#Astarion would be so fucking triggered by this slander
thechaoticdruid · 9 months
*Annoyed muttering* People on Twitter smh.
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I'm just saying it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Astarion to be 40 years old in human years.
Elves have a lifespan of approximately 700 years and Astarion was turned into a vampire at 39. Now if we use the assumption that elves age at the same rate as humans till they reach adulthood (because if it didn't slow down Halsin at 350 would look like fucking withers) that makes it impossible for Astarion to be middle aged.
400-300 would likely be middle aged for an elf and Astarion didn't even hit 100 guys. I legit see people out here using his fucking hair color as a reason to claim he's old (I mean yes he is old he's a fucking 200 year old vampire, but physically he's very well preserved). Have you guys ever fucking seen an elf before in like anything ever? Just a little fun fact but in most fantasy stories elves have white hair because you know they're fucking magical creatures.
Okay rambling over. I honestly don't know why this annoys me so much. Probably some nerdy ocd thing and it doesn't make sense in my brain.
Edit: So apparently there's some stats in a mobile game that says he's 350 (with vampirism keep in mind), BUT this conflicts with the dev notes saying he was turned at 39 so ehhhh.....IDK inconsistencies with lore in video games happen all the time.
Either way he still isn't fucking 40 in human years.
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jinxxedmisery · 9 months
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I did a quick little sketch (by quick, I mean it took me like 2 hours lol) I still struggle with feet and shoes...
I just saw a pose on pinterest and thought omg, what if Astarion and my tav... but he's biting their thigh 🤭
Ofc, I had to name it.. thirst... and I added the "Happy" symbol to kind of cover a sketch I did on the same page... You know... it wasn't originally supposed to be just one piece, I was practicing poses and I liked this one way too much to just leave it or risk messing up when I redrew it.
This is entirely self indulgent.. and intended to be Spawn Astarion because he's so babygirl 🥰😘😍
🤣 also I don't think I posted but I got through the Cazador fight not too long ago.. and
Spoilers and dumb ramble ahead:
For most of my day, I sat there wondering how the fuck I would beat that bastard... he was one shotting Shadowheart with his fucking lightning bolt, then sending his gas minions after the survivors. Astarion being in the ritual made it 10× more difficult.. so... I cheated... and fuck... It should have been obvious...
I LITERALLY FORGOT FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING DAY THAT VAMPIRES ARE WEAK TO SUNLIGHT.. I blame Astarion and his parasite as well as Alucard for that one honestly.. the day walker thing kind of made me forget that omfg immunity to daylight is an exception, not the rule..
So I felt stupid.. once I got that, it was so much easier.. oh and almost constantly had Astarion in stealth kill mode until Cazadick was gone.
Also side note.. the VA for Cazador is perfect.. Like they really sells the "I'm a pathetic little worm, and your worst nightmare, fear me while I bitch and cry" LOL and again that's a compliment.. Larian really succeeded in making an evil character extremely grating and hatable which again, a good thing, not a bad thing.
The heartbreak I felt though afterwards when Astarion screams and cries.. God.. the second I got to this scene, I KNEW I couldn't let him ascend, doing so would be so cruel.. and yes.. this is ascended Astarion slander, I don't like my men too domineering.. maybe a little bit, but not enough to like kill innocent children and eat their hands or some shit lmfao (Doing a durge run too.. where I'm going to ascend Astarion and be a horrible bastard that eats babies) and I don't like that he loses the genuine feelings he has for tav/durge and becomes what he sought to destroy, an abuser.
Now.. the graveyard scene... I had tears in my eyes.. Honestly, the reason I love Astarion so much is because he is quite relatable. I will not go into detail, but I was.. SAed and abused as a kid. And honestly.. Seeing the bit where he scratched out his death date, made me feel hope.. for myself... For my own healing.. it truly meant so much seeing another survivor of abuse begin anew, find themselves again... even though I have done that already myself for the most part, I've found purpose, passions, love, heartbreak, etc and I've found some level of beauty in the life. I related quite a lot to the line about sex feeling tainted.. I am at a point where it no longer feels as terrible, I feel genuine enjoyment in it... (Can't do casual sex though.. That would trigger me into a ptsd attack) And I think part of that was letting myself go at my own pace, making sure my partners knew, and having control and the ability to consent and revoke consent at any point. Emotional attachment helped a great deal too.
I've rambled on enough.. but... Let me end this off by saying, If you went through unspeakable horrors at the hands of those who you thought were supposed to protect you, You are not alone, Even if you do not see it now, there is light at the end of the tunnel, keep on living, keep trying to find joy in little things. It does get better, what was done to you was horrible and you did not deserve it. I promise, you will see better days. You will be happy again, even if you feel like the pain will never end, there is always moments of calm.... live for those... live for your pets, live for your friends, the people around you, live for that cute thing you just ordered, live for that movie or TV series you're excited about watching... even the next patch for bg3.. or more Astarion content if that's your reason right now... and take it one day at a time. You will be okay.
If you need to vent out some shit, I'll listen, I may not know what to say or be able to offer comfort, but I will always lend an ear, even to a total stranger if they need it.
That's all from me, goodbye, until my next post.. whenever that will be ❤🖤❤🖤
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