#At least virgins are in a <1% of risk of uterine cancer
acgames · 5 months
Today had some talk with some medical lady who is from the centre, responsible on offering free uterus check ups for all women in their 30s (as it is a law in my country to offer such services as prevention of uterine cancer), and everything quickly turned to weird after it came out I am a virgin...
I am pretty sure these fuckers rarely get to deal with virgin 30 year old... Yeah... I bet entire centre had huge laugh while at it...
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researching01 · 6 years
Growing Concern About the Safety of the HPV Vaccine as...
New Post has been published on https://headacheshelp.com/awesome/growing-concern-about-the-safety-of-the-hpv-vaccine-as/
Growing Concern About the Safety of the HPV Vaccine as...
The human papillomavirus( HPV) vaccine was originally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration( FDA) in 2006, and was introduced to the public as a vaccine that could protect women against the two strains of the HPV virus, HPV 16 and HPV 18, believed to be responsible for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer. 1
However, although the HPV vaccine was originally designed to protect women and young girls against the HPV virus, the media and governments from around the world often refer to it as the’ cervical cancer vaccine, ’ which we believe is incorrect, because, according to our research, there is little evidence to support their claim. 2
The World Health Organization Says the HPV Vaccine is Safe, Therefore It Must Be
Not only is the HPV vaccine being incorrectly referred to as the’ cervical cancer vaccine, ’ it is also being advertised as a safe and effective vaccine by the World Health Organization( WHO ), despite growing concern about just how safe and effective the HPV vaccine really is.
According to WHO, the HPV vaccination is exceedingly safe. Use data provided to them by The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety( GACVS ), they stated that :P TAGEND
Since licensure in 2006, over 270 million doses of HPV vaccines have been distributed. GACVS first reviewed the safety data in 2007, and subsequently in 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Early on, the Committee was presented signals relating thereto anaphylaxis and syncope. The danger of anaphylaxis has been characterized as approximately 1.7 lawsuits per million dosages, and syncope was established as a common nervousnes or stress-related reaction to the injection. No other adverse reactions have been identified and GACVS considers HPV vaccines to be extremely safe.”3
After discussing several conditions, including Guillain-Barre syndrome( GBS ), complex regional pain disorder( CRPS ), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome( POTS ), premature ovarian insufficiency, primary ovarian failure, and venous thromboembolism, GACVS concluded that the benefits of the HPV vaccine were “already very apparent.” They stated that :P TAGEND
Where HPV vaccination programmes have been implemented effectively, the benefits are already very apparent. Several countries that have introduced HPV vaccines to their immunization programme have reported a 50% decrease in the incidence rate of uterine cervix precancerous lesions among younger women. In contrast, the mortality rate from cervical cancer in Japan, where HPV vaccination is not proactively recommended, increased by 3.4% from 1995 to 2005 and is expected to increase by 5.9% from 2005 to 2015. This acceleration in illnes burden is particularly evident among women aged 15-44 years. Ten years after introduction, global HPV vaccine uptake remains slow, and the countries that are most at risk for cervical cancer are those least likely to have introduced the inoculation. Since licensure of HPV vaccines, GACVS has procured no new adverse events of concern based on many very large, high quality studies. The new data presented at this meeting have strengthened this position.”
We received the wording in the above paragraph to be extremely interesting, especially where GACVS stated that
In contrast, the mortality rate from cervical cancer in Japan, where HPV vaccination is not proactively recommended, increased by 3.4% from 1995 to 2005 and is expected to increase by 5.9% from 2005 to 2015. ”
This is because the HPV vaccination was not approved by the FDA until 2006. Hence, it appears that, according to GACVS, they were expecting the deaths from cervical cancer to rise significantly in a country where they have admitted that the vaccination has not been proactively recommended … but nevertheless is being used. This significant rise seems AFTER the vaccination was approved for use.
The CDC and FDA Also State That HPV Vaccinations Are Safe
Through our research, we discovered that like WHO, the CDC has also stated on their website that the HPV vaccination is safe and effective. 4 The CDC wrote on their website :P TAGEND
HPV Vaccine Safety The human papillomavirus( HPV) vaccines are safe, effective, and offer long-lasting protection against cancers caused by HPV.”
