ineedtoloveyou · 10 years
I am just loving this new serie in the netherlands called suits.
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Dr.Marry:Well I’m proud to announce you two are having a…girl
I don’t know why but I started crying when she it was a girl.I always dreamed that I would have a girl but I jut never thought it would be this soon.I looked at Eddie and sawing him smiling.I was happy but I was also very...
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Cant wait till chapter 6!!
It was the middle of the night when I woke up to warm covers around me.I opened my eyes a little and saw I was still in my dress from last night.I looked next to me and saw nobody there but surely saw a picture of Eddie and his mom on the night stand.I slowly climbed out of the bed as my feet...
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
I miss the old times, when nothing was complicated..
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
I absolutely love your storys. Please never stop writing.
I walked on the stage and I swear I could barely hear from all the screaming girls that was calling my name.I tried to keep my focus on the questions that Lilly was dishing to me but I couldn’t.Something kept telling me to tell the truth about this girl.That girl was so amazing.
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Is there ever gonna be a season 2 of holllywood heights?
I hopeso.
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
It may sound stupid but i still can't believe Paul Walker is dead. Everytime i see a movie where he plays in i just cant believe it,
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
we will miss you paul. Rest in peace.
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R.I.P Paul walker great actor who will never be forgot Ride or die ~ the fast and the furious
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Dont stop writing youre such a good writer !
No more
Wont be posting any more stories since all you really like are the clohes so yeah.
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
i am so sorry havent post anything in like a month or something. I'm just so busy.. school and stuff. I'l hope i have some time left this week so i can start writing again..
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Witch fanfic should i update?
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Loren and Melissa spent the night together..
Loren and Melissa at school Melissa: “So wbout last night at the bowling alley..What happened with you and Eddie?” Loren: “We talked and got to know each other better and if you and Ian wouldn’t have came out at that time I think he was gonna kiss...
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
HH fanfic. Unexpected
Today i saw this girl, she was so beautiful. Hazeld eyes and brown hair. I dont know her name but i'm sure i will find out i have to know.
I walked into my penthouse and sat down on the couch to watch some tv. Then i saw her that girl i saw earlier today. Loren Tate is her name. But she is a famous singer so i guess i dont have a change to even meet her.. But i can try right? So i got in my car and drove to the place they were filming.
Lorens pov.
I just finished the interview with lily park as I saw some guy walk in. I didn't know him so i walked up to him.
'Hey can i help you?' I asked him as he turned around and faced me.
'Well i just saw you on tv and i just wanted to meet you' He looked a little confuced..
'Come with me wel go sit in my dressing room' I said to him and i smiled.
I walked up to the dressingroom with this guy i even dont know his name.. But there is something with him i like the way he smiles i guess he is a special guy.
Eddie's pov.
I walked with Loren to her dressingroom and looked around.
'So whats your name?' She asked me.
'I'm sorry, my name is Eddie, Eddie Duran.' I awnserd her.
'Hi Eddie I'm Loren Tate.' I shaked her hand.
'Yes i know you from tv and stuf. I just saw you earlyer in the MK club. I work there its my fathers club.' I said to her and i smiled a little.
'Oh really? I didnt saw you there today I will be there tomorrow for my video clip. If you want to come youre welcome.' She said to me with a smile on her face. Dam shes so beautiful.
'I'l devenetly be there !' I said to her.
'Awsome, can i have your number then i'l text you the time and stuf.' She gives me her phone and i put my number in it.
'Yeah sure. Well i'l have to go but i see you tomorrow then?' I asked her.
'Yeah i see you tomorrow' She gave me a hug and i walked back to my car.
I cant wait til tomorrow. I realy like this girl she's so down to earth.
The next morning
Lorens pov
'Yes Jake i know you dont want me to date again but this guy is just so diffrent, i dont even know if its gonna work out between us so dont worrie.' I said to Jake. He doenst want me to date because i have to focus on my music career. But i have a personal life to right?
'Ok but i warned you. You better watch out who youre hanging out with you dont even know this guy.' Jake sounded so worried. 
'Were just friends Jake dont worry' I said to Jake. Then i saw Eddie walking in.
Eddies pov
I walked in to the MK club and saw loren talking to this man. I walked up to her and hugged her.
'Hey Loren how are you?' I asked her.
'Eddie ! I'm great. I have a question for you though. Would you like to act in my video? One of my dancers is ill and couldnt come so if you wanna do that it would be great.' I was in a bit of a shock but i mean i can dance and i have nothing else to do right?
'Yeah why not. But i dont know the dance steps jet so maybe someone can teach me?' I'm so excited to dance in a music video.
'How about i learn you?' Loren said to me with a huge smile on her face. Man i love that smile.
