snowthornes · 1 year
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➸ Avriel | @uroboros-if
✦ Moment of Creation 🍂
In the all-encompassing cradle of the universe, Avriel came into existence within the embrace of light. They first felt pain. The universe wracked every thread of their existence with the agony of every being, all at once — then soothed the fractures left behind with the love of all that ever was and ever will be. Upon his first time laying eyes on another being, he attempted to replicate her smile. The first... emotion he ever felt in the waking world was curiosity.
✦ Pieces of a Soul 🍂
➸ Avriel stands at 5'9. He sits with his knees curled against his chest whenever he can get away with it, making him appear to be smaller than he actually is. 🍂
➸ He can be quite contradictory in the sense that while he approaches the world with an unrelenting — sometimes reckless — optimism, he’s always very surprised whenever someone seems to enjoy or even want his company. Years of subtle, minor, rejections have trailed him since his creation, as if the waking world was determined to wear him down little by little. As a result, he has a severely low view of himself when it comes to his worth as a friend or as company.
Despite that, he persists with dogged optimism and continues to seek out the company of other beings. He keeps trying, keeps hoping, but he never really… expects to actually get anything back. 🍂
➸ Rarely holds grudges. He could be called forgiving at best, and overly passive at worst. 🍂
➸ Not one to hide his emotions, he often speaks without thinking. Fortunately, for what he lacks in tact, he makes up for in intuition. He’s quick to sense the emotions of others, including discomfort or distress, and will immediately back off and apologize if he feels he was the cause. He’ll attempt to make amends, but whether he's successful or not is a different matter. 🍂
➸ Avriel loves to dance! He started learning when he was young and picked up different styles by observing other mortals and deities, though Rafaele was also a very willing (and delighted) teacher. Would be all for dipping his dance partner in a dance! In fact, it's at the top of his bucket list! 🍂
➸ Has a sword he often uses in his dances. Avriel picked up sword dancing when he was young. Years of diligently honing his skills in the art have made him skilled in the dance of the sword, able to move his body and blade with the lightness of a swallow. 🍂
➸ Like most beings, Avriel has his personal preferences. He particularly likes eating meat. His favorite flower is the Krio firosafa. Delicate and enduring, they are often overlooked because they are always there, as if there would never come a day when the streets would truly lay bare of them — Avriel thinks there is much worth treasuring in that. 🍂
➸ Extremely affectionate. He makes it incredibly obvious when he's happy to see someone, whether platonic or romantic, and will perk up with sparkling eyes upon seeing them approach. Loves pestering friends once they've gotten close enough — a befriended (or romanced!) Ciocana may find that a happy and secure Avriel can be even more of a menace than they are. Although he would settle down somewhat when with a more reticient friend, content to accompany them in quieter activities. As long as he's given a sense of security and acceptance, Avriel is happy to follow their lead.
It's uncertain what the ettiquette is in Galaio in regards to skinship, but if Avriel were a being in the modern world he would be the type to affectionately link arms with his friends or drape himself over their shoulders. 🍂
➸ Becomes quiet and subdued when upset. It is rare that something affects him to this extent, but when it does, he shuts down like a flower withered in winter. There is an off-putting silence in his expression, in his downcast eyes. It is best not to leave him alone when in this state. 🍂
➸ Is very active, and prefers to take the longer, more creative route rather than simply using the streets. He often climbs, leaps, and bounds his way around Lucidio in an effort to add some fun to his hectic yet rather repetitive schedule. It works, most times! He appears to be drawn to high places, and can often be seen crouching on a pillar or making himself at home on a roof. 🍂
➸ Is actually quite content with his current life. While he’d probably definitely fall over from shock and joy if he got even a single offering from a mortal, his lack of power or recognition isn't something that weighs on his mind, not anymore. He’s long come to terms with his status and makes the best of it — though the mockery occasionally thrown at him still affects him.
Although it would be nice if the world wouldn’t look upon him so harshly, Avriel’s dearest wish is to have meaningful relationships with other beings — bonds where he can safely go to them and know that they want him there. If he were able to have such relationships one day… well. Who could ask for anything more? 🍂
➸ His fathers are his anchors. Avriel is a being who thrives off love and attention; his fathers have always given him the steadfast, unwavering love and acceptance that the world so often withheld from him. Even now, he actively seeks out them out when the endless streams of errands in Lucidio start to make him feel a bit too lonely, a bit too isolated. He adores their frequent visits very much, and is always noticeably livelier than usual for a few days afterwards. Avriel loves them dearly. 🍂
✦ Height Chart
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✦ Afterword from Distant Lands
You’ve reached the end of this monstrously long post. Congratulations! You survived 😌✨ I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to see this little person that I made, so. Thank you. Thank you very much. Ahead is an afterword elaborating a little more on the background of Avriel’s relationship with the others. I tried to make it short, but… it appears I’m not very good at this short and sweet thing. 🫡
When I started forming Avriel, I wanted to make it clear that he had imperfections of his own. He has qualities that will make him clash with the other characters of Uroboros — at the beginning, anyway. 
(In case you missed the link at the top of the post, Avriel is my MC for Uroboros by @uroboros-if !)
