#Azithromycin cream
shyam223 · 3 months
Effective Acne Treatments in Hyderabad at FMS Skin and Hair Clinic
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Acne Treatment in Hyderabad, India: Effective Solutions at FMS Skin and Hair Clinic
Acne, a prevalent skin condition, affects individuals of all ages. While it commonly starts during adolescence, around 10-13 years of age, about 20% of cases occur in adults. Those with oily skin tend to experience more severe breakouts. Women are particularly prone to mild to moderate acne. In Hyderabad, India, FMS Skin and Hair Clinic offers expert treatments to address various forms of acne effectively.
Common Causes of Acne:
Unhealthy lifestyle
Hormonal changes
Excess oil production
Dietary intake
Acne typically manifests on the face but can also appear on the chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. While mild acne can be managed with proper skincare, moderate to severe or resistant acne requires medical intervention. Early treatment is crucial, especially for acne on the back, to prevent scarring, which can significantly impact an individual's self-esteem.
Effective Acne Treatments:
1. Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and a disciplined skincare routine, is essential in managing acne.
2. Topical Treatments: Topical treatments include creams, gels, and ointments such as antibiotic creams (clindamycin, dapsone, nadifloxacin), benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, salicylic acid, and azelaic acid. These products help control breakouts and reduce sebum production. They are often used in conjunction with other treatments for severe acne.
3. Oral Medications: Oral antibiotics like doxycycline, azithromycin, and minocycline are prescribed for moderate to severe acne. Oral retinoids are used for resistant and nodular cases. Hormonal therapy may be recommended for women with hormonal acne after a thorough hormonal evaluation.
4. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels, such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid, are used alongside other treatments to address various types of acne.
5. Light and Laser-Based Therapy: Laser therapies target Propionibacterium acnes, producing free radicals that destroy sebaceous glands. Red light therapy addresses inflammation, while blue light targets P. acnes. Blue-red low-level laser therapy is used for a short duration to control acne.
At FMS Skin and Hair Clinic in Hyderabad, we offer customized signature treatments for acne, ensuring a tailored approach to each patient's unique needs.
For more information and to book a consultation, visit FMS Skin and Hair Clinic.
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agingdisgracefully · 6 months
Day 22 - Post Total Nail Avulsion
Well, this hasn't gone entirely as planned.
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After the first dressing change, things went......alright. Day 8-9 was the worst, pain flared up and the nail got dramatically darker. Day 10 was an abrupt about-face with subtle improvement, and it's really (mostly) be all uphill since then.
I went to see my podiatrist for a 2 week follow-up on Tuesday. She things it looks like it was healing fine, which was a big relief, and that after 2-3 more days, I wouldn't need to soak and wrap it anymore. I mentioned that the granuloma was still there, so she trimmed it off which, of course, made it bleed like crazy. It still oozes a bit and overnight will look like there's some drainage/blood that wants to collect in the corner of my nail bed, but I'm not terribly worried about that.
HOWEVER, that's where the good news ends.
The podiatrist still wasn't in love with the fact that my toe was still red (keep in mind: it was only red - no pain or pus or heat, as far as I can tell and the redness is confined from the middle knuckle of said toe to the tip), is still certain that it's cellulitis - despite the fact that it hasn't spread outside of the original redness in over a year - and ordered some Azithromycin - two 500mg pills to be taken at the same time for a total of a 1 gram dose. This shit layed me flat out for about 2 - 2.5 hours afterwards with intense nausea - but I was fine when it passed...or so I thought. I saw no improvement in the redness, and then when I woke up this morning (Saturday the 13th), it was even MORE red. There's still no pain, very mild warmth (that I honestly might just be imagining), no oozing or discharge - just the redness. It honestly looks like it did when it actually WAS infected prior to the Total Nail Avulsion. The locations where I see my podiatrist are closed on the weekends, and she's booked out between 3 and 5 weeks anyway; This definitely doesn't feel like it could (or should) wait that long, so I've booked an afternoon appointment at the urgent care. I'm hoping that they'll just want to do another round of the Cephalexin since I had practically no side effects to that one (despite being allergic to penicillin and there being a chance of cross-reactivity).
Whatever they choose, I just need it to hold me over until I can at least get word to the podiatrist on Monday. I don't know if she'll want to do one of the previous antibiotics (fingers crossed it isn't the Z-pack), maybe a new antibiotic (like Clindamycin), or if maybe we will try a topical steroid cream (like the Triamcinolone Acetonide that I already use for my eczema).
I know I need to have my left big toe nail done too, but until we can get the right toe sorted, I don't feel safe proceeding just yet.
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rilifegujarat · 6 months
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Azithromycin dihydrate
The pharmaceutical industry extensively utilizes Azithromycin Dihydrate in the development of various formulations. Its exceptional antimicrobial properties make it a preferred choice for oral tablets, capsules, and suspensions. Azithromycin Dihydrate can be incorporated into topical creams and ointments for the treatment of skin infections.
