#Asra Arcana
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iridescent-solstice · 7 months ago
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Thinking about how MC and Asra have been living together for such a long time that they probably spend most of their evenings unwinding together . . . Taking refuge in one another after a long day of dealing with unruly customers, thousands of hours spent making potions, Julian breaking in and also breaking a window in the process-
Both of them, Asra and mc, steal glances at one another from across the room until someone gives in . . . . Soft kisses and wandering hands that make MC feel like they’re on cloud nine. An embrace where he holds MC close and rubs their back trying to help them relax. Loosen all the knots in mc’s back so they feel less tense . . .
Imagine laying on his chest afterwards as he reads some boring magic book to you in his melodic, airy voice that never seems to waver with the amount of affection it holds for you. In these moments its all about recharging and letting the world fade away. Your focus solely and solely on him. A love that can never be tarnished nor stolen just like the heart that you two share together can never be anyone else’s.
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biblicallyaccuratefangirl · 11 months ago
✤ Asra headcanons: walking in on you changing ✤ (revised)
Absolutely mortified. Yk the horrified blushing face he makes. That's the one
Leaves IMMEDIATELY, might slam the door on accident
After some silence he'll quietly knock on the door and apologize from outside
"I'm so sorry (y/n), I didn't at all mean to invade your privacy... Are— are you alright?"
He's terrified he's lost some of the trust you have in him or that you'll feel less comfortable around him now. To him, the best thing he can be is a safe space for you
Assuming you give him some sort of reassurance from the other side of the door, he'll feel sufficiently excused
If there's one thing Asra can't cope with it's awkward situations. He'll try hard to distance himself from the guilt and discomfort
In fact, he'll leave the shop entirely: grab the basic necessities like his bag, and find a way to busy himself
He'll return a while later, an hour or two, and come inside quietly. Without making himself known, he'll leave a small bouquet of wildflowers bound together at the foot of your door
When you find it and come out to greet him, he'll be eager to see you but treads lightly while he tries to gauge your reaction
Reassured to see you relaxed, he murmurs one more apology, holding your hands in his
"I am sorry, my love." He presses a kiss to the back of your hand. "What sorry fate awaits me for my transgressions?"
He's happy to be at your disposal, should you play along. Either way, he spends the rest of the evening pampering you <3
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liusia-piu · 1 year ago
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xaharadesert · 8 months ago
Petite MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: Can you believe that I wrote like 150 Arcana headcanon sets before someone asked for a petite mc? I feel like this is a classic that I missed out on in my early days. Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
He was already constantly filled with anxiety and an ever looming sense of dread, but meeting you has somehow increased it
Logically he knows that your size doesn’t diminish your many talents and capabilities, but he worries all the same
He likes to keep you in his line of sight, and in crowded spaces he’ll hold your hand or place one of his hands on your back or shoulder so you don’t disappear into the fray
Often he can be seen looking behind you, a bit hunched over so he can hear what you’re saying
He likes to think he looks like a scary guard dog, but depending on the circumstances there’s a good chance he looks even more scared than you
You can be short legends together
She hopes you’re okay with short jokes, because now that she has a partner who’s just as short as her, she’ll be making them all the time
Says you can tag team taking out people’s ankles if they piss you off
She really likes that she doesn’t have to worry about getting on her tiptoes to kiss you since you’re about the same height
Once joked about having you sit on her shoulders with a cloak to pretend to be Muriel while committing crimes
Loves being the taller one in the relationship, it makes him feel strong and important
He’s always been a fan of heels (the higher the better), but he does appreciate that he can give his feet a break when he’s out with you
Does try to talk you into wearing heels for special events though; he says it’s more fun to look down at people
Makes short jokes when he’s feeling petty, but they’re not very well thought out, and mostly come down to “well, you’re short, and that’s bad because I say so”
Still feels really bad about this later, and insists that you should feel insulted even if you were totally unaffected
He may actually cry from the stress
He’s always been uncomfortable aware of his own size, and that sensation is heightened whenever you’re around
If he bumps into you, you will be going down, and he is terrified of that
He tries to make himself smaller by hunching over whenever he’s standing or sitting next to you to draw less attention to the size difference (obviously it doesn’t work, and most people just pity him since he looks so awkward)
Hates that people are perceiving him as a sort of guard dog for you; he feels like the juxtaposition is leading to stereotyping, and you’ll need to reassure him that you don’t see him that way
You know, he’s never really noticed it all that much
Of course, on a physical level he knows you’re pretty small, but as someone who has always been right in the middle of short and tall, he doesn’t really see it as a very big deal
He does like that you’re just short enough to fit under his chin when he hugs you, but that’s about it
You don’t have to reach too far to give him a kiss, which is also a plus
And he’s already got plenty of step-stools around for reaching the top shelves, so there’s no need to ask (not that anything but decorations ever goes on those shelves anyway; if neither of you can reach them on your own, why bother giving them a practical use?)
