#Asa's Light
crestvo · 1 year
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"I took over half of your brain"
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chocsra · 1 year
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"Birds in the House of Flies."
15! Chuuya x gn! asa mitaka! reader
A/N: genuinely sorry but im gonna have trouble posting since tests are a BITCH DAMN, im sorry if u sent a request itll take some time thank you guys 😭 ALSO SORRY AB THE ONE BED TROPE THINGY IM STILL WORKING ON IT WILL BE POSTED TMRW . also asa mitaka is like the only character i kin besides shoko 😭 thank uuuu for the request 🙈
content: based off the building scene in csm, oneshot, slight angst?, pre-relationship, holding hands 🥺, ooc, mentions of suicide, mafia chuuya, civilian reader, slight crack, fluff mentions of girl once
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"Fuckin' hang on!!"
Those three words echoed loud in the cold air admist the darkness below your figure, each passing second felt more like an anomaly than the present taking over it's future. A dark whirling pressure pulls you down more, a completely dark void which surrounded you fully, an emptiness that induced fear, unknowingness, it was uncanny.
Despite the dreading pull along your feet, the same body parts you hated for walking - it walked you to your worst and hated places, it held you up when you would much rather decompose in the filth of your bed, something clung onto your hand and held you up even when the only vision you see is a complete reflection of your thoughts, empty.
Sometimes, you hated touch - that was a lie, you hate touch. You hate it when you get a hug that held no value, you hate it when others send warmth to your body, your cold, without any second thought. However, the hand that held yours somehow felt like holding a mug of hot tea, like intaking hot soup relaxingly burning down your throat.
The warmth that held you was a boy, you noticed the ivory complexion laced upon his warm hands, a different feeling than when he was wearing cold, leather gloves. "Dude- you gotta be shittin' me.." a husky voice sighs from the other side, hands deeply clung onto your own in a gravitational pull.
"I'm okay with falling! Just let me go.." you mumble, now you wouldn't have to meet expectations, or feel the dread of waking up ij the morning. You watched as the ability you were trapped in completely used your greatest fear against you; the dark.
You weren't sure how you got into this situation, when you were younger - some people were gifted with special abilities that defy science, yours was no different; but instead of joining an organization to be against or with humanity, you lived your life as somebody normal would.
Only now, your ability got sold for a high price on the black market, not only do criminals desire your skill, but government workers too; strangers from fucking hell. You were taken into the backropes of the Port Mafia, reigning from Yokohama, Japan; the wish was to transport you back to Yokohama in one piece, fuifilled by a trusted mafioso, Nakahara Chuuya.
He was like any other boy your age, he was a nice guy, actually; just in the wrongest, most immoral line of work, at the ripe age of what, sixteen?
And to you, a normal student, the normalization of superpowers was pretty crazy. Nakahara Chuuya was a shithead that showed you of that, he was chill but aggressive, moral but immoral, small but incredibly strong?
"No way I'm lettin' ya go, you're fuckin' crazy!!" he shouts, pulling your limp body up from the void, you pensively look down at the endless pit, reminicing moments where you were at peace. "I'm not crazy, you are! And stop fucking swearing!!" you scream back, dangling yourself and grasping onto the leather sleeves of his jacket.
"You stop fuckin' swearing!"
A heavy silence filled the void, and the sudden tug from his hands. "The ability uses your darkest fear against you, why the hell did you willingly fall?!" the boy shouts back, a little crack in his voice emerged, causing you to lower your eyebrows in slight embarrassment. "Because why would I keep living and fufill expectations I never asked to recieve?!" you answer, eyes flitting to every corner possible in that dark void, a star, a light - no, only his hand. "You can't be serious - I get it! Life is a bitch, doesn't mean you hafta kill yourself!" he argues, pulling you upwards as you dangle your body weight down.
"I am not killing myself!" you hiss, listening as Chuuya retorts with a scoff. "Yeah, you just let yourself fuckin' fall." he chews on his bottom lip stressfully, "Think of all the amazing shit you can live for; dogs, puppies, smoking!!"
