#Austin party bus
austinnitespartybus · 13 days
Halloween Party Bus Rental Austin
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partyrideaustin · 1 year
Party Shuttle Services in Austin: Fun and Convenience on the Move!
Looking for a hassle-free and exciting way to transport your group for a night out in Austin? Look no further than our exceptional party shuttle services! With our spacious and well-equipped shuttles, you can party on the move while enjoying the convenience of safe transportation. Austin party shuttles are perfect for accommodating large groups, whether it's a birthday celebration, bachelor/bachelorette party, or a night out with friends.
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laurelroadpoetry · 1 month
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48 hours in Austin.
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Elite Transportation ATX | Transportation service in Leander TX
We have a well-earned reputation as the best provider of one of the most luxurious Party Bus Rentals in Austin TX. Our team of experienced chauffeurs has a better understanding of all the local routes and possesses excellent navigational skills to make you reach your desired destination well on time and in great style. For your safety, our well-maintained fleet of party buses is equipped with all modern amenities – giving your party a festive touch. Moreover, acquiring our Transportation service in Leander TX, is the right choice to have comfortable and memorable rides. We have also kept our service charges at the lowest possible scale to meet the client’s budget. So, if you want to rent a party bus, give us a call today. 
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fly-rides · 2 years
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livingbreathingdreams · 4 months
❤︎ Lavender Girl
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Pairing: Neighbour!Joel Miller x Reader no outbreak AU
Summary: Your new neighbor's daughter is fascinated with the lavender in your yard.
A/N: Made this for Jett's Flora and Fauna challenge 💜
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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Ever since you had moved onto the quiet street in an Austin suburb you spent as much time as possible in your yard. All the years you had spent living in cramped city apartments your heart had yearned for the peace of nature. Remembering the quiet hours you had spent in your grandma's garden, planting vegetables, smelling roses and watching the butterflies dance around the lavender bushes. The rows of lavender along your freshly painted crisp white picket fence had been the first thing you planted.
The new neighbours on the street were all nice enough. Stopping at your fence for a short chat on their dog walking route, waving at you on their way to get the paper, letting their kids admire your flowers when they came by walking to the bus stop. But one neighbour in particular was your favorite.
He had offered to help you with your boxes and recommended his favorite family-run hardware store to you when you moved in. When he had his coffee on the front porch and you watered your flowers in the dewy morning hours, when most people were still asleep and everything still felt soft and slow, you had quiet conversations over the fence, that felt like the warm honey on a sore throat. There was a calm about him, that made you feel safe and made you want to sit next to him on the porch swing, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Then there was his daughter Sarah. Sarah was a little shy, never exchanging more than a few words of greeting with you before escaping into their home. But you could tell she really liked the lavender. Every time she walked by, she got a bit slower and breathed in deeper to savor the smell.
The first time you saw her sneakily pick some of the lavender flowers you just smiled to yourself and said nothing. She looked adorable, glancing around to see if someone had been a witness to her crime and then quickly skipping off into the safety of her home. You weren't mad at all. Flowers had always made you happy and you were glad your lavender could make someone else happy too.
Joel became a steady presence in your life, even though your relationship stayed separated by a white picket fence. You could feel the warmth he emitted in his laugh, in his voice, in the way he spoke to Sarah softly, he spoke to you with a sort of reverence. So one balmy Saturday morning you decided to be brave and make an attempt to get all of you on the same side of the fence.
You picked a jar of your homemade lavender honey and your nicest purple stationery to write an invitation, leaving both things in front of Joel's door and retreating giddy with anticipation. And it didn't take long for Joel to step out, coffe in hand, nealy tripping over the honey jar. He picked up the folded letter and began reading.
Dear Joel, I thoroughly enjoy our conversations. Maybe we should have one at a table, together? I was hoping to invite you and lavender girl to a little tea party today at 3 pm. Your neighbor.
A smile spread on his lips. He had also observed Sarah sneaking some of your lavender and gently told her that even though he was sure you didn't have a problem with it, taking things that belonged to other people was wrong. Looking up from the paper in his hand his eyes found yours, looking at him through the kitchen window, giving you a thumbs up, making butterflies erupt in your belly.
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ktwritesstuff · 2 years
The Babysitter (a Last of Us fanfic) pt. 1
Title: The Babysitter Fandom: The Last of Us Rating: PG (Later chapters will be explicit) Characters & Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader Word Count: ~2,000 Summary: Sarah's babysitter has a thing for Joel. Lovingly beta-read by @bs-fangirl, The Last of Us's number one fangirlie. <3
Part 1 (below cut) | Part 2 (posted 2/2) | Part 3 (posted 2/6) | Part 4 (posted 2/10) | Part 5 (posted 2/14) | Part 6 (posted 4/2) | Part 7 (posted 7/29) | Part 8 (posted 5/13)
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Austin 2002
“Hey, Sweetpea!”
You looked up at the sound of your childhood nickname, not sure right away who was calling for you.  In a small town familiarity was de rigueur.  You went to school with people referred to exclusively as Cooter, Biggie, and Ears, so it could have been worse. 
You were waiting for the bus just outside the school cafeteria when your brother, Paul, came over in his football uniform.  He almost never talked to you at school, so you figured he wanted something.  He was old for his grade and had made the varsity team as a sophomore; your parents were over-the-moon.  In your opinion, it had gone to his head.
“You have a dollar?  I want to get a gatorade before practice.”
“Here,” you dug through your purse and fished out your last dollar, rolling your eyes as he sprinted off toward the vending machines without so much as a thank you.
“We’re going to the mall when Andy gets out of practice, you wanna come?” Your best friend, Cheryl, asked.  
“I can’t,” you said.  “I’m babysitting.”  
“Nah,” your friend Mercedes teased.  “She’s got a hot date with Papi Joel.”
“Oh my God,” Cheryl laughed.  “That’s so messed up, stop it.”
“Yeah, that’s super weird,” you laughed along, hoping they wouldn’t notice the blush rising in your cheeks.
The truth was, you had long-harbored a crush on your handsome neighbor down the block: rugged good looks and soulful brown eyes, hardworking, good with his hands, a loving father, the whole package left you feeling weak in the knees.  But you would never say so, not even to your best friend.  As nice as it was to daydream about, you knew it could never happen and admitting it would just make you look desperate and pathetic.
“Seriously though,” Mercedes insisted.  “If you had to pick a dad, he’s primo DILF material.”
“JJ’s dad is kinda hot,” Tina said, stubbing out her joint on the sidewalk ramp.
“JJ’s dad isn’t hot,” Mercedes corrected.  “He just lets us party in his barn–besides, clearly Mr. Miller has ulterior motives. What 12 year old still needs a babysitter?”
It was true, Sarah was getting a little old for a sitter, but Joel still asked you to keep an eye on her.  You figured he wanted her to have another girl to talk to.  Someone older and wiser she could confide in about bullies, to go shopping with her, and teach her how to use a tampon.  On paper, you were a certified good-influence: a church-going honors student, marching band, a literal Girl Scout.  
Joel couldn’t afford to pay you much, but he was a good guy.  He kept your favorite snacks in the house and gave you rides when your daddy wouldn’t let you use the Jeep; last summer he had installed a phone jack in your room so you could have your own line.  More than that, Sarah was actually a pretty cool kid; you liked hanging out with her.
“Seriously, Mercedes,” you warned.  “I know you’re just fucking around, but you can’t talk like that.  Not at school.  That’s the kind of shit that got Mr. Spaden put on a watchlist.” 
“That and flashing sixth period APUSH,” Mercedes laughed.   
“He’s like a widower, right?”  Tina asked.  “Kind of emo.”
Your brow furrowed.  
“I don’t know,” you admitted.  “They don’t really talk about Sarah’s mom.”
“I mean, she has to be dead, right?” Cheryl said.  “What kind of mom would just abandon her kid like that?”
You shrugged.  “Maybe that’s why they don’t talk about her.”   
The Millers’ house was just two streets over from yours.  At 4pm you met Sarah at her bus stop and walked her home.  
“So how was school?” you asked.  
Sarah shrugged.  “You know, it’s school.”
