#Athena: I know it’s chaotic with the babies an all…
aphroditeinthesea · 6 months
will solace x chaotic daughter of dionysus reader where he's the responsible one thats like "don't do that. you'll die" and reader's like "yeah whatever" ?
" long story short i survived "
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will solace x reader ☀️
three times when y/n was crazy and three times when will loved her anyway
tw none
⋆ ˚。 ⋆ 𖤓 ⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“Funny meeting you here,” was all Will heard as he walked past a room in the infirmary. He stopped in his tracks and peered into the room. There, lying on a bed, was his girlfriend.
“Y/N,” he spoke as he entered the room, “what happened?” Concern filled his voice, but at the same time, he couldn't be too worried. After all, her winding up in the infirmary was a common occurrence.
“Silly story actually, you're gonna laugh,” she prefaced, “so, you know how there’s like archery practice?”
He nodded along, “I pretty much know the concept.”
“Good, that's good,” she continued, “so there was this really crazy looking bug like you should've seen it, and then-”
“Please don't say what I think you're about to say.”
She aggressively nodded, “if you think I’m about to say that I accidentally walked into the middle of an archery practice and got shot in the foot, then I’ll just say quiet.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “can you go one day without almost dying?”
“Is that rhetorical? Because I don't appreciate that, Will Solace.”
He laughed, he leaned closer to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “I’d just like to not be worried about you 25/8.”
“Twenty-five eight, really?”
“Will!” Someone yelled from the hall.
“Coming!” He called back before turning back to the girl, “I love you, don't die,” he quickly kissed her before rushing out of the room.
It was late at night, not even two days later, that y/n ran into cabin seven, slamming the door behind her. Several of Apollo’s children gave her strange looks, except for Will, who only looked confused.
She smiled, making her way over to him, “Willy!”
“Willy?” He questioned with a laugh.
She sat on his freshly made bed, “I need to stay in your cabin tonight.”
“As fun as getting in trouble for you sounds,” he began, sitting beside her, “can you at least tell me why?”
“Funny story-”
“Is it actually though?”
She bit her lip and looked away, “for spectators, not victims,” she answered, “basically, Annabeth let me borrow this book and I forgot about it and then I accidentally spilled orange juice all over it, so I left iron the doorstep of the Athena cabin and I’m gonna wait until she notices, where then she will ultimately try to kill me dead.”
“Rather than kill you alive?” One of his siblings interjected.
“Kill you alive blah blah,” y/n muttered in a mocking voice.
Will chuckled, placing a comforting hand on her back, “you can stay. Only because I’m also scared of Annabeth.”
She pressed a kiss to his lips, "you're the best.”
Another day, during Capture the Flag, y/n had decided to climb a tree, being too tired to actually participate in the game. However, she hadn't actually put into consideration how she was going to get down.
“Y/N?” she heard the all too familiar voice from the ground.
She looked down to find Will standing with his sister, Kayla. “Hey, sweetheart. Hi, Kayla,” she waved down.
“What are you doing?” Kayla called up.
“It’s a funny story actually-”
“I really don’t think it’s gonna be,” Will mentioned.
Y/N huffed, “I’m about to come down, one second,” she stood on the branch, about to jump down.
“Y/N, Baby,” He yelled, “as a doctor, I can tell you the chances of you not breaking a bone are close to none.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve done this before.”
“That actually makes it worse, y/n.”
She prepared herself to jump down despite the yell of the two children of Apollo and several other campers who had come over to watch the spectacle. She took a deep breath and leaped off of the branch.
You could think that this was one of those things where she jumped and landed in Will’s arms and like rode into the sunset or whatever. It kinda was like that actually, except might have landed on Will’s arm instead. The left one specifically.
“I guess you could say you fell for me,” she giggled, beginning to stand up. She grabbed his hand to help him up too.
“I’m actually surprised we’re both still alive.”
“I told you it would be fine, you worry too much, love.”
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gareleia · 7 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
previously: part 1
next: part 3 part 4 part 5
a continuation because I have no impulse control and am in dire need of more Aeolus content
first of all, let's establish one thing - and I think we can all agree on that - Aeolus loves to fuck with people. they are a benevolent(-ish?) trickster deity, and they revel in harmless pranks
as a consequence, they are on pretty good terms with Hermes. while Hermes doesn't care much for the 'small fry' and doesn't pay that much attention to the wind god most of the time, Aeolus has their winions follow the messenger god religiously (pun intended), because? where Hermes goes, shenanigans always follow.
so when they get the tea that he's apparently hanging out on that one random Greek island, playing nanny? oh, they know it's gotta be good. so naturally, they go to check it out.
well, turns out that Athena is also there, and both of them are sooo bad with babies, it's hilarious
Athena, holding baby!Telemachus: Ehhh, shouldn't it be eating more meat? it's body is so weak, it can't even hold a spear! Hermes, exasperated: oh my me, 'thena, that's not how humans work!! babies eat liquids first!! how can you not know that!! here you go, champ, drink some wine!! Aeolus, hiding in the leaves: holy shit these guys are dumb
so now they can't just leave Telemachus alone with Athena and Hermes! they might not be an expert on child rearing, but surely they can do better than those two dorks! and the baby is adorable.
so they decide to stick around. just for a little bit. a week tops.
fast forward a few years, and they have been raising the prince of Ithaca
Aeolus: *shocked pikachu face*
and Aeolus is the much needed chaotic good influence to Hermes' chaotic neutral and Athena's lawful neutral.
the thing is, Aeolus is really good at hiding. so good, in fact, that no one but Telemachus had even realized they are here. everyone else just thinks that the prince has an invisible friend which, well… they're not wrong?.. and it's not like other kids are exactly lining up to be his friends anyway, cause everyone thinks he's weird (or their parents don't want to catch the attention of the suitors)
and the gods think that it's because they hang around too much and Telemachus can't make friends because of them. so maybe they try to spend less time in Ithaca, for his own good. which only makes things worse, because now the boy is upset, and Aeolus and winions have to try extra hard to cheer him up, which pisses them off.
Athena & Hermes: oh, goodness us, we shall try not to interfere too much with the mortal affairs, so that the young prince grows up healthy and happy ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Telemachus: (T⌓T) Aeolus: ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙
and then they have to subtle bully the two dumb fucks to come back.
on a less serious note, Aeolus also has a sweet tooth, especially for marshmallows (idgaf there weren't any marshmallows in Mycenaean Greece, they're a god. they can make all the damn marshmallows they want)
and of course, since they are sooo generous, they always share with Telemachus.
what they don't know(?) is that winions, who all get their own treats, also collectively share them with the baby, because they are secretly evil adorable little freaks.
which results in a very hyper prince sugar rushing seemingly out of nowhere.
Telemachus, running all around the palace and crackling madly: I AM SPEED- Penelope, unimpressed: and who, pray tell, had given my son sweets right before dinner? Athena, equally unimpressed: yes, I would also like to know. Hermes, sweating nervously: heyyyy, why are you all looking at me like that???? ( ಠ‿ಠ ) Aeolus, from behind a tree, unseen by anyone: (。•̀U-)┘
Hermes always gets blamed.
It's the only time he doesn't do the thing
and he's seething, because nobody believes him.
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ok so your blog totally has me thinking of the chaotic power of buck and alex meeting while tommy and henry have to ensure their dumbass boyfriends don’t destroy something.
you know tommy and henry would be smitten and totally in love but they got to keep it together because someone has to have a brain cell in this friend group.
they would get roped into the shenanigans by buck and alex though and everyone around them would be stunted at the fact that there is two disaster bisexuals.
the super six and 118 meeting would just be unreal and could you imagine the interactions?
anyways I’ll be off in my own delusional world where this is a reality.
Oh I love this idea!
I have so many ideas that work with these four and so little time to write. But I hope to make it happen (as soon as I get the opportunity to read the book, I might need to make this AU happen).
Alex and Henry are both fascinated with Buck and Tommy's jobs as firefighters. They have so many questions and want all the stories. They find news clips of some of the rescues and taunt Buck and Tommy about some of them (think Buck tackling the baby napper+ Tommy and the rooster type calls).
Buck and Alex would not only "torment" Tommy and Henry (lovingly), but they would drive the 118 crazy.
The four of them at a pride parade where Henren are introduced would be total chaos... maybe I should add Tarlos, too. Just imagine the 8 of them all in one place. They might need Athena on standby, haha.
Eddie and Alex meet, and suddenly, it's a game of "who is the best Diaz" and "you have to choose a favorite" (blame it on the alcohol they consumed on this outing).
Tommy and Henry's text exchange is full of "how do you tame your bisexual disaster because my normal methods are not working right now" type commentary and questions.
Buck and Alex brainstorm new ways to be a menace to their boyfriends, encouraging each other to dumb things.
Not to mention the chaos that would be that group chat. I could see both Buck and Alex playing the " my boyfriend said he didn't love me anymore because..." and it's over something silly like Tommy or Henry doesnt want to listen to that song for the 800th time.
I need my library hold to be available so I can read this book and start this chaos, lol.
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0wl3tt3 · 5 months
Reflection on my practice (for future me)
Hello, so I wanted to do write what has been my practice so far for future me to read and reflect, I discover a lot for myself, so this might be long so please sit and relax.
I grew up Roman Catholic for most of my life, living and breathing on those values, going to Catholic school and going to church but it doesn't really have an affect for me, I didn't feel connected to Catholicism, so I was semi atheist (I didn't know that Agnostic exist) for most of my early teenage years until I was in grade 10, where I was kinda chilling in class, I wasn't interested with the subject so I just pulled out my phone and thought it would be fun to search on tumblr about witchcraft and it really interested me. Everything about it looked fun and maybe I wanted to dipped my toes in the water. Later on I created an account specifically for that! I enjoyed it as a newbie liking the vibes and looked to find Paganism
Anyone who followed 15-16 year old me will remember I was a Kemetic pagan, I worshipped Anubis and Ra (Along with Heru-Sa-Aset) but I was close to Anubis, I prayed to him after my dog died which did started my path to paganism where I now just denounce myself silently as a Catholic. I prayed and gave him offerings that I have access to and just let him guide me to cope. I started being open to my practice to my friends as well which they all really support! I never said anything to my family knowing what they believe was that I'm just catholic.
I really do thank Anubis and the gods I did pray for those hardships of my own mistakes and leading me to comfort even when I'm arrogant. It inspired me to admire history more that I ever did, I wanted to read more about old religions, I wanted to just eat every single information I can find tiring to be the best version of what I should do and value.
Hellenism and Athena
I've already told this but I wasn't Kemetic pagan anymore now, I adored Anubis but it felt like my time of mourning had passed and it felt like I might have to part my ways with Kemeticism. Its a beautiful religion and the people there are lovely! but I just don't follow it as a follower anymore and I was called to Hellenism.
I wasn't gonna lie and say Hellenism didn't intimidate me, it did, I knew to never take the myths literally for me to not act dumb but there were a lot of things I had to learn now that I wasn't following Kemeticism. I wasn't sure who to look, well, for a bit until I settled with Athena which makes sense.
