#Ash's father is like an eevee
love-is-a-pearl · 12 days
Oh my god, I'm so glad that you are fellow "Ash's Giovanni's son". I mean... It's fitting. Like, I can agree that man avoids his family over a pride can work in real world, but... That's kinda ridiculous for story. Like "we have a kid that abandoned by his father, but we never touch this theme properly and just show you kid's challenges to reach his professional goal". It's just don't work in stories about kids- there ALWAYS influence of both parents on kids. And hiding one of them is... dumb.
Honestly, Giovanni being Ash's dad worls as the reason why he allows Team R trio to follow him around. Like, there's theory that Giovanni keeps Jessie, James and Meowth in organisation solely for them to watch over his son. Like, they do some reports time to time, so I guess that's how Giovanni keeps updated about Ash.
(Also, that's already headcanon, but imagine him hating Dawn's guts cause he thinks she's Team Galactic member. Like he judges by himself amd thinks she's also Cyrus's secret kid or something 😅)
aiodnaoid I'm not though :v sorry! im boring😭
What I said is that I do like the mundane idea of Ash's dad being just.. some loser LMAO
Yeah, it's silly, but I like it. I like that at least in that sense Ash is not the chosen one yknow?
Also I'm a sucker for making canon work even if it's stupid so I tend to like even the most idiotic shit pokeani pulls (we've seen it with the whole BW debacle) aiodjoa
But depending on the moon I do like the idea of Ash being Giovanni's son (somedays I prefer it to be some loser; somedays I love the idea of being that Silver dude from Johto; and sometimes I do like the concept of him being special from birth).
I think there's a LOT of potential in it. Specially for Ash and having him wondering if that means he's evil too, if he will become like Giovanni in the future, what that means for his mother? Her relationship with other people and how she views Ash? Does she resent having him? Is filled with interesting questions and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
Also I think both concepts could work together quite well too? Like, Giovanni DID leave to become a trainer, shit didn't go his way, he didn't like how the league was done and then he decided to do things his own way, getting a bunch of failed trainers under his wing until it became a full evil organization and because of that he could just never go back home. Its a fun thought, of how he overcame failure in a bad way and his son overcame it in a better way. Fun parallels.
And that concept that Giovanni hired TRio as his son's babysitters is hilarious. Lol, imagine telling Gary that Ash only got the Viridian Gym Badge because Giovanni wouldn't put Mewtwo to fight his baby boy LMAO
And the idea of him just assuming all his son's friends are related to other evil bosses is also so funny?? Projecting much my dude?
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sprinklenoodles · 30 days
Guess who read all of the Pokemon fic~? And, I got some art! A LOT of art For one... IT'S THE QUEEN LOAF!! Stare into her eyes. So majestic u_u
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Then, I decided to draw Byakuya and all his Pokemon so far. Took me a bit to figure out a good outfit for the heir as it mentions he's in a suit, but I didn't wanna just put him in his standard suit. Also spruced up his hair. His Karen cut has evolved. Also, they're small but the B's are on the Pokeballs!! Ensured I kept the hights good btw since Larvesta is (pardon my American ways) 3ft, Eeevee is like a ft, and Byakuya is 6'1.
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Then, I decided do draw them some more. Also, in regards to Byakuya and his girls, I tried making Eevee a bit more distinct than the standard Eevee. Might play around a bit more and might tweak her once she evolves so the shape language alludes to her future. Also, I wanted Byakuya to look like he's so not secretly gushing about his girls so I hope I did that well.
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Finally, before I comment on the fic, I drew this silly drawing as well. Tried some shading too and gosh do I love how Larvesta turned out. She is indeed the fat loaf.
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As for comments on the fic, very cute so far. Loving the petty energy with Byakuya and his rival. Also love all the gang slowly getting 2nd Pokémon together. Byakuya's got two fluffy girls on his hands now which I just love the pattern that he's so far got only female Pokémon. I dunno why but it makes my brain so happy. Just Byakuya and his smart though sometimes dumb girls. I mean, Eevee was literally bonking her head on the glass when they were at the aquarium like a freaking goober. Also, as for some other words which are mostly Byakuya based cus my gosh and I gushing about him and his team, like, Eevee is a cute addition. I like him carrying her and also liked when he told Eeeve the drama about him and his rival. Which, I just love that he just has full blown conversations with his Pokemon and he gossips with them. Shows he treats them both well and that he really is considerate of their feelings. Like when he noticed Eevee wanted to see the aquarium and let her do her own thing and explore. Another thing I wanna mention is Kijo's Alteria. She is gorgeous and I like that, like father like song, both have elegant clingy queens for Pokémon with fluffy white fur. It was so adorable when Alteria just pounced on the heir. Very precious detail too that Byakuya was comfy and could have just conked out on the spot. Maybe he needs an Alteria of his own. Maybe he'd sleep better. Which, another note, I love Larvesta being a canonical bed hog. I can just tell he gave up long ago on getting her off the damn bed. I know these are very disjointed thoughts but gooooosh! I could blabber on for several more asks. Genuinely. My brain is enthralled with almost ever fic I read from you. I swear! And I actually am so freaking attached to Larvesta. As I said prior, a part of me wants her to stay a loaf forever like how some Pokemon in the anime never evolved like Ash's Toadadile or, more obviously, his Pikachu. She's too precious as hell and I don't want her to change T-T I totally get if you let her evolve though!! Don't let my goober ways change your plans heheh!! But yeah! I made this jam packed with stuff this time around heehhe!! Am shocked tbh cus I legit did not expect my art block to just be cured cus of a buggy fire loaf. I am so drawing more of these guys too! Gonna draw Byakuya's human gang as well!! If you have any comments on the designs btw, do tell!! I love reading!!!!
