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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - The Darkness
As he walked through the eerie woods, John felt as if he was being coated in tar. Evil things lurked in every corner, making his fur stand. He had never felt so much evil and it broke his heart to think that this is where Atheona would stay if he didn’t do something about it. His paws beat a path only his nose could find. Her scent, vanilla and roses, was faint and he’d taken a few wrong turns here and there but he thought he was getting closer. If only for the fact that the darkness seemed to be concentrating on one area of this godless place.
John finally pushed through the brush and found himself in a meadow. In the middle sat Atheona’s cottage, but something wasn’t right. As he watched, John noticed shadows crawling all over the little house. Every inch was covered in dark shapes with evil seeping from them. He steeled himself and walked towards the cottage, unsure of what he would find. Reaching the front porch, he shifted back into human and walked up the steps. The air was heavy and cold. Every instinct he had was telling him to run but he opened the front door and stepped inside.
“Atheona,” he called out softly. He waited for a reply, quietly shutting the door behind him. The house was freezing and dark. He wanted to get out but he wasn’t leaving without her. John slowly made his way through the home, checking the kitchen and living room for any sign of her. As he walked down the hallway, he began to hear a soft sobbing coming from her bedroom. He bolted the last few feet, slinging open her door. 
He found her, curled into a tight ball, in the darkest corner of her room. At first, he couldn’t understand what she was saying. Her lips were moving and there was sound emanating from them, but he couldn’t quite comprehend what the words were. “Easy,” he said as he scooped her into his arms. “Easy, love. I’ve got you.” John carried her to the living room and sat with her in his lap, stroking her back as she continued her mutterings.
Suddenly, she sat up and met his eyes. “You can’t be here,” Atheona said, her hand reaching up to rest on his cheek. “You’re not real.” She squeezed her eyes shut tight and opened them. “No, you’re not supposed to be here!” Atheona jumped off his lap and ran back to her room, slamming the door behind her and locking it just as John reached it. He rested his head against the closed door. This was going to be much harder than he’d anticipated.
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lordrand-blog · 7 years ago
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Getting ready for some divination, search what I need to work on during the waning moon. First a little herbal tea, homemade recipe handed down to me by my mother in magic (given not required) . . . #pagan #witch #witches #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #malewitch #malewitches #wicca #wiccan #wiccanlife #blackrobelife #mypathmyway #magicanddoughnuts #atheona #divination #tea #waningmoon
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witchitgood-blog · 7 years ago
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I blame my BFF for this new addiction. I want to track all. the. things. #Repost @ermazurita (@get_repost) ・・・ #BuJo year-long #spell casting tracker for @witchitgood ‘s Atheona. #candlemagic #pagan #Wicca
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innercirclesanctuary · 5 years ago
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From Lady Atheona’s planner/journal: this Saturday at 6 PM ***Please be smart and safe if you plan on attending this event. If you’re sick, do not attend. If you’ve come into recent contact with someone who is sick, please do not attend. If you have high risk factors like compromised immunity systems, etc, please do not attend. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing everybody! #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSEvent #Wicca #Witchcraft #polarity #hornedgod #coven (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nD8fwH89o/?igshid=nntxotbdgx7k
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ermazurita · 7 years ago
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#BuJo year-long #spell casting tracker for @witchitgood ‘s Atheona. #candlemagic #pagan #Wicca
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ardrianacahill-blog · 8 years ago
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Missing a Lady Atheona, Bhen Rhuda coffee break….
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nashobawolf2016 · 8 years ago
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#Repost @innercirclesanctuary (@get_repost) ・・・ Join Inner Circle Sanctuary this Saturday, June 10th, for a rare glimpse into who we are, what we do, and how we do it. We’ll talk about what we teach about Wicca, how we teach it, and what we expect from our members. You will be able to ask questions up close and personal and see for yourself how we practice this religion we love so much. A demonstration ring will be cast, empowered, and taken down. We are a traditional Wicca group. https://www.facebook.com/events/1807419629475587/ http://www.innercirclesanctuary.com/updates-and-info/inner-circle-sanctuary-intro Inner Circle Sanctuary utilizes the Witches’ Bible by Janet Farrar & Stewart Farrar as its textbook for the first year and a day. We go through it, chapter by chapter, with testing every week. The subjects range from each individual sabbat to reincarnation to ethics to witchcraft & sex and so much more. We require a 90% passing grade to move on to the next chapter. Of all the chapters in the book, the introduction is a personal favorite (~Atheona) for it covers everything from the definition of Wicca to the traditional dates of the sabbats to the hierarchy of a coven to the myths of the Sun God and the Horned God. According the the Witches’ Bible, the sabbats are the framework of Wicca. Without cheating, can you name them all, provide their alternative names, and their traditional dates? #Wicca #WiccaClasses #Wiccan #Witchcraft #InnerCircleSanctuary
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h-uzur · 10 years ago
Ich wurde getaggt von atheona
1.) Was bedeutet dir viel?
