#Asks answered
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akito-shinonome-daily · 2 days ago
send chibi akito to his room, he's grounded for causing too many explosions
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➥ come on, akito, it’s just one day, it’s not that bad!
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➥ really? real mature.
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➥ a-! get down from there!
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➥ how did you even get up there??
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➥ hey! where are you going?
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➥ akito!
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➥ welp. guess he’s gone…
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They do the same pose :)
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saintsenara · 3 days ago
Does Snape also have a body part of Sirius’s that he fixates on? 👀 Like Sirius with Snape's hands.
the dick print he can see through his robes.
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skellymom · 21 hours ago
I love this!!! Thank you so much for tagging me!!! Please keep me on your taglist ❤️
I love your writing could I request the bad batches reaction to a reader with a service dog? I have mine for my anxiety and cptsd but she also helps with my severe nut allergy.
Firstly: I'm so sorry this took so long! I don't like shifting gears in the middle of an arc, so wanted to finish Breaking Point first, which took much long than I anticipated (as they always do lol). Anyway, I started answering this in classic headcanon format… but it didn’t feel personal enough for the topic. I am such a huge advocate for animals in treatments, therapies, and service jobs like yours, so I wanted to try to do something special for you! If this doesn’t quite fulfill what you were hoping for, feel free to drop another Ask with extra details. Also, I definitely lean more toward first-person narrative than second, but I gave it a shot here!
Unorthodox and Irreplaceable
Warnings: Reader has unspecified emotional/mental health problems requiring the use of a service animal
WC: 2,606
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Your heart raced as you stood beside Captain Gregor on the landing platform nestled inside a towering cliff face. It was his idea to add a nat-born to all remaining clone squads as a kind of camouflage when planet-side, and it hadn’t taken much effort to convince you to join. Anything you could do to oppose the tyrannical Empire was worth the risk. Now that the moment was near, however, the undeniable pang of anxiety was relentless.
“How’d the introductions go with the other squads?” You ask, eager for a gentle conversation to help quell your nerves. He gave a small shrug, powerful shoulders shifting almost lazily with the movement, and let out an almost dismissive grunt.
“Some better than others.” He answered honestly, words just hinting at a subtle smirk on his lips. “Had one group argue for over an hour that they weren’t ‘babysitting some kriffing nat-born’.” His eyes rolled dramatically, head shaking at the memory. “Within three rotations, those damn di’kuts were inseparable.” A gentle bump of warm scales against your hand was more than enough to draw you back from the threat of spiraling fears, attention dropping to the calm, grinning face of the massiff beside you. With a small sigh, you rubbed your fingers fondly over your companion’s head in gratitude.
The little trill of a giggle served as a precursor to the distant hum of engines, and you let your eyes scan the narrow entrance to the hidden base moments before the elegant, three-finned craft dove hazardously between the jutting rocks at a speed that wrenched a small gasp from you before you could begin to fight it back.
“That’ll be them!” Gregor stated warmly, and that anxiety threatened to peak into something too near terror. “Don’t worry,” He added, glancing down at you, beaming smile stretched effortlessly across his face, “Looks like a nightmare, but their pilot knows every inch of that ship. You’ll be in good hands!” You tried once more to quiet yourself until Gregor’s almost surprised, “huh” drew your gaze back up, and found yourself tensing as the sight of the young girl behind the controls.
You both watched in morbid curiosity and horror as the transport raced through the suddenly too-narrow hanger before wrenching to an almost complete stop barely a dozen meters away, bringing with it a gust of wind powerful enough to knock you back a half-step. Another compulsive laugh sounded from the man beside you before his face fell back into an expression just shy of stern as the ramp began to lower.
“I assume you lot have a good reason for letting the kid go flying around in my hanger like a kriffing pod-racer?” Despite the subtle crease between his brows, you could hear the fondness in his voice. The first to step from the ship wore his long curls restrained by a red strip of cloth revealing an impressive tattoo that covered the majority of the left side of his face. You knew he was a clone, but something about his stature didn’t quite match the others with that initially unsettling exactness you’d become familiar with.
“Tech said she should get some ‘experience with limited room for maneuverability’.” He answered, eyes rolling slightly as he pointedly focused on the commander, gaze not once flicking toward you as he approached.
“You didn’t say they were bringing a massiff!” A young girl came racing out mere seconds after him, face alight with the glee of youth as puffy, blonde locks bounced with her every movement. A subtle shift of the man’s hand instantly stilled her advance, however.
