#Ayodhya Local News
daily-quiz-join · 3 months
Ayodhya Ram Mandir: पहली ही बारिश में टपकने लगी 'राम मंदिर' की छत, मुख्य पुजारी का चौंका देने वाला दावा
राम जन्मभूमि मंदिर के भव्य उद्घाटन को एक साल भी नहीं हुआ है, गर्भगृह में पानी के रिसाव की खबरें सामने आ चुकी हैं। भव्य मंदिर के मुख्य पुजारी आचार्य सत्येंद्र दास ने कहा है कि पहली बारिश के बाद ही मंदिर की छत टपकने लगी थी। इससे राम मंदिर निर्माण पर चिंता बढ़ गई है। राम मंदिर के चल रहे निर्माण कार्य के बारे में बोलते हुए, मुख्य पुजारी ने कहा कि जुलाई 2025 तक निर्माण पूरा होना असंभव है। हालांकि,…
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bfpnola · 1 year
definitely a longer piece so these excerpts are far from showcasing everything this piece has to offer! read the whole thing on your own time, and in general, just check out jewish currents, an educational, leftist, anti-zionist jewish magazine!
Every August, the township of Edison, New Jersey—where one in five residents is of Indian origin—holds a parade to celebrate India’s Independence Day. In 2022, a long line of floats rolled through the streets, decked out in images of Hindu deities and colorful advertisements for local businesses. People cheered from the sidelines or joined the cavalcade, dancing to pulsing Bollywood music. In the middle of the procession came another kind of vehicle: A wheel loader, which looks like a small bulldozer, rumbled along the route bearing an image of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi aloft in its bucket. For South Asian Muslims, the meaning of the addition was hard to miss. A few months earlier, during the month of Ramadan, Indian government officials had sent bulldozers into Delhi’s Muslim neighborhoods, where they damaged a mosque and leveled homes and storefronts. The Washington Post called the bulldozer “a polarizing symbol of state power under Narendra Modi,” whose ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is increasingly enacting a program of Hindu supremacy and Muslim subjugation. In the weeks after the parade, one Muslim resident of Edison, who is of Indian origin, told The New York Times that he understood the bulldozer much as Jews would a swastika or Black Americans would a Klansman’s hood. Its inclusion underscored the parade’s other nods to the ideology known as Hindutva, which seeks to transform India into an ethnonationalist Hindu state. The event’s grand marshal was the BJP’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra, who flew in from India. Other invitees were affiliated with the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), the international arm of the Hindu nationalist paramilitary force Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), of which Modi is a longtime member.
On December 6th, 1992, a mob of 150,000 Hindus, many of whom were affiliated with the paramilitary group the RSS, gathered at the Babri Masjid, a centuries-old mosque that is one of the most contested sacred sites in the world. Over the preceding century, far-right Hindus had claimed that the mosque, located in the North Indian city of Ayodhya, was built not only upon the site where the Hindu deity Ram was born but atop the foundations of a demolished Hindu temple. The RSS and its affiliates had been campaigning to, in the words of a BJP minister, correct the “historical mistake” of the mosque’s existence, a task the mob completed that December afternoon. “They climbed on top of the domes and tombs,” one witness told NPR. “They were carrying hammers and these three-pronged spears from Hindu scripture. They started hacking at the mosque. By night, it was destroyed.” The demolition sparked riots that lasted months and killed an estimated 2,000 people across the country.
The destruction of the Babri Masjid was arguably Hindu nationalism’s greatest triumph to date. Since its establishment in 1925, the RSS—whose founders sought what one of them called a “military regeneration of the Hindus,” inspired by Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Nazi “race pride”—had been a marginal presence in India: Its members held no elected office, and it was temporarily designated a terrorist organization after one of its affiliates shot and killed Mohandas Gandhi in 1948. But the leveling of the Babri Masjid activated a virulently ethnonationalist base and paved the way for three decades of Hindutva ascendance. In 1998, the BJP formed a government for the first time; in 2014, it returned to power, winning a staggering 282 out of 543 seats in parliament and propelling Modi into India’s highest office. Since then, journalist Samanth Subramanian notes, all of the country’s governmental and civil society institutions “have been pressured to fall in line” with a Hindutva agenda—a phenomenon on full display in 2019, when the Supreme Court of India awarded the land where the Babri Masjid once stood to a government run by the very Hindu nationalists who illegally destroyed it. (Modi has since laid a foundation stone for a new Ram temple in Ayodhya, an event that a prominent RSS activist celebrated with a billboard in Times Square.) The Ayodhya verdict came in the same year that Modi stripped constitutional protections from residents of the Muslim-majority region of Kashmir and passed a law that creates a fast track to citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants, laying the groundwork for a religious test for Indian nationality. Under Modi, “the Hinduization of India is almost complete,” as journalist Yasmeen Serhan has written in The Atlantic.
To achieve its goals, the RSS has worked via a dense network of organizations that call themselves the “Sangh Parivar” (“joint family”) of Hindu nationalism. The BJP, which holds more seats in the Indian parliament than every other party combined, is the Sangh’s electoral face. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is the movement’s cultural wing, responsible for “Hinduizing” Indian society at the grassroots level. The Bajrang Dal is the project’s militant arm, which enforces Hindu supremacy through violence. Dozens of other organizations contribute money and platforms to the Sangh. The sheer number of groups affords the Sangh what human rights activist Pranay Somayajula has referred to as a “tactical politics of plausible deniability,” in which the many degrees of separation between the governing elements and their vigilante partners shields the former from backlash. This explains how, until 2018, the CIA could describe the VHP and Bajrang Dal as “militant religious organizations”—a designation that applies to non-electoral groups exerting political pressure—even as successive US governments have maintained a warm relationship with their parliamentary counterpart, the BJP.
The most extreme figures in the Hindu nationalist and Zionist movements were especially frank about the nature of their partnership: “Whether you call them Palestinians, Afghans, or Pakistanis, the root of the problem for Hindus and Jews is Islam,” Bajrang Dal affiliate Rohit Vyasmaan told The New York Times of his friendly relationship with Mike Guzofsky, a member of a violent militant group connected to the infamous Jewish supremacist Meir Kahane’s Kach Party.
In 2003, Gary Ackerman—a Jewish former congressman who was awarded India’s third-highest civilian honor for helping to found the Congressional Caucus on India—told a gathering of AJC and AIPAC representatives and their Indian counterparts that “Israel [is] surrounded by 120 million Muslims,” while “India has 120 million [within].” Tom Lantos, another Jewish member of the caucus, likewise enjoined the two communities to collaborate: “We are drawn together by mindless, vicious, fanatic, Islamic terrorism.”
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doorhine · 8 months
"Driving through the Mira Road neighbourhood of Mumbai was a usual affair for 21-year-old Mohammad Tariq, who ran errands on his father’s white loading auto carrier.
But on Tuesday, participants in a Hindu nationalist rally stopped the vehicle in the middle of the road. Young boys – mostly teenagers – dragged him out. They punched and kicked him and thrashed him with batons, flag staffs and iron chains, his 54-year-old father, Abdul Haque told Al Jazeera. Since then, Haque said, “[Tariq] has been terrified.”
The rally, which was shared over multiple live streams, turned into a mob, targeting several Muslims in the locality, rampaging through their shops and damaging vehicles while chanting “Jai Shri Ram” (Victory to Lord Ram). Similar rallies, often to the beat of booming far-right pop music, took place outside mosques and Muslim neighbourhoods across several states in India.
The trigger was the consecration of a Ram temple in the ancient city of Ayodhya in northern India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday. The temple is being built on the site where the 16th century Babri Masjid stood until 1992, when Hindu far-right mobs tore down the mosque, triggering nationwide riots that killed more than 2,000 people, mostly Muslims."
