#Aut Cliff
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autthesnot · 9 months ago
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Making the shop more colorful for everyone
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cupowhale · 1 year ago
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An attempt..
Of Sweeny and Cliff talking at a bar
These are not my characters! They belong to @autthesnot its Sweeny and Cliff! Check out Their page to know more about them!
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aphaedra · 11 months ago
Dido turns from Aeneas
Inter quas Phoenissa recens a volnere Dido errabat silva in magna; quam Troius heros ut primum iuxta stetit adgnovitque per umbras obscuram, qualem primo qui surgere mense aut videt, aut vidisse putat per nubila lunam, demisit lacrimas, dulcique adfatus amore est: [...] Illa solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat, nec magis incepto voltum sermone movetur, quam si dura silex aut stet Marpesia cautes. tandem corripuit sese, atque inimica refugit in nemus umbriferum [...]
(Virgil, Aeneid 6.450-475)
Among whom the Phoenician woman, fresh from her wound, Dido
Was wandering in the great wood; her the Trojan hero,
When first he stood close and knew her darkened
Among the shades, like one who at the first of the month
Sees rising, or thinks they have seen, the moon through the clouds,
Shedding tears, addressed with dear love:
She all the while kept her eyes fixed on the ground and held herself away,
And her aspect was no more moved by the speech he had attempted
Than if hard flint stood there or cliffs of Parian marble.
At last, she tore herself away and as an enemy sought refuge
From him in the shaded grove.
(My translation and INTERPOLATION)
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latinlizard · 2 years ago
Propertius 1.1
Cynthia prima suis miserum me cepit ocellis, contactum nullis ante cupidinibus.
Cynthia was the first to capture poor me with her little eyes, I was touched by no desires before this.
tum mihi constantis deiecit lumina fastus et caput impositis pressit Amor pedibus,
then constant delight cast down my eyes of laying down
and pressing on with my feet being placed
donec me docuit castas odisse puellas improbus, et nullo vivere consilio.
until he taught me wickedly to hate the virtous girls, and to live with no purpose.
ei mihi, iam toto furor hic non deficit anno, cum tamen adversos cogor habere deos.
and for me, now this whole madness di not weaken for a year, since Iam forced to know the hostile gods.
Milanion nullos fugiendo, Tuelle, labores saevitiam durae contudit Iasidos.
Milanion fleed from nothing, Tullus, crushed the savagery of harsh Atlanta
nam modo Partheniis amens errabat in antris, rursus in hirsutas ibat et ille feras;
for now Parthenian
For not only was he wandering mad in Parthenian glens, and he went to see the rough wild beasts.
ille etiam Hylaei percussus vulnere rami saucius Arcadiis rupibus ingemuit.
He also, thrashed by the wound from the club of Hylaeus the Centaur, he moaned on the Arcadian cliffs.
ergo velocem potuit domuisse puellam:
therefore he was able to tame the swift girl:
tantum in amore preces et benefacta valent.
such strength in love that prayers and good deeds hold.
in me tardus amor non ullas cogitat artes, nec meminit notas, ut prius, ire vias.
slow love does not move me towards any arts, nor does it (as before) remember the well known roads,
at vos, deductae quibus est fellacia lunae et labor in magicis sacra piare focis, en agedum dominae mentem convertite nostrae, et facite illa meo palleat ore magis!
but you, who have the trick of drawing down the moon and whose work is to fulfill rites at magical cerominies. turn that mind of this women to us and make her face more pale than mine!
tunc ego crediderim Manes et sidera vobis posse Cytinaeis ducere carminibus.
then I would beleve that the spirits and stars could lead you to the Cythians with songs.
aut vos, qui sero lapsum revocatis, amici, quaerite non sani pectoris auxilia.
or you, who last minute called me back, friends, who seeks help for a hurt heart.
fortiter et ferrum saevos patemus et ignes, sit modo libertas quae velit ira loqui.
I suffer the iron and savage fires bravely In this way freedom to say those things which my rage wants.
ferte per extremas gentes et ferte per undas, qua non ulla meum femina norit iter.
carry me through the furthest nations and carry me through the waves, that no woman of any kind may know my journey.
vos remanete, quibus facili deus annuit aure, sitis et in tuto semper amore pares.
you who is remaing, that which an easy ear the god looked to, in safety and equality you match your love.
in me nostra Venus noctes exercet amaras, et nullo vacuus tempore defit Amor.
our venus in bitter nights torments against me, and that idle love fails not any time.
hoc, moneo, vitate malum: sua quemque moretur cura, neque assueto mutet amore locum.
this one, i warn, live evil: that one may stay with his own care, and not to change the place when the love is familiar.
quod si quis monitis tardas adverterit aures, heu referet quanto verba dolore mea!
that if anyone turns late ears to my warnings, alas with how much grief he will recall my words!
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zmaragdos · 3 years ago
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Not that I want to get involved in the “Vergil Bee Discourse,” but it did get me thinking…why merely associate Vergil with bees when you could associate Queen Dido with bees, as her city (Carthage) is the one he describes with the allegory of a hive…especially since she is a queen, just like matriarch of a beehive.
Either way, I couldn’t resist and had to draw a monumental Dido tending to her hive city.
Iura magistratusque legunt sanctumque senatum;
hic portus alii effodiunt; hic alta theatris
fundamenta locant alii, immanisque columnas
rupibus excidunt, scaenis decora alta futuris.
Qualis apes aestate nova per florea rura
exercet sub sole labor, cum gentis adultos
educunt fetus, aut cum liquentia mella
stipant et dulci distendunt nectare cellas,
aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto
ignavom fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent:
fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella.
“O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!”
Aeneas ait, et fastigia suspicit urbis.
Infert se saeptus nebula, mirabile dictu,
per medios, miscetque viris, neque cernitur ulli.
Lucus in urbe fuit media, laetissimus umbra,
quo primum iactati undis et turbine Poeni
effodere loco signum, quod regia Iuno
monstrarat, caput acris equi; sic nam fore bello
egregiam et facilem victu per saecula gentem.
Hic templum Iunoni ingens Sidonia Dido
condebat, donis opulentum et numine divae,
aerea cui gradibus surgebant limina, nexaeque
aere trabes, foribus cardo stridebat aenis.
Hoc primum in luco nova res oblata timorem
leniit, hic primum Aeneas sperare salutem
ausus, et adflictis melius confidere rebus.
— P. Virgilius Maro “Aeneid” Lib. I, 426–452
Laws, offices, a sacred senate formed.
A port was being dug, the high foundations
Of a theater laid, great columns carved from cliffs
To ornament the stage that would be built there:
Like bees in spring across the blossoming land,
Busy beneath the sun, leading their offspring,
Full grown now, from the hive, or loading cells
Until they swell with honey and sweet nectar,
Or taking shipments in, or lining up
To guard the fodder from the lazy drones;
The teeming work breathes thyme and fragrant honey
“What luck they have—their walls grow high already!”
Aeneas cried, his eyes on those great roofs.
Still covered by the cloud—a miracle—
He went in through the crowds, and no one saw him.
Deep in the city is the verdant shade
Where the Phoenicians, tired from stony waves,
Dug up the sign that Juno said would be there:
A horses’s head, foretelling martial glory
And easy livelihood through future ages.
Dido was building Juno a vast shrine here
Filled with rich offerings and holy power.
The stairs soared to a threshold made of bronze;
Bronze joined the beams; the doors had shrill bronze henges.
Here a strange sight relieved Aeneas’ fear
For the first time, and lured him into hope
Of better things to follow all his torments.
