#Audrey lasky
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authortobenamedlater · 1 year ago
I wrote a thing. Part of a story I may write at some point about what Tom and Chyler were up to during Reach.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask based on our AO3 conversation 😁
General Audrey Lasky dabbed at her eyes and for the third time in the last hour, tried to pull herself together.
Her daughter-in-law was dead, and the work wouldn’t let up enough for Audrey to go to the other side of Ankara and be with her grieving son. Or for him to come to her.
Some things never change. We’re in the same damn city, and I still can’t be there for him.
“You kiss our children with that mouth, Marine?” Audrey’s late husband would have asked her.
Shut up, Jim, Audrey wearily told the voice in her head even as she wished its owner were admonishing her in person.
She fought off tears again. Nobody needed to see General Lasky sobbing at her desk.
Who wants me now? Audrey hit the “accept” button without caring much about who was on the other end. “This is General Lasky,” she answered tonelessly.
“Audrey?” A staticky female voice asked.
“Yes,” Audrey confirmed. 
A sigh from the other end. “Oh, finally. I’ve been trying to reach Tom for the past three days!”
Reach Tom? Audrey stared at the wall. Now she was hearing things. Things that sounded a lot like her daughter-in-law. The same daughter-in-law who had died over Reach.
“Have you heard from him?” The caller continued. “Do you know how to get in touch with him?”
“Who is this?” Audrey demanded.
Chyler was dead. So who was this on the phone?
“Who is it? It’s me. It’s Chyler.” A confused pause. “Is everything all right?”
Audrey nearly laughed. Nothing was all right. Reach was ash, Earth had nearly joined it, humankind was running for the hills, and now she was hallucinating a call from her son’s dead wife.
“You’re dead.” Audrey didn’t see any point in beating around the bush. This was all a dream or something, anyway.
“Your name was on Bleak Midwinter’s casualty list,” Audrey said bluntly. “Saw it with my own two eyes.”
“I wasn’t on…oh.” A gasp. “Oh, I must have still been listed on the crew manifest.”
Audrey sat up straighter. Was it possible? Was this real?
I have been down this road once before.
“I got reassigned at the last second,” Chyler—maybe it really was her—continued. “Glory’s Light. They needed an ops officer and…wait, did Tom not get my message? That I got switched?”
“He must not have,” Audrey murmured.
“Wait, you two thought I was dead?!”
A surge of adrenaline jolted Audrey out of her fugue. “Chyler.”
“This is really you?” Audrey covered her mouth with one hand.
“Yes. Yes, Audrey, it’s really me.”
Audrey hit the mute button and let herself have a few seconds to cry into her palm. “Chyler. Tom thinks your dead, and I did too until about thirty seconds ago.”
“Oh, no,” Chyler gasped. “Is he OK?”
“No, but I’m about to change that. Can I reach you at this frequency?”
“Yes. It’s my command line on Glory’s Light. I really shouldn’t be using it for this.”
“We’ve all got bigger fish to fry right now.” Audrey made quick note of the numbers. “OK. Stay by your line.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“I’m going to find him.” Audrey pushed herself back from the desk. “We’ll call you.”
Audrey almost ended the call and then thought better of it. “Chyler, I’m…” I’m what? Nothing Audrey could think of seemed to do this justice.
“I know,” Chyler said. “Just find Tom. Please.”
“I will.” Audrey ended the call, locked her computer, and ran. All thoughts of duty were gone.
Now, she had a duty to her son.
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infinityactual · 2 years ago
🤝 How did they meet in the first place? what were their first impressions of each other?
Giuseppe and Audrey have a mutual friend named Kyle. Giuseppe and Kyle grew up together on Emerald Cove, and Audrey is Kyle's squad leader. Kyle introduces them on shore leave, thinking "Hey, these are two people I really enjoy hanging out with, I should introduce them so we can ALL hang out!" without considering he liked their company for different reasons. Audrey and Giuseppe were NOT at all fond of each other to start with. Giuseppe found Audrey to be loud, coarse and fairly invasive, and Audrey found Giuseppe to be easily annoyed and standoffish.