THIS IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!! Wish I could say more but going somewhere rn and in a car lol
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crystal-moon-101 · 2 months
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It's probably no surprise that I have more next gens beyond what I have already shown, so here I present the main cast of another next gen series I have cooking up in the background. Pokemon! Now, like most things I watch, a lot of this is influenced by a rewrite I have of the series in the background, so there are things that may not make sense to most, lol. Things like mixing the pokemon game characters into the anime series, and stuff like making Giovanni both Silver and Ash's father, not because I believe it to be real, but because I like the drama. But I hope you enjoy the main cast!
-Rachel Ketchum- The 13-year-old daughter of Ash and Serena. Rachel is a very sweet, kind and soft spoken girl, who sadly was born with many health complications. She gets easily sick, deals with nasty asthma, and overall has a weak body. It's not as bad as it once was when she was a baby, but she still has to deal with a lot of problems. But this has made her a very sympathetic person at heart, especially towards pokemon, having her father's natural love and appreciation for them.
Her starter pokemon was an Eevee gifted to her by uncle Gary on her 8th birthday party, much to Ash's dismay. Unlike her trainer, Eevee is bold, out there and always ready for a fight, being highly protective of Rachel. Eventually she evolves to become a Vaporeon, wanting to use her water powers in both combat, and to help Rachel when she can.
Rachel also has a younger brother called Percy, who is a little rascal, but adores his big sister. He may or may not have cried when she finally went on her first pokemon journey, leaving home to go to the region of Horae.
-Theo Oak- The 13-year-old son of Gary and Misty. Theo is a charming young boy who has a very buddy buddy relationship with people, and very expressive in himself. As a kid he was rather danger prone due to seeking out adventure everywhere, but has thankfully mellowed out a lot, even if he still enjoys the extreme side of life. With his father's side having a lot of pokemon knowledge, and mother's side of loving water pokemon, Theo is packed with information about water types, and shares Misty's love of them.
His starter pokemon was an Pichu gifted to him by uncle Ash, as revenge for Gary giving Rachel Eevee. As a Pichu, she had been so full of energy she was bouncing off the walls, but as she evolves into Pikachu and eventually Alolan Raichu, she calms down quite a bit and becomes more of a fun motherly pokemon, always eager to put an smile on people's faces. Having fun with her trainer at any chance they get.
-Sterling Kris- The 15-year-old son of Lyra and Silver. Sterling is the most mature out of the gang, and is very hard to phase, often calm and collected, which helps when dealing with a group like this. He mostly came on the pokemon journey to keep his cousin Rachel safe, but still enjoys what the trip offers him. He also has an odd quirk in that all his pokemon are female, and seems to have an easy time bonding with pokemon that are girls. People theories that he just has a pleasant aura around him that makes him feel safe for them.
His starter was a Togepi, having raised her from an egg that his father found during a police raid on illegal pokemon poaching. No matter how much she grows, even once she becomes a Togekiss, she is a diva of a pokemon, wanting to look her best and has a habit of taking anything that interests her, especially shiny things. But she is a sweet lady, often cuddly in nature and adores Sterling, being the vocal one for the both of them.
-Zee Gropius- The 14-year-old daughter of N and Hilda. Zee is kind spirit, having her father's ability to talk to pokemon, and is an outdoor girl at heart. Though she is a little ditzy and naive, having been a last minute addition to this traveling group of friends when N and Hilda feared she wouldn't do well alone. She has a lot of love to give, always wanting to make friends with people and pokemon, and always takes in everything around her.
Her starter was a Deino she found when he was just a baby, having lost his mother in the middle of the night, Zee hearing him cry in fear. Despite the reputation of this pokemon and it's evolutions, Deino is a chonky lovable big baby that always wants treats and snuggles. Even as he gets bigger and becomes a Hydreigon. Zee is his family, and he will never see it any other way.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 11 months
On the gijinka/human versions of the Pokemon from your Cursed AU, what're their families like?
I havent really thought too deep onto it. J imagine a lot of them are sorta similar to what it was like in canon.
Charmander was adopted but he lives in an abusive home. More emotional than Physical. He was recently 'rehomed' because his shitty step father left him out in the rain one night.
Bulbasaur was in a car accident and now lives with his aunt who has the time to take care of him. It isnt outright mentioned, but it was assumed his parents passed away in the crash.
Squirtle lives in a home with troubled youths, he has claimed many siblings that apparently, look a lot like him. He's gotten more tame since attending the school, and he helps a lot with the local fire fighting unit. He's considered the main man despite being Blind, becaus epeopke LOVE to point out he's blind. (Oh really, I hadnt noticed, is that way everything is dark :) )
Pikachu and Eevee live with each other, Adopted by a nice woman and her daughter. Pikschu is definitely the trouble maker but people seem to love him cause hes cute.
Charcoal lives wih Mewtwo and his Gran Mew. He's actually a one night stand baby that got dropped off at his fathers place after his mother couldnt deal with him anymore.