“Aeneid,” Book 1, lines 426–452, Translated by Sarah Ruden, 2008
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vmficrecs · 5 years ago
any fics (logan/veronica) where logan takes care/comforts of veronca when she's going through a hard time? or when logan and veronica actually have a conversation about veronica's sexual trauma/rape?
This fic list pertains to the “Logan takes care/comforts Veronica” part of the ask, as there are several other asks requesting fics to do with Logan and Veronica + her rape & sexual assault. Thank you for your patience! 
Previously on VM Fic Recs: 
petpluto, “By Contrast With the Love,” Teen, Post Season 2 AU 
Keith dies. Logan works to pick up the pieces left in the wake of Cassidy’s destruction.
bigboobedcanuck, “Lost in the Sounds,” Teen, Season 3
Little 307 gapfiller after Veronica is attacked in the parking lot. Logan and Keith take care of her.
taken_with_you, “The Benefits of Being Lost,” Mature, Season 2 AU 
Veronica hasn’t been at school for a couple days and Logan can’t help but notice.
SilverLining2k6, “Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own,” Teen, Season 1 AU 
Silly Duncan stopped taking his meds. Now, one dead Fitzpatrick later, Logan and Veronica need to get him out of town. Too bad they hate each other.
Notes: SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!! the whole premise is logan taking care of veronica and duncan and getting the H E L L out of dodge because he is the best person ever. also sometimes is one of the top veronica mars fanfics. i believe i have told the story of how the first time i read it i was up until like 6am or something and i read every. single. chapter. because i could not put it down. it creates it’s own veronica mars mythology and the UST between logan and veronica is in a league of it’s own. m is too good and too kind to us and i would die for this fic. 
New to VM Fic Recs: 
Third Rule of Fight Club Author: aperfectsong Pairing: Logan/Veronica; Keith; Lynn Rating: Teen Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort  Setting: Season 1 Spoilers: 1.06, “Return of the Kane” Chapters: 4 Word Count: 34368 Status: Complete Summary: After a case goes wrong, Logan finds Veronica at the beach. Notes: veronica gets a concussion and keith is out of town and logan takes care of her!!!! set after 1.06 and y’all it is SO. GOOD. the characterization of logan and veronica is perfect and the author takes great care with the keith/veronica dynamic, the keith/logan dynamic, and the logan/lynn dynamic, which is so greatly appreciated. basically this is one of my favorite fics ever. i remember losing my mind when i read this for the first time and i want that same experience for y’all. 
Sick Days 101: Remedial Lessons for Rich Boys Author: trogdor19 Pairing: Logan/Veronica Rating: Teen Genre: Romance, They Are Both Soft and Stupid Setting: Season 3 Spoilers: nothing explicit, but 1.06 “Return of the Kane” as well   Chapters: 3 Word Count: 8428 Status: Complete Summary: Veronica has The Worst cold ever, and Logan is being his usual clueless rich boy self. It's like he has no idea how to nurture a sick person at all. That's it! She's going to teach him if she has to forcibly blanket and bad-movie him herself. Notes: THE SEROTONIN WE ALL NEED AND DESERVE. I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC. logan taking care of veronica while she’s sick, while veronica insists on trying to teach him how to be sick properly, is the most genius and delightful setting. logan having an employee of the neptune grand’s number that he can just call and talk to and veronica being jealous!!! “yeah but you might be the patron saint of trojan” i love safe sane and consensual sex god logan echolls. THE BIT ABOUT THE FUCKING BLANKET FORT drop your location trogdor19 i just wanna talk. more of a mutual hurt/comfort fic of these dumbos trying to take care of each other and it’s sooo sweet.
Building Bridges Author: Chikabiddy Pairing: Logan/Veronica; Keith; Duncan; etc.  Rating: General Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort; Fluff   Setting: Season 1 AU  Spoilers: all season one to be safe Chapters: 12 Word Count: 39047 Status: In Progress Summary: Veronica lands herself in a little bit of trouble on a case and a quasi-pocket dial gives Logan the chance to help. AU after 1.02, “Credit Where Credit’s Due” Notes: “He soaked it in, rubbing his hand gently down her arm and breathed in everything Veronica Mars. She was both new and familiar to him, like coming home after a long holiday to find your house totally redone; insides gutted and made completely unrecognizable. But, remodeling aside, home is still home.” I love the abrupt realization Logan has that he doesn’t want anything bad or permanent to happen to Veronica, and then he immediately course corrects his behavior to try and be a friend to her again. 
See Appendix for Further Information  Author: Cubbiegirl1723 Pairing: Logan/Veronica; Keith Rating: Teen Genre: Friendship, Romance  Setting: Post Season 3 Spoilers: 3.20, “The Bitch is Back”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 18963 Status: Complete Summary: ap·pen·dix əˈpendiks noun 1. ANATOMY a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. 2. a section or table of additional matter at the end of a book or document. Notes: veronica gets her appendix taken out while her and logan aren’t speaking and he drops everything to fly to virginia to make sure she’s okay and then he lets her (and keith! and backup!) stay with him at his place back in california while she continues her recovery. also this logan and cliff interaction: “And here's trouble personified! The next time you're arrested, please don't call me.”“But you're my favorite,” Logan whined at him. -- PURE. GOLD. 
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struck-by-the-moon · 5 years ago
The Worship of Taurian Artemis and Iphigeneia
The Worship of Taurian Artemis and Iphigeneia
Agido DiStefano
“The Tauri were famous in the ancient world for their virgin goddess who was identified by the Greeks with Artemis Tauropolos or with Iphigeneia. The Tauric custom of sacrificing shipwrecked strangers to the goddess was the basis for the Greek story of Iphigeneia and Orestes among the Taurians, which became the subject of plays by Euripides (Iphigenia Among the Taurians) and J.W. von Goethe (Iphigenie aut Tauris).” (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tauri)
“Among these, the Tauri have the following customs: all ship-wrecked men, and any Greeks whom they capture in their sea-raids, they sacrifice to the Virgin goddess1 as I will describe: after the first rites of sacrifice, they strike the victim on the head with a club; [2] according to some, they then place the head on a pole and throw the body off the cliff on which their temple stands; others agree as to the head, but say that the body is buried, not thrown off the cliff. The Tauri themselves say that this deity to whom they sacrifice is Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia. [3] As for enemies whom they defeat, each cuts his enemy's head off and carries it away to his house, where he places it on a tall pole and stands it high above the dwelling, above the smoke-vent for the most part. These heads, they say, are set up to guard the whole house. The Tauri live by plundering and war.” (Herodotus Book 4 chapter 103)
“The Tauri (Ταῦροι in Ancient Greek), or Taurians, also Scythotauri, Tauri Scythae, Tauroscythae (Pliny, H. N. 4.85) were a people settled on the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, inhabiting the Crimean Mountains in the 1st millennium BC and the narrow strip of land between the mountains and the Black Sea. According to the sources, Taurians lived in Crimean peninsula for the first time and never abandoned its borders. They gave their name to the peninsula, which was known in ancient times as Taurica, Taurida and Tauris.” (Wikipedia :( Tauri)
“O′RTHIA (Orthia, Orthias, or Orthôsia) a surname of the Artemis who is also called Iphigeneia or Lygodesma, and must be regarded as the goddess of the moon. Her worship was probably brought to Sparta from Lemnos. It was at the altar of Artemis Orthia that Spartan boys had to undergo the diamastigosis (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. iii. 54 ; Herod. iv. 87; Xenoph. de Rep. Lac. ii. 10). She also had temples at Brauron, in the Cerameicus at Athens, in Elis, and on the coast of Byzantium. The ancients derived her surname from mount Orthosium or Orthium in Arcadia.” 
“TAU′RICA (DEA) (hê Taurikê), "the Taurian goddess," commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes and Iphigenia, and to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece. (Paus. iii. 16. § 6; Herod. iv. 103.)
