#Astral Chocobro Adventures
wanderingjotun · 6 years
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I got Hummingbird a little present today! :D I hope she likes it.
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secret-engima · 4 years
I present, in the Little Nox Dissidia: Little Nox is understandably distressed at being in this place again, as a toddler. Noctis would like to register a complaint, as he carefully balanced a baby LC on his hip, this is not how he wanted to discover a long awaited baby brother. SWORD, big sword, why sword, HELP! Ardyn comes down like the wrath of the Astrals manifest to rescue his nephew(s), & Crystal-o-Vision is how the Citadel discovers they have a few LC extra wandering around.
hgfdhgfd YES. Let’s just- let’s just ignore the usual Little Nox age gap and say that Noctis is 17-ish when Nox is like- 5 for this particular Dissidia blurb. Just for the lols.
-Little Nox is ... AWARE that he knows this place. In a dreamlike sort of way, and he knows it is Not Good that he is here. Let’s pretend, for the sake of Drama™, that Nox shows up with like- Materia’s Champions rather than Spiritus’s this once, and Cloud is honestly a very quiet Die™ when he stumbles on this ACTUAL SMOL CHILD staring out at the desert with a wobbling lip and big eyes.
-Cloud awkwardly hauls the kiddo to Materia’s tower and nearly gets the life scared out of him halfway there when Nox starts throwing a mini-tantrum that involves Armiger (that’s a lot of swords that’s TOO MANY SWORDS-). Luckily for Cloud, Nox is not really a tantrum kind of child so it quickly trails off to miserable sniffling.
-Even so, with that display of magic in mind, when Cloud spots Noctis, who looks so similar to the child Cloud is awkwardly holding and also has the blue sparkle magic, Cloud is all too relieved to speed walk over there and plop Nox into a stunned Noctis’s arms with a gruff, “Found your baby brother outside,” and then speed walk off, leaving Noctis to stare in shock-horror-WHAT at the mini him in his arms who is already relaxing into his grip and tangling young magic with Noctis’s, making it utterly unmistakable that YES. This smol child is, in fact, related to Noctis.
-Someone help him.
-Noctis ends up propping Nox on his hip for a while and getting cooed over by the female champions while someone kindly rigs him a backpack/sling thing out of a cape (WoL is happy to donate his cape to the Baby Cause and all the Champions are an Outrage that there is a CHILD HERE. Not like Onion Knight, who knows a sword and is at least 12, but a FIVE YEAR OLD, Materia is apologetic and confused, because she could have sworn she only summoned old souls that knew combat).
-Ardyn, meanwhile, is a Rampage. He quickly scares the living daylights out of 80% of the crazies under Spiritus’s command and recruits a bemused Sephiroth to the Hunt For Darling Nephew (because Ardyn isn’t optimistic enough to believe Nox is still safe and sound in the hotel room they’d been in moments ago) and even Spiritus is wide-eyed at how Feral this new Champion is.
-Noctis does Not want to go out there and fight things with a newly discovered baby brother on his back, but he also wants to get home asap with said baby brother, so he tentatively leaves the tower with a hovering group of Champions trailing around him (which include Lightning, WoL, Cecil, Y’Shtola, and Cloud Nox-keeps-crying-when-I-leave-his-sight-someone-help-me Strife).
-Naturally, a group of Champions that large gather attention and they get attacked.
-Noctis is doing pretty good holding his own, especially since the other Champions are working hard to keep the enemy AWAY FROM THE SMOL CHILD, when one of the Big Guys (what’s his name- Golbez? Exdeath? WoL’s rival) breaks through the line and goes after Noctis as “the weak link”.
-Noctis can barely start to raise his sword when there’s a shockwave of magic so thick and murderous it sense everyone but him to their knees. There’s a flare of red magic and the snap-crack of a warp and suddenly there’s a Murder Hobo in their midst, tearing apart Spiritus’s champions with bared teeth and blood red magic running down his face in a parody of his old Scourge Face.
-Materia’s Champions can only watch as this new coming shreds the opposition like paper and sends them packing, then stands there breathing lightly with a red armiger spinning dangerously around him.
-The wary silence is broken by Nox leaning as far as he can past Noctis’s shoulder, reaching toward the Murder Hobo with a soft, relieved pulse of magic and a little cry of “Uncle!”
-UNCLE? Noctis thinks frantically as the man turns around and stares with that horrible red mask of magic. A blink and the mask is gone and the man is stalking forward, swords tucked away in armiger as he reaches for Nox with a relieved, “Nephew!”
