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utaitemusic · 2 years ago
アイロニーナ / 煮ル果実 - 梓川 (cover)
When this love sobers up, then Please make sure that you don’t let me go
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a1to-and-scientific-witchery · 10 months ago
my insane thoughts on "shifter" by azsagawa
i want to devour this album. i need to taste every inch of this album. i need to be drenched in it so my skin may absorb it. so it may become part of my body forever.
(individual song thoughts below the cut)
- kokuseki (yunosuke) - solid opener. really nice and stylish bop, yunosuke and azsa complement each other so well, i'd dare say azsa is 2nd to wami for suiting his songs.
- lotus (tokiwa) - AMAZING song, tokiwa completely blew me out of the water with this one with how detailed it is. this song is sweet and enticing; the lyrics are just sung so desperately and delicately, and the chorus is so catchy. absolutely one of my favorites on the album.
- black out (SHOW) - following the same style as "kokuseki" in his stylish bop style. although it's not as engaging, this being in-between "lotus" and "koibana" gives my heart a chance to rest and instead just groove. it's like smooth cruising. really good album placing/song order
- koibana (wotaku) - probably the most drastically different song on the album, it uses menacing strings and feels so dramatic and it TARGETS EVERY PART OF MY SOUL AND BEING. the dark strings, the desperate lyrics; it's an insane lovesickness; THE SWORD STABBING SOUND EFFECT TOO?!?!?!??? it's just so good. the way he goes from menacing softness to desperate and harried passion in his voice. it's compositionally SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!! as far as i can tell, it's about a sick & dying girl that the singer is in love with and wants to die next to her, feels the same pain as her
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- kiminodoku (higma) - pulls the emotion back, more laid back and a bit more relaxed; but the lyrics are still following the same thread of "love" and heart pains. it almost feels sad in a way, like rain falling down? "kimi no doku" means "your poison." there's a lyric where it's like "i've become your poison." his voice here is just... i can't describe it. it's a bit more laid back and lower in pitch and tone than his usual high pitch
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- mirage (suisoh) - THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING SEXY AND SEDUCTIVE it's a total bop too and like. the way he uses the whisper and breaths IS SO FUCKING ADDICTING. the title is actually "souou" which can mean "togetherness" but lyrically it's a pun on "mousou" (mirage.) implying the love or scene is like a "mirage." the way his singing here feels like you can almost taste it too, and fitting because there's a lyric where it's like, "hey, what lipstick are you wearing, what does it taste like? tell me" which is. obviously an invitation to kiss and I'M JUST. FUUUUUCK. his technique here is on point he's showing off and it's so fucking hot.
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- yudotou (是) - like i said, in terms of album placing, this feels like you're ascending to heaven. it's a slower paced song, but the harmonies are so beautiful and heavenly. it's a song that really just feels like heaven... it's so nice. it's really nice. i've come around on this song because of the album
- nerve (azsagawa) - he wrote this himself! another favorite on the album, with lotus, koibana, and mirage. really great and beautiful song with enthralling pianos, i really think since he wrote this himself, this is the most personal song on the album; the song that is PURE azsagawa and his expression. it's really special because of that, i think. it's exciting in an almost ethereal way? god i just can't describe it. it's closer to a typical jpop/jrock or anime op/ed than everything else on this album, but it's just so. much more beautifully expressive in its own way? god. i love it. i really love. piano work here is absolutely fucking amazing. and his vocals too feel more "middle ground" or "default expression" for him but that doesn't mean it's mid. it feels most authentic actually.
- noruka/soruka (police piccadilly) another amazing bop from police piccadilly; azsa nails the addictive and catchy articulation in his pronunciation. chorus feels like you're riding or moving or soaring. matches the more stylish EDM vibes of the beginning of the album -- kokuseki, lotus, black out.
