#Ask to untag
shovson · 1 year
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@piastriachios -> Checo + swim! 🥰
so hard to ignore ya!
send me a driver + palette!
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samsbigkill · 2 years
Eat the neuron flies
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i'm sorry? are you damaged in the head somehow?
do you want my entire can to fill with dirty water, my thoughts to be nothing but a confused mess, for me to be completely at your mercy, begging for a help that will never grace my presence>??
i am NOT eating my neuron flies. they are my BRAIN.
b r a i n
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livingdeadhorse · 5 months
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I'm gonna start grouping some of the requests, I hope that's fine!
for (@sapphic-saionji and @roobjoshi)
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kunehokki · 1 year
why is it always they fucked in the cactus ring and not they got married in the cactus ring
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14106 · 1 year
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not gonna finnish this probably but this one goes to all the ppl like me who's Harry doesn't even know wtf a car is and would probably need to remember how to drive... this one also goes out to all the sexy biches out there who dont know how to drive babeeey (just like me)!!!! <3 keep on keepin on girlies!!! (girlies as in gender neutral)
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galedekarios · 4 months
people need to start understanding that blocking someone is a way to curate your online experience in a mature and healthy way.
it's not a moral or a character failing to block someone.
it's not "aggressive", it's not "bizarre", it's not a "lack of respect", it's not "throwing a fit", it doesn't mean you can't respect different opinions and it doesn't mean you should get "off the internet" to "get some air".
it's simply a 'i don't vibe with your content and don't want to see more from you.'
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Is Wawa ever nonviolent with other scugs?
Oh, yeah, of course!! Haha-- you don't
actually have to worry about her with other slugcats, honestly. Most of the time she's very chill!
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Like-- there's Enforcer and Puppet! Pretty sure they've both shown up on here before, ha! Wawa hasn't tried to kill them as far as I'm aware! And I'm also pretty sure it's not just because they're my siblings' guys
... Wait, do they count? Neither of them are really slugcat-- fully, anyway--
No, no they don't count, hold on. There's others!! I swear!
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See, see! Better examples, ha, okay. There's!
There's Frigid, who hangs around my brother, Fathom, So they get to see each other pretty often!
Verdant, who is wiiiith Valleys! Valleys! One of my friends! Verdant's real big, which-- which wouldn't stop Wawa-- but it means that whenever I get photos of them together I get to treat it like a little challenge! "Spot the Wawa in this image"!
And Gardener!! Chimes' buddy! I don't think Wawa appreciates how often she gets babied by it, but he tolerates it at least!
... I probably didn't need to bring up examples, huh? But I wanted to! So!
Hope that answers your question!
...I wonder where Wawa is right now.
ENFORCER & FRIGID -- @zarithial / @nofathomtoodeep
VERDANT -- @csidepooltide / @acrossgoldenvalleys
GARDENER -- @skybristle / @ask-bending-horizons
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vro0m · 23 days
Actually let's reiterate some basic inbox rules because the current influx of asks is what it is :
Be polite.
If you're sending me just (implicit or explicit) hate of any driver I'm not gonna post it.
Don't make me deal with the consequences of whatever opinion you're not brave enough to post on your own blog by sending it to me on anon. I'm not gonna do the work for you.
I'm allowed to not answer your ask.
You deal with the answer. If you can't deal with the answer, don't send the ask.
Don't be parasocial, remember that we don't know each other, be mindful of how you address me. I'm not your friend (unless you're one of my handful of beloveds but that's unlikely).
Thank you!
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Do you still take comic requests? If so, i think it would be cute if Twig describes some food from one of her few fond human memories and then he goes and tries to re-create it for her.
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@setech0715’s comment on the fanfic from ages ago has finally come to fruition:
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top-rhaenyra · 1 month
can you recommend some other rhaenicent centric blogs, feels like the whole fandom is against us after the finale :(
sorry this took a bit anon. here’s some blogs that may not be rhaenicent centric, but they do Get It in the way i believe you want. if you need any more you can honestly just look through my reblogs and the reblogs of my posts and find a bunch more
@cressida-cowper @wolfienation @alicent-archive @corporalicent @prideprejudce
@ladywolfknight @alicunt @shvroyism @notalicent @rhaenyratargayen
@alicenthighstower @xamelsketch @somebodytoundress @unmarrow
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shovson · 2 years
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red bull george sketch bc im reading @russilton 's lore abt it
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arrgh-whatever · 7 days
any other goofy things you and your partner had done?