You wrapped an arm around Sarah, giving her an encouraging squeeze as you walked.  
“Guess what I brought,” you said, reaching into your bag for your copy of Clueless on dvd.  “We can make popcorn and paint our nails, give you a little makeover.  What do you think?”
“Sounds good,” Sarah leaned into you. “As long as you use real butter this time.  None of that diet crap that gave me the shits.”  
“Well excuse me,” you rolled your eyes.  “Not all of us can be effortlessly thin.”  
You ordered pizza–an indulgence, but Joel insisted on treating when he had to work late–and put on the movie.  By the time the credits rolled your mani-pedis had time to set, so you brought out your makeup bag and let Sarah pick out a CD to put in the stereo–some twangy duet.  A man and a woman singing along to a surprisingly cheerful tune.
Bye bye love, bye bye happiness Hello loneliness, I think I’m gonna cry…
“What happened to Destiny’s Child?” you asked.
“Nothing,” Sarah stuck her tongue out.  “It’s one of my dad’s.”
You knew Sarah had more alternative sensibilities–even more than yours–and sometimes struggled to fit in.  She didn’t shop at Hollister and Abercrombie, she didn’t have straight hair and pencil-thin eyebrows.  She didn’t even have a traditional family.  Everyone wanted to belong somewhere, but you hoped with a little guidance, Sarah could avoid some of the pitfalls you had faced in high school and figure out she didn’t have to change herself for the sake of others.
“You don’t have to like something just because your dad does,” you said as Sarah took a seat on the carpet beside you.  “You have to decide for yourself–make your own way in the world.”  
“For your information,” Sarah said.  “Loretta Lynn is very punk.”
“Alright, punk,” you laughed.  “We can work with that.”
You gave Sarah a mirror to hold as you dusted her eyelids with sparkly blue shadow and showed her how to apply pencil to her waterline.  
“You’re pretty enough as it is,” you said, dipping a brush into the blush to apply on the apples of her cheeks.  “We’re just enhancing your natural beauty.”
Sarah shifted her seat, her brows furrowing with tension.
“How do you find somebody,” she asked.  “Someone you like and let them know you want to get to know them.”
“I’m sorry, honey, I think I’m the wrong person to ask,” you said with a laugh.  “I haven’t had much luck in that department.  Just be yourself, anyone who doesn’t appreciate that isn’t worth your time.”  
“There aren’t any boys you like at school?”  
“To be honest, high school boys are pretty gross,” you said.  “Why, is there someone you’re interested in?”
“Do you like my dad?”  Sarah blurted out.
You froze; the hairs on the back of your neck prickling.
“What?  Are you being funny?” you forced a laugh, setting down your makeup brushes.  Your ears burned red.  “Of course I like your dad.  He’s super nice.”
“No, I mean do you like him like him,” Sarah pressed.  “Do you think he’s cute…”
“He’s a good looking man,” you stammered, hoping it sounded like it was the first time this had occurred to you.  “You know, for a grown up.”
“He doesn’t have anybody,” Sarah frowned.  “Doesn’t go out..Meet people…Date.  If he’s a good guy and girls think he’s cute.  It’s gotta be me, don’t you think?  I’m the reason he’s alone.”
“Oh Sarah,” you sighed, taking her hands.  “It’s not you.  And even if it were, you’re worth it.  Your daddy loves you more than anything–I wish my parents had half as much interest in my life as your dad has in yours.  You are amazing; you have such a good heart.  So you can’t think like that, okay?  You are enough.  You are everything.”
Sarah nodded and you dabbed her eyes with a tissue before her mascara started running.  
“Come here, let me put on the finishing touch.” You swiped peach-flavored gloss across her lips.  “What do you think?”
“I look different,” she said, observing her reflection in the little compact mirror.  “I think I like it.”  
“You should keep this one,” you said, handing her the lip gloss.  “Color looks better on you.”
Sarah held the tube of gloss in both hands and finally cracked a smile.
“It’s getting late.  You go wash up before bed, alright,” you told her.  “You want to take a bubble bath?  I brought Warm Vanilla Sugar.” 
You waited downstairs while Sarah cleaned up; she changed into her pjs and was in bed by 10:30.  You nodded off on the couch for a bit until Joel came in a little after 11.
“Hey, Sweetpea, thanks for staying,” Joel said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling a $20 out of his wallet for you.  “I really appreciate it.”
He looked tired.  In your half-dozing state, you wondered what it would be like to be the one he came home to at night.  To greet him at the door with a beer and a kiss.  To curl up on the couch together for movie nights with Sarah nestled between you.  To have someone to take care of and someone to take care of you.
“Yeah, of course,” you yawned, rubbing your eyes.  “She’s been good as gold.  Just got to bed about a half hour ago.”
“Let me just say goodnight and I’ll give you a ride home,” Joel said, heading up the stairs.  
You gathered your things while Joel tucked in Sarah.  He grabbed his keys and ushered you outside.  He opened the passenger side door of his truck for you to climb in.  
Joel started up the car and pulled out of the driveway.  His hand was resting on the gearshift.  You stretched, letting your hand brush against his.  He pulled away like you had burned him.  
“Your hands are freezing,” he said, reaching for the heater, turning the dial all the way up.  “It’ll warm up in a minute, put your hands up to the vent.”  
You drew your hands back into your lap, sitting stock-still and ashamed as Joel turned the car at the end of the cul de sac.   
“So how’s school going?” Joel asked, breaking the silence.
“Pretty good,” you nodded.
“You thinking about college, or–”
“Right now, UT Austin,” you said.  
“That’s a great school,” Joel said.  “Close to home.”  You watched a muscle in his jaw flex.
“It’s a guaranteed scholarship once I finish my Gold Award,” you said.  “I’m building a rosary garden for the church.”  That was if the stupid council ever approved your damn project.  Even after you had planted and mulched and hauled paving stones and gravel, they kept insisting you needed to do more.  Apparently anything less than solving world hunger fell short of their expectations–and yet the Eagle Scouts got all the prestige? 
“I remember, you were working on that the last time you came over,” he said.  “How’s it going?”
“Actually, I was wondering if you might let me borrow some tools,�� you said.  “I’m building a pergola, you know, to shade the Blessed Virgin.”
You chuckled and Joel chuckled.
“Yeah, absolutely,” he said.  “Can’t let the Blessed Virgin get heat stroke, right?”
“I really appreciate it,” you said, glancing sideways at him.  “My daddy’s kind of useless.”
“Your daddy’s a good man,” Joel said sternly as he turned the truck down your street.  “A good man.”
“I know.”  You stared out the window.  Your father had helped the Millers out after Tommy got arrested at Benji’s drive in for decking some guy for calling him a wetback.  But clearly Joel had never seen your daddy drunk.  “I just wouldn’t trust him around power tools.”
Joel stopped the car along the curb at the end of your driveway.  You held your breath as he reached over you to unlatch the door and push it open.  
“You go on now,” he instructed.  “I’ll watch you get in the door.” 
“Goodnight, Mr. Joel,” you said, sliding down from the seat of the truck.  You were keenly aware of his eyes on your back as you made your way down the driveway.  
You paused with your key in the front door, looking back down the drive before you stepped inside.  Joel was still waiting; you waved at him and he smiled back before shifting the car into gear as you closed the door.
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multiversxwhore · 2 months
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Bayley x black!fem reader
Warnings: alcohol, under the influence.
A/n: I’ve been mulling over rather I should do any type of sapphic/ wlw fic for a very long while just never knew how to go about it. Plus the “BBL Bayley” line was the finale straw lmao. Anywho I just really wanted to have fun with this, the idea of Bayley being down bad for a plus size Black woman just make sense in my spirit. This is not edited like at all, I typed this whole thing on tumblr which is a risky move iykyk. I hope y’all enjoy, let me know if you want more. Reblog, and follow for more. ( follow my wrestling side blog for even more wwe fics @slutouttanowhere )
You typically wouldn’t be in the club till 3am, but it was Wrestlemania weekend, everyone was acting bad. Like on their worst behavior, there were three different hotel parties going on as the company had rented out the whole establishment. You, Liv, and Naomi, your inner click, was hotel room hopping. The last room you ended up in was the most unhinged, of course this happened to Damian, and company, hotel. As soon as you crossed the threshold someone was handing you a red solo, despite the fact you already had a mini, clear cup in your hand from Austin’s room you finished off the mini cup, then moved on to the red solo.
