#Azi after all this time how could you still be this STUPID
thelargetomato · 1 year
I really just have to go to work in the morning like nothing happened?
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dee-morris · 7 months
Finally We're Going to Talk About Crowley
I really do love them equally but you wouldn't know it from my posting history because I constantly feel the need to ride to Aziraphale's defense every other week.
Anyway we talk incessantly about Aziraphale's behavior in the last scenes of season two for obvious reasons, but I think Crowley also needs some deconstructing. His behavior is less shocking; he appears to be reacting to Aziraphale more than taking the reins of the narrative himself. But there are a few key moments I want to look at more closely.
The first thing I thought of was how nonchalant he appeared to be about his only friend going off to have a private conversation with a powerful angel who clearly loathes the sight of him. "Go ahead, the day can't get any weirder" YES IT CAN YES IT CAN but anyway, I was deeply mistaken.
The second they're out of sight he jumps to his feet and stares out the window after them, then he starts to pace around the bookshop. He stops dead when he sees Muriel and goes back to nonchalant mode. "They'll be back soon."
(In the tone, imo, of a parent waiting for their kid to come back from a date and it's past curfew and they're not answering their cell.)
And then--he immediately tries to get rid of Muriel. Who doesn't want to leave, bc "The Metatron might need me!" And you can see the "oh my sweet summer child" expression cross Crowley's face. He's still his usual casual demonic No Fucks Given self on the outside, but he doubles down on getting Muriel out of the shop.
I don't want to spit in anyone's crepes with this next bit, but I don't think the "us time" portion of this conversation was intended to be romantic. I hypothesize that Crowley had just about made up his mind to have an honest conversation with Aziraphale about his Fall and whatever tf he's got going on with the Metabitch. And the "extremely alcoholic breakfast" was what he needed to get through the conversation.
I'm wandering into the realm of speculation at this point, but I think my hypotheses are based on canon events. Crowley does not talk about his Fall with Aziraphale and discourages any mention of his angel identity. That could just be a trauma response, but you don't see the same reticence when it comes up in conversation with Beelz or Muriel or even Jim. I think he's been protecting Aziraphale from something all this time, maybe for his own safety or maybe because he doesn't want Azi to lose faith in heaven/God. The way he tries to send Muriel away makes me think it's a physical safety thing.
But then Metacunt shows up in the flesh and Crowley goes, Yeah it's time to have The Talk.
So then what changed?
This next extrapolation is a bit tenuous so feel free to disagree, but I don't think Crowley was as lost in the woods as he seemed to be. Crowley is impulsive and emotional, but he's not stupid. My friend leaves with the most dangerous angel I know and comes back acting weird. We are not getting that breakfast at the Ritz, are we?
I think the confession and the kiss were sincere, but I also think they had a purpose. I think he was trying to snap Aziraphale out of whatever was making him act like a marionette on crack. But, "It's too late. It's always too late."
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
song/ship analyses part 10: aziracrow and "too sweet" by hozier
so we all heard this song right? and then immediately died right??
“It can't be said I'm an early bird
It's ten o'clock before I say a word” headcanon that crowley wakes up very late because of drinking heavily after aziraphale leaves
“How do you sleep so well?” how did crowley sleep before azi left
“You keep telling me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight” this can be a dual meaning, cause it can be aziraphale and muriel, hence why he doesn’t listen, it reminds him too much of his angel
“You know you don't gotta pretend
Baby, now and then” crowley telling azi he doesn’t need to pretend to be a perfect angel all the time
“I think I'll take my whiskey neat” the demon is heavy drinking
“My coffee black” he orders six shots of espresso at gmcogmd
“and my bed at three” he falls asleep really late and wakes up really late because of the drinking
“You're too sweet for me” dual meaning again, could be talking about azi being too sweet for him or muriel being too sweet to him
“I aim low
I aim true, and the ground's where I go” the Fall
“I work late where I'm free from the phone
And the job gets done
But you worry some, I know” azi constantly worrying about crowley and hell because he’s afraid that theyll take him and torture him
“But who wants to live forever, babe” he’ll look at the little bit of holy water he has left in the jug, because of course he wouldn’t use it all. he may be an optimist but he’s not stupid
“You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate” the final fifteen kiss
“The rest of you like you're the TSA
I wish that I could go along” crowley would go everywhere for azi, everywhere but heaven, he can’t go back to heaven, he can’t.
“You know you're bright as the morning
As soft as the rain” crowley associates azi with the rainfall at eden, the first rain, soft on his wings, the sun still shining
“Pretty as a vine
As sweet as a grape” the scene in rome where crowley and aziraphale are getting wine and azi slips up
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aerynwrites · 1 year
Hey! I have a Tech x Reader request.
Only if you're comfortable with it of course since I know many don't like the topic, but I would like to see:
AZI revealing that the reader is pregnant when they go to SID after Techs fall.
A fix it in which they are all reunited is of course welcome but is not necessary. Choose how you like it :)
I was sitting here hoping for a request like this!!! Bc fuck that ending - that ending doesn’t exists. They are all happy and together and amazing and Cid didn’t do what she did and the empire didn’t come after them and they are all planning to live on Pabu for the rest of their lives okay? Okay cool.
Thanks for the request my friend! Had such a good time writing this! ❤️
Unexpected Endings
Tech x Fem!Reader
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A/N: please suspend your disbelief with this one lmao. Didn’t go into the gritty details of how reader saved tech she just did. Happy ending Bc it’s what tech and we deserve lol. Hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: talks of pregnancy || reader being pregnant || talks of babies/children and raising them || surprise pregnancy || discussions of death/death scare || but mostly fluff , fluff and more fluff!
**apologies for any grammatical errors, wrote this and posted from my phone, also haven’t written in a while…**
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The memories come in flashes.
Flashes of emotions and fragmented pictures as you blink in and out of consciousness.
The last solid thing you remember is lunging from the rail car before Tech could fire his blaster. After that…most of it’s a blur.
You remember vaguely shooting your own grapple line into the still attached portion of the rail car, a searing pain in your shoulder as you grasp the tail end of Techs own grapple line, his weight being almost too much for you to hold alone.
You remember the wind whipping around you as the rail car finally speeds away, Wrecker and Omega shouting your names as they try to haul you both to safety.
Then came the screaming of metal, a deafening smash and then, blackness.
A darkness that ebbs and flows but never fully goes away or stays put. You think you hear shouting at one point, your name at another, Techs voice from far away.
That stupid idiot!
That’s the first thing you manage to coherently think once consciousness finally decides to grace you with its presence.
When have we ever followed orders?
What would have been his last words replay over and over in your head as you slowly work your eyes open. Trying to gain sense of your bearings.
Your name comes from somewhere to your right, and you want to turn to look at who it is, but a shooting pain in your neck stops you.
“Don’t move.” They tell you, a gentle hand coming to lie on your shoulder. “You and Tech got the worst of it.”
“Tech?” You murmur, lips sticking together, mouth parched. “What…? Is he - did I get to him? Is he…?”
The words come out in slurred whispers, your mind moving too fast and your cotton mouth too dry to produce anything louder.
Finally, a familiar tattooed face appears in your line of sight, brows pulled together tightly despite the way the corners of his lips tug upwards.
“He’s alive. Thanks to you.”
You sag with relief, a small breath puffing past your lips as your eyes slips closed.
He’s alive. He’s alive and he’s here, and he’s okay.
“I’m gonna kill him,” you whisper again, opening your eyes just as Hunter lets out a small chuckle, grimacing slightly at the action as he clutches his middle.
“Yeah, well…get in line.”
You want to respond, but Hunter stops you, instead moving to help you sit up.
The movement is awkward, and reveals to you just how extensive your injuries are. There’s a cast on your leg, bandages wrapped tightly around your midsection, and another cast wrapped securely around your wrist.
Hunter is as gentle as he can be when he helps you sit up, stuffing pillows behind you to help support the action, but every little movement causes a wave of pain to wash through you.
Only when you’re situated and Hunter hands you a small cup of water does the pain start to ebb away, leaving behind a dull ache all over.
You look over to the Sergeant, watching as he seems to mull over something.
“Where’s Tech?” You ask, desperate to see him after everything that happened.
Hunter sighs, “He’s in the other room, probably arguing with AZ over his bed rest orders.”
You huff out a small laugh at that, rolling your eyes. “That sounds like him.” You say, fingers fiddling with the cup in your hands. “But he’s…okay, right? I know you said he’s alive, but-“
Hunter cuts you off, reaching over to take the cup from you before placing a reassuring hand over your own.
“He’s fine. Pretty banged up, but nothing a few weeks of healing won’t fix. Same goes for you.”
You nod, finally relaxing back into the pillows. “And everyone else?”
Hunter smiles. “We’re all fine. All of us. Even Omega, who’s been hard pressed to leave your side by the way. The only reason she’s not here now is because Cid convinced her to go out for some Mantell Mix.”
The mention of Omega brings a smile to your face. “Well, I’m just glad to hear that-“
“You’re awake!”
the chipper voice of AZ interrupts you as the familiar silver droid practically flies into the room.
“Hi, AZ,” you greet the droid, unable to stop your smile from growing at the little guy.
“Recognition processing seems to be functioning normally,” the droid says, hovering closer to you as he does other scans. “No signs of significant Brian trauma or bleeds. No progression of spinal injury. Vitals are holding stable. No signs of other internal injuries…”
You sit patiently as the medical droid rattles on for several more minutes, listing off your injuries and what he’s been doing since you’ve been asleep. Hunter has moved to the corner, talking softly into his comm link to who you assume is the rest of the batch. Probably to let them know you’re awake.
“Do you understand?”
AZ’s questions pulls you from your observation and you look back to the droid.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that again AZ, I wasn’t paying attention.”
The droid nods and points to a data pad he placed in your lap.
“Your care instructions are listed on there. My main recommendation is bed rest and very low activity levels until your spinal injury and concussion have subsided. Drink lots of fluids along with the medications I’ve recommended and you and your baby should be perfectly fine!”
Your eyes snap up to where AZ still hovers, chest frozen as the breath inside you seems to be sucked from your lungs. Frantic eyes dart to where Hunter still stands, his own eyes wide at the droids words.
You finally manage to stutter out just a few words when you suck in uneven breathes.
“Me and my…baby? Baby?”
Kriff…I think I’m going to pass out again.
AZ’s head cocks to the side, an otherwise adorable gesture if he hadn’t just given you life altering news.
“You’re heart rate is elevated and your breathing is erratic. Are you experiencing distress?”
As much as you love AZ, you want nothing more than for him to leave right now. His presence adding to the anxiety spiking within you.
Hunter must sense this, because he’s immediately stepping forward and ushering the droid from the room despite his protests.
Soon he’s by your side again, eyes searching your own.
“You didn’t know?” He asks.
You shake your head, closing your eyes as you force yourself to take steady, even breaths despite the ache it creates in your ribs.
“No, no I - I didn’t think it was - I never…” you trail off, the reality of the situation sinking in.
The burning of tears at the backs of your eyes comes on quicker than you can anticipate and soon you’re trying in vain to blink them away.
Hunter reacts instantly, standing up and moving towards the door. “I’ll get Tech.”
You don’t have time to respond before he’s gone, his presence soon replaced by the man you thought you were going to lose.
He looks just about as good as you do. He’s dressed in his civilian clothing, but you can see the bandages peeking out from beneath the collar of his shirt, and he’s leaning heavily on a makeshift crutch.
And his goggles are missing.
But none of this even matters when his eyes meet yours. He’s on the edge of your bed faster than an injured man should be, your arms wrapped as tightly as you dare around his middle.
All the words you had for him. All your scathing remarks and scoldings and angry names disappear the moment he wraps his arms around you - and you can do nothing but cry as he holds you.
Finally, after several tear filled moments, you manage to speak through your cries.
“Why would you do that?” You ask, pulling away enough so you’re able to see him. “What were you thinking?”
You emphasize the last word with a hard squeeze to his shoulder, lips tugging down into a frown.
Of course, he has a response ready, probably having already said half a dozen times to his squad mates.
“It was the only logical thing to do in order for the rest of the squad to survive.”
You huff, “obviously not, since what I did worked and we’re all alive.”
Techs brows furrow, his own lips thinning before he speaks. “What you did was illogical and reckless. It had less than a five percent chance of being successful-“
You pull away from him then, eyes wide with disbelief. “But it was successful!” You reiterate, “We’re alive because of it. All of us. You were just ready to throw it all away!”
You’re angry now, angry and sad and heartbroken that you almost watch the man you love die, because of fucking statistics. So, before Tech can talk any sense into you, you continue, needing him to know how much his decision hurt.
“You would have died, Tech. You would have died and left me behind. Left us behind…” your hand falls to your stomach instinctively as you trail off.
“It was the only thing that guaranteed your best chance at survival,” He says again, softer this time as he reaches out to take your hand in his own.
You shake your head, “I don’t care, you can’t…you can’t do that again. Ever. Not anymore.”
He looks confused for a moment, before moving to give you what you’re sure is a rebuttal. Some excuse about how the squad as a whole matters more than one member. But you cut him off before he can, squeezing his hand tightly in your own.
“I’m pregnant, Tech.” You tell him, the words shocking him just as they had you.
He’s silent for a long time, his eyes darting from yours to various places around the room before finally landing on you again.
You don’t know what you expect. Part of you, the romantic part of you, hopes for some grand gesture of love. A mind melting kiss, him to jump up and down in joy, a huge smile to spread across his lips as he spins you around.
Yet, the response he gives you is better than all of that combined. Because it’s Tech, and you should have known he would be logical above all else.
“I think I can refrain from any life sacrifices from now on.”
His words, words only Tech would utter at a time like this, bring a watery smile to your lips as you lean in to embrace him once more.
“You aren’t upset?” You ask, voice small from where your face is tucked into his neck.
He holds you tighter, hand running soothingly up and down your back.
“Quite the contrary,” he says, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I never expected for this to be a possibility, so…I’m still processing.”
You can’t help but laugh as you pull away from him, wiping away any stray tears. “That’s normal…I think. I’m still processing too.”
You shake your head, looking down at where your fingers are now laced with his.
“I thought you said clones couldn’t have children.” You say, looking up at him in question.
He shrugs, and you can practically see the gears in his head turning.
“Technically speaking we should not be able to. The Kaminoans engineered all clones to be infertile, for obvious reasons, but…” he trails off for a moment before continuing. “Clone Force 99, we were an experimental batch of clones. Our inhibitor chips were rendered less functional due to our mutations. Perhaps this is similar.”
He reaches quickly for the data pad on your lap, pulling it up closer so he can see as he taps away at the screen.
You smile. “What are you doing?”
“Looking at your medical information regarding your pregnancy. ” He says plainly, pausing his tapping as he seems to find what you’re looking for. “The baby seems to be healthy,” he says, reiterating what AZ had told you. “However, it’s too early to tell much else without more advanced equipment.” He looks up at you, a rare teasing smile on his lips. “AZ estimates that you are approximately two weeks along in gestation.”
You do the math quickly, cheeks reddening at what it adds up to.
“Pabu?” You ask, unable to stop the smile when Tech nods.
Of course that’s when it happened. It was the first time in forever that any of you in the batch were able to have a sense of normalcy. The first time you weren’t running around on missions or saving each other.
It was…peaceful.
Tech starts typing again and you tug him towards you, urging him to sit next to you on the bed as he does whatever it is he’s doing.
“What are you looking at now?” You ask, sinking down in the pillows so you’re able to rest your head against his shoulder.
“I’m searching for articles on how to take care of an infant, as well as searching for nearby space ports where supplies for children are available.”
His tone is so matter-of-fact, so sure, as if he didn’t even think twice about this sudden change in his life. Like he’s accepted it readily and without trouble.
But you have enough worry for the both of you. Something you make known right away.
“Do…do you think we can do it? Raise a kid with what we do?” You worry the blanket between your fingers. “You almost died today Tech. We all came so close, and I…I can’t do this without you.”
The data pad is set aside as soon as you start talking and his hands come up to cup your cheeks before he brings his lips to yours.
It’s not heated or rushed or heavy. No, this kiss is slow and tender and so full of love you have a feeling you know what Tech wants to say before he even speaks.
He pulls away from you slowly, resting his head against your own as he drops his hands to take yours.
“Missions have always been my top priority,” he begins, and you worry about what he will say until he continues. “Just consider this my new mission, and the only one that matters.” He tells you, bringing one hand to rest gently on your stomach.
“I will speak to Hunter about returning to Pabu, as soon as I’m done.” He says, leaning back into his position beside you as he picks up the data pad once more.
You settle in next to him, holding his free hand in yours as you watch him work.
“Done with what, exactly?”
“Research, of course.” He says, bringing your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles. “I refuse to be unprepared.”
The next few moments follow in relative silence, both of you just relishing in each other's presence. Only Tech’s periodic baby facts and information interrupt the comfortable silence.
When Tech is discussing the various types of cribs and their different sleep functions, you finally interrupt him.
“I love you, Tech.” You say, stopping the man in his tracks.
He smiles, squeezing your hand in his own as he looks down at you.
“And I, you, darling.”
The words are simple. To the point. Just like Tech.
And when he’s back to telling you about cribs and the best baby formula, you have a sense of all being right with the world.
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era-of-ages · 9 months
Okay... so here's the thing... (short fanfiction post for Good Omens)
After watching the entirety of Good Omens for the first time ever in approximately two days, seeing countless posts about it, and while I'm not usually a fanfiction reader, actually skimming one of those too. I feel like I need to at least dip my toes into this a little bit. So here's my short(ish) take on after season 2.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could he possibly be so stupid? He was an angel, the smartest of them!" Crowley's words only fell on the uncaring mass of liquor bottles scattered around the floor. "Although," he refrained, "if he was so smart he wouldn't be an angel. Certainly not a supreme archangel."
That's mean, you know it is. A voice in his head told him. You know he's smart, you know he's brainwashed. You're just angry right now.
"Oh shut- SHUT UP!" He bit back. "I can be angry all I damn well want to I'm a demon for hell's sake! Maybe I've done the nice thing here or there, but I AM STILL A DEMON!"
We both know you've grown beyond that, Crowley. Far beyond it. The voice taunted him. It felt like taunting anyway. What kind of smug bastard did it think it was anyway? But he couldn't shut it up. Crowley, you can pose all you want. You've been doing it for 6000 years, after all. But you know better than anyone that being human comes with human emotion. Love. Anger. And knowledge that those emotions affect you. You know what knowledge can do, Crowley.
