#Austin Pain Management
Is Massage Therapy Effective for Back Pain?
I assumed that the massage treatment would be a calm, soothing massage that would relieve the constant stiffness in my shoulders and lower back. I was sorely mistaken.
My supervisor insisted on an appointment since the neck ache I'd had since adolescence was growing more severe as a result of the manner I sat at my computer.
I was escorted into a pastel-colored room with soothing lighting and instructed to strip down to my pants and lie face down on the table. My head was placed in a donut-shaped holder, and there was space for my arms to rest. The massage therapist entered the room, asked me some questions about the location of my pain, and then began working.
For more information, visit: https://austinpreferred.com/blog/does-massage-therapy-help-against-back-pain/
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txpainspecialists · 6 months
Discover joy and relief with Texas Interventional Pain Specialists as patients share their journey to a pain-free life.
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salingers · 6 days
october's end.
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dbf!joel miller x f!reader summary: a filthy halloween night with your dad's best friend, joel miller. [you get him to briefly wear a ghostface mask]. [enjoy that! i did]. warnings: 18+ mdni. age gap. alcohol. au. begging. cream pie. dirty talk. dom!joel. fingering. jealous!joel. language. masked!joel. no outbreak. no use of 'y/n'. praising. smut. use of 'good girl'. use of 'slut'. unprotected piv. word count: [about] 3,800. a/n: hi! debut, written for @mermaidgirl30's halloween writing challenge. cover by me, divider by @saradika. @saradika-graphics.
Everything’s bigger in Texas, including Halloween. Your childhood neighborhood is locally televised each October’s end, due to every home’s enthusiastic participation. There’s an annual stoppage of traffic for the singular evening’s festivities, permitting only costumed bodies to roam the gated community’s residential roads. 
Branches draped in gauzy webs. Yards engulfed in artificial fog. A beloved holiday tradition, predating the tailend of the seventies, when Dad and Joel were elementary aged and wielding pillowcases of candies. Now, they’re fifty-somethings, bemoaning mutual back pain and cursing pesky lawn decorations.
“Here,” Joel gruffs, while individually sliding Dad two Reese’s pumpkins, from across the kitchen’s counter. “Protein break. ‘S four grams.”
Dad swipes them both up, before confirming that statement by thumbing one’s wrapper, “That ain’t bad.”
You’re quietly laughing at their supposed refueling, while stooping behind the fridge’s door and scanning the moistened shelves. There. A seasonal beer, from your favorite brewery in Austin. It’s comfortably predictable, returning home for Halloween; From Dad purchasing your favorite autumnal ales, to Joel Miller’s ruggedness.
You properly right yourself. Then, using your waist, nudge the appliance’s door shut, “Dad, where’s your bottle opener?”
Dad’s phone abruptly drones, reverberating against granite and interrupting your question; He grimaces at the caller’s illuminated identity.
You guess, “Ghostface?”
Dad laughs, before emphasizing, “Worse. My neediest client.” He abandons his barstool, continuing, “Actin’ like buildin’ up in Waco makes ‘er Joanna Gaines.” Dad apologetically nods toward you, “Joel. Will ‘ya?”
Joel’s scruffy chin tips upwards, directing you, “C’mere.”
Something’s brewing, once Dad vacates the vicinity. Your forced proximity to Joel is newly palpable; Tonight’s different. You’re obedient, in approaching him. Joel doesn’t stop staring. The bottle’s neck is being strangled, under your dominant hand. You can’t completely ward off an image of taking him into your palm.
Your minimal passage to his barstool seemed slow-motioned, almost. You’re not sure. Time’s just apparently lengthier, under Joel’s browned gaze.
 Joel grunts, fingering his carabiner of keys, attempting to sift out his bottle opener keychain, “You playin’ Michael Meyers, ‘gain? ‘Round one night, only?”
You amusedly scoff, “Keepin’ track?”
Joel shrugs, “Eight days, in eight years.”
You’re genuinely surprised that Joel’s noted your absence. Maybe, Dad revealed that specific number, correlating to your sparse appearances in Austin; Well, it could’ve been that Dad mentioned to Joel about how since your high school’s graduation, you’ve only managed to visit home yearly. That’s just basic math. Right?
You stammer, “Uh huh. ‘S my favorite holiday.”
Joel hums, before abruptly wrapping his calloused palm around the entirety of your hand and the beer bottle’s width, “Hm. ‘N that your favorite beer?”
You’re momentarily silent, muted by Joel’s warmth. A sizable hand, roughened from decades of hard labor. The tips of his delectably thick fingers begin tightening at your wrist, securing his hold as he’s standing himself up.
Even fully seated, Joel’s intimidating in size. Him standing toe-to-toe with you? That’s another story. His construction boots are weathered and worn; They would be comically large, in comparison to your measly-sized sneakers, but nothing’s funny about Joel Miller’s body mere inches from yours.
You reply by mustering an eager nod; And, whether that’s in response to Joel’s prior question pertaining your liking of the beer, or merely an approval of his nearness to you? You haven’t decided.
Joel rasps, “Anythin’ else?” He’s pulling your combined hands downward, to his waist. The carabiner’s remained attached to his belt’s loop, “That ‘ya favor?”
You’re struggling to think of something witty to retort. Because, the frayed seam of Joel’s zipper is right there. He’s deftly notching the bottle’s cap inside of the opener’s teeth; The beer crisply hisses, releasing any contained pressure.
Joel whispers, “What, darlin’? Bat got your tongue?”
You defeatedly laugh, “Somethin’ like that.”
He grins, carefully releasing you, “Taste it.”
You harshly gulp, “S–Sorry? Oh, right. T–The beer.” 
Joel agrees, “That’s right.” Then, darkly teases, “Y’know, that pretty mind ‘a yours is boundin’ for the gutter.”
He crosses his arms against his broad chest, the canvas fabric of his Carhartt jacket drawing taut. Joel’s now cocking his head, sending his gaze along the pathway from the glass vessel that you’re feebly holding, to the lower lip that you’re inadvertently biting; Daring you.
You’re feignedly bold, “Meet ‘ya there.”
You drink, even if it’s primarily to keep yourself from further stuttering. At first, it’s an adequate enough distraction; The alcohol’s frigid in temperature, soothing to the high-strung tendons of your throat, from the inside-out. Then, you’re curiously drawn to Joel’s own gulping throat, and that transient composure of yours is gone.
Joel’s devotedly watching you, his glare heady and sensual. His Adam’s apple jerks, moving atop the clenched muscles and corded veins of his neck. You’re somewhat tipping back, gathering your final mouthful, for now; You’ve drained three-fourths of it, by the time that you’ve halted your sipping.
Then, Joel’s thumb darts out, before smoothing against your glistening mouth. He drawls, “Got it lookin’ real good. Let’s see.”
You’re only narrowly audible, “Oh? Joel.” 
Joel’s tongue, deliciously large and scrubbed pink, strokes his finger. He groans, “Mm. Ain’t sure. Need ‘t sample it from the source.”
You inwardly whimper, “Yeah?”
You’re foolishly tempted to extend him the ambered bottle itself, because surely Joel Miller, your dad’s best friend, would identify that as the ‘source’. Not your parted, wanting lips. Like Joel’s read your hesitant mind, he reassuringly pins your hands behind your back, easily dismissing the beer; A singular hand of his own, dwarfing the pair of your wrists.
Joel’s ghosting your lips, “Yeah.”
For good measure, Joel lightly moans, sucking his dampened digit. Humming around the pumpkin spiced suds, lapping up any residual taste from his finger. Arms restrained, spine straightened; Your chest’s rising urgently.
Joel’s own chest, delicately hairy below his threadbare t-shirt, is an odd inch away. A desperate heat’s begun permeating your lower abdomen; Achingly unfurling, taking up residency in your cunt.
Of course, it’s then that Dad’s barrelling over, having withdrawn from his nearby office, “Sorry ‘bout that, kid. Get ‘er open?”
You’re coughing out, “Y–Yep.” Then, “Thanks, Joel.”
Dropping your wrists, Joel winks, “Oh. ‘M pleasure.”
Your incriminating closeness to Joel goes unrecognized by Dad; Seeing as, Joel’s wide shoulders completely obscure you from view.
Dad sighs, “Gee, there ain’t no escapin’ this shiplap.”
Joel immediately laughs, casually reclaiming his prior barstool. The jarring segue from Joel’s flirting with you, to his joking with Dad, is absolutely disorientating. You’re fidgeting, repeatedly and silently tapping your foot. You can’t do Joel here; You’ll settle for doing last-minute Halloween preparations.
You blurt, “Goin’ to start organizin’ the candy. ‘S all in the garage, Dad?”
Dad assuredly nods, “Sure is. ‘Cept these.” He chuckles, gathering the forgotten wrappers from his earlier ‘protein break’ with Joel.
You remind him, “Don’t forget to refill the fog tanks.”
Dad, who seemingly had forgotten, regretfully snaps his fingers, “What would I do without ‘ya?” He’s bragging to Joel, “Look at ‘er.”
Joel agreeably nods. Eyeing you, “Good girl.”
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Because, Dad and Joel are career contractors, who are simultaneously life-long friends and next-door neighbors, it’s only right that they’ve done an elaborate, joint Halloween for three decades; Locally dubbed the ‘Construction Fright’.
A (questionably) age-appropriate spread of horror, featuring thrifted tools that bludgeon and dismember an assortment of plastic skeletons. Hard hats, faux-bloodied and stabbed with rusted nails. Construction tape, riddled in spiderwebs.
A half-dozen, battered wheelbarrows, brimming with chocolate candies; Three brown ones, carrying Hershey’s, Rolo, and Tootsie Roll. Three orange ones, containing every imaginable variant of Reese’s. 
 You’ve already been working for nearly an hour; Arranging the color-coordinated barrows of candy. You’re jamming the recycling bin’s lid shut, overtop the cardboard and plastic wrappings of king-sized bars, when the entry door’s opened.
Dad’s entering the garage, “Sun’s settin’ soon, kid. ‘Oughta get dressed.” He lazily squeezes you in an impromptu side-hug, “Thanks, for helpin’.”
You breathily sigh, “Mhm. Oh, I need ‘t light the Jack-O-Lanterns.”
Joel appears, insisting,  “Go on, darlin’. I’ll get ‘em sweatin’ for ‘ya.”
You’re thinking, ‘That’s ridiculously slutty of him to say’, when Joel continues, this time addressing Dad, “Hey. Phone’s ringin’ over ‘gain.”
Dad sighs, “Got ‘t be kiddin’ me.” Then, grumbles, “Sure hopin’ it’s Ghostface.” He grins, lightly pinching your elbow.
You giggle, “C’mon. She can’t be that bad.”
Dad shrugs, smiling before swiftly jogging up the garage’s concrete steps; When Dad’s fully retreated inside, and the door’s naturally swung shut, Joel doesn’t waste any time pinning your body against it.
Joel whispers, “Bet ‘ya find that this pussy’s wet ‘f me, when you’re undressin’ it.” His jeaned, muscular thigh’s nudging your legs ajar.
You airily groan, “P–Please. Fuckin’ kiss me.”
Joel grins, wedging his ample thigh’s sturdy surface against your beating cunt. He kisses you; Joel Miller fuckin’ kisses you. He’s grabbing your face, thumbing your cheekbones. His lengthy fingers, scraping your skull.
His tongue’s deeply delving, eagerly exploring your mouth’s every crevasse. You can’t breathe efficiently or think coherently. Everything’s Joel. His graying beard, raking your chin; A woodsy scent, like that of the hardware store’s lumber aisles, exuding from his clothing.
You’re moaning, “Ngh.” Then, ripping at the silvery hair that’s curling against the nape of his sun-freckled neck, “More.”
Joel’s grunting, “Fuck. Need ‘t stop.” He can’t stop, and sucks your bottom lip, once more. Then, “H–Hear ‘im? He’s gainin’ on us.”
Sure enough, Dad’s approaching. It’s damn-near impossible to quit rutting along Joel’s denimed, upper leg. You’re whining, “Need ‘ya.”
Joel’s panting, “T–Tonight, darlin’.” He arousingly whispers, “All night. When the porch light’s out, sneak over.” Then, darker and deeper, “Repeat it.”
You repeat, “Tonight. When the porch light’s out, sneak over.”
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You’re admittedly distracted, during the evening’s trick-or-treating segment. You understand that nothing’s allowed to appear awry around Dad, but Joel’s playing casual too well. You shouldn’t overthink, but it’s torturous; That he’s apparently unaffected. Drinking with Dad and Tommy. Never really staring at you.
Joel’s (conveniently) costumed as himself every Halloween, but himself during working hours; A leathered tool belt, cinching his tender waist. A backwards Filson hat, tamping his unkempt curls. His dirtiest ‘white’ t-shirt; The neckline’s absurdly tattered and torn, an array of holes displaying his body’s coarse hair.
Midland’s country cover of ‘Wicked Game’ is emitting from neighboring speakers. You can’t resist likening the song’s drumming pattern to your own heart’s pulsating rhythm; Yearning for Joel’s attention. Then, Dad’s whistling for your attention.
Dad’s pointing, “Look, kid. Your ‘ol boyfriend, Nick. He’s fuckin’ Ghostface.” Dad humorously roars, standing, “See ‘im? H–Hold on.”
You’re avidly protesting, but Dad’s already approaching Nick, who’s not wearing, but holding his hooded mask; Fingers cupping the elongated, rubbery chin. There’s nothing inherently wrong about him; He (morally) should be your holiday hook-up, not your dad’s best friend. It’s too bad.
Joel snipes, “Dick?”
You tut, “It’s Nick.”
Joel’s feigning understanding, “Oh, Prick.”
You’re unsure what’s initiated this potent sexual tension, but it’s consumed your every thought this Halloween; While, Joel’s every word is loaded. His irritated sarcasm’s gunned your way. Any bickering’s uncommon, for the pair of you. You’re hoping that Tommy’s too busy proffering candy to notice.
Dad’s returned, towing Nick, “Weren’t we just talkin’ ‘bout him, kid? So funny.” Dad, and his dorky penchant for inside-jokes.
Nick cluelessly smiles, “Hi, you.”
You politely reply, “Hi, yourself.”
Nick’s extending his hand, summoning you from your designated seat, “Got ‘t see this costume.” Then, he’s declaring you, “Stunning.”
You’re incredulously laughing, “They’re bloodied overalls.”
Nick grins, persisting, “Love ‘em. Also, this apron’s awesome.” He’s thumbing your accessory’s front, tracing the logo, “Carhartt girl, huh?”
You’re aiming to get under Joel’s skin with, “Scream girl, too.” You inspect Nick’s black robe, feeling his arm’s draping sleeve.
Oh, Joel Miller’s jealous. He’s rolling his earthy-toned eyes; Aggressively peeling his beer’s damp label, while instigating Dad, “Hearin’ this?”
Dad’s indifferent, shrugging. He’s always approved of Nick for you; He’s Texan, and plays Minor League Baseball. That’ll do it.
Nick’s pleading, “Let’s please walk ‘round, sweep the neighborhood?”
Joel snarks, “Hell. Reckon he’s recruitin’ for Neighborhood Watch?”
Nick’s nervously smiling, having not heard Joel’s dig, but surely hearing Dad and Tommy’s abrupt snickering.
You kindly respond, “Let’s. Love seein’ the decorations.”
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It’s nine-thirty. Your street’s grown habitually sparse; Toddlers, having resigned to stringent bedtimes. Teens, having retreated to erupting parties.
You decipher Joel’s looming silhouette; His rocking chair’s creaking, upon the dimmed porch’s planks. A gleaming tumbler of (presumably) whiskey is resting against his crossed leg, the glass winking at you.
Joel’s dragging his index finger’s edge against his groomed mustache, thumbing his angrily tightened jaw. He rasps, “Ain’t walk ‘ya home?” 
You’re ascending his porch’s tread, “Didn’t need that. Told ‘im so.” Then, untying your apron’s chaotic knot, “Uncross your leg, Joel.”
Joel’s pleasingly pliant; He warns, “That’s the only order that I’m takin’ tonight.” His lap’s deliciously spreading, “Get ‘t drawin’ the blinds.”
The anticipation’s wetting you. You’re immediately scampering along the porch’s perimeter, rolling down every privacy blind; Joel’s patiently swigging his auburn liquor. You whimper, “A–Anythin’ else?”
Joel’s rolling the wick of his adjacent kerosene lantern; Thrusting his opened lap, scrounging his Zippo lighter from an anterior pant pocket. His hand’s arousingly veined, while flicking the lighter’s flint wheel.
He belatedly replies, “Drop your apron. Undo your overalls.”
You’ve dropped the apron, and something’s spilling out from the largest pocket; Joel’s deeply exhaling, “Explain that.”
The lamp’s emitting faint light, fire illuminating his hardening expression. He’s so scarily sexy. You’re inching nearer, but Joel hoists his palm, stopping you.
You embarrassedly gulp, “N–Nick’s mask. Asked me ‘t hold it. He never wore it.”
Joel’s impatient, waving, “And?”
You’re tentatively unhooking your denimed straps, gently uttering, “W–Would ‘ya? Wear it?”
Joel’s mildly surprised, “Oh?” Deciding, “Bring it here. On your knees.”
You instantly kneel, before gathering up the discarded disguise using your teeth. You’re crawling to Joel, crossing the porch’s dully-lit surface. The bib upon your overalls undone; The garment’s buckling loops clinking.
Joel involuntarily moans, “Ngh. Dirty fuckin’ girl.” His index finger’s pumping from his balled up fist, signaling you.
Your pussy’s thumping, because of his commanding, curling digit. You’re itching to suck it. You need anything of Joel’s inside of you.
You’ve gradually reached Joel; You’re being caged in-between his lengthy legs. Joel forcibly pinches your face, removing the mask from your bite’s grasp. The item’s resultantly spat, against his abutted groin.
He’s astonished at the filthy sight, rustling, “How ‘bout that.” You’re resting on your haunches, while Joel praises, “Good girl.”
Joel’s abruptly leaning downward, before hungrily lifting your body’s entirety along his own. He’s immediately kissing you, sinking against the rocking chair’s curved spine; The porch’s cedar ground sighs, creakily duetting with Joel’s groans.
You’re practically siphoning the remnant whiskey from his tongue’s cushioned pad; Your mouth’s rabidly sucking, while your waist’s desperately grinding.
Joel’s bypassing your denimed, disoriented trousers; His palm’s greedily grasping your back’s arched column. His remaining arm, ladling your ass. Then, Joel’s effortlessly hauling your goosebumped figure upward; The rocking chair’s momentum being an assistant. The mask’s wedged in-between your upright bodies.
Joel breathes, “T–The lamp. Hang tight.” You’re licking Joel’s partially bearded throat; He’s briefly hunching, responsibly lowering the wick, consequently extinguishing the flame. Your quartet of limbs, wrapping his flexing torso.
You’re whispering, “You’re so big and strong, Joel.”
He amusedly sighs, “Yeah?” Promising, “Ain’t seen nothin’.”
Then, Joel’s roughly stamping your body against the front door’s exterior; His bulge swelling, pinning your pussy. The entry knob’s blindly twisted. Joel’s heavy-footed steps are reverberated, crunching his home’s metallic threshold.
First, Joel carelessly clears his entry way’s waist-heighted table. Juggling you, while his tanned arm’s sweeping everything off; A ceramic, coffee-stained mug of loose change’s completely shattered. Second, Joel harshly kicks his anterior door shut; There’s an impressive boot print, left behind.
Joel’s panting, “Tell me ‘t stop?”
You’re begging, “K–Keep goin’.”
He hums, “Hm. Need it, darlin’?” Joel’s hurriedly planting you upon the table’s cleared crest, kissing your nodding throat. Agreeing, “Yeah. You do.”
It’s dizzyingly hot; Joel gruffly ripping off your mussed overalls, easily tugging off your slip-on sneakers. He’s lobbing them across the room, away from the mess of coins and shards. You’re noticing the Ghostface mask, under his unmoving bicep.
Joel’s noticing you, “This what ‘ya want?” He’s hesitantly thumbing the mask’s gaping jaw. “Ain’t scared?”
You quietly say, “Like ‘t be scared.” You’re reaching upward, prying off his hat; His hair’s deliciously gray and tousled. “Here.”