And Ash is just a perpetually long living dog XD
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diamondphantom-art · 1 year
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OK SO I've been wanting to draw my pokemon trainer self insert with all of her pokemon for a while but...it's just not doable LOL I decided to do a group pic for the pokemon she has for each region!
For example, these are all the Pokemon she has that were first discovered in the Johto region. Most people would start with Kanto, butttt, her first journey was through Johto, so I decided to start there.
Her outfit is based on my FIRST outfit design for her (it's not her current one). She'll have a different outfit every pic! At the end I'll try to make some kind of nice ref for her. ✩ Johto Team Shot ✩ Kanto Team Shot ✩ Hoenn Team Shot ✩
Click the read more to learn about each of these mons!
Petal—Meganium—♀— Calm Nature Caught in her sister’s garden in Celadon City as a Chikorita. Very mellow and prefers to go with the flow. She isn’t one for crowds and prefers opens spaces with plenty of flora. She enjoys spending time in the nearby meadow looking after the local Pokémon that live there. Petal is a great mediator and often helps settle various disputes.
Ash (Ashen)—Typhlosion—♂—Timid Nature Obtained from Prof. Elm in New Bark Town. He was supposed to be a starter for new trainers, but wasn’t suited for it due to his high anxiety. With a specialized treatment plan, his anxiety is mostly under control. He’s, overall, quite timid. He rarely interacts with others and spends most of his time sunbathing or battling whoever challenges him.
Blitz—Shiny Pichu—♂—Rash Nature The child of Dia’s Pokemon: Lightning (Raichu) and Vanilla (Alolan Raichu). Born at the same time as his cousin, Tess (Pichu). As a fairly young Pokemon, he doesn’t make the best decisions. He’s quick to start fights for fun but also quick to run when it doesn’t pan out. He wants to be a great battler like his dad someday, but hasn’t seemed to do well thus far. Special notes: Shiny palette comes from GSC.
Tess (Tesla)—Pichu—♀—Timid Nature The child of Dia’s Pokemon: Duskio (Umbreon) and her sister’s Pokemon: Thunder (Pikachu). Born the same time as her cousin Blitz (Pichu). As a fairly young Pokemon, she still clings closely to her parents. She’s very meek and tends to avoid most other Pokemon. However, she usually tags along with Blitz in an attempt to keep him out of trouble. She seems to have a good instinct for battling, even though she isn’t particularly interested in it. Special Notes: Spiky-Eared Pichu!
Volt (Voltaic)—Laturn—♂—Calm Nature Dia fished him out by the bay in Cherrygrove City as a Chinchou. He was happy to join her and her Pokemon. Volt enjoys sunbathing, taking relaxing swims. and naps. He's not much for activity and just tends to go with the flow. Although laid back, he's the first to rush out and help anyone in trouble. Volt's a certified Pokemon Lifeguard.
Dom (Dominic)—Espeon—♂—Hasty Nature The child of Dia’s Pokemon: Navy (Vaporeon) and Syntha (Leafeon). A prankster with little impulse control. Dom likes to drag his brother Damian (Jolteon) around on mischievous adventures; usually harmless pranks are involved. He often visits Violet City because he enjoys teasing tourists with at Sprout Tower with his wild Pokemon friends.
Duskio—Umbreon—♂—Impish Nature The first Pokemon that Dia ever caught! He had been corrupted in early Shadow Pokemon projects and released into the wild. Never fully a shadow Pokemon, Dia was able to unlock his heart and return him to normal. He’s very loyal and sees himself as a protector, especially now that he has a child: Tess (Pichu). When he’s not guarding/on patrol, he greatly enjoys playing with the younger Pokemon or spending time with his partner Thunder (Pikachu).
Dell (Dellutio)—Shiny Umbreon—♂—Bold Nature Given as a gift to Dia by her father when on a trip to Orre. Even as an Eevee, his goal was always to become as strong as possible. He’s very bold, ambitious, and stubborn. He cares deeply for his partner, Escalus (Flareon) and would do anything for him. Special Notes: Shiny palette comes from the GameCube games.
Cress (Crescent)—Teddiursa—♀—Rash Nature She originally belonged to the daughter of a berry farmer. Cress desperately wanted to leave the farm and see the world, so she ran away. Dia found her and brought her back to her original trainer, but, the daughter agreed to let Cress join Dia on her journey. Cress is a hotheaded and passionate gal. Most other Pokemon shy away from her due to her personality and she has trouble making friends. Despite this, she’s actually excellent at taking care of eggs and younger Pokemon which she does at a Violet City Daycare center along with a few of Dia’s other Pokemon.
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hello....tell me about your trainer oc........
Hello my dear pal and friend it’s rambling time
- Krys started their Pokémon journey around when they just turned 16, and age throughout their travels. They’re 22 by the end of their time in Paldea.
- Though trainers typically start traveling at age ten, Krys and their neighbor Laurel (Laurel Oak. It’s supposed to be the Kanto rival. :3), spent that time with Professor Oak to work on building the first digital pokedex.
- Krys kinda sorta released their Johto team as well as their partner, Aurora, at the end of their Johto journey in order to protect the legendary beasts. Over the years those pokemon passed their roles onto local wild pokemon, and one by one returned to Pallet Town for Krys to visit again.
- Aurora the eevee on the other hand, stayed behind until she met a trainer named Adam with a dragonite. Aurora decided to help him earn the indigo league badges, and then she met up with Krys after they participated in the Hoenn League conference. Aurora, as Adam’s pokemon at the time, battled against Krys’ Hoenn team during the preliminary rounds.
