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American Dream
I was born into a middlow income family, and burned by scalding hot water at 11 months old. The responsible party gave us a settlement and I got that around 18 years old, at which time I was lucky to be walking since I barely survived the infections on my legs. They actually said I never would walk but I was, and still am determined. I even ran long distance track. It’s been a long hard life…
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Gracias... a ti!
Hace tiempo vengo viendo en Tiktok y otras redes sociales, acerca del mindfullness y muchas otras tendencias, pero muchas de estas tendencias tienen algo en común, La Gratitud, creo que todos pasamos por esa época de nuestras vidas en las que todo parece muy lúgubre y triste, pero ahora que lo vemos en retrospectiva pues... No fue tan malo en comparación.
Es por esto que debemos aprender a ser agradecidos, damos muchas cosas por sentado, simplemente porque siempre gozamos de ellas, asumimos que siempre estará allí y no nos damos cuenta cuan afortunados somos en realidad.
¿Qué es exactamente gratitud? es un sentimiento de apreciación y reconocimiento por las cosas buenas y positivas en la vida. Es una actitud positiva en la que reconocemos y valoramos las bendiciones recibimos. Es importante ser agradecido, reconocer las personas, cosas o eventos que hicieron una diferencia en nuestras vidas, si empezamos a ser agradecidos veremos el mundo de una forma mas positiva, y esto tendrá un impacto positivo en nuestra salud emocional y física.
La gratitud tiene muchos beneficios para la salud mental y emocional. Practicarla puede hacerte más feliz y reducir síntomas de depresión y ansiedad. Cuando eres agradecida mejoras tus relaciones, creas un ambiente más positivo y colaborativo, la gratitud también te da una mejor calidad de sueño, un sistema inmunológico mas fuerte y una menor presión arterial, ya sabes si tu estado anímico es mejor tu salud en general es mejor.
La gratitud nos ayuda a enfocarnos en las cosas buenas de nuestra vida, disminuyendo la negatividad y el estrés, desarrollaremos una perspectiva mas positiva y afrontaremos mejor los desafíos y las dificultades. El ser agradecido te puede ayudar a desarrollar una mayor motivación y determinación para alcanzar tus metas personales y profesionales.
Para practicar la gratitud, podríamos escribir un diario de agradecimiento,en el que pongas las cosas por las que estas agradecida y así enfocarte en lo positivo de la vida, darle directamente las gracias a las personas que te han ayudado, de forma verbal, tomar un momento para reflexionar sobre las cosas por las que estas agradecido, ya sea antes de dormir o al levantarte.
Hacer cosas buenas por los demás puede ayudar a sentirse agradecido por las bendiciones que tienes y de paso desarrollar una conexión con los demás, toma nota de las cosas simples y cotidianas por las que estas agradecido, eso te ayudara a desarrollar una actitud de gratitud en tu vida.
Como todo, practicar la gratitud es un proceso continuo, se trata de incorporarlo en tu vida, y así cambiar la perspectiva y ver las cosas de una forma más positiva, es como un musculo, cuanto más lo entrenas más fuerte se vuelve.
Ser agradecido no significa que siempre estés feliz y contento, pero si te ayudará a ver las cosas con otros lentes y a apreciar lo que tienes.
Si alguna vez sientes que estás perdiendo la perspectiva, solo recuerda esto: ¡incluso el día más oscuro tiene una oportunidad para un atardecer espectacular!
Haz una lista de cosas por las que estás agradecido cada día, di "gracias" con sinceridad. ¡Y no te preocupes si al principio te cuesta, todo lo bueno lleva práctica!
Gracias a ustedes por leerme, Rose
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"Good Morning"
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Body Dismorphia
Do you ever feel like you don’t know who/ what others see when they actually look at you? or have you ever wondered “what do I really truly look like?” Well I do! You would think that by now at my ripe “mature” age of fifty five, an age some would refer to as a “grown up” or “middle-aged”, that I would, at least have this answer! Nope. I had imagined and hoped one day that this little girl,…
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#attitudeofgratitude#behaviour#bodyimage#bodymetamorphosis appreciationofself#challenges#contentment#dietdoctor#metamorphosis#selfimage#attitude#beauty#dreams
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Attitude Of Gratitude
Dear Beloved,
I want to remind you of the power of a grateful heart. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and you will find joy even in the smallest things. Give thanks for the blessings you have and trust in my provision for the future. Gratitude opens the door to more blessings and positions your heart to receive my favor. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is my will for you. #GratefulHeart #AttitudeOfGratitude #RejoiceAlways
With love, Your Heavenly Father
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In other words, go for everything or better not go.
#GoGirl #LoveYourself
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The Art of Expressing Gratitude for your Business
Expressing Gratitude in your Business is a fundamental part of your Business Strategy. Apply and watch your Connections and Success flourish!