Joel’s flinging his accessory away. Then, handing you the hooded, horror mask, “Go ‘head.” He warns, “Wearin’ it ‘till you’re comin’. Understand?”
You’re stroking his untidy hair, readying him, “Won’t be long.” You murmur, “S–Soppin’ for ‘ya.”
Joel’s grunting, “Fuck’s sake.” Kissing you, in-between threatening, “Filthy. ‘Oughta edge ‘ya. Talkin’ like that.”
He impatiently rings your wrists; You’re positioning the mask properly overhead. The draping fabric’s hitting Joel’s colossal shoulders. 
Your pulse’s hammering, “Oh.”
The mask’s milky-colored expression, surveying you. Stark, against the setting of Joel’s unlighted home. His index finger’s impulsively traveling your body; Dragging over your bottom lip’s dampened flesh. Then, carnally downard, riding your throat. Fingering your jugular’s delicate divet. Hooking your undershirt’s airy collar.
Joel’s taunting, “Heart’s racin’.”
You’re anguishly rutting against his console table’s lacquered top. You need to be touched. You beg, “J–Joel. Oh, Joel.”
Joel’s eerily tilting his head, “Pussy’s racin’ like that, too?” Whispering, “Ain’t it?”
You’re deliriously horny, “Yes.”
He’s humming, “Hm. Shirt’s got ‘t go, first.” His unoccupied hand’s rummaging his hind pocket, while, “Reckon that my knife’ll work?”
You’re pleading, “C–Cut it off.”
Then, Joel’s brandishing his utility knife. The blade’s expertly flicked outward. He urges, “Try ‘t hold still.”
Joel Miller’s carving your fucking shirt; His blade’s blunt edge skimming your sternum. He’s effortlessly halved it, forging an impromptu vest. He’s instantaneously shoving the garment overtop your rigid shoulders.
The knife’s frigid handle brushes your tapered nipple; Joel’s awaiting permission, hovering your underwear’s waistline. You’re nodding, kneading his large shoulders. His finger’s hitching the material, before his blade’s cutting it.
Snipping the remaining side, Joel grunts, “Cunt need stuffin’?” He’s pocketing your saturated underwear and his retracted knife, “I know it’s wet ‘nough to take two fingers.”
You’ve been fantasizing about Joel entering you all Halloween. And, finally; He does. He’s groaning, “S–Swallowin’ both of ‘em. ‘Jus like that?”
Your angling head’s hitting the paneled wall. You’re obscenely squelching around his battering digits. You belatedly respond, “JoelJoelJoelJoel.”
Joel’s roughened wrist’s repeatedly rubbing your beating clit. You’re clenching speechlessly around him, innately meeting every re-entry. Your spine’s warming; Your stomach’s taut.
Your arousal’s watering his driving hand; His palm’s pooling. Joel’s incessantly steady. Praising, “Comin’ up. Doin’ good.”
You’re gasping, “There. Oh, right there.”
The instant that you’re coming, Joel’s yanking off his hindering mask. His beard’s patchy and sweaty. He grins, “Man ‘a my word.”
Then, Joel’s amused mouth’s pounding upon your own; He’s desperately inhaling your breaking moans. Licking your teeth’s underside. 
You’re abundantly squirting, as Joel’s uncorking your cunt. Your spotting vision’s correcting leisurely. You’re languidly sighing; Breathing deeply.
He’s genuinely insane for drinking you from his cupped palm. Then, Joel’s mouthing his soggy fingers; Hitting knuckle. You’re blurting, “Need ‘t fuck.”
Joel’s arching his aging brow; Rasping, “Ask nicely.” Then, he’s towing your body overtop his broad shoulder. Spanking you, “Greedy fuckin’ girl.”
You’re nakedly suspended, Joel’s bicep rippling below your ass. He’s entering his living room; Carefully placing you across his cognac-colored sectional. You’re propping upon the chaise’s leathered cushions. You whine, “Please, Joel.”
Joel’s tutting, “Better’n that.” 
You supply, “Pretty please?”
He’s gradually moving nearer; His denim-clad shins, butting the couch’s edge. Joel’s unhurriedly thumbing his belt’s loop, painfully prolonging his removing it. You’re wetting and writhing against his furniture’s fabric.
Joel’s unimpressed, “C’mon.”
Shedding his accessory; Working his zipper. His acting arm’s so freckled, tanned, veined. Joel’s yanking his t-shirt overhead, before subsequently revealing an appetizing, softened tummy. His happy trail’s graying and wiry.
You’re begging, “Joel. Please.”
He’s winking, “Good ‘nough.”
Every sound’s tantalizing; Joel’s boots and pants, thumping across the carpet. His bare, bulky thigh’s abruptly rubbing against your naked pussy; Then, Joel’s mirroring your body’s horizontal position. Mounting you.
Your arousal’s drenching his underwear’s front; His length’s largely tenting the humid material, “Beggin’ like that. Fuckin’ slut.”
You’re involuntarily panting, when Joel’s finally and fully undressed. His cock’s deliciously girthy. The tip’s engorged, reddened and seeping; Erecting far beyond his belly’s button.
You’re whimpering, “PleasePleasePlease.”
Joel grins, “Cunt’s quiverin’. Feelin’ that?”
You desperately nod, “Need you ‘t feel it.”
Joel’s immediately pistoning his fleshy waist; His cock’s knocking your cervix’s wall. His rough thrusting’s fastly inching your bodies upward, until your head’s rearing the sofa’s supple tailend.
He whispers, “Warm ‘nough?”
You gasp, “C–Cock’s perfect.”
Joel’s inaudibly responding; Ramming your hand, palming your pelvis. You’re feeling his cock, below your abdomen’s exterior. He’s interlocking your fingers; His own swallowing yours; Pressing. You’re practically tracing his bulbous, twitching tip.
He’s praising, “Takin’ me well.”
Joel’s bottoming-out, pounding steadily; His bloated, weighty balls welting your taint. Your clit’s puffing, from his pubic bone’s rhythmic route. Dementedly fucking you. You’re moaning, “Ah. F–Fuck.”
He murmurs, “Cunt’s gulpin’ me.” Joel’s hooking your knee’s underside, before lugging it overtop his broad shoulder’s slope, “Needy fuckin’ hole.”
You’re stammering, “Ngh. M–Mm. RightThereRightThere.”
Then, Joel’s angling deeper, differently; Laying his body’s robust weight against your languid, vertical leg. Your foot’s achingly surpassing your head. His chest hair’s graying and saturated; Scraping you.
Your pussy’s overwhelmingly spasming. Joel’s messily tonguing your nipple’s peak; His mustache’s prickling the sensitive skin. You’re tugging at his hair’s curling strands, “J–Joel. Close.”
Joel’s echoing your prior words, “Meet ‘ya there.”
You’re shockingly surprised, that Joel’s remembered the momentary retort; Your faux-bold response and pumpkin spiced alcohol. That’s it. You’re blindly coming. His cock’s densely brimming your contracting hole; Hammering you.
Your pussy’s pornographically sloshing. Joel whimpers, “A–’Atta girl. Drenchin’ it.” Then, “Comin’ inside. ‘M snipped. Yeah?”
You’re immediately kissing him. Palming his beard’s rugged stubble. Sucking his tongue’s pink pores; Tasting your arousal’s heady flavoring.
His climaxing moan’s roaring down your throat; Cum rapidly spurting, coating your cunt. You’re rubbing his rolling eye’s crinkled grooves. His forehead’s tanned and wrinkled. Joel’s especially gorgeous, while cumming hard.
You’re pouring, when Joel’s unplugging you. He’s breathlessly cursing, “Fuckin’ hot.” Standing, “Gettin’ towels. Need anythin’ else? Water?”
You’re beginning to respond, when Joel’s unexpectedly bending; Kissing you. You smile, tapping your bottom lip, “What’s that for?”
Joel’s embarrassedly pointing, toward the nearby microwave’s blinking clock. He explains, “Ten thirty-one on October thirty-first. ‘Dunno. Good luck? Make ‘a wish or somethin’.”
You’re actually dumbfounded, “Oh? You’re absurdly cute.”
Joel frowns, “Ain’t allowed ‘t call me that. ‘Specially while leakin’ my seed.” He’s nakedly turning, preparing to walk, “Water?”
You’re pulling Joel’s hand, “Wait. Want ‘t hear your wish.”
He gulps, “That… You’ll be visitin’ home on Thanksgivin’.”
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nevadancitizen · 13 days
synopsis: you wake up in some cabin, half-frozen to death. a man named arthur finds you and decides to have mercy on you, as do his associates.
word count: 3k
ships: Arthur Morgan/Modern!Reader, Van der Linde Gang & Reader
notes: if anyone wants me to start a taglist just lmk <3!! also there's a PROLOGUE before this, please read it before reading this :)
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It’s cold. Above everything else, it’s fucking cold. 
You screw your eyes shut tighter, curling in on yourself. You’re vaguely aware that you’re on your side and in a fetal position. 
There’s a light, faintly, somewhere behind you. You let out a hiss that tapers off into a groan and draw your arms over your head.
“Hey!” A voice shouts. It’s growly and abrasive-sounding. There’s the sound of a revolver’s hammer cocking. “Turn around. Face me.”
You prop your forearm on the floor and push yourself up with more effort than you think would be needed. You pant softly, and your breath mists in front of your mouth. You manage to hold yourself up with both hands on the floor and turn your head to look at the man. 
He’s tall in a way that makes him look down his nose at you. His silhouette is stark against the door – there’s snow outside. You don’t remember it to be… snowing. It’s May in southern California. It doesn’t snow in May in southern California.
The man looks you over, his revolver still pointed at you. His hand is unwavering.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You don’t know why. “Is this your house?”
“No,” the man says simply. “What’re you doin’ here?”
“I’m…” You look down at your hands, the way they’re braced against the floor. “I don’t know. I think…” 
Your arms shake, then collapse. Your jaw hits the floor with a dull thud, and your eyes screw shut on instinct.
“Shit,” the man drawls under his breath. 
“W-wait! Wait,” you say quickly. “I’m not on anything. I – I’m stone-cold sober. Like Steve Austin.”
You force a laugh and manage to open your eyes to look at the man. He looks confused – maybe a little disgusted? It’s hard to tell.
“Like, the wrestler?” You say. “Stone Cold Steve Austin?”
The man lowers his revolver, just a little, so that it’s not pointed at your head, but still in your general direction. It’s obvious he doesn’t know what you’re talking about, in any capacity. Maybe he won’t shoot you if he thinks you’re insane? (Or maybe that would just give him more of an incentive to kill you.)
“Just – just ignore me,” you say. (Again, you don’t know why. You don’t want to be ignored – you’re very obviously in bad shape.) “I don’t know where I am. I remember being in California, just north of Los Angeles.”
The man scoffs and checks over his shoulder, like he’s checking he’s not being duped. He looks back at you. “California? Really?”
“Yes,” you say softly. You wrap your jacket tighter around yourself the best you can with the way that you’re laying. “South. Right near Mexico – Tijuana.”
The man tilts his head and takes a half-step closer. “You’re bleedin’.”
“I am?” You manage to move your arm and see dried brown blood on your jacket laced with redder, fresher blood. “I am.”
“I just…” You shift, curling in on yourself further. Now that he’s pointed it out, you do feel some type of dull pain in your abdomen. “I’ll be okay. Don’t call for a doctor, or an ambulance. Please don’t call an ambulance. I – I’ll get to a hospital on my own.”
The man shifts on his feet. Was it always this cold? It’s… it’s so fucking cold. And no matter how much you curl in on yourself, there’s no warmth. 
The black returns. 
There’s snippets of conversations you can pick up on over the sound of feet shuffling and the sound of wind blowing outside. One woman gives a few demands to others, while another woman announces that “Davey’s dead.”
You can feel yourself being lifted and laid on something that’s hard against your back. You groan and try to open your eyes and sit up, but can’t. 
The voices grow quieter. There’s a man making some sort of speech – you can’t make out the words. 
You know you’re wavering in and out. There’s the warmth of a man’s hand on your shoulder, and a murmuring voice, still fading in and out: “I commend you… your Creator… who formed you from the dust… angels, and all the saints…”
It takes all your strength to lift your hand and grab him – some part of him. You can barely open your eyes and can’t make out a lot. “Not… dead yet. Fucking pr…preacher.”
Black again. There’s a repetitive, stinging pain in your side. 
Awake, again. Somehow. A woman, her face worn but still beautiful, hovers over you. Her wrinkles are stark in the lantern light. 
“Hello?” You say, your voice a bit slurred.
The woman turns and calls another woman over – this one much younger than her. “Miss Jackson, get Dutch. Let him know Arthur’s friend is awake.”
Miss Jackson turns and walks off with a “Yes, Miss Grimshaw.” 
“Arthur?” You interject. “Is that the man who found me?”
Miss Grimshaw turns back to you. “Yes, Arthur’s the one who found you. I don’t know why he didn’t shoot you.”
You wait for her to say something more. She doesn’t.
“Where am I?” You try. “I remember being in California, just outside of the Mojave. But the Mojave doesn’t get snow in May.”
“That’s because you’re not in the Mojave,” Miss Grimshaw says. “We’re in the Grizzlies.”
“Th…the Grizzlies?” You echo. “Like, Appalachia?”
“Somewhere in there, yes,” she says. “You been out a few days now. Reverend read you your last rites a handful of times.”
You try to sit up, but groan and lay back down. She pushes you down as well, a scowl on her face. 
The door opens with a gust of cold wind. A man steps in, then quickly shuts the door behind him. He hurries over, rubbing his gloved hands together. 
He looks you over, then drags a nearby chair over and sits. “What’s your name, friend?”
You give him your name. 
“My name is Dutch,” Dutch says. “Dutch van der Linde. I think you know by now that you’ve caught us at an… inconvenient time. And you’ll forgive us for not trusting you right away.”
“No, I get that,” you say. “I just… I need a map or something. I need to get back home.”
Dutch beckons for Miss Grimshaw to bring over a map. He opens it and holds it out to you. 
You sit up, slowly, making sure not to do anything too sudden. When you’re upright, you take the map from him and look it over. You don’t recognize anything on the map, but one point piques your interest – the date. The year reads 1891.
“Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but…” You point to the year. “This map seems a little out of date.”
“It’s just eight years,” Miss Grimshaw says. “Most everything is the same.”
You glance up at her, then at Dutch, then at the people around the cabin. Your fingers twitch and crumple the map a bit. 
This is a dream! I’m in a coma! Your mind shouts. I’m in a medically-induced coma because I was shot and holy hell – how the fuck did I go from 2024 to 1899?!
“Right, right,” you say instead. “Sorry. I’m just being nitpicky.”
“Where’re you from?” Dutch asks. 
“California. Near the Mojave,” you say. “Out west.”
“And you would leave all that… virgin paradise…” Dutch laughs and gestures vaguely around him. “For this?”
“I don’t know how I got here,” you say. “I’ve been saying that since I woke up. I don’t…” You shake your head.
“Well, I’m sure we can get you back to your home,” Dutch says. “We’re persevering folk. Do you recognize anything – anything at all – on that map?”
You look down at the map again. It’s all unfamiliar. “No. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, my friend,” Dutch says, reaching a hand out like it’s meant to soothe. “You’re a soul in need. I’m sure we can figure something out somehow. Can you at least tell me what your home is like?”
This is a coma, you remind yourself. I can just make something up. I’m not some person that couch-surfed for half my life. I can be whoever.
“I… it’s odd,” you say to buy yourself some time. You say the first thing that comes to mind. “There’s a few tribes that live in Zion Canyon – the Dead Horses and the Sorrows. I was a courier delivering goods to the Dead Horses. There were two men there that convinced me to stay.”
A Black man – broad, intimidating, with long, dark hair – perks up at the mention of tribes. His dark (almost black, honestly) eyes find yours, then he looks down at the floor again.
“None of it rings a bell,” Dutch says. “But, these men – what’re their names?”
It’s in that exact moment that you realize you just prattled off part of the storyline of Fallout: New Vegas. Then you realize that, if this really is 1899, no one here would know what you’re talking about. 
“Joshua Graham and Daniel,” you say. “They’re white – they work with the natives and help them trade. Joshua’s acting as the Dead Horses’ war chief and Daniel is a healer that works with the Sorrows.”
Yes. You’re totally friends with Joshua Graham and Daniel and the Dead Horses and the Sorrows. And from the way Dutch nods solemnly, you think he believes you. 
You hold out the map and he takes it back, folding it neatly. 
“I don’t have anywhere to go,” you say. “I’ve never even been this far east before.”
“Don’t worry,” Dutch says. “You can stay with us, for the time being. At least until we get to some… some town, or city. Let you rest your feet while you recover. We’re a gang of… violent criminals and degenerates, but we care. I can’t say the same for the rest of America.”
Your hand instinctively goes to your side, where you felt the stinging, repetitive pain earlier. “Right. My side doesn’t feel as bad as before. Thank you for that.”
You look around and slowly swing your feet over the side of the table. A lightning arc of pain shoots down your leg, causing you to gasp and tense. As with everything else, you force through it and stand. 
“I need to get some air,” you say. Dutch just nods. You walk (shamble, really) to the door and open it, slipping outside.
The cold is even worse out here. There’s footpaths in the snow. You stick your hands under your arms and walk one. It leads to a man standing by a fire in front of a cabin, dressed in a winter poncho with a gun in his hands. 
You hold your hands out towards the fire and rub your hands together. It doesn’t replace the warmth you had while you were inside, but it’s still something.
“What’s your name?” The man asks. He shifts the rifle in his hands, but doesn’t move to point it at you. (An improvement, if a small one.)
You give him your name. “What about you?”
“Javier,” Javier says. “Javier Escuella.”
“Where are you from?” You shift your focus to the fire. “Not trying to be rude. It’s just that there’s a few ‘Javier’s where I’m from.”
“Northern Mexico,” Javier says. “You?”
“I’m originally from the South, but I live in the Mojave. I moved to the Frontier to be closer to my sister,” you say. “So I guess we weren’t that far off from each other.”
You look up at the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow. It’s the man from way earlier – Arthur. You look back at the fire instead.
Arthur nods at Javier and spares a glance at you before entering the cabin. People are talking inside, and you catch a snippet of voices before Arthur closes the door again.
“It’s too cold to be May,” Javier says. You can tell he’s trying to be polite by making conversation. “I’m not designed for this snow.”
“I know, right?” You laugh under your breath. “Neither am I. I’d go back inside, but I don’t want to intrude. Any more than I already have, anyway.”
“It’s below freezing,” he says. “Everyone needs shelter. Come on.”
With that, Javier turns and walks into the cabin, holding the door open behind him for you. You thank him and follow him inside. 
Inside is a group of men and the overwhelming smell of cigarette smoke. You tense when they all turn to face you. Most of them are, in fact, smoking. You nod politely and tuck yourself into a corner, next to a man with a blond mustache. 
A hefty man is sitting across from the blond man, and a much younger Black man is sitting on a table next to him. Javier is by the door, and you try your best to ignore Arthur’s huge presence beside you. You can see him throw a small log into the woodstove out of the corner of your eye.
The man sort-of across from you looks at you, then returns his gaze to the man sitting beside you. “I guess folks miss them… that fell.”
“Well, when I fall, I don’t want no fuss,” the man beside you says.
“When you fall…” The young man waves his hand, which is holding a lit cigarette. “There’ll be a party.”
“A party!” The hefty man echoes, laughing. “Hah, probably.”
You feel the beginnings of a smile start to cross your face. You don’t know these people, and while they aren’t exactly doing their best to welcome you, they aren’t exactly making you feel unwelcome, either.
The man beside you holds out a bottle to you. You hesitantly take it, even though you’re confused. “I don’t want this.”
He pays you no mind and stands, looking down at the man. “That funny, huh?”
“Sure,” the man says, the remnants of laughter still in his voice.
One man strikes another, and it’s loud, absolute chaos. On instinct, your eyes snap to the door. Unblocked. An exit if needed.
Arthur and the young man are holding the hit man back, and the blond man speaks. “Maybe  I don’t feel like being laughed at by the likes of you two!”
It’s going to escalate. You can get to the door. Dutch was right – this is a gang of violent criminals and degenerates. One you want nothing to do with.