I just love seeing happy couples being silly, sorry if this question is a bit personal (Congrats on being engaged!)
I'm more comfortable sharing stories in the form of comics rather than just telling them but I can assure you our days are filled with goofiness and laughter!
and Thanks!
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
If you're a fic writer and you put a link to a rebloggable tumblr post in the ao3 notes of your fic, I love you I love you I love you. YES I WANT TO REBLOG YOUR FIC and yes if I feel that strongly about it I will track down your tumblr and dig through your archives just to reblog your own fic post from you so that you can see the positive tags and comments OR as a last resort I may make my own rec post but if I don't have to do any of those because there's a handy little link on your ao3 then I love you I love you I love you to the moon and back
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librarycards · 8 months
Hello! Your posts are very enlightening and I'm inspired by how much you read. Might be a weird question and I'm sorry if it is but do you have any good book recommendations for a USAmerican trying to expand their worldview? I.e., histories of other countries/global regions, imperialism, etc.
i have some, but also recommend looking through @metamatar / @fatehbaz / @lafemmemacabre / @killy / @sawasawako / @handweavers (these are the mutuals that stand out to me but just the tip of the iceberg) &other blogs that have a more robust collection of resources –– i have learned a lot from them over the years!
that said, here are some books and authors whose oeuvres/at least multiple books i strongly recommend. different genres, and i'm not delineating between them as i am ideologically opposed to Doing That/creating epistemic hierarchies. obviously, that is particularly true given the nature of this ask. but it should be pretty clear what is considered a standard 'political/historical nonfiction' book and what...isn't!
Lisa Lowe
Jasbir Puar
Laila Lalami
Sara Ahmed
Trinh T. Minh-ha
Jamaica Kincaid
b. binaohan
Larissa Lai
Edwidge Danticat
Harsha Walia
Bhanu Kapil
Atef Abu Saif, The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary
Tsitsi Dangarembga, Nervous Conditions
Pankaj Mishra, Bland Fanatics: Liberals, the West, and the Afterlives of Empire
Leila Khaled, My People Shall Live
Susan Williams, White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa
Minae Mizumura, The Fall of Language in the Age of English
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Feminism Without Borders
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Not a Nation of Immigrants
Saidiya Hartman, Lose Your Mother
Mimi Sheller, Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes
Marwa Helal, Ante Body
Aviva Chomsky, Central America's Forgotten History (NB: forgotten by usamericans, that is)
Raja Shehadeh, Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape
Moraga, Anzaldúa, and Bambara, eds., This Bridge Called My Back
Poupeh Missaghi, trans(re)lating house one
Marisol de la Cadena, Earth Beings
Kathryn Joyce, The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption
Bonaventure Soh Beje Ndikung, Pidginization as Curatorial Method: Messing with Languages and Praxes of Curating
Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
again, this appears as a long list, but is truly just a taste of what's out there. i hope it helps!
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makarovspussy-moving · 10 months
some of y'all Makarov fans owe Julian Kostov an apology and really need to check yourselves because the way y'all compare the reboot Makarov to the original Makarov is so fucking weird.
saying that his face, one modeled after the actual real human guy who plays him, is weird? the fact that his eyes are too dark for y'all? his face is too round, he's too "baby-faced" to be taken seriously? that he isn't messy enough for you? that last one especially—can examine why you need a villain to have gaunt features and messy hair to be scary? and that's the subtle shit. I'm not even talking about the people who said his tattoos made him look like a "thug" or the people who outright say he needs to look more like an addict (which, now that I have brought it up—what is someone with a substance addiction supposed to look like to y'all?)
you don't have to like the reboot Makarov. but some of y'all need to reckon with your own biases.
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stizzysupremacy · 9 months
“It’s a romcom!”
their breakup has a body count, which is neither especially romantic nor particularly funny 🤷‍♀️
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