#Azurewing repose
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wowscenery · 2 months ago
Ambient Azeroth: Azsuna, Azurewing Repose
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corvusalbus93 · 5 months ago
Spoilsports, and a bit rude. Still, as if the disapproval of your fellow mages has ever stopped you before. Or like there isn’t a whole blue dragonflight, still very grateful for all you’ve done in the Azurewing Repose and the Azure Span, some of whom are probably skilled enough to tune that chair... ...just in theory.
Out of idle curiosity, since it does hover; does your new wheelchair come with Dynamic Flight?
"Despite my many years of experience flying as a raven, they said I'm not "qualified enough", to be permitted that feature. Hmph!"
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apricity-of-silvermoon · 4 years ago
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I took screenshots of some places I like in WoW. Feel free to use them as wallpapers, banners, or whatever you wish. There’s more I just couldn’t fit them all on this single post.
1.Azurewing Repose-Azuna
2.Crimson Expanse-Deepholm
3.Crystalsong Forest
4.Hall of the Guardian
5.Howling Fjord
7.Sunfury Spire-Silvermoon City
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moontrips · 4 years ago
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aranyaphoenix · 8 years ago
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@thebuildingcacophony @shaded-hawke @kurel-andiel @rizzythemonk and couldn’t tag the other two.
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deoverse · 7 years ago
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Lordy lordy, guess who’s back to being a Hordie? :)
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kri-babe · 4 years ago
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Azurewing Repose, Azsuna
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warcraft-lore-archives · 5 years ago
Highborne Artifacts - Books, Quest Items, and Artifact Power Items
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This list only covers items of evident Highborne origin and craftsmanship from before the Sundering. Moon Guard artifacts, items created by the naga and Nightborne in the era following the War of the Ancients, and relics given to the Highborne by external forces like the Burning Legion have all been excluded. Having said that, this is by no means a complete or perfect list. Several items have undoubtedly been left out on accident. Additionally, some objects included in the list may actually be wrongly attributed to the Highborne. 
Nar’Thalas Academy Library
A Guide to Kobold Societal Mores
Ancient Blue Dragons of Azeroth
Before the Candle: The Rise and Fall of the Great Kobold Empire
Children of Golganneth: Great Skrogs in History
Courtship Rituals of the Skrog
Draconic Compendium Volume III
Draconic Compendium Volume IV
Handbook of Feathery Friends
I’ve Got the Blues: Selected Stories from Azurewing Repose
Kobold County
Skroggal Anatomy
Unabridged Glossary of Skrog Weaponry
Encyclopedia Azsunica (K-M)
“Covers everything from kafa to murlocs.”
Incredible Monsters and Where to Locate Them
“A copy of this literature resides in almost every mage’s sanctuary in Azeroth.”
Nar’Thalas Research Tome
“A collection of the work of many of the brightest minds to pass through the Academy’s gates.”
A Study of Hexes
Glory to the Queen Born of Stars
Healing With Arcana
Mardivas’s Tome of the Elements
Musty Azsharan Grimoire
The Coronation of Queen Azhara
Delving Deeper by Arcanist Perclanea
“A treatise on the techniques for unlocking the deeper potential found in objects of great power.”
Enchanted Elven Tome
“This ancient tome is preserved by powerful magic. It emanates tiny magical filaments that hungrily seek knowledge.”
Preserved Journal
“<A simple tome with a small series of runes inscribed along the spine, it appears remarkably well-maintained amongst the ruins. Upon further inspection, it appears to be a diary of one of the citizens of the city. No doubt the magic that preserves it was intended to allot for the lengthy lifetimes of the elves>” [Quest: Preserved Clues].
The Arcanist’s Codex
“Kel’danath used the powerful codex to archive his notes and aid in his studies.”
Discontinued Suramar City Key
Crescent Key
This key unlocks various doors in the ancient Highborne city of Eldre’Thalas.
Key to Nar’Thalas Academy
“This key does not open any door. Rather, it is a ceremonial gesture of invitation to the Academy, as a way of saying, ‘Our doors are open to you.’“
Magical Items
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Abandoned Highborne Mana Crystal
Arcane Remnant of Falanaar
Arcane Seed Case
Arcane Tablet of Falanaar
Darkmist Amulet
An ancient Highborne relic from the Darkmist Ruins in Feralas. Its properties are unknown.
Falanaar Crescent
“Ancient powered talisman often carried by the citizens of Falanaar.”
Falanaar Orb
“Rare Falanaar artifact of extreme power.”
Highborne Memory Crystal
“Created by ancient sorcery, they were used to store memories, stories, music, history, and whatnot.”
Memory Pylon
In addition to crystals, the Highborne also stored their memories in pylons, which are powered by memory cores [Quest: Legacy of Nar’anan, Quest: The Fate of Professor Elryna].
Scroll of Elun’dris
“A banned treatise on the Heart of Zin-Azshari and its role in the queen’s dominion over the great city.”
Scrying Stone
The Highborne used scrying stones, magical objects that enable two-way audio and visual communication, to speak to one another across vast distances [Quest: Amberwind’s Journal].
The Heart of Zin-Azshari
“Azshara’s chosen used the heart to greatly magnify their power - it is said to have been the key in their dominance of the Well of Eternity” [Quest: Eye of Azshara: The Heart of Zin-Azshari].
“The heart is said to have spread Azshara’s grace across her people and force her wrath upon her enemies. Lightning arcs across it fervently” [Item: Heart of Zin-Azshari].
Vainglorious Drought
“An engraving on the bottle reads: ‘May the Light of Lights shine upon our glorious empire for all eternity’” [Item: Vainglorious Drought].
The drought is just one of many magical items that bound Queen Azshara’s followers to her indomitable will [Quest: A Vainglorious Past].
Miscellaneous Objects
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Azsharan Councillor’s Clasp
Azsharan Keepsake
Berserking Helm of Ondry'el
Berserking Helm of Taenna
Blood of the Vanquished Highborne
‘Borrowed’ Highborne Magi’s Chalice
Highborne Martyr’s Blood
Highborne Memento
Lens of Qin’dera
Lenses of Spellseer Dellian
Nar’thalasian Corsage
Preserved Highborne Warrior’s Fist
Spellmask of Azsylla
Spellmask of Alla'onus
Tattered Farondis Heraldry
Tel’anor Ancestral Tablet
Ancient Suramar Silver
“This type of coin has not been in circulation in Suramar for at least 7,000 years.”
Azsharan Court Scepter
“Entrusted to advisors of the Queen.”
Highborne Pottery Shards
"The blue clay has been painted with roseate pigment."
Traveler’s Banking Chest
“Enterprising accountants from Falanaar developed a way to access their banks in remote locations.”  
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basil-shipping · 5 years ago
wow s/i time!!!