'That would be great' I laught a little and we walked up the stage. She teached me the dance steps and we laughed a lot. 
Lorens pov.
Wow i didnt know he was such a good dancer. And his smile is so cute. I think i'm falling for this guy.
So this is a new fanfic of mine i hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you guys think.
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Give me some ideas for another hh fanfic please. I'm out of ideas. So who has some ideas for me?
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
omg this is so cute
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
This year July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui, the one who does not copy, will be without money. Figured I'd pass this on!
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Only reblogging because I’m a greedy bitch who wants money.
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Hey doesn’t hurt to reblog ya knoww and if money is involved….
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  My mom’s paycheck arrives in 4d days, THIS SHIT WORKKSS
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chinese feng shui knows about tumblr ? 
OMG I didnt notice until today.I reblogged this and got 10 dollars :D
got to pay for stuff somehow so why not. 
forever reblog
haha I got money today!!! 
Show me the moneyyyy!
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ineedtoloveyou · 11 years
Chapter 4 Unacceptable
Here it is finally. Sorry again that it took me so long, Hope you guys like it !
'Eddie and me.. we are getting married' I said with the biggest smile on my face.
'Youre what? ' She didn't seem that happy.
'Were getting married, i realy love him and i dont want anything else then spend the rest of  my life with him' I looked at eddie when i said that and kissed him.
At that moment there was someone at the door and my mom went to open it.
'Trent.. what are you doing here..' Nora said with a desperate voice.
'I'm here to see loren.' Trent said when he looked at me.
'I dont want to see you and i dont want to speak to you ever again you understand?' I was so angry at him for leaving me when i was a little kid i just cant deal with it. I ran to my bedroom when i heard someone following me.
'Loren its alright, Nora is making him leave.' Eddie said with a concerned face.
'No its not Eddie, i dont understand why he is doing this? All the sudden he wants to see me and be my dad?' I was so angry not at eddie but at Trent.. I cant even call him my dad.
'Trent i want you to leave ! You heard Loren didnt you?' Nora said to Trent at the door.
'Allright i'l go but i'l come back and then she will talk to me.' Trent said to Nora.
When Trent was gone Nora came to check on me in my bedroom.
'Are you ok Loren?' Nora is the best mom ever.
'Yeah i'm allright i just dont get it why he is doing this all the sudden..'
'I dont know eighter but i hope he will leave you alone know, and if he doesnt i want you to tell me so we can do something about that.' Nora sounds a litte worried but i guess that normal right?
'I'l promise that if i ever hear from him again you two are the first to know.' I smiled.
'But what did you said before trent came at the door? You two are getting married?' Nora didnt look so happy.
'Yes mom ! we are getting married, We love each other and i want to spend the rest of my life with Eddie.' I just want mom to be okay with it. 
'But you two are so young? I mean you have a whole life in front of you.. Are you sure about this?' Nora asked us, We looked at each other and smiled.
'Yes Nora we are sure about this I love your daughter and i will take care of her. I promise.' Eddie said i love him so much and i cant wait to be Miss Duran.
'Well allright then we have to go shop for a dress.' Nora smiled at me. I couldnt be more happy then this. 
'Loren we have to go to papa max to tell him that we are getting married' Eddie kissed my cheeck I love it when he does that.
'Yeah lets go! Bye mom see you later' I gave my mom a hug and got in the car with eddie.
'Hey paps!' Eddie yelled when he walks into the MK club.
'Hey Eduardo!' Max and eddie hug each other and smiled.
'We have to tell you something.' Eddie is teasing Max.
'What do you guys want to tell me?' Max sounds curious.
'We are getting married ' Eddie said with a big smile on his face.
'Thats amazing ! Come here and give me a hug.' We did a grouphug and talked a hour and then left to Eddies penthous.
Eddie was standing behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
'I love you Eddie.' I said to eddie and gave him a kiss.
'I love you to Loren, i have another suprise for you, I talked to jake and he wants us to record a duet.' Eddie was so excited.
'OMG ! Thats amazing, but which song are we recording?' I was so excited this was one of my big dreams.
'Well i thought the song we wrote a while ago 'Wordless'.' That was the perfect song.
'Yes thats the perfect song! I cant believe we are recording a song together.' I was so happy, And then there is the wedding we have to plan that to.
Eddie's phone began to rang and he saw it was Chloe. He picked up the phone and put it on speaker
Bold : Eddie
Italic : Chloe
What do you want chloe?
I want you Eddie. Why did we even break up?
Are you serious? You cheated on me and lied to me.. And Beside that i'm engaged to Loren so you dont even have a change.
Youre what? Engaged to that kid? I will get you back nomatter how Eddie.
Then she hung op the phone. I was so scared i mean what if she does anything to me or Eddie?
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