Due to his passive tendencies and his subconscious wish to preserve the “peace” that he has carved out for himself, Avriel will initially be extremely wary of Alessi and everything they stand for. The fall of the reign of the gods? He really doesn’t like the sound of that. But passive he may be, Avriel carries a heart that stubbornly longs to love the world and all its beings. The things Alessi will show him may just break Avriel out of the passive shell he's unknowingly created 🫡 I’m looking forward to seeing how they will clash and develop together in the future.
Avriel will have to look past the lens of his hero worship for Luciel in order to truly understand the person they are — imperfections and all. Though come what may, you can rest assured that Avriel will always be Luciel’s number one supporter! But to close that distance between them, Avriel will have to do his part and understand that putting the other person on a pedestal will only do more harm than good to a relationship.
His relationship with Luciel is inspired by the ‘looking’ scene with them. I imagine Avriel halting in place and staring Very Starry-eyed at Luciel during the times he meets them as the text from the Looking scene skitters through his head at the speed of light, a scenario I find extremely funny and will hold onto till the day I die. The MC talks about Luciel’s eyes and kindness a lot, and I took that fact and ran with it.
Salvatore… Avriel's relationship with him is quite complex. I’ll wait to see how future chapters develop before I write more about their relationship. However, I will say that I pounced on these paragraphs from the game to use as a foundation:
He opens and closes his mouth, tasting the words on his tongue before deciding. "Please, let's speak another time! I wish to hear more from you." You see a glimpse of his younger self—Salvatore from a bygone era, when things seemed less complicated, less troubling. You think time has robbed him a part of his spirit. He has become busy. So very busy.
I suppose I felt a faint sense of regret from that last paragraph. The regret of standing before a person once so very close to you, and now so changed. For the better, most people would say, but Avriel secretly wishes that Salvatore could have stayed as happy and carefree as in the past. Though Avriel doesn’t really know that. He’s not one for introspection. He just feels very complicated whenever he meets Salvatore, though he still does his best to regale the deity with comedic retellings of his errands in Lucidio. Just to make Salvatore laugh.
As for Ciocana, I’ll also wait to see how future chapters develop before further shaping his relationship with Avriel. I feel that Ciocana has a lot of hidden depth that we have yet to see. But going off of initial impressions alone, I can say that Avriel definitely had a very good first impression of the other deity. It was an instant squish, if you will. Avriel’s boundless energy syncs quite well with Ciocana’s mischief, and if given enough time to develop, I feel their dynamic has the potential to become the “ride or die (enthusiastic)” kind. 🫡✨
Aaand, that’s all. Thank you for reading this far (again). If you've somehow managed to read this far, then 💐🥺💍hand in marriage pls. Avriel was a joy to create, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how he develops in the future. The world within Uroboros is so wonderfully crafted, its characters so vividly alive; Avriel would not have existed without it. I’m very grateful to the author for sharing their world with us. Thank you. Have a very good day, and may you all have as much fun writing and creating your characters as I did!
➸ Picrew:
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lichfucker · 9 months
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[image description expanded from alt text: a 3-by-3 grid of images where the center image is a photo of me, the artist (a white nonbinary person with long hair), and the surrounding images are all works of art I drew in the past year (some of which have been cropped for size).
1: a drawing of Ingot the Feather-Light, a tiefling, and Z'ress, a drow, cuddling by a campfire, drawn with black line art and soft shading. 2: an elaborate painting of Eliah Hendricks from the Fetch Phillips Archives, a pale elf with long curly red hair, wearing a blue velvet blazer over a sparkly satin jumpsuit. 3: a drawing of Levseis the Malignant, a red-skinned devil, looking down and snarling, drawn with black line art and soft shading. 4: a drawing of Vie, an undead drow, holding a lantern. the drawing is composed entirely of chunky polygonal shapes in a limited palette. 5: a photo of me. I'm a white person with long brown hair and glasses, wearing a green velvet blazer over a purple shirt and leopard-print pants. 6: a dramatic portrait of Ingot, painted entirely in shades of blue. 7: a drawing of Avriel from the Birdhouse Mysteries, a brown-skinned aasimar with curly white hair, staring at a bubbling beaker, drawn with green line art and flat colors. 8: a drawing of Moment's Pallor, a southeast Asian woman with sleek black hair that's shaved on one side and glasses with red lenses, drawn with red line art and chunky shading. 9: a drawing of Attra Rose, a light-skinned woman with long silver hair, with her head tilted and her eyes closed, drawn with sketchy pencil-like line art and soft shading.
end id]
art vs artist 2023!
this year was about variety, I think. I did a lot of new things, and I did a lot of familiar things in new ways. 'twas a good art year overall; had a very difficult time narrowing it down to just eight pieces
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trofysisters · 1 year
Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
Большое спасибо @ magicofsimplestories за то, что отметила меня!
1. Ария - “Я не сошел с ума”. Песня старая, в моем плейлисте почти с момента ее выхода.
2. Tusse - “Voices”. Услышала ее на Евровидении, очень понравилась.
3. Би-2 - “Последний герой”. Помню первые выпуски телевизионного шоу “Последний герой”, где играла эта песня. Возможно, в плейлисте с того времени.
4. Within Temptation - “In Vain”. Где услышала, не помню, но зацепила.
5.  Dr. Dre ft. Eminem, Skylar Grey - “I need a doctor”. Навсегда в сердце.
6. Poets of The Fall - “Dancing on broken glass”. Впервые услышала их песню “War”, очень понравились их творчество.
7. Кукрыниксы - “Знай”. Песня отражает мой внутренний мир в 2010 году.