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made using this lovely picrew !
serleil istanreth (leil for short) is a nightborne survival-specialization hunter who lives in meredil in suramar, along with his loyal manasaber aistoll. 
he’s a good friend of the first arcanist as well as the other nightborne that inhabit meredil after being cast out of suramar city, and he and aistoll aid in assisting the outsiders repair the ley station feeds across suramar, thanks to aistoll’s keen ability to track and follow the leylines.
he ended up in aszuna while tracking the mass movement of withereds from some of suramar’s now-guarded ley stations to the ley-ruins of zarkhenar and further to azurewing’s repose, and found runas in the leyhollow nearly withered himself, and quickly escorted him back to meredil. there, he managed to fully recover and return to being just as much of a snarky pain as he was beforehand!
runas clings to leil for saving him and practically follows him like a lost puppy around shal’aran, much to the latter’s dismay. it definitely does not help that serleil may or may not have a crush on runas. (he absolutely does and it’s very obvious but valtrois insinuated such a thing once and arrows were dangerously close to being fired inside shal’aran so that line of conversation - at least, around leil - was shut down very fast. they’re stuck in slow burn pining hell someone please help them.)
some additional fun facts under the cut because i just realized this is getting a little long:
🌠 he became a hunter after being cast out suramar city and found aistoll shortly afterwards wandering the crimson thicket, and the two have been practically inseparable since
🌠 he knows a little cooking, but it’s mostly inedible to non-nightbornes. mmm crushed up mana crystals and god knows what else he managed to scavenge
🌠 his main two professions are herbalism and inscription (herbalism as more of a hobby from being out in the wilderness for a good chunk of time after being cast out, and inscription from being a writer before being cast out. he can make his own ink! how fancy.)
🌠 normally he wears his hair in a ponytail, as it’s just easier to manage. sometimes he doesn’t bother while he’s just staying in shal’aran, though, and runas Will run his hands through it
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queenraikichi94 · 6 years ago
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Illidarya the Dreamer, aka Illigosa from the Blue Dragonflight. Daughter of Eneyra, High Priestess of Elune and Naragaos, Great General of Malygos the Spellweaver Here is her story.
More than 10000 years ago, a high priestess of Elune started to suspect that their ruler, Queen Azshara, was plotting against her own people. She shared her worries with Naragos. He was a dragon from the Blue Dragonflight, the flight that watched over the magic and promoved the correct use of it. Naragos was also worried cause he noticed that the Highborn were using the magic of the Well of Eternity in excess. After sharing their worries, both decided to speak with their superiors. Then, the War of the Ancestors started. Eneyra, together with Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande, lead the resistance against Azshara and the Burning Legion. Naragos, for his side, fought together with his own flight and the others, but when Malygos ordered them to retire after Neltharion’s betrayal and the death of many blue dragons, Naragos decided to stay at the resistance’s side. He made a promise to his secret lover, Eneyra, and he wasn’t going to break it. Malygos was furious. How could his first general be in love with a simple mortal? A mortal whose kind gave a bad use to magic, but Naragos was decided. The blue dragon stayed at his mate’s side and together, they fought and defeated the Burning Legion, but when the Great Sundering was coming to destroy everything, they had to separated; Enerya needed to help her people to escape to a safe place, and Naragos had to do the same with his kind, and then, survive to Malygos’s wrath.
Malygos was furious, and he didn’t doubt when he had to punish Naragos. The punishment was cruel, and Malygos didn’t stop until he saw that the life of his general was in danger. It was when a young Kalecgos and a young Arygos found Naragos at the edge of death, blind, starving...Malygos ordered the young dragons to bring the general to him. The Spellweaver decided to forgive him, but with the punishment of not coming back to the Blue Dragonflight home never again. He was going to watch over the mortals and the correct use of magic...He was going to keep his title...But he would be exiled from the Nexus. He didn’t mind. For Naragos, the Azurewing Repose was his true home. He accepted his fate and he was left in the cold landscape of Northrend. With effort, he adopted his true form and flew back to his homeland, but due his condition, his strenght failed him and he landed badly in Val’sharah. There he was found by the Elune Sisterhood who brought him to Lorlathil. There, Eneyra hurried to help her lover. She couldn’t help him to heal his blind eyes, but thanks to her, he survived. After his recovering, they decided to marry, becoming mates for all their lives.
Many years later, during the Second War, they decided to try to have children. It would be impossible due the fact that she was a night elf and he was a dragon, but thanks to the own magic of Naragos, the power of the Blue Dragonflight and the power of Elune, they concived a child. The leaders of the other Dragonflights gave them their bleesing in order to give them more chances to have a child. The Dragon Aspects were very interested in that child, half kaldorei and hald dragon, and then, in the middle of the Second War, the child was born. In honor of their good friend Illidan, they named their daughter Illigosa, and Senegos gave her the title of Azure Princess. Stellagosa, Illigosa’s grandmother, presented the baby to the Azurewing and the news of that birth were listened but all the flights...And by people who didn’st see with good eyes that one of their priestess had mated a dragon of the flight that was againts mortals who used magic.
When Illigosa was a child, she was attacked but night elves who seeked her death, calling her an abomination, but the quick actions of her parents saved her live. They decided to move to Azsuna, cause in Val’sharah their daughter wasn’t safe, but when Illigosa was a young teenager, her parents decided to move to Kalimdor. They heard about Nordrassil and maybe that could be a good place for them, specially for their daughter, who had started to ehar the Call of the Nature, the sign that indicates that someone is ready to became a druid.
But not the things are good, cause a terrible storm made their ship end in Northrend. There they were attacked by the Scourge and the demons of the Burning Legion. Eneyra died first trying to protect Illigosa, and Naragos got terrible wounded when he tried to avoid his daughter’s kidnap. The servants of the Legion decided to corrupt Illigosa after knowing about her mixbreed in order to get a fel dragon, but her father, with his last strenght, took his daughter away, landing far away of the cultists. In that moment, Illidan, who was checking the land and investigating about the actions of the Legion and the Scourge, arrived and killed the cultists. Before dying, Naragos told Illidan that his daughter lost all of her memories due the ritual, and when he said that they made her forget her own name, he told him to put her a new name and giving her true one when she was ready. Naragos died when Illidan decided to burn Illigosa’s eyes to stop the visions that were going to drive her madness and after taking her on his arms, he brought his friends’ bodies to Azsuna for their burial before taking their daughter with him, calling her Illidarya. 
Years of training made Illidarya be one of the best demon hunters of the Illidari. Together with Wisperdeath, the felsaber given to her by Akama, lead the Illidari in multiple fights againts the demons until Illidan decided to give her the leadership of the Illidari in one last task: recovering the Sargerite Keystone while he confront the fools of the Alliance and Horde who thought that the attacks of the Burning Legion were made by Illidan. They recover the stone, but they got trapped but Maiev Shadowsong when they knew that their master had fallen.
More than 10 years they passed trapped on those crystals until the Burning Legion attacked a third time. Taking the leadership of the Illidari, Illidarya lead her people against the Burning Legion, meeting the leaders of the Alliance and befriended the only one who trated them as equals and not as monsters at they first meeting, KIng Varian Wrynn. She cried his death in the first assault to the Broken Shore and she wouldn’t forget his good friend and his sacrifice. 
During the campaing against the Burning Legion, Illidarya met Folken Stormwrath, a former pirate that was now fighting for the Alliance. They became friends and then, they became mates. Some people would said that an Illidari can’t bring life to the world, but that wasn’t the case of Illidarya, because she got pregnant thanks to the arcane magic inherited from the Blue Dragonflight and Elune’s grace. The child was concived near the end of the campaing, and after the defeat of the Burning Legion and the recovering of her true name thanks to Illidan, they moved to Mount Hyjal in order to do a ritual that would avoid the child to be born with fel. In that same place, with Elune showing her birghtest face, Illidarya gave birth to a baby boy, who was part kaldorei, part human and part dragon. In honor of the former High King of the Alliance, she named him Varian, and gave him also his dragon name, Varegos. But weeks after the birth, servants of the Legion that got trapped in Azeroth attacked Hyjal. Folken, seeing that they were after his mate and child, told Illidarya to take their son and run to a safe place. She didn’t want to leave him, but after sharing a kiss, he promised her that they would be reunited again. With her heart aching with fear, Illidarya took her child and left the place mounted on Whisperdeath. 