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vivaaestheticclinic · 7 months
Viva Aesthetic Clinic’s Acne Treatment in South Mumbai
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Acne, a prevalent skin condition, manifests as pimples on various areas like the face, forehead, shoulders, chest, and upper back. Viva Aesthetic Clinic offers top-notch Acne Treatment in South Mumbai to help you achieve clear, radiant skin. Factors like genetics, hormonal fluctuations, stress, and environmental influences can trigger acne outbreaks at any age.
Common Sites for Acne
Oil glands are abundant in areas like the face, forehead, chest, shoulders, and upper back. The severity of acne varies from mild (few pimples) to moderate (inflammatory papules) to severe (nodules and cysts).
Types of Acne
Blackheads: Open lumps filled with excess oil and dead skin.
Whiteheads: Sealed bumps due to oil and dead skin.
Papules: Small red or pink pimples.
Pustules: Pus-filled pimples that can scar if picked.
Nodules: Large, solid lumps under the skin.
Cysts: Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin.
Causes of Acne: Unveiling the Culprits
Acne primarily stems from hormonal imbalances triggered by androgen hormones during adolescence and young adulthood. Other factors like microbial presence on the skin surface, oily products, stress, pollution, and genetics can exacerbate acne.
What are the different types of acne?
Acne is a common skin condition that affects many individuals, especially teenagers and young adults. It is characterized by various types of blemishes, each requiring different treatment approaches. The main types of acne blemishes include:
Blackheads and Whiteheads: These occur when pores become clogged with excess oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells. Blackheads are open pores filled with debris, while whiteheads are closed pores with a white or flesh-colored bump.
Papules: Small, red bumps caused by inflammation when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells push deeper into the skin.
Pustules: Similar to papules but contain a yellowish fluid, often with a yellow or white center.
Acne Nodules and Cysts: These are severe blemishes that penetrate deep into the skin and can lead to permanent scarring.
Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Diagnosing acne involves a thorough skin examination by a clinician. Various treatment modalities are available to combat acne effectively:
Topical Treatments
Benzoyl Peroxide: Kills bacteria and unclogs pores.
Clindamycin: Anti-inflammatory topical antibiotic.
Tretinoin (Vitamin-A): Effective for clogged pores.
Clascoterone: Reduces oil production and inflammation.
Triclosan/Triclocarban: Antibiotic cream targeting pore-clogging bacteria.
Oral Medications
Oral Antibiotics: Doxycycline and Azithromycin combat bacterial infections.
Vitamin Supplements: Zinc aids in wound healing to prevent scarring.
Isotretinoin: Potent treatment for severe acne.
Hormonal Treatments
Birth control pills and spironolactone can help manage hormonal acne in women.
Oral steroids are reserved for severe cases or inflammation reduction.
Chemical Peels
Specialized chemicals remove old skin layers to promote smoother skin growth.
Laser Treatments
Laser therapy targets acne scars by stimulating collagen production for healthier skin regeneration.
Viva Aesthetic Clinic: Your Acne Treatment Destination
At Viva Aesthetic Clinic in South Mumbai, Dr. Deepam Shah leads a team of experts specializing in dermatology, cosmetology, and hair transplant surgery. With a range of advanced treatments tailored to your needs, Viva Aesthetic Clinic is your go-to destination for flawless skin.
For personalized consultation on Acne Treatment in South Mumbai with Dr. Deepam Shah, visit us at Opera House or contact us at 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084. Say goodbye to acne woes with Viva Aesthetic Clinic!
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myspcae · 1 year
Addressing Common Skin Issues with Effective Solutions
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In today's modern world, the preservation of skin health and aesthetics holds paramount importance. If you find yourself dealing with any of the following prevalent skin concerns, rest assured that effective solutions are within your reach. Seeking expert guidance from Elation Hair and Skin Clinic, recognized as the foremost hair and skin clinic in Kolkata, is a prudent choice.
Acne and Acne Scars:
Acne, a widespread skin condition, occurs when hair follicles become obstructed by a combination of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, resulting in the formation of unsightly pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. This condition not only impacts the visual appeal of your skin but may also leave lasting scars.
Treatment: For mild to moderate acne, dermatologists often recommend the use of topical creams or gels containing active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids. These formulations work to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts.
For severe acne and the management of acne scars: Various treatment options are available, including oral medications for severe acne, such as antibiotics like tetracycline or macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin) to combat the underlying bacterial and inflammatory factors. Isotretinoin, an oral retinoid, is often prescribed for severe acne to effectively reduce oil production and eliminate bacteria within the skin. The use of oral acne medications requires medical supervision due to potential side effects. Dermatological procedures for treating acne scars encompass chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy. Additional options include dermal fillers, minor skin surgery, and subcision. The choice of the most suitable approach for treating acne scars is highly individual and necessitates the expertise of a dermatologist.
Moles and Warts:
Dermatologists meticulously assess and address moles and warts based on their distinct characteristics, offering tailored treatment options.
Moles: The majority of moles are benign and often require no intervention. However, moles showing changes or indicating potential malignancy may necessitate removal, which can be achieved through methods such as cryotherapy, laser therapy, or surgical excision. Regular monitoring of moles is essential for the early detection of skin cancer, particularly malignant melanoma.