8. Andrea Bocelli - “Melodramma”. Обожаю красивое оперное пение и мелодичность.
9. U2 - “Wishing”. Впервые услышала эту песню в фильме “10 королевство”. С тех пор эта песня у меня не только в плейлисте, но и на входящих звонках на телефоне.
10. Disturbed - “Hell”. Подобные музыкальные композиции заряжают меня энергией.
Передаю эстафету @ladyvenerasims, @ledyanoykrolik, @madfeary, @avriel-de-vir, @serenasims, @tvickiesims, @the-shadow-of-your-love, @dariaendzhyel, @laforets4, @blue-hearts
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
Ehehe I forced name changes for Mhalaki and Avi to the spellings I originally wanted (Avriel and Malaki) by making toons named Mhalaki and Avvriel on SV so when they transferred it the name was taken. :3
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cee-grice · 1 year
HIIII CEE happy storyteller saturday!! What do you think is a line that perfectly encapsulates your main characters' personalities? One for each! :D
heyyy Tate, thanks for the ask:D <3
man I really had to dig through my wip for this haha oowhh (IT'S SO HARD TO CHOOSE FOR THE MAIN MAIN ONES AAA)
(I went with the two main ones and three major secondary ones ae)
“I've died once, and I have no qualms about doing it again,” he said as he turned the pages to the signatures. Next to his name, he wrote his own before looking up at her. “I'm your biggest liability, Mistress. Do try not to forget.”
(he's absolutely unhinged, don't let his polite demeanor fool you)
“I wasn’t aware your kind could live off of just air, that’s really impressive. I don’t even need that, but I had to give up my body for such a bargain.”
(he's a tease lol)
Mistress Clariene Silvoir:
“Do forgive my bluntness, but you would not be questioning our ethics had you not discovered a more humane way to deal with this issue. Let’s not pretend any of us are saints here.”
(hey she's self aware at least)
“Also, you're wrong,” Florin continued, quieter, as he released Quil's now limp hands. “If it concerns you, it concerns me. I want to help, so please just tell me how. I didn't meet anyone who'd know you, I'm sorry, but maybe— maybe if you'd tell me what this is about, maybe I could find something out, or, or… I don't know, help in some other way.”
(pretty devoted for a friend i gotta say)
Mistress Avriele Kaelion:
“No. You know what people want to hear. You know how to get them to see you how you want them to.” She took another long drag. Breathed it out. “Not me, though. You don’t know what I want to hear. That unnerves you.”
(a friend described her as being from a 40s noir film and that's exactly it)
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dolphelecat · 2 years
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Champion of the Raven Queen
"And then I walk away." A playlist for Vax'ildan from Critical Role.
YouTube | Spotify
1. Flocks a Mile Wide - Christopher Tin 2. Us Against the World - Westlife 3. Street Urchins - Alan Menken 4. What's Up Danger - Blackway & Black Caviar 5. Heart - Sleeping At Last 6. Hey Brother - Avicii 7. Joy Follows Suffering - Michael W. Smith 8. Salt in the Snow - The Classic Crime 9. Fly - Ludovico Einaudi 10. After the Storm - Mumford & Sons 11. Yukai na Nakama tachi - Hikaru Nanase 12. Inside Job - Joseph LoDuca 13. Mission Impossible - The Piano Guys (feat. Lindsey Stirling) 14. Fields of Gold - Tyler Ward & Peter Hollens (feat. Lindsey Stirling) 15. Love Letter - Malinda 16. Syugosya-tachi - Hikaru Nanase 17. Fields and Pier - Avriel & the Sequoias 18. Shining in the Sky - Theishter 19. I Will Never Forget You - Cecile Corbel 20. The Dreamer Departs - Magellanic 21. I Wouldn't Be - Maccabeats 22. Snowdrops - Otto Prager
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deaths · 1 year
hi rio <3
hi avriel :3 hope ure doing well muah
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paidbackhq · 2 years
MUSE 1 - younger sibling of karma || connected to muses 8 & 6
friend w benefits of muse 8
unrequitedly crushing on muse 6
MUSE 2 - former pr stunt relationship w/ karma || connected to muses 11 & 18
public feud of muse 11
ghosted by muse 18
MUSE 3 - co-star of karma || connected to muses 14 & 20
friendzoned muse 14
ex (on good terms) of muse 20
MUSE 4 - hardcore party friend of karma || connected to muses 26 & 28
sibling of muse 26
ex w benefits of muse 20
MUSE 5 - known rival/public feud of karma || connected to muses 12 & 19
ex fling of muse 12
pr ‘best friend’
MUSE 6 - ex fiance of karma || connected to muses 17 & 1
past affair w/ muse 17
unrequited crush of muse 1
MUSE 7 - loyal minion to karma || connected to muses 22 & 25
ex pr relationship muse w/ 22
secret hookup of muse 25
MUSE 8 - next door neighbor to karma || connected to muses 1 & 15
friends w/ benefits of muse 1
rejected by muse 15
MUSE 9 - secret admirer of karma || connected to muses 18 & 23
step-sibling of muse 18
sidekick to muse 23
MUSE 10 - ex best friend of karma || connected to muses 21 & 13