“Oh shit! The champs in the building!” Damian’s loud ass voice shouted over the music, everyone turned to us cheering, and raising their drinks. On cue Naomi and I raised our new shiny golden titles, a group of our colleges swallowed the three of us into the mix. ‘Aye, it’s 7pm Friday, it’s 95 degrees.’ GloRilla’s thick Memphis accent cut off any words you planned on saying. You were already too gone to care about acting professional, the liquor getting the best of you. You hopped into Damian’s arms, wrapped your legs around your bus waist, and screamed along to Glo’s lyrics. “I’m about to show my ass, these niggas love a freak!” You popped your ass while hanging off Damian like he was a jungle gym. Which you know he loved, he made a habit of him being one of the biggest men on the roaster his whole personality. And he was an attention whore.
The liquor was making the room sway, you hadn’t even noticed when you were out back on your feet, but when the music changed again your body moved accordingly. You stumbled to a near by couch and threw your title down, it being far to bulky for you to dance in, however Dolph made it look easy all these years you don’t think you could pull it off. ‘This type shit have you wildin…’ you swayed your hips, slowly twirling them in circles, and your hands caressing your body. Another pair of hands wrapped around your waist, they pulled you into them, you didn’t care who it was, as long as they caught your rhythm. That they did. “I thought I seen that ass walk through the door.” Bayley softly breathed into your ear, her lips pressed to your earlobe, a soft giggle came from her. Which isn’t too out of character for her, Bayley is known to be a bit of a goof, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t notice her going the extra mile to get more than a chuckle out of you. Your eyes slid down her body, you weren’t used to seeing her wear all black, but her one piece, black body suit accentuated her curves. The embellishments of lace detailing throughout the outfits added a sexy touch to it without doing too much. She had a diamond, Cuban link, a matching bracelet, and an expensive looking watch on her wrist. Her eyes caught how your tongue flicked out, and slid over your perfect white teeth. Your lips pulling back into a grin.
You leaned your body against hers, your outfit more than revealing allowing her to feel your skin with ease. “You’re so soft y/n.” She whispered, her hands pressing to your midsection, and gently squeezing your tummy. You reached behind you, and wrapped your arms lazily around her neck. You could feel her buzz cut from on the side of her head, you always thought Bayley to be pretty, beautiful even. As of recently though with her character change, her wardrobe, and the way she carried herself changed as well. It made you look at her with brand new eyes, she even started talking to you with more convictions as if she just knew she was gonna get you into bed with her…and she was.
You turned in her arms to face her, the pit of your stomach full of butterflies, the alcohol lingering, so you held onto that liquid courage as long as you could. “Kiss me.” You murmured under the blasting music, ‘we can’t just keep talking about, we think too often about it, we can’t just can’t be cautious about it. I wanna get wild.’ You noticed how she slowed her movements, Bayley knew you didn’t care too much about labels, or much about what others thought of you. However, dancing together was one thing, you and the other girls are usually touchy with one another, this was something else.
“You sure?” Her hands held you by hips, she didn’t make a move till you nodded your head. Her hand gently grabbing her chin, your gazes locked, under this lighting you couldn’t really tell what she was thinking. You let your bodies do all the talking, she pulled you into her, she isn’t the tallest, but she talk enough to tower over you. Your eyes fluttered closed as your glossed lips pressed to her, at first she kissed you back softly. The pulsing between your thighs caused you to become slick with your own juices, you had no idea how you were still standing on your own two feet right now. Between the effects all the shots of Cos Amigos, and the way Bayley squeezed your ass, all your coherent thoughts flew out the window. You and Bayley’s eyes fluttered open at the same time, a lustrous look in both your eyes. “You’re so damn fine y/n, you gonna let me taste you?” Bayley pecked at your lips, you stuck your tongue out, and she met you half way. Your tongues swirled around, slipping, and sliding in a wet tangled kiss…if you can even call it that.
“I want you to slurp it Bay.” You moaned out, your nipples twisted painful. The fabric of your shirt top making you regret not wearing a bra with it, it was too late to go back now. The two of you weren’t even dancing anymore, just slowly swaying as you held Bayley as close to you as possible. Her hands slid up and down your back relaxing you beyond what any nights sleep routine could.
“Mm, I bet your pussies so pretty too, I daydream about it. What you taste like, what you like between those beautiful thick thighs of yours…” Bayley went into detail about how your pearl is pretty and brown, and your plushie your labia lips probably were. At a certain point you didn’t have it in you to actually pay attention to because now all you could think about was how fucking pretty she looked. The lighting was purple, but it looked good on her tan skin. Her dimples pushing in on her cheeks every time she talked, and that fucking half shaved buzz cut was doing it for you more than she understood.
You pressed your index finger to her lips, “and you can show me all that in a little while.” You shushed her playfully, you thought it was cute when she rambled, but tonight wasn’t the night for that. “When we get back to my room…I wanna see all that shit you promised.” You purred, you pressed your lips to her again, this time you met each other in the middle of a deeper, hotter kiss. Reluctantly you pulled away, caught your breath, and looked around the hotel room. It looked trashed, the big crowd that was originally al in the center of the room had fanned out. A lot of your colleges were either passed out, on their way, or drunkenly chatting another persons ears off. You caught Liv and Finn off in a far corner damn near dry humping each other, his bucket hat clinched in Livs hand as he sucked on her neck. ‘I told him about that damn hat, it’s a hoe magnet.’ You thought to yourself, Naomi was no where to be found, but knowing her she was in the bathroom on the phone with Jimmy.
“You ready to go? I got your title.” Bayley wrapped an arm around your waist, and pulled you back into her side. You could feel yourself sobering up as the minutes passed by, but that didn’t disrupt your desperate need to have Bayley between your thighs.
You kissed her on the cheek, and took the title from her hands, then took her by the hand. “Yeah.” You spoke ever so softly, if it weren’t for looking directly at your lips you would have thought she didn’t hear you. Without anyone caring to notice, you and Bayley slipped out of Damian’s room, making the long journey back to yours.
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darkacademicvibes · 1 year
She's A Drug
First request! Fem!potter!reader x Sirius black. They don't want their request in the post and that's fine! I hope they find this. :) (I'm sorry it sucks, I wrote this on a twenty minute bus ride, and no, I didn't proofread it :] )
CW: Swearing, almost smut but pretty much nothing, Remus cockblocking Sirius :)
James is gonna kill him, he always said his little sister was off limits. She's a whole year younger he'd said. She's my little sister, if you touch her, I'll kill you. That's what James had been saying since you started your sixth year at Hogwarts. For two years, James had been warning his friends off of you, but seeing you again, at a party on the other side of London, no less. He figured it was just someone that looked like you, because surely it wasn't Y/N Potter flirting with some asshole that was a student at the same time as him, and wearing the tightest dress in the room.
He knew it wasn't, he saw all the other girl wearing more revealing, curve-hugging dresses than the one you were wearing, but it was only your dress that made his breath hitch.
"Sirius, is that you?"
Of course you'd seen him. Just his damn luck. He can't talk to you, if he talks to you than he knows he'll be trying to get you into an empty room with him. He can't do that.
"Y/N? I thought I saw you, what are you doing here?"
So far, so good. Just keep not flirting.
You'd answered by now, and asked him a question in return, not that he'd heard it. He was too busy watching the way your lips changed shades of red in the party's pulsing lights.
You smile, and place a hand on his arm and he instinctively places his hand on the small of your back.
Don't touch her, you fucking dumbass.
He starts to move his hand away when you smile up at him and lean closer. "Bit loud, aye? come with me" you lead him upstairs, and he looks back at the party, trying to find a way out of this. Out of moving towards the rooms that would provide privacy, and more unpermitted pictures of you to fill his mind. He finds two.
"Then why'd you wear them?" She raises a brow. "I could ask you a question somewhat similar, Sirius" the way you say his name has his jaw clentching and his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
You close the door behind you and lean against it with a smile, removing your shoes. "Merlin, these heels are killing me" you laugh and the sound makes him want to move closer to you. He takes two steps back.
