#Axe me a question
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the-d12rose · 2 years ago
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Hewnblade, Pride of the Grovekeeper! An evolving magic item I had the pleasure of illustrating for a commission. Comms are open if you want one, drop me a DM!
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icepandawarrior · 1 year ago
I found it strange Nina dobrev went to a con she hasn't went to one in a long time. Ian was going to go but he canceled.
and right around the time she openly tells the world she stands with genocide... and no one bats an eye (but just like with the nate and matt situations... color me not surprised)
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rainboq · 1 year ago
What are some non-LiS settings you've been wanting to write, original or otherwise?
I've been toying around with a fic idea for The Locked Tomb, writing something for Katalepsis, and I've got some Korra ideas floating around in the back of my head.
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shanghai-ohmy · 2 years ago
Brendan I’m so sorry but I saw your homestuck tags about Rose being a “twitch streamer with a psych degree” and I regret to inform you that my immediate thought is “that’s just Pat formerly of Best Friends”
fuck. I could see it is the thing. she WOULD talk about mind goblins
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shalebridgecradle · 2 years ago
okay but that Nokia phone will outlast god
if technology can't outlast god, it doesn't deserve to be in my house tbh. That phone gave me standards. And also probably carpal tunnel from trying to text on it.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
i finished reading krakoa era and comic cherik are amazing SO i wanted to ask do you have any favorite issues/series i still don't really remember how to call it where cherik are also cool?? some iconis comic moments with them maybe??
im FARRR from finishing all of krakoa (ive probably barely even made a dent in this series), though i do think following the HoX + PoX issues themselves are great if we're talkin cherik-focused issues/books. i already said one of my fave aspects of cherik is their moments working together, so having a whole Omnibus dedicated to them Working Together and trusting each other (bonus points for Protective Erik with the Something Sinister bit) is already guaranteeing a sure spot in my Faves collection
one of my fave cool moments i've read so far- which is a moment i wager a lot of people can agree is Sick As Hell Visually if i may be so daring- is ABSOLUTELY this sequence from Inferno #4
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any time erik and charles get to do some bamf shit together it is IMMEDIATELY peak to me this cannot be disputed and i'd be lying if i didn't say i bought this run solely for this moment here (ignore the fact they fumble this fight horribly that dont matter they looked cool as hell for five seconds !!!!!!!!!!!)
i can't wait to read more and find even more moments i love and want to tape to my eyelids <3 !!
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loregoddess · 11 months ago
so I might be having a blast playing Rebirth, but I'm still thinking Octo2 stuff, and just realized bc of the Dolcinaea fight I could see the weaknesses for every character (except Agnea) and since I can turn just about any random detail into a "hmm, does this mean anything" thought exercise, here's some observations (minor story spoilers):
Throne, Osvald, and Partitio have the fewest weaknesses at 3. This makes sense for Throne and Osvald (professional thief/assassin raised to be a thief/assassin, Throne can't have any openings if she hopes to survive; Osvald relied on his keen observation to Shawshank Redemption himself out of prison, so of course he'd have fewer openings bc he's always keeping an eye on things around him). But Partitio surprised me--although it does make some sense, he had to keep his wits about him to become the best merchant in Oresrush, and he's wicked smart (honestly, Ori's the only one who ever seems able to genuinely sneak up on him, and that makes sense given that she's, y'know, Ori).
Hikari has no weaknesses to weapons of any sort, and only has elemental weaknesses as a result. He is not weak to light or dark though (a reference to Shadow's Hold/Light's Radiance or else his bloodlines perhaps?). On the flipside Osvald has no weaknesses to elements and only weaknesses to weapons (all the weapons he's weak to--polearms, daggers, and bows--are "ranged" in some sense, suggesting his magic maybe makes it impossible to get close enough to attack him).
Throne and Temenos continue to act as foils to each other, with Throne having only one elemental weakness to light, and Temenos having only one elemental weakness to dark. Throne's only two weapon weaknesses are axes and bows, which sort of makes sense (either someone has to get close enough to strike her quickly or they have to attack from a very far distance to get the drop on her; there are also interestingly the hunter's base weapon set, so the only way to stop a thief is to hunt them; also there's a ranged bow counter to her close-range sword and a close-range axe counter to her ranged dagger). Temenos's weapon weaknesses include swords, daggers, and axes, which are interestingly all "close range" weapons to some degree (Temenos never lets anyone get too close to him emotionally, so it makes sense the only way to actually harm him would be to "get close" to him; swords and daggers are also the thief's base weapon set, and given how much assassination goes on in his story, it makes sense he too would be vulnerable to Throne's trade weapons).
Partitio's only elemental weakness is ice (makes sense given how arid his hometown is). He has a weakness to swords and staves, both close range weapons to contrast the longer-ranged polearm and bow weapons he uses.
Castti's only weapon weakness are bows (a long-range contrast to her shorter-ranged axe), but her elemental weaknesses are what's really interesting. She has a weakness to fire (this makes sense, given that she has an ice-based skill, and a lot of water symbolism in her story arc), but also wind and dark--the two key elements needed to create and spread the purple rain that nearly killed her.
Ochette's the only character with a balance of two weapon weaknesses and two elemental weaknesses: polearms and staves (a longer-ranged weapon to counter her short-ranged axe, and a close-ranged weapon to counter her long-ranged bow); and fire and wind (wind makes sense given that it's the usual weakness to thunder, which is the only elemental attack she has access to in her base skillset, but her weakness to fire is more interesting--is it because she lives in a forest, which are historically susceptible to fires? or because she lives surrounded by water, and fire is the natural opposite?)
Hikari is the only character weak the thunder, just as Throne and Temenos are the only characters weak to light and dark respectively. The other major elements all have two travelers weak to them: Ochette and Castti to fire, Partitio and Hikari to ice, and Castti and Hikari to wind.