- Krys’ mom lives in Pallet Town, working as a pokemon nurse. Their father is Norman, who moved to Hoenn to run his gym in Petalburg after inheriting it from his mother. Krys’ paternal aunt moved from Kanto to Hoenn, and they helped her move, which is how they ended up there.
- Also Archie and Maxie are unofficially now their uncles. Krys has no say in the matter. Ingo and Emmet too. When Krys became drinking age they all became good drinking buddies.
- Krys can understand Pokémon. You can imagine how interesting it was when they met N.
- Officially owns and trains legendary pokemon, but only two: a Latias named Artemis and Miraidon named Harley. Mew and Mewtwo are very good friends of Krys, and they respect that they both wish to remain wild pokemon.
- Is canonically not a virgin. Good for them. Good for them.
- If Krys were a pokemon, they’d be a shiny riolu!
- Krys took on a big sibling role to Arven, Nemona, and Penny (who I hc as being 17, 16, and 13 respectively). However, Krys is around the height of the player character of ScVi. Short king fr.
- In Paldea, they worked alongside Jacq as his assistant teacher, though they also traveled around the region whenever they weren’t scheduled to assist. Fine by them, as it gave them time to help with Miraidon, Arven, Team Star, and try the Gym Challenge of this region. The Paldea league is the first, and so far only, time that they’ve made it to a champion rank trainer.
- They also had traveling companions just like Ash did in the anime, although these are more OCs rather than canon characters. Although journeying through Galar, Krys went along with Hop to look out for him while he did the gym challenge, with Krys having a supportive mentor role.
- I’ve mentioned this before, but Krys’ travels only last ten years. Professor Oak retires around this time, and Krys comes back to Kanto, being handed the title of Pokémon Professor.
There’s more fun facts and stuff I wanna talk about but I’m not coming up with anything else atm shdjdbd. I have like. Their whole journey planned out and most of what happens during them. tysm for this pal it is really great to ramble fr
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askthejourneysgang · 1 year
Goh and Chloe
What happens if your Grookey and Eevee gets Taunted from a move "Taunt"?
Chloe: She will probably not understand, but might Taunt back
Goh: Grookey also may not understand because he is so friendly!
But if he does... he will bonk them 💦
He may not look it, but he has a large ego, and so doesn't like being mocked
Chloe: He takes after his 'father'
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Goh: Well, Eevee takes after her mother because she imitates the people around her instead of having a personality, so there!
Chloe: What 😱
That's uncalled for! I was only stating facts
Goh: I don't have a large ego, right, Ash? 😟
Ash: That's, uh, a very interesting question, Goh. I'll be sure to answer it someday 😇
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recordsfm · 6 months
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╰   ☆  ◞  dylan minnette / cis man / he/him  ———  no way is that ASHLEY DIMARCO? you know they’re TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for THREE MONTHS. they’re chillin’ as a ASSISTANT MUSIC PRODUCER for PINNACLE RECORDS. oh and they’re notoriously known for being STUBBORN but there are some people who have seen them be CREATIVE. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called THE WALLETS, yeah they’re a SINGER/GUITARIST. to be honest they sound a lot like BRADEN BALES & WALLOWS. they’re actually A RISING STAR.
basic information:
FULL NAME: Ashley Jett DiMarco
AGE: 24
DATE OF BIRTH: June 3rd 1999
GENDER: Cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Roommates with twin sister.
family ties:
MOTHER: Natalie DiMarco
GRANDMOTHER: Abigail Anderson
FATHER: Elliott Anderson DiMarco
SIBLINGS: Amity DiMarco
PETS: 1 cat named Eevee
occupational information:
OCCUPATION: Assistant Music Producer at Pinnacle Records
answer only if your character is a musician:
ARTIST INFLUENCES: Bob Dylan, Weezer, and too many to count
POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, Thoughtful, Chivalrous
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Anxious, Shy
HOBBIES: Origami, video editing, playing guitar and keyboard, drinking
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
"Hi, uh, my name is Ash DiMarco, and I'm one of the founding members of The Wallets."
how long have you been making music?
"Well music kinda runs in my family, so it's been a part of my life forever. I mean my mom literally was pregnant on tour. But uh, when I was about 13 I started to really take it seriously. It's around this time when I begged my older cousin to be in my band and well, that's how this kinda all started."
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
"It's definitely indie rock. A little bit of pop, a touch of singer- songwriter vibes."
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
"Well obviously my mom was a huge influence on me, considering how amazing she really is. And many of her influences too, for obvious reasons, but I really draw from like blackbear, Jeremy Zucker, Jon Bellion, the 1975, Wombats, you know very alt artists that are just extremely talented and lyrical geniuses. "
what is the first record you ever bought?
"Make believe by weezer"
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
"I haven't been as successful as some of the members of my family, but I really love this industry. There's so much that goes into making an album or doing a show that I dont think people realize, and that's kinda what I love about it. I love how much work it really takes."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
"Well out music videos are what I really love and are most proud of."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing?
Awkward. The Wallets only did one tour in ten years. With local shows few and far between, and it was all because of him. The anxiety he felt on stage. "Well, we don't do a lot of shows, so..." He gave a small chuckle hoping they would move on.
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career, and what’s next for you?