"And so what if I do?" He hissed. "You think I care? There's nothing to care about anymore. Azi- Azripha-" he couldn't speak it. Not without those damned tears. Who invented those anyhow? Oh right, God. The same bastard who caused all this. "He's gone." He finally managed to say. "It's too late. Always has been."
I'll tell you what you're missing. The voice in his head had taken to sounding like Nina. You're so full of that human spirit, that emotion. So where's that human hope, huh? If there's one thing Aziraphale did have, it was hope! So where's yours?"
"It went with him."
Muriel's steps were awkward and heavy, even still. Everything having weight here on Earth was so confusing! No one had actually ever told her how Earth works when she came, but all the books were still on the shelves, so she figured that she must be doing well. It was quiet in the book shop as well, and she started to think. Everyone had always said she hadn't done much of it before, so what better time to learn? She started to think of the shop as her friend, like it was alive. It liked her well enough, but it missed Aziraphale. It would perk up when Crowley passed by, which he did every single day, but he never came inside. Never even looked anymore. She always thought about calling out to him, asking him how to make tea or how to pronounce some of the words she had read, but she hadn't done it. Not yet anyway. She hoped one day she would.
The bell was a new sound. Muriel remembered it meant that someone had come into the shop. She said a few stalling words as she ran down the stairs, still careful to balance her feet correctly so she didn't trip again. "I'm sorry for the wait!" she said, smiling to herself about the correct use of phrase. "How can I help... you?"
"I just... just came to see it again."
Aziraphale looked terrible. Nothing like a supreme archangel. He didn't glow, she was fairly certain he used to. There were dark circles underneath his eyes, which meant he hadn't slept. But if he didn't need to, why did he have the circles? And he was smiling at her, except it wasn't really a smile. What was that phrase she had liked? Right! He wasn't smiling with his eyes. His eyes were sad.
"The shop's missed you." She said, coming to stand beside him. "Would you like some tea?"
He turned to her. He looked... defeated, somehow. "I think I would like that."
"Great!" Muriel clapped her hands. "Except... oh I don't mean to sound silly, but I don't know how to make it."
"Oh that's alright then," Aziraphale said. "I'm alright without it."
"No no!" She held up a hand, careful not to touch him. "Wait, I can figure it out! I can read things now! And understand them! Just uh... wait right here!"
She hurried off to what she knew for sure were tea implements. They had kettles and things like that in the books she'd read. Oh it was so exciting! She was going to be just like those book people! Making tea! She giggled as she set a teabag ever so carefully into a cup, then slowly poured water inside. The water started to change color! It was beautiful! She wondered why every angel didn't come to Earth, it was so full of amazing things!
"I've got it!" she announced proudly. "I made tea!" Carefully, she handed it to the supreme archangel, smiling like a child as he held it. As he took it, his hands began to shake. His eyes became sad again.
Oh no! Muriel thought. I didn't make it right! He doesn't like it! She thought backwards through the steps of making tea. What tea should look like. A cup with colored water inside with a thin trail of steam!
"Oh! It's not hot!" She said. "Not hot at all! I'm so sorry!"
"Oh no! Oh no don't be sorry!" The saucer in his hand was shaking more now. "I'll just-" with a quick snap down the tea began to steam. "Here we go! It's alright. Would you mind if I just, walked around a bit?"
"Of course!" She smiled, though she still watched his hand. "It would be my honor."
It should have been raining. It was too nice of a day. Crowley snapped his fingers and began to feel the first drops of cold water coming down on him. By the time he reached Greek Street it was a downpour. He could feel Nina watching him as he walked past her shop. He didn't say hello. He hadn't ever and he wasn't going to start now.
He looked at the bookshop, not inside, but at it. He could sense that bumbling angel inside. He couldn't help but wonder how she was taking to Earth. She seemed the type to be too dim to be brainwashed by anyone. He resolved to go inside. Not to see her, but to take some of his things back that he had left. No doubt that plant was long past dead at this point.
The bell rang again! Muriel rushed to the front. Two people to come in on the same day! It was all so exciting! Even the bookshop was excited! It was the happiest it had been in months. "Welcome, welcome!" Muriel froze in her tracks as she saw who had entered. She broke into a grin, "Mr. Crowley!"
She had seen this before, in those wonderful books! Two people who are madly in love run away from each other, then they see each other again, realize they love each other even more and never should have run, and then they kiss! She could barely hold her excitement, but she kept quiet. She couldn't ruin this moment! They had to find each other.
"How's business been?" Crowley asked. "Doesn't look like you've sold anything."
"I haven't!" Muriel answered excitedly. "Not a thing! But I learned how to make tea!"
"Did you now?" He looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Why are you so excited?"
"Oh curse me for lying, but I'm just so excited someone has come into the shop!" She giggled, bouncing around on her feet.
"Curse you for lying?" Crowley frowned. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I lied about why I'm so excited! But it's not going to be like the books if I just told you why!"
Crowley rubbed his temples. He didn't have time for this. Well, he did, but the more time he spent in this shop the less angry he became. He wanted to be angry. And the voice seemed to shut up when he was in here. "Look, I just came to get some of my things, alright? I'm not here to have a conversation or anything." He started for the stairs. No! Aziraphale was up there!
"Wait wait wait!" She grabbed his arm. "You need to have a conversation! It's the only way to-"
"Only way to what?!" He meant it as a threat. It came out as desperation. Muriel could see his eyes now. They were sad too.
"The only way," she said slowly. "The only way it's going to be okay." Something hurt inside of her. Knowing the Aziraphale was hurt, that Crowley was hurt. It hurt her too. Water started to come from her eyes. Something in her felt like it was burning. "What's happening to me?" she asked.
"Those are tears." Crowley's voice was cracking. "You get used to them after a while. They happen when you're sad." He looked at her. "Why are you sad?" What did she have to be sad for?
"I'm. I'm sad because the bookshop is sad," she stammered. "Because the happy ending hasn't happened yet. It was supposed to. He wasn't supposed to go to heaven and make you sad. That's not a happy story. And I... I don't understand why not."
Aziraphale let his hand drag across the shelves. Every second fight back the thought he had been thinking since he left. This bookshop was heaven. No, better than heaven. Those were wrong thoughts, he knew. But they had become so strong that he couldn't bear to stop them anymore. He missed his shop. He missed Earth. He missed... to even think of his name was already enough. He closed his eyes. You are the Supreme Archangel. You WILL NOT think wrong thoughts.
A sound from downstairs. Crying. Muriel's crying.
"Not all stories have happy endings." Crowley said. "Sometimes you just have to realize that and..." he couldn't say move on.
"But would you take him? If he came back?" Muriel wiped away her own tears. "Would you make it a happy ending?"
"I can't. I'd give anything to, but I can't." He looked down. "I tried. My way didn't work. I couldn't save him from heaven. They still took him away."
Hurried footsteps down the stairs. Her head snapped up. "What if I tried?"
"What?" Crowley tried to look up but she was gone.
"Muriel are you alri-" Aziraphale started to say.
"Hush!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him with all her might to Crowley. She was beaming. Rain! They needed rain! It was raining outside! She had them both by the hand now, by some sort of miracle the doors were already open. She threw them outside. It was a downpour! It was perfect! She couldn't hold her excitement anymore. She'd been dying to use this word. Not one in any of her books, but one the shop had said a million times.
Neither of them spoke. The difference between rain and tears didn't matter now. It was just them now. Looking into each other's eyes. They didn't need to speak.
"W-would the dance be acceptable here?" Aziraphale stammered.
"Oh Angel, shut up!"
Like puzzle pieces, the two of them fit perfectly together in each other's arms. Muriel squealed and bounced happily back and forth. She looked at Nina and Maggie across the street. They were clapping.
"About damn time!" Maggie shouted.
"It's not a happy ending until you kiss!" Muriel exclaimed.
You would have never heard it or seen it, but the nightingales were thrilled. They had been dying to sing.
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puppie-b0y · 9 months
This is set after season 2, but we're just gonna pretend the Metatron DIDNT break up the husband's- uhhh I mean.... the Metatron didn't ask aziraphale to take Gabriel's place. He just dealt with everyone, said "good job" to azi and crow and then kinda just... ✨️disappeared✨️ ...Anyways, hope yall enjoy!!
After saving the town from the legion of demons, aziraphale and crowley decided to celebrate. It was crowley's idea, he said he knew "just the place to go to after all that". Aziraphale took that as "I have a calming, elegant place to make up for the foul demons and ignorant angels". And while it was a fairly calm, quiet place crowley took aziraphale to, it was also a bar.
Now, aziraphale had drunk alcohol before. I mean, he drinks wine with crowley all the time. But of course, he never drinks more than a glass at a time and has never actually gotten drunk. He didn't really have a problem with people who got drunk. He didn't do it himself, but he never badly judged anyone else when they did. Although he sometimes thought it was absolutely ridiculous how people would act sometimes.
All of that considered, a bar was just... not what he had in mind when crowley said he knew a place. It was dimly lit and not too busy, Azi will give him that. But it wasn't as fancy, nor as entertaining as he had thought the demon would have planned.
"Crowley?" Aziraphale talked as the bartender put a drink infront of the ginger man. Crowley gave a soft grunt in response. "Shouldn't we have gone somewhere more... treasuring?" Crowley looked at him, raising a brow "treasuring?" He asked. Aziraphale nodded "Yes, somewhere with more, er, ritz." Crowley slightly jerked his head back, offended. "Angel, I'm paying for your drinks and I'd buy you food if that's what you'd want! That's not 'ritzy' enough for you?" Aziraphale looked between his own glass and back a crowley "Well I- I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant, well, er..." He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, before opening them and sighing, looking back at his glass. "I don't know..." Once again, he looked at crowley. This demon hadn't looked or been so confused since Noah's arc. Whether he was still hurt or he had totally let go of what the blonde said, aziraphale felt bad for it. "Sorry." He said. Crowley turned back to the bar and picked up his drink "I was joking, Angel. I don't actually care."
He did. He did care. He wasn't mad or offended, he honestly just felt bad.
Maybe this was stupid He thought.
He just wanted to spend time with someone he loved enjoyed hanging out with. Did aziraphale not want the same? Did aziraphale not want this? Does he not want him?
By the way, this was crowley's third? Fourth drink? And it was very much not simple wine. He was drinking pure scotch. Either way, aziraphale's opinion would have mattered to him. He really cares what the other man has to say about him.
Aziraphale took a breath in and gave a small, simple smile "Oh... good." Crowley gave him a quick glance and then took another big gulp of his drink.
It's safe to say that by the end of the night, Crowley was VERY drunk. Aziraphale, on the other hand, was very much not. The bar was within walking distance to the bookshop, so luckily they didn't have to worry about driving. Although, crowley could barely walk without stumbling and/or falling every so often. They were now walking home, aziraphale's hand around crowley's waist, trying to make sure crowley doesn't get hit by a fucking car knows where to go. Crowley could care less about being hit by a car, he was too busy paying attention to the Queen song that was stuck in his head.
"Crow- ugh, crowley! You're being too loud!" Aziraphale yelled as he tried standing crowley up straighter. "She's a killer.... QUEEEEEEEN!" He shouted the last part into the air. Then he stopped and kept his eyes on the night sky. He sighed. "This is beautiful." He said. Aziraphale looked up, then back at Crowley. "Yes I... I suppose it is." He paused, then took a step towards Crowley "But we have to get home now, you are far too intoxicated." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows and took a deep breathe in.
This is what my creation looks like from earth?
He looked back at Aziraphale. "I made this. It was the biggest project I ever had." He looked back up at the stars. "What a waste." Aziraphale was taken aback, confused as to what the demon meant. "A waste? What makes you think it was a waste?" Crowley threw his arms up and let them fall at his sides harshly. "I made all that and I don't even get any credit. Thrown away like I didn't do anything good, look at that!" He points to all the stars in the sky and looks at the man infront of him, raising his voice. "I made a nebula!"
Aziraphale sighs, unsure of what to say or do in order to make Crowley feel better and let them go back to the shop. Crowley sighed and started walking past the angel. "Whatever I don't need him. I don't need God or the angels. I can do whatever I want now."
Aziraphale quickly caught up with him and talked whilst the crossed the street and walked into the shop. "Surely you don't mean that, I mean, there must have been something good about being an angel." Crowley plops down into the chair, and lays his head back, closing his eyes. "Nah."
They both paused until crowley shot up quickly and looking over his glasses at aziraphale, pointing to him. "Y'know I thought you had enjoyed the nebula more. I mean, you were there when I made it, you seemed to think it was nice. He took a few steps toward aziraphale and put his hands on his hips. Dont you think i deserve a little praise? Or at least some credit?"
Aziraphale looked at him, worried. Oh my, he's had way too much to drink.
He spoke calmly, trying to make the firey man feel better. "I do like it. I think you did an amazing job. I never meant to give the impression I don't think that."
Crowley sighed and waved his hand at him, turning back to the chair and sitting down once again. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm not with heaven or hell and I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter."
Those last few words made Aziraphale lose his mind. I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter. What could he possibly mean by that?
The question begged at the tip of aziraphale's tongue. "Wha- what... what do you mean?"
Crowley didn't even look at him, he just kept his head lied back and his eyes closed, talking like nothing he was saying mattered. "Oh come on, angel, you know I like you, don't be stupid now."
"Yeah, I... I know, we're... we're friends, I just-"
Crowley cut him off. "Oh shut up, you know what I mean. 'I have a crush on you', that's what the humans say, at least."
Tears pricked at aziraphales eyes. Crowley must be lying. He's drunk and stupid and he has no idea what he's saying. He would never like an angel, much less Aziraphale, right?
"I... I don't like when you're drunk, crowley. You say things you don't mean. I'm going to bed."
As Aziraphale walked past crowley's chair, the ginger stood up. The blonde didn't care to stop. That was until crowley took off his glasses, set them on the table, grabbed the other man's hand and turned him around. "Oh for God's sake." He said before pressing his lips to aziraphale's.
The angels lips were soft, gentle. Crowley felt like he were still standing with aziraphale in the middle of his Nebula. The beauty of the stars surrounding them, twinkling with passion. He'd waited to do this for so long. He didn't always know that this was what he wanted, all he knew was that he was lonely. And that Aziraphale made that better. He used to be so confused, but now, it had felt like everything had fallen into place.
Crowley's lips were rough and the kiss was messy and uncoordinated. But no matter how messy the kiss or surprised he felt, no matter how much he wanted to stop it because the smell of alcohol lingering on the demons lips was a bit overwhelming, he couldn't. He couldn't stop, he didn't want to. At this moment, all he wanted was Crowley. The man he has had so many fun, happy, amazing moments with was now kissing him. He loved this man. He knew that from the bottom to the top of his heart, all that was there was love for him. But that didn't stop his worries.
Aziraphale broke the kiss and stepped back. "You're... You're drunk. You don't mean this." He looks around, panicking, trying to sort out his millions of thoughts. "You'll wake up in the morning, have no memory of this, and act like nothing happened!" Aziraphale took a shaky breath in and tried pulling himself together before any tears fell. "I can't have you doing this if you don't mean it." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows with a sincere look in his eye. He stepped toward Aziraphale and spoke softly.
"Angel, I do mean it. I've felt this way since... I don't even remember, honestly. I thought if I told you, you'd run. Never talk to me again and act like I don't exist." He got closer to aziraphale, taking another step forward, until he was once again, right in front of the man. "But I'm so done with worrying. God couldn't stop me from doing what i want. The angels couldn't, and the demons didn't either. I can't keep acting like I don't want you, angel. Like I don't love you."
"Love." He pressed another kiss to Aziraphales lips. This time, it was gentle and short, but all the while, it was still enjoyable. He looked back at the angel.
"I love you, Aziraphale."
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cuddyclothes · 1 year
Okay, some Thoughts about Good Omens 2 and that ending and stuff
Disclaimer: I’ve never read the book. I’ve never heard the radio show. Beware, there is criticism under the “keep reading” as well as my analysis of the ending. I’m using male pronouns but feel free to substitute the ones you prefer.
I loved “Good Omens 2″. And have rewatched it at least three times, as well as having it on in the background. And watched clips on YouTube, especially of the ending. I’VE CRIED A FUCKING RIVER. The beginning with Angel!Crowley squealing and squeaking with happiness over his new universe is cute and heartbreaking.
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And naked Jon Hamm! Who doesn’t love naked Jon Hamm? He is hilarious.
But here were my problems as I was watching it. First: Crowley’s present day hair. Hated it, hated it, hated it. The little curl bobbing around when he moved his head kept distracting me. It was a beautiful red first season, and all of the hairstyles were lovely, especially when it was long!!
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What’s with the color and curls? Aziraphale’s hair is still the same. And no full-on serpent eyes!
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And no odd little noises. What happened to the odd little noises?
The plot was thin. Hanging the whole thing on something as small as Gabriel’s disappearance after the enormity of S1 left it a tad lacking. The Nazi zombie “minisode” was irritating. If you’re going to have Nazi zombies, don’t let them stumble out and kill more people! Also, it was so SATISFYING when they were killed. (Does that count as retcon?) The zombies were mainly there so we could watch Aziraphale play with the feather boa and be flustered all over the place. It was so unnecessary. It would have been better minus Nazi zombies. But zombies are all the rage these days, so I guess you have to have them.
I’m generally down with the horror side of things, except for those poor graveyard guards, doomed to fall forever. And why did Maggie love Nina so much? Nina was basically a grump who barely smiled and certainly gave her no encouragement. I know they were supposed to mirror the main couple but it was pretty weak tea. The more anvilicous, the less enjoyable. Seriously, I didn’t give a shit. The only part I liked was when they told Crowley to back off.
While I knew when watching that the series was mostly fan service on a silver platter garnished with parsley, I still enjoyed it. I would watch Michael and David talk about coding. (In my day we’d say read the phone book but do phone books even exist any more?) However, again, my toes are broken from all of the anvils. I squirmed at how shameless it was. I knew there would be fan art and fan fiction and GIFs out the wazoo, so who am I to piss on somebody else’s fun? But for me, there were moments when I wanted to say, “tone it down a little! We get it!” 
Especially since Aziraphale was such a prissy little fluff ball through the whole season. Does anyone else think S1 Aziraphale would have been a ferocious warrior when the demons showed up? Rather than “oh dear, here girls, you fight the devil’s army!” He could have yeeted the demons into the holy circle! By the way, who made the holy circle? When he calls, “Anybody there?” who answered?
