#Automatic Rewinding Machine
b-2-bstreets · 1 year
If you are thinking to buy a manual or automatic, or semi-automatic aluminium foil rewinding machine, make sure you ask everything about its function, compatibility with your requirements and pricing details.
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
For the writing prompts could I please request 3. every mall is haunted, obviously with Taakitz please and please and please?
"Every mall is haunted, obviously," Taako says with the kind of confidence one might use to declare that war is over, or that the sun would burn your tongue if you licked it, or that Ms. Frizzle is a lesbian. 
"Sure," Kravitz agrees automatically, because he's been seeing hearts where important visual information oughta go for like, months now. And then, "Hang on, rewind. You believe in ghosts?" 
"No," Taako spits back, cockily feeding quarters into the breaking room vending machine. "But ghosts don't need to be believed in for spook'emup horseshit. Are you really eating a Lean Cuisine again? I swear to God, I'm going to invite myself over and-"
"No no, don't deflect, you- fucking can't–Taako you say this shit and words have  meanings, you're aware of this, right?" 
"-Like that's not even a joke, or a bastardization, that's culture you're devaluing with those three hundred forty calories, you know that, right? If it were a currency, the bank would be on fire." 
"Taako," Kravitz, exasperated. 
"Kravitz," Taako, cartoonish. He slams the button just liked the taped notice on the thing says to not to, and a Dr. Pepper falls out for the fiftieth consecutive time. "What am I supposed to blame, capitalism? Nah, this is fuckin ghosts, and you know it." 
"I guess if any place in the mall was haunted, it would be the Burlington Coat Factory," Kravitz concedes. 
"Burlington GHOST factory!"
"Uh huh." Kravitz can't be in love with him. He can't. Surely he just has some kind of disease instead. He isn't going to go to the doctor though, so the world may never know. "What spooky thing happened, then, chef?" 
He twirls his path-ketti and takes a Big Happy Bite and does Not gag, no one can claim otherwise. 
"All the fuckin' mannequins were in the grand hallway when we opened! Posed like- I don't wanna hurt your delicate sensibilities–"
"I'm not allergic to dirt, Taako."
"They weren't even fucking! Like, obviously if they were dolly-dallying and Barbie Bussin' it open, pause for applause," 
"Applause," Kravitz says dryly, because Taako won't go on if he doesn't get some acknowledgement, and again, this guy? This one? He's having romantic dreams about this fool? Christ alive and back again for one final tour, get tickets now on KVX9, at 8:30, 12:30, 4:30–
"They were all gruesome murder scenes." 
"Oh. Maybe the prankster just isn't horny."
"Couldn't be it!" Taako does a great big HMMM. "Maybe we should do a stakeout." 
"Why?" Kravitz blinks slowly at him. "The mall can be haunted. It's fine. Ghosts are above my paygrade." 
"Damn," Taako says, sighing and dramatically flopping on the table, and then turning to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes Kravitz has ever seen. "I was hoping you 'n me could bang it out together." 
Kravitz chokes on his heart leaping into his throat, and Taako lounges and languishes as he waits for Kravitz to spit up The Spaghetti Satan Would Deny. 
"Yeah?" He finally manages. 
"Mhm. This." 
"Not like. A movie?" 
"Chaboi can't sit through movies, I don't know why this shocks you." 
"Fair," Kravitz croaks. He shakes his head. There is one true path. He is cursed to fucking Candyland. His fate was set, predestination, there is no Fuck Nah option. "I…guess?" he says, regretting and anticipating in equal measure immediately.
"Fuck yeah!" Taako pops up like a wacky inflatable tube salesman. "I gotta make some snacks!!!"
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beehindblueeyes · 2 years
Time period: Video Cassettes and other home media
This is possibly my last one for a while. Both because I feel like I’m stepping into territory I’ve already mentioned and because I’m fading interests. If you’re new here… these posts are sort of designed for the people who “can’t do time period” I’m basically giving you some cool common facts about the time so hopefully it’s a bit easier. Im a nitpicky person when It comes to my own stuff but I don’t expect you to be the 100% correct fic person either. All posts of this kind are tagged under time period and writing ref so they should be easy to find :)
This seems like a ‘no duh’ but tvs as they are now simply did not exist. No flat screens. They’re CRT or older. They’re HUGE and bulky but also have a relatively small screen at the same time. As we progressed into the 80s the side panel mainly shrank and the screen grew. (Also see, wood! Wood grain. I keep saying it was everywhere. It was everywhere.)