Ich weiß nicht, das wird mir hier zu deep. :D
2.) Welche zwei Personen würdest du auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?
Benitabitch reicht mir rawrr
3.) Welches Lied beschreibt deine derzeitige Stimmung am meisten?
Trailerpark - Bleib in der Schule
4.) Wenn du etwas in deinem Leben sofort ändern könntest, was wäre es?
Ich würde ändern, dass ich rauskomme aus diesem Krankenhaus und dem Praktikantenstatus und ab in die Vorlesung für Medizin in Hannover! Oder aber in einem afrikanischen Land Kinder unterrichten. Irgendwie sowas in der Art.
5.) Wie würdest du deine eigenen Kinder nennen?
WOHOOOW, da fragt ihr aber Jemanden! Ich bin voll der Freak und habe mal so eine Namenliste für meine zukünftigen Kiddies gemacht :D Ich kram sie jetzt mal raus.
Namen für Jungs:
1. Yasin  2. Taha 3. Ilyas 4. Berat 5. Mahir 6. Ömer 7. Batuhan 
8. Ahmet 9. Melih
Und für die Mädchen:
1. Feyza 2. Nisa 3. Irem 4. Ceyda 5. Defne 6. Şeyma
6. Lieblingsbuch?
7.) Wann hast du dich das letzte Mal über etwas gefreut - und worüber?
Über den Paris-Wochenendtrip letztes Wochenende!
8.) Welche Sprachen möchtest du gerne noch sprechen können?
Französisch würde ich gerne noch perfektionieren und ich finde Arabisch wunderschön! 
9.) Lieblingsmensch?
Meine Mama.
10.) Pizza oder Spaghetti?
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earthtoalina · 10 years ago
Ich wurde getagged o.o
von kaeltebeben.tumblr.com
1) Auf welchen Tag freust du dich schon jetzt
 Freitag, da kommt mein Freund zu Besuch >w<
2) Was war dein erster Gedanke heute beim aufwachen?
'Mama bitte lass mich schlafen ;A;'
3) Hast du ein ‘Lieblingszitat’ oder ‘Lieblingssonglyrik’ ?
'ne Menge, aber ich nehme mal 'Night falls fast, today is in the past'
4) Wie lange bist du schon auf tumblr?
Weiß ich gar nicht mehr... Ich glaub so 4-5 Jahre..
5) Was wünscht du dir am meisten?
Ist ein Geheimnis :-)
6) Was bedeutet deine URL ? Bzw. wie kamst du drauf/ woher hast du sie
Sie bedeutet Erde an Alina und ist abgeleitet von dem Sänger von All Time Low der earthtoalex.tumblr.com heißt
7) Was war bisher das beste Konzert auf dem du warst?
Die Warped Tour 2013 in Berin
8) Worüber hast du zuletzt so richtig gelacht?
Gestern war ich im Theater,da ist einem Schauspieler der falsche Bart abgefallen :'D
9) Könntest du dich von heut auf morgen hier abmelden?
Eher nicht... 
10) Gibt es da jemanden?
Meinen Freund :D
Ich tagge atheona, yourstarrythoughts und quiode mit den gleichen Frageb ;)
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Fire
They kept telling her she had powers. Taya had even pulled fire from her fingers shortly after her memory had been lost. But since then, she hadn’t been able to produce flame again. Well, except for when she was with Addan. For some reason, she felt more of who she was when he was around. But how much longer would that last? She sighed, sitting on her bed and pulling out her knife, she began to sharpen the blade. Her anger and frustration from the recent happenings she poured into every stroke of the stone. Why did it have to be like this? Why wasn’t there some other way to save the man she loved? 
Her hands stopped. Had she really just thought that? She stilled her body, waiting for panic to rise in her throat, for her heart to try to beat out of her chest. But nothing happened. She simply felt warm, content, like everything for once was right. A smile graced her lips as she returned to sharpening her knife. She loved him. Gods, did she love him! Which was why it was going to be so hard to kill him. 
 Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with a memory. Blood on her hands. Her blade in the belly of the man she loved. But it wasn’t Addan she was seeing. This man was different. Not wolf but panther like her. A knowing smile on his lips as he fell to the ground, his crimson blood soaking the grass. And just like that she was back in her room with her knife in her hands. She tried to remember his name, tried to understand why that had happened. How did she find herself in another situation where she would have to kill the man she loved? But this time was different. This time had to be different. Eres would make sure that Addan would survive.