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mariacallous · 7 months
Last week, the Indian state of Uttarakhand passed a bill to adopt a controversial Uniform Civil Code (UCC), which will bring an end to religious or personal laws governing marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance, among other issues. The change will bring all communities together under a common law to regulate those practices. The new legislation has already faced pushback from Muslim leaders and other members of India’s political class.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) hope that Uttarakhand will serve as a model for the introduction of a UCC across India, or at least across BJP-ruled states. Some of these states, including Assam and Modi’s home state of Gujarat, are already considering their own UCC bills and are keen to use the Uttarakhand code as a template, although they may tweak the legislation to address local needs. Despite its seeming impartiality, the UCC pushed by the BJP would be a threat to India’s religious pluralism.
The idea of a UCC has long caused consternation among India’s religious minorities, especially Muslims. Muslim politicians and religious leaders have suggested a UCC would amount to unwarranted interference in their community’s norms, especially when it comes to specific legal protections related to marriage, divorce, and inheritance. The Uttarakhand code even regulates live-in relationships—a clear nod to conservative Hindus, many of whom frown on such arrangements.
These critics’ misgivings are not without merit. The BJP has long pursued three contentious goals that impinge disproportionately on the interests of the Muslim community: the abolition of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which granted special autonomous status to the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir; the construction of a Hindu temple in the city of Ayodhya on the site of a mosque demolished by a Hindu mob in 1992; and the adoption of a nationwide UCC. It achieved the first goal in 2019, and the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is not yet complete but was consecrated last month.
However, the idea of a UCC goes back decades to India’s foundations as an independent state. The subject was extensively debated by the constituent assembly that helped forge India’s constitution in 1949, but it was not resolved. Owing to the sensitivities of religious communities, most notably Muslims, no government was willing to tackle the politically fraught question. So why is it the unabashedly pro-Hindu BJP government—and not one controlled by the Indian National Congress party, which is committed to secularism—that has taken up the issue of the UCC? The answer requires a bit of historical exegesis.
The prevalence of separate personal laws for different religious communities in India can be traced to a colonial-era regulation. Warren Hastings, then the governor of Bengal and later the first British governor-general of India, directed in 1772 that “in all suits regarding inheritance, marriage, caste and other religious usages and institutions, the laws of the Koran with respect to the Mahomedans and those of the Shaster with respect to Gentoos [Hindus] shall be invariably adhered to.” In 1937, the British Raj enacted the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, which codified Islamic law for marriage, divorce, succession, inheritance, and other family affairs.
Those who drafted the Indian Constitution debated the necessity of a UCC, with most Muslim members against it. One of the principal architects of the constitution, B.R. Ambedkar, argued that if India could have a common criminal code, it could also have common personal laws, and suggested that a uniform civil code initially be voluntary. The framers instead settled for Article 44, a set of non-justiciable directives that range from prohibiting cow slaughter to curbing liquor consumption. It also called on the Indian state to endeavor toward a UCC for its citizens.
During Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s first term (1952-1957), the Congress party succeeded in codifying Hindu personal law through four pieces of legislation in the face of opposition. Conservative forces decried the move to meddle with Hindu personal laws, while reformists wondered why the changes were restricted to Hindus alone. But when asked about a uniform civil code, Nehru said that the time was not ripe for it.
The matter largely remained unaddressed until 1978, when Shah Bano—a recently divorced Muslim woman—sued her former husband in a lower court in central India for not providing alimony in accordance with the Indian penal code. The local court awarded Bano monthly basic maintenance, which was later increased by a high court. Bano’s husband, Mohammed Ahmad Khan, later challenged the matter before the Indian Supreme Court. Khan contended that he was not obliged to support his former wife under Muslim personal law because he had paid a dowry and three months’ maintenance.
In 1985, the Supreme Court not only rejected Khan’s appeal, but also came out in support of a nationwide UCC. At the time, Chief Justice of India Y.V. Chandrachud—the father of the current chief justice—asked why Article 44 remained a “dead letter,” noting that the Indian state lacked the “political courage” to enact a UCC. The judgment created a firestorm, especially among the Muslim community.
The Congress government led by then-Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi responded by passing the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act in 1986, which said that maintenance had to be paid only for the waiting period for a widowed or divorced woman, usually three months—effectively nullifying the Supreme Court ruling. The new law doused the controversy for the moment, but it also opened up the Congress government to charges of so-called minority appeasement. Today, the BJP tends to characterize the Congress party and others as placating Muslims and other religious minorities in the name of secularism.
Since the Shah Bano case, several court rulings have whittled away at Muslim personal law—but none more so than the 2017 Supreme Court ruling that determined the practice of instant triple talaq to be unconstitutional. The ruling came in response to women’s petitions challenging the practice, in which Muslim men can divorce their wives by uttering “talaq” (divorce) three times in quick succession. Indians across the political spectrum welcomed the judgment for advancing women’s rights, but some observers saw it as another step toward a UCC. The BJP government followed up with the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act in 2019, which made triple talaq a punishable offense.
The UCC indeed has the potential to bolster women’s rights in India by doing away with the anachronistic traditions of some religious groups. But improving the lot of Indian women does not appear to be what drives the BJP. Instead, the party’s pursuit of a UCC appears to be an attempt to stigmatize a particular faith under the guise of enhancing the status of women. (After all, if the BJP were truly concerned about women’s autonomy, it would not have sought to ban the dubious concept of love jihad, which suggests that Muslim men insidiously entice Hindu women into marrying them under questionable circumstances.)
Uttarakhand’s adoption of a UCC is a step toward fulfilling one of the BJP’s key election promises and a staple of its manifestos for the last three decades. Goa is the only other state that currently has a UCC, but its common law dates to the 19th century, when the state was under Portuguese rule. Despite efforts in other BJP-ruled states, a nationwide UCC may be some time away. Still, both Modi and Indian Home Minister Amit Shah have spoken about the idea, with Shah saying recently that the BJP “remains steadfast in bringing in UCC.”
India’s current political climate is far more amenable to the idea of a UCC than in the past. Modi and the BJP are very popular, and unlike the Congress party, they do not rely on Muslim voters to win elections. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that other religious minority groups such as Sikhs, as well as indigenous communities and the Dalit community, feel the potential of a UCC to infringe on religious and cultural rights. (The Uttarakhand code exempts the indigenous peoples of the state, who make up 3 percent of the state population but are present in greater numbers elsewhere.)
The BJP has succeeded in achieving its long-held goals in Indian-administered Kashmir and in Ayodhya. India’s national election is swiftly approaching, and the Modi government has a seemingly inexorable commitment to its Hindu nationalist agenda. If it returns to power this spring with a clear-cut parliamentary majority, the implementation of a nationwide UCC will likely figure prominently in its political priorities, pushing back against what remains of India’s commitment to religious pluralism.
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alfvaen · 8 months
Novel Score
It's sometime around the beginning of a month, which apparently means these days that it's time for me to do a roundup post of the books I read in the preceding month--in this case, January 2024. Once again have been keeping on top of it during the month which helps me actually produce it in a timely manner. Because I started this back in November/December, doing monthly book posts isn't a New Year's resolution, unless the resolution was just "keep doing it". I'm keeping doing it.
Book list under the cut, book-related ramblings may include spoilers for Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series, Martha Wells's Murderbot series, Kelly Meding's Dreg City series, and maybe others. You have been warned.
Ashok Banker: Siege of Mithila, completed January 6
As mentioned previously, I am rapidly running out of books by male "diversity" slot authors in my collection. I read the first Ashok Banker book, Prince of Ayodhya, a few years earlier, and was kind of meh on it, so I wasn't sure if I would continue. But I did pick up the other one as a library discard (ah, the days when I got books and CDs as library discards…back when they used to have a sale rack in the local branch all the time, instead of saving them up for periodic bulk sales…) so I hadn't entirely given up on it. So, in not quite desperation, I turned to Siege of Mithila as my next diversity read.
