moderation and algorithmic reform. A suite of gun control measures, meanwhile, included buy backs and bans on high-capacity magazines, with the initial bill passing the parliament 119-1. New Zealand also took symbolic steps to counter the ideology that inspired the killing. The Christchurch Commission Report, when it was released in late 2020, was titled Ko tō tātou kāinga tēnei—Maori for “This is our home”—a resolute statement of unity and openness across race, religion, and language.
Despite the initial failure to stop Tarrant’s attack, this sweeping counterterrorism response has successfully derailed various follow-on attacks in New Zealand. Other countries should heed lessons from the Christchurch tragedy and New Zealand’s holistic policy responses. Namely, a focus on three dimensions of effective counter terrorism: combatting online extremism; escalating countering violent extremism programming; and, most importantly, building an international coalition, especially among those democracies most often targeted with this violence, to ensure a united front in countering domestic threats. Though these are aimed at individual democratic countries, they often have a dangerous transnational dimension and intention.
Firstly, the imperative to counter the free rein of extremism on social media has never been more critical. Today, extremists proliferate freely online, as social media titans, most notably Elon Musk’s X, dilute their online harms departments. European countries and institutions have been aggressive in pushing back, with the European Union for instance, implementing the Digital Services Act, forcing large social companies to better police their platforms or risk major fines. Last fall the United Kingdom enacted the Online Safety Act that gives government with parliamentary approval the power to suppress a range of online content.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution makes the adoption of similarly far-reaching measures to curb digital content more complicated and controversial. However, the United States could take signal action by reforming Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. This law, enacted at the dawn of the internet, is an anachronism in an era where more people get their news online—and especially from social media—than from traditional, mainstream news and media sources. Section 230 protects internet and social media platforms from being held liable for content they publish. Removing that protection would likely force social media platforms to more actively monitor and remove dangerous content, including not just extremism but a range of other online harms, such as child sexual abuse material—much like the UK’s Online Safety Act.
Secondly, the United States in concert with other countries should considerably ramp up and improve their own respective domestic programming on countering violent extremism (CVE), focused on addressing vulnerabilities to extremism and radicalization, including mental illness and histories of isolation. Across the board, far-right terrorists are getting younger (some arrests now involve individuals as young as 13), and although Tarrant is a relative exception, his case exhibited the same instances of bullying and family trauma that often accompany extremism today. CVE, however, remains a mostly localized and uncoordinated cottage industry both nationally and especially transnationally of social workers, psychologists, former extremists, and welldoers—professionals doing important work, but often lacking direction, funding, and scale. The German-Swedish EXIT program provides one model of a framework for counter- and de-radicalization programming that might be replicated.
Our final recommendation is an ambitious one: as the international community is increasingly challenged by these ideologies and the violence they inspire, it should create a more formal multi-lateral framework to coordinate responses to these trans-national manifestations of domestic political violence. First, and most importantly, more organized cooperation than currently exists would better enable the exchange of best practices. Second, enhanced intelligence sharing about transnational terrorist networks and violent individuals communicating internationally would enable more effective disruption of cross-border terrorist financing. Finally, the sum total of improved cooperation would appreciably advance the core democratic values and traditions the countries most afflicted by this violence share, including trust in electoral systems and better countering the conspiracy theories that threaten undermine them. Such a working group might emerge from pre-existing alliances such as the Five Eyes partnership already linking intelligence sharing between the United States and New Zealand as well as Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In this way likeminded countries with shared values can cooperate in undermining a pervasive threat that now threatens national security across the Western world.
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plutos-things · 9 days
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Bærums Verk, Norwegen/Norway (9/24)
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For all the norwegian speaking people ...
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mscoyditch · 2 years
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"Christian Skredsvig (12 March 1854 – 19 January 1924) was a Norwegian painter and writer. He employed an artistic style reflecting naturalism. He is especially well known for his picturesque and lyrical depictions of the landscape. He was born and grew up on the Skredsvig farm in the parish of Modum in Buskerud, Norway.