Warts: These skin growths, attributable to the human papillomavirus (HPV), can be effectively treated through diverse methods, including cryotherapy, laser therapy, surgical removal, or the application of topical medications designed to eliminate or suppress the causative virus.
Other Benign Skin Growths:
A variety of benign skin growths, including dermatofibromas, dermoid cysts, freckles, keloids, keratoacanthomas, lipomas, and pyogenic granulomas, are typically non-threatening. Seeking guidance from a dermatologist is essential when addressing moles and warts, as it enables the determination of suitable treatments tailored to individual circumstances and skin type. For these and other common skin issues, a visit to the renowned hair and skin clinic in Kolkata may be the most prudent course of action.
Hyperpigmentation Treatment:
To rectify concerns associated with uneven skin tone and the presence of dark spots, it is recommended to employ topical products containing active ingredients such as hydroquinone, vitamin C, arbutin, or licorice extract. These components effectively inhibit melanin production, thereby promoting a more balanced and uniform skin tone.
Remedy: Achieving effective outcomes in hyperpigmentation treatment necessitates consistent and dedicated application of these products. For personalized guidance customized to your specific skin type and concerns, consulting a dermatologist is advisable.
In Conclusion:
For precise diagnosis and the application of suitable treatments, the expertise of a dermatologist is indispensable. Their professional counsel is pivotal in the effective management of these common skin concerns, ultimately restoring the vitality and allure of your skin. We strongly recommend considering treatment at Elation Hair and Skin Clinic, renowned as Kolkata's premier hair and skin clinic, for the attainment of optimal and enduring skincare results.
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Dermatologist Acne Treatments
Acne is a common problem in people of all ages and is caused by excess oil and dead skin cells clogging hair follicles. Bacteria in the follicles then infect the skin and cause inflammation and redness. It is a chronic condition that can last into adulthood but it can be controlled with the right treatments. The milder types of acne can be treated at home with an over-the-counter treatment but if the skin does not improve or gets worse, it is time to see a dermatologist.
Dermatologist acne treatments involves medications, topical creams, and other skin therapies to stop new pimples from forming, to heal existing blemishes, and reduce scarring. Medications can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin and include antibiotics and retinoids. Some doctors recommend a combination of antibiotics and retinoids to reduce bacteria, increase skin cell turnover, and promote healing of lesions. A retinol product such as tretinoin (Renova) or adapalene (Accutane) is often used with an oral antibiotic like erythromycin or clindamycin to reduce the risk of developing resistance.
Benzoyl peroxide is a common medication for acne. It is available as an over-the-counter gel or wash and is usually combined with a moisturizer to help reduce dryness. It works by killing bacteria on the surface of the skin, reducing oil production, and causing the skin to exfoliate. It is generally safe for most people, although it can cause skin sensitivity in some people. Another option for mild acne is a gel containing 5% tea tree oil.
Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat moderate to severe acne. They work by decreasing bacteria on the skin, reducing inflammation and redness, and increasing cell turnover. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are tetracyclines such as minocycline and doxycycline or a macrolide such as azithromycin or erythromycin.
A steroid injection can be used to quickly relieve painful nodules or cystic acne. It is often successful in reducing the size of a large cyst or nodule and decrease pain. It should be used sparingly because repeated use can cause skin thinning and discoloration in the area injected.
In addition to medications and skin therapy, acne can be treated with lasers, light microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or radiotherapy. These procedures are not recommended for pregnant women because many of these treatments can be passed through the fetus. A healthy diet can also help control acne. There is some evidence that certain foods can trigger breakouts, so a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be beneficial for some people. However, many previous studies have shown that diet does not affect the severity of acne or how long it takes to clear up. A patient should talk with his or her doctor before trying any diet changes. Changing the diet could lead to unnecessary stress or anxiety. This could aggravate the inflammation of the acne and make it more difficult to get rid of. It is best to try different methods until the acne is under control.
Our Acne Doctor Australia doctors can prescribe medications your family doctor (GP) can’t prescribe. These special medications are the most effective in clearing stubborn acne. Talk to your GP first before making your appointment with us. Ask them for a referral to Acne Doctors at Teledermatologist.
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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The answer to yesterday's question about the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is metronidazole 500mg PO BID x7 days OR metro gel 0.75% 5g per vagina daily x5 days OR clindamycin cream 2% 5g per vagina qHS x7 days. The warning against consuming alcohol while taking oral Flagyl is actually based on anecdata and not clinical studies.
Today's sexually transmitted infection (STI) is chlamydia. Chlamydia trachomatis has both extra- and intracellular forms. The extracellular form is the infectious one, but it is inert, so it doesn't take up antibiotics. Therefore, to kill it requires an antibiotic with intracellular penetration for the length of the bacterium's life cycle (36 to 48 hours). Chlamydia is susceptible to tetracyclines like doxycycline and macrolides like azithromycin because these interfere with protein synthesis: tetracyclines work by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit, while macrolides bind to the 50S ribosomal subunit.
So how do we treat chlamydia?
Image Source: Nature Reviews
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
In Brazil, the Bolsonaro régime encouraged the use of drugs it knew wouldn’t be effective against COVID-19.