She went to the south, meeting Baine Bloodhoof when she arrived to Mulgore. Afraid of being attacked, she showed very protective with her son, ready to give her life in order to protect him, but Baine, seeing that she was starving, decided not to attack her and keeping her under his protection in Thunder Bluff until her recover. The Tauren didn’t show aggresive with her; they were kind and friendly, something that Illidarya wouldn’t forget and would use to teach her son that not all people are like the ones that lead them.
After recovering, she went to the north, avoiding Durotar and the lands controlled by the Horde. She finally arrived to the Darkshore and after taking a ship in Lor’danel, she ended in Darnassus, where she found her relatives from her maternal family. There, Malfurion and Tyrande greeted her, and Malfurion became interested on little Varian. Illidarya wanted to make Darnassus the perfect home for her son, but she couldn’t feel comfortable. Strange gazes and multiple rumors made her to take the choice to travel to the east, maybe Stormwind was the home that she was searching.
After a long trip, she finally arrived to the city and she was guided to the castle to have an audience with King Anduin Wrynn, who allowed her to stay in the big house near the Stormwing Embassy. 
The War of Thorns started and Illidarya took part after leaving her son in Stormwind. When Sylvanas order the Horde to burn Teldrassil, Illidarya couldn’t allow that and she adopted her alternative form, the dragon one (the humanoid form is her true form due her mother was a night elf and not a dragon) and flew to Teldrassil in order to help with the evacuation, but she had to return to her humanoid form cause it was hard for her to keep in the dragon form due her mixbreed and the fel that was inside her.
After the destruction of Teldrassil, she decided not to stay neutral. She ordered her commanders Kayn and Korvas to keep the neutrality in the Illidari ranks, but she would be sided with the Alliance. 
During the war campaing and after many adventures in both Kul Tiras and Zandalar, she finally reunited with her mate. Folken was a prisoner of the Horde and seeing him at the edge of death made her to fly using her demon wings and transforming into a dragon in the air. She destroyed some Horde airships before taking Folken and putting him on the healer’s hands. But the happiness was short, cause he was put on jail. Lady Ashvane had put a bounty on him due his past as a pirate (she was angry because he was always confronting her due her greedy actions) but then, he was released and the bounty was retired when lady katherine Proudmoore saw that there weren’t any reasons to keep that bounty. After one year separated, Illidarya and Folken were reunited. One year that was like an eternity for both of them, and the joy was bigger when Varian called him “daddy”. Illidarya told him stories of his father all the nights in order to make him to remember his father, and for the child, Folken was like a hero.
Now, two years after the defeat of the Burning Legion, Illidarya has to face another danger: Azshara and her horrible nagas, and the Azure Princess will do everything to keep her family safe.
OK, here there are some things that we can call “extra”, I guess xD:
-Whisperdeath is under the care of the SI:7 due the wounds that she got when Illidarya and her felsaber were in the middle of the implosion of many azerite bombs. Due her long recovery, Illidarya tamed the rare Lucid Nightmare in order to have a terrenal mount.
-She uses an azure drake as flying mount 
-In Nazjatar, Hunter Akana rewarded her with a female Deepcoral Snapdragon that she names Tideseeker after befriended the snapdragon
-Her son, Varian/varegos, has a snapdragon pet name Kayla. He found her lost on the shores of Stormsong Valley and she couldn’t survive in the wild cause she had one eye blind and she was very little for her age, sho thanks to a friendly Tortolian, he became friend of that little snapdragon
-Naragos was one of Stellagosa’s children; that makes Illidarya be the great-great granddaughter of Senegos. And remember, the Azurewing can still have children, with less results, but they can.
I know, I know that it’s impossible the origins of Illidarya but hey A MAGE DID IT. Remember that Garona is the daughter of a draenei and an orc, two different species from different planets who had her thanks to the fel magic that Gul’dan used, so it could be very little possible that two species from the same planet could have a child. Thing with that.
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felsight · 6 years ago
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Kinagosa // Kina Freemoon
[ Dragon form]
* Side note :: the only difference is her hair should be blue, seen here, I’m just too lazy to photoshop it in. This goes for both of her disguises. * Side side note :: She’s got both elf forms for areas where a blood elf usually wouldn’t pass without complications arising.
tagging @warcraftingfox for mention of their oc
A young whelpling from the Blue Dragonflight. She was born in Azurewing Repose, Aszuna. The youngest in her clutch as well as the unfortunate runt of the litter. Because of her status as runt within the dragon’s society, she was often pushed aside and frowned upon. A prideful lot, the Blue dragons of the repose held even their young to high standards thus they did not expect Kina to meet these standards. She was a runt. Delayed, too hyper, too loud. Surely she would make a poor representative of their flight and everything they stood for.
She had never known who her true parents were, likely they had abandoned her shortly after her hatching thus she was looked after by the community as a whole with other orphans or lesser fortunate whelplings. The only one that could seem to see past her shortcomings seemed to be Stellagosa, who became her primary caretaker for the time being.
Stellagosa would be the one to teach her the beginnings of how to control the magic she possessed though once the withered had began attacking the repose more frequently in greater numbers, Kina’s teachings had to be put on hold. During this time, she would come across one of Azeroth’s heros, a Blood Elf paladin by the name of Thalaron Rosefury. He was one of the adventurers that would eventually help the dragons of Azurewing Repose with the situation with the withered.
Immediately, she took a liking to the paladin which would later spark her choosing her mortal form as a blood elf. She would constantly follow him around, despite his protests to get her to stay with her family where it was safe. Thus Kina tried her best to hide from him when she began following him but alas, she had no ounce of stealth in her and he caught her. Every time. All the time.
While Thalaron thought she was adorable and inquisitive for her own good, he couldn’t live with the guilt should something happen to her. Too young, too inexperienced, she belonged at the repose. Despite Kina’s attempts at protesting, he wouldn’t listen. It wasn’t until Kina explained that she was seen as lesser because of her social status as a runt that she had no place there.
At Kina’s explanation, Thalaron finally agreed to let her accompany him. Though it wouldn’t be for long as his previous fears of seeing her injured were still very evident, avoiding any conflict he could until he got to where he needed to go. He took Kina to Velaei, his sort-of girlfriend, who was the leader of the Tirisgarde at the time. Velaei was definitely surprised Thalaron had brought a dragon child to her but didn’t oppose to letting her stay in the Hall of the Guardian with her and the other magi.
During her stay in the Hall of the Guardian, Kina immediately took to taking in as much information as she could from the extensive libraries there. At least, the ones she had access to which was still more than enough to preoccupy her for the months to come. In the Hall, she also very briefly met Kalecgos, who she took an immediate fascination to as he was another Blue. And a famous one at that. She had asked him to help teach her but he had politely declined, much too busy with his aiding the Tirisgarde as well as handling his duties in the Council of Six.
One day, while she was searching for something to do, she wanted to go visit Thalaron. Velaei had told her no, it was too dangerous at the moment to visit him, but as stubborn as she was, Kina slipped away when nobody was looking.This would result in her getting captured by the Vrykul, mistaking her for a discolored Stormdrake whelp.