💕 Who confessed first and how? Did it go as planned or did shenanigans ensue?
It was Audrey, and it was a very spur of the moment kiss, followed by The Realization that this had been a mutual pining situation, which was in turn followed by Audrey grabbing Giuseppe by his shirt and yanking him back into her hotel room.
🕊 Give a domesric tidbit!
Cadmon's name was a Lirerature Nerd Name, and pretty much the whole time Audrey was pregnant with Tom, Giuseppe terrorized her by suggesting names like "Rehoboam" or "Chaucer". or "Gilgamesh" It was very good natured, something that was a continuation of them trying to figure out a name for Cadmon. Even after they settled on just Thomas, he'd suggest other names just to make Audrey laugh.
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authortobenamedlater · 2 years ago
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Given time to devise a sufficient plot bunny I will make this happen
what if women in halo interacted with one another
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dancing-coyote · 2 years ago
I just cracked myself up with the idea that Lasky is the Connecticut Clark of Halo, and it's extra funny if you ship him with Palmer 🤣
Lasky: Will you make me the 3rd happiest man on Mars and marry me?
Palmer: Ok
....Also the mental image of Audrey saying that Palmer looks "like a cold harlot out in a snowstorm" and offering her a sweater is fukkin hilarious NGL
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eclecticboogaloo · 3 years ago
Audrey Lasky and Giuseppe Hall (his unmarried name), roundabout 20-21. I haven't figured out who's the older of the two, tempted to say it's Audrey by like, 2 years.
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am-i-right-marines · 4 years ago
Prompt: Surprise
“Come again, Roland?”
“You heard me, Sir. One Brigadier General Audrey Lasky is making a surprise inspection once we reach the Cairo.”
Captain Thomas James Lasky was incredulous. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard from his mother. Rubbing his eyes, he sighed. “Right. Ok. I’ll need to organize an honor guard. Inform sub commanders about the inspection...”
As the Captain started muttering to himself and planning the necessary things for General Lasky’s arrival, Roland discretely accessed his vitals via his CNI transmitter. Elevated heart rate. Increased Beta waves. Shallow breathing.
Classic signs of both minor PTSD and basic emotional distress.
The A.I, ever faithful to his commanding officer, paged the XO to the bridge. “Captain, if I might recommend it, you may want to tend to these matters in private.”
Tom looked over at the holotank that Roland’s avatar currently occupied. That is to say, the holotable in the center of the bridge with the A.I. ‘standing’ on one corner. Judging by his expression, he didn’t mean what he said. He implied something completely different.
Roland titled his head and raised his eyebrows, prompting Tom to nod. He knew what the A.I. was really getting at. “You’re right. Thank you, Roland.”
Roland saluted wholeheartedly. “Always, Sir.”
Commander Sarah Palmer, for one of the very few times in her life, was worried.
Not for herself mind you, but for her friend.
Roland had told her everything, and the former ODST had immediately set off towards Tom’s quarters. Thankful she wasn’t in her armor when Roland told her, because while the Captain carried enormous respect for the Spartans ever since Circinius, he always found it a little off-putting to have to look up at his friend when he didn’t use to need to. Well, he still had to, but not as much.
Passing by a pair of marines who’s salutes she completely ignored, Sarah turned a corner and stopped at a specific door before knocking.
She allowed her lips to twitch in a small amused smirk. “Jul‘Mdama.”
The door slid open to allow her in, then closed behind her. Taking a moment to examine his quarters, the Spartan looked around.
Immaculately made bunk. Organized desk. Zero messiness aside from a small pile of paper books next to his desk.
He was definitely anxious.
Sarah turned her attention towards the Captain of one of the most dangerous ships in the Orion Arm.