Looking down at the blade in her hands, she noticed her eyes were now glowing red, flames reflecting in the silver of the knife. She held her hand in front of her face and focused, forcing the fire she felt inside towards her fingers. And just like that, flames appeared. She balled her hand into a fist and pushed the fire out, opening her palm and releasing a fireball that blew a hole in the wall opposite her. She would have to fix that later but for now, she relished the fact that she had found her fire. 
 Perhaps all was not lost. But she still needed to tell Addan how she felt...and prayed he wouldn’t turn her away.
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lordrand-blog · 7 years ago
Oh hels! It's even the Lady Atheona stare down! @ermazurita @nashobawolf #Repost @sanctuarythree (@get_repost) ・・・ LIBRA IN SEPTEMBER: "Be prepared for unforeseen developments within your most significant relationships to unfold."
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Now What?
Atheona’s eyes bore into John’s as the tension built between them. She wanted to slap him, to yell and scream and cry. She wasn’t supposed to be back. He wasn’t supposed to have saved her. But damnit, she was happy to see him. She itched to touch him, to wrap herself in his arms and take comfort in the solidity of his body. But she knew the second she touched him, she would forget why she was so pissed. She searched his face for answers and found caution, tension, and a bit of fear stretching his features. 
“Brought what back,” Trez asked from the shadow behind her. Atheona didn’t even glance at him. She was afraid if she looked away John would put up his walls and she’d never be able to help him if he did that. “The Dorchadas,” Atheona said quietly. John closed his eyes and stiffened his muscles as he felt the pit inside him stretch at its name. When he looked at Atheona again, she had steel in her eyes while Trez bit back a curse. John heard laughter echo deep in his mind and he shook his head to clear it. “I knew I should have been the one to go get you,” Treznor said. Atheona whipped her head to look at him, flames jumping in her eyes. “The hell you should have! Both of you should have respected my wishes and left me in the Rubicon,” she yelled, her hands balled into fists. 
John shook his head once more, trying to dissipate the dark cloud that seemed to settle around him. He watched as Atheona railed against the young pup’s statements. He wanted to tell her that he was right in going back for her but she may have been right. Perhaps they should have left her on the other side. “So what is this,” John asked, breaking the quiet. Atheona sighed and turned to face him, worry etching lines on her face. “It’s pure evil, the most vile of things that has ever walked all the worlds. It’s like tar that sticks to your soul and mayhem walks in its wake,” she said. 
He felt like he was being split in two. The darkness that sat inside him wanted to stretch, to take over, to show him exactly what it was. But the wolf in him fought it back, just barely. The  Dorchadas was not something to trifle with and he cursed the fact that he had brought it back to this realm. Who knew what kind of problems it would cause? “Does Taya know,” Atheona asked, breaking through his thoughts. John shook his head and Atheona nodded. “I don’t imagine the Dorchadas and her Chaos would get along well.” Treznor scoffed. “Or they’ll get along famously and we’re all screwed,” he said. 
“Then we’ll have to make sure she doesn’t find out,” John said as he stood. Atheona took a step back from him. She’d never been scared of John but this wasn’t him. He had something else living in him and it was just a matter of time before it decided to take over and they would lose the white wolf forever.
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Darkness
After assuring Taya that he was fine, John had left Taya with a look on her face that suggested she didn’t believe him. But he needed to get out of there. He needed to get back to the cave and check on Atheona. He considered shifting to get there quicker but he needed time to think and to settle himself. The trip across the Rubicon to reach Atheona had been a trying one. And he didn’t think he’d come back alone. 
Rubbing his chest as he walked through the woods, he felt the heavy ache that resided there. He’d assumed it was just a side effect of crossing the line between life and death. But every time he reached for the spot where that ache pulsated, he felt a darkness so cold and empty it made him sick. John probably should have mentioned it to Taya but she was already worrying over him. So he stalked through the woods, trying not to think about the pit of darkness he had and wondering whether Atheona was okay. 
It was a matter of minutes before he made it to Addan’s cave. As much as he may hate the man for putting Atheona through everything, he did have to admire him for having a safe haven. He just wished Atheona’s safe place was with him rather than the black wolf. John shook his head, putting the missing wolf out of his mind. If he had his way, he wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. 
Stepping into the cave, he found Atheona still laying on the bed and Treznor kneeling next to her. He seemed to be praying but the young pup had never struck him as someone to believe in the gods. Trez never heard him enter. “How’s she doing,” John asked, startling the other wolf. Treznor simply shook his head. “She’s warmer than she was, and I can feel a pulse but...” Trez let the sentence die on his lips. He didn’t want to say what they were both thinking. Maybe this plan didn’t work.