In Brazil, where more than 474,000 people have already died due to Covid-19 — second only to the United States — pseudoscience has become government policy. Bolsonaro regularly promotes repurposing unproven and cheap drugs to his nearly 40 million social media followers as he continues to minimize the gravity of the pandemic and dismiss its victims. Meanwhile, his administration has spent millions of dollars to produce, purchase, and promote pills such as the lice medication ivermectin, the antimalarial chloroquine, and popular antibiotic azithromycin, as well as anticoagulants, painkillers, and a set of vitamins.
The sad part is that many medical professionals, who should know better, hopped on the Bolsonaro pseudoscience bandwagon. Doctors who went along with Bolsonaro’s claims ought to be decertified for incompetence. The Bolsonaro cocktails were simply quack medicine which left people unprotected or even dead.
Over the course of the pandemic, the politicized approach has gained a footing in almost every sector of Brazilian society. Medical professionals are prescribing unstandardized drug cocktails to their patients. Mayors of small and large cities have built their Covid-19 response around it, stockpiling the drugs for public consumption. Bolsonaro-allied doctors and influencers are using effective social media to tout it. This has led to individual Brazilians desperate to save themselves with a $30 kit of unproven drugs and vitamins. 
The economy and devotion to the Dear Leader (or Querido Líder) were given priority over public health. As a result, both suffered badly.
Since that article was written, the situation still hasn’t stabilized in Brazil. The death toll now stands at 490,696 -- second only to the United States which has been improving since the departure of Donald Trump.
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The pandemic is not over just because you can buy an ice cream cone in Buffalo without wearing a mask. There will be dangers from variants and new waves as long as there are substantial numbers of people on the planet who remain unvaccinated.
Wherever you are, get vaccinated as soon as possible and encourage others to do so as well.
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linda-ying-blog · 7 years
Azithromycin Chemical Powder 83905-01-5
Azithromycin Chemical Powder 83905-01-5
Buy Pharmaceutical raw materials Drug Azithromycin Chemical Powder 83905-01-5
Description Azithromycin is an antibiotic (macrolide-type). This single-dose form of the medication is used to treat certain infections, including genital infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of…
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Looking to buy ivermectin online? Check out our latest article on the top online retailers for ivermectin 12 mg.
Ivermectin is used to prevent infections in people with weak immune systems caused by certain medicines that are used to treat cancer. It is also used to treat river blindness (onchocerciasis) and scabies, which are caused by different kinds of parasites. It can be taken with or without food, but take it the same way each time. Swallow this medication whole, do not chew or crush it. Take ivermectin exactly as directed by your doctor, do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.
How it works
Ivermectin 12 mg and Ivermectin 6 mg is an antiparasitic medication that is effective against a wide variety of parasites. It is available in several forms, including pills, creams (soolantra cream), and injections. Ivermectin works by causing paralysis of the parasite. In humans, it is used to treat parasitic infections such as river blindness, strongyloidiasis, and scabies. Ivermectin is also being studied as a possible treatment for COVID-19.
How much does this medication cost?
If you're looking to purchase ivermectin 12 mg online
, you'll want to know how much it costs. The price of this medication can vary depending on the retailer, but you can expect to pay around $30 for a course of treatment. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of this medication, so be sure to check with your provider before making a purchase. If you're looking for an alternative to ivermectin, you may want to consider stromectol or fleau.
What are the side effects and precautions of ivermectin 12 mg?
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication that is used to treat infections caused by certain types of parasites. Ivermectin 12 mg is the standard dose for humans. The most common side effects of ivermectin are dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Less common side effects include rash, itching, and joint pain. Ivermectin should be used with caution in people with liver disease or who are taking other medications that can affect the liver. To reduce side effects of Ivermectin 12 mg, you can use Ivermectin 3 mg
What is your experience with this treatment?
I decided to try ivermectin 3 mg after doing some research on alternative medicines for cancer. I found a website (https://buyivermectin24.com) that sold it and azithromycin 500 mg, so I ordered both. I started taking them as directed and within a few days, I felt better. The fatigue and nausea went away and my energy levels increased. I'm now taking hcqs 200 mg along with the ivermectin 6 mg and feel great!
Best place to buy ivermectin online
Looking to buy ivermectin online? You're not alone. In fact, more and more people are turning to the internet to purchase their medications and other health-related products. And when it comes to finding a reputable online pharmacy like our website buyivermectin24.com for ivermectin 12 mg, our website has you covered.
Where can I find a detailed guide on how to take this medication properly?
If you're looking for a detailed guide on how to take ivermectin 12 mg, we recommend checking out the website of the manufacturer or your local pharmacy. They should have all the information you need, including dosage recommendations and any possible side effects.
Where can I find more information about medications prescribed by my doctor/healthcare provider?
If you're looking for more information about medications prescribed by your doctor or healthcare provider, there are a few places you can look. The first is your local pharmacy. They should be able to tell you what the medication is used for and how to take it properly. You can also look up the medication online using a reliable source like WebMD. Finally, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Conclusions and recommendations
If you're looking to buy ivermectin 12 mg online, visit this link
we've got you covered. In our latest blog post, we compare and contrast the top online retailers for ivermectin 12 mg. Based on our findings, we recommend ShopRite as the best option for buying ivermectin 12 mg online.
