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shimutsuki · 1 year ago
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msommers · 1 year ago
every time i discover new lore bc of a card in legends of runeterra it simply feels like
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warmothered · 1 year ago
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There's curiosity in her gaze as she watches the young one, lost in thought, and awaits his reply. Alone does not describe accurately how he is, not with Willump by his side; yet no tribe was made of only two, and formidable though they might be (as she knows they are, having seen them in action), concern tinges her feelings as well.
She knows what it's like to be alone, and she wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
❝ I'm glad you're both fine, then. ❞ A rare smile crosses her lips; underestimating the pair of heroes would be a grave mistake. The Freljord was a hard land, and it bred resilient people; their young ones were no exception to that.
Curious gaze falls upon the yeti, then, rarest sight that he is. Ashe cannot help but be intrigued by the easy understanding between the two, though it takes no special bond to discern the impatience in Willump's grumble.
❝ I'm Ashe of the Avarosan, ❞ An introduction she didn't often have to make; most heard of her before they sought her people. Most sought her only to make their judgment on whether or not the rumors were true: Avarosa reborn wielding the same weapon as ages ago with the ease of one who was the bow, more than just one who wielded it. ❝ It's a pleasure to meet you, Nunu — and you, Willump. I hope there's something we can offer to make you more comfortable as well...? ❞
Gesturing for them to follow, she leads the way back to her people's camp, temporary settlement to protect those who were not warriors themselves in the journey south. Winter approached, harsher than ever before; their best option for survival was to be away from the far north. Together, most of all; life in the Freljord was one of community. They relied on each other for sustenance, protection, warmth. ❝ Where is the rest of your tribe, Nunu? ❞ A glance, soft as her voice as she speaks. ❝ Even heroes ought to have one, mhm? ❞
only as a last resort do the pair resort to violence ( coppery iron, thick in the air ... heavy is its weight upon little shoulders ) in spite of tundra - born origin: the notai, peaceful embouchure for gods forgotten, the yeti of a whimsy corrupted in feral remnants of his kin. still, in defense have they fought alongside avarosa herself — @warmothered ( cont. ) must be, a woman deified, the guardian mother.
this is not their first encounter with any number of frostguard ... lissandra once his mentor, answers sought of his mother's heartsong. but this is certainly the first in which their presence was accompanied by that of the land's numen. thought consumes him, body frozen in winter.
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willump croons. nunu blinks now once, twice, and she is no longer the ancient drawing upon a wall, but simply a warrior. how odd ... " uh huh ! " comes eager affirmation, an edge of tentative curiosity coloring tone. a bow of true ice at her side, legend solidified. an iceborn, siblings by warrior's blood, but certainly not the soundless ... " um, i'm feeling okay. how about you, willump ? " beast huffs its response, maw parting in quiet groan. " he's okay too. we're heroes: it'll take a lot more than that to take us down ! " still, yeti's grumble indicates he has little patience for play, not now.
" alright, alright, sheesh. i'm nunu, and this is my best friend willump. and we'd be honored to join your tribe for food, warmother, 'cause we're pretty hungry. well, i am, willump doesn't really eat people food ... oh yeah, what tribe are you from ? "
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writings-of-the-trinidude · 2 months ago
Welcome Folks
One of my goals for 2025 is to get back into writing, something I did a lot of in my younger years. My goal is to at least finish two of the following projects this year:
An SCP Article.
Tentative title: The Sin Eater.
Genre: Horror/Tragedy
Written in the Fire Suppression Department canon, witness how the Foundation handles a humanoid SCP that has the capability of erasing anything that is deemed a "sin". See how the Foundation's cold and analytical manner turns a helpful anomaly into something horrifically tragic.
(I would really appreciate any and all feedback on this one, so I'll be posting drafts in their entirety as I write and rewrite it.)
2. A League of Legends fanfic (a la Arcane)
Title: First of Ten
Genre: Horror
In the fallout of the Demacian mage rebellion, King Jarvan the IV dispatches a group of disgraced mageseekers on a diplomatic mission to Ashe, the Avarosan Warmother. Before their quest can even begin however, the group is waylaid by a gang of rebel mages, trying to eke out a meager existence in the Demacian wilderness. Initially at each other's throats, both factions quickly realize that their survival depends on an unlikely alliance. For when the darkness falls on these wild lands, a true terror emerges, seeking to reap their very souls.