TAURIO′NE, TAURO, TAURO′POLOS, or TAURO′POS (Tauriônê, Taurô, Tauropolo, Taurôpos), originally a designation of the Taurian goddess, but also used as a surname of Artemis or even Athena, both of whom were identified with the Taurian goddess. (Hesych. s. v. tauropolai.) The name has been explained in different ways, some supposing that it means the goddess worshipped in Tauris, going around (i. e. protecting) the country of Tauris, or the goddess to whom bulls are sacrificed; while others explain it to mean the goddess riding on bulls, drawn by bulls, or killing bulls. Both explanations seem to have one thing in common, namely, that the bull was probably the ancient symbol of the bloody and savage worship of the Taurian divinity. (Schol. ad Soph. Ajac. 172 ; Eurip. Iphig. Taur. 1457 ; Müller, Orchom. p. 305, &c. 2d ed.)”
(Theoi.com-Artemis Cult titles/epithets)
Iphigeneia was also related to Iphimedeia, who is named in Linear B. “Her name seems to be attested in Mycenaean Greek in the Linear B syllabic script at Pylos in the form 𐀂𐀟𐀕𐀆𐀊, i-pe-me-de-ja.” (Wikipedia-Iphimedia) She is mentioned in the Odyssey and also has a connection to Hekate.
Iphigeneia was also known as Iphianassa (though not always) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphianassa_(daughter_of_Agamemnon)
In Hesiod’s Catalogue of women, He names the daughter of Agamemnon who was sacrificed at Aulis and replaced as Iphimede, who is mentioned in Linear B. “Clytemnestra and Agamemnon had two daughters, Electra and Iphimede, the name used in the poem for the woman later and more famously known as Iphigenia.[42] It had been prophesied that she must be sacrificed to Artemis before the Greek fleet could sail for Troy, but in the Catalogue version of events the goddess replaced her with an eidolon and immortalized Iphimede as "Artemis Enodia", or Hecate.[43] Next Orestes' birth and matricide are reported, the earliest extant account of his killing Clytemnestra, as the planned sacrifice of Iphimede/Iphigenia is first found in the Catalogue.[44]”
So both Iphimedeia have connections to Hekate, and both were said to have been sacrificed at Aulis. There is a clear connection between the two, and Iphimedeia was mentioned in Linear B. Iphigeneia was worshipped alongside Artemis in Tauris. Iphigeneia is related to Artemis’ cult in Brauron and Tauris.  
Iphegeneia in Aulis-Euripides
Iphigeneia Among the Taurians-Euripides
http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0126:book=4:chapter=103 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tauri
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wedancedinthetown · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @noteescapesdemi​  ♥
top 10 songs/pieces I can’t stop listening to:
Aute Cuture - Rosalía
Corner Store - Macklemore
Homecoming: The Live Album - Beyoncé (yeah, the whole album)
Ring (feat. Kehlani) - Cardi B
Cliffs Edge - Hayley Kiyoko
Get you the moon - Kina
La Sandunguera - Nathy Peluso
Cute Bitch - Rizha
Truth Hurts - Lizzo
Never Enough - Loren Allred (The Greatest Showman)
Favorite colors: purple, grey and black
Favorite ships: Clexa (forever and always) - Dramione (”Harry Potter”) - Rebecca&Jack (“This is us”) - Beth&Rio (”Good Girls”) - Croana (”Skam España”)
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick 
Last movie: The Vow 
Currently reading: The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
tagging my favourites blogs: @petrxsolano @blacknarcissist @commanderlexas @magicfolk @00312 @piba-hijadefruta @gofloresgo @roogomes
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commstudioiiimaddyfisher · 3 years ago
Self Introduction:
Hi I’m Maddy, and I am a second year Communication Design Student from Auckland. I was first introduced to Design Year 12 when I decided to try out the subject after attending my schools careers evening. From here is really when my passion for design was first established. A couple of years ago I got the opportunity to attend ‘Charm Agency’ which is a Design and Marketing Studio in Auckland City. This opportunity arose for me through a family friend being one of the Co-Owners of this company. I got to attend formal meetings and experience the 'day in the life of a Graphic Designer’. This really had me set on the idea of pursuing this as a career.
When deciding a course to do at Uni I really had know idea of where to start but choosing AUT has been the best decision for me. I chose to major in Communication Design as the last few years I have dreamed of eventually becoming a successful freelance graphic designer, with my own company. Throughout may time so far at AUT I have learnt so much and been challenged outside of my comfort zone which has allowed for me to gain new and improved skills as a young designer. I would say I am good at digital illustration whereby I create images by using Adobe Illustrator more so than drawing by hand. 
I feel like two of the things I would really like to improve on this year at uni is both using multimedia and getting better at photography. I really want to expand my design style by incorporating different media elements into my designs, rather than just sticking more so to what I know best being Illustrator. I feel like this would be a good skill to know/have when experiencing the design industry in future as I think it would be good to have a range of experience throughout different Adobe applications. The other thing I want to work on this year kind of interrelates with my last point due to me wanting to get better at photography, and editing photos that I could then therefore include/incorporate into my designs in future both alone and in a mixed sense of using multimedia.
Something I would say that is important to me that isn’t design related would be  adventuring outdoors. I love being surrounded by nature and experiencing things in the outdoors such as hiking, swimming, cliff jumping, kayaking/paddle boarding etc.
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jestrojesterofmonsters · 3 years ago
It was the 3.March 5029 or beter to sei the third Age. Its ben 4000 jahrs sins the dark lord sauron was defeated and the nine nazgul's sealed dei thought all nazgul's were gon. But little dit deih now dat it were not nine it were then. Den on the same day as mordor fell the jumg girl was born. After 4998 jahrs but i fing i schud stard at the begin on the day of my birth. 1.december 5018 : Ahhhhh!!!! : Is what a jung woman screamt not joust any woman no it was my nana den it was the day of my birth my nana was as she gave birth to me joust 16 jea inow pretty jung but dats not the schocking part, the schocking part is abaut my ada. Hello my name is Lilith im 5 jahrs old most people of my Village are afraid of me its bekos of ho my ada is or Räder was dem my ada is the..... Hes *shick* hes the witch king of angmar, well now you now im the child of an angel and a demonbutt i have a fju friends and not just humans even orcs. But it gives a fju got things to be the daughter of the witch king, bekos of dat people dat wud normali kill youdo not kill me, but i schod stard from the day After my birth. May 3, 5020 im now thre jahrs old i like Beijing outside mostli wen the sun has ben just down for some reason i fell safe in the shadows. I was outsider running thru the Woods Surrounded from shadows, i sad on a fallen three near a cliff locking in to the night sky completle spacet aut :Lilith!!!! : i heart some one scream i jumpt of the three an run tho worths the voice it was my nana i huckt her and she sed :haha hey little shadow if ben locking for you: i just laughed little shadow was my nickname bekos of my lock dem i have long black hear and White eyes but im not blinde dei are natural licke dat i dont now wie ider. Im in my nanas arms as she walket back kome then she put me in bett gave me a kiss on the for head and sed :i love you little princess of shadows for ever. I hope you like it so far please tell me if you do, dis is my first Story so im sorry if it's bad have a god morning or afternone god bye
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autthesnot · 1 year ago
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I tapped out on this one after killing two different pens. Cliffy is just on the porch pondering.
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covid19worldnews · 4 years ago
Association of Tennis Professionals
For other uses, see ATP (disambiguation).
The Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) is the governing body of the men’s professional tennis circuits – the ATP Tour, the ATP Challenger Tour and the ATP Champions Tour.