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You may hear parents say “oh when I grew up we had three channels” etc which was mainly true. There was a limited number of Chanel’s for YEARS until cable came around and even then it was more a premium service and it was the late 80s , early 90s when it was more widely adopted.
With these big tvs with limited tvs and sometimes faulty service there’s a lot of myths to come with that. Like if you hit it a few times on top stuff with come back, or bending the bunny ears that you still see in some cartoons. Or ‘hey if we flush all the toilets at once…’ (this one’s more of a kid logic thing but the ritual and oh if I stand like this or do that is the same)
Now we come to video cassettes which is the more common spread name for a VHS tape that was still used well into the 90s. I think it’s a much more recent thing that we started just saying VHS, more common names were: Video cassette, video tapes, tapes, home video etc ;
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They also do NOT work like dvds. If it’s re wound it should play from the beginning. They’ll be studio logos and a few adds or trailers and then the movie just starts. No menu! This being said movies were also limited to a time so they could fit on tape (this is one of the reasons old movies rarely go over a hour and a half). If they’re two hours or longer there’s double and sometimes triple tapes (once one ends you have to put in the next)
Be kind, rewind. There’s nothing automatic about it you have to manually or stores will fine you— or whoever watches it next in your house will fucking clobber you. It takes forever! (You don’t know the pain of being a kid in the early 2000s waiting for the little mermaid to finish rewinding).
Also this is purely speculatory on my part but I assume the reason renting tapes was a lot more common was because they were pretty expensive at the time. Like $30 (which is half of a video game today, they used to be like $7) someone who was alive at the time please correct me.
Physical media mania, again self explanatory. No streaming. No touch screen. No iPods. You buy records, cassettes, 8tracks, have a machine that plays them. Stereos — big family ones— were usually 3-4 parts (you see the towers or stacked machines in old movies.) there’s personal portable ones like walkmans or big boombox types.
No smart boards in the class. We see it in the movie. Teacher would have to get a projector, wheel it in and show the slides from a slide machine or one where you can place work over it. (Only the image isn’t half as crisp as in the movie) but writing on the chalkboard and pull down maps were more common. If a movie was being shown they’d wheel in a movie projector and place it down the middle isle of students. There’s no Disney + for your encanto kids
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slittingmachine · 11 months
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sleepy12ftpanda · 1 year
Complex Campaign Antagonist Idea
A time artificer falls in love with a himbo paladin who falls prey to a chronic illness. The artificer creates a device that would rewind his beloved back to life, but it can only work on one person, can only reverse the effects of one day, and needs a day to charge, so he relives their last moments together over and over again until he perfects his design to be able to refresh automatically. This develops into a plan of trying to find a cure for his beloved’s illness while counting the literal milliseconds lost between each startup of the machine before his husband is lost for good. He builds a castle full of traps and monsters around his knight to protect him from anything that would disturb the rewinding machine, and sets out to find that cure.
Word gets out that the castle holds “the treasure of a great lord”, and The Party comes under false information to plunder it.
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frauleinandry · 2 years
okay, here’s my follow-up to this post. I had a lot of minor gripes with the third semester. so, what would I do differently? well, the big change I’d make is that I’d slap on half a month, and add an extra palace. who’s palace? well, you’ll find out later on in the post, though it probably won’t be a surprise.
under a cut, because it is  l o n g
... before I get into that however, let’s rewind a bit and talk about kasumi/sumire. like I said in my previous post, while I thought maruki was integrated well into the pre-existing persona 5 narrative, kasumi... kinda wasn’t. to some degree, it was probably intentional - there was meant to be something off about her - but in the end, it just meant half of sumire’s screen time wasn’t even really her, and the rest of it we got was compressed into such a small amount of time, its impact got watered down.
to fix this, I’d blend kasumi into the persona 5 story a bit more, and show some cracks in maruki’s actualisation pre-third semester. to do that, I’d have her accompany the rest of the phantom thieves down to the bottom of mementos (assuming you’ve met the requirements for the third semester, of course). after shido’s change of heart, kasumi notices that the public reaction is... really bloody odd. after all, she’s been worried that the general populace would grow too reliant on the phantom thieves, but then they pull off their biggest heist yet, and the public don’t react at all. realising something’s fishy, she goes to leblanc, and upon hearing they plan to steal the public’s heart, offers to join them.