-What is going on.
-“Ummmm,” says Noctis, shifting a bit to keep Nox out of the man’s grip. The man just blinks at him, then smiles, “Ah, you must be my OTHER nephew!” He doffs his hat and bows, “Ardyn Izunia, at your service. Now if you don’t mind,” He straightens up with a smile that means Death, “Give me back the nephew I’ve been raising since he was a toddler.”
-Not an idiot, Noctis hands Nox over. He can feel Ardyn’s magic swirling around them anyway, all but screaming protective and loving instincts. This man, for all he’s scary and very dangerous, is no threat to Noctis’s baby brother. He’s also Noctis’s uncle? Apparently? Has to be with that magic and his age.
-Noctis is Very Confused, but kinda relieved to have a Murder Hobo Uncle on his side during this insanity.
-Meanwhile, the Chocobros 1.0 who are watching via crystal-o-vision (XD) are all just- this does not compute. This DOES NOT COMPUTE. That is another SON when Regis is certain he did not HAVE another son (a son that looks just like Noctis at that age, eerily so) and now- now the CHANCELLOR OF NIFLHEIM stands before his sons with magic of his own swirling around them and calls little Nox his NEPHEW. That he’s been RAISING.
-It’s Cor who breaks the silence, Cor who remembers the little blond boy he rescued from a lab and puts the pieces together as best he knows how, leaping to the only conclusion that makes SENSE.
-“He’s a clone.”
-And Regis’s world crashes down around his ears.
-All this time ... all this time he’s had a brother, had FAMILY and now he finds that not only is Niflheim’s chancellor his brother but that Niflheim has taken his son’s blood and MADE A CHILD with it.
-Regis is so furious he can barely breathe.
-The Chocobros 1.0 (plus Titus who is an Internal Die™ when he sees what’s happening) watch the Dissidia adventure with bated breath, watch Ardyn fall into Noctis’s orbit as easily as breathing, DOTING on the enemy prince with a whimsy that spoke of menace but with eyes so soft and calm, with magic that makes Noctis’s shoulders ease without thinking, that all Regis can see is a man who loves his nephews more than anything in the world.
-And they listen, too, as Ardyn tells his story (his cover story, anyway) about running away from the Empire with the little clone boy he found, about how Ardyn himself had been tortured by “Regis’s predecessor” (this only spoken of after a nasty fire spell ruins his shirts and reveals his scars).
-By the time they are all sent back, Noctis showing up in the Citadel and Ardyn and Nox back in their hotel far away, Regis and Co are fully on the warpath and ready to bring the wayward LCs safe home.
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rolerei · 5 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Insomnia had fallen. As the only surviving member of Kingsglaive still loyal to the Crown, you accepted the responsibility of guarding the Oracle while she journeyed Eos in order to forge covenants with the Astrals - and ensuring the Ring of Lucii was delivered to its rightful King. But the harder you fought for the future, the more the past came back to haunt you as well. Would you dare risk it all for a future which threatened everything you hold dear?
tl;dr: Final Fantasy XV adventures, but you were going with Luna before eventually meeting up with the chocobros.
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jazzraft · 7 years
-- tagged by @amid-a-lightless-place
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro: Noctis. (If he qualifies; I was never sure if “chocobro” was meant to entail just the bros to the chocobutt prince, or if it was mutual broage that qualified a chocobro for chocobro status.) Anyway, it’s Noctis. Because look at him. He deserves nice things and I want to be the one to give him them. Backup bro fav barring protagonist qualification is Ignis Best Boy™ Scientia.
Favorite Guest Party Member: Aranea. No one else is going to kick that much ass and find the time to kick your own, too.
Favorite Minor Character(s): Crowe. Although it pains me to refer to her as a “minor character.” She’s major in my heart, okay, and that’s all that matters. Also Dino.
Favorite Villain: *side-mouths through gritted teeth* I guess it’s Ardyn. I mean, is there even any other villain in this game. Let’s be real here. Fucking diva hogs the spotlight the whole way through. Every time I hear his voice I want him to go away. Good. You’re doing your job. (Curse you Darin de Paul.)
Favorite Kingsglaive Character: Nyx. Funny story: was completely indifferent to Nyx the first time I watched Kingsglaive. It was very “aw, bummer, he died, kinda figured, peace out, dude.” Don’t write for your vague-faves, kids. ‘Cuz then you’re ninety-one-and-rising character tagged fics in and you’ve adopted a son because no one could ever understand him as much as you do, no one, not a single person, just you, he’s yours, don’t touch, I know it’s tempting, I’ve always known, ignore the redacted confession above.
Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Carbuncle. Fuck the Astrals. The Fluff God is the only god that matters and the Six are a bunch of constipated toddlers stomping on Mama ‘Buncle’s Eos.
Favorite Character Overall: Noctis. He deserves nice things, have I mentioned that. Like life and longevity. Those are a few nice things he deserves and rightfully earned in the end because divinity drools and humanity rools. Also, Aranea was a stand-out and I’m waiting for my one true spin-off adventure.
Favorite Weapon: The Zwill Crossblade made me feel like a god among men the second I picked it up and hasn’t reduced my delusions of godhood since.
Favorite Location: The Myrlwood was pretty and peaceful. Any of the heavily forested dungeons, and the walk to the Malmalan Thicket was nice and rural.
Favourite Quest/Questline/Hunt: Vyv’s. It took me to a lot of nice places. And it made Prompto happy.
Favorite Boss: Leviathan. That was the most epic battle I’ve played in a while... The music probably helped.
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc: The Bandersnatch is the freakiest shit in Eos’s evolution. It’s like a monster out of a Godzilla Stompathon. I don’t even know where the fuck it’s mouth is. That kinda freakish deserves my respect.
Favorite Song: Wanderlust. It contains all the peace and defiance that I want for these boys.
Favorite Boss Theme: The final boss music of Episode Ignis. Whatever track has that Celticy/Hobitty-Shire sounding woodwind trilling up amidst all that badass bombast.
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: Assassin’s Festival. Just let them be nerds... And let me keep the damn festivals, I’ll pay extra if that’s what you want, you bastards.
Favorite Episode DLC: Episode Ignis. Smooth combat system, amazing soundtrack, disheveled Ignis, sass-abounds, and the closure I wanted a year ago, but will gladly accept, without further complaint, this year instead.
Other Favorites of Note: Every damn character being so damn shippable with every other damn character. Why are they all so pretty. Why you gotta make a rarepair junkie spin the “who’s gonna start smacking lips in the mindscape today” wheel, every day, all year, and probably for another year.
All the bros were tagged so, I guess I’ll just tag you again if you want to do it: @aithilin, @ckyking, @ghostl0rd, @nicrt, @midnightpyres
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
A Camping Adventure
Okay, so I kind of wrote this when I’m only going on two hours of sleep, but I really wanted to punch this out before going to bed. I might go back later and do some edits. Also, maybe I’m just not good at threesomes-oh, well, it’s done. I’m sure one of you guys will be happy. 
I’m aware we’re all in Noctis Hell right now, but I’m going to tag @cupnoodle-queen @gladiolus-mamacitia and @roses-and-oceans in an attempt to bribe them to the small corner of Chocobro hell reserved for Gladiompt stuff (Prolius?) 
Come, join the small corner of hell with me-I have cookies  (◕‿◕)♡ (◕‿◕)♡
A Camping Adventure GladiolusXReaderXPrompto Word Count: 2,962
"Which one of us is hotter?" 
The sudden question from Prompto made you choke on your Cup Noodles, the shock of the question from the sweet blonde boy almost having you throwing your Noodles into the campfire. Gladio was only amused as he chuckled and tapped on your back in typical boyfriend duties as you choked and coughed, trying to force a stray noodle out of your lungs. 
"Did you seriously just ask that?" You wheeze as you grab a paper napkin Prompto had brought on the trip and used it to cough into. "What are we, twelve?" 
"Noctis and Ignis aren't here to chastise us," Prompto argued. "Come on, which of us is hotter?" 
"I am not answering that," Gods, you were so glad Noctis and Ignis had to leave camp to go see to something in Coernix station or you would be dying with embarrassment right now. 
"Something you wanna tell me, babe?" Gladio growled into your ear, his deep and resonating voice sending a shiver down your spine. Gladio always had that weird ability of turning you on with just his voice. 
"Ugh, Gladdy," You punch him slightly and look at Prompto. "I'm obviously gonna say my boyfriend,"
"Are you just saying that because he's here?" 
"No, gods," Shaking your head, you try to hide yourself behind your hair out of embarrassment. "Look, I find you both equally attractive, okay?" 
"So..." Gladio sat back in his camping chair and stroked the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "Then you'd sleep with both of us? At the same time?" 
