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drraviclinic · 5 months ago
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When is Chest Pain An Emergency? Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing or feeling winded. Nausea or Vomiting: Feeling sick to your stomach or actually vomiting. Sweating: Cold sweats or clammy skin. Lightheadedness or Dizziness: Feeling faint or unsteady. Pain in Other Areas: Discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Rapid or Irregular Heartbeat: Palpitations or a racing heart. Anxiety or Feeling of Impending Doom: A sudden feeling that something is very wrong.
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healthbeauty204 · 6 days ago
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Asthma Symptoms: Recognize the Signs https://is.gd/TMzyh9
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bethelightintoday · 1 year ago
Help! I can’t catch my breath.
Help! I can’t catch my breath. This statement was something I used to hear him say after he ran up and down the soccer field, chased up down the neighborhood street or jumped too long on the bed. My younger brother, Tyler.
The baby of the family! He was one of the most active out of us four children, but he was the only one who was constantly stopped in his tracks, gasping for air, because he couldn’t breathe. Ever since I could recall he knew he had asthma. He loved playing outside, getting into things in or around the house, spending time climbing trees, rolling down hills and playing the most competitive sports. Thankfully, his health condition didn’t stop him from exploring the things he loved. Yet it did create challenges that he had to learn to navigate if he wanted to continue to partake in them. As a child I didn’t understand why he and I both could play the same game of basketball, running outside and he’d start wheezing for air #helpican'tbreathe and I’d be okay. I thought, another asthma attack, sheesh! I know he’s faster (not by much 😊), but does it cause all of that. A few puffs of his inhaler and he was back to new. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen the various effects asthma has on people’s lives, alongside how my brother Tyler, now able to run alongside his children today and not have that once debilitating wheezing happen. I decided I could learn more about the cause of it all and why it only effects some people.
Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children. You can live with it every day; it has no cure and can be life threatening. It’s a lung disease that causes breathing problems from everyday factors. It’s where an individual’s lungs react to things, due to the airway being sensitive when exposed to them. Many factors can be a trigger that impacts one’s ability to breathe with asthma. Some of those factors are dust, smoke, pollen, viral infection, chemical irritants, cold air, or even extreme emotions such as anger or fear (Asher, 2020). Viral respiratory infections are the leading trigger for an asthma attack. On average children develop 6 of these infections each year (Tesini, 2023). Yet things such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza (flu) can be very damaging to someone who has asthma. Children getting the flu on average once or twice a year (Tesini, 2023). From viral infections alone, they have a heightened chance of experiencing asthmatic symptoms. Not to mention everyday indoor and outdoor pollutants. Smog, fragrances, chemicals, and such can irritate the lungs and cause greater inflammation to the airway. Outdoor allergens such as grass, weeds, trees, and mold can make asthma symptoms worse (Williams, 2021). These things can cause changes in the airway, making the space to breathe smaller and smaller. This happens by way of swelling or inflammation of the airway, extra mucus produces making the airway even smaller and tightening of muscles referred to as bronchoconstriction, narrowing the airway and irritated (Ingelheim, 2023). Each of these changes reduces or constricts the airway path, making it hard to breathe. When one or all three of these changes take place, it triggers an asthma attack #asthmaattacks. Symptoms of an asthma attack are severe shortness of breath, tightness, or pain in your chest, wheezing or coughing and fast heart rate (Seladi-Schulman, 2023).
So how does one control these symptoms or triggers from occurring? One learning and being mindful of individual triggers is helpful, this gives insight to things you can attempt to avoid that can bring on asthmatic symptoms or allow you to be prepared to treat them should they come. As I mentioned, my brother used an inhaler. It’s known as an rescue inhaler, which contains medication that expands one’s airway (Seladi-Schulman, 2023). Inhalers are the preferred way of treating an asthma attack, it’s not the only form of treatment. Although treatments are specific to everyone some common practices to help during an asthma attack are to have the asthmatic person sit up straight, this helps opens the airway. Remain calm as the calming allows for better breathing. Steady their breathing with slow, steady breathes and to move away from known triggers. These things can help reduce asthma symptoms. If the attack is serious, such as symptoms get worse after treatment, wheezing becomes severe, speaking becomes difficult and short or chest muscles are straining, call for medical attention immediately.
