#At least I'll be happy
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hanquokkajeekies · 28 days ago
Me yesterday : "okay, two skz concerts in a few months. We're gonna start saving up and stop spending money on unnecessary shit!"
Me today: "oooh, new skz merch 😯" *clicks the buy button*
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glitter-stained · 9 months ago
More of trans allegory Jason and the goons VS the batfam:
Transmasc older goon, trying to connect: Hey out of curiosity boss, when did your egg crack?
Jason, thinking this is a bird pun about how he became Robin: Uh, 12 I guess...
Penguin henchman: Wow, you really are okay calling yourselves goons? Isn't that like a little demeaning?
Red Hood Goon: Inclusivity my guy -Henchperson is a mouthful, and that way, we don't have to assume.
Penguin Henchman: Oh my god that's so thoughtful!
*they resume shooting at eachother.*
Batman You're not okay Hood, you need a professional. Please, we can help you!
Jason: There's nothing wrong with me, I won't let you throw me into Arkham!
Goon of the week: Yeah Batfreak, the boss doesn't need help, there's nothing wrong with him! How would you like it if we tried to convert you out of being a furry, huh?!!
Batman: reconsiders life choices.
Angry goon: *beats the shit out of Nightwing with a trans pride flag*
Dick, a bisexual cis metrosexual: I'm not sure what is happening but this feels offensive.
Batman: Please, I know there's a lot of bad blood, but you're still my child...
Jason: Really? Because I clearly remember you saying you weren't my father and didn't have to deal with my "teenage angst"!
The Goons: You said what?!
Oracle : You said what?!
Dick, standing up and picking up the pride flag: You said what.
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tlotrgifs · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year (2025).
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wardingshout · 1 year ago
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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wistfulvulpine · 2 months ago
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memory of a name
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deskatt · 4 months ago
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It's a sickness at this point
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okthisway · 1 year ago
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Astarion misses Gale when he stays at camp for too long
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year ago
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❝ just you wait, florian... ❞
how we coping tonight, kieran nation?
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sakuraspoke · 2 months ago
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ENTER SANDMAN // MILAN 2022 or: papa says clap!
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zondearts · 6 months ago
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Au Haruka but with a new design
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someawkwardnerd · 1 year ago
lautski on the bus
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tlotrgifs · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year (2024).
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haydardotjpg · 11 months ago
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Blood sticks, sweat drips Break the lock if it don't fit A kick in the teeth is good for some A kiss with a fist is better than none
wait what do you mean a red string of fate ties us together but all we do is strangle each other with it. what do you mean this string can only stretch and tangle but never break and yet we keep biting and gnawing on it to try to free ourselves from it anyway.
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chalkrub · 2 months ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10
1. 11,390 notes - Sep 3 2024
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2. 3,349 notes - Nov 5 2024
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3. 2,299 notes - Dec 16 2024
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4. 2,109 notes - Nov 6 2024
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5. 1,806 notes - Jun 1 2024
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6. 1,579 notes - May 29 2024
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7. 1,254 notes - Aug 15 2024
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8. 1,250 notes - Oct 22 2024
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9. 1,223 notes - Jul 12 2024
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10. 1,114 notes - Feb 9 2024
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Created by TumblrTop10
waow 2024 is almost dead!!! gone too soon. feels like it’s been a big year for me art-wise for many reasons, BUT. i’m making 2025 bigger.... hopefully....i’ve made some art goals for next year which i won’t explain in detail but they boil down to 1) do more studies 2) tackle my weaknesses (backgrounds, dynamic poses/angles, uhhh lots of stuff i am a one trick pony right now) 3) get into drawing comics, all of which are in preparation for 4) take my story ideas more seriously and get started on one of the many graphic novels living in my head. i have one in mind i HAVE to complete in my lifetime or i will die, but firstly i’m gonna mess around with some little standalone svanhildr comics perhaps. goat fans rejoice. 
anyway i wasn’t meant to ramble so i’ll just say THANK YOU for the support as always!!! i’m very flattered all of these have more than 1000 notes.....crazy. thank you. muah
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rjshope · 10 months ago
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Were they a mistake left by an angel Or were they a deep kiss Those dimples are illegal But I love it anyway anyway anyway
for @cordiallyfuturedwight✨
[cr. 0613data, trans. doolsetbangtan]
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seiwas · 4 months ago
sellllllll it's meeeeee. hehehehehehehehehhehe
so for ur writing exercises.... deku + light? please? pretty please?
heheh heheh hehe niku. this will be the death of me. me writing izuku for the first time 🥲 i will only do this for you </3
contains: established relationship, spoilers for the end of the manga, aged up deku but sometime in between the final outcome (he doesn't get the h*** s*** from bakugo yet), mentions of sex and scars
deku + light
izuku only sleeps with the lights off.
it isn't uncommon; many people you know can't sleep with even just a sliver of light turned on somewhere in the room. but the difference with izuku, you learn, is not that he's unable to stand the light―it's that he refuses to.
you quickly pick up on it the first few times he sleeps over.
he fidgets in bed, pretty badly, actually. the nightlight you sleep with glows a warm yellow, illuminating the side of your face and coating him in its afterglow. you chalk it up to nerves, how he pulls at his sleeves and adjusts his position constantly; he is, after all, one of the most anxious people you know.
and this relationship―it's new. heck, even you feel a little jittery with his arm wrapped around you.
the rhythmic tapping on your hip only increases pace. you don't think he realizes it, so your hand gently reaches for his, intertwining your fingers as you turn around in his arms.
he's close, nearly touching you nose-to-nose; the proximity leaves you fuzzy, a little ticklish, so you giggle, a soft "oops," as the freckles dusting his face almost glisten under the warm light.