It was formed in September 1972 by Donald Dell, Jack Kramer, and Cliff Drysdale to protect the interests of professional tennis players, and Drysdale became the first President. Since 1990, the association has organized the ATP Tour, the worldwide tennis tour for men and linked the title of the tour with the organization’s name. It is the governing body of men’s professional tennis. In 1990 the organization was called the ATP Tour, which was renamed in 2001 as just ATP and the tour being called ATP Tour. In 2009 the name of the tour was changed again and was known as the ATP World Tour, but changed again to the ATP Tour by 2019.[1] It is an evolution of the tour competitions previously known as Grand Prix tennis tournaments and World Championship Tennis (WCT).
The ATP’s global headquarters are in London. ATP Americas is based in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida; ATP Europe is headquartered in Monaco; and ATP International, which covers Africa, Asia and Australasia, is based in Sydney, Australia.
Early history
See also: Grand Prix tennis circuit and World Championship Tennis
Started in 1972 by Jack Kramer, Donald Dell, and Cliff Drysdale, it was first managed by Jack Kramer, as Executive Director, and Cliff Drysdale, as President. Jim McManus was a founding member.[2] Kramer created the professional players’ rankings system, which started the following year and is still in use. From 1974 to 1989, the men’s circuit was administered by a sub-committee called the Men’s International Professional Tennis Council (MIPTC). It was made up of representatives of the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the ATP, and tournament directors from around the world. The ATP successfully requested that the MIPTC introduce a drug testing rule, making tennis the first professional sport to institute a drug-testing program.
1973 Wimbledon boycott
In May 1973 Nikola Pilić, Yugoslavia’s number one tennis player, was suspended by his national lawn tennis association, who claimed he had refused to play in a Davis Cup tie for his country earlier that month.[3] The initial suspension of nine months, supported by the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF), was later reduced by the ILTF to one month which meant that Pilic would not be allowed to play at Wimbledon.[4]
In response the ATP threatened a boycott, stating that if Pilić was not allowed to compete none should. After last-ditch attempts at a compromise failed the ATP voted in favor of a boycott and as a result 81 of the top players, including reigning champion Stan Smith and 13 of the 16 men’s seeds, did not compete at the 1973 Wimbledon Championships.[5][6] Three ATP players, Ilie Năstase, Roger Taylor and Ray Keldie defied the boycott and were fined by the ATP’s disciplinary committee.[4]
1988 breakaway
But the tour was still run by the tournament directors and the ITF. The limited player representation and influence within the Men’s International Professional Tennis Council (MIPTC) as well as dissatisfaction with the way the sport was managed and marketed culminated in a player mutiny in 1988 led by active tennis pros including then world Number 1 ranked Mats Wilander which changed the entire structure of the tour.[7]
ATP Tour
Main article: ATP Tour
CEO Hamilton Jordan is credited with the “Parking Lot Press Conference” on 26 August 1988 during which the ATP announced their withdrawal from the MIPTC (then called the MTC) and the creation of their own tour from 1990 onwards.[2][8][9][10] This re-organisation also ended a lawsuit with Volvo and Donald Dell.[11] On 19 January 1989 the ATP published the calendar for the inaugural 1990 season.[12]
By 1991, the men had their first television package to broadcast 19 tournaments.[2] Coming online with their first website in 1995, this was followed by a multi-year agreement with Mercedes-Benz. Lawsuits in 2008, around virtually the same issues, resulted in a restructured tour.[13]
2009 changes
In 2009, ATP introduced a new tour structure called ATP World Tour consisting of ATP World Tour Masters 1000, ATP World Tour 500, and ATP World Tour 250 tier tournaments.[14][15] Broadly speaking, the Tennis Masters Series tournaments became the new Masters 1000 level and ATP International Series Gold and ATP International Series events became ATP 500 level and 250 level events respectively.
The Masters 1000 tournaments are Indian Wells, Miami, Monte Carlo, Madrid, Rome, Toronto/Montreal, Cincinnati, Shanghai and Paris. The end-of-year event, the ATP Finals, moved from Shanghai to London. Hamburg has been displaced by the new clay court event at Madrid, which is a new combined men’s and women’s tournament. In 2011, Rome and Cincinnati also became combined tournaments. Severe sanctions are placed on top players skipping the Masters 1000 series events, unless medical proof is presented.
Plans to eliminate Monte Carlo and Hamburg as Masters Series events led to controversy and protests from players as well as organisers. Hamburg and Monte Carlo filed lawsuits against the ATP,[16] and as a concession it was decided that Monte Carlo would remain a Masters 1000 level event, with more prize money and 1000 ranking points, but it would no longer be a compulsory tournament for top-ranked players. Monte Carlo later dropped its suit. Hamburg was “reserved” to become a 500 level event in the summer.[17] Hamburg did not accept this concession, but later lost its suit.[18]
The 500 level tournaments are Rotterdam, Dubai, Rio, Acapulco, Barcelona, Aegon Championships (Queens Club, London), Halle (Gerry Weber Open), Hamburg, Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, Basel and Vienna.
The ATP & ITF have declared that Davis Cup World Group and World Group Playoffs award a total of up to 500 points. Players accumulate points over the four rounds and the playoffs and these are counted as one of a player’s four best results from the 500 level events. An additional 125 points are given to a player who wins all 8 live rubbers and wins the Davis Cup.[19]
ATP Tour tournaments
The ATP Tour comprises ATP Masters 1000, ATP 500, and ATP 250. The ATP also oversees the ATP Challenger Tour, a level below the ATP Tour, and the ATP Champions Tour for seniors. Grand Slam tournaments, a small portion of the Olympic tennis tournament, the Davis Cup, the Hopman Cup and the introductory level Futures tournaments do not fall under the auspices of the ATP, but are overseen by the ITF instead and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the Olympics. In these events, however, ATP ranking points are awarded, with the exception of the Olympics and Hopman Cup. The four-week ITF Satellite tournaments were discontinued in 2007.
Players and doubles teams with the most ranking points (collected during the calendar year) play in the season-ending ATP Finals, which, from 2000 to 2008, was run jointly with the International Tennis Federation (ITF). The details of the professional tennis tour are:
Event Number Total prize money (USD) Winner’s ranking points Governing body Grand Slam 4 See individual articles 2,000 ITF ATP Finals 1 4,450,000 1,100–1,500 ATP (2009–present) ATP Tour Masters 1000 9 2,450,000 to 3,645,000 1000 ATP ATP Tour 500 13 755,000 to 2,100,000 500 ATP ATP Tour 250 40 416,000 to 1,024,000 250 ATP ATP Challenger Tour 178 35,000 to 168,000 80 to 125 ATP ITF Men’s Circuit 534 15,000 and 25,000 10 to 20 ITF Olympics 1 See individual articles 0 IOC
ATP Rankings
Main article: ATP Rankings
ATP publishes weekly rankings of professional players: ATP Rankings (commonly known as the ‘world rankings’), a 52-week rolling ranking, and the ATP Race to London, a year to date ranking.[20] All ATP players also have a Universal Tennis Rating, based on head-to-head results.
The ATP Rankings is used for determining qualification for entry and seeding in all tournaments for both singles and doubles. Within the ATP Rankings period consisting of the past year, points are accumulated, with the exception of those for the ATP Finals, whose points are dropped following the last ATP event of the year. The player with the most points by the season’s end is the world No. 1 of the year.
The ATP Rankings Race To London is a calendar-year indicator of what the Emirates ATP Rankings will be on the Monday after the end of the regular season. Players finishing in the top eight of the Emirates ATP Rankings following the Paris Masters will qualify for the ATP Finals.
At the start of the 2009 season, all accumulated ranking points were doubled to bring them in line with the new tournament ranking system.