When he was 15 years old he became a pupil at the drawing and paint school of Johan Fredrik Eckersberg in Christiania. After Eckersberg's death in 1870 he studied with Julius Middelthun at Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry (Den kgl. Tegneskole) in Kristiania (now Oslo). He followed with four years of apprenticeship (1870–1874) in Copenhagen under the supervision of landscape painter Vilhelm Kyhn at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
After several years in Paris he moved back to Norway in 1886 and settled at the Fleskum farm in Bærum. His new home became a gathering place for painters, poets and musicians. Eilif Peterssen, Kitty Kielland, Harriet Backer and Erik Werenskiold all made trips to the farm. Skredsvig's famous neo-romantic painting Seljefløiten (1889) was painted by the Lake Dælivannet in Bærum. He also conducted study trips, to Corsica in 1888 and to southern France in 1891.
In 1894, he moved to Eggedal in Sigdal municipality where he built his home Hagan. In the natural landscape of Eggedal, Skredsvig found inspiration and motives to paint".
> Pomah Konomieub > Painters from the North
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royal-hair · 2 years
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Princess Astrid of Norway at Dissimilis' Christmas performance in Bærum Cultural Center in Sandvika - 11.12.22
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afashionz · 22 days
Top Ten Most Attractive Norwegian Models
Top Ten Most Attractive Norwegian Models 2024
Norwegian models are celebrated for their stunning looks and impressive careers in fashion. Here’s a look at the top ten most attractive Norwegian models of 2024, who have made their mark both in Norway and internationally.
10. Aylar Dianati Lie Aylar Lie, born on February 12, 1984, in Tehran, Iran, is a striking figure in the modeling world. An Iranian-Norwegian actress, model, and former pornographic actress, she gained significant attention through her music video appearances and participation in Norwegian Big Brother. Aylar is renowned for her beauty and versatility.
9. Tove Lill Løyte Tove Lill Løyte, born on August 14, 1985, in Kristiansand, Norway, is a model and local politician. She lived in Los Angeles with Swedish models and has a background in political science from the University of Agder. Tove’s blend of beauty and brains has made her a notable figure in both fashion and politics.
8. Vendela Kirsebom Vendela Kirsebom, born on January 12, 1967, in Stockholm, Sweden, is a celebrated Norwegian-Swedish model and actress. She has graced the covers of magazines like Bride’s and Flare, and appeared in films such as Batman & Robin (1997) and various TV shows. Vendela’s classic beauty and successful career make her a standout model.
7. Julie Ege Julie Ege, born on November 12, 1943, in Sandnes, Norway, was a renowned actress and model known for her roles in British films of the 1960s and 1970s. Most famous for her role in Up Pompeii (1971), Julie’s striking looks and memorable performances have left a lasting impression on the fashion and film industries.
6. Monica Hansen Monica Hansen, born on October 13, 1982, in Tønsberg, Norway, is a celebrated model and former Miss Norway (1997). She began her career with Elite modeling agency and has walked the runway for numerous fashion shows, including Pax TV’s Destination Stardom filmed in Hawaii. Monica's charm and beauty continue to shine in the modeling world.
5. Kristine Frøseth Kristine Frøseth, born on September 21, 1996, in New Jersey, USA, is a Norwegian-American model and actress. She gained fame for her role as Veronica in Netflix’s Sierra Burgess Is a Loser and was scouted by IMG Models at a local mall fashion show. Kristine’s fresh-faced beauty and rising career make her a prominent figure in fashion.
4. Frida Aasen Frida Aasen, born on December 5, 1994, in Kristiansand, Norway, is a well-known fashion model who walked in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in 2017. With a career that includes high-profile campaigns for brands like Tory Burch and Victoria’s Secret, Frida’s striking looks and runway presence have made her a top model.
3. Pernille Holmboe Pernille Holmboe, born on May 2, 1977, in Bærum, Norway, is celebrated for her work as the face of Swedish clothing brand Gina Tricot. Having modeled in Milan, Paris, and New York City, Pernille has also launched her own fashion brand, Chicago, in collaboration with designer Tale Hagelsteen. Her long-standing career and sophisticated style make her a standout model.
2. Emilie Marie Nereng Emilie Marie Nereng, born on November 3, 1995, in Hønefoss, Norway, is a model, blogger, and singer known as "Voe." Starting her blog in March 2009, she became Norway’s most-read blogger and has performed in front of large audiences. Emilie’s beauty and influence in the fashion and blogging worlds highlight her as a leading figure in Norwegian modeling.
