#Ask pacificwanderer
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pacificwanderer · 1 year ago
what you think on yashahime
Hey Nonnie,
I haven't watched it. Inuyasha is one of those things that I got into from fanart/fic LOL, so all my ships aren't canon (except Sango x Miroku??? I think that's canon?). No ship hate, but I'm good with how the series ended, and if I want to spend time in that world, I go back and read my favorite fics. Actually, that reminds me, I should download/save them, just in case.
Anime I am watching includes Apothecary Diaries and Spy x Family (and watching JJK through gifs and with my hands in front of my eyes as EVERYONE GD DIES the end).
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pacificwanderer · 1 year ago
if Claudia Gray wrote on miramir's family novel?
Would I be interested? Maybe! Depends on what it covers, I guess. I'm disinclined to engage much with the current canon/supplementary material (Andor aside lol. Hoping Acolyte doesn't suck, because I'd love for that to be good too.) as I really haven't been rewarded for doing that in the past (thanks, Jjerio). But Claudia is a great writer, and I enjoy her worldbuilding and characters, in general.
Honestly, if they just handed the current canon over to her, I'd be relieved. Personally, I'd love a sequel to Lost Stars (sigh), but I doubt I'll be getting that any time soon despite it being fucking fantastic.
OHHHH BACK WHEN I HAD HOPES AND DREAMS (and thought they were building to something, thanks Iger!).
Anyway, if one person could make me a believer, it's probably Claudia!
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pacificwanderer · 1 year ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. ❤️🍀
Thanks, Nonnie!
Let's spread some happiness today.
Concerts (I guess this also counts as music, but whatever)
Vincent Valentine (and other sad, tired pple)
CATS (the animal, never seen the musical)
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pacificwanderer · 1 year ago
do you read shadow of the sith?
Hey Nonnie,
I didn't. I'm kind of uninterested in any lore outside of the man series atm (unless it's written by Claudia Gray lol). Basically, felt a little bit shit on for loving what they were doing with the SW canon pre and post TLJ, only for it to basically be completely ignored post tros.
I do vaguely remember seeing this one come up on the TL (probably because it features young Ben Solo and Rey with her parents, s/o to the comics for finally giving her mom a name, good job guys), and discussing it when it came out. Also vaguely reminds me of one of the arcs in the comics where the same sort of thing happens? (Vader discovers a Sith mask (Lord Momin's) and it tries to influence him??? it's been a while). I always really liked the idea of transference (or transferring a being's essence, I guess) as a plot device.
Also, deeply. DEEPLY uninterested in Ochi lol. Just very resentful (still) of how shoddy everything was in tros (to me), and how the canon is working (still) to try to make sense of that quagmire. I mean, what else can they do, I guess. Still pretty hurt by how spitefully and carelessly they threw it all away in their attempt to negate any of the meaning of tlj. Anyway LOL.
Hope that answers your question! Sorry if I sound cranky, it's not directed at you at all. I love talking about sw and i don't mind the qustion at all, but it's a pretty mixed bag for me these days because anything I did enjoy is so tied to what came afterwards and those feelings of being made to feel stupid for caring as much as it did.
Also, fuck bob iger for good measure. I KNOW he's at the root of lots of my problems with modern media and I wish he'd fucking RETIRE or fuck off to billionaire island and stop trying to create the world in his own image or whatever the fuck it is these assholes seem to be doing these days (also not directed at you, i just gotta get that off of my chest lol).
Cheers :) Have a good one!
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pacificwanderer · 1 year ago
👻  trick or treat 🍬
let's do treat, because it's been a real shit one lately lol (but if the trick is fun, that's fine too)
Happy Halloween, all!
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pacificwanderer · 2 years ago
What are your thoughts on the Rey film?
Hey Nonnie,
You can see my thoughts on the potential Rey movie here :)
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pacificwanderer · 2 years ago
Any darkfic recommend? Or really good (normal) ones? 🤣🤣🤣 I love your fics✨
Do you mean for Reylo or SW in general, or another fandom or pairing? I haven't read much dark fic, but I can point you in the directions of a few people. I also have some kind of more classic favs that I re-read because I've mostly been reading like super niche fics for otomes haha and then some pubbed novels (Jennette McCurdy's autobiography and then Stephanie Garber's The Ballad of Never After, both of which I'm enjoying for wildly different reasons. Also, recently read The Unseelie Prince, which was fun). Work has been nuts and I'm in a bit of a reading rut, so haven't been keeping current with what's out there.
Lemme know in the comments and I'll see if I can give you some more specific recs.
Cheers and thanks so much for reading my work! So glad you enjoy it 💖💖💖
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pacificwanderer · 3 years ago
I loved Night Work!!!!!!!!
Aww, thanks so much, Nonnie!
I'm super sick (headcold, regular variety lol) and this absolutely brightened up my day. Hope to have more of those two up for you soon :)
Work has also been crazy, but it should be a little more balanced in the coming weeks, leaving more room for fun writing.
And it is super fun writing my bratty, stubborn!Rey with definitely channeling some 2016!Kylo/Ben + domineering boss vibes. Kinktober prompts are always so much fun haha.
Thanks again for reaching out and for reading!
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pacificwanderer · 3 years ago
hi! sorry to bother you again but I finally found it so just ignore my ask hahaha. this is the video I was looking for: www.youtube(.)com/watch?v=4Y3AU22o8PI
Hey Nonnie,
You're nor bothering me at all ❤️ I'm so glad you found it! Haha I think I have seen that video, but it was a looooong time ago.
Funny stuff. Lady shoulda moved! Lol
Take care!