Current rankings
ATP Rankings (Singles) as of 9 November 2020[update][21] # Player Points Move† 1  Novak Djokovic (SRB) 11,830 2  Rafael Nadal (ESP) 9,850 3  Dominic Thiem (AUT) 9,125 4  Daniil Medvedev (RUS) 6,970 1 5  Roger Federer (SUI) 6,630 1 6  Stefanos Tsitsipas (GRE) 5,925 7  Alexander Zverev (GER) 5,525 8  Andrey Rublev (RUS) 3,919 9  Diego Schwartzman (ARG) 3,455 10  Matteo Berrettini (ITA) 3,075 11  Gaël Monfils (FRA) 2,860 12  Denis Shapovalov (CAN) 2,830 13  Roberto Bautista Agut (ESP) 2,710 14  Milos Raonic (CAN) 2,580 3 15  David Goffin (BEL) 2,555 1 16  Pablo Carreño Busta (ESP) 2,535 1 17  Fabio Fognini (ITA) 2,400 1 18  Stan Wawrinka (SUI) 2,320 2 19  Grigor Dimitrov (BUL) 2,260 1 20  Karen Khachanov (RUS) 2,245 1
†Change since previous week’s rankings
ATP Rankings (Doubles individual) as of 9 November 2020[update][22] # Player Points Move‡ 1  Robert Farah (COL) 8,530 2  Juan Sebastián Cabal (COL) 8,440 3  Horacio Zeballos (ARG) 6,930 4  Mate Pavić (CRO) 6,640 1 5  Nicolas Mahut (FRA) 6,430 1 6  Bruno Soares (BRA) 6,120 7  Łukasz Kubot (POL) 5,700 4  Marcelo Melo (BRA) 9  Michael Venus (NZL) 5,630 1 10  Joe Salisbury (GBR) 5,490 3 11  Marcel Granollers (ESP) 5,420 2 12  Rajeev Ram (USA) 5,400 2 13  Wesley Koolhof (NED) 5,380 14  Nikola Mektić (CRO) 5,120 2 15  Ivan Dodig (CRO) 5,100 1 16  Filip Polášek (SVK) 5,030 1 17  Édouard Roger-Vasselin (FRA) 4,920 3 18  Raven Klaasen (RSA) 4,840 1 19  Kevin Krawietz (GER) 4,715 1 20  Andreas Mies (GER) 4,680 1
‡Change since previous week’s rankings
Organizational structure
As of January 1, 2020, Andrea Gaudenzi is the Chairman of ATP[23] and Massimo Calvelli is the Chief Executive Officer.[24] Mark Young is the Vice Chairman, David Massey is the Executive Vice President for the European region and Alison Lee for the International group.[25]
The ATP Board of Directors includes the Chairman, along with three tournament representatives and three player representatives. The player representatives are elected by the ATP Player Council.[26] The current board members are:
Chairman: Andrea Gaudenzi
Player representatives
Americas region: Mark Knowles
European region: Alex Inglot
International region: David Egdes
Tournament representatives
Americas region: Gavin Forbes
European region: Herwig Straka
International region: Charles Humphrey Smith
The 12-member ATP Player Council delivers advisory decisions to the Board of Directors, which has the power to accept or reject the council’s suggestions. As of October 12, 2020, the Council consists of four players who are ranked within the top 50 in singles (Kevin Anderson – President, Rafael Nadal, Felix Auger-Aliassime, John Millman), two players who are ranked between 51 and 100 in singles (Yen-Hsun Lu and Jeremy Chardy), two top 100 players in doubles (Jurgen Melzer and Bruno Soares), two at-large members (Andy Murray and Roger Federer), one alumni member (Colin Dowdeswell), and one coach, Brad Stine.[27][28][29]
The ATP Tournament Council consists of a total of 13 members, of which five are representatives from the European region, along with four representatives from both the Americas and the International Group of tournaments.[26]
See also
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Tennis portal
International Tennis Federation
ATP Challenger Tour
ATP Rankings
List of ATP number 1 ranked singles tennis players
List of ATP number 1 ranked doubles tennis players
ATP Awards
ATP Tour records
Grand Prix Tennis Circuit
World Championship Tennis
ATP Champions Tour
Grand Slam (tennis)
Women’s Tennis Association
(in English, Chinese, and Spanish) Official website
ATP rankings
ATP tournament calendar
ATP official rulebook
0 notes
jennaoliver · 4 years ago
Critical Feedback & Class Notes
Stephanie Oliver.
(Twin Sister, honest opinions, feminist Biais, Student Midwife, 20 years old, cisgender women)
I like that the model does not have over done/caked makeup or any body reshaping through photoshop like most magazines do.
I also like that when looking at the before and after there is very little change done to the model as it is mostly done to enhance the lighting quality or overall image.
All of the images seem to have a similar colour pallet, background, model and facial expression. It would be good to see a little more range in these to make the images stand out against each other more and increase the diversity.
Matthew Newton.
(Boyfriend, Car salesman and photographer for Southern Motors, 21 years Old, straight to the point honest, encourages me to do my best work, supportive, cisgender male)
A smaller aperture might be a good idea to use as it will make the model pop more from the background.
The images are very well lit, not over or under exposed or with any harsh shadows from the direct sunlight. However the colours look a little bit dull. This might be because the sand/cliff face matches the models skin colour. I would recommend enhancing some of the colours for a more summery vibrant appeal. Remember that you need to do a little bit over the top in editing on the computer because printing will make the images 10% darker.
Feedback from Cornelius when going to print with his help.
(AUT photography and printing specialist/expert)
I really like the style you are going for as they do seem realistically like magazine covers. To make this idea more realistic in your first image the writing of Vogue has a lowish opaticlity allowing the rope to come through. Brands tend to go for solid lettering so the brand name is the focal point. I’m not sure if this is something magazines do too though.
I would remove the slight highlights in the wisps of the hair in image one as it seems like it could be smudge or mark on the camera lens.
Made my day by having all the highlights and shadows between 5-250 already edited.
I also asked Steph and Matt for their opinion on which image they preferred between the below 2. I only want to use one as they are both from the same shoot and are too similar to use both. Matt and Steph both agreed they liked the first one because…
The lighting is much clearer and cleaner looking in the first image. The second image has harsher lighting with dark shadows under the eyes of the model making it slightly less flattering.
The angle of the first image adds more variety to the overall range of images. As the others are mostly front on perspectives with a slight low angle while the first image is directly looking up at the model.
The background to the second image is a little too busy making the model become slightly lost in it / blends in. While in the first image the model pops out.
The first image has really nice movement of the models hair making her seem more down to earth and human.
The models face is much clearer and detailed in the first image
Really good compositions of framing, rule of thirds, balance and leading of lines is used to carry the eye towards the models face in the first image while in the second image these become less clear and blurred into a mess.
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0 notes
thepoolscene · 5 years ago
The Pool Scene - Alex Pagulayan, Chang Jung Lin, Fedor Gorst, Ko Ping Chung, Ruslan Chinakov, World 9-Ball - World Pool Association
New Post on https://thepoolscene.com/?p=55472
World 9-Ball Championship Comes Down To Four
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Ko Ping Chung, Fedor Gorst, Chang Jung Lin and Liu Haitao stand on the brink of history in Doha.
By Ted Lerner WPA Media Officer
(Doha, Qatar)–After nearly ten hours of some of the most grueling and pressure packed pool seen in years, the 2019 World 9-ball Championship has now come down to the Final 4.
The four players left, Taiwan’s Ko Ping Chung and Chang Jung Lin, Russia’s Fedor Gorst, and China’s Liu Haitao are, to a man, already proven monsters of the game. Now each is poised on the cusp of history and will get their crack at pool immortality.