Listen, I am a girl that loved the greek monsters, dragons, drawing, and war history, of course I'm gonna pray to Athena!
I felt like she was the goddess for me and later became the kinda the only goddess I prayed for when it comes to tests and being strong. Sometimes I don't do prayers because of school and my own laziness, I'm happy that she's patient with me and a tarot reading by a friend, where I asked "What's Athena thinking about me? I haven't done much for her..." "Talk to me more! and stop procrastinating!"
But I really do thank her for that, it's just so sweet for me to know she is around even when I'm not always acknowledging her.
Now and future
I think one, buy a fucking tarot deck for myself and just talk more, sometimes when no one is around I just talk out of no where to her which I see as my baby steps to coming back since last and the early months I was pretty dry on my worship and practice. This summer I hope I can read history books and just talk about it to her, start doing divination and do something about that rain water from one year ago lmao.
I think this year will be witchy and pagan for me! I'm excited for shenanigans to ensue with my irl witch friends!
And I will say it again, thank you to the deities I worshipped before and now for guiding me to where I am now, no matter how chaotic it is, you're there for me.
So for future me, let's do this!!!!!
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Welcome to the Cave of Delphi!
I promote love, not hate on this blog.
Apollo love (platonic) in particular.
If 1,000 people love Apollo, I am one of those people. If 100 people love Apollo, I am one of those people. If 10 people love Apollo, I am one of those people. If only 1 person loves Apollo, I AM that person. If nobody loves Apollo, than I have left this world. If the world is against Apollo, I am against the world.
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About Me
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Religion: Roman Catholic
Pronouns: She/Her
Romantic Orientation: Sapphic Demiromantic (sometimes I use Panromantic)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Current Obsessions: Greek Mythology, Apollo, Trials of Apollo, Apollo, Ancient Greece, Apollo, Roman Empire, & Apollo
I do occasionally reblog more mature stuff, but I do tag accordingly. Remember that curating your online experience is up to you! :3
Post Masterlist - meta, theories, and headcanons galore!
Tumblr Main: @firealder2005
My Cohost
My Youtube
Copollo Playlist
Hyapollo Playlist
Favorite Posts
The Copollo Fic Masterlist
Fic Recs
🏹➳~My Fanfics~➳🏹
Fanfic Update Order
The Works of Apollo - RRverse Canon Compliant
Adventures in (Grand)Parenting: Featuring Koios - Our favorite grandpa and his many trials and errors at grandparenting
Alder's Mess of ToA AUs - RRverse Canon Divergent AUs within the series
The Crew of Dodona - ToA Pirate AU
The Odds Are Never In Our Favor - Hunger Games/ToA AU (playlist)
Mythology Fics - The OG myths
Tag List:
#ramblings of an oracle - me spouting whatever i what
#the oracle speaks - asks i have answered <3
#my incorrect quotes - IQs from my own fanfics, not from the myths or ToA
#my art - self-explanatory lmao
#fic asks - asks about my fanfics <3
#ask game - responses to an ask game
#apollo love
#sun n moon twins - Apollo n Artemis <3
#truth n lies - Apollo & Hermes
#logic n chaos - Apollo & Dionysus
#knowledge & wisdom - Apollo & Athena
#theives' hunt - Hermes & Artemis
#poetry and love - Apollo & Aphrodite
#light and fire - Apollo & Hephaestus
#plague and war - Apollo & Ares
#stepduo - Apollo & Hera
#harmony & order - Apollo & Zeus (mainly ToA)
#the disaster trio - Apollo, Artemis, & Hermes
#queer quartet - Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, & Dionysus
#troublesome triad - Apollo, Hermes, & Dionysus
#raggamuffin kids - all of the second-gen Olympian sibs
#civilization trio - Apollo, Hermes, & Athena
#the music gang - Apollo & the Muses
#chaotic crew - Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, & Persephone
#tasteful trio - Apollo, Dionysus, & Aphrodite
#delphic triad - Leto and her babies <3
#regal trio - Zeus and the twins
#raggamuffin parents - 1st gen Olympians AKA the children of Kronos
#delphic fam - the maternal side of the twins' family <3
I love many Apollo ships, both mythology and ToA, so do not be surprised by the Variety~!
also in this house we stan poly Apollo. whenever I write Apollo, ToA or myth him, he's poly :3
#hyapollo / #apollocinthus - Apollo & Hyacinthus
#copollo / apollodus - Apollo & Commodus (ToA)
the guilty-pleasure, absolute TRAINWRECK of a ship between Apollo and Commodus. *slaps ship* i can fit so many ISSUES into this ship!
#apricity - Apollo & Boreas
#sunkiss - Apollo & Branchus
#triple a - Apollo & Admetus & Alcestis
#freypollo - Apollo & Frey (ToA/MCatGoA)
#the music gang - Apollo & the Muses
and i unfortunately don't have ship names for these yet :(
#apollo x cyrene
#apollo x rhoeo
The Stuff
#greek mythology analysis
#incorrect greek mythology quotes
#mythology aus
#greek myths
#greek myth fanart
#greek myth memes
#greek myth headcanons
#greek myth vines
#greek fam tree
#greek history
Then just type in a god/goddess to find stuff with them in it. I can reassure you i will have plenty of stuff with Apollo, Artemis, & Hermes.
sometime tho i will put extra stuff behind it (ex: #pan the god)
for reference: I classify a "meme" as a funny post with pictures or something like that. A "quote" would be, well, quotes.
The Trials of Apollo (RiordanVerse)
*stuff that is exclusively from ToA*
#sunflower siblings - apollo & meg
#sibling shenanigans - apollo, artemis, thalia, & jason
#triumvirite holdings - the three nasty emperors
#prophecy pair - apollo & rachel
#incorrect trials of apollo quotes
#meg mccaffery
#toa fanart
#toa theory
#riordanverse headcanons
#toa memes
#toa polls
#toa fanfiction
#apollo fanfiction
#if i was a demigod
ToA Fanfics
#tsari: eclipse
#the iliad
#the odyssey
#the aeneid
#the trojan war
#trojan war memes
#incorrect trojan war quotes
then just type in a character's name (Ex: #diomedes) and it should pop up. However, some characters I've put extra stuff with like:
#prince hector
#helen of sparta
#jason the argonaut
so as i go/find those names with extras in them i'll place them above
#not myths but it's related
#the haiku bot
#blood of zeus
#roman emperors
#sacred animals
#notes for later
#not myths
i have a tag for other deities so just type in their name and then what religion they are (Example: #frey norse god; thoth egyptian god; bast egyptian goddess; ect.) <- all one tag
i won't do it often, but i also may reblog stuff from other mythologies like norse or egyptian (HA I SPELT IT RIGHT FIRST TIME WHOOP)
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wanderlust-----witch · 10 months
3, 7, 12 and 20! polytheist asks >:D
Oh you want me to THINK? You want me to use my BRAIN??? You are EVIL Cheshi lol
3: Is your practice more ritualistic or casual? What does it look like?
Oh my practice is extremely casual. I always hated the strict religious upbringing I had. "You do it this way, or else!". Nah fam, that's not cool. Everyone is gonna have their own way to worship, have faith, and perform religion (Yes I believe religion is a performance, but that's for another time lol). Anyways, I don't generally do much in the way of ritual because that's so much fucking work. I prefer just kinda chilling with Nyx on the full moon and calling it a night lol.
7: What does your ideal altar look like?
Chaotic, unhinged, and personal. I don't need it to be set up perfectly or invoke certain vibes, unless trash fire goblin is a vibe lmao. I really just put whatever on my altar I think fits. Right now, unfortunately, my altar isn't exactly what I want, because I don't really have space and the last time I set up an altar, Goose knocked it over. She was a brand new baby then, but even so I'd rather play it safe. I have this great cabinet at my parents house I plan on repainting and using when we have a house of our own. Its a really great size, glass doors so I can see what's inside, and bonus: cat's won't break any glass bottles on my altar lol. Rn I just have this very cue little moon shelf about 3 inches wide on a windowsill.
12: How important is mythology in your practice? How much credit do you give it?
I mean, mythology is the sourcework of all of my beliefs. I wouldn't have found Nyx, Hekate, Athena, and Artemis without Greek mythology, Bast without Egyptian mythology, or Loki without Norse mythology. Do their stories have any bearing on my beliefs? Not really. Them being the deities of their respective realms is all I really need. I know Nyx as the night, Hekate as magic, Athena as wisdom and intelligence, Artemis as the protectress, Bast as the keeper of cats, and Loki as chaos. How I interact with them is more based on my needs, versus what they have "done" in the myths that survived. Myths aren't any bit literal, just like any other religious text. We as humans are always interpreting things based on our own preconceived notions, our own beliefs, and that's not always what the original source intended. In fact, I'd argue that any human interpretation of the divine is automatically wrong. No single human belief can 100% be accurate. We will all have our own ideas of how things work. I, as a singular person, should not put any undue influence on myths that I personally think are worth "more" just because they are considered to be valid religious texts (cough cough Christians and the Bible cough cough). Myths are stories. They're fun, its fun to imagine our deities in various human scenarios. But the Divine are much more complex than their myths. I give the myths the same level of credibility I would any other that indirectly influenced my way of viewing the world. I wouldn't be who I am without the sum of the things I've read and learned over the years.
20: List a few of the deities you worship and associate each with a quote you think represents them best!
Oh lordy, you're killin me with this one Chesh lol.
Nyx: "I see the moon and the moon sees me/Nyx bless the moon and Nyx bless me" (see what I did there lmao?)
Bast: Specifically the same noise my cat makes when shes singing in the mirror. That it that's the quote lol.
Athena: All that bullshit about "tomato is a fruit but you don't put it in a fruit salad" lol. Also "Ho don't do it... oh my god" for whenever I do something (even mildly) foolish lol
Loki: OKAY SO little bit of backstory here: when I was just getting into my paganism, I was in a really shitty spot in life, physically, mentally, you name it. I came up with this phrase to help get me through it, and I generally proclaimed that anything wrong in my life was because of Loki (AS A JOKE, THEY LOVED IT). The quote was: May the deity who looks upon me in disdain look upon you with favor. It got me through shit, still does, and I still love Loki, even if they aren't my main deity anymore.
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residentmiddlechild · 2 years
Everyday I am mad that there is a not a Greek mythology show that’s in the format of The Office / Modern Family. DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THAT WOULD BE 
Like c’mon. You’d have Hera and Zeus as the parents. And then you have all of Zeus’s kids. You’d have the younger gods, Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo and Artemis as the teenagers and then Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus as the young adults. And then you’d have the six kids of Kronos as the uncles and aunts. And Kronos is just this really annoying racist grandpa who thinks that Titans are better than gods. And Rhea divorced him years ago but they all still come to family reunions. Hermes annoys the heck out of Apollo (stole his cows when he was a baby in the myths). And Artemis only hangs out with Aunt Hestia and Athena. Hermes and Dionysus would be chaotic brothers. And Athena and Ares play brutal Monopoly/Risk games. And Aphrodite is the matchmaking MILF who married Hephaestus for his money but is actually sleeping with Ares. And everyone knows that Zeus cheats and Hera constantly tries to sabotage him and his kids. Maybe she constantly tries to murder him, but it never works or something-
BUT EITHER WAY I WANT IT. Like Hollywood makes a hundred terrible movies a year. Just scrap those and use the money make this. Please.