"Yeah?" He takes a step back for each step you take forwards. "Yeah, so.. Why have you been avoiding me since my seventh year? Because I see you constantly, and we used to talk, joke around. Now you barely say a word" your words are curious, and teasing. Almost like you already know, and it has his heart racing under his skin.
"Maybe I've been busy, love" lie. You laugh and shake your head. Humming softly in thought.
"Really? Cause Remus seemed to think otherwise" you move closer again, this time, he doesn't bother to step away.
Of course Remus told you, Remus could never keep his mouth shut around you, nobody could. It was like you had this way of prying the truth out of everyone you met. Sirius knows exactly what Remus told you, cause the only thing he'd told Remus was that he'd been aching to taste you for weeks since your graduation. That he'd pictured you in his mind doing everything from riding him, to just laying beside him and watching a fucking movie.
Remus wouldn't stop suggesting they watch a movie whenever you sat beside Sirius for two months. Fucking asshole.
"I know exactly what he's told you, that scheming twat" you knew Sirius didn't mean it, he was just frustrated, and maybe a little embarrassed.
"Hm, still like cherries, Sirius?" He nods, confused. Until you lean close enough for the smell of you lip gloss to reach him, and your breath was fanning over his lips like a ghost.
"I really shouldn't, Y/N. James-" you click your tongue. The quiet tsk making him freeze.
"M'not just James' little sister, Sirius. I'm my own person, with my own feelings. James be damned" he almost kissed you then, but he turned his head before his dick could do all his thinking for him.
This is on the verge of being dangerous.
"Damn it all to hell, can i?" He reaches up, barely looking, as his thumb runs across your chin, his nail just scraping the edge of your bottom lip.
His hands travel up your soft thighs and only stop when his finger tips are resting over the lace of your panties. Your fingers slide up to his hair and he almost doesn't recognize the taste on your lips.
You nod, and he leans down to kiss you so fast, to him it feels almost criminal. He saw you nod, you said yes. Even as cut off as it was, he had your permission to be kissing you like a man starved who just received his last meal, but fuck if he wasn't terrified James would find out.
But you're right, James be damned, he needs you.
Cherries. Cherries and vodka, and he can't keep his lips off of yours long enough to hear the knocking on the door.
He barely mumbles the words into the harsh kiss as his fingers tease at the lace of your panties, but you nod and he starts pulling them down anyway.
Until the door opens.
"Sirius, we should be- are you fucking kidding me?"
"Shit- Remus!" Remus glares at the both of you, his eyes lingering on the way your dress is bunched up around your hips and your lip gloss on Sirius' lips instead of yours.
Your voice yanks him back into focus.
"Get your hand out of her underwear and let's go, Sirius. I'm going to kill you myself, and if James ever finds out, then I wasn't the one that found you, got it?" Remus seethes, Sirius quickly fixes your underwear and your dress and starts towards Remus, who is already walking away.
Sirius can't help himself, he turns and grabs your face gently, kissing you, hard, before backing away. "Next time, love" you nod, trying to fix your hair as he leaves.
Next time? Seriously? I'm going to die. Remus is going to kill me, and then James is going to bring me back and kill me again. I'm a fuckin idiot.
He gets into Remus' car silently and Remus clenches his jaw as he starts up the old mustang.
"Next time? Really?" Sirius groans, pressing his hands into his eyes and rubbing, seeing spots when he pulls back. "I know! I can't help it, she's like a drug!"
Remus laughs, pulling out of the driveway, "yeah well, you know how James feels about drugs, padfoot" Sirius nods, watching the party disappear from the rear view mirror silently.
I know exactly how James feels about drugs. He's going to kill me.
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austinnitespartybus · 13 days
Austin Party Bus Tour Ideas
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partyrideaustin · 1 year
Luxury Limo Bus Rental in Austin - Affordable and Reliable
Enjoy an unforgettable experience with our luxury limo bus rental services in Austin. Our buses are safe and reliable, with features like air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and a flat screen TV. Book now and get the best rates for your special occasion! Our team provides reliable, affordable transportation solutions for your events, parties and special occasions. Enjoy a stress-free ride with our luxurious austin limousines and experienced drivers.
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spine-buster · 20 days
So High School ft. Adam Cole | Chapter 3
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Because he sat on the outside seat, Austin was always delegated to the right earphone, and because she sat on the window seat, Violet was always delegated to the left earphone.  It became a habit for her to just hand him an earphone the moment he sat beside her on the bus.  Likewise, it became a habit for him to begin asking more about her, or her day, or what sorts of things she was studying at St. Anne’s that were different than what he was studying at Lancaster West.  They’d talk about their other interests – hers: student council, the author Zadie Smith, Seventeen magazine, and the TV show The O.C; his: the Lancaster West wrestling team, hanging out with his friends, Rolling Stone magazine, and the TV show One Tree Hill.  Violet promised to start watching One Tree Hill, and Austin The O.C.
Austin was excited to learn new things about Violet.  He noticed himself looking forward to getting on the bus now and spending that time with her in the mornings and afternoons.  He began to notice just how confident her voice and demeanour was.  He noticed the freckles that dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.  He began to stop and look back at her before entering the front doors or Lancaster West High.
Violet was excited to learn new things about Austin.  She noticed herself looking forward to seeing him get on the bus and spending time with him in the mornings and afternoons.  She began to notice just how articulate and dynamic he was.  She noticed the crinkle of his eyes whenever he’d smile or laugh at something she said.  She began to wave to him slightly when he stopped and looked back at her before entering the front doors of Lancaster West High. 
Despite how much they were opening up to one another, Violet always felt Austin was holding something back.
Violet was giddy as she walked with her girlfriends towards Julia Steinbreaker’s house for her birthday.  She told her parents her birthday party would be on the main floor while her parents were up in their bedroom, but Mr. and Mrs. Steinbreaker’s parents were really in Florida for the weekend.  She had a curfew of midnight.  Julia’s brother was a senior at St. Augustine College and some of his friends would be there, too.  It was going to be the best.
When she and her friends walked in the house, they were greeted with loud music and a bunch of their friends and acquaintances.  Word must have gotten around – that, or Julia’s brother told a lot more of his friends than Violet though, and those friends told their friends.  Some other girls from St. Anne’s were there, and there were others she knew attended Lancaster West and other public schools in the city.  She and her friends walked into the kitchen, already eyeing some of the boys.  She grabbed a Diet Coke and cracked it open.  Her friend Beth grabbed her hand and led her through the house to the family room where she spotted Julia’s older brother hanging out with his lacrosse team buddies.
And then she saw Austin.
Violet stopped dead in her tracks when she did.  Beth almost dragged her but stopped when she noticed her staring at someone.  “Austin?”
He didn’t see her at first.  But when he did, his face was just as shocked as hers.  “Violet?”
“Hey!” she exclaimed, letting go of Beth’s hand to approach him and hug him.  Well, this was new.  This was the first time they had acknowledged each other outside of the bus.  They couldn’t even do this in a grocery store with their mothers present just a few weeks ago.  Austin hugged her back, trying not to smile too much and lose his cool.  “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“My buddy Travis is friends with Julia’s brother from their soccer team or something, so a couple of my buddies and I came,” he explained.  “Julia – St. Anne’s, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” Violet nodded her head, trying not to feel too overwhelmed.  He existed outside of the bus.  He was real.  “What a small world, eh?”
“That’s the Toronto poking through, isn’t it?” he quipped.
“Who’s this?”
Austin and Violet whipped their heads towards Beth, who was looking between them with raised eyebrows.  “Beth, this is my friend Austin,” Violet said.  She couldn’t believe she’d just said those words out loud to another person.  My friend Austin.  “He goes to Lancaster West.  We take the bus into the city together.”
“Hello, Austin who goes to Lancaster West,” Beth smiled wryly.  She looked back at Violet.  “You didn’t tell me you had friends at Lancaster West.”
Violet watched as Austin’s smile dropped a little at the way she said Lancaster West.  Like the school was riffraff.  Like it was beneath them to have friends there when it most certainly wasn’t.  “Well I do,” she said.  “We’ve been taking the bus together for forever.”