Pacing. Arms at parade-rest even though that wasn’t necessary. Piece of Hunter armor that the Chief had given him not stuffed inside his BDU. Eyes dark.
“Tom...” She started.
“Am I overthinking it?” He asked.
She didn’t need to ask for clarification. She knew what he meant. “Yes. But you have a right to do so.”
Tom stopped pacing and turned to face her, raising an eyebrow.
Sarah crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. “You haven’t talked to her in thirty years. And before that she hadn’t acted particularly warmly to you in years.”
Tom had ranted to her about it before. After a particularly... Helljumper tradition, years ago. It hadn’t damaged their friendship at all. She had nearly died, and Tom was worried about her. Nothing special. Those were thoughts Tom kept locked away, and that had rather lowered both of their defenses. Hell it had probably cemented their friendship.
“Just... take it as it comes. Lima Charlie?”
Tom raised an eyebrow, then smiled. “You always know the right words, Spartan.”
Sarah smirked. “Behind every strong Captain...” She joked.
Putting on his best arrogant ODST impression, Tom spoke again. “Atta’ girl.”
Playing along, the Spartan raised an eyebrow. “Don’t say that unless you back it up.”
A pause.
Then they both laughed. “Thanks Sarah.”
“Anytime, Tom.”
The ramp of the Pelican lowered to reveal a woman of fair skin with brown hair that held a few streaks of grey. Clad in a standard UNSC Marine Corps Officer Uniform with the insignia of a Brigadier General on her collar, General Lasky walked down the ramp and along the rows of Marines and Spartans there to greet her. As one, the Honor Guard saluted.
When she reached Tom and Sarah at the end of the guard, the two saluted. Audrey saluted back. “Captain. Commander.”
“General Lasky.” The pair responded simultaneously, punctuated by a deep breath from Tom.
“Lead the way, Captain. You know your ship best.”
Hours of it.
Simple nods, the occasional question, not a variance in her expression.
“Thomas, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that today your brother Cadmon was shot down by Insurrectionist forces.”
Tom’s fists clenched, only for skin to brush his hand. Glancing to his left, he saw Sarah wearing a sympathetic expression.
She knew when to cut off the sarcasm and just be by his side. He loved his friend for that.
“Captain, may I speak with you in private for a moment?”
The question surprised him. Glancing at his mother, he saw no change in her expression. “Yes Sir.”
Sarah nodded and walked away, with Tom stepping into his quarters and Audrey following.
After a moment of silence, Audrey sighed. “Thomas... I... am sorry.”
Tom blinked several times. “Excuse me?”
“I’m... sorry.” She said again. “For everything. I...”
“Mom,” Tom started. “it’s ok. It’s in the past.”
Audrey rolled her lips, sniffling slightly and tilting her head towards the ground.
Was... was she crying?
“I neglected you and your brother for so long. Then I lost Cadmon. I don’t want to lose you Thomas... not you too.”
Slowly, Lasky crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her. Audrey stiffened, she couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched her non-clinically. Especially a member of her family.
Slowly, the General leaned into her son’s embrace.
“You haven’t lost me mom. We just lost time.”
And here it is! Audrey and Tom. Admittedly their actual interaction is short, but I think it’s meaningful. I also got Kinda sidetracked.
Here it is @infinityactual !
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authortobenamedlater · 1 year ago
Tom calls his mom with some mischief little Cadmon got into and after a couple of minutes says “I don’t know what I was thinking calling you for sympathy” and Audrey says “I don’t know what you were thinking either, son.”
If Tom and Chyler had a son, his name would be Cadmon Walter Lasky.
That's all.
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authortobenamedlater · 2 years ago
Audrey pulled the tablet from the laundry pile next to her bed. “Yes, I’m here.” She righted the screen. “You what?”
“I got married,” Thomas said again.
I know I said I was putting everything on hold until after DinBo/Sabezra solidarity, but I hit a wall after pushing myself with that the last several days and needed to clear the cache, so to speak.