She remained in one of their camps as a prisoner until Jasculs, a demon hunter assisting the Thorignir, as well as his partner Sol'alore, came across her while he was in the area. He immediately took to her, deciding he would be her protector until they could get her home safely back to  Velaei. It would take awhile for them to get back to the Hall of the Guardian, Kina not understanding Jasculs’s nervousness in the city at the time, but ultimately Kina wanted to remain with Jasculs and Sol.
They refused, saying their travels were far too dangerous, reminding Kina a lot of Thalaron. They at least promised to visit her whenever they were nearby but, again, she was told to stay put. Again, Kina chose to follow Jasculs and Sol. Not surprisingly, she was easily caught for a third time. This time, instead of taking her back to Velaei, she was sent to a friend of Jasculs’s, an elderly Kaldorei druid named Malasarian Softpaws, who lived retired in Darnassus with his daughter, Nythlora.
While Kina still wished to stay with them, they explained why they couldn’t, about to depart to assist with the campaign on Argus. It was months before Kina saw them again, longer than they had promised, though she got along well with the night elves so it wasn’t too bad. There was more to discover in Darnassus that she hadn’t previously discovered, taking her attention for the most part to distract the youngling. Plus Nythlora seemed to be a fun playmate for her.
When finally Jasculs and Sol'alore finally returned, Kina was ecstatic. Once things settled a bit more, Kina had been allowed to travel with the two elves, who acted as her adoptive parents. In their travels, Kina would get the chance to hone her powers more, first hand experience helping immensely even if she’s not a master yet, despite her proneness for getting lost and finding unintentional trouble.
She’s certainly a handful for her dads but shes grateful for them as well as vice versa.
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anielina13 · 7 years ago
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Runas, being an exile, has long forgotten about the warmth and comfort of the taverns of Suramar, forgot about his house, from which the servants of the Grand Magistrix were thrown out, leaving only sadness and pain in the heart of the poor nightborne. His refuge at the moment is a dark and cold cave near the Azurewing Repose. To keep warm in these frosty November days, Runas is making a fire, covered with a tattered rug, and watches the fire so that it does not go out. His life is fire. Sooner or later, Runas will go out by himself.
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kinagosa · 7 years ago
Side Note :: Her backstory involves some of my and my s/o’s other OCs, who, in my verse, are the “heroes” of Azeroth (i.e, class hall leaders, etcetc). Depending on the rp, I’m fine with changing this aspect of her history to fit the rp better so long as we agree upon it beforehand.
Below the cut since it’s pretty lengthy.
One of the whelps hatched at Azurewing Repose in Aszuna, Kinagosa is no stranger to danger as the threat of the withered threatened her home. After the events that took place there, Kinagosa began following around the Paladin hero that helped her brood. A Sin'dorei named Thalaron Rosefury. From what she learned of him, he was the Highlord of the Silver Hand. At first, she stayed hidden as she followed him along his quests to help Senegos and Stellagosa with the growing situation in Azurewing Repose and the withered becoming more and more erratic, especially after their own leaders were killed.
Of course, she had no idea the danger she landed herself in because of this. On multiple occasions, Thalaron came to her aide as she was unable to defend herself properly against the withered. To that she would be eternally grateful. He showed her kindness and in the short time they spent together he became like a father figure to the young dragon, immediately striving to protect her
Because of his actions, Kinagosa ended up sticking by his side until they were able to return to her home. However, when it came time for him to continue his adventures, Kinagosa insisted on following him again. Thalaron’s actions and bravery where intriguing and albeit a little inspiring. Of course he refused, insisting she would be safer among her own but as stubborn as she is, Kinagosa followed anyways. Funny how history repeats itself, isn’t it? And again, she was discovered by Thalaron.
When questioned why she persisted, Kinagosa countered back with the fact of admitting she was a runt and the Blue Dragonflight had overly high expectations, both in physical ability as well as mental, even of their children. It was no place for runts who were delayed in both of those areas. She would never belong amongst her own. Not fully. Not accepting this excuse, Thalaron still refused to allow her to accompany him. His defense was that she was still a kid, technically by dragon standards anyways, and a kid had no place fighting the Burning Legion despite the threat they posed on her home as well as his. He would not be responsible for the death of a child.
As stubborn as Kinagosa is, she still insisted on going with them. Eventually, after much more back and forth between the paladin and the dragon, Thalaron finally agreed though he had a plan. That plan being taking her to Velaei Brightheart, the current leader of the Tirisgarde who made her home in the Hall of the Guardian. Once he managed to get Kinagosa to Velaei, she immediately took to the Archmage and wanted to learn everything her and her order hall had to offer. Velaei, while being somewhat overwhelmed with suddenly being tasked to care, let alone teach, Kinagosa, slowly warmed up to the whelpling.
However, she very quickly discovered another Blue dragon taking residence in the Hall, Kalecgos. Along with Vel, Kalec also began mentoring the younger dragon, though much less frequently as he was pretty busy with his own agenda and the Council of Six as well as his various tasks around the Hall.
In her new home, she devoted herself to her studies. Though the aforementioned events happened within the span of a little over a years time, Kinagosa is proving to be quite a quick learner despite her setbacks as a runt. She’s still deemed an immature child, that won’t pass for several more years. In the time span of that year, she managed to read every book there was to offer in the Hall’s library, was even allowed to train with the apprentices there so long as she (and they) were careful.
It was only recently that she moved her studies to Dalaran, and by extent, the rest of Azeroth. Vel was hesitant to let her go off on her own, convinced that she would get into all sorts of trouble and she was right to worry. Runt or not, she was still a Blue Dragon and countless people sought the power she had. It didn’t help that Kina didn’t learn very quickly that showing off her powers wasn’t a good idea. That was a lesson she learned the hard way.
There have been plenty of instances of others attempting to kidnap or otherwise harm her for their own selfish gain. Luckily for Kina, each time either a random passerby had jumped in to save her or she actually managed to teleport back home to Vel and to safety. (And nearly giving Vel a heart attack each time).
In one instance of an attempted kidnapping, a night elf demon hunter had assisted her in fighting off her attackers. For the night elf, the battle seemed pretty easily handled and before they knew it, the attackers were fleeing. Kina learned then her saviors name was Jasculs. As fate would have it, Jasculs would come to Kina’s aid a few more times in the future before they took it upon themselves to making sure Kina stays out of trouble. Ergo, Jasculs became Kina’s personal bodyguard.
With her new friend, Kina resumed her travels and search for knowledge. She was grateful for the company, definitely made this whole adventuring less lonely and boring with someone else. Shame they weren’t much for conversation though. But that’s okay, Kina chats enough for the both of them.
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tara-chin-sang · 7 years ago
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✨ Azurewing Repose - Crystals & Flowers ✨
 Quick warmup thingy~ 
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kinsale42-blog · 7 years ago
Excerpt: Transformation
Khadgar/Kalec, Kinsale/Kalec, Khadgar/Kinsale (m/m, full work explicit)
"I need to tell you about something," Khadgar began. He'd thought about how to have this conversation for days, and none of the imaginary dialogues he'd gone through in his head seemed any better than any other.
Kinsale looked up at him from her chair by the fire, continuing to stroke the tiny white kitten curled in her lap. This was the most relaxed and comfortable she'd seemed in ages, and Khadgar hoped he wasn't about to ruin it all with his confession.
He took a deep breath. "It's about Kalec...and I...and...er..."
"And he's in love with you," Kinsale finished for him.