Learning more about what causes asthma, what can help prevent or calm symptoms I was still curious as to why my brother didn’t seem to have those same attacks now. Since asthma isn’t curable why didn’t he experience the same symptoms. Seeking out answers further I learned there may be stretches of time where asthma flare ups or other symptoms don’t occur. It unfortunately, doesn’t mean it disappeared, but it is nice to experience the relief. Avoiding asthmatic triggers are experienced when you have a solid treatment plan that you’re adhering to. Such as taking your medications or staying away from known triggers (2023). So, although my brother didn’t outgrow asthma, he has learned overtime how to navigate it to not experience those heart wrenching asthma attacks. He’s like how can learn to manage asthma to be able to live a normal and healthy life. Now he can explore nature, games, and such with his kids #livingwithasthma. And although asthma can be passed down, none of his children have it. It is most common being passed down when both parents have it.
Asher, M. I., García-Marcos, L., Pearce, N. E., & Strachan, D. P. (2020, December 1). Trends in worldwide asthma prevalence. European Respiratory Society. https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/56/6/2002094 Seladi-Schulman, J. (2023, May 9). What to do when you have an asthma attack without an inhaler. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/asthma/asthma-attack-no-inhaler
Can you outgrow asthma?: Carolina Asthma & Allergy. Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center. (2023, November 2). https://www.carolinaasthma.com/blog/can-you-outgrow-asthma/
Tesini, B. L. (2023, October 13). Overview of viral respiratory tract infections in children - children’s health issues. Merck Manuals Consumer Version. https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/children-s-health-issues/common-viral-infections-in-infants-and-children/overview-of-viral-respiratory-tract-infections-in-children#:~:text=Children%20develop%20on%20average%20six%20viral%20respiratory%20tract%20infections%20each%20year.&text=Upper%20respiratory%20tract%20infections%3A%20Symptoms,and%20include%20the%20common%20cold
Williams, K. W. (2021, June 8). 9 asthma triggers and what to do about them. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/allergies-asthma/Pages/asthma-triggers-and-what-to-do-about-them.aspx
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mijacoge0 · 19 days ago
having a #asthmaattack in a yuppie pub
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dratefahmed1 · 11 months ago
Symptoms and Signs of Asthma Attacks Recognizing Triggers #asthma, #asthmaattack, #asthmasymptoms,
#asthma, #asthmaattack, #asthmasymptoms, #asthmamanagement, #asthmatreatment, #asthmaawareness, #asthmalife, #asthmasupport, #asthmacontrol, #asthmacommunity, #asthmamom, #asthmadad, #asthmatriggers, #asthmarelief, #asthmaprevention, #asthmacare, #asthmamedication, #asthmainhaler, #asthmaproblems, #asthmastruggle, #asthmasufferer, #asthmacoping, #asthmatips, #asthmatracker, #asthmamonitor,…
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drkgowthaman-blog · 1 year ago