@ageless-aislynn @sarnakhwritesthings @writeforfandoms @christian-latte-anon @a2on1break
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infinityactual · 2 years ago
from the OTP questions ask list:
john/lasky: 3 & 11 & 19
beppe / audrey: 13 & 26
-Favorite thing to tease each other about?
Tom mostly teases John about his proclivity for leaping out of starships or having to be retrieved from the vacuum of space by Pelican for other reasons. John occasionally teases Lasky about how his sense of self-preservation goes out the airlock sometimes, like when he decided to play Hunter Bait on Circinus, or charging a Promethean Knight.
-What good do they bring out in each other?
For the most part it's really just reminding each other that self-care is necessary, and that they each hold themselves to an almost impossible standard in their own minds and how to break out of that and realize that it's OK to seek comfort or to want other things that make them happy. But they also encourage each other to get out of their comfort zones now and then.
-What values do they not share? How do they reconcile those differences?
I can't really think of anything for this, not that immediately jumps to mind, anyway.
Audrey and Giuseppe:
-How do they express their love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Giuseppe is very much a gift giver and a words guy. He'll bring an extra latte or pay for one for you if you hang out, or he'll tell you how he feels, mostly in writing. Audrey is an acts of service type, but also a gift giver, and that overlap very much works in their favor.
-How are they with PDA?
They don't give a shit, for the most part. They won't like...make out or get it on in public, but holding hands, hugging or kissing around others don't make them uncomfortable at all.
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 2 years ago
every day I am grateful for well maintained fan wikis
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authortobenamedlater · 2 years ago
I always find it helpful to think of my summary as a hook. What’s going to make someone want to stop scrolling and click on my story? Quotes from the fic are my usual go-to here. Take this from my latest effort:
She could all but hear Tom’s groan through the screen.
CAPTAIN THOMAS LASKY: I do not get paid enough for this. — The problem is…that's not what Lasky said.
Of course if you’ve been hanging around my blog you know what he said 🤣 but if you haven’t, you want to find out. Right?
Or this from the FFN upload of Survivor:
Circinius IV isn’t the first time Audrey Lasky’s son cheated death.
So what IS the first time he cheated death? Don’t you want to know?
Use your summary as a teaser. Make people want to read your fic. Make them curious. It’s a hook, an advertisement, not just a statement.
me: *writes fic*
me: great! time to post to ao3-
ao3 summary box: *exists*
ao3 summary box:
ao3 summary box: 
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authortobenamedlater · 1 year ago
I’m probably the only one who thinks about this but I have suspicions the Lasky family is based on the Steward of Gondor line. Though Audrey’s shortcomings are not quite the same as Denethor’s.
I also wonder if Microsoft did this on purpose or if it was just a weird accident. You can never tell with them.
I just love how Tolkien averted the “jealous brother/brotherly rivals” stereotype with Boromir and Faramir.
Denethor has major “parental preference” issues - he has never made any effort to hide the fact that Boromir is his favorite and he thinks Faramir is mediocre by comparison.
But Faramir never resents Boromir for this, nor does Boromir ever look down on Faramir because of his dad’s views. They unconditionally love and support each other, and know each other’s true worth. Faramir is very aware of Boromir’s shortcomings and is quick to understand his struggle with the Ring, but it doesn’t make him love Boromir any less. And for all his worship of his father, Boromir never agrees with his viewpoint on Faramir and instead sees Faramir’s real value and makes sure to always let him know it.
It’s really beautiful.
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117--087 · 5 years ago
Where is sam mendez grown up legacy story?
Hoo-boy. Well to be perfectly honest it’s socked away in my brain along with the dozens of other Halo-related stories, art, projects, etc. that will never see the light of day due to my own lack of creative talent & motivation.
But I’d hate to leave you totally empty handed here, Anon. So how about a basic outline of the pieces of the story I got figured out so far (with much help from my co-captain @firerwolf)…feel free to read more under the cut!