You snicker a little-while you meant it as a joke, you couldn't deny the little flame that lit up in your center at the thought of being with Gladio and Prompto...at the same time. You fight those feelings though, covering them up with sarcasm. "Oh, hell yeah, Gladdy. I would ride you both into the ground," 
You thought the two would have looked shock at your statement, maybe having Prompto blushing like crazy. Instead, they both just looked thoughtful and while the thought of them actually taking this entire damn thing seriously made your heart go crazy, you immediately backtracked. "Uh, kidding, guys. I'm kidding," 
And you were kidding...
Well, sort of.
When you walked into the tent to see Gladio reading in nothing but his pants, you felt your mouth water quite a bit at the sight of his tattoos that rippled over the many muscles on his shoulders and back. With that, you wasted no time crawling into his lap and gently plucking the book out of his hands, sure to fold a corner of the page so he wouldn't lose his spot as you tossed the book aside. 
"Babe, I was reading that," Gladio says, but still groans softly when you grind your center against him. 
"I have something else you can read," You reach underneath your camping shirt and undo your bra, maneuvering it off your body without taking your shirt off. 
"Prompto will be back any second-and I still think that's a form of wizardry," Gladio chuckles and slips his tongue into your more than welcoming mouth, causing you to sigh and begin to relax into his mouth and embrace. 
"Women do it all the time," you mumble and reach your hand between the two of you so you can grab onto the front of his pants that were beginning to tent, much to your satisfaction. 
Turning you around, Gladio sits you in between his legs and reaches over for the book. "After this chapter, promise," he whispers while nibbling on your neck and you giggle when his teeth hit a ticklish spot. 
You pout, but can't resist sitting back against his warm chest and relax as he opens his book. "Fine," you grumble, but focus on the page he's reading-it's one of those mystery books about an intense chase between a detective and a criminal and you read the words, slightly interested in what's happening. 
It's not long before you feel Gladio nibbling on your neck once again-you're not even aware that you're leaning back even more into his chest, letting your eyes close as Gladio puts the book down and reaches his hands underneath your shirt to palm your bare breasts. Kneading the mounds gently, you gasp softly when your nipples are pinched slightly and you jolt like you've just been shocked. 
By now, the two of you are completely melting, both of you feeling completely relaxed and not rushed at all. Gladio runs his hand down your chest and unbuttons the denim shorts you wore camping so he could slip his hand down your pants, above your underwear. Rubbing his fingers over your center gently, you start to mewl at the intensity of the combination of his fingers and the now soaked fabric stimulating your clit. Gladio turns your face to his so he can touch your lips with his gently, then increasing the pressure of his hands on your center and breast as the kiss deepened. 
You're so into it that when you hear a small gasp, you wrench your lips away from Gladio's and open your eyes to see Prompto now in the tent, watching you two like he was watching a dirty movie. 
"Astrals, Prompto," you couldn't stop the tiny yelp when you noticed Prompto watching you. "You scared the shit out of me," 
"Sorry," he mumbled, but never averted his eyes as Gladio continued to massage your breast and center. You're so stunned by what you're feeling that you don't even think about shrugging Gladio's hands off, not that you really wanted to. Somehow, having Prompto watch you and Gladio sent electricity to your nerve endings and made you tingle with excitement. 
"Gonna ride us into the ground, babe?" Gladio growled into your ear and squeezed the hand that was down your pants, and you barely bite back a moan as you feel pressure against your center and clit. Gladio was an excellent puppeteer and always knew how to tug your strings to make you tremble in his arms and you're suddenly wondering if Prompto was just as good at making someone tremble in his arms....
"I was..." You were trying to say you were kidding, but your voice fades away as Prompto slowly crawls up to you and your eyes strain down to notice his shirt riding up slightly to show a patch of skin on his hip and you have a sudden image of running your hands up his shirt and feeling the lean muscles on his back, digging your nails into his shoulder blades as he thrust into you. 
Prompto approaches you and the look in his bright blue eyes are uncertain, silently asking you for permission. Lust takes over as you reach forward and attach your lips to Prompto's, moaning as you feel his tongue beginning to tangle with your own tongue and you reach down to tug Prompto's shirt off. Gladio continues to rub his hand down your pants and his other on your breast-when you reach up to run your hand through Prompto's hair, you realize that your hands are shaking, so you mentally try to relax them...it doesn't work, but all be damned if you were gonna stop now.  