Here is some reference websites, you can visit this:-
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It is an antibiotic used to treat infections in adults and children that affect the ear, skin, respiratory tract, and eye. You can also use it to treat typhoid fever and some sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea. Azithromycin 500mg is also effective in treating bacterial infections. It contains macrolides for treating sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria. COVID-19 patients who suffer from flu-like symptoms have found the tablet effective. It works by killing bacteria in the body. Tablets, capsules, liquids, gels, eye drops, and creams are among the forms of azithromycin. https://cheaponlinemedicine.com/product/azithromycin-500mg/
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myspcae · 1 year
Common Skin Issues and Their Effective Solutions:
In the contemporary world, giving importance to skincare has become increasingly vital. If you're facing any of the concerns mentioned below, rest assured that there are effective solutions available. Alternatively, you may consider seeking the expertise of the best hair and skin clinic in Kolkata for professional guidance.
Acne and Acne Scars:
Acne, a prevalent skin condition, develops when hair follicles become blocked by oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can leave enduring marks on your skin, impacting your overall appearance.
Treatment: Dermatologists commonly recommend topical creams or gels containing ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids for mild to moderate acne. These products help unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts.
For severe acne and the improvement of acne scars, the following treatments are available:
Oral Medications for Severe Acne:
Antibiotics: Tetracycline (minocycline, doxycycline) or macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin) may be prescribed to combat bacteria and inflammation associated with acne.
Isotretinoin: An oral retinoid often prescribed for severe forms of acne. It reduces oil production and eliminates bacteria in the skin. It's crucial to use oral acne medications under medical supervision due to potential side effects.
Dermatological Procedures for Acne Scars:
Chemical Peels: This involves applying a chemical solution to exfoliate the top layers of skin, promoting the growth of new skin.
Microdermabrasion: A device gently exfoliates the skin, removing the outer layer and improving the appearance of acne scars.
Laser Therapy: Focused light beams target and remove scar tissue, stimulating collagen production and enhancing the appearance of acne scars.
Other options include dermal fillers, minor skin surgery, and subcision. Consulting with a dermatologist is essential to determine the best approach for treating acne scars based on individual factors.
Moles and Warts:
Dermatologists evaluate and treat moles and warts based on their characteristics. Treatment options include:
Most moles are benign and require no treatment. However, changing or potentially cancerous moles may need to be removed.
Removal methods include cryotherapy, laser therapy, or surgical excision. Regularly monitoring changes in moles is crucial for detecting skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma.
Caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), warts can be treated with cryotherapy, laser therapy, surgical removal, or topical medications to eliminate or suppress the virus responsible for warts.
Other Benign Skin Growths:
Various growths such as dermatofibromas, dermoid cysts, freckles, keloids, keratoacanthomas, lipomas, and pyogenic granulomas are typically benign.
Seeking advice from a dermatologist is essential for addressing moles and warts and determining suitable treatments based on individual circumstances and skin type.
Hyperpigmentation Treatment:
To address uneven skin tone and dark spots, consider using topical products containing active ingredients like hydroquinone, vitamin C, arbutin, or licorice extract. These components effectively inhibit melanin production and promote a balanced skin tone.
Remedy: Consistent and dedicated application of these treatments can enhance your skin complexion and radiance. For personalized guidance tailored to your skin type and concerns, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist.
In Conclusion:
For precise diagnosis and appropriate treatments, the expertise of a dermatologist is indispensable. Their professional guidance can effectively address these skin concerns, restoring your skin's vitality and allure. Consider seeking treatment from Elation Hair and Skin Clinic, acknowledged as Kolkata's premier hair and skin clinic, for optimal and long-lasting skincare results.
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amzorhealthcare · 3 years
Pediatric PCD Franchise: Booming Pharma Sector for Franchise Business
Pediatric PCD Franchise is certainly a booming pharma sector for all the business executives who want to run their franchise business in the pharmaceutical industry. It is because of the ultimate growth this sector has been enjoying in recent times. Many individuals have become familiar with the growth prospects of the Pediatric PCD Franchise and are now investing in the same. According to a marketing survey, it has been proved that the demand for pediatric products is staggeringly booming nowadays and parents are now investing in different types of pediatric products for their children. In India, there are numerous pharma companies including Amzor Healthcare that deal in pediatric products and also offer Pediatric PCD Franchise to prolong their network in different areas of the country.
Market Scenario for Pediatric Products and Medicines
Pediatric is a therapeutic area that was always in overflowing demand among people and now, this range has become a necessity of people for the good health of their babies. As per the report, the pediatric products have observed a jump of 60% in context to the demand for these products. This is because of the increasing healthcare issues among infants, children, and adults between the age group 1 to 18 and increasing awareness of parents are the major factors that have led to an astounding expedition. When it comes to children, people do not compromise in regards to their health and they make every possible effort for the better health of their children. Thus, they spend their money on numerous pediatric products.