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pacificwanderer · 3 years ago
please please please tell me you know where the video is of a (now former) disney cast member telling a hilarious story about trying to get an unruly crowd of guests at disney world in order for the star tours ride a few days after TFA came out, and threatening to spoil han dying if they didn't listen but having to do so for this one woman anyway lmao I cannot find it and it keeps me up at night
Hey Nonnie,
I don't remember a video, but I do vaguely remember seeing a written anecdote that was similar to this? Maybe someone wrote it out on Reddit or tumblr back in the day?
Anyone who's still around remember a story/video like this for nonnie?
If I remember/find/get tagged in anything, I'll reblog this.
Good luck!
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pacificwanderer · 3 years ago
I adore your fics ❤️
Aww, thank you so much! I woke up with a terrible headache this morning, so this is very much appreciated and totally made my day ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks so much for being so supportive and kind! Big hugs!
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pacificwanderer · 3 years ago
OTP/Shipping positivity post! 💖:
Being as it’s That Time of Year, how would your OTP help each other through the seasonal blahs?
Hey Nonnie!
What a nice ask :) It sure is That Time of Year, whew. Weather's been pretty nutso where I'm at, so it's nice to think of things that aren't that.
OTP I write the most about is Reylo, so I imagine that Rey'd have a pretty hard time with things being dark at like 4 p.m. (depending on the seasonal patterns of wherever they live, let's say Naboo, which I'm gonna imagine is like Italy, so it's coldish rn lol).
Defintely think Ben would be super aware of this, though he's mostly okay with the weather given that he spent a lot of time on Chandrila and Naboo, both are fairly mild when it comes to weather. Nothing like Jakku. The sun is endless in Jakku and, at first, Rey's okay with the darkness. The stars are stunning in the winter cold, but it does get kind of draining.
Long post. More under the cut:
Ben encourages her to wake up earlier in the day, which isn't really her preference now that she doesn't have to scrape by, but she does it. And it helps a little. He also grabs some fancy sun-lamps to help with the SAD, and those are also nice. Fortunately, the ancestral home on Naboo is equipped with a great sauna/heated pools, so even in the winter, they can enjoy a swim.
Getting to bed earlier leaves more room for *other* activities, which helps lift both of their moods. For them, it's a gift to just be in each other's presence after feeling alone for so long. There's nothing like being able to reach out and feel the other one laying there, sleeping softly.
For so long, the voices in Ben's head told him he wasn't good enough. Wasn't worth loving unless he could prove himself. But they're silent since she came into his life. Now, the only voices he hears are hers and his. Sometimes, their voices blend together as their thoughts become one. Sometimes, it's just an energy, a feeling of contentment that helps buoy the other as the days go on.
Rey thought she'd gotten used to being alone. Even when she was with the Resistance, it didn't fee like she had anyone who truly knew her--someone that accepted the light and the dark within her. But Ben knows. Somehow, he's always known. And that's made all the difference.
In the end, small moments add up and bloom into happy memories, so even when the darkness is at its peak, they both know that they're never far from dawn.
Cheers, Nonnie!
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pacificwanderer · 4 years ago
OTP/Shipping positivity post! 💖:
If your OTP were to get tattoos to represent their other half, what would they be? And where are they?
Hey Nonnie!
Hmmm as a person who has a hard time committing to the idea of a tattoo (any tattoo!) this is a challenging question haha. I always admire people who have beautiful art on their bodies, so I definitely love the look.
I don't have just one OTP, but we can go with Reylo because that's kind of the theme around which this whole mess of a blog is a thing. I feel like Ben would be super into like classical Alderaanian art or engagement/marriage customs on Naboo, so he'd be *all* over this kind of thing and super over thinking it, while Rey'd be like:
"You know what we should get tattoos of? PORGS! THINK ABOUT IT!"
And Ben would be like, "Um, I've thought about it and I'm leaning towards a no."
Eventually, they'd compromise by getting more than one tattoo (porgs on the inside of their arm, stylized. Rey's thrilled), and like artistic interpretations/pictographs of their names (drawn by one of Ben's favorite contemporary artists from Chandrila, who just so happens to specialize in classical gallactic art), then etched on the insides of their wrists so they always have each other close, even when they're far.
Thanks for the ask, Nonnie! Take care :)
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pacificwanderer · 4 years ago
Hiya! I love reading your fics! I just wanted to say I hope that you’re doing well, that work has calmed down, and that you’re feeling better (at least a little bit!) 💖💖💖
Aww, thanks so much for the note!
Work was crazy (up until pretty much yesterday haha), but I just finished a bunch up and it's more manageable at the moment, so should be better all around :) Hope things are going well for you too!
I've still managed to get some fic work done, in-between all the work work (somehow), so should have some up soon (just stitching together the final parts of some chapters).
Big hugs! Thanks again for reaching out. Appreciate it so much. 💖💖💖
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pacificwanderer · 5 years ago
far too young to die by panic! at the disco reylo verse enjoy this pain because i am (not)
Ahhhh aren't all sad songs somehow about Reylo/Ben Solo, Nonnie? Haha at least I'm always finding ways to make myself sad about it all.
Killer song, though. Love those synthy sounds and tragic lyrics:
Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die
Far too young to die
Sad cheers, Nonnie.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years ago
Hey doll I read your bitter as coffee fic and damn I love it so much I dreamed about it last night, honestly 100% of my fav fics I’ve ever read so thank you so much for writing it xxx
Hi there!
That’s amazing! Hopefully happy dreams in Seattle or Central Park haha or with big, tall, kind of shy Ben Solo who’s really trying hard not to be one of those skeezy guys who hits on baristas, but also would really like to take out one barista in particular.
Thank you so much for reading the story and for reaching out! I’m so glad you enjoyed it :) Really means so much to me that it meant something to you, too.
Have an awesome day!
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