But Dutch bursts in with a gust of cold wind. As soon as he sees what’s going on, his face twists. The men dissipate from their tight proximity and distance themselves from each other.
“Stop it!” He snaps. “You fools punching each other when Colm O’Driscoll’s needin’ punching – hard! You wanna sit around, waiting for him to come find us?”
Arthur slips out of the door as Dutch continues. “All of you, we got work to do. Come on.”
The men turn and start to file out of the cabin. You can hear Arthur and Dutch talking outside. By the time you’re outside, most of the men are over by the horses or on one of them.
Dutch is talking quietly to Arthur while they’re both mounting up – you couldn’t hear them if you tried. He straightens up on his snow-white horse and shouts. “Mister Matthews, Mister Smith, Mister Pearson, would you please look after the place? There are O’Driscolls about!”
With that, he snaps the reins and his horse darts off. The rest of the men from the cabin, now all on horseback, quickly follow. 
You resign yourself to following another footpath. This one leads to a partly-sheltered, partly-dilapidated garage-type-thing with something like a kitchen inside. There’s a deer hoist against the wall, but it’s empty.
Your eyes dart to some sort of cauldron-looking pot hanging over a fire that’s mostly coals. You walk over and hold your hands out to it, trying to get warm again. 
“You’re new.”
Your head snaps up to see the broad Black man from earlier. He still has that impassive look on his face. 
“Yes, sir, that’s right,” you say. You introduce yourself. “What’s your name?”
“Charles Smith.” Charles walks and stands beside you, mirroring you and putting his hands out towards the fire. “You were talking earlier about tribes.”
“Yeah,” you say. “What about them?”
“I’ve never heard of the ones you were talking about,” he says. His voice is deep and smooth and calm. (You try your best not to latch onto that sense of calmness. You now know how quickly things can turn.)
“The Sorrows and the Dead Horses?” You rub your nose as you try to think of an excuse. “I wouldn’t expect you to. They live in Zion Canyon – in the Mojave. They’re fairly isolated, but they’re good people.”
Charles hums and his eyes return to the fire. You try to think of something to keep the conversation going.
“Who’s Colm O’Driscoll?” You ask. “I’ve heard his name a handful of times.”
“A rival gang leader,” he says. “Runs the O’Driscolls.”
“Oh. Yeah.” You scratch your cheek. “That makes sense.”
A silence settles over the two of you again. Charles must be comfortable with it. Unfortunately, you’re not. 
“Is there anything people need done?” You ask, glancing at him. “I don’t like being idle for too long.”
He looks over at the empty deer hoist. “We need food.”
“I’m no good at hunting.” You look at the fire and rub your hands together again. “Sorry.”
“You apologize a lot,” Charles says. His eyes flick to you. “You know you don’t have to do that, right?”
You bite back another apology and force a laugh. Your breath mists in front of your face. “Force of habit.”
Charles hums and his focus returns to the smoldering coals that make up the fire. A nagging thought in the back of your head tells you that you made him mad (even though he’s given literally no indication you’ve done so). 
You follow his lead and look at the fire. There’s nothing else to do in this kind of cold, anyway. 
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ilovebuthatemen · 2 months
Orgasm Denial
prompt : O is for Orgasm Denial / Control.
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fic warnings : 18+ mature content smut. rough dominant!ab. crying/tears. total control. total submission. degradation. aftercare is implied. one-shot style. porn without plot. Slight anal. Blurb-sized.
a/n : my writing is a bit patchy i’m so sorry in advance. i tried :/ i hope it’s not too bad
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Sir.. please.” You manage out a whimper from below him.
Austin had just gotten back into town from filming his most recent movie, Bikeriders. And it seemed from the moment he stepped in the door that night, he only had his sights set on having you. In every. Way. He. Wanted. He wanted to see you squirm, he missed the way you felt around him, missed the way you constantly begged him to remain deep inside of you like the pretty little slut he turned you into. Missed your pretty face as it contoured in pleasured pain as he would force you to push out an overstimulated orgasm.
Tonight, he had too much planned in his mind to put you through. His torture of the night? Not letting you release. Under any circumstance.
He cooed from below you. His head was nestled in between your thighs that were comfortably placed on top of his shoulders. His skilled tongue traced your swollen clit, his arm wrapped securely around your front to keep your hips hoisted down onto the mattress. His lips closed around the sensitive bud, pulling your hips closer into your pussy as he pushed down onto you with his lips.
He pulls off of you reluctantly, he’d never leave his baby hanging. He hummed, pushing a steady finger into your tight wetness as he raised his eyebrows up at your shivered form. “What’s the matter, darling?” He purrs, his lustrous blues meeting your puppy-dog pupils that filled with tears. It had been an hour now of his tortuous movements, he’d run his tongue along you until you started to shake then would pull away with a painful smirk.
You squirmed from below him, running your hand down to tangle in his hair, rolling a few blonde strands through your trembling fingers. “I need to cum.. please.” You whimper again, your throat scratched up and making your sweet voice sound hoarsed.
He adds a second finger, curling the digits as you fought his strength to try lifting your hips up to melt into his hand. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, little rose.” He tsked. He wasn’t punishing you or even planning to in the near future, he just wanted to hear those noises he replayed over and over in his head during his many lonely nights without his baby angel by his side to play with as he liked.
The question that started to arise from your throat is cut short by a sharped gasp as he effortlessly flips you onto your back, manhandling you skillfully until you were on your hands and knees. He forces you down so your elbows are digging against the mattress, his arm pushing your hips up to meet the thin fabric of his dress pants. The slight sound of his belt unbuckling behind you makes you stiffen, and makes your mouth water against the pillow you rested your head on, drool pooling around your lips. God, he could take a picture of you like this and frame it if you’d let him.
He slides into your heat without warning the second his pants and boxers pool around his knees, bending his body to press a rough kiss to the shell of your ear. Between passionate thrusts, he runs a hand down to your thighs, his finger circling around your clit as he forces the full length of his cock into your slicked hole. He groans into your ear as your walls glue around him, tightening against his every vein the more he picked up the speed of his hips.
As soon as he feels your sweet cunt tighten around him clutching for dear life, he pulls himself out, much to your dismay. He chuckles from behind you, gripping tightly onto your hips as he flipped you back over so your hair splayed across the pillow. He uses his thumbs to rub slow circles into your inner thighs, smirking up at your desperate form. His lips pop into a faux pout causing a whine to slip past your lips. You were already pretty sensitive when it came down to Austin’s size, he knew that, and he loved it. And nothing could stop him from taking advantage of it.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He questions, stuffing two of his fingers into your hole again, his free thumb circling your puffy clit. He had a hutch at what was wrong, he loved you like this.
“I.. I wan’ cum, sir.”
He doesn’t answer, instead slides his fingers out and raises your legs to rest upon his shoulders, rubbing his tip up your slit before allowing himself to sink into you for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. “It’ll be okay. Let daddy take care of you, yeah? I’ll decide when you deserve it.” With that, he starts to thrust into you again just how he knew you liked it. Making sure only his tip remained inside before he slammed into you again, and again, and again.
On cue, you tighten around him, he stops. You thrash your hips below him as he kept his cock buried inside of you, his tip hitting the back of your heat. He brings a gentle hand up to rub heart shaped patterns into your cheek, cooing at the tiny tears that spill out. He drank in the beautiful sight.
“Gon’ make you feel good. D’ya trust me?” He rasps up against the shell of your ear, waiting for the sweet dazed nod of your head before adjusting your position. He sits himself down on the bed against the headboard and slowly sinks himself into your ass. Your head lulls back onto his shoulder as you swallow his cock whole. His hand slides around your neck, massaging your skin.
Once he’s fully inside, he uses the leverage to spread your thighs with your legs resting on either side of his lap. “You’re gonna’ be the death of me.” He growls into your ear as he slides two leisurely fingers into your pussy. Your eyes widen, a gasp slipping your drooled lips at the double penetration. You had only tried anything close to this one time, and needless to say you’re more than happy with the reappearance.
As his fingers begin to move, he says the magic words.
“Cum f’me, darling.”
a/n : OKAY Sam actually finished a piece again? It’s a miracle!! i hope this wasn’t too bad, i don’t feel amazing about it but i hoped at least some of my readers liked it :) kisses.
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spaceoracle · 2 months
My name is Austin. My family is homeless and has been since 2-2-22. My disabled, bed bound, immunocompromised father who is on oxygen 24/7, mom with a very painful disabled leg, cute as can be dog, wonderful and beautiful cat, and myself are in urgent need of support to keep us off the streets and in a motel room. We were evicted from our home after the passing of my aunt. She had a reverse mortgage and the bank took possession. We've been busting our butts to find a place ever since, with no luck finding housing whatsoever. Our daily motel fees eat up all of the money we manage to raise or save up, but crowded shelters are simply not an option because of my dad’s medical conditions. Catching COVID in a congregate shelter with his weak lungs and immunocompromised system would possibly kill him. We have been waiting for another Emergency Housing voucher as we were unable to find a place in the few days we were given to find one when approved previously. We are on countless low income housing waiting lists who have also told us to just wait. We have paid to apply for apartments and are rejected because of our low or non existent credit and low income. We are working with some new resources at the moment and hoping something comes of it. Basically, our issue is this: If we don’t have enough money for motel fees, we will have to sleep in our car which is super difficult for my parents and our pets, not even mentioning myself. There's honestly not enough room in our car for all of us to sit, let alone sleep comfortably. My dad’s oxygen machine needs electricity to run, and spare tanks only last a few hours each. The days are scorching and the nights get cold in California, especially this time of year, and we’re trying our best to stay together as a family and stay sheltered, healthy, and safe, and out of the triple digit summer heat. We would appreciate any donations you could spare to keep our motel room while we attempt to get on our feet during this awful experience. Thanks for your consideration, it means the world to us all. -Austin
The USA Today story featuring my family was published today. Apparently they have a policy that they can't link our fundraiser directly. So please help me spread it here.
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blackleatherjacketz · 4 months
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 7
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Elijah Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just recently moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers, but don't find out who they truly are until it's too late.
This Chapter: Elijah comes to your rescue after you and your brother get attacked.
Warnings: Blood and Gore, Violence, Compulsion, Brushes With Death, Blood Drinking, Kissing, Loving Touches, More Phantom of the Opera References
Word Count: 2.1k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
“Drink.” Elijah orders you, cradling the back of your head as he presses his open wrist against your lips. The hot viscous fluid pours around your mouth as your weakened body slumps against the alleyway, barely able to register what he’s saying, let alone what he’s trying to do.
You manage to squint up at him in response, feeling your heart beating so fast that it nearly rattles your ribcage.
“Please drink, little Lotte, it’ll heal you.” His words are laced with an unmistakable urgency as his breath becomes more erratic, his concern for you more evident than ever. He tilts your head forward again and practically forces your mouth to open against his skin, the salty metallic liquid flooding your taste buds until you have no other choice but to swallow it. “That’s it, take a little bit more.”
Allowing it to fill your mouth completely, you begrudgingly down another bitter gulp as the rest of it spills down onto your chin and chest, mixing with the coagulated blood from the bite on your neck. His morbid cure oozes down your esophagus and settles into the pit of your stomach, allowing his features to slowly come more into focus; his eyes wet with sorrow as he waits for the sanguine solution to work its magic on you. Once a pillar of self control, now a nervous wreck riddled with regret as he strokes your hair, his jaw clenching in anticipation.
The blood he gave you suddenly steadies the deafening sound of your rapid heart rate, the panic quaking its way through your nervous system eventually following suit. It quiets the alarm bells in your head, gradually easing the sharp yet throbbing pain in your neck and the crippling fear that widens your eyes.
Holy shit, he was right. It healed you, somehow. HE healed you.
“Look at me.” He whispers, taking his wrist away before grabbing onto your chin, inspecting your wound as it miraculously seals itself up. “I need to get you off the street, somewhere safe.”
“Is Austin okay?” You try to turn your head to look over at your brother, but Elijah’s grip on your face forces you to keep your eyes only on him.
“I wouldn’t worry about him. Your brother’s going to be just fine, trust me.” He stares into your eyes, stroking your chin with his thumb as he instills that truth into your psyche. “Now let’s get you home.”
“Alright, but...” You keep staring at him, still too shocked to ask him any more specific questions that race through your mind as your body recovers from the attack. “Shouldn’t you be taking me to the hospital? Or the police station? Somewhere, anywhere else?”
He swallows hard and picks you up off the ground without a word, tucking his elbow beneath your knees to carry you like a bride across the threshold. The hot Louisiana air rushes past you in a soothing breeze as you cling to his neck and shoulders, taking in that dark scent of his as it mixes in with the blood splattered across his suit. He continues to carry you through the quarter at lightning speed, blurring past some of your favorite spots until you practically float up the stairs and reach your apartment’s doorstep much quicker than you thought humanly possible.
Only you know now that he’s not human, no matter what he may look like on the outside.
“There’s no need for a hospital.” He turns his head toward you, his lips grazing over your cheek as he lowers your feet onto the ground. “My blood should have healed you completely.”
“Your blood,” you repeat back to him, not stepping away from his embrace as you try to accept the gruesome truth that stains his pristine white shirt a deep burgundy. “Thank you for saving me, but umm…” You look down at his ruined sleeve. “What about you? Your wrist, it was bleeding, wasn’t it? At least, I could have sworn it was.”
“I’ll be fine,” he smiles, almost amused by your concern for his well being. “I promise. One of the perks of being a vampire is that I heal almost instantly, which is why my blood could heal you. Now, let’s get you inside.”
“Right,” you nod, hoping that if you repeat what he said to you in your head a thousand times or so, it might make it easier for you to accept.
You turn and pull your keychain out of your pocket, fumbling through them until you finally find your house key, noticing that your hands and arms are still caked in blood. Trying to compartmentalize the issue, you focus solely on sliding the key into the slot, shakily turning the handle before opening the door to your home away from the monsters that had attacked you. Still holding onto his hand, you attempt to bring him inside until you feel him forcefully tug backward, stopping as if there were some sort of invisible barrier between him and your doorway.
“You have to invite me in.” He states solemnly, as if it’s some piece of common knowledge that you just haven’t been privy to until now.
Right. Blood, healing, vampires, invitations. This is all becoming a little too real, no matter how excited your inner thirteen year-old self is right now.
“Please come in, Elijah,” you say out loud.
And just like that, the invisible barrier between you disappears as he walks into your apartment, still holding onto your hand.
“So who were those guys, anyways? Part of some rival vampire gang?” You run a washcloth under the kitchen sink as you try to collect yourself, to make sense of everything that’s happened tonight as the water slowly begins to heat up. You take your time wringing it out as you wait for him to answer until you suddenly feel him behind you, his chest gently pressing against your shoulder blades as he whispers into your hair.
“Something like that, but they won’t ever harm you again.” His bloody hands graze over your arms, encasing your hands as the water falls down your knuckles, saturating the dried blood before he smears it away, sending a wave of warmth up your spine. “Here, allow me.”
His stern tone wavers a little as he takes the cloth from you, his hands nearly dwarfing yours as he begins to rub your skin in slow circular motions until it’s no longer stained that shade of muddy red. You can’t be sure whose blood covers more of the cloth now as he squeezes it out before starting again on your other arm, both of you watching it disappear down the drain.
Once your arms are clean, he takes your hand and turns you around toward him as if the two of you were back on the dance floor of that bar, watching you with a desire that has a whole new meaning to it now that you know the truth about what he is. His eyes seem to darken, but don’t burn that infernal red like the man who’d bitten you earlier tonight, instead only warming you from the inside out as they quietly take in the sight of your face and neck.
Oh no, your neck!
“Are you okay with this? You’re not tempted to… bite me, or anything, are you?” You refuse to relinquish the washcloth he tries to tug away from you as your thoughts of caution come a little too late. You realize now that you’ve let your romantic ease with him override your new knowledge of his potential for violence, putting you both in a compromising position as the space between you closes.
“If I wanted to drink from you, I would have done so already.” He states in that firm, cold tone that you secretly love as he pulls the cloth from your fingers. “But I’ve already fed tonight, and my interest in you lies elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere?” You smile, unable to stop the twinkle in your eye as his words make you feel a little bit safer. You assume that he wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to save your life if he wanted to take it the very second you invited him in, but you had to ask, just to be sure.
“To answer your question, those men are part of the underbelly of New Orleans, part of a world that the city likes to cover up with extravagant tourism and ghost tours.” He explains, wiping the bulk of the clotted blood off your neck as his other hand keeps your shoulder steady. “For centuries now, it’s been the reason that so many souls flock to the quarter, to experience the magic and danger of it, all while blaming it on the spirits inside the bottles that they drink.” He wets the cloth again, wringing it out one-handed before bringing it up to your chin, a small smirk crossing his lips at the image of your mouth drenched in blood. His blood. “But then people like you often get caught in the crosshairs, and that’s not what I ever wanted for you.”
“What you ‘wanted for me’?” Your brows knit together as you try to make sense of it all, wanting a bit more clarity than his stoic generalizations are giving you. Was he involved with Klaus, or this… Marcel Gerard that the other man had mentioned before? Or was he simply just in the right place at the right time for him to save you?
Elijah purses his lips together and washes behind your ear, the warmth of the washcloth soothing your previously broken skin as he holds you close, making you forget the rest of your prying questions for the moment. You close your eyes and let him clean you, getting lost in the pleasant feeling of the fabric washing away the horrors of the night and the sensation of his hands on your body.
You can’t help but think back to the other night when you were covered in paint with Klaus in his studio, and now you’re here covered in blood with Elijah. Both of these men are caught up in something much more maudlin than you can even begin to grasp. You get the feeling that choosing either of them would put you in a highly dangerous position, but Elijah had just saved you, no questions asked, while Klaus seemed intent on corrupting you to the core. The images of the Emperor and the King of Swords come up in the forefront of your mind before you open your eyes to take in his handsome features by the light of the moon shining in through your kitchen window.
“It was naïve of me to think that I could have you and not get you caught up in my mess.” His hand switches from squeezing your shoulder to cupping your cheek, having wiped all of the blood off of your skin. “I warned you that the phantom kills despite Christine, not just for her. What I forgot to do was remind myself of that fact. I wanted to be your Raoul, Little Lotte, but…”
“But what? You can’t see me anymore just because you’re a vampire?” Goddamnit, you’d just decided to stop seeing Klaus, and now Elijah’s backing out, too? You can barely wrap your head around dealing with the loss of one, let alone both of them at the same time. “I don’t want Raoul, Elijah, it’s never been that for me, okay? I want Erik, The Phantom, I want you!”
A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “You know not what you ask, but if that’s true I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of them, make sure that you’re protected. You have my word.”
“Take care of who, exactly?” You raise your eyebrows at him, hating not knowing the whole story, especially when it’s putting your life at risk. You understand that it takes time to open up to people about certain details of your life, but you’re way past all that now.
Elijah sighs and weaves his fingers into your hair, pulling on it just hard enough to make you look at him again. “Those men that attacked you were random criminals looking for a bite to eat, nothing more. They weren’t connected to any other vampire. In fact, you don’t even remember what they said to you or your brother. All that you can remember is that you were bitten, and that I saved you.”
“Right, you saved me.” You repeat back to him numbly, a docile smile spreading across your face.
“You won’t go out into the quarter after midnight again unless I’m with you, is that understood?” That ice cold timbre returns, quickly chilling you to the bone as he delivers his last hypnotic order of the night.
“I understand.” You nod into a kiss on your forehead as he drops the blood-soaked washcloth into the sink, wrapping his arms around you in a tight yet affectionate embrace.
“Good, now let’s get you out of these clothes.”
Tags: @hcqwxrtss123 @hayleym1234 @derangedangel
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lila-lou · 1 month
✨His true fate - Part 19/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Teasing, Language, age gap, flirting, fluff
Word Count: 7937
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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The next morning was rough for both of you. The soreness from the previous night’s activities made every movement a challenge. You both had barely slept four hours, and it felt like your bodies were protesting every action.
Jensen groaned as he rolled over in bed, his muscles aching from the intensity of the night before. Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom, trying to pee and wincing at the throbbing pain between your legs. It felt like a dull, persistent ache, a reminder of the passion and intensity you had shared.
Jensen’s voice called out from the bedroom, tinged with concern. “Are you okay in there?”.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself against the discomfort. “Yeah, just… sore”, you replied, your voice strained.
