tara-chin-sang · 5 days
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Another page of the Dream Hollow webcomic is up! 🔽
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tara-chin-sang · 12 days
The Dream Hollow webcomic is now up on Webtoon!✨
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tara-chin-sang · 16 days
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The Dream Hollow comic is now up on Tapas!✨
It'll always be a few pages behind, but all current pages are up on dreamhollowcomic.com
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tara-chin-sang · 26 days
The Dream Hollow webcomic is up!✨
Posted 4 pages of the prologue and I'm going to try to keep to a Friday update schedule as long as I'm able 😊
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tara-chin-sang · 1 month
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Getting closer to launching the Dream Hollow comic on June 7th!✨ I’m building a website for it plus I’ll post it on Tapas and Webtoon. I’ll link everything here when the day comes—starting to get excited! 🥰
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tara-chin-sang · 2 months
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I’ve been in full hermit-mode from social media the past month while working on the first few pages of a comic for Dream Hollow✨
I’m almost done with my page goal before officially posting, but it’ll still be a few more weeks--creating a fancy website and everything.
So until then here’s a teeny sneak-peek!
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tara-chin-sang · 4 months
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-The Duskglade-
Believed to be the source of the crystals' magic, this ring of shards atop an ancient tree is a sacred site in Dream Hollow.
I left it in the format of a comic panel as a teaser for what's to come✨
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tara-chin-sang · 4 months
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Working on the next phase of the Dream Hollow project✨
I'll share more info in the coming months, but for now here's a sketch of another location within the Dream Hollow!
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tara-chin-sang · 6 months
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Another illustration of Roseglow Woods for my fantasy worldbuilding project, Dream Hollow ✨
Last artwork of 2023! Thank you for following me this year ☺️
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tara-chin-sang · 7 months
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Working on another Roseglow Woods illustration for my Dream Hollow series✨
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tara-chin-sang · 8 months
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200 pages.
I've never written 200 pages of anything, let alone a novel!
But after years of saying I want to do the thing, I've finally been doing the thing. I'm about halfway done and this is a small section of the world map--will share the rest soon! :)
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tara-chin-sang · 9 months
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Dream Hollow - Sweetbriar
I've been working on a world map for my fantasy worldbuilding project (Dream Hollow) and made little location icons for the towns and villages :) 
This is Sweetbriar--a cute little fae village in the Rosewood Forest✨
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tara-chin-sang · 1 year
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Crystal Cavern - Sketch
Sketching out more illustrations for my fantasy project✨
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tara-chin-sang · 1 year
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Roseglow Woods (sketch)
Sketching out more illustrations for my fantasy project✨
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tara-chin-sang · 1 year
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Another character for my fantasy worldbuilding project, Dream Hollow✨
This is Primrose—a treefolk, which is a type of dryad in this fantasy world🍃
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tara-chin-sang · 1 year
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Designing some house concepts for my fantasy worldbuilding project, Dream Hollow ✨
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tara-chin-sang · 1 year
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I'm onto the next phase of my Dream Hollow project--designing characters!
This is Rhiann--the main character who gets isekai-ed to the fantasy world✨
Character drawing is definitely a weak point of mine, but it's so much fun and hopefully I'll improve with practice.
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