Ash took a long pause, thinking about the future, what he wanted. And the truth was he didn't know. Wallets was crumbling, every member moving on in separate directions, and here he was. clinging to the music industry, cause it's all he really knew. "Sky's the limit."
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sunsetdew0101 · 1 year
Second Chance- Pokemon Au
Explanation of the Pokemon Family Tree
Pokemon Breeding
Pokemon Breeding works the same way we are used to, in this AU. Two Pokemons of different genders, One of their Egg Groups matches, and BAM... A freshly hatched Pokemon egg.
Or you can use a Ditto, but the first way it's the more importante for now.
But instead of the Pokemon born only matching their mother's species and perhaps inheriting a move from both parents, the baby Pokemon can be either the mother's or the father's species.
For example:
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As you can see in the previous image, one baby of each parent species can hatch (depending, of course, on the number of eggs laid).
But Sunset, what does that have to do with your story?
Easy, we'll get there.
Aisha captured a Budew in the Viridian Forest. That should be impossible, as they are not native to Kanto.
In fact, the closest region with members of Budew's evolutionary line is Hoenn. In the Anime, the original Ash needed to take a ferry to get there.
A Roserade or Roselia wouldn't be able to reach Kanto by themselves.
But what do Pokemon trainers do most in Anime besides battling? They travel to new Regions for new challenges.
It's possible that someone camped in the Viridian Forest, left their Roserade out, and they found another Pokemon with the same egg group, thus spawning Budew.
Or, it could have been another option.
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I think you can understand what I mean just by these images. Not there yet? One word: Genetics.
The third-generation parents of the Pokemon shown may not be a Lucario or a Gardevoir/Gallade. But their grandparents were.
And with the genes still this new? It's more likely to show up one that is not the same species as their parents.
So there will be a moment where genetics will have to toss a coin to see if they resurrect a species from five generations ago or more or if they let the strong genes keep coming up.
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The same goes for Pokemons moves. The illustrative family tree above shows that the Eeveelutions descend from a Lucario. If that Lucario knew Double Kick, it's very likely that they could inherit that egg move or a hidden ability. Atention: This does not mean that Eevees will use Aura Sphere or other moves like that. Assume that if it is possible to learn a move in games or anime, it is likely that they will also be able to learn them in my story.
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kokorowoutsu · 1 year
-- JMF: Bonfire Celebrations
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The atmosphere was not what any of the Grandcrest crew expected. Joined by some others who got side-tracked in checking out the various stalls in the three that had decided to join late including two family friends; Donovan and Flannery, and a Lucario, Ruko. However, while Grusha went along with his Eevee, Ezio, to join Ruko in looking at the masks to see if he could something for Ezio to wear, the other three stood before the fire and while they noticed many faces around them, each had something different in mind that they had to take care of. Accompanied by a pokemon each in Sylveon, Charizard, and Zoroark, the three split up for now. 
Leon spent the least amount of time where people were quietest, saying his hellos and goodbyes to his father who he had bought the paper-like wrench for, tossing it into the flames. He’d see him again -- after all, death was not the end in his culture. He took a moment to look back at his fiance and her brother for a few moments just to be sure they were alright before departing to find the other members of the entourage with his partner, Bahamut.
Ashe remained near her brother with Lucky, holding the letter in her hand for a few moments before heaving a deep breath in getting to her feet and despite the tears, she threw the letter into the flames and took a moment to make sure it ascended ashes and all into the heavens. Only then did she wipe her tears and turn to her brother, Kianga, who had yet to move, staring at the two letters with his Zoroark sister watching him with a worried expression. Ashe and Kianga were polar opposites when it came to grieving. Ashe ran from her pain and suffered later while Kianga held onto it until it ate every piece of him up, then he recovered for a while, and the process began again. In this, Ashe finally felt a need to step in. It was time to let go.
They could remember and cry when it got to be too much -- but holding onto the pain was going to only make things worse... and so approaching her brother, she took his hand that held the letter addressed to Parker in particular. Kneeling down, she watched her brother with a gentle expression. “... She’s waiting to read it. Let’s go give it to her, yeah?” She’d be with him for this just as Morgan had been with her when her Grandmother had passed. No one had been there for Kianga with Parker’s passing because he hadn’t allowed them to be... and here his sister was pushing her way in as nosey as she was. She wasn’t going anywhere. She would be here.
Swallowing back emotions, he got to his feet and allowed her to lead him to the bonfire while Lucky and Amethyst hung back. Releasing his hand but remaining beside him, the first letter to be tossed into the fire was addressed to his Mother, Lillian. He said nothing but his eyes glistened with the threat to shed tears. Following that after looking at the letter against the intense heat for a bit longer was the letter to Parker. With this one, Ashe went to take his hand as he brought it back, pressing her shoulder against his. He felt like caving and sobbing then and there, but he didn’t allow himself to do so. Not yet, at least.
For a short while, the two siblings stared skyward with Ashe’s arms wrapped around Kianga’s, leaning against him. People hustled and bustled by, but the two paid no mind. It was only when Lucky and Amethyst came to fetch them at Grusha’s call about food that the two shared a look and Ashe took her brother by the hand, leading him away. For now, he’d let her lead and guide him as need be. He was too numb to feel anything tonight anyway. 
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crystalelemental · 1 year
After all this time, it is finally done. We have finished all three seasons of the XY anime.
Kinda surprised, but final takeaway is that was pretty good.
