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yearofdays · 10 years ago
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adventureplots · 10 years ago
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You've just woken up. You have the feeling that you shouldn't have done that. You are a BLACK PAWN in the VEIL - although it looks like that's going to change soon, if you don't do anything about getting out of this tank. What do you do?
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blaperile · 11 years ago
Oh my god
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agenderarcee · 12 years ago
Or 3) Aradia is pacifying the dream bubbles' inhabitants in much the same way as she did with Felt Dave; possibly also a reason why highbloods can be manipul8ed by the Serkets?
pacifying them, as in telling them to move on and leave behind their worldly concerns? i’m not sure that would work in this scenario - aradia’s line was “none of this is your business anymore, it’s time to move on.” but the threat to their afterlives that lord english poses is very much their business. i doubt that any vriska would be satisfied with “yeah there’s this guy destroying everything and alpha vriska’s going on this big adventure to save reality but it’s no big deal she’s got this you just stay put.” unless the knowledge of the threat was being hidden from them, but it seems to be what everyone’s talking about these days! the only way to keep these vriskas out of it would be option 1: they’re being kept in isolated dream bubbles (or sets of dream bubbles, but still isolated from the ones that we’ve been viewing).
i don’t recall if we ever got word one way or the other whether the amporas are immune to serket mind control (it’s likely that a greater percentage of highbloods are immune to control by a mere cerulean, but recall that the psychically gifted, many of whom are lowblooded, are supposed to be hard to control, and aradia is one of the few trolls confirmed to be completely immune, despite being the lowest of lowbloods. and even if seadwellers are usually immune, eridan and cronus could be exceptions - i can try to check later, i should be getting to bed soon, but i’d bet mindfang’s journal mentions somewhere about whether or not dualscar was immune.
kind of got sidetracked there - we know at least that latula being controlled means that things aren’t as they normally are, since terezi and redglare were both resistant to the serkets’ control. my guess is that it mostly comes down to vriska and aranea combining their efforts (and i wonder if any doomed araneas are helping out as well?).
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adventureplots · 10 years ago
The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday: You are a mysterious old [wo]man who sells cursed artifacts to unuspecting customers. You've just received a shipment of monkey's paws that don't give the user negative consequences for their wishes. Get rid of these as quickly as possible! Alas, you've been cursed yourself - the only way you can rid yourself of items is through the selling thereof. The Adventures of an L-Space Librarian: You're part of the cabal of librarians. Evade the genre-savvy and (try not to) sell your books. 
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You are one of the top leaders of the world. Attempts to unseat you are numerous in quantity. Success, negligible. It is an overcast autumn morning. You are feeling particularly victorious today. What will you do?
Or the Mitt Romney equivalent: you're setting up a subversive resistance, but you're pretending to be a hippie in order to get yourself in with the rebels. Can you pull off your new persona without mentioning your Cadillac elevator? Are you a bad enough dude to kill the President?
"You're a lizard, Harry." How is an eleven-year-old to deal with the repercussions of such a life-changing revelation?
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lildurandal · 12 years ago
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Won't the eighth planet later become the green moon of Alternia? 
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It seems like the eighth planet is Caliborn's, somehow.  He painted everything the green of his sister's blood, and and he built a mansion there - perfect for holding his collection of ugly clocks.
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And the number eight may be a 'cherub thing.'  I have a feeling a re-read would turn up a lot of potentially interesting details; for one thing, who or what was the 'Caligula' Eridan seemed to admire?
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I don't know where the basilicas come in, but then, I also don't know why Jake's planet has Philippine rice terraces.
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I don't see why the cherubs won't be created the same way all the other Sburb/Sgrub players, except that since their session won't be scratched and is unlikely to have already been scratched, whichever one does the ectobiologizing should just directly paradox-clone Caliborn and Calliope.  Presumably it will be Caliborn - and yes, there is a potential motive that might drive him to "create" Calliope.
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(I suppose an alternative would involve author avatar Hussie, since he claims to be the nearest thing Caliborn has to a father.  Doesn't someone say John is sort of everyone's dad, since he performed the alchemy?  I don't remember.)
"In the crib" just means "at home." 
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My dash is amazing tonight.
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pfaerie · 12 years ago
✪ - the etymology of "dene" might be important to note, heheh!
that was a very big word but it came up as sand basically alkshfkalsdf
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adventureplots · 11 years ago
You are a hero*. You've just died at a critical juncture† in your story, and have woken up in a nondescript room. On the opposite wall, a giant scoreboard is displaying your achievements throughout your quest, and the points total - complete with deductions for mistakes you've made. You are then taken into a room full of achievements - but most of them are locked, because you have not either met the necessary conditions to unlock them‡ or you haven't gained enough points. A giant message displays itself in front of you. PLAY AGAIN?                                                                                               Your life is short and you die frequently, but you keep racking up points. Can you escape the loop and be successful?