They explained that each of the HPV vaccinations have been through extensive security testing before the issue is licensed and stated that :P TAGEND
… As with all approved vaccines, CDC and the FDA closely monitor the safety of HPV vaccines after they are licensed. Any problems detected with these inoculations will be reported to health officials, health care providers, and the public.”
The FDA wrote a similar statement on their website, although their statement was based solely on the Gardasil vaccine, the HPV vaccination manufactured by Merck. 5 They stated that :P TAGEND
Based on the review of available information by FDA and CDC, Gardasil continues to be safe and efficient, and its benefits continue to outweigh its risks.
CDC has not changed its recommendations for employ of Gardasil. FDA has not made any changes to the prescribing datum for how the vaccine is employed. In addition, FDA routinely reviews manufacturing information, and has not identified any issues affecting the safety, purity and potency of Gardasil.”
They continued that :P TAGEND
Public health and safety are priorities for FDA and CDC. As with all licensed inoculations, we will continue to closely monitor the safety of Gardasil. FDA and CDC continue to find that Gardasil is a safe and effective vaccine that will potentially benefit the health of millions of women by providing protection against the types of HPV in the inoculation that cause cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer, genital warts, and other HPV-related genital diseases in females.”
In other terms, the websites of WHO, CDC, and FDA, three main websites that parents and professionals are applied to research information on vaccination security, have stated categorically that the HPV vaccination is both safe and effective.
However, according to our research, the HPV vaccine appears to be anything but safe.
WHO’s Own Database Lists Tens of Thousands of Adverse Reactions
We say this because whilst researching, we discovered the VigiAccess Database, WHO’s very own global database, which records all reported cases of suspected adverse reactions to any drug or inoculation. 6
We researched this database for adverse reactions to Gardasil, and were shocked to discover that, so far, there have been a total of 91,209 reports of adverse reactions. Even more shocking, according to their own records, there have been a total of 436 reported deaths, 2669 cardiac ailments, and 38,925 nervous system disorders.
However, this is not all that we detected, because each of the categories that were listed were hyperlinked and each hyperlink contained a further menu of adverse reactions. For instance, when you click the list stating that there had been 2669 cardiac disorders reported, you discover that of these reports, there had been 114 reported cases of arrhythmia, 38 reported cases of cardiac arrest and 580 reported cases of POTS.
What we uncovered was a minefield of what we believe to be extremely worrying datum, especially when you consider the fact that, according to the main WHO website, the HPV vaccine is an extremely safe and effective vaccine.
Parents and Professionals Speak Out in Award-Winning Documentary
In September 2017, controversial filmmakers Meditel Production and Yellow Entertainment launched part 1 of their three-part documentary written by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss, titled Sacrificial Virgins. 7
Filmmakers portrayed a powerful historical link between the hundreds of thousands of virgins who had been sacrificed for the greater good throughout history and’ modern-day virgins, ’ young girls vaccinated with the HPV vaccination before they had become sexually active.
The film portrayed powerful connotations from the onset.
Part one, titled” Sacrificial Virgins- Not for the Greater Good ,” opened with powerful footage of Ruby Shallom, a once-active 16 -year-old, who, according to filmmakers, had been left almost totally paralyzed after she had received her first dosage of the HPV vaccine, a vaccine which, according to the film’s narrator, boasts the highest number of adverse reactions of any vaccine in the UK, a statement supported with a chart.
To highlight just how many daughters in the UK, have been injured by the HPV vaccine, in comparison to other vaccinations, the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters( AHVID ), supplied us with this image :P TAGEND
They continued by showing a collage of children and young adults that they say had been injured by the HPV vaccination, a vaccine which, according to WHO, the CDC and the FDA, is extremely safe and effective.
Not only did the filmmakers interview many of the victims injured by this vaccine, but they also interviewed many leading professionals who dedicated factual evidence to support their assert that this vaccine is indeed unsafe.
Shenton’s film was such a success that, for the first time ever, their documentary series won a special jury award for World Social Impact at the Queens World Film Festival( QWFF) in Queens, New York. 8P TAGEND
This success was a testament to everyone who had worked so hard to make this documentary and to all of the injured children and adults who were brave enough to speak out about their injuries.
