#As for why he's talking to Bubs? Secret content
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AN: This is long so be prepared 🫣
Synopsis: You and Joe had been infatuated with each other since you were both fourteen years old. Something happens in your senior year, causing you to have to break up with him and also making you have to hold onto a secret; giving birth to his firstborn child that he never knew existed.
Pairing: Ex-boyfriend!Joe Burrow x Ex-girlfriend!Reader
Do not engage if you are underage
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The sun visor in your car came down with the swift movement of your hand so you could gaze in the mirror at your appearance. After applying another layer of lip gloss, you straightened out your necklace that contained his initial which was gifted to you from him on your sixteenth birthdays.
First it was meant for him, Joseph.
Now it was also meant for the little one you two made who wasn't quite so little anymore, Julian.
And after more than ten years, you still had it.
The only time it ever left its rightful place was when you had to clean it.
You still remember the conversation that you had when the two of you were just fifteen about the future that you planned to share with one another.
The two of you were laying down in Joe's backyard on one of the many blankets that your grandmother had knitted staring up at the night sky. It was one of your favorite past times between the both of you.
“So, what are we naming our kids when we have them?” Joe asked as he looked down to see you pick up your head from his chest to look at him.
“Hmm, never thought about it until just now.”
“After we're married of course. I'll be playing in the NFL and you'll be an aerospace engineer at NASA.”
“I don't know if I'm smart enough for all that.” You replied and Joe instantly frowned from your response.
“You are smart enough. Stop talking about yourself like that and selling yourself short.”
“Fine, I'm going to be an aerospace engineer at NASA.”
“That's better and I just thought of a name.”
“Tell me. But we need a name for a boy and a name for a girl so whichever one comes first we'll be ready.”
“I like Julian for a boy. His name will start with a J like mine.”
“You don't want him to be named after you?”
“No, I want for him to be able to have his own identity.”
“Good point and I like Julian too. Now for a girl.” You said as you adjusted to make yourself more comfortable.
“Juliet since you like Romeo and Juliet so much and I have no idea why.”
“Um, correction! I like the movie with Leonardo Dicaprio, there's a difference. Because truth be told they were both stupid as hell. How can you love someone after you've known them for like 2 hours?”
“Are you going to leave him for me?” Joe playfully asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Joseph, don't be stupid. It's us until the end of time, you know that and he is way too old for me.”
As you closed the mirror, you turned around to look in the backseat to see your son looking down playing his game and you called his name to get his attention.
“Yes, mom?”
He looked up at you with those same blue eyes that his father had and you quickly sighed.
“Let’s make this quick so we can get in and out. Did you still want spaghetti for dinner?” You planned on staying the night at your sister's apartment before making the two hour drive to Cincinnati to your new house. You told her that you would cook dinner since she told you she couldn't even boil a pot of water.
Just like it was when she was 14.
“I guess.” He told you as he shrugged.
“What's that look for, bubs?”
When he was quiet, you immediately knew.
“I know you're nervous about us moving and starting at a new school, but you'll be fine. And besides, you have football camp in a few weeks to look forward to, that your aunt was nice enough to sign you up for.” You told him and he sighed but nodded his head nonetheless.
After you had gotten pregnant your senior year in high school, your mom was the first one to find out and within a week, you were in Texas with your grandmother and refusing to have an abortion like both of your parents wanted.
You had been there ever since.
After finishing high school with literally a month left, you went off to go to Texas A&M University on a full scholarship and then onto Harvard online to do your masters. From that time, you stopped talking to your parents and in turn they didn't allow you to talk to your siblings, Sabrina and Ryan.
You were one of the top engineers at your job in Texas and they recently opened a new facility in Cincinnati and asked you if you would be willing to transfer to get it off the ground.
It took you three months to finally make a decision.
The final thought as to why you were willing to do it had everything to do with Julian.
He was getting older and just about every week he was asking about his father.
His father, who was in fact Joe Burrow the quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals.
Who also happened to be his favorite player who he was obsessed with.
He didn't know about Joe and Joe didn't know about him.
But that wasn't by choice.
It all boiled down to your parents as well as his, but mainly his mother.
Your younger sister had begged you to come and see her once she messaged you after she found your account on social media once you told her you were moving back to Ohio. However, you made her promise not to tell your parents. If she uttered a word, you would have no problem cutting her off because protecting yourself as well as your son was your main priority.
“Can we make brownies too?”
“With vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce on top.” You replied as you stuck your pinky finger out for him to wrap his around yours.
Robin did a double take as she noticed you in the aisle comparing two brands of pasta and could feel the color drain from her face.
She knew it was you, there was no denying it. You looked the same, but more mature.
She wanted to leave the aisle as soon as possible, but it didn’t quite work out that way since she also needed a box of noodles for dinner.
Hoping you wouldn't take too much notice of her, she made her way over and picked up the brand that she had always bought when you suddenly turned around and she caught your eye.
The expression that flashed across your face was unreadable as you were analyzing her. You were staring at one of the four people that had ripped your future away from underneath you.
The future that you and your boyfriend had planned in high school.
She was the first to speak and you were surprised she was even speaking to you at all. Considering what she had done.
And how much she didn't like you.
“Mrs. Burrow.” You flatly said as you threw the box of pasta in your basket.
“I… it's nice to see you.”
“Hmm.” You told her and quickly noticed that you had lost sight of Julian, but more than likely he was somewhere in the candy aisle. But to your surprise you heard his voice from behind you.
“Mom!? Can I get fruit loops!?”
When Robin set her eyes on who she assumed was her grandson, there was absolutely no denying it.
He looked similar to her youngest son except for the fact that he had curly hair which she assumed he got from you. Everything else was Joe up and down.
“You can get the small box.” You replied as you smiled at him go back down the aisle and turned back to Joe's mother.
“Does Joe know you're here?” She said in a soft voice and you were confused on why she even cared.
“What difference would it make if he did?”
“Is he…?” She asked assuming she was talking about Julian and wanted confirmation.
“He's nine and will be ten in December so you do the math and I know you see the resemblance. But for now I'm going to go so I can feed my child. Don't worry, everything is all still going according to your plan. But it's getting kind of hard to keep this a secret, right? I mean paying off your son's girlfriend's parents to keep them and her quiet about the pregnancy so that his future wouldn't get derailed.”
“Who told you that? And I did it for the both of you.”
“Bullshit. You never liked me to begin with and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out and it doesn't matter who told me. You always had it in your mind that I wasn't good enough for him. All I know is that my son is going to know his father one way or another and there is nothing you'll be able to do about it. Good luck begging him for forgiveness. I hope you have a good night.”
Without another word you walked away from her and found Julian in the next aisle holding his box of cereal and browsing the candy aisle just as you suspected.
“We're making brownies, King Julian. So, no candy.” You said as he turned around to look at you.
“But I also need a snack before dinner and who was that lady you were talking to?”
“Stop trying to change the subject and no you don't.”
“Yes I do and I noticed she kept staring at me.”
“She wasn't anyone that you need to worry about because she isn't important and you can get one other thing. Now come on, your Aunt Sabrina is waiting for us.”
“Is she younger or older than you?” Julian asked as he grabbed a Snickers bar.
Just like his father.
“Younger and how old do you think I am?”
“Well I know you're old enough to have wine so you have to at least be 21. How old is she?”
“Oh, never mind then.”
“I just can't get over how big he is and how much he looks like Joe.” Sabrina told you as the two of you were sitting at the kitchen table and her gaze was on Julian in the living room watching Netflix.
“The older he gets, the more and more he looks like him. Guess who I ran into at the store before coming here?”
“His mother. She saw me first.”
“Oh shit. And what did she say!? I know for a fact she never liked you. Anyone could see that.” Sabrina asked as her eyes went wide.
“First she was like it's good to see you and then asked if he knew I was here and I asked her what difference would it make if he did? And I basically told her to get out my face. And you’re right, she never liked me and I know for a fact that she thought I wasn't good enough for him or dare I say it the right ‘fit’”.
“I still can't believe how everything went down and how they never told him. Like that's their grandson. You two were supposed to be end game.”
“I know and I just… I hope when I gather the courage and strength to tell him that he wants to be in his life. Julian keeps asking about him and all he talks about is how he's his favorite player. I also hope that Julian won't despise me for not telling him.”
Little did you know that Sabrina had signed Julian up on purpose for the football camp. Not only because you told her how he loved to play but because she knew that Joe was hosting it along with Ja’Marr and Tee. She was going to make sure Joe knew sooner rather than later about how his ex-girlfriend fell off the face of the earth with his kid.
This had gone on long enough and wanted to see her big sister get her redemption story.
“From what I've seen, I think Julian will ultimately be relieved. It wasn't your fault to begin with and it's not like you hid it from him on purpose. And our parents were dead fucking wrong with how they treated the entire situation and I'm sorry that happened. I know I'm not responsible, but I also lost my big sister in all of that. And I'll never forgive them for it. It was like you disappeared off the face of the earth. And I never stopped asking about you.”
“I figured that out of everyone that you would. So when you messaged me, I got excited, not going to lie.” You said being completely honest.
“I only talk to them if it's absolutely necessary. The entire dynamic changed when you left. Do you ever think you'll talk to them? Can't blame you if you decide not to.”
“Probably not the best idea to talk to the people who wanted you to abort your kid.”
“Hmm, I guess not and you make a good point. But enough about that, what have you been up to? Do you really work for NASA?”
“Yes, as an aerospace engineer.”
“Like you always wanted. You were always smart as hell and could run circles around all of us. Only thing I know how to do is hair and make up. The parents were very mad when I dropped out and went to cosmetology school.”
“At least you figured out what you wanted to do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There are still people who are 45 years old and don't know.”
“Good point.” You told her as she got up to get the brownies out of the oven that all three of you had taken part in making earlier.
“Oh and the day of football camp is my orientation so I won't be able to take him. Do you think you'll be able to?” You asked and Sabrina tried not to show the disappointment on her face.
“Yeah, sure.”
“But I should be there by lunch time. So I can see him play for the second half of the day. He's really excited to go.”
“Perfect! And I'm really excited too since I have never seen him play before.”
The wheels immediately started to turn in Sabrina's head and she just hoped and prayed that everything was going to work out exactly how she wanted it to.
The day of football camp, Julian had been bouncing off the walls from the moment he woke up. As promised, Sabrina stayed over the night before so that she wouldn't have a long morning in rush hour traffic trying to get to your house and then eventually the stadium on time.
To her surprise, when she got there and signed Julian in, Joe was nowhere in sight but she was still holding out hope as she looked over at Julian in his black jersey with his rightful last name across the back of it.
She learned last night that he had a jersey in every color, which had been your doing of course.
You had explained to her that every day was a battle on if the day finally arrived that you were going to tell him the truth. I mean what possible harm could it do at this point? When you were younger, you had been terrified of your parents, but not anymore and you were done keeping your son a secret.
When you finally gave birth to him on December 10th which also happened to be your birthday along with Joe's, you were instructed to not even give him the Burrow last name which was a part of the deal that was made between both sets of parents.
A deal that neither you nor Joe was a part of.
And none of them showed an ounce of remorse for what they had done.
About two hours or so into the day, Joe made his way to Paycor stadium since Ja'Marr had asked him and Tee to participate in a football camp with him for kids ages 5 to 17.
Tee had sent a text to let him know where they were and after parking his car and walking into the stadium he made his way over and was immediately greeted by the both of them.
“Joe, we think we found your long lost son.”
Ja'Marr joked with him as he gave him an eye roll in return.
“What in the world are you talking about? It is too early for your nonsense and Tee is no better for going along with you.” Joe told him and Tee held his hands up in defense.
“Now what did I do!?” Tee exclaimed while looking at him.
“An entire list so don't get me started now what kid are you talking about?” Joe asked and he followed Ja'Marr’s gaze to see.
“That one and look at that, he plays quarterback.”
“He is literally you with curly hair and freckles.” Tee added as he would glance at Julian and then glance back at Joe comparing the two.
“What's his name?” Joe curiously asked as he was watching him do drills.
It was almost as if he was looking in a mirror.
“Mm, Julian I think.”
Hearing the name out loud made a wave of emotions come rushing back towards Joe and he was trying to do his best and not be upset about it.
That was the name you two decided that you were going to name your baby boy whenever it happened.
Because Joe had been dead set on marrying you and he didn't want anyone else.
He still thought about you every day and knew that deep down he would probably never get over not knowing what happened to you and what made you suddenly break up with him for no reason.
It didn't make sense then and it still didn't make sense now and no matter how hard he tried to wrap his mind around it, he just couldn't.
He tried to move on multiple times, but he found himself always comparing his girlfriends to you no matter how hard he tried not to.
You meant absolutely everything to him and you were one of the very few people who believed that he would go on to do amazing things in college and eventually the NFL. From day one, your nickname for him was superstar or MVP.
“Wait…..” Joe started to say, but his focus was now solely on Julian.
"Me and my ex-girlfriend picked out the name Julian for our son when we were in high school.” He said nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Uh? You didn't get her pregnant did you?”
“No, she definitely would have told me. But it was weird because one day we were planning our future together and the next she was breaking up with me. The entire thing never made sense. I literally haven't seen or heard from her since we were 17. What's his last name?”
At that very moment as soon as the name left Tee’s mouth, Joe thought that he was going to throw up.
Ja'Marr and Tee both looked at him confused.
“Uh? You okay over there?”
“No. That's her last name.” Joe quietly said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I… well maybe it's a coincidence.”
“How!?! That isn't a common last name!”
“And you having a mini meltdown isn’t helping the situation either. We’ll figure it out later when camp is over. For now we need to break them off into groups based on their age and get them ready to play against each other.”
The camp was only supposed to last from 9 am until 3 pm and as promised, you were actually allowed to leave early and looked down at your phone to see that Sabrina sent you the address to where it was held. Once you put it into your GPS since you were still learning your way around Cincinnati, the Paycor stadium popped up on your phone and you did a double take.
Absolutely not.
But you also thought, it was still the off season and training camp wouldn’t start for a few more weeks. The likelihood of you actually running into him was slim to none. So that way you still had time to process and run through what you were going to say to him when you actually saw him.
Because it was bound to happen one way or the other.
All because his mom saw you and will more than likely tell him but fail to mention the child that you two share.
Once you got there, you spotted Sabrina’s car and quickly backed in next to her before making your way to one of the many gates that surrounded it to make your way inside. Once you told them you were here for your son, one of them was nice enough to walk you over to the field where all the parents were gathered. You quickly spotted Sabrina and she waved you over.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why didn’t you mention that the camp was going to be held here and hosted by several Bengals players?”