And, and, AND there was no significant fights between Aziraphale and Crowley! Remember “How can somebody so clever be so stupid!”?  When the conflict between the main characters is insignificant (until the end) it diminishes the whole stakes. Which is why I feel like the ending was hastily slapped on, even if it did rip my heart out of my chest.
But I’ve thought a lot about the ending, and I think Metatron played Aziraphale like a harpsichord. Do you think for one minute Metatron thinks Aziraphale could lead Heaven and a huge project like the Second Coming? Of course not, he thinks Aziraphale is a chump. Azi will think he’s in charge while Michael and Uriel walk all over him.
Aziraphale didn’t want to go to Heaven, but Metatron flattered him AND offered to let Crowley return as bait. That did it, because Azi can be an idiot at times. Remember how he thought he could go have a word with Heaven and straighten everything out in S1? When Crowley says no, Aziraphale has made a promise and I don’t recall him ever being able to break a promise. When they kiss he’s hopelessly confused and crying. 
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Metatron comes along, Azi almost protests that he doesn’t want to go, but again, he made a promise. This is just me, but when he’s in Heaven’s elevator, as we watch it go up, we see him slowly being brainwashed
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Remembering Omega
She only pieced together her childhood - or what passed for one - later.
Children didn’t remember things. Children rarely remembered places, either, or features, their minds twisting objects and beings until the tops of their heads touched the sky and their eyes glowed down like yellow lamps, unblinking and uncaring.
But children did remember feelings.
Her first memory is of cold. Darkness. They combined into something tangible, something pressing and present and absent. She remembers how it had sunk into her bones and made something in her chest sharp and stabbing. She remembers that it felt empty. Empty of something she couldn’t really understand, and though she had no reason to think that this wasn’t normal, it felt out of place all the same.
Her second memory is of absence. It was the first time she was able to recognize anguish, tearing at her throat and constricting her airway, and panic, and pain. She wasn’t cold anymore because she was so hot, her blood galloping through her veins and boiling, salty, liquid something dripped down her cheeks and seared her eyes. She remembers a wild need for something, for someone, a hand to cover hers or arms to bundle her up in or even just a voice, and it wouldn’t matter what the voice said so long as she could recognize that maybe there was someone there, and maybe she wasn’t the only one here. She remembers her skin prickling, prickling, prickling, because she’s cold again and there’s some primordial, primal demand for another living being to touch her.
Her third memory is of distance. She was used to the watchful one by now, used to the way it moved and how its features never betrayed any of its thoughts, a mask that she was too inexperienced to see through. But even when the watchful one watched her, even when it spoke, told her to stay still, she never felt seen. When the respected one and the one in the middle, the one who visited, came to see the watchful one and seemed so urgent about when, they looked at her like a puzzle, like an anomaly, like something that wasn’t supposed to be here. She knew they talked about her, but not one of them ever turned and bent their elegant bodies down to her, looked in her eyes and said some kind of something that made a piece fall into place that she was….something. Alive. Okay. She didn’t know the word loved until later, and for her it was defined as the opposite of how unreachable the watchful one’s eyes were.
Her fourth memory is of lost, and of the moments when lost seemed not quite. The world had gotten bigger, like it had simply blinked into existence, and the watchful one had opened the door and sent her away in the care of a strange floaty thing, with shiny limbs and a shiny voice that wobbled with panic whenever she took a step the wrong way. She remembered how bright the lights were, a glowing, constant white that bordered on iridescence and hurt when she looked at them too long. They stabbed somewhere within her skull like an afterthought, a silent kind of pain that didn’t yield until she learned to avert her eyes and keep her head down. She remembered how noisy it had seemed, how her footsteps faded into the endless white hallways. To someone who’s only ever heard silence, even hush is loud.
She remembered her first face, other than the watchful one and the respected one and the one who visited, and how warm its colors had seemed against the stark white corridors. It was tall, but compact, and sturdy, its eyes were confused, but it seemed like asylum when it scooped her up. Its arms were solid and warm and it cradled her head against its chest while it moved, and it clicked something into place. It wasn’t love, but it was something that set a few seconds aside to care, and the warmth in its concern wrapped around her like a blanket and made everything seem okay.
She remembered her second face, and this one was older, its back beginning to stoop and lines sinking into its face like stories untold, and its mouth curved when it looked at her. It knelt down and held her hand and asked her questions she didn’t understand, but it was kindness, and that was new too. She remembered the windows, when the endless white had found an end, and she remembered the cool of glass. She remembered the rain, and that the seal on the window must have been faulty. The kind one had put a work-gnarled hand on her shoulder and let her reach out to drag the ends of her tiny fingertips across the condensation, leaving trails that said I am here. It was the only here that had ever stopped to acknowledge her, the only thing that changed when she moved, like she was worth paying attention to.
Most of all, she remembered her third face, her fourth, her fifth, her sixth, glowing as tiny little lights back in the watchful one’s dark. The others started asking about it, started coming through the door from the world and pointing at the four little lights and saying when. She remembered learning that when got smaller slowly, and the respected one was never happy about it. The one who visited came to say would, and to say this, and to both of them the watchful one’s reply was always will. But every time the respected one came to say when, the four little lights would get a little bit bigger, until she could find herself in their tiny faces and tiny fingers and hope that their four little lights would make the dark a little less.
For now, the four little lights floated oblivious, asleep, maybe, and maybe when they woke up they’d get to stay. For now, they were together, and she remembered something calm settle in her core like how the waves stilled when the rain stopped. The kind one had picked her up and called it the ocean, before the watchful one could see them. He’d pointed, showing her how the funny flying creatures brought their littles to play between the pylons that held the city above the water.
At the end of the when, the four little lights turned off. One of them was bigger than the others, and one of them had a thick thatch of shadow-dark on his head that the watchful one didn’t seem to understand. One of them had a sharper face, carved out of focused intensity, and the smallest one curled in on himself like he was trying to shut out the world. The watchful one gave them numbers, nine-nine, nine-nine, nine-nine, nine-nine, like they were always meant to be together, and something clawed at her stomach when she realized that no one had ever given her one.
Instead, the shiny one zoomed up with its shiny limbs and its shiny voice, intent on a somewhere, and she didn’t want to go, didn’t want to take her eyes off of the four little nine-nines, afraid that they would disappear as simply and finally as a mirage if she looked away.
She only pieced together her childhood - or what passed for one - later.
It took time for her to understand her scraps of memory and feeling, lost without concept or context. She didn’t realize there was a cavernous, empty space she was lost in until she wasn’t anymore, like the way the vents were always loudest in the seconds after they’d just turned off. How do you place isolation, when you’ve been alone your whole life? How do you understand love, when all you’ve ever found is apathy?
She remembered alone, because she never had someone else to be alone with.
She remembered wrong, everything wrong, because there had never been anyone to tell her that she was right.
Now, everyone had a name. She recognized the watchful one, the respected one, the one who visited, and the kind one and the shiny one, who always blurted it in her ear with his shiny voice. For a while, she didn’t understand the identification in these strings of syllables, how they could mean everything, how you would be recognized and explained in a breath. Nala Se, Lama Su, Taun We, Ninety-nine, AZI-345211896246498721347.
She didn’t have a name, because what was there to define her?
She was the last.
Nala Se called her Omega.
eeeeek so I opened Tumblr this morning to a giant pile of notifications and FREAKED OUT. Stupid sloppy grin, excited lil bouncing, all of it. Thank y’all so much for making my day, and probably my week too (by the way, @isaakandreyevs, you’re incredible and I love you).
Anyway, TBB today! I confess I don’t write with them as much as I should, but I got stuck on Omega’s childhood memories. I have discovered that it is REALLY HARD. Like, it’s not supposed to make sense to her, but it has to make sense to you, and my brain is so twisted up right now it should be in Cirque du Soleil.
Let me know what you want to see next! I’m thinking my best boys in the 501st, but suggestions would be more than welcome.
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nyctolovian · 3 years
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Religious Discussion, Forgiveness, Guilt, Religious Guilt, Fallen Angels, Fallen Angel Aziraphale (Good Omens), (sort of?), Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Post-Canon, Post not-pocalypse, Canon Compliant, Coping, Warning: somewhat critical of god
Summary: When Aziraphale and Crowley's wings turn the same grey, Aziraphale does not take it well and begins to fear that he might be Falling with a capital F. Crowley finds his angel in a crushing spiral into immense self-blame and guilt, desperately seeking God's forgiveness.
"Heya, angel!” Crowley announced as he swung the door to the bookshop open. “I’ve got some really important stuff to discuss. Urgently. So could you maybe, um, close shop early today?” 
Aziraphale, who was shelving some books, twirled round to face Crowley, already lighting up with glee at the sound of his voice. “Well, of course!” he said, placing the books down on the stool beside himself. He’d always liked having an excuse for closing early so it was lovely to have his favourite one walking right through the doors on a Monday afternoon. “What exactly would you like to discuss?”
With a snap of Crowley’s fingers, the door was miraculously locked and the open/close card was flipped. “Here’s not good,” he replied, extra fidgety today as he eased his weight on one leg and then the other. “Upstairs maybe?”
The smile on Aziraphale’s face slowly slipped as he was ushered up the stairs to his living quarters. “Oh dear… Is something the matter?”
Crowley audibly winced. “Upstairs first, alright?”
Aziraphale let out a noise of confusion but allowed himself to be guided upstairs. Crowley pushed him to sit on the bed that miraculously appeared just a couple weeks after the Almost-pocalypse. He set his fists atop his knees and looked up at Crowley, who removed his sunglasses. 
“I need you to take out your wings,” he said. 
Of course, Crowley caught the tension in the angel’s voice and said calmly, “Your wings. I’d like to check something.”
Aziraphale nodded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, he drew his wings out into their dimensional plane. He felt his back grow heavy with a comfortable weight and his wings, slightly stiff from disuse, stretched the aches out of itself. 
When he opened his eyes again, Crowley was looking at his wings. His eyebrows raised as he muttered, “Yup. I figured.”
Aziraphale frowned as he curled his wings forward. His jaw fell when instead of the pure white wings he was used to, mottled grey wings came into view. “Wh-What is this?” he cried. Then, his mind did a twist and he looked at Crowley anxiously. “What about yours?” he said, standing up and holding Crowley’s arms. 
“Calm down,” he said, gently pulling Aziraphale’s hands away. Then, he took his own wings out as well, and they were no longer pitch black either, and were instead the same mottled grey as Aziraphale’s. “A bit of a shame, honestly. I’ve always liked black,” Crowley joked. “We’re really on our own side, aren’t we?” Like a gentleman asking for a dance, he held a hand out towards Aziraphale. 
Aziraphale, however, flinched away. “I’ve clearly done something wrong.”
Crowley frowned. “What could you have possibly done wrong, angel?”
“I-I don’t know,” Aziraphale admitted as he paced around the bedroom. “But I must have done something that warranted this change.”
“I changed too, didn’t I?” Crowley said, stretching his own grey wing out. “We have the same wings.”
“Yes, but it’s different, Crowley,” Aziraphale said, frustration building. “If my wings are turning grey, then it must mean I’m…” A shiver ran down his spine as he looked up at Crowley with imploring blue eyes. “Could it be… that I am Falling?”
Aziraphale wrung his hands and his gaze fell to the wooden flooring. “That’s the only reasonable explanation, isn’t it? This is… a sign that I’m Falling. F-For going against one of God’s plans, perhaps.”
“Yeah,” Crowley said, rolling his eyes. “And I’m getting back in heaven’s favour. I’m being forgiven. Lovely.” He sighed. "Listen, you're not Falling. I know what that's like and this isn't it. God's a lot crueler than this."
"M-maybe She's giving me a second chance."
Crowley pulled a face of doubt. "Are we really talking about the same God?" He sighed. "Besides, even if you really are falling—which you aren't—it ain't that bad honestly. I quite like being a demon sometimes. For one, black wings are much cooler than white ones."
"But I don't want to fall! I like being an angel!" Aziraphale exclaimed. He took a deep breath as he clenched and unclenched his hands. “I… I need to do something. Seek forgiveness. Make up for my mistake. My wings are only turning grey so I’m clearly being given a chance to redeem myself, right?”
Worry set into Crowley’s features firmly now. “Since when do we care about what heaven thinks anyway? They tried to murder you with hellfire!”
“That was just Gabriel and those angels,” Aziraphale argued. “I just… I want to do right by the Lord.”
“You saw how She didn’t care about Earth, didn’t you? Whole bloody apocalypse just for the stupid war.”
“It probably was within God’s ineffable plan for the apocalypse to be stopped.”
Crowley threw his hands up. “God,” he said, “didn’t stop anything. We did!” He sighed, trying to reign in the rage that he knew was trickling into his voice. He lowered his voice into something gentle again as he reached for Aziraphale. “Angel–”
“Don’t!” Aziraphale said, snatching his hand back. “Don’t call me that!” His anger instantaneously melted, however, upon seeing hurt flashing across Crowley’s golden eyes. “I need some time by myself,” he said. “Can you give me that?”
Crowley’s eyes wobbled with hesitation. Finally, he said, “Sure, angel.”
Crowley gave Aziraphale a full day before popping by again to check on him. The first worrying sign had been how the shop was closed, despite it being only barely noon. As much as Aziraphale liked closing early, he usually stayed open till at least 2pm just so he could say that the shop had been open.
Crowley had also noticed that the books Aziraphale had left on the stool were still sitting there, untouched. He cursed under his breath and dashed up the stairs to the living quarters. He was somewhat relieved to see the angel at his worktable. Too busy muttering to himself, he hadn’t noticed Crowley enter at all. 
Cautiously, Crowley walked to his side. Atop the table were copious amounts of notes and several different volumes of the Bible. Concerned, Crowley placed a hand on his shoulder, and Aziraphale jerked back. 
“Ah,” he exhaled. He flusteredly smiled at Crowley as he adjusted his reading glasses. “You’ve come just in time, my dear. It seems that I need your opinion on this matter.” He picked up a notebook from under a pile of papers, flipped to a bookmarked page and continued, “Do you think it’s that time I used that miracle to reserve that last remaining pancake two days ago? It was really quite a frivolous miracle, and perhaps that was the last straw.” 
“Wait,” Crowley said, his hand returning to Aziraphale’s shoulder, this time firm. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“Why my wings turned grey of course!”
Crowley gestured to the mess of a table. “And what does all this have anything to do with it?”
“I’m trying to figure out what exactly I did wrong that upset God and turned my wings grey.” Aziraphale sighed and dug up another notebook, which he opened to a dog-eared page. “I was also thinking perhaps… Well, maybe the punishment was only just issued yesterday and it wasn’t actually for something recent. I’m also thinking maybe it was about that time in 1367 when I poured–”
“1367?!” Crowley exclaimed. He grabbed one of the papers off the table and read it. “578 AD?! Wh-” He looked at Aziraphale, brimming with concern. “Why are you going so far back?”
“Because I’ve been doing so much wrong!” Aziraphale cried, twisting the ring on his pinky. “They… My indiscretions. They began since God knows when. I’ve been doing so much wrong since… since the beginning of time, I believe. I don’t even know if giving away that flaming sword had actually been the right thing.” His hands were shaking with torment. "I'm such a terrible angel."
The demon's heart damn near broke in two at the sight of his angel in this state. He looked at the mess of paper and books in disbelief. He shook his head. "This is just too much, angel," he pleaded. "You shouldn't be made to list down every single thing you did in the past six thousand years and made to… to analyse it all."
"I didn't want to entertain the possibility but…" Aziraphale's voice was soft, distraught, vulnerable, like a child asking their parents to check under the bed for monsters. "But… what if it's everything, Crowley? How could I seek forgiveness from God if it's just… everything?" He squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't know how I…"
Crowley leaned in closer. There was a vice around his chest, clamping down and hurting him. Why must his angel suffer like this? What has he ever done to deserve this pain? This crushing guilt? “They’re mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, all sorts of them. We just do better next time, right?”
"But I shouldn't be making mistakes! I'm an angel. I'm meant to do good." Aziraphale pushed Crowley away and picked up his pen and notebook again. "I need to find out what it was that I've done wrong. Otherwise, it'd be terribly insincere to apologise without even knowing what I'm apologising for, isn't it?"
Crowley ripped the pen and notebook out of Aziraphale's hand. "If the Almighty wants an apology, She'd better get down here and explain what She's so bloody upset about!"
Aziraphale slammed the table. "She shouldn't have to! I'm an angel. I ought to know." 
"No! It's just unfair. God and Her ineffable plans, moving in mysterious ways and playing ridiculous card games we don't know the rules to in the dark.” He walked in a tight circle, running a hand through his hair, before turning to face Aziraphale again. “How could we be expected to know? Even now, I still don't even know why I got tossed down into a pool of hot boiling sulfur because She never bothered to explain anything! Six thousand years and still no explanation whatsoever!"
Aziraphale flinched, and Crowley felt a pang of guilt. 
Lowering his voice, he said, “Look, God hasn’t explained anything then, and She isn’t starting anytime soon. Okay?”
Plucking his reading glasses from his face and closing his eyes to massage his nose bridge, Aziraphale said, “I want to do right by Her. Why is that so hard?” 
Crowley sagged. It hurt him terribly to see his angel so distraught, so frantic, so helpless.
“Perhaps…” Aziraphale breathed. “Perhaps, I’m not worthy of it.”
A beat.
"I forgive you," the demon whispered.
Aziraphale's eyes flew open and he stared at Crowley, eyebrows tightly knitted. "You forgive me?" he bit out. At the silence, his brow furrowed further with fury. "You can't do that. Take that back."
"I forgive you," he repeated.
"What are you forgiving me for?" Aziraphale yelled. 
"All the wrongs you did. Everything. I forgive you."
"You can’t!" he insisted. 
“Why not?”
Aziraphale glared in silence.
"You're not made to carry six thousand years worth of self-blame and guilt. You're a good angel, even if God doesn't recognise that."
"But I want to do right by Her," Aziraphale said, tears welling up in his eyes. "I just… I want Her to forgive me. If I knew what exactly I did wrong, maybe…" His breath hitched, words stuck upon his throat.
Crowley knelt down and held his angel's face. He was trembling so hard Crowley feared that if he let go, he'd simply shatter and crumble apart. 