There are many pharma companies that offer PCD Pharma Franchise for Pediatric Range to maintain the demand and supply of these products at a coordinating equilibrium. But, it is equally important to select a trustable company for Pediatric PCD Franchise so that entrepreneurs do not face any inconvenience regarding the quality of the pediatric products and can easily provide these products to their customers.
Pediatric Products that are In Tremendous Demand among People | Amzor Healthcare
Amzor Healthcare is known to be a hub of rich-quality pediatric products. As the health issues among infants and children are now multiplying, Amzor Healthcare has come up with exclusive pediatric medicines and drugs in India for their improved health. Our product portfolio for pediatric products is available in tablets, injections, syrups, capsules, oral suspensions, ointments, gels, powders, shampoos, soaps, oils, diaper rash creams, liquids, etc., that have been in enormous demand among people since the beginning. All categories of our products go through the surveillance of DCGI standards but we take extra care of our pediatric formulations as the better health of infants and children is our topmost concern. This is the reason why various reputed doctors and pediatricians trust us among all.
Our pediatric formulations that are in major demand among people include:
Association with Amzor Healthcare for Pediatric PCD Franchise
Amzor Healthcare is considered the most levelheaded and reliable pharmaceutical company for Pediatric PCD Franchise as it delivers the best, affordable, and effective pediatric products as well as astonishing opportunities of Pediatric PCD Franchise for business seekers. Being an ISO-Certified Company, we always believe in catering to the requirements of our customers and curtail the chances of health issues that are common in children. Our existing entrepreneurs who once did not have any idea about what business they should choose, whom to choose, and how to choose; Amzor Healthcare had become their savior and brought them to the pinnacle of success. They are now more than satisfied and happy with us because of our optimistic attitude towards them.
Benefits they avail from Amzor Healthcare:
Exclusionary monopoly rights
Broad array of supreme quality pediatric products
Low-Cost and satisfying prices of medicines and drugs
Marketing and Advertising assistance
Rapid delivery of their orders
Full-time client support
Impressive incentives and bonuses, and a lot more.
By summing up all the major factors we have discussed in this blog, we can definitely say that Pediatric PCD Franchise is undoubtedly the most satisfying and impressive choice for all those entrepreneurs who are willing to enter the pharma industry. Therefore, choose Amzor Healthcare for Pediatric PCD Franchise and achieve greater and bewildering profits in your career. Call us on +91 981-433-339.
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ziverdokitstore · 3 years
The Best Choice for Curing Male Chlamydia isn't Azithromycin
Azithromycin is one main sort of antibiotics, when chlamydia is treated, the usage of it's the foremost . A chlamydia therapy is one gm azithromycin taken orally, it's convenient. But the simplest choice for curing male chlamydia isn't azithromycin. Male chlamydia symptoms Secretion which is cloudy or clear may be a little discharged by penis. Urinate and pain is felt. Itch and burn is that the feeling of penis at the opening. Swollen and painful are felt in testicles.
Male chlamydia complications Once not get an honest treatment, epididymitis are often resulted by chlamydia for men, sterility are often led by it too. Seldom can reactive arthritis be caused by it. Reactive arthritis can cause joints pain and swelling, also other conditions. Treatment Without curing the disease originally, shortly ago, infection may happen again to patients, since to drugs, resistance or side effect are often caused by antibiotics like we all know . Herbal formulas which are correct can cure infection caused by chlamydia in genital too, this is often showed by newest researches. To chlamydia treatment, another treatment is herb medicine. Urination disturbance and materials which are toxic cause chlamydia in TCM view. Relieving stranguria and material which are toxic clearing are functions contained by herb medicine which is complete if many herbs are added. aside from that, ability of self-healing and immunity are often improved by herb medicine. so as to be cured, Diuretic and anti inflammatory Pill are often taken by men. Preventions Correct usage of condoms are important before sex whenever .
Sex partners' number got to be decreased and between partners, going forth and back isn't allowed. Sexual abstinence must be remembered and one partner who is uninfected is that the just one can have contact which is sexual with.
Once it seems as if chlamydia infected you, visit a doctor after contacting him or her and no contact of sexual is allowed.
Food can or can't eat Food which after eating the disease are often made more serious aren't allowed, for around or in anus, there's burning, urine which is yellow, tongue which is sore, gums which are swollen and viscera heat, they're garlic, scallion , ginger, pepper and etc which are spicy.
In order to form sure the inflammation been eliminated with none harm, prevent itch in genital area and no humid heat are going to be increased, things cannot be eaten like crab, yellow croaker, hairtail, snakehead, mandarin fish, shrimp and etc for they're food which are stimulating or seafood.
In order to stop the treatment been influenced or humid heat been increased, an excessive amount of sugar inside or oily good cannot be eaten, like cream cake, chocolate, dessert, candy, cream, butter, fat pork, lard and etc. Smoking or alcohol isn't allowed. Patients can't drink medicinal liquor or drink contains rice wine, for humid heat are often increased by alcohol, in artery, oxygen and therefore the binding force of blood are often decreased by nicotine and disease are often made serious by smoking.
Diet nutrition must be paid attention by men. movement are often kept daily if fruits and vegetables are eaten tons , tract infection are often prevented by more water drinking.
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Pharmacology - Chapter 4 - Antibiotics and Antifungals - Part Three
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Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Part Five
Transcription under the cut!