The series is apparently a retelling of the Ramayana, which is some kind of important epic in India, though I can't judge if it's like "the Bible" or "King Arthur" or "The Iliad" or what, but I assume it's somewhere on that level, at least among certain cultures. My brief skimming of the Wikipedia article on the Ramayana implies that Banker is following the story pretty closely, which means that sometimes it gets a little weird plotwise, but is perhaps more revealing culturally or something. And sometimes it's a wee bit problematic…like the way that the main adversary for the first two books is Ravana, lord of the Asuras (basically demons), who rules over the southern island kingdom of Lanka (like…"Sri Lanka"?), which is populated entirely by Asuras. Which is about like if there was a fantasy series set in England where they had to fight evil demons from the western island kingdom of Eire or something. (Wait…do they have those?) One wonders if this series (or the original Ramayana) are quite as popular in Sri Lanka, then…
Anyway, we mostly follow Rama, the titular Prince of Ayodhya from the first book, and his half-brother Lakshman, but a lot of this book is also set back in the palace in Ayodhya following Rama's father the Maharaja, his three wives, and the evil (and hunchbacked--oh look, it's equating deformity with wickedness, that's awesome) witch Manthara as she and Ravana try to sabotage the kingdom from within. Rama and Lakshman end up going to Mithila instead of back to Ayodhya, and foiling a big Asura attack on the city, which comes unbelievably close to the end of the book and is not quite solved by deus ex machina, but doesn't feel particularly satisfying.
One element of the series is that some of the characters are just like ridiculously powerful sages who were like "I've been meditating for 5000 years so I'm really wise and can do anything, though I guess I should let Rama solve a few things on his own to gain some of his own wisdom". Not that this is all that different from, say, Gandalf or Merlin, of course... There are also some odd storytelling choices, like switching to a different set of characters just at a dramatic point in a different storyline, or, in one major side-quest, just skipping the ending of it and coming back to it a couple of chapters later in flashbacks. Also, one character is given important advice by a ghost which he then completely ignores (luckily other people overrule him, but it bugged me).
The book kind of feels like the second book of a trilogy, but not quite, which makes sense because apparently there are eight other books in the series, so it's not just about fighting Ravana and the Asuras. I'm on the bubble about the series, as you may have gathered, so I don't know offhand if I'll be going on.
T. Kingfisher: Clockwork Boys, completed January 9
I paced myself going through Siege of Mithila, taking seven days for it (I started on December 31st to get a little head start), so it put me a bit behind on my Goodreads challenge (100 books for the year, again). This means, time to read some shorter things! I haven't read any T. Kingfisher yet (though I have read, like, the webcomic "Digger" under her real name, Ursula Vernon, if nothing else), so I let my wife, who has read a lot of them, suggest which one I should start with, and this was the one she chose (at the time; it may have been a couple of years ago). We have it as an ebook from Kobo, which sometimes makes it a little hard to tell how long the book actually is in pages, but Goodreads claimed it was under 300 pages, so it seemed a possible three-day read.
I was, I guess, vaguely expecting a steampunk story involving two boys who were made of clockwork or something, but apparently it's more straight fantasy (not too similar to the Ramayana was far as I can tell, though, which is good because I like consecutive reads to vary in genre if at all possible) where the Clockwork Boys are the bad guys. Also, apparently this is the first of a duology, a "long book split in two" duology as opposed to "book and a sequel featuring the same characters" duology.
The characters seem somewhat interesting, though I'm not sure I'm 100% won over. Sir Caliban for some reason reminds me of both Sanderson's Kaladin and Bujold's Cazaril, but maybe it's just the similarity of names enhancing certain similarities of character. And the demons also made me think of Bujold's Penric books. Maybe the tone is a little light for me on this one. We've got the second one as an ebook too, so I'll finish it off at some point and then maybe take a look at Nettle & Bone or something.
Kelly Meding: The Night Before Dead, completed January 12
As I may have also mentioned previously, I've tried a whole lot of urban fantasy series. Many of them, my wife has enjoyed more than I have, and is all caught up on them, but most of those I'm only a few books in. (I've given up on relatively few--Jennifer Estep and Jess Haines, among others.) For whatever reason, my wife didn't like the first book in Kelly Meding's "Dreg City" series, Three Days To Dead, and this time, to be actually clever about it, I decided to read the book myself and decide if I wanted to continue on in the series before it went out of print. As it turned out, I did like the first book, and I kept reading it on my own. When the series got dropped by the publisher after four books, I even went and bought the last two books (self-published, probably print on demand) to finish the series.
So this is the last one, which is supposed to wrap up the main conflict. Our main character, Evy Stone, started out the series waking up after death in a newly-vacated body; she was part of a group that worked to deal with paranormal threats. This world has beast-form shapeshifters named "Theria", vampires, and lots of types of fey--mostly pretty usual when it comes to urban fantasy--and their existence is unknown to world at large, etc.
Thie book does seem to wrap things up well enough, at least for the main characters, though it's hard to say if all the resolutions are satisfying. Still, it was enjoyable enough. She does have a couple of other, shorter series which I can try next, since we do actually own them. (And maybe some stuff under a different name?)
Lois McMaster Bujold: Brothers In Arms, completed January 15
Next (chronologically) in the reread order, this is the one where Miles goes to Earth and discovers the existence of his clone-brother Mark (spoilers). It starts up with a level of frustration--why does Miles have to stay at the embassy, and why aren't his mercenaries getting paid?--but things mostly work out in the end. Ivan shows up again (by authorial fiat--it's a bit too much of a coincidence, really), we meet recurring character Duv Galeni, and of course Mark, as mentioned already. It's not a particular favourite, but it's pretty good. And without it, how would we get Mirror Dance, and thus Memory?
I feel like I should be able to say more about it, but I've already talked about the Vorkosigan series a lot in previous posts, and, like I said, it's not a particular favourite. I guess I could mention how the first time through the series I read them in publication order, and so this was before The Vor Game and Cetaganda… Also, although we don't see much of Earth outside of London, we do get a good look at the gigantic dikes being used to hold back the ocean, because in the intervening mumble-mumble centuries the sea levels have risen. So presumably the icecaps have melted or something, though it doesn't seem like the Gulf Stream has shut down or anything, so maybe they have managed to mitigate things somewhat. An interesting view of future Earth, anyway, without going too overboard on covering the vast majority of the planet not relevant to our immediate plot.
Seth Dickinson: The Traitor Baru Cormorant, completed January 20
Taking another book from my list of authors to try (currently stored on my pool table); I picked this one because apparently the author has a new book coming out, and I do see people talking about the character from time to time, so clearly this is a book/series that has had some staying power and cultural impact, as opposed to something obscure that apparently sank without a trace. But this is a book that my wife tried, and either didn't finish or didn't want to continue the series.
And, having finished it, I can see why. I wouldn't say that it's a bad book…but I didn't, in the end, like it. I read it all the way to the end, and I've decided I'll leave it there and not try to continue the series. And probably I won't look for other books by Dickinson either. Like Ian McDonald's Desolation Road, which I read last year, I felt, as I was reading it, that this was a book I would have liked a lot better when I was younger, but these days it just doesn't do it for me.
It has the feeling of fantasy, in that it's set in a different world from our own, and there is none of the futuristic technology that would explain this as being a colony world…but there is also little or nothing in the way of magic. A little alchemy, maybe, but I don't know that it's out of line with what you could achieve with actual drugs. No wizards, and I don't think there were supernatural creatures either. But it's fantasy-coded, and maybe there's some minor thing I'm forgetting. It's not about magic, though. It's really about colonialism, and what happens when you're sucked into the colonizer's system so far that you think that the only way to help your people is by going along with that system. And Baru Cormorant is somewhat autistic-coded, perhaps--not only is she a savant, but she seems to have trouble figuring out the motives and feelings of others. Puts too much confidence in the ability to explain everything using economics (the character and possibly also the author, quite frankly), in a way which reminds me mostly of Dave Sim's deconstruction of faith and fantasy in Cerebus: Church And State. Not sure if it counts as grimdark, but it feels like the honorable are punished for their naivety like in "A Song of Ice And Fire". I lost sympathy for the main character partway through, and never got much for anyone else either. One character I liked and hoped to see more of was (gratuitously?) killed in the middle of the book. I was forewarned of the existence of a plot twist at the end of the book, and when it came, although I wasn't completely surprised, I was disappointed, and I didn't feel that it worked.