“Oh, that? Um, I didn’t realize until we got here.”
“You were always bad at lying so I suggest you change your answer.” You told her as you crossed your arms and looked out towards the field and spotted Julian.
“Okay fine. I figured the sooner that Joe knew about Julian, the better. As soon as I saw that they were doing a camp before they started training camp in a few weeks, I immediately signed him up. And this was right after you told me that you were moving back here.” She whispered to you and you let out a deep sigh.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to see him yet. He probably still hates me for what I did to him.”
“But that wasn’t your fault.”
“Well, he doesn’t know that. Like you didn’t see the look on his face when I broke up with him. He looked so confused and hurt and I couldn’t tell him that I wasn’t doing it because I wanted to. I was doing it because both sets of parents made me. Have you even seen him yet?”
“Yes and he cut off all of his hair and dyed it blonde…. Again.”
“I remember when I dyed it blonde for him our senior year.”
“And got it all over our bathroom. Good times.”
“But, take a deep breath. He probably misses you more than you know.” Sabrina told you as she tried giving you words of encouragement but all you were doing was trying not to have a panic attack.
“He’s probably moved on and honestly when I think about it, it’s probably for the best. Hopefully it’s someone that his parents approve of.”
“Will you stop talking down about yourself? You were his first love and I’m sorry, that doesn’t go away overnight, it just doesn’t. The two of you were attached at the hip and I know for a fact that the two of you can get back to that and raise Julian together. Also, I want to be a bridesmaid when the time comes.”
“What?!?! I’m just being honest. “
“A lot has to occur for that to even happen.”
“How much do you want to bet he has a ring picked out for you? And I see you’re still wearing the necklace he gave you on your 16th birthday with his initial. So, I rest my case.”
Sabrina knew for a fact that he had a ring for you since the day after you left because she had seen it, he immediately cornered her in a hallway at school to see what happened. At that time, she didn’t know, but all she did know was that your room was empty and that she was missing her big sister.
As Joe had finished helping the kids in his group put on the flags to get ready to start the game, he jogged to the sideline and as soon as he looked to his left, his jaw hit the floor and he started hitting Ja’Marr’s arm.
“OW! What is going on?!”
“That’s her and her sister Sabrina. Fuck that’s her, it’s really her.”
Ja’Marr followed his gaze and saw you talking to who he assumed was your sister and his eyes went wide.
“I… wait a minute…. Y/N is black?!”
“Uh yeah why is that important?” Joe asked him as Tee had come to stand next to them.
“It’s not…. I just wasn’t expecting her to look like THAT. I thought you said Athens only had like 2 black people? Damn, she’s pretty, how did you pull that?”
“Seriously?” Joe asked and Ja’Marr held his hands up in defense.
“I should have known the way you were eating that fried chicken you had been around some seasoning before in your life."
“Wait…. THAT’S HER?!” Tee asked and they both nodded.
Tee took a moment to look at Julian, you, and then Joe and simply nodded his head.
“You the baby daddy, alright.”
“Joe, stop trying to hide behind me, YOU’RE TALLER THAN ME. And did you forget you just dyed your hair? Y/N can probably spot you from a mile away.”
“I don’t know what to do! Should I go and talk to her?”
“For one of your nicknames to be Joe Cool, that is definitely the opposite of what is happening right now. Yes! Go and talk to her when we’re done or when the kids eat lunch.”
“What if she doesn’t want to talk to me?” He asked and they both just looked at him.
“Are you a hormone raging teenage boy again? I highly doubt that she wouldn’t want to talk to you.”
Meanwhile, you looked over to where Joe was standing next to Tee and Ja’Marr, and the butterflies in your stomach instantly hit you like a ton of bricks.
“Sabrina, he’s right there.” You told her as you tugged on her arm.
“And I hear wedding bells.”
“Seriously?! Now is not the time.”
“It’s the perfect time actually.”
“What do I say if he comes up to me?”
“Uh? Hi? Have you suddenly lost all of your brain cells? For you to be an aerospace engineer, I wouldn’t actually be able to tell.”
“That’s different!”
“The kids are about to have lunch anyway so just go up to him then. You actually should have worn less clothing to be honest so he can see what he’s been missing.”
“Uh no, for one there are children around and two, I just came from my new job so that’s a definite no.”
“Changing the subject for a minute, but Julian is actually really good.” Sabrina said as he watched him run down the field for a touchdown.
“Well, look at who his dad is.” You replied as you shrugged.
“Did he always want to play quarterback?”
“Mm hmm, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“What do you think his reaction will be when you tell him?”
“I honestly don’t know. I know my baby like the back of my hand, but that I’m not quite sure about.”
“The baby who is almost taller than you by the way.”
“If he’s only nine now, I can’t imagine how tall he’s going to be when he stops growing.”
“How tall is Joe?”
“Oh, so we have a little ways to go.”
When the first game had come to an end, Julian spotted you and ran straight into your arms.
“Hi bubs, are you having fun?”
“Yes! Thank you Aunt Sabrina for bringing me!”Julian said as he was still holding onto you but turned towards your sister.
“You’re very welcome, sweetheart.”
“Mom, before we leave do you think Joe will sign my jersey for me?”
“I'm sure he will if you ask him.”
Sabrina got a small smile on her face as she saw Joe walking up behind you.
“Julian, look. There he is, go and ask him.”
As soon as she said that, the butterflies that had been in your stomach the first time you saw them were there once more.
As you turned around, you were met with the sight of your ex boyfriend that you hadn't laid eyes on in person in close to ten years.
“Um, hi Mr. Burrow, could you sign my jersey for me?” He shyly asked as he held up the orange Bengals jersey with Joe's number on the back of it. He made sure to wear the black one, bring the orange one, and the white one was hanging up in his room on the wall while the other white one was hanging up in his closet.
“Of course I can. What's your name?” Joe asked Julian as he handed him the jersey along with a marker.
“Julian and I play quarterback just like you do. You're my favorite player and I've watched you ever since you played at LSU.” He proudly told him and Joe had to laugh to himself.
Julian had literally been watching him since he was 4 turning 5 and had been intrigued ever since.
“Really? Wow, that's a long time ago.”
“I want to play in the NFL one day like you and thank you for signing it.” He confessed as Joe handed him back his signed jersey and squatted down to his level.
“You're welcome and if you practice and work really hard, there is no reason why you can't make that happen. And listening to your mom is also going to help.” Joe told him as he glanced up at you and winked.
Okay so maybe he wasn't mad like you thought he was going to be.
Julian eagerly nodded as Sabrina grabbed his hand and started to pull him in the other direction.
“Now come on and let’s get in line for some food. Your mom has something that she needs to take care of.” Sabrina said and you looked at her confused.
“Wait, what?”
She grabbed Julian’s hand and mouthed to you ‘talk to him’. Once they were both out of earshot, you heard his voice.
“It’s really you.” He quietly said and you simply nodded.
“And it’s really you.” You replied as your necklace caught Joe’s eye.
“You still have it…” He said more as a statement then as a question as he reached up to play with the charm.
“I'm wearing it for two people now. Joseph Lee and Julian Oliver. Only time I take it off is to get it cleaned and then it goes right back on.”
Joe nodded his head and looked in the direction of where Julian was standing next to Sabrina, you followed his gaze and sighed.
“Yes.” You quietly said and you immediately got a guilty look on your face.
“There is so much that I have to tell you and cannot do it in a span of five minutes. But yes. You keep looking at him so I answered your question for you because I know what you're thinking.”
“He looks just like me. How old is he?”
“He’ll be ten on December 10th.”
“The same day as ours.” Joe replied and you slowly nodded your head.
“I know we don’t have a lot of time right now, but please understand that I didn’t break up with you because I wanted to, I did it because I was told to and being a scared teenager doesn’t leave you with a lot of options. Just wanted you to know that.”
Joe slowly nodded his head and you couldn't quite read the expression on his face.
“After the kids are done, can we go somewhere and talk? Just us?”
“Of course, I’ll see if my sister can take Julian.”
“And he has no idea does he?” He asked, referring to Julian and you shook your head no.
“So, all this time?”
“You can be mad at me because I would be too, but I moved back because I was done hiding him. He deserves better than that. I wanted for him to know you and for you to know him because that is ultimately who ended up being hurt by all this.”
“He seems like a great kid. And I expect nothing less if he came from you.”
“He is and he is exactly how I imagined that he would be. Just about everything he does reminds me of you.”
Sabrina took Julian without a second thought to give you and Joe time to talk when you had asked her. The two of you decided on one of Joe’s favorite restaurants in the city and made sure that the two of you got a booth in a corner away from everyone else so the goal was no one would bother him.
You were looking over the drink menu, when you could feel Joe staring at you.
“I see some things haven’t changed. Joey, it's not nice to stare.” You told him as you laughed and felt your cheeks heat up and all he did was smile in response.
“Can’t help it if you’re so pretty. Gorgeous now actually. Always been that way.”
“Smooth talker Joe Burrow definitely hasn’t changed.”
It was quiet for a few seconds as both of you were once again scanning the menu when you blurted it out.
“I took a pregnancy test on April 1st because I felt off and before I could tell you, my mom found it.”
“And then what happened?”
“She talked to my dad and in turn both of them talked to your parents...” Joe immediately cut you off.
“Wait, they knew?” He asked and you gave him a slow nod.
“I was told to break up with you and that I had to move in with my grandmother in Texas while your parents paid mine off not to say anything. I only found out about that part last year.”
Joe stayed quiet so you continued.
“So, the day I broke up with you once again, obviously not my choice, a few days later I was on a plane to Texas. My parents said the only way that I would be allowed back in their house was if I got an abortion and I was not allowed to say anything to anyone about it. Of course by now you can see what my answer had been. I haven’t talked to my parents since and I don’t plan to. Looking back on it, I would have done things a little differently.”
“What would you have done differently?”
“Made sure that I told you because that wasn’t fair. You have been thinking for almost ten years that I didn’t want to be with you anymore and that was the furthest thing from the truth and you missed out on knowing your son. We can do a DNA test too to confirm. The last thing that I want anyone to say is that I’m lying.”
When Joe remained quiet, you reached your hand across the table to take his.
“I’m really sorry and I should have told you sooner and…”
“Stop. Y/N just stop.” He told you as he used the other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“I know you’re mad….”
“I am mad, but pissed off is more like it but it’s not towards you.”
“You had to go through that all by yourself when I could have been there. My son doesn’t even know who I am. I mean technically he does, but not in the capacity that I want him to.”
You slowly nodded as you allowed him to let all of his feelings about the situation be known.
“My parents knew I had a kid and did everything they could in order to keep me away from him.”
“And I missed out on nine years… almost ten.”
It almost looked as if Joe was about to cry, but did his best to compose himself.
“And you named him Julian Oliver, just like we both wanted.”
“I did, but I was told that I couldn’t give him your last name since they took the money or whatever.”
“And here I was thinking that I would never see you again.”
“The feeling is mutual, except on the tv when I watch you play of course. I knew from the beginning how good you were and that you playing in the NFL was bound to happen.” You said as you smiled at the thought of you two sneaking out and going to the park near both of your houses and laying down in the grass to look up at the night sky.
“You did and told me from day one even if I didn’t believe it myself.”
“I know this is a lot to take in but…”
“Just tell me everything, it’s just better to get everything all out in the open once and for all.”
“I mean that's the majority of what happened. I lived in Texas, graduated, went to Harvard. Got a job at NASA…” You started to say as Joe cut you off.
“Wait…. Back up, you actually did it?”
“Yes, you are looking at one of the top aerospace engineers at NASA. I moved back because they opened up a new facility here in Cincinnati.”
“I'm proud of you. I always knew you would end up working for NASA.”
“Thank you and this is the first time I've seen Sabrina too. Because I told my parents I wouldn't get an abortion, I couldn't talk to my siblings anymore. They didn't come to my graduation. I mean, I moved when there was literally a month of school left. I didn't go to prom because if I didn't go with you, it wasn't happening. My grandmother was my only saving grace. I didn't want to leave her and come up here, but she told me that would probably be the best thing for Julian. When my mom or dad would call to talk to her, they never asked about me. That was when my grandmother told me that she cheated on my dad and got pregnant with me and she felt that their relationship would go back to the way it was before it happened if they just got rid of me in a sense. They don't know that I know that. So my mother literally hates me and I don’t know who my actual dad is.”
Joe looked at you in disbelief and every time he opened his mouth to say something, he immediately closed it.
“I'm sorry you had to find out that way and sorry that it even happened at all.”
Before answering, you shrugged your shoulders and waved him off.
“It is what it is.”
“Y/N, no it isn't. That is some heavy shit you've been carrying around for ten years. Have you talked to anyone about that?”
“No and I don't want to. What good will it do?”
“You know better. Priorities can include Julian, but also includes yourself.”
“I guess, but not now. It's just… it's hard trying to wrap your mind around the fact that just about everyone in your life hates you and you were essentially a mistake.”
“You've always talked down on yourself and I see some things never change.”
“Sabrina said the same thing.”
“So that obviously means that we're telling the truth. You have always been the smartest and prettiest one in the room and it's still true now.”
“Even if I am, I'll probably never see it that way.”
After the two of you spent at least 2 more hours with each other, you exchanged numbers and it would be decided when and how the two of you would tell Julian.
The thought was exciting, but Joe was also dreading it. What if Julian despised him for not being there for him as well as you?
But for now, the day ended with a lot for Joe to think about.
Seeing you for the first time in ten years
Oh and the biggest one with you and him sharing a child that you were essentially bribed and threatened in a way to stay quiet about.
Knowing that his parents knew the entire time made Joe sick to his stomach.
He also had a feeling that both Ja’Marr and Tee would have their phones in their hands waiting for an update on what had happened. Before he could send the message that he had just typed, Tee beat him to it.
Tee- 👀👀👀
Uno- Spill the damn tea and stop leaving us in suspense
Joe- He's mine
Uno- Soooo I need details on why you didn't know about this….
Joe- My parents paid hers off not to tell me and made her move to Texas to live with her grandmother. And apparently she would only be allowed to move back if she got an abortion and of course as we can all see, she didn’t
Uno- This is some Tyler Perry movie shit 😫
Joe- They knew and pissed off doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now. I missed out on damn near ten years of my son's life. He has no idea who I am
Tee- Technically he does know who you are
Uno- But still that shit is CRAZY. So are the two of you going to tell Julian?