Adjusting to your height takes a bit of getting used to for her
She’s the type to wear heels and keep perfect posture, so she stands tall even among people of a similar height
She accidentally looks over your head until you call her attention down to you pretty often
Expect to be gifted plenty of heels or platform shoes early on in the relationship
She’s not particularly fond of the idea of abandoning her own heels, but if you struggle with yours then she’ll switch to something a bit more practical so she can kiss you more easily
She complained about neck pain exactly one (1) time, and silently prays that you never bring it up again to tease her
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year ago
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trigger warnings : relationship doubts, reader is very insecure, that's really it
❧ in which asra alnazar finds out his lover is doubting themselves. ✦ a/n : hehe i loveeeee the arcana ☼ proceed with caution ! if you are uncomfortable with aforementioned topics, please just scroll.
♪ now playing... LOOK DON'T TOUCH by odetari!
you're not sure when or why these thoughts started
maybe a little while back
yet you're sure they weren't because of asra at all
they made them fade in an instant with a mere smile
you loved your partner.
you really did.
you knew they loved you too.
maybe that just made it worse.
that somebody like asra loved somebody like you
you weren't special, you were just.. you.
sure, you had a little bit of magic, but others had it too.
you could barely even use yours! you were practically the definition of weak!
how could they love you?
⊳ ⋆
asra, of course, notices your sudden distance from them.
the way you shy away from his presence and touch.
the way you are far more hesitant to accept his gifts.
the way you shift when he compliments you.
they're awfully observant of... everything
maybe you're just tired?
is something wrong?
catches on really quickly of how you're unsure if you really contribute anything to this relationship
soon their compliments morph into reassurances
they know exactly what to say, oddly enough
but they also know when to back off
after all, sometimes people just need to in silence but with someone, or sometimes people just need to completely alone.
they don't have a problem with that at all!
not unless something dangerous happens and they need to be around you
but it's awfully unlikely
"you're so amazing to me, darling." "you look awfully stunning today, [n/n]!" "i missed you." "you mean a lot to me, y'know hun?" "thanks for just being here, [y/n]." "stay in bed with me for just a bit longer?"
"i love you."
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chanza-panza · 2 years ago
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This curly boy owns my heart...
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months ago
Thinking bout how Lucio canonically gets eaten by the courtiers in Asra's route like,, it's so brief and glossed over but that man got ate
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thestarsandskyaboveus · 7 months ago
{Referencing this post: https://www.tumblr.com/thestarsandskyaboveus/753738995967705088/help-i-did-not-realize-my-inbox-wasnt-open-send?source=share}
Can I request Asra x reader, where Asra brings back all sorts of new trinkets and clothes for himself and reader. Its just that most of his just end up in reader's hands/closet! Lmao I hc that reader has sticky fingers with anything Asra brings back from his trips and Asra just entertains it cause he finds it adorable (am I rambling? yes, yes I am, its Asra how can I not? 🙆🏻‍♀️ Suits him right for being gone for so long )
hello!!! absolutely you can (asra is such hyperfixation for me rn he brings me so much joy)
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a warm winter hat.
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The nights were always the worst.
The days without Asra were difficult too, of course- a busy shop and no help with rowdy customers was never a fun time. but truthfully it was the nighttime that made you miss them most, alone in the dark with your thoughts. which is why you jump up at run to the front door when you hear it click, even despite the time of day.
sure enough, you scamper downstairs and face a struggling asra, juggling several large linen bags full of... well. actually you're not really sure what's in there. never the less, you dart forward to help him before he makes a mess. more of a mess.
"oh!" asra startles slightly. "y/n. you're supposed to be asleep."