that means just you get to use akechi for a palace pre-third semester, you get to use kasumi too - even if neither of them are really themselves. cinematic parallels, go! admittedly, I wouldn’t involve her much in the plot, outside of maybe being unusually rattled by the prisoners in mementos (after all... even if she doesn’t consciously realise it, sumire’s also given up on her life too). this is really the culmination of the thieves’ character arcs after all, not hers.
on that note... when the phantom thieves get banished to the velvet room and regain their spirits of rebellion after joker finishes chatting to them, kasumi... doesn’t. joker can’t get through to her, and it’s implied maruki’s actualisation has temporarily worn off, and she’s far too depressed to rally herself for the final boss. no fear, though - igor assures the phantom thieves that if they stop yaldabaoth and separate mementos from the real world, she should reappear in reality.
from that moment, things go as they do in canon... until we hit the third semester! the very start would be the same, with the phantom thieves under maruki’s spell and akechi going to joker, but instead of kasumi noticing the odaiba palace in the real world, she notices one located at her gymnasium. hmm, I wonder who that could belong too?!
yeah - before we get to maruki’s palace, we clear sumire’s first (not that they know who’s it is, at the time). It would be a stage/auditorium/theatre of some sort, and something would be really off about it. firstly, the palace ruler is missing, and despite it being a traditional theatre, there’s a lot of weird, machine-like tentacles infesting the place...
I don’t have too many ideas about the gameplay mechanics of the place, other than that you’re restricted to the royal trio for the whole thing, and you can only explore so much of the palace at once before the next section is cordoned off until the next day. Akechi, who wants to get this over and done with, insists they visit it daily until they clear it, as he’s weirded out by what’s happened to reality. so, no breaks - the palace is meant to feel a bit gruelling after all.
before each palace visit, joker automatically visits the phantom thieves and hints to them that things aren’t as they seen as in canon (except without wasting a whole day wandering around with no fast travel, folks). In the evenings, we also gets snapshots of how maruki’s reality has changed things for maxed out confidants (aka takemi’s reputation was never smeared, takase-kun never died, etc, etc). 
as akechi, kasumi, and joker explore the palace, we get plenty of royal trio interaction, and more plot-relevantly, a mysterious voice warns them to turn back whenever they progress, as what’s laying ahead will only hurt them. as they get closer to the treasure, kasumi gets more and more unsettled, but she refuses to falter like she did with yaldaboath. eventually, they reach the treasure, and shadow sumire appears. there’s something wrong with her though - she appears ghostly and insubstantial, as a part (but only a part of her), is cendrillon. shadow sumire then puts on a performance of the car accident that killed the real kasumi, and sumire snaps out of her actualisation, and as in canon, freaks the fuck out.
shadow sumire then offers her a choice - forget about this place, and she’ll return to being kasumi soon, or change her heart, and be the person who got their sister killed forever. despite joker and akechi’s best efforts, sumire decides to protect her shadow/treasure instead, as she can’t go back to being the person she once was.
things are a bit tense between akechi and joker, but they’re determined to go ahead with the heist anyway - akechi points out azathoth’s tentacles, and comes up with the theory that whoever altered sumire’s mind is the one responsible for the current weirdness. you then fight sumire, and upon winning against her she faints, and her shadow/cendrillon goes berserk, and beats joker/akechi. of course, that’s the point that the rest of the phantom thieves reappear, and help you kick ass!
afterwards, they give sumire a pep-talk - even though things are difficult, she still has a future waiting for her. everyone then wonders what the hell is going on - morgana turned into a human, and makoto, futaba, and haru’s family members have all come back from the dead (and haven’t disappeared just because they snapped out of the actualisation). akechi point blank asks sumire what happened to her, and she points up, just as maruki enters her palace.
maruki reveals he’s responsible for everything, and explains his plans. the phantom thieves call him out, as it was their struggles that made them better people, but then maruki points to sumire, and highlights that not everyone is strong enough to deal with their pain. he states that sumire probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for his actualisation, something that sumire confirms. while the phantom thieves quiet down a bit at that, akechi’s undeterred, and wants to challenge maruki. maruki sadly admits he thought that might be the case, but asks for them to think on things for a bit, as if they undo his reality, everyone will suffer - the hurt will regain their wounds, and the dead will return to their graves. 