And it doesn’t even have to be set in modern day. You could do it in ancient times too. It doesn’t matter. Just make it. PLEASE I AM BEGGING
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Parenthood (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - Writworm42
A/N: now that I Cannot be Stopped, another drabble coming at y'all!! Thanks to Holtz & Athena for encouraging me to post, even though there isn’t a lot of “pure romance” in this one. If any PECS users have feedback for me re: how I’ve written it, please let me know–I based it off of the two PECS users I worked with, but they were both at the beginning stages of learning how to use it so I don’t know if I got the picture of a more advanced user right.
The rain comes down hard on Anetra and Sasha as they run up to the therapy centre’s door, Anetra internally kicking herself for forgetting to bring an umbrella. They had been lucky enough to find a parking spot close to the centre, but it didn’t really make much of a difference–by the time Anetra throws open the front door, she and Sasha are both soaked and shivering, and Anetra can feel her makeup running a little.
She’d forgotten setting spray too, apparently.
Sighing heavily, she gives herself a little shake and kicks some of the water off her boots before trudging over to the front desk, mustering up a smile to give the office manager as she says, “Hey, Marcia. We’re here to pick up–”
The patter of little feet cuts her off, and Marcia just grins as a little brunette bullet smacks right into Anetra, attaching herself to her mother’s leg.
“Hi, baby,” Anetra smiles, reaching down to pat her daughter’s head. Her daughter reacts with a warm hum as she sways back and forth, each leg kicking up in the air in turn and practically taking Anetra with her.
“Camp wrapped a bit early today because of the rain,” Marcia explains, watching the little girl with a warm smile on her face.
“It’s too bad, huh?” Sasha sighs, coming up beside Anetra and patting their daughter’s head in turn, extending her hands for the girl to grab and swinging them back and forth to match her rocking pattern. “I know Lily was really looking forward to kickball today, it was all she’d talk about in the car over.”
Lily pipes up at the mention of her favourite sport, smiling widely.
“Kickball!” she repeats enthusiastically, bouncing a bit on her toes. “Kickball!”
“Oh, I know,” Marcia laughs. “She broke into the supply closet and found some of the balls, actually. Never seen such a chaotic game of dodgeball before, but it was pretty funny–”
“That’s ‘cause you ain’t take a ball to the boob,” Salina, the clinic’s occupational therapist and self-appointed head counsellor, snorts as she comes up behind Marcia to greet Sasha and Anetra, Lily’s iPad in hand. “She does got some pretty strong legs, though. Here you go, kiddo,” she adds as she extends Lily’s iPad out toward the little girl, “Can you take your iPad back?”
Lily grabs the device and signs a quick thank-you, grinning as she scans the ‘favourite words’ page of her PECS app.
“Play.” a little girl’s voice repeats. “I want play. I want. I want. I want–”
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey, but camp’s over,” Sasha sighs. “We can play at home, though, does that sound good?”
“Yes,” Lily’s app chimes.
“Alright, baby. Can I have your iPad? We need to put it in your backpack so the rain doesn’t hurt it.”
Lily looks a little skeptical, hugging the iPad a little closer to her chest in a way that sets off a pang of sympathy in Anetra’s chest. She hates the idea of taking away her daughter’s words, even for a second. It reminds her too much of the times before the therapy team came into their lives, when she had to watch Lily struggle to be understood and she and Sasha were overwhelmed with the ways Lily was trying her best to communicate when she had no options presented to her. Who would have thought giving her something as simple as an app and a handful of signs would be such a game-changer?
“Sash, maybe we can just–”
“She already dropped it into a puddle once, Neech,” Sasha sighs. “We can’t afford another replacement.”
Anetra knows her wife is right, so she swallows her apprehension. At least the car isn’t too far–Lily will have her voice back in less than a minute if they run. Which they do.
“So sweetie, tell us more about camp today,” Sasha glances into the rearview mirror and smiles as they begin to pull out of the parking lot, “What did you all do?”
Lily lights up and grins, her fingers already poised to talk.
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wikiangela · 1 year
overall, loved this episode (or most of it anyway lol)
the bridge collapse was fantastic, so stressful and chaotic, and I was so worried fr 😂
I love Madney so much, they deserve all the good in the world and I can't fucking wait for their wedding, look how happy they are that they're getting married 🥺🥺🥺
Henren getting a baby is amazing, so great, so series-finale-vibes (that they were probably going for? it's be perfect tbh, and as a series finale, it fits Madney and Bathena too, but not really Buck and Eddie sns, especially Buck, what was that 😂)
Bobby and Athena finally getting that honeymoon 🥺 loved that sm, they deserve some rest fr
where's my girl May tho, I miss her so much, we haven't seen her in such a long time, and not even for a second in the finale???
I have many thoughts on Buck and Natalia, and overall, don't like it - I'm sorry, I do like her, but Natalia is another love interest with no personality other than her career - we don't know anything else about her, she's been here for 3? episodes, there was little to no build up, and we're supposed to believe she's the couch? I think the fuck not (and I just don't feel it, idk, there's not a lot of romantic chemistry imo 😅)
now, Eddie and Marisol I could see, but also not a lot of build up, but maybe it could be good idk
overall, loved most of it, just certain aspects lowkey annoyed me (they did not spend the whole season building up the couch metaphor for it to be a girl we've seen in like 3 episodes, I refuse to believe that)
and I'm gonna rewatch it tomorrow and maybe form some more thoughts haha (it's so late now, I don't even know what I'm saying, I hope nothing I'll have to delete 😂)
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
now that im done with lone star i can officially say that im more than okay with anything they will decide to give us in the next crossover episodes, but there are some interactions that i just NEED to happen, namely:
BOBBY AND TK, not only because i need tk to actually have a good father figure around, but also because they both have an history of addiction and it would be very interesting to see them talking about it and maybe going to a meeting together
MORE OF EDDIE AND MARJAN JUST BEING GOOD FRIENDS (with buck watching them and being jealous as a bonus)
eddie and judd talking about ptsd
chimney and judd sharing stories about their babies and talking about how much they love their wives
maddie and grace teaming up to save someone together
ATHENA, HEN, TOMMY AND NANCY IN ANY KIND OF COMBINATION, i just need them all to be awesome together
buck and paul talking about weird stuff they both read somewhere
athena and mateo, since she knows his cousin but also i just want her to be proud of him
ravi, albert and mateo being chaotic
(and none for owen bye)
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datleggy · 3 years
Let’s take “birth day” literally and have pregnant Buck go into labor someplace really dumb and/or inconvenient.
It's the hormones, Buck would like to say in his defense, but honestly, the omega would have done it even if he weren't nearly nine months pregnant....
The doctor's told him some light exercise will help, even with his due date being so close now, and so after picking Christopher up from school they'd decided to take a nice stroll in the park.
And it would have been nice if some asshole hadn't put his hands on his kid on the goddamn playground of all places! One minute Buck had been struggling to get up off the bench to see why it looked as though Christopher was in a seemingly heated argument over something or the other, with another little boy around his age, and the next said boy's mother was shoving Christopher away with a sharply pointed nail, poking at his shoulder and shouting obscenities.
And Buck was there in a flash, putting himself between Christopher and the woman and telling her to back off. "You don't touch someone else's kid like that, lady. If you have a problem, you come find me."
The woman looks flustered for a moment before raising her voice again, yelling about how she had barely even touched the eight year old, and about how maybe he shouldn't bring his son around other kids if he couldn't learn to play nice. "If you taught that boy some manners we wouldn't even be here right now!"
Buck knows he should have let it go, knows they were causing a huge and unnecessary scene, and this? This next part he totally blames on the hormones. "If your parents had taught you some manners and common sense we wouldn't be here right now!"
And that had only served to escalate the situation to the point where police had actually been called and arrived on the scene--and apparently the woman had been very convincing when she'd burst into tears and told the cops that Buck had threatened her with violence.
Which is how Buck ends up in a jailcell on a sunny Friday afternoon, waiting for Eddie to come and bail him out and worrying frantically about Christopher, who last he saw, as they'd cuffed him and put him into the back of their vehicle, was currently in the custody of a child services worker.
Buck puts his head in his hands and groans, beyond stressed. Not only is this humiliating as all hell, but his alpha is probably going to kill him for letting this shit happen. He should have ignored the woman and walked away with Christopher in tow. Instead, he'd made it worse and gotten arrested for an assault he hadn't even committed. "Jesus Christ."
"Buckley? Evan Buckley?" An officer calls out; he's older, maybe mid fifties, with a faint Southern drawl.
Buck raises his head. He'd only called Eddie fifteen minutes ago, was he really here that quickly? "Uh, yeah, that's me." he says.
"You're free to go; luckily a bunch of witnesses came forward with the same story--you weren't the aggressor here, son. Now c'mon, your kid's waiting for you right outside."
"Oh thank God." he breaths out, immeasurably relieved. But when he attempts to stand up Buck lets out a hiss and doubles over, face contorting in pain.
The officers eyes go wide and he rushes to open the cell, which is nearly empty, thankfully, except for Buck and a slumbering man in the corner, arrested that morning for public intoxication. "Whoa, whoa," the man's eyes go even wider, if possible, when he realizes what's happening. "Shoot, I think your water just broke, young man."
Buck shakes his head, even though the proof is on the bench and soaking his jeans through and through. He whines as the contraction continues, huffing and puffing. "H-hospital. Please." He pleads.
There is no way he's having this baby while still technically in custody at a police station. Hell, they're in a jailcell, for shit's sake. He'd rather give birth like a total cliché and in the back of a yellow taxi!
"I'm gonna have 'em call you an ambulance, but let's get you outta here first." the officer tries to help Buck stand but another contraction hits, this one harder and more agonizing than the last and Buck cries out, his knees buckling under him.
The officer manages to hold him aloft just long enough to reposition him on the floor as Buck pants and tries not to lose it. The contractions are way too close...
The officer radios his men and calls for help. "Need help in the holding cell on floor 2B, we've got a custodial here who's gone into labor. Urgent request for help in holding cell 2B."
Buck can't help but let out a sob--it's even worse than he'd imagined--he's going to end up giving birth inside a jailcell five feet away from some guy who smells like tequila and regret. Alone.
"What the hell is going on in--Buck?!"
Buck sniffles as he turns his head towards the door, where Athena is standing, mouth agape at the chaotic scene before her. "Athena!" he cries, reaching out for her, needy as can be and not giving a damn.