Khadgar's brows drew together and he looked perplexed. "That's not what I was going to say. What do you mean, he's in love with me?"
"Isn't he? He shows all the signs. I know the symptoms, I suffered them long enough."
"Suffered? But...wait, not me." Khadgar realized what she must have meant. "Bolvar?"
"Yes. There's something about being in love with someone you think you're not supposed to be in love with. I've seen Kalec do some of the same things I used to do. And when you catch him in an unguarded moment... I never realized it but I probably gave myself away too." Kinsale really thought it was rather sweet. But then, she couldn't understand why more people weren't in love with Khadgar. "So what were you going to say, then?"
"Oh! Um, well, that we're pretty close, and er, there have been times when we have...well, shared certain things..." His hand went to his face and he appeared to be trying to massage his brain into forming complete sentences through his forehead. It didn't work.
Kinsale tried to hide a grin at his discomfiture. Sometimes he was too damn adorable for his own good. She thought she knew what he was trying to say. She knew what he had been like and what he had needed from her after his recent nightmare, and she knew that Kalec knew about the nightmares and had been present for more than a few. Putting these facts together suggested a very clear picture to her, one that fell easily in line with her idea that Kalec was in love with her mate.
"You've been intimate?" she asked as gently as she could.
He seized on her simplification of the situation. "Yes! Exactly." Then, suddenly horrified at how easily he'd just admitted what he'd been trying to discreetly explain, his eyes grew wide. Khadgar unconsciously held his breath as he waited for her reaction.
"I thought you might have been," she said calmly, while gently scritching the kitten under the chin. "Does it bother you? Or is there something about it you wanted to discuss?"
He shook his head, and collapsed into the chair opposite her. How was this all so much easier than he'd expected? Most folk in Azeroth didn't look upon same-gender intimacy in a particularly kindly fashion, or they just looked the other way and pretended it didn't exist. And here was his soul mate, quietly accepting it all as if it were totally ordinary.
"But you think he's in love with me?" He was still a little skeptical about this. Kalec had always offered quite sensible reasons for being willing to share what he did. And while Khadgar was willing to admit that he found Kalec quite attractive and their handful of encounters had been pleasurable, he'd never felt more than a warm affection for his generous friend. He'd always assumed Kalec felt the same. There had been little reason to think otherwise.
Kinsale watched as Khadgar mentally reviewed the evidence. She recognized the expression on his face, and the movement of his eyes.
"Yes," she answered. "And if he needs you, or you need him, you should feel free to act as you see fit." He looked up at her then, awed by her generosity of spirit. She smiled. "I have a pretty good idea how you feel about me, and I doubt that it will change as a result of your caring for your friend. Your heart is too big and too open for one person to hold." She sighed softly to herself. "I wish I was better at showing you how much I care about you. Some days I just seem to have no patience at all."
Khadgar leaned forward and put his hand on her knee. "You just proved every ounce of kindness and unselfishness that I knew you possessed, and then some. Don't ever feel bad about lacking patience. It only happens when you're tired, and we all get tired."
The kitten stretched then, sticking its tiny paws out in front of its body. Kinsale yelped as the needle-like claws stuck into her leg. The startled kitten jumped down and scampered across the room, and they laughed at it.
His face growing serious once more, Khadgar said, "I don't know how I would feel about...being intimate with Kalec now. I don't want to treat you with any disrespect or betray you in any way."
Kinsale slid forward in her chair and reached across to touch his face. "I appreciate that. But when a dragon makes his choice, who are we to argue? His lifetime is so much longer than ours, and he is so kind, I can see no reason not to share in our happiness if we can." Her head tilted slightly to the side as their gaze intensified. "And you, too, deserve all the happiness for which you have waited far too long."
He took her hand and pulled her over into his lap, where they twined their arms about each other and engaged in a lengthy kiss.
The shade was deep around Azurewing Repose, but the glow of the ley pool was more than enough to light the entire refuge, setting all the nearby dragonscales to sparkling. Kalec had been spending a lot of time there, at the side of the great dragon, Senegos. Khadgar had not had to try very hard to find him.
They walked together up to a small overlook just off the road, discussing the latest news and random trivial events. When they reached the spot where they could look down over the ley pool and Senegos' recumbent form, Khadgar paused. Kalec waited. He knew that if Khadgar came down here himself, there was something other than small talk on his mind.
Khadgar turned his head and looked at his friend's profile for a long moment before speaking. It was almost like seeing him for the first time. "Kalec. Why did you never tell me that you cared?" His voice was kind.
Kalec had to admit that he was surprised at this. He had thought he was safe, that he had contained himself and his emotions well enough that they would remain undetected by others, especially Khadgar himself, until they had faded into the nether, as was the way of such things. He considered for the space of a few breaths how he should reply to such a question. Knowing too well who he was dealing with, he decided the absolute truth was the only option.
He turned to regard Khadgar with a steady gaze as he replied, "At first I didn't understand what was happening, and by the time I did, it was clear enough to me that you didn't feel the same. And I would not burden you with weight you do not need to carry. You have enough of your own."
"And then," Kalec continued, "there was a certain paladin that stepped into your world, and I saw what love was for you. I saw you love her like I loved--still love--Anveena. There are no timelines in which I would seek to change that for anyone, especially not for you."
A wave of compassion and tenderness rolled over Khadgar. Kalec had given so much of himself and expected no consideration for it. He had been there to pull Khadgar back from the brink of despair more than a handful of times, had willingly and voluntarily imbued Khadgar with his own draconic life force in order to strengthen him in a time of great need. Khadgar had been more than grateful but had not questioned Kalec's rational explanations for his actions.
Now, as he looked into those blue-violet eyes, eyes that shone like stars when alive with passion, he was touched somewhere deep inside. Maybe he cared more than he thought about this dragon in a half-elven shape. He thought back over Kinsale's encouragement, words that had sounded commonplace but felt like a blessing. Khadgar reached out and touched Kalec's arm. "If there is ever anything you need of me, I will be here for you. Anything."
"But Kinsale...?" Kalec left the question unfinished.
"Has let me know that she has no desire to come between you and I, whatever we share. She has a rather thorough understanding of the situation, and trusts us implicitly. It was, in fact, Kinsale that alerted me to your...er...condition." Had they moved closer? Khadgar felt like they were standing closer than they had been. He was feeling rather warm. And those violet eyes, the angled cheekbones of Kalec's face, the finely-crafted lips... Khadgar was falling prey to desire without any inciting event. Before it had been either Kalec who initiated or Khadgar's own fierce need for comfort. But this fire had started spontaneously.
Kalec saw his friend's face change, and correctly interpreted what it signified. In the blink of an eye, they were in Kalec's private quarters in Dalaran, where he trusted the wards that kept them secure and blocked all noise from being heard from without. With Khadgar, the latter tended to be a necessity.
Khadgar took Kalec's face in both his hands and kissed him, full and hard, until they were both gulping for air. Then fingers were tearing at laces and clothing was coming off rapidly. Khadgar felt like he was experiencing everything anew, the smoothness of Kalec's skin, the strange simultaneous warmth and chill of his breath, the solid muscles that coiled and shifted in ways that suggested dragon more than elf or human.