"I just want to do the right thing," Aziraphale said. "It used to be so straightforward. If it was as God intended, what I was doing couldn’t possibly be wrong. But now…" He looked up at the ceiling, as though willing the wetness of his eyes to disappear, but a tear had already spilled out and rolled down his cheek, damping Crowley's fingers. Then, a couple more followed, like beads of a snapped bracelet. He relented and sagged in his seat. “I don’t know.”
Crowley used his thumb to wipe the tears away but they continued to fall uncontrollably and he couldn't catch them all.
Aziraphale's voice was thick with tears when he spoke and his bottom lip wobbled with grief. "I don't know what's the right thing anymore. I don't know if I've ever done anything right," he said, placing his hands over Crowley’s and pulling them away from his face. “I feel like I've done everything wrong but I don't know who to seek forgiveness from.”
Crowley turned his hands slowly to grasp Aziraphale’s. “You haven’t done everything wrong, I promise. Maybe some things. But we all mess up sometimes. We don't have it all figured out most of the time and that's okay," he said. "We're trying our best to correct what we can, and that's enough." 
Aziraphale looked at Crowley, clinging to his words like a lifeline. Gently, Crowley squeezed his hands.
"Forgive yourself, angel. You don’t need to carry this six-thousand-year weight. And I can't bear to see you hating and hurting yourself like this, please."
When Aziraphale leaned forward, Crowley let go and allowed him to fall slowly into his arms. Aziraphale pressed his face to Crowley's shoulder, just as silent sobs began to shake his being.  He pulled their hands close to his chest and squeezed. Crowley squeezed back. 
Pressing closer still, Aziraphale muttered into Crowley's shirt, "I’m never going to get anything else from upstairs anymore, am I? We only have what we give ourselves now. We’ll have to figure things out by ourselves." 
Crowley hummed.
“We really are on our own, aren't we? Just the two of us.”
"Yeah. Us two, on the same side. Grey wings on both our backs. Could be fun.”
That got a short laugh from Aziraphale, and tension trickled out of him. "If you say so, my dear."
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x01 spoilers
I've never done something like this before, but I figured I'd start. Reactions to the first episode of The Bad Batch. (This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, but whatever)
Spoilers under the cut
Red logo burning away starts strong
Yay narrator dude!!
Feels like clones wars
Animated rots scenes!!
And what grevious did after the rots beginning
And caleb right???
And we're in
Omg who voiced young caleb bc it sounds a lot like fpj but aged down and he def doesn't sound like the 14 I know he was when this happened
I like how we started out on familiar characters but not ahsoka or anyone from tcw. We started w young kanan and his master and we know what happened to them and all but if anyone watching hasn't seen rebels they wouldn't be lost as to who caleb and depa are, they'd just assume they're random jedi in o66
Good ol droid screaming as it falls off a cliff
Wow. Them.
I love crosshair
And wrecker
And tech
And echo
And hunter
B1's are so dumb
Lmao the salt from hunter
I feel like depas forehead pearls are a bit unrealistically large but I have no cultural standpoint to really know so...
Caleb's voice is too deep in the same way that jack frost from rotg's voice doesn't match his character model
Ah wrecker not really knowing what she means and echo, the one who has been trained to deal w people and hung out w ani and obi is just like 'thanks general'
Obes kenobes mention
Why is echo so pale
Depa and caleb feel a little too pale too tbh I wonder if it's the lighting or the whitewashing
Wow caleb is a lot like ezra, I can see why kanan wanted to train him lol
Is this what separates caleb and depa, leading to her telling him to run??? Do I need to read dume???
Oh no
Bb didn't get the order!
Oh caleb nooooo! Nooooooo they didn't receive that order, they can help you!!!
And he's gone
Oh I need an au where caleb stayed with bb and they helped him after depa died
Hunter sounds so much like rex it's weird like ik they're supposed to sound the same but it feels like wrecker is replacing rex or something. Even tho ik rex's story is over for the time being
Crosshair, no! Don't shoot at him! He's baby
Oh no did crosshair get o66???? It didn't seem to trigger anything in any of the rest of them, but is crosshair close enough to 'reg' for it to have triggered???
😭😭good soldiers follow orders
"sure thing, boss" "hey hunter got a sitch"
Crosshair acting sus
Oh I love watching padawans fight, they're so good!!
I hope that hit to the tree did a lil cognitive recalibration for crosshair, he was acting crazy
Caleb looks so scared!! He just watched his master get gunned down by his friends and now strange clones are trying to kill him/confusing him
Oh caleb
Oh no crosshair don't try to kill him!! Hunters trying to help!
Also hunter doesn't sound as much like rex w the helmet off, but it's weird bc most of the clones are distinguishable by voice even w helmets on. I guess it's the 'im in charge' voice
Star wars if caleb had gone w the bb
Oh hunter u sly dog lying to crosshair so he doesn't go after him. U gotta figure out why crosshair responded to o66 and no one else in ur unit did
Oh crosshair knows he's been lied to
I will always love coming-out-of-hyperspace shots
Ooh kamino, always nice this time of year
Echo is done w wrecker
Why hasn't crosshair taken his helmet off yet, lil bit sus
They better get his chip out on kamino, I don't wanna deal w this
Oof hunter 
Oh who’s that, giving me cloud city vibes
Extreme cloud city vibes wow
Never realized how many clones are just on kamino
Coruscant guard?!?! FOX?!?!
The vibes here, omg
‘The war is over’ wow
Oh no who was that
A female jedi, doesn’t appear to be shaak, couldn’t see any montrals but never know, we don’t officially know how or where she died
Ok wow none of the bb has their helmets on except for crosshair, who got the order. The regs around kamino all have their helmets on. That scene in victory and death when ahsoka took rex’s helmet off- 
And crosshair, he’s actins strange too
Oh tech, do u guys get bullied by regs a lot??
I love their barracks
Lol he finally took his helmet off only to stick a toothpick in his mouth, can he get anymore cliched?
Wrecker is seeming a lot more infantilized than he was in the s7 eps...
Yeah crosshair’s being sus
Ooh, he shifted his toothpick
Lmao ‘what programming’
Well documented my ass
Tech’s speech patterns are so stiff and robotic, it’s like he has to remind himself to talk in basic instead of binary or some shit
Tech throwing shade at crosshair
I can’t quite tell if we’re supposed to like crosshair at this point
Lmao we been knew
Oop ‘more machine than man’ the vader parallels are serving folks
Ugh sheev
Crusty ass bitch
Straight from rots wow
Who is the mystery child and why does he look mandalorian
Ooh he gone
Oh no, the beninning of the empire
Cheering?? Why?!?
That imperial march fade in tho
Thank you echo
Oh shit mystery child is female
Omega, I would not have guessed the pronunciation of your name by reading it wow
She def seems mandalorian
Ugh kaminoans
Oh the kaminoan pronounced it as it usually is, huh.
Omega’s character model def seems more masculine than female, I now headcanon her as trans
Ugh tarkin, I hate that crusty bitch
Empire politics ugh
I love how much shade is being thrown at tarkin and his stormtrooper proposal lmao
Why do all these clones have the standard haircut?? ik them boys like their variety, even if these boys are still under o66′s programming
Wrecker you’re being extremely loud
They’re all being loud in the mess, why
They remember, kid
Lol child
Oh my sweet summer children
The dad instinct was clearly passed genetically from jango lol all these clones got it
Why are background characters so mean? What about it, shiny? Why is ur hair regulation, reg??
The Sad Batchn omg the slander
Lol the food fight I’ve read about in the fics, its finally happening!
Is she.... australian??
The over-animation of character movements in this is reminding me of the looser style of rebels, as opposed to the more clunky style of tcw
Lmao he’s still got food on him
Food fight!!
‘Not again’???!!! Echo!! Wdym not again?! Food fights have happened before?!?? Wait. W bb or w torrent, bc I can see torrent having food fights on the resolute-
Crosshair’s just eating his food until someone messes
I like how echo still has his kamas
Oh no echo!!
Oh echo’s trauma, he doesn’t trust medical droids! Where’s kix when u need him, huh?
Lol, comically long name for a robot trope is alive and well, huh
Lmao the droid lowers his voice like ik this is a perceived bad thing, but I will not tolerate this slander, boys u need to get off kamino
‘The shock’ lmao whyyy
Lmao tech!!
Oh, echo recognized tarkin from the citadel!
‘When you blew up’ lmao
Oh they make me sad
Aaaaah fox!
Man the domino squad nostalgia
Those droids look cool
This is a neat scene, I like seeing them in action
Wrecker reminding me of hevy, but he’s got the training and success to back it up
Live fire???? No!!
Ugh I hate tarkin
Oh no wtecker
Did he just get shot!???! 
Oh no crosshair, be careful!
Tarkin’s trying to kill them!!!
Lol wrecker I love you
Echo using his mech hand as a weapon, truly an arc
Now I wanna see what happened on felucia
I like how tech’s just sitting on the droid’s shoulders
And hunter just had a knife
These boys, I love them
Oh no tech bby
Hot damn that was cool
Wrecher things so too lmao
Tarkin’s like “why didn’t that work??’
Oh new baby clones
No tf they could not, they would never serve the empire and those bitches
I love that they have a window apartment lol
Ugh tarkin u shifty
They all stand at attention, only after glaring at tarkin
Oh no onderon
I hate tarkin, he’s a bitch
How quickly could bitch lord and darth sad have replaced the armory on kamino??
Crosshair still acting sus
Neither does echo, kid
I like omega.
Crosshair, with the sassy hand on the hip-
What does that even mean?? Or elude to??
Lmao tech messing w wrecker, they rlly r bros
Its prob the vegetation
Oh, I missed onderon, but not this much
Lol the put-upon sigh
Its clearly saw and his rebels
Saw! Looking sharp, what’s w the hair....
That’s a very geometric beard, saw
They didn’t kill any jedi!
That’s not what happened, tech
‘The clones’ bitch that was rex and ahsoka, check urself
Aw, I’ve always like the design of imperial probe droids
Thank you, echo
It seems like crosshair’s o66 programming and his mutation are warring w his morals
Lmao the shade
I knew she was an enhanced clone!
Oh, so she is (at least on paper) trans! She’s a clone of jango, and yet she’s female! That must be her modification, but it makes me wonder why
Lol *flicks toothpick*
Aw, they have a picture of themselves! Recent-ish, too, its got echo!
Oh no, AZI!
The difference between them arriving earlier and now, the lack of escort...
Creepy how they had to open the hanger door themselves
Oh no! Everyone!
The coruscant guard, I wish they had gotten better
Tarkin u dramatic bitch
‘The brig’ this ain’t some tallship
Lol echo that shade
Their blacks are different from the ones seen in the past
Crosshair, stop being a bitch
Oh, I don’t like that phrase!! And the fact that crosshair screamed it in echo’s face makes me uneasy. Did rex fill echo in on why fives died?? I hope so...
Crosshair, ur chip hurting??
This child, I like her.
No! Don’t hit hunter!
No crosshair!!!!
I dislike this immensly
So they do still have inhibitor chips!
Tarkin you monster
Oh poor crosshair
Lol tech I love you
Wrecker you sweet pea
Lol that’s adorable
I love how they form a “wall” its so suspicious 
He was about to say that, omega
Aaww, echo protective boi
Wrecker shut up tf
That was cool
Sneaky bois
This reminds me of rex and ahsoka sneaking around in v&d
Echo runs so stupid
Oh no they winter soldier’d him!
If he says who the hell is crosshar, I will lose my shit
Yes, he has. They took it from him.
The toothpick
I wonder how they’re gonna get crosshair back to normal
Not good that they nabbed the sniper
Oh, crosshair shot him in the same place he got hit during training!
Ooh, a kaminoan on their side!
I hope omega doesn’t die
Poor trigger etiquette, crosshair
Wonder if omega has any speciality training
They’re just gonna leave him there!?!?!?!?!
Omega reminds me of young boba 
Oh, so its in her dna
Go back for crosshair!!
Holy fucking shit that was amazing! I didn’t expect it to be that long, but I’m not complaining! This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I don’t feel like cutting anything out, so sorry for the long post but at least I put it under a cut.
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My boyfriend is back...
For the dearest @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321​ 💟💟
Hope you’ll enjoy the story!
TW: swearing.
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It is a warm and calm summer evening, and (Y/N) walks down a London Garden, enjoying the perfumes and colors of the flowers around her.
She smiles while remembering the delightful afternoon she spent with Aziraphale in his bookshop. Despite their differences, the two often get along, and he always welcomes her in his charming shop with a steaming cup of tea and some pastries. 
She should thank Crowley for introducing her to the gentle angel...
Thinking of Crowley, the female demon can not help but smile as she wonders about their date. Where will they go today? In a country around the world or in a secret place? He always manges to surprise her...
As she feels the soft wind on her skin, she hears a deep voice behind her:
"Going somewhere, beautiful?"
Surprised, the young woman turns around and sees Hastur, one of the Dukes of Hell, standing behind her, with a crooked smile on his cracked lips.
(Y/N) sighs: since a couple of years, Hastur never ceases to woo her, which pisses her off, most of the time. She might well say no every time he asks her out, he does not stop his courting.
Cringing, she asks:
"What do you want, Hastur?"
"Oh, why so stern with me? It's not because I am Duke of Hell that we cannot be friends!"
"We do not have the same conception of friendship!"
Hastur laughs, exposing his crooked teeth to (Y/N), who resists the urge to puke.
"You have some character... I like that! No wonder why you are Our Devil Lord's favorite!"
"Are you jealous?"
"Jealous? Me? Oh no, my dear: in fact, I am quite impressed that a young demon like you is already in Satan's good books. But you prove yourself being worthy of His attention!"
He comes closer, much to (Y/N)'s disgust, and resumes:
"But I'm sure there is another reason..."
"I'm impatient to hear it!" she says with irony.
(Y/N) shivers with hatred as he gently strokes her hair.
"Perhaps your beauty strikes him in the first place! I cannot blame him..."
Sickened, the young demon hits his hand and replies:
"Hands off, you jerk! Try to touch me once again, and I swear that you will regret it!"
"Come on, don't be so sissy! This is not like we commit a crime..."
"In your point of view, maybe, but I am already with someone!"
(Y/N) answers with a grin:
"You know my boyfriend, or should I say, you HATE him!"
"Wait a minute... You mean that you have a relationship with this filthy being named Crowley?"
"How can you waste your time with this stupid and worthless creature?"
"I don't know... Should I list the reasons alphabetically or chronologically? Oh, wait, I know: I should emphasize the differences between you and him!"
"Like what?"
"Maybe, unlike you, he knows the convenience of a bathroom?"
The Duke of Hell snarls:
"I'm not effeminate like him! I'll never lowering myself at the same level as him!"
"He is far better than you!"
"I doubt it, my lovely... He will never reach my level!"
"For sure, but my fist would probably reach your face if you don't back off right now!"
Both demons turn and see Crowley, who seems enraged. If his eyes could throw flames, Hastur would turn into ashes!
"What are you doing here?"
"Preventing a brute like you harass my girlfriend!"
"Come on, Crowley! We both know that you don't deserve a girl like (Y/N)"
"May I fix your statement, moron? YOU don't deserve a girl like (Y/N): she is too good for you!"
(Y/N) was amazed by the anger within her lover: she never sees him angered to this point. He doesn't need to get mad at this point, so why now?
The answer strikes her: Crowley acts like that because he is freaking jealous! She never suspects him being jealous: of course, he is very protective towards her but jealous... What a blow!
Meanwhile, the two male demons still verbally fighting:
"Since when did you bother my girl? Answer me, you jackass!"
"I don't have to justify myself, you useless snake! I have the right to talk to (Y/N) if I'm pleased to do so!"
"Talking? Are you kidding me? You were trying to take her from me, you hypocrite!"
"So what? You should not have the honor to touch her!"
"Nor do you, you sick old pervert!"
"What happens here?"
Crowley, Hastur, and (Y/N) turns and notice the presence of Aziraphale.
"I heard you yelling. Are you okay?"
"Everything is okay, Azi. Besides this old creep who tries to woo my (Y/N)!"
"Mind your business, you despicable angel!"
"Sorry, sir, but when someone annoys my friends, I have to intervene!"
As Hastur is about to answer, a deep voice booms under their feet.
The three demons freeze as they acknowledge the voice of their almighty lord, Satan himself. Even Aziraphale stays silent.
Shivering with fear, the Duke of Hell demands with a quivering voice:
"Yes, O my powerful King of Hell?"
"Instead of embarrassing my dear (Y/N), I command you to come back down here! You have some duties left, and I HATE when I am waiting for results! So, if you don't want to experience the same sufferings as sinners, you better come here RIGHT NOW!"
"Yes, my Lord! I arrive as soon as possible, Your Wicked Highness!"
"And don't offend Aziraphale! I don't need having God on my back because of your silliness!"
"Of course, my Devil King! Here I am!"
And immediately, Hastur disappears in a dark cloud of smoke. After that, Aziraphale takes (Y/N)'s hand in a reassuring gesture:
"Are you alright, my dear?"
"Yes, thank you, Azi. You don't have to worry..."
She glances at Crowley.
"My knight in shining armor was here to defend my honor!"
"And I am very good at it!" proudly claims the demon.
"I do not doubt it... I leave you there: if I remember well, you two have a date tonight!"
"That's right!"
"Perfect! I return to my books! Have a lovely date!"
"Thank you, Azi-dearest! See you later!"
"Bye, Azi!" waves Crowley.
As the angel leaves the garden, the young woman asks her boyfriend:
"Do you really needed to be enraged at this point?"
"Of course, I need to! This creepy bastard was annoying you!"
She smirks.
"Aren't you jealous, Crowley?"
"Me? Jealous? Never!"
(Y/N) rolls her eyes: among all the demons, her lover is probably the most stubborn!
"Crowley, you were at this close to kill him! You were pissed that he was trying to seduce me!"
"I can't let this old dumbass wooing you without intervene!"
The female demon laughs:
"Oh by Satan, Crowley! You did not need to be as terrifying as Our Devil Lord to protect me!"
She cups his face between her hands.
"But I'm so glad that you're here to protect me. Thank you, my beloved!"
"Always there for you, my evil princess!"
The two kiss passionately. After the two lovers part away, she asks:
"So, where are we going today?"
"Ah-ah! This a surprise, my sweetheart!"
With a magic trick, he opens a void and asks her while offering his hand:
"Are you ready, my flame?"
"Always, my snake!"
As the two start their date, (Y/N) happily smiles as she enjoys her boyfriend's company.
Now, she is sure that if Hastur dares to try seducing her again, he is going to have trouble...