Athena doesn't waste any time, dropping to her knees beside him, letting him rest his head on her lap. She sooths back his curly locks, now sweaty, and look at the officer, asking sharply, "What happened?"
"He was being released when he went into labor--must be from the stress of the situation. Tried to get him up, but that baby's comin' and soon." he informs her, grimacing when Buck whines in pain as another contraction follows his statement, as if to prove the mans words true.
"Eddie," Buck clenches his teeth, tries to stifle another groans. "Need Eddie."
"He's right outside," Athena tells him, reassuringly. She nods at the officer. "Reyes, get me Eddie Diaz, he's a medic and he should be waiting down on the first floor for us. Hurry!"
Eddie's at the grocery store picking stuff up for dinner tonight when he gets the unexpected call. He almost doesn't answer it, when he sees it's from an unfamiliar number, thinking it's spam, but something nags at him to take the call.
It's Buck. And he sounds upset.
"Buck? What's going on? Everything alright? Who's phone are you using?"
He can hear Buck gulp from the other end of the line. "I've been arrested. I need you to come bail me out and get Christopher out of police custody." he says, all in one rushed statement, like he'd ripping off a band aid.
"Wha--I'm sorry, what? Did you say you're in jail? And Christopher's with the police? What the hell is going on?" Eddie's not proud of the way he raises his voice, especially not in the fruit aisle, where a mother with her toddler gives him a dirty look on her way past, but he's so shocked and panicked he can't stop himself from blurting out, "Buck, what the fuck happened? You were picking Christopher up from school today! Where does jail fit into this?!"
"Eddie, I'm sorry." Buck sighs. "I swear I'll explain everything when you get here, but I don't have a lot of time left on this call and I'm kind of freaking out right now. Please, can you just--"
"Of course, yeah, sorry, I'm on my way, give me like twenty minutes, ok? I'm across town."
"Thank you." the line cuts off abruptly and Eddie's left to ponder what could possibly have happened to have led up to his almost nine months pregnant husband being arrested as he abandons his cart and runs out into the parking lot.
Eddie nearly gets arrested himself, with the way he's speeding down the highway before turning onto the main road and parking right in front of the station, where only police vehicles are allowed.
The alpha finds his kid with a social worker, happily munching on a donut. “Chris!?” Eddie runs over and engulfs his son in a suffocating hug. “Are you ok? What happened?” 
Christopher pulls away slightly, nodding. “I’m ok. Bucky got in trouble ‘cause the lady at the park lied. Officer Reyes said he’s gonna bring him out soon.” 
The social worker explains the whole story to Eddie, “Thankfully there were a lot of witnesses who corroborated the events. Your husband should be out in a few minutes; it was all just an awful misunderstanding. The woman at the park is in custody right now for giving the police a false accusation and wasting everybody’s time.”  
Eddie’s shoulders slump in relief and he practically falls into a chair nearby, pulling Christopher onto his lap and holding him tight around the middle. “Is he ok? Buck is pregnant. He’s due in two weeks.” 
The social worker gives him a sympathetic look. “I’m sure he’s in good hands. Officer Reyes will have him out here in a couple of minutes.” 
After a couple of minutes turns to five, turns to ten, Eddie starts to get angsty. Which is why it’s a good thing, when he happens to spot Athena rounding the corner and into the station. He calls over to her and she furrows her brows in concern before making her way across to them. 
“Eddie? Christopher? What’s going on?” 
“It’s a long story.” Eddie sighs, “But Buck is being held in a cell right now, they said an officer Reyes was supposed to bring him down here, that he was free to go, but that was forever ago,” he exaggerates. “Can you please find out what’s taking so long?” 
“Of course.” 
Buck sobs openly when his alpha enters the room, “Eddie!” he calls out desperately. 
Athena holds Buck close and looks up. “He’s in labor. Contractions are less than a minute apart. He needs to start pushing.” 
Eddie doesn’t hesitate, though his brain feels like it’s about to short circuit if even one more insane thing happens within these twenty four hours. He drops between Buck’s knees and reaches out to squeeze his hand. “Hey, I’m here, I’m here, you’ve got this, ok? Cause I’ve got you.” 
“I’m scared.” Buck admits, tears sliding down face, and he’s shaking like a leaf, terrified that something will go wrong. “I don’t--” he groans pitifully against another contraction. “Don’t wanna have her in here.” 
“I know baby, I know, but she’s coming now, Buck. She’s not gonna wait for us to make it to a hospital. She’s impatient,” Eddie kisses his hand, squeezing again, comfortingly. “Just like you.” 
Buck huffs. “No, like you. Y-you never wait for your soup to cool down.” 
“My Tia’s sopa is worth the burnt tongue.” Eddie plays along, trying to distract him from the pain. “Baby, I need you to push, ok? I know this isn’t how we pictured any of this, but it’s time.” 
Buck nods through the tears and steels himself. 
“Good, good, now push, c’mon, you can do this. I’m right here.” 
“You look handsome in your mugshot.” Eddie tells Buck, staring at the photo he asked Athena to send him on his phone.
Buck glares at the alpha. “Funny.” 
Eddie leans down to kiss the frown off his face. “Sorry, too soon?” 
Buck turns the other way in bed with an annoyed huff. “You’re on baby night duty for the rest of the week.” he shuts the lamp light off and then the room is dim with just the moon peaking in through their blinds. 
“Hey,” Eddie sits up, tilting his head. It’s been over a month since the incident, and sure, it hadn’t been pleasant, but Buck and their baby had made it through just fine, health intact, and in the hospital Buck hadn’t seemed too phased after the ordeal, mostly content with Christopher and the baby curled up against and on him. “That was a stupid joke, I’m sorry.” 
Buck gulps. He’s being way too sensitive about this. Everything turned out alright and shortly after the whole thing had passed Chimney had even teased him that of course only Buck would have bad enough luck to end up giving birth in a holding cell. And Buck had laughed it off. 
Mostly because he’d been relieved. 
And then of course with the new baby the last month has been a whirlwind of constant activity, of making sure all her needs are met, of making sure Christopher’s not feeling neglected, of debating on when he should start thinking about going back to work and--
Eddie’s heart leaps when he hears Buck’s sharp intake of breath. “Buck?” 
Buck sits up now, too, swiping miserably at the tears that suddenly won’t stop falling. “Sorry, I--ignore me. I didn’t--” he sniffles. “I haven’t really thought about that day since--everything’s been so busy with--you know?--and--” he cuts himself off with a choked off sob. “It’s the hormones.” 
It’s been four weeks now and his hormones from the pregnancy are still driving him every which way and he feels ridiculous right now, crying over something he should have processed a month ago already. 
Eddie wraps his arms around Buck and pulls him between his legs and against his chest. “Let it out.” he says. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” 
Buck curls into Eddie and releases all emotion he hadn’t realized he’d been keeping all pent up inside. The fear, the anguish--Buck lets himself be held, coddled, loved. 
It feels good. 
After he’s cried for what feels like ages Buck rests the side of his head on Eddie’s shoulder and exhales. “You know Christopher wanted to name her Tuubee?” he murmurs. 
Eddie, who’s rubbing up and down his husbands back, pauses a moment. “’Tuubee’?” he repeats. 
Buck half smirks against his shoulder. “Two B. The cell where she was born.”
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mxghostbee · 3 years
Live reaction to Episode 174
Alecto is a Chaotic Queen!
Why the fuck is their a caterer for a trial? And why are there Danishes?!
Poor Posidon don't know how to tie tie.
Huge Hades!
"This is a little dramatic, even for you." Fuck you Zeus...
Hades going god mode.
"Thats because he is" Big Fuck You Asspollo!
Asspollo and Zeus matching just like father and son should xD ...
"You have been brutalizing my wife for months! Don't think I haven't fucking Noticed!" Fuck yes Aidoneus! Kill'em
"Oh So ShE's YoUr Wife NoW?!" Yes yes she is damn it!
Zeus tell Asspollo off!
"ThIs Is BuLlShIt!" No what is bullshit is that you are even in this stupid fucking room!
The unamused Kings...
Hey Rach... big fan but what does *Gesture* mean. Like is hades just flailing his hand at Zeus.
Hades still in Zeus face.
"Apollo has been up my ass about marring Persephone for Ages." ZEUS ZEUS ZEUS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DEFINE AS AGES?!
Ah so Asspollo was like if I bring in Demeter you'll marry Persephone to me right? And Zeus not carring about the fact he already was suspicious of her being a fertility goddess? That doesn't make any sense Zeusy-poo!
Even Posidon is disappointed...
Hades being the adorable big brother and does Posidons Tie...
Hades you shouldn't have told Zeus that she was afraid of him... don't forget he intends on punishing her!
"Good Luck!" Posidon is a Chaotic being.
Demeter don't call her your Precious Treasure. That is fucking weird...
For once I agree with Demeter you have 15 minutes to come up with your case. Not talk about your fertility goddess status.
Demeter you should just drop the topic!
Yas Queen tell her about Asspollo thoughts.
Demeter! Stop freaking acting like she is a baby!
Fuck yeah Hermes was! In an hour of existencing he ripped the shell of a turtle to make a lyre, stole 50 of Asspollo's cattle cooked and ate them.
Also Baby Hermes is adorable!
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*Rap* *rap* *rap* *rap*
Artemis, Hestia, Athena, Eros, Aphrodite, and Ares just sitting in the crowd.
Defense attorney. Pervy lookin ass defense attorney.
Persephone just felxing her knowledge of the laws.
"I nominate Hades." "I accept" this is the sassiest shit.
Angry Zeus. Angry Demeter.
End thoughts:
So are all of the Chthonic Deities present? We've seen Hades, Hecate, Alecto, and Megaera so far. And clearly Thanatos will be their since he is the witness(?). How is this court case even working? Why are the Olympians in the bystander area so assumably they have no say or jury... Where is Hera? I know she is in a bad state but she would definitely be in attendance.... I guess that only the kings get a say in the end. If that's the case then why did they even have a trial.... and what is the point of the title of being an Olympian.
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athys-obelia · 4 years
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hey hey hey.
so like i had a thought?
au where felix notices how down diana is about her pregnancy and approaches her. she confides in him - she's afraid for her child, any complications with their health, their future, everything. the chance she is betting on is a good life for her child with their father, but...she cannot foresee the future, after all. diana has worries as any new mother would.