“Pretty sure you still need to finish your flight check.” He retorted, smoky voice lowering into a rebuttal just hinting at the smirk vainly hidden beneath an unimpressed façade. The girl let out a slow sigh before begrudgingly retracing her steps up the ramp.
“Sergeant Hunter, let me introduce you to your new squad member and alibi.” Gregor continued, seemingly oblivious to the unimpressed frown just drawing a crease between the man’s brows as the Captain gave your name and listed off your skills and accomplishments. “Right… Good luck!” He added with an earnest chuckle before unceremoniously treading away, leaving Hunter and you alone. He offered no response, merely studied you with an unsettling attentiveness.
“I’m going to venture a guess that Captain Gregor failed to mention my plus-one?” There was a subtle sympathy in your words, breaking the silence with an almost weary smirk.
“You’d be correct.” The Sergeant answered stiffly. Drawing a deep breath, you tried to ready yourself for the coming conversation and potential disappointment.
 “Well, this is Rena. She’s a trained service massiff, so you don’t have to worry about her causing problems on your ship.” His jaw tensed against his initial objection, but his reluctance was clear, and you hated that sense of validation for your earlier anxiety.
“Trained or not, it’s a small ship.” His answer came too quickly, and you briefly caught your lip between your teeth to bite back the impatient retort. Dealing with people ignorant and uncompromising of both the need for and difference between service animals versus pets was a fight you were no stranger too, and it became more tedious with each assumption and dismissive glance sent your way.
“Sergeant Hunter, I am well aware that Rena and I may not fit whatever expectations you had, but we’re here. So, are you going to give us a chance?” Whatever taste of remorse touched your earlier words was gone, replaced with unapologetic brusqueness. “If not, you’d better hurry if you want to catch Captain Gregor before his next briefing.” If he was going to react with such prejudice before sharing more than a handful of words with you, maybe it would be for the best if they found another civilian to travel with.
Hunter didn’t respond for a long moment, arms tensing around his chest before, with a small sigh, nodding toward his ship and turning back to the ramp. Frozen in a moment of surprise, you could only watch him for a those first few strides before quickly moving to follow him. Driven by the need to prove yourself, you quickly commit his brief tour of the Marauder to memory. When you reached the ladder to the cockpit, you paused, calculating the drop and distance between the rungs. He remained silent, watching you instruct Rena to wait as you descended before allowing her to jump down after you.
“I’m not helping get that thing out of here.” A raspy voice drawled with unmodulated disdain. Looking back, you found sharp eyes watching you with a bored disinterest. He was tall for a clone, with short, nearly silver hair.
“I don’t mind helpin’!” An even bigger man said happily, expression lit with a deep-seated joy utterly unaffected by the web of scars marring the left side of his face. “I’ve been tryin’ to get Hunter to let us get a tooka or somethin’ for ages!” The girl from earlier was seated upfront with two others running through the ship’s systems, but she kept stealing glances over her shoulder at you.
“It’s not a pet, Wrecker.” Hunter stated, voice drawn as though already weary from the coming conversation, and the larger clone, Wrecker, turned back to you with a look of confusion.
“He’s right.” You started calmly, eager for the chance to explain to all of them while there was a moment of quiet. “Rena’s my service animal. She helps me with things like keeping my emotions in check or alerting me to things I’m allergic to.” It was a profound simplification, but, to start, that was generally the best way to make introductions. The man standing behind the pilot’s chair seemed to perk at that, finally turning away from the girl to stare at you from behind orange-tinted goggles.
“Fascinating.” Something about the curiosity in his crisp voice threatened to pull your lips into a small smile. “What cues do they use to alert you?” He asked, and that smile readily broke through, relieved at the lack of immediate disregard from the man.
“It depends on what she’s reacting to.” You explained. “For allergies, she paws at my foot. If it’s more… mental health based, she’ll react based of the severity – anything from nudging my hand to laying on my chest.” You waited tensely for how they’d receive that, knowing it could be a difficult issue to overcome given the nature of their missions, and you weren’t surprised when Hunter was the first to respond.
“Is that going to be a problem when we’re in the field?” His voice quieted, that earlier coldness replaced with a gentleness you hadn’t expected. It made sense, though. If he’d asked it as though he were interrogating you, it would be natural to get defensive. Even if it was feigned solely for the sake of establishing the illusion of concern to lull you into a false sense of comfort, you still found yourself grateful for it.