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In one semi-final, the current World 10-ball Champion Ko will battle it out against Gorst. In the other semi-final, Chang will match wits with Liu.   Both semis, which will be race to 11, alternate break, will begin at 11am Tuesday in Doha(GMT +3) at the Qatar Billiards and Snooker Federation.  The Final, which will be race to 13, alternate break, will begin at 3pm Doha time.
Pool fans around the world looking at that list of talent on their betting sheet might be hard pressed to pick who to put their money on to take the sport’s most coveted crown. But anyone who has been lucky enough to be on hand in Doha for the last week, or watch the action online, would probably not hesitate to favor the man fondly known as “Little Ko.”
Ko got that endearing moniker by being the sweet younger brother to the great Ko Pin Yi, himself a two time former world champion. Fans have known Little Ko to have as much prodigious talent as his older brother, but it wasn’t until he won the World 10-ball Championship in Vegas in July this year that the diminutive 24 year old clearly had stepped out of that long shadow and started to establish his own greatness.
Indeed over the last four days in Doha, the 24 year old Ping Chung has exhibited an almost surreal-like confidence to do whatever it takes to win. His shot making is from another planet, he never, ever gets flustered, and he seemingly can do what he wants, when he wants. 
These other-worldly skills were on full display in his three tough matches over ten hours today. In the round of 32 match against talented compatriot Lin Wu Kun, Ko got out to an early lead and held off Lin at every turn to win 11-8. In the round of 16, Ko came up against Russian veteran Ruslan Chinakhov who was playing some of his best pool in years. But Ko was in no mood to play nice, and he dominated Chinakhov 11-4.
By the time his quarterfinals battle against Vietnam upstart Do The Kien began, Ko looked a bit worn, and he fell behind 6-2.  But as he did against Hungary’s Oliver Slzolnoki the night before in the round of 64, Ko grinded his way back in the match. In this case the Taiwanese absolutely put his boot down hard, winning 9 racks in a row for an emphatic 11-6 win and a spot in the semi-finals.
Little Ko’s battle with Russia’s Gorst promises to be a fascinating match up of two of pool’s great young talents. Gorst, just 19 year’s old, is a former  World Junior Champion and has also won one Euro Tour event. His game and his personal demeanor appear well beyond his years, and this is not surprising when you discover that he has traveled and played extensively, especially in the US. He even speaks excellent English.
Like Ko, Gorst has a rock-solid game and low-key demeanor that serves him well when under pressure.  His three fine performances today showed he is certainly ready for the big time. Should he win here in Doha, he would become the second youngest player, after 16 year old Wu Chia Ching in 2005, to win the World 9-ball Championship.
Gorst started the day with a very impressive 11-7 win over Taiwan’s Kevin Chang. In the round of 16 he blew a 7-1 lead over Poland’s Mateusz Sniegocki, and the match headed for the cliff and a sudden death rack. Gorst held his nerve with a very fine break and run to advance to the quarterfinals.
Without so much as having a bite to eat, he met up with Ko Pin Yi for what promised to be another slug fest. The early part of the match remained tight and nervy, but the young Russian stayed loose and calm and pounced on the few mistakes by Ko for an impressive 11-6 win.
The other semi final between Liu and Chang could well be described as pool’s battle of the hard core men. Both players are known for their tough, grinding style and it will be fascinating to see who blinks first.
With his many trips to the US and other countries over the years, Chang has certainly endeared himself to worldwide fans. Over the last few years the 34 year old Chang, the 2012 World 8-ball champion, has taken his game to new heights, including a win at the International in 2018. Another world title for Chang would certainly surprise nobody.
Chang played like a champion today, at least up until the end where he literally limped over the finish line. In the round of 32 he manhandled Poland’s Mieszko Fortunski, 11-5. In the round of 16 Chang came back from an early deficit to beat Spain’s Francisco Sanchez Ruiz, 11-7. Then in the quarters he looked to be in total control over Finland upstart Casper Matikainen, with an 8-2 lead.
Matikainen, who had defeated defending champion Joshua Filler in the round of 64, and had just beaten 2016 World 9-ball Champion Albin Ouschan in the round of 16, was a total revelation this week in Doha. And just when the quiet Finn looked like he would run out of gas, he began a glorious fight back against Chang. The pair ended up tied at 10 in a battle of sheer will and stamina. Chang, though, mustered one last bit of energy and skill and held on to break and run the very last rack for a nail-biting ticket to the semis.
China’s Liu has been knocking on this door of greatness for the last several years, and his three matches today showed he is ready to finally kick it in. In the round of 64, he came from two down late against Greece’s Alexander Kazakis to win 11-9. In the final 16 he came back from 6 -2 down to defeat Japan’s Naoyuki Oi, 11-9. In the quarters the Chinese went toe to toe with a streaking Alex Pagulayan. The pair had nothing between them for the first half, until Liu decided this time was his, and he put the Filipino-Canadian away, 11-8.
Should Liu win it all on Tuesday, he would become the first Chinese player to ever win the WPA World 9-ball Championship.
The winner of the 2019 World 9-ball Championship will receive $30,000. The total prize fund is $150,00.
*The 2019 WPA World 9-ball Championship takes place at the Qatar Billiards and Snooker Federation in Doha, Qatar from December 10-17, 2019. The event is hosted by The Qatar Billiard and Snooker Federation(QBSF), and is sanctioned by the World Pool Billiard Association, the governing body of the sport of pool.
Fans around the world will be able to view live scoring, results, brackets and live streaming of many of the matches via the QBSF’s free live streaming platform at esnooker.pl.  Multiple tables will be available to view online at no charge to the public.
Tuesday, December 17 11am, GMT +3
Race to 11, Alternate Break
Jung Lin Chang (TPE) vs. Lui Haitao (CHN)
Ping Chung Ko (TPE) vs. Fedor Gorst (RUS)
3PM Doha
Race to 13, Alternate Break
Jung Lin Chang (TPE) 11 – 10 Casper Matikainen (FIN)
Lui Haitao (CHN) 11 – 8 Alex Pagulayan (CAN)
Chung Ko Ping (TPE) 11 – 6 Do The Kien (VET)
Fedor Gorst (RUS) 11- 6 Pin Yi Ko (TPE)
Casper Matikainen (FIN) 11 – 6 Albin Ouschan (AUT)
Jung Lin Chang (TPE) 11 – 7 Francisco Sanchez Ruiz (ESP)
Lui Haitao (CHN) 11 – 9 Naoyuki Oi (JPN)
Alex Pagulayan (CAN) 11 – 9 Billy Thorpe (USA)
Chung Ko Ping (TPE) 11 – 4 Ruslan Chinakhov (RUS)
Do The Kien (VET) 11 – 8 Waleed Majid (QAT)
Pin Yi Ko (TPE) 11 – 9 Aloysius Yapp (SIN)
Fedor Gorst (RUS) 11 – 10 Mateusz Sniegocki (POL)
Casper Matikainen (FIN) 11 – 8 Yip Kin Ling (HKG)
Albin Ouschan (AUT) 11 – 8 Denis Grabe (EST)
Jung Lin Chang (TPE) 11 – 5 Mieszko Fortunski (POL)
Francisco Sanchez Ruiz (ESP) 11 – 5 Xu Xiaocong (CHN)
Liu Haitao (CHN) 11 – 9  Alexander Kazakis (GRE)
Naoyuki Oi (JPN) 11 – 6 Johann Chua (PHL)
Alex Pagulayan (CAN) 11 – 7 Chang Yu Lung (TPE)
Billy Thorpe (USA) 11 – 10 Carlo Biado (PHL)
Chung Ko Ping (TPE) 11 – 8 Lin Wu Kun (TPE)
Ruslan Chinakhov (RUS) 11 – 8 Maximilian Lechner (AUT) 
Do The Kien (VET) 11 – 7 Chris Melling (ENG) 
Waleed Majid (QAT) 11 -10 Wojciech Szewczyk (POL) vs.