My boyfriend's back, and you're gonna get in trouble (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)
When you see him comin', better head out on the double (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) oooh
You've been spreadin' lies that you know were untrue (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)
So look out now, 'cause he's comin' after you (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)
Paris Bennett - My Boyfriend’s back 
(Yes, I listened this song while writing) 😂
Thanks for the reading!
I hope you enjoy it!
Have a nice day! 🥰😘😍
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consultingmadhatter · 4 years
Compilation of Doom Days Lyrics that Relate to Good Omens
I started writing this shortly after the series and the album came out, so please forgive that this is really late to the party, any inconsistencies due to working on this over a long period of time, the fact that I haven’t watched the series in over a year so some of this is written when the show isn’t fresh in my mind, and if anything in the fandom or my personal stances have changed since I started writing this.
*Most of this will be about Crowley and Aziraphale. My personal view on the two of them is that they definitely love each other, but whether they are romantically attracted to each other is entirely dependent on whether an angel and a demon (who have been around humans for 6000 years) are capable of feeling them human sensations of romance and if so whether it would be something they would have to consciously choose to feel or whether it would be automatic and involuntary like it is with humans. I can see it either way, so this analysis will probably be a mixture.
*The lyrics for each will be out of order and will instead be in the sequence that I deem easiest for presenting my analyst
*I worked on the songs out of order so there might be places where I only briefly touch upon something and act as if it is just of another example of something I don’t actually end up talking about until a later track. Apologies for any confusion that may cause.
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would so I’m going to start with the Bad Decisions analysis as a sample and put the rest under the cut. The rest are in album order; I didn’t have much for Quarter Past Midnight, so I thought Bad Decisions would be a better example. (Another Place is the most shippy one if that is what you are looking for).
Bad Decisions:
“You said that maybe this is where it ends Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made And if we're going down in flames Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made”
Armageddon has arrived; the world is ending. Aziraphale and Crowley have always made bad decisions both in their acts of stupidity (looking at you Azi, wandering over to France during a revolution just for some crepes dressed as conspicuously as possible) and their decisions to “fraternize” with the enemy and to question and mildly disobey heaven and hell. Arguably, they weren’t the wrong decisions, but as doomsday approaches they will have to reckon with opposing the cosmic forces at work (”take a bow”).
“So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks”
But they are not going to back down. They are going to continue to make the same “mistake” of working together and trying to stop Armageddon until the very end.
“London's burning”-The M25 catches fire; London is literally burning. “If the world is ending, let's stay up all night”- They are spending every moment they can trying to stop Armageddon and when it looks like they will fail they are still being kept “up all night” by their separate crises. (Yes, I know this line is meant to be more along the lines of “let’s make the most of the time we have left by having a good time” but I’m changing it for the Good Omens context)
“Now we find ourselves lying right here Always find ourselves lying right here Can we make the same mistakes (Ooh) 'Til the morning breaks”
“Do you remember what you said to me? 'Cause we lost track of time Yeah, we lost track of time”
These lyrics remind me of how they always find themselves drawn together. Their decision to stop the ending of the world is built on 6000 years of trust and friendship and history together. (I don’t really have a more specific interpretation but I hope it’s clear what I’m saying and I’m sure a more fleshed out explanation could be made). Also, though they went through some rough patches, when it comes right down to it, they would never want to stop making the “same mistakes” of working together and being friends, and they always come back to each other.
“Love me, leave me”- Throughout their relationship there have been a lot of instances of them meeting up and then going their separate ways for years. Over time their love for each other has grown. When Crowley asks for holy water, Aziraphale cares for him to much to give him a suicide pill; they have an argument and end up not speaking to each other for decades. Then Crowley shows up at the church during WWII to get his angel out of a sticky situation, demonstrates his love by saving the books, and then he’s away again. Later, in the Bentley, Aziraphale can’t stand seeing Crowley risking his life, so he delivers the holy water himself. But Aziraphale is not yet in a place where he can give in to his feelings for Crowley and ends up leaving him again. When it looks like they won’t be able to stop Armageddon, Crowley offers for them to run away to runaway together, but still Aziraphale can’t bring himself to say yes and he leaves him again.
“You always let me down so tenderly”- Each time Aziraphale rejects Crowley, it may hurt both of them, but he’s never saying “I don’t love you;” he’s saying “I can’t let myself love you.” Even when he says he doesn’t even like Crowley, they both know it’s a lie. He’s just in a difficult position being torn between his identity as an angel and his feelings for Crowley. Decades earlier he had left it open ended with the “You go to fast for me” and the suggestion of a picnic or dining at the Ritz.
“So live fast and die young and stay forever numb”- For me this one is less about what is in the actual show but rather some of the head cannons going around. These include the ones about Crowley’s presence in the nightlife culture of the 60′s and 70′s and how that coincides with Aziraphale’s “You go to fast for me, Crowley” line. Also theories that Crowley is depressed and self destructive which is why Aziraphale is worried about Crowley using the holy water on himself. In the show you can see he is suffering when he talks about how he hadn’t meant to fall and when he pleads with God about testing humanity to destruction. It could then be argued that in his 6000 years on earth Crowley spent some time trying to distract himself from this pain by acting in the demon/angel equivalent to “living fast, dying young.”
Quarter Past Midnight:
*This is the one that I have the least for. I almost put it at the end because I didn’t think i could connect it enough to Good Omens to leave it among the other songs. Some of the other songs might also have few direct connections, but I feel the essence of the songs in those cases still match better to the series than Quarter Past Midnight does. So please bear with me here.
“Help me piece it all together, darling Before it falls apart oh”
The world itself is about to fall apart. Crowley and Aziraphale are trying to piece together what they know to find the antichrist and in general they work together to try to stop the end of the world.
“And you said we'd leave this place in dust”-Crowley asks Aziraphale to run away with him.
“And fall from heaven straight through hell”
Crowley has already fallen (or sauntered). Aziraphale, throughout, is worried about falling from heaven’s grace.
“We never know what we have We never knew what we had”
I believe Aziraphale struggled to understand what he truly had with his relationship with Crowley. Crowley was the one who recognized their bond in the beginning, and he was the one who actively pursued establishing a friendship. Even later on, in the church during WWII, Aziraphale truly believed their friendship was over; he hadn’t seen Crowley in nearly a hundred years, yet he still showed up to rescue him.
“Why are we always chasing after something Like we trying to throw our lives away”
Some general angsting about the risk of them getting punished for “fraternizing” and Aziraphale being concerned that hell would actually destroy Crowley. “Chasing after something,” perhaps chasing after their relationship.
“We keep on running Running through a red light Like we're trying to burn the night away”
Crowley’s driving. The Bentley being on fire.
The Waves:
“Staring down the barrel of a hundred tons”- They are up against very formidable opponents: all of heaven and hell, the four horsemen, and finally Satan himself.
“It might be getting older, but the night's still young”- As Armageddon approaches they are rapidly running out of time, but dooms day is still young and the whole crew pull off a lot in a very little time.
“We never, never give up on the lost boy life”- Crowley and Aziraphale never grow out of the theoretical naivety of working and being friends with someone from the other side
“So here we are, escaping from the world outside”- Crowley suggests literally escaping and running away together. They have also tended to avoid and escape the political dynamics of heaven and hell and their opposition to each other. In the end they even escape their punishments.
“Oh, what would your mother say if she could see what we're doing now? Oh, what would your mother say if she could hear what we talk about?”
In a way God is their mother wondering what she would say about Crowley and Aziraphale’s plans and actions aligns with the question of whether they were going against God’s will or whether their actions were actually part of her bigger plans.
“The waves are crashing down on you and me again, again, again The waves are crashing down on you and me I'll see you on the other side Get carried, get carried away, oh-oh-oh-oh Caught up in, caught up in the wave”
Both heaven and hell and all the events of Armageddon are crashing down on them. The get caught up in this struggle between the sides and it threatens to sweep them away. There are moments like when Crowley and Aziraphale promise to meet up in Tadfield after Crowley finds out that Aziraphale is still alive and when they are captured for their punishments that they just have to hope that they will see each other on the other side.
“So tie a ribbon 'round my arm and throw me in”
During the entire mess they are each other’s life line. Even when they get separated, they are able to find each other again and make it through the chaos.
“We sink or swim”
They are in it together and either they will succeed, stopping the apocalypse and surviving the wrath of heaven and hell, or they will fail and it is all over for them.
“Is it an apocalypse or nihilism on your lips?”
I’ve been trying to come up with something really profound and clever to say about this but I haven’t been able to come up with something. Obviously the apocalypse is in there. Crowley and eventually Aziraphale do certainly reject the institutions of heaven and hell and point out that many of the morals heaven imposes are arbitrary, but they definitely don’t go as far as saying that all morals are arbitrary/baseless or that life is meaningless or that knowledge is impossible. If I had to place this line to a specific moment in the series, I would probably associate with the scene in the first episode where Crowley is convincing Aziraphale that they should try to stop Armageddon since there is some element of accepting the apocalypse or deciding that the supposed agenda of the higher power is meaningless.
“Suddenly we're fallin' through the twilight zone”- A lot of weird stuff happens when Adam comes into his powers
“Watch the party playing out in slow motion” - they stop time during that final confrontation with Satan to give Adam a pep-talk
“Roll the window down, let the air blow 'round you A sadness in the breeze as the night divides us”
They had several scenes in the Bentley together, but that second line brings it back to that night in 1967, saturated in sad tones, as Aziraphale leaves him again.
“In these darker days, I push the limit to the love you offer There's a riot in my head, demanding we do this forever”
Darker days can be both the the final days as Armageddon approaches and that period when their relationship was strained and Aziraphale was pushing Crowley out of his life. In both cases Aziraphale was pushing the limits of Crowley’s love. During Armageddon he rejected Crowley’s multiple offers to run away together and during that stretch 1862-1967 his responses ranged from what was essentially a “wait for me” to that heated declaration of not needing him. With the next line, Aziraphale is torn between Crowley and heaven, and he wishes that he didn’t have to chose, that they could continue toeing the line with their friendship without getting in trouble. However, he knows that Crowley wants more, and eventually Aziraphale will have to give something up.
“So roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this Roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this”
Crowley won’t give up on Aziraphale. Even after declaring he will run off with out him, he still comes back to find Aziraphale, even running into a burning bookshop for him.
“Why would we divide when we could come together? Just bodies that collide, lost and found each other So don't, don't leave me alone Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone Why would we divide when we could come together?”
In the beginning, their arrangement was defined as “Why fight each other when we could work together and still reach the same effect.” Over time their relationship evolved. Aziraphale still believes there is an inherent divide between them, saying they are on opposite sides. However, Crowley argues they are really on their own side and that they should not just work together, but runoff together. “Just bodies that collide,” again, they are like celestial bodies that have crossed paths and now they are pulled together. “Lost and found each other,” when Aziraphale gets discorporated in the book shop, Crowley truly believes he has lost his best friend, and even Aziraphale has a moment of panic that he won’t be able to return to earth. They are reunited again at the bar and in-person at the airbase. Crowley never wants to lose Aziraphale. When it looks like they won’t be able to save the world, Crowley begs Aziraphale to head to the stars with him. When he thought he lost Aziraphale, he was devastated and was having a break down. Earlier, he ran into a church to save Aziraphale from some Nazis. Crowley is desperate for Aziraphale not to leave him.
“Looking back around, glamorize the chaos Don't let summer nights destroy everything before us”
Everything is in complete chaos during those days leading up to Armageddon. Each night that passed was leading closer to the end. Everything would have been destroyed on that fateful summer day. Perhaps when it was all over, Crowley and Aziraphale reminisced about what happened because, even though it was a disaster, it led to them becoming free.
Million Pieces:
“No one is loving, it's not a drill Don't look outside, the world is ending (Faster, faster, faster, faster, fast)”
It is not a drill, Armageddon is starting. The time they have to stop it is running out. It goes from 11 years to less than a week to mere hours. And well heaven and hell never liked each other, the period where they would tolerate/look other way as two of their agents “love thy enemy” is over. It is time to cut ties with the other side.
“The king's a clown”- the leadership in Heaven and Hell are definitely clowns
“We're too far gone Nothing I say will mean anything”
That point where both Crowley and Aziraphale believe it is too late to stop it. Aziraphale realizes nothing that he can say to his side will make them change their mind. Throughout the series Aziraphale struggles with going against heaven’s wishes, but Crowley points out that if world does end that they will be stuck in their respective awful eternities as well as that they are on “our side” so in a way it doesn’t matter if they say (or do) things that go against their sides’ orders.
“Just drink, fuck, dance right through disaster” -While they don’t really “drink, fuck, dance” through disaster, Crowley does offer for them to run away together while everything else turns into a “burning puddle of goo,” which has a similar feeling of escapism.
“The echoes of that news ring loud (The echoes, the echoes) No sound can ever drown it out (The echoes)”
For Aziraphale that news was probably when God’s representative told him that they were going to go ahead with war instead of avoiding it. You can see on his face that that is the point that he lost all hope in his side doing the right thing and finally decides to abandon them completely. For Crowley it would be when the book shop burns down and he thinks he lost Aziraphale for good.
“Don't speak, 'cause it's like a bitter pill”
This goes along with the two moments I was talking about above, but it also fits with every time that Aziraphale rejected Crowley in some way. Probably also when Crowley asked for the holy water and Aziraphale thought that Crowley was thinking about killing himself.
“It breaks my heart It breaks my heart into a million pieces, oh It breaks my heart into a million pieces If it's gonna break me, won't you let me go? Leave it 'til the morning, I don't wanna know Breaks my heart Breaks my heart into a million pieces”
Again, the moments I was talking about directly above. In general, when the characters are at their bleakest, no-hope, desperate moments.  
Doom Days:
“When I watch the world burn All I think about is you When I watch the world burn All I think about is you”
As the world is ending, all Crowley and Aziraphale are thinking about is each other. After finding out that Aziraphale is still alive, Crowley is determined enough to hold his Bentley together as he drives through the inferno of the M-25.
“Cruising through the doom days”
This, in general, conjures images of anytime Crowley is driving way too fast as he tries to find a way to stop the end of the world, but the scene on the M-25 is particularly fitting.
“God knows what is real and what is fake”
Adam has been altering reality, doing and creating things that defy the logic of the real world. When it is all over and he puts everything back to the way it was, people still remember what happened and are left in a confusion of whether any of it was real.
“Last couple years have been a mad trip”
During the eleven year lead up to Armageddon, everything is a little crazy. Heaven and hell are now focused on making sure it all goes to plan and Crowley and Aziraphale are trying their hardest to stop it. After years of trying to influence Warlock, they learn that they have the wrong boy and all that effort was for nothing. From that point on everything descends into even greater chaos.
“We fucked this house up like the planet We were running riot Crazy that some people still deny it”
Climate change and humanity’s effects on the earth are touched upon in the series. It is mentioned more in the books as Adam takes action to address issues such as deforestation and the dying whales, but it shows up in the TV show too. The aliens even try to give earth a ticket for it.
“Let's pick the truth that we believe in Like a bad religion Tell me all your original sins So many questionable choices We love the sound that our voice makes Man, this echo chamber's getting loud”
This of course brings in the religious elements. Focusing on that context, these lines can relate to the questionable and morally ambiguous areas of the religious structure depicted in the show. Heaven has chosen to believe in “the truth” that violence and killing people are justified if it is part of the path to righteousness. Crowley questions Aziraphale about such choices during the flood scene, horrified that even the children would die. Many of the head angels and demons are so certain of themselves and the correctness of their actions that they seem smug about it. They appear to derive pleasure from hearing themselves speak, especially when it is to chastise others. Heaven and Hell echo each other on the matter of the war, and, no matter who Aziraphale or Crowley speak to, they say the same thing: the war is too be fought, not avoided.
From a Crowley and Aziraphale perspective, they choose for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They (mostly Crowley) question whether the “sins” others have committed are truly wrong and bad enough to warrant the punishments they received. This includes the original sin with the apple and Crowley himself falling just because he asked some questions and hung out with the wrong people. Each inhabits a grey area in their roles as a demon and an angel due to their questionable choices to bend the rules and will of their prospective sides.
In a more general interpretation, these lyrics describe the chaotic state humanity has reached, especially in the years leading up to the apocalypse. This divisive type of mindset can be used by the four horsemen to help spread the plights they represent.
“We'll be the proud remainers Here 'til the morning breaks us”
Crowley, Aziraphale, Anathema, Newton, and the Them (as well as Madame Tracy and Sergeant Shadwell to some extent) are the “proud remainers,” the ones who fight the apocalypse.
“We're gonna rabbit hole down, third act love now”
It is not until the third act, after the climax and resolution of Armageddon, that Crowley and Aziraphale can finally be together since they are finally on their own side. Their love story resolves itself on the bench as they wait for the bus and at the Ritz.
“We'll stay offline so no one gets hurt Hiding from the real world Just don't read the comments ever, ever”
“Think I'm addicted to my phone My scrolling horror show I'm live-streaming the final days of Rome One tab along, it's pornographic Everybody's at it No surprise we're so easily bored”
Technology isn’t mentioned that much in the show, and even less in the original book since it was released almost 30 years earlier. However, I do like all the fan theories and head canons about heaven and hell’s influence in the development of technology, especially Crowley’s role. Perhaps he had a hand in establishing humanity’s current cyber addiction. Maybe he orchestrated the entire thing, maybe he just helped out with a few aspects (developing certain apps, creating specific smart phone/social media features, etc), maybe he had nothing to do with it and just took credit for it, maybe he doesn’t really care about it at all. Either way, technology and social media are a major component of the current state of humanity.
Nocturnal Creatures:
“You put your arms around me Partners in crime in the dead of night”
Partners in crime definitely describes Crowley and Aziraphale, and, by the time the series ends, a gesture of intimacy such as putting their arms around each other doesn’t seem out of the question.
“We've only got ourselves to blame Again and again and again Again and again and again”
Crowley and Aziraphale are the ones to get themselves in trouble whether it is accidentally (Aziraphale in 1941, losing the antichrist) or a conscious choice (working together, trying to advert the war). They are both disobedient and incompetent.
“Let every night play out the same 'Cause I wouldn't, I wouldn't change a thing”
Another set of lyrics that describes how content they are when they are with each other and that they are happy just being together. Besides finally reaching a place where they don’t have to hide anymore, they wouldn’t change a thing.