ex (on bad terms) of muse 21
casually dating muse 13
MUSE 11 - frequent collaborator of karma || connected to muses 2 & 12
public feud with muse 2
inspired by muse 12
MUSE 12  - one night stand of karma || connected to muses 5 & 21
ex fling of muse 5
ex rivals turned friend of muse 21
MUSE 13  - bullying victim of karma || connected to muses 24 & 10
ride or die bff of muse 24
casually dating muse 10
MUSE 14  - shared public scandal w/ karma || connected to muses 3 & 27
friendzoned by muse 3
blind date w/ muse 27
MUSE 15  - older sibling of karma || connected to muses 28 & 8
ex fiance of muse 28
rejected muse 8
MUSE 16  - boyfriend (at t.o.d) of karma || connected to muses 29 & 26
cousin of muse 29
drunken hookup of muse 26
MUSE 17  - former personal assistant of karma || connected to muses 6 & 29
past affair w/ muse 6
close friend of muse 29
MUSE 18  - longtime family friend of karma || connected to muses 9 & 2
step sibling of muse 9
ghosted muse 2
MUSE 19  - first love of karma || connected to muses 27 & 5
worst enemy of muse 27
pr ‘best friend of muse 5
MUSE 20  - close confidant of karma || connected to muses 25 & 3
fake friend of muse 25
ex (on good terms) of muse 3
MUSE 21  - best friend (at t.o.d) of karma || connected to muses 10 & 12
ex on bad terms of muse 10
ex rivals turned friend of muse 12
MUSE 22  - fellow former child star of karma || connected to muses 7 & 11
ex pr relationship w/ muse 7
artistic muse of muse 11
MUSE 23  - regular hookup of karma || connected to muses 30 & 9
first love of muse 30
sidekick is muse 9
MUSE 24  - secret girlfriend of karma || connected to muses 13 & 30
ride or die bff of muse 13
ex roommate of muse 
MUSE 25  - wannabe minion to karma || connected to muses 20 & 7
fake friend of muse 20
secret hookup of muse 7
MUSE 26  - frenemy of karma || connected to muses 4 & 16
sibling of muse 4
drunken hookup of muse 16
MUSE 27  - former co-star / affair of karma || connected to muses 19 & 14
worst enemy of muse 19
blind date w/ muse 14
MUSE 28  - drug dealer to karma || connected to muses 4 & 16
ex w/ benefits of muse 4
drunken hookup of muse 16
MUSE 29  - unrequited crush on karma || connected to muses 16 & 17
cousin of muse 16
close friend of muse 17
MUSE 30  - childhood bestfriend of karma || connected to muses 23 & 24
first love of muse 23
ex roommate of muse 24
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BREAD ILYSM TAKE THIS *sobbing and weeping*
But who do i send this to wow-
Big brain time okay lessgo
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forestg0ddess · 2 years
Cause I saw @byrnemotherfuckerbyrne do this why not. Put your playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs. I also did my liked songs cause I have to many playlist.
1. Turning out by AJR
2. 30/90 from Tick Tick Boom
3. Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons
4. I’m Only Getting Started by Avi Kaplan
5. Sweet Adeline by Avriel & the Sequoias
6. Brightside by The Lumineers
7. Where Dirt and Water Collide by The White Buffalo
8. King by Florence + The Machine
9. Ahavat Olam sung by The Platt Brothers
10. That Funny Feeling by Bo Burnham
I will tag @moonasteries and @bottledplants and idk anyone else
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zmeevik · 4 years
Simblr Community Challenge
II was tagged by @kapitoshca33 @simulacia @foulballoonkid Большое спасибо!
How long have you been playing the Sims?
Первое знакомство с игрой состоялось еще на Playstation 2. Это были игры The Sims 2 и The Sims 2 Pets. Год был, боюсь ошибиться, кажется 2005. На компьютере в The Sims 2 начала играть кажется с 2008, вроде в этом году у нас появился комп) В Sims 3 играю с ее появления, правда в первое время чаще играла в Двойку, т. к на тот момент Тройка на мой взгляд сильно уступала ей. А в Четверку играю относительно недавно, с июня 2019.
How long have you been a Simblr and why did you become one?
О Tumblr узнала от Гали @foulballoonkid , когда Галя начала выкладывать сюда фото из своей игры. И я рада, что многие из друзей, с которыми знакома с тех времен теперь здесь. И конечно, рада новым друзьям и тому что постоянно открываю для себя интересных творческих людей. Я начала вести свой блог в ноябре 2016 года. Как быстро летит время! Вначале выкладывала отдельные фото своих персонажей, и не думала, что буду проводить здесь много времени, но потом освоилась и теперь в основном пишу и публикую фото именно здесь.
What type of Simblr are you?
В основном пишу здесь историю своих персонажей, это наверное 90% содержания моего блога. Иногда публикую отдельные фото опять же, своих персонажей, эпизоды из их жизни. Но в целом все это часть одного моего игрового мира. Время от времени участвую в tag games, большая часть из которых также связана с игрой The Sims 😁
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
Сейчас играю в Симс 3 и Симс 4.
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Чтобы разбавить текст, вставлю фото из самого первого поста (из Симс 3)...