Something I kind of wanted to “remedy” with this idea is how quickly the galaxy has been unraveling the Forerunner’s & Ancient Humanity’s history and secrets in current Halo canon. The way I figure, empires that expansive and ancient would take a few generations to really uncover and figure out. So my thought is that once the Spartan-IIs have helped stop the current immediate conflicts going on, the galaxy enters a bit of a lull as everyone finally gets to focus on rebuilding their own civilizations and trying to heal whilst strengthening new alliances.
Everyone in the current main cast basically retires and relocates, or takes on more administrative type roles, etc. With John and Kelly settling down, adopting the surname Mendez, and having a son together that they name Samuel. As much as his parents wanted to perhaps steer him away from military service, having grown up with stories of his family’s exploits Sam can’t help but feel called to become a Spartan himself. He gets through basic training & the augmentations with ease, and is subsequently placed on a new/experimental special ops team consisting of two humans and two Sangheili. The humans being himself, and Lasky & Palmer’s daughter Audrey (who’s also a newly-minted Spartan). The Sangheili are one of the Arbiter’s daughters named Shal, and Dath who is the son of two spec-op Elite OCs.
From there they embark on missions and adventures across known space. A big part of their challenge is simply navigating the new political environment of the galaxy. As well as figuring out more about the connection between the Forerunners, Ancient Humanity, and the Precursors/Flood. All of these characters also have to work on reconciling who they are as individuals with the larger-than-life legacies left by their parents and predecessors, and come together as a mixed team. They’ll have to forge their own path ahead as they work to help keep the galaxy united against threats new & old (i.e. reformed Covenant/Banished threats & possible Flood resurgence).
…So essentially this is my version of a Phase Three (Bungie’s games = Phase One, 2012-Current 343i’s games = Phase Two)/Next Gen Haloverse - sort of like what the ‘Gears of War’ franchise is doing right now. It would delve more into Ancient Human lore and other cool concepts from the Forerunner Saga…and basically move the story forward in a way the Halo franchise at large is way too scared to do right now.
It’s a fun idea for an AU for certain. And maybe someday I’ll do something substantial with it. But for now this and a few additional rambles & doodles is all I have to show for it. Still, one dares to dream now and again. I’ve decided to make a #Living Legacy tag for this AU as well in case anything does get added in the future.
Side note: I like to imagine Sam wearing an updated version of the HELLCAT MJOLNIR, to build on the theme of connecting the past & future…though perhaps with a new/different helmet more reminiscent of his father’s “classic” MJOLNIR for good measure. ;)
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eclecticboogaloo · 3 years ago
more sof dad. he likes flowers and plants.
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authortobenamedlater · 9 months ago
Oooooo I can do this for Tom and Chyler since I have essentially made them OCs.
This got long, very long. And I’m probably still missing a few things. Apologies for repeating things you’ve already read if you’ve been around here awhile.
Ladies first:
Chyler’s favorite dinner is burger Mac & cheese because her mom used to make it. It’s one of the few things Chyler remembers her mom could cook.
Chyler cannot handle spicy food and refuses to kiss Tom for at least a half hour if he’s been at the ghost peppers.
Her birthday is July 2 2510, making her just over a month older than Tom.
Halopedia mentions her brother. I decided he’s two years younger than Chyler.
Her mom died when she was 11, her father within a year of Forward Unto Dawn. Chyler and Grayson lived with their grandparents.
She took ballet for a few years as a little girl. She once tried to put Tom through a barre workout. This ended badly.
She almost never drinks alcohol, but will make notable exceptions for Tom’s Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
Chyler loves old school Disney movies. By 2552, that’s A LOT of old school Disney movies to love.
She took up needlework as a new officer because she wanted to do something with her hands that wasn’t fighting. She made a cross-stitch of Infinity that Tom has in the ready room. There’s a drawer in their quarters he won’t open lest “Chyler’s sewing $#*!” grow legs and attack him.