Pin Yi Ko (TPE) 11 – 9 Jeffrey Ignacio (PHL)
Aloysius Yapp (SIN) 11 – 5 Darren Appleton (ENG)
Fedor Gorst (RUS)11 – 7 Yu Hsuan Cheng (TPE)
Mateusz Sniegocki (POL) 11 – 7 Liu Ri Teng (TPE)
0 notes
fungus-amongus00 · 7 years ago
A Wayward Crown (6)
Chapter 6 
Yugi didn’t have the donkey stop until the sun was about to rise when they came upon another small town near the mountains. Atem was better composured now, able to sit up on his own. The wound on his leg had stopped bleeding. It was still terribly sore, but the pain was more numbing now. He hadn’t expected Seto to come out of nowhere like that and assault him so viciously. He knew he hadn’t agreed with many of his decisions as pharaoh, but he wasn’t aware it went to this extent. If they wanted to capture him alive, then he’d fight back the hardest he possibly could. He couldn’t forget about Yugi, though. His grandpa must be worried sick.
  “You should go home,” he said, slowly getting off the donkey once they stopped. He grabbed his sword along with one of the supply bags.
  “Wait, what do you mean? You want me to leave you here? You’re still injured. Your leg has some ways to go before it’s fully healed. I can’t leave you here in good conscious.”
  “What about your grandpa? He has no idea where we are. He’s probably worried sick about you.”
  “I’ll just send a letter to him explaining what happened. I’m not going to leave you here with that guy after you.” With that stubborn look he was giving him, Atem knew there was no convincing him otherwise.
  “Alright, alright. I’m going to rest under that olive tree. Go do what you need to do. You can trust me. I’m not going anywhere.”
Atem walked over to the tree with a slight limp. He took a deep breath as he sat down and rested his back against the trunk. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon now. Golden light bathed the mountains and the town beneath them. There was something Atem always enjoyed about the early morning. It was like watching nature and the world around him wake up with him. There was a peaceful silence to the early morning, but it wasn’t solemn like at night. He could already hear the chirping of birds and bugs as they started to wake up with the sun. Ra certainly knew how to make mornings beautiful. He allowed himself to close his eyes and enjoyed the hint of warmth. His brows furrowed as he thought about Yugi. He was putting himself in danger helping him. He’d be better off just going back to his town and continuing being a fisherman. That was a simpler life. All Atem would bring him is pain and danger with the odds stacked against them. He didn’t even know if he had any allies left in Egypt. Seto certainly wasn’t one anymore. His father was dead, and he prayed they had the common decency to leave his tomb be. They wouldn’t anyway unless they wanted to anger the gods. He had no children to succeed him being a young pharaoh and other personal reasons and preferences. His uncle was just being used as a placeholder for whoever was really going to be pharaoh. This was just great. One thing was for sure: if Yugi was intent on sticking with him, he’d have to tell him the whole truth. No more lying.
When he heard footsteps approaching, he opened one eye to glance over in that direction, clutching his sword just in case. He relaxed once he saw it was Yugi.
  “I have the donkey being kept in a stable for now. I figured if we’re going to be travelling some, it’ll be good to have. I just hope my neighbor forgives me for taking it so suddenly. I also wrote out a letter, and it’ll be taken to my town today. I told my grandpa that I’m safe and with you, and I don’t know when I’ll be back, but it’ll hopefully be soon,” Yugi said, sitting next to him. “Wow, the view here is really nice. We’re farther away from the sea but closer to the mountains in the foothills.”
  “I always did enjoy watching the sun rise. I was always intrigued by the rituals they’d do then for the sun god, Ra.” Atem took a deep breath before continuing.
  “Yugi, since you’re helping me, I need to be truthful with you. I gave you a fake name since at the time, I was fearful of being found, so I lied. Obviously, Seto still found me, so it doesn’t matter now. My real name is Atem.”
  “Well, that makes sense. If you don’t want to be recognized, a fake name is a given. So..why is that guy after you anyway? Are you a deserter of some sort?” Yugi asked, picking at the grass underneath the tree.
  “I am..I mean was..the pharaoh of Egypt. Evidently, there were some that didn’t agree with my decisions and decided the depose me. When my ship was attacked by the Sea People, it was intended that they’d take me captive. I was going to be a peace offering to them. I mean, what better way to make peace with an enemy than offering a pharaoh to them. Now, they want me captured, and I suppose they’ll decide where I go. It doesn’t matter where I’m sent, I’ll be a slave either way, a special prized slave, but a slave none the less.” Oddly enough, there was a sense of relief after Atem told him all of it. It felt like a heavy weight had been taken off of him, one he had been holding onto like he was the only one who could keep it. Confiding in someone else was certainly one way of doing that.
  “Wait..you were the pharaoh of Egypt??” Yugi gasped, eyes going wide in awe. “I had no idea, and that’s terrible what’s been done to you. That settles it. I have to help you now. You just put your full trust in me and told me everything.”
  “Don’t feel obligated to help me. I simply told you because if I was called Aut one more time, I might explode,” Atem chuckled, cracking a smile.
  “It would be my honor to help you, Atem. But..I mean, where do we even start? This seems so huge. Egypt is so far from here.”
  “Let’s just focus on getting back up to full strength. Obviously, I’m going to have to be at full strength to be of any use, and that starts with my leg. As long as I have this injury, adversaries will take advantage of it like Seto did when he pulled me into that alley. So, let’s focus on relaxing today.”
  “Okay! I’ll see if I can get some salves for your leg in town and some food. Do you want to come with?”
  “I probably won’t be moving from this spot for a while. You go on. I’ll be here,” Atem said with an encouraging nod. He watched Yugi scamper off towards the town with a slight smile on his face. Even in a situation like this, Yugi never failed to make him smile even if it was just a little bit.
As he waited, he watched a shepherd taking his sheep up towards the mountains. The herd was like a glob of white fluff meandering around the cliffs and jagged rocks. A piece of something stark white in the grass by the tree caught his eyes. He reached out and found it was a few bones of a sheep, mostly ankle and other parts of the foot. He remembered playing games with the ankle bone back in Egypt. When it came to games and chance, Atem had been one of the best and still was in his opinion. He wondered if Yugi would be up for playing a round.
  “Hey, Atem! I was able to get some food and a salve that should help your wound heal up.” Yugi came running up about twenty minutes later. “What do you have in your hand.”
Atem wore a playful smile as he twirled the bone around in his hand.
  “Would you be up for a little game to pass the time?”