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நண்பர்கள், தோழர்கள், நலம் விரும்பிகள் மற்றும் உலகெங்கும் உள்ள தமிழ் உள்ளங்களுக்கு, உங்களுடைய wellness குருஜி உடைய, அன்பான காலை வணக்கங்கள். #நுரையீரல் மண்டல நோய்கள்ல, மிக மோசமாக நமக்கு பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தக்கூடிய நோய்கள்ல ஒன்று, #ஆஸ்துமா நோய். வாதம் சார்ந்தது, பித்தம் சார்ந்தது, கபம் சார்ந்தது, தொற்றுக்கள் சார்ந்தது, உடல் பலவீனத்தால் ஏற்படுவது, பரம்பரையாக ஏற்படுவதுன்னு, ஆறு வகையான, ஆஸ்துமா நோய்களை, இன்றைக்கு, நம்ம பார்க்கிறோம். சில வகையான நோய்கள், முற்றிலும் குணப்படுத்தக்கூடியதாகவும், சில வகையான நோய்கள், மருந்துகளைக் கொண்டு, கட்டுப்படுத்தக்கூடியதாகவும், சில வகையான நோய்கள், சில கால நிலைக்கோ சில ஒவ்வாமைக்கும் மட்டும் ஏற்பட்டு, நம்மை தற்காலிகமாக சிரமப்படுத்துவதை பார்க்கிறோம். Full Link: https://fb.watch/qKbGlhiupX/ இன்றைக்கு மருந்துகளற்ற வாழ்க்கை அப்படிங்கிறது, சாத்தியமற்ற ஒரு விஷயம் போல் இருக்கிறதே, அப்படின்ற ஒரு, ஒரு எண்ணம், ஒரு கவலை, நம்மில் நிறைய பேருக்கு இருக்கிறதை பார்க்கிறோம். ஆஸ்துமா நோயை கட்டுப்படுத்த, நுரையீரலுடைய பலத்தை அதிகப்படுத்த, நமக்கு உதவி செய்யக்க��டிய, ஏலக்காய் கஷாயம் அப்படிங்கிறதை பற்றிதான், இன்றைக்கு உங்களோடு, நான் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள போகிறேன். இந்த #ஏலக்காய்கஷாயம் செய்ய தேவையான பொருட்கள் என்னங்கிறதை, விவரமாக இப்ப நம்ம பார்ப்போம். ஏலக்காய்கஷாயம் செய்ய தேவையான பொருட்கள், #ஏலக்காய், #லவங்கப்பட்டை, #தாளீசபத்திரி #திரிகடுகு, #மூங்கில்உப்பு, நுரையீரல் மண்டல நோய்களுடைய செயல்பாடுகளை மாற்றி, உடலை ஆரோக்கியப்படுத்தி, நுரையீரலுக்குள் தேங்கி கிடக்கக்கூடிய கழிவுகளையும், தொற்றுக்களையும், சரியாக வெளியேற்றி, சுவாசம் செய்யும்போது, நமக்கு கிடைக்கக்கூடிய பிராணவாயுவை, முழுமையாக கிரகித்து, நுரையீரலில் இருந்து, கழிவாக வெளியேறக்கூடிய, காற்று, கரியமில வாயுவை, முற்றிலுமாக வெளியேற்றி, உடலுடைய நுரை மண்டலம், உடலுடைய ராஜ உறுப்புகளில் ஒன்றாக இருக்கிறதுனால, அந்த ராஜ உறுப்புகளுடைய, ஆரோக்கியத்தை மேம்படுத்தக்கூடிய, ஏலக்காய் கஷாயம், எவ்வாறு செய்யறதுன்னு, இப்ப பார்ப்போம். Wellness Guruji Dr Gowthaman SHREEVARMA Ayurveda Hospitals 9952666359 / 04446094900 www.drgowthaman.com www.shreevarma.online #wellnessgurujitips #wellnessgurujicamps #wellnessguruji #DrGowthaman #Shreevarma #shreevarmaayurveda #AsthmaAwareness #asthma #asthmaattack #asthmaproblems #AsthmaCommunity #COPD #copdawareness #COPDmanagement #Ela #vata #pitta #kapha #Tuberculosis #tuberculosisawareness #pneumonia
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drraviclinic · 4 months ago
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World Diabetes Day is observed every year on November 14. It was established in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about diabetes and its impact on global health. The date was chosen because it marks the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting, one of the co-discoverers of insulin, which revolutionized the treatment of diabetes. DR. K. RAVI VISAKHAPATNAM CONTACT :9390398062
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healthbeauty204 · 11 days ago
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Asthma Symptoms: Recognize the Signs https://healthsnbeauty.com/asthma-symptoms-recognize-the-signs/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Health+%26+Beauty+tips
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social-yogi-shyam-satish · 2 years ago
⁣⁣#Yoga For #Asthmatics That Helps In Controlling #Asthma
#YogaForAsthmatics #ControllingAsthma #AsthmaAttack #YogaForAsthma #AsthmaYoga
Yoga can help Increase Breath and Body Awareness, slow your Respiratory Rate, and Promote Calm and Relieve Stress — all of which are Beneficial for people who have Asthma⁣⁣.