He managed to sit up, wincing at the soreness in his own muscles. “I think we’re both feeling the aftermath”, he said with a wry smile as he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom door. He knocked gently. “Do you need anything? Maybe some painkillers?”.
You grumbled tiredly, “I don’t think painkillers will help much”.
Jensen listened to the sound of water running as you washed your hands, then stepped slowly into the bathroom. You were wearing nothing but his sweatshirt from yesterday, which barely covered your ass. The sight of you, even in your discomfort, brought a tender smile to his face.
He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You look cute in my sweatshirt”, he murmured, his voice soft and filled with affection.
You managed a small smile, despite the soreness. “Thanks. I just grabbed the first thing I found”.
"I feel like shit”, Jensen chuckled softly, his hand rubbing your back gently.
You sighed, leaning into his comforting touch. Despite the soreness and discomfort, being close to Jensen made you feel a little better. You hugged him tightly, your face resting against his warm, naked chest. “I feel like shit too”, you mumbled, your words slightly muffled against his skin.
Jensen’s chuckle vibrated through his chest. “Well, at least we’re in this together”, he said, his tone light and affectionate.
You nodded, appreciating his effort to lighten the mood. “Yeah, misery loves company, right?”.
Jensen chuckled softly again, before leaning down to kiss you tenderly. His lips brushed against yours with a warmth that momentarily made you forget the soreness. “Alright, let’s get ready for the convention”, he said, pulling back and giving you a reassuring smile.
You nodded, feeling a bit more energized by his affection. “Yeah”, you replied, mustering a small but determined smile.
Despite the lingering soreness, you moved through your morning routine with a sense of shared resolve. The warmth of the shower helped ease some of the tension in your muscles, and Jensen’s playful commentary and jokes lightened the mood.
As you both finished getting dressed and ready for the day, Jensen walked over and gave you one last kiss. His lips lingered on yours, filled with warmth and reassurance. As he pulled back, he looked into your eyes with a mixture of affection and determination.
“Today won’t be as bad as yesterday”, he encouraged, his voice steady and confident. “And no matter what happens, no matter what they ask me on stage, just remember this: I’m completely sore because I couldn’t stop fucking you over and over again. You’re the only one I’ll ever be balls deep inside of”.
You felt a rush of warmth at his words, the confidence and affection in his eyes giving you the strength to face the day. You managed a small, genuine smile, feeling the weight of his love and commitment.
“Thank you”, you giggled. “I needed that”.
Later that day, you waited patiently until Jensen’s panel was finally set to start. The excitement and anticipation in the room were palpable.
As soon as they walked out, the crowd erupted in cheers. Jensen’s eyes immediately found yours, a tired but affectionate smile tugging at his lips. You couldn’t help but notice how exhausted he looked, his walk slightly off-kilter, much like yours. It was clear that neither of you were used to the kind of marathon you had experienced the night before.
Jared, ever the energetic presence, greeted the crowd with his usual enthusiasm, but even he cast a few concerned glances at Jensen.
“Hey everyone!”, Jared called out, his voice booming through the speakers. The crowd’s cheers grew even louder, the energy in the room electric.
As the panel progressed, fans began to line up at the microphones to ask their questions. The first few were standard fare—questions about favorite scenes, behind-the-scenes pranks, and their experiences on set.
Then, a fan with a bright smile and an unmistakable Texan accent stepped up to the microphone. “Hi Jensen, hi Jared! My question is for Jensen. How does it feel being back in Austin after moving to Connecticut? Do you miss it here?”.
Jensen’s tired eyes lit up with a mix of nostalgia and warmth. He leaned into the microphone, his voice steady but softer than usual. “Hey there. It’s always great to be back in Austin. This city has a special place in my heart—it’s where I met some of my best friends, and it’s filled with so many great memories. Moving to Connecticut was a big change, but Austin will always feel like home to me”.
The fan nodded appreciatively. “Do you miss anything specific about Austin?”.
Jensen chuckled, glancing briefly at Jared who was listening intently. “I miss the food, for sure. There’s nothing quite like Tex-Mex in Austin. And of course, the live music scene here is incredible. But most of all, I miss the people. The community here is just amazing”.
Jared nudged Jensen playfully. “And what about me? Do you miss me?”.
The crowd laughed, and Jensen shook his head with a smile. “How could I not miss you, Padalecki? You’re like a big, annoying brother. It’s not the same without you”.
The fan beamed, clearly thrilled with the response. “Thanks, Jensen. We’re glad to have you back, even if it’s just for a visit”.
Jensen smiled warmly. “Thanks. I’m glad to be back”.
As the questions continued, you could see Jensen’s energy start to wane slightly, but he kept up his warm and engaging demeanor. His eyes would occasionally find yours in the crowd, and each time, it gave him a visible boost. After a while you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation of the girls sitting next to you. They were gushing about Jensen, talking about how good he looked today and how he always seemed so considerate about his appearance.
“He’s just always so put together”, one of them said with a dreamy sigh. “Danneel is one lucky lady to have him as a husband”.
Instead of feeling jealous or upset, you chose to focus back on Jensen on stage. You watched as he interacted with the fans, his smile genuine despite his visible exhaustion. The love and admiration the fans had for him were palpable, and it filled you with pride rather than envy.
You knew the truth of your relationship with Jensen, the moments you shared that no one else could see. His whispered confessions, the way he looked at you with eyes full of affection, the warmth of his touch—these were things that were yours alone.
Jensen’s eyes found yours again, and his smile grew softer, more intimate. It was a look meant just for you, a silent acknowledgment of your connection. It reassured you and made your heart swell with love.
It wasn’t until the panel finished that you heard the announcement that the photos from the previous day were ready. The excitement in the room grew as fans eagerly headed to collect their pictures. You made your way over to the designated area, eager to see the photo of you and Jensen.
As you walked into the room where the photos were displayed, you scanned the tables, searching for yours. The room was filled with fans, each one excitedly picking up their memories from the day before. You finally spotted your picture among the neatly arranged rows and picked it up with a smile.
The photo captured a beautiful moment between you and Jensen. His arm was around you, holding you close, and both of you were smiling at the camera. The chemistry and connection between you were undeniable, even in the still image. You couldn’t help but feel a rush of warmth and affection as you looked at it.
As you stood there, admiring the photo, your phone buzzed with a text. You pulled it out to see a message from Jensen.
Jensen: Did you get the photo of us yet?.
You smiled, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. You quickly typed back a response.
You: Yes, just picked it up.
A few moments later, your phone buzzed again with his reply.
Jensen: Can’t wait to see it. Bet you look amazing.
You felt your cheeks flush with warmth at Jensen’s words. It was the first photo of you together, and the significance of that made it even more special. You quickly typed back a response.
You: You look pretty cute too.
With the photo safely tucked away, you spent the rest of the day attending various panels and taking snack breaks in between. Every now and then, your phone buzzed with messages from Jensen, keeping the connection between you alive even when you were apart.
Jensen: Cute? Really? I’m 46, don’t call me cute.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You: Sorry, my mistake. Handsome and charming, then?.
Jensen: Much better. But don’t think I’ll forget this. You’ll pay for calling me cute.
You felt a flutter in your chest, a mix of anticipation and affection. His teasing always made your heart race a little faster.
You: I look forward to it.
As the day progressed, you continued to enjoy the convention, attending panels and soaking in the excitement of the event. Jensen’s occasional texts kept you smiling, a constant reminder of your connection.
By the time the convention ended, you were pretty spend and ready to head home.
Tonight was your last evening together before he had to head back to set, and you were determined to make the most of it. When you arrived home, you decided to keep things simple and intimate. You ordered takeout from your favorite restaurant, opting for a cozy night.
After a refreshing shower, you felt much more relaxed. You slipped into something comfortable and waited for Jensen in the living room.
Eventually, the doorbell rang, and you quickly went to open it. Jensen stood there, looking majorly spent. The exhaustion from being up almost all night and the long day at the convention was evident in his eyes.
“Hey”, you greeted softly, taking in his tired appearance.
“Hey”, he replied with a weary smile. He stepped inside and you closed the door behind him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. “I missed you”.
“I missed you too”, you murmured, holding him close. “You look exhausted”.
Jensen chuckled softly. “Yeah, I think the adrenaline from the convention finally wore off”.
You gently brushed your fingers through his hair, holding him close. “How about you take a shower?”, you suggested softly. “I ordered food already”.
Jensen sighed contentedly, leaning into your touch. “That sounds perfect”, he replied, his voice a low murmur.
You guided him towards the bathroom, giving him a gentle nudge towards the shower. “I’ll get everything ready out here. Take your time”.
He gave you a grateful smile before disappearing into the bathroom. You could hear the sound of the shower running as you looked for a movie.
The doorbell rang again, signaling the arrival of your takeout. You quickly grabbed the food and set it out on the coffee table, the delicious aroma filling the room.
A few minutes later, Jensen emerged from the bathroom, looking more refreshed but still tired. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, his hair damp from the shower.
You smiled, feeling a warm sense of contentment as you gestured for Jensen to sit down. “Come on, let’s eat before it gets cold”.
He sank onto the couch, pulling you down with him so that you were snuggled against his side. The comfort of his presence made everything feel right. You handed him his pizza, and he accepted it with a grateful smile.
“Thanks”, he murmured, taking a bite and letting out a satisfied hum. “This is perfect”.
You picked up your own slice, starting the movie you’d chosen earlier. The cozy atmosphere and the delicious food created a perfect backdrop for the evening. As the movie played, Jensen’s arm remained wrapped around you, holding you close.
Despite the exhaustion, you both managed to enjoy the film, sharing quiet comments and occasional laughter. The warmth of the blankets and the soft glow of the screen made the world outside feel distant and unimportant.
Jensen’s fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on your arm, a comforting and intimate gesture that made you feel even closer to him. As the movie continued, you could feel the tension of the day slowly melting away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.
Halfway through the movie, Jensen shifted slightly, pulling you even closer. You looked up at him, noticing his eyes falling shut from time to time. You couldn’t help but smile, feeling a mix of affection and playfulness bubbling up inside you.
“Hey, old man”, you teased gently, nudging him with your elbow. “Falling asleep already?”.
Jensen chuckled softly, his eyes opening halfway to look at you. “I told you to stop with the old man jokes”, he protested, a tired but amused smile on his face.
“I know, but it’s just too easy”, you replied with a grin. “Remember, this is our last night together for three weeks. Don’t fall asleep on me now”.
Jensen’s smile grew warmer, a hint of sadness creeping into his eyes. “I know”.
Determined to lighten the mood, you sat up and shifted, straddling his lap. You placed your hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes with a playful grin. “Come on, tell me about all the girls that crushed on you today”.
Jensen laughed, the sound rumbling pleasantly in his chest. “Oh, you know, the usual”, he teased, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Lots of screaming, some marriage proposals, a few ‘I love yous’…”.
You rolled your eyes dramatically. “Poor you, all those adoring fans. How do you cope?”.
He chuckled again, his hands gently caressing your sides. “It’s tough, but I manage. Besides, I have the best girl waiting for me. That makes it all worth it”.
You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Good answer”, you murmured against his mouth, feeling the warmth of his breath.
Jensen deepened the kiss, his hands moving up to cradle your face. The kiss was tender and full of unspoken emotions, a reminder of the connection you both cherished. When you finally pulled back, you rested your forehead against his, savoring the closeness.
“I’m going to miss this”, you admitted softly, your fingers tracing patterns on his shoulders.
“Me too”, he replied, his voice equally soft.
You bit your lip and mumbled, “Promise me, this time you’ll call more often”, as you slowly slipped your hands under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin.
Jensen nodded, his eyes sincere. “I promise”, he said, his voice firm with conviction. “I’ll call you every chance I get”.
You smiled, reassured by his words. Your fingers traced the contours of his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your touch. “Good”, you whispered, leaning in to kiss him again, this time with more urgency.
Jensen responded immediately, his hands sliding down to grip your hips, pulling you closer. The kiss deepened, filled with a mix of longing and love, a desire to make the most of the time you had left together.
As your hands explored his chest, you felt his muscles tense under your touch. Jensen’s fingers dug into your hips, his touch growing more insistent. “I don’t know how I’m going to handle being away from you for three weeks”, he murmured against your lips, his breath warm and ragged.
“We’ll make it through”, you whispered back, your voice filled with determination. “And we’ll make up for all the lost time”.
“I can’t wait”, he said, his voice thick with emotion. He kissed you again.
Quickly, you pulled his shirt over his head, grinning at the sight of his broad chest. Jensen chuckled softly and took a moment to appreciate your touch.
“You know”, he murmured, his eyes locking onto yours with an intense gaze, “you’re going to make it really hard for me to leave”.
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. “That’s the plan”, you teased, your fingers trailing down his chest, feeling the defined lines of his muscles.
Jensen’s hands moved up your sides, slipping under your shirt and gently pulling it over your head. He tossed it aside, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin with a mix of admiration and desire. “You’re so beautiful”, he whispered.
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. The urgency between you grew, every touch, every kiss filled with the unspoken promise of your love and connection. You could feel the heat rising between you, the need to be as close as possible driving your movements.
Jensen’s hands moved to the waistband of your pants, his fingers deftly undoing them and slipping them off. You followed suit, quickly discarding the rest of his clothes until you were both bare, skin to skin.
He pulled you back into his lap, his hands gripping your hips with a firm yet gentle touch. As you straddled him, your bodies pressed together, the heat between you was palpable. Jensen’s eyes never left yours.
Slowly, he guided you, his fingers tightening slightly on your hips as he positioned you just right. You could feel the tip of his dick pressing against you, the anticipation building. Jensen’s breath was warm against your skin as he whispered, “Take your time. We’ve got all night”.
You nodded, your fingers digging into his shoulders for support as you began to lower yourself onto him. The sensation was intense, a mix of pleasure and a slight stretch as he entered you. You moved slowly, letting your body adjust to the feeling, every inch bringing a new wave of sensation.
Jensen’s hands continued to guide you, his touch both reassuring and encouraging. He groaned softly, his eyes half-closed as he savored the feeling of being inside you.
As you fully lowered yourself onto him, you both paused for a moment, savoring the closeness and the connection. The feeling of him deep inside you was overwhelming.
Gently, you began to move, finding a slow and steady rhythm. The initial discomfort started to give way to a building pleasure.
“You feel so good”, Jensen murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine.
“So do you”, you whispered, your voice breathless with emotion. The feeling of him inside you, combined with the intimate connection between you, was overwhelming in the best possible way.
As you continued to move, the pleasure began to build, each thrust and roll of your hips bringing you closer together. Jensen’s hands roamed over your back, his fingers traced the curve of your spine, the softness of your sides, and the firmness of your hips, heightening your arousal.
Jensen’s breathing grew heavier. “Fuck, you’re so tight”, he groaned, his voice thick with need. His head fell against your chest, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke.
You gently held him by his hair, keeping him close against your chest, your fingers threading through the strands. You moved your hips slowly and sensually, creating a rhythm that was both deliberate and deeply intimate.
Jensen’s hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your flesh as he tried to maintain control. “You’re killing me", he murmured against your skin, his voice a strained whisper.
You smiled softly. “Good”, you whispered back, your voice filled with a mix of affection and desire. “I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel”.
Jensen responded by kissing your chest, his lips warm and soft against your skin. “You do”, he murmured, his voice reverent. “Every single time”.
You continued to move slowly, the sensation of him deep inside you sending waves of pleasure through your body. The closeness, the intimacy of the moment, made everything more intense, more profound. You could feel every inch of him, the connection between you both physical and emotional.
“Look at me”, Jensen whispered, his voice filled with need.
You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. His eyes were filled with love and desire, and it took your breath away.
“I love you”, he whispered, his voice breaking slightly with emotion.
“I love you too”, you replied, your own voice trembling.
With that, both of your hearts clenched, a deep wave of emotion washing over you.
Jensen gently turned you so that he was on top, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. The change in position brought a new level of intensity, his body pressing down against yours as he began to move.
His thrusts were slow and deliberate, each one sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. He pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes locking onto yours with a fierce, almost desperate intensity. His breath was ragged, mingling with yours in the intimate space between you.
He looked down briefly, watching the way he entered you, the sight clearly intensifying his arousal.
You moaned softly, your hands gripping his shoulders, your nails digging in slightly as you tried to ground yourself in the overwhelming sensations. “Jensen… please”, you whispered, your voice a breathy plea.
He responded by deepening his thrusts, his movements still controlled but more insistent. Each push brought you closer to the edge, the pleasure building steadily within you. His lips found yours again, capturing them in a kiss that was both tender and filled with a fiery passion.
“You’re perfect”, he whispered, his voice strained with emotion and desire.
You gasped, your body arching up to meet his, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. “Jensen, I’m so close”, you managed to say, your voice trembling.
“I know, baby”, he murmured, his breath hot against your lips. “I’m right there with you”.
His hand moved down between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in perfect rhythm with his thrusts. The additional stimulation pushed you over the edge, your orgasm crashing through you like a tidal wave. Your body tightened around him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you cried out his name.
Jensen groaned deeply, the sensation of you clenching around him driving him to his own release. He buried himself deep inside you, his movements becoming erratic as he found his climax, his moan mingling with your cries of pleasure.
He held you tightly as the waves of pleasure subsided, his body trembling with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
As you both slowly came down from your high, Jensen carefully rolled to the side, instantly reaching for a tissue to hand to you. You took it with a grateful smile, gently cleaning up the mess he made. Before you could do much more, Jensen swept you up in his arms, cradling you close as he carried you toward the bathroom.
“Always taking care of me”, you teased softly, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest.
He chuckled, a warm, affectionate sound. “Of course. I can’t let my girl do all the work”.
Jensen placed you gently on the bathroom counter, his touch tender. He turned to start the water for the bathtub, adjusting the temperature to make sure it was just right. The room filled with the soothing sound of running water, the steam beginning to rise.
“My girl, huh?”, you asked softly, your cheeks flushing with warmth.
Jensen’s own cheeks turned a light shade of pink, matching yours. He smiled, a bit sheepishly but with a glint of affection in his eyes. “Yeah”, he admitted, his voice sincere. “My girl”. He stepped back in front of you.
Your heart swelled with happiness, the simple phrase filling you with a sense of belonging. “I like the sound of that”, you whispered, your fingers tracing the line of his jaw.
Jensen’s smile grew, his eyes reflecting the same joy and contentment you felt. “Me too”, he replied, leaning in to kiss you again, this time with more passion and tenderness.
The kiss deepened, a blend of love and desire, as if you were both trying to convey the depth of your feelings for each other. His hands moved to your waist, holding you close as you wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him nearer.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, but the contentment in your eyes mirrored each other’s. The bathwater was ready, and Jensen helped you down from the counter, guiding you to the tub.
The heat enveloped your body, easing the lingering soreness and providing instant relaxation. Jensen climbed in after you, settling in behind you so that you could lean back against his chest.
You leaned back, resting your head against his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. The sensation of his skin against yours was comforting, a reminder of the deep connection you shared. Jensen’s hands moved slowly, caressing your arms and shoulders with a tender touch, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on your skin.
The steam from the water created a cozy, almost ethereal atmosphere, the room filled with the soft sound of your breathing and the gentle splashing of the water. You could feel Jensen’s breath against your ear, each exhale warm and soothing. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, his lips lingering for a moment as he savored the closeness.
“How does that feel?”, he asked quietly, his voice a soothing murmur.
“Perfect”, you whispered back, turning your head slightly to meet his eyes. The tenderness in his gaze made you feel cherished and loved.
Jensen’s hands continued their slow, gentle movements, massaging the tension from your shoulders and neck. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully relax into his touch. Each caress was a silent affirmation of his love, a wordless promise of the bond you shared.
As you lay there, enveloped in the warmth of the water and the security of Jensen’s embrace, time seemed to slow down.
Jensen’s hands moved with slow, deliberate care, brushing over your arms and shoulders before gradually making their way to your chest. His fingers traced light, teasing patterns across your skin, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
His hands gently cupped your breasts, the warmth of his palms a stark contrast to the cool air. He held them tenderly, as if they were delicate treasures to be cherished. His thumbs began to move in slow, circular motions, brushing over your hardening nipples. The sensation was electrifying, sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
You gasped softly, the sound barely more than a whisper, and leaned further into his embrace. Jensen’s breath was warm against your ear as he whispered, “You’re so beautiful”.