So, yeah. Your mileage may vary, but this book did not win me over.
Charles Stross: The Annihilation Score, completed January 25
I wanted something a bit more light-hearted after the previous book, but not, apparently, too much so. Charles Stross's "Laundry Files" series is set against a backdrop of cosmic horror and the looming end of the world, but also of British governmental bureaucracy, out of which he can usually pull of a fair amount of humour, as well as humanity. The main protagonist of the series is Bob Howard (named in honour of Robert E. Howard, inventor of Conan and friend of Lovecraft), computational demonologist, and the books in turn have paid tribute to a lot of different sources--James Bond, vampires, American evangelical megachurches, and--in this book--superheroes. But also, in this book, Bob is not our narrator; instead, we get his wife, Mo, in the fallout of a scene in the previous book (which we get from her POV here) with dire implications for their relationship…which has always been kind of a three-way between Bob, Mo, and Mo's soul-eating sentient violin, and this triangle has now come to a crisis. Plus there's superheroes.
Stross notes in the introduction that he never really read American superhero comics, so he had to pick a few brains about them, but the book really isn't about American superheroes either; he references the British superhero anthology series "Temps" (which I never did manage to read, since I only managed to find the second book, but now I feel like I should check out) as contrasted with the "Wild Cards" series.
All in all it's pretty decent, with lots of witty read-aloud bits, but the pacing is odd; there's a lot of plotlines, and some of them don't seem to progress for a long time. Some of them turn out to be red herrings, I guess, but overall it doesn't gel as well as it could. We don't see much of Bob (which makes sense since this isn't his book), though Mo is a perfectly fine protagonist. I'll be fine going back to Bob for the next book. If I can ever find it.
See, apparently this is the last book in the series I own right now, and probably the next one, The Nightmare Stacks, came and went while I was behind on reading it, and now it's out of print (and possibly never had a mass-market release at all, which is still my preferred format) and seems like it'll be hard to find in any physical format. I mean, I went on a site which allows you to search indie and second-hand bookstores, and the title didn't even come up on search. I have long been resisting switching wholeheartedly over to ebooks (a transition my wife has already made), but I can see that at some point I may have to get used to the fact that ebooks are just replacing mass-market paperbacks for the cheap release format. (I still can't manage to bring myself to spend as much as $8, let alone $12 or more, for an ebook, though. Like…what am I paying for? The publishing costs are minuscule compared to physical copies, and I expect that saving to be passed on to me. I guess I don't know if the extra is being passed on to the author in a non-self-published situation, but given our current corporate hellscape I'm gonna say probably not. Note: if you think this makes me a horrible person who hates writers to make money, please remember that I am married to a writer who I would love to make enough money that I don't have to work, but the publishing industry is horrible and they're the ones that actually have the capability to allow writers to make enough money to make a living, and they're not doing it, so I don't know what to tell you. I've bought thousands of books in my life, even if I don't go out of my way to buy the most expensive ones, because that's a good way to go broke. Get off my back, person I made up for this parenthetical aside.)
Martha Wells: System Collapse, completed January 28
I may be the last person in my house to have read Murderbot. My wife had already read some of Martha Wells earlier books (Raksura series, I want to say) before she read the Murderbot novells, and she loved them and read them to/got our kids to read them too. I eventually scheduled one in (novellas are good when I'm behind on my Goodreads challenge) and…it was okay, I guess? And I kept reading them because, well, more novellas. Last year I read the first novel-length story, Network Effect, and I liked it somewhat better than the novellas, for whatever reason.
I had been putting off the latest one for a little while, though, partly because of my Vorkosigan reread--I generally don't like books that are too close in genre too close together, and they're both kinda space opera-ish, though quite different kinds (Murderbot's future is more corporate-dominated), but next up I'm taking a break for a Dick Francis reread, so I thought I might as well put it in now. Though I've got to say that, since we have it as a physical hardcover as opposed to the digital novella ebooks, I'm really not a big fan of the texture of the dust jacket. Like, it is physically unpleasant to touch, being just a little bit rough. But not as bad as some I'd run across in the past few years, so I don't have to, like, take off the dust jacket to read it.
In the end I didn't like it as well as Network Effect, though I did like the middle bit where Murderbot becomes a Youtube influencer. The early part of the book, Murderbot is in a bit of a depressive state and not fun to read, like the first part of "Order of The Phoenix" or something. I guess if a character is too hypercompetent then nothing challenges them, but I wasn't a big fan of the emotional arc.
Dick Francis: Forfeit, completed January 31
I remember precisely where I was when I first heard of Dick Francis. See, I went to this convention in Edmonton in the summer of 1989, "ConText '89". It was an important convention--a reader-oriented rather than media-dominated SF/Fantasy convention, for one thing, and also it resulted in the formation of the first SF/Fantasy writer's organization in Canada, currently named SF Canada. Oh, and also, I met a cute girl there (Nicole, a YA author guest from northern Alberta), started dating, fell in love, got married, had three kids, and we're still married today.
I also saw this posting for a writing course out at a place called the Black Cat Guest Ranch, in the Rockies near Hinton, and decided to go. There I met Candas Jane Dorsey (who was the instructor for the course) and several other writers, and we later formed a writers' group called The Cult of Pain which is still going to this day. Anyway, I went out for a second course there, with Nicole coming along this time (though we may not have technically been dating and didn't share a room)--I think it was in mid-February sometime--and one evening we were all hanging out in the outdoor hot tub, watching snowflakes melt over our heads, and talking about books. And Candas and Nicole started rhapsodizing about this guy named Dick Francis. I said, "Who?" And they both told me I had to go read him, like, right away.
Dick Francis, apparently, was a former steeplechase jockey turned mystery/thriller writer. Now, mysteries and thrillers were not really my thing--I was into the SF & fantasy--but I supposed I was willing to try it. I was in university and trying to read other stuff outside my comfort zone, like Thomas Hardy and The Brothers Karamazov and William S. Burroughs, so why not. Plus, I wanted my girlfriend to like me. And the first one I picked up was one that one of my roommates had lying around, called Forfeit. It was pretty decent, and I went on to others--Nicole had a copy of Nerve, and I soon started to pick up more--and eventually read almost all of them (a few proved elusive, but I tracked down a copy of Smokescreen not long ago…).
Every book was concerned in some way with horse racing, but there was a wide variety--sometimes the main character was a jockey, but sometimes that was just their side hustle, and they had another profession, or sometimes they did something else like train horses or transport horses, or paint pictures of horses, or they didn't do anything about horses but the romantic interest did… He covered a lot of different professions over his books, they were usually quite interesting, and his characters were always very well-drawn. After his wife Mary (apparently an uncredited frequent collaborator and researcher) died, there was a gap of a few years before he started writing them with his son Felix. I think I read all of those ones, but after he died and Felix started writing solo novels, I haven't really kept up on those ones.
Instead, a few years ago I decided I was going to reread all the books, in publication order, interspersed with my series rereads as I was already doing with Discworld and Star Trek books. Forfeit is his seventh published book…and when I went to look for it on my shelf, I discovered that I actually didn't own a copy, and probably never had. I had just borrowed it from my roommate, and then given it back (a rookie mistake). Was it in print? Of course not, don't be silly. I had managed to find a used copy of Smokescreen online, as I mentioned, but for Forfeit there was only more expensive trade paperbacks, or $8 ebooks. They didn't even have it at the library! Except, well, they did…but I'd have to interlibrary loan it. I went back on forth on which to try to do, and eventually went ILL, and it came in for me at the library on the 20th. So there, overpriced ebooks. (And person I made up for the earlier parenthetical aside.)