"it's hard to sleep without you..." you whine. "it gets cold at night."
asra chuckles. "well, you're in luck. i've just brought us home some goodies from nevivion."
you scowl. "you went to nevivion without me?"
"i know, i know, i'm sorry!" asra raises his hands innocently. "but truly, you should blame ilya."
"oh, should i." you ask dryly.
"yes. definitely. he was the one who dragged me there, after all. got me all caught up in his silly pirate gang politics."
"pirate gang politics."
they nod earnestly, taking you into their arms. "i know i sound like i'm making excuses, but he really did need my help, dove. i'm sorry. you know i would never leave you alone on purpose. i promise to take you with me next time."
you sigh and squeeze him back. "...fine. you're forgiven."
you nuzzle into their shoulder. god, you missed them. you snuggle as close as they'll let you get, which is pretty damn close. they laugh softly, fondness dripping and oozing from their voice.
"aww..." he kisses your forehead. he pats your back. "thank you, sweets. c'mon, dove. come check out what i brought home."
you nod. they pull a fur hat out of a linen bag, one with ear flaps and a strap, and put it on to model for you. truthfully, it looks a bit silly on them, their fluffy hair straining against the hat and poofing out the bottom every which way. you crack a smile.
"i'll be stealing that later."
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srptgr · 1 month ago
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Asra and Asali (my Arcana OC)
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saintunhinged · 1 year ago
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you find a picture of asra from long before the two of you met and you can’t stop admiring it.
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You stumble into the room that both you and Asra shared, only to find colorful clothes scattered on the bed. You had no doubt that they belonged to Asra. On the edge of the bed was a framed picture, so close to falling off that a bump to the mattress could have made it fall and broken it.
He always was a bit messy, but you didn’t mind helping him straighten up his things here and there.
Making your way to fix it, your eyes fall on the young kid in the photo. A wide smile paints your face as you recognize what it is— or who. Bright purple eyes stared from the picture, yet these eyes belonged to a younger version of the person you knew. The white hair and golden skin gave it away, not to mention the signature scarf he always styled with his outfits.
You almost wanted to let out a loud “aw” at the sight of a much younger Asra smiling at you from the picture, but the familiar voice that came from behind you had spoke even before a could even get a word out.
Just as you marveled at the younger version of him, the familiar voice of your magician lover interrupted your thoughts. “I meant to clean this mess up.” Asra declared, appearing in the doorway with an apologetic grin on his face.
Instead, you turn around with the frame in your hand. “You were so adorable!” you exclaimed, unable to hold your excitement.
Asra’s eyes met yours, curiosity dancing in the violet depths. A soft smile graced his lips, the contrast between the past and present evident in the warmth that radiated from the framed photograph and the genuine connection between you and the person before you.
His eyes twinkled mischievously as he observed you holding the framed picture. “Ah, my youthful days,” he mused, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. “Care to share what you’ve found?”
You couldn’t contain the affectionate grin on your face. “Look at you! White hair, golden skin, and that signature scarf. You were absolutely adorable.”
Asra chuckled, a melodic sound that filled the room with warmth. “I suppose I’ve always had a flair for fashion.” He gestured towards the colorful chaos on the bed. “Although, it seems my fashion sense hasn’t evolved much since then.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on. Your style is timeless. Besides, who doesn’t love a bit of magic in their wardrobe?”
“As much as I appreciate your fashion critique,” Asra began, a playful glint in his eyes, “I need help cleaning up. Not that I mind the distraction, of course.”
You chuckled, joining him by the door. “Cleaning can wait. I’m too busy reveling in the cuteness overload from this picture.” You held the frame closer to him. “Did you always have that mischievous glint in your eyes?”
Asra grinned, leaning in to get a closer look. “Maybe. Magic and mischief tend to go hand in hand, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely,” you agreed, a teasing tone in your voice. “Though I have to say, present-day Asra might have a bit more charm, if that’s possible.”
A playful gasp escaped Asra’s lips. “I hopre you’re not implying I wasn’t the epitome of charm back then? I’ll have you know I was quite the charismatic little magician.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m sure you were. But now, you’re a charismatic, charming magician who also happens to share a room with me.”
Asra’s bright eyes sparkled with affection. “And how fortunate I am,” he replied, his voice dripping with playful sincerity. “Now, shall we continue this trip down memory lane or get back to the 'cleaning' business?”