"That's it, babe," Gladio purrs as he pushes aside your underwear and slips a finger in you. "Show your magic tongue," 
Prompto breaks the kiss, the sight of the small trail of saliva trailing between you two making your stomach hum in anticipation. "Magic tongue, eh?" That was new, but you go with it and reach forward to show Prompto your tongue when Gladio chuckles and pulls you back to his chest. 
"I was talking to Prompto," He whispers in your ear and you swear your heart stops when Prompto winks at you and takes off your shorts and underwear to slowly drag them down your legs. He tosses the shorts to the side, still somehow leaving your underwear on one of your calves as he puts the leg over his shoulder and settles his face in between your center, over your radiating heat. 
Reaching his hands under your shirt, Gladio continues to palm your breasts as he watches Prompto over your shoulder. "Show her what you're made of, Prom," 
Spreading your folds, Prompto gently grazes his tongue over your center, taking a nice, long lick before running his lower lip over your clit and you swear that you can probably orgasm just by having Prompto's breath against your center.
"Quit stalling," Gladio growls and reaches down to run his hand through Prompto's hair, gripping the back and gently shoving his face towards your folds. "Make her come," 
"Alright, already," Prompto looks up to glare slightly at Gladio, but obeys and slips your tongue into your center. The muscle curves and goes farther than you would have thought it would and you buck your hips instinctively, which causes Prompto to speed up his tongue, lapping at your folds, preparing you for the quickest orgams you had ever had. 
"Oh! Fuck," you hiss, feeling your toes curl as Prompto's tongue was apparently very magic indeed. Prompto trades between pushing his tongue in and out of your center and wiggling his tongue quickly on your clit and the alternating movements cause your legs to tremble. 
"That was quick," Gladio chuckles again after you keen, feeling yourself coming undone to Prompto's tongue and Prompto licking all of your juices up. 
With a soft kiss to your clit, Prompto sits up and giggles a little at the sight of you practically comatose as you lied against Gladio's chest, your eyes wide and mouth hanging open at the intense and fast orgasm you just had. Gladio pulls your face to his so he can kiss you, lazily tangling your tongues together. 
"You enjoy that, babe?" Gladio whispers against your lips. 
"Heeehhh," Was the only noise you could muster, feeling completely spent already. 
"Don't get too comfortable," Gladio backs away, laying you down gently on your back and kisses you again. "The night's just beginning," 
Gladio crawls over and spreads your legs wide, licking his lips at the sight of you soaked through with your legs trembling and hands still shaking. Prompto crawls up so he's lying right next to you and begins running his fingers through your hair, his touch more gentle and soft, the opposite of what you were used to with Gladio. 
"You okay?" Prompto asks, some of the first words he's spoken since starting this. 
Laughing, you start tracing your fingertips on the freckles on Prompto's face before placing gentle kisses there. "Never been better," 
"Hey, Prom-" Gladio starts tugging at the bottom of your simple t-shirt. "I think one of us is too dressed for this occasion-help her out?" 
Prompto perks up and practically yanks you to sit up right so he can hastily pull your shirt off, causing you to giggle in Prompto's rush to see you completely naked. You smile lovingly at Gladio and realize that he already had taken his pants off, but are distracted when Prompto pushes you gently back to the floor of the tent and starts caressing your breasts. 
Prompto just stares at your breasts, watching the soft flesh morph under his hands as he kneaded the mounds. "They're...you're so beautiful," Prompto whispers and reaches down to latch his mouth onto one of your nipples, his tongue circling the nub before sucking it in between his teeth and tugging at it. 
Prompto does the same for your other breast before trailing his tongue down your ribcage and tracing it over your stomach to dip into your belly button, placing an open kiss there. As you're running your hands through Prompto's hair to encourage him, you look up and see Gladio panting as he palmed his erection at the sight of Prompto kissing your upper torso, like seeing someone else kissing your breasts and belly button was turning him on. 
When your eyes meet, Gladio smirks and looks you up and down before reaching over and running his hand through your hair a little harshly, gripping onto some strands as he adjusts himself just outside your center. "You really are beautiful," Gladio agrees with Prompto before pushing into you, making you moan loudly as you feel his massive erection fill you completely once again. 
"Mmm," Prompto hums as he sits up to watch Gladio grab onto one of your legs to hike it up so your knee was against your chest as continued to thrust into you, slowly at first, then beginning to speed up as your cries got louder. Prompto palms your breast with one hand and unbuckles his pants with the other, freeing his erection and palming it as he watches Gladio make work of you. 