Joe- Yeah, but I'm getting a DNA test first because Y/N won't take no for an answer and I get it. I know he's mine and she does too obviously but that way no one will be able to say anything about it. We have to decide when we're going to tell him. I don't know how he's going to take it.
Uno- Whatever you need from us, we got you
Tee- Ditto
Joe- Appreciate it. First thing I need to do is confront my parents and ask them why they kept this from me
About a week or so passed and Joe had been ignoring the calls from his parents. He would talk to them a few times a week, but ever since he found out they knew about Julian, he really didn't know what to say to them.
However, he did promise to have Sunday dinner with them and he planned on confronting them and getting this out in the open once and for all.
There Joe was sitting at the dinner table with his parents and pushing his food around on his plate. Both Jimmy and Robin noticed and they exchanged a glance with one another before Jimmy asked if he was okay.
“Joe, you okay over there? It's one of your favorite meals and you've barely even touched it.”
“You know what, dad? No, I'm not okay.” He replied as he set his fork down and looked at him.
“Why? Did something happen?” Robin asked and he was doing his best in order not to roll his eyes.
“Something did happen and I don’t like being lied to.”
“Who lied about something?”
“Apparently the two people who have the title of being my parents tried to hide the fact that I have a child who is damn near ten years old. So, no one was going to say anything?”
Joe looked at both his parents in anticipation as the question he asked them lingered in the air.
When both of them were quiet, he spoke up again.
“Oh, so no one has anything to say?”
“Joseph, we did it to protect you as well as your future.” Jimmy finally spoke up as Robin remained quiet.
“Protect me from what exactly? Because that literally makes no fucking sense and you know it.”
“I don't care how old you are, watch your mouth when you talk to us.” Robin said as she crossed her arms and finally looked at him.
“I can't believe you two, but especially you. When Y/N broke up with me which I learned was your doing all along I came and confided in you not knowing what you had actually done. And let me ask, were you ever going to say anything?”
“Never mind because whatever excuse you're about to pull out of your ass isn't worth it.”
“We get you're upset, but let's calm down so we can talk.”
“You should have talked to me almost ten years ago. For now, I'm done. But answer this, forget about me for a minute. How could you do that to your own grandchild?”
“We never wanted to hurt you.”
“Hmm, funny. Because the people who did end up getting hurt were me, Y/N, and Julian. That's his name in case either of you wanted to know.”
“I saw Y/N with him about a month ago when I went to the grocery store.” Robin quietly said and Joe just shook his head at her.
“And you didn't say anything!?”
“When I saw him…. He is literally you up and down. There's no denying it. I know that us saying sorry is not going to cut it but….”
“You're right, it's not. Nothing you say is going to cut it or make me forgive you two for what you did. Y/N had NO ONE. She went through that by herself. Her parents shipped her off to Texas because she refused to get an abortion. I don't care what I would have had to do, she meant everything to me and I would have done anything to make sure that they were both okay. Now when we finally do tell him, he's going to wonder why I wasn't there.” Joe stated as he pushed his chair away from the table and stood up.
“I'm done. I don't want to talk to either of you right now.”
Once Joe was settled in his car, he immediately called you on facetime so that he would have you to keep him company on the long drive home that he had. When he pulled out of his parents driveway, you finally answered.
When Joe's face came into view, you could tell that he was upset and that something had happened.
“Joey? Is everything okay? What's going on?” You asked as you got up to head into your bedroom to be able to talk to him without Julian overhearing.
“I just left my parents house.”
“Okay? What is that look on your face for?”
“I asked them why they lied to me for almost ten years and of course no one had a good answer as to why they did it.” Joe breathed out as he pulled onto the highway.
“Oh and my mom mentioned seeing you about a month ago and failed to tell me anything. They're trying to apologize now but for what? Why even do it at this point? You knew what you were doing from the beginning.”
“I don't want to come in between you and your parents. I know how close you are with them.”
“It doesn't even matter. What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong and in this case they're dead wrong. And they also knew how I felt about you and how important you are to me.”
“Joey… hear me out for a second.”
“I'm listening.”
“Your feelings are completely valid and I'm not downplaying how you feel at all. But instead of focusing on being pissed at them, focus on finally being able to be a part of Julian’s life. He deserves you and you deserve him. I need you to be in the right and the best headspace. Do not come around him with that hanging over your head.”
“I… get it. I'm just… I can't believe that they would do that to me.”
“I know, but good news…”
“What is it?”
“DNA results are back and it's confirmed that you're my baby daddy even though we already knew.” You told him and saw a small smile form on his face.
“Now we just have to decide when we're going to tell him.” Joe told you as he sighed.
“Who knows? It might actually go better than we think it will.” Deep down you were not only trying to convince Joe, but convince yourself.
“But what if it doesn't?”
“Then we'll figure out a plan if it comes down to it. Do you want to wait until after training camp?”
“I was thinking the same thing. And maybe you two can come to the first home game of the season? And then we can go from there.” Joe's heart started to beat faster and he wasn't quite sure if it was nervousness or excitement.
“I like that idea.”
As promised, Joe made sure the two of you had tickets to the first home game of the season and the two of you were going to be directly behind the Bengals bench. Joe wanted you to be in his suite, but you told him that Julian had never been to an NFL game and needed to get the full experience.
Joe had sent you a text earlier saying that he couldn't wait to see the both of you and that the two of you should tell Julian after the game.
There Julian was next to you sitting there in awe and munching on his hot dog as he anxiously waited for the game to start. He dragged you as soon as the gates opened so he wouldn't miss anything. That was when you spotted Joe and a few other players come out the tunnel to come and warm up.
“Julian, look up.” You told him and his eyes immediately went to Joe.
“Mom! He's right there and there's Ja’Marr, Tee, and Andrei.”
“I see and look who's walking over here?” You replied as Joe began walking towards the two of you.
“I don't have anything for him to sign!”
“He signed your jersey already!”
“Oh, right. I forgot.” Julian said as he slumped down in his chair and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“Hey Julian.”
“You remember my name?” He asked as his eyes went wide and Joe nodded his head as Julian stood up to stand against the railing.
“Of course I do. And your mom told me that this is your first NFL game in person.” He said as he turned to look at you and wink, making a smile form on your face.
“It is. I usually just watch it at home with my mom.”
“I hope I'm able to see you a lot more this season.”
“Well, you have to talk to my mom, she's the boss.” Julian said and you stifled a laugh.
“I definitely think that I'm going to be able to convince her.”
Julian smiled at Joe as he went back to eating his hot dog and Joe motioned for you to come closer to him.
“Hmm, I knew you would look good in my jersey, but I didn’t expect you to look this good.”
“I figured that you would like it.”
“That’s putting it lightly. So we still on for later?”
“Yeah, I'm cooking so just come by when you're done here and we can go from there. Since it's going to be after the game, I plan on making you a cheat meal. I already texted you the address.”
“I most definitely have missed your cooking so no complaints here.”
“Well ten years have passed and I've gotten a lot better.”
“That isn't all that's gotten a lot better.” Joe told you as he looked you up and down and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
“Joey, go finish warming up and behave yourself.”
“I am behaving! Just calling it like I see it.”
“I beg to differ.”
Even though the Bengals didn't come away with a win, Julian was still excited nonetheless to be able to go in person. You were now standing in front of the stove while Julian was sitting at the kitchen table and playing on his iPad that you had recently gotten him when the doorbell rang and you knew it was Joe since you could see him on the security camera.
“Bubs, can you go see who's at the door for me?”
“Yes, mom.”
Julian basically sprinted towards the door and when he opened it, his mouth hit the floor.
“Hey Julian, your mom invited me for dinner.”
“I… Uh…” He started to stutter and you suddenly appeared next to him.
“Julian, don't leave our guest waiting outside. Invite him in already.” You said as you smiled at him and he immediately moved to the side so that he could come in.
He had a bouquet of flowers in his hands and quickly gave it to you while also hugging you.
If it was left up to you, you would have stayed in that hug forever.
“Pink roses still your favorite?” He asked and you quickly nodded.
“Yes, still my favorite, but now peonies are high up on my list too.”
“I'll keep that in mind for next time. It smells good in here, what are you making?” He asked as he was now following your lead into the kitchen.
“Tacos. Always a good cheat meal and still one of your favorites?”
“Still one of my favorites.”
Watching both Julian and Joe stuff their faces with tacos was comical. It was the fact that they both fixed their tacos the exact same way and you noticed right away. Being that you were so nervous about how Julian was going to react, you didn't have much of an appetite. When Joe finished, he looked up and made eye contact with you as you then took a deep sigh.
It was now or never so let's get this over with.
“Julian, I have something that I need to tell you.”
“Okay, what is it? Are we still going to the aquarium?”
“Yes, we're still going and it's something else. Something that you have been steadily asking me about for a while.”
“A puppy?!”
“Uh no. Not exactly. Julian, Joe is your dad.” You finally said and he looked confused as he glanced back and forth between the both of you.
“Hold on, I don't get it.”
“It’s taken….” You started to say and he immediately cut you off.
“You knew this the entire time and kept him from me?” Julian asked and you knew that shit had officially hit the fan.
“It wasn't that simple, Julian.” Joe immediately spoke up as he looked at him.
“How is it not? I thought you didn't want me but you've been here the entire time.”
“The difference was that I didn't know about you, it wasn’t the fact that I didn’t want you.”
“Julian, just listen for a minute.” You said but he made a face at you.
“Why should I? What else are you lying to me about?”
Without another word, Julian pushed himself away from the table and ran upstairs to his room leaving both you and Joe at the table looking at one another.
“Deep down I knew this was going to happen.” You quietly said as you started to play with the ends of your braids.
“I'll go and talk to him, it'll be fine.” Joe told you as he grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze before standing up and going to talk to Julian.
Joe took the steps two at a time and there was no denying which room was his, seeing as his walls were covered in any and everything Bengals related.
“Julian, can I come in?” Joe asked him as he stood in the hallway in front of his bedroom door.
He nodded as he angrily wiped tears away from his face.
Joe walked in and sat down next to him and sighed.
“I know you're upset, but don't take it out on your mom.”
“But she lied to me.”
“She didn't necessarily lie, she was just trying to protect you. None of this has been easy for her. And I can imagine that it hasn't been easy for you either.” Joe explained to him and Julian quickly nodded letting him know that he agreed.
“She has done an amazing job taking care of you and I'm very thankful to her for it. But now you also have me. If I would have known from the beginning, things would have been a lot different. But we can't do anything about the past. We just have to focus on the future and move forward. Do you agree?”
“Good now can I get a hug and you go back downstairs and apologize to your mom? I don't think what you said made her feel all that good. And we don't want to hurt her feelings, right? Because you don't like when people hurt your feelings right?”
“No, I don't like it.”
“Now come on so we can get some of the cake your mom made.”
“Okay.” Julian said as he quickly hugged Joe's side and nodded his head.
“I'm glad you're my dad and not Patrick Mahomes. I don't like the Chiefs and I wouldn't be able to fake it either.” Julian added and Joe had to stifle a laugh.
About a month and a half went by and Joe would spend as much time as he could with Julian on his off days seeing as though it was the middle of the season.
It was almost as if no time had passed and Joe quickly fell into the role of being a father. He made sure to call Julian every night before he went to sleep and also used that opportunity to talk to you. Your current thought process was not being sure if rekindling the relationship between the two of you was in the cards. Truth be told, that would definitely be the icing on the cake, but you weren't exactly quite sure what Joe wanted and he didn't mention it to you either. But the most important thing was him having a relationship with Julian.
And for now, you were content with that.
You were currently working from home and it was the early afternoon when your phone started ringing. Glancing down, you saw it was Joe and a wave of butterflies had hit your stomach and quickly answered.
“Yes, Joseph?
“Don't do that. Am I in trouble? You only did that when I was in trouble.” He asked and you laughed as you shook your head.
“Hmm, depends. Have you done something that would warrant you to be in trouble?’
“I don't think so, so let's go with that.”
“Everything okay?” You asked as you plugged in your laptop to prevent it from dying.
“Yeah, it's fine….” Joe started to say and then trailed off and he would always do this if he knew he was about to say or do something that you weren't completely on board with.
“I can still read you like a book. Spit it out.”
“Okay, just…. Keep an open mind with what I'm about to ask.”
“Okay, go ahead. I'm listening.”
“I want Julian to meet my parents.”
It was quiet for a few seconds and even though he couldn't see you, you were shaking your head.
“Y/N, just hear me out. Julian has literally only been around you and your grandmother since he was born, right? For the most part?”
“And that wasn't my choice. It was decided for me.”
“He should have the opportunity to know who his grandparents are.”
“The grandparents who wanted NOTHING to do with him? Do I have that right?”
“I know, but they apologized multiple times for what they did. They know how I feel about it. I literally didn't talk to them for almost a month.”
“So, that makes it okay?”
“No, not at all and I told them that. But they are making an effort because they genuinely want to get to know him.”
“They didn't even allow me to give him the Burrow last name and all of a sudden they want to get to know him? Joey, let's be serious for a second. They probably would have NEVER told you that he even existed if it wasn't for me.”
“Y/N, I know this may be difficult for you but we can't change what happened. All we can do is move forward.”
“Your mother fucking HATES me and she always has.”
“No she doesn't! Neither of my parents hate you.”
“He's just getting to know you, give him some time to adjust.”
“Well we wouldn't be going through this if you would have told me.” Joe shot back at you and immediately regretted it once the words left his mouth.
“We wouldn't be going through this if it wasn't for YOUR MOTHER WHO FUCKING HATES ME like I said before!”
“Where did you even get that from?”
“Joseph, don't be dumb. So I'm going to open the door for her also to hate my child that she wanted no connection to from the beginning? No fucking thank you. If I don't talk to my parents what makes you think I want to be around yours when they are just as guilty? And I feel like you're downplaying what they did to me! Did to us! How can you not see that?” You asked as you felt a few tears slip out.
You should have known that it would eventually come down to this. You just didn't think it would be so soon.
As in Joe's parents wanting to be in Julian's life too.
“I'm not trying to make you upset. I just…”
“Too late because you already have. I have work to do, so bye.”
Without another word, you hung up the phone and threw it onto the couch behind you while you were doing your best not to cry even harder.
After you had hung up the phone on him, Joe was at a loss. He frustratedly ran a hand through his hair before sighing and attempting to call you back.
When you didn't answer, he came up with what he thought was the perfect idea to get you to talk to him.
A little over twenty four hours later, your doorbell rang and you checked the camera to see that it was Joe and rolled your eyes.