You grin, holding the picture close to your heart. “Cleaning can wait. I’m too busy falling in love with the tiny, precious child in this photo... and the not-so-tiny, still-precious adult standing in front of me.”
His soft smirk deepened, his mischievous gaze locked onto yours. “Falling in love, you say? My, my, someone's being rather bold today.”
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes matching his. “Can you blame me? I mean, just look at this adorable face.” You pointed at the picture, then at Asra, emphasizing your point.
He feigned modesty, placing a hand over his heart. “Oh, you flatter me. But you know, present-day me comes with a lot more... intriguing qualities.”
You raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming. “Intriguing, huh? Do tell, I’m all ears.”
Asra stepped closer, a layer of thick white hair falling down his forehead, eyes never leaving yours. “Well, for starters, this Asra,” he starts, pointing to himself with his index finger, “knows a thing or two about casting spells of the heart. And perhaps, just perhaps, he’s been under the influence of a certain enchantment.”
You chuckled, playing along. “Is it reversible, or am I stuck with the consequences?”
Asra placed a finger to his lips, feigning deep contemplation. “I guess that depends. Are you prepared for a lifetime of charm, wit, and an abundance of wonderful moments?”
You pretended to ponder, tapping your chin. “Tough choice. But if it means being swept off my feet by a charming someone every day, I think I can handle it.”
A genuine laugh escaped Asra, the sound like music in the room. “Very well. Brace yourself for a lifetime of love, with a touch of mischief, of course.”
You held the framed picture between you two, as if sealing the deal. “Deal. Now, about this cleaning business... any chance we can clean the mess with our minds?” You half-way joke, but apart of you seriously didn’t feel like doing the physical work.
The magician’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “I suppose a little magic wouldn't hurt. But only if you keep falling in love with the tiny, precious child and the not-so-tiny, still-precious me every day.”
You grinned, leaning in for a playful peck on Asra's cheek. “Deal.” And with that, you both set out to sprinkle a bit of magic on the chaos, leaving a trail of laughter and love in your wake.
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iridescent-solstice · 3 months ago
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Art by @/greyhands from instagram (please check out their work!)
. . . I'm totally calm and totally not waiting for someone to match my freak rn🙂↕🙂↕
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materialw0rldart · 9 months ago
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His hair is so much fun to draw
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biblicallyaccuratefangirl · 11 months ago
☼ Asra headcanons: in the morning ☼
Wakes up all sleepy and bed headed, wearing comfy oversized clothes, to shuffle over to where you've gone and nuzzle into your neck, hugging your waist
Wants to be near you and touching your skin almost constantly, as if he needs to make up for lost time he spent sleeping
In reality, it's more so that he can hardly fathom that you're here with him, in his home, after sharing his bed— and seeing you in the morning so trustingly welcoming him into the vulnerability and domesticity of this disheveled, unpolished facet of life just fills his heart with more love than he can express
So, he tries to take in as much as he possibly can, relishing and treasuring these domestic moments with you
Being Asra's partner, you'd have to get used to his eyes fixed on you constantly. Especially in the morning. Each new day he begins with you by his side is one more day he falls in love with you all over again, and it's all he can do not to admire you with awe
Doesn't matter your body type— doesn't matter how messy your hair is when you wake up, or how tired your face is— he simply adores all of you. Every little curve, every little detail, every motion you make... he takes it all in with such affection, as if he'd spend every heartbeat away from you replaying these memories desperately
His favorite possible way to spend mornings with you is slowly waking up with coffee or tea, huddled up under a blanket at home with the windows open to hear the birds
Truthfully, it's this scenario that plays in his head most often when he's away from you for long periods of time. Apart from... other idle fantasies
Asra enjoys singing, but most often it's during moments like these— he'll hum softly, blissfully content with you leaning into him. But don't think he doesn't know what he's doing when you're snuggled up to his chest and can hear the deep, honey-smooth rumbling of his morning voice... he knows you too well for you to be able to hide the way he makes you melt
WILL tease you about it. Occasionally he'll leave it be, instead just smiling with amused affection. If he does tease you about it, though... it would easily be one of those instances where your next response redirects just how passionate the morning was about to be. He's a sucker for morning makeout sessions... Drowsy, sultry, lingering kisses? Asra does NOT need to be asked twice
Admittedly, the aforementioned scenario is most likely played out if you wake up at the same time. He wants to be as close as possible facing you, completely intertwined with you (legs, arms, hands in hair, everything). This all starts out entirely pure; simple and sweet affection and devotion. He'll shower you with half-asleep kisses, murmuring questions about how you slept. Needless to say, the mood can very easily be shifted...