He realized that in at least one way, it was a new experience. This was the first time he had been with Kalec since he and Kinsale had found each other. And, he thought, she was experiencing it all too, because he hadn't even attempted to shield their link. He didn't even spare more than a moment's thought for it now, either, and left it intentionally wide open. She would understand and figure out how to manage it.
finish the story at http://archiveofourown.org/works/8888953
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sylviawolflin · 8 years ago
The sounds of weapons clashing, arrows piercing skin, calls for aid, and screams of death rung in Khadgar’s ears as he fired off an arcane bolt. The felbat fell from the sky with a screech, knocking down another in the process. The Legionfall were doing what they could to establish another foothold deeper into the Broken Shore. With the loss of many to get to where they were, some were beginning to question if this would succeed.
“Khadgar, behind you!” Readying another arcane blast, the Archmage whipped around and shot down the Arasani. Giving a nod to Maiev, he eyed a group of demons charging in from their flanks. Slicing off the heads of a fel beast, Illidan alerted the Legionfall forces of a Command Ship arriving above. A strong gust of wind came from behind the Legionfall forces. Arrows were thrown off-course and many soldiers stumbled. Even the demons were effected, some that were in flight were thrown back and those on the ground were knocked off their feet. The gust of wind had brought forth more casualties to their side than the demons.
The being that caused the strong wind spoke, “I’ve got it!” her voice rumbled with a growl as another beat of wind formed in the air from her wings, throwing more air-borne demons to the ground. Khadgar looked up just in time to see the black drake, Kalistrasza, slam into the Command Ship, causing the deadly beam to hit its own demons. Their screeches filled the air as Khadgar turned to face the demons coming from their left side.
He gathered the arcane into his hands, “Demons on our flanks! They’ve called in for reinforcment!” He hollered, firing off arcane misslies to take out as many demons as he could in one go. His attack did not have an effect on the Legion forces barreling towards them.
“Khadgar!” Velen called to the Archmage as he shielded the Legionfall soldiers from falling debris coming from the Command Ship, “We’re going to be over run!” Khadgar felt his heart clench as he looked around the battle field. There were more casualties against the Campaign than there were of demons. Not even the fall of a Command Ship lessened their forces and more soldiers were falling every minute. Turning back to Velen, ready to agree to a retreat, Khadgar was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of terror as his eyes locked with an Eye of Torment from an Inquister. He could feel the energies flow through his body, clinging to his bones and clawing at his mind as it infiltrated his being. Although a powerful Archmage, Khadgar was still a mortal human. There was only so much he could do as he felt his body collapse to the ground and darkness overtook his mind.
In Stormwind, a soft breeze blew through the Keep from the open garden. The faint smell of smoke from the Dwarven Disctrict was noticable under the scents of flowers and dew from the early morning. It relaxed the two mortals walking around the garden, carefully being watched by the Royal Guards in case anything was to happen to them. The King of Stormwind was grateful for their service, but has always felt a bit awkward under their gaze. However, his focus was entirely on Peregrïn at the moment, distracting him for a short time.
Khadgar had approched King Varian and Prince Anduin before he set off for the Broken Isles, asking if his wife could stay at the Keep until his return. Varian did not hesitate to accept and before long, Peregrïn was comfortably settled into the Keep with her own room and some belongings from their home. She had of course refused to leave their home, but had eventually given in to Khadgar’s pleadings. He only wanted to make sure she was safe while he was gone fighting the Burning Legion.
Now she was intently listening to King Anduin recount a tale from one of his adventures in Pandaria with the Black Prince Wrathion and Kalistrasza. “With a burst of rage, he transformed into a whelpling, ready to fight Kalistrasza in their true forms. He didn’t take into account that his older sister was already much bigger than him. You should’ve seen his face when Kalistrasza transformed into a drake.” Anduin spoke with a grin, looking to Peregrïn as she giggled. She wasn’t the only one enjoying his stories, the Royal Guards in the gardens were smiling under their helms as they listened also.
“Those two really must’ve disliked each other.” Peregrïn commented. Anduin gave a grunt,
“Disliked is an understatement. They couldn’t stand to be around one another. If they were, it was constant jabs at each other.” He corrected, “They are much better now… or were.” Peregrïn noticed how he suddenly become sad and his gaze lowered to his feet. Her brows furrowed in concern as she reached up to rest her hand on his shoulder,
“Are you alright?” she asked. Anduin gave a small sigh, he had remembered Wrathion’s betrayal at Garrosh’s trail in Pandaria. Had he not sent the orc back in time to Draenor, the Legion would not have arrived.
“I would say yes, but then I would be lying.” Anduin informed, resting his hand on the hilt of his father’s sword. It sat comfortably on his hip, “I worry for the heroes on the Broken Isles, but I fear for Kalistrasza.”
“I know how it feels.” Peregrïn relates, but before she can continue a guard horn is blown from one of the Keep’s guard towers.
“Dragon Inbound!” a guard shouts, alerting everyone else. Anduin grabs for his father’s sword as he looks out into the sky to see the dragon transform midair and slide into the gardens with ease. Their cloak fluttered around them as they righted their stance, curly red hair catching the sun in just the right angle to make it glow.
“Sorry I didn’t send a letter first.” they joked, briskly walking up to Anduin and Peregrïn. The night elf became confused when the guards relaxed and Anduin’s face lit up in happiness. A black drake had just transformed into a blood elf female and bursted into the garden with ease!
“Kalistrasza!” Anduin greeted with open arms, the female did not hesitate to hug him back, “What are you doing here?” he asked as they pulled away.
‘So this is Kalistrasza!’ Peregrïn thought in excitement. She had heard some stories about the black dragon from Khadgar and around town, but had never actually met her. Kalistrasza’s expression changed to one of unease,
“It’s Khadgar.” she informed, snapping Peregrïn out of her excited trance. “Three days ago we were fighting to achieve another foot hold on the Broken Shore when we became overrun. A couple Inquisters had managed to infiltrate our ranks and released a few Eyes of Torment upon us. They had trapped some soldiers into a comatose state, Khadgar was one of them.”
“By the Light..!” Anduin breathed in shock, “How many casualties?” he asked, looking into Kalistrasza’s glowing green eyes.
“Out of a hundred and fifty soldiers, only twenty made it back to to Deliverance Point. Seven of them being trapped in a nightmarish dream.” she reported, “When Khadgar had fallen, Velen called for a retreat. One of Azeroth’s Champions had grabbed Khadgar and led the retreat while I held back the forces for as long as I could before joining them back at base.” Peregrïn was horrified, her thoughts going wild. She could feel tension in her stomach and chest, growing tighter and tighter every passing second. It pained her deeply to know her beloved was suffering out at the Broken Shore and there was nothing she could do about it. She knew something bad had happened when she got this same feeling around the time the black drake had reported. She couldn’t lose her husband…
“And what about Khadgar?” she asked, her eyes wide. Kalistrasza turned to her, noticing how the short night elf’s ears hung low. The drake rested her hand on Peregrïn’s shoulder.
“Nothing we have done has worked to pull him out. We have managed to free a few others trapped, but Khadgar’s mind is shut off from reality. We believe you might be able to bring Khadgar back to us.” she spoke. Peregrïn was taken back by Kalistrasza’s words. Maybe there was something she could do to save her husband. Determination filled her mind as she grabbed Kalistrasza’s hand  with a firm grip,
“I’ll do whatever I can to save my husband.” She declared, eyes glowing fiercly. Kalistrasza grinned at her,
“Then you better hurry and get changed, I don’t think you want to be out on a battlefield in your nightgown.” Peregrïn’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked down at herself, remembering that while Anduin was ready for his busy day, she was not. She looked back up gave a nervous giggle before rushing off to get changed. Kalistrasza gave a grunt of amusement as she and Anduin watched her rush off.