A little over twenty four hours later, your doorbell rang and you checked the camera to see that it was Joe and rolled your eyes.
“Go away, Joseph.”
“Y/N, let me in so we can talk.”
“We aren't 17 anymore stop giving me the silent treatment. I know how to bribe you.” He told you as he held up the pizza which you assumed was pepperoni in the camera.
"You're right we're not 17. Which means, I don't give in to your bribes anymore. So there's that.”
"Stop acting like you don't want this pizza and open the door. I also threw in a new telescope for good measure.”
“Wait, you got me a telescope?” You asked as you slowly cracked open the door and peeked your head out.
“You aren't getting it unless you let me in.”
“And what kind of pizza is that?” You asked as you were pointing. You already had a feeling that you knew what it was, but you needed confirmation.
“Your favorite.”
“What's my favorite?”
“What is this? 20 questions? Come on Y/N, let me in already.”
“Then tell me what's in the box!”
“Pepperoni and I got extra ranch on the side now open.the.door.”
“Hmph, fine. But hand over the pizza first.”
“No, not a chance. You're going to take it and slam the door shut. I still know you like the back of my hand.”
You sighed and finally rolled your eyes as you fully opened the door so he could step inside.
Once Joe was fully inside the house, he made his way into the kitchen and set the pizza on the table and went on the hunt to look for plates not knowing if he should take out two or three.
“Where’s Julian?”
“With my sister, so l'm by myself.” You answered as he then took down two plates and brought them over to the table. Opening the box, he slid two pieces on one of them and slid it over to you while also setting the ranch down in front of you.
“No problem.”
The two of you were eating in silence when Joe finally broke it.
“You know that I never liked fighting with you.”
“I know.” You quietly answered as you picked a piece of pepperoni off your second slice of pizza and popped it in your mouth.
“So can we come up with some type of compromise?”
Taking a deep breath, you nodded your head before pushing your plate into the center of the table and giving him your undivided attention.
“I know what they did to us and Julian wasn't fair and I'm not trying to downplay it at all. When I finally did answer the phone and talk to them, I explained how I felt and said that they betrayed my trust which I never thought was going to happen since they're my parents. Your hesitation is valid because mine was too when they had first asked. But the more I think about it, he does need to know who his family is.”
“I get that. It's just…. The main thing in the back of my mind is him getting hurt on the same level that we did.”
“They know that if they did that, that they would never see him again and I made that very clear. Because at first when they asked, I had the same reaction as you did and I said no.”
“Okay, I will do it for Julian and I promise to play nice. When did you want him to meet them?”
“You busy Sunday? All of you can be in my suite at the stadium for the game.”
“I’m not and that sounds like a plan. The last thing I said to your mom when I saw her in Athens was ‘good luck begging your son for forgiveness’ and I also told her something along the lines of her not liking me so this should be interesting.”
“You want me to have security at the stadium on standby?” Joe jokingly asked and you smiled at him while shaking your head.
“No need. Julian is my main priority and that will always be the case. As long as he’s happy and taken care of, I’m more than content with that.”
“That reminds me. It’s going to get cold soon so I wanted to take him shopping for some winter clothes. Has he ever even seen snow before?”
“He’d like that and no he actually hasn’t and I have a feeling that he is not going to like it, but he may surprise me so let’s see.”
“I can do it on my next off day. I’ll pick him up from school so you don’t have to worry about doing it.”
You nodded your head as you were deep in thought and Joe grabbed your hand breaking you out of your trance.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just stop to think sometimes on how our lives might have been different if you had known from the beginning.” You quietly answered as Joe nodded his head.
“I do the same thing. I’m just happy that you finally decided that enough was enough and told me.”
“Honestly, I didn’t know how you were going to take it and I was scared out of my mind. I also thought you still hated me after I broke up with you out of nowhere.”
“I could never hate you, no matter what the circumstances had been. And you didn’t know how I was going to take it? He literally looks like the perfect mix of both of us. I couldn’t deny him even if I wanted to. It’s funny that Ja’Marr and Tee actually noticed first. When they told me his name and I saw you, I started connecting the dots.”
“He’s starting to look like you more and more everyday.”
“I have another question for you and it’s okay if you don’t want to answer it.”
“Go ahead.”
“Would you ever talk to your parents again? Or at least try to find out who your actual dad is?”
“It’s not on the top of my priority list and they knew where I was the entire time. If they really honestly did care about me, none of this would have even happened. Sabrina doesn’t even really talk to them and as for my other siblings, I have no idea. Who knows what lies they told them about me. I honestly think that the only people who care about me are you, Julian, and Sabrina. And I’ve always felt like that.”
“And you know I’ll never stop caring about you.” Joe told you as he kissed the back of your hand before massaging it in small circles.
“I know.” You said with a shy smile.
“But enough about that, it’s finally dark outside and I’ll get the telescope out of my car since you did hold up your end of the deal with letting me in the house and it’s evident that my bribes do still work.”
“Burrow, don’t start.” You said as you pointed to him as he stood up from the kitchen table. He held his hands up in defense before smiling at you.
“Just calling it like I see it.”
“Joey! That piece doesn’t go there, it goes over here!”
“That’s not what the picture says!”
“Are you looking at the picture or reading the actual directions?”
“Umm, kinda both.”
“Hand it over to the actual aerospace engineer please.” Joe did as he was told but not before he rolled his eyes and pinched your cheek making you laugh.
“I am so fucking proud of you for making it happen. I always knew that you were going to do it.”
“Thank you, Joey. I can give you credit for telling me to go for it and not sell myself short. Julian was also my motivation. I had to be able to make enough money to take care of both of us.” You told him.
“And now you don't have to worry about doing it all by yourself anymore.”
Once you finished putting the telescope together, the two of you spent some time looking through it until you grabbed one of your fluffy blankets to lay on the deck in your backyard allowing the two of you to lay on it.
It was an usually warm night in October and you figured that you better enjoy it before the winter air kicked in. The two of you were simply gazing up at the night sky which you both did often when you were younger when Joe wrapped his arms around you and you moved to lay your head on his chest.
“I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed this.” He whispered in your ear as you nodded in agreement.
“Me too.”
“I figured that you would have been married by now and forgot all about me.”
“How could I forget about you when people were saying your name everywhere I turned? And besides, I kept up with what you were doing. I was very excited when you entered the transfer portal and went to LSU. Being a backup quarterback didn’t fit you very well since I knew how amazing you were. And I honestly thought you would have been married by now.”
“You never let me forget it either. And I wasn’t marrying anyone who would be in your rightful place. Only person that I was ever going to make my wife was you. What I told you when we were seventeen hasn’t changed.”
“Just patiently waiting for you to win MVP and I know that it’s coming. And I know Julian would want nothing more than for all of us to be under one roof.”
“I want this with you. We get to do it right this time and no one can tell us no.”
Nodding your head in agreement, Joe turned your head to face him as he leaned over to kiss you. You eagerly kissed him back as both of your hands were exploring each other’s bodies. As Joe took the bottom of your shirt in his hands, he broke the kiss and searched your eyes for permission before he proceeded. When you nodded your head, your shirt was then peeled off of your body and thrown to the side as he comfortably moved you to the side so that he could hover above you.
At this moment, you were thankful for your fenced in backyard and the fact that your house wasn’t very close to anyone else’s. So the likelihood of the two of you getting caught was slim to none.
The next piece of clothing to come off of your body was your bra as Joe started to place several feather-like kisses all over starting from your neck as he worked his way down. His tongue lightly grazed one of your nipples before taking it fully in his mouth and slowly beginning to suck on it making a quiet moan slip from your mouth. He soon switched sides before you tugged on his shirt telling him to take it off. Once he did, he added it to your pile of clothes to the left of you before moving downward and slipping off your leggings that you were currently wearing with nothing underneath.
He quickly spread your legs and settled himself in between them as his mouth finally made contact with your core.
Joe continued to pleasure you as he heard your soft whimpers and inserted one of his fingers as he started pumping it in and out of you. Your hands quickly made a way into his hair as you tried to pull him as close as possible to you.
“Shiiit.” You quietly said as Joe wasted no time adding another finger while his focus was now solely on your clit.
“Mm, Joey.”
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” Joe asked as his mouth left your clit for a quick second before going right back to it.
Not being able to utter another word because of how much pleasure you were in, you simply nodded your head.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but before you could tell Joe that you were close, You quickly squirted all over his face, However, he didn’t move a muscle as he tightly held onto your legs and still gave you as much pleasure as possible.
“Baby… mmm… Joey, I can’t….” You told him as you were doing your best to attempt to move away from him so you could somewhat recover from the constant feeling of you hitting your peak over and over again, but he obviously wasn’t letting that happen.
Being as bold as he was, he held eye contact with you the entire time, making you shake your head at him. When he finally came up for air, he placed several kisses all along your thighs before moving back up your body to place a kiss on your lips, which you gladly accepted and gave him several more.
“You are such an ass.” You whispered against his lips and all he did was laugh at you.
“Now, is that how we treat someone who just made you cum not once, but multiple times?”
“Hmm, yes because I know that you aren’t going to do anything else about it, but make me cum more and make me beg for mercy like you just did.”
“Good girl.”
“I see not much has changed.”
“But I see something on you has.” He replied as he began to play with your nipple piercings before leaning down and sucking on them.
“I figured that you would like that.”
“But I know that I’m going to love being inside you more. You ready for me?” He asked as he slipped another finger back into you. He took it back out and eagerly began sucking on it as he peered down at you.
Nodding your head, Joe slipped off his sweatpants along with his boxers and lined himself with your entrance.
“I know that you don’t have a lot of neighbors, but we still need to be quiet. Think you can do that for me, baby girl?”
“You promise not to make a sound?” Joe asked you as he inserted himself in you at the same time making you gasp.
“Hmm, that wasn’t quiet. Don’t let it happen again.” He whispered in your ear as he began pounding into you.
Your arms had now wrapped around his neck as his head was resting on your shoulder. It was taking everything in you not to make a sound and you knew that as hard as you were biting down on your lip that blood had probably trickled out of it.
A small moan slipped out and Joe immediately stopped his movements and picked his head up to look at you.
“I thought I said not a sound, baby girl? And you were doing so well.” He told you as he pulled all the way out before slamming his hips all the way back in making you gasp.
Joe reached down to sloppily kiss you as he continued to move in and out of you with you trying not to make a sound. Your hands went back around his neck as he movements became sloppier indicating that he was close.
“Joey…. I’m close.”
“Hold it until I tell you to.”
“But…” You quickly protested, but all Joe did was shake his head, indicating that he didn’t want to hear it and that you had better listen to him.
It was taking everything in you to not let go right then and there as he was still going, but when you finally heard his voice, you wasted no time.
“Now you can.” He whispered against your lips as both of you came at the same time. Joe made sure not to finish inside you and his cum was covering the lower half of your stomach before you sat up and caught him off guard with you taking him in your mouth.
“Oh shit, babe.”
He made sure to move your hair out of the way as you continued to pleasure him as you also kept eye contact with him the entire time. The use of your hands also helped when your jaw was quickly becoming tired.
It didn’t take long for you to taste his cum at the back of your throat once he released in your mouth and milked him until the very last drop. Once you were finished, you laid back down on the blanket as Joe laid down next to you before pulling you on top of him and kissing your forehead.
“I’ll give you ten minutes and I think we need to go inside for the second round because I know for a fact that I’m going to have you screaming.” Joe told you as he smirked and leaned over to kiss you.
It was now Sunday and as promised, it was the day that Julian was going to meet his grandparents. You were nervous to say the least, but at this point in time, it is what it is. You and Joe both compromised and you were going to uphold your end of the deal.
Julian actually didn't know that he would be meeting them. All he knew was that he was going to get a chance to sit up in his dad's suite and watch the game.
You and Julian would be wearing matching jerseys, along with jeans and your pandas to top it off.
As you were laying out your clothes to wear later, you got a facetime call from Joe and quickly answered.
“Good morning, Joey.”
“Good morning, my love. You ready for later?” Joe asked as you could see him moving around in his bedroom.
“I should be the one asking you that.” You replied as you sat down on your bed next to your outfit.
“I'm good. About to leave the house in a few. Excited to see you as always. And my baby boy of course.”
“And your baby boy is excited to see you play as always. Wouldn’t stop talking about it from the time that I told him.”
“Where is he? I want to talk to him before I leave.”
“Hold on. Julian! Come here for a second.”
“Coming mom!”
Once he came into your room, he was all smiles as he hugged you before sitting next to you on your bed.
“Someone wants to talk to you.”
“Is it dad!?” He excitedly asked as you handed him your phone.
“See for yourself.”
Once Julian saw his father on the screen staring back at him, his smile got even wider if that was possible.
“Hey King Julian, I'm excited to see you later.”
“Me too! Me and mom are wearing the white jerseys with our pandas so we can match you!”
“Definitely take a picture once you two get dressed and send it to me. And Julian?”
“You have to promise me to be on your best behavior today. I know you usually are, but I just needed to remind you. I have some special people coming to the game to meet you.” Joe told him and Julian nodded in agreement.
“I will, I promise.”
“And what's my one other rule?”
“Besides being on my best behavior? Listening and protecting mom.”
“Perfect. I'll see you later, little man.”
“Oh! Can we get ice cream after the game?”
“Yes, as long as mom approves.” Joe answered and Julian immediately turned to you and gave you puppy dog eyes.
“I… how can I say no to a face like that? Of course we can.”
“I want rocky road or no…. Maybe bubble gum…”
“Well there's no rush, you have a few more hours to decide.” Joe replied as you noticed that he was now outside walking to his car.
“Okay Julian, let dad go to work and you need to go downstairs and finish your breakfast.”
“But mom, I want a chili cheese dog.”
“I… Not for breakfast you aren't! I will get you one later, promise.”
“Julian, what did your mother say?” Joe asked him as he was now driving.
“To wait until later.”
“So we need to be patient, right?”
“Yes. I'll go finish my food.” Julian said with a slight attitude which Joe quickly caught onto and shut down.
“Lose the attitude this instant or we aren't getting ice cream. Didn't we just have an entire discussion about you listening to your mom?”
He let out a deep sigh before nodding his head in agreement.
“Go ahead and do what she told you to do.”
Julian handed you back your phone before heading back downstairs and you were once again left with Joe.
“He gets his attitude from you.” You said without hesitation and Joe immediately snorted.
“That is one thing that I can actually agree with. Even though your attitude is just as bad.”
“I… it is not!”
“I will never tell you a lie, babe.”