The sincerity in his voice made your heart swell with love and gratitude. You reached up, your hand finding his, intertwining your fingers with his in a silent gesture of connection. The slow, sensual rhythm of his touch continued, each movement a tender exploration of your body.
The water lapped gently around you, the heat relaxing your muscles and amplifying the sensations. Jensen’s thumbs continued their gentle caresses. Your nipples hardened further under his touch, the sensitive buds responding eagerly to his ministrations.
You could feel the rising tide of desire within you, a deep, aching need for more of his touch. “Jensen”, you whispered.
He responded by pressing a series of soft kisses along your neck, his lips trailing down to your shoulder. “I’m here”, he murmured.
His hands never left your breasts, continuing their slow, sensual exploration. The pressure of his thumbs increased slightly, adding a new layer of intensity to the pleasure. Your breathing grew heavier, each inhale and exhale a testament to the growing desire between you.
As one of his hands lingered on your breast, his thumb brushing over your nipple with a rhythmic, tender caress, the other hand began to travel downward. It moved with a slow, purposeful grace, trailing down your side and across your stomach. The light touch of his fingers on your skin sent shivers of anticipation and pleasure coursing through you.
You felt a growing ache of desire as his hand continued its journey, moving lower until it brushed gently against your inner thigh. Jensen’s breath was warm against your ear, his voice a soft whisper of affection and need. “Tell me what you want”, he murmured, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of your neck.
Your breath hitched, your voice trembling slightly as you responded. “I want you, Jensen. I want to feel you”.
His fingers traced gentle patterns on your thigh, moving closer to your core with each pass. The anticipation built within you, your body responding eagerly to his touch.
Jensen’s fingers brushed softly against your most sensitive spot, the light touch sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
“Like this?”, he asked, his voice a low murmur filled with affection and desire.
You gasped softly, your body responding to his touch with a shiver of anticipation. “Yes”, you whispered, your voice breathless with need. “Just like that”.
Jensen’s fingers began to explore more intently, his touch both gentle and insistent. He circled your clit with a delicate, teasing motion.
His other hand continued to caress your breast. The dual sensations were overwhelming, each touch heightening the pleasure and deepening the connection between you.
“Do you like that?”, Jensen whispered, his breath warm against your ear. “Does that feel good?”.
You moaned softly in response, your body arching slightly as the pleasure built within you. “Yes, it feels amazing”, you managed to say, your voice trembling with emotion.
Jensen’s breath came in soft, ragged gasps against your ear, his own arousal evident in his touch. He carefully parted your folds, his fingers seeking out the most sensitive parts of you with a deliberate and tender touch.
“You feel so good, baby”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “So wet and ready for me”.
You whimpered softly, your body responding to his words as much as his touch. “Jensen, please”, you gasped, the need in your voice clear.
He smiled against your neck, his fingers continuing their slow, teasing exploration. “Please what, sweetheart?”, he asked, his voice a low, seductive whisper. “Tell me what you want”.
“More”, you breathed, your hips arching towards his hand. “I need more”.
Jensen’s fingers moved with more purpose, his touch both firm and gentle as he began to focus on your clit.
“Is this what you want?”, he asked, his voice filled with affectionate teasing. “Do you like it when I touch you like this?”.
“Yes”, you moaned, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations. “Don’t stop”.
Jensen’s arousal grew more pronounced beneath you, the hardness of his dick pressing against your lower back, adding a layer of urgency to his touch.
“Do you feel that?”, Jensen whispered against your ear. “How hard you make me?”.
You whimpered in response, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations he was creating. The heat between you was palpable, every touch igniting a deeper flame of desire.
“Move, Sweetheart”, he instructed gently, his hands guiding your hips. “I want to be inside you”.
With a mixture of anticipation and eagerness, you moved your hips, adjusting your position to align yourself with him. The warmth of the water and the intimacy of the moment heightened your senses, making every movement feel more intense.
Jensen’s hand moved to your thigh, lifting it slightly to create a better angle. “Just like that”, he murmured, his voice filled with both encouragement and desire. “Perfect”.
You felt the tip of his dick pressing against your entrance, and your body responded with a shiver of anticipation. Slowly, he began to push forward, his fingers still working your clit, amplifying the pleasure.
Jensen groaned deeply as he pressed into you, the sensation overwhelming both of you. “Just… stay like this”, he murmured, his voice thick with need and emotion. He didn’t move, and he didn’t want you to move either. He just wanted to feel the intimate connection of his hard length inside you, savoring the closeness and the warmth of your bodies pressed together.
The stillness between you was electrifying, every breath and heartbeat shared in perfect sync. You could feel his length pulsing inside you, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through your body. His fingers continued to tease your clit gently, adding to the intensity of the moment.
You moaned softly, the pleasure building slowly and deeply within you. Jensen’s other hand remained on your breast, his thumb brushing over your nipple with a slow, deliberate rhythm. The combination of sensations was almost too much to bear, but you held still, reveling in the profound connection between you.
“I could stay like this forever”.
You nodded, unable to find words to express the depth of your feelings. The intimacy of the moment was beyond anything you’d experienced, a perfect blend of physical and emotional connection.
As the pleasure continued to build, Jensen’s fingers on your clit increased their pace slightly, his touch becoming more insistent. You could feel the tension coiling within you, the anticipation of release growing stronger with each passing moment.
“Are you close?”, Jensen asked, his voice a strained whisper.
“Yes”, you gasped, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations.
“Let go for me”, he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of command and tenderness. “I want to feel you come”.
With a final, deliberate stroke of his fingers, you felt the tension snap, the pleasure exploding within you. Your body convulsed around him, your release powerful and all-consuming. Jensen groaned deeply, the sensation of you tightening around him pushing him over the edge as well.
Jensen held you tightly, his own release shuddering through him as he buried his face in the back of your neck. The intensity of your shared climaxes left you both trembling, your bodies pressed close together in a moment of pure, unfiltered intimacy. The warmth of his breath against your skin and the soft kisses he peppered along your neck sent shivers down your spine.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your sides and tracing the curves of your hips. The gentle, loving touch was a stark contrast to the intense passion you had just shared, grounding you in the moment and filling you with a deep sense of contentment.
After a while, the comfortable silence between you two was broken by the soft sound of your voice. You hesitated to look at him, feeling vulnerable. Lying on your stomach on top of him, you traced your fingers softly over his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his skin and the gentle rise and fall of his breaths. Your fingers played with the few shorter hairs there, a nervous gesture to distract yourself.
“You mean what you said earlier?”, you asked quietly, your cheeks flushing with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. You were referring to the “I love you” he had whispered during your intimate moment.
Jensen tensed slightly underneath you, the words replaying in his mind. Of course he meant it—he loved you deeply. But he hadn’t intended to say it out loud, not yet. The timing felt too soon, and he didn’t want to rush things or put pressure on you. Yet, the moment had felt so natural, so right, that the words had slipped out before he could stop them.
Jensen hesitated, his breath catching slightly as he processed your question. He could feel your fingers trembling slightly against his chest, and it broke his heart to think you might be uncertain about his feelings.
His hands, which had been resting gently on your back, moved to cradle your face. He lifted your chin slightly, guiding your gaze to meet his. The vulnerability and sincerity in your eyes mirrored his own emotions, and he knew he had to be completely honest with you.
“Yes”, he said softly, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “I meant it. I love you. I know it might feel soon, but I’ve been feeling this way for a while now. I just… I didn’t plan to say it yet. I didn’t want to pressure you or make you feel rushed”.
Your eyes widened slightly, and a soft blush spread across your cheeks. The sincerity in his words and the warmth in his gaze made your heart flutter.
Jensen's confession hung in the air, charged with raw emotion. Your heart raced, and before you could fully process his words, Jensen leaned in, closing the distance between you. His lips met yours with a tenderness that took your breath away.
The kiss started softly, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, tentative caress. You could feel the warmth of his breath mingling with yours, each exhale a silent promise of his love. The world seemed to narrow to just the two of you, the sensation of his mouth on yours filling your senses.
Jensen's hands cradled your face, his thumbs brushing softly against your cheeks. You responded to his kiss, your lips parting slightly to deepen the connection. The kiss grew more passionate, yet still tender, as if he was pouring all his unspoken emotions into that single act.
His tongue traced the seam of your lips, seeking entry, and you granted it willingly. The gentle exploration sent shivers down your spine, a slow burn of desire building within you. Your hands moved to his shoulders, fingers curling into the warmth of his skin, pulling him closer.
Jensen's kiss was unhurried, each movement deliberate and filled with meaning. It was as if he wanted to savor every second, to make sure you felt the depth of his feelings with every touch. The rhythm of the kiss was slow and sensuous, a dance of lips and tongues that spoke of the connection between you.
As the kiss deepened, you felt a swell of emotions—love, longing, and a sense of rightness that wrapped around you like a warm blanket. Jensen's hands moved from your face to your back, pulling you even closer until there was no space left between your bodies.
The softness of his lips against yours, the warmth of his body, and the steady beat of his heart under your fingertips created a symphony of sensations that left you breathless. You poured your own feelings into the kiss, letting him know without words how much he meant to you.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing heavily, foreheads pressed together. The air was thick with emotion, the unspoken words hanging between you. Jensen's eyes searched yours, a mixture of love and vulnerability shining in their depths.
"I love you", he whispered again, the words a soft caress against your lips.
"I love you", you replied, your voice barely more than a breath.
Eventually, as the warmth of the water started to fade, you both became aware of the chill creeping in. Jensen was the first to notice, pressing a kiss to your forehead before gently breaking the embrace.
“I think it’s time we get out before we both turn into ice cubes”, he said with a soft chuckle, the affection in his eyes still burning brightly.
You nodded, your body still humming. Reluctantly, you shifted off him and stood up, the cool air hitting your damp skin and sending a shiver down your spine.
Jensen followed, stepping out of the tub and reaching for the fluffy towels hanging nearby. He wrapped one around you first.
As Jensen finished wrapping the towel around you, his touch lingering for a moment, you couldn’t help but mumble a soft “Thanks”, your cheeks flushing with warmth. The tenderness of the moment, combined with the vulnerability of the intimacy you’d just shared, made you feel a bit shy.
Jensen noticed your blush and couldn’t resist teasing you. “Are you blushing?”, he asked with a playful smirk. “After everything we just did?”.
You looked away, your blush deepening, which only made him chuckle. He then wrapped a towel around his waist, the fabric hanging low enough to reveal his defined v-line. Your eyes were inevitably drawn to it, and Jensen caught you staring.
Jensen noticed your eyes lingering on his v-line and couldn’t resist teasing you further. “See something you like?”, he asked with a mischievous grin, his voice filled with playful amusement.
You rolled your eyes, trying to hide your embarrassment but failing miserably. “Maybe”, you replied, your voice tinged with both shyness and defiance.
He stepped closer, the proximity making your heart race. “Just maybe?”, he teased, his fingers gently tracing the line of your jaw. “I’m starting to think you’re not telling me the whole truth”.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly. “Okay, fine”, you admitted, looking up into his eyes. “I like it. A lot".
Jensen’s grin widened, his eyes twinkling with delight. “That’s better”, he said, leaning in to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. “I like hearing that”.
“You’re so full of yourself”, you mumbled shyly, trying to hide your flustered reaction.
Jensen chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving yours. “Maybe”, he said with a playful glint in his eye. “But I think you like that about me”.
You couldn’t help but smile, his confidence and charm always having this effect on you. “Maybe I do”, you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jensen’s grin widened, clearly enjoying your reaction. “And you know what else you like?”, he teased, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You raised an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued. “What’s that?”.
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, seductive murmur. “You like being full of me”.
“Jensen!”, you squeaked, your cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. His boldness caught you off guard, making you feel a rush of shyness and excitement.
Jensen laughed softly, the sound warm and affectionate. “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed”, he said, his fingers continuing to caress your cheek. “But you know I’m right”.
You tried to compose yourself, but the intensity of his gaze and the confidence in his words made it impossible. “You really love teasing me, don’t you?”, you said, your voice a mix of exasperation and affection.
“Absolutely”, he replied, his grin never faltering. “Especially when you react like this. It’s adorable”.
You rolled your eyes, but the smile on your face betrayed your true feelings. “You’re impossible”, you said, shaking your head.
Jensen’s grin widened even more, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Impossible, huh?”, he teased, his hands sliding down to rest on your hips. “I’ll take that as a compliment”.
You shook your head, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at your lips. “You would”, you replied.
Jensen chuckled softly, his fingers gently squeezing your hips as he pulled you closer. “You know”, he murmured, his voice low and filled with warmth, “I’m really going to enjoy these weeks with you. Just a bit more filming, and then we’ll have so much time together”.
You smiled, resting your head against his chest. The thought of spending uninterrupted time with him filled you with a sense of anticipation and happiness. “Can’t wait”, you whispered.
Jensen smiled down at you, his expression tender. He gently guided you towards the bedroom, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Come on”. he said softly. “You need some sleep”.
You yawned against his chest, feeling the exhaustion from the day catching up with you. “I guess I’m more tired than I thought”, you admitted, your voice drowsy.
He chuckled warmly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m not surprised. It’s been a long day”.
As you reached the bedroom, Jensen helped you into bed, pulling the covers up around you. The sheets were cool and inviting, and you sank into them gratefully. He climbed in beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.
As soon as Jensen turned off the lamp on the nightstand, he turned on his side, pulling you close. The darkness enveloped you both, creating an intimate cocoon. You nestled your face against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Jensen gently lifted your chin, his fingers tenderly guiding your face up to his. Even though you could barely see each other in the darkness, the connection between you was palpable. His lips found yours in a soft, lingering kiss, filled with all the emotions you both shared.
As the kiss deepened, his hand wandered from your chin to your ass, pulling you even closer. He hooked your leg above his hips, the movement bringing your bodies into even closer contact. The sensation of his half-hard length pressing against you sent a shiver of desire through your body, despite the exhaustion.
“Jensen”, you whispered against his lips, your voice filled with both need and affection.
“Shh”, he murmured back, his breath warm against your skin. “Just relax. I’ve got you”.
His hands roamed your body with a gentle yet possessive touch, exploring every curve and dip. The intimacy of the moment, the feel of his skin against yours, was comforting and arousing all at once. Jensen’s kisses trailed from your lips to your neck, his mouth leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
You sighed softly, your leg tightening around his waist, bringing him even closer. The sensation of his hardness growing against you was both thrilling and soothing, a reminder of the deep connection you shared.
“Let’s just stay like this”, he whispered, his voice husky with desire and tenderness. “I just want to hold you”.
You nodded, feeling a sense of peace settle over you.
As you both settled into a comfortable position, your bodies entwined, sleep began to claim you.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 20
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2 @fitxgrld @luvr4miya @yikeschoices @lyssalvus @soab1967 @luvr4miya @didi0666 @impala67rollingthroughtown
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starkwlkr · 1 year
she’s real! | fabio quartararo
i wanna fight whoever thought it was a good idea to put the valencia gp and the abu dhabi gp on the same day at same time
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Fabio never imagined he would find a girlfriend if he was being honest, though he had been thinking about a certain woman. With his busy schedule, a relationship was the last thing on his mind. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have time to do things he enjoyed like attend an f1 race. Tom and him were invited by Mercedes to attend the Monaco Grand Prix.
Before the race started, the two friends were in the Mercedes garage checking out the two cars. Tom was excited to even be in the same garage that Lewis Hamilton was in. But the seven time world champion wasn’t around.
“Look, this one has a Spider-Man sticker.” Tom pointed to the small sticker stuck on the halo of the car.
“I like it. I might start putting stickers on my bike.” Fabio joked.
“It’ll look cute.” A female’s voice said from behind them. They turned around and saw the owner of the car. “Toto’s son, Jack, put it on there. He said it was to give me speed.”
“Cool.” Was all Fabio could say. Tom knew he had a small crush on the woman so it wasn’t a surprise to see Fabio so starstruck by her. “You have a cool car.”
“Thanks.” Y/n replied with a smile and walked away to speak with her engineer.
“That was so painful to witness.” Tom said as Fabio kept staring at her until she was no longer in sight.
“Did you hear her? She said my bike looks cute.” Fabio sighed. “I’m in love, Tom.”
“No, you’re just crazy.”
Crazy? That didn’t stop Fabio from asking Y/n out after the race. He was surprised she even said yes. They arranged a dinner on a day neither of them were busy, which was three weeks away. Both Fabio and Y/n were counting down the days until their date and when it finally arrived, they acted like lovesick teenagers. By the fourth date, Fabio had asked Y/n to be his girlfriend. She, of course, said yes.
Their busy schedules kept them apart, but they managed to keep their relationship working. Their relationship was a secret to everyone but their families. Yes, even Fabio’s best friend, Tom, didn’t know that Fabio had a girlfriend.
“So if I leave right after the race, I can make it.” Y/n spoke to Fabio over the phone. She was in her driver’s room braiding her hair for the race.
“Yeah, okay. My mom misses you already. I think she loves you more than me.” Fabio teased. He was currently in Malaysia while she was in Austin.
“I miss her too.” Y/n replied.
“What about me?”
“Love you too.” Fabio chuckled. On Fabio’s end, Tom was just about to enter Fabio’s motorhome. Who was making El Diablo laugh? Did he have another best friend?
“Okay, good luck and I love you. Bye.” Fabio ended the call and stuck his phone inside his pocket. Tom entered the motorhome and saw Fabio casually sitting on the small sofa.
“Your mom called?” Tom asked.
Tom nodded. “Is there a secret girlfriend or something?” He started chuckling, but it faded when he noticed that Fabio wasn’t denying it. “Are you serious?”
“I was going to tell you, but I wanted you to meet her first. Well, technically you’ve already met her.”
“Who is it?”
“Y/n L/n.” Fabio answered.
“No, really who is it?” Tom asked again.
“I’m telling you. Y/n L/n.”
“April fools already passed, mate, you can stop joking.”
“When she comes to the French gp, it’s going to be satisfying saying ‘I told you so’. Just watch.” Fabio said.
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dreamingofep · 8 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 21🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin! Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond beliet and your undeniable attraction makes you tear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, SMUTTT, mentions of blood/gore!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: Hello everyone happy Sunday! Thanks for convincing me to keep writing! The support over this fic is amazing so thank you so so much! Exciting stuff is happening in this part and really hope you enjoy where I’ve taken this! Please comment, message, and reblog if you feel so inclined ❤️
A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here I hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think.
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May 1973
Spoiled was an understatement of how you were getting treated by Elvis these last few weeks. You didn’t deserve such things, but he was insistent. You two flew around the country, getting to see things you never thought you’d get the chance to in this life. Elvis canceled his upcoming tour to spend time with you and his manager just about lost his head about it. Elvis gave him one look that just about drained all the color out of his face when he said no to him. He never got questioned about it after that.
Elvis was sure he was going to give you every human experience you wanted to have. Part of you was excited to try new things, taste new foods, and see places you never knew existed. There was another small part of you would miss certain things. You’d miss the warmth of the sun, and the comfort of a soft blanket wrapped around you. All of it would be so different for you. An unknown world was going to be unleashed and it was going to be a huge adjustment. Elvis was gracious and patient with you, assuring you everything was going to be alright. You believed every word he said, knowing he would be by your side through the entire time. 
He kept you up all night making deep, passionate love to you at all hours of the night. You weren’t going to miss sleep that’s for sure. He was making up for lost time and was worshiping you any chance he could. Making love to him was like a song, something that started slow and sultry, then crescendos into something electric and thrilling. He knew how to make you sing and hit all the right notes. You were indeed his favorite song to play. 
You knew he tried to ignore the bite marks on your body, but you felt when his eyes would stare at them in frustration. You suggested to him to feed from those scarred spots, hoping that maybe his bite would heal them in some way but he wouldn’t let himself do that. The shame and guilt he had inside him was still present and it was going to take time to get through those feelings. 
But you’d let him feed when he wanted and he began to not be as shy about asking if he could. The more he did it, the more you found it insanely attractive. The pain was still prominent when he initially sunk his teeth in you but it faded away after a short period of time. It was something he needed to survive and you were more than happy to give that to him. Each time he fed, there was a small part of you that wanted him to finish the process so you could turn. But he wouldn’t let himself do that to you. He was adamant about keeping you human til your birthday like you wanted. 