(under cut for length)
and after pondering on it, felix proposes an idea: what if he could garuntee this child's safety? diana had already expressed her will to make him their godfather, shouldn't he rise to the occasion? you should run away, he tells her, and spend the rest of your pregnancy at one of my father's estates.
she agrees, albeit hesitantly. he's been distancing himself from her - claude - ever since the pregnancy, but she visits him on her last night at the palace. it is a horrible night - all goodbyes are - and claude seems to sense something. he asks of her to spend the night, and diana can't find it within herself to reject the request. she'll just have to slip during at night, she thinks.
she spends her final trimester on robane lands, under the care and knowledge of felix's father as the knight spearheads the quiet search for the emperor's favorite concubine. she feels strangely at peace.
the search intensifies as her due date nears, and the week of athanasia's birth, everything...stops. duke robane explains the emperor cannot make the loss of an heir public knowledge, and has ordered the destruction of ruby palace. the concubines have been dismissed.
diana receives a special visit a few hours before going into labour - before her is a beautiful brunette with determined eyes. diana's body grows weaker by the day, she has been bedridden for the past few days, but she feels content. her child will be fine. so will her lover. claude may think her selfish after this, though she supposes if it can garuntee her baby's smile, she will accept it. she can be selfish if needed.
the obelian skies mirror the chaotic silence within the imperial palace. the young emperor has not made an appearance in the audience hall for days. his tailor has not received any orders for the usual military attire lately - rather, the instructions detail a simplistic, pure white fabric, as if...almost as if he were in mourning. the eerie calm seems to foreshow a storm.
and amidst the rain and thunder roaring across the empire, under the gaze of an ever loyal knight and a young lady, a princess is born quiet. her declining breaths reflect her mother's. "she has your eyes, my lady," says lilian york, "her father's beautiful colouring, but the strength is from you. the strength you have given her. she will live with power."
"and love?" the new mother asks weakly.
"lots," the knight swears. "a child borne of love deserves nothing less."
she is safe, my daughter - my daughter is...
by the end of the week, the imperial directory is edited at the command of his majesty, the emperor. a new name is added.
athanasia de alger obelia.
lilian york sighs at the babe in her arms. "the undying...what a cruel joke. his majesty can't possibly know whether lady diana or the little princess are still alive."
"no - it is the name lady diana expressed her partiality for," felix says with a slight smile, "it is a dare."
little athanasia groans.
athanasia de alger obelia - or, more commonly, athanasia robane - has seen many families. lilian does not what to say when the princess wonders why she cannot call her 'mother'. why she cannot address the men she believes to be her father and grandfather as such, why her grandfather refers to her as 'my lady'.
at the age of four, athanasia has stopped asking such questions. lilian cannot help but marvel at the way she avoids the topic with an intelligence that should realistically be far beyond her years.
athanasia's grandfather has made habit of asking her the same question as he tucks her in every night. "are you happy, my lady?"
she nods every time - it is such an obvious answer, after all. "athy is so happy, grandpapa! thiiiiis much!! why do you always ask that?"
her grandfather smiles. athy loves that her grandfather smiles so much. "i come from a family of knights, my lady. we are taught to honour our promises first and foremost."
"did you promise someone you would keep me happy, grandpapa?"
duke robane raises an amused eyebrow. "aren't you chatty today? get some sleep, sweet one. i will be here in the morning."
he always is.
duke robane tends to frequent the palace often. today, however, is a special day.
"were you on your way to the hall?" the emperor inquires, running into the red haired noble on his walk.
he bows in greeting. "i was not. i did not wish to bother you today, your majesty. i know you do not like to be disturbed during this time of year."
claude rather likes duke robane. he is relatively tolerable, like an older, wiser version of felix. "then what are doing outside the palace?"
"i was on my way to town, your majesty, with a... family member. her birthday is arriving soon, you see, but she was quite taken with your beautiful gardens, so i let her wander outside - i wouldn't dare allow her inside without your majesty's approval, of course."
claude raises an eyebrow. "a family member?"
"my granddaughter, sire."
claude glances at felix curiously. "i was not aware of this... development. how many children are you fathering when you're not bothering me?"
felix snorts.
"er...a foster granddaughter, your majesty."
"i do not see her here. i assume she is felix's current heir, is she not? i should be offended you have not introduced us."
"she is playing a game, sire," duke robane explains, "she has gone to hide and i am to find her. it is called hide and seek, as i am told."
he winces at the familiar voice calling out, "grandpapa!! look at this shiny flowe-"
little athanasia's face pales.
"my lady, meet his majesty, the emperor of the Obelian empire."
the blonde princess clutches her grandfather's sleeve. "from... from athy's books?"
felix cannot tear his gaze away from the emperor's face - or rather, the jewelled eyes that stare at his goddaughter.
claude could laugh. that face, even with her eyes matching the prominent robane silvery eyes...felix must really take him for an idiot, he thinks. really, he should be offended. he remembers putting felix in charge of the search years ago... lying to the emperor? disguising a member of the imperial family to pass off as their own? in what land would this not be a crime?
still, this...this 'athy' looks happy. or looked happy, before she saw him. only a fool would grow to be jovial in the palace, so claude wonders whether thank you may be in order for keeping his child so cheery.
then again, this said under the assumption that he would've kept the child alive in the first place.
claude glances at duke robane - the man is usually so poised, he thinks he'll have some fun while this little charade is up.
"what is your name?" he asks blankly.
the duke interjects, "we call her athy, sire. the name athena truly fits her - she is a very bright child."
ah, interesting...felix's father seems to both be smarter and care for the girl more than claude initially credited him.
"hide and seek," claude muses, barely making an effort to hide his smirk, "so, you've finally decided to come out of hiding."
"i was on my way to the lake. get ready to join me."
duke robane glances at five year old athanasia - she had been called to the palace for tea with the emperor once, after which their little tea parties became something of a common occurrence. he had faced hell and beyond trying to keep it under wraps - at least felix's position as the emperor's guard was a comfort.
"your majesty, forgive me, but the lady hasn't learnt to swim. i fear it may be dangerous."
athanasia shoots him a look - don't argue with the emperor, grandpapa!
"what's there to worry about when she's with me?" claude asks, eyebrow quirked, "besides. the three of you should be quite used to playing dangerous games by now."
felix sputters. "your, your majesty?"
yes, dealing with house robane is much more entertaining than roger alpheus could hope to be...
"what was it? hide and seek. your daughter could get lost, isn't that sort of thing very dangerous?"
athanasia raises an eyebrow at him, unimpressed, as felix flushes red. claude finds himself wondering - not for the first time - what goes inside her head? it's not uncommon for this child of five to react with the maturity of an adult, intriguingly.
"lets go, uncle!" she exclaims, offering him her hand as he's seen the duke and felix hold it often. she interwined her fingers with his once he accepts her hand. so small, it is. small and soft, as if he could crush her with the littlest force.
claude stares at her platinum blonde hair, a hint of a smile playing on his features. "robane has gotten quite daring lately. of course, a bold house will raise a bold child."
duke robane glances at the blonde in his doorway - how out of place her bright hair had once looked, bouncing around in contrast to the rich, deep browns and reds of the robane mansion. the estate seems to lose life whenever his foster granddaughter visits the palace, now. as per their little custom, she visits him in his study at her return. "my lady. come."
"i have to greet lily soon or she'll get mad. she hates when i meet you without being dressed for it. but i really wanted to see grandpapa." she grins brightly, and he thinks her smile is the gods compensating for the moon's quiet glow. the princess takes her place on his lap. "what are you doing, grandpapa?"
"there's some trouble at the border. i'm only looking over our damages, i'll be done soon."
athanasia's grandpapa has never once dismissed her questions claiming she's too young. he's never withheld knowledge she's asked for. sure, he makes it so the terms are easier for her to understand, but she's never been out of the loop. "how has the emperor been to you, sweet one?"
"i almost called him daddy today," she admits, feeling her grandfather's hand on her shoulder tighten.
athanasia chuckles. "well, that's a lie. i did call him that. but...he seemed okay with it."
"yeah! he's so odd. he even told me i should stop wearing so much red and black."
"what did you say to that?" the duke asks.
"i told him they were my house colours, obviously. i can't just stop wearing my house colours! he said purple suits me better. i mean, if i was his daughter or something i could wear a lot of purple. it's the imperial family's colour, isn't it?"
he clears his throat. "...you were at the palace for the entire day, my dear, weren't you bored?"
"not really. oh! i met a magician today too."
"a magician?"
"mhm! everyone at the palace is so weird, honestly. apparently he's been sleeping there ever since emperor aeternitas? i don't know, he was really strange."
"emperor aeternitas? from nearly two hundred years ago? what else do you remember about this mage, my lady?"
she presses her finger to her chin. "to tell you the truth, grandpapa, he was very pretty. like...really pretty."
athanasia's grandfather gives her a smile she has learnt to be vary of. "are you interested in this magician, my child? i don't mind extending an invitation for the pair of you to become better acquainted."
"grandpapa! when will you stop trying to become a matchmaker?"
duke robane sighs playfully. "i'm only thinking of your future, my lady. your debutante is not too far - you will need an escort to dance the night away with."
she pouts. "i can dance with you, grandpapa."
he chuckles, and the silence stretches until athanasia breaks it once more, murmuring a soft, "no."
"no?" her grandfather echoes, confused.
"that's a 7," she says, pointing towards the document he's been working on. "not 3, that was last time. grandpapa told me the border towns have a larger population now, so that needs to be factored in, doesn't it?"
duke robane studies the calculation, the surprise evident in his sharp features. "hm?...you're right, thank you."
she grins. "i've been working on my sums lately! aren't you proud of me, grandpapa?"
"always, sweet one. you're very smart to be at this level so young."
athanasia beams. "i mean, you taught me everything so it's almost like you're praising yourself, you know?" her grandfather laughs at that, the sound deep and familiar. "anyway, are these real gold? they're very pretty." she gestures towards a box of earrings resting on her grandfather's desk.
"they were your mother's," the duke tells her, feeling the girl stiffen. "i planned to give them to you at your return."
"they're very...siodonnan," she remarks almost awkwardly. "very pretty."
"she wanted you to have them. apparently they were a gift."
he confirms with a slight chuckle, "they are gold, authentic. that fascinates you, doesn't it? you've always been quite taken with shiny things, ever since you were a child. your grandfather was like that too, athanasia."
"you're like that?"
the duke of house robane blinks in surprise once. then twice.
felix stares at the eleven year old in the emperor's bed. blonde hair spilled all over the pillows, her frail body hidden under the covers. how...?
he hadn't registered the passage of time at all. the emperor's index and middle fingers rest on athanasia's forehead, his own creased in concentration and annoyance. felix can't even help the fury building within himself.
"your majesty," he begins cautiously - claude has been a wild card ever since watching his daughter cough up blood at the breakfast table. the massacre everyone was on edge about eleven years ago at ruby palace would've been inevitable yesterday had athanasia's childhood friend - the mage - not arrived as early as he had. "you should rest."
claude's gaze turns to him dangerously. "do not tell me to rest when-"
the girl stirs uncomfortably, her eyes opening. she glances at felix before tugging on her father's sleeve weakly. "papa...?" tears prick at the corner of the young princess's eyes.
oh, that's right - felix remembers his father having the talk with the princess a few months ago. she had accepted the new information quietly, and rather quickly, to the both robane mens' surprise. the princess had started bringing her father flowers on her visits from then, and as if in return, claude had an entire garden in built where ruby palace would've been.
the emperor's hand returns to his daughter's forehead and she blinks sleepily a few times before drifting right back to sleep. the magic has long worn off - neither father nor daughter had flinched at the sight of her shimmering blue eyes. if anything, felix had seen claude's shoulders relax.
the emperor lets out a small sigh. "i will not be here when she wakes." he traces the soft collar of her purple nightgown. "and should she consent, see to it that athanasia moves into emerald palace by the end of the month. she has been fostered long enough."
oh, his father would definitely not like that.