Dick Francis novels have turned to be pretty rereadable, because they're not primarily mysteries of the sort where you don't remember which of the suspects is guilty; they're mysteries where the main character has to figure out who's behind the crimes and then avoid getting killed by them. Some of it is competency porn as they use their special skills to solve problems. And some of it just because of the engaging characters, which are maybe not quite all the way there in the earlier books (the ones I've reread so far are still books from the 60s, so the female characters could be more nuanced). In Forfeit what I recalled from that first read (some 34 years ago) was that the main character was a sportswriter, it started with one of his colleagues killing himself, and his wife was disabled and bedridden. (And one exciting scene in the middle of the book in which spoilers.) Though it turned out I was conflating two suicide openings (Nerve also starts with one, a gunshot suicide on the first page, whereas Forfeit's is more falling out of a window), and the exciting scene is missing an element I was sure was there.
So that's eight books in one month, which is basically enough to keep up on my Goodreads challenge, but I also managed to squeeze in a couple more on the side track. First of all, there was my brother's book, Paths of Pollen, which came out last year; my mom went to the book launch in Toronto and brought back a signed copy for me. As one might expect, it talks about honeybees (and the time he was working on our stepfather's apiary), but covers a lot of pollen details I didn't know, about all the other bees, beetles, butterflies, insects, and other animals that also do pollination. It's a sobering look at how plants reproduce and how we're screwing it up in a lot of cases. (I hadn't realized before how much insects use pollen as food…somehow I thought they were nectar-eaters and they just picked up pollen because the plants forced them too, but I guess it makes sense that they also eat it.)
Then there was another one of the Love & Rockets ebook bundle that I've been going through. This volume, Esperanza, is around the latest stuff I read in the Love & Rockets Vol. 2 comics (which I have only read once or twice), so it's fairly unfamiliar to me. Despite it being named after Esperanza "Hopey" Glass, most of the book seems to revolve around Vivian, a.k.a. Frogmouth, a hot, buxom woman with an unfortunate voice, who both Maggie and Ray are lusting after, despite her problematic relationships with some violent criminals. Ray and Maggie do meet up again briefly; Maggie's working as an apartment superintendent, Hopey's working in a bar but trying to get into a teaching assistant job, surreal things happen with Izzy, Doyle's around as well, and we see brief glimpses of Maggie's sister Esther. It was interesting but I didn't find it altogether compelling.
With ten books for January, that means I'm really read up to 36.5 days into the year, or February 5th, so I'm a little bit ahead. I'll be taking advantage of this to start off February with a longer book, for my female diversity slot--Fonda Lee's Jade Legacy, to wrap up that series. More about that next month, of course…
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agarwaldomestic · 26 days
ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi Call @ 8262850044, 8262850046.
Welcome to ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi, a company that offers reliable and professional packing and moving services. Since its inception in 1984, our team at ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi has been dedicated to providing high-quality relocation solutions. We understand the importance of customer satisfaction and strive to meet each customer's unique needs with passion and integrity.
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Our services include:
Household Shifting: ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi provide professional packing and moving services for homes. We carefully pack all your belongings, ensuring their safe transport to your new destination.
Business Relocation: Time is crucial for businesses, and we ensure a smooth transition of your office without disrupting operations. Our dedicated team handles office equipment and documents with utmost care.
Car and Bike Transportation: ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi offer safe and reliable car and bike transportation services using specially designed containers. We guarantee a hassle-free relocation of your vehicles, whether within Amethi or to another city.
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Additionally, ADHR Packers and Movers in Amethi offer a 10% discount on select services, making our solutions even more attractive. Whether you're moving locally or across the state, we are here to ensure a stress-free experience.
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Choosing the Best Packers and Movers in Bhopal | Ayodhya packers and movers
When it comes to relocating, whether it's within the city or to a new destination, the process can be daunting and stressful. From packing delicate items to ensuring that everything reaches the new location safely, the task requires careful planning and execution. This is where professional packers and movers in Bhopal come into play. In Bhopal, one of the leading names in the industry is Ayodhya Packers and Movers, a company known for its reliable and efficient services.
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Why Choose Packers and Movers in Bhopal?
Relocating can be a time-consuming process, but hiring professional packers and movers simplifies the task significantly. Bhopal, being a bustling city, has a growing demand for moving services as people frequently shift residences and offices. The right packers and movers can make all the difference, offering not just transportation but a full suite of services including packing, loading, unloading, and even unpacking.
Ayodhya Packers and Movers: A Trusted Name
Ayodhya Packers and Movers have carved out a niche in Bhopal by providing top-notch services tailored to meet the needs of every customer. Whether you're moving your home, office, or vehicle, Ayodhya Packers and Movers ensure that the process is smooth and hassle-free.
Key Services Offered:
Residential Relocation: Ayodhya Packers and Movers offer comprehensive household relocation services. Their team of trained professionals ensures that all your belongings, from furniture to fragile items, are packed securely and transported safely to your new home.
Office Relocation: Shifting an office requires precision and speed to minimize downtime. Ayodhya Packers and Movers specialize in efficient office relocations, ensuring that your business is up and running again in no time.
Vehicle Transportation: Moving vehicles, especially over long distances, requires careful handling. Ayodhya Packers and Movers offer safe and reliable vehicle transportation services, ensuring that your car or bike reaches its destination without a scratch.
Packing and Unpacking Services: Proper packing is crucial to prevent damage during transit. Ayodhya Packers and Movers use high-quality packing materials and techniques to ensure the safety of your belongings. They also offer unpacking services to help you settle into your new space quickly.
Loading and Unloading Services: The process of loading and unloading is handled with care by their experienced team, reducing the risk of damage to your items.
Storage Solutions: If you need to store your belongings temporarily, Ayodhya Packers and Movers offer secure and affordable storage solutions in Bhopal.
Why Ayodhya Packers and Movers?
Experienced Team: The team at Ayodhya Packers and Movers is well-trained and experienced, ensuring that every aspect of the move is handled professionally.
Affordable Rates: They offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of their services.
Customer-Centric Approach: Ayodhya Packers and Movers prioritize customer satisfaction, tailoring their services to meet individual needs.
Timely Service: Punctuality is key in the moving industry, and Ayodhya Packers and Movers are known for completing relocations within the agreed time frame.
Safety and Security: They prioritize the safety of your belongings, employing the best practices in packing, handling, and transportation.
Relocating doesn't have to be a stressful experience when you have the right partner by your side. Ayodhya Packers and Movers in Bhopal offer a complete solution for all your moving needs, ensuring that your belongings are in safe hands. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction makes them one of the top choices for packers and movers in the region. Whether you're planning a local move or a long-distance relocation, Ayodhya Packers and Movers are equipped to handle it with utmost care and professionalism.
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haridwartourtrip · 3 months
Unveiling the Ayodhya Ram Mandir: A Complete Guide
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir, a partially constructed Hindu temple complex in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India, is a site of immense religious significance and historical intrigue. For centuries, it has been revered as the birthplace of Lord Rama, a central figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana. This guide delves into the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, offering a comprehensive overview of its history, architecture, religious importance, and practical information for planning your visit.
A Land Steeped in History: The Ayodhya Ram Mandir's Lineage
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The history of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir stretches back millennia. According to Hindu belief, the site was the birthplace of Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, the preserver god in the Hindu trinity. Historical records mention the existence of a grand Ram temple at Ayodhya dating back to ancient times. However, the 16th century witnessed the construction of a mosque on the disputed site, creating a long-standing religious and political controversy.
A New Dawn: Construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
In 2019, a historic Supreme Court verdict paved the way for the construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. A trust, the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra, was formed to oversee the construction and management of the temple. The foundation stone laying ceremony took place in 2020, marking a significant milestone.
A Glimpse of Grandeur: The Ayodhya Ram Mandir's Architecture
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is being constructed in the North Indian style of architecture, characterized by intricate carvings, towering shikharas (spires), and spacious courtyards. The temple complex will feature a Garbha Griha (sanctum sanctorum) housing the idol of Lord Rama, along with other deities from the Ramayana. The sprawling complex will also include a number of mandapas (halls) for prayers and gatherings, reflecting the grandeur of traditional Hindu temple architecture.
