#Ayurveda in Hindi
directsellingnow · 2 months
Ayurveda in Hindi: पुराने से पुराने जोड़ों के दर्द और गठिया को जड़ से ख़त्म कर सकती है यह एक हर्ब
Ayurveda in Hindi: कभी सोचा है एक natural remedy के बारे में जो आपके जोड़ों के दर्द को शांत करे और बिना किसी सिंथेटिक दवाओं के सूजन को कम करे? आपका इंतज़ार अब ख़तम होता है! शल्लाकी (Shallaki) जड़ी बूटी, जो बोसवेलिया सेराटा के नाम से भी जानी जाती है, जोड़ों से जुड़ी आपकी तमाम परेशानियों को दूर करने में मददगार है। शल्लाकी के फायदे Shallaki, या फिर बोसवेलिया सेराटा, एक शक्तिशाली जड़ी बूटी है, जो कई…
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mantralipi · 2 years
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महा काली साधना के कुछ नियम और गुप्त कथा || know about mahakali sadhana disciplines or hidden story
Homeतंत्र शास्त्र
महा काली साधना के कुछ नियम और गुप्त कथा || know about mahakali sadhana disciplines or hidden story
महा काली साधना के कुछ नियम और गुप्त कथा
किसी भी मन्त्र-तन्त्र की साधना से पूर्व निम्नलिखित निर्देशों को ध्यान में रखना आवश्यक है :- (९) मंत्र-तन्त्र का जप अंग-शुद्धि, सरलीकरण एवं विधि-विधान पुर्बक करना उचित है। आत्म-रक्षा के लिए सरलीकरण की आवश्यकता (२), किसी भी तन्त्र अथवा मन्त की साधना करते समय उक्त पर पूणं श्रद्धा रखना आवश्यक है, अन्यंथा वांछित फल प्राप्त नहीं 'होगा । (३) मन्त्रतन्त्र साघन के समय शरीर का स्वस्थ्य एवं पवित्र रहना आव-श्यक है। चित्त शान्त हो तथा मन में किसी प्रकार की ग्लानि न रहे। 
(४ शुद्ध, हवादार, पवित्र एवं एकान्त-स्थान में ही मन्त्र साधना करनी चाहिए । मन्त्र-तन्त्र साधना की समाप्ति तक एक स्थान परिवतेन नहीं करना चाहीये । 
(५) जिस मंत्र की जैसी -विधि वणित दै, उसी के अनुरूप सभी कमं करने बाहिए अन्यथा परिवर्तन करने से निघ्न-बाधाएँ उपस्थित हो सकती हैं तथा सिद्धी में भी ज्यादा पड़ने के लिये
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elifeayurveda · 2 months
Take care of your Joint Pain by Arthosanjivani capsule
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khulkarjiyo · 1 year
Attar Ayurveda Indigo Powder: काले बाल करने के लिए नेचुरल हेयर डाई
इंडिगो पाउडर को सभी जानते हैं लेकिन आज हम Attar Ayurveda Indigo Powder की बात करेंगे। इंडिगो पाउडर प्राकृतिक पदार्थ है जो बालों को बिना कोई नुकसान पहुंचाए नेचुरल तरीके से काला और डार्क ब्राउन रंग देता है। Attar Ayurveda Indigo Powder क्या है? इंडिगो पाउडर ना तो मेहंदी है ना ही कोई केमिकल युक्त प्रोडक्ट, यह एक प्राकृतिक पाउडर है जो पौधे से प्राप्त किया जाता है। Attar ayurveda Indigo powder in…
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ayuvyaayurveda5 · 1 year
Ayuvya Boomax (60 capsules): breast increase capsule 
Breast enhancement is a topic that has usually over common in the fashion and beauty industry. The beauty standards, which are been set in society made women think and desire their beauty, especially about their breasts. Due to this, a product has gained popularity which is the breast increase capsule. Breast increase capsules are supplements that claim to enhance the size, shape, and firmness of the breasts. 