"are you mad, papa?" athanasia asks, the sequins of her debutante dress glittering bright u der the lights of the hall..
"why would i be? did someone dare say something to y-"
she latches onto his arm before her father has a chance to finish. "no! nobody could dare offend me on my debut. especially when i have you by my side."
"then you do you ask?"
she plays with the intricate patterns on the arm of his outfit. "because i refused to move in with you? trust me, papa, i didn't mean to hurt you at all...i was only..." scared. it was at the debutante, wasn't it? when you chose jennette over the real athy.
"it was simply your choice," the emperor tells her flatly. "and i seem to recall you delaying it. not refusing."
athanasia laughs sheepishly. "that's right. i don't want to force myself into your life. i really love our time together though, papa."
her breath hitches as claude halts in his step. his hand raises to her jawline, thumb brushing against against her earrings. "where...? where did you..."
"papa? do you need to sit down?"
it does the trick, snapping her father out of whatever trance he had been under.
"won't you dance again? i'll be here," he encourages, and athanasia nods. she's shared one with her godfather, one with ezekiel alpheus...
"what are you doing here, your highness?" duke robane inquires, separating himself from his conversation partners.
"won't you dance with me, grandpapa?"
the duke can't help but smile at the way she addresses him. "you were escorted by his majesty, sweet one. why do you wish to spend your precious time with this lowly servant?"
he sighs with a fond smile. "alright, alright. but even dancing with fathers is out of fashion nowadays, princess. and you're here, asking me?"
she frowns, unimpressed. "i think you don't want to dance because you're so tall. are you calling me unskilled?"
he gives her a charming smile. "how could i dare?"
"don't you remember, grandpapa? in your study?" she extends her hand with a familiar smirk, "i come from a family of knights, my lord. we are taught to honour our promises first and foremost."
and really, when has duke robane ever been able to refuse his granddaughter?
a/n: literally what is this. why is this. when i say i only meant to write a drabble-
but!! duke robane never hesitates in standing up for his granddaughter, even against the emperor! athy and found family!! honestly i love the dukes' conflict here - alpheus with jennette and robane with athy :)
claude and his subtle shade 🙃
lily and the robanes honoring their promise to diana and teaching athy both love and strength <3
the magic explosion thing happened much later, and with slightly different claude/athy dynamics - he certainly can't take her presence for granted, she doesn't doesn't even live with him yet (she wants to!! the insecurities around jennette are just acting up rn)
athy will have support during amnesia arc + ana's antics!!!
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lemntri · 3 years
mutals as greek deities
okay so the last time I actually read Greek mythology was when I was 11 so plis don't come @ me if I get stuff wrong
also all of em were fucked up so plis ignore problematic traits of specific gods, I'm only focusing on the not so personal characteristics of each deity
@p1nkymilk as apollo because apollo is all about sun and light and they're exactly that, i love talking to them, they know atots by heart, therefore has my heart, writes the most brilliant fanfic with plots that actually make sense and are ethereal
@bookavert as ares cus bitch is so violent jk jk she's a delight and she's absolutely adorable, a person i genuinely like talking about stuff with, never fails to make me laugh, is a serial KILLET
@livelistenlove as hestia cus she quiet and listens to a lot to people, I'm pretty sure a lot of people refer to her as their home
@verygardenerbanana as demeter cus she gives me nature vibes, it's like all things nature= lizzy, if I ever go for a walk in the woods alone, she's prolly the first person I'll think of
@loverrwrb as aphrodite cus she gives me soft vibes, outerworldly and elegant energy
@cordelias-musings as artemis cus she gives me outerworldy vibes too, not exactly soft but refined and confident vibes
@ginasholtsoundboard as athena cus bitch is smart and has ✨opinions✨ has a specific vibe to him, it fits athena's
@pb-nj as eris cus she called me a babie just cus I'm not 18 yet snjsjsjssna jk jk she's a talented human, makes the most amazing atots content, but gives me chaotic vibes and also gets like the weirdest asks picking fights w her, hence the chaos, she's like the center of the discord but doesn't involve herself in it
@ohyoumeanher as persephone cus they give me smol must protecc at all costs vibes idk how to explain the correlation
@church-of-burnt-romances as dionysus cus he gives me spring vibes and so does 2g bestie with all their excitement, the wine part adds to it i think
i have other people I've interacted w here and all of em are equally amazing but I cant fit them in anywhere will answer another anon ask that i got months back and talk about them
and i prolly have it all wrong and I'm so sorry if y'all didn't wanna be tagged
thenk for the ask, have a nice day
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mintseesaw · 4 years
harana | jjk
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translation: n. the act of wooing/courting someone by serenading him/her
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, f2l au, drabble
word count: 3.5k
warning: none // rating: pg-13
requested by bebe athena @rookiegukie​. Im sorry it took a while, but i hope you like it hun! You may still submit your requests for the drabble game Paraluman Playlist until the end of August. ✨
note: this didnt turn out as initially planned changing after jk released his latest cover so i highly rec u to listen to 10,000 hours by jjk (cover) while reading it hjfjgdjdkgm  also it’s a first for me to delve into f2l trope ljggdhd yall forgive me if it’s too cliche bwahaha
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“Hyung! ______-noona is here!” A kid who opened the door for you announced your arrival rather loudly, recognizing him as one of Jungkook’s cousins. You pushed through inside the nostalgic interior of the Jeon’s household. Nothing much has changed in the past two years.
Soon after, Jungkook appeared from the doorway you remember as the door leading to the kitchen. He’s decently dressed and when you say decent, you meant he’s not in his usual attire of anything black and over-sized. Nonetheless, he’s handsome as ever. You’re not gonna deny the fact.
“Hey!” He greets, face lighting up at the sight of you, biting back a smirk as he skims the length of you adorning a cute, yellow dress. He glances down at your hand holding a gift-wrapped present for his mom before draping an arm over your shoulders.
He feigns a frown, “You shouldn’t have bothered. Mom will appreciate you making it on her birthday.”
“Well, unlike someone I know, I’m thoughtful enough to prepare something for Auntie.” You tease, knowing he possibly bought nothing for his mom.
He scoffs, only proving your assumption right. “Yah! Don’t sound too enthusiastic, I’m the son here.”
“So what? I’m your mom’s favorite!” You retorted back.
“No you aren’t!” He snapped, while his mouth unconsciously juts forward in defeat.
Your eyebrow arches. “Is that a challenge I hear?”
Jungkook nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “Forget the competition. We’re here to make my mom happy.” He quickly dismisses, distracting you as he leads you straight to the garden area which you could already see where the guests are gathered through the glass doors.
As expected, the said small party looks simply classic with a touch of Mrs. Jeon’s sophisticated taste. Average-sized square wooden tables are neatly scattered in the expanse of the garden with uniform vintage table setting that coordinates well with the floral decorations in the vicinity. In front, a makeshift platform was made behind a decorated linen with pinned letters “Happy Birthday Mom!” Behind all the tables is where the buffet table was placed.
You’re actually relieved that your simple puff sleeve dress matches with the theme of the party, forgetting the guilt of having to wear the dress without borrowing it from your sister.
Mrs. Jeon was happily chatting with her guests but when the sliding door breaks open revealing you tucked under Jungkook’s arm, the present smile on her face stretches wide and immediately shuffled towards you and Jungkook’s way. 
Mrs. Jeon audibly gushes just as you handed your gift and welcomed you with a warm, tight hug. “Thank you, dear.”
Jungkook took it as his cue to leave you two for a second.
When she draws back, she appreciatively give you a once over. “Oh, you look so lovely on your dress!” Mrs. Jeon clapped her hands. You smiled shyly in return.
“Thank you for coming, dear. It’s been ages since the last time I’ve seen you. Come here and get some food.” She says.
It’s true. After you’ve been in college two years ago, you’ve hardly stayed in your hometown for more than two weeks, hence, you couldn’t squeeze your time here to pay the Jeons a visit. Mrs. Jeon became your guardian whenever your parents were in business trips back in the days, and during the times of your stay at their house, you’ve grown much closer to her just like your second mom.
By the time you reach the buffet table, Mrs. Jeon caught Jungkook in the act of getting a piece of sushi straight from the chafing dish, and his poor soon right away earned a whack on his arm from his mom.
“Use the tongs!” She reproaches which made him flinches dramatically.
Such a baby.
You bit back a chuckle as Mrs. Jeon went on with “Go to the kitchen and refill the dispenser!” Jungkook pouts but obeys his mom without complaining. However, he made sure to shoot a fake glare at you before he disappears from the doorway.
Mrs. Jeon then handed you an empty plate. “Here, ______. I know you like pasta.”
Your eyes widened a little. Perhaps, you have not recovered from the surprise painted on your expression, hearing it come from her that she caught a glimpse of your slight shock state. Why should you be surprised when Jungkook knows it as well? He might have told her or something.
“Oh don’t be surprised, dear. My boy always asks me to cook pasta whenever you come around.”
Isn’t it his favorite food? “It’s… his favorite... right?” You began but ended up questioning the validity of your knowledge.
She laughs, “You know he could eat anything edible but cannot live without his portion of meat every day.”
“Oh.” It was only that moment it registered to you. His mom is right. He’d always make it a point to consume all your stocks of meat whenever he shows up in your dorm in the most unexpected days. His university is not too far away from yours. Yet, this guy thinks it’s worth the two-hour drive just to get to your dorm and pester the shit out of you.
“I’m so happy you’re able to make it on my birthday. Will you stay in town for the rest of your break?”
“Uhh… I was supposed to focus on saving up through my part time jobs this summer but my mom threatened to disown me if I don’t stay here during summer break.”
“Oh she’s being reasonable, honey. Believe me, I’d do the same thing if Jungkook refuses to go home at least once a month, unless of course, if he runs off with you.” She remarks in a teasing manner, earning a profuse blush to appear on your cheeks so abruptly.
Since you left home for uni, you actually believe Mrs. Jeon had forgotten about your shared interactions back then. Yet, here she is, still having faith that his son has actual feelings for you. She told you many times that she’d want a daughter like you or, at least, be her in-law. She always regarded it in a playful tone so you used to get mixed signals whether she was really serious or not. But then, you’d say the overused line: “we’re only friends”. She would then give you a knowing look and insisted that she knows her son well. Fortunately for you, she made it a point to only tease you whenever Jungkook was out of earshot.
By the time Jungkook came back a few moments later, you’re already seated in a vacant table at the farthest back. Jungkook occupied the seat next to yours, taking notice of the half-finished food on your plate.