1. Kathrine Sørland Kathrine Sørland, born on March 25, 1980, in Stavanger, Norway, is a renowned fashion model, television presenter, and beauty queen. Having competed in Miss World and Miss Universe, she won the Froken Norge competition in 2001 and represented Norway in Miss World 2002. Kathrine’s elegance and successful career have solidified her status as one of Norway’s most attractive models.
These ten Norwegian models exemplify beauty, talent, and success in the global fashion industry, each contributing uniquely to the world of modeling
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 8.10 (affter 1950)
1953 – First Indochina War: The French Union withdraws its forces from Operation Camargue against the Viet Minh in central Vietnam. 1954 – At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway is held. 1961 – Vietnam War: The U.S. Army begins Operation Ranch Hand, spraying an estimated 20 million US gallons (76,000 m3) of defoliants and herbicides over rural areas of South Vietnam in an attempt to deprive the Viet Cong of food and vegetation cover. 1966 – The Heron Road Bridge collapses while being built, killing nine workers in the deadliest construction accident in both Ottawa and Ontario. 1969 – A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. 1971 – The Society for American Baseball Research is founded in Cooperstown, New York. 1977 – In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over the period of one year. 1978 – Three members of the Ulrich family are killed in an accident. This leads to the Ford Pinto litigation. 1981 – Murder of Adam Walsh: The head of John Walsh's son is found. This inspires the creation of the television series America's Most Wanted and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. 1988 – Japanese American internment: U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, providing $20,000 payments to Japanese Americans who were either interned in or relocated by the United States during World War II. 1990 – The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. 1993 – Two earthquakes affect New Zealand. A 7.0 Mw  shock (intensity VI (Strong)) in the South Island was followed nine hours later by a 6.4 Mw  event (intensity VII (Very strong)) in the North Island. 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols are indicted for the bombing. Michael Fortier pleads guilty in a plea-bargain for his testimony. 1997 – Sixteen people are killed when Formosa Airlines Flight 7601 crashes near Beigan Airport in the Matsu Islands of Taiwan. 1998 – HRH Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah is proclaimed the crown prince of Brunei with a Royal Proclamation. 1999 – Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting. 2001 – The 2001 Angola train attack occurred, causing 252 deaths. 2001 – Space Shuttle program: The Space Shuttle Discovery is launched on STS-105 to the International Space Station, carrying the astronauts of Expedition 3 to replace the crew of Expedition 2. 2003 – The Okinawa Urban Monorail is opened in Naha, Okinawa. 2009 – Twenty people are killed in Handlová, Trenčín Region, in the deadliest mining disaster in Slovakia's history. 2012 – The Marikana massacre begins near Rustenburg, South Africa, resulting in the deaths of 47 people. 2014 – Forty people are killed when Sepahan Airlines Flight 5915 crashes at Tehran's Mehrabad International Airport. 2018 – Horizon Air employee Richard Russell hijacks and performs an unauthorized takeoff on a Horizon Air Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 plane at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport in Washington, flying it for more than an hour before crashing the plane and killing himself on Ketron Island in Puget Sound. 2018 – An anti-government rally turns into a riot when members of the Romanian Gendarmerie attack the 100,000 people protesting in front of the Victoria Palace, leading to 452 recorded injuries. The authorities alleged that the crowd was infiltrated by hooligans who began attacking law enforcement agents. 2019 – Thirty-two are killed and one million are evacuated as Typhoon Lekima makes landfall in Zhejiang, China. Earlier it had caused flooding in the Philippines. 2019 – Philip Manshaus shoots his stepsister and attacks a mosque in the Bærum mosque shooting. 2020 – Derecho in Iowa becomes the most costly thunderstorm disaster in U.S. history.