“Stop,” John said sternly, walking towards the slumbering fireshade. Trez moved out of his way and stood against a wall, watching carefully. “I saw her. I spoke with her. I brought her back. I know I did,” John said, reaching out for Atheona’s limp hand. The second their fingers were within inches of each other, a spark flared between them. John swore he could feel her fire in his blood as Atheona’s body took on an ethereal glow. A glow John was well familiar with. The two wolves watched curiously as Atheona took a deep breath and flung her eyes open. 
She sat up quickly, her eyes shooting around the room before they finally settled on John. “You brought it back. Damnit, John!”
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Fight It
John’s presence outside her bedroom door did nothing to soothe Atheona. She knew he couldn’t be here. It just wasn’t possible. She was living in a nightmare and if he was here, that meant that he had gone against her last wishes and was trying to bring her back to the land of the living. As she stayed curled in her corner, she prayed to all the gods that he would come to his senses and leave her here. But then the doorknob turned and the door slowly creaked open.
“Hey, can we talk,” John asked, his eyes pleading and sad as he took in her state. Atheona watched him, like a mouse being stalked by a large cat. John wished there was something he could fight for her, something he could protect her from. But this was all in her head, something she had to do on her own. He just hoped she would want to win. He walked towards her and sat in the floor a few feet in front of her. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms but feared that would probably make things worse. So he sat, his hands clenched in his lap, and he watched her.
Atheona refused to meet his eyes, using her hair to hide her face from him. She couldn’t stop shaking and muttering “I’m sorry” again and again. “Hush now,” John said, reaching to brush her hair back. But she flinched at his touch, and he withdrew his hand. “What do you have to be sorry for,” he asked softly. “For killing you,” she said, her voice shaking. John sat up in surprise. “Atheona, you didn’t kill me. I’m right here.” He reached for her hand again. She fought him at first, keeping her hand balled tight in a fist. John stroked her knuckles, trying to soothe her. “Here, feel,” he said gently placing her hand against his chest.
He tried not to wince at how cold she was. It was like ice against him. But it was worth it to watch her expression relax as she felt his heart beat against her palm. John wanted desperately to push light into her, to help heal her somehow, but as he reached for his light he felt a wall blocking him. Atheona frowned pulling her hand back. “You’re not real. You can’t be! I saw you. I saw your...corpse...,” she said, her voice cracking. John clenched his fist, trying to figure out a way to make her believe he was really there for her. 
He inched closer to her, maintaining eye contact. Atheona furrowed her brow, watching him curiously. John brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek with his thumb. He leaned forward and softly brushed his lips against hers. Instinct made him want to pull back from the icy cold touch of her lips but instead, he pushed harder, pouring a bit of himself into her and he smiled when he felt her melt against him. 
But just as quickly, she pulled away. Fire filled her eyes, anger decorating her face. “You’re not supposed to be here, John,” she growled before standing and storming out of the room. John hung his head. At least, he’d made a bit of progress.
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Ritual
It had taken a bit of trickery, but Trez had been ok with that, and the bastard had it coming. As he stood in the cave waiting, he fidgeted with the dagger. He could sense its power even now and could only imagine how it would feel to slide the blade into Marcus’s heart. He listened carefully for the sound of footsteps approaching, wondering if John had managed to get the pendant to her and if he would even help with the situation. The way Atheona talked about John made him bristle, though he wasn’t sure why. Still, he could put aside the way he felt about the other wolf in order to save Atheona.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched a large red wolf enter the cave, shaking off its fur from the rain that had started falling outside. Treznor’s sense of smell told him it was John and he fought back the growl that formed in his throat. With a nod of acknowledgement, he turned his back so the man could shift and change into clothes. While his back was turned, he sensed Atheona’s arrival.
“Glad you found it ok,” she said as Trez turned around. John had donned a pair of jeans and in his hand held the Frozen Star. Trez smiled softly at Atheona, tearing his eyes from the pendant in John’s hand. “Wasn’t hard. Just followed your scent.” She smiled and gave him a hug. Trez made sure his eyes never left John’s as he squeezed Atheona to him. He didn’t know why he felt the need to challenge him over her affections, but it wasn’t something he could stop. Atheona pulled away with a pointed jab of her elbow to his ribs. He smiled and shrugged as he let her go. 
“So, how do we do this?” John asked. “Well, I have to put the necklace on and we say a few words. Supposedly the pendant with turn red when my soul has been transferred. From there, you two are on your own. Someone needs to watch my body and someone needs to go kill the bastard. The pendant will also need to be kept safe while all of this goes down.” Trez put a comforting hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “It’s ok, little one. We’ve got your back.” 