He took you to Hawaii the week of your birthday and you think that this has to be your new favorite place in this world. It was more stunning than you could ever imagine. Elvis would tell you stories of the times he’s visited and the movies he’s made there. He was here earlier in the year recording the first worldwide concert via satellite. He was so proud of the concert, every time he brought it up, he had this big smile on his face and was so happy he got to do it. He couldn’t help but marvel over the fact he made history doing that concert. He definitely had a love for this place and you could see why. The waters were more blue than you could have dreamed and cool enough to relax your body after laying out on the beach for too long. 
Elvis would watch you enjoy your time here while he stayed underneath the shade of an umbrella. He would come and join you for a bit in the water and keep his shirt on to shield him as much as possible from the sun. It made his skin hurt though and he couldn’t stay out there that long with you. You understood and thought it was cute he still wanted to be out there with you regardless. After your legs get tired from swimming, you get out of the water and receive a devious look from him, his eyes eating you up as water dripped off your body. You smirk at him and shake your head gently.
“What do we have here,” he says softly.
“It’s just me,” you say shyly.
“No, I think it’s the love of my life,” he says pulling you on top of him.
He scoops you into his arms, holding you tightly and taking a deep breath in, giving you kisses on your cheek. His cool body temperature gives you goosebumps after getting out of the water and need a towel to dry off. He senses you’re cold and wraps a towel around you that was lying out in the sun getting warm. It felt so nice on your skin, making you feel cozy and warm.
“Let's go back to the room for a bit hmm?” He says softly. You nod your head and he takes your hand as you walk toward the hotel. You had the penthouse suites, of course, to give you and Elvis the most amount of privacy while you stayed here. He would get awestruck looks while you went through the lobby and a few people stopped him for an autograph.
You took the elevator all the way up to the top floor, holding him around his waist. The mood felt tense like he was nervous for you. Once you both are in the room, he locks the door behind him and looks at you softly, his eyes looking unwaveringly. You smile at him and turn to go on the balcony, looking out at the light blue waters on the horizon. You don’t hear him walk your way, but feel his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you back into his body. You sigh at the feeling of him, loving him more than you could have possibly imagined.
“Are you having a good birthday honey?” He asks low into your ear.
“Yes, I am. The best one ever,” you hum softly.
“Well, if you wanted to have more birthdays, you can always have that option…” he trails off. You squeeze at his hand, turn around to face him, and pull him in for a kiss. 
“No, I don’t need any other special days when I get to have you forever,” you assure him. 
“Mhmm… okay baby, as long as you’re happy. Was there anything else you wanted?” He asks, slowly trailing his hand down your back.
You can’t help that your heart gallops at the sight of him or how he has that look on his face that could make you do anything he wants. He smirks at the sound of your fluttering heart and pulls you in closer. Your bodies melt into each other and your brain begins to fog over at any logical thinking. You repeat the question he asked in your head and smirk at him.
“N-no, there’s nothing else I could possibly want. Was there anything you wanted to give me?” You ask cheekily.
He chuckles amused, tucking your hair behind your ear, “yes there was. There was one more human thing I wanted to give you…” he says. You look at him a bit confused, not sure what he’s getting at.
“When I first told you about our bond, I knew it was hard for you. The notion of giving up your human life and being part of a vampire one was a lot to handle. I know you said you were scared and had a future to look forward to and make for yourself. That’s why we’ve been traveling so much, getting you to see new things you never have before. And that will never stop, I’ll keep showing you new places. I wanted to give you something else that you mentioned you were going to miss.”
He slowly bent down on one knee and pulled a ring box from his pocket. He opens the small, red velvet box and looks up at you, love overflowing his gaze. A stunning diamond ring is looking at you and sparkles in the sunlight.
“Honey, will you do the immense honor of marrying me?” He says as his voice trembles.
You hold your breath, not believing this is really happening. The diamond was huge. You’d never seen something so extravagant other than the rings Elvis wears. It was an emerald cut with a pavé band in yellow gold and was the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen.
“Oh my God, honey, are you serious?!” You breathe.
“Yes baby, I want you. In every possible way, in the human way, by making you my wife, but also as my Chosen and make you mine forever,” he confesses.
Tears well up in your eyes and your heart leaps out with joy and love for him.
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you,” you say, your voice shaky and in disbelief.
He stands up to wrap you in his arms and hug you tightly. He kisses you with so much love and passion it makes you dizzy. You pull at his arms to have him somehow hold you tighter and it leaves you breathless. He pulls away to look at you, smiling and taking the ring out of the box.
You shakily hold your hand out and he slips the ring on your finger. It was a perfect fit and looked more beautiful than you could have ever imagined any ring could have looked on you.
“We can go get married whenever you want. Just tell me when and I’ll make it happen,” he tells you.
“What about the press? Won’t it look weird if you just suddenly get married after just getting divorced?” You ask worried.
“I don’t care about that darlin’. You’re all I care about and what makes you happy. We can do it whenever you want.”
“What about right now? Just go to city hall and do it right there? What do you think?” You say.
He looks at you a little shocked, not expecting you to be so ready for this.
“Yeah, baby? You don’t want a big wedding with your family and friends? There’s no rush,” he says softly. 
“Yeah, that’s what I want. And besides, I want my husband to turn me later,” you press, knowing he’s going to like the sound of that. A low emitted growl comes from his chest and he squeezes your arms.
“Mhmm… that sounds like the most perfect way to go about it,” he says pulling you in for another kiss.
He called his guys and had them arrange everything and get a car ready to head down to city hall. He had enough connections that it wasn’t an issue to put everything together and get a marriage license ready for him. Everyone came to city hall and witnessed you both say your vows and celebrate with you.
It was just enough, it was special but there wasn’t too much attention drawn to you which sounded like your worst nightmare for a wedding. At that moment, it was just you and Elvis. You all quickly got out of the building before the word got leaked that Elvis is now married to a new mystery woman no one’s ever seen him with. For a split second, you think of your mom and Anna finding out this news in the newspaper without a heads up from you. You knew it wasn’t the best way to go about it but you’d deal with them later and knew they’d understand. 
Everyone celebrates up in the penthouse with you both, happiness filling the room and joyful laughter. Elvis kept his arm around you the entire night, not letting you leave his side. He looked down at you from time to time and would just mutter something under his breath you couldn’t hear. You reach up for a kiss and he gives you a soft and tender one.
The sun was starting to set and the sky filled with a beautiful golden-orange sky. As you’re looking out the window, he bends down slightly so he can whisper something in your ear, “I think it’s time to kick everyone out and let me enjoy time with just my wife,” he says softly. Your heart gallops at the notion and you nod your head in agreement. Elvis gets everyone to leave and makes sure to tell them that no one disturb us. The door closes and you shiver at the way he’s looking at you.
He walks slowly to you, not having to say a word to get you to come to him.
“I love you,” he whispers, pulling you into his arms.
“I love you too,” you say back, pulling at his collar and getting him to kiss you. His lips crash into yours and your hands roam freely on his body.
“What did you want to do now?” You ask cheekily.
“It’s your day, you tell me what you need from me,” he says. His tone of voice and the way the slightest touch makes you unravel has to be one of the best things in the world. You would never get enough of him.
You pull him in closer by his arms, “I think you know what I want…I want you to change me,” you plead.
He takes a sharp breath, looking down at you with lust, need, and apprehension in his eyes.
“Are you sure about this? You don’t have to rush anything. It doesn’t have to be today. You could just enjoy being married as a human for a bit,” he assures.
“I’m positive. I want this more than you know. I’m ready to be completely yours,” you hum into his ear. He lets out a pleased grumble and squeezes you tighter, nearly knocking the wind out of you. He quickly releases the grip he has on your waist.
“Sorry baby didn’t mean to squeeze ya so tight,” he snickers, his hands consuming your body.
“Was there a certain way you wanted to do this? I want to make this as painless as possible,” he says softly, concern filling his eyes.
“No, I thought you would know how to do this the best,” you say jokingly.
“Well, yes, I’ve turned people before. I’ve just never turned someone I love so dearly… this is all new to me too,” he jests.
Your heart thumps faster, anxiety and intrigue filling your veins. A million things run through your head and you don’t know what to do exactly. There isn’t a play-by-play of how to become a vampire exactly. Would you go into a blood frenzy the second he bites you? Could it be contained? What would this all feel like? You sort through your scattered thoughts and try to ask them calmly.
“And where should I… bite you?” You say softly. He looks at you intensely, liking the sound of that proposition already.
“Anywhere you want baby, your instincts will take over and you’ll know what to do, trust me,” he coos, softly touching the side of your neck with his fingertips. 
You push at his chest, leading him to the edge of the bed where he sits down when he feels the plush mattress hit the back of his knees. You stand in front of him and want to devour him. A shiver runs through you at that thought and you sit on his lap.
“Kiss me,” you plead, your heart racing against him. He wraps his arms around your waist with a grunt and pulls you even closer to his body. His hand caresses the back of your head and kisses your lips, tenderness and need filling you. You wrap your arms around him tightly and melt into his cool touch. He kisses down your cheek and onto your neck, nipping there causing an airy moan to escape from your lips.
“I wanna fuck you. I want to fuck my wife,” he growls, grinding your core on his bulge. You grumble in his neck and bite there, making him groan.
“Turn me first. Then I’ll be able to keep you up all night and fuck you how you like,” you tease. He bites his lower lip, his large hands cupping your supple breasts.
“You promise? Do you think you can take that all night? Even if you’re a vampire?” he growls. Your cheeks redden, unable to denounce his godawful seductive ways you were sure even in immortal life, you would never be able to handle normally. You sigh at the notion and you feel yourself melt into him.
“Yes, I promise you.” You moan into his mouth, going in for another kiss.
“No, let me make you feel good first. Please let me give you this and I will turn you after,” he tells you.
You don’t want to fight him over this and the way he’s looking at you with these dark and hungry eyes, you can’t say no to him. He beckons you to get closer to him and he crawls back on the bed, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it to the side. You crawl in between his legs and unbutton his pants, needing to feel his naked body on yours.
He lays down on the bed and you unzip your dress, watching how he looks at you with big, needy eyes. You start to pepper kisses up his naked body, making his chest huff with anticipation. Your eyes never leave his as your mouth gets dangerously close to his cock. Your tongue licks the underside of his shaft in one long swipe and he groans in agony. You gently rub his cock in your hand and look up at him innocently.
“Let me make you feel good. Just like this,” you coo, sucking on his head, moving the rest of his length with your hand. 
“Goddamn baby, no,” he commands. You stop and he pulls at your arms to make you get on top of him. You look up at him unsure what he’s doing.
“I need to take care of you, the way I want to,” he grumbles, his hand slithering up to your neck and squeezing there. “Let me take care of my wife real nice now.”
You grab onto his wrist and your eyes roll back at the pressure closed around your neck. 
“You know I’ll be just as strong as you when you turn me. Enjoy getting your way with me now while I can’t put up a good fight,” you tease. He grunts at that notion and gives you his hungry stare, his eyes slowly devouring your body. 
“Oh, darlin’ what makes you think you’ll want to put up a fight? Do you think you’ll be able to fight how much you want me when you’re turned? It’ll be even worse than it is now.” He smirks devilishly. You stare at him drunkenly, not imagining you could want him any more than you do now. 
“Goddamn it, don’t start,” you say holding his jaw, knowing it’s going to fuel him more. You bite the inside of your cheek and feel your core flutter. Fire ignites in his eyes and he pulls by you closer to his face.
“Hmm,” he hums to himself smugly, “I’m not doing anything. I’m just stating mere facts. And by the looks of it,” he pauses and his hand finds your dripping heat, “you like the idea of wanting me more. You like the idea of having my cock ruin you hmm? Just ruining my favorite places to be inside of all night, like this one,” he says as his fingers tease through your folds and circles your entrance.
“And this one,” he coos, pressing his index finger to your lips and you can’t help but lick the pad of it. 
He lets out a satisfied grumble,” Mhmm, I love it when you beg for it, ” He teases, his fingers picking up pace and gathering more of the slick that has accumulated there. You gasp at the friction he gives you and try your best to not give him the satisfaction of showing how good it feels.
“God, I know you do. You just love to hear your name screamed, don’t you? Thought you’d get enough from all the audiences screaming your name,” You hiss. In the blink of an eye, his eyes are dark and ravenous. Two of his fingers plunge into your wet heat and curl them deep inside you. You gasp at the sensation and your eyes roll back.
“I wonder if you’ll be this insolent as a vampire too? I wonder if you’ll always test me and keep having me punish you for saying such things to me,” He says as he gives your ass a swift spank. “You’re going to be exhausted at the rate you don’t listen.” He moves his fingers and twists them deeper inside you and you groan, your hips moving with his hand.
“Elvis,” you hiss at him, his fingers continuing to make you fall apart.
“That’s right honey, you can be louder if you want to, no one’s in the penthouse. Say it one more time for me, nice and loud,” he teases devilishly. You shut your eyes in agony, pleasure skyrocketing into your body and making everything else seem meaningless. 
“Elvisss, please! Please,” you whimper louder. 
“Let me please you, baby. Let me give you more,” he coos. Your heart races a million miles per hour and you give in. Your body stiffens and you feel your core flutter at the notion.
“Yes, I’ll let you take me however you want,” you moan.
“Mhmm, good girl. Turn around and get on me,” he commands.
You look at him unsure, if you’re understanding correctly, you’ve never done this kind of thing and it made you feel like you’re about to die. You do as you’re told though and turn around on him straddling his torso, taking his long length in your hand, getting ready to take him inside your dripping heat. You suddenly feel his hands on your hips and makes you angle them back to his face. You look over your shoulder at him in disbelief. He makes your breathing hitch and your body begins to tremble.
“That’s it, baby, just relax,” he says low. You feel his thumb swipe through your dripping heat and you whine. You felt so exposed, so naughty for doing this sort of thing. You’ve never done this! The most intimate parts of you were just in his face and there was no being modest about anything now. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath as he plays with you, his thumb gathering your seeping arousal.
“Fuck baby this little pussy just dripping for me? Lookin’ absolutely delicious,” he groans.
That’s when you feel his tongue start to lap through your folds, groaning deeply as he tastes you. His low grumbling sounds made you wetter by the second. God damn him and his perfect mouth. Your chest heaves and you can’t keep your eyes open as he gives you the most intense wave of pleasure. He focuses on teasing you, not staying in one particular place for too long. His hands have a firm grip on your hips, keeping you as still as possible as his mouth does the work.
You open your eyes and find his cock hard and dripping with precum in front of your face. You could barely function with his mouth on you like this but you were going to try to please him too. Your hand gathers the slick on his head and you slowly start to spread it along his length. He lets out a low grumble that sends a vibration through you and you gasp. You do this slowly and try to tease him as much as he did to you but there’s no point. He always wins the teasing game.
You lean your upper body lower and start to swirl your tongue around his head. Another deep moan comes from him and it makes your body feel limp. 
His tongue works faster on you and you let more of his cock slip into your mouth. You both moan together and his hips move up very faintly with your movements. You had never experienced anything like this and it was incredibly fervid getting to get fucked by his perfect mouth and you do the same to him.
You suddenly feel his tongue enter your core and you gasp for air. Your hips can’t help but rock back into his face. It felt too good not to and after all the teasing he’s done, you needed him inside you. 
“Oh God, baby yes. Oh yes, fuck me,” You pant. He responds to you with a moan as his mouth is on you, sucking on your clit and then moving his tongue back inside you.
You try to focus on him more and suck more of his length. He helps you as he moves his cock in and out of you more and your tongue does the rest. But you couldn’t last much longer, not with the way he was devouring your pussy. You can barely catch your breath and his cock was hitting the back of your throat, making the most vile noises. 
He moans again and you are about to get off of him when he stops you and grabs your thighs with his hands.
“Stay on me. Turn around and come sit on my face,” he growls, his voice exhibiting an unparalleled amount of dominance. You do as you’re told and turn around, placing your knees on either side of his head. He greedily grabs your hips, sitting you down, putting his mouth back on your core. It doesn’t take long for him to make you see stars with the way he’s eating you, like it was the first time, making it all too much to handle. Your walls flutter and your body shakes on top of him. Your hips roll on his face, chasing the high of your orgasm and your hand rakes through your hair, looking up to the ceiling. 
 “Oh my God baby,” you cry out, gasping for breath. 
He teases at your entrance, too sensitive after all this but he doesn’t care, he wants to watch you squirm on top of him. It was one of his favorite things to do. Your body keeps shaking and he looks up at you with lust lighting up his dark eyes. 
He lifts you up off his face so that you’re hovering above him on your knees and he turns his face to the inside of your thigh to kiss it but groans slightly instead. The scar from where Daniel bit you was still very prominent there and you were sure it killed Elvis to look at. He groans uncomfortably the more he looks at it. You place your hand on his face, making him look up at you. 
“I’m all yours, no one else's. Feed baby, right there, it’s all yours,” you pant. His hands grip on your thighs tighter and he lets out a frustrated grunt before he sinks his teeth into your scarred flesh. You gasp as his sharp fangs pierce into your fragile skin, all too close to your over-sensitive core. 
You try to stifle the groan that comes out of you, the sharp pain of his fangs making you wince. He’d never fed here before, it was all so new and fragile. Maybe the scar from the previous bite made it ultra-sensitive. Either way, it was all such a new sensation, and pain spread through you.
He swallows your blood delightedly and has a grip around your thighs that makes you immovable. Small groans come from the back of his throat as he feeds, and it just about makes you want to faint. The way he sounds when he’s with you will never be something you’ll ever get tired of. It’s like he’s never touched you before. Never gotten to see you naked. Never tasted any part of you and gets to experience it for the first time.
Your legs begin to quiver and you feel your arousal spill out of you and run down your thigh. He drinks a few more gulps and slowly stops, gently taking his fangs out of you so he doesn’t tear your skin harshly. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and his tongue is back on your thigh, licking the remaining blood that is seeping out of the wound and licking up your spilled arousal. You curse at him, looking down and watching how his hungry eyes light up when he sees you panting above him.
In a flash, he has you pinned on the bed with your arms above your head and his hands firmly pinning you there. “Fuckin’ hell baby,” he grunts. You feel the tip of his cock tease your entrance and you moan, already too overworked to be teased.
“Honey please,” you whimper. 
He gently puts his cock all the way inside you, making you cry out his name, fucking you slow and powerfully.
“Tell me what you want,” he coos, his voice sending shivers through you, moving his hips the way only he can. 
You can’t rationally speak, everything was so overwhelming and your mind couldn’t put together what you wanted to say.
“I w-want…. I- oh please honey I-,” you mutter, unable to put together any cohesive thoughts together. 
His hips snap into you, powerful and claiming, making you want to see stars once again. You groan in torment, unable to focus on anything else but his hard cock fucking you into the bed. 
“Come on baby girl you can say it,” growls, slowing his thrusts to let you catch your breath but still making it difficult. 
“Change me, please. I’m ready,” you tell him. He lets go of your arms and covers your body in kisses, smothering you with his love. He reaches your face and kisses your lips softly, the mood of the room changing dramatically. He fucks you slow and controlled, taking his time in enjoying all of you. 
He takes a sharp breath and glides his finger along the side of your neck where your scar resides. His eyes wander down to the other scars on your chest, your tummy, and the inside of your thigh that is still leaking blood. You wished he wouldn’t look there, those scars a constant reminder of what awful things were done to you. His fingers trace every outline of the bite marks left on you and he looks back up at you.
“Okay baby,” he softly murmurs. Your nails rake down his arms in fear, anticipation, and nervousness. You try to pull him close but he stays hovering above you. His eyes darken again and he licks his bottom lip. You want him closer, kissing you with passion and distract you from the pain that will ensue. 
“Elvis, please,” you whimper.
“Hold onto me tight okay? Don’t let go,” he tells you. You nod your head immediately and your chest heaves looking at his sharp fangs.
“I love you,” he whimpers.
“I love you too,” you breathe.