"Gross!! Don't you know how much damage that smoking causes your lungs?!" you shout back, the sleeve of your uniform cuffing onto your held up arm. "Fine - alcohol!" Chuuya clicks his tongue, trying to find out luxuries of life. "That's disgusting! The blurry lines between a social drinker and an alcoholic are extremely thin!" the boy tightens his grip in annoyance, "What the hell do ya even like?! Parties?"
"Parties are a mix of sweat and loud noises that give me migraines! Not everyone is a fuckin' gangster, y'know?" the redheaded boy sighs begrudgingly, attempting to pull you up. "..I don't know what girls like, clothes...?" you pause and rub your temple with your free hand, "Just let me go already! Nobody has it worse than me!"
"Fuuck!" Chuuya groans at your dismissal, "I'll tell ya what I'm living for - I saw weird shit until I woke up in the real world when I was like 8?! Now there's a God living inside me!!" you grew silent, ".. I'm not your therapist!" you stammer, causing the boy to hiss. "[Y/N]! Let me help you so I can find out about the past I've never had." you bit your lip torn, hearing as the void went silent.
From the minimal interactions you shared with the ginger, his actions always seemed barricaded, as if he were put behind glass his whole life. And from his story, it seemed pretty right. He's far too loyal with that mafia, and blames himself for the short coming of his old organization. 'Nobody has it worse than me!' rung through your mind, god, how you internally facepalmed. You hated being touched, but you were sort of touched; and as selfish as you were, or are, you had to dress another morning successfully waking up.
"..Or else Ima call the God - O' grantors, of dark dispa-"
"Fuck! You can help me, alright?!"
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lamemeduturfu · 1 year
Happy asaden cuddling because why not ❤️
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I enjoyed sm doing the lighting, I wanted to convey a calm and warm atmosphere and I think I nailed it !
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What if...my heart couldn't take it anymore
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Actually it's not the first time I used Jessie and Jane as a reference (this one is from january)
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I might...have an idea for an asaden animation with an audio from the camino with jessie and jane... thinking...but I have already wips so it's not my priority buuutt I already have the storyboard
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lolliudo · 10 months
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more of my sky ocssss
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sodafizzyart · 9 months
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Weird reaction to losing an arm, but go off
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iitadoriis · 7 months
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ahhh it’s almost time!! Happy Ramadan and Ramadan Mubarak to all this year! May all our fasts and prayers and duaas be accepted ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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syncast-err0r · 2 years
arkin, waking up from a collector related nightmare: the mask stays OFF during sex
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whump-bunny · 9 months
Meet: Asa
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Asa is a 14-year-old hot-head and his mouth can get him into trouble sometimes. But he makes up for it by being quick and clever. He would die for his brother Liam, or anyone else he cares about for that matter. But sometimes, dying isn't enough.
Asa has a very rare Light. He can heal from virtually anything right before your eyes. Whether it's a cut, a bruise, or a severed limb, he’ll always bounce back, good as new. (At least, physically. Mentally is a whole other issue.) Even death doesn’t stick for very long. In fact, Asa’s blood might very well be the key to immortality.
This makes him unbelievably valuable to the LRA. And that's not a good thing.
Things only get worse when he meets his father, Adam. And Asa realizes that in the wrong hands, his blood is the most dangerous weapon in the world.
(Artwork was commissioned from the amazing @nicodrawings)
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(translation: My heart ache even though I never had it to begin with) /was thinking of how this line relates to Legend and Koholint... anws have this legAsea recreating this one shot of the MV
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liizardemojii · 1 year
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🎀pre-orders end 7/20‼️🎀
store link here: https://liizardemojii.bigcartel.com/
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mndvx · 1 year
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primevideouk An early Christmas present for you all, Your Christmas Or Mine 2 gets delivered to Prime Video on 8th December 🎁
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trench-surfer · 7 hours
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red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months
crowd sourcing my decisions. im stuck between 3 colors for her coat what do we think
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lolliudo · 8 months
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sky oc doodleezzz
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chaotic-toby · 10 months
Asa holds Arkin up on a pedestal. In his eyes, Arkin is basically a God. He is everything good in the world, and Asa would do anything for Arkin
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