We asked Shenton what action she would like to see governments take in regards the HPV vaccine. She told us that :P TAGEND
I am not a scientist, but I echo the statements below from doctors and scientists. My personal view, after session and speaking to so many victims of the HPV vaccination and their parents, is that the vaccinations should be withdrawn immediately.
Dr. Christian Fiala, socialist in obstetrics and gynecology :P TAGEND
No one has shown that the HPV vaccine actually reduces the rate of cervical cancer .”
Professor Peter Duesberg, molecular biologist :P TAGEND
Of course it should be stopped until they have proved that it protects against cancer .”
Dr. Hirokuni Beppu, neurologist :P TAGEND
It is not useful. The HPV vaccine is useless because it has a very low risk benefit balance and we cannot differentiate those people who have risk to this inoculation .”
These are strong words from Shenton and other experts; terms we believe should be taken seriously.
21-Year-Old Christina Tarsell Died Just Day After She Received Gardasil
One young lady who lost her life after she received the Gardasil vaccine was Christina Tarsell.
Christina was just 21 years old when she was found dead by her university friends, just days after she had received her third and last Gardasil vaccination.
Her mother, Emily Tarsell told us that :P TAGEND
How would you feel if “health authorities” tricked you into consenting to have your healthy infant injected with an undisclosed lethal poison on the pretext that it was safe and would prevent future cancer? They do this not once , not twice, but three times, and when your child suffers and dies from the lethal injections, they callously dismiss you, move on with impunity to the next potential victim and cash in on the HPV shots that kill and mutilate. This scenario is being perpetuated thousands of times and my sweet daughter and merely child Christina was one of their victims. How do you think I feel? ”
When listening to Tarsell, the enormity of the corruption carried out by our governments and the pharmaceutical industry becomes clear and the horror of Christina’s untimely demise is stimulated visible for all to see.
Tarsell continued that :P TAGEND
It seems unbelievable that the very bureaux entrusted with the shared responsibility of protecting the lives of children would be so morally debase as to lie, even when that could result in crippling or killing youth. But I have awakened to the awareness that the public-private partnership between federal agencies, the medical industry and Pharma has resulted in a corrupt Pharm-autocracy that is all profit driven, consequences be dammed.”
We believe that Tarsell is correct and that the pharmaceutical industry is indeed willing to sacrifice our children’s lives for profit. When we asked her what she would like to see happen in regards to the HPV vaccination in the future, she answered :P TAGEND
Change is unlikely to come from within the behemoth Pharm-autocracy. It is my hope, though, that consumers, health care providers, attorneys, legislators and reporters will become more aware, more courageous about standing up for truth and justice, and more united in using their power of numbers, the purse and the law to protect our youth.”
The Tarsell Family Takes Their Case to Court
Tarsell and their own families were so outraged by their daughter’s death that they decided to hire lawyer Mark Sadaka of Sadaka Associates to file a claim with The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program( NVICP ). Its organisation, often referred to as the “vaccine court, ” was set up in 1988 as one of the purposes of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The Act devoted legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for injuries and demises due to vaccines. 9
After many years of fighting, the Tarsell family won their case, and proved that the HPV vaccine was indeed responsible for their daughter’s demise. Their example has since paved the style for other families to also fight for the justice that they deserve. 10
A Second Parent Speaks to TTAV About Her Daughter’s Ordeal
Amanda Dew is another mother who is unafraid to speak out. Her daughter Brodie developed several debilitating conditions after she received Gardasil.
Dew stated that :P TAGEND
I had always followed the immunisation schedule for my children. After the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, my daughter developed epilepsy, which, four years later, is still uncontrolled. She has cognitive and memory problems, reduced physical stamina, fatigue, headaches and occasional visual disturbances.
These and other symptoms all appeared within weeks of the second largest vaccine dosage, in a previously fit and healthy teenager .”
We asked Dew what impact her daughter’s traumata have had on the family. She told us that :P TAGEND
The greatest impact has been on Brodie herself. Studying, writing, and remembering facts all suddenly became difficult. She found that dealing with her bi-monthly seizures has curtailed her independence and her social life dramatically. As a family, we had to alter our lives to make sure that Brodie was never alone and to get her to the frequent medical appointments. Now, she is coping with life at university and manages her studies with support. I am angry and frustrated with the facts of the case that she has had no investigations and that she is not believed. The sadness about what has happened is always on our minds.”