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и из одного из новых (Симс 4) 😁
I tag: @liliyabonya​ @marfuhenka82​ @strangestorytellersims​ @solorisims​ @treason-and-plot​ @silverspringsimmer​ @elllesims​ @rusya-sims​ @justmewomen​ @serenasims​ @avriel-de-vir​ @alisanda330​ @loveless-the-seal​ @rethdis-love​ @obscurus-noctem​ @leavath​ @shushilda​ 
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snowthornes · 11 months
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FANFICTION | @uroboros-if
Salvatore gave him a questioning look, raising his eyebrows. “What are you doing?” Avriel only gave him an excited grin in response. Wordlessly, he stretched his hand out towards him, peering into his eyes with an uncharacteristic solemnity. Confusion emerged from their amber depths, eyelashes fluttering like— Like butterflies, Avriel thought. The image had come into his mind unbidden, but he didn’t mind; Salvatore would be a pretty butterfly. Big and bright and golden, like the sun’s rays were woven into his very wings.  Oh, Avriel thought. But butterflies wouldn’t be able to play with him like Salvatore did. Their wings tore far too easily: his father, Rafael, had told him so when Avriel had wanted to take some home to play with. What if he accidentally hurt him while they were playing? Avriel frowned at the thought. He had changed his mind — he didn’t want Salvatore to be a butterfly.  Besides, he liked Salvatore as he was, just like this. Exuberant and cheerful and smart and kind, Avriel’s very best friend. 
Salvatore was Avriel’s best friend.
They did everything together — on the days that Salvatore could come to visit, that is. Avriel knew that Salvatore was important, that he had big duties and responsibilities to fulfill. Everyone said so. But he was also his very best friend. Other than Avriel’s fathers, Salvatore was the only deity who was willing to play with him; the only one who would smile at him without looking at him oddly like the other deities did.
And as far as Avriel was concerned, that was all that mattered.
It was another wonderful day in which Salvatore could come to visit. The sun was shining, the sky a perfect cornflower blue, the rolling hills of the land as perfectly verdant as always. The wind whipped through Avriel’s hair as he careened down said hills, eyes squinting in determination. Almost there— he was almost—
Avriel tumbled onto the soft and fluffy grass with a thud, giggling madly.
Above him stood a grinning Salvatore, hair mussed and clothes slightly askew. Avriel knew that he probably didn’t look much better; divine though they may be, they could only do so much scrambling and playing before the forces that kept them neat and tidy — like how father always said whenever he fixed his hair — started waving in surrender.
“I win,” Salvatore announced, with all the pride of a job well done. He put his hands on his hips and beamed, his delight so palpable that the sunshine-y air around him seemed to trill with joy.
Avriel gawped indignantly. “What! No! I was one second faster than you.” He held up his thumb and index finger for emphasis, still sprawled gracelessly on the grass. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Salvatore giggled, sun-brown eyes shining with delighted mischief. “Besides, you fell — that doesn’t count!”
Avriel’s eyes turned round with betrayal, at that. He rolled over onto his belly with a dramatic thump under the other god’s laughing gaze. “Wha– I’ve never heard of that rule before!” He eyed him suspiciously. Salvatore did his best to look as innocent as possible in response. “You… you just made that rule up!”
Salvatore puffed himself up. “Did not,” he said with mock austerity, trying to channel his mother’s usual demeanor as he was wont to do on occasion.
Avriel was unconvinced. “Did too!”
“Did not!”
“Then show me the rule book!”
“There is no rule book! We made the game up, remember?”
“Oh, right.” Avriel deflated. Then, he perked up. “Then I can unmake the rule—”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Salvatore said happily, swaying from side to side. “You can’t just take back the rules once you’ve broken them!”
Avriel doggedly persisted, not to be defeated. “And how do you know that?”
“My studies!” Salvatore said importantly, finally flopping onto the grass beside him. Avriel half heartedly poked at his side; Salvatore batted him away with a giggle. “Mother has been teaching me more and more about law and diplomacy, lately.”
“Ooh,” Avriel sat back on his elbows and looked at him with curious eyes, breezing past their earlier bickering like a duck shaking its feathers free of water. “Is it interesting?”
Salvatore puckered his brows in thought, considering the question. “I think so,” he said earnestly. “My favorite is learning about all the different lives the mortals lead — so many things affect them all! The harvests, the seasons, the nobility, the trade; they’re all so different. What may be right for Central Galaio may not be what’s good for Southwestern Galaio. It’s all so fascinating!”
Avriel sighed, wistfully. “I wish I could go down to the mortal world. It all sounds so wonderful.” They both knew the possibility was slim, but it was nice to dream. 
Salvatore sighed as well, a slight smile on his face. “Perhaps one day, we could go down together. We could hear their stories, eat their food — they have these marvelous things called street food. Street food! — and maybe see the sights together.”
“And we could stay up and watch the night sky!” Avriel piped up, eagerly adding on to Salvatore’s daydreams. He flopped back, staring up at the boundless sky above. His hand reached out, as if he could touch that endless blanket of blue if he reached far enough — if he tried hard enough. 
“Father says that it’s beautiful: canvases of pitch dark shadow given life by endless speckles of light. Dots of light so dense that it’s as if you could leap to the sky and swim amongst them.” He laughed, at that, eyes flitting to Salvatore. The god was staring at him with shining eyes, enthralled by his tales. His grin turned a bit bashful. “Wouldn’t it be funny if there were little creatures in the sky? Fish that swam amongst the stars, darting in and out of the clouds to say hello?”