The Ayuvya Boomax breast increase capsules are made with natural ingredients like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, and Yashti Madhu along with 8 other powerful herbs. It helps in increasing cup size and enhances breast shape. 
Ayuvya Boomax breast increase capsules contain: 
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Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha may offer a perfect answer to how to enlarge breasts naturally. It can regulate the synthesis of female hormones in the body. Ashwagandha can help to relieve the other complaints associated with thyroid diseases such as irregular menses & infertility. 
Fenugreek: Research shows that fenugreek helps increase bust size because it is a hormonally active herb. 
Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds help to increase bust size because it is a hormonally active herb. It’s suggested due to the presence of phytoestrogens present in fennel which promote the growth of breast tissue. 
Shatavari: Shatavari is an Ayurvedic rasayana herb which is also known as the female-friendly herb. It enhances breast development and increases breast milk production by regulating hormonal balance. 
Flaxseed: Increases blood circulation & uplifts breasts 
Safed Musli: Safed musli or White musli is a wildly grown white-colored herb. It is often referred to as "White gold" or "Divya pushed" known for boosting the Breasts' growth & lifting the sagging Breasts. 
Benefits of using Ayuvya boombox breast increase capsules: 
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• it helps in increasing elasticity, tightens muscles, and provides firmer toned breasts.  
• it helps to cure sagging skin and releases toxins and stress. 
•it helps in increasing blood flow and uplifts the breasts.
How to use the Ayuvya boombox breast increase capsule : 
Take 1-2 capsules twice a day or as directed by your healthcare expert. Keep 1-2 hours of gap between capsules and food. 
To sum up, we should know that healthcare is not just only about taking supplements. To get the full benefits of breast increase capsules avoid fried and spicy food instead eat a lot of vegetables. Exercise regularly for 30 minutes.  
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jjstorynpl · 1 year
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htlifestyle · 2 years
Innumerable Benefits Of Triphala | Homeveda | HT Lifestyle
Are you always looking for ways to promote your immune system and treat various health problems in a natural manner? Do you frequently suffer from constipation but are unable to figure out a long-term solution? Or are you looking for ways to boost your skin and hair health? Today, in Homeveda, I am going to tell you about a powerful herbal remedy that has not one or two, but many health benefits. Yes, I am talking about Triphala, a combination that translates to three fruits called amla, Bibhitaki and Haritaki.
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directsellingnow · 9 days
Ayurvedic Junction ने फरीदाबाद में किया Education & Product Training प्रोग्राम का आयोजन
Network Marketing: Herbal और Food Supplement के क्षेत्र में प्रमुख निर्माता Ayurvedic Junction ने 8 सितम्बर को फरीदाबाद में (Hotel Hansraj Faridabad) में एक विशेष Education & Product Training (शिक्षा और उत्पाद प्रशिक्षण) कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। इस कार्यक्रम में इंडस्ट्री के प्रमुख Guest Speaker Mr. Ankur Mathur और Mr. Aseem Mathur विशेष रूप से शामिल रहे। इस कार्यक्रम में कई महत्वपूर्ण Key…
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probuilder256 · 2 years
Cow milk vs buffalo milk
Milk is a staple in the diet of many people around the world. It is rich in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein, and is used to make a variety of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and butter. While cow milk is the most commonly consumed type of milk, buffalo milk is also popular in many regions of the world. In this article, we will explore the differences between cow milk and buffalo milk and the benefits of each.
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elifeayurveda · 2 years
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Best Joint Pain relief capsule, Arthosanjivani. Supply all over India with cheap rate.
Joint pain is parts of the body and bones meet. Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a common complaint. It doesn’t typically require a hospital visit. To reduce quickly and the harmless way is, take Arthosanjivani capsule/oil per day. You can order this from Arthosajivani Is combination of unique Herbs and goodness of ayurvedic mixtures, which provide a comprehensive solution for Joint pain. It works externally by reaching to the pain site through blood circulation. Arthosajivani is beneficial in various joint related pain, stiffness, muscular pain and sprain. https://www.elifeayurveda.co.in. https://www.elifeayurveda.co.in/artosajivani
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fbstatusquotesblog · 2 years
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i-should-have-studied · 2 months
IA Prep: Botany (Medicinal Botany)
Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum
Telugu name: Tulasi
English name: Holy basil
Sanskrit name: Vrinda
Family: Lamiaceae
Morphology: Erect, highly branched, softly pubescent aromatic sub shrub/annual herb.