everyone meets up at leblanc the next day (wakaba saying hello to them all, just as a bit of an extra punch in the guts), and the mood is pretty grim. akechi calls them all out for falling for maruki’s blatant manipulation, and haru curtly points out it’s his fault half of them are in this situation. akechi then gives her and a vague apology - he doesn’t exactly feel bad about killing kunikazu since he was an asshole, but does regret robbing haru of her agency. she... kind of accepts it, knowing its the best she’s gonna get, and he does the same for futaba.
ryuji then brings things back on track - while maruki’s got good intentions, what he’s doing is still fucked up. yusuke agrees, and points out that you can’t have good without the bad. makoto objects at this point - while she doesn’t disagree with them, they’re not the only ones affected by this. fighting against maruki would be akin to murdering her father all over again, while simultaneously dooming sae to a job that treats her like shit. futaba then brings up what sumire said, about how becoming kasumi saved her life, and admits without the change of heart she might have wanted something like that for herself.
everyone’s VERY torn, but then lavenza in her butterfly appears, and tells them to meet in shujin the next day. this goes practically the same as it does in canon, with lavenza revealing maruki’s reality will become permanent if they don’t change his heart by the end of february. sumire then appears, and apologises for eavesdropping, and reveals the location of his place - odaiba, where she first entered the metaverse. after some discussion, the phantom thieves decide to change maruki’s heart, as ultimately, a world where everyone’s brainwashed isn’t much of a world. sumire’s both a bit shocked and envious that despite everything, they’re still pushing ahead. ryuji laughs, and says that’s what a phantom thief does. sumire then asks to go to maruki’s palace with them, and reluctantly, the thieves agree.
they meet maruki in the auditorium, and reject his reality. he accepts that they’ll have to fight after all, even if he isn’t pleased by it, but then notices sumire and is shocked by her presence. he offers to ‘fix her’ again, but sumire says no. she admits she’s not as strong as the thieves, but she wants to be, and that means no more running away from her problems - she has to accept who she really is. this reignites her will of rebellion, and unlocks her second persona, vanadis. they then leave the palace after that, and morgana recommends spending some time stocking up on supplies/etc, before they go back in again.
from here, things are basically the same as the canon third semester, but with a few minor tweaks. all the third awakenings happen automatically (maybe with a with the occasional day spaced between them, to give the player some freedom and to allow them to kickstart sumire’s confidant), and sumire unlocks hers at confidant rank 10. 
I’d also throw in a couple more scenes where the phantoms thieves interact with sumire/akechi. perhaps they have a welcoming party for sumire, after reaching the part in the palace you need to go to mementos to unlock? sumire gets told about the phantom thieves’ adventures, and we get some banter between the team. afterwards, joker has a quiet chat with akechi, who’s a bit surprised the phantom thieves have been so cordial with him. akechi then reiterates that he still doesn’t understand them at all, but admits that working in a team isn’t so bad after all, and that’s what unlocks his tier three persona (instead of, y’know, only unlocking it for the final boss battle where rebellion blade is entirely useless). 
after that, I’d keep most of the game the same, up until 2/2 (which is 22/2 or something instead). instead of joker being alone when maruki arrives, I’d have all the phantom thieves be there, so this time, when he drops the bombshell that akechi’s been dead all along, everyone hears it. he then gives them until the evening to make up their mind. akechi’s still insistent they go after maruki as he’s tired of being a puppet, and storms off, with morgana suggesting the player makes sure he’s alright. 
during this time, you can walk about leblanc and talk to the other phantom thieves, to get their full opinions about what’s going to happen to akechi. sumire would be pretty upset, as while she’s got the impression he wasn’t a great person, he was still a friend. ryuji and yusuke think the situation is absolute bullshit, while makoto agrees that it’s horrible, but commends akechi for making the right decision. haru admits that despite the fact that she doesn’t really forgive akechi for what he did to her, that doesn’t mean she wants him to die, and futaba agrees with her, especially since akechi was clearly trying to be a better person. 
in the end, you talk to akechi, and get the choice whether to change maruki’s heart or not. if you chose no, akechi is pissed, and you get the bad ending where everyone’s ostentatiously happy. if you chose yes, joker and akechi confront maruki together, and give him the calling card.
the final confrontation with maruki is the same, but when his reality is destroyed, time resets back to christmas, with sae asking the joker to turn themselves in. akechi doesn’t appear this time, though. things then basically go the same as in vanilla persona 5, except when the phantom thieves gather in leblanc, sumire and morgana join them. (after all, joker going to prison doesn’t really have much emotional impact if he’s only there for like... two weeks).
things then go the same as in canon, with most of the thieves moving away from the shibuya area for one reason or another, but instead of joker riding the train back home with morgana, they go on the roadtrip like in the original persona 5, as one final hurrah.