Beth’s eyebrows rose.  Before she could respond, a boy yelled her name and presented himself in front of them, to which Beth jumped into him excitedly to hug him.  Violet and Austin gave each other a quick glance.  Beth soon focused her attention back on Violet.  “Violet, this is Carson, the guy I was telling you about.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“What are you drinking?” he asked.
“Just a Diet Coke.”
“You’ll definitely want some rum with that,” he smiled.  “Are you a Malibu or Morgan girl?”
“No no, no rum for me,” she shook her head.  She’d had alcohol before, but in the presence of her parents.  They’d ship her off to a convent if she got home and they smelled rum on her breath, especially considering she had lied to them to come to the party in the first place.
“Oh come on, I know you St. Anne’s girls love to party,” he pushed.  “Nobody’s gonna tell Jesus, I swear.”
“I’m alright with my Diet Coke, really.”
“Think of it as unholy water.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“I could even pour it right into your mouth—”
“—She said no,” Austin piped up.  Everybody involved in the interaction looked at him.  “Just leave it.”
“Whatever,” Carson rolled his eyes, putting his arm around Beth’s shoulders.  “You want some vodka?”
“Yes please.”
Beth left with Carson, leaving Violet and Austin alone with one another.  She bit her bottom lip before meeting his eyes.  “Thanks Austin.”
“No problem,” he said.  “I hope you came with other friends besides her.”
Thankfully, she did, and before long she was able to introduce Harper and Abigail to Austin, who were much more friendly than Beth had been.  Austin even introduced them all to the friends he came with, and soon they were all talking and having fun together.  Austin went to the kitchen to get Violet another Diet Coke, and when he came back, she saw he hadn’t opened it.  She smiled to herself.
The house got more crowded – people from Lancaster West, who Austin said hi and spoke to, and some more girls from St. Anne’s.  There was a boy from St. Augustine College’s student council that Violet knew and had a crush on, so tried flirting with him to no avail.  Harper and Abigail paired off with some boys they met.  Some rowdy boys started a drinking game, which encouraged so many others to be obnoxious.  Soon enough, with Harper and Abigail paired off, Violet found herself alone, so she went back into the kitchen to get another Diet Coke.  There, some boys in Lancaster West soccer t-shirts began talking to her.  She was polite and engaged in the conversation, but she really wanted to find Harper or Abigail.
“How about I get you something to mix with that Coke,” the taller one said, grabbing the mickey of vodka he’d brought to the party from the pocket in his jeans.
“Oh no, that’s okay.  I’m not drinking.”
The guy chuckled, glancing at his friend.  “Of course not.  Come on girl, you need to loosen up.”
“I’m perfectly fine, thanks.”
“You know, you’d be hotter if you weren’t so stuck up.”
Violet immediately went red.  “What?”
“You St. Anne’s girls are all the same.  Stuck up daddy’s little rich girls.  Maybe if you took off your fucking chastity belt you’d be better.”
Violet was speechless, her jaw gaping open from not knowing what to say.  With her cheeks already red and her eyes already watering at just how rude the boys were being, she tried to think of something, but couldn’t.  Her emotions were getting the best of her.  Her embarrassment was getting the best of her. 
“Quit being such fucking assholes and leave her alone,” she suddenly heard Austin’s voice from behind her.  She couldn’t even spin around to look him in the face, instead waiting until he appeared at her side.
The boys suddenly seemed more nervous than before.  “Au—Austin—”
“Fuck off,” he warned, scaring them enough that they left the kitchen.  He looked her in the eye, noticing the redness in her cheeks.  “Are you okay?”
Violet felt so embarrassed.  She gripped on to her Diet Coke before backing up to lean against the counter, averting Austin’s eyes.  “I’m fine,” she told him unconvincingly.  “I—I lost all my friends.  They’re all off drinking or with boys.”
Austin saw her body language, saw how defeated she looked, and most of all, how she looked like she was on the verge of tears.  “Hey, this party kinda blows anyway,” he said, getting slightly closer to her.  Want to go somewhere else?”
She finally looked up to meet his eyes.  She’d never been more grateful than in that moment.  “Yes please.”
He nodded once.  “Meet me at the door.  I’ll grab your jacket.”
Violet did as she was told, going to put on her shoes.  Austin appeared with her jean jacket and they left the house inconspicuously.  It was already dark out, but not late – she still had at least two hours to go until curfew.  Austin watched Violet carefully, making sure she was okay, and that she wouldn’t burst into tears at any given moment.  Clearly those guys had struck a nerve.  Once they walked down the driveway and to the sidewalk, he noticed that a few tears had escaped, the wiping of her nose a tell-tale sign, too.  He hated seeing her so emotional about stupid comments some stupid boys made.  “You want to go to Francesco’s?” he asked suddenly, before his mind even realized what he was doing.
“You…you mean the pizza place?”
He nodded.  “There’s no reason those assholes should ruin your night,” he offered.
She nodded shyly, and they began walking down the sidewalk side by side.  After only a few strides, though, she stopped dead in her tracks.  He looked back at her to see what was wrong.  “You don’t think I’m stuck up, do you?” she asked.
“No, I don’t,” Austin’s voice was gentle.  There was a moment of silence where they just stared into each other’s eyes.  Austin hoped she believed him, because he really meant it.  “I think you’re the furthest thing from stuck up.”
Violet nodded, resolved, and began walking again along with him.  They were quiet as they made their way towards Francesco’s, and it was Austin who took the reins once they walked in anyway.  He walked them over to a booth where they sat opposite each other and ordered them both a slice of pizza and a root beer float.  Violet noticed some of the other patrons in the restaurant – a few older couples, probably out on date nights; a big group of high school seniors who were lively but not loud or causing a scene; other local kids in and around their age minding their own business.  She wondered what she looked like to them.
“Can I say something?” Austin asked suddenly.  She didn’t see it because she was people watching and in her own head, but he had been staring at Violet the entire time.  She nodded.  “I think you’re way too smart and way too cool to let what those guys said make you feel this way.”
She cracked a smile for the first time in what felt like a while.  “Thanks Austin.”
“And no offence,” he continued, “Harper and Abigail seem fine, but that Beth girl is a piece of work.”
“Yeah.  I know.  You don’t know the half of it,” she said.  “We became friends in our freshman year because we were in the same math class, but we’ve been growing apart, especially this year,” Violet explained.  “She’s just been…changing.  I mean we both have.  But we’re going in the opposite direction, and I don’t know how far we can stretch before it snaps, you know?”
“It doesn’t seem like you’re anything like each other.  I try to give everybody a chance, but the second she opened her mouth I didn’t get a good vibe from her.”
Violet was silent.  She knew exactly what he was referencing – the Lancaster West comment.  “I know, I know.  I didn’t—I didn’t like that comment she made.  I thought it was really awful of her to say it the way she did.”
“If anybody should be called stuck up, it’s her.”
Violet smiled again.  Their waitress brought them their pizza and root beer floats and Austin automatically took a sip out of his.  They spoke about their friends and other people at the party, giving each other notes.  Who to avoid.  Who was alright.  Everybody knew the teenage years were a minefield for social interaction, so it was nice to get advice from someone else.  The taste of the pizza perked up Violet, and soon she and Austin were laughing together again.  Conversations about friends turned into conversations about school and teachers, and conversations about school and teachers turned into conversations about parents.
“Are your parents already talking about university like my parents are?” Violet asked.
Austin shrugged.  “We’ve talked about it, but they’re not pushing it down my throat or anything just yet.  Are yours?”
Violet nodded her head.  “When your dad’s a university professor it’s kind of inevitable.  I mean, when both your parents are as educated as my parents are, it’s kind of inevitable,” she said.
“Do they want you to go to UPenn?”
“It’s the easiest because we would get discounted tuition.  But my top choices are UPenn, Georgetown, and Boston University, though I’m probably gonna apply to so many more,” she explained.  “They have the best programs for what I want to study.”
“Which is?”
“I want to go into speech language therapy like my mom,” she said, which made Austin smile.  “What about you?  Have you thought about universities or what you want to study?”