Gladio reaches down to plant a desperate kiss to you and as he reaches down to rub your clit and soon enough, you feel your release building once again, building to the brink and just getting ready to crest-
"Gladio, slow down for a sec," Prompto taps on Gladio's shoulder and Gladio reluctantly backs away, but not before sucking on your bottom lip. As he sits up, Prompto pecks a kiss on your lips and smiles. "I've got an idea," 
Gladio obeys Prompto and slows down his thrusts and you almost start crying at the sudden loss of friction. Prompto gives you relief, though as he bends over to your center and attaches his lips to your clit as Gladio continues to thrust into you slowly. The feeling of having your clit sucked on while still being thrust into you was a first and brand new sensation and you hold onto Prompto's hair for dear life as he brings you to edge once more and you curve your spine and clench your toes when you come for the second time that night. 
When the haze fades away, you still feel the sensation of a tongue over your clit and gentle thrusts into you-Prompto has never stopped sucking and Gladio still rocked gently into you, sending your overly stimulated nerves over the edge. You try to back away, but Gladio has an iron lock on your legs while Prompto tightens his fingers over your hips as he makes a loud and lewd slurping noise over your clit. 
"G-Gladio," you tug on Prompto's hair, but he never stops as he continues to suck and Gladio just shoots you a wink as he thrusts very deeply into you. "Prompto, Gladio, please, FUCK-" 
You're almost screaming as you come undone once again, this time seeing stars as your nerves go into complete overdrive at the stimulation. 
Prompto finally lets up and Gladio stops for a minute to let you catch your breath, but you don't want it to stop-neither of them have come yet. Gesturing to Prompto, you grab onto the front of his unzipped pants and tug him towards you so you can pull his pants down a little to have better access to his erection, tonguing the head, licking from the base to the tip before greedily taking it into your mouth and sucking it into your throat until you started to gag as a reflex. You refuse to stop as you take him in completely, bobbing your head up and down and making Prompto moan as he stared down at you with wonder. 
"Fuck, Gladio," Prompto whispers as Gladio begins to pick up his thrusting again. "You are so fucking lucky," 
"I know," Gladio mumbles and reaches down to rub at your clit again, making you moan through your nose as you swirled and sucked on the tip of Prompto's member before taking it completely once again, still bobbing your head up and down and picking up the pace with Gladio's thrusts. 
"Shit," Gladio huffs, his thrusts quick and shallow, the movements of his fingers over your clit are moving in quick circles and you feel yourself coming undone once again. 
"Shit," Prompto mimics and tugs at your hair. "Let go, I'm-I'm gonna-" 
"Fuck-" Gladio hisses as he comes in short and quick spurts into you and you're whimpering as you feel yourself reaching completion just after Gladio, the sensation almost making you stop your administrations on Prompto. You don't stop, despite the orgasm still coursing through your veins and you suck Prompto in deeply once again. 
"Aaaaah," Prompto comes with a whine and you swallow everything he shoots into your mouth, despite the gag reflex wanting to make you cough it up. 
Gladio collapses on top of you, resting his head on your chest while Prompto rests his head next to yours, gently tracing his lips over your eyebrow and you nip at his chin. 
"Well," you gasp, still reeling. "I didn't exactly ride you guys into the ground, but I think we had fun anyway," 
Gladio chuckles and nips at your breast while Prompto just smiles, too overstimulated to come up with any decent words. Sitting up, Prompto gazes into your eyes lazily. “So, you never answered my question...”
You’re biting your lip to keep yourself from laughing when you hear the tent zipper dragging down its path and you suck in your breath at what Noctis and Ignis were about to see. 
"Well, we've discovered-" Ignis starts to crawl into the tent, but stops dead in his tracks when he notices you and Gladio completely naked and Prompto almost as naked, just with his pants down to his knees. Without another word, Ignis turns around and exits the tent, closing the zipper and you giggle when you hear Noctis whining about not wanting to sleep outside and Ignis practically telling him to shut up and grab his sleeping bag. 
Prompto looks at the tent flap and looks back at you and Gladio. "Does this mean we can't go again?" 
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wanderingjotun · 6 years
It's okay to lose this battle, but you must win the war.
My spirit dad, in response to a relapse in my mental health
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wanderingjotun · 6 years
One Year of Pop Culture Spirit Companions
On April 20th, it will have been exactly a year since I first made contact with the pop culture spirits in my life. It feels simultaneously much longer and like it just started yesterday. A whole year of working with The Shield and co. And, holy crap, it’s been a crazy year.