“If they were to exist,” Salvatore said, suddenly blinking very quickly, “I think I would like to ride on them. Though I’d ask first, of course.”
“That’s a great idea!” Avriel beamed. A gentle breeze blew through his hair, causing a few stray locks to fall before his face — he carelessly pushed them away, heaving himself up to a sitting position and maneuvering so that he was sitting directly in front of Salvatore. 
Salvatore gave him a questioning look, raising his eyebrows. “What are you doing?”
Avriel only gave him an excited grin in response. Wordlessly, he stretched his hand out towards him, peering into his eyes with an uncharacteristic solemnity. Confusion emerged from their amber depths, eyelashes fluttering like—
Like butterflies, Avriel thought. The image had come into his mind unbidden, but he didn’t mind; Salvatore would be a pretty butterfly. Big and bright and golden, like the sun’s rays were woven into his very wings. 
Oh, Avriel thought. But butterflies wouldn’t be able to play with him like Salvatore did. Their wings tore far too easily: his father, Rafael, had told him so when Avriel had wanted to take some home to play with. What if he accidentally hurt him while they were playing?
Avriel frowned at the thought. He had changed his mind — he didn’t want Salvatore to be a butterfly. 
Besides, he liked Salvatore as he was, just like this. Exuberant and cheerful and smart and kind, Avriel’s very best friend. 
Perhaps he had been staring too long, for when Salvatore spoke, it was in a tone of hesitation — of uncertainty. His hands fidgeted on his golden robes. “Avriel?” 
Avriel blinked, coming back to himself. He looked down at his hand, still held out to Salvatore in offering, then looked back at the other god. He tried to nod reassuringly, a bright smile coming to his face.  “It’s okay! Take my hand.”
“Oh!” Salvatore reached his hand out, at that. His movements were a bit stilted, a bit hesitant. Avriel frowned in concern. Was he nervous? Why? Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he leaned forward and grasped the other god’s hand in his own. It jerked, as if surprised, then instinctively held him back.
Once their hands were firmly clasped together, Avriel nodded, satisfied. This was nothing new for either of them: they had often tussled together, holding hands and flinging arms around each other’s shoulders with the carefree joy of creatures yet to see the world in all its hardship. Still, to Avriel — and perhaps even Salvatore — this felt different. Monumental, somehow.
“Let’s make a promise,” Avriel declared. He looked straight into Salvatore’s eyes, eyes that were watching him with curiosity, confusion, and anticipation — both radiant sun and gentle ray at the same time. 
“We’ll be — we’ll always be friends, no matter what. And one day, if we ever get the chance, we’ll go out to see the night sky together.”
Salvatore’s lips quirked into a smile at that. “And the fishes?” He asked, a hint of playful teasing in his tone. “What about the fish in the stars? Will we go to see them, too?”
“Of course,” Avriel grinned. “Why not, if we get the chance?”
The other god laughed, and Avriel’s smile widened. He liked making Salvatore laugh. “So, what do you think?”
Salvatore eyed him thoughtfully… then broke out into a beaming smile.
Avriel beamed — he suddenly felt very happy, unbearably so. He leapt to his feet, still holding fast to the other’s hand. “Yes!” He swung their clasped hands back and forth in delight, prompting Salvatore to burst into laughter
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing! I’m just — very happy.” He grinned down at Salvatore, suddenly feeling very, very grateful that the universe had given him a friend like him. He didn’t know what would happen in the future, but — no matter what, he knew that Salvatore would always be his dearest, best friend.
“I’m glad we’re friends.”
Salvatore smiled. Bright and delighted, a burning sun. No cloud could ever hope to contain such a smile.
“Me too, Avriel.”
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Silence. Amorphous shapes mingling before his eyes, lurking in the darkness. The sensation of swimming through a river of molasses, sluggish and lethargic. Then a voice, softly calling his name.
Avriel woke up with a start.
The first thing he saw was their eyes.
Brown eyes, swimming with sun-gold pools — like tree bark caught in warm sunlight, soft in their radiance. Avriel squinted, trying to focus on their face — and found himself blinded again. His breath caught.
A sigh. “Avriel, you’re finally awake.”
Salvatore. He leaned over him, his smile brightening his features. Avriel opened his mouth — then closed it again. It seemed he had yet to fully come to at the moment. His brain was curiously blank, no matter how much he scrambled for words.
He barely saw Salvatore these days.
The god in question rose from his seat, approaching him where he lay. Despite the reassuring smile on his face, his eyes raked over his form — searching, worrying.
“You passed out,” he said, almost whispering. Avriel found that he hated it — though the intensity of the emotion came as a surprise to him. He didn’t like it, that Salvatore was being so careful with him. As if he hadn’t known him better than anyone in the world, once. 
His chest twinged.
Suddenly, Salvatore’s stare shifted from his limbs to him. Avriel blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog in his mind. “Do you remember what happened?”
Avriel tried to open his mouth, but found it glued shut. His mind was groggy, weighed down by fog; the vestiges of a dream still clinging to his senses. He could only nod. The other god hummed in response.
“I’ve always known you to be the picture of health,” Salvatore said, then frowned. “I’ve rarely heard of a deity fall ill… at all.”