In the fast-paced world of business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget the power of a simple “Thank You.” However, expressing Gratitude is not just a courtesy; it’s a Strategy that can strengthen your relationships with Customers, Employees, and Partners. In this blog post, we’ll explore the Art of Expressing Gratitude for your Business and how it can lead to lasting…
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#appreciation#attitudeofgratitude#Beauty Business#beauty therapist#beautybusinesscoach#business#business coach#business coaching#business success#business tools#coaching#evolution mindset coaching#evolving#expressing gratitude#gratitude#holistic business#Holistic Practice#holistic practitioners#holisticbusinesscoach#mind evolution#mindset coach#mindset coaching#salon owners#Spa#spa business owners#wellness business
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Gratitude and Abundance: Nurturing a Positive Mindset for a Fulfilling Life
In a world that often emphasizes what we lack, cultivating a mindset of gratitude can be a transformative practice. By recognizing and appreciating the abundance that surrounds us, we open ourselves to a wealth of positivity and fulfillment. In this article, we will explore the profound connection between gratitude and abundance, and provide practical strategies for integrating gratitude into our daily lives.
The Alchemy of Gratitude
Gratitude is a potent force that has the ability to shift our perception from scarcity to abundance. When we acknowledge the blessings, both big and small, we create a ripple effect of positivity that invites even more abundance into our lives.
Recognizing Abundance in Everyday Life
Acknowledge Small Victories: Celebrate your daily achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward is a testament to your progress and potential.
Cultivate Mindful Awareness: Take time to notice the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. From the warmth of the sun on your skin to the rustling leaves in the wind, there is magic in every moment.
Appreciate Relationships: Cherish the people in your life who bring love, support, and companionship. Recognize the abundance of connection and the richness it brings to your existence.
The Gratitude Practice: A Daily Ritual
Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate a few moments each day to jot down things you're grateful for. Reflect on the experiences, people, or even personal qualities that bring you joy.
Morning Reflections: Begin your day by setting an intention for gratitude. Take a few minutes to meditate on what you're thankful for, and carry that positive energy with you throughout the day.
Express Gratitude Aloud: Share your appreciation with others. A heartfelt thank-you, a kind word, or a handwritten note can go a long way in spreading positivity.
The Abundance Mindset
Shift from Scarcity to Abundance: Release thoughts of lack and embrace the belief that the universe is abundant. Trust that there is more than enough to go around.
Practice Contentment: Find contentment in the present moment, knowing that you have everything you need to thrive. Let go of the constant pursuit of more and recognize the abundance that already exists.
Visualize Your Abundant Future: Engage in visualization exercises that depict a future brimming with success, joy, and prosperity. This practice aligns your energy with the abundance you seek.
Gratitude as a Way of Life
Embracing gratitude as a way of life fosters a positive, abundance-attracting energy. As we become attuned to the blessings around us, we invite even more richness into our lives. By incorporating these practices into our daily routines, we unlock the door to a life filled with fulfillment, joy, and boundless abundance.
Gratitude is a powerful elixir that transforms our perception of the world. Through mindful awareness, daily practices, and an abundance-oriented mindset, we unlock the infinite potential for joy and fulfillment that resides within and around us. Embrace gratitude, and watch as your life blossoms into a vibrant tapestry of abundance.
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Attitude Of Gratitude A letter/POETRY
To My Beloved In a world so vast, filled with strife, we met, and you brightened my life. Through shallow and deep water you have been my anchor. Always there to wipe away my tears. Through the storms you were a beacon guiding my way. Every moment we’ve shared is a treasure I hold dear. Your presence casts out all my fear. You listened without judgment. Your protective might, held me tight. Your…
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This Should Be Easy
What is your favorite restaurant? But It Isn’t.. Hmm. 🤔 I haven’t been to Bob Evans in years, but I used to love their food. I even served there for awhile. It was a pretty easy job after I figured out the computer. That was a different way of cash register than I had been taught before. I ordered quite a bit of food on accident that I wasn’t supposed to, that no one got to eat because of…
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A sense of purpose and peace of mind today
follow @realtalkwithmatty👈🏿...#gratitudeiseverything #gratitudeisattitude #attitudeofgratitude #peaceofmind☮️ #OQTT #peaceofmindovereverything #FindYourPath#GrowthMindset #MindfulLiving #staypositive #MorningInspirationWithMatty🌅 #enjoylife#WhyMindsetIsEverything #abettermindset#ChoosingGrowth
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"What Do You Believe?"
I believe that dreams do come true. I believe that music and dancing soothe the soul. I believe that we can change if we want to. I believe that actions make the words true. I believe that laughter is really the best medicine. I believe that loyalty, respect and trust is the key to any relationship. I believe that intuition never lies and if you feel like something is off, it usually is. I…
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Daily Affirmation
I welcome into my day , only light , love, beauty and friendships
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Love yourself above all 🥰
#motivation#lifegoals#attitudeofgratitude#loveyourself#gratitude#createsomething#happiness#keepgoing#self confidence#creativity
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