“I'm ignoring you. But good luck today and as always either way it goes, I'm still proud of you.” You told him and he gave you a small smile in return.
“So if I win, victory kisses and if we lose sympathy kisses?”
Once you had arrived at the stadium with Julian and had gotten settled in Joe's suite, the two of you were there by yourselves for about twenty minutes before his parents made their presence known.
“Hi, Y/N.” Joe's dad was the first to speak and you gave him a small smile. Robin was next to him, but you couldn’t quite read her facial expression.
“Hi, Julian, these are the special and important people that your dad wanted you to meet.” You told him and he turned around in his seat to smile at the both of them.
“This is your grandma and grandpa. Your dad's parents.”
“Wait, dad has parents?”
“Everyone has parents, silly!” You explained to him as both Jim and Robin made themselves comfortable.
Robin finally spoke and pulled you to the side to be able to talk to you.
“Y/N, can we talk?” She asked and you looked to see that Jim was explaining something that was happening in the game to Julian and nodded your head.
Once the two of you were outside the suite in the hallway, she took a deep breath before saying anything.
“I… first off thank you for agreeing for us to meet and get to know Julian. Because Joe’s original answer was no and I can imagine that yours was the same thing.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I want us to be able to put all of this behind us and move forward. Looking back on what I did, it wasn’t right in the slightest despite me wanting to protect my son. You have always been there for him and I knew that you cared about him. I knew once he knew that you were back in Ohio that it would be the same thing. I don’t think telling you sorry is enough and it will probably never be enough. Joe didn’t even talk to us for like a month and a half when he confronted us about it. Even after all this time, when Joe talks about you he lights up. And he does it even more now that he knows about Julian. I hope that you can forgive us for what we did. I know that it won’t happen overnight and that it will take time, but there is no rush. We want to be a part of Julian’s life and a part of yours.”
Clearly taken aback from what Robin had just confessed to you, all you could do at the moment was nod your head.
“Thank you for telling me that. I always thought you hated me when we were in high school so that was your entire reasoning behind doing what you did. But Joe swears up and down that you don’t.”
“No, I didn’t hate you and I still don’t. All I wanted to do was protect his future and was willing to go to extreme measures to do so. I know we hurt the both of you tremendously. I still think about the night Joe came to me in tears because you had broken up with him because we had told you to.”
“I still remember the look on his face, but he told me that he doesn’t hold it against me and knew for a fact that something wasn’t right about the whole thing. One day we were planning our future with each other and the next, I was breaking up with him.”
“That was definitely a dark time for him and that didn’t help when it spilled over to him going to Ohio State as a backup quarterback.”
“I can imagine.”
“But I just wanted to pull you to the side to talk to you. Now let’s go back in and enjoy the game.” She told you as she leaned in to hug you which you quickly returned.
Once you took your rightful spot next to Julian, he turned to you and asked a question.
“Where are your parents, mom?”
“Not really all that important right now, babe.” You replied and you were actually dreading the day that he found out the entire truth as to why he only had you in his life for so long and no one else.
As the game was quickly underway, the Bengals won the toss, but deferred it to get the ball at the start of the second half. Jim and Robin were both making conversation with Julian and you had to smile at how excited he was to meet them despite your protests. But what you weren't expecting was your actual parents to walk through the door.
“Hi everyone!”
Hearing her voice was like nails on a chalkboard and your flight or fight instincts immediately kicked in. You turned around to see both of your parents staring back at you and wasted no time questioning them.
“Why the hell are either of you here?”
“Now, Y/N is that any way to talk to your parents?” The person who calls himself your father asked.
“You aren’t even my real father, so you can pipe the fuck down.”
“OKAY! WHOA! Y/N, we just reached out to them to see if they wanted to come and watch the game with us since we knew that you were bringing Julian with you.” Jim stepped in to say as he put a hand on your shoulder. Meanwhile, Julian was looking at you confused.
“No. They need to leave immediately.”
“Y/N, why are you so upset? We just wanted to meet our grandson too.” Your mother softly said, making you instantly roll your eyes.
“Neither of you have talked to me since I was seventeen when I first got pregnant with him so what in the world makes you think that you have a right to just show up out of nowhere and talk to him? I don’t even want to have anything to do with either of you and I know for a FACT, my son is not going to be around you either.”
“That was a difficult time for all of us.”
“Difficult for who? You made me break up with my boyfriend at the damn near end of my senior year when I had a MONTH LEFT and move all the way across the country to live with my grandmother. Neither of you came to my graduation or checked up on me to see how I was doing and every time you called to talk to her, she would ask if you wanted to talk to me and the answer was always no. I was literally in the hospital in labor BY MYSELF because grandma was out of town on a business trip. A FUCKING NURSE HELD MY HAND INSTEAD OF IT BEING MY BOYFRIEND OR MY MOTHER. DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT BEING A DIFFICULT TIME FOR YOU.”
“Okay, Y/N, baby girl I get that you’re upset…”
“No, you don’t know ANYTHING and you need to….. Where’s Julian?” You asked no one in particular and everyone looked around the room dumbfounded and confused just as you were.
“He was just sitting right there. I… maybe the bathroom?”
“He never leaves without telling me because he knows better. SHIT.”
Meanwhile, Julian was wandering the hallways of the stadium by himself when all of a sudden he was spotted by Mama Tee who he met when he also met Ja’Marr and Tee after one of the Bengals home games. She spotted him too and immediately went up to him and was looking around for you.
“Julian? What are you doing out here by yourself? Where’s your mom? You look upset?”
“We were in the suite and I met my dad’s parents, but my mom’s parents also came and she got really upset. They started arguing and I wanted to leave. I really want my dad right now.” He told her as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
“I… okay. Well you can’t go to him right this second since he’s playing in the game, but I need to get you back to your mom because she is probably losing her mind. Julian, baby, you can’t walk away and not tell anyone.” She told him as she grabbed his hand and was leading him back towards the suite.
“Dad told me to always protect my mom, but I also know not to interrupt adults when they’re talking so I just left. I don’t want them here and I’ve never seen her like that. I don’t want to be around anyone who has hurt my mom.”
“Okay, how about this? Let’s dial her number so I can tell her that you’re okay and we can go from there.”
Julian nodded his head as she handed him her phone and quickly dialed your number. You answered on the first ring and he could tell that you were upset, not only about your parents, but about him also walking away from you.
“JULIAN OLIVER! Where are you?! You need to get back here NOW.”
“I’m with Mama Tee. She’s walking me back right now.”
“Once you get back here, you are not leaving my sight until you turn eighteen, you understand?” You told him and he nodded although you couldn’t see him.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Julian quickly handed Mama Tee her phone back and she could hear your quiet sobs.
“It’s okay, Y/N, he’s fine. Not a scratch on him. He just got upset because you were upset and he wanted to leave. Of course he told me that he wanted his dad, but I told him that he has to be patient and wait until after the game.”
“I never want to argue or deal with confrontation in front of him but all I saw was red when my parents showed up.”
“He also told me that because they made you upset that he doesn’t want to be around them and that they need to leave.”
“Well lucky for him, his wish has been granted because they literally just left. They offered to help look for him, but I said absolutely not.”
“Well, we’re outside the suite now, you can come and get him.” She told you as you quickly hung up the phone before practically running towards the door and opening it to see Julian looking at you with Mama Tee standing behind him.
Julian quickly hugged you and you were squeezing him for dear life.
“Listen to me, do not EVER do that again.” You told him as you grabbed his face for him to look up at you and he nodded.
“I don’t like seeing you upset or seeing you cry. They made you cry.”
“I… well they won’t be a problem anymore, okay? Promise.” You explained as you wiped a few tears that had fallen on Julian’s cheeks and kissed his forehead.
“Now, get back in there and watch the game with your grandparents. They were worried about you too.”
As Julian went inside the suite to sit back down, you turned back to Mama Tee and smiled.
“I can’t thank you enough for spotting him and bringing him back.”
“Of course, I know he’s a good kid, and his main concern was protecting you but he also told me he knows not to interrupt when adults are talking. He got upset, so he left.”
“Yeah, that sounds like my baby. I swear that I couldn’t have asked for a better first born.”
“You and Joe definitely have one amazing kid.”
It was now close to eleven at night and Joe had tucked Julian in before coming into your bedroom and falling face first onto your bed with you laughing at him.
“Is someone tired?”
“Definitely, but not tired enough not to spend any time with you.” He replied as he moved to lay his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him.
“How did your talk with your baby boy go?” You asked because you immediately wasted no time in telling what had happened during the game when you saw him in the tunnel before his presser.
“He knows now that if he becomes upset, he has to tell one of us before simply walking away. He was upset and I get it, because I definitely told him to look out for you which he was doing. It shouldn’t be a problem again. But, my parents were okay?”
“Yes and they apologized about everything and also apologized about my parents because they didn’t even know the full story. They actually gave me hugs and your theory was confirmed.”
“What theory? And I’m sorry that they basically ambushed you. But you know that you have me and Julian to protect you.”
“Your mom told me straight up that she never hated me and yes my two favorite boys.”
“I told you and you didn’t want to believe me.”
“And she wants to not only be a part of Julian’s life but mine too but she knows that this all isn’t going to happen overnight.” You explained to Joe as he began to play with your necklace.
“I’m going to get you a new one.”
“What’s wrong with this one?!”
“Nothing’s wrong with it, I just figured I could add a few diamonds to it to give it a little upgrade.”
“Fine, not going to argue about that, but I want it in rose gold.”
“Anything you ask for, if I have the ability to get, consider it yours.”
One year later
“Julian, you want to hold her?” Joe asked as he was cuddling your newborn baby girl, Juliet against his chest and he eagerly nodded.
“Go sit down over there and I’ll hand her to you.”
As he sat down in the corner of your hospital room, he was all smiles as he looked at his dad in front of him as he anticipated holding his baby sister for the first time. From the moment you told Julian that he was going to be a big brother, he stepped into his role and took it very seriously.
“You ready? You have to make sure you support her head.”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
Joe gently placed her in Julian’s arms and he was in absolute awe.
“She’s so little. Hi Juliet, I’m your big brother, Julian and I love you so much already.” He told her as she cooed and looked up at him with her brown eyes.
Joe recorded the entire interaction on his phone and when he was finished, placed a kiss on top of your head.
“We really did it.” He whispered in your ear as you looked at him confused.
“Did what, babe?”
“We finally got our happy ending. We’re together, married, and have our Julian and Juliet.”
“And it only took maybe ten years.”
“Doesn’t even matter how long it took, we made it happen. Still can’t believe that everyone in the house has the exact same birthday. Now what are the odds?”
“I know like that is literally insane. Now we have four birthdays to celebrate on December 10th.”
“Now, does my wife want sushi since I know these nine months have driven you up the wall with not being able to have any.:
“Yes, please, oh my gosh. I couldn’t get her out of me fast enough. I forgot how much I actually loved it until I couldn’t have any.” You told him and he laughed as he shook his head at you.
“Yes, Julian?”
“Can I request a little brother, next?” He asked and your eyes went wide as you looked at Joe.
“Um, let’s just try to focus on being a good big brother to Juliet first and then we can see.” He told him as he adjusted the flower headband that was on Juliet, a gift from her grandparents.
“I… what?! You know it’s hard for me to tell him no!”
“If that’s the case, I’m going to need a lot more than sushi.”
“That’s fine, how about a Birkin?”

Liked by lahjay_10, cincinattibengals, sabrinaaa, teehiggins and 2,472,097 others
joeyb_9: Finally got our happy ending. Welcome to the world, Juliet Maeve Burrow. Julian is so excited to be your big brother ❤️
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"My baby, you did so well." For Quinn please 🙏
This is for 18+ readers only, if you are underage, I can't stop you from reading, just proceed with caution
mention of- toys, sub!reader dom!Quinn hughes
this is only my second time writing smut if you have any feedback that would be great x
smut content below
Quinn had this rule when he was away on roadie, "no touching yourself", he went as far as hiding your toys in a locked box in your shared closet, hiding one of the keys in an old pair of shoes and the other he took away with him, he trusted you not to use your fingers, the only times you were allowed to was when he was on call giving you permission
While cleaning out the closet, sorting through old clothes to decide what to keep and what to donate, your hand accidentally bumped into one of Quinn’s shoes. As it tipped over, a small, silver key tumbled to the floor, catching the light as it landed beside you.
You knew you shouldn’t. You knew exactly what that key unlocked. But the ache between your legs was impossible to ignore.
Without hesitation, you grabbed your vanity chair, setting it firmly on the floor before stepping up onto it. Your fingers reached for the familiar box tucked high on the shelf — your secret stash of toys and pleasures you hadn’t touched in far too long.
You quickly grabbed one, placing it on charge because you knew it needed it after not being used for a little bit, when you placed it on charge, you made your way into the kitchen,n washing the dishes, you had sent a timer so you didn't accidently set the apartment on fire, soon the timer rang out threw your ears
Giggly like a little kid, you ran into your shared bedroom. You were lying on your back, opening up a locked folder where you and Quinn could share audios and videos to help pass the time of roadies, little did you know Quinn got a notification when you opened this shared folder,
Soon, finding the one you wanted, it was an audio of Quinn dirty talking to you, helping you cum, you turned on your vibrator playing the buzzing toy on your clit, your phone placed next to your ear to simulate quinn being there with you, but you needed this after him sending you photos of him being sweaty and his abs on full display,
moans were heard through the apartment as you kept your buzzing friend on your clit moving it around in circles, soon the sensation got to much and you turned it off, you gave yourself time to come back to earth, you went to the bathroom to clean yourself up and washing off your toy and placing it back into your nightstanding setting yourself a mental reminder to put it back,
time skip
It had been two days since you used your toy, it was weighing on you to tell Quinn, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? "hey honey i missed you" Quinn said as he wrapped his ams around you when he walked into the apartment "I missed you too bub" you replied giving him a long kiss "Needy aren't you" He whispered in your ear you gave him a shy smile "you can have me after my shower okay?" Quinn said before giving you a forehead kiss, making his way into your shared room, He didn't know why but he got a strong gut feeling to check your nightstand so he did
Quinn’s curiosity got the better of him as he walked over to the nightstand, fingers curling around the handle before slowly pulling the drawer open. His eyes landed on it almost immediately, your favorite toy, tucked neatly under some random receipts and hair ties, but not quite hidden enough. His brows lifted slightly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You’d used it recently. He could tell. By the time he reappeared in the doorway, you were scrolling mindlessly on your phone, completely unaware of what he’d just discovered. “So…” his voice was low, playful, but with an edge to it. “Anything you wanna tell me, sweetheart?” You glanced up at him, confusion flickering across your face. “What do you mean?” He held up the toy between his fingers, the sight of it making your stomach flip.