“What time are you leaving?” He asks the moment he plopped down the chair. Your head cocked to the side to meet his gaze.
“Are you trying to make me leave early?” You prompted suspiciously.
He rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna drive you home, idiot.”
“Well, you don’t have to. I can… walk.”
“It’s not like I have a choice.” He mutters under his breath.
Your eyebrows quirked but you spoke no more. He lifted his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. Did he mean his mom will force him to drop you off at your house just like the old times?
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As the night progresses, the small celebration has pumped up with lively cheers from their relatives, incited by the impromptu program prepared by Jungkook’s cousins which was mostly filled with fun games. At some point of the said program, a small commotion on the side of the makeshift platform started to build up. The next thing you know, his cousin, the mastermind behind the entertainment portion of the party, caught yours and Jungkook’s attention when she announced his sudden participation in the program through a performance.
“Our boy Kookie here recently recorded a cover and he’s here to perform the live version and showcase his talent to our dear guests. Everyone, let’s welcome our very own Jeon Jungkook onto the stage!” His cousin enthusiastically says through the microphone. On cue, everyone in the garden, particularly his cousins, roared in earsplitting screams of cheer.
He blinks, completely perplexed. He was not given a heads up prior, much less told that he would perform a song in front of an audience. Hesitant due to his nerves, he backed away subtly just as he reaches the side of the supposed stage. However, his cousin caught up with his attempt and pushed him not too gently toward the platform, and even placed the microphone stand in front of him, giving him no room to say no. The expectant look of his relatives left him no choice but to just— his eyes suddenly caught your figure at the back when you stood up and went to the buffet table.
His heart thuds so hard against his rib cage that he’s afraid everyone can hear it through the mic, including you. He’s sure he’s as white as a paper by now more so that his nerves are getting the worst of him.
That song is not just any song he simply did a cover of. It was the song he meant to sing for you when the right time has come, when he’s ready to pour his heart out to you.
He sucked a deep breath once more, and slowly breathed out once more. Instinctively, his eyes fluttered closed when he heard the music began playing.
Ready or not, it’s now or never.
 Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance
When you're drunk with your friends at a party?
At the sound of his voice filling the air of the summer night, you spun back around to face him. That’s how he missed the look on your face just as how you missed the chaotic cheering of his cousins as they piled up to the side of the platform.
What's your favorite song? Does it make you smile?
Do you think of me?
Hearing the beautiful lyrics wholeheartedly sang by Jungkook, the same one who stole your heart a long time ago, you couldn’t control your heart as it started racing so wildly, tiny specs of heat slowly spreading in your chest. Thoughts began to swirl in your mind – giving you the anticipation. The possibility. The potential love affair. That the friendship would develop into something more.
Before the next verse comes, Jungkook peeled his eyes open, however, he didn’t expect to see you awestruck there across his line of vision from the back, and meeting your expressive eyes. If he didn’t know better, he would have mistaken the glint in your eyes for something else.
Maybe just… maybe you like him too.
When you close your eyes
Tell me what are you dreaming?
Everything, I wanna know it all
You look so beautiful. That the thought of you alone could easily make his heartstrings twist so cruelly in his chest. Oh how he wishes you’d let him spoil you the way he’s been dying to. He’d be the luckiest man to ever live to have you as his girlfriend.
Jungkook didn’t know how he managed to put up the courage to return your gaze, never have you looked at him the way your pretty eyes are staring back at him now with the genuine fondness in them. Somehow, as he gets lost to his emotions, he suddenly couldn’t find the strength in him to take his eyes off of you.
I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
Butterflies erupt crazily in your stomach, goosebumps start to appear on your skin and your cheeks heat up as he held you captive under his wistful stare. The longingness and the passion they hold, the twinkle of his orbs as his doe-like eyes are digging straight to your soul, what it is all for?
And I might never get there but I'm gonna try
If it's 10,000 hours or the rest of my life
I'm gonna love you
He’s always been a constant figure in your life since the moment you two became friends. He didn’t miss any important celebrations that involves you since then. And even though Jungkook has been vocal about being overprotective of you dating guys he didn’t know, none of you ever tried to address anything remotely related to romantic love. It gave you the temporary relief, because you’ve been pushing your feelings back in the depths of your heart since the moment you realized you’ve fallen in love with him.
You never had the guts to test the theory, but leaving wondering what if… When have you visited the thought, again? You have long disregarded the possibility because you believed he loves you like his sister. Nevertheless, you’re lucky to have met him and be the only constant in your life.
Do you miss the road that you grew up on?
Did you get your middle name from your grandma?
When you think about your forever now
Do you think of me?
Jungkook’s face stretches in a subtle smile, forgetting about his nerves, his sweaty palms and the guests who kept looking back and forth between him and you in curiosity while he seems magnetized at his view. You.
When you close your eyes
Tell me what are you dreaming?
Everything, I wanna know it all
You smiled, recalling the times you two were inseparable. The times he let you cry on his shoulder, when he used to help you sneak out in the middle of the night, be your chaperone, witnessed you getting drunk for the first time in your life and even that one time a senior stole your first kiss. It was the first time you saw Jungkook that angry, beating the shit out of a poor guy two years ahead of us over a single peck. Your memories with him didnt end in high school for he didn’t stop making efforts to see you, regularly visiting you frequent enough that he’d made himself home at your place.
Ooh, want the good and the bad
Everything in between
Ooh, gotta cure my curiosity
In the midst of serenading you, he recollects the memories he shared with you. The day you two were introduced to each other was still as good as new in his memory bank, or the times that you encouraged him to push through to audition to his dream role that you even learned to play his audition piece just so he could practice with you every day after school. His basketball games with you as his personal cheerleader, the times that he couldn’t hide his jealousy when you dated someone else, the immature fights that always led him to drink his heart out as if you two had broken up, and you nursing him back to sobriety. When you two were separated in college, he’d always make a way to bother you whenever he’s drunk and you’d end up going to his place and ceaselessly irk him while he rotted from hangover.
His angelic voice singing the rest of the song lulls you further into your thoughts, gathering each memory like a missing piece in the puzzle. Why didn’t you see all the signs back then? Were you blinded by your then-infatuation over him that you failed to hint his own feelings? He never gave you a reason to make you think he likes you more than a friend nor tried to hide anything from you, right?
Shortly afterwards, you were pulled back into the reality when you hear the cheers of the guests, signaling the end of Jungkook’s performance. Your eyes silently follow him as he sheepishly walk out of the platform, going onto the same path he took before.
Jungkook didn’t meet your gaze as he strutted toward the ice cooler on the side of the buffet table to get a bottle of alcohol which is just a few steps away from you. Twisting open its cap with such urgency, he took a long swig from the bottle to calm his traitor nerves, then pretends to busy himself on the variety of food laid on the table while feeling the weight of your stare on his back. Nervous that you understood the purpose behind his impromptu performance and that your silence was your hint of your rejection to his feelings, he didn’t try to talk it out to you the entire night. Yet, he feigned indifference when he sat on the same chair in the table next to you.
As the rest of the night rolls, the tension undeniably grows in between you two. Yet bearable enough to have you two stay glued on your seats despite the countless times you caught him staring at you, or you at him all throughout the night.
None of you dared break the silence and somehow, along the way, the tension has particularly become unbearable inside the car while he drove you home. Your house was just two blocks away and you bet it would take him faster to get there should he not intentionally slow down his driving with only a hand on a steering wheel while the other rested on the open window of his door as his fingers anxiously pinch his lips.
You chose to break the tension, feeling the need to speak up before your heart bursts out of your chest. And the moment you did, Jungkook coincidentally started to talk too.
“About that…”
You met his eyes when your head jerked to the side to peer at him.
“What?” You immediately ask, curious to know what he would want to say after that, his heartfelt singing.
“Uh—“ He drawls, suddenly losing the words he was supposed to utter the second he made an eye contact with you. He shifts his eyes back to the road, feeling himself cower under the weight of your stare.
He clears his throat, putting up a pretense of a courage. “What do you think of... my performance?”
There was a moment of dead air inside before you manage to form an answer. “It was beautiful… I like it. You know I’m in love with y-you– I mean your voice. I love your voice.” You laugh awkwardly, while you’re incoherently screaming in your head at your almost slipped up.
Jungkook’s face flushes and he could already visualize the sudden boost of serotonin in his system hearing the validation he needs the most, the one coming from you. “Thank you.” He mumbles shyly.
It was that moment when the car arrives in front of your house. You shoot him a look, said your thanks and bid him goodbye before you climbed out of the car. You couldn’t deny the disappointment that was rushing so abruptly into you while you pad the distance across the gate of the house. For the nth time, you have hoped for something that was not even real to begin with.
However, your heart jumped out of almost joy when you heard Jungkook’s voice call your name out just as you’re about to close the fence gate.
“What’s up?”
“Okay before I tell you something, do you promise to remain best friends with me if… if you don’t… if somehow… oh god whatever— just promise me!” He panics, making you frown in return.
“I-I promise?” You say in an uncertain tone.
Jungkook held his pinky out.
“Pinky swear?” He prompts. You raise an eyebrow but let him hook your pinky finger with his to seal the promise of a lifetime friendship. 
“What is it?” You say in the most gentle way possible. If this is the moment you’ve been dreaming to happen since you were in high school, you have to encourage him to talk before you could stop yourself from advancing to his personal space just to kiss him without any further ado.
“_____I-I tried my best not to… n-not to see you in a different way. But god you’re always making it difficult for me to forget about it when you keep giving me reasons to want things I shouldn’t have–”
“Please, let me finish before my legs give out.”
You chuckle all the while your vision blurs from the moisture in your eyes. The anxiety on his face gradually dissolves into relief when he saw the smile creeping into your face.
“I can’t keep dating anyone and pretending they’re better than you. I’m an idiot, I know.  But it’s always been you, ______. It’s you that I want and I can’t possibly live this life without you–“ You didn’t let him finish when he finally said the words you have longed to hear for years. You lean in to touch his soft, inviting lips with your own.
Jungkook staggered back at the suddenness of your move. Once he had recovered from shock, he cupped your jaw to deepen the kiss. He sighed against your supple lips. And for the first time since he has nurtured his feelings for you, the weight in his chest has been lifted off, replacing it with warmth and relief that only you could bring in his longing heart.
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 mintseesaw © 2020 | photo credit
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evanoracronwell · 3 years
Life as he knew it
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Chapter 3 - We're gonna be okay.
"Baby girl, this is your new family. Everyone, meet my daughter."
Also on ao3 (3/?)
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If you had asked Evan Buckley 24 hours ago if he had imagined his life would be like this, he would have laughed in your face and called you crazy.
However, here he was, marveling at how his apartment - his bachelor apartment - had become a place completely ready to receive a child.
Explaining everything to those he considered his family had been far more chaotic than Buck had imagined it would be.. Karen, Carla, and Maddie apparently knew all the curses in the dictionary, and they had no problem saying them all. Hen and Chim were silent for a few seconds - probably imagining that it was all a joke - and then joined Maddie and Karen.
