#Austin butler agere
presleyheart · 3 months
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https://open.spotify.com/track/19IEpm6mKchqoetomtig3e?si=1d405a3e2f294f95 -- song correlation "Daddy's here.." !! Pairing 70s!Austin!Elvis and Gender Neutral!Reader !! SUMMARY ---- The reader joins Elvis during one of his rehearsals at the International Hotel. The loud noise hurts the reader's ears, and they involuntarily go nonverbal. Elvis, having no clue they were little, stops the rehearsal early once he realizes reader has gone backstage to avoid the noise. Realizing almost too late, he has to rush to comfort the now regressed reader. TW ---- Light swearing, mentions of anxiety, panic attack??
Genre: Agere Fluff ☁
You had been having that fuzzy feeling in your mind the entirety of the day. Each minute felt suffocating to you. You needed to be big for Elvis. You were worried being little would ruin everything about his plans.
You had been doing so much travelling.
Too much travelling.
Everything was whirring around your head at such a fast pace. This is how it's felt since the 68 comeback. It's been 2 years since and Elvis was still at lightning pace.
He's been extra busy recently and you have been miserable without having a chance to be little. He hasn't really picked up on it due to him being stressed, and you'd hate to stress him out more. ----
---- You walked onto the stage as you watched Elvis holding his microphone. The light was bouncing off of his tan skin beautifully. He looked perfect from head to toe.
You watched in awe, he smiled as soon as he saw you.
"There's my baby.. c'mere" He said, the smile and gleam in his eyes from seeing you never leaving.
"You only saw me minutes ago?" You said, giggling towards his affection. Maybe this'll distract your inner true motives? Or so you thought.
He pulled you into his strong arms. He hugged you close, as he pressed a kiss against your head "I would be with you all the time if I could." He muttered.
You felt so small with him in this moment, but you couldn't slip. You reluctantly pulled away from his warm hold. Even though you desired to be comforted in the time being, you couldn't risk slipping.
"I know, go have fun, okay?" You said, flashing a small forced smile and squeezing his hand.
"Anything for you.." He responded once more. He went on his merry way with his friends.
If only he knew what was brewing inside of your head.
You sat down on stage off to the side, not minding everything as you rested your head against the cool wall.
"I uh, I wanna try something new... a'ight Glen?" Elvis muttered into the mic. He wandered around til' he met with his friend on the piano, in which he gracefully moved his hand around to imitate the rhythm he wanted. "You're gonna take the intro here"
As soon as Elvis began moving his hand and made a bunch of 'bum' and 'duh' sounds, the piano riff started. He immediately got into it.
You found yourself biting your bottom lip softly. Getting antsy as the song started. Already, the piano was loud.
Each instrument one after the other, which almost caused a sensory overload from the sound. You felt a pang in your heart. This was too much.
First the piano, then the drums, then the bass-
"Bring that bass up, Jerry... keep playin'." Elvis stated at one of his many band members. This knocked you away from trying to space out and avoid the noise. You were squirming in your spot. The room suddenly felt tighter.
Everyone was laughing and playing, everyone was enjoying this but you. Elvis seemed so happy. You couldn't ruin that.
All the people were having so much fun. Whooping, clapping, laughing. Elvis made his way around the room, now at the backup singers.
He finally began singing.
"That's all right," "That's all right!" "That's all right," "That's all right!"
It all just got louder and louder. You felt your heart rate speed up and tears were coming to your eyes. You held your head a moment.
"Boys?" "That's all right!" "With me?" "Anyway you do!"
Luckily it was during the instrumental. You crawled behind the curtains and got up. You were rushing backstage.
Your heart was pounding, your breath was fast, you found your way into a dressing room and sat down. Praying for your anxiety to fade away.
Normally you loved Elvis in concert. Right now, you couldn't bear to see him. You were too stressed out. Everything felt so overwhelming and your emotions were out of play.
'Elvis doesn't need this right now.' You convinced yourself. You could still hear the music, you were rocking in place. Every word anyone said felt like a dagger to your mind.
"Flames man.. flames are comin' offa that guitar..."
Right as Elvis was going into the brass section, he turned to give you a smile, but you weren't there. He looked nervous, immediately.
"Now boys, hang on." Elvis said. You heard the music stop. You sighed in relief. You couldn't speak. He called out your name, over and over.
Whoops of "Y/N".. Elvis was lightning speed as he made his way backstage. "Little one?" He called out, in distress. You held your knees to your chest as you heard his footsteps approaching the door to the dressing room you were in.
Elvis came in, practically breaking the door down.
"Aw, shit, babe- what's..." His heart drops. He immediately goes into daddy mode.
"Oh my.. my poor little one." He could see the tears and hyperventilating from you. Elvis went around the couch in seconds and held you in a tight embrace. All you could do was cuddle into him. "I am so sorry, little.. Daddy's here now."