Leaves range from elliptic to oblong, flowers white to purple, fruits are ellipsoidal nutlets - carcerulus.
Useful parts: The entire plant, especially the essential oil extracted from the leaves.
Chemical constituents: Eugenol (70%), Methyl eugenol (20%), Carvacrol (3%), Caryophylene (1%)
- Antibacterial
- Insecticidal
- Diaphoretic (induces perspiration)
- Expectorant (clears lungs from excess mucus)
- Carminative (prevents formation or facilitates expulsion of gas)
- Treats Catarrh (excessive discharge of mucus in the nose and throat due to inflammation of the mucous membrane)
- Treats cough, cold, gastric disorders, etc.
- Treats snake bite and scorpion sting.
Botanical name: Curcuma longa
Telugu name: Pasupu
English name: Turmeric
Hindi name: Haldi
Sanskrit name: Haridra
Family: Zingiberaceae
Useful Part: Rhizome
- Primary rhizome: Oblong and ovate, often called bulbs or round turmeric.
- Secondary rhizome: Cylindrical long, branching, tapering at both ends. Commonly called fingers.
Used as raw material, subjected to further processing.
Has a characteristic pungent odor and bitter taste.
Chemical Constituents: Curcumin provides the distinct yellow color, three analogs have been detected so far: Curcumin I, Curcumin II, Curcumin III.
The volatile oil contains monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes like zingiberene, turmerone, borneol and cineol.
- Antiseptic
- Astringent (tightening of soft body tissues)
- Carminative (prevents formation or expulsion of gas)
- Blood purification
- Treatment of Cough, Cold, Skin Diseases, Jaundice, and Menstrual Cramps.
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Turning Brain is The Top Mobile App for Medical Physiology Lectures available in both Hindi/Hinglish
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Dr. Preeti Tyagi is the Best Physiology faculty in India, ensuring that you receive top-quality education. In our App you'll find Physiology lectures delivered by the Best Medical Physiology Faculty, Dr Preeti Tyagi (MBBS, MD). We designed an APP having best online video lectures of Medical physiology for MBBS 1st year, Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGE), NEET-PG and 1st year students of different medical courses like BDS 1st year, MD physiology, BAMS 1st year, MD physiology (AYURVEDA), Nursing, Paramedical, MSC zoology, MSC Physiology etc. Whether you are a medical student or simply interested in learning about physiology, Turning Brain is here to make understanding easy and enjoyable. By subscribing to the Turning Brain App, MCQ are also accessible to the users. More than 2000 Physiology MCQs are available for best exam preparation.
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keralatour10 · 1 year
The Faces Who Made Kerala Proud
Kerala boasts the highest literacy rate in India and as per the latest census it has a projection of 94%. With the sobriquets ‘God’s Own Country’, ‘Land of Coconut’ and ‘Spice Garden of India’, Kerala has always been in the limelight from the perspective of tourism. Thanks to its incredible geographical features. Although being a small state, occupying around 1% of India’s total area, Kerala is always presented as an honorary example for its rich culture, education, ayurveda and other development. Kerala has also given rise to several personalities who have made Kerala and India tremendously proud.
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P T Usha - Frequently called ‘Queen of Indian Track and Field’, P. T. Usha was born in Kozhikode, Kerala on 27th June, 1964. Nicknamed the Golden Girl, P T Usha has been associated with Indian Athletes since 1979. She had an illustrious career in athletics and won 33 international medals. In 1984 she was honoured with the Arjuna Award and the Padma Shree Award. The Indian Olympic Association has crowned her with the name ‘Sportsperson of the Century’.
