#Atspv au
crimson-chaser · 1 year
You guys ain't ready for the Spiderverse! Shawn AU I have...
Okay so this all started because I had seen some of the fanart of the newer cast as spiderman/spidermen(idk what the plural term would be) and since I am obsessed with Shawn I started thinking of a Spider version of him. An then the ideas started 😈.
Shawn's Universe
Shawn's universe is infested an crowded with thee Un-dead species. That's where His phobia come's in, When he is traveling other universe or needed somewhere other then his normal world he's always turning his head an constantly Checking the surrounding areas incase of a surprise Zombie attack that could come out of nowhere.
When suggested to go to Shawn's universe he tries to re-direct them somewhere else an explain how "zombies will eat their brains out". That's why everyone in the spider community thinks he's crazy, He usually just give's up an let's them see the true hell that he has to deal with.
After that they never ask again...
Canon Event
(tw for blood an death)
He had heard of 'canon events' happening but he never really could believe that anything WORSE could happen to him when he was basically walking through a living hell-zone every time he had to step out of his underground bunker.
but it got MUCH worse.
After sometime of being an getting used to the fact that he was now spiderman. That meant he would be off doing whatever he was assigned to do way more often, One day of his life, that's all it took,
one day to mess shit up.
He was sent off to fight in a different universe because some of the others were too hurt to continue the fight against the overly powered villains. Though he couldn't help but feel like something was off, an not like his usual paranoia, it was like a tingling feeling in his mind that would not let go of, and he's good at letting go of things, because "you can't trust anyone or anything in the zombie apocalypse".
Once he had got all healed an bandaged, he sped back into his own familiar world with the tingling feeling still there, It had gotten more intense each moment he wasn't speeding back to his home.
When he'd gotten back to the bunker he found blood on the doorway of the place, he thought it was weird but just pushed it off saying it was probably some 'brain dead zombies' trying to break in.
he called out to his family expecting his usual responses back, the "hey honey" from his mother or the nonchalant "Wazzup" from his sister, he started panicking thinking of the worst. An sadly it was true
he had walked through thee entire bunker over three times in a panic wondering where his family could be. he reached back into the main living space to finally discover a yellow post-it note sticking on the kitchen table with rushed messy but readable hand-writing
"Hey bro just wanted to tell you that a hoard came after us an we had to scram, mom an dad did not make it, an I'm taking the rest somewhere safe, I am not sure if ill see you again so this is my final goodbye, bye lil bro, love you <3
this is it.
this is thee event he was expecting.
he knew if hoards were capable of breaking in the bunker he couldn't stay there, so he knew what he had to do.
he grabbed everything he needed an shoved it in a strapped bag an headed out the door to find his uncle's bunker.
when he got to his other relatives bunker he started to think of why She didn't just bring the kids there.
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reveseke · 2 months
Meet and greet of the spiders
CM×spiderverse — JS!R, BW!R & Miles morales
Warnings? Cursing I guess. I gave JS!R (he/him, teen) & BW!R (they/them, adult) respective nicknames; Jumpy & Black widow. (Makes it easier for me to write them together lol.)
Requested by 🕷️anon.
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Sitting out in the dead of the night, SJ!R was rocking on the heels of his legs just being the bouncy kid he was. Besides him the more experienced spider who lectured the poor boy on his performance and recklessness.
"you do know how dangerous what you did was? Jumping off of a building without any secured way to stop the fall." Black widow sneered lightly as they looked at the teenager, "I have my—" "your webs don't work and it would have been very unlikely to find a spot for the grappling hook to cling to without loosing the grip, Jumpy!" Cut off by the Black Widow as the teen looked at the other man before scoffing and folding his arms over his chest like a pouting child, "Oh c'mon! It was worth it, looked really cool as well!"
"Reckless, I tell you and so does Spence and your father!" Black widow shook their head while pinching the bridge of their nose, clearly disappointed in the fact that the younger spiderman did not see the danger he had put himself in.
"don't bring him into this.." Jumpy scoffed as he looked to the man, who in return stared back and retorted, "OH, I'll bring whoever the hell I want into this if it makes you understand that you cannot be so reckless and you could die because of it. Now, that's not what we want, right?"
"Right..." Jumpy sighed as he threw his arms up and folded them behind his head while leisurely looking at Black widow, "Sorry."
The silence between the two that had fallen afterwards, before Black widow could say anything back to the teen was interrupted by a loud crash from the alleyway between the next building over accompanied by a yelp, a flash of light, and a scared yowl of a cat.
"what was that?" Jumpy asked having paused and pulled his arms down to his sides, tone laced with somewhat of surprise as it was low, his attention directed over to the alleyway. the older man besides him shrugging, before walking over to the edge to peer down — they didn't seem much surprised at first not that he could see it with steely their eyes seemed all the time with that mask obscuring their face.
"Hey, Jumpy get over here, we have visitors." Black widow hissed over his shoulder with a whispery low tone, glancing over at the advancing teen before looking down again and pointing at the dumpsters.
Certainly wasn't what the two thought would be happening as they stood by the edge of the building, looking down into the shadowed alleyways. Seeing movement and hearing the trash move and crackle under the movement and weight of the person who had landed there. A small curse was uttered as the figure hopped out and gave a small apology to the cat they'd scared by accident.
"Sorry, didn't mean ta scare ya." The voice masculine as is with a tint of accent to it, shaking his head as the person looked around and held his hands up to his head for a moment before looking over to the stray cat that had settled on a box to stare at him, "Woah.. wouldn't know where I might be, yeah?" Looking away again as he let his arms hang a little, "... No? okay."