He lets out a grunt before leaning down and kissing your neck. Sparks of electricity run through you and hold onto his back. He swivels his hips into you making you gasp for air and you turn your head to the side. A pleased groan comes from Elvis’ mouth as your neck is fully exposed to him, right where he needs to bite. You whimper in agony for him, ready to be completely his and start anew.
A deep growl comes from his throat and you feel his hand grip at your jaw, keeping you still. Your heart pounds in your ears and that's when you feel his sharp fangs pierce into your neck. You cry out, the pain rippling through you like a tidal wave. He was right, this hurt worse than any other bite. The skin here was so much more sensitive and thin, it felt like his bite was fifty sets of fangs inside you all at once. Your nails embed themselves into his back, the pain increasing with every moment he was drinking out of your neck. You hear him moaning as he’s drinking more of your blood than he ever has before. But he has to for his venom to enter your bloodstream. 
You feel tears puddling from the corners of your eyes, unable to catch your breath. Your gasps and groans fill the room as Elvis is groaning, drinking from your neck in a focused manner. He pulls you up from the bed, sitting back with you sitting on him, holding you close as he swallows your blood with you two still connected.
Then you feel it; his venom. It was like wildfire burning and coursing through your veins. It made your entire body feel stiff and paralyzed. All you could manage to do was groan in agony, the pain paralyzing the rest of your senses. Your eyes started to feel the pain too and could only see large black specs in your vision. It was hurting to keep them open and each blink made it worse. Every movement you made made your body cry out in agony. Elvis was still feeding, holding the back of your head with his hand to support you. It felt like a long strain of time passed before he finally stopped and took his fangs out of you. You couldn’t see and the only thing keeping you in this moment was Elvis’ vice grip he had around your body that you were sure was going to break your bones. He doesn’t say anything and you suddenly feel both of his hands on your face. You can barely keep your head up and the searing flame burning in your eyes makes it unbearable.
“Oh fuck,” he breathes out, his tone scared and trembling. Your brain couldn’t compute what he meant or what he was seeing but it couldn’t have been good.
“Baby, it’s gonna be alright. I know it hurts I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” he says trembling. His voice seemed so far away from you, like in another void of time. You feel his tongue lick your open wound and his hand placed on your cheek.
“You need to bite me now honey. Right now,” he demands, but to you, his voice sounds so far away and almost like an angelic whisper and you don’t move. His hand leads your head to his neck and this sweet, savory scent fills your nose. You groan in misery and press your lips to his neck. You could feel his light pulse on his neck and that sweet scent hit you again like a train. You open your mouth and let this new found instinct take over your senses. You bite down on Elvis’ neck hard and feel his normal rigid flesh give way to much more soft and supple skin. He pushes the back of your head into his neck more, encouraging you to keep going. You sink your teeth deeper into him and you taste the first taste of blood hit your tongue. It was strange at first, it didn’t taste like much and almost tasted metallic. Then you start to suck more and that’s when it hit you; the most savory and decadent thing you’ve ever put on your lips. His blood ran down your throat and your body thanked you for it. You were still weak but it felt good to drink from his neck. You had enough strength to pull yourself closer to him and feed more. You faintly hear him moan, clutching to your body and breathing heavily. Your hunger worsens and you drink bigger gulps, you have never felt hunger like this. This ravenous appetite Elvis would describe to you was very much real and worse than you realized. But your head throbbed and your eyes still burned, unable to see anything. 
You take your mouth off his neck and gasp for air. Everything felt like it was on fire and you didn’t know what to do. Your body went limp and your hearing went out.
Your eyes flutter open and the air is still, almost too still. You look at the white ceiling and it feels like you’re looking at it through a magnifying lens. You saw every single texture and line that went through the ceiling and it confused you. Your eyes shift to somewhere else and a piece of lint floats into your vision. You were able to discern every wave and bend of the fiber it was bizarre. 
“Hey darlin’,” a smooth baritone voice whispers at the other end of the room. 
You slowly sit up in the bed and see Elvis sitting in a chair in the corner with sunglasses on and a silk shirt unbuttoned. 
You take a deep breath through your nose and the most heavenly scent fills your head. It was mouth-watering good. It was sweet and savory, warm and delicious with each breath you took. Breathing felt peculiar, almost like it wasn’t needed. 
Your hands move on the sheets and you can feel the softness of them through every thread. A robe was wrapped around you and tied at your waist. The silk fabric felt nice around you and smelled just as great as the room.
Your legs swivel to the edge of the bed and slowly gain your bearings. Elvis gets up and cautiously walks to you. Everything felt off and way too sensitive. The plush carpet was grainy and soft at the same time. It went in between your toes and made it tickle. 
You look up at Elvis and your breath nearly gets sucked out of you. 
You’ve never seen such a beautiful man in your life. 
Every single detail was perfect. His hair, his nose, his pouty lips.
All of it.
It was like you saw him for the first time and it makes you feel entranced. He changed from the last memory you had of him. He had a brighter glow about him, his hair shorter, and his face looked more flawless if that’s even possible. 
You raise your hand to touch his face and the warmth of his skin radiates through you. His skin felt perfect and near obsessional. There wasn’t a flaw on his face and you never felt so in awe. You place your other hand on his chest and the course little hairs that resided there felt nice underneath your fingertips. And then it hits you; you can feel his warmth. He’s not cold and instead melts into your touch.
He places his hand on the back of your head to have you look at him. He lets out a sigh of relief and smiles at you lovingly.
“Hi beautiful, I missed you,” he coos, leaning in to kiss you. God those lips were perfection, devouring yours with intense need and the utmost importance. You sigh softly into him, loving how incredible he feels. He pulls away to look you over again, and bites his bottom lip slowly, making it pop.
“Jesus, you’re perfect. How was it possible for you to become even more beautiful…” he says dazed. You smirk at him and shake your head. “Come here, you need to look at yourself,” he says, leading you over to the large mirror in the corner of the room.
He holds your hand as he leads you over but you couldn’t care how you looked right now. All you wanted to do was study every detail of his face because you felt like you’d never seen him like this before. Stunning and perfect in every way. Elvis steps behind you and turns you around toward the mirror. You slowly turn your focus to your reflection and cock your head in confusion. You barely recognize yourself and look up at Elvis in the mirror.
You stare back at your golden, gleaming eyes and your long fanning lashes. You were in shock by what you were seeing, you had almost prepared yourself to see red eyes whenever you thought of changing into a vampire. The golden hue was like sunlight; bright, warm, and full of life. Your hair’s natural waves became more defined and the auburn color was vibrant and lustrous. Your skin was also smooth and pale like his and all your senses felt heightened. Every breath you took was intense and you rubbed your thumb against his hand and felt the hairs that were there. 
The robe you’re wearing is not tightly tied around your waist so it exposes your chest and neck. As you look closer, you realize the scars from the bite marks are gone, and all that’s left behind is glass-smooth skin. Elvis’ hand is around your torso, melting into you and making you realize this is all real and not some delusion.
You twist your body around to face him and don’t know where to begin.
“What happened? Why are m-my eyes…” you trail off. He starts to take off his sunglasses and chuckles softly, looking down at the ground. He shoots his gaze back up to you and you gasp.
The same golden eyes stare back at you and look even more beautiful. You caress his face, lightly rubbing your thumb across his cheek.
“Oh my God, they’re stunning honey. God, how can you look better than before? What- What does this mean? Is this normal?” You ask.
He smiles at you as he tries to soothe your worries away.
“Shh baby it’s okay. I think it's because… we’re one. In heart and soul, we are one.” He smiles. 
Tagging 🖤: @powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @loving-elvis @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog . @myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18lkpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything @ohjustpeachy
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony . @generoustreemystic @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley . @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog @louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@mh777ep1938 @50sexyshadesfashionista
@oldh0llyw0od @hooked-on-elvis @livelovedilfs
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co-sharkie · 7 months
Medic! Reader with her boys after an ambush
Grayson Waller, Logan Paul, and Austin Theory x F! Reader
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Grayson and Austin came stumbling into the medical room after their match with New Catch Republic. They were looking more roughed up than you had expected. Grayson holding up Austin who was visibly in pain and holding his chest.
"What happened?" You worried and rushed them both over to a chair. Logan was still lying on the cot, even though he was feeling better after his encounter with Kevin and Randy.
"Judgement Day, that's what happened." Austin managed wheezed out. He flinched as he spoke.
You had to swallow down your anger when hearing the group's name. It seemed like every show someone from the Judgement Day was the reason you had a patient. "Logan, get up. Let Austin lay down."
Logan groaned as he rolled off the cot and sat in the chair Austin was occupying. Austin stumbled into the cot and laid face up.
"Let me guess, Coup de Grace?" Austin nodded. You sighed and felt around his torso. You made sure nothing was broken before moving over to Grayson. "And what happened with you?"
"My fingers just hurt..." he pouted and held up his hand.
"Pete Dunne?" He nodded. You knew Pete wouldn't actually break anyone's fingers, but you figured you'd double check just in case.
While you checked Grayson's hands, he started questioning Logan. "Why are you here?"
"I got a stunner and an RKO. No thanks to you guys." Logan crossed his arms and looked away from Grayson. Logan frowned as he stared at the blank wall.
Grayson looked like he was about to say something to Logan when you cut him off sternly. "Boys, do not start arguing." Austin let out a strangled laugh. Grayson also crossed his arms and turned his back to Logan. Both of their chairs were right next to each other, which made the scene look even more hilarious to you.
"You didn't watch our match?" Austin tried to sit up but you pushed him back down. Your hand had subconsciously rubbed at his shoulder. His pain was evident, and you hated seeing it.
"No, I'm sorry. I was too busy nursing Logan back to health and the t.v. kept cutting out." Austin frowned. "I'll watch the playbacks later tonight."
You ran a hand through Austin's hair. He smiled and leaned into your touch. Thankfully the other boys didn't see, because there would for sure be some jealousy. "You guys should get changed, show ends in ten minutes." You looked over at Logan and Grayson. "Logan, help them get to the locker room?"
Logan grumbled but stood up anyway. "You can't?" Even though he'd do what you said, he was a little upset with the other boys and their lack of success on his planned ambush. Logan and Grayson helped Austin up to his feet.
"No," you grabbed your bag and walked to the door. "I think it's time I had a little chat with Rhea."
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ellilyre · 7 months
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
Just an Intern // Part 4.1
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pairing: austin x intern lol | word count: 4.7k-ish?
summary: the consequences of austin’s behavior catches up to him amidst battling the paranoia of an impending media shit storm. when a familiar stagehand nuance instigates a conflict, austin helps intern escape.
warnings/notes: usual angst, oral f receiving, jealousy, dom!intern / sub!austin ?? if you squint?, orgasm denial, protective!austin, physical altercation, 18+ mdni
notes: austin's POV was suggested / requested - i prefer/am better at writing in first person so, i really enjoyed doing this. writing from male character's perspective is something i love doing so - i apologize if it's not your forte. y/n is being addressed as Intern bc i want to make her an oc but am afraid of the commitment so lol i hope you give it a chance anyway ♡
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | see masterlist for all other fics ♡
vibes: just an intern playlist ⛓️
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This girl is a gun, before you know it, it’s done
And you’ll be wishing that you crossed your fingers
- Girl is a Gun - Halsey -
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I closed Intern’s hotel room door behind me after our argument. I headed towards the front desk, scuffing my feet across the glossy wood floor, my hand gripping the handles of my duffle bag. The hallways of the lodge were always so vacant despite being overly booked. The silence only amplified the cycling thoughts in my head. I didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking – talking to her like that, talking about her like that. I didn’t know what comes over me when I was around her.
But I felt it that first day in the trailer, this insatiable feeling of hatred. Everything about her annoyed the fuck out of me, and yet all my body wants to do is get on my knees and bury my tongue in her pussy. I shook my head of the thought. That’s what I got for being on a social media detox. I thought of hopping on Hinge or whatever app just to find something to fuck. But decided against it – besides, we were stuffed like abominable snowmen in that fucking wooden cage. Another idea of finding one of the extras to hook up with lit up like a glass bulb in my head, but it quickly dimmed. Extras were too easy, and desperation seeped through their pores like dirty nicotine. There was no challenge, no fun. And so, it destined to be a long, lonely night.
Regardless of the confinement and inconvenience, this little unplanned vacation brought a much-needed gift – no service. At least very little and I didn’t bother paying for wi-fi. I needed a break from my managers, and the unforeseen weather anomaly gave me an excuse to ignore them completely. If I ignored the rumors that were festering like an open wound on Twitter or the looming tension of the next big scandal, maybe it would all go away.
I’d always been quite good at that – ignoring and avoiding anything that bothered me.
Thankfully the extra room was still available and once inside I swung my leather duffle bag onto a blue fabric-covered wingback chair. I let out a sigh and pressed myself against the wooden dresser that was identical to the one in the room I shared with Intern. I both felt and heard a loud hunger pain rumble in my stomach and that’s when I remembered that the last thing I had eaten was those fries from the night before. I tugged at my bottom lip with my teeth and tapped my fingertips along the dresser assessing my options. The memory of the heaping bowl of fries – drenched in salt and grease – looped in my brain. Layered atop that memory came a sense of guilt, I couldn’t tell if it was about the meal or my actions in the lounge bar. Either way it evoked the same response.
Another loud hunger growl ripped through me and I rolled my eyes at the dramatics of my empty stomach. I pushed myself off the wooden furniture and went to the glass-door mini fridge. I tugged it open and steal a branded water, cracking it open and taking a sip. The cold water immediately soothed the length of my esophagus and pooled satisfaction in my belly.
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-4 Days Later-
When the snow melted, it took the peace of my cellular detox with it. Being snowed in on a mountain top was no longer a suitable excuse for neglecting the incessant phone calls and Twitter news updates from my management team. For those couple days in that stupid little lodge, I was able to just fucking breathe for the first time in months.
Not surprisingly, word got to the higher ups about the fight with her, they even heard about the small fight with Landon. I was reprimanded three separate times because of the events. If it weren’t for my integral role in the film’s publicity I would’ve surely been dropped. My career was hanging by a thread as it was, I needed to get my shit together. If anything got leaked it would collapse the shit storm that my team was so precariously balancing for me.
The three of us, Landon, Intern and I were all temporarily separated to different areas on set for the past few days. They finally brought on another makeup artist; a flamboyant man named Nick. Nick took over my makeup in the time we were separated. While he seemed to be relatively the same skill level as Intern, he was placed under her, making her his direct manager. I suppose he was the new “Intern” now, but she’d always be that for me – whatever that meant.
I regretted everything with her. Everything. The good and the bad. I didn’t know why I was so awful to her, only that she infuriated me so much.
And yet, I found myself noticing her absence on my side of the set. I noticed the lack of fluttery annoyance she usually brought and the quippy banter we’d exchange. I even noticed the quiet that filled the days without our incessantly heated back-and-forth. I noticed everything about her being gone. Perhaps noticed wasn’t the right word.
Maybe I missed the noise.
That morning we had new girls on set for some bar scenes and they needed more intricate makeup so, Intern was back in my domain. There was some unsettling feeling that came with her proximity, a confusion perhaps.
There were three new extras for this scene, a girl-next-door brunette, a freckly redhead and a busty blonde. On any other day, the blonde would be wrapped around my finger but today she was about as enticing as a plain bagel. That didn’t mean stop her though.
The petite blonde sporting frayed jean shorts and a plain white v-neck eyed me, while she stood next to the other extras and Intern. Her sauntered over to where I was leaned on my bike only a few feet from them. I squinted the sun out of my eye to look up at her, “Can I help you?” I asked, sounding more bothered than welcoming.
“Sure ya can darlin’” Her pink filled lips curled to a flirtatious smirk with a poorly mimicked southern accent.  “You can take me for a ride.”
I offered a small scoff, “Didn’t realize I looked like a ferris wheel.” The remark made her light brows scrunch in a confused way, like when a mall-santa claus is rude. I felt a pair of eyes on me instantly, but when I followed the feeling I was disappointed by the origin. Tom. He shot a warning glare reminding me that I needed to behave to prevent further repercussions. It annoyed me but it was a necessary reminder and I quickly turned on my press charm. I gave her a forced smile, “Sorry, I’ve just had a hard morning.” At least I was honest.
“It’s okay I forgive ya, my name’s Chloe.” The edges of her glossy lips turned upwards and stepped a foot at each side of my crossed ones. “Maybe I could make your day better.” Her suggestive voice quiet but not quite enough. My gaze wandered to Intern who’s face visibly twisted at the overheard remark but focusing on adding eyeshadow to the redhead’s eyes.
“Hey,” Snapped the blonde extra snapping fingers in front of my face bring my attention back to her, “I just gave you a pretty good offer and you can’t even look at me?”
Annoyance bubbled in me that I had swallow down.
Bitch I wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole
-Is what I wanted to say but instead, “Sorry like I said, I had a shit morning.”
“Incredible, “ She sneered and propped her hands on her hips, “You’re exactly the monster the media portrays you to be.”
The last thing I needed was this dumb blonde who had only known me all of 5 seconds to be setting me off at 7 in the fucking morning. My jaw clenched holding back what I wanted to say but I knew my transparent poker face was giving away just how pissed I was getting. “Listen bi-“ I caught myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. “Chloe, you don’t know me at all, and I don’t think you should make assumptions of someone you barely know.” Attempting my best at keeping my temper tame.
An infuriatingly taunting cackle slipped her lips, “You know I didn’t believe the accusations, but I bet you really did everything that Madi-”
I shot up so fast I nearly knocked over my bike, “You don’t get to come on my set and talk to me like that, about shit you have no fucking idea about.” The hiss came out more apprehensive than I would’ve liked. I didn’t dare look over at Intern, I just prayed she wasn’t paying attention. I knew what she thought of me, she could think whatever she wanted. But her hearing any of the latest rumors swirling about me, would somehow be worse than anything I could’ve done to her.
She laughed at the fear in my tone, “Your set? You’re lucky you even landed this role with everything-“
“Who the fuck are you? You’re far too cocky for an extra, know your fucking place.” I growled, shoving past her and headed into the saloon set where we’d be filming.
I curled fingers so tightly into my palms as I heard steps following me, a vein pulsed in my forehead ready to burst open. I quickly pivoted back around, “What the fuck do y-” But instead of Chloe I found Intern, “Oh, hi.” My tone much softer, “What do you, um, what do you want?”
“I need to do your makeup.” She stated firmly while keeping her eyes focused on my chest, not looking at me.
“Right.” I nodded and followed her when she turned and walked towards her tented makeup station. I pulled myself onto the wood and fabric chair as she mixed up some foundation onto a metal palette. Then, she took a smooth flat brush and began painting the product down my face.
“So,” I hesitated as an awkward fog suspended in the air, “How’ve you been?”
She clenched her jaw and stayed silent.
“Isn’t it a little ridiculous that they separated us on set over a little rumor-”
“I see you found a new victim.” She sliced flatly, still not looking at me.
“Chloe?” I scoffed and her eyes snapped at me with a I’m-not-stupid glare. I sighed, I knew she wasn’t buying it, “Chloe? Are you kidding me?” I asked, then remembered how we got here in the first place.
She just raised her eyebrows in a ‘that’s not totally unbelievable’ kind of way.
I looked up at the tent as she patted makeup below my eyes with a small round brush. “If you think my taste is so low that I’d touch Chloe – you must not think very highly of yourself.”
She pressed her lips together before speaking again, “I just didn’t think you had standards, that’s all.” Her tone was light & bubbly, but the intention clearly wasn’t.
Anger began to pipe hot steam into my chest for the second time that early morning. I swore she tried to provoke me on purpose. My hands curled around the thick wooden arm rests and my nails dug into the grain. “And to think I almost missed you.” Her now powdered swiping motions halted as soon as she processed my words, her hand just barely trembling and her eyes locked on the area she was working. I couldn’t tell if I was mortified or glad that the words had left my mouth. Either way, it felt freeing, like I had finally told some secret I’d been hiding.
She continued finishing the work on my face in silence and stepped back. She set the black barreled brush down and kept her eyes low as she went to speak. “You’re done. Get out of my chair.”
I never thought pretending to seduce a pretty girl on screen would be as difficult as it was in my scene with Chloe. Regardless I felt Intern’s glare on me the entire time. My ego wanted to think it was jealousy but after what I pulled at the ski lodge and just before in the makeup chair, I knew it definitely wasn’t jealousy. Why the fuck would she be jealous after everything I’d done. Regardless, her stare burned like hot coals into my skin.