Likewise, every weapon is strong against at least two characters, with the exception of bows which are strong against three characters. Swords: Partitio and Temenos, Polearms: Ochette and Osvald, Daggers: Osvald and Temenos, Axes: Throne and Temenos, Bows: Castti, Throne, and Osvald, Staves: Ochette and Partitio.
I dunno if there's any significance to the pattern of: every weapon is strong against two characters except one is strong against three, and every element is strong against two characters except for three elements that are only strong against one character each. But it is some fancy balancing for as far as numbers go.
Anyhow I wasn't going anywhere with this, these were just some interesting observations I wanted to jot down instead of going to bed like I should have half an hour ago.
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kristiliqua · 19 days ago
sometimes i think about the realm and tr!sneeg and i want to cry and scream . is this normal ?
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greenerteacups · 11 months ago
Re: your recent response about Draco wearing blue - fashion is not something I tend to pick up on (or understand very well generally), so I’m always curious to hear more about it! Do you have any other fashion thoughts you want to elaborate on? You’ve talked a bit about Draco and Hermione’s fashion, what about Harry or Ron?
Aw, yeah! I'll preface this by saying that the following is a combination of canon and headcanon; some of this is evidenced in the text of the fic, but some of it probably isn't, it's just something that's in my head when describing them.
Harry's pretty small in Lionheart, as a consequence of chronic malnutrition in childhood mixed with a genetic predisposition to it (James is canonically a short king, cf. "Hairy Little Christmas.") That means a lot of his muggle clothes don't fit well, being hand-me-downs from Dudley; in contrast, his school robes, which we know he got tailored at Malkin's, seem to fit normally (i.e., Harry fits better in the magical world, it's his home, it suits him). In general, Harry's fashion is "adequate, but not great," which makes sense; he never had the chance to choose his own clothes growing up, and then he went to boarding school with a uniform, so when would he develop a sense of style? Honestly, it's a relief for him to have one fewer decisions to make.
Like Ron, Harry's uniform isn't super meticulous, but he seems to make an effort. He does his tie and keeps his shirt clean, etc. (which makes sense; Harry cares about belonging here). When we see Harry out of uniform, he's usually wearing baggy t-shirts and jeans, which are the least nice clothes you could give to someone while still expecting them to last; they're also clothes that fit loose and hang long on his body (very late-80's + early 90's).
Ron, on the other hand, doesn't have any qualms about belonging in the magical world; he was born to it. This manifests as a laziness with his robes. He doesn't bother with his tie as much, if at all, and when he does it's not the right knot (Draco points it out in Book 3); since he's the brother of not one but two Head Boys, we have to assume that's deliberate, or that at some extent his lack of attention is a deliberate manifestation of something. Ron is youngest boy, he has self-esteem issues, and the way this manifests is by Ron never asking for anything and then getting sour when nothing goes his way. He doesn't try, so he can't feel bad when he fails. Besides which, when Ron does try to dress nice, it backfires; it's either an uncomfortable costume, like in "Operation Prewett," or it's a horrible hand-me-down, e.g. the Yule Ball outfit. Contrast him with the other Weasley boys, many of whom — especially the three oldest — have their own cultivated aesthetics, because they all know who they are. Ron is figuring that out, and it manifests in stylistically messy ways.
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measureformeasure · 5 months ago
drama major classics minor experience is really just reading the poetics every semester and being the de facto person to ask questions to re greek drama in your drama classes even tho in classics courses it feels like u know very little because u only take like 1 classics course a semester
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icepandawarrior · 5 months ago
About the entitlement post, did Laura Bailey act that way? Genuinely asking, not looking to stir up anything…
No, a fandom acted that way towards her. The Last of Us fandom to be exact, when part 2 first came out in 2020. To cut the story short, death threats galore towards her and unfortunately her son.
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rainboq · 1 year ago
Hi, just letting you know that I absolutely adore Tapestry, Statistics, and Arcadia is Burning so far and I loved Purity through a Prism. You're a phenomenal writer! Thank you!!
This really means a lot, thank you so much anon! I'm not really writing LiS stuff right now but I'm so glad that people are enjoying my work thus far.
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year ago
Me, explaining to the people working at official government-funded queer organizations why Captain America is totally bisexual:
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blue-jisungs · 1 year ago
am i annoying yes or no
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grise-and-rind · 2 months ago
Question for the ask game!!
🍄 if you could ask your favourite driver a question, what would you ask?
Ouu this is a good one!!
My fave driver is probably Max or Pierre, but I don't really think my question would change for either of them. I would ask: "What is one thing you want to change for young drivers/karters, and why? As well, would the change you want to make be just for young people, or could it be applied to all levels of motorsports?"
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hawksblooded · 3 months ago
🍁 + does she have any keepsake to remember her sister by? does she keep track of the years since her passing? if so, does she do anything special for the anniversary of her death? or would she rather not think about it if she can avoid it?
ALIZEBETH HAS FAITHFULLY KEPT the axe that she put down her undead sister with. It's a gruesome memento, along with the bite mark on her forearm. When her mentor Stenvarr found her, shivering in rags outside their now lifeless cabin, she clutched at it's handle and wouldn't let go. It's a simple tool, not much of a weapon, but it brings her a strange comfort.
She doesn't really keep track of time, besides when she needs to be stalking a target, or the phases of the moon and it's relation to the behavior of the creatures she hunts. In general, she tries to ignore time in the long-term, simply focuses on the day to day and her immediate duty. In fact, she wouldn't even be able to tell you when exactly Natalia died, nor when she rose again - she only knows that it was winter, and the nights were long.
She prefers not to dwell on those memories, even if they haunt her all the same.
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