A Beacon of Faith: The Religious Significance of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
For millions of Hindus, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir represents the culmination of a long-held dream. Lord Rama is considered the ideal king, embodying the virtues of righteousness, courage, and devotion. The construction of the temple is seen as a restoration of a sacred site and a symbol of faith. The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is expected to become a major pilgrimage destination, attracting devotees from all over India and the world.
Planning Your Pilgrimage: A Visitor's Guide to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is currently under construction, with the first phase nearing completion. While the exact date of completion is yet to be announced, it's expected to be a major pilgrimage destination soon. Here's how you can plan your visit to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir:
Getting There: Ayodhya is well-connected by rail and road to major Indian cities. The closest airport is Lucknow Airport, located approximately 130 kilometers away.
Accommodation: Ayodhya offers a range of accommodation options, from budget guesthouses to luxurious hotels. Booking your stay in advance, especially during peak pilgrimage seasons, is recommended.
Things to Do: In addition to visiting the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, explore other historical and religious sites in Ayodhya, such as the Kanak Bhavan, believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama's brother Lakshmana, and the Hanumangarhi temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Experience the vibrant culture of Ayodhya by attending aarti ceremonies and exploring local markets.
Beyond the Temple Walls: Exploring Ayodhya
Ayodhya is not just about the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. This ancient city holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and is believed to be the birthplace of several other Hindu deities. Explore the rich tapestry of Ayodhya by visiting:
Sarayu River: Considered sacred by Hindus, the Sarayu River flows through Ayodhya. Take a boat ride on the river and experience the serenity of the surroundings.
Ghats: Ayodhya boasts several ghats (bathing steps) along the Sarayu River, where pilgrims perform rituals and take holy dips. Witness the vibrant culture and spiritual devotion prevalent at these ghats.
Museums: Explore museums like the Ayodhya Research Institute Museum to gain insights into the city's rich history and archaeological findings.
A Journey of Faith and Culture
A visit to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is more than just sightseeing; it's a journey of faith, culture, and historical significance
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squarefeetgroupp · 4 months
Codename Janmabhoomi Ayodhya House Of Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots
There are numerous irreplaceable advantages to investing in Lodha Janmabhoomi. It is located in the most suitable place on earth, Ayodhya the sacred birthplace of Lord Rama. It is completely surrounded by the legacy and the spiritual significance which ensures ever green demand above the market volatility along with the precious value of the land. Moreover, the project aspires to earn extraordinary property appreciation in the longer run as Ayodhya is emerging as a hotspot for pilgrimage, tourism and cultural heritage. Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots Pvt. Ltd., a prominent real estate developer, has created Abhinandan Lodha Janmabhoomi, promising exceptional construction and meticulous planning that reflects the meticulous attention to detail in every aspect. It is the unique concept which prioritizes sustainability, social life and health. Thus offering a wholesome life experience beyond just the mere residential space. It gives equal emphasis on infrastructure and integration. So, the landmarks and all the pivotal facilities are made conveniently accessible to the residents. This in turn increases the long term value of the property. Moreover, the prospect of rental income adds to the investment benefit. All this is powered by the cultural hub and pilgrimage destination that Ayodhya aspires to be. But the benefit of investing in Abhinandan Lodha Janmabhoomi goes far beyond just earning monetary benefits. It gives an opportunity to own a piece of the legacy and contribute towards the development of Ayodhya. This is surely what future generations will admire and be grateful for.
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From dreams to reality House of Abhinandan Lodha Janmabhoomi From dreams to reality, Codename Janmabhoomi is a testimony to the true visionaries who had the courage to imagine a modern, serene home in the midst of the ancient streets of Ayodhya. It is a revolutionary idea which fuses the best of the old and the best of the new. It harmonises the aspirations of the contemporary lifestyle along with the spiritual heritage of this holy city. From dreams to reality, Codename Janmabhoomi by Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots assures excellent building construction and meticulous planning that speaks of the labour of love in each detail. It is the topmost concept in every sense that offers an experience which caters not just the residential needs but also feeds the mind, soul and the body. This is the true vision which aspires to earn extraordinary property appreciate in the longer run. It assembles the best of the modern lifestyle with the deep rooted spiritual beliefs of this sacred land. From dreams to reality, Codename Janmabhoomi gives a dignified importance to the finer details and a true commitment towards sustainability. It offers a complete refuge where the legacy meets the modern times and space is given to dreams in the larger scheme of life.
Each Plot, A Story HOABL Janmabhoomi  In the heart of Ayodhya, where the spiritual frequencies echo in the air and the ancient streets narrate the tales of bygone eras, is Codename Janmabhoomi, the unique concept of residential plots where each plot has a story to tell. Legends, croons of devotees, dreams of generations past and present perhaps echo from each nook and corner of this sacred land. Codename Janmabhoomi by Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots is much more than just another residential colony. It is a story etched in the very soil of Ayodhya. Here, amidst the architectural grandeur and serene landscapes, each local inhabitant assumes a unique protagonist role and contributes towards the eternal narrative of this timeless city. Codename Janmabhoomi gives residents an opportunity to be part of the magnificent saga of cultural heritage of Ayodhya, where the legacy merges with the present and each moment becomes a worth narrating tale. Each plot is a unique odyssey.
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Improve Your Lifestyle Janmabhoomi Ayodhya  Improve your quality of life at the prestigious Codename Janmabhoomi home project in the center of Ayodhya. Here, within the sacred grounds of this historic city, a brand-new way of living emerges, fusing modernity and tradition to produce an unmatched living environment. Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots' Codename Janmabhoomi is more than just a house; it provides a way of life enhanced by the ageless wisdom of Ayodhya's spiritual legacy. Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots is an invitation to inhabitants to adopt a peaceful lifestyle, wherein verdant areas, communal facilities, and intelligent architecture come together to enhance every facet of everyday existence. Whether you're looking for peace in the calm of the outdoors or building relationships in a bustling neighborhood, Codename Janmabhoomi will improve your quality of life by encouraging a greater understanding of the spirit of Ayodhya combined with the pleasures of contemporary existence. Creating Your Future Creating Your Future: Codename Janmabhoomi is more than simply a place to live; it's a chance to take control of your own fate in the ageless charm of Ayodhya. This innovative concept, created by Abhinandan Lodha Hoabl Plots, provides a blank canvas on which goals and desires can come to life. Codename Janmabhoomi, with its advantageous position in the center of Ayodhya, forms the cornerstone of an exciting and promising future. Here, in between the pulsating pulse of modern life and the echoes of old stories, people forge their own paths guided by the city's spiritual essence and rich legacy. Whether you're looking for a place to live, a center for community involvement, or just a place to reflect, Codename Janmabhoomi provides the ideal setting for creating a future full of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose.
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sgholidaystour · 4 months
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21 seater Mini Bus hire in Delhi , provide 21  Seat  Passanger + 1 Driver+ 1 Helper. luxurious Bus Rent In Delhi, Delhi to outstation Friends, Family,  Colleague's,  Office visit,  affordable price,  21 Seater Mini Bus  delhi - Delhi local & Outstation trip Online booking, 21 Seater Bus hire in Delhi ... Delhi airport - Station pickup drop service by Tempo Traveller. Driver Proper Uniform , Medical Kit, Ice Box, Seat Belt, Luggage Carrier.  Online and offline Booking available. 21 Seater Mini Bus  hire in Delhi. 
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21 Seater Mini Bus on Rent In Delhi to Rajasthan 
SG Holidays Tour offer 21 Seater Mini Bus  hire in delhi , Mandawa,  Bikaner,  Mount abu, Udaipur, Jaishalmer, Jodhpur, Ajmer ,Jaipur,  Pushkar , Jal Mahal, Neemrana, Ranthambore, Jawala Mahal, Rajasthan tourism. 21 Seater Mini Bus On Rent cover sightseeing online & offline Booking available,  21 Seater Mini  Bus  hire in Delhi.