Avriel blinked in reply. When Salvatore reached for his hand, he offered no resistance.
He took his hand gently in his. If Avriel hadn’t been so out of it, his fingers would’ve curled instinctively around the other god’s.
An inviting warmth enveloped his core. Soft, balming, a healing force that didn’t soothe his mortal body, but rather his very divine being. Avriel sank further into the bed, melting in relief as the warmth coursed through him.
Dazed, his mind recalled a promise, one that seemed to come from a long, long dream: uttered in sunlit days, in a time that had long slipped by like a river carrying a drifting leaf far out of reach.
“We’ll always be friends, no matter what.”
There had been no argument. No sudden onslaught of coldness. There had been no point when Avriel could look back and say: Ah. This was when it started. This was what caused it all. No; rather, it was as if they had been treading down their paths, eyes fixed on their futures, their duties, their endless responsibilities — until one day, they looked back, and found that their paths had diverged to an unreachable chasm.
A twinge shot through his chest again, stubbornly lingering despite the healing force that was softly spreading through him, determined to soothe his spirit. No, this was an ache that the divine couldn’t make disappear, not like this.
Lost in wholly uncharacteristic somberness, Avriel found himself intensely examining the other god.
It was undeniable that Salvatore had changed.
The Salvatore in his memories had been bright, carefree, brashly so. He had been a force of nature, barreling into Avriel’s life like a sun chasing away lingering clouds, unapologetic and unabashed in his determination to get closer to him. Nothing could have held him back, that Salvatore — no clouds could ever have hoped to contain the light with which he had burned.
Yet it seemed that even the sun was not immune to the changing streams of time. Avriel had seen it, over the years: the way Salvatore’s temperament had mellowed into something… warm. Pleasant, in the way that flowers were pleasant when arranged into specific bunches. He was no longer a clash of vibrant wildflowers and sunlight gathered into a lovely yet haphazard bouquet, but… something else. Something more quiet, somehow, though Avriel wasn’t sure if that was the right word. Something soft and golden and pleasant.
Others had called it maturation, but Avriel alone wasn’t so sure. It sometimes frustrated him, his inability to name his feelings; how he struggled to put his instincts into distinct images. But he missed it. There was something from Salvatore that he missed, though he didn’t know what—
After all, no matter how much Salvatore changed, he had always remained as blindingly unignorable as he was before.
Then, Salvatore leaned away. Avriel was broken out of his thoughts, dropping his scrutiny of the other god as he tiredly rubbed a hand across his eyes. His thoughtful look lingered on Avriel for a beat longer before dropping away, morphing into something more relaxed.
“I am certain you will recover your strength soon,” he said. “I’ve been observing you, and nothing appears to plague your body.” He paused, meeting Avriel’s eyes for a beat, before continuing, “Your father worried incessantly over you. You… were unconscious for a while.”
Oh. Avriel paused, blinking. Right. The universe — it had been in pain.
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As the story often goes, Salvatore didn’t stay for long till he was called away.
Avriel had been attempting to regale him with tales of his excursions at Lucidio in an attempt to make him laugh — it had been a foolproof plan, he had thought. Surely Salvatore would find such tales amusing.
Salvatore hadn’t.
In fact, he had looked quite morose for his sake.
Desatana. Avriel nearly banged his head against the wall. That plan had backfired spectacularly. You’d think that after a century or so of living, he would be better at… this.
Salvatore hadn’t believed him when he said that the universe was in pain, of course. Avriel couldn’t bring himself to be surprised. It was a bold claim to make, after all; the claim that anything could ever make something as grand as the universe feel such pain, and that it would be Avriel of all people who would feel something so important — it was an idea wrought in skepticism.
Yet, a part of him couldn’t help but think that if it had been before, Salvatore would have believed him. Salvatore would have known that he would never make such a statement so lightly, despite how careless he could be at times. He would have known—
Avriel cut himself off. Closed his eyes. Took a deep, fortifying breath. Then he leapt out of bed, legs wobbling slightly at the sudden movement after staying prone for so long, then reached for his sword. Once he had safely affixed it to his belt, he strode out of the infirmary, a jaunty spring slowly coming back to his steps.
There was no use thinking such things. Avriel looked up at the skies of Lucidio: a perfect, cornflower blue. The sun shone softly on his skin. The bustling sounds of mortal life reached his ears. Avriel slowed down to a stop, taking it all in.
This was Lucidio. This was his life, now. And he– he enjoyed it. He liked helping mortals, liked seeing the lives they led even past the bounds of death. He liked mingling amongst them — seeing their triumphs and pitfalls, virtues and irritations.
Whatever past he had with Salvatore… it could only remain as naught but a memory, a ghost that lingered on the rare occasions that they saw each other face to face.
Avriel raised his head to the sky and smiled. Bright. Sunny. Another cloudless day.
“And one day, if we ever get the chance, we’ll go out to see the night sky together.”
As things are, as things will be.