The only word you can mutter out is..
If Elvis' heart didn't break any moments before, it surely did now. He felt so guilty for not noticing.
"My sunshine shouldn't have to feel scared.. this ain't ever gonna happen again.. Daddy promises." He held you closely and sighed.
"You're too little to have to feel such big worries.. oh my baby.." His voice broke. He felt his heart shatter even worse as you clung to him and sobbed. He cradled you in the back of the head. He sighed.
Eventually your breathing calmed down and you practically fell asleep hugging Elvis. You were finally getting Daddy's attention.
"What the hell is takin' so long, E-?" Elvis' friend spat out, in the doorway 15 minutes later after this.
"Shh. I suggest you shut your pie-hole. I got company. Now get." Elvis responded, with a look that could kill. He felt bad for not being there, he was only now happy you were content. He would strangle his friend if they ruined it.
Elvis turned his gaze back to you and planted kisses on your head.
You were his baby. All he truly needed.
Daddy's here now... and that's all that matters.
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writerpey · 6 months
Cg!Gale ‘Buck’ Cleven & Regressor!John ‘Bucky’ Egan Headcanons
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masters of the air was so good I had to write something for this pair. happy series finale, everyone! sad it’s over but so happy with the show, it totally blew my expectations out of the water. pls enjoy & request more of them if u want! & please be careful reading this if you’re sensitive to the topics of the show. take care of yourselves, everyone <3
John keeps his regression tucked away from the others at Thorpe Abbotts as a secret little part of himself that, before Gale found out about it, he wished he could drop straight out of a B-17. He tried to deal with things the way all his comrades did. He drank, slept around, got into fights with the British soldiers at the bar and placed bets on the Yankees against the Cubs. It just wasn’t enough. It felt close to enough when Gale would wrap a hand around the back of his neck and drag him away from a stupid midnight decision, or when he’d be drunk enough for Gale to walk him to his bunk and help him tug off his boots with a familiar sigh.
Gale could tell when John was close to a breaking point, when his best friend was itching at his own skin and antsy to get in a plane and out of one at the same time. He knew something was different about John, especially when it would get late and John’s eyes would glaze over and he would refuse to leave Gale’s side. Gale had an inkling that sometimes John acted out just to get his attention. And when Meatball would run over John would gasp happily, the joy of a little boy emanating from his excitement.
Gale climbed out of bed one night after seeing John’s was empty, throwing on his jacket and stepping outside. Sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, John was sniffling, hands rubbing at his eyes and shoulders shaking.
“Bucky? What’s goin’ on?” Gale questioned gently, concerned for his friend and ready to take any step necessary to comfort John.
John was terribly embarrassed that night. Sniffled and cried and blubbered unintelligibly to Gale about a fog in his brain that wouldn’t go away until he felt like a kid again. That Gale made it worse, but better, and he was so fucked in the head for being like this and—
Gale stopped John’s negativity in an instant. “Bucky. It’s okay. I’m here for you. You know that, I know that. That’s all that matters.”
The pair fell into step with one another with the ease expected for two soulmates. It took a lot of coaxing from Gale to get John to not only tell him when he was feeling small, but to encourage him to regress more often to avoid all the bad decisions that came with John not dealing with war trauma properly.
John had come back to his bunk one night with a bleeding nose from an escapade in town, and the lecture he got from Gale was enough to make him regress instantly. He looked up at Gale with big, apologetic eyes while Gale’s steady hands wiped away the blood under his nose with a damp rag. “Sorry, Buck. Shouldn’t have been bad.”
As a caregiver, Gale is very accustomed to John’s needs and loves to dote on him, though he’s never afraid to pull rank on the other. His stern tone carries an air of disappointment to John when it’s necessary, which serves to make John regress fairly easily.
John has a lot of energy when he’s small, well-rested, and knows his group isn’t going to be called on mission for a couple of days. He’ll tear around base on his bike and steal extra eggs from Lemmons at breakfast, play fight with Gale and beg Curt, Rosie and Croz to play a game of baseball together. He’s at his happiest when he can be as carefree as he wants while everyone except Gale has no idea he feels small.
Gale has to work hard to reign in John on those kinds of days. “Bucky, no. You can’t take without asking. I don’t wanna hear that you’re hungry. You ate a dozen eggs.”
John is a super touchy person in general, and when he’s small he’ll literally hang off whatever part of Gale he can get a hand on. Throwing himself over Gale’s shoulders at mealtimes. Clutching the back of Gale’s jacket while running away from Curt. Trying to stick his finger up Gale’s nose for no apparent reason. He likes to annoy Gale, a little shit-disturber at heart.