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altekmediagroup · 6 years ago
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Economic and Investment Outlook
Stocks notched solid gains in the second quarter thanks to a perceived shift in the Federal Reserve’s appetite for interest-rate cuts, extending a rally that propelled the S&P 500 to record highs. In June, the Dow Jones Industrials Average gained 7.2%, the S&P 500 and the tech-heavy Nasdaq rose 6.9%.(1) In June, the Dow notched its best return since 1938, the Nasdaq its biggest gain since 2000, and the S&P hit a new all time high, a reason to celebrate – right! Yes- of course, but upon closer examination of the reasons for justifiable jubilation, one discovers the disconcerting finding that much of the rally for equities has been supported by the Federal Reserve. In fact, the reason for the January-April and then June S&P 500 catapult to new highs, has largely been the dangling of the Fed carrot of lower interest rates. If the US economy is so robust, why would the Fed be considering lowering the Fed Funds rate from the current target 2.25-2.50 target rate, which is relatively low in the first place? The answer lies in what the forward-looking economic and market fundamentals appear to be forecasting – that slower growth is upon us and declining market fundamentals are ahead. While few analysts anticipate an imminent recession, economic growth appears to be cooling fast. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow ‘2Q’19 blue chip economic growth consensus dropped from 2.6% on March 26th to 1.5% as of June 28th. Noteworthy, is that while personal consumption expenditures had a modest uptick in personal income and outlays,  Manufacturing growth has slowed to a halt, and the nowcast ‘2Q’19 real nonresidential equipment investment growth fell off the cliff. The flash U.S. Composite Output Index, a major harbinger of future economic growth, recently dropped to 50.6 (below 50 is considered contraction), a 40-month low. New orders for durable goods fell in May. Consumer optimism about the economy deteriorated in June to its lowest level in 21 months as consumers fretted over escalating trade tensions and a cooling jobs market. Reflecting cautious consumer sentiment, new home sales fell in May. Fortunately, last-minute negotiations averted new Mexican trade tariffs, now the U.S. largest trading partner. Nonetheless, over time the tariffs will impact consumer spending, and subsequently future corporate earnings. While the estimated ‘2Q’19 y-o-y corporate revenue growth rate is expected to be 3.9%, ‘2Q’19 y-o-y earnings growth rate is estimated to be lower -2.6%. Already market analyst’ aggregate ‘Q3’19 earnings growth rate projections have changed from slight year-over-year earnings growth on June 7 (+0.2%) to a slight year-over-year earnings decline (-0.3%). Many market analyst’ worry that the escalating triple effects of tariffs, credit risks, and contracting global economic growth could ultimately dampen future corporate earnings growth enough to precipitate a more significant market correction. While the S&P 500 index hit an all-time market high on June 20th, market divergences in US banks, transports, and the broader Russel 2000 index are indicating market breadth is weakening. A recent report from Goldman Sachs noted that because “valuations of risky assets have increased materially YTD”, that the GS US Current Activity Indicator (CAI), suggests the risk of an equity drawdown of more than 10%", i.e. a sharp market drop, is the highest since the GFC. As such, investors should prepare themselves for more market volatility ahead as potential contracting corporate earnings growth could significantly contract global above average forward-looking equity valuations. Caveat emptor, investors should exercise prudence, discipline, and consider implementing stop-loss protection when making new equity investment decisions. Ultimately, the trajectory of the financial markets will rest on the effectiveness of coordinated global cooperation in global monetary policy, resolving trade conflicts, and increasing consumer and business confidence through stimulating coordinated sustainable economic growth policies.(2)(3) The Fixed Income Markets The 30-year Treasury bond closed at a 2.531% yield on 06/30/19, 0.284% lower than on 03/31/19, and 0.449% lower than a year ago. Meanwhile, the 10-year Treasury note yield closed at a 2.006% yield on 06/30/19, 0.401% lower from a 2.407% yield on 03/31/19, and 0.849% lower than a year ago.(4)  Three consecutive quarters of declining U.S. government-bond yields are ringing alarm bells louder by the day, reflecting increasing investor anxiety over slowing growth and global trade. In the U.S., the 3-month bill’s yield at June’s end exceeded the U.S. 10-year note by its widest margin since August 2007, sounding the loudest recession warning since just before the financial crisis. This phenomenon, known as an inverted yield curve, has been highly correlated to the onset of “recessions”. All seven domestic economic recessions in the U.S. in the last 50 years have been preceded by an inverted yield curve. Many analysts feel this condition will prompt Fed policy makers to reduce interest rates to arrest the effects of tightening financial conditions. Futures market prices show investors are betting there is a roughly 72% chance that the Fed will cut rates 25 bps in July, and perhaps as much as 75 bps end of this year. 2-year Treasury swaps are projecting that ultimately 130bps may be needed to rectify the yield curve. While this may seem like good news for the markets, at this current stage in the economic business cycle, it more likely indicates potential significant stress in both the credit and stock markets for the remainder of 2019. While recessionary risks are increasing daily with declining readings in key market and economic barometers, for now, access to vitally important corporate credits makes calling an imminent recession still a low probability. Normally, investors do not invest in low rated corporate debt if they fear a recession is in the offing. Credit conditions remain accommodative in the $9 trillion corporate bond market, especially in very important lower rated (junk) business credits. The BAML US HY Option-Adjusted Spread, a measure of high yield credits to risk-free assets, is only 409 bps as of 06/27/19, which is still very reasonable for below investment grade debt. Vanishing sources of potential income has pushed global investors into higher-returning assets like corporate debt in the U.S., supporting values for riskier fixed-income assets and kept corporate bond spreads narrow. Providing the Fed some policy leeway, recent inflation estimates remain well below the Feds 2% target inflation rate. The Fed’s preferred price index - the May 2019 personal-consumption expenditures increased only 1.6% from a year earlier. However, looking ahead, the epicenter of the next financial crisis is more likely to be in the corporate bond market. Slower global economic growth combined with ever-increasing global budget deficits could trigger a credit crunch spelling trouble for riskier credits. Very troubling, European high yield corporate bond yields are lower than long duration US treasury yields. If a global credit crisis does occur, the greater than $13T in global government bonds sporting negative yields could see significant losses in longer duration and low rated debt asset classes. Thus, with a low interest rate environment embedding numerous bond tail risks, investors may want to diversify their holdings across multiple fixed income assets classes. In the current market environment, investors should consider allocating their fixed income portfolios in high quality credits and consider certificates of deposits (CD’s) to help mitigate principal fluctuations from above average credit risks. For some investors, quality REITS may offer a better yielding alternative fixed-income investment asset class.(3)(4) Summary In recent years investors have experienced below average market volatility in global financial markets. As the US and global economy face increasing headwinds, the markets will most likely experience higher market volatility. To be successful investors will need to have the emotional fortitude to deal with the inevitable market whipsaws and uncertainties to recognize the longer-term investment performance rewards. We continue to recommend our clients regularly review their financial goals and investment risk tolerance levels so to appropriately allocate their portfolio assets according to their objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance. We also recommend clients maintain a well-diversified portfolio to manage portfolio volatility, and to remain focused on their long-term financial objectives so to reap the rewards of long-term global economic prosperity. 
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C. Brian Conners, MBA, CFP [email protected] 949-271-6433 myfapro.com Learn More … NOTE: If you would like a free and updated version of “NPB Financial Group Brochure Dated 03/31/2019, NPB Brochure Supplement, and NPB Code of Ethics describing our fees, disclosures, and how we do business , please let us know. Footnotes: (1) Fair Market Value as of June 30, 2019. (2) Wall Street Journal, June 28-30, 2019; MarketWatch, June 21,30, 2019; ZeroHedge, June 28-30, 2019; Washington Post, April 25, 2019. (3) Bloomberg, June 30, 2019; BEA, June 30, 2019; BLS, June 30, 2019; FactSet, June 21, 2019; GDPNow, June 30, 2019, Chicagofed.org; CBO.gov. (4) Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2018, March 31, 2019, June 30, 2019; FederalReserve, June 30, 2019; FRED; CMEGroup; YCharts. The information in this article is not intended to provide tax, legal, insurance or investment advice. The information, opinions, or recommendations are solely for informational purposes, constitute the author's best judgment, are only valid as of the date of this communication and are subject to change without notice. Investment Information in this presentation is not an investment recommendation or solicitation. The author is not advising you personally and this presentation is not tailored to any specific person. You should consult a qualified investment advisor regarding your specific personal financial and investment decisions and consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation. C. Brian Conners is a Certified Financial Planner and an Investment Advisor Representative with NPB Financial Group, LLC., Member FINRA, MSRB, SIPC. He is licensed with California Department of Insurance # 0661999. Read the full article
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