With a sigh, Atheona walked to the makeshift bed Addan had made long ago. Laying down on the pillow, she could still catch the faint smell of him and her heart ached. John came and sat down beside her on the bed, his brow furrowed with worry. “Oh, before I forget,” Atheona said, sitting up and pulling out a folded piece of paper. “Here are the instructions for putting my soul back where it should be.” She handed the paper to John. He took it and began to unfold it. “No,” Atheona said putting a hand over his. “Read it later.” John had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach but he respected her wishes and put the folded paper in his pocket.
Atheona nodded to John and he slipped the pendant around her neck, the stone settling against her chest. She shivered at its cool touch. “Now what,” Trez asked. Atheona smiled up at the two men. “Now I say the words.” She hesitated for just a moment, emotions she hadn’t wanted to deal with welling up. John smiled softly, placing a hand on hers. “I can’t thank you enough, both of you, for standing by my side.” A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed past it, forcing her voice to strengthen so she could do what needed to be done. Looking at John, she said, “You’ll need to let go of me for this, love.” John lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles before moving away.
With a deep breath, Atheona stared at the ceiling. If she watched the two wolves here with her, she would never get through this. She closed her eyes, visualizing the words she’d seen written. 
“Tabharfaidh mé dhuit mo anam. I gael, i ddal. Coinnigh slán, tabhair neart dom. Seo ag guí.” 
 The pain shot through her, blinding pain, like when Taya had hit her with a fireball, but stronger. She felt every inch of her body turn to hot embers. Faintly she heard Trez and John’s voices but if she focused on them, she knew her soul would never go into the pendant. With a cry, her body arching off the bed, she pushed her soul away, felt herself split. 
And then....
It was up to the wolves now.
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atheona-darkclaw · 6 years ago
Fireshade Diaries - Assistance
John tore into the house, slamming the door behind him and making the windows rattle. His anger was rolling off of him in waves Taya couldn’t ignore even if she tried. She looked up from the piano at his entrance and watched him as he buried his fingers in his hair in frustration. Taya smirked to herself. Ever since John had become one with his wolf, his emotions had stayed close under the surface. Before, he would keep himself in check. Nothing could ruffle the wolf until lately. 
“Problem?” she asked, causing him to turn in surprise at her presence before anger clouded his face again. “She is a child!” he growled, stomping into the room. “She thinks she can just do what she wants without consequence and I’m tired of it!” Taya smiled, watching him pace the room. “Let me guess, are we talking about a certain fireshade?”  “Like you don’t know,” John said, rolling his eyes. Taya shook her head. “Wait, you really don’t know?” “What’s she done now,” Taya asked. John huffed and sat on the bench beside her, leaning his head back and praying the pounding headache would disappear.
John took a deep breath before delving into how Atheona had found a way to get rid of Marcus, how she had asked Treznor and him to remove her soul and protect it while Marcus was defeated. He told how she’d supposedly given them instructions to put her soul back but instead had given them her last request. He pulled out the pendant he’d kept in his pocket. Treznor had wanted to take it, to keep it safe. But John saw red anytime he thought of that man touching the necklace. Taya glanced at the pendant with a frown and mumbled, “That bitch loves a bit of drama, doesn’t she?”
John lifted a brow in amusement. “You really didn’t know?” “No. Well, I mean, I knew she’d had a suicide note written for once Marcus was gone. She’d had a plan to take herself out.” John growled, angry that Taya hadn’t mentioned this to him sooner. “I didn’t know she’d pull something like this,” Taya said. She reached for the pendant John held in his hand but was stopped when a low growl rumbled from his chest. She smirked and folded her arms across her chest. “Something you’d like to tell me?”
“Look, can you help or not,” he asked, avoiding her question. He wasn’t ready to face those feelings, not when he knew Atheona was still holding out hope for Addan’s return. Taya eyed the pendant John absentmindedly stroked. “Possibly. I need to look into a few things first,” she said. “But you need to be prepared to have a pissed off fireshade. She’s not going to be happy you went against her wishes.” “I don’t care, Taya! I just...she needs to be back. Things don’t feel right when she’s not here.” 
“And what happens when she comes back and isn’t the woman you knew before? John, this Curse is bad from what she’s told me. It’s not something to be taken lightly, and you need to decide if you’re willing to deal with the repercussions,” Taya said, standing and heading towards the library.
John sat in the quiet, the pendant warming his palm. He didn’t care what happened afterwards. He just needed to get Atheona back in her body.
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