Her aunt was a Sunday School teacher. This came from a line in Messy Together and became a headcanon that Chyler grew up nominally Methodist.
Chyler’s brother was in the Marines, but he got medically discharged not long before Reach. He’s married and has three kids who love their Uncle Tom and Auntie Chyler.
I always imagine off-duty Chyler in PJ pants and a baggy T-shirt or sweatshirt, probably Tom’s, with her hair wet from the shower.
She once almost burned down their base house on Reach trying to make pancakes.
She kept her maiden name to avoid confusion with two Laskys of the same rank.
Though she never met him, Chyler misses Cadmon. She feels like there is a part of her husband she doesn’t really know because Cadmon isn’t there to bring it out.
Chyler gets along great with Audrey.
All the S-IVs are terrified of Commander Silva. The terror originates from her finding them dealing some kind of contraband one time. This is a vague headcanon I’ve had for ages.
Chyler hero-worships the Master Chief every bit as much as Tom does. She just hides it better.
He was a surprise baby and a preemie who wasn’t supposed to see his first birthday.
He is a slightly shorter copy of his dad.
Chyler’s brother hated Tom for a few years, believing “that Innie-loving little $#*! from Corbulo” was not good enough for his sister. They finally slugged it out in the backyard during a visit and got along great from that point forward. Grayson still calls Tom an Innie-loving little $#*!.
Tom never disputed that he is not good enough for Chyler.
He did NOT handle the aftermath of Circinius very well for…15 years or so. It took Chyler’s filing for divorce to scare him straight.
His call sign in his flying days was “Wife Guy” because he was the only married guy in his training class.
He has no poker face. What poker face he has, he’s earned through years of training and discipline.
Tom rated on Longswords and Baselards and could still fly them in a pinch. He could still fly anything in a pinch.
Despite the stash of Johnnie Walker, Tom doesn’t drink often and substances generally have never appealed to him. Except for that caffeine addiction we all know he’s nursing. Adrenaline is his drug of choice, and this is part of what got him bounced from flying. Maybe one day I’ll finish the fic.
For now, I’ve decided Tom had a non-religious upbringing. This is subject to change if I get hit with a headcanon.
His dad was a wannabe pilot turned high school science teacher. He died suddenly when Tom was 10. I haven’t decided how. This was when Audrey and Tom’s relationship really hit the skids.
…Shoot I should have mentioned Papa Lasky in my OC post.
Papa L’s death coincided with Audrey’s military duties really ramping up. Tom (and Cadmon, when he was home) mostly lived with Audrey’s brother and sister-in-law.
Tom has a bad habit of trying to finish work in bed. Chyler usually falls asleep on his chest when he does this, unwittingly reinforcing the behavior.
He cannot dance. Or sing. At all.
He will brag to anyone within earshot that Chyler could outshoot him with her eyes closed.
He is still tight with Sully.
The UNSC stopped using cytoprethaline shortly after FUD and uses a new drug Tom is not allergic to. I just HAD to write around it because an allergy that severe would be an automatic DQ, especially for a flight medical.
He’s on good terms with his mom now. This was mostly Chyler’s doing.
He still has a “spot.” Only Chyler knows where it is. And Roland. And Palmer. OK half the ship knows and they just don’t talk about it.
Tom sometimes imagines Cadmon giving Chyler a hard time about being “just shy” of his weapons check record.
This is not MWAS-dependent: One time Del Rio really, really got under Tom's skin. Tom was walking around the atrium trying to cool off and having serious thoughts about asking for a transfer. He overheard two crew members talking smack about Del Rio and one of them said "If they ever give Lasky the boot, we'll be hosed." So Tom stayed and endured another three years or so of Del Rio so everyone else wouldn't have to.