(You don't need to know about League of Legends to be able to read this one. It's all OCs (except the main monster), and anything specific to the lore will be explained. The title is part of a voice line from said monster. I'll post links (ao3 I think) to the chapters on this blog when they are completed.)
3. An Original Novel
Tentative Title: Miasma
Genre: Science Fiction/ Superhero Fiction
Emma has the unique distinction of being the only daughter of the world's first superhero and also its greatest villain. Twenty years ago, The Paladin, leader of the Praetorians, went rogue. He murdered his entire team, including his wife, Emma's mother. Declaring superpowers to be anathema, he now heads a cult that seeks to destroy everything he once stood for.
Plagued by nightmares and desperate to avoid unwanted attention, Emma tries to live the most quiet and mundane life she possibly could. That dream is shattered when she starts manifesting her father's powers and is drafted into the current iteration of the Praetorians. Forced to fight against her own father and the mysterious Miasma plaguing the world, Emma must confront the horrors of her past and uncover secrets about her family that may have horrific consequences for everyone and everything she holds dear.
(I know this sounds like another "Hey, what if Superman was Evil" story, but I promise you it is not. I hate those stories too and this is not one of them. I've had this story bouncing around in my head for years, and it one point it was even fully fantasy, but I think the superhero genre may express it the best.
Also none of the names of anything in this story is fixed. They will almost certainly change as the story progresses, so please bear with me. I'm not sure how I'll keep you guys updated on this one. Maybe I'll post excerpts? I don't know. I'm new to this writblr thing.)
I'll update this post with links when I have stuff for you guys to read. I hope to do weekly updates but we'll see how that goes. Until then, take care.
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fvngus · 1 year ago
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𝔼𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕚 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕝𝕒 𝕍ä𝕚𝕤ä𝕟𝕖𝕟
Born the daughter of a healer, Esteri grew up in a nomadic tribe in the northern parts of Freljord. Despite her stoic and aloof nature, her passion shows when creating art in form of sculptures    —   sculptures of snow and ice. Esteri's favored tool of trade is an ancient chisel, crafted of true ice. The woman strongly believes this legendary material has uses outside of war and death, using it to display her creations. Her loyalty belongs to the leader of the Avarosan Tribe, Queen Ashe, with whom she shares the same beliefs   —   to reunite the Freljord and lift their rivalry, which continues to this day.
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league-of-starlight · 1 year ago
Voice Update concept: Tryndamere.
Shoutout to Still Here for making me care about this guy.
First Move:
“The Avarosans will echo across this land!”
“I fight for my Warmother! I fight for all who swear allegiance to Avarosa!”
“I smell combat. I want a closer look.”
Long move:
“I don’t know what powers my curse, but it has its uses.”
“Before I met Ashe, I was just a man and a sword. She helped me find myself.”
"I lost one tribe, and I'll die a thousand times before I let another die."
First encounter:
“You face the barbarian of the Avarosans, come to me!”
“I need a good fight!”
"My left arm is a lot stronger than... No, that's not it."
"My right is weaker than... UGH!"
"My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm! Ha! Got it!"
Joke response:
“I’ve heard better jokes from children!”
Ashe specific:
“You’re doing amazing, honey.”
Taunt response:
“Bluster hides a weak heart!”
“Don’t feel bad. I’m not easy to kill.”
“Another to the pile.”
“I must heal! Wait for me!”
"Oh, dried blood, need to clean that off."
“No! Not… yet.”
“Wolf… I see you…”
*Growls before passing out*
“They’ll have me one day. Not yet.”
“Ashe is the only person I’ll die for.”
“They thought they had me? Their mistake.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Aatrox: “Ugh. Why does seeing you make my blood boil?”
"You.. I know you..."
“My love, shall we show our might?”
“My rage, I feel it…”
“Do you have a message to send?”
“Ha! The mighty Braum! Let’s see if my sword can break your shield.”
“You. Shall we fight again?”
“I’ll break through any ice you summon.”
“Keep out of the Freljord!”
Nunu and Willump:
“How do you control such a fearsome beast?”
“You’re one of Sejuani’s warriors? Hmph, just as thick headed as I imagined.”