“No.” You answered confidently. “I’ve spoken in depth with Captain Gregor about it, and he’s assured me that my sensitivities shouldn’t interfere our work.” It was obvious this wouldn’t be the end of that discussion, but the young girl leaned over to whisper something to the pale clone beside her, and the Sergeant struggled to restrain his smirk. You couldn’t hear the response, but her face lit up, attention quickly turning to you as she sprung from the seat.
“Can I say ‘hi’?” She asked sweetly, pausing several steps back with her arms clasped behind her back, and you couldn’t help but melt.
“When she’s working, it’s important not to distract her, but I think we’re pretty safe here, and since you asked so nicely…” You said, drawing out those last words to treasure the excitement blooming on her young face. Letting go of Rena’s harness, you give the release comment granting the massiff permission to interact freely, and, much to her glee, shot straight toward the girl. The squeals of joy as Rena happily lavished her with affectionate kisses managed to bring a grin to even the surly one’s lips, even if only for a moment before he turned away.
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The marketplace was just shy of overwhelming; streets bursting with a rich variety of sentients eager to sample and barter for local delicacies you’d never heard of but couldn’t help but find yourself drawn to by the vibrant scents alone. Briefly, you wondered how Hunter was handling the cacophony of sounds and movements and aromas, but he followed a half-dozen strides behind you appearing utterly unfazed by it all. Wrecker and the others were spread out amongst the crowd, each in common clothes in hopes of going unnoticed as they approached their target.
Your goal was to create a distraction if the need arose. That part was happening with or without your intent, however. Something about a “do not pet” sign somehow attracted attention even more than if Rena had worn nothing at all, and you constantly found yourself answering questions and refusing requests to let people’s kids ride her or take a picture. It was exhausting, but your responses were nearly rote by now, and your squad quickly recognized the opportunity it posed.
With the stall owner they’d been after distracted by the small crowd gathered around you, he failed to notice Hunter slip behind him, and then he was gone without anyone noticing. You lingered before a group of overly curious Ithorians as the others vanished, knowing they’d likely only need a few minutes to interrogate the man.
Like clockwork, Echo appeared moments later with Omega in tow, confirming they’d secured whatever data they’d been sent to acquire. You purposefully began the process of excusing yourself to continue “browsing” the market once noticing Crosshair and Tech further ahead, needing only a brief glance behind you to find Wrecker had also returned to the outskirts of the crowd, and carefully avoided looking at the market as the owner reappeared lest you make the mistake of making eye contact with the still disgruntled human.
As far as first missions went, it felt like a brilliant success, and you couldn’t help but swell with pride as everyone steadily reconverged at the Marauder.
“Come on, Cross! Even you gotta admit it!” As usual, you heard Wrecker before you saw him, and found yourself smiling upon finding the towering clone shaking his brother slightly with an arm thrown over his shoulders. Scowling, the sniper pushed uselessly against Wrecker’s side, but the larger man barely moved.
“Fine!” He relented. “The nat-born and the mutt managed not to get us caught. Happy?” He snarled, mood souring further upon noting the toothy grin on your lips.
“They did better than that.” Echo commented. “Even I barely got any weird looks.” It was an… unusual way to help, but no one could argue with the results.
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It was late. Really late. Or nauseatingly early. Either way, Rena’s incessant pawing at the medbay door where you’d been granted relative privacy to sleep was… frustrating, at least until enough awareness returned to you to recognize that there was likely some reasoning behind her actions. Movements sluggish with drowsiness, you reluctantly pushed yourself to your feet and opened the door, and found yourself needing to move quickly to follow her as she shot down the main walkway.
Hunter arrived mere seconds after you, both pausing slightly in surprise before turning back to find Rena nudging her way onto Echo’s bunk. Oh. His body was twitching slightly, chest bucking beneath too-quick gasps. Without awaiting permission, the massiff gently rested her fore-paws on the edge of the mattress, stretching her massive head out to rest atop the arc’s chest, lightly at first before gradually lowering her full weight onto him.
When he woke, it was with a slight start, but almost instantly, his arms wrapped firmly around her neck, eyes slamming shut as he fought to steady his breath. Rena wiggled her way fully onto his bed with a subtly that threatened to drag a chuckle from you, but you knew how grounding her presence was, how irreplaceable she would be in freeing the man from whatever nightmare haunted him still.
With a barely audible whisper, you gave the command for her to ‘stay’, shot Hunter a knowing, weary grin, and returned to your room, happy to grant your friend as much time as he needed.