On harder days for John, fresh off a mission, he gets far more needy. Gale’s heart always breaks in his chest when he wakes up to John making small noises of distress in the night. He often wakes him up with soft shushing and his hand stroking through John’s dark curls. “Just a dream, Bucky. I got you.” Gale whispers, even while knowing that truly, they lived out their nightmares. But the deep timbre of Gale’s voice and his steadying presence always soothes John, who often stretches his arms out to be pulled into Gale’s lap.
Gale really likes when John is especially small. He flushed red the first time he asked John if “maybe, you would let me read you a story?” Gale loves the quiet, intimate moments they get to have together, tucked up in a B-17 with The Hobbit in hand and the sun setting, whisked away to another world even just for a few moments. He feels untouchable with John’s head under his chin and the sound of Lemmons tapping away under the hull of the plane.
When it comes to nicknames, Gale isn’t the most creative person in the world. And quite frankly, if he even dared to call John something too sappy, John would explode from embarrassment. So Gale sticks to Bucky most of the time, but Johnny also made its way into his vocabulary. John’s ears go red and he grins very, very widely when Gale taps him under the chin with a gentle utterance of “Good Johnny.”
John calls Gale a plethora of names. They range from Buck to old man to a very shy Papa, only when John is super small and feeling especially brave. It makes Gale cover his face in kisses.
All in all, Gale is an attentive, kind, thoughtful caregiver who is stern when he needs go be with the little rascal that John is. And John is a fireball when regressed, but in desperate need of the care that Gale is always, always willing to give him.
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starboybutler · 2 years
This is a list of all of the works i have posted to tumblr so far! If you want to read all of my fics, here is my ao3!
🌼- fluff
🌙- smut
⭐️- agere
⚠️- dark themes
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Elvis Presley
Little Prince (1k words) 🌼⭐️
Satisfy me, baby (700 words) 🌙🌼
Paralyzed (?? words) 🌼⭐️
Fever (?? words) 🌼⭐️
Such a night (1.1k words) 🌼🌙
Relax (?? words) 🌼🌙
Surrender (1.9k words) 🌙
Cotton Candy Land (3.4k words) 🌼⭐️
Immortal He (?? words) ⚠️
Austin Butler
Don't ask, Don't tell (4.2k words) 🌼🌙
Underneath the tree (1.8k words) 🌙
Austin x Elvis
Sweat (5k words) 🌼🌙
Elvis Movie Characters
Swing down, Sweet chariot (10k words total) 🌼🌙⚠️
Wrestling (?? words) 🌙
Poor Boy (13k words total) 🌼🌙⚠️
Masters Of The Air
Don't count on it (2675 words) 🌙
Chasing cars (6451 words) 🌼🌙⚠️
Lights up (14920 words) 🌙⚠️
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mooodyblue · 2 years
→ want to request?
masterlist | ask/request
requests are OPEN
who i write for/will write for:
- elvis presley
- austin butler
- benny cross (bikeriders - reminder i only write sfw fics....)
- austin x elvis
- ecu character x ecu character
- any character's from elvis's movies
- any elvis fics can be imagined as aus!elvis unless stated otherwise.
- jacob elordi (agere fics–cg!jacob only. i won't be writing little!jaocb. sorry!)
- felix catton (for agere fics: felix is my baby, i can try writing little!felix—not feeling sure about it though.)
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what i won't write:
i will write nearly anything, but if it's an uncomfortable request, i will most like just delete it.
- i accept 18+ requests only on @loverdollll
- elvis's death (it may be mentioned but not in detail)
- details of elvis's heavy drug use(may be mentioned)
- vomiting, anything involving bodily functions, death
- nate jacobs (IDK feels weird to write about him LOL)
- oliver quick (I LOVE HIM!! don't get me wrong, but i'd be terrible at writing him ;-;)
- jacob!elvis. (you can imagine any of my fics as you'd please. but i won't write anything specifically for him.)
what i'll write about:
- any sort of fluff
- mental health struggles
- age regression/little space
will not write: nursing/lactation, heavily detailed "accidents", no age play
how do you feel about diapers?: i am more comfortable reader having accidents/dealing with diapers. i'm not 100 confident in writing it either way but i can always take a shot at it :) it is a part of agere after all!
- angst/hurt/comfort
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➪ before you request!
- i am dyslexic!!!
- i'm nonbinary, but tend to write fem!reader out of habit. if you'd like something gender neutral, please specify! i will do my best to make it gender neutral either way.
- you're welcome to specify which elvis era you'd like
- im mexican/white so keep that in mind if you want to request a specific reader :)
- please be patient! sometimes i get overwhelmed and procrastinate for too long 🥲
- longer fics get crossed posted to ao3 under the same username.
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presleyheart · 3 months
I'm new to writing but feel free to request anything and everything related to Elvis/Austin ... I'm not creative PLEASE
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