TTAV asked Dew what she would like to see happen regarding the HPV vaccination in the future. She told us that :P TAGEND
In my opinion, this inoculation should be suspended until it is proven SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Currently there is zero proof that it has a positive benefit to a generation of young women.”
We believe that Dew is correct, because during our investigation, we uncovered even more proof to suggest that this vaccine is anything but safe.
Former Vice President of Pfizer Blows the Whistle on the HPV Vaccine
It is not only the mothers who are speaking out about the dangers of the HPV vaccine. A growing number of professionals are also speaking out. In September 2017, the website News Punch published an article titled Pfizer Vice President Blows Whistle On Gardasil: “The Vaccine Is Deadly.” The writer, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, was also expressed that :P TAGEND
Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Peter Rost, has blown the whistling on the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine- and claims that Big Pharma aims to keep people unhealthy.”1 1
News Punch explained to readers that Dr. Rost had constructed these asserts in the HPV vaccination documentary One More Girl. 12
Would Mothers Still Agree to the HPV Vaccine if They Knew that 1 in 50 Recipients Would Be Injured?
Leading biologist and expert on aluminum Professor Christopher Exley is another professional who has serious concerns about the HPV vaccine.
When questioned about the HPV vaccination, in an interview that I conducted at UK’s Keele University, Exley explained to me that in regards to the use of aluminum in a inoculation, there has never been any sort of safety trial. He stated that :P TAGEND
There has never been any sort of regulation, so you can use it as much, or as little, as you wish, without having to demonstrate its safety.”1 3
Concerned about this fact, I asked Exley, if a mother were looking into the inoculation, what would he recommend that they do, before having their child vaccinated? He replied that :P TAGEND
This raises an important phase because I have a colleague, here at Keele University, who recently published a paper about what parents thought about their boys receiving the HPV vaccine, and she did some sort of survey actually funded by the Welcome Trust, beyond belief, where she basically asked mothers, do you think it is a good idea is not merely for your daughter to receive the HPV vaccine but also your son? And the overwhelming, apparently, their reply to this was yes, of course, it seems like a great notion, why not? ”
Exley told me that after the paper had been published, he asked the psychologist who had written the paper what information had been given to the mothers about the possible serious adverse events, and was informed that the mothers not were not told anything about the possible side effects or given the patient information leaflet, which comes with every vaccine, in which Merck acknowledged that the vaccine can cause a broad range of adverse events.
Shocked by their reply, Exley asked :P TAGEND
Now, if mothers knew that 1 in 50 recipients of the HPV vaccine will get ill following it, and that that illness can be anything from a debilitating illness, like paralysis of the limb, through to death, would they then think that taking a vaccine, taking something when you’re perfectly healthy, is worth it or not, and would the results have been the same? ”
We believe that Exley is correct, and that all parents should receive the full information about any inoculation before they permit their child to be vaccinated.
Alliance for Natural Health Provides Further Evidence of Harm
If you still believe that the HPV vaccine is safe and effective, then we suggest that you watch the hour-long documentary that was released in November 2018.
The film, powerful from the onset, is titled Manufactured Crisis: What they are Not Telling You About the HPV Vaccine, and was produced by the Alliance for Natural Health,( ANH) in collaboration with Sanevax, the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters( AHVID ), the Danish Association of HPV Vaccine Victims, and the Spanish Association of People Affected by HPV Vaccine( AVVP ). 14
Manufactured Crisis is probably the most powerful documentary on vaccination trauma that has ever been built. The Alliance for Natural Health has not held back, as household after family outlined their own its own experience of how the HPV vaccine destroyed their lives forever.
Professionals Give Damning Evidence Against the HPV Vaccine
The executive director for Focus for Health, Shannon Mulvihill, stated that :P TAGEND
If you have a girl who has been exposed to HPV and then she goes and gets the inoculation, the pre-licensing data from Merck shows that they are 44.6% more likely to develop cervical lesions. That’s insane, that … despite that evidence, the FDA still permitted Merck to fast track that vaccine to marketplace, even if it showed that can it can increase cancer rates.”