It didn’t take long for Peregrïn to get ready and meet Kalistrasza at the steps of Stormwind Keep. Upon her arrival, she saw Kalistrasza speaking hushedly to Anduin before her depature. Peregrïn smiled at the young couple, not wanting to interrupt their moment. However an annoyed palace guard had announced her arrival before she could stop him. Kalistrasza pulled away from Anduin before turning to the small night elf and giving her a nod.
“Are you ready Peregrïn?” Kalistrasza asked as Anduin moved back. Peregrïn nodded with a determined smile,
“I’m ready.” she informed, approaching Kalistrasza as she transformed. Peregrïn eagerly hopped on the drake’s neck and grasped the lower spike on the back of her head. Kalistrasza took flight and began their speedy fight to the Broken Shore.
“So, what’s the plan?” Peregrïn asked over the wind that rung in her ears. While Peregrïn had difficulty hearing, Kalistrasza could hear perfectly fine.
“I had sent a Champion out to retrieve Alinagosa from Azurewing Repose as I set out  to retrieve you. She should be able to help us gain access to Khadgar’s mind so we can free him and the others.” Kalistrasza spoke, her strong voice easily being heard over the wind. Beginning their descent below the clouds, the two females were caught off guard by a blast of fel fire soaring right over their heads. The drake quickened her dive passed the glowing green clouds, revealing the demon-infested Broken Shore.
“By the light of Elune…” Peregrïn gasped taking in the battlefield. The land was stained fel green by the corruption and the terrifying light emitting from the Tomb of Sargeras. Fel bats swarmed around its peak as a Command Ship hovered near it. Demons crawled around the ground like ants, fighting against Champions and soldiers from both Horde and Alliance.
“Even on the shores of Hell, the forces of Azeroth fight vialiantly to save our world.” Kalistrasza whispered, landing by the demolished Mage Tower. Peregrïn hopped off her neck and was immediatly approached by Velen.
“Greetings Peregrïn, I apologize for bringing you here against Khadgar’s request. I trust Kalistrasza has explained everything?” the Prophet spoke. Peregrïn nodded as she followed the him and Kalistrasza to her husband, “She did.” she confirmed. Velen gave a sigh of relief as they approached the infirmary. There, Peregrïn laid her eyes upon a human woman clad in blue casting magic upon one of the comatose soldiers. Velen stopped with Kalistrasza as they waited for the woman to finish. Peregrïn watched as the magic dimmed down and the soldier began to wake,
“Easy now.” the woman spoke, stopping them from sitting up in panic. “You’re safe now. What you saw in your sleep was nothing more than a nightmare.” the soldier relaxed as a priest began to tend to them, giving the woman the chance to leave.
“I see you’ve found a way to pull them from their torment, Alinagosa.” Kalistrasza spoke to the human. The human jumped in surprise and whipped around to see the trio,
“Kalistrasza! It’s good to see you again!” she beamed, hurriedly approaching and hugging her friend. Kalistrasza laughed, returning the hug before pulling away. “It’s good to see you too, but this isn’t the time to get caught up. I’ve brought Peregrïn to help us free Khadgar.” Kalistrasza informed, introducing the small night elf. Alinagosa smiled and stuck her hand out for a handshake. Peregrïn did not hesitate to shake her hand with a smile,
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Peregrïn. Now to the matter at hand!” she spoke, leading them to Khadgar’s cot.
Khadgar’s body was numb, his sight gone and his taste nonexistant; but he could hear everything. The sounds of destruction and the screams of terror. The lightning crackling in the sky and breaking of the very ground below him. The distant hum of fel magic being channeled in the far reaches of his hearing. Around him he could perceive soldiers calling out for help and commanders barking orders.
“Huntmaster Mlissa! Help me!”
“Don’t worry Naomi! I got you!”
“Maiev! Retreat while you can!”
“And leave you alone with these demons?! Over my fel-burned corpse, Illidan.”
'Illidan? Maiev? What is going on?’ Khadgar thought as his senses slowly began to come back to him. He could feel the tremors of the ground shaking and breaking beneath the surface, traveling deep into the heart of the world. He could feel that he was leaning against something, maybe it was the Flight Master’s post. He couldn’t tell. He could tell that the taste in his mouth was blood mixed with dirt, causing agony to his throat and lungs. Just like the rest of his body and mind was screaming in pain. His sight was the last to fully come to him, but he wished it never had returned at all.
Before him, the Broken Isles was in utter choas. Demons overran Deliverance Point as they slaughtered what little was left of the Legionfall soldiers. Corpses littered the ground and many were chained and held prisoner by Jailers. Amongst those imprisoned he saw the leaders of different Order Halls ready to be fuel for a Soul Engine. Their bodies battered and broken, hardly able to function. Khadgar watched as both Highlord and Deathlord fought back-to-back, doing whatever they could to survive, only to fail. While the Highlord’s soul had been ripped from their body and locked away by a Jailer, the soulless Deathlord had been torn in two and thrown to the fel hounds and others. The Huntmaster had fought viciously beside her beasts, letting the true beast inside her take over only to been cut down with her animals by Shivarra. The High Priest was being dragged away to join the other Order Hall leaders to have their soul sacrificed as well.
Illidan was fighting beside Maiev, the two enemies fighting together to save their lives and protect the world. “Illidan, move!” Maiev shouted, throwing the demon hunter out of the way of a fel blast, taking the hit herself. Her screams of agony filled the air as her body burned from the fel fire. Khadgar could see her whispering to Illidan who crouched beside her fallen body, fueling his demonic rage once she had truly perished. He fought in a blind rage, slaughtering demons left and right, taking hundreds down with him before he was finally struck down himself. Impaled on the weapons of demons.
Khadgar struggled to his feet, his body hissing at him to just lay down and accept his fate. Holding his damaged ribs, he took a step forward, struggling to breathe. He could do nothing but watch the destruction unfold before his very eyes.
“Prophet!” a dragon roared from the skies. Scanning his eyes over everything, Khadgar found the jailed body of Velen being taken away by a demon. Kalecgos flew after him to free him,
“Kalecgos, look out!” Alinagosa roared from further above, but the warning came to late. The great former-Aspect had been struck down with a roar by the deadly beams from Command Ships littering the fel-green skies. His lifeless body crashing to the ground, rattling the very soul of whomever remained. The blue dragon, Alinagosa, flew towards him only to be stopped by Kalistrasza.
She roared in anger as she defended her friend, “He is gone, Alinagosa! There is nothing we can do for him!” she growled, attempting to bring a Command Ship to the ground. Alinagosa looked to her friend only have a fel-beam take off one her her wings. Her screech of pain bringing Kalistrasza to her side. “Alinagosa!!”
“Flee, Kalistrasza! Flee while you can!” Alinagosa roared, her blood seeping over the fel-corrupted ground in waves. Kalistrasza didn’t listen as she did everything she could to defend her friend. “Flee!!”
“Not without–!” Kalistrasza was interrupted by a force knocking her to the ground, her large body crushing most of the Command Center under her. She was dazed and the Legion took advantage of it, brutally slaughtering her where she lay. Khadgar stumbled forward, only to fall down a small slope into a pool of blood. Blood that was not his own.