The first two seasons felt pretty standard to what I'd recall, where the major emphasis is placed on the interactions, be it human dynamics or the way Pokemon interact. It's cute and relatively fun but the kind of show I can put on in the background while playing something and not miss too much. XYZ was...surprisingly story-centered. I actually like what they did with Zygarde and Team Flare. That was a fun arc. Surprisingly dramatic.
As for the character rundown...
Ash is the least interesting part of his own story. My wife had a great point about it, and maybe she'll post about it herself, but she noted we never actually see Ash's internal strategy and thought in the same way as, say, Sawyer in the semifinals. He just kinda does stuff, and I'd argue it's mostly bullshit stuff half the time. The fuck do you mean X-Scissor cut through Trick Room? Fuck you. Ash just doesn't grate on me like he used to, though. Like, compared to the first season, he's less obnoxious. But the improvement is from outright contempt to like...a non-entity. Unless Greninja is involved. Then he is obnoxious again.
By contrast, Serena is the most interesting one here. Her arc with the performances is actually really good. Starting on a loss that devastates, overcoming, having another fumble later that does cost her a win but working through it successfully, and ending on a big engagement with her rival that she loses pretty handily. It's good stuff. Also I like how it all ends with Palerma offering to tutor her, and her turning it down to travel the world instead. I think Serena's arc felt more like following a proper character growth story. She feels significantly different from where she started.
Clemont and Bonnie are good, too. Clemont grew on me in ways I didn't expect, and Bonnie started really clicking with the Squishy arc. Though man, Bonnie cannot catch a break. Every Pokemon she befriends aside from Dedenne leaves.
Alain is fine. Similar to Ash, he's not all that interesting, but I give him a little more credit than Ash. Barely, though. "I have to be strong" is still very standard anime protagonist man. Marron is just a nice grounding tool for that. I am nothing if not a sucker for that trope. Though Sawyer wound up being the preferred side character. I actually love that kid. Someone who battles with clear strategy and like...adapts and learns and grows in real time? He was in like ten episodes and I feel like there was more substance in his regional travel than the gang's.
The gym leaders getting a bit of spotlight is always nice for personality. My wife and I are now Viola/Grant shippers as it turns out. Korrina's arc was really solid. I love that they let Valerie speak in Pokemon, something about that rules. Olympia is hella extra and I adore her double Meowstic thing, hers was my favorite gym battle. Wulfric actually wound up being kinda fun in the rematch, too.
Of the team's Pokemon, we wound up really liking Hawlucha, Bunnelby, and Eevee/Sylveon. Hawlucha, or Pawlucha, is great. Showboating luchador bird who is now Noibat's father. Bunnelby is consistently MVP, and the decision to have Bunnelby seem constantly exhausted because of Chespin and Pancham, but the only one Eevee feels completely comfortable with, is golden. Eevee itself is adorable, shy baby with its own great arc. I think they said "She" in reference to Eevee, but I'm just saying, the tail pattern is male.
I think the biggest complaint I have is that...none of this feels like it will have an impact on anything. We started Sun and Moon, so we know none of Ash's team remains, despite not all of them getting a proper sendoff. We know none of the travel companions stick around. We know that despite all these experiences and battles, Pikachu will go on to struggle against a Grubbin. There were like 16 seasons before this, and yet still Ash is learning basic lessons like how to deal with Gust. And I am just...so strongly put in the mind of "This would be more interesting with a different protagonist."
Actually that's only the second biggest. The biggest is Greninja. I hate that thing. They bring up an entire thing in the Bond Phenomenon, then go out of their way to say no, it's not just a strong bond, this Greninja is actually just that special. No one else ever can do that. And despite ending with the implied mega evolution energy in other parts of the world, mega evolution goes on to be dropped entirely, with nothing more to be discovered. It ties into that sense of "none of this matters." I imagine it's all like this, with each season being fairly standalone, but that just makes anything interesting as an open-ended question fade away to nothing, and any growth and development for Ash, which is little enough to begin with, amount to nothing. I'm choosing to interpret this as him receiving a TBI between each season, negating all progress. Pikachu gets one too.
There isn't a ton else I want to talk about, really. It was fairly fun. I'm keeping up with Sun and Moon, because I gotta develop an opinion on Anime Lusamine. We'll see how it goes.
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imgonnaketchumall · 2 years
Ash had expeirenced heartbreak before. He can recall the blurred memories of when his father left, the last words that were said. He can recall the countless of times he wasn't allowed to do what he wanted because it didn't suit with the plans for the day. He can recall being upset that he couldn't have the toy he wanted at play time.
But nothing could prepare him for this. School was the bane of his existence. He hated Kanto school, hated his school in Pallet Town. But at first, it went okay. He had his friend, his best friend. His only friend.
Until one day he didn't.
Reading was not one of his strong suits. Nor was most of the academic stuff. Reading outloud was not a strong point for him either. His words always came out in ways he didn't mean to. His reading was slower then most of the kids in the class.
Things started off small. When the teacher clapped her hands, the children looked up. "Boys and Girls," she calls. She gives another clap. "Based on the spelling tests we've done this past year, I've decided to put you all into three groups. "The pidgeots, the pidgeottos, and the pidgeys. Our strongest readers will be in the pidgeots, the average ones in pidgeotto, and the weakest in pidgey. This way we can work on reading based on your own level."