Directors cut for a 30 and I snatched a water bottle dodging every cast or crew member to find my bike. In the months of filming the vehicle had become some sort of comfort for me. Maybe it was me tapping into my character or the fact that it was the only thing that was constant, the only thing I could control.
I propped myself against the Harley unscrewing the cap of the bottle with a crack and taking a much-needed gulp. Before I could escape, Intern was making a b-line for me and I braced myself for whatever acid she was about to spew at me. But she walked past me, knocking my shoulder back and in a curt, but stern, tone, “I need to put something on your face.” Heading towards a trailer.
I let out a sigh, knowing whatever she was going to say would be even worse than I could imagine. I deserved it of course, but that didn’t make it any easier. I followed her to the trailer, pausing before the metallic door and taking a deep inhale before tugging it open. “We have no fight scenes Intern,” I exhaled clicking the door in place behind me, “What could you possibly need to put on my face?”
She straightened up, crossed her arms and puffed her chest out a bit appearing more intimidating, though there wasn’t much threatening about her. “Me.” She stated seriously, though her attempt at being menacing was almost comical.
“What?” I slightly stuttered not fully processing her words.
She shifted from one foot to the other before regaining her anger-fueled confidence. “I want to be on your face, I want to cash in my apology.” She blurted out quickly.
“I mean- I’m not saying no but just…why?” I questioned; I didn’t expect her to ever cash it in, nonetheless so soon.
“You and Chloe are fucking annoying and I just-“ Her was flustered, a light pink tinging her cheeks. Her fist balled at her side. “I don’t know, I just want my apology.” Her tone laced with false conviction. “I want my apology.”
“Okay…” I stated timidly, eyeing her wearily, “Are you sure?”
“Shut the fuck up and eat me out.” She sniped back, catching me off guard.
“Well I-“ Instinctively going to argue then realizing I had absolutely no problem with her request so, I shrugged, “Okay.” I looked her over, taking her in fully. I was trying to strategize how I was going to fulfil her request. She wore one of her flowy dresses, the ones that drive me insane – this one was powder blue with little white flowers. The dress hugged every part of her I enjoyed the most – it was tight around her waist and ruched around her full chest. The rest flowed down around her hips and thighs. I said a silent thank you to the universe for making it a warmer day. My gaze must’ve lingered on her too long because she took matters into her own hands.
“Jesus Fucking Christ.” She groaned impatiently, taking my face in her hands and practically smashing our lips together.
I let the inherent magnetism between us take over and took her face in my hands connecting our lips. She froze beneath my touch but quickly gave in, reciprocating the passionate kiss. Having her lips on mine again felt like a sip of cold water after a long drought – like an addict getting their first fix after sobriety. Her hands tangled into my perfectly styled hair for whatever scene I was meant to do next. Her tongue asked for entrance and I met hers voraciously. My hands trailed down to her sides and shoved her into the nearest wall. “Fuck.” I breathed out with my forehead pressed against hers. “I’m sorry.”
Her eyes fluttered up at me with flushed cheeks. “Make me believe it.”
My fingertips were on fire every place they met her skin, and I could’ve sworn I had become a vampire from how every part of me was screaming to sink my teeth into her neck. But the sugar high I was getting from her lips won the battle. Pulling away for a fleeting second, “I’m sorry.” I said against her lips.
Almost completely in sync, she wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up effortlessly pulling her legs around my hips. I carried her over to one of the empty makeup vanities and sat her on the edge – all while our lips were still locked with our tongues dancing in time. I drew away again, cupping her cheeks in my rugged hands, gazing down at her lust-dazed eyes, “I’m sorry.”
There was a glimmer in her eyes that made me think maybe she believed that one. “Beg for it.” She demanded.
My hands squeezed her thighs all the way up to her hips, pulling her dress up with it. I swiftly grasped her hips and drew her to the very edge of the table. I began peppering kisses down her neck, she tilted her head to the side for more access. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled against the skin below her ear and she let out a small whine.
“Keep going.” She breathed out, her body melting and reacting to my touch.
I pulled her skin into a suck, just soft enough to not leave a mark, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.” Working my way down till I reached her collar bones. My hands trailed up her sides, lingering on the curves I liked most before they molded around her breasts. She let out another small moan as my thumbs traced over her peaked nipples through the sheer dress.
Her breath hitched as my lips savored every inch of her skin down her chest, “More.”
I kneeled in front of her, her legs easily parted for me and already had a damp spot on her baby pink panties. I trailed soft, but hungry, kisses up her thigh, accompanying each one with an apology. I hooked my index fingers at the waist band and slowly pulled down her panties down her legs, tossing them only a few feet from us.
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled against her lips and I could feel her writhing beneath my mouth. I drew my tongue slowly up her folds, tasting the juices I thought I’d never taste again. I let out a grown from her flavor and it gained a hand tangled in my hair, rougher than normal.
I swirled my tongue over her clit and she let out a surprised moan. “Fuck, Austin.” She struggled to get out. Her response only fueled my work on her. My tongue swirled around her swollen nub and my hand traveled up her thigh. I teased her at her entrance with my middle and ring finger before slowly sliding them in. She let out a slow whine as they slid inside her and began pumping into her sweet spot. In a rhythmic manner, my fingers and tongue danced where she needed me.
“You taste so fucking good.” I hummed against her heat as her juices filled my mouth and ran down my fingers. She tasted sweet, sweet like honey and I ate her like I had an insatiable sweet tooth.
My work on her distracted me from how hard I was, painfully restrained in my jeans. My free hand went to unzip them to fuck myself while I devoured her, but she tugged at my hair. “No.” She growled. “This an apology is to me, and you don’t deserve to feel good.”
This was new for me. I’d never had a woman talk like to me during sex before. But there was something so fucking sexy about it and it only made my cock throb more for her.
It seemed her little shift into dominance turned her on just as much as it did me, her moans increasing in volume and her hand gripping my hair-spray drenched hair. I knew she was close with the way her walls clenched around my fingers and her legs trembled around my head. I gazed up at her as she began coming undone – I always thought women were their most beautiful in the throughs of their orgasm, but this was different. The way she glowed in her climax made me want to keep making her look like that. She was angelic and her moans were harmonies – the sort of songs you just want to replay over and over, practically getting high off of them.
Sometimes I would get this twist in my stomach when I’m in business meetings where I know the executives are swindling me, or when I’m in interviews and I can tell they’re going to butcher my words for a scandal. In college I’d get it when I was at parties that would get raided or in high school when intimidating seniors would corner me. That looming churn bloomed in my stomach whenever I was in danger – and I could feel it when I looked at her just then.
Once she was finally spent, I hesitantly pulled myself up from the floor and wiped the excess juices from my mouth. I watched her, disheveled with her chest heaving, still coming down from the high. “So, am I forgiven?”
Her hooded eyes weakly reached mine. I expected there to be more light in them than before, I expected them to be softer and less angry. She pulled herself off the table and smoothed out her dress before looking me dead in the eyes, “No. Not even close.” She took a step closer to me. “But it’s definitely a start.” She spoke with a tone that felt like I was just the gum under her shoe.
She glared at me as if she was disgusted with how I made her feel and tugging the hefty trailer door open and disappearing behind it. It was only then that I realized how utterly foolish it was to think that eating her cunt would erase all the damage I’d done.
I recognized that warning sign in my stomach when I looked at her.
She was a warning I needed to head.
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-3 Days Later-
We were stationed along a long dirt road getting various riding and chase scenes. Bikes lined the side of the sandy road having to cut scenes constantly due to the still wet mud from last night’s unprecedented rain gunking up our tires and covering the ever-important sponsored logos on the bikes. The excessive wind whipping sand against us was also causing interruptions as Intern had to keep cleaning us up and reapplying. Between the shitty weather, the constant interruptions, and our fucking directors still hounding my ass harder since the ski lodge debacles, the day was not going well, and my patience was wearing thin.
I stood just beside my bike, trying to just breathe through the aggravation from the last cut as Intern used a brush to flick off the sand that had built up on my face. She used her pinky to dust off some extra then returned to the brush. Even though the brush was probably the softest thing I’d ever felt, it still mimicked steel wool compared to her touch. Out of everything that happened between us, and out of every memory that would make itself known to me, her touch was the one that lingered the longest. Sure, I thought about that night in the hotel where my cock was buried inside her as she rode me, or when I chained her to the trailer door… I thought about them a lot. But the ones that flickered constantly in my brain like flashing clicks of paparazzi cameras, was us in the hot tub or on the floor of that disgusting restaurant we broke into. My body seemed to remember her warmth on me when she was clinging onto me in the tub or when she held my face as I kissed her on the floor.
I’d never had memories or fantasies rile me up just as much as sexual ones. But my hands burned at the thought of touching her again, they ached just to be on her. I felt it when she was near me, when she touched me. It was magnetic. My cock craved her, of course, but my hands did too – it was something so foreign to me. And I fucking hated it.
It couldn’t happen again. I couldn’t let this happen again. Especially not after the warning siren that blared in the pit of my stomach every time she looked at me. One bitch was already on track to nearly ruin my career, I didn’t need another one. And from our track record, Intern wasn’t looking like the safest option anyway – already causing me fuck up in front of our cast and crew.
She was a warning I needed to head
I just needed to make it through the holidays and the rest of shooting, and I’d be done. I could forget all about her.
I kept my eyes on the floating clouds above us, just letting my thoughts flow in my head when I heard my bike engine rev and felt a splash of thick mud coat the side of my body. The sharp squeal from Intern told me she’d been hit too. “What the fuck!” Looking over at a stagehand, Ryan, the same one from the truth or dare debacle, being the only evidence of a culprit with hands on the vehicle.
He let out a cocky laugh, “Sorry man, was just tryin’ to clean up the bike.”
“You ruined my brushes!” Exclaimed Intern as she looked over the leather brush roll that thankfully covered all the products inside the cosmetic case. While the products inside were safe, her entire arsenal of tools were covered in mud.
This was the tipping point of the day, everything that had pissed me off culminated into the rage that coursed through me. The fact that it was Ryan and that I was now coated in mud, but most of all it was the mud on Intern’s brushes. I made it into Ryan’s face faster than I thought and grabbed him by his shirt. The threats from the directors and management were now faint memories as I held his shirt wrapped around my wrist. “What the fuck were you thinking.” I growled in his face.
“Austin! Let him go!” Shouted one of the crew members but I was too blinded with anger to decipher who.
“Who fucking told you you could touch my bike?” My fist tightening around the dark material.
Yet Ryan looked unbothered, “Sorry man, was just tryna clean it up.” He repeated though his voice was laced in competitive snide.
“Austin!” An even more aggressive shout, “Take a thirty!”
“I can’t work on anything more!” Perked up Intern shouting across set, her forced innocent voice didn’t fool me, she was livid. “My brushes are fu- ruined!”
“Fine. All three of you, call it a day. Go home.” Followed by a ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ muttered beneath the director’s tone.
I released Ryan’s shirt and shoved him back, “Fine, I’m fucking out of here.” Rounding the bike, throwing my leg over it and kicking off the stand.
Before I even moved, I glanced over at Intern looking absolutely defeated and furious, picking through her now destroyed tools.
“You comin’?” I asked over the engine rumbling, and she snapped her head up. Her frustrated watery eyes swirled with conflict; I knew she didn’t want to come with me, but I could get her out of there. She looked around weighing her options and ultimately her anger won. Her gaze landed on Nick, who gave her a little nod saying ‘I got this, go ahead’.
She quickly paced over to me, “Get me the fuck out of here.” She snapped in a whisper, and swung her leg over behind me, wrapping both arms around my torso.
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taglist; @missmaywemeetagain @pompeygirl89 @kendralavon7 @honey6578 @austinswhitewolf @lillypink @purejasmine @elvispresleyisfit12 @julie181 @kingdomforapony @navsblog @butlerprwsley @xstrengthxinxtragedyx @suspiciouselvis @xmusse @h3ll0k1tt9 @denised916 @bxxbxy @marlowmode @butlerstyles @tommydarlings @richardslady121 @loona-fox @dkfixates @lyla-tomtom @whoreforbrownies @slowsweetlove @ab4eva @steph-speaks @powerofelvis @samfangirls @stylespresleyhearted @18lkpeters @presleysdarling @angiedawn02 @nikkisixxwifee @darlinboypresley @guacala @mghy @unclecrunkle @galaxygirl453 @ccab @rairaielv @mazzystarwhor3 @verstappenmax1 @michellelv
If you'd like to be tagged in Part 4.2 + further parts, please comment 🩶
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thank you all SO much for all the love and support on this story, it has truly been overwhelming. i know my numbers aren't as big as others but they're big to me - appreciate EVERY comment, message, ask, etc. even if i’m not the best at replying 😭 i love you guys so much - i never expected this fic to get that much attention so again, thank you xx
if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like angsty sad smutty you’ll probably like it lol
also pls consider giving this a like, comment or reblog ♡
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
May I request angst headcanons for all six blorbos? Please I am sick and in desperate need for sadness to feel better lol (it’s ok if you can’t tho!)
New York, Louisiana, Texas, Gov, Massachusetts, and New Jersey? I apologize in advance. (I do not feel bad at all lmao)
New York:
He will 100% cry or at least struggle not to cry if someone makes fun of the fact he can’t walk right.
Hella insecure about the fact that it’s really difficult for him to be able to gain weight. It doesn’t help that he was bullied about it when he went to school.
NY actually did very well in school and was a bright smart student, but his classmates and teachers were absolute ASSHOLES to him.
Him and sleep are the type of enemies that if one was on fire and the other had a glass of water, the one with the water would drink it. So- NY is tired ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. But if he tries to sleep, he can’t. And if he does manage to fall asleep, he just wakes up an hour later whether it just be out of nowhere or he has a nightmare.
When France killed Loui’s mother, Loui’s mom actually put a curse on France that would give him terrible and vivid nightmares, ones that were so vivid that the victim could feel the phantom pain even after they woke up. But ofc since Louisiana has a heart where he should have a brain, he felt bad and took the curse off of France and put it on himself. Which is one of the reasons that he can’t sleep now. And most of his nightmares are about France’s abuse and war so. Yeah. He feels it all.
So like- Loui is a very kind, very gentle, and very big-hearted person. And he wants nothing but the best for most people. Unfortunately, this has led to him being used and hurt and manipulated more times than anybody is comfortable with hearing. And it’s usually the people he loves most that end of hurting him.
He finds it hard to believe that everybody actually loves him and cares about him. He just- can’t believe it. Yeah, he’ll say he believes it, but he doesn’t. Not fully at least.
For my cryptid/animal stuff, I picture Loui to be some blend of either a wolf and gator, or a wolf and Pelican. But he has the wolf ears and tail. They’re usually out, but they’re just hidden under his hat and in his shirt. Why does he keep them hidden? Well- his ears and tails are VERY sensitive to pain. And France use to take advantage of that by stepping on his tail and yanking on his ears and yelling constantly cuz he knew that it hurt Louisiana. I’m gonna skin France alive.
When he gets way too damn tired to even want to exist, he’ll just completely give up. He’ll just lay there and cry. He won’t even try to fight someone coming to front, he’ll just let it happen. Someone needs to sit this poor boy down and help him talk about his issues please I’m begging-(no let him suffer <3)
The only time he ever opens up is if he’s drunk or if Austin is fronting. And when he comes back to front, he’ll completely ignore everyone and isolate himself.
I’m very very nice to him and I’ve given him: asthma, an iron deficiency, and hemophilia (so he bleeds REALLY easily). He absolutely REFUSES to take his medications and stuff and use his inhaler when he needs it. And all he does is work outside and lift and do stuff all day. Which he gets really dizzy and winded and hurt from. So cue someone finding him completely dazed and out of it leaning against a wall just so he can keep standing and he’s just trying to control his breathing and all of that.
He absolutely loves giving and receiving hugs and physical affection, but if ANY touch restrains and/or restricts his movement and ability to escape, someone is getting kicked, punched, bitten, slapped, or all the above.
Oh Gov. Poor, poor, not-so-innocent Gov….. he needs a nap. Desperately. And a hug. Please. He needs it. So, so bad.
He has PA’s alcohol addiction, but instead it’s caffeine cuz he’s seen what alcohol does to people and fears becoming like PA.
He has TERRIBLE dissociation episodes that usually end with him just passing tf out.
Gov felt as though the Civil War was mostly his fault and pinned the blame on himself for some reason. He felt as though he had done something wrong that made half of his country wanted to leave.
Blames himself for almost everything that happened to his siblings. Even though literally NONE of it was his fault.
His biggest fears are failure, and hurting those he loves. He can’t stand the thought of it AT ALL. He can’t.
Often fears that he’s not “masculine enough” since England always told him that ever since he transitioned.
He tries not to use his magic as much after the Salem Witch Trials happened. Cuz he got beat and burned at the stake at least once or twice and would rather not relive that pain.
New Jersey:
Okay- tbh, he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, and he’s kinda insecure about that cuz he was never as smart and creative as his brothers.
Will literally hold in his tics until he’s alone, and usually by that time, he’s incredibly uncomfortable and maybe even in a bit of pain.
For the cryptid/animal stuff: one of his horns is cracked and a little shorter than the other because England broke one of them. Asshole.
His biggest fears are: the death of his loved ones and hurting his loved ones (oh look he has something in common with Ma-*gets choked*)
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clowvidae · 4 months
Canceled Broadcast [GENLOSS AU]
yeah this is just a ‘RGB + carisal carosoul carousol [You see me search caresill on google]
This is an ‘RGB trio+ Carousel Crew survive’ AU again. I broke it down into parts
part1: The mall
part2: the town
part3: escaped
I probably wont do a fic or anything but still, for simplicity.
Part 1 is under the cut
So it takes place after Ranboo gets boxed. We start with Niki waking up in her “Dressing Room” with a note saying ‘Our dearest apologies, but the show in which you air apart of will no longer air due to cancellation. You will be dispatched shortly.’ She knows that means she’ll die so she manages to sneak out and runs into Vinny and Ethan, who both had the same idea. They find out the mall still has some supplies and find bag to carry stuff. However as they all looking for a way out they see TVs replaying Ranboo’s death for the crew to ‘watch’ their hard work come to fruition. Ethan convinces Niki and Vinny to go back and grab the other four. They were thankfully somehow “fixed” already before the founder announced there would be no more shows, so they grab them and dip. Some employees find them and Niki gets to hit one with a big ass wrench. They escape the mall and find that they are in a completely abandoned town that hasnt seen life since the 80s.
Important details: Vinny’s face and parts of his upper body have burn scars, his eyesight is impaired due to how close the burns were to them, he can see but specifically his peripheral vision is worse
Ethan got out of his death without any major or permanent physical stuff, he was stabbed to death while an employee played Beast Noises Stock Audio #8 (audio jungle). His cuts and wounds are still sore to touch however
Niki has chronic migraines and the bullet just missed her spine, but damage was still done. She would need at least a cain
(My headcannons for) Austin and Sneeg werent crushed to death, instead employees came and broke their bones badly so they didnt have to add the sound effect later in post. Sneeg managed to escape before his damage got as bad as Austins’, his left upper arm and entire right arm and hand are fucked up forever though.
Austin got his entire skeletal structure fucked up though. Even after being “fixed” he has chronic pain and would need forearm crutches and maybe even a wheelchair
Charlie, due to the force of being slammed to the ground by the wire monster, shattered his pelvis, tailbone, and lower spine. Showfall’s medical staff could only do so much, he can technically walk but needs to take painkillers to avoid the extreme pain. Niki and Austin do as well, but in all of Part1+2 they give them to Charlie. He also has internal organ issues due to the surgery scene.
Ranboo would have awful pain in their neck and jaw. Due to the spikes their face muscles experience difficulty and pain when they emote. The inside of his mouth would also be tender and he’d have to be careful eating sharper foods (chips, crackers, etc). His wrists would also have scarring due to the crucifixion.
While Charlie, Austin, and Niki would technically be ambulatory aid users during part1+2, by part3 due to injuries not healing right and not having aids when they still NEEDED them, they would become fully dependent on their aids
If I used any of the wrong language or anything while talking about physical disability please tell me (<- able bodied)
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