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“Thank you.” Echo murmured the next morning. He wasn’t quite willing to meet your eyes, jaw taut as he fought the threat of a shame you knew too well, and you shook your head, letting out a slow breath.
“Wasn’t me.” You replied quietly. “It’s just what she does.” Waiting a beat, you let a smile play with your lips before adding with just a touch of pride, “Did Hunter tell you that Rena beat him to you?” To your glee, he let out a huff of laughter.
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It had taken more than three rotations, but no one doubted yours or Rena’s place anymore. Wrecker thrived on bouts of roughhousing. Echo held a silent appreciation that you understood far too intimately. Omega adored her in all the ways only a child can. Hunter recognized both the strategic and, albeit begrudgingly, personal benefits to having the massiff with them. Tech was endlessly fascinated by how quickly she picked up on emotions, and even Crosshair had been caught giving her the occasional pat. It was unorthodox, but they’d all accepted you in their own way, and you couldn’t dismiss how quickly they began to feel like family.
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the-barefoot-hatter · 2 days ago
can you tell us more stuff about Party Billiam AU? Does Bill ever get bored with his new life? Do the kids get along with him or is he a ~bad influence~
EEE, Party Billiam AU! <3
Do the kids get along with him or is he a ~bad influence~
Bill is as much of a ~bad influence~ as any other Grunkle!
(...which is to say yes, of course he is, oh my glob, why are they minding children?!?)
He's been known about by the twin's branch of Pines since before they were born, although the twins haven't really visited Gravity Falls until this summer. Bill's continued presence has made the Falls even weirder and more dangerous (they have a swooping season now! never took care of that pesky pterodactyl/terrordactyl/pterrordoubledactyl problem... annual bet on lil gideon's survival)
Bill initially thought human babies were super boring but Fordsy was sooo excited (to re-meet them), and then they started causing toddler chaos which he can get behind, so they grew on him over the years. He's excited to get up to actual shenanigans with them! Real distant, older relative trying to be cool energy, it's both cringe and endearing!
Dipper was shocked on arrival to find his Grunkle Bill was actually a talking magical triangle, even though it was completely not a secret, Bill never even attempted a humansona. (Dipper just thought his parents were maybe lowkey homophobic about his uncle, who according to them, "completely lost his mind, for sure joined a cult in the 80s where he then married some dangerous wackjob monster from the woods and on top of that, still lives with twin brother? it's a weird WEIRD side of the family!")
Mabel is not at all shocked about any of this triangle business and is very smug about it because Dipper's been calling her crazy about really believing Bill=Triangle for years ("Dipper, he's in all these author photos with Grunkle Ford! What did you think he was, a puppet? "YES??? I thought he was supportive, but camera-shy!")
Bill has a lot of fun messing with Dipper! (he's just so EASY to rile up, look at that adorably angry face!). Mabel is generally his fav nibling and they vibe well, but her taste in music tends to cause him actual pain and her weirdness sometimes even shocks him.
Does Bill ever get bored with his new life?
The tradeoff is worth it, but having actual tethers to places and people and responsibilities still kinda makes him panic about being trapped and limited. His mad wanderlust still exists, and usually he mixes that into his multiverse party planning/demolition gigs... but at the end of the day, going home to Ford is what he really wants. A tiny slice of (relatively) normal life. Sometimes he just needs space to blow off steam... and if he was forced to stay in Gravity Falls ALL THE TIME, despite how he does love the place and his family there, he'd blow his top!
(Bill does chafe somewhat, sometimes, from losing a great deal of his power, but that's a separate issue)
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alms4oblivion · 2 days ago
So my friend and I are currently OBSESSED in the eyes of a child it’s so fucking good props to you! But she wanted to know (and not so secretly so do I) if you have read any avatrice fics that you’d recommend for us. We’ve read through nearly all of yours and simply Korra’s stuff but we need something that’ll keep us busy while we wait for your updates! (Bridgeton AU is 20/10 hands down best fic ever just saying)
🥹 First of all, those are "make my whole day" compliments, so thank you so much. Like make me want to cry happy tears compliments.
Second, do I have any Avatrice fic recs? Do I have any Avatrice fic recs!? I think most of my original following were people who liked my fic recs, but I guess I've fallen out of the habit. Must mean it's finally time for me to make a massive fic rec post!