"hi," you whisper, meeting his eyes; they stare back at you wide in surprise, "can't sleep?"
he looks almost guilty at your question, as if you’ve caught him with the one thing he's been trying to keep from you.
"just—" his voice comes out louder than intended, prompting him to chuckle nervously as he readjusts his volume, "just winding down, sorry."
you inch closer, nuzzling his nose lightly, "it's okay."
"did i wake you?" he asks, cheeks flushing pink as his eyebrows furrow in immediate concern. his expression is something caught between stifling a grin and feeling sorry.
you shake your head against the pillow you share, strands of your hair tangling with his. "just winding down," you tease, watching as his gaze turns softer, eyelids drooping heavier.
sometimes, you think, izuku holds the world in his eyes―a deep, dark green, the color of life. most times, they look at you with wonderment, bright and alive; photos from inko tell you they're the eyes of his inner child.
on nights like this one, however, they hide a depth in them weighted by what you can only assume is time, and all that has happened to him in such a short span of it.
you try your best to understand what lies beneath them, knowing full well he'll never tell you outright what truly bothers him.
"is it the light?" you bring up, some time after laying in silence.
"hm?" he clarifies.
"do you have a hard time sleeping with the nightlight?"
his eyes widen briefly once more, as if shocked that you've caught him again. these split second reactions are ones you've learned to be attentive to when it comes to izuku.
"no," he tries to lie, but you know better as you turn to your nightstand and reach for its switch, "you don't–"
"it was hurting my eyes," you quickly make up an excuse, tucking yourself closer under his chin as you cut off his attempt to deny it again.
finding out that the light was the problem was the easy part—
you'd begun to notice much earlier on that izuku was barely rested on the nights he'd spend at your place. it was only when your old nightlight broke that you began to notice him waking up much later than you did, groggily rousing from a deep sleep.
—what was hard, was figuring out why.
at first, you suspected it was his scars.
"s-sorry, it's not—" he'd warned you, right as your hands gripped the hem of his shirt the first time you were about to have sex, "—it's not nice."
you didn't care though; you still don't care, and you've made that abundantly clear to him since. you love izuku and all his parts―all the nicks and jaggedy pieces of skin that make up who he is.
when you eventually ask him about it, with a request that he be honest with you for once, he tells you that it is and it isn't―the reason why he exclusively sleeps with the lights off, that is.
it's an odd, comforting relationship he has with his body—that he is simultaneously grateful and sorry for how its become a canvas, both painted and marred to symbolize japan’s historic last stand.
you find out the real reason when you catch him staring at his hands.
he does it often, when he thinks you aren't looking—his fists bunched up in the same way he used to watch the power of one for all course through his fingertips; the same way he used to prepare them in battle.
there’s a faraway look in his eyes that lingers, you notice—a little wistful if anything.
“do you miss it?” you finally ask. he gives you the same shocked look he does every time, as if he’s been caught with a secret he’s been trying to hide.
he’s learned a fair bit about you now, too, though—lying to you is futile when you’ve perfected reading his truth. he stares at his fists again as you take a seat beside him, moving to give you space. you rest your head on his shoulder gently, waiting.
“sometimes,” he admits, but you know it’s an understatement.
“i think about the vestiges a lot. i miss them the most, i think,” he continues, clenching his fists tightly, “i always try to reach out to them, but i guess it doesn’t work that way.”
“i… i try to replicate the right conditions every night, but…” then he lets go, stretching his fingers out wide. the scars on the surface ripple through his skin, telling its own story.
you hum, acknowledging what he means. silence sits with the two of you as you take his hand in yours, slowly unfurling his fingers until his palm reveals itself to you. it’s rough to the touch, seasoned with hard work and all that he’s been through.
“is that why you prefer the dark?” you ask softly, after some time.
it's not often that you stay up later than izuku does. when you do though, you catch him shifting in bed, moving from side-to-side. you pretend you aren't awake, but you hear him mumble their names, dwindling in volume as he dozes off to sleep.
he stares at his palm for a moment before he admits quietly, "yeah." his brows furrow as if contemplating whether to say more, but he shakes his head, dark green strands swaying to the beat of his embarrassed chuckle, "nevermind, it's silly."
"it's not."
you intertwine your fingers, sandwiching his hand between yours. a slight sheen glosses over his eyes as he tilts his head up to look at you. he draws in a breath, before it spills over.
"it's..." he finds the words, and you squeeze his hand in comfort, "it's easier to believe it was all real when the lights are out, and that maybe it can happen again."
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