“We're nocturnal creatures, we own the night And we don't need a reason if we want to lose our minds We're nocturnal creatures, drawn to the flame And the morning doesn't reach us Well, not until we want it to, want it to”
In the end, when Aziraphale and Crowley are a united force, they are unstoppable. This part of the song embodies the new confidence they have, especially after dealing with heaven and hell’s attempts at punishing them. They are reveling in their new found freedom which leads to the clip at the end of the song:
“We received the freedom but we were completely unaware what to do with this freedom It felt like the hungry people received the foods and we just ate everything” 
Unlike in this clip, they know what to do with their freedom. They are going to dine at the Ritz and start their new life together. They have been starved of being allowed to show each other their full level of affection for 6000 year, so if they get carried away and  “eat  everything” (*wink, wink*), who can blame them.
“No moon, no stars above us The orange sky says the night's alive This time with you's elastic We stretch these hours as far as we can make them go”
Holding on to their time together, whether it’s desperately clinging to the moments they share in secrecy during the first 6000 years, or enjoying those first days together when they don’t have to hide and that promise a beginning to hopeful future.
“It's our weekend religion A different chord but the same refrain”
Crowley has always had his own definitions of right and wrong. He asked questions and disapproved of punishing people indiscriminately, especially the children. Even in his role as a demon, he spreads evil differently, favoring free will and creating circumstances where the humans to do the bad things of their volition. Because of his relationship with Crowley, Aziraphale started questioning Heaven too. 
“Tuesday'll be doom day, this got out of hand”
Technically doomsday occurs on Saturday in Good Omens, but this lyric has the same level of immediacy for the end of the world approaching. Things did get out of hand for Crowley and Aziraphale. They thought they might be able to advert the apocalypse if they raised the child to be normal, but, when the hell hound failed to show up, they realized they were in trouble, and things continued to spin out of control from there.
“Here, here, my family (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar, you are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for) Here, here, my friends and me (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for)”
Crowley and Aziraphale are friends, family, each other’s familiar, two halves of the same soul, and more. Being with each other is all they would ask for in the world. That’s why “or I’ll never speak to you again” is the greatest threat for them both. They are also both walking disasters (They spent eleven years trying to stop Armageddon and in the end they only played a minor part in what actually went down).
“Oh, there is nowhere I would rather be Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when I'm here No, there is nowhere I would rather be, oh-oh Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when you're near”
Again, they are happiest when they are with each other. They got their ideal ending when heaven and hell left them alone and allowed them to spend the rest of their lives together without having to hide it.
“I don't care if we're talking 'bout the same things I don't care if we're stuck in the familiar I don't care if we're going 'round in circles Again, again, again”
I feel like this describes how comfortable they are with each other that they would be content just talking about whatever and doing the same old things as long as they are with each other.
Another Place:
  *I started this one in another post, but I’m going to do the full explanation here. I’m probably just going to steal some bits directly from that post. (Also for this one to fit I’m using the full romantic interpretation of their relationship).
This song is the epitome of all those feelings Aziraphale has in his internal struggle with and conflicting feelings over loving Crowley and knowing his place as an angel. It also captures the longing they both feel.
“I am bound to you with a tie that we cannot break With a night that we can't replace I'm lost but found with you, in a bed that we'll never make It's a feeling we always chase”
Crowley and Aziraphale have had a connection for 6000 years. They are bound to each other and even if they tried to they could never truly escape that. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are lost: Crowley never meant to fall, all he did was ask questions and now Aziraphale is starting to question heaven too. When they are together, they don’t feel so lost. They have found themselves in each other, yet Crowley is the one who encouraged Aziraphale to become lost in the first place. And they can never truly be together because heaven and hell would never approve. Instead they have small moments of intimacy, chasing those feelings.
“Oh, in another place In another time, what could we have been?”
If they weren’t an angel and a demon, if they weren’t risking everything if they got caught, what could they have been.
“You go too fast for me, Crowley.” Maybe one day they could have a picnic or dine at the Ritz. Maybe one day they could be together if Aziraphale can come to terms with defying heaven and having his existence no longer being strictly defined by his role as an angel. But this is not that time.
“So lie to me tonight and pretend 'til the morning light And imagine that you are mine 'Cause when the sun will rise with the truth coming out your eyes We'll be good in another life”
When the apocalypse is averted and they no longer have a side, that’s when they can indulge those feelings. They are not in the clear yet; the wrath of heaven and hell will still be coming down upon them, but they don’t have to worry about that until the morning. Just for that one night they can pretend that everything is alright and spend the night at Crowley’s place and be together. If they survive tomorrow, they will finally be truly free. That “other life” will finally have arrived. They can dine at the Ritz and will no longer have to hide their love for each other.
“I could write a book about the things that you said to me on the pillow And the way you think, and how you make me feel You can fill my mind and move my body with the fiction, fantasies Just call this what it is, we don't pretend it's real”
The singing and the beat in this part of the song... I can’t quite describe it but it feels so intimate. It sounds like someone who is absolutely intoxicated by their feelings for the other person and being driven crazy by their need to be with them. Aziraphale and Crowley have come to know each other so well, and their connection to each other is stronger than that of any humans; they are bound to each other’s very existence. Therefore, I believe there must have been moments where they were completely overwhelmed by their love for the other, where it feels like all their thoughts and actions are being overtaken by their longing and desire to be with them. The orbit each other and gravitationally pulled together.
“Feels like something's special but it never felt like love Wonder what we could be living in another life Catch us in the mirror and it looks a lot like love Then you stop me talking as you kiss me from above”
Because Aziraphale has so much trouble coming to terms with the fact that he loves Crowley, I doubt he let himself consider for even one second that those feelings might go beyond on just loving Crowley in a fraternal way, but in a romantic way. Crowley too might have stopped short of thinking about showing his affection for Aziraphale in the traditional human ways of kissing and so on. But to many of the viewers, and maybe even the characters in the show, it does look like a romance, especially in that last scene at the Ritz when they are no longer holding back. Cue all the fanart and drabbles/fanfics of them kissing, dating, etc.
Those Nights:
“Those nights when your friends are gone When you're holding on for someone to leave with Those nights when you crave someone To be there at dawn, to wake with, 'cause aren't we all just Looking for a little bit of hope these days? Looking for somebody you can wake up with? Looking for a little bit of hope these days? We are, we are”
As the end of the world approaches, Crowley and Aziraphale both feel lost. They each have permanently cut ties to their respective side, so now all they have is each other. After the book shop burns, there is a stretch where they both believe they don’t even have each other. But they have always had each other. They found that person who would be there with them early on. It just took them awhile to realize/admit it.
When things are at their darkest, each is looking for some hope. Aziraphale goes to his higher ups, hoping they would be willing to advert the war, and, when that doesn’t work, he tries to contact God Herself; however, he receives the same answer there. Crowley too makes a plea to God to not test humanity to its destruction, but he knows that it is pointless. Crowley does, however, hope that Aziraphale will leave the planet with him, and he continues to hold out for that even after Azirphale rejects his offer.
“You'll never get to heaven on a night like this”
“You try to get to heaven on a night like this But you, you never get to heaven on a night like this”
“We'll never get to heaven”
Neither one will ever be forgiven by heaven or hell. They can never go back to what they were. However, by the end, both seem to have already happily accepted that.
“I can feel your eyes in the back of my head Burning, burning, burning Floating through the room as the hairs on my arms are Rising, rising, rising I'm chemically drawn closer to you Eyes wide, eyes wide open Will you be my future or just an escape? Love me, love me, love me”
“Pulling at my t-shirt, your hands everywhere Rising, rising, rising As you trip and fall, dragging me up the stairs What's your, what's your name, now?”
I’ll just leave these lyrics here for you all to picture since this crosses more into the world of fan fiction again.
*This is the other one that I don’t have much for. The song describes a kind of specific moment that doesn’t really fit with the series, but the general idea of that one person who can always bring you joy does describe Crowley and Aziraphale. So again, bear with me. (Maybe this one is more of an epilogue of their life after the series ends).
“I'm your walking disaster, keep on dragging me From self-pity, poor me”
They are both walking disasters, but they are each other’s walking disaster. I’m not sure how much self-pity there is but maybe they help the other one pull themself together (or at least pull themselves from individual walking disasters into a collective walking disaster).
“Thought I'd never be waking on the kitchen floor But here I lie, not the first time Now my morning has broken, and it brings the fear My mind's falling, falling” “Take a walk through the wreckage, clearing out my head”
I feel like this would describe the morning after the world was saved. They survived the worst of it but they still are going to have to face the consequences of opposing heaven and hell.
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But regrets can't change anything”
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But I wouldn't change a thing”
Abandoning Heaven was a hard decision for Aziraphale and it probably took a little time to fully come to terms with (for example he was still thinking about what his side would think about him staying at Crowley’s place after everything was over). Of course he’s glad he made that choice, but maybe he regrets not fully joining Crowley sooner or those times in the past that he chose heaven over Crowley. But then again, everything turned out for the best and they still have their whole future together so he wouldn’t change anything even if he could.
“Oh Joy, when you call me I was giving up, oh, I was giving in Joy, set my mind free I was giving up, oh, I was giving in” “How'd you always know when I'm down?”
I feel like this is their reunion when Crowley realizes Aziraphale isn’t gone. But this could just also be their general dynamic for the rest of their lives together where they are each other’s rock and always know when the other is feeling down and how to cheer to cheer them up.
“I hear your eyes roll right down the phone” - You just know this happens often
“As the night dissolves into this final frame You're a sweet relief, you saved me from my brain”
As the series ends on that final moment of them dining at the Ritz, finally together and happy. They saved each other from a lot of inner turmoil and now they will always have each other.
*If you read all this or even just skimmed it, thank you so much! It means a lot. I did not expect this to take over a year to complete, yet here I am. I know neither the show nor the album is topical any more so some of that initial buzz/excitement/interest has died away. So it means even more to me if you still took the time to read this now!
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ladyvader23 · 5 years
Darth Vader Visits the Pediatrician
He couldn’t take it. He was going to go crazy. He’d already killed an entire platoon of men. All because he was exhausted. 
He’d always known having a baby would be hard work. He’d overheard stories about parents staying up all hours of the night simply because their baby wouldn’t fall asleep, or would need changing, or would need to be fed. He was prepared for that. He preferred to meditate anyway, to avoid dreams of her. 
But he wasn’t prepared for the non-stop crying. It didn’t help that he had not one, but two babies. 
And he was by himself. 
They’d barely stopped crying for the last two days. He’d done everything, but nothing seemed to soothe his little ones.  Luke’s cries were small, rasping whimpers that tore at what little was left of his heart, but Leia...he was certain the entire Empire could hear her. He tried to focus on getting her to stop first, because as long as she was still screaming, Luke wouldn’t stop either, but he never got her to quiet for long enough to get him to stop. 
Why? Why him? 
They’d been fine the first few days after bringing them home, after convincing the Emperor that they wouldn’t be a threat if they never used their abilities. But then he’d fed them one night, put them down, and was ripped from his meditation by their awful screeching. 
He was coming apart at the seams. He couldn’t focus. People died just for being in his way at the wrong time. He knew the Emperor was pleased by his unhinged behavior, for now, but he’d need to get it under control before the older man tired of it and decided to intervene. 
If only she were there. She’d know what to do. 
But she wasn’t. It was just him, and even though he was a Sith Lord who had a reputation to maintain, he was still a man who needed five minutes to rest. 
So after trying everything again for the umpteenth time, and beginning to worry that there must be something medically wrong with them, he loaded the twins into their carriers, got them in his safest (but still fastest) speeder, and booked it across Coruscant. 
He needed to do this far away from the prying eyes of the puppet Senate and the Emperor’s lackeys. He wasn’t foolish enough to think he’d get a chance to be anonymous--no, everyone knew of the Emperor’s new right hand. He was impossible to miss in the suit. And he wasn’t willing to take his children to a nondescript establishment. Those were usually that way for a reason--illegal, unsanitary reasons more fitting for a bounty hunter, not two babies. He couldn’t use his own medical droids--they were cold, lifeless, cruel, a personal punishment for himself, not for sweet little ones. So he still found an office in a reputable neighborhood and parked his speeder with haste. 
They’d cried the entire way. When he let go of the wheel, it was bent from the pressure he exerted on it. 
He’d fix it later. First, the twins. 
He unloaded them and stormed into the small, tidy doctors office, using the Force to throw the door open, a baby carrier in each hand. “I need to see a doctor now.” He snapped, a little too loudly. The babies started crying harder. 
A nurse droid hovered behind a desk. There was a woman with her baby already in front of the droid, and they both turned at his pronouncement. “You will wait your turn.” the droid, ever loyal to its programing, replied firmly before turning back to the woman. 
But the woman had gone pale at the sight of him storming toward her, a baby carrier in both hands. “Ah, no, I’ll wait, thank you.” She sheepishly told the droid and hurried out into the childishly decorated lobby, finding the furthest corner away from him. 
The droid made a disapproving click as it turned to him. “If you’re going to scare away our patients, I’m going to have to ask you to…” 
He’d stopped at the reception desk, carefully used the Force to keep Luke and Leia’s carriers hovering next to him, and evenly placed his hands on the counter before the droid. From most people, it wouldn’t have been a threatening gesture, but the droid had the good sense to back up a step, re-evaluating the situation. “I said,” Vader hissed, putting the clear threat of dismemberment behind the words, “You will get me a doctor NOW.”
As if to support his words, the twins wailed. He gritted his teeth. 
The droid was silent for a beat. “D-do you have an...appoint….?” 
“I am not in the habit of asking more than once, droid, so if you value your meaningless life, I suggest you…” 
“What is going on here?” A male voice interrupted. 
Both Vader and the droid looked up to find a human male doctor approaching. He was an older gentleman, with dark hair that was graying around the temples, and light colored eyes that darted between him, his nurse droid, and the hovering carriers with the crying babies. Unlike the stupid droid who followed its protocol a little too literally, the man had the good sense to realize what was happening, and what was about to happen if he didn’t intervene. “Ah, AZI-5, cancel my appointments for the next few hours.” 
The droid, AZI-5, glanced between the doctor and Vader. “Very well. Sir, if you could sign…” 
Vader was about to rip the droid to shreds with his bare hands, but the doctor quickly interrupted. “Please, Lord Vader, right this way. No need to sign in.” 
Well. At least someone had the good sense to stay alive. Taking hold of the carriers again, Vader followed the doctor into the office. 
The room the doctor led Vader into was brightly painted with clowns and balloons on the walls. There were a few posters showing various infant life forms and rather generic medical information about babies, and a small padded table with sanitary paper on it. Vader set the carriers on the table, whirled to face the doctor, and demanded, “Make them stop. Now.” 
The doctor, who had just finished closing the door, blinked at him, then at the crying babies. “Well, who do we have here?” He was attempting to sound like the normal supposedly approachable pediatrician he probably was, but his voice was strained. 
Vader crossed his arms over his chest, reluctantly stepping back to let the doctor look at his children. His hands clenched into fists. “My children. Luke and Leia. And do dispense with the pleasantries, doctor. I’m here to get them back to their normal routine, and they aren’t going to notice the difference between you talking like a normal human being and like a fool.” 
The doctor was already carefully checking Luke over as he replied. “I understand, Lord Vader, but it’s better for babies development to use voices like that when talking to them. It helps them develop better language skills early on.” 
He didn’t see how that was possible, but then again, he hadn’t been around babies in--well, ever. “Just make them stop crying.” 
The doctor had moved from Luke to Leia, who squirmed in her carrier under the intense speculation. “When did they start?” 
“Two days ago. They haven’t stopped.” He watched the doctor, using the Force to reach out and check over his daughter himself. If the man scared his children and made it worse, he’d pay. But he didn’t get the sense that Leia was more upset than she already was, so he forced himself to relax. Marginally. 
“How often are you...how often are they being fed?” 
He didn’t like the insinuation that he didn’t feed them himself. He did, when he was home, which was more often than the Emperor liked. “Usually seven times a day.” 
The doctor nodded. “Good.” Vader bit his lip as the doctor picked Luke up, then Leia. He didn’t like others holding them, not without his permission. 
“Have you dealt with twins before?” Vader couldn’t help but ask. He figured, since the man was a pediatrician, but he needed to be sure he wouldn’t do something stupid and accidentally hurt them before he could stop him. 
“Frequently.” The doctor assured him. “And you’re changing them?” 
“Of course. I wouldn’t allow my children to sit in filth.” 
“I didn’t mean to offend.” The man must have heard the threat in Vader’s voice, because he could feel his sudden spike of fear. But his hands on the babies remained steady and calm. “They’re healthy, with no fever or signs of illness...if I may, how long have you had the babies, Lord Vader?” 
He glared, bitter, fresh wounds reopening as he remembered finding his precious babes on Tatooine, in the hands of the family that had allowed his own mother to be killed. “A week.” He said, simply. 
The doctor didn’t dare ask about the previous two months of their lives. “And I assume you haven’t had much experience with children?” 
Vader didn’t even bother to answer such an idiotic question. The answer was obvious. 
After a moment of enduring his intense stare, the doctor cleared his throat. “Ah. Have you...burped the babies after feeding them?” 
He frowned. “Have I what?” 
The doctor nodded, evidently pleased that he’d found something wrong with Vader’s parenting. If he wasn’t holding his children… “Can you take Luke?” 
Vader did so, holding him close to his chest. The baby in his arms quieted a little, squirmed closer, but didn’t stop crying. He sent soothing feelings through their bond while he watched the doctor pull a white rag from a drawer and place it over his shoulder. Then, he turned Leia around, set her face near the rag…
And began pounding on her back. 
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Vader thundered, reaching out through the Force to grab the man’s throat. 
The doctor’s eyes widened as he gagged, but he didn’t stop pounding on Leia’s back as he choked out, “Babies...need...burping…” 
He loosened his grip, but only marginally. In his arms, Luke was squirming, sensing his father’s panic. “Explain.” 
The doctor didn’t waste what breath he had to complain about the choke hold. “After feeding...you need...to burp them. Otherwise, they get...gassy, fussy...you have to do it...like this…” 
Vader released his hold, and the doctor sucked in a breath just as Leia let out a massive baby burp...and threw up all over the rag. 
The doctor was back in a choke hold. “You made it WORSE.” Vader thundered, horrified to see that his daughter was now sick on top of everything else. 
This time, the doctor didn’t have room to speak, though he kept trying. 
“What, I suppose you’re going to tell me this is part of it?!” Vader sarcastically snarled...and to his horror, the doctor managed to nod. Just as quickly, Vader released him again and the doctor began to cough. The entire time, the man hadn’t dropped Leia and…
She was no longer screaming. 