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integrating-sphere · 13 days
Learn About Surge and Lightning Surge Protection
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A surge, also known as a transient voltage or spike, refers to the phenomenon of voltage exceeding the normal operating voltage for a brief moment. Essentially, a surge is a rapid voltage pulse that occurs within microseconds. Common causes of surges include the startup or shutdown of heavy equipment, short circuits, power switching, and the operation of large engines. Surges can potentially cause serious damage to electrical equipment. Therefore, products equipped with surge suppression devices can effectively absorb sudden bursts of enormous energy, protecting connected equipment from harm. The use of these protective devices significantly enhances the safety and reliability of electrical equipment. Characteristics of Surges: Surges have an extremely short duration, typically ranging from nanoseconds to microseconds. When surges occur, the amplitude of voltage and current exceeds normal values by more than double. Due to the rapid charging of input filter capacitors, the peak current of surges is much greater than the steady-state input current. To address surges, power supply designs should consider limiting the surge levels that AC switches, rectifier bridges, fuses, and EMI filtering devices can withstand. During repetitive switching processes, AC input voltage should not damage the power supply or cause fuse blowing. This phenomenon usually lasts only for a few nanoseconds to milliseconds, but its voltage and current values significantly exceed normal operating levels. Surges are widespread in distribution systems and can be considered ubiquitous. The main manifestations of surges in distribution systems include: • Voltage fluctuations: Machines and equipment automatically stop or start under normal operating conditions. • Interference with electrical devices: For example, air conditioners, compressors, elevators, pumps, or motors. • Abnormalities in computer control systems: Frequent inexplicable resets. • Frequent replacement or rewinding of motors. • Shortened lifespan of electrical equipment: Reduced lifespan due to faults, resets, or voltage issues. Surges can affect sensitive electronic devices in several ways, including: Damage: • Voltage breakdown of semiconductor devices. • Destruction of metalized layers on components. • Damage to printed circuit board traces or contact points. • Damage to bidirectional thyristors/triacs, etc. Interference: • Equipment lock-up, thyristor or bidirectional thyristor loss of control. • Partial damage to data files. • Errors in data processing programs. • Errors and failures in data reception and transmission. • Unexplained malfunctions, and more. Premature Aging: • Components aging prematurely, significantly reducing the lifespan of electronics. • Decreased output audio and visual quality. Sources of Surges: Surges can originate from both external and internal sources. Approximately 20% of surges come from external sources, primarily lightning and other system impacts. About 80% of surges come from internal sources, mainly the impact of internal electrical loads. Surge generator_SG61000-5 External surges mainly originate from lightning and include: Direct lightning strikes: Direct hits on lightning rods, lightning conductors, buildings, or refinery towers. Electromagnetic radiation from lightning: Strong magnetic fields radiate from the lightning strike point, damaging microelectronics even if the strike does not hit a building directly. Lightning-induced currents in power and signal lines. Lightning induction: Strong alternating magnetic fields form around the lightning discharge, inducing voltage on nearby metal conductors. Lightning-induced high local potentials. Lightning intrusion: Direct lightning strikes on power lines or down conductors can cause lightning overvoltages on power lines and strong electromagnetic pulses around power cables. These induced overvoltages can propagate to the input ports of equipment, causing equipment malfunction or damage. Internal surges mainly result from switching operations of electrical equipment within the power grid and other factors, including: Switching in and out of high electrical loads, such as air conditioners, compressors, pumps, or motors. Switching in and out of inductive loads. Switching in and out of power factor correction capacitors. Short circuit faults. Mechanical contacts: Mechanical switches including relay switch contacts, push-button switches, key switches, potentiometers with switches, etc. According to IEEE definitions, surges can be classified into several categories: • Pulse-type surges: Voltage ranges from several hundred volts to 20,000 volts within microseconds. • Oscillatory surges: Voltage ranges from several hundred volts to 6000 volts within microseconds to milliseconds. • Burst-type surges: Peak voltage or current of repetitive cycles. To protect electronic equipment from lightning surges, relevant immunity test standards have been established. The national standard for lightning surge immunity tests for electronic equipment is GB/T17626.5 (equivalent to international standard IEC61000-4-5). This standard mainly simulates various situations caused by indirect lightning strikes, including: • Lightning strikes on external lines, generating large currents flowing into external lines or ground resistors, resulting in interference