Raja Ravi Varma - Raja Ravi Varma was born on April 29, 1948, in Kilimanoor Palace, Kerala, and is the most celebrated artist in the history of Indian Arts. His artistic talent was exposed at a young age by his uncle who provided him the elementary guidance. He got exposure to various art forms and himself mastered portraits, portrait-based compositions and myths and legends-based theatrical compositions. Ravi Varma received the first prize at the Madras Painting Exhibition in 1873. Shakuntala Composing a Love Letter to King Dushyanta, Damayanti Talking to a Swan and many more are among the famed paintings of Ravi Varma.
Dr. K J Yesudas - A notable Indian classical musician and playback singer, Yesudad was born in Fort Kochi, on January 10, 1940. His musical voice has recorded more than 40,000 songs in Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Gujarati, Marathi, Odiya, Arabic, English, Russian, Latin and many more. Initially, Yesudas was groomed by his own father Augustine Joseph, who was a classical musician and a stage actor, and later he joined the Music Academy. His career started with playback singing in Malayalam and Kollywood movies in the 1960s and in the mid-1970s, he set his foot in the Bollywood industry. Yesudas garnered 7 National Film Awards for the best singer in Indian Cinema.
Arundhati Roy - A renowned novelist and political activist, Arundhati Roy was borned on 24th November, 1961. Although she took birth in Shillong, she shifted to Kerala, to her mother’s maternal house at the age of 2, and completed her schooling there. She has won several awards both for her writing talent and social work. Arundhati Roy began her career by writing the screenplay ‘In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones’ in 1989, which was directed by her husband Pradip Krishen. Her semi-autobiographical novel ‘The God of Small Things’ in 1996 brought her worldwide fame and received the Booker Prize in 1997. 
Vidya Balan - The popular Indian actress was born on 1st January, 1978, in Palakkad, Kerala. She has played the role of a strong female protagonist in several movies. In 2005 she acted in the movie Parineeta and received the Filmfare Award for best female debut. Paa is yet another notable movie of Vidya Balan which brought her the Filmfare best actress award. Vidya Balan was honoured with the Padma Shri award in 2014 for her meticulous contributions to Indian Cinema. 
Almost every travel enthusiast’s bucket list in India contains a trip to Kerala. Your Kerala Tour Booking will provide a detailed overview of the unique landscapes of Kerala, but familiarising with these personalities and their achievements is worth cherishing the talents of India. There are many more individuals who inscribed their identity in Indian history for their distinguished attributes. 
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pallavivyas · 21 days
Amla Immunity Against Coronavirus, Ayurveda
Ayurveda experts have stressed that medicinal herbs such as amla, giloy, shilajit and neem are helpful in strengthening the immune system which is key to fighting the deadly coronavirus. Amla Juice is an Immunity Booster Amla, Indian Gooseberry The Amalaki plant, as it is called in Sanskrit, is called Indian Gooseberry in English, Amla in Hindi. Amalaki is considered one of the most potent and…
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medicosutra · 1 month
Ways to self-treat mumps; MedicoSutra
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self-treatment methods for mumps have been helping people since ancient times. In this article, we will discuss home remedies for mumps and also focus on how to prevent mumps so that it can be stopped from recurring or spreading.
Ways to self-treat mumps
(1.) Some indigenous methods are adopted for self-treatment of mumps, which mainly includes self-treatment of mumps with the help of the patient's food and drink, cleanliness, red medicine (potash permanganate), milk and raisins. If the effect of mumps is more, then Ayurvedic, homeopathic and allopathic medicine for mumps should be used with the advice of a mumps specialist.
(2) If a child or man gets mumps, isolate him for at least 6 to 7 days. This can prevent the paramyxovirus of mumps from spreading.
(3) A patient of mumps should get his mouth cleaned thoroughly at least once or twice a day. During this time, he should rinse his mouth with red medicine (potash permanganate).