"hey, where'd you fall from?" Black widow raised their voice while looking down at the boy, "wHAh? Ah.. Hey.." The stranger in the alleyway looked up at them with a small widen to his suit's eyes before glancing down and around himself and settling on the cat, "uhh.. I'm just feeding the stray—s?"
"That's not what they asked.." Jumpy mumbled a little as he hopped over the building's edge and clung to the wall, casually joining the other boy on the ground in the alleyway with a small smile to him as he extended his hand, "Anyways! Hi, I'm (JS.R.NAME) and you are?"
"Miles, Miles Morales..." Miles gave an awkward look at the other teen before looking up at the man up at the roof, a little surprised at what he was seeing, "wait, you're both ... Like,, this universe's spiderman?"
"yeah!" — "no, I'm the spiderman, that's the spiderling." Black widow cut the younger off as they moved to get down from the roof as well before asking as he heard an offended scoff in the background, "you said, ""this universe's""?"
"uhh.. yeah! Yeah, yeah, multiverse of dimensions and such, y'know?" Miles rubbed the back of his neck a little as he leaned on his heels, "wait, do y'all not 'now about that?"
Both Black widow and Jumpy stared at Miles in silence, the men a little taken back by what they heard.
"What's a multiverse?"
"do you really not know what the multiverse theory is?" Black widow asked as they looked at the teen who leaned back and shook his head a little, "so, there's a theory at there's like multiple dimensions and universes linked with each other in a way that we can't see or acknowledge them, an alternative universe type of thing that is different from our own."
"but that's just a theory.." Jumpy mumbled at first as he hummed and slapped his hands together then, "well not anymore, I guess. Cool!" Miles observed the two in silence as he raised his hand a little with his pointed finger hooked a little like he thought about pointing somewhere, just staring at the two a little concerned as the two other just continued to talk about it like it wasn't a big deal, "Hey, do y'all get a lot of spider folk here since y'all are so calm about this?"
The two looked at Miles as they nodded, "I mean, you see them here and there. Why?"
"what do you mean „here and there”? ... Do yall have more spider folk here than the two of you??" Miles seemed a little alarmed at that.
"Yeah." Black widow nodded, "fucked up shit, but y'know nearly everyday at this point."
"what do they call you?"
"black widow and Jumpy." Black widow answered before Jumpy cut in with a complain, "Hey! People don't call me jumpy—" "YEAH, they do actually. That's what you've been nicknamed as by the media." Looking over at Jumpy as the man questioned him, arms crossed with a small lean to his form, "do you not watch the news or read a paper, or something? I think there's also forums about us that detail you as Jumpy in everyday chats."
Jumpy looked at Black widow in silence at first before he threw his hands up on the air in a childish manner — clearly a little displeased, "oh, c'mon, are you fucking serious right now?"
"Anyways, are you with Miguel and his crew?" Cutting to the chase as the man turned to look at Miles now who was petting the cat he'd originally scared, "Oh, uhmm..." Standing up as the teen looked at Black widow and gave a small shrug, "Well, not really? I'm kind on the run from them, y'kno.. Wait, you know about them."
Black widow nodded their head as they replied, "okay, and Yes, I know of them, the guy's not the most patient one." Miles in return nodded his head at that as he listened to the older spider, "yeah.."
"So, you were the first spiderman here?" Miles asked as he tried to figure out what he was given as he held a wrapped sandwich in hand, "and you have a sidekick? That's so cool, I didn't know that some spiders had sidekicks.. well, Penny's an exception since it's a robot, but like yeah. Yeah, okay.."
The three had settled at some point, having completed the round of the patrol a few hours ago as Black widow was trying to get ahold of Spencer. Jumpy sat back on a bench with Miles pacing around a little, trying to piece together things, "and you" Miles pointed at Jumpy, "you were an artificial spiderman?"
".. artificial?" Jumpy tilted his head a little before shaking his head a little - almost sounding offended, "No, I mean yeah, in a way" exclaiming as he gestured to Black widow, "but so are they!"
"dumbass he means that you were forcefully made with science — I got the natural treatment of a bite, your only purpose to them was to be an experiment and that didn't exactly go as planned." Black widow scoffed lightly as they shook their head, looking at the two teenagers, "but, yes. He was."
"and now your answer for me?" Jumpy sounded mildly offended as he leaned back, averting his eyes as he looked to the side, "not cool man!" Clearly a bit peeved about that fact, Miles couldn't help but laugh a little at how Jumpy pouted and crossed his arms after the few following seconds.
"yeah, okay, anyways. Jumpy, should I call your dad?"
"NO! Why would you do that, he doesn't need to know."
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secretly-larry-daley · 8 months
Thinking about Spider-Fish and his distain for humanity.
Humans are the reason why he exists. Why he feels all his pain and trauma. Why his Peter is dead…
But it isn’t only that. No no no, he doesn’t like humans for the way they treat each other. They act as uncivilized monsters while he’s called the animal? How is that fair? Don’t even mention how they’ve treated other animals.
He had to listen to the tired rants of Peter and his life as spider-man. How he was forced to be in authority role at only a teenager. Peter never wanted that, but the world forced him to anyway.
What I believe he hates the most about human is how they drag each other down. They fall apart and expect everyone else to pick up the pieces. To be saved. And if not, they hurt those around them with their problems.
He’s experienced it first hand! Right in front of his very eyes, exactly when Peter died. He watched MJ (this world’s MJ anyway) go from a loving mother to a neglectful mess. And he understands her pain, he really does. That doesn’t mean he didn’t lose someone too that day. But that didn’t mean he didn’t show up. He still cared for Peter’s daughter while still grieving the fact he’s gone. And he doubts he’ll ever stop grieving him. But, that doesn’t mean Peter’s daughter didn’t deserve a parent. It’s a reason why he took up replacing Spider-Man in the first place.
He didn’t want her to be the next Peter.
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