voltage. • Induced voltage and current from indirect lightning strikes (such as inter-cloud or intra-cloud lightning) on external lines. • Strong electromagnetic fields formed around objects adjacent to lightning strikes, inducing voltage on external lines. • Lightning strikes near the ground, where ground currents introduce interference through the common ground system. Additionally, the standard simulates interference introduced by switching actions in substations (voltage transients during switchgear operations), such as: • Interference generated when switching main power systems (e.g., switching capacitor banks). • Interference from minor switch toggling within the same power grid. • Interference from thyristor equipment with resonant circuits. • Various systematic faults, such as short circuits and arcing faults between equipment grounding networks or ground systems, are also simulated. The standard describes two types of waveform generators: • Waveforms induced on power lines: Narrow surge waveforms (50µs) with steep fronts (1.2µs). • Waveforms induced on communication lines: Broad surge waveforms with gentle fronts. Simulated lightning pulses induced in power lines due to lightning strikes or surge pulses caused by lightning discharge through common ground resistance. Typical parameters include open-circuit output voltage (0.5 to 6 kV), short-circuit output current (0.25 to 2 kA) for different test levels, internal resistance (2 ohms), and additional resistances (10, 12, 40, 42 ohms) for various test levels. Surge output polarity can be positive/negative, and surge output can be synchronized with the power supply with a phase shift of 0 to 360 degrees. Repetition frequency should be at least once per minute. Severity Levels of Lightning Surge Immunity Tests: • Level 1: Good protection environment. • Level 2: Environment with some protection. • Level 3: Ordinary electromagnetic interference environment, without specified special installation requirements for equipment, such as industrial workplaces. • Level 4: Environment with severe interference, such as civilian overhead lines or unprotected high-voltage substations. • Level X: Determined by agreement between the user and the manufacturer. Read the full article
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dahuaslitters · 3 months
Wide primary station slitter(4m-6m)
1. Suitable for 4 mtrs to 6 mtrs web width biaxially oriented film such as BOPET and it’s functional film, BOPP and it’s function film, Cast film etc.
2.Motorized screw bottom linear(2.0 plus), hydraulic rewinding(2.0) and motorized screw top linear(3.0) can be selected depends on perference and budget.
3.Automatic knife position and station position. Shear cut can be optional.
4.Machine speed Max 600m/min, 800m/min or 1000m/min depends on request.
5.All SIEMENS servo control system.
6.Intelligent Process Technology.
Tel:0086-571-88813010 Email:[email protected]
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psatalk · 4 months
SP Ultraflex’s live demonstration at drupa 2024
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Visitors to SP Ultraflex’s stand (hall no-11, stand no D12) at drupa 2024 will witness the live demonstration of the Roboslit Plus series 1000 mpm dual turret slitter rewinder. Expressing his excitement about drupa 2024, Biku Kohli said, “We are always on the lookout for new vendors, experts in their respective fields, to support us in our innovation projects, and drupa is known to host many such vendors.”
Kohli's participation in the show is fueled by his firm belief in the capability of the technologically advanced slitter rewinding machine, and that it will attract vendors for discussions rather than the team of SP Ultraflex seeking them out.
The machine on display has an operational speed of 1000 MPM. It has a fully automatic job set-up that encompasses the positioning of the web guide sensor, cutters, trim extraction nozzles, and rewind cores, effectively minimizing setup time, material consumption, and operator dependency.
According to Kohli, drupa being the largest exhibition in the printing industry, provides an unparalleled opportunity to maximize global exposure while presenting the latest technology. He said, “drupa 2024 will play a vital role in facilitating our company's growth trajectory by providing a platform for strategic engagement, collaboration, and continuous learning within the dynamic landscape of the flexible packaging and converting industry.”
Apart from new inquiries and projects through showcasing, the latest innovations, Kohli expects to strengthen existing relationships with their valued existing customers a drupa 2024.
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bilimachinery · 5 months
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superiorvacuumsblogg · 5 months
Upgrade Your Cleaning Routine with High-Quality Canister Vacuum Cleaners and Central Vacuums for Sal
In the relentless pursuit of cleanliness and hygiene, homeowners and cleaning enthusiasts alike are constantly seeking the most efficient tools to maintain pristine living spaces. Amidst the myriad of options available in the market, canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums stand out as top contenders, offering unparalleled cleaning power and convenience. If you're in search of high-quality cleaning solutions, look no further than the array of canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums for sale, designed to revolutionize your cleaning routine.