I'm going to start with hidden gems, and move in no particular order through different categories and authors, with the goal of more or less ending with fics that most people seeing this will have read, because they're among the most popular in the fandom. I've read...a LOT of fics, so this is really just scratching the surface, and I probably should make an SMAU section at some point, but this should be enough to get you started.
Beyond Our Space and Starlight - so good and creative it should be a novel or TV show or something, but the world fits perfectly for Warrior Nun's cast and themes. Brilliant sci fi, incredible action and emotional depth, and the FLIRTING. A must-read hidden gem of the fandom (since you mentioned SK, you'll find her in the comments section if you look, talking about how incredible this fic is). It's technically AvaBeaLil, but the Lilith side is just tension and feelings through the first seven-chapter arc (which is what's currently published).
Casper (daisychiansandbowties) - a person rather than a fic, they are the best prose writer in the fandom, in my opinion. Their writing is dense, the subjects are diverse, but if you want to get knocked flat by a phrase, read them. Notable fics: chess tournament AU, Alien (1979 film) AU, Interview with a Vampire AU, Pokemon trainer Bea AU, Critical Role AU, 17776 AU, Star Wars video game AU, Napoleonic dragon riders AU. Note that if you absolutely cannot stomach AvaBeaLil, chess, Pokemon and 17776 are your safe bets.
SCP AU - Stormy has a lot of great fics, including tboy Ava, a great AvaLil (unusually with zero Beatrice romance), and a Dragon Age Inquisition AU, but this is the one for me, Ava is a subject at a secret research institute for unexplained phenomena and Beatrice is the researcher who's just been assigned to her.
Summer camp AU - LongWindedAnswer is too well known for this to be as under-read as it is, so I guess it goes here. Ava's got some serious chronic medical issues, they meet at summer camp, and we've got sweet camp hijinks followed by angsty stuff as they grow up with a happy ending.
Post-It Notes AU - I can't believe this has been out as long as it has and is as under-appreciated as it is. Starts funny crack, then turns poignantly beautiful.
Lots of one-shots are hidden gems all their own, and a lot of these authors have written a LOT of them, so check the authors' other works as well! These are just my favorites, or one of my favorites, for each.
Dead mom recipes - a MUST READ, the framing device and the emotional tenor are too good (and jt also does phenomenal ficlets here on Tumblr).
Citadel of Immortal Daylight - reads like the beginning of something bigger, or the middle of it, in the best way. Ava is undead, Beatrice might be a vampire, in a city that hates both.
Dog and cat AU - I'm a sucker for creative premises and I think Sheep absolutely nailed this one (another standout from her is Religion, but she has so so many one shots).
60s small town AU - waitress Ava x photojournalist Bea. One shot is kind of a stretch, this is really a long, deep romance novella.
Wedding artist x wedding musician - omomoification is a guarantee of excellence. Read all their stuff, they have some truly fantastic one shots, including this one.
Blood; Orange - post-canon angst with a happy ending, dealing with the trauma of the Holy War. Collab between MsWitsEnd, Wyper (willowedhepatica), and LongWindedAnswer (whose name got taken off the author list when she temporarily hid her ao3 account). Fantastic piece.
Museum AU - Ava is the curator of program animals, Bea is curator of the Planetarium. Just adorable fluff.
Artist Bea x actress Ava - it's just really good. No spoilers, just read and enjoy.
sunday people - roommates AU where Sundays are for the girls, until Bea starts dating someone who isn't Ava. Jealousy and angst and humor (happy ending of course).
You're My One Regret - Ava is an actress who gives an interview about the one who got away in high school. People figure out she's talking about Beatrice.
Leaves of an October Sky - mom!Ava meets married Bea, soulmates but without any of the common soul mates tropes, they just literally get reincarnated and always find each other. This is part of Noel's brilliant Mobius series, which is arguably better read in order, and you really should read them all (chem professors in particular is a classic), but I think this one is my favorite so far.
a little broken, a little new - exes to lovers romance on a road trip. Nothing fancy, just really nice relationship dynamics as they try to work through what went wrong the first time around and forgive.
Call the Midwife AU - 60s midwives AU, tremendous depth and sense of place and time in this one. Lots of tough topics with a nice mature slow burn, and a fantastic early setup.
Timely Suited - demisexual autistic Bea my beloved.
Bookstore x coffee shop AU - Bea works at a bookstore and is roommates with JC, who works at the coffee shop across the street. Beatrice and JC as besties agenda is in full effect. Fluffy and fun.