This is MWAS-dependent: Once Chyler got transferred to Infinity following Halo 4, everyone noticed how much happier Captain Lasky was. Speculation as to exactly why abounds. Sometimes Roland has to shut down said speculation.
Their relationship:
They lost touch for a few years between Circinius and their first duty station. Once they reconnected, they were inseparable.
They broke up twice in the year between meeting up again and getting married. The first time they fell into bed together and Tom got spooked. Don’t know what happened the second time, but there’s dispute over who initiated the breakup.
They got engaged and married within about 20 minutes. Tom still feels bad about how un-romantic the whole thing was.
They had cheap silicone or whatever the 2500s equivalent is wedding rings until they patched up their marriage following the almost-divorce, then they got real rings. I want Tom to get Chyler a diamond at some point.
They spent several of their first 10 years apart, which contributed to their marriage deteriorating to the point Chyler was ready to walk out. They were also young and dumb and traumatized and Tom had his head firmly where the sun don’t shine.
I don’t know how I’d want their story to end, not that I ever plan on writing their end. I want them to get to retire together but let’s be real here. Tom could not handle retirement and Chyler could not handle a retired Tom. I think they would die at the same time, or one right after the other, probably in battle.
They love each other so much it’s disgusting. I invented them and I think they’re disgusting.
Does anyone have halo ocs they want to ramble about? I love readying profiles on ocs it's like hey how does your little guy's brain work?? I want to know!
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sztukaspalania · 6 years ago
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Zostały wymyślone jako, środek wymiany gospodarczej. Coraz większą popularność zyskują, jako przyzwolenie do bycia dupkiem. Faceci schowają jaja do kieszeni by je dostać, a laski zrobią laski. Zacznijmy od pytania: jaka jest najsławniejsza kobieta na świecie. Myślę, że pytając młodego pokolenia, nie będzie to Marylin, Audrey, Królowa Elżbieta, ani Magda Gessler. Ale, prawdopodobnie Kim Kardashian, a za nią reszta sióstr benedyktynek. To smutny znak naszych czasów, że śmietanka egoistów i materialistów, wiedzie prym na językach i wzroku ludzi. Biznesplan? To jakaś nazwa filmu, którego nie oglądałam? Nagraj film porno, ze swoim udziałem i "przypadkiem" wrzuć do sieci. Nie ma czegoś takiego, jak "zła prasa". Każda, jest dobra, byle mówili. Byle obrabiali dupę, że mam dużą dupę. Byle mówili, że usta jak langusta. Skandal. za skandalem, reżim w prasie jak Kim Jong-un. To naprawdę imponujące, jak wiele ludzi dałoby odciąć sobie rękę, żeby drugą dotknąć jej pośladka, choćby na chwilę. Potem mogę umierać w spokoju. Na grobie napiszcie, "kochał Kim, został niKim". Pieniądze stały się celem, zamiast być efektem ubocznym sukcesu. Zaczęły bardziej imponować, niż ten sukces, sam w sobie. Stały się jego miarą, a nie są wymierne. Jak spotykam nowych ludzi i japa im się nie zamyka, na temat finansów, co kupią, co zrobią, jak im się powodzi, od tej mentalnej masturbacji mam ochotę zabrać ich na tył restauracji i potopić po kolei w pisuarze. Powoli, aż bąbelki na wodzie staną się coraz, rzadsze i rzadsze, aż ustaną... Wrócę ze zamoczoną koszulą, rękawy podwinięte i tyle jedzenia nietkniętego na stole, czas na ucztę. #True_Story Nie ma znaczenia, czy masz miliony jeśli, zachowujesz się gorzej niż, menel co bierze, Taterke na kreskę Panie kierowniku. To, że psikasz się "Milionem" od Paco Rabanne, nie daje Ci zielonego światła na traktowanie innych jak zero. Klasy i autentyczności nie da kupić. Czy wozisz się Panamerą, czy Amareną, jest nieistotne. S.A.M. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmduMoxldyk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16oo8sykfnd7i
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