They finally convinced me to actually get the mental help I needed, after helping me through several panic attacks and major depressive episodes.
I’m engaged to the Shield and have been adopted into his family; I’ve even taken on their last name as my own and it feels so right.
I dated and temporarily broke up with The Strategist.
I learned how to handle my own issues without triggering The Sharpshooter, and vice versa.
I have bought so much fandom merch to help give me focuses to connect with them.
I’ve found a place in their world that feels safe and comforting and I’ve started daydreaming myself there when I need to calm down.
I’ve started writing fanfiction again, partially as a way to connect with them on a different level.
In a nutshell, working with these three has helped me feel like a completely new person. They’ve been there during the really awful time last year. They helped keep me from self-harming. They pushed me to find a therapist and get medicated. They helped me remember how to smile. They helped me remember what healthy, supportive relationships--both friendships and romantic relationships--look like. They’ve taught me about their world and given me a place to belong.
They encouraged my creative endeavors, and reaching out to new people. They held me when I broke down and reminded me that I’m so much stronger than I think I am. We’ve teased each other and supported each other and grown to love each other so incredibly deeply in such a short amount of time.
It’s only been a year, and already I can’t imagine my life without them.
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wanderingjotun · 6 years
I am having massive feels for my spirit boyfriends tonight and don’t know what to do with them since my uterus has switched off my ‘phone and I’m supposed to be focusing on getting stuff done. Ugh.
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wanderingjotun · 6 years
Okay, so maybe doing the family time/memorial/movie watching first thing today was not a great plan. I mean, I’m glad I got it done when my roommate was out of the apartment so I didn’t have to explain why I was freaking out that I couldn’t find the appropriate DVD and why I lit a candle at the start of the movie--but now my brain is firmly in that world and mulling over the little meditation I did before the little memorial and trying to work through discernment for it. I should be doing day job stuff now instead. Crap.
(I know this is kind of super vague, but I don’t know how to else to discuss it without winding up in the fandom tags. Feel free to send an ask/message if you’re curious and I’ll answer privately.)
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
Thanks to @rhysfire, I now own a dakimakura of The Shield and I can’t stop cackling about it. He’s equal parts exasperated and amused.
I never thought I’d be one of those people with an anime body pillow but here we are.
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
Three Tips for Working with Spirits Who are Dealing with Trauma
One of the things I’ve personally been struggling with lately is attempting to help my spirit friends with trauma and mental illness. Which, as someone dealing with similar issues myself, has been kind of a difficult situation. I’ve been debating this post for a while, but things finally calmed down enough to allow me to put some thoughts in order on the topic, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one dealing with things of this nature. I was originally going to try for some sort of essay-type post, but wound up settling for this instead just to get it out.
My top three tips when working with spirits who have anxiety/depression/traumas they’re working through, gleaned from my personal experiences with my pop culture spirits:
First and foremost, make sure you’re taking care of yourself and seeing to your own needs. This is doubly important if you also have mental illnesses and/or if your imbalances are exasperated by something your spirits are experiencing. Sometimes this could mean setting better boundaries, asking another entity to step in to help, talking things through, stepping away completely for a while, or anything else you need to do to make sure that you’re appropriately looking after yourself. As much as we tend to want to help our spirits, we need to remember to that it’s important to take care of ourselves, too.
This is really hard for those of us who are empathic, in some sort of consort relationship with the spirit(s) in question, and/or are used to some sort of caretaker role--but it’s so important. And even if a spirit is going through some really tough shit, they should recognize that you need your own boundaries and self-care.
If the spirit seems to be relying solely on you to help sort through their issues, pushing your boundaries, refusing to listen, guilting you for self-care, or otherwise not allowing you to take care of yourself, this is not a healthy relationship and you need to find some way to step away, even if it’s asking another entity to help.
Keep in mind that there’s no reason to feel guilty about taking care of yourself. I know this can be hard (gods, I know), but feeling guilty generally only makes things worse. Trust me on this. The last time one of my spirit friends got really bad, we wound up guilt-spiralling together and triggering each other repeatedly because he felt guilty about making me worry and I felt guilty about making him feel guilty and it was just a complete wreck that didn’t remotely help either of us.