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 IIHF Worlds Norway Roster
#12 Noah Steen (Mora Ishockeyklubb/Oslo)
#18 Thomas Olsen (Vålerenga Ishockey/Oslo)
#19 Håvard Østrem-Salsten (Sparta Sarpsborg/Hamar)
#22 Martin Rønnild (Storhamar Ishockey/Frederikstad)
#27 Andreas Martinsen (Storhamar Ishockey/Bærum)
#28 Michael Brandsegg-Nygård (Mora Ishockeyklubb/Oslo)
#36 Mats Zuccarello-Aasen (Minnesota Wild/Oslo)
#37 Markus Vikingstad (Fischtown Pinguins/Stavanger)
#8 Mathias Trettenes (Stavanger Ishockeyklubb/Stavanger)
#13 Petter Vesterheim (Mora Ishockeyklubb/Lørenskog)
#17 Eirik Salsten (Storhamar Ishockey/Oslo)
#23 Thomas Berg-Paulsen (Malmö Rödhökar/Stavanger)
#41 Patrick Thoresen (Storhamar Ishockey/Oslo)
#2 Isak Hansen (Ishockeyklubben Sparta Sarpsborg/Hamar)
#4 Johannes Johannesen (Lahti Pelikaani/Stavanger)
#7 Sander Vold-Engebråten (Mikkelin Jukurit/Hamar)
#10 Mattias Nørstebø (I.F. Björklöven/Trondheim)
#43 Max Krogdahl (Östersunds I.K./Bærum)
#49 Christian Kåsastul (C.D.H. Pustertal Wölfe/Skien)
#72 Stian Solberg (Vålerenga Ishockey/Oslo)
#30 Tobias Normann (A.I.I./Fredrikstad)
#31 Jonas Arntzen (Örebro H.K./Lillehammer)
#33 Henrik Haukeland (Düsseldorfer E.G./Fredrikstad)
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bahainorge · 5 months
Optimistisk framtidstro på årsmøtet i bahá’í-samfunnet
38 delegater fra hele landet, fra Arendal i sør til Tana i nord, har valgt de ni medlemmene til bahá’í-samfunnets landsstyre, Nasjonalt Åndelig Råd. Det endte med gjenvalg på medlemmene Mai Antonsen, Trondheim, Behnam Bahrami, Arendal, Nazila Dabestani, Oslo, Keyhan Ighanian, Bærum, Mehran Jazbani, Stavanger, Sasan Kamali, Drammen, Lilli Martine Lerstad, Lillestrøm, Thor Henning Lerstad, Lillehammer og Arsalan Moghen, Drammen,
Medlemmene velges for ett år av gangen. Valget skjer i en åndelig, meditativ atmosfære uten  nominasjoner, valgkampanje eller diskusjoner om hvem som bør eller ikke bør bli medlem. Delegatene står fritt til å velge mellom alle bahá’íer over 21 år i Norge.
Optimisme og framtidstro
Innleggene på årsmøtet ga uttrykk for optimisme og tillit til framtida tross verdens tilstand som blir «mer desperat for hver dag som går».
Årsmøtet hadde fokus på bahá’í-samfunnets status i Norge og konkrete tiltak for å «frigjøre  troens samfunnsbyggende kraft i stadig større omfang». Bahá’í-samfunnet er mer aktivt enn noensinne. Bare kjerneaktivitetene – barneklasser, juniorungdomsgrupper, studiesirkler og andaktsamlinger – har 1573 deltagere med 35 prosent økning av deltagere som ikke er bahá’íer, ifølge årsrapporten som ble lagt fram på årsmøtet.
Tenker større og bredere
«Vi ser tegn flere steder at samfunn tør mer, tenker større og bredere når de når ut til sine medmennesker med Bahá’u’lláhs visjon,» konstaterte årsrapporten. Det henger ikke minst sammen med at bahá’íene opplever stadig økende åpenhet og interesse for troens relevans for menneskers ønske om å styrke sin åndelige og intellektuelle kapasitet og bidra til å fremme en fredelig og rettferdig verden.
En visjon «som er bred nok»
«Hvor kan verden finne en visjon som er bred nok til å forene alle dens ulike elementer, om ikke i Bahá’u’lláhs prinsipp om menneskehetens enhet,» spør det internasjonale bahá’í-samfunnets øverste organ, Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus, i sitt «ridván-budskap» som ble drøftet på årsmøtet. Og: «Hvordan kan verden lege de sosiale brudd som splitter den, på noen annen måte enn ved å omsette denne visjon i en ordning basert på enhet i mangfoldighet? Hvem kan ellers være den surdeig hvorved verdens folkeslag kan oppdage en ny måte å leve på, en vei til varig fred?»
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Quais são as estatísticas recentes de vitórias e derrotas do Stabæk IF, e como isso pode influenciar nas apostas esportivas?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as estatísticas recentes de vitórias e derrotas do Stabæk IF, e como isso pode influenciar nas apostas esportivas?