You were both looking at each other intensely, you knew you were in deep trouble, "Go lay on the bed, if I see one piece of clothing on you, you're going to be in even deeper trouble," he grumbled. You quickly followed behind Quinn, you watched as he went into the bathroom to take a shower, before dealing with you,
You quickly lay there naked, your mind wandered to how stupid you could be for not putting it back, to use it in the first place, all the thoughts left your mind as you heard the bathroom door open, Quinn standing there with one look in his eyes, to punish you
"you ready?" Quinn asked as he sat in front of you on the bed, you could only nod, "Words y/n I need words," He said, grabbing a condom and sliding it down his length "Yes", you quickly rushed out "Good girl", He said before he moved toward you, broad chest pressing against yours as his mouth latched onto your already hard nipple. His tongue flicked, lips sucking greedily, his other hand finding your neglected breast. His fingers rolled your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger, tugging just enough to make you arch off the bed.
“Quinn, please” you whimpered, the need bubbling over too fast.
“Please what, baby? Please make you come on my cock after you couldn’t wait for me?” he teased, but you could feel the heat in his words. He loved that you needed him that badly, so badly you couldn’t resist touching yourself when he was gone. He didn’t make you answer. Instead, he slid his cock through your soaked folds, coating himself in your slick before sinking into you with one deep, slow thrust.
The stretch was perfect , the kind that made your toes curl and a broken moan slip past your lips.
“So fucking tight. Were you thinking about me when you fucked yourself with that toy?” His voice was a low growl in your ear. “Yes,” you gasped. “Yeah? Did it feel as good as this?” He thrust hard, pulling out almost entirely before slamming back in.“No no, only you ”, you babbled, already falling apart under his pace.
Quinn didn’t hold back. His hands gripped your hips, keeping you still as he pounded into you, his cock dragging against that perfect spot with every thrust. His lips were everywhere, your neck, your collarbone, the swell of your breast, leaving marks to remind you whose you were.
Just when you were right on the edge, he reached over to the nightstand, grabbing the vibrator you’d been caught with.“If you love this so much, let’s use it together.”
You barely had time to process his words before the toy was buzzing against your clit, the sensation making you cry out. The combined stimulation — his cock, the vibrator, the weight of him pressing you into the mattress — it was overwhelming. “Quinn, I can’t, it’s too much”
“You can.” His hand wrapped around your throat, gentle but firm. “You can, baby. You’re gonna give me everything. Every fucking drop.” The first orgasm hit fast and hard, your body seizing around him, clenching his cock so tightly he nearly lost it. But he didn’t stop. The vibrator stayed against your clit as he kept thrusting, dragging you into a second orgasm before you could even catch your breath.
“That’s my girl. So pretty when you come.” By the time your third orgasm hit, tears were slipping down your cheeks, the pleasure so intense it was almost too much. But Quinn wasn’t done. “One more, baby. Just one more.” His voice was softer now, coaxing, gentle even as he drove into you with deep, steady thrusts. The fourth orgasm ripped through you, leaving you boneless, trembling under him. Your body shook, thighs twitching, tears slipping down your temples as you whimpered his name.
That was enough. Quinn’s thrusts grew sloppy, his fingers digging into your hips as he spilled into the condom with a deep, guttural groan. He barely took a second to catch his breath before he was easing out of you, quickly discarding the condom and gathering you into his arms.“My baby,” he murmured, his lips pressing soft kisses along your hairline. “You did so well. So fucking good for me.”
His fingers traced soothing circles along your back, his touch gentle now, all of that dominance melted into soft, loving care.“Are you okay?” he whispered. You nodded sleepily against his chest, your body still trembling slightly. “I got you,” he promised, reaching for a warm washcloth to gently clean you up. Every touch was tender, every word soft, as if you were the most precious thing in the world — because to Quinn, you were. He tucked you under the covers, curling his body around yours, his hand resting over your heart.
“I love you,” he murmured.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, safe and warm and so completely his.
#send in requests#thanks anon!#quinn hughes#quinn hughes x reader#quinn hughes smut#quinn hughes x you#vancouver canucks#quinn hughes fic#quinn hughes imagine#nhl x reader#nhl smut
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Presents - Part III
Pairing : Simon Ghost Riley + Platonic F!reader ( Chameleon)
John Price x f!reader. (Reader is medic , call sign : Chameleon )
Simon ghost Riley x Mini MacTavish
Rating : Mature content.
Summary: Ghost and Chameleon bonding over hand made soap.
Sequel to Presents and Presents - part II
Slight crack-ish fun :) not beta’d.
This is part of the “Mini” MacTavish universe within the Simon route.
Continuation of Little secret series.
Thanks for @captainpriceslover for her inspiration for the fic Trinkets, this is kind of continuation from that fic too.
“masterlist” for prequel to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.

“Why are you holding a heavy box?” Ghost is currently staring down at you, with a box in his hand.
“What are you doing here?” Similarly, you are staring up at him, with a box in your hand too.
“Give that to me. Price will kill me if he sees you carrying that box and I am not helping.” Simon grumbled at you. “Why are you on tonight shift anyway, you shouldn’t be doing night shift in your condition.”
You sighed, “Not you too. I am pregnant, not sick or anything Simon. I already had this argument with John.”
“You are just as stubborn as Mini.”
“And Mini said you are overprotective.”
“Well can you blame me?” Ghost let out a sigh. He definitely has a slight fear around pregnant women, thinking they are ready to snap or blown away by the wind.
You can just imagine Ghost having a very similar argument with Mini a few months ago when she rang you one day and letting out frustration that Ghost was pestering her to stop working when he found out she’s pregnant.
“He is just being so.. Overprotective!!!” Mini sniffed while talking to you on the phone. “I worked right up till the end.. Well, right until I fainted, but I was fine before that! And I was carrying twins..”sniffing again,” I wish he can just trust me to do things myself.”“I know… John was like for a while when I had Kyle… and look, he nearly lost you the first time round, can’t blame that man for being so paranoid, right? Just talk to him about it.”
And a few weeks later, you found out you are expecting the totally unexpected, second Price baby. And it was your turn to complain to Mini about your husband.
Since Price found out you were pregnant with the second baby, and the accidental reveal of you and Price’s relationship to the whole barrack, he started to follow you around like your shadow. Going to the supply room? He’s there behind you, ready to carry the box for you. Going to the mess hall for meals? He will be steering you to sit down, make sure you are comfortable before fetching the food for you. Any soldier who has been careless walking along the corridor and bumping into you? He will be growling at them like an angry dog.
“I am FINE John, go back to your office! I am more than capable of going around the base by myself!”
“Did you forget what happened when you were carrying Kyle?” Giving you a pointed look, blinking away as he reminded you.
Pressing your lips together, you indeed remember how you overworked yourself in the first trimester while carrying your son, and you ended up in the hospital while Price was away on deployment.
“ I am looking after myself darling. I am eating on time, resting when I am supposed to.Thanks to you. Also,” You turn around, facing your husband, while grabbing his hand and guiding it towards your growing bump. “The bub is a strong one, she won’t wither like her mother does.”
“SHE?” Price’s eyes grew bigger.
“Did I not tell you the sex of the baby?”
Oh, big mistake. Now he is following you around even more like super glue.
Back to the present, you cock an eyebrow and questioned Simon again,”What are you doing walking around the base at two in the morning as well.”
“... Doing the same thing as you.”
You had your fair suspicion when you heard whispered from soldiers that the bathroom had been filled with nice looking hand soaps lately. That’s strange. You thought . I haven’t had time to make new batches and put them out for a few weeks. And you usually only put it in the female bathrooms too….
Now you know who the mystery person is.
“Which bathroom have you filled already?” he asked after a brief silence. You pointed back towards where you came from.
“ Downstairs. And half of this floor already. You?”
“... opposite direction of yours.”
“Are you going to follow me?” you ask with surprise as he turns around, now carrying your box, waiting for you to move.
“Like I said, I can’t let you carry this heavy box all by yourself.”
Now walking towards the next bathroom on the level, “ So, Mini and the twins made the soap? Why are you bringing it to the base?”
“.... Actually I made most of these.”
You stopped and looked at him. “ Did Mini drag you into it?”
“I helped her at the beginning. Can’t let her touch all the dangerous chemicals. And.. it was…. Quite.. interesting. Accidently made too many.” he turned away, you can see a slight blush underneath his mask.
You let out a quiet laugh. Who knows infamous Ghost’s new hobby is soap making? Like Gaz with his knitting, the boys needed some hobby outside anything military related to keep their mind at ease. At least you know the Christmas present you gave to Mini the year before was put to good use.
You can just imagine Ghost in an apron, with a pregnant Mini trying to instruct him what to mix and what to put into the bowl, while the twins observe from the side, eagerly.
You let out a snorting laugh while Ghost gave you a look, but said nothing.
Stopped outside the bathroom, you took a few blocks of soap out of the box, and proceeded to place a few inside the bathroom.
Two of you proceed to dish out all the soap until your box is empty.
“Thank you Simon.”
“No worries. You better get back to the infirmary and have some rest. I wouldn’t tell Captain about this.”
You pat him on the back. “Go and finish dishing out your soap too. Have a goodnight.”
He gave you a wave as he turned and finished his mission.
You realised later, this is the first time you and Simon had a long-ish casual conversation without anyone else around, even though you had known him as John’s subordinate officer and personal friend for over ten plus years. First time for everything.
“Love. Do you know anything about the soap that keeps popping up in the bathroom?” Price asked you a few weeks later, while sipping on coffee, giving the knowing look.
“.... NOPE. I can’t just waddle into the men's bathroom, you know.”
“You tried once..” he mumbled. “ JONATHAN PRICE. SHUT UP.” You warned, face burning.
Quickly turning his head, “Gaz?”
“I only knit things, you know.”
“Hey, contrary to my name, I don’t know how to make soap.” holding his hand up, denying.
“..... Ghost?”
He hand stopped, mid dunking his tea bags. “Negative sir.” and quickly walked away.
And rumour has it, if you go into the bathroom at two in the morning, you might see a tall ghostly figure, holding bars of soap, glaring at you. You might not even make it out of the bathroom alive.

You gave birth to a chubby baby girl, Grace Evelyn Price few weeks later.
And Price started pestering Ghost about “how to protect your daughter away from possible pests.”
Aileen is happy she’s not the only girl in the rowdy boy group.
( I need to start drawing and listing out all the kids name and family tree for each of the Mini Route soon.. I can't keep up with their names and ages lol )
#call of duty#captain john price#john price x you#john price x reader#john price imagine#john price#john price x y/n#captain price x reader#captain price#captain price x y/n#captain john price x reader#captain john price x you#captain john price x female reader#crack fic#mini mactavish universe#mini mactavish verse#mini mactavish#simon ghost riley#task force 141#kyle gaz garrick#john soap mactavish#cod#cod x reader
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More art I’ve been doing: That one character only in 2 toons but I love him so fucking dearly
#pastelart#Pastel'sCCs#Homestar Runner#the umpire#I love that he's so fucking tiny in canon it's great#As for why he's talking to Bubs? Secret content
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prize counter girl ☆ four
➥ michael afton x camgirl!reader
you've been a camgirl for only a few months and everyone loves the content you post. when michael afton porn surfs to relieve his stress, he comes across your videos. the more he jerks off to your content, the more he's addicted. but it wasn't until, a few months later, he sees your familiar face as the new employee working at the prize counter.
genre. NSFW, 18+, modern au.
chapter warnings. video call sex, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, dom!michael
pcg materlist • previous • chapter five
tags. @jaeeeeeeyito @xuilyie @michael_aftonslut @matchafroggy @soft-spirit-ren @inesalexandra1995 @mmkqyde @lenishotandcute @corrazon @ghostisinvis @milk-bub @yukkomi @michaelaftonhusband @mikeesz @queen-simp @m00n-drifter @akazxii @setethstuff @roody-y-a @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @halparkebitch @erensslut @aftonpartner @artichoke-me-please @icekreamcakeee @astrobunny @woahhajime
No, Michael.
Don't fucking do it.
But it was already too late. As much as the guilt had already emptied his throat, Michael's urge to respond gripped his stomach like hunger for the unattainable. Warning himself to step away from this was fairly useless. He'll forever get swept under your tide that he allows himself to chase to, even if he's acutely aware of losing control.
Hell, if temptation were a person it would be you.
Michael contemplated. If you had been catering to other perverted customers over the phone, how the hell was Mike Shmidt the go-to choice? It may have felt nerve-wrecking at first, rereading that sudden text an infinite amount of times. But it also felt very vaunting to know that he was the only man lingering in the back of your mind during the training session, impatient to get off with him on a steamy video call for the first time.
But not me, though. She likes Mike Shmidt, not me...
As Michael drove home that night, he fell in distraught again. He wanted to continue supporting you with as much money for being a camgirl, he really did— regardless of befriending you at work like he's entirely oblivious of your dirty little secret. But that distraught resurges when he continues to downplay it, resulting in awkwardness around you when really he can't attain the inflamed effect you have on him.
He wanted you. Badly. You were his source of stress relief for months during his frightening nightguard shift. Aside paying you hundreds, he wanted to express his gratitude by making you feel good. You deserved it.
But he can only do that as Mike fucking Shmidt.
"Fuck," Michael cursed under his breath, his palm slamming the steering wheel. "Why did she have to work here. Why did she have to do this to me. Who is she and why does she take pleasure in ruining me?"
It was already 12 AM. Michael arrived home at 10 PM. He sunk in his bed as the nightly ambience of passing cars and crickets from his open window fill his ears. His laptop was beside him, the bright rays of his screen hitting his face. Before today, 11 PM was the only acceptable time for him to drift asleep for work. But that wouldn't be the case anymore. Oh, definitely not anymore for sure.
Michael absentmindedly lingered on his phone after he finally replied back an hour ago. As long as he doesn't have to show his face on camera, he obliged.
What will it be? Mutual masturbation then go to work the next day like nothing happened?
Isn't that what everyone does, though? Go on with their day or night after masturbating?
You sound so fucking dumb sometimes, bro. It shouldn't be that big of a deal.
The stress was building up again, haunting him with lust endowed in his restless mind. Would his first video call with you alleviate his stress? Or would it deteriorate him more? No matter what, Michael couldn't shake off that restless craving— a forbidden addiction to you, ensnaring him to seek for taunting pleasure from you but torments him.