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lildurandal · 12 years ago
In light of the recent update, what do you think of the idea that cherubs might require a dual-personality, which merges as they mature? It'd explain why Caliborn is unable to progress past his infantile state of mind!
Actually, I think they look an awful lot like a [gnostic] syzygy: a pair of aeons [divine beings, very roughly analogous to angels], who are supposed to create together, and who are complements to each other in various ways: male and female, active and passive... 
Welp.  Looks like someone* had better finally get around to writing some sort of proper gnostic-themes-in-Homestuck post.  Possibly several such posts, come to think of it, since this is a partial list of topics that are likely to end up being touched on:
dream selves
'What do you even know about someone's actual self?  What makes it actual? What is "actuality?"'
why troll god tier wings are, specifically, butterfly wings
why troll god tier Heroes of Blood don't have them
the two master classes
author avatar Hussie
Rose's drunken exegesis
this symbol:
In fact, there is a non-zero risk that, after I have a sandwich and a cup of tea and watch something with my fiance, I'm going to spend the rest of my night screencapping.
*this someone is me.
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memerufujiryo-moved-blog · 12 years ago
Could you shoot me a link to a mediafire file of the flash rips for A6A4, please? It'd be much appreciated!
its not as complete, the hard part were the in transition ones
also i wasnt aware of other media fire rips so i thought id make one :u sorry!
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eidolonorpheus · 12 years ago
What piece do you feel is the most accomplished in your repertoire? Is it different from your favourite piece?
Most accomplished as in popular?  Probably Infinity Mechanism since it's the only piece to be majorly featured in the comic.  It hasn't aged well for me, though, but I still think the live cello is one of the best things I've recorded.  Questant's Lament and Cairo Overcoat, though, are my favorites that have been released for MSPA.  They feel like the most perfected, most satisfactory ones, and I'm sad they seem overlooked often.  The Bitter Suite and Metamorphosis felt like big accomplishments since both are multi-movement pieces clocking in at over 10 minutes.  I think my favorite piece I've written is Margaret off The Liminal Descent (and maybe including the preceding piece The Crone).  I've been thinking about posting the full piece before the album is out.
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bladekindeyewear · 12 years ago
On the 11/11/12 flash:
We apparently see the alpha kids up through the date April 13th, 2012.
Don Ashdenej: Judging by Jack's wall
Don Ashdenej: It's April 13th, 2012
Steve: oh goodness
Steve: math, kips
Don Ashdenej: 153 days
Steve: number of notches on jack's wall
Steve: 11/11/11 + that number
Don Ashdenej: 11/11/11 + 153 = 13/4/2012
Steve: there we go then.
There's probably 111 other posts out there like this, but why not add one more.
EDIT:  Because of a leap year, it's actually April 12th, not April 13th, I'm told.  Meaning, as ahpoordogsbody put it, "the heroes are arriving tomorrow."
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skullhazard · 12 years ago
Could you make that updated God Tier shoe theory thing rebloggable? Although I find it a bit dubious that Vriska could change her shoes so quickly after ascension - especially since we know that Meenah could swap her clothes out so quickly because she was in a dream-bubble (we've seen that before), but that there are no such implications about the real world / incipisphere. Anyway, yeah! Thanks for answering in the first place, by the way.
That is true (she was in a dream-bubble so it may not be how it actually works in the rest of the game), but as far as it stands now the ability to swap out parts of the costume on a whim is an okay explanation for me.
And yes hang on a second.
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adventureplots · 11 years ago
[16:49:58] AJ (thereminBeholder): but it's just 7 dollars [16:50:04] AJ (thereminBeholder): that doesn't sound too bad [16:51:51] ashdenej: Depends on the situation [16:54:45] AJ (thereminBeholder): what is the situation? [16:55:23] ashdenej: You're in a shootout [16:55:32] ashdenej: The roof is coming down [16:55:50] ashdenej: They are firing their moneyguns at you, peppering the desk you're hiding behind with rounds [16:56:02] ashdenej: Your partner, Whilikins, is beside you [16:56:16] ashdenej: As you take the last one of them down, you grin triumphantly at Whilikins... [16:56:19] ashdenej: And your face falls [16:56:29] ashdenej: A bloody hole has ripped through his waistcoat [16:56:43] ashdenej: His fine, long-fingered hands dance at the wound, trying to fix the unstoppable [16:56:57] ashdenej: "Just... three years from retirement," he murmers [16:57:07] ashdenej: You shed a single tear [16:57:19] ashdenej: Your gaze falls upon the fatal round [16:57:32] ashdenej: It is seven dollars, wadded up together in a deadly improvised bullet. Revenge your fallen friend and catch the money-laundering thieves that escaped your wrath.
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