She was still sniffling, even as the doctor continued on her back and she threw up a few more times onto the rag, but she didn’t cry anymore. 
“It’s normal for babies to throw up.” the doctor’s voice was raspy now, but he still remained remarkably calm. At least outwardly. Vader could sense his terror, but it didn’t interfere with his actions to help Leia. “This young, they need help to do it on their own. When they’re older, they usually manage by themselves until their digestive system can handle keeping it all down.” 
He stared at the doctor. Then, slowly, he looked down at a still crying Luke. It seemed backwards to do such a thing to his precious little ones. But, apparently, they needed it, and he’d had no idea. What else was he missing with them, not just because he was a Sith lord, but because he literally had no prior baby experience? 
The doctor seemed to sense his distress. “It’s normal for all first-time parents to feel overwhelmed.” He tried to assure him. “It can be even more so with twins.”
He was Darth Vader. He was a Lord of the Sith. he was supposed to be better than this. 
But, he supposed, Sith Lords and babies didn’t usually mix. This was uncharted territory, and as much as he hated it, he needed help. 
“What is your name?” 
The doctor hesitated, as though he knew what was coming. “Doctor Rawley, My Lord.” 
Vader looked back up at him. “You will attend to my children in the future--at my personal residence. You will not breathe a word of it to anyone. If you do, your life will be forfeit.” 
Doctor Rawley was good at keeping a calm outward demeanor, but Vader could sense the resignation and apprehension behind it. “Of course, Lord Vader. I understand.” 
“Good. But for now,” he looked back down at the crying boy in his arms. “Teach me what you know.” 
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pocketninja-ffxiv · 4 years
Sworn Protectors
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After the two left the Heartwood Estate N'yami and Alexi ventured off to the Seeker's workshop off in the Goblet, N'yami was quiet for most of the trip and if Alexi tried talking with her it would be short replies. The look on her face showed she was deep in thought, and she was probably forming multiple plans on how they could locate those that were captured. Once at the house Yami opened the door to let Alexi in first then followed in. "Probably head downstairs and chat."That way I can also work on blueprints for that blade of yours."
Alexi wasn't much for conversation either as he followed N'yami to her shop. While she was working out plans, he was busy worrying about Shara... He almost walked right into N'yami when they arrived, not noticing they had even reached her workshop! "Oh, thank you," he said, stepping inside and taking a glance around the place. He nodded to her suggestion without looking at her. "Of course. I just want to make sure my weapon is up to snuff, considering I've never faced one of these creatures before." After a bit more admiring of her shop, he followed her down to the lower level.
N'yami walked over to the metal door and pressed a button to open it, once they were both through the door would close behind them to offer more privacy. It was mainly there to cancel out any sounds while the Miqo'te worked in her shop, pray to the twelve if her kits ever woke up during nap time. That was a battle of its own. "Make yourself comfy anywhere, and sorry for the noise, I know it can get a bit loud down here."
Alexi shook his head. "It's no bother." Drawing his gunblade from his back, he set it on the table between them, handle pointed towards N'yami, so she could inspect it if she wished. "Have you ever fought these spider things before?" he asked, settling down into a nearby chair but not quite looking comfortable. It wasn't the seat, he was still just anxious, his thoughts dwelling on the missing Shara…
N'yami reached forward to inspect Alexi's blade, she was careful with it and the way the Seeker looked it over was as if one was examining a piece of art. "I haven't, but it's not my first battle with allagan tech, I'll go off to Azys Lla sometimes to get cores for projects so I know how to get them down." Her gaze shifted from the blade to the Hrothgar in front of her. "And from the sounds of how these bastards work they drain one of aether, well, they're not gonna want mine that's for damn sure. But the pressure of it will have them comin'."
Alexi grunted and sat up, arms folding over his chest. "You're the one going to be using the dampener though, correct?" he asked, leaving the mechanical blade in her capable hands for as long as she wished.
"Sounds like it, we'll see how that goes." She offered a shrug before placing the blade carefully back onto the table. "I'll be honest, I'm not a patient person, even though we were told not to go out on our own I can't exactly just...sit here and do nothin'. The longer we wait..." Yami paused in thought and her brows furrowed for a moment at the possibilities of what could happen to those captured. "I don't want to think of what's happenin' while they wait for us."
Alexi grunted and his brow knit, showing his restrained frustration. "I agree... But while I want nothing more than to get my Shara away from those things and safely back home, as they said, we don't even know where they are." He breathed an exasperated huff and slumped back in his seat. "As much as I wish it wasn't so, this is our best bet... Though I'll fight like hells once the time comes. How dare they take my..." He cut himself off and just huffed again, glancing away for a moment…
"That's the thing, what if I told you I've come up with a plan to try and find the base?" Leaning back in her seat Yami crossed her arms and sighed softly. "It's a dumb plan and I know it but they took Ma, and Shara's a good friend of mine. I don't know Vanriri but I'm still willin' to blow shit up for that lalafell. We would go after Heartwood's little outin'. See if we can get any information where the base is and if so, well, I'm goin' whether you come or not. I plan on goin' to Coerthas and gettin' one of those buggers to come after me, essentially I'm gonna get myself captured and your gonna follow it. I'll be safe don't worry, I'm not exactly someone who gets taken out easily."
Alexi growled slightly at the plan. It was dumb! And so reckless! ...but it had piqued his interest. "I can see why you wouldn't have brought this plan up with the others... What makes you so sure you'll be fine if you get captured? How could I track you if these things are swarming?" His foot had started to tap anxiously. He did want to just storm their nest and free all of their friends but it still sounded so risky!
"They mentioned stunning darts are used, I can make a barrier on my skin to take most of the blow and just play dead so they take me. Once we're close enough I'll take care of the horde then get us in." The Seeker leaned forward and held her hand out so Alexi could see the red aether twirling around her fingers, it settled upon her skin and a quick shimmer ran along her skin. "As for trackin' me, I'll get ya a crystal filled with my aether, the closer ya are to me the brighter it glows."
Alexi watched the aetheric demonstration with interest, leaning forward and rubbing at his chin. "This... is so dangerous... It's a terrible plan... But I think it's better than waiting around." He gave a nod. "I trust you to take care of yourself but still... I'm relying on you to lead me to my... to our friends."
N'yami couldn't help but let a grin curve her lips. "I think it's cute how much ya care about Shara." Of course, she had to tease him about it. "And don't worry, this isn't my first time doing somethin' stupid but if we get them out we don't say a word we just come up with a lie on how they came out cause I don't know about you but I want to avoid gettin' yelled at. Cause I also have the Old man to worry about comin' after my ass for doin' this." Yami didn't care if she got yelled at. She usually just tuned it out while daydreaming about other things.
Alexi snorted. True, he wasn't hiding it very well. "More than we let show in public. Shara means the world to me and it took all of my will to not charge out of the house when I heard she had been taken," he said, that low growl returning to the tone in his voice. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I don't care what any of the others say. If we can get them back ourselves, let them talk and scold. The only thing that matters is getting them back."
"Seems we're on the same page then, we'll still tag along for the outing and once we get that info we need we head out, you can crash here I got extra beds and I plan on stayin' up late to work on upgrading yer blade for ya. If ya find you can't sleep can always help me with yer blade."
"So, once we're out with the others to try and trap one of those things, that's when you want to let yourself get captured. I follow your aether through your crystal and once we find the nest, I break you out and we find the others. Correct?" The Hrothgar questioned. 
N'yami offered a small shake of her head. "Once everyone starts headin' back we'll say we're headin' back to my shop to work on yer blade upgrades, but we'll just linger until everyone in Heartwood has gone back to the house. Then we put our plan into action."
Alexi nods with a grunt. "Fine. I'm in all the way. I just pray you're not going in over your head here. You'd better be able to resist. The last thing I need is an aetherically drained partner or another captive."
"I've never been drained of aether in my life if anythin' I can drain those bastards of aether." The Seeker grinned. " Trust me when I say I don't go down easy, I've been by Shara's side with void huntin' and we always came back."
"I'd ask her if she were here. Forgive my skepticism, but I've never seen you in action to find out. Just know that I'm putting all of my trust in you."
"Eh, yer fine, and I understand, I've been hidin' out in my shop lately so no one has seen me in battle for a while. But I promise ya we'll get them back." N’yami always kept to her word, she would make sure they go those missing back.
Alexi nodded. "I'll hold you to that." He glanced around, then stood up and rolled his shoulders. "Well, without plan set, I'm going to take a bit of a walk, and then I'd like to see the guest bed if you don't mind. I don't promise I will sleep well, but I'd like to at least try."
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
ᗩᑭᑭOIᑎTᗰᗴᑎT, ᖇᗴᗪ ᐯᗴᒪᐯᗴT ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰᑌᖴᖴIᑎՏ
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Rhythmically mellifluous waves of notes echoes after bouncing back from anile theatre's walls, the trill getting softer the more I firmly place my chin over the tail piece.
Eye lids slip shutting at the flurries of heart chasing the last cadences, pinky shivering as the middle and ring finger pushes the string down while the bow touches through the strings simultaneously producing the last chords.
Feels like a voyage over a baby leaf that's leading me through a pallid wind.
My chest heaving vigorously and lifting my jaw from the violin my head snapped in the direction of loud claps flowing. After a hectic performance the seats went empty and instead of going backstage I tried to play a melody for myself.
I was so lost finding my way through strings that didn't even noticed when Azi came. He's the owner of this old hideously beautiful theatre, his love for arts has this place still running without compliance knowing else it would have left baren just like the other popular theatres they shut years ago.
"Well done Harry, people seemed to love your performance last night and today." A smile quenching from my inners causing the bottom lip to tuck in between my teeth.
A feeling like no other spiralling around my ribcages, this's all I ever wanted.
"They were properly soused into your magic and we know what that means, shit loads of money." I remained quite putting my violin and bow aside while he spoke with a tobacco cigar rolled in between his lips.
I never wanted to play for money but nor do I've problem if we're getting it because half of the people in theater needs it. They deserve it.
It's not their fault they've to die in return of loving the devotedness that's gifted naturally.
Their talent and adroitness is the only thing keeping them in this world even though they've to remain veiled from the ordinary people.
Azi drags the stash of money on the table in my direction causing me to shake my head in refusal, "you know that I don't need this money. Save it for the renovation of theatre before we all get buried deep under it." He laughs lungs rumbling from his old age.
For God's sake the ceilings are about to cripple and chandelier might bonk my head one day.
"Or' maybe double pay our ballerina she was prepossesing last night." The twitch of his wrinkles at the corners of eyes smoothed down sadly and he sighed loudly piercing a hole in my stomach.
Anticipation wrapped around my head shoving me into the sea of worry where I'm finding it difficult to process, "what happened-" my words choking in my windpipes when he cuts me off revealing the horror information.
"She was abducted last night, her body was found shot near the suburb of where she lives." Everything's feeling claustrophobic around me and I keep on gawking him in astonished dread.
She was one hell of the great dancers, the only ballerina of our theatre. She didn't not deserved this; fuck it nobody does. I refuse to believe.
Fuck this government. Fuck this stupid world.
Gripping my hair from roots I looked him straight in the eyes, "Tell me if her family needs any help." Then the realization dawned upon me like a heavy dust she never had a family. This theatre, her skills were her only family.
"Harry my boy listen I know you'll take it as a hard toll but believe me we can't do anything for what has happened, go home have a rest you've a performance in the coming month." I was taken aback when he hugged me assuring me like a father would do, not utterly sure how to respond to interactions like these I raised my hands several times only to let them fall back.
Memories of her on tips dancing beautifully on the stage displaying infront of me as I stored my violin into case putting it aside.
We weren't close. But the few times we had exchange of words in the middle of lunch breaks and her full concentration on my foolish jokes was worth than any friendships I ever had; which I unfortunately never had.
Without even noticing the whispers let out of my chest, "I'll miss ya." Never thought you could yearn to have a single glimpse of people last time even though they were barely in your life.
I didn't changed into comfortable clothes letting the flashy suit stick to my skin, so the weigh of it will keep on making me realize that the world has no place for us.
A sacrifice for living praise.
The alley outside's pitch dark with the sun roguishly trying to dawn from the horizon.
Azi Theatre's situated at the most lifeless spot in the city possible, you've to walk through several hidden allies to reach there.
While, walking past the streets and avoiding to ruin my trousers by splashing my boots into puddle my brain havoced with unnecessary thoughts.
Thousand of faces with erastz beauty passing in mili seconds on these vast fulgurant billboards their mocks appearing like arrows to my already wounded guts; though it's all in my head it's still crawling under my skin.
A peek of cognisance from the day she made me ate her red velvet muffins dizzied around in my mind painting sorrow over me.
Even though I protested with my nonsical excuses she won ending up handing me one of her perfectly shaped muffin on my palm with a huge grin.
Just like that alot of people's smiles in my life petered out in the lost pocket of my mind.
In the littlest remembrance of her I made route to the small bakery situated two blocks away from the building I live in. The city's sleeping the only thing's shop's boards blinking and hazy bakeries showing through the thick fog.
It's open twenty four hours seven. The sky tweeked with ribbons of brume and the digital clock showed 5:00 sharp in the early dawn the large glass windows fogy from weather. The counter lady's wrapped into a comfy blanket trying not to fall asleep.
The bell chimed startling the cute old lady when I stepped inside passing by the wooden counter, "uhh..hi sorry to disturb. I'll look in myself." She nodded slumping back into her seat soon about to knock off.
Strolling in between the squeezy aisles my eyes roamed over empty refrigerators ceasing to the one at the far corner.
There in the transparent domed box are four cherry-red muffins attracting every dull view of bakery towards themselves. They're perfectly shaped and snow-flaked into red coconut shudders but failed to water my mouth.
I've no appetite to eat them. Her's used to be baked into undescribeable funny shapes but atleast I had a company while chomping them in one bite.
A reel of same memory binging and before it could permanently imprint in my brain I cleared my throat raising my pointy finger as a habit, "I'll have these!"
We said in a unison. Hold on. We? Am I that exhausted that I've started to hallucinate.
My head snapshoting towards the person from whom the feminine voice billowed in the dense warm air.
Resplendent. Florid and kaleidoscopic were the first words that striked my confused mind when my vision raked from the faux suede ankle boots richer in pigment than the red velvet muffins resting inside the refrigerator; then straight towards to meet their eyes.
Her gaze projecting warmth in this wimtertide and out of curiosity I met her eyes to recognize their colour.
Golden syrup. They're like the glassed honey pool that has squeezed the bee in the syrup lake as if it's greed for honey became it's trap, hazel speckles caged inside the rim of irises flickering with her slightest of eye movement.
We both keeps on looking at eachother the morning peace surrounding us too unsure how to break the spell.
She's wearing a cerise peach long trench wool coat a sweet rose enamel pin attached to where her heart is. Her nose and ears pink from the cold outside, but her lips plump from under the translucent violaceous bubble gum coloured gloss.
Burnette tresses of hair loose till her covered shoulders, the peach tealed beanie intact on her head.
The women standing infront of me is in abstract contrast to the pastels of the bakery and the luster of gray buildings out of these bakery walls.
The pastelish hues still prominent in her and crimson peaked up my neck at the fact that she caught me intriguing her by my peer.
Boldly her eyes remained fixated at my suit that's very exotic for strolling into a bakery. She might think so I'm a bellend idiot.
The cashier lady came to us yawning placing her hands on her hips done with two strangers just looking at eachother but she doesn't know that both of them are inquisitive of what the other is wearing this early where anybody's barely awake.
"We've the only box, decide it quick kiddos that who'll get it." The lady yawned for fiftieth time taking the box of muffins out of refrigerator.
"I came here first and I was the first one to ask." I frowned for an obvious reason and the lady was about to give me the box when a honeyed voice again melted in my ears.
Now I really wanna hear her talk for a long time, "but I pointed at it first!" She whines softly jutting her lower lip.
"But vocalisation matters the most." I quipped arching my brow at her and she glared me but her beatific personality radiating naturally from her is breaking the bitter demeanour she's trying to pull towards me.
"Kay. We can leave it upto the rock, paper and siscorss." She smirks mishveously raising her brows several times in a challenge.
Her tongue poking out from her glossy lips with her one leg straight and other bended perpendicular she placed her on foot over another balancing with only one leg like a flamingo.
The cute small lady groaned, "are you really gonna do this?" Our eyes widening and chuckles spiraling when we once again we said 'yep.' In unison.
She was ready to launch her hand in a paper and mine was stone so I quickly interrupted looking down at her legs, "why are you standin' like a swan?" Her eyes slitting into a squint and lips shrinking into a pout.
Tilting her chin towards me and standing in the same position as before just the difference now's that her hands are on her hips to convey the offend.
She ruched her lower lip inside her mouth to stop from giving a smile, so she's a buoyant person...
"Because maybe I am?" And she doesn't have simple answers to straight questions. Our fists still raised into air and the cashier lady hissed this time ready to throw hands.
"You kids are worse than my grandchildren!" She gasped comically at the words of short lady.
"That's very mean of you..." I'm clearly surprised that she isn't one bit influenced by lady's sharpness instead she's further engaging in a conversation that will result in the loss of time for all of us. "...and your daughter wouldn't be very happy to know."
"Kay. Back to where we left." She quickly turned her head towards me her complete concentration struck over me making my stomach go fluttery and funny.
"Uhm..yes- rock, paper, siscorss!" I never thought I'd play a game with some stranger who's looking so cozy and comfy in the early dew, for some muffins in the middle of empty bakery when I scarcely interact with people.
"Yes! I won." I punched the air when my siscorss cut her paper and her jaw went slack for a moment.
What the fuck you're doing Styles!?
Out of shyness and awkwardness I abruptly combed back my curls rubbing my hand down the nape of my neck not meeting her eyes.
The lady handed me the box with a boring expression while Hers stayed ticked to it, "anyway I don't even like red-velvet muffins." Yeah. Grapes are sour when fox can't get it.
She was about to walk away near to step out of shop. I want to call her but don't know her name; so out of sheer rampage I blurted out the only word that the department of my brain could manage at the time.
"Swan!" She halted in her tracks torso turning and with her chin atop of her shoulder she looked back at me smiling coyly.
"Yes. Sparkly?" She's probably calling me that because of my glittery black suit and I'm sure my ribcages did something at the name. Getting made fun of doesn't sound very good; but it is at the time.