Suddenly your video call request popped up on the screen. Startled from the spur of the moment, he sits up straight and sets the laptop on his thighs and adjusts the screen to crop his face off the camera.
Lighting's pretty decent. Being shirtless is sexier, too. Speak with a deep voice like you're kinda sleepy. Maybe she'll like that.
Michael clicks on the green button, his heart beating erratically in his chest. When the call went through and your alluring face took over his screen, his limbs froze for a moment. The twist in his stomach, the ecstasy blossoming in his brain; an inexplicable feeling of being raptured by your unfair, merciless, effortless seduction. Intimidated, yet aroused. Bashful, yet provoked. Enraged, yet passionate.
"Hi Mike. Been thinking about you after our call earlier," you muttered sweetly, the honey in your voice writhing him.
Michael's heart couldn't stop leaping. After mentally preparing some starter conversations earlier it was deemed useless. "Oh, really? What made you wanna come back to me?" he mused, trying his best to alter his tone as more flirtatious.
The camera was angled to only your body and part of your face, taking in the mesmerizing outline of your plump lips; the same, stunning angle as your videos. Your skin was glimmering with the incandescent pink neon lighting of your room, the glowing, rich atmosphere enveloping him. You were already shirtless with just your panties on. Michael can feel himself starting to grow harder, lightly grazing his bulge.
"The things you said," you continued, "I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole day I got really horny. I just had to text you tonight."
As much as he wanted to admit he felt the same way, he remembered how wary he was of your sly tantalization from today. Everything about your presence made him surrender to you; powerless against the effect you have on him it felt rather unfair. How tormenting it was of you to distract him while working. How tormenting it was for him to seize up whenever you're around, igniting his agiation like an undying fire. How tormenting it was that he had to endure his ravenous urges until you showed up in his life, pulverizing him entirely.
"I'll let you do anything you want me to do. Just tell me. As long as I get to hear it from you only," you spoke fondly.
"I'll let you do anything you want me to do."
Michael was already sent into a frenzy by your pleads. His breathing grew heavier from the rapacity, provoked from the way you're asking for it. Finally unmasking his dominant side right before you; the leading cause of his stress. But how unfortunate he could do this through a damn video call, and not where he really wanted you to be.
You show up in my life, make me feel this way, and then get away with it just like that? Oh, I don't think so.
The brunette man smirked. "Is that what you really want? Let me have my own way with you? Because I think I've earned that."
"Oh? You weren't this bold when we called for the first time earlier," you say. Michael assumed that you thought he was bluffing hence the playful chuckle you gave after; but little did you know...
"Hm. Well, I got distracted at work because of you. And now you're letting me get to decide what I want you to do. I would say be careful what you wish for, darling, but I don't want to ruin the fun. My money is going to you, after all..."
You watch in silent astonishment while Michael pulls his cock out of his sweats, already throbbing at your reaction on the call when you see it for the first time. He was already unhinged; no sign of reluctance, hesitancy, or impotence from what he's about to do with you. If only he could do this to you in person, if only.
"Do you see this cock? Right in your face. You see that precum, right? Do you see how it's dripping already?" Michael spoke softly like he was cooing you the way you coo your viewers, but the tone in his voice more ominous and minacious.
The angle he's seeing just couldn't get any better. His cock right in front of the enlarged screen, where your parted lips meets right at his tip. Michael can tell you were heavily titillated by this, hearing you sigh so faintly and unable to utter a single word.
"Take your panties off and turn around for me. On your knees, face down. Play with yourself. I wanna watch."
You obeyed and it was just precious to Michael. He began to slowly stroke himself, sighing deeply at how fucking hot the view is from what he's seeing. Your ass taking over the screen, your dominant hand reaching down to toy with your pussy. His cock stirred in his grip the more he observed. He was too aroused by this, just like you.
"Such a pretty fucking pussy. You like being a good girl for your customers, don't you?" teased Michael.
"Yes, baby," you demurred on the call, moaning slightly when you slipped your fingers in and thrusted slowly. "For you— yes."
For me?
"I can already see how wet you are. You like when I jack off to you fingering yourself?"
"Mhm... Tell me how I can make you feel good tonight."
Your gaze was fixated on Michael's dick for awhile, deep down dazed from how lengthy he was. Approximately 6 and a half inches with a slight curve, an average girth, and protruding veins. You imagined what his cock would feel like inside you, curling your fingers and thrusting faster as you were lost in your own pleasure.
"Go faster," he commanded. "I wanna see every drop of that pussy juice all over you and your fingers."
Michael's voice sent you in a bliss and he quickly caught onto that. That satisfied grin slowly stretching across your face, eyes shut in ecstasy, and the slight high-pitched whimpers and moans emitting from you as you were getting off to his moans as well. Everything about this was so lewd, so filthy and you both enjoyed it.
"Ah, fuck. If only you could see what I see. Goddamn," Michael grunted as he fisted his tip faster.
You were already gushing around your fingers as you kept hitting your g-spot. It came to his mind that it was his words; his dirty talk that writhes you closer to an orgasm, pulsing around your fingers. You were so close to losing yourself and so was he; it's bewildering to him you both cum quickly at the same time.
"Oh, baby. Fuck— it's so good," you say breathlessly. "Tell me about your dirty fantasies of me from work. You imagine me distracting you to the point you take it all out on me?"
"Fuck yes," Michael growled deeply, fisting harder that his breathing kept hitching.
"You imagine me— oh, fuck— You imagine having quickies with me at your workplace? Bending me over just to fuck me hard?"
"Shit— yes, yes, yes," he breathed out, throwing his head back and shutting his eyes as he delved into the forbidden fantasy of fucking you right at the prize counter. Imagining his taut grip on his cock as your walls, imagining his strokes as ruthlessly pounding into your pussy. He thrusted his hips into his fist as he was nearing to another orgasm— unbelievably the second one for today.
Fuck you for making me feel this way.
Fuck you for making me act like an animal.
Fuck you. . . I literally wanna fucking fuck you right now.
To his surprise, you came first before he did. Michael watched your thighs shudder for a bit, your other hand tightly gripping your bedsheet, and your back arch further. Your moans were so raw, so beautiful to hear just as always. When your fingers slide out your cunt, he could make out the thin lines of your arousal stretching out. Seeing your fluids dripping onto your thighs and sheets, your cunt pulsing over nothing, and your elated expression sent the whipped man ablaze. He then realized he made a mess of himself, too.
Michael sighs deeply. "You know how submissive I can be for you, darling. But I'd be careful next time when you tell me to take you how I want to take you," he muttered as his high from the orgasm climbed down.
You gave a smirk at him; a playful expression on your face that he read as, Oh? Should I provoke you some more, then? but then brushed it off. As badly as Michael wanted you to linger with him with a million unsaid thoughts, you had to end the call. The obvious reason you left was to get enough sleep for the first day tomorrow. He even prioritized that for you during training so you wouldn't end up sleepless like him.
Aside that— no matter how many times he'll jerk off to you while pretending to act oblivious at work, the temporary satisfaction from this would still not fulfill him as it used to be.
The only way to fill his void for now is to be closer with you.
ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO © . do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works outside tumblr.
#( ♥︎ ) — prize counter girl.#michael afton smut#michael afton x you#fnaf smut#michael afton x reader#fnaf x reader
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I miss you
wc: 1.1K
Warnings: one swear word? + didn't really proofread.
(Masterlist) - Join my taglist!
INSPIRED BY these pictures that scream soft!tom <333

"Darling? You there?" Tom asked in a soft voice, careful in case you were asleep, which you weren't just yet.
"Uh- yeah, yeah. I'm here." You said, trying to cover up the yawn escaping your mouth. Tom heard it, though, and he smiled, thinking about how cute you were when you were sleepy.
"What time is it in London anyway? Isn't it past eleven or something?"
"It's... 1 AM."
"1 AM? (Y/N), you could've told me sooner! You really need to get some sleep. We can talk tomorrow."
"No, it's fine, really! I really want to be with you right now. Even if it's through the phone. I miss you."
"God, I miss you too, darling. You can't even imagine..."
At first, you had thought that you were the one who felt the most affected when he left for those long periods of time to do press or shoot movies. But lately, you've realized how much he misses you as well when he's gone.
And being alone for so many months with no breaks had taken a toll on him.
He had been acting more clingy than usual, calling more often and sending you random updates throughout his day, not that you minded, of course you didn't. He needed a shoulder to lean on during this time of his life. It was the Spider-Man: No Way Home promo tour, which means loads of work and tons of interviews for him. Tom had worked his ass off for this movie, and he wants his fans to be as pleased as possible. But as much as he loves this movie and this trilogy, he's under a lot of pressure, and he is overwhelmed. Exhausted. Home-sick.
He was in LA, miles away from everyone. Being in LA means that even when he's surrounded by thousands of fans that love him... he feels lonely.
You aren't there with him, nor are his brothers or any mates, there's no one in LA with him. And that is why he ends up feeling alone every night.
It's quite weird, though. Because when he's not on social media, his fans miss him a lot but he's happy, with less pressure and his family by his side. Meanwhile when his fans get a lot of interviews and content, and they're happy... Tom isn't feeling as good.
"My love?" He asked, his voice cracked.
"Yes?" You could tell he wasn't feeling the best.
"Could we switch to FaceTime? I miss your gorgeous face."
"Of course."
And so you did. As soon as the screen was filled with him, and him only, you gasped. My goodness, he looked so pretty, so damn cuddly and soft.
His curls were as long as ever, looking all fluffy with the wind. You knew he low-key absolutely did it for you because you loved running your hands through his over-grown curls.
Tom was wearing some brown glasses; a rare sight that was becoming familiar as he chose to wear them more often. They looked so good on him, he looks so cute. And his outfit... don't get me started on what he was wearing.
The autumn colors looked great on him. All shades of brown, red, and yellow adorned his fuzzy jacket, and under it, he was wearing a mustard-yellow hoodie.
Altogether... he looked lovely.
"You look so handsome, bubs."
Tom blushed. Your words had that effect on him.
"And you look beautiful."
You spent a few seconds, maybe even minutes, silently admiring each other.
It was no secret how absolutely everyone believed you two wouldn't survive through a long-distance relationship, given the fact that you're young, and Tom's so busy he barely gets time to talk to you.
But against all odds, after a year and a half, here you were. Miles away, and yet, your love for one another strong as ever, almost radiating off the smitten look you two shared.
"Tom" he hummed in response, "Your curls are so long."
"They are, aren't they? How do you feel about 'em?"
"I absolutely love them." Your words made him smile brightly. God, that million-dollar smile always won you over. It was what made you fall in love with him in the first place, and is what makes you fall in love all over again, every single day you see him flash you his signature grin and those shining eyes. "And I mean it. Don't cut them off, please. I really wanna run my hands through those curls when you come back home."
"Mmm, can't wait, love."
"I can't either."
And literally out of nowhere, you started tearing up. You just wanted to hold him tight, and never let him go. But at the moment, you weren't able to, and you couldn't help but feel sad about that.
"(Y/N)? Are you crying?"
The sniffle you let out was all he needed to click his tongue in pure pity. He smiled, but it was not the same smile he had before. Sadness seeped through it. He absolutely hated seeing you sad. It made him feel sadder.
"What's wrong love?"
"I really miss you. And it's... that's not good, 'cause you just left, and the press tour just started but... I can't help but miss you so hard."
“Aw, darling. It’s okay to miss me. I miss you too. A lot.”
Your tears through the screen broke his heart. He wanted nothing but to hug you, kiss your tears away and assure you that everything was going to be alright. But knowing he couldn’t… it broke his heart.
He was sick of not being able to hold you. Sick of having to wait months and months on end to see you. Tom loves his job, but things like these make him wish he weren't an actor. He can't bear the sight of you crying because he isn't there to comfort you, and God knows he feels miserable himself.
Fuck it.
“Tell you what, darling. Why don’t you take a few days off at work? You take, let’s say 5 days off at work, you come here to LA, come to the premiere with me and we spend the week together. Would you like that?”
“For- for real?” The way your face enlightened made his heart flutter.
“I mean it. I miss you, and I'm sick of waiting, I need to see you again.”
“I'd love to go with you, Tom. I have to check how many days off can I ask for, but I'll get as many as possible."
“Brilliant, darling. I’ll tell my manager to book your ticket then.”
“Can't believe I'm gonna see you soon... goodness. I love you Tom.”
Tom mirrored the smile on your face. I want to marry you, (Y/N Y/L/N), he thought. It is still a little soon for that, but the thought amuses him.
“I love you too (Y/N). I’ll call you tomorrow, all right? Go get some sleep now, you need it."
#tom holland imagines#tom holland#imagines#tom holland blurb#december blurbs#tom holland x reader#tom holland fluff
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ok so we have a few fics here on tumblr on how tot boys would act when they’re jealous but what if it was the other way around? what if their s/o gets a bit jealous because the boys are spending more time with rosa than with them? they probably wouldn’t do that to their s/o but it would be fun to imagine haha. if you’re still taking requests, can i request for this scenario with the boys? thank you so much and i hope you keep writing more content for tot in the future!
Premise: MC jealous of another girl spending maybe a little too much time with her boy.
When Luke begins talking about this other girl he’s partnered with at work, MC doesn’t really think on it too much.
She really trusts Luke a lot, and she knows he’s only got eyes for her.
At most, she’ll feel a little jealousy bubbing up inside her if Luke talks too long about his female co-worker’s accomplishments or whatnot.
However, then she gets to meet said co-worker.
Just watching the way this woman and Luke interact, teasing and joking around while the woman stands maybe a little too close to Luke for MC’s liking, this is where the problem’s start.
It will take a while after the woman leaves for Luke to realize something is wrong with MC.
There are no secrets between the two of them. MC will eventually admit (with a little prying on Luke’s part) that she wasn’t comfortable with his female co-worker.
And once Luke realizes why that is, he’ll be falling over himself to apologize and assure his MC that she’s his one and only.
Which MC knows full well, but it’s always nice to hear.
Que snuggles and constant reassurances.
It won’t take much for MC to realize she was being an idiot, but she’ll take Luke’s attention for as long as he’s willing to give it, anyway.
MC knows Vyn is a professional and sees many female patients. Furthermore, Vyn is really good at setting boundaries for female patients if they start being too forward.
However, the same doesn’t always apply to doctors and other medical staff.
So when one doctor starts to spend a little too much time with Vyn under the guise of “talking about patients”, that’s when the problem begins.