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Fighting Bacterial Infections
Major Classes of Antibiotic Drugs: Metronidazole
Therapeutic uses: Amebic dysentery, bacterial vaginosis, Clostridium difficile, Giardia infection, Helicobacter pylori ulcers, intestinal infections, rosacea, Trichomonas
Side effects: headache, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, metallic taste, urine discoloration
Dispensing issues: taking with food may reduce GI effects, potential for confusion between the topical and vaginal forms
Examples of agents: Metronidazole (Flagyl)
Major Classes of Antibiotic Drugs: Linezolid
How it works: Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis
Therapeutic uses: MRSA, VRE, other Gram positive infections
Side effects: headache, diarrhea, decreased hemoglobin, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Dispensing issues: protect from light
Examples of agents: Linezolid (Zyvox)
Major Classes of Antibiotic Drugs: Daptomycin
How it works: Inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis
Therapeutic uses: Complicated skin and skin structure infections, Staphylococcus aureus blood infections
Side effects: anemia, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, chest pain, peripheral edema, skin rash, respiratory side effects
Dispensing issues: dextrose-containing solutions not to be used, only NS or lactated Ringer's solution
Examples of agents: Daptomycin (Cubicin)
Storage of Liquid Antibiotics
Storage Requirements
Some antibiotics require refrigeration
Some antibiotics may be stored at room temperature
Appropriate for technicians to discuss this information with patient
Medication flavors
Technician may suggest and change flavors
Increases adherence in children
Ophthalmic Antibiotics
Manufacturing requirements
Dispensing issues
Often rejected by insurance companies
Inform prescriber regarding medications insurance will most likely cover
Ophthalmic Products
Azithromycin (AzaSite)
Bacitracin (AK-Tracin)
Ciprofloxacin (Ciloxan)
Erythromycin (Ilotycin)
Gatifloxacin (Zymar)
Gentamicin (Gentak, Genoptic)
Moxifloxacin (Vigamox)
Ofloxacin (Ocuflox)
Sodium sulfacetamide (Bleph-10)
Tobramycin (Tobrex)
Sexually-Transmitted Infections
Genital system infections transmitted by sexual activity
Formerly known as venereal diseases
Long-term monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
Often asymptomatic
Occurs frequently with gonorrhea
Potential for reinfection if partner not treated
Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Males: painful urination and discharge of pus
Females: abdominal pain due to PID
Long-term complications include sterility
Untreated infections may lead to systemic infections involving the heart, meninges, eyes, pharynx, joints
Occurs frequently with chlamydia
Syphilis: caused by Treponema pallidum
Primary-stage infection
Chancre at site of infection which heals in weeks
Fluids from chancre highly infectious
Bacteria enter bloodstream and lymphatic system
Secondary-stage infection
Skin rash, patchy hair loss, malaise, mild fever
Lesions highly infectious
Symptoms subside, disease becomes latent
Late- or tertiary-stage infection
Occurs after at least 10 years
Rubbery tissue masses in organs and on skin
Deafness, blindness, CNS lesions, perforation of the roof of the mouth may occur
Congenital syphilis
Pregnancy in tertiary-stage: neurologic damage to fetus
Pregnancy in primary- or secondary-stage: stillbirth
Nongonococcal urethritis
Caused by catheters, chemical agents, or sexual transmission
Male symptoms: mild
Female symptoms: serious
Characterized by vaginal discharge and odor
Gardnerella vaginitis
Caused by interaction between the organism and anaerobic bacteria in the vagina
Frothy discharge, fishy odor, vaginal pH of 5 to 6
Trichomonas vaginalis
Bacteria found in males and females
Potential for infection if vaginal acidity is disturbed
Profuse, yellowish, or light cream-colored discharge with disagreeable odor
Irritation and itching
Agents for Treating Sexually-Transmitted Infections
Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Syphilis lesions (chancroid) in men
Chlamydia in women
Gonoccoccal in either sex
Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
Penicillinase-producing bacteria
Tetracycline (Sumycin), Erythromycin (Ilotycin)
Chlamydia trachomatis
Penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin L-A)
Doxycycline (Doryx, Vibramycin)
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Metronidazole (Flagyl)
Gardnerella vaginitis
Safety Alert
Bicillin L-A and Bicillin C-R (which is combined with penicillin G procaine) are frequently dispensed in place of each other. However, the procaine in the Bicillin C-R makes it shorter acting. The longer-acting Bicillin L-A is needed for syphilis.