Austin stayed silent for a bit.  “I uh—well, I kind of like history, so I was thinking of that, but I don’t—I don’t know if I like it enough to want to pursue it so seriously, you know?”
He was nervous.  What was he nervous about?  This was a normal conversation between two normal teenagers – surely it wasn’t making him so nervous he couldn’t form a coherent sentence?  She tried to ignore it.  “What about universities?”
“Well, places like what you said are kind of, like, unattainable for me.  Marks wise but also money-wise.  I mean, anywhere I end up going, I’ll, uh, have to take out student loans.  Not looking forward to those.”
It was so clear to her now.  She didn’t want to pry, but they were friends now, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.  She didn’t want Austin to lie to her.  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.
Austin looked her in the eye before taking a deep breath.  He needed to get it out of the way now, before their friendship went any further.  It wasn’t exactly an out for her, but she needed to know because it was what motivated him – everything he did was to reach this goal.  He’d rather the judgement come now.  “I want to get into pro wrestling,” he said finally, letting the words linger.
Violet was unsure what he meant at first.  “You mean, like, the Olympic wrestling team?” she asked, knowing he was on the amateur wrestling team at Lancaster West.
“No,” he shook his head.  “Pro wrestling—like WWE.  Wrestling on TV.  It’s—it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was nine years old.”
Austin watched Violet’s face carefully.  He watched and waited for confusion, or a brow furrow, or a scowl at the idea of becoming a pro-wrestler instead of going to university.  It wasn’t exactly a normal career choice, and it definitely wasn’t one a high achiever such as Violet or a parent would approve of – his own mother didn’t.  But instead of confusion or a scowl, he watched as Violet’s face came to a realization with a twinkle in her eye.  A giant smile overtook her face.  “Austin…” she began, almost speechless.  “That is so cool.”
It was now him who was confused with a brow furrow.  “Really?”
“Are you kidding?  Of course,” she assured him.  “All everybody else around me can talk about is AP grades and SAT scores for their programs.  That is so different than what everybody around me wants to do, and it’s so cool that you’re so passionate about something that’s so unique that you want to pursue it like you do,” she said, and she meant it whole-heatedly.  She hadn’t quite met anybody like Austin before, and she was so glad he helped her on the bus that day.
“You think so?” Austin asked.
She nodded enthusiastically.  “I think you’d be really good at it.  You’re a very articulate speaker.  I don’t know much about wrestling but I think that’s part of it.  What’s your plan to do it?”
She listened intently as Austin spoke enthusiastically about what he had to do to achieve his dream.  He had very clearly researched every minute detail beforehand and knew the steps to get there.  The wrestling foundation, which is why he joined the wrestling team; the training at a school in a city near them like Philadelphia or Pittsburgh or even Washington D.C.; making a name for himself on what he called “the indies” before a big company like WWE signed him.  His explanation was detailed and meticulous.  The more he told her, the more she envisioned it for him, the more she wanted it for him, too. 
Austin spoke so much and for so long, long after their pizza slices and root beer floats were finished, long after most of the other patrons left Francesco’s and it was just them in their own little world.  They paid and left, and it was only then, walking out into the briskness of the night that Austin realized how late it was.  He looked at his watch and it read 11:40.  His curfew was midnight.  Neither of them wanted to leave.
“I’ll walk you home,” Austin offered without having to be asked.  There was no way he was going to let her walk home alone at this hour of the night anyway.
“Aren’t you—isn’t your curfew midnight, too?”
“I—yeah—but it’s okay—”
“—Hold on,” she said, reaching into her Coach wristlet.  She pulled out her cell phone.  He had completely forgotten she had one of those Blackberry Pearl cell phones.  Just like her iPod, he was shocked to see it.  There was such a different between them.  “What’s your home phone number?”
He told her, and she dialled it.  He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t know why.  His gut trusted her already.  “Hi, Mrs. Jenkins?  My name is Violet Schwarzkopf, I’m one of Austin’s friends,” she began to say in a very, very polite voice.  “Um, my friends all ditched me at the party and Austin offered to walk me home, but I live on Mulberry Street and I know he has a curfew and—and—I was just hoping he won’t get in trouble for being home a bit late.  I don’t want to walk home alone this late at night.”
Austin almost laughed, but settled on a shit-eating grin.  He didn’t want his mom hearing him laughing and getting any ideas.  “Thank you so much Mrs. Jenkins.  I promise this won’t happen again for Austin.  I’m sorry for calling so late.  Goodnight.”
Austin continued smiling at her and she put her phone back in her wristlet.  “You’re like the mom whisperer.  I need you to talk to her all the time.”
Violet chuckled.  “Let’s go.  My parents aren’t as nice.”
They reached her house on Mulberry Street in just about fifteen minutes, with a comfortable five minutes to spare.  Austin knew he shouldn’t have been shocked at the size or the grandeur of it, but he still was.  As one of Manheim’s few historic streets, almost all of the houses were like this.  But Violet’s was even more so, and the front garden was meticulously maintained, too.  Standing on her front porch, they looked at each other.  “Thank you for making this night so much better than it started,” she said.
“You’re welcome.”
She moved to stick her key in the door, and was about to walk in, but hesitated before turning back to face him.  “I meant what I said at Francesco’s.  I think you’d be amazing at pro-wrestling.  I wasn’t just saying that.  Everything you told me just sounds so cool and I’m, like, rooting for you, you know?  Especially if that’s your dream.”
He smiled, practically blushing.  “Thanks, Vi.”
She then did something that he wasn’t expecting: she reached in and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly.  He hugged her back before she pulled away.  “Goodnight Austin.”
“G’night, Vi.  I’ll see you on Monday.”
She opened the door and he got a quick, dimly lit glance at the interior of her house – its hardwood floors and big front mirror and fancy lamp that was lit on a fancy entryway console.  So different to his grandma’s house, which didn’t exactly have any fancy lamps or entryway consoles.  He turned away once he heard the door lock, walking down the driveway before looking up at the house one last time before deciding to run home.
He could use the cardio.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
Hi, how are you? I hope you're doing well. Can I request an Austin Butler x Reader with fluff or smut? Whichever floats your boat in the idea. The scenario is the reader is dared to kiss her ex boyfriend during her friend group's sleepover party at her best friend's house. Since her ex is friends her bff's brother and the guy didn't arrive on time to board the bus to get home, he's staying over for the night at the same house reader and her friends are in. Of course, this distresses the reader because wtf? Her friends know that she's happy with Austin and she wouldn't want to hurt him even if it was just a dare. Also the person who gave her the dare was probably looking for some drama and reader didn't want to entertain that person with something that will make her life miserable.
Seeing her distressed, her best friend suggested to give reader a second option which is to call up Austin and have him stay the night. So she did, he comes over and finds that reader is wearing one of his shirts to this sleepover and she explains the whole ordeal while she and bff leads him to one of the house's guest rooms. If you go with smut, reader ends up sneaking off in the middle of the night to see him in his room.
When morning comes and they all have breakfast, Austin catches reader's ex checking her out and he goes and does things to make him regret for ever letting her go.
Lol, gonna leave this here and shoot my shot again. I realized I might be the only one giving you these long requests. Sorry if they're long. 😅✌️
Other than that, I hope you have a great day out there. 😊✌️ —🐴🐎
omg sorry this took me forever to write!!! ty for the request! i love a good long request 🫶🏼
slumber party | austin x fem!reader
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warnings: 18+, mdni!! slightly jealous austin, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, very very slight dom/sub thing going on here,
wc: 2k
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you loved a good slumber party. movies, snacks, and gossiping over petty drama with your friends were one of your favorite past times. it was only past ten and nobody was tired yet. your best friend still hadn’t decided on a movie and everyone else was growing frustrated, the bowl of popcorn on the floor was now half empty. while everyone was pestering your friend, you sat quietly, picking at your newly painted nails. 
in the midst of all the arguing, everyone quickly turned their necks to the front door at the sound of keys rattling, only to find your friend’s brother standing at the doorway. “you have to be kidding me.” you muttered under your breath.