Dr. Damien Downing stated :P TAGEND
It’s a very weird state of affairs at the moment, it seems that there has been a myth that has developed, of a magical vaccine. I say magical because we are assured that it is completely safe. What the heck does that mean? I entail, does that mean that it is impossible for the vaccine to have any ill consequences? That seems to be what is being claimed.”
He added that when you talk about a vaccine being completely safe, you are stopping doctors from guessing. Dr. Sin Hang Lee stated that :P TAGEND
Even if vaccines are 100% effective with these particular stress, ONE death would be prevented( out of 100,000 vaccinated girls; 1.3 with newer versions ). ”
He also stated that, even then, that one death could have been prevented with better cervical cancer screening.
Strong terms, however, we believe that the most powerful statement come back here Dr. Peter Gotzsche, who stated that :P TAGEND
What drives me is to give people as honest information as possible and surely, this is not what the general population has received, so far.”
Surely, it is about time that the general public did receive the true facts about this vaccination, from organizations such as WHO, the CDC and the FDA, because, according to our research, this inoculation is anything but safe and effective.
We would like to leave you with this short video, which demonstrates just how much our governments actually care about the young women injured by this vaccine.
The meeting outlined in this clip, was held in Galway, Ireland, on August 23, 2016. The speaker, was UK’s Professor Margaret Stanley, OBE, who had been invited by the Irish Cancer Society, to dedicate a public information talk on the safety of the HPV vaccination.
If, when, and how to vaccinate your children can be a difficult road to navigate.
Go here to get the information you need to make a fully informed decision that’s right for your family .
The post Growing Concern About the Safety of the HPV Vaccine as …~ ATAGEND appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
Read more: thetruthaboutcancer.com
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shaniquajane · 7 years
Family Planning Methods
PROS 1. Only form of pregnancy prevention that is 100% effective. 2. Biggest probability of not gaining STDs. 3. Some teenagers may be concerned that their partner is only with them for sex, abstinence may make them feel secure in the fact that that is not the case. 4. Costs nothing and no side effects
CONS 1. Abstinence means different things to different people, and some forms of "abstinence" can still spread sexually transmitted diseases. For example, oral sex or anal sex.  2. Studies have shown that teenagers who break their promise of abstinence are less likely to use protection- which means that it may cause the complete opposite effect. 3. Some argue that abstinence teaches young women the wrong message. It pushes the idea of women should stay virgins but for men, it doesn’t matter as much. It has shown to have a direct connection to an increase in slut shaming. 
PROS 1. May cause very light or no menstrual cycles- which many girls may consider a large pro. 2. Very effective form of birth control. 3. Can be removed when the woman is ready to become pregnant. 
CONS 1. Does not protect against STDs. 2. Hormonal implants requires minor surgery- which some people may be put off by, also requires minor surgery to remove the implant. 3. Can cause side effects such as irregular menstrual periods, depression, nervousness, hair loss, and weight gain. 4. Some people experience mild-severe infections in the area that the capsule is implanted.  5. It is not completely universal because it cannot be used by women with certain medical conditions and by women who use certain medications.
PROS 1. Extremely effective against pregnancy- will provide protection from pregnancy forever. 
CONS 1. No protection against STIs 2. Very expensive- prices can range from $1000-$2500. 3. Requires minor surgery. 4. It is permanent- so should only be done by women who are 100% sure they do not want to have a child. Undoing sterilisation is possible but not always effective and requires major surgery- also very expensive. 
PROS  1. If used correctly, highly effective against pregnancy.  2. Usually causes a very light menstrual cycle 3. Decreases cramps and acne during your period to a large extent. 4. Makes you less likely to get ovarian and uterine cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and anemia. 5. It depends on your health insurance, but your birth control may be free.
CONS 1. Doesn’t protect against STIs. 2. You need a doctor’s prescription. 3. May be hard to keep up- you need to make sure to remember to take them daily at the same time. 4. Can occasionally cause side effects such as nausea, increased appetite, headaches, and, very rarely, blood clots 5. Another form of birth control that isn’t completely universal, as it cannot be used by women with certain medical situations or women taking certain medication.