Canister vacuum cleaners have emerged as indispensable tools for households and commercial spaces alike. Renowned for their versatility and maneuverability, these sleek machines boast powerful suction capabilities packaged in a compact design. Equipped with a canister housing the motor and dust collection system, these vacuums excel in reaching tight spaces and navigating around furniture with ease. Whether you're tackling hardwood floors, carpets, or upholstery, a high-quality canister vacuum cleaner ensures thorough cleaning without the hassle of dragging around a bulky unit.
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When it comes to selecting the perfect canister vacuum cleaner, prioritizing quality is paramount. Opting for a model crafted by reputable brands ensures durability, efficiency, and superior performance. Look for features such as adjustable suction settings, HEPA filtration systems, and specialized attachments for tailored cleaning experiences. With advancements in technology, modern canister vacuum cleaners boast innovative features such as automatic cord rewind, ergonomic handles, and noise reduction technology, elevating the user experience to unprecedented levels of comfort and convenience.
Similarly, central vacuums offer a sophisticated cleaning solution that transcends traditional vacuuming methods. Engineered to be integrated directly into the infrastructure of your home or commercial space, central vacuum systems eliminate the need for cumbersome portable units, providing unparalleled cleaning power with minimal effort. By strategically placing inlet valves throughout the premises, central vacuums enable seamless cleaning across multiple rooms and levels, enhancing efficiency and reducing cleaning time.
Investing in a central vacuum system represents a long-term commitment to superior cleaning performance and indoor air quality. Engineered for whisper-quiet operation and equipped with high-efficiency filtration systems, these systems effectively remove dust, allergens, and debris, ensuring a healthier living environment for occupants. With a diverse range of models available, homeowners can customize their central vacuum system to suit their specific needs, whether it's a compact unit for condominiums or a robust system for sprawling estates.
The benefits of incorporating high-quality canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums into your cleaning regimen extend far beyond mere convenience. By utilizing cutting-edge technology and superior craftsmanship, these cleaning solutions deliver immaculate results while minimizing strain on the user. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional vacuuming methods and embrace the efficiency and effectiveness of modern cleaning appliances.
In addition to enhancing cleanliness, investing in high-quality cleaning equipment contributes to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Many manufacturers prioritize eco-friendly design principles, incorporating energy-efficient motors and recyclable materials into their products. By opting for sustainable cleaning solutions, consumers can minimize their carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of our planet for future generations.
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As you embark on your quest for the perfect cleaning companion, consider the wide selection of canister vacuum cleaners and Central Vacuum For Sale for sale, each offering unparalleled quality and performance. Whether you're a discerning homeowner, a meticulous cleaner, or a facilities manager seeking commercial-grade solutions, there's a perfect match awaiting you in the world of high-quality cleaning appliances.
In conclusion, the acquisition of high-quality canister vacuum cleaners and central vacuums represents a transformative step towards elevating your cleaning routine to new heights of efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental responsibility. Embrace the power of innovation and invest in cleaning solutions that prioritize quality, convenience, and sustainability. With the right tools at your disposal, maintaining a pristine living space has never been easier or more rewarding.
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simon-vilitymachine · 10 months
Customized Roll to Roll CCD Guide Hole Punching Machine manufacturers From China | VILITY We are a manufacturer of good reputation in SHENZHEN CHINA and Our main products are as follow: 1/ Screen printing machine CCD Visual alignment systems, High speed(150 impressions per minute) 2/ Guide hole punching machine and Hole Drilling machine ( Most famous factory in China ) . 3/ Die-cutting machine. ( High Precision and Fully Automatic ) . 4/ High Precision Laminator, film tearing machine. 5/ Oven Dryer, LED UV Dryer, ( High capacity and best price). 6/ Screen printing accessories. Feeding unit, multi-layer rack, rewinder and so on. 7/ Screen, screen frame customization.
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reelpowerindustrial · 11 months
Automatic Cut to Length Machine Manufacturer
Cut to Length Caterpuller, Heavy Duty Automatic Cut to Length Machinery, Automatic Rewind Coiling System, Single Spindle Take Up-Cutter/Coiler/Bander. Automatic cut to length machine manufacturer In-Line production and distribution machine. Designed specifically for production and distribution demands that require multiple same-size cuts! 