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getsholidayindiatour · 4 months
Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi & Ayodhya
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The Golden Triangle tour is one of the most popular tourist circuits in India, comprising the three iconic cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Each city offers a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of India’s history, culture, and architectural marvels. However, for those seeking a deeper spiritual and historical experience, extending the journey to include Golden Triangle Tour With Varanasi and Ayodhya adds a profound dimension to the trip. This extended tour combines the grandeur of the Golden Triangle with the spiritual essence of two of India’s most revered cities, creating an unforgettable journey through time and tradition.
Day 1–2: Delhi — The Heart of India
Day 1: Arrival and Exploration
Your adventure begins in Delhi, the bustling capital city of India. Upon arrival, you will be greeted with a mix of ancient and modern, from Mughal monuments to contemporary skyscrapers. Start your tour with a visit to the Red Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site, followed by Jama Masjid, one of the largest mosques in India. Stroll through Chandni Chowk, a vibrant market area where you can experience the local flavors and culture.
In the evening, visit India Gate, a war memorial dedicated to Indian soldiers, and the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the official residence of the President of India. End your day with a drive through Connaught Place, the heart of New Delhi’s commercial and cultural activities.
Day 2: Historical and Cultural Delhi
On the second day, explore the more serene and historic parts of Delhi. Begin with a visit to Qutub Minar, another UNESCO World Heritage site and the tallest brick minaret in the world. Next, head to Humayun’s Tomb, a precursor to the Taj Mahal in its architectural style.
Don’t miss the Lotus Temple, a Bahá’í House of Worship, known for its distinctive lotus-shaped structure and tranquil ambiance. Conclude your Delhi tour with a visit to Raj Ghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where you can reflect on the life and legacy of the Father of the Nation.
Day 3–4: Agra — The City of Love
Day 3: Agra Arrival and Agra Fort
Depart from Delhi and head to Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and relax for a while. In the afternoon, visit Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a stunning example of Mughal architecture. This massive red sandstone fort offers a panoramic view of the Taj Mahal from its pavilions.
Day 4: The Taj Mahal and Fatehpur Sikri
Wake up early to witness the breathtaking beauty of the Taj Mahal at sunrise. This iconic white marble mausoleum, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a symbol of eternal love and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. After soaking in the splendor of the Taj, return to your hotel for breakfast.
Later, take a short drive to Fatehpur Sikri, another UNESCO World Heritage site. This abandoned Mughal city, built by Emperor Akbar, is an architectural masterpiece with its red sandstone buildings and intricate carvings. Explore the Buland Darwaza, Panch Mahal, and the tomb of Sufi saint Salim Chishti before returning to Agra.
Day 5–6: Jaipur — The Pink City
Day 5: Arrival in Jaipur and City Tour
From Agra, proceed to Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, also known as the Pink City. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and unwind. Begin your Jaipur tour with a visit to the City Palace, a magnificent complex that houses museums, courtyards, and gardens. Adjacent to the City Palace is the Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observatory and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
In the evening, take a leisurely walk through the local markets of Jaipur, where you can shop for traditional Rajasthani handicrafts, textiles, and jewelry.
Day 6: Amber Fort and Hawa Mahal
Start your day with an excursion to the Amber Fort, located on a hilltop overlooking Maota Lake. This majestic fort is a blend of Hindu and Mughal architecture, with stunning palaces, halls, and gardens. You can either hike up to the fort or take an elephant ride to the entrance.
On your way back, stop at the Jal Mahal, a beautiful palace situated in the middle of Man Sagar Lake. Continue to the Hawa Mahal, or the Palace of Winds, known for its unique façade with numerous small windows designed to allow royal ladies to observe street festivals without being seen.
Day 7–8: Varanasi — The Spiritual Capital
Day 7: Arrival in Varanasi and Sarnath
Fly from Jaipur to Varanasi, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and a major center for Hindu spirituality. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and relax. In the afternoon, visit Sarnath, a significant Buddhist site where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. Explore the Dhamek Stupa, Ashoka Pillar, and the Sarnath Museum, which houses a remarkable collection of Buddhist artifacts.
Day 8: Varanasi Sightseeing
Start your day early with a boat ride on the Ganges River. Witness the mesmerizing sight of the sunrise over the ghats, where pilgrims perform their morning rituals and prayers. Visit the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, and one of the most important Hindu temples in Varanasi.
Explore the narrow lanes of the old city, bustling with shops, street food vendors, and vibrant markets. In the evening, experience the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat, a grand and spiritual ceremony where priests perform rituals with lamps and incense, creating a magical atmosphere.
Day 9–10: Ayodhya — The Birthplace of Lord Rama
Day 9: Arrival in Ayodhya
Travel from Varanasi to Ayodhya, a city steeped in mythology and history, known as the birthplace of Lord Rama. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and relax. In the afternoon, visit the Ram Janmabhoomi, the site believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. The temple complex is a focal point of devotion and pilgrimage for millions of Hindus.
Day 10: Ayodhya Sightseeing
Spend the day exploring the sacred sites of Ayodhya. Visit the Hanuman Garhi, a temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman, located on a hilltop offering a panoramic view of the city. Explore the Kanak Bhawan, a temple with beautiful idols of Lord Rama and Sita adorned in gold.
Walk along the banks of the Sarayu River and visit the various ghats where pilgrims take holy dips. Ayodhya’s serene and spiritual ambiance provides a perfect conclusion to your extended Golden Triangle tour.
The Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi and Ayodhya offers a rich and diverse experience, blending the historical grandeur of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur with the spiritual essence of Varanasi and Ayodhya. This journey takes you through the heart of India’s cultural heritage, architectural splendors, and religious traditions, leaving you with memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you are a history buff, a spiritual seeker, or a cultural enthusiast, this extended tour is a perfect way to explore the multifaceted beauty of India.
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sarthakestates · 4 months
EXCLUSIVE OFFER -Stamp Duty Registration WAIVER till 22nd January only CALL 9958959555
Residential Land / Plots for Sale in Ayodhya, Faizabad The House of Abhinandal Lodha CALL 9958959555
Uttar Pradesh has witnessed a significant rise in property value, making it a lucrative investment destination. By choosing this remarkable location, you not only secure a unique lifestyle but also open doors to incredible business prospects. Entrepreneurs can reap substantial profits from the thriving economic hubs surrounding the area.
From multiple perspectives, this place emerges as the ultimate investment choice. Investors can rest assured that Abhinandan Lodha Plots Ayodhya is an excellent project that promises a life of opulence and sophistication. By securing a plot in this prestigious development, you unlock a plethora of benefits and elevate your quality of life to new heights, free from any unnecessary hassles.
Discover a residential haven that offers unparalleled comfort, convenience, and top-class amenities, ensuring that families are bestowed with the finest facilities. To delve deeper into the project’s details, simply continue reading this post to access a wealth of information.
Witness a remarkable display of dedication towards Ayodhya’s development as The House of Abhinandan Lodha (HoABL) makes a groundbreaking announcement. With an astounding investment of Rs 1,200 crore solely devoted to the city, HoABL aligns with the government’s vision to establish Ayodhya as a global spiritual capital, as proclaimed during the UP Global Investor’s Summit in February 2023.
Under the leadership of CEO Samujjwal Ghosh and MD of Lodha Ventures, Mr Abhinandan Lodha, The House of Abhinandan Lodha has diligently conducted extensive fieldwork for over a year, paving the way for their upcoming project launch.
A significant milestone is reached as the new office in Ayodhya is inaugurated by The House of Abhinandan Lodha. This investment powerhouse’s unwavering commitment to the city’s growth and prosperity shines through, and the establishment of their office serves as a testament to their dedication and a base for their operations in the region.