PROS 1. Lowers risk of both STIs and STDs by a large amount. 2. Very easy to attain. They are not expensive, can be bought at most drug store, and you do not need a prescription.  3. Allows men to have an active part in preventing pregnancy. 4. Lowers risk of pregnancy 
CONS 1. It can only be used once, so can turn out to be expensive for one who is sexually active. 2. It can break 3. Not 100% effective
PROS 1. Lowers risk of STIs, STDs, and pregnancy. 2. It doesn’t interrupt sexual activity as much as male condoms because it can be inserted way before sexual activity. 
CONS 1. May move, be noisy, or uncomfortable. 2. Not 100% effective- and they are new, meaning that we don’t know yet just how effective they actually are. 3. Can only use once and pretty expensive- around $2.50 each.
PROS 1. Natural, so no side effects 2. Doesn’t cost anything 3. Like male condoms, it allows men to be an active role in preventing pregnancy. 
CONS 1. Doesn’t protect against STIs or STDs 2. Proved to be largely ineffective 3. May decrease sexual pleasure of woman since need to always be thinking about what is happening during sexual intercourse 4. Requires a lot of trust- as the control is all in the man.
PROS 1. You can help make a child’s life a lot better and give him the opportunity to have a proper family and be in a loving and nurturing environment. 2. In many cases, adoption will provide benefits for the birth mother.  3. You can still get a child that you can love as your own, without the challenging, mentally, and physically draining process of pregnancy. 
CONS 1. Adopting a child is typically a long, drawn-out process. It can be very difficult legally and will take a lot of your time. It can take anywhere between months to even years. Sometimes, doing that can turn out to be a big disappointment if your paperwork is not sufficient or if the biological parents decide to back out. 2. Adopting a child also costs a lot of money. 
PROS 1. For those who are in an LGBTQIA+ relationship, for those with medical conditions that prevent them from going through pregnancy safely, or for those who struggle with infertility, surrogacy is often a great answer to complete a family. 2. Surrogacy allows for genetic connections, which adoption often does not allow you. This also ensures that you are involved. 3. Surrogacy involves fewer surprises than adoption because a legally binding contract outlining everyone’s expectations will be negotiated and signed before the embryo transfer.  4. Surrogacy does not only create a meaningful relationship between the parents and their surrogate child, but also often the parents and the surrogate parent. Many intended parents become close with their surrogate and her family during the process, developing meaningful bonds that can last a lifetime.
CONS 1. Surrogacy can be extremely complicated. It often involves complex medical procedures, and surrogacy laws. There is a lot to consider about whether or not you are performing this surrogacy legally and safely.  2. Because of the number of people and services required to complete a successful surrogacy, surrogacy can be expensive. 3. You need to fully trust the surrogate parent, as you will have little control with what is going on because of the fact that you are not the one carrying the baby.
PROS 1. A significant increase in pregnancy rates.  2. Donor eggs or sperm may be used so that the child is biologically rated to at least one parent. 3. Embryos created via IVF can be frozen and stored for use during subsequent cycles 4. Genetic testing is available and can prevent genetic diseases from being passed on.
CONS 1. IVF is not covered by all medical insurance policies, so you may have to contribute a significant amount of money. 2. Even though they are often successful, it is not 100% certain that they will work. 3. The process of testing and administering fertility medication can be uncomfortable 4. You have to take a lot of time outside of your existing schedules as it takes a lot of trips to the doctor’s office. 5. Fertility medication is known to have side effects that cause discomfort.
PROS 1. You and your partner will have a full biological connection to the baby. 2. Some consider pregnancy to be a great learning experience, because of the great amount of physical and mental endurance it takes to get through one. 3. There are the more “social” benefits to pregnancy, including not having people judge you if you don’t feel like lifting, walking, carrying, or traveling. Furthermore, people will be more likely to help you out in a situation of need. 4. Your menstrual cycle will stop. 5. You get bigger breasts, which some women may consider a pro. 6. You do not have to TTC!
CONS 1. A traditional pregnancy is not universal and probably won’t be suitable for LGBTQIA+ couples, someone who is infertile, or someone with a medical condition that disallows them from going through a pregnancy. 2. Pregnancies take a lot of physical and mental endurance. First trimester issues: nausea, sore boobs, puke, food aversions. They also take up a lot of time. 3. They can be very expensive. 4. You can look and feel extremely bloated. 5. You are not allowed to drink. 6. The actual birth process is very painful.
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