“Oh, great Ornn, can you, uh, fix up my sword? It’s a little chipped.”
Sejuani: "You were once Ashe’s battlesister. But you are nothing to me.”
Volibear: “I already have enough rage.”
Braum: “With my sword and your shield, we will be unstoppable!”
Sword wieleders:
*smugly* "Hey, my sword's bigger than yours."
Taunt Response:
Sejuani: “Let your pet handle the trash talk, hm?”
Aatrox: “Strange, why do I feel… calm?”
“No! I- I never meant to… *sigh*
Braum: “Sword beats shield.”
Kindred: “I can’t keep you back forever, but I can always try.”
“Perhaps that finished you off,”
"I will not mourn you... But Ashe might."
Movement with Ashe:
Tryndamere: I’ll die a thousand times for you!
Ashe: Can you try to stay alive?
Tryndamere: For you? I’ll do my best.
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clefaiiiry · 11 months ago
can anyone who knows more about the freljord pitch in, what do we think the avarosans and winter's claw would feel about trans people
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the-beauty-of-runeterra · 1 year ago
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Sejuani is the brutal, unforgiving Iceborn warmother of the Winter’s Claw, one of the most feared tribes of the Freljord. Her people’s survival is a constant, desperate battle against the elements, forcing them to raid Noxians, Demacians, and Avarosans alike to survive the harsh winters. Sejuani herself spearheads the most dangerous of these attacks from the saddle of her drüvask boar Bristle, using her True Ice flail to freeze and shatter her enemies.
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warmothered · 1 year ago
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon , i think you should tell me about tryndashe …
» — >  ⌜ PROMPTS & IC ASKS⌟ , always accepting
— @windchaser
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like i told you, ashe didn't marry tryndamere for love — she did it because it was convenient politically. she didn't want to take several husbands who'd fight for her favor much like the tribes threatened to fight for her to choose a husband from among one of them. so she picked someone with no political ambition and who could scare off any other possible suitor, and made the deal to take in his clan in exchange for that. it was practical; ashe often is. but that changed the more time they spent together.
i think ashe might've taken longer to fall for him than the other way around, not only because he seems more intense, but also because i don't think ashe would've made much of an effort to get really close to him beyond being friendly — not until realizing how her people treated his as outsiders. his clan is very different from the avarosans; they have their own god, they lived more isolated in the mountains, they're considered barbarians by the freljordians, and his own short story shows even the people who'd be considered something more akin to peasants in their society don't treat him with due respect when ashe isn't there, despite him being her husband and she their leader. and i think noticing that and wanting them to be included would be the first thing that'd lead her to genuinely open up and grow closer to him. not that it'd have taken a long time for her to notice, but i think ashe's strength and kindness would've made him infatuated before she developed feelings for him.
anyway. she's merciful generally speaking but she takes no shit and she doesn't take kindly to people treating him as lesser. more than anything, though, i feel she'd work to make him and his people really feel they have a home with the avarosans, and to make her people genuinely accepting of them, not only through enforcing that she won't stand for people treating them poorly, but also trying to establish that sense of community and how they belong as much as any of the others. eventually i think she'd be successful.
but talking about hcs for their relationship, i like to think of it as an arranged marriage slowburn sort of thing (? slow is in question w riot saying the cinematic wasn't long after they married) and just. the idea he, like many others, didn't believe what was said of her at first, but it was getting to know her that made him believe and be enamored with her (his bio supports that: "As he spent more time in Ashe’s company, he began to believe what others had whispered—that she was indeed the divine reincarnation of Avarosa herself. His rage found temperance in her thoughtful leadership, and a genuine affection grew between them.") and that over time ashe similarly saw more in him and that they just. fit really well together, not in an opposites attract sort of way but in a 'different strengths that complement each other' sort of way.
and i think it's more obvious tryndamere is devoted to her because, like i said, he seems a lot more intense (but also because? the bio does say he started to believe she's avarosa's reincarnation and although his clan doesn't worship the 3 sisters there's still the worship religious undertones there imo considering they praised "all the Freljord’s old gods, as well as the Cult of the Three", even if their tusklord god was more important). but i think it goes both ways and ashe would be just as devoted to him too; i just think because she isn't as openly obvious about it, people might underestimate how much she cares for him. until they get to see them together in any situation where it's obvious ashe loves him as much as he loves her.