There can be outside forces, such as Allergens and Toxins, that may Trigger an Asthma Attack.
While we can’t always necessarily Avoid some Triggers, we can use Yoga to try to generally Stay Calm and have Breath and Body awareness, and that may be able to at least take a layer off the severity of the attack, if not help Prevent it⁣⁣.
For more Info
Smt *V Harika SriLaxmi*
Certified AYUSH Teacher & Evaluator
*📱+91 7337 466 651*
#RegularYoga #OnlineYoga
#ZodiacSign #LifeChartPDF
#AstrologyPredictions #Remedies
#YogaTeacherTraining #LEVEL123
#PregnancyYoga #PreNatal_Postnatal
#TherapeuticYoga #WorldWide
#YCB #Ayush #Guidance
#ExamPreparation #YogaCareer
#HealthForAll #YogaBenefits
#Fitness #Meditation #YogaPractice
#YogaCourses #YogaFacts
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rimshospitals · 2 years ago
Asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors, including allergens, irritants, respiratory infections and certain medications. Identifying and understanding these triggers is an important step in managing the symptoms effectively which will help improve the quality of life.
Book an appointment with our experts.
91502 65553, 044-7111 1111
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texasmedicalconcierge · 2 years ago
World Asthma Day: Asthma causes inflammation in the airways and narrows them making it difficult to breathe. It triggers coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
This year, 2023, the World Asthma Day theme given by Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) is "Asthma Care for All," which advocates the growth of accessibility and availability of high-quality medical care for all.
worldasthmaday #worldasthmamonth #asthma #asthmacare #asthmaproblems #asthmatic #asthmaattack #asthmawarrior
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braincheckerindia · 2 years ago
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World Asthma Day...# asthmaattack # asthma # theme red # WorldAsthmaDay2023 #
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paramountltd · 2 years ago
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Breathing is life…. Let us work together for a cleaner and healthier environment to stay safe from Asthma…..
On the occasion of World Asthma Day, we wish a happy and healthy life for you and your loved ones.
#worldasthmaday #asthma #asthmaawareness #asthmaproblems #health #asthmarelief #asthmatic #asthmaday #asthmaattack #asthmalife #asthmauk #healthylifestyle #asthmasucks #asthmawarrior #healthcare #staysafe #covid #asthmatreatment #wellness #healthy #asthmafunk #asthmarunner #asthmaprobs #asthmafoundation #asthmaattacks #severeasthma #asthmamanagement #lungs #coronavirus
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simple-health-tips · 2 years ago
Share this and save a live.
#asthma #asthmaawareness #asthmaattack
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drraviclinic · 4 months ago
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Chronic or worsening cough: If a cough persists for several weeks or keeps coming back, it’s worth seeing a doctor. Mucus production: Persistent mucus, especially if it's discolored (green, yellow, or bloody), could indicate infection or chronic conditions. Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing, especially with exertion, can be a red flag for CPD. Wheezing or chest tightness: These symptoms are often associated with asthma or COPD. History of smoking: If you are a smoker (or have been in the past), you are at higher risk for developing COPD or chronic bronchitis.
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healthbeauty204 · 17 days ago
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Asthma Symptoms: Recognize the Signs https://is.gd/TMzyh9
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