Coda - ballet dancer Bea x lighting designer Ava (ambulatory wheelchair user Ava too!). Really sweet, plus Adler did some great art for it.
Museum curator - slow burn where Ava is helping Bea with a museum event, but it's really them falling in love.
If You Missed the Mistletoe - autistic coded nerd Bea gets together with her childhood crush, Ava. All fluff.
Hook, Line, and Tinder - pop star Ava goes on Tinder and finds Bea, who thinks she's being catfished. Very fun and cute.
Liturgia - ongoing at present, incredible music stars AU where more established singer Ava and up and comer Bea fall for each other, but struggle to make things work without damaging the prospects of Beatrice's band. They both have emotional trauma. They hurt each other. It's fantastic.
Failed LDR - Ava and Beatrice broke up when Ava moved away, they meet again at Mary and Shannon's wedding and they're both still broken as hell. Super angsty, really good, still in progress, they're not together but they're in a relatively OK place at the moment.
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley AU, this goes under angst because of chapter 3, chapters 1 and 2 are smut and humor, but chapter 3 alone makes this, for my money, the saddest fic with a happy ending in the fandom. The dialogue and prose are sensational in this as well.
holier than thou - Ava and Beatrice went to boarding school together, and Bea broke Ava's heart (BADLY). The run into each other again years later on the streets of New York. Pretty fluffy by the very end, but it's very angsty for a while.
Would You Be My Wife - not fair to Pinechips to call this a classic because it came out pretty recently, but it became an almost instant classic, one of the most beloved fics in the fandom despite releasing well after the show's cancelation. Fake marriage AU, absolutely brilliant.
Do a Flip - sunsafe's super fluffy slow burn told almost entirely from the POV of Diego as Ava's friend from the orphanage who becomes more or less her kid brother/son, with occasional interludes to show the POVs of other observers. My go-to "feel better" fluff fic and a big inspiration for my decision to make In The Eyes Of A Child from Mira's POV. Technically part of a series (and technically incomplete, even though the story has everything it needs), read it all.
Love Thy Neighbor - first long-form fic I ever read, puppybusby's classic "will they or won't they" slow burn romance where Ava moves in down the hall from Beatrice with the help of her more or less adopted sister Lilith, only Beatrice thinks Ava and Lilith are together. Hijinks ensue.
Art Therapy - Beatrice is an art student, Ava is a model who becomes her muse. Intense, emotional, erotic, a must-read.
Death Doesn't Dream - sled dogs AU, one of the best meditations on grief in the fandom.
Lumberjack Beatrice AU - more or less what it says on the tin. It's really good. It has Beatrice as a sexy lumberjack. Ava moves in next door.
Just to Stop the Thoughts - chem professors AU from the Mobius series. Funny, cute, romantic, fluffy slow burn.
Order for Ava Silva - Bea is a delivery rider who always gets assigned to drop off food for Ava, for some reason.
choose the devil I know (over the heaven I don't) - firefighters AU, all about grief and trauma, very well written.
pull back the curtain for venus - Alien!Bea AU.
The thing about love - college AU where they pass each other in the morning and develop crushes on each other and don't realize they're neighbors who annoy each other through the wall.
Sublime - pro soccer AU. Super slow burn, the confession scene and its immediate aftermath are CLASSIC, absolutely hilarious, some of my favorite writing in the fandom.
The to do list - changed how I thought about confident Bea, big inspiration for how I approached the Practical Guide, Ava makes a list of things that she thinks might turn her on if a woman did them to her and wants Beatrice's help experimenting with her sexuality. Beatrice gets competitive with the hypothetical person who inspired Ava to think she might like women.
Your vows - best use of second person POV in the fandom, professional level framing. Bea is an airline heiress who meets Ava at airports. Trust me.
can i get your house key? - forever roommates AU. Absolutely love this one. Slowburn where they're so clearly in love, but who will make the first move when there's so much to risk? OK, that sounds like a lot of fics, but trust me that this elevates the tropes, and is a classic for a reason.
will you find me (after life) - ghost Ava AU. Beatrice, Lilith, and Camila move into a house that happens to be haunted. Sort of. You'll see. Adorable slow burn.
The trials and tribulations of Snapchat - college AU, fluff and smut and a hint of angst and jealousy where Ava and Beatrice get each other worked up with risque photos.
5 excuses and a confession - 5+1 fic of times Ava finds an excuse to kiss Beatrice and Beatrice can't take the hint. Tagged as fluff, but I think it's actually fairly angsty for most of it. Really, really good.
divine intervention - what if they had sex and acted like they weren't in love with each other and THEN caught feelings? Angsty and smutty, and technically incomplete, but the author got to the love confession so read it.