“what are you doing here? i thought you were going back to your dorm.” she gritted through her teeth, giving you an apologetic glance. 
jackson shrugged, “i missed the bus.” he looked over at you, grinning. “hey, y/n. still looking good.” 
you rolled your eyes, going back to picking at your nails as your friend stood up. “you can’t just wait for the next bus?” 
“i’m not standing outside and waiting for the next bus to show up at midnight. i’ll just be up in my room, ellie. you won’t even know i’m here.” he adjusted his backpack and locked the door behind him, barely making his way up the stairs till your least favorite amongst the group perked up.
“wait!” she exclaimed. “join us! we can play truth or dare!”
ellie looked at you, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. if there was anything julie was good at, it was trying to stir the pot whenever she could. she knew how you felt about jackson and how awful he was towards you, of course, she had to make the night awful for you. but maybe tonight would be different, you gave julie a chance. you looked at ellie then back at jackson. he smirked, locking eyes right with you. “can’t say no to that.”
he joined in shortly, sitting across from you in the small circle on the floor. ellie sat next to you, keeping an eye on her brother and giving him dirty looks as he continued to stare at you. it was finally your turn again. you sighed as julie thought up something for you. “you said truth last time so obviously you have to pick dare this time.” she grinned. 
“julie..” ellie gave her a glare.
“i dare you to kiss jackson.”
the entire circle gasped, your jaw dropped. “what the fuck? are you twelve? i’m not kissing him.”
“it’s a dare, you have to!” she crossed her arms.
“i don’t consent to it.” you replied sternly.
ellie looked at the three of you, trying to come up with something else. “oh!” she patted your arm, “i dare you to call austin! a-and invite him to spend the night too!”
“so much for girls night.” a friend muttered in the distance.
you agreed to calling austin, inviting him to come over in front of everyone. he was confused as to why you wanted him at girls night, at least until he sees ellie open the door and spots jackson sitting behind her. she gave austin an apologetic look, “why is he here?” austin asked, looking over her shoulder. 
“don’t get mad.” she whispered before calling your name to greet austin.
your face lit up at the sight of your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. “thank god you’re here.” you sighed. your best friend explained the whole situation with her brother and how her friend was trying to rile you up. 
all the while, austin noticed you decked in only his shirt and tiny shorts, licking his lips before rubbing the back of his neck. “well, thanks for calling me.” he smiled. 
“i’ll show you the guest room, follow me!” she smiled, bringing the two of you to the guest room. “we’ll wait for you.” she winked at you before heading downstairs.
he set his bag on the bed and thanked your friend, wrapping his arms around your waist. “sorry to ruin girls night.” 
you shook your head, “it was ruined once he stepped in the house.” you said with a sigh, cupping his face. “i’m glad you’re here though.” 
he glanced down at your shirt again, “when did you take this?” 
“sorry—grabbed it when i was packing. do you want it back?” you frowned.
“no, no. keep it. i wanna take it off you though.” he smirked. “if only you were wearing nothing under it.” 
if there wasn’t a group of girls downstairs waiting for you, you’d take him right then and there. you brought a finger up to his lips. “later.” 
the two of you went back to the group downstairs, austin taking a seat next to you and keeping an arm around your shoulder the whole time. the game finished and everyone eventually decided on a movie, focusing on that as austin tried to tease you under the blanket, placing kisses all over your neck. you could just feel jackson’s burning stare, full of jealousy. but austin was going to do everything he could to prove that you were his and only his. 
after the movie, jackson went up to his room and you gave austin one last kiss before he headed up to the guest room. 
but you tossed and turned all night. you scrolled on your phone, read a litle and still couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. you sat up and looked around to everyone sound asleep before getting up and tip-toeing up the steps to the guest room, quietly shutting the door behind you. 
you teetered over the bed where austin was sound asleep, taking your shorts off and gently placing yourself on top of his lap. your warm heat met with his crotch, feeling him semi-hard right underneath you. “aus.” you whispered, running your hands over his chest. “austin!” you whispered louder. 
his eyes bolted open, jumping slightly at the sight of you on top of him. “jesus, am i dreamin’?” his deep-sleepy voice coming into play. “there’s an angel right on top of me.” 
you couldn't help but snort, “don't make it corny.” 
he let out a small hum, bringing his hands to your hips then up your shirt, “so you did have no panties on….what were you thinking?” 
with a roll of your hips, you shrugged. “it's more comfortable.” 
austin bit his lip, stifling back a groan. his hands shifted up higher, squeezing at your bare breasts. “fuck, baby. what if jackson saw, huh?” he flipped you over on the mattress, straddling you. “you just want the whole world to see that pretty pussy of yours, huh?” he sneered. “don't you know who you belong to?” 
“i’m all yours, aus. only yours.” you reached over to rub his now, hard cock through his sweats, only for your hand to be swatted away. 
“don’t touch.” he tsk’d, moving slightly to take off his sweats. he crawled up to you, pressing his lips against your neck and nibbling on the sensitive area. he was driving you crazy, his length resting on your thigh as he continued to mark what was his. he wanted your ex staring at all the marks he made the next morning, showing who you really belonged to.
you wanted him so bad, you craved his touch. you were dripping with anticipation, mewling against austin. “please, need you.” you bucked up your hips slightly, begging for any sort of friction against your throbbing heat. “touch me, fuck me. do something, please.”
austin chuckled, sitting up and hiking up his shirt that was still on you just slightly. “so damn needy.” he ran a finger through your folds, lazily toying with your clit as he gave himself a few strokes. “gonna take my cock like a good girl?” 
“fuck–yes. yes, daddy.” you begged. 
he lined himself up with you, grunting softly as he felt you squeeze tightly around him. his hands moved to your hips, squeezing at the soft flesh. “all good?” he asked before going any farther.
you huffed, sitting up on your elbows. “if you ask me one more question and don't just fuck me–i swear to god.” 
his eyes widened, “damn, baby. ‘scuse me for tryin’ to be a good boyfriend.” he pushed you back down and wasted no time, sliding out of you before slamming his hips against you repeatedly. “no fuckin’ wonder. so tight it's got you all worked up, y’needed me that bad?” 
you threw your head back in bliss, “so fucking bad.” 
austin gripped your hips tighter, surely to leave bruises the next morning. unsatisfied, he sat up more and rested your leg on his shoulder in an attempt to get your sweet spot. the gasps and moans leaving your lips left him satisfied. he quickly covered your mouth with his hand as his movements continued, “don't want your little friends downstairs to hear you.” 
you lifted his hand, “no, but i want him to hear.” 
“god, i fucking love you.” he quickened his pace, “make those pretty lil’ noises for me. let him hear how i fuck you so much better, how he's missin’ out.” 
you clawed at the sheets, feeling your orgasm approaching quicker as that feeling began to coil in your belly. “fillin’ me up so good, daddy. i love your cock so much.” 
“yeah?” he grunted, “gonna let me cum right inside you? fill you right up?” 
“please! oh, please, please–” you gasped, feeling yourself clench right around him as you reached your high, juices surely soaking the sheets underneath you. 
austin threw his head back, letting out a silent moan as he filled you with his seed–worrying about the consequences later. he put your leg back down, panting as he hovered over you to give you a quick kiss. “you think he heard?” he said in a breathy laugh. 