(4) Give more liquids to the patient suffering from mumps. If he tries to eat hard food, it can hurt the throat and he also faces problem in chewing hard food. If the patient is experiencing severe pain in mumps, he should immediately contact a specialist.
Home Remedies for Galsua in Hindi
One way to treat mumps on your own is to make a cotton cloth bundle and lightly heat it on a hot pan. After that, slowly apply the hot bundle to the mumps. This process can be done two to three times a day.
From time to time, one should gargle by mixing half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. This is considered useful for the prevention of mumps.
Swelling and pain can be reduced by applying an ice pack on the mumps. This gives relief to the patient. Apply ice pack on the mumps affected area two to three times a day.
What should not be eaten in mumps (Galsua me kya nahi khaana chahiye)
If the patient is confused about what to eat and what not to eat in mumps, then first of all he should refuse sour foods. Because consuming sour fruits during mumps can increase swelling. Apart from this, sour fruits contain acidity due to which they can also cause burning sensation in the mouth. Some small children whose digestive system is weak, when they consume sour fruits in large quantities, their digestive system does not work properly.
Homemade treatment for mumps / Mumps bandage
According to Ayurveda and Ayurvedacharya, in case of mumps, there is swelling in the red gland due to phlegm. If there is swelling in it, then grind any one of the medicines like leprosy, turmeric , chitrakula, mustard, saubhan etc. in dhatura juice and make a paste on it. After this, apply the paste on the mumps with light hands. When it is applied properly, then tie it with a light cotton on top. This leaf of mumps can prove to be especially beneficial.
Mumps is called by many names such as; earwax, earlobe fever, earlobe fever, stone donkey, mumps, epidemic parotitis, etc.
How does mumps occur (Galsua kaise hota hai)
Mumps is a type of virus that spreads from one patient to another through infection. It is mostly seen in children between the ages of 5 to 15 years. It usually spreads in the spring season. If someone gets infected with mumps, then the parietal glands get swollen.
does mumps form pus
No, mumps does not form pus if it is a normal inflammation. But it can cause serious problems if proper care is not taken.
Symptoms of mumps
There are many types of symptoms of mumps. If you are not able to identify them then you must seek the advice of a mumps specialist. Let us know what are the initial symptoms of mumps;
Mumps often comes on suddenly
During this period, the patient may have a sore throat, fever and pain behind the ear.
Pain on opening the mouth
Inflammation with high fever
In some cases, a slight swelling may also be felt in the front part of the chest
Patient feels pain while speaking
Pain in eating hard food
Pain is felt when the swelling of the mumps is pressed
Foul odor from mouth
Mouth always feels dry
Feeling tired
Not feeling like eating anything i.e. loss of appetite
In how many days does a sore throat heal (Galsua kitne di me thik hota hai)
In most cases, mumps is cured within 20 to 25 days with proper care. Quick recovery of mumps also depends on the health of the child. Healthy children who have strength in their body do not feel weakness easily.
mumps is spread by
Mumps is a type of viral infection that spreads rapidly from one patient to another due to lack of cleanliness. It spreads in the form of droplets while breathing or by consuming contaminated food and water.
What harm does mumps cause to the body
Many types of diseases can occur when mumps occurs such as, the number of sperms produced in Sertoli cells decreases drastically. Apart from this, swelling also occurs in the stomach due to mumps, due to which vomiting, diarrhea and severe pain in the stomach are felt, but it gets cured in three to four days.
Can mumps make a person deaf
Yes, if proper care is not taken in time, then complaints of deafness can also be seen in children due to mumps. Therefore, if mumps is bothering you a lot, then instead of treating the mumps yourself, it is better to consult a specialist.
Ways to Treat Mumps Yourself - Conclusion
Friends, in this article we have learned how to cure mumps by treating it ourselves. Along with this, we have also learned about the symptoms of mumps and special precautions. Friends, mumps is a type of infection spread by a virus. Special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of children between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Along with this, children should also be taught that if they see any such patient, they should immediately maintain a proper distance from them. Along with this, if mumps is taken care of properly, then it generally does not cause any serious disease.
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