- paranoia (azsagawa & yunosuke) - starting with yunosuke and ending with yunosuke. hearing "nerve" before to get a style for azsa's own songwriting style, you can hear azsa's influence in yunosuke's style here. back to the stylish EDM bops but it's a bit more textured or complex here. really cements the vibes of the album as a good ending song; once again, they work really nicely together. the song ends on a pleasant chord. emotionally ties things up really nicely and beautifully from the preceding intensity of koibana - kiminodoku - mirage - yudotou - nerve. it almost sounds like a sendoff or ED song in some ways? so yeah it works well as the album's ender. although not the best album ender in existence imo (that goes to arcadia in joucho's "creation")
okay that's all i'm insane i love azsa
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0809sysblings · 1 year ago
speaking of milgram oc voice headcanons... havent talked about my boy masashi in awhile but i do have a voice headcanon in mind for him..
x x
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cozyjo · 1 year ago
would go to the club if they played utaites and vocaloid songs
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toinana7 · 1 year ago
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fzkr-sndr049 · 1 year ago
TOBIA - Nostalgia
Azsagawa - Noruka//Soruka
Shido - Reimei
my fav songs from sinsekai's modern supernatural trio (tobia, azsagawa, shido)... i call em that cuz their aura screams "entities who exist in a future world"
tobia fits as a joseung saja (korean grim reaper) cuz his outfit looks like one
based on azsa's concept, he's probably based on a god--- i was thinking he's a tengu, but him as star god aurvandil or sun god ra would also make sense
and it's obvious shido is a fox spirit
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cosmos-oc-soup · 6 months ago
Amano Taiyo
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Group: Hep à la Mode
Position: Double bassist
Boku (pronoun)
Tai-chan (Hibari)
Amano-kun > Taiyo-kun (Miyuki)
Taiyo-kun > Tai-kun (Amataka)
Gender + Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Birthday: March 19th (Pisces)
Height: 173 cms
School: Yamamoto Public High School (1-D)
Committee/Clubs: Animal Committee
Hobbies: Any sorts of puzzles
Talent: Good with small animals/critters
Likes: Any creature (of all sizes), games that require hard thinking
Dislikes: Large crowds, shouting directly in his ears
Family: Mother, father, younger sister, Koko (pet dog), uncle, twin cousins
Image Colour: DDC08E
Voice Claim: Azsagawa シュガーハイヴ / 雄之助 feat. 裏命 - 梓川 (cover)
Backstory: During his childhood, Taiyo was a loud, bright child who was never afraid of saying the first things to mind. However, the sudden shift in moving around 10-years old had him gradually becoming quieter and shyer as a person and doesn’t allow himself to become close with others.
Now, Taiyo is someone who prefers to be in the background and being away from large crowds. Never one to be the center of attention or be involved with drama, he prefers staying by himself or with those he’s close with. Over the years, he’s learned to play the double bass with the teachings of his uncle, who lives with his family. After moving for six years, Taiyo has moved back to Shizuoka and is reunited with his childhood friend, Hibari.
Personality: A timid, somewhat awkward boy, Taiyo keeps to himself and away from the sight of others as he lacks courage. He tries to avoids talking about his interests out of fear of boring others and coming off as odd. Despite this, he cares about the people he cherishes deeply and tries his best to help those around him.
With people with stronger personalities like Miyuki, he finds it difficult to say no. Taiyo's face turns red as he easily gets flustered when receiving compliments or physical touch, which often happen due to Hibari and Amataka albeit for different reasons.
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p-b-design · 1 year ago
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梓川 / 動画用ロゴデザイン https://www.youtube.com/@azsagawa © KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO
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xielexalt · 2 months ago
As a bonus I'll share all the tracks here on Tumblr!
💎🪽 1ST COVER ALBUM RELEASE: Seraphic Alchemy 🪽💎
This is the song of a young man with a voice as beautiful as the heavens, and a heart as delicate as a feather.
Happy birthday, Alchemist ZETHIEL! Tags are for the songs featured in this album.
YouTube | YouTube Music
*DISCLAIMER: This cover album is for free streaming only. No profit shall be made from this whatsoever.