Estatísticas de vitórias recentes do Stabæk IF
O Stabæk IF tem se destacado nas últimas partidas, conquistando vitórias importantes que mostram a força e a determinação da equipe. Nas estatísticas mais recentes, o Stabæk IF demonstrou um desempenho notável, evidenciando sua capacidade de competir em alto nível.
Nos últimos jogos, o Stabæk IF alcançou um impressionante índice de vitórias, mostrando consistência e habilidade em campo. Com um estilo de jogo bem definido e um elenco talentoso, a equipe tem conquistado resultados expressivos, demonstrando sua evolução ao longo da temporada.
Além das vitórias, as estatísticas do Stabæk IF também revelam um bom desempenho defensivo e ofensivo. A equipe tem mostrado solidez na retaguarda, dificultando as investidas dos adversários, ao mesmo tempo em que demonstra eficiência na hora de marcar gols.
É importante ressaltar o trabalho do técnico e a dedicação dos jogadores, que têm se empenhado para alcançar os objetivos do clube. Com um planejamento bem estruturado e um ambiente de trabalho favorável, o Stabæk IF tem tudo para manter o bom momento e seguir conquistando vitórias importantes ao longo da temporada.
No cenário do futebol nacional, as estatísticas do Stabæk IF são motivo de destaque, evidenciando o potencial da equipe e sua capacidade de brigar pelos primeiros lugares. Com um histórico de conquistas e uma mentalidade vencedora, o Stabæk IF segue firme em busca de novos triunfos e do reconhecimento de seu trabalho árduo e dedicado dentro de campo.
Estatísticas de derrotas recentes do Stabæk IF
Com uma série de derrotas recentes, o Stabæk IF, clube de futebol norueguês sediado em Bærum, tem enfrentado desafios em campo. As estatísticas refletem um período difícil para a equipe, que busca recuperar seu desempenho e voltar aos trilhos da vitória.
Nos últimos jogos, o Stabæk IF enfrentou adversários formidáveis, mas lutou para conquistar resultados positivos. As derrotas acumuladas têm sido motivo de preocupação para torcedores e analistas, que esperam uma reviravolta na temporada.
É importante destacar que o futebol é um esporte dinâmico e imprevisível, e mesmo equipes talentosas podem passar por períodos de dificuldade. No caso do Stabæk IF, é essencial manter a confiança e o apoio à equipe, incentivando os jogadores a superarem os obstáculos e voltarem a mostrar seu melhor desempenho em campo.
Além disso, a análise das derrotas recentes pode oferecer insights valiosos para a equipe técnica e os jogadores, permitindo que identifiquem áreas de melhoria e implementem estratégias para reverter a situação.
É importante lembrar que o sucesso no esporte nem sempre é medido apenas pelos resultados imediatos, mas também pelo comprometimento, determinação e capacidade de superação demonstrados pela equipe. Com trabalho árduo e dedicação, o Stabæk IF certamente poderá superar esse momento desafiador e retornar ao caminho da vitória.
Influência das estatísticas nas apostas esportivas
As estatísticas desempenham um papel fundamental nas apostas esportivas, influenciando as decisões dos apostadores e fornecendo insights valiosos para a análise de jogos e eventos esportivos. Com o acesso a uma vasta gama de dados estatísticos, os apostadores podem tomar decisões mais informadas e aumentar suas chances de sucesso.
Uma das principais formas pelas quais as estatísticas impactam as apostas esportivas é através da análise de desempenho de equipes e jogadores. Ao examinar estatísticas como histórico de vitórias, gols marcados, gols sofridos, posse de bola e outros indicadores, os apostadores podem avaliar o desempenho recente e geral de uma equipe. Isso ajuda a identificar padrões, tendências e pontos fortes e fracos, auxiliando na previsão de resultados futuros.
Além disso, as estatísticas são cruciais para calcular probabilidades e linhas de apostas. Os sportsbooks utilizam modelos estatísticos sofisticados para determinar as probabilidades de diferentes resultados e estabelecer as linhas de apostas correspondentes. Esses modelos consideram uma variedade de fatores estatísticos, como histórico de confrontos diretos, desempenho recente, lesões de jogadores e condições climáticas, para criar previsões precisas.