Today's an odd day.
"Um..we can share if you want to?" Her grin etching to the corner of her lips and she jumped excitedly clasping her hands together,"Really!?"
A timid smile crawling over my features watching her get delighted at the littlest of fact. "Yes. There are two pair of muffins we both can have one pair if you like to?" I told her and she bobs her head while going towards the cash counter, patting the counter with a huge grin indicating me to put the box down.
"Your total's $8.25." We both payed half of the total price and I shoved my hands into my trouser's pockets scrutinizing my surrounding while the annoyed cashier lady packed two muffins separately for one of us.
And she rummaged through her wallet which has alot of ebullient key-chains hanging from it, who's this girl?
Why I've never seen her here before? and I've never seen a person this cheerful in the crowd of prosaic people of city.
The lady handed us our respective delights with a roll of eyes and I was the first one to take mine and quickly sprinted out of there, because I didn't know what else to do.
A whiff of pungent vanilla, mulberry pomegranate sprouting with cocoa made it's way in my nostrils when I passed beside her. Her fragrance's divergent.
You know a scent that addictively clouds your senses but it's so rare you never get to smell it again; but if out of nowhere you get to it brings back nostalgia for no reason, she smelled like that.
When I glanced back the two women were still watching my weirdness in amusement through the glass windows of bakery.
It appeared like her rose enamel pin winked at me from far.
Mick was tangled up into cassette tapes when I stepped inside my flat, the tiny bugger he is jumped atop me straddling me to the floor.
"You're lookin' like a disco ball. No need to be so proud." Instead he gave a long slicky lick to my cheek woofing at me.
He's being too cheeky but it wouldn't last long when I'll take him for a checkup. He fucking envy his doc. I'm already sensing sympathy seeking whining from him, happens every year.
Shaking my head I grunted skiding from underneath him but he's fast and climbed up in my lap while I struggled to open the box.
The minute red hilly muffins were infront of me it reminded me of honey the ooze of golden, treacle eyes. Her eyes.
Shit. It's getting hard to get rid of her delicate image that's playing like an aesthetic reel in the back of my mind.
I was jerked into reality when Mick lurched greedily eating the delcious muffin from my hand in one bite, leaving his slickness at the tip of my fingers. Before he could attack my muffin too I quickly grabbed it.
"Mick you wouldn't believe what happened today!?" I spoke in an animated voice scratching his sweet spot under his ear my mouth full of red coconut and he looked up at me with his sick puppy eyes.
"We wouldn't have been able to eat these if I wouldn't have won from...." I stuttered pondering over the fact that the nameless peachy coat girl's too stubborn and wouldn't leave my fuzzy thoughts alone, "...from swan."
Mick just barked at me going to his sleeping pillow and I practically rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms to bring myself to some consciousness from that bloody bakery fantasy.
When the proper morning hit I made myself breakfast and the longer I stared it the more it impeded my appetite.
With one hand offering Mick treats to deceive him into the idea that I'll take him to the park for a walk which instead will end up in a clinic's room and other hand diligent in searching word puzzles over the newspaper my jaw worked to chew the sandwich.
Throwing a sweater over my head and slipping into white washed jeans quickly I got ready to take Mick with me.
I had to scoop Mick up in my arms when he sprawled onto footpath of veterinary clinic the second he realized what was about to happen.
The kid leaning against the wall giggled loudly watching me practically drag my dog across the floor because he's too socially akward, fucking wow.
The waiting area's already full of pupils alongside their pets, someone stood up from the last bench and taking the advantage of opportunity I strided towards it sitting at it's edge.
Fifteen minutes passed since I've been caressing and comforting my scared bud, tucking his crown under my chin to make him at rest.
There's loud raucous noise when the elevator doors to the floor we're at opened wide gaining everyone's attention and when the person in tizzy strided inside the corridor I had to look at her twice.
What the fuck she's doing here? She never owned a pet and the one for whom she'll get this worried about.
Lyida's exactly same, her eyes bright as always and she has become more striking from when she was with me.
But she's not mine now, she never was.
She lurched over the receptionist with the box in her hand and distress of having to meet her eyes creeped inside me. The girl beside me threw daggers at me when I stood up hastily causing the whole bench to shake. I apologised for the disturbance.
My hands fumbled with the knob of nearest door right beside me and I had to shush Mick sternly when he kept on whining.
Heavy puff of breaths escaping my lungs when I stumbled inside some empty doctor's room shutting the door behind me, back meeting against the wooden plank of door, cold sweat breaking under the nape of my neck and I blinked several times taking in my surrounding.
I'm a weak son of a bitch.
It's fuckin' gruelling to be in her presence. It's hellish to meet her sympathetic gaze for me and I'm a bastard who's pathetic as hell.
I have to be away, I've to go right now. Trotting towards the large window panes I uncliped them stepping outside the shared balcony of room.
There's a drain pipe so I can climb it down to the ground and get the hell away from here.
Maybe, Mick was right it was a bad day and idea to come here.
Adjusting Mick inside my armpit I threw my one leg over the rail and then the second, my breath wavering as I gripped the rail tighter taking baby steps towards the plastic pipe.
The smack of air stinging my eyes while the cars are being parked infront of me at the parking lot.
A delucet voice clamoured from inside startling me to death and Mick barked lowly in reaction, "Whoops! Sorry to interrupt your suicidal mission." I turned my head steadily to see who's it even though I can comprehend the sherbet similarity.
Her voice has melted like a hot maroon stamp into my ears since the dawn hour and with the corner of my eyes I watched her leaning against the stretcher.
"But let me tell you Sparkly this height would cause you nothing but two broken ribs, one fractured thigh and you might loose your brain memory. No more than that." I gawked her appalled while she remained peacific arms folded infront of her chest, into different cardinal clothes now.
Again a replete splitness to what every other person's wearing outside.
Even though my intentions are nothing like that but saying this to someone who's about to take their life doesn't seem very pleasing.
I was about to speak something into my defence that she misinterpreted things but she cut me off popping her chewing gum and capturing the ropes of sticked bubble around her lips with her teeth.
A/n; Please lovies. Reblog it and gimme feedback alot of kisses!
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
How to Date a Human
Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: Crowley x Male!Reader x Aziraphale Summary: You have to admit, they’re pretty good boyfriends - you just wonder how they do it. Word Count: 2,568 A/n: I know I said I’ll do Mikaelsons for today, but I wanted to do this as a self-indulgent fic. I also said this would be a series but I decided against it also you’re a badass hunter with added upgrades lol, my mind is wild and I can’t stop until I write it. Might do a part two of this tho just to keep me happy
Part Two
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When they met you, they thought you were the most adorable human being to ever exist, as they progressively got to know you, you were more dangerous than they thought, at least for a human.
You were a hunter, a pretty good one whilst you’re at it, known throughout the supernatural. You don’t associate yourself with angel business and demon stuff was sketchy that admittedly, you’ve had your share of run-ins. The supernatural was a nightmare for the almighty and the fact that a human was keeping it sane, on the down low and in control. God, herself, praised you for your work and decided to gift you.
You were, after all, her favourite human. 
So, you became immortal but the catch was that you still have to experience everything a human does and if you were to get injured, you cannot be healed, if you were to go to a witch. 
You’ve been dating Crowley and Aziraphale for some time now, six months of dating and a year of being friends with you. They’ve told you their secret and you’ve told your part. You three had no secrets to hide away from each other. 
Other than, the fact the two have a rule book they’ve written just about you. Affectionately called “How to Date a Human.” They have a lot of details, in case if they forget to take care of you seeing you are still human and therefore a little bit more fragile. Death is easier to grab you despite your immortality. You were immortal, not invincible.
You’d never admit, when the two were off busy for the week, you found the book. You found it touching and put it back in its place after reading some of its contents. (and yes, it does have an index page, made by Crowley himself.)
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1. Make sure (Y/n) gets enough sleep.
This was the first rule made in the book, the two had noticed that you were seeing them more tired to the point you could fall asleep at your feet. You’ve out and about will latest hunts and peace treaties, they weren’t exactly knowing your sleeping pattern and they haven’t seen you for two weeks. But, from your dark eye bags and frequent yawning
They kept giving each other side-eyes, watching you sway in the middle of the bookshop.
“Alright, that’s it!” Crowley exclaims, holding you firmly at the shoulders.
“Hmh, what?” You asked, yawning, your eyes slowly shutting and then opening.
“Come ‘ere!” Crowley pulls you by the arm.
“Be careful with him, my dear boy!” Aziraphale exclaims, following the two of you into the back room. 
Crowley flops onto the sofa, then tugging you down, catching you effortlessly as you lie on top of him. Aziraphale chuckles as he kneels by you, stroking your hair as you sighed wistfully. You slowly snaked your arms around Crowley and pressed yourself closer, earning a chuckle from him.
Slowly you fell asleep, the even breathing escapes you as Crowley and Aziraphale smiled at each other at their exhausted human. That was the first time they have seen you so exhausted. 
Then it became a habit, Aziraphale had to lead you to the backroom whenever you turned up and he could see your shoulders heavy with tiredness, he’ll close the shop and hold you dear to him as he reads to you. Crowley would let you sleep in the Bentley, sometimes, if you’re around about, he’ll drive around in circle hoping it lulls you to sleep.
They always call you up at night to make sure you’re in bed and talk at you until they hear your snores.
They make sure to keep track of your sleeping habits, making sure you don’t oversleep but when needed they leave you be. You appreciate it, really you do, time is no longer a problem for you anymore but your health is always a top priority for them.
Plus, the love seeing you sleepy you get more affectionate. 
“How much sleep have you gotten last night, love?” Crowley asked just as you enter the bookshop with a cheerful smile, “By the looks of it, enough.”
“You worry too much,” You teased as you squeezed his cheeks.
“We worry just the right amount, and rightly so,” Aziraphale mentions shutting a book he was right in - the start of the rule book dedicated to you, wagging his finger at you as you beamed at him.
“I know,” You hummed, “And that’s why I love you two.”
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2. Make sure (Y/n) eats.
Not your fault you forget to eat, when you’re busy and lose the track of time you forget to eat. And when you do, it’s not necessarily healthy. 
“I got’s to go,” You say, pulling your bag over your shoulder as Aziraphale knits his eyebrows together.
He had noticed you had just woken up, your hair still dishevelled and shirt ruffled, you kissed his temple as he looks at you questioningly, a slimy little bastard with his judgmental look. 
“You haven’t eaten breakfast!” The angel asserts loudly as you shake your head, heaving out a sigh heavily.
“I’ll eat, I promise!” You say, kissing him again, “Bye, honey!”
You slam the door of your apartment, leaving the angel terribly confused. By the looks of it, you were going too busy for the day so there was no point in expecting you to join Crowley and Aziraphale to lunch that day. Whilst Aziraphale was busy during the night, Crowley was there at your apartment for your arrival.
“Heya darling!” You waved, passionately kissing him upon entrance, “How’s your day?”
Crowley shrugs his shoulders, “Could be better, hunter,” As he watches you pull off your shoes as he narrows his eyes towards you, “Angel told me to ask about what you’ve eaten today.”
“Oh,” You paused, “I haven’t.”
“You’re stupid,” Crowley announced, standing up and throwing the shoes you’ve just pulled off, “Come on we’re getting McDonald's.”
You looked at him blankly, “I don’t want McDonald's.”
“Well, do you have food here?” He snaps at you, you looked unphased as you crossed your arms over your chest like a little child, “Exactly, that’s mah point!”
“I want Subway,” You say, pouting as he raises his eyebrow above his sunglasses, “What? It’s healthy!”
“Heugh-!” He splutters and he starts making his classic noises as you wait for him to finish his outburst, “Healthy!? If I recall you haven’t eaten food and you’re talking about being healthy!”
“I...Yeah?” You sounded unsure but you could feel your demon glaring daggers at you as he yanks your arm, “Wait! I haven’t put my shoes on!”
With ease, he flings you over his shoulder, grumbling as you crossed your arms over your chest as Crolwy have a hold of your shoes. 
“Nice arse, babe.”
“Hey!” Crowley exclaims, but you couldn’t see there was a smug smile on his face as he puts you into the passenger seat and gives you your shoes.
You hated being in the car when Crowley drove and you always try and not get weirded out as he watched you eat. You huffed as you wiped your mouth and finished your foot-long sub before he pushed over six inches sub towards you.
“Hey, don’t glare at me, if it was Aziraphale he would be taking you out for a three-course meal,” Crowley shrugs as he picks up the sub and tries to force-feed you.
“I will bite you.”
“Do it, I dare you,” He hissed, knowing that he was challenging you behind his sunglasses.
You snatched the sub out of his hand and munched away with a mouth full of food., “You haven’t told Ariza, have you?”
“Manners!” You jumped at the new voice, you huffed as Aziraphale sits down in between you and Crowley. You give him a tight smile as he looks at you with a stern look, “You’re unbelievable!”
“I forgot!” 
“It’s substantial for a human, sweetheart, only an idiot would-”
“I already heard this from Crowley, I don’t need your bitchness,”
“You will get it-”
“Uh no-”
The three of you started to bicker as you continue to eat, since then, Aziraphale makes sure you text you incisively to eat and gives you disapproving looks when you’re eating unhealthily, though he will always make room for dessert with you.
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3. If he returns injured, DO NOT scowl at him (if needed; do it lightly) and always tend to him because he would not do it himself
It was clear to the boys that you sometimes come home minorly injured, some cuts and bruises you couldn’t handle. They wish they could miracle it away but due to your agreement, you have to suffer.
So, every wince, every huff of pain, each complains, they also have to suffer with you. They hated seeing you in pain, even if was nothing. Sometimes you try to hide it but one of them always catch on.
However, the first time you came home with more than minor injuries. The two freaked out. You were gone for some expedition to calm down some werewolves and you had silver to warn them. You were sure you stopped the bleeding of the scratch, and you were luckily not bitten as you slowly make your way to your apartment, not noticing the Bentley parked nearby.
You opened the door of your apartment and stepped in, tiredly looking at your boyfriends.
You put your bag down and stumble over your feet as you felt some hands catch you, “Thanks Aziraph- Azi-A-,”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” He interrupts you, looking at Crowley desperately as the demon was seething in his spot.
“Have I ever mention that I fucking hate werewolves?”
Crowley moves towards you and picks you up, gritting his teeth as you wince loudly. Aziraphale snaps his fingers as the three of you arrived at your bathroom, the tub slowly filling up with hot water and helped you to get rid of the bloody coat and shirt off you.
You sat on the side of the tub, whilst Crowley and Aziraphale stood before you.
“What were you thinking?” Crowley started to scowl, pulling out a first aid kit whilst your angel runs a hand through your hair whilst kissing you tenderly, “Going out knowing there was a full moon.”
“Very irresponsible of you!” Aziraphale added his two cents, “I thought you know better!”
“You could have been killed, you’re not invincible-!” The demon continues as you flinched when he started to stitch put your cut, “That’s what you get!”
You looked up to them as they paused, your eyes looking so fed up. You swallow and look guilty, though you looked so exhausted of just existing at that moment as you let out a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, your voice broke at the end and letting out an uneven breath. 
“You just have to be more careful, (Y/n),” Aziraphale softly hums, as Crowley continues to stitch you up so carefully that you won’t flinch.
“We’re aware it’s your job, but,” Crowley struggles to speak honestly, he struggles to be soft.
“You have to come home to us, and seeing you injured...well.”
“It’s hard when we can’t miracle you better.”
The two looks at you as you looked down, looking at your shaky hands - that’s what blood loss does, “Lets clean you up then?”
You allowed yourself to get assisted to stripped as your boyfriends lavish you. Your skin scalding due to the hot waters before getting used to the temperature. Aziraphale washes your hair as Crowley lathes you, discovering smaller cuts and bruises appearing on your body.
After that, they help you get dressed comfy whilst Crowley miracles your hair dry and leading you to your bed, which was a super king bed. You lie in the middle as you shut your eyes, hoping to block the pain.
Your boyfriends lie beside you, unable to sleep as you sleep because they were more concerned about you. 
So, they vowed that you would never take of yourself so they had to do it. Most of the time when you come back pretty nastily, they remind you how they need you to come home safe but always drop compliments, or close to compliments in Crowley’s situation.
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4. What to do when he has a bad day.
Aziraphale's handwriting is pretty, you think now as you stare at the writing in the book. 
There was just a list of what to do when you have a bad day, not that you have many. Also, it’s subjective to each person to what is a bad day. A sad bad day or an angry bad day differ immensely, however, Aziraphale had listed different days and what to do, which by the looks of it Crowley has taken a look of it far too many times till he got it memorized.
If he’s sad, get him to the closest soft surface. Such as a bed or sofa, even your lap.
You like sitting on the angel’s lap because he had a little more weight, you liked cuddling up to him. 
Don’t force him to speak, let him tell you when ready. (I mean it, Crowley!)
You smirked when you see the little note to Crowley, Crowley gets impatient most of the time, but as he continues to date you, his patience with you grows and his patience with Aziraphale decreases.
Cuddles! Lots of them, stroke his hair, traces on his skin, just hold him! 
Affection, if there is a medal or trophy you could give to Aziraphale because he's so soft and always a sucker for affection. Crowley likes affection when it’s for him, he struggles to give back, so if you’re the one who reaches out for him then he’ll happily give it to you but he would never insinuate it.
If it’s an angry bad day, let him blow off some steam (that does not mean you can go make him do something illegal, Crowley)
There was that one time, Crowley almost convinced you to start a fight to release your anger before Aziraphale came to the rescue. Now, you go punch a punching bag at the gym if needed, they leave you be for a few hours to let you cool down.
If it’s a frustration bad day, well, the handwriting changes to Crowley’s, let him steam it off with sex! (or alcohol) - only with his permission, obviously.
You chuckled at the demon’s eagerness for sex and alcohol, but also respectful of your boundaries and such. You were even amused that Aziraphale had not crossed out Crowley’s suggestion because it was true.
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You shut the book and put it away. There were a few more rules added with the scrawls of your boyfriends, but you couldn’t possibly have the time to read all of them. You tapped your finger against the wooden desk, you looked at the book with narrowed eyes, upon the shelves wedged in between with other books owned by your angel.
You picked up your bag and checked how much money you have as you made your way to the nearest supermarket for a book also. Clean and ready for your ink to spill.
And you would affectionately call it: How to Date a Demon and an Angel.
You might have to change the “A Demon and an Angel” Bit to something shorter, it’s a working process.
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