As names get listed off, Ash's stomach falls when he notices his best friend go to the pidgeot group. There's a smug, proud smile as he enters the circle and when Ash hears his name called, he is no where near his best friend. He looks around at his group. There's three of them.
"It's just a reading group, Ashy," Gary says one day when they were walking to the lab. Professor Oak was looking after Ash while his mother was working, a standard arrangement. "No big deal."
Ash finishes his homework eariler than Gary. He has no desire to look it over, guessing on nearly all the answers. His handwriting is terrible, but he doesn't care. He wants to be a trainer when he grows up. He knows that now.
"Don't matter, I wanna be a trainer when I grow up."
Gary looks up from his paper. "Uh huh. You at least gotta learn to read, Ashy." He shakes his head as he finishes up his homework, watching as Ash takes the scrap paper and starts to draw.
He thinks of the baby pokemon he saw for the trainers going out soon. Grinning, Ash scrubs the orange crayon over the tail, making a flame. It doesn't take long for Gary to join, drawing an eevee.
"Oh, what a lovely charmander, Ash." Professor Oak grins.
"What about my eevee Gramps?" Gary boasts.
Professor Oak says the wrong thing. "Oh, it's nice." Gary scowls. He looks at the brown drawing and crunches it. "Ash, I forgot, your mother said she wouldn't be home until very late. She dropped off your pajamas, so you can stay the night. I'll set you up in Gary's room."
Gary scowled at dinner, when Professor Oak laughed enthuistically at Ash, ignoring Gary. Gary grumped when Professor Oak let Ash pick what movie to watch. But the final straw was when Professor Oak draped Ash in bed with Gary's favorite blanket.
The anger boiled in the young Oak's chest as Ash snoozed. Struggling in the morning, Gary frowned more as he watched Ash get doted on. Gramps was hardly around. When he was, he wasn't supposed to be with Ash.
"Classroom Seven," Ash announces as they enter the school. Gary scoffs.
"Yeah, like anyone who is everyone can read that. Only pidgey babies struggle."
A knot fills Ash's stomach. As they go to recess later that day, Ash frowns, noticing Gary playing with some of the kids wh laugh at him. They all laugh with Gary. Gary stands smug on the playground, proud of his joke. Proud of the attention.
The others laugh. "Gary, you're so cool," one of the boys laugh."You should come over after school."
Ash blinks. Gary looks over at Ash and smirks. "Sure, but no pidgey babies, right?" There's laughter again.
The other boy snickers. "Of course not. Only the coolest kids. Not ones who daddies leave because their mom is a you know what," he snickers.
Ash's eyes narrow as Gary juts his chin out.
Things were alrady starting to get rocky, but the very worst, Ash remembers is the day before his birthday. It was going to be pokemon themed, naturally. He had invited the kids in the whole class. As Ash hands the invite, Gary sneers.
"Sorry Ashton," he sneers, purpously using the name Ash hates. "I don't go to baby parties."
Ash sits in the front yard on the day of his birthday, tears falling as he realizes that this is the end. Gary hates him.
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harukadrawsthings · 3 years
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Part Eleven, the last one! Did you miss the first bits of the story? Click the links under!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Like father, like daughter when it comes about food, ehe! 😄
And it’s the last story of 2021! Wishes of a Happy New Year to everyone, lets hope that 2022 will be a better year! I’ll continue to draw comics and drawings and reply to asks. ^^ See you in 2022!
[✨☀️Soul(mate)s of Light Pokémon AU Master Post🌕✨]
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
Twitter | Ko-Fi
Destiny ©  HarukaDrawsThings
Ash, Chloe, Goh, Eevee and Pikachu © Nintendo/TPC
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sakuragi-koharu · 2 years
____Post JN arc____
Chloe realizes that she changed a lot from the day she found an injured Ash on the stairs and Goh found a new friend.
She is secretly grateful to them and to all of the other people she met, who improved her life and her view of the strange creatures who live in her world.
She came to know of a lot of careers including them, like battler, catcher, coordinator, gym leader and go on. But also the not pokemon related ones.
She has on her side the loyality of her Yamper (her father gave her him) the cheerfulness of her Eevee and the mysterious Ponyta who visits sometimes.
She has also a shared Pokemon with Mika, Clefairy (named Sakura after her), and befriended Alcremie and Cherrim,along with other Mika's pokemon.
But her heart asks for more, there are still more things to discover in this vast world.
For her 11 birthday, something new finally happened.
After her mom noticed her talent of taking good photos with her phone, gives her a camera,asking her if she wants to do it as a hobby. No worry about the future, not a definitive goal, just a hobby for the present.
The same day a mysterious egg came in the Professor Cerise's lab. He explain that it came from another region and is a gift from a professor who lives here.
Ash and Goh suggest that Chloe is ready to take care of it, like they did with Riolu's one (here the egg chronicles are canon). Yamper and Eevee are curious of what will be and they take turns to watch over the egg.
Between school, fossil studying and thinking about possible goals (present, past and future) Chloe came to accept herself and that, even if her friends will have different careers and will be distant, they will still be here for her.
Mika visits her more frequently, to study together and also because of curiosity, and wanting to be friend of the new pokemon too.
Mika's mother finally accepted her love for pokemon and let her keep Pichu, who evolved, and Clefairy, but she has to do well at school. Also she doesn't have the financial possibility of catching them all, so she has just to befriend them.