Recognize and respect that different spirits handle mental illness/traumas differently, just like humans. Sometimes this means that when they’re triggered or having a really hard time they need to be left alone. Sometimes it means they need to talk things out. Sometimes it means they need offerings or snuggles or distractions. Communicate with your spirit however you do (divination, meditation, whatever method(s) you use normally) when they’re calm to try and figure out what they feel would help the most and what they think might make things worse. For example:
The first time The Shield got triggered and disappeared for three days without a word, I was terrified because we hadn’t established that he needed time alone to work out his emotions, and I was convinced he was going to go get in a fight with a monster and get himself killed. We had A Talk when he got back, and I’ve figured out the signs that he’s about to go out for some dungeon crawling to calm down.
The Strategist tends to get really quiet and withdrawn and needs someone to gently tease his thoughts out of his head. When things get really bad, he also needs snuggles and reassurance, but he refuses to ask and, depending on what in particular he’s dealing with, sometimes “touch” makes it worse. So it’s a very delicate thing when he gets into that dark mindspace enough that I can pick up on it (he’s also incredibly good at hiding things).
The Sharpshooter needs a lot of verbal reassurances and cuddles and general attention and reiteration of how much I care for him, but he also sometimes goes into a really dark place and will run off to hide because he’s convinced he’s a burden. He’s probably the most volatile of the three of them, and I have to be very careful with my own thoughts/actions when he gets into this dark space because we have similar mental issues and often accidentally cause each other to spiral or trigger each other if we’re not careful.
Remember that recovery takes time and your spirit friend might relapse even when they seem to be doing really well. A relapse isn’t your fault (unless you were making a point to do things you knew were problematic, in which case we’re going to have words), and feeling guilty or attempting to logic your friend out of it isn’t going to help anyone. Try to be patient and understanding and do your best to help them recover their equilibrium without putting yourself and them in danger, which includes anything that might trigger or exacerbate your own issues
Sometimes, unfortunately, this means you have to step away or encourage your spirit friend to seek help elsewhere when they relapse. Because of the way my issues interact with his, any time The Sharpshooter relapses, I have to ask someone else to look after him, and I don’t feel comfortable keeping him around if I’m struggling. It’s a delicate balance, and one that you’re going to have to find for yourself with your spirit friends, but they should always know that asking them to leave temporarily for both of your best interests doesn’t mean you don’t love them and it isn’t a reflection on them or their recovery.
Overall, working and interacting with spirits who have their own traumas or mental illnesses is a lot like helping a human friend through it--just with the added weirdness of communication struggles, the general stigma of spirit work, and fewer specific resources available. But if this spirit is important to you, it’s absolutely worth the effort. Just remember to protect yourself, too. I seriously can’t stress that enough (from someone who burnt himself out trying to do too much and wound up getting us all in a bigger mess than we started with).
Also, please don’t go looking for spirits with trauma just to try and help/fix them! Like humans, forcing help on a spirit that doesn’t want it is super uncool, and could wind up seriously hurting one or both of you. These tips are intended for folks who are actively working with spirits who trust them to help with traumatic issues--friends, non-corp consorts, children, what have you--not complete strangers.
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
Me, counting blankets as I get ready for bed because it's freezing: Layer one... layer two... layer three...
The Sharpshooter, draping himself over me: Layer four!
The Shield, hugging us both: Layer five. Think that's enough?
Me: ...yeah I'm cozy.
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
New game @rhysfire and I are playing today: guess where the spirits are in the Snapchat.
A game I never thought would be possible due to spirits not, you know, having physical bodies to show up in photos, but one that's surprisingly easy with the boys for some reason. Wtf even is my life?
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
This is a callout post for The Sharpshooter
He's lovely and adorable and so incredibly caring and funny and I'm so very glad he's in my life.
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
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Starting today, I’m going to try and take one photo a day for the next year and upload it here. I don’t know how successful I’m going to be, but I’m going to try, both to work on my photography skills and to spend time with The Sharpshooter.
So, day #1: a poorly-lit photo of the “sign” I made with the Cricut at the library today. For reference (since the lighting is bad and the machine didn’t particularly like the more fiddly letters), it says:
“In this house...
We eat Cup Noodle
We ride chocobos
We take naps
We come up with new recipehs
We link-strike
We take photographs
We use the Armiger
We drive the Regalia
We stand by each other.”
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wanderingjotun · 7 years
Welp. I’m finally working on a post about helping spirits that have mental illness like anxiety, depression, or coping with past traumas. It’s really just making me want to cuddle up with the boys and never let them go.
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