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kyaw-kyaw-oo · 3 years
💁‍♀️ဆေးဆိုင်လေးတစ်ဆိုင် စဖွင့်ချင်တယ်ဆိုရင်? ✅
👩‍⚕️ပထမဆုံးဆေးဆိုင်မှာ လူသုံးအများဆုံး အဝယ်များသော ဆေးတွေကို စာရင်းလုပ်ပေးထားပါတယ်။ (မှတ်ချက်- ကိုယ့်ဖွင့်မဲ့နေရာ ဒေသပေါ်မူတည်ပီး တချို့ဆေးများက အဝယ်နဲတာ များတာ ဖြစ်တတ်ပါတယ်။ဆိုင်မဖွင့်သေးခင် ဆေးကိုမဝယ်သင့်ပါ။ expiredရှိလို့ဂရုစိုက်ကြည့်စစ်ဆေးဝယ်ရပါမယ်။ငွေအိပ်တာမျိုးဖြစ်တတ်ပါတယ်)။အကြံပြုချင်တာက အရင်ဆုံး ဘာဆေးတွေအဝယ်များကြလဲ အရင်လေ့လာပါ။
👩‍⚕️ဆေးတွေစုံဖို့ဆိုတာ ဖွင့်ရင်း ရောင်းနေရင်းကနေ လိုအပ်သလို ဆေးများထပ်တိုးတင်ရပါမယ်။ဆေးများဟာ Trade name အမျိုးမျိုးထွက်တာမို့ အကုန်စုံနေအောင် မတင်ပါနဲ့အုန်း တဖြေးဖြေးထပ်ဝယ်ဖြည့်သွားပါ။
👩‍⚕️ဆေးဆိုင်ဖွင့်ချင်တဲ့သူတွေအတွက် အထောက်အကူဖြစ်အောင် Drug lists တင်ပေးလိုက်ပါတယ်နော်.....
💊တုပ်ကွေးဆေးများနှင့် အကိုက်အခဲပျောက်ဆေးများအုပ်စု (Cold & Flu)
Minigrip P(child)
Paracetamol (Paracap)
Lensen syrup
Tiffy syrup
Biogesic syrup
SaRa syrup
Babygesic Drops
Dr.Kooler ကလေးအပူကျကပ်ကွာ
Solmux Tab
Solmux Broncho Tab
Solmux Syrup
Chericof syrup
Wood syrup
Ascoril syrup
Flemex syrup
Mucodyl syrup
Konidin Tab
Konidin syrup
Atussin Tab
Atussin Syrup
De-tussin Tab
Disolvan Tab
Solvin Tab
💊လည်ချောင်းနာပျောက်ငုံဆေးများအုပ်စု(Sore Throat)
Wood lozenges
Strepsil lozenges
Mybacin lozenges
💊နှာစီးပျောက်ဆေးအုပ်စု(Running Nose)
Trizin syrup
💊အားဆေးများအုပ်စု(Vitamin & Mineral)
Enervon C
Livolin forte
Oramin G
Oramin F
Oramin C
Nat B
Moriamin forte
Appeton lysine syrup
Appeton Pastilles
Appeton lysine tab
Appeton teengrow
Brand bird nest (rock sugar &sugar free)
Brand ကြက်ပေါင်း
Ensure Gold
BaB tab
Grovit drop
Grovit syrup
cyprocal syrup
cypon L syrup
Cellin plus syrup
Cellin syrup
Enervon c Kidz syrup
💊သွေးကျဆေးများအုပ်စု(Cardiovascular Range)
Amlong 5
Amlong 10
Amlosun 5
Amlosun 10
Enam 5
Enam 10
carvid 3.125&6.25
Losar 25&50
Gliclazide 80
Metformin denk 500
Metformin denk 850
Metformin 500(ကတ်အပျော့)
Diamicron MR 30
Diamicron MR 60
Vastarel MR
Aztor 10&20
Atocor 10&20
Ato 10&20
💊လိမ်းဆေးများအုပ်စု(Cream & Ointment)
Skineal cream
Fungiderm cream
Ketorex cream
Pai Micro cream
Bet-GM cream
Vivir cream
Statum cream
Clindamycin gel
Bioplacenton gel
Voltex cool(အပြာ)
Hirudoid cream
zince oxide
Miconazole cream
Caldryl lotion
💊ပိုးသတ်ဆေးများ (Antibiotics )အုပ်စု
Amoxil 250&500
Flumox cap
Ciproflox 250&500
Cefalexin 250&500
Azithromycin 250&500
Levoflox 250&500
Cefixime 100&200
Dofenal 250&500
Tiger balm
Belladonna Plaster
💊Fast 125&250(para suppo) အုပ်စု
💊အစာအိမ်ဆေးများအုပ်စု(Gestrointestinal Range)
Pantocid 20&40
Esoz 20&40
Panzo D
Entacyd plus
Air X
Kremil s(ပန်း,ဖြူ)
MOM kyaw
Tolax ဝမ်းချူဘောလုံး
💊Probiotics ဝမ်းပိတ်ဆေးအုပ်စု
Pharolit (ကလေးဓါတ်စားထုပ်)
💊BPI ဆေးများအုပ်စု
Folic Acid
Furamin BC
Gripe mixture
Royal D
Cal D glucose
Amoxil dry syrup
Cefalexin dry syrup
Metro dry syrup
💊Eye/Ear drop အုပ်စု
Genta Eye/Ear drop
Cipro Eye/Ear drop
Optimol Eye drop
Cool Eye Eye drop
New V.ROHTO (အစိမ်း&အပြာ)
💉💉💉Injections အုပ်စု
B1 inj
B6 inj
B12 inj
Diclo inj
Multi inj
Ranitidine inj
Pantocid inj
Moriamin S2 IV (Japan)
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