#Asteria von Bach
lovf00lish ยท 2 years
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The von Bach royal family was one of the most prominent and second to the royal family to famous during The Gilded age. History tracing back before the Renessaince was filled with dignity and value. The von Bach family known as "The King's right eye"has been the British royal family's most loyal servant, starting from the king's distant cousin, climbing the ladder of prosperity over the decades. Driven by the motto "aut Caesar aut nihil" (Either Caesar or nothing), the members by marrying to the royal family, have been awarded with lands, castles and titles, landing even to be the King's counsellor.
Sadly most of the family's pictures have been burned down after the Great Feuer in 1700s. The source of it, unknown. But moon has its dark side. The rumours around the origin of the family has been going around for centuries. All women sharing similar features between in terms of dark hair, bright eyes and celestial sharp nose, a very rare features for the time. Many members has been declared insane or suffering from depression, obsession, anger issues and paranoia. The legends says that Aldo "the Founder" von Bach had angered the gods, thus cursing him to not produce firstborn son. Another legends declares Arkadia von Bach, the wife of Aldo "The Founder"von Bach, known to have prophetic abilities, to predict the fall of the family. By speaking these last words "This family has come from impurity and shall end in impurity"thus indicating incest in between some of the members.
Their glory has become quieter inbetween the end of 17th century till the middle of 19th, with the lead of the matriarch Allegra von Bach.
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