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poi-son-ous · 2 years ago
Título: ミルクパズル / Miruku Pazuru / Milk Puzzle / Puzle de leche  Música, letra y arreglo: wotaku Mastering: 松永 健司(MIXER'S LAB) Ilustración:  シノイ Vídeo original: https://youtu.be/72Ol9irtEcg Letra:
寝る前に聴いてた歌手や 待ち合わせの時間が住んだ 寒空を覗く窓が あるだけの六畳を描いた ミルクパズルのように El cantante al que estaba escuchando antes de irme a la cama La hora a la que se supone que íbamos a quedar Una vista de ventana hacia el helado cielo Imaginé una habitación de seis alfombras de tatami habitada solo por estas cosas Como si fuera un puzle de leche ハイライトの無い目で歩く サラリーマンと地下鉄の刑 席で咳をするのは散歩のご老人 Los asalariados caminan sin luz en los ojos es el castigo del metro Un hombre que se está dando una vuelta tose en su asiento コン��ロールをされてるのか コントロールが出来ないのか 気付かないように耳を塞ぐ音楽 ¿Están siendo controlados o son no se les puede controlar? La música inunda sus oídos para que no se den cuenta. 白い息が綺麗なのは 寒い夜の償いだろうか 時計を円で表したのは 皮肉だろうか Mi aliento blanco es precioso ¿Es así como la noche compensa por su frío? ¿Es una forma de ironía  el echo de que los relojes sean circulares? 憧れも 悔しさも 夢も 諦めて人間になった 雪なんて降らなくても もうここは固形の海だ Me deshice de mis anhelos, de mis arrepentimiento y de mis sueños Y me convertí en un ser humano Incluso si ahora no nieva esto ya es un océano sólido 駅前の商店街は寂れ よく見える星が見下す マフラーの隙間から刺した 風が眠気を覚ましてく 野良猫が横切る路地で 外灯と自販機だけがある 「ねえ、一人は怖いでしょ?」 差し出された手はもう無い La calle con tiendas frente a la estación está desierta Bajo la luz de una estrella fácilmente visible El viento se cuela por los huecos de mi bufanda Y hace que me despierte En un callejón por el que solo pasan gatos callejeros solo hay farolas y máquinas expendedoras “Oye, ¿es que no te asusta estar solo?“ La mano que se me extendió ya no está aquí どうなってもいいやとやがて 凶行に走る人がいた でも それを否定できずに 同情した Hubo una persona que acabó eligiendo la violencia diciendo: “No me importa lo que pase” pero yo empaticé con ella ya que no podía no estar de acuerdo 赤信号を渡るバンが 火の着いたタバコを落とした 飲みかけたコーヒーがもう 不味くなった Alguien tiró un cigarrillo encendido desde la furgoneta que se saltó el semáforo en rojo El café que estaba bebiendo ya no sabe bien 自分だけが聡明ならば 長い夜に黎明があったか 分かり合えば少数派の血は 怖くもないか ¿Habría amanecer tras una larga noche  si yo fuera la única persona sabia? ¿Estarías asustado de la sangre de la minoría si no entendiéramos los unos a los otros? 愚かだと嗤い蔑んだ 浅ましい人間になった 今日と明日の境界線は もうとうに過ぎてたみたいだ Me reí de mí mismo odiando mi propia estupidez me he convertido en un humano despreciable Parece que la frontera entre el hoy y el mañana ya me ha dejado atrás 倅んだ指が液晶に 意味の無い文字を呟く 広いと思っていた校舎 今見ればそうでもないか 早く帰りたいのに何故か 遠回りして何になる 「ねえ、明日が怖いよ」と 泣いた相手はもういない Mis dedos congelados teclean palabras sin significado en la LCD Solía pensar que la escuela era enorme pero ahora que lo vuelvo a mirar, en realidad no lo es Quiero llegar pronto a casa, pero por alguna razón me estoy desviando. ¿Qué sentido tiene hacer eso de todos modos?“ Escucha, tengo miedo del mañana“ La persona que lloró diciendo esas palabras ya no está aquí
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utaitemusic · 6 months ago
ラブ&デストロイ / MI8k - 梓川 (cover)
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utaitemusic · 2 years ago
リテラシー(Literacy) / wotaku feat. 梓川(Azsagawa)
Hey, why don’t we Check the bond between us Through electrical signals from the pain?
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utaitemusic · 2 years ago
literacy by wotaku ft. azsagawa? (it’s just on wotaku’s channel beside the KAITO version)
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fzkr-sndr049 · 2 years ago
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fzkr-sndr049 · 2 years ago
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sinsekai boys rkgk
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