Lakehouse AU - Ava is finally coming back to visit and get Bea back when everyone goes to Lilith's lake house, except "everyone" includes Beatrice's new girlfriend whom no one told Ava about. Super angsty with a happy ending, absolutely love it.
Mastermind AU - established actress Bea x up and coming actress Ava. A must-read.
in my veins - arguably THE vampire Bea AU, certainly the most popular, and for good reason. Funny, sexy, dangerous, a huge amount of worldbuilding that mostly serves as an obstacle to Avatrice being together as often as they would like. Incomplete at 209,069 words, but they're together, so read it.
Wrong Number AU - Ava texts the wrong number. It's Beatrice. Things get cute.
To climb a tree - the second long-form fic I read. Personal trainer Beatrice tries to help Ava reach her goals for physicality after Ava regains mobility and finishes physical therapy. Very smutty, but also very sweet.
on the run from a losing game - if I was forced to go back and told I could only reach one Avatrice fic but I could pick which one, it would probably be this one. Chefs AU, and it's so, so good.
...is that enough to tide you over?
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rainyfey · 1 month ago
Hi again, sorry for my request, but could you make some adorable drawings of Momo and Okarun? Sorry and thank you very much, have a good day or night...I hope everything goes well for you :3
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"Laser Focus"
Thank you very much, Hel-wey! Always happy to see you in my inbox!! Your wish is my command. Hope this is cute enough 💖 I had a lot of fun drawing it (and experimenting with Gradient Maps in CSP for the colors) ✨
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destiel-wings · 1 year ago
Are you incapable of making your own post? Why did you add on to that poor persons Merlin post when they dont care about Destiel? And youre too lazy to make your own gifs lol okay. Please dont add on to posts that arent yours. So fucking lazy and annoying.
Hey, if you're the op who made the post, I sincerely apologize. If you don't want that kind of addition i can delete it, no problem.
I love merthur and i love destiel too, and I added that scene from spn to make a comparison between the two ships. It wasn't meant to take anything away from the original post, but my intention was to give it a new light in addition (as people do on this site) by drawing a parallel with another piece of media. A lot of destiel fans love merthur too and i thought the op could get more reblogs and likes on their gif this way (reaching another fandom too).
I know how to make my own posts, I did plenty of them, actually.
What i don't know how to do is gifs, and i have deep appreciation for people who make them, and it is my understanding that they like exposure for their posts, so that their hard work can reach more people.
This is why i reblogged it.
My tags on the reblog were about both ships, i didn't deviate from the original post ignoring it to only talk about another ship (which would've been rude), so i didn't think it could be offensive in any way.
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brawltogethernow · 10 months ago
obligatory ask meme curse: homestuck
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
Joke's on you, I'm into that shit. Homestuck was an enormous and entirely positive part of my late teens and to this day there's nothing else like it. Like sometimes you just need to step back and think about how cool Homestuck is. MSPA invented a new format that HS constantly tested the limits of, giving us a comic where some of the panels are looping gifs and some are flash animations and some are fully playable video games. It had more prose than War and Peace by the time it was halfway done. It invented the concept of blackrom. A good third of it was written in a single year-long creativity bender. The fandom was like Inklings For Gay People and is still coughing out published artists. The cast is split 50/50 by gender and also by glasses wearing status just because...math. It wielded recurring motifs and colors and shapes and phraseology like an armory of weapons. At its peak it had a canon to cosplay rate of less than one hour. It contributed very significantly to keeping me sane in high school. Reading it gives you a very specific Homestuck Accent and will haunt you with concepts and imagery forever. Homestuck!
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chromacryptid · 8 months ago
Mumbo Jumbo HC season 10 episode 23, min 24:46:
Scar: "Is he trying to bang us or smth?" Mumbo: "Definitely."
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Help why did everyone act like this was a totally normal thing to say
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akito-shinonome-daily · 2 days ago
can chibi akito go to the door room in the stanley parable (the one with the left and right door)
➥ what’s this, chibi akito? two doors?
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➥ what’s next, three doors?
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➥ oh. OK.
➥ …
➥ well, what about four doors? betcha can’t do that.