“i think everybody heard.” 
austin got you cleaned up, slipping your shorts back on along with his sweats before getting back into bed with you. “girls night indeed.” he mumbled against your shoulder as he held you tightly. he grinned at the bruise forming on your neck, giving it a soft kiss before dozing off. 
the walk down the steps the following morning was almost humiliating for you. austin loved it though. he wandered into the kitchen with you, a pep in his step as he poured himself coffee. “y'all sleep well?” he asked with a smile. 
there was a silent response along with a glare from ellie, shaking her head at the two of you. she'd definitely have to do laundry later, maybe even burn that mattress. you munched on a piece of toast as you chatted with one of the girls about brunch, ignoring the awkwardness with austin. 
jackson wandered in, shirtless and stretching as he stole a piece of bacon from the counter. “too many damn women in here.” he mumbled, he looked up at austin–giving him a look of disgust. he shoved his way past him to sit at the dining table and got a glimpse of you, eyeing at your ass in the tiny shorts austin loved so dearly. 
austin caught on quickly and had enough. he set his coffee down and pulled you away from the group, getting a surprised yelp from you as he kissed you, arms wrapped right around your waist. his hands trailed down to your shorts, giving your ass a gentle squeeze as he pulled away. “those marks are lookin’ real nice this morning. what do you think, jackson? don't they look good on her?” 
your face warmed up, looking over at your flustered ex then back at your friends. you didn't know if inviting austin over yesterday was a good idea or not. but if you hadn't, you wouldn't have had the best sex of your life. but you also wouldn't have to deal with the tension between austin and your ex. 
jackson rolled his eyes, looking down at his phone. austin let you go and walked to the table, leaning against it to meet him face to face. “if i ever see you layin’ eyes on her again, i will make your life a living hell.” he said, quietly. the other man looked at him, blinking nervously before scrolling on his phone again. 
austin turned to you, “so girls, you doin’ brunch? its on me.”
tags: @purejasmine
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draqo-pctter · 1 year
everywhere but on // a dramione drabble
words: 705 / tags: post-breakup, haunted by memories, hea
After graduation, Draco took off for France with a duffel bag and a plan: to forget Hermione Granger and the love they might have had if either of them were brave enough to reach for it. He settled himself into a small flat in downtown Paris and took a job at the French Ministry filing court paperwork and analyzing trial data.
The work was mindless – he finished his tasks by lunch each day, and spent his afternoons flirting with the curly haired receptionist who reminded him so much of the girl he’d left behind. When he took her home after a work party and woke up with her still in his bed, his first thought was that Hermione’s skin had been softer. Her curls were bouncier, and she would never have put her clothes back on to sleep.
After that, he moved to Spain, finding himself a small cottage an hour outside of Barcelona. Draco filled his days with walks in the countryside and journeys into the city, drinking Spanish wine and eating himself silly. After six months, he’d become familiar enough with a waitress at his favorite restaurant for her to ask what brought him there. Memories of Hermione’s dream of visiting the city chased him west toward Portugal.
From Portugal, Draco went to Italy for several weeks before heading to Greece. He found himself on the Mediterranean coast in a white stone house with a small patio that overlooked the sea. Each morning started with a descent from his house down several kilometers of street to the beach, where Draco ran barefoot until he couldn’t feel anything except the burn of his lungs and the screaming in his legs. By the time he reached his house in the evenings with shaking limbs, he could hear Hermione’s voice telling him to stretch to keep the soreness in his muscles to a minimum.
A year later, Draco made his way back north to Germany. The mountains were the kind of quiet that his mind couldn’t stand, so he found himself in possession of a small herd of German Holsteins that forced him to work with his hands. Two years passed in which he became exceptionally skilled at maintaining their pastures and the barn, and he could milk a cow in thirty seconds flat if one ignored that he used magic to cheat. For a week, Draco thought he might be happy there.
But, he’d caught the attention of a neighboring farmer’s daughter. She spent hours watching him do his work and offering to help, slowing him down significantly since he couldn’t use magic in the presence of a Muggle he didn’t intend to marry. Draco gifted her father his entire herd and got on the first boat to America that he could find out of Hamburg.
New York City terrified him. Chicago was worse, and Philadelphia only warranted a week of his time. Kentucky would have been alright if the locals didn’t turn their noses up at his accent. On a whim, Draco found himself on a bus traveling from Louisville to Austin. Even from the bus depot, he could tell Texas wasn’t for him, so he continued on to Los Angeles.
In one year, Draco visited every state except for Alaska and Hawaii before heading north to Canada. He’d hardly stepped over the border when a billboard caught his attention: IF YOU COULD DO IT AGAIN, WHAT WOULD YOU DO DIFFERENTLY?
Airplanes were terrifying. How Muggles had decided it was safe to create metal tubes with wings and launch them into the sky, Draco didn’t understand. He kept a white-knuckle grip on the armrest for the entire flight, much to the flight attendant’s entertainment. She kept his plastic cup filled with whiskey, and he wondered what he would do if he saw her.
Seven hours later, Draco had his answer. As he stepped off the plane in Heathrow, he caught sight of those chocolate curls he’d never stopped dreaming about. A delicate hand tapped nervously on a luggage handle, and perfectly white teeth chewed away at a bottom lip he knew would be soft to the touch. In her free hand – a ticket to Canada, and a Ministry file with his name on it.
a/n; i blame venus rx ending & the song everywhere but on by matt stell for this drabble
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elijahhendley · 2 months
8月1號 Day 21: Dragons & Tigers & Trains, OH MY!
Today I woke up around 9 and went to breakfast. I think breakfast has just been downhill since they stopped serving xiao long bao after the first day. Anyways, after breakfast we took the party bus(shoutout Terry) to our first stop of the day, the Lotus pond and surrounding temples. 2500 years ago the emperor of china chose confusionism over Taoism because it shows relations between people, while Taoism focuses on relation between nature and people. When we arrived, one of the temples was actually under construction/renovation. It was interesting to see — reminded us of Gainesville construction. There were different statues and depictions of animals and people. There were dragons, tigers and turtles. I did not see too many Lotus flowers because Yeh Laoshi told me that they usually bloom in June so we are a month late. As we were walking, people started to unhook Andy’s clog keychain from his bag so I joined in and started to switch people’s keychains. It was funny because I moved Austin’s keychain onto Jasmine's bag without him or her noticing, and he was trying to get it back with her noticing. Fun little game. Then we went back to the bus to get lunch. We had a group lunch today and we went to another all you can eat Mongolian hotpot place. It was really good. I had 3 bowls and decided that pork is the best type of meat they have here in Taiwan. It is so good in everything. Peter paid for us all and also, he told us since our last hotel was really bad we get to have another free lunch in the future at another buffet maybe. Lastly we took a pretty long drive to an old train station. It was really small and there was not much to do but we made it fun. I rode on a battery powered toy train. We took pictures in the conductor uniforms, held signs, and bought banana plushies that ironically say made in China. That was our last stop and then we headed back to the bus for our hour-long drive back to the hotel. I stayed their for the rest of the night, ate ramen and pastries, did this blog post and went to bed.
Academic Reflection
Today I want to reflect on the temples that we went to. The temples are always so detailed and amazing to look at, but why are they designed the way they are? So normally you would enter into a dragons mouth/throat when you enter a temple and leave through a tigers mouth. This is supposed to symbolize turning bad luck into good fortune. The dragon represent Yang and the tiger represent Yin. I don't truly understand the concept because the Dragon represent Yang, which is light, power, and action. While the Tiger represents darkness, stillness, and negative forces. So I would think you would enter through the Yin side and exit through the Yang side, the light side for goodluck. But, maybe i need to do more research in this aspect.
Also, other interesting things observed in the temples were the stories they told. There are 24 stories called the 24 filial exemplars in confucionism. Peter told us a couple of stories, one being how a son let mosquitoes feed on his blood in hopes they wouldn't bother his parents because they were too poor to afford mosquito nets. Another about a son eating his fathers feces in order to see if he was sick. And on last one about a woman's mother-in-law loosing all her teeth, so the woman breastfed her mother-in-law to keep her nourished for multiple years. All of the stories have the common theme of children sacrificing for their parents. I find it interesting because even peter told us it seemed like China chose confucious ideas so that children will serve their parents more diligently. Super interesting to read and study about.
Unil next time, 再見!
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brendalamour1 · 2 years
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It's Fancy Friday once again! I'll be on about 7pm. A bunch of us get the party started and stream all dressed up nice for you all. I kick things off at 7pm EST,then we stream hop all night. Grab a drink,sit back,enjoy and come party with us. Share & repost this please 🙏. See you later for the Brenda LaMour experience TONIGHT at 7pm!
@ayeeeitsdanny @puffytacos @celestialmoongodess-blog @evolution-ofa-geek @nataliaheels @thefirewatcher @0toastedbagel0 @kush-kween-xo @onefree @vdick @owl-good-man @gentlemengraybeard @miniaturedancer51 @xxkitty-bandz-wrldxx @thejaybluee @eartha-zipp @jon-decor @austin-bus-man @hotctguy
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