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aegisinformatics · 1 year
Voice logger's Function in Business and its features
A sizeable portion of the business is conducted over the phone, and this portion is steadily expanding. Recording phone calls and business conversations is becoming more and more crucial for a number of reasons. Call centers, verifications, money collection, and customer service departments are just a few enterprises that rely on phone calls. In such a business, call recording is crucial in order to access the record anytime necessary.
Today's expanding data gathering, data mining, process evaluation, and dispute resolution industries are all reliant on phone records, and occasionally it's important to hear the recorded voice to confirm the record. If a phone call is placed repeatedly to confirm the record, it will become very annoying for the customers. Because of this, recording the phone call will make it possible for business executives to access it whenever they need to. The voice data can be stored in any format thanks to voice compression and different recording formats. This can significantly cut storage costs.
The voice logger has evolved into a crucial component of commercial communication while taking into consideration all of these criteria. Telephone call recorder not only does it record calls between the business manager and the marketing team, but it also records calls between customer service representatives and prospective clients. The marketing manager can gauge the customer service team's degree of performance by listening to the recording. Following the examination of the phone recordings, additional training programs to boost performance are developed.
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Voice logger systems offer extensive capability and flexibility, are very user-friendly, and can be linked with any company communication system. Additionally, it is a stand-alone solution. The systems can record entirely automatically. The system's ability to eliminate silences, pauses, and other parts of voice recordings that take up superfluous space is another crucial aspect. This guarantees that no space is lost while the discussion is being recorded. This feature's main advantage is that no record is lost due to insufficient recording space. Some logger businesses design voice loggers that alert the user when storage capacity is running low, ensuring that business conversations are always recorded.
Rewinding the recording numerous times allows you to hear the conversation, according to the multimedia operations Voice logger manufacturer.  For quick information retrieval, the system also has forward and playback capabilities. In order to find rapid information, firm executives can also search through the recordings using a variety of criteria. You can download the recorded talks using a web browser as well.
As a result of the system's features designed to prevent unauthorized access to recordings and the sensitive nature of commercial recordings. The only individuals with access to the recording are the company's managers, supervisors, and quality managers. Businesses can retain automatic records on the productivity of their workers in addition to the attendance machine recordings.
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cailunmach-blog · 1 year
Why You Should Check out Cailun Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine
Discover the benefits of using Cailun's Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine.
Looking for an efficient and reliable Maxi Roll slitter rewinder machine? Cailun's Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine is exactly what you need! It is designed to handle a wide range of materials, including film, paper, foil, and laminates. With its advanced automation features, it ensures precise and consistent slitting and rewinding, saving you both time and labor costs. Cailun's Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine is highly versatile and can handle a wide range of materials with varying thicknesses and widths. Its advanced control system ensures that the machine runs smoothly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and increasing productivity. One of the key benefits of using Cailun's Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine is that it is highly automated. This means that you can set it up to run unattended, saving you time and labor costs. The machine's advanced automation features also ensure that it delivers consistent and precise results, every time. In addition to its automation features, the machine is also highly reliable and easy to maintain. Cailun is known for producing reliable equipment that requires minimal downtime and maintenance, ensuring that your production lines run smoothly and efficiently. Overall, if you are looking for an efficient and reliable Maxi Roll slitter rewinder machine that can handle a wide range of materials, Cailun's Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine is the perfect choice. With its advanced automation features, precision, and reliability, it is sure to meet all your slitting and rewinding needs.
Website link:https://www.cailunmach.com/maxi-roll-slitting-and-rewinding-machine.html
Automatic Maxi Roll Slitter Rewinder Machine
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webtech-group · 1 year
IndiaMART Verified Leading Supplier
~ https://www.webtechengg.com/
~ https://www.webtechmachineries.com/
Established in the year 1998, “WEBTECH GROUP” is the leading Manufacturer of Wide Range of Printing and Paper Converting Machineries :
~ Wide Web & Narrow Web Flexographic Printing Machine
~ Web Offset Printing Machines
~ ATM POS & Other Thermal Roll Slitting Rewinding Machines
~ Other Reel to Reel Slitting Rewinding Machines
~ Servo Controlled Reel to Sheet Cutting Machines
~ E-COMMERCE Courier Bag Making Machines
~ Automatic A4 Copier Manufacturing Machines
~ Blank Label Die Cutting Machines
~ High Speed Label Inspection Machines etc.
~ Honeycomb Paper Die Cutting Machine
☎️ Call us at : +91 9999779973
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