Vyn doesn’t realize it right away, but after a while, he’ll notice MC’s slight change in demeanor whenever a certain doctor is mentioned.
But he won’t realize it’s jealousy right away until MC reveals she’s uncomfortable with how close the doctor seems to be with Vyn.
Guilt. Trip.
(For a moment, I thought he’d be a tease about it, but thinking about his personality and how sincere he is in his relationship with MC, I don’t think he would. In fact, I think he’d be quite upset if MC felt jealous for a good reason like this.)
He’ll take a moment to hug her and reassure her that she’s the only woman for him after confirming that all he has with his colleague is a working relationship. And that if his colleague is thinking otherwise, then that’s on her and he’ll be sure to correct her.
Only then will MC feel silly for being jealous, though Vyn will assure her it’s a natural response before admitting he quite likes knowing she’s possessive of him.
Que blushing mess MC and giggling Vyn.
MC knows this boy needs some serious slack when it comes to women.
She knows he tries, though. It’s endearing.
But knowing that doesn’t always suppress the jealousy that will occasionally bubble up.
Like when a female client of his starts getting a little too friendly.
In the beginning, she knows Artem is oblivious, so the jealousy is easy to squash.
But when flowers appear as a “thank you” for helping her, MC gets really jealous.
And Artem is none the wiser.
Until Celestine drops a hint when he absently wonders why MC has been seeming a little off at work lately.
He’s horrified. Mostly because he never wanted to give MC any reason to be jealous, and yet, here he was. (It’s not your fault, Artem.)
This poor man will ditch the gifted roses immediately and buy flowers of his own for MC, appearing before her unexpectedly and apologizing.
MC literally cannot stay mad at him, even if she wanted to. He’s too awkwardly genuine in his attempts to reassure her.
He’s forgiven with a smile, and only then is he able to relax.
But he also asks her to talk to him next time about it. He really doesn’t want her to have those insecurities about their relationship.
(He’s too sweet. Seriously.)
MC knows that Marius is loyal.
But she’s also concerned because he’s a drop-dead gorgeous natural-born flirt with a fat wallet. So that draws a lot of unwanted attention.
She’s watched him shut down obvious flirting attempts and knows he’ll use PDA with her to do it.
Furthermore, there are times Marius will purposefully shoot MC a wink while talking with women, trying to see if he can get a rise out of her. But MC rarely ever gives him the satisfaction of playing the jealous girlfriend. If anything, she knows in these moments that he's purposefully trying to get her attention over the attention of the other women.
But there are some persistent, patient women around who know how to get under MC’s skin.
Particularly this one young board member at Pax.
MC wouldn’t say Marius is oblivious…
But he does get along with this woman quite well, and they tease each other back and forth often.
Often enough for MC to burn with jealousy.
Which Marius won’t notice for a long while. He only gets the hint after MC basically explodes at him.
At which point he’ll spend a sleepless night planning out an apology, complete with roses, chocolates, dinner date, the whole shebang.
And he’ll practically fall on his knees in apology for it.
MC, knowing him, will drag him on for a moment.
But not for long before caving and accepting his apology. You know, just right before he starts crying.
(She'll have to promise not to do it again.)
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You Live In Sweatpants And Hoodies (GeorgeNotFound)
pairing : georgenotfound / george x influencer!reader.
summary : george and your fans realize that under all the sweaters, you have a body.
a/n : if you are wondering what dress i was talking about, search up jennie short black dress :)
before social media, you studied law and got a degree in it but ended up not using it due to your social media career sky rocketing.
but you never thought studying was a waste, that could be your backup, after all. social media doesn’t last forever. and you were ready to accept any difficulties since you knew you had plan b.
you, till this day, could not describe what you do on social media. it started with tiktok. everything nowadays started with tiktok. but you were one of the first people who was on it.
and then tiktokers would make their way onto youtube to sustain their “career” and grow. so that’s what you did. you never abandoned that app, though. especially not now, everyone on that app is seriously hilarious.
your content on youtube was all over the place. once, for a video, you talked to weird men on omegle and tinder. another time, you would try different aesthetics on yourself.
but here’s the catch, you’ve never really worn revealing clothes. your mum had always told you to never deprive yourself from what she says “fun young girl things” which is dressing up, or down, in her say and go have fun with your friends.
but since the pandemic hit, you have had no where to go anyways, and you never really liked to show off your body. it’s not that you felt uncomfortable doing it, it’s just that you’ve never had the reason to.
you also didn’t grow up girly. you hated dresses, especially short and tight dresses. and you weren’t a fan of wearing shorts either. you always opted to go comfy.
whenever you post a tiktok, you always wore your signature hoodie and sweatpants that were clearly sizes too big for you. but you liked it, it’s comfortable to sleep in.
and whenever you had to pan down to show your outfits on youtube, you were always caught wearing jeans and a baggy shirt, just styled differently, according to the aesthetic of the video you were filming for.
you heard your phone ring from the couch. you picked it up, knowing who it was anyways. “morning, cutie.” you stared.
“morning b.” george greets you, hair everywhere, clearly just woken up.
you and george met on tiktok, just like all good friends do. he had duetted a tiktok of yours and you found him hilarious. you quickly followed him on every single social media platform he was in. you even set an alarm in case he ever streams and you’re asleep.
you two are close. some would say you two are dating, but you two haven’t figured it out yet. you two didn’t really want to disclose it anyways, you two knew your not so secret feelings for each other, anyways.
remember when he called you ‘b’? yeah that stands for ‘bub’. he thought it would be cute for him to have a different nickname than the usual “baby” or “babe”.
you two actually live very near each other, making it way easier as a couple, but since england was put into a quarantine order, you two didn’t meet often.
some would probably ask why you’d have to set an alarm when he streams when you two clearly are in the same timezone? well, that boy had no sense of time and a terrible sleeping schedule. it amazed you at how early he got up today.
that facetime call lasted about half an hour before you told him you needed to stream on twitch today, to which he responded to you that he’s watch it later.
today, you had a surprise. for the world. you can’t believe you even thought about this but it was about time you showed off to the world what assets you’ve been blessed with.
speaking of showing off. no, you weren’t a particularly insecure person, you were just comfortable in the clothes you’re in. but celebrating the long time you’ve been on social media, and it being your birthday, you thought it might be fitting.
george and you agreed to not make anything special about your birthday. you hated parties and large gatherings, and since you were still in the middle of a pandemic, you used that as an excuse to not go out.
you spent the longest time searching for a good enough outfit for this day. and you found it. you decided to pick a pretty simple dress, a black short dress that went to your mid thigh, that showed off your waist, spaghetti strapped and a little backless.
you walked out the shower, your robe on as you walked to your bathroom counters to dry your hair. you didn’t really bother to style it, just leaving you straight long hair down.
you put on the most basic white sneakers you could find to still make it casual, and you thought it went well together, anyways.
you finished you makeup and took a good look at yourself. you had been aware that you only wore baggy clothes, so this was a huge change. you twirled yourself, feeling confident.
you couldn’t wait for people to have heart attacks.
you sat on your gaming chair, getting ready to start your stream.
before you started your stream, you made sure you left your facecam turned off first.
you went live. chat was confused since this was the first time that you’re not on facecam. all they could see at the moment was the caption “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” that you typed on your notes app on your computer.
“hi, chat.” you said, to calm them down a little.
you heard your phone go off, a text notification. which you knew was george since he had a special notification ping on your phone.
it said “did you forget to turn on your cam?”
you laughed at that. “no, chat, i haven’t forgotten to turn on my facecam, just wait for a sec, please.”
you felt giddy, excited for the reactions.
instead of wearing your cute cat headphones, you wore your airpods instead to get the whole look going.
you let out a sigh before moving your mouse cursor to linger on the ‘start recording camera’ button. you clicked on it, before moving your chair back to fully say hi to your chat.
you brought your hands up to wave to the camera. you tilted your head slightly. “soooo, it’s my birthday.” you said.
chat was going crazy so you stopped reading them so you wouldn’t get a headache. the donations went crazy too, but you tried your best to read them all.
you thanked the people who subscribed to you or gifted you subs.
“360 of this dress? sure, i’ll give you a twirl.” you replied a dono.
you stood up, and rolled your gaming chair away so that they can see your whole outfit. you spun around once, quickly telling them where you got the dress from.
you tried to hold your foot on one hand, balancing yourself to show them that you could go casual in this dress too.
what you noticed was that, your phone hadn’t stopped beeping from a text notification, which belonged to the one and only georgenotfound.
and since maybe he noticed that you won’t check your phone, he sent a donation instead.
“WHAT THE FUCK.” the monotoned voice read out the donation, which was from george.
you facepalmed, knowing exactly what his reaction is like at home.
“I’M COMING OVER.” the voice said again. you laughed at his antics.
“see you then.” you replied, laughing, knowing he was joking around anyways.
she thinks i’m joking, isn’t she?
well, she gave me her spare key for a reason, and this would be the best reason.
i knew i wanted to come around anyways. just after her stream. i promised her no going out, but not no gifts and ordering in.
sneaky, i know.
i had a plan brewing in my mind. to walk in her house as quietly as possible, to surprise her.
after seeing her in that dress, i don’t think i can stand our fans not knowing we aren’t dating.
i know, i haven’t really asked her out, but we kinda both agreed that there was no use, knowing each other’s feeling was good enough and that we didn’t need to do anything extravagant.
i don’t know what she’s tell her fans but i’m sure i hadn’t disclose our relationship. the fans shipped us, sure, but i don’t think i’ve ever said it out loud.
we knew we’d have to say it someday. so i thought, why not today? as i surprised her at her own house.
her fans watching her stream are tweeting at me like crazy. no one had seen her like that. she practically lives in sweats and hoodies, constantly.
the most fitting thing i’ve seen her wear is skinny jeans, but she would always wear a baggy top with it. people always say she drowns in her clothes, but i never complained, she looked good either ways.
but seeing her in that dress, damn. i needed to be there and hug her, kiss her. i couldn’t wait to see her in that dress, right in front of my eyes.
our observant fans or close friends have asked if she dresses the same at home, and my answer always stayed the same. that she lives in baggy clothes.
there are some creepy people out there who would ask that question in a sexual way. thinking i’ve seen her in less. but truthfully, i haven’t. we’re not pass that stage, and we prefer it this way.
what the fans see is what i see on the daily, too.
and no, me going to her house to see her more clearly in that dress doesn’t mean we’re doing anything. i just want to observe her beauty. see what she’s hid from me.
chat was going crazy over george’s donation. but you still laughed it off. it’s all a joke anyways, him coming over.
he was coming over later, after noon, so he wouldn’t just drop everything to see you right now.
“geez. chill out, chat, george was joking.” you told them.
you sat on your gaming chair more comfortably as you started playing a couple rounds of among us with your fans. you told them not to cheat and watch your stream as they’re playing ad lucky you, they listened.
for some reason, your chat still kept blowing up with george comments. maybe they were still caught up on that comment he said earlier.
but you hadn’t thought that he’d be behind you the entire time, telling the chat to not make it obvious.
“happy birthday, b” you heard a very familiar voice from behind you.
you almost had a whiplash from how quick you turned your head to see who was behind you.
you stood up to hug him, almost falling to the floor, stumbling on your own feet.
with the way you ran to him, he almost fell to the floor. “you’re here, you’re here.” you kept repeating it to him, not believing that he actually came. you knew he’d come later, but not this early.
george moved you back gently to see your full outfit. you two were aware that the facecam is still on, and pointing to you two, seeing every move.
“come here.” he whispered to you before grabbing your waist, to kiss you.
you two took a little while enjoying each other’s company, still in front of everyone on twitch.
he moved you back a little, turning you to face your gaming monitors. “MY GIRLFRIEND, EVERYBODY. isn’t she so hot, oh my god.” he said to the stream.
you laughed at his stupid antics, covering your face with your hands as you blushed.
your chat didn’t stop talking about the interaction, not believing that their ship was finally sailing.
you played a couple more rounds of among us with them, george taking over sometime or making funny comments to entertain your chat while you played.
after the stream, george and you took time to enjoy the time alone, ordering in your favourite food and opening gifts that he bought you.
you forgot to mention that both of your twitter was blowing up too much that you had to mute it for a while. you knew that a lot had screenshot the cute moment.
you took note to screenshot some of the photos on twitter later.
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No More Secrets
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: Harry finds out about a history between you and Tom, making him doubt himself and your relationship.
WC: 2,486
Warnings: a little bit angsty, kinda sad for a second, swearing, mentions of sex, mostly fluff
A/N: I like to put the “keep reading” bar on all my posts (not just 18+) because I prefer it that way on mobile, if y’all don’t like it, let me know!!
Somehow, Harry had convinced you to go on a camping trip with Tom, Sam, and Harrison. You, not being the outdoorsy type because bugs, agreed and now here you were in the woods trying to set up a tent with Harrison.
“No, it goes this way, Y/N,” Harrison barked at you in exasperation.
“Well, that’s not what the picture looks like, Harrison,” you sassed back.
“Well, I don’t care what the picture looks like!” he argued back before Harry came over to help you out.
“Why don’t you go help Tom unload the kitchen stuff, darling, and I’ll handle this,” he spoke against your ear, gently wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a short kiss to your temple.
“Yeah, alright,” you answered breathily, slipping out of his grasp and walking back towards the cars.
“Alright, how do we do this?” Harry questioned Harrison.
“Mate, I have no idea, she was the only one reading the directions,” he answered.
“Then why were you yelling at her!?”
“Because I’m sure my way will work just fine!”
“Well, she knows what she’s doing! She’s always right!”
“Just because she’s your girlfriend, mate, doesn’t mean she’s always right.”
Harry glanced down at the instruction manual laying on the ground at his feet, then glanced back at the tent in his hands. “Well, in this case she was,” he said shoving the manual in Harrison’s face before pulling the poles out of the tent to start over.
“Ugh,” Harrison groaned, “this is going to take forever!”
After dinner, so graciously cooked by Sam, you were gathered around the fire pit, under the stars. You were cuddled in Harry’s lap, sharing a blanket while everyone else was situated in their own chairs; yours had become the snack chair - featuring the s’mores supplies.
You were all slightly tipsy, having cleared through the single case of beer you’d packed. The boys were arguing about who would have to go into town the next day to get more, not that you cared. You were content being sober, never having been a big drinker.
Harry wasn’t paying much mind to the conversation either. Instead he was focused on your fingers tracing patterns on his thigh, your hair tied up in a bun to avoid a marshmallow-chocolate catastrophe, and the