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mansybotic · 1 year ago
Ashe x Avarosan!S.O Headcanons
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Ashe first met you when the two of you went out on a hunting trip with some of your fellow tribespeople.
During the hunting trip, you and Ashe were separated from the others in a forest, leaving the both of you with little rations and no proper sense of direction. The icing on the cake? Wolves began to pick up your scent.
While fending the wolves off, you noticed one of them sneaking up on Ashe from behind while your warmother was preoccupied with its pack. In the heat of the moment, you stuck your arm out, letting it bite down on it instead of Ashe.
Once the fighting was over, the two of you camped under a big tree, with Ashe treating your wound, apologising for not being careful enough to prevent it from happening. You chuckled and assured her it was not her fault, saying that people have to care for their leader.
Seeing that it was rather late, the both of you mutually decided to set up camp instead of risking the journey back home.
As you slept in the night, Ashe, who was keeping watch for any threat, noticed how you shivered as the cold winds blew past you. She then wrapped her cowl around you, seeing that she is an Iceborn and is more resistant to the cold temperatures than you are.
You were extremely grateful when you found Ashe's cowl wrapped around you when you woke up the next day, and Ashe smiled and said that a leader also cares for their people.
The both of you made it back to camp after hours of navigating the forest, during which your arm wound worsened as Ashe didn't have the proper materials to treat it. Seeing this, Ashe hastily got you to the healers, explaining your condition in a breakneck speed.
As you recovered, she visited you daily to check up on you. Although it just started out as "a leader caring for their people", the both of you began looking forward to having conversations with each other as you talked about various topics ranging from Avarosa to gossip.
Ashe was the first to confess her feelings. Once you had fully recovered, she took you to a private part of the village and admitted her feelings for you. Unsurprisingly, you confessed that you reciprocated, and the two of you became lovers from then on.
Of course, it is widely known that Ashe is married to Tryndamere, and both you and Ashe decided that it would be best for your relationship to be kept private, with the only ones knowing of the two of you being Tryndamere and Braum.
This also meant that the two of you rarely had time to properly spend time with each other. However, Ashe sometimes makes some arrangements for you two to go out on hunting trips together. During those trips, you both exchange small gestures of affection, such as stroking each other's back, and if you're very lucky, holding each other's hand.
While Ashe is often regarded as the 'Ice Queen', you get to see her fiery side in private sometimes when she's had a bad day. She often looks to you for comfort when she's in a bad mood, but when her mood is particularly bad, she tries to spend some time to herself to avoid potentially hurting you.
Ashe can also be territorial and possessive. Should anyone try to charm you, she'll dart into the situation and issue "orders" to draw the person or you away.
Ashe is also extremely protective of you. She knows you can handle yourself in a fight, but after the incident with the wolves, she feels much more comfort if you're behind her rather than in front of her during hunting trips.
When the two of you are in private, she loves to show her affection for you in the form of touch. She likes to say that she's "cold", and she needs you to warm her up.
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arrowdeft · 2 years ago
On Violence and Ideals
I don’t really agree with how I often see Ashe represented in the community. I’m not a fan of how she tends to be almost pacified in her role as the protagonist, a bit too much of a violence averse goodie-two-shoes. Ashe is an idealist, and she has lofty goals for the betterment of the Freljord, but she is far from a pacifist and her sense of morality is far more in line with the warlike culture she was raised in, I see her as far more similar to Sejuani than is typically portrayed. Ashe was raised by warriors to become a warrior herself, fighting and violence are second nature to her.
In The Harder Path, we see Ashe presented with the leader of an enemy tribe, Hildur, one who was guilty of the slaughter of another tribe under Avarosan banner. She had surrendered to Ashe, bargaining her own penance for the sake of her tribe, and Ashe's first instinct is to behead her with Hildur's own axe. A swift and brutal act of vengeance, an eye for an eye, but she doesn't, and in sparing Hildur she's fighting with herself. Battling to prove that this practically cultural cycle of Freljordians killing each other is not the answer, but that's not easy, on another day in a fouler mood she could have easily taken Hildur's head as a warning to those who cross her. Although, her ideals of peace do not align with her absolute hatred for Draklorn and Frost Priests, she still holds a grudge over Maalcrom’s betrayal, and none of them will get any mercy from her.  