The mysterious egg finally hatched and a little, green kitten was born. Its name is Sprigatito.
The girl became curious about the region it came from and what if she wants to visit it?
What other adventures will call her there?
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ghostchanuwu · 2 years
Some context for this au :)
I want to add on a bit more about the FoundFamily!Au on how/why Misty and Brock joined Ash and Gary on their journey
Misty finds Ash and Gary after having a particularly nasty run in with a flock of Spearow (plus a Fearow) trying to get to Viridian's Pokecenter but ending up taking a wrong turn leading to them both falling into the river that lead to Misty's campsite.She tries her absolute damndest to get both the boys and their pokemon (Eevee and Pichu) back to safety along with dodging Rocket Grunts patroling after hearing reports of Mew in the area but is able to get them to the Pokecenter in one piece.It wasn't even 2 hours after making it there that Rocket decided to break in (Jessie and James of course) along with a couple other grunts yelling about needing to "Take the Oak kid,he knows where Mew is",Misty is able to fight all of them off with the help of Joy (all Nurse Joys in this AU have mons for self defence) and realizes "Oh my god these two aren't going to get past Viridian Forest at this rate" and decides to join them acting as a mentor and a guardian being 4 years their seinor.
Brock on the other hand was found by Ash & Co via Gary sitting on what he thought to be a boulder but turned out to be a part of Onix's tail (she's a B I G snek) which got Brock's attention and oddly enough led to him apologizing and insisting that he was careless for leaving Onix out in the open like that (all three of them were slightly wierded out over his reaction),Ash eventually asked about the Pewter Gym and were he could find it and Brock of course giving directions but Misty did notice how quiet he got when mentioning it's Leader thinking it was a bit odd but figured it was because of his timid demeanor.After suffering quite brutal loses to the Pewter leader Ash and Gary decide to train near the waterwheel they found earlier that day and coming across Brock again who turns out was utilizing the abandoned shack by it as a shelter letting it slip that he's actually homeless.The boy's training was sped up signifigantly (week long period of time) with Brock and Misty assisting which resulted in Pichu evolving and both Pikachu and Eevee learning iron tail via Onix's teachings.During this time Brock let it slip once again that he used to in fact be the Pewter Leader but was forced to leave,Misty tried asking why he had to which caused Brock to completely freeze up and change the subject before she caught on (Gary asking about the braces around his left arm and ankle but got no actual response outside of "hiking accident").
The next day Ash and Gary won and got their badges but right as they were leaving they brought up the previous Leader and how they were actually trained by him which of course sent Flint into a rant about how "there's no way that failure could've contributed anything to your training" and "he should've been gone long ago",Ash and Gary were of course pissed off because how dare he insult their friend like that and at that moment Misty and Brock (who is absolutely terrified of being spotted) are both of course seen by Flint who just goes off saying "oh well guess the reject is back" and letting everything out about how Brock was kicked out and barred from his Leader position and that there isn't a damn thing that they can do about it.Misty now getting EXTREMELY pissed knowing how much work it takes to become a leader and is also a bit confused on how Brock was even barred in the first place absolutely lays into Flint (and not noticing that Brock had actually ran off after what his father had said).Ash & Co eventually find Brock near the waterwheel trying to stave off a panic attack (and some oddly harsh nervous tics) and asks if he wants to go with them,at first saying no but then quickly coming to terms with no longer being safe there decides to go with Ash's group for his own sake (and physical health not really being able to care for himself anymore),after going to the Pokecenter for one last checkup on the group's pokemon (and Brock making sure that he's able to travel plus picking up his allergy and pain meds) they leave Pewter never looking back.
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
(I'm still Female Clemont just changed the username), Goh, If you we're forced to hurt someone what would you do?
Hurt the person you're forced to hurt
2. Runaway
3. Hurt the person who's trying to make you hurt he or her
4. Call Ash and Officer Jenny
For Ash: What's your favorite color flower?
For Chloe: Out of all Eevee's evolutions, which one do you like the most?
For Pikachu: Don't go pretending you don't see Goh as family, anyways what's you favorite attack? (Example: Thunderbolt)
For Grookey: Do you enjoy sending time with Goh and Cinderace?
For Eevee: what's your favorite attack? (Example: Thunderbolt)
for Ren (If he wants to answer): Who Is your favorite Pokemon?
For Prof. Cerise (If he wants to answer): How come you act differently from your daughter?
Goh: I would hurt whoever's forcing me to hurt the person I love!
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Ash: Daisies! They're yellow, like Pikachu!
Chloe: Oh, it's a toss-up between Glaceon, Sylveon, Umbreon and Espeon. They're all very graceful, don't you think?
Though Sylveon looks like it would have a lot of trouble with those ribbons of theirs...
Pikachu: (I wouldn't dream of it! Anyway, my favorite attack is, of course, Thunderbolt. You better not say I'm basic because of that!)
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Grookey: (Of course! Is dad an bro! Dad an bro time best! 💞)
Eevee: (My favorite attack is Tackle, because I can use it all the time. It's like a glomp, but strong!)
Ren: My favorite pokémon is my dear Françoise, naturally (hugs Françoise)
Chloe: Ren, please. You're giving me Psyduck flashbacks
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Prof. Cerise: It's because I wasn't present in her life and am a failure as a father 😭
Ash: Don't worry, Professor Cerise, I think you're a cool dad! Very hardworking
Cerise: Thanks, Ash 🥲
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