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➥ OK, now that’s just weird…
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I found a Peanuts comic that reminded me of Sonic Wachowski pre-adoption and now I'm sad: https://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/1992/01/21
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How many nights...how many weeks did he have to go through with this until he stopped waking up in the middle of the night crying his eyes out? Until he stopped reaching out his hand, expecting her to be there? To wake up to the ceiling of their hut house and not the rocky surface of a dark cave?
Too many....
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sen-thebootmutt · 4 months ago
What basic things should people know about caring for leather?
Oh, how I love all the questions /genuine 💞💞
So, leather is a skin, right?? It’s a hide. How do we care for our own skin?? Your basic steps:
A light spray of water, clean with a gentle soap (non-scented glycerin soap or saddle soap and a small horsehair/badgerhair brush), rinse and wipe off all the soap residue, and moisturize!
“Sen,” you say, “how do I moisturize leather?” Good question!! It’s going to depend on the type of leather.
There’s two big categories of leather; oil tan, and high shine. Oil tan leather is matte, soft, and more flexible (think of old leather dress shoes or casual boots). High shine leather is, well, self explanatory lol (shiny, less flexible, more glossy).
With oil tan leather, you’ll use a leather conditioner! Most bootblacks recommend Hubberd’s Shoe Grease (a heavier, denser conditioner), Obenauf’s Heavy Leather Preservative (more waxy), or Aussie Saddle conditioner (like Obenauf’s, but has a higher beeswax content). These are all pretty easily available online, and can even be bought in bulk and put into other containers!
For high shine leather, you use polish! There’s lots of different brands, but most folks get their start with Kiwi shoe polish (not super high quality, but readily available at big box stores like Walmart and Target). Most experienced bootblacks will use Lincoln or Angelus polish (your choice will depend on things like local humidity, altitude, experience, and technique). Apply a thin layer of polish to the boot, mist with a light spray of water, buff with a horsehair boot brush, and finish with a fine cotton buffing cloth!
I love bootblacking, and I love teaching. If anyone wants, I might record myself the next time I do my boots, so y’all can see these techniques in action!
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saintsenara · 1 day ago
Harry is a disaster bi as per most fans. The books at least support that. The films don't but that's another story
What's Tom's sexuality in your headcanon ?
as always, my view is that having a fixed answer to this is a skill issue. i'm the writer. he does what - and who - i tell him to.
of the fics i've written in which his preferred configuration for fucking and sucking is relevant, he's:
gay and making it everyone else's problem - 1 gay, but don't tell that to the mother of his child! - 1 gay and overcome with #longing - 1 gay, in denial about it - 1 comically evil bisexual slut - 1 straight, as long as she's married - 1 2 3 straight, history's greatest yearner - 1 indeterminate, sleeping with bellatrix for fun and profit - 1 2 indeterminate, sleeping with bellatrix specifically to annoy rodolphus - 1 2
i think he's still got new worlds to conquer - i always appreciate fics which explore the idea of him as asexual and/or aromantic with more nuance than the books do, i really enjoy the idea of his disdain for love being because he's deep in the closet and doesn't yet realise it's only heteronormative love which makes him uncomfortable, i like him in bi crisis [especially when it's in the under-explored direction of "thought he was gay until he met the baddie of your choice"], i like him in full wife guy mode, i like him getting twice - or thrice [or seven times] - as much attention in some sort of polycule, and - because i have taste - i like him being interested in getting into the funky way with nobody other than the pieces of his own soul.
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monstersholygrail · 25 days ago
Imagine being your clans chief eldest daughter, so you get send to a war meeting thats between your small village clan, and the different four big monster chiefs, who respectedly all fight against each other over who can claim your land.
But instead of standing your word and fight for your home, the others confuse you as a sign of surrender and you use as a cute fuck-and stresstoy all meeting long as they discuss who will earn what part of you land. Getting passes around from the big Orc chief, to the minotaur advocate, the big horned demon like politician and the forest creature clan eldest 🥺🥺
Coming home in shame, as their cum runs down your legs, and having to explain the obvious mating claim one of them had casted on you
Oh my goooooood. Fuck, I love this. You got me wiggling around in my seat fr.
I like how by the end of it, the land they ended up fighting for was reader haha. And they all had a momentary truce to make them get absolutely fucked out. I wonder who got the making claim tho?? And by extension, would that mean they ended up getting the land too?
What would be even funnier is if reader doesn’t know who put the mating claim on them. They just have a mating mark on their body. And all three monsters claim it’s them because they want reader bad.
So by the end up if it they kinda wind up having a Mama Mia situation on their hands.
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