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simulacia · 4 years
Simblr Community Challenge
I was tagged by @descendantdragfi  🎀🎉 & @kapitoshca33 💕✨ How long have you been playing the Sims? С 2007 года, купила дочке на день рождения The Sims 2, и стала играть вместе с маленькими девчонками 😊  How long have you been a Simblr and why did you become one? В апреле 2014 года запостила своих любимчиков из The Sims 3. Хотелось сохранить всю красоту мира The Sims 3 в хорошем качестве, и конечно показать друзьям. Завести здесь блог меня уговорила Июша @solorisims , с которой мы так весело играли в Симс 3 еще на официальном сайте thesims3.com и продолжили веселится и здесь. 😃🌹💗 И еще несомненным примером и вдохновителем для меня стала тогда Ирочка @serenasims с ее чудесным блогом. 🎨💟🌞 Сначала мой блог здесь был очень робким, но потом появилась The Sims 4, и я открыла для себя здесь множество прекрасных Simblr из разных стран, и чудесных креаторов, и замечательные истории, и множество всего очень интересного вокруг игры The Sims. Было очень интересно здесь наблюдать как игра развивается, и как Simblr создают совершенство! What type of Simblr are you? Я постоянно сочиняю истории, только истории, и они все время живут у меня в голове 😜 Иногда я размещаю здесь полноценные рассказы с кучей картинок и текста, но чаще, из за нехватки времени, просто разные эпизоды из жизни моих симов в виде картинок. Which generation of Sims do you primarily play? The Sims 4 I tag   @arinaplus   @evendash  @justmewomen   @loveless-the-seal   @avriel-de-vir  @ladykleo  @solorisims   @rethdis-love   @zmeevik   @foulballoonkid @serenasims  @shaniss  @tiny-tany-thaanos  @leavath  @lesyasun   @elllesims   
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cee-grice · 11 months
ok I don't celebrate Halloween but I did dress up this year and y'all are getting pics!! I cosplayed as one of my characters, Mistress Avriele Kaelion >:))
semi-face reveal ig?? (I've never posted pics of myself on social media besides fb years ago lmfao so be nice<3)
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anyway I wrote a lil about her here, but she's one of my favorite secondary characters and her appearance is just perfect for Halloween lol
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spooky lady 👻☠️🎃
(going on a small ramble here - her design very much embodies the idea of judging a book by its cover, and how that judgement may impact how you approach the story within... her appearance is meant to give you an immediate impression of her personality and consequent morality, but, without giving too much away, that's something that I attempt to invite readers to consider as the story progresses :v let's just say she may not be how she may appear to be lol...)
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lichfucker · 3 years
4, 11, 19, & 34 for any/all of your characters ❤
aa ty jack <3
4. would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went?
ingot definitely wouldn’t, I honestly can’t imagine them listening to music like For Fun and the idea of singing along to something feels very undignified lsdjfd plus they’ve got -2 performance so like that’ll be a no
avriel would! she’d be more likely to hum than sing along if she didn’t know the words, though
beezus would want to but would be too insecure about not knowing the words so he’d bottle it up instead
[redacted] would but only if she knew she were somewhere safe, away from prying ears.
11. how do they feel about casual endearments? (babe, etc)
ingot absolutely hates them. hates nicknames, hates pet names, doesn’t understand the appeal at all, isn’t “ingot” short enough already?
avriel likes them in theory but doesn’t really use them. she primarily interacts with people from a place of overt performative politeness bc that’s how she’s learned to get what she wants, so it feels a little incongruous to chuck a pet name in there, y’know?
they’re the sort of thing that beezus feels like they’ll really like someday, when it makes sense to be addressed and to address others that way, but as it is they’ve never really had a group of peers with whom it would be appropriate and comfortable to talk like that
[redacted] adores them. she doesn’t address ANYONE by name, only by nicknames and pet names. she probably calls most people some derivative of honey or sweetheart
19. do they see patterns in the world around them? do they point them out to people?
ingot... ingot sees a lot. ingot notices a lot. he’s got +11 to both perception and insight. he’s got a good memory. he files things away. but he would never claim to find any sort of meaning in these things (to him there is no such thing as “a sign”), and he definitely would NOT consider them worth sharing with others
avriel notices and shares, absolutely. probably wishes she didn’t. her life was easier when there was nothing to notice
beezus might see patterns but they definitely would struggle to understand them, and would struggle even more to convey them to anyone else
g-d it’s questions like this that make me wish I could say [redacted]’s name or literally anything about her sdklfj
34. what's the first thing they think when they hear an alarm? what's the first thing they do?
ingot reaches for their bow and starts looking for the source of the danger. it’s funny, actually, the alarm spell was what made ingot realize they could cast magic. they’d been casting hunter’s mark before then but honestly just believed that they were really really good at their job (ie hunting lmao). an alarm means it’s time to go to work. everything else in life gets set to the side once there’s a job to be done
avriel hears an alarm and feels intrigued and wary, in that order. she’ll go toward the danger every time, because it would kill her not to know, and usually what she finds will kill her anyway
beezus’ fight/flight/freeze response is freeze in almost every situation. he hears an alarm and is immediately terrified that he won’t be able to handle what’s coming
[redacted] starts running and only looks back once
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kapitoshca33 · 4 years
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👁‍🗨 Rules: Make a mood board of: 1. Your favourite food that you would never give up eating 2. Your favourite place, where you feel recharged, safe, delighted. Where you would live or come back to again and again 3. You favorite smell that gives you joy or power or relaxation *** 1. Омлет с помидорами 2. Балтийский берег 3. Тополь под дождём
I was tagged by @descendantdragfi 🙏🌾  I tag @zmeevik @marfuhenka82 @avriel-de-vir @simulacia
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