Gathering his senses, Khadgar sat up but what he saw beside him shattered him completely. What lied beside him was the broken body of his beloved wife, her blood soaking the ground. Her glowing white eyes dark and lifeless. “No, no, no..!” Khadgar whispered as he reached for Peregrïn. Tears swelling in his eyes as he wept for his beloved. The Legion had won and taken everything from him in the process.
Khadgar cupped his wife’s face, only for it phase through her. 'What?’ he wondered looking at his hand before attempting to cup her face again, only to get the same result. 'What is wrong with me!?’ he panicked, looking around him quickly. Doing so, he noticed his body felt as light as a feather and all the sounds were dimming. His throat was tight in grief, preventing him from being able to yell in confusion. 'What is happening!?’
Suddenly, Khadgar felt himself yanked off the ground and out of Azeroth’s atmosphere. Giving him full view of the Legion destorying his world. He was too confused to fully dread the sight when he found himself floating a starry plane. No sound could be heard but his own breaking heart. He would have admired the area around him had it not been shattered by what he saw on the Broken Shore.
“Khadgar?” a sweet, airy voice called out from around him. His eyes widened as he whipped around, his grey hair flowing up and around him as his cloak did the same, looking for the owner of the voice. He saw nothing but the same starry surroundings. Faintly, he could hear other sounds around him also, but he couldn’t make out what they were.
“Khadgar? Can you hear me?” the voice came again, “Khadgar, please, answer me!” Khadgar was panicking, why wouldn’t he be? He had been dragged from Azeroth into the middle of space and was hearing a voice around him. His magic was depleted and he was at the complete mercy of whomever was speaking to him, “Khadgar!” the voice sounded again, more clear and directly behind him. Whipping around, Khadgar found himself face-to-face with the spiritual being of Peregrïn. Her face lit up as she floated towards him, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes. “I made it! I reached you just in time!”
Khadgar was confused, backing away from Peregrïn. The small night elf stopped and looked at him in surprise, “Stay away from me…” Khadgar spoke, his voice wavering as he eyed her up and down. Alarm was written all over Peregrïn’s face.
“Khadgar, it is me! Perry!” she spoke, pulling a hand up to her chest. Khadgar only slowly shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.
“No… you’re not my Peregrïn… She is dead on the Broken Shore. Slaughtered like the others!” his voice grew as he pointed a blaming finger at her, “You’re nothing but a Legion pawn, brought here to cause me more suffering!” Peregrïn sighed, she had been warned by Alinagosa that he would act like this.
“Look into my eyes, Khadgar. I am you’re Perry. You know it deep within you.” She cooed, her eyes never leaving Khadgar’s. The Archmage could feel the pit in his stomach tighten as he looked deep into her glowing eyes. He saw all the unfathomable love that she held for him. All the admiration and countless hours they had spent together. He knew that it was true, he saw it in her eyes everytime he looked into them whenever they were together. His heart clenched and he lowered his hand, his tears falling slower than before,
“Perry…” He whispered as she flowed towards him, cupping his face in her hands and resting her forehead against his. A smile covered her face as she pressed a kiss against his lips, leaving a tingling feeling behind.
“It’s me. Alive and breathing.” she confirmed. Khadgar couldn’t stop himself as he brought his arms up and around his wife, pulling her close to him; not phasing through her body this time. “How..?” he whimpered.
“You’re trapped in your own mind, placed here by an Eye of Torment so you can suffer for all of eternity.” Peregrïn informed, refusing to pull away from her suffering husband.
“Then how are you here?” He asked, his tears slowly drying to his face as they stopped flowing. Peregrïn’s expression shifted, she had heard something that Khadgar couldn’t hear.
“We must hurry. Alinagosa and Kalistrasza are barely managing to give my consiousness access to yours. You must break free! Whatever you saw before, it was all fake.” She spoke, her grip tightening ever so slightly. “We’re all waiting for you back in the consious world, back in reality!” She was slowly beginning to fade out and Khadgar was starting to panic,
“What do you mean?” he asked as Peregrïn began to fade away from him,
“You must wake up, before you’re lost to an eternity of suffering. Everything you saw, everything you felt, everything you heard while on the Broken Shore you saw is nothing but a nightmare!” she spoke hurriedly, “Come back to me, Khadgar! I can’t lose you…” as Peregrïn faded, Khadgar could feel and see everything around him cracking like ice. Growing with each step and the increased pressure. Before he knew it, everything around him shattered and his senses left him. The starry plane remained in the shattered looking glass, falling into the depths of the darkness and plunging him deep within it.
First came his sense of touch, then his sense of smell. The sense of taste and hearing followed soon after. He could taste the dryness of his mouth and throat, he could feel this leather gloves and the worn cloth below him. He could hear the distant sounds of demons and the chitter-chatter of soldiers nearby, but mostly the voices of three people around him.
“…worked… waking… Khadgar?…” the words faded in and out as the Archmage groaned, his body tingling. “Khadgar, can you hear us?”
“I can hear you…” Khadgar grumbled out as he blinked his eyes open. Reaching a hand up to hold his head, he couldn’t remembered what happened. However, his memory was quickly jogged when he heard the familiar groan of his wife at his side. He remembered everything he had saw and how he had been pulled free from his torment. He shot right up only to get a major head rush,
“Easy Khadgar.” Velen spoke, resting a hand on his shoulder. Khadgar squinted an eye open at him as he craddled his head,
“How long..?” he grunted, wincing at how raspy his voice sounded. A hand rested on his other shoulder, the hand clearly being more dainty and strong,
“Three days.” Khadgar looked to his side to see Peregrïn awake and smiling at him. A smile that was highly contagious and quickly spread to everyone around them. Khadgar closed his eyes and looked down, a chuckle escaping his lips as Peregrïn ran her hand up and down his back.
“Three days, huh? I could’ve sworn it was only two minutes.” he joked. Kalistrasza snorted above him, ruffling his dirty grey locks. Khadgar shooed her hand away with a flick of the wrist as he grinned up at her. He turned to Peregrïn and remembered everything he saw in his tormented nightmares, he knew they would haunt him for the years to come; but seeing everyone living and breathing put his mind at rest for now. He quickly embraced his wife with what little strength he had and buried his face into the crook of her neck. Peregrïn responded immediatly, embracing him also and running her fingers through his hair. “I love you… I love you so much…” he whispered to her,
“I love you more than you’ll ever know.” she hummed, holding him close.
What he had saw while trapped in his own mind was something he never wanted to see again. It would haunt him for years, maybe even the rest of his life, but he knew the Legion was fully capable of doing all of that if the Legionfall did not succeed in defeating them. It wasn’t just his life or the life of his wife on the line, it was the very world and the universe itself at risk. Khadgar was beginning to grow too comfortable with where they stood agaist the Legion that it was starting to blind him. But being cast away into a nightmare by an Eye of Torment was scarring, it had given him a renewed sight on how he viewed the Legion, and it made him all the more determined to fight. For now, he would enjoy holding and being near his wife as he recovered.
I did a thing! This short story/one-shot was inspired and revolving around @drew-winchester​‘s pairing, Khadgrin! It was amazing to work on and I had a lot of fun doing it, I hope I did Khadgrin justice with it!
Khadgar, Illidan, Maiev, etc. belong to Blizzard Peregrin belongs to @drew-winchester​ (go check her out, she’s amazing!) Kalistrasza, Alinagosa and Mlissa belong to me
(Also, I purposely left the names of the Champions/Order Hall leaders unmentioned because it’s you the player!)
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