Athena and Bobby acted exactly as Buck would have imagined. Surprised, and then congratulating him on the news, saving any further comments for later.
And then there was Eddie. Eddie said nothing. For a few seconds - infinite seconds, if you asked Buck - he just said nothing. And then he raised his hand in a gesture for everyone to shut up and looked at Buck, with those serene brown eyes, as if inside he was no longer furious and more agitated than a storm.
"What do you need, Buck? How can we help?"
"I need to buy everything I’ll need for my daughter. Make this place safe for a child, find a lawyer to analyze these documents and the others that I’ll be getting. Damn, I need to choose a name, because that woman wasn’t able to do even that..”
And that was how Maddie, Carla, and Karen went out shopping like three women on a mission.
"Here's my credit card, Maddie..." "How much can we spend ?!" "As much as necessary, everything my daughter will need, Maddie. Don't worry about money." "This credit card is from that account that..." "Yes” - he interrupted his sister in a low voice so that no one could hear them -” so don't worry about spending. Whatever she needs; I mean it"
Hen and Chim volunteered immediately to go shopping for everything needed to make the apartment baby-proof. And well, who’s better than two paramedics to guarantee it was done properly? 
Athena took the folder with the documents from Buck's hand, assuring him that she knew a child custody lawyer and would personally take those papers for him to review. Before Buck could even say anything, she had already walked out the door.
With that, only Eddie and Bobby remained.
Bobby, who went straight to the stove and started making something for Buck to eat, because he knew perfectly well that the men wouldn't have eaten yet and...
"You need to take care of yourself, kid, now more than ever."
And Eddie, who just put his hand on Buck's shoulder like he had when he had brought Chris after the tsunami, smiled as comfortably as possible, saying everything Buck needed to hear, without even saying a word.
"I'm here, Buck." "I have your back."
And now he was here, hours later with his apartment completely clean and safe for a baby. A crib installed next to his bed upstairs and a dresser full of baby clothes, everything needed to help with changing diapers, and a comfortable changing mat on top of the furniture. One side of his wardrobe had been completely emptied and now it contained diapers, more clothes (really, how many clothes did a baby need ?) And several other things that apparently a baby needed and that Buck hadn’t even known existed. His kitchen was like that too, cupboards full with baby cups, bottles, pacifiers, formula...
Because Buck was going to have a baby living with him in less than 24 hours. A baby... fuck.
"I still can't believe that I’m an aunt now! She is so beautiful Evan, just like you when you were a baby." Maddie sounded like she was three seconds away from bursting into tears
"Except for her hair; she has a shade of red that she got from her mother, mixed in with all that blondness."
"That woman is no mother."
"I know that, Karen. But what about my daughter? What am I going to tell her when she's old enough to ask?"
"The truth, Buck, you tell the truth. It will hurt like hell, but you need to be honest with her." Hen reached out to hold his hand for a few seconds.
"What matters now is that this little girl has you, Buck." Chimney smiled at his brother-in-law.”And she couldn't have wished for a better father."
"Damn, right. And when will the newest member of our clan join us?" Athena said in a happy and energetic tone, trying to change the mood of the conversation.
"The nurse said tomorrow; I need to prepare some documents that they need for the birth certificate."
"And a name"
"Yes, Maddie, and a name... I need to think of something."
"You’ll l find a perfect one for her, kid. I'm sure."
"Thanks, Bobby. I just... how am I going to do this? How am I going to be the father of a little girl? I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to take care of a child."
"Of course you know, Buck, you took care of Chris more times than I can count. You’re a natural. I don't know any child who doesn't gravitate towards you completely in adoration."
"This is different, Eddie; yes I am fun and great for spending a day with, playing with them and everything... but what about the rest ?!"
"Buck, dear, you’re being too hard on yourself."
"No, Athena, I'm being realistic. It's different."
"Okay, last week Chris had that stomach bug. He spent the whole night throwing up, tearful and angry. You knew I took an extra shift that night and offered to stay with him. Buck, you sat all night on the floor of his room, cleaned every time he vomited, bathed him and made him eat the soup that Pepa left for him, gave him the medicine at the right time, took care of him, and gave him all the attention and love he needed. You know exactly what to do Buck; you always knew.”
"Yes, but..."
"When Danny got that flu? You showed up at our house without us calling you. You took a plush of some cartoon that he liked at the time and a full meal for all of us because you knew we were going to be taking care of him and completely forgetting about ourselves, and then you spent hours with him watching all the cartoons he wanted just so that Karen and I could eat and get some rest. Eddie is right, Buck, if there is one person in this world who is prepared to become a father, it’s you.”
"Thanks, guys. I just... I don't know; I'm terrified."
"And it's okay to be scared, kid."
"But that's why you have us, Buckaroo, we’re here for everything you need."
"I know, Carla, which reminds me, I need to ask you if you know someone to refer me to as a nanny. Bobby got two weeks off from 118, but I'm going to need someone to look after her when I get back."
"Boy, you didn't just ask me that. Do you really think I'm going to refer someone else to you to take care of our little princess? Oh, no sir, I'll take care of that beauty myself."
"What? No, Carla, you already take care of Chris and..."
"We already talked." Eddie smiled.”Carla said that she can take care of them, no problem. And besides, Christopher is going to love helping."
"Oh, he's going to go all big brother with her."
"You bet!"
"Just take a deep breath, kid; you'll be just great, you'll see. And at the end of the day, you still have all of us ! We're all here to help you."
"Bobby is right, Evan. You’re going to be a great dad."
"Yeah...we're gonna be okay."
 Sometime later, when he was alone in his apartment, Buck ran to the bathroom to shower and get ready, looking forward to going back to the hospital and seeing his daughter again. He couldn't wait to bring her home with him the next morning. Having her in his arms again made Buck's heart grow two sizes, and if he cried with excitement when the nurse let him feed his daughter for the first time, well... who could blame him?
Leaving a hospital with his daughter in his arms was definitely not something Buck had imagined doing so soon in his life. But as he drove through the streets of Los Angeles with the adorable little girl, making all the cutest sounds while lying in the baby car seat, Buck was sure that if he could go back he would have done everything exactly the same.
Yes, he would still have gone to that bar days after removing the cast from his leg, determined not to stay home feeling sorry for himself after Ali had left. Yes, he would still have accepted Taylor Kelly's company even if he couldn't drink himself. Yes, he would still have had sex with her in the bathroom - again - in that bar.
Because all of that had taken him to this moment, driving to his apartment with his daughter in the backseat. Just the two of them, because...
"Yes, Maddie, I want to pick her up alone."
"Yes, Karen, you can wait for us here in my apartment to meet her. All of you can."
"I already chose a name, but no Eddie, I'm not going to tell you!"
So when he opened the door he found all his friends there just like the day before, with the addition of Michael, May and all of the other children. There were balloons all over the first floor and a banner hanging from the window welcoming "Baby Buckley". There was a huge cake on the counter, with an image of a stork. Everyone was waiting with a huge smile to meet his daughter.
Because Buck was not alone. He had his family there beside him to help him every step of the way.
"Oh my God, Buckaroo, she is so beautiful. That photo did not do justice to how gorgeous she is." Athena approached as soon as Buck entered the apartment.
"My niece is the most beautiful baby in the world."
Maddie stayed close to Athena so she could see her better, both with huge smiles and tears in their eyes.
"Baby girl, this is your new family. Everyone, meet my daughter." Buck smiled, raising his arm a little so that everyone could see the baby, whose eyes were wide and curious.”This is Isabella!"
Nobody in that apartment could resist falling completely in love with the new member of the 118 family. Everyone approached to see her better and praised how beautiful she was while Buck sat on the couch to be more comfortable and hold her better in his arms.
"Oh Buck, she really looks just like you."
"Look at this birthmark; so tiny!"
"She is so adorable, she makes me want to bite those cheeks."
"Oh my God, mom, are you and Bobby crying ?!"
May exclaimed so loudly that everyone turned to see Athena and Bobby, who really had tears in their eyes.
"Give me a break, May, this is our first granddaughter." Athena waved her hand in the air, returning to focus exclusively on the baby while Bobby was beside her,  nodding in agreement with his wife.
If Buck stopped breathing for a few seconds, no one seemed to notice; Athena had just called his daughter her granddaughter. His daughter. Granddaughter to Athena and Bobby. Of course, he had always seen Bobby as a father figure and consequently Athena as a mother figure, but knowing that the feeling was reciprocal really caught the fireman off guard.
The sound of crutches against the floor was enough to wake Buck out of his thoughts and make him smile as he saw Christopher approach, with Eddie beside him. Bobby and Athena smiled between them and then walked away leaving the three alone and went to the kitchen where everyone was preparing food for lunch.
"Chris has something he wanted to give to our new baby girl. Isn't that right, buddy?"
"Really, buddy? What do you have there?" Buck asked as he laid his daughter down in the baby nest bed beside him on the sofa.
"It's a gift for Isabella!"
With that beautiful smile that Chris always had, the boy handed the gift to Buck, who smiled even more as he took the package in his hands and opened it eagerly with both Eddie and Christopher’s eyes on him. Inside was the cutest little thing Buck had ever seen; it was a baby cow plush with little arms, and then in place of the body it was a shaggy, warm piece of fabric. Buck had no idea what it was, but he already loved it.
"It's a blankie or a security blanket. Chris had several of these when he was a baby, and it always made him sleep better." Eddie explained knowing that his friend didn't know what the gift was.
"This one was my favorite."
"Is this yours, buddy?"Buck asked, looking at Christopher with a puzzled expression, and when the boy nodded, stating that the plush was, in fact, his, Buck felt his eyes sting with tears. He looked at Eddie, who just smiled at his friend without saying anything.
"This is really nice of you, Chris; are you sure you want to give Bella your favorite blankie?"
"He protected me from monsters, Bucky, now he's going to protect Bella too. He was my best friend! Until you showed up."
"Oh buddy, you are my best friend too, did you know that ?! And I'm sure he will protect Bella just as he protected you."
"Do you think she'll like Moowie ?!”
“Moowie? You named him Moowie? Moowie the cow?”
“Yes, that's his name. Moowie. Do you think she'll like him?”
"Yes, I'm sure she will." He took the blankie to the baby, placing it right next to her. She looked at the plush with curiosity, then made a noise, apparently enthusiastic about the new toy.”See?! She loved her gift, buddy. I promise I will always keep it with her when she goes to sleep."
"To keep the monsters away!"
"Yes, buddy, to keep the monsters away."
Later, Christopher was sitting beside him on the sofa holding his daughter in his arms, with the biggest and most beautiful smile that Buck had ever seen on the boy's lips. Eddie was kneeling on the floor facing them, helping Chris to hold the baby while he played with Bella at the same time. All of his friends were around him, talking and laughing, like a big family.
Yes, Buck did not doubt that everything would be fine.
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