Leadership is easily challenged in the Freljord, anyone self assured enough can claim the current leader to be weak or unfit and demand ritual combat for sovereignty. Ashe is no stranger to this, having seen her aunt Helnr challenge Grena, and been herself forced to grant a warrior’s death to members of her own tribe over their squables, a loathsome tradition but one she saw as necessary. The strong govern the Freljordian tribes, and Ashe does not always appear to be so, being both young and small, the tall tales of her being Avarosa reincarnated are not enough for some, so a display in battle is sometimes the ony way to prove her strength, as regrettable as it may be.
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jamdragon · 1 month ago
Runeterra Warrior Cat AU
Part 1: Clan Overview
I got a few likes on my interest post on this so I'm taking that as confirmation enough that the world is ready to hear about this. In this world, Runeterra is two massive islands joined by a bridge. Human civilization used to exist here some time ago, but they're long gone. All that remains are some of their buildings and strange ancient ruins. Wild cats have now taken over most of the land, many of which have been affected by lingering magic left in the earth from when humans reigned.
The clans are wildly different in culture and location, but joined by a belief in the inevitability of death and the worship of their ancestors.
There are 7 clans: Iceclan (Freljord Avarosans) from the cold frozen northern mountains, Crownclan (Demacia) from the open fields and petrified forests to the west, Pillarclan (Noxus) from the rugged mountains and dry fields in the center of the island, Spiritclan (Ionia) from the ancient forests to the east, Hexclan (Piltover) and Fissureclan (Zaun), sister clans living within the human ruins that connect the land masses, and Sunclan (Shuriman Empire), inhabiting the majority of the southern desert continent.
A number of tribes roam free as well, such as the Tribes of Gold and Silver, the zealous small tribes that live on the slopes of the holy Mount Targon, The Tribe of the Winters Claw, rivals to Iceclan, and The Last Sanctuary (Ixtal), a relatively unknown tribe living deep within the jungles to the south. Rogues and loners dot the vast landscape as well, along with strange alien beings come to be known as Voidlings, and the strange Shadeclan (Shadow Isles/Undead) that appear like phantoms to wreak havoc, not unlike the Dark Forest from warriors canon.
That's just a basic overview for now. I'm still developing individual characters and clan culture as well as interclan relations, all recontextualized runeterra lore, but please let me know what else you're interested in hearing about!
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atelierfigurine · 5 months ago
Tryndamere LOL
Roi barbare Tryndamere Poussé par une rage infinie, Tryndamere traverse Freljord et parfait sa maîtrise du combat en défiant les plus grands guerriers du nord, pour se préparer aux jours sombres qui s’annoncent. Longtemps dominé par sa haine, il cherchait à se venger de l’annihilation de son clan, mais il a depuis rencontré Ashe et trouvé un nouveau foyer auprès des Avarosans. Sa force est…
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sleetkissed · 6 months ago
FMK: Sejuani, Sivir, Kayle.
(Kayle in my mind: Why? Me: I needed options.)
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     Why can't she just be kept alone for one day . . .     It does not help that these options are all attractive hard to file in.     ❝ I am afraid I would have to kill Sejuani. Our beliefs would clash eventually. The Avarosans would not take it kindly if one of theirs would begin something with one of the Winter's Claws. ❞
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     ❝ I never slept with a god's child. Kayle would surely be an experience worthy of treasuring . . . And why not marrying Sivir   ?   She holds herself as competent enough. She will be busy most of the time, which leaves much free time for me  &  my hobbies. ❞
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graphicpolicy · 1 year ago
Hot Toys taps into magic with League of Legends' Ashe
Hot Toys taps into magic with League of Legends' Ashe #leagueoflegends #hottoys
Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic, Ashe taps into the ancestral magics of her lineage to wield a bow of True Ice. The Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. Although uncomfortable with her role as leader, she hopes to unify the Freljord once more by retaking their ancient, tribal lands. The Ashe 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure by Hot…
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dollshobby · 1 year ago
Hot Toys presents the "Ashe" figure from League of Legends
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Hot Toys continues to expand its collection of game-themed action figures and has introduced its new action figure of the character Ashe from the cult game League of Legends. Known as the ice-born war mother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe is more than just a character, but a symbol of strength, leadership, and determination.
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