He's somewhat of a morning person, especially with you in his life. Frequently you'll wake up to breakfast waiting on the nightstand, with Asra already back in bed close next to you. Acts of service are a close contender to physical affection for him, though he's glad to express his love in just about any form he can
Overall, every morning with Asra is a lovely one and you can rest assured you won't spend it feeling unappreciated <3
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xaharadesert · 8 months ago
MC Who Sleeps Like The Dead - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: for another lovely anon! I just finished drawing one of my OCs to prepare for art fight, so I’m feeling a bit more inspired than usual! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
This is a man who runs on stress and caffeine, so he’s always up at ungodly hours of the night
Your ability to sleep through every instance of him stubbing his toe or bumping his head, or just generally swearing at whatever script or medical case he’s having trouble with at the moment is a blessing in his opinion
Of course, on the rare occasions that you manage to get him to bed, he’ll be as out of it as you are, if not more so
He flails in his sleep, and since it won’t be waking either of you up any time soon, there’s a good chance you’ll both end up with some mystery bruises
He’ll feel a bit bad about it in the morning, but it’s nothing some kisses can’t fix
Considering how tired she usually is by the end of the day, she’s a surprisingly light sleeper
This can be a problem for her when Pepi decides she wants to make biscuits and Portia’s the only potential victim around
So when you two start sleeping in the same bed, she sacrifices you to Pepi and makes sure she’s the one sleeping next to the wall
Pepi seems satisfied with this arrangement and leaves Portia alone, meaning she gets the sleep she needs and you get a cat to cuddle with while you’re unconscious
It’s also great for when she needs to get up early for work; she can make as much noise as she wants while she’s getting ready, and you’ll sleep right through it
No no no, this will not do
Lucio operates under the assumption that if he’s awake, you’re also supposed to be awake
So if he’s having trouble sleeping while you’re snoozing away next to him, he will be trying his best to wake you up
His attempts will start with whispers and a couple gentle pokes, but when you don’t look like you’ll be getting up soon it quickly becomes less subtle
This man will fully kick you off the bed and onto the cold floor to get you up
If you sleep through that, he’s gonna get really close to your ear and scream
For the sake of everyone else nearby, you may need to learn to sleep less heavily
He’s a light sleeper thanks to anxiety, and he doesn’t really understand how someone can sleep as deeply as you do
In the early days of your relationship he was a bit worried that there might be something wrong with you
Once he settles into the idea that you Will Not Be Woken Up before you’re good and ready, he takes full advantage of the extra alone time it gives him
It’s nice to just coexist with you and go about his day without worrying about waking you up
Once Inanna took a nap on you and he thought you may have actually suffocated under her, but turns out you were fine
He does not mention this to you when you wake up
While he certainly sleep often, he does not sleep heavily
If he’s sitting down, then he’s probably already at least 10% asleep
He doesn’t usually sleep in the traditional sense, and instead takes a few extended naps throughout the day
So when you’re getting your proper 8 hours, he may be laying awake beside you, gently rubbing your back and reading a book
He likes that his sleep schedule doesn’t affect yours, and that he gets to see you so peaceful and far from the stresses of life
Most of her life is on a pretty tight schedule, so your sleep habits are not something she’s particularly fond of
If you’re asleep when she wakes up to begin her day, then she’s learned not to bother trying to wake you
She’ll kiss your temple and try to find some time to spend with you at the end of the day, but she misses the quiet moments you two could share while the rest of the world starts to wake up
Overall it’s not a hassle, just something she has to adapt to
Unless of course there’s an early morning event that you’re also supposed to attend with her
Then she’s trying to figure out the most gentle way to pry you from the hands of sleep (she may quite literally drag you out of the bed and start getting you ready before you wake up)
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favficbirthdays · 9 months ago
Happy Birthday
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Asra Alnazar & Faust (13th June)
The Arcana
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tokenmouse · 9 months ago
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This is still a trend right? This is still good yummy thing?
They're just so much pal. So buddy goofy. Just the closest of friends. Just two good o' buds
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