Os apostadores também podem usar estatísticas para desenvolver estratégias de apostas mais eficazes. Ao analisar dados históricos e tendências, é possível identificar padrões de comportamento e oportunidades de apostas com valor esperado positivo. Isso permite que os apostadores tomem decisões mais racionais e fundamentadas, em vez de confiar apenas em palpites ou intuição.
Em resumo, as estatísticas exercem uma grande influência nas apostas esportivas, fornecendo informações essenciais para análise, previsão e tomada de decisões. Ao incorporar dados estatísticos em seu processo de apostas, os apostadores podem aumentar suas chances de sucesso a longo prazo e maximizar seus lucros.
Tendências de desempenho do Stabæk IF
Claro! Aqui está o artigo:
O Stabæk IF é um clube de futebol norueguês com uma história marcante e uma base de fãs dedicada. Ao longo dos anos, o desempenho da equipe tem oscilado, mas atualmente há várias tendências que merecem destaque.
Uma das tendências mais notáveis no desempenho do Stabæk IF é a sua consistência em competições domésticas. Nos últimos anos, o clube tem mantido uma posição respeitável na Eliteserien, a principal liga de futebol da Noruega. Isso demonstra a capacidade da equipe de competir em alto nível e manter-se competitiva contra adversários respeitáveis.
Outra tendência positiva é o investimento contínuo na juventude. O Stabæk IF tem uma reputação de desenvolver talentos jovens e incorporá-los à equipe principal. Isso não apenas fortalece o time a longo prazo, mas também cria uma identificação entre os torcedores locais e os jogadores da região.
Além disso, o Stabæk IF tem buscado uma abordagem tática moderna e adaptável. O treinador e a equipe técnica têm experimentado diferentes formações e estilos de jogo para encontrar a melhor combinação para os jogadores disponíveis. Essa flexibilidade tática tem permitido ao clube se ajustar a diferentes oponentes e situações ao longo da temporada.
No entanto, apesar dessas tendências positivas, o Stabæk IF ainda enfrenta desafios, como a busca por consistência em competições europeias e a manutenção da estabilidade financeira. Superar esses obstáculos exigirá um esforço contínuo por parte da equipe, da direção e dos torcedores.
No geral, as tendências de desempenho do Stabæk IF são motivo de otimismo para os fãs e indicam um futuro promissor para o clube. Com uma abordagem estratégica e um compromisso com a excelência, o Stab��k IF está bem posicionado para alcançar ainda mais sucesso nos próximos anos.
Análise estatística para apostas no Stabæk IF
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Análise Estatística para Apostas no Stabæk IF
O Stabæk IF é um clube de futebol norueguês que tem despertado interesse não apenas dos torcedores, mas também dos entusiastas das apostas esportivas. Para aqueles que buscam tomar decisões informadas ao apostar nos jogos do Stabæk IF, uma análise estatística detalhada pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa.
Uma das primeiras estatísticas a considerar é o desempenho recente da equipe. Examinar os resultados dos últimos jogos pode fornecer insights sobre a forma atual do Stabæk IF e sua capacidade de competir. Além disso, analisar a posição da equipe na tabela de classificação pode ajudar a determinar sua consistência ao longo da temporada.
Outro aspecto importante a se considerar é o desempenho em casa e fora de casa. Algumas equipes têm um desempenho significativamente melhor em seus próprios estádios, enquanto outras são mais fortes jogando como visitantes. Entender essa dinâmica pode influenciar as decisões de apostas.
Além disso, é fundamental analisar os confrontos diretos entre o Stabæk IF e seus adversários. O histórico de confrontos anteriores pode revelar padrões e tendências que podem influenciar o resultado do próximo jogo.
Por fim, é essencial considerar fatores adicionais, como lesões de jogadores-chave, suspensões e condições climáticas, que podem afetar o desempenho da equipe.
Em resumo, uma análise estatística abrangente é essencial para quem deseja fazer apostas informadas nos jogos do Stabæk IF. Ao considerar o desempenho recente da equipe, sua posição na tabela, o desempenho em casa e fora, confrontos diretos e outros fatores relevantes, os apostadores podem aumentar suas chances de sucesso. No entanto, é importante lembrar que as apostas esportivas envolvem riscos e nunca há garantia de resultados positivos. Portanto, aposte com responsabilidade.
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