Samujjwal Ghosh, CEO of The House of Abhinandan Lodha, enthusiastically expressed his optimism for Ayodhya’s future. He stated, “Our commitment of Rs 1,200 crore investment in Ayodhya marks a significant milestone in our dedication to the region’s growth and development. The opening of our office here stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering progress and prosperity in this historic city. It will not only serve as a base for our operations but also symbolize our deep-rooted belief in Ayodhya’s immense potential. We aim to catalyse economic opportunities, empower local communities, and contribute to the historic transformation of this city.”
In addition to Ayodhya, India’s largest branded land developer has pledged a remarkable Rs 3,000 crore investment in the state, further solidifying their commitment to progress.
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ayodhyapackers1 · 5 months
Streamline Your Relocation with Top Packers and Movers in Bhopal
Are you gearing up for a move in or around Bhopal and feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of packing and shifting your belongings? Look no further! Ayodhya Packers and Movers is your trusted partner in ensuring a seamless relocation experience. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and years of expertise in the industry, we are your go-to choice for Packers and Movers in Bhopal.
At Ayodhya Packers and Movers, we understand that every move is unique, and our personalized approach reflects just that. Whether you're moving locally within Bhopal or across the country, our dedicated team goes above and beyond to tailor our services to meet your specific needs and preferences. From meticulously packing your household items to safely transporting them to your new destination, we handle every aspect of your move with the utmost care and professionalism.
Why Choose Ayodhya Packers and Movers in Bhopal?
Professional Expertise: Our team comprises highly trained professionals who possess the skills and expertise to handle all types of moves, ensuring a hassle-free experience from start to finish.
Comprehensive Services: As leading Packers and Movers in Bhopal, we offer a wide range of services, including packing, loading, transportation, unloading, and unpacking, to cater to all your relocation needs under one roof.
Quality Packaging Materials: We understand the importance of proper packaging in safeguarding your belongings during transit. That's why we use only the highest quality packing materials to ensure maximum protection for your valuables.
Timely Delivery: With our efficient logistics network and well-maintained fleet of vehicles, we guarantee timely delivery of your possessions to your new location, allowing you to settle in comfortably without any delays.
Affordable Pricing: We believe in providing superior service at competitive prices, making us the preferred choice for budget-conscious customers seeking reliable Packers and Movers in Bhopal.
Customer Satisfaction: Our ultimate goal is to exceed our customers' expectations at every step of the relocation process. We prioritize customer satisfaction above all else and strive to deliver exceptional service that leaves a lasting impression.
Movers and Packers in Bhopal: Your Trusted Moving Partner
Whether you're moving your home or office, locally or long-distance, Ayodhya Packers and Movers is here to make your relocation journey smooth and stress-free. With our unparalleled dedication, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence, we have earned the trust and loyalty of countless satisfied customers across Bhopal and beyond.
Don't let the complexities of moving weigh you down. Trust the experts at Ayodhya Packers and Movers to handle your relocation needs with professionalism, efficiency, and care. Contact us today to request a free quote and take the first step towards a hassle-free move!
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mojoflight · 6 months
10 Little Known Ways To Make the Most Out of Your Delhi Flights
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Hey there, fellow traveler! So, you're gearing up for a flight to Delhi, huh? Well, let us tell you, it's gonna be one heck of a ride! But worry not, we've got some insider tips to make your air journey even more memorable and affordable. Let's dive in!
Get the Best of Airlines Deal: First and first thing, the best of airlines that will make your air travel much more exciting with a more budget friendly New Delhi flight ticket choices. If you are low in the finance department you can go with:
IndiGo Airlines
SpiceJet Airlines
Vistara Airlines
Akasa Air
Just Roll with the Flow: Delhi airport can be a bit chaotic, but hey, that's part of the adventure, right? Take a deep breath, soak in the energy, and go with the flow. You'll blend in like a pro!
Early Bird Catches the Fun: Get to the airport early to avoid any last minute rushes. Plus, it gives you time to snoop around, grab a snack, or just people-watch. Trust us, it's a vibe!
Terminal Tourist: Terminal 3 is where all the cool stuff happens. Take a walk to the Airport treasure, check out the shops, and maybe treat yourself to a little something. Who knows, you might find a gem or two!
Stay Connected, Stay Sane: Free Wi-Fi is your best friend. Keep your buddies updated, binge-watch cat videos, or stalk your favorite celebs. Whatever flies your plane!
Nom Nom Nom: Hungry? Get ready to try some local treats before takeoff. Spicy snacks, hearty meals—Delhi Airport has it all. Just follow your nose!
Lounging Around: Treat yourself to a lounge pass. Unlimited snacks, cozy vibes, and maybe a cheeky cocktail or two. It's like a mini vacation before your vacation!
Leg Day, Every Day: Stretch those limbs before you board. Take a light stroll around, do a little dance, or just wiggle in your seat. Your body will thank you later!
Snack Attack: Pack some munchies for the journey. Granola bars, fruit, maybe even some homemade cookies. Sharing is caring, after all!
Hydration Station: Water, water everywhere! Stay hydrated like a boss. Fill up your bottle after security and sip away. Trust me, it's a game-changer!
Delhi Dreams: As you board, let the excitement sink in. Delhi is waiting with open arms, ready to dazzle you with its charm. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
So there you have it, 10 little secrets to rock your New Delhi flight like a pro. Embrace the chaos, enjoy the delights, and get ready for an epic journey. Delhi, here you come! So it doesn't matter what ticket you hold, be it Ayodhya to Delhi flight, Mumbai to Bangalore or any other flight route, you can be assured that you will get the best of flight experience with the above mentioned points. Happy travels!
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Reliable Packers and Movers in Bhopal for Hassle-free Relocation
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Are you planning to relocate to or from Bhopal? Look no further than Ayodhya Packers and Movers, your trusted partner in seamless relocation services. With years of experience in the industry, we understand the complexities involved in moving and strive to make your relocation process stress-free and efficient.
Why Choose Ayodhya Packers and Movers?
Professional Services: Our team of highly trained professionals ensures that your belongings are handled with care and reach their destination safely.
Wide Range of Services: Whether you are moving locally or across the country, we offer a comprehensive range of packing and moving services to meet your needs.
Affordable Rates: We believe in providing quality services at competitive prices, making us the preferred choice for budget-conscious customers.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every move is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
Transparent Process: From the initial quote to the final delivery, we maintain transparency in our process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our customers.
Our Services
Household Relocation: Whether you are moving to a new home or apartment, we ensure that your belongings are packed and transported safely.
Office Relocation: We understand the importance of a seamless office relocation, and our team ensures minimal downtime during the process.
Vehicle Transportation: From cars to bikes, we offer safe and reliable transportation services for all types of vehicles.
Packing and Unpacking: Our team uses high-quality packing materials to ensure that your belongings are protected during transit.
Storage Services: Need a place to store your belongings? We offer secure storage facilities for short-term and long-term storage needs.
Contact Us Today
Relocating can be a daunting task, but with Ayodhya Packers and Movers, you can rest assured that your move will be smooth and hassle-free. Contact us today for a quote and experience the difference of working with the best packers and movers in Bhopal.
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mapmydestination · 7 months
Ayodhya is on track to establish its own beach soon!
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Ayodhya is gearing up for a new attraction—a beach of its own along the Saryu River at Ram Ki Paidi. The Uttar Pradesh Housing Department has approved the proposal by the Ayodhya Development Authority (ADA) to establish a chowpatty, offering hygienically prepared food and vibrant recreational spaces. ADA plans to construct temporary structures and designated zones for food carts, ensuring cleanliness and quality. With a budget of around INR 4.66 crore, the project encompasses various amenities like infrastructure, sanitation, and seating for at least 50 people. This initiative aims to enhance Ayodhya's riverside experience, aligning with the broader plan to develop recreational areas along the Saryu River. The endeavor promises to enrich Ayodhya's landscape, providing locals and tourists with an enjoyable waterfront retreat.
For Tour and Travel related services, please contact Us Or Visit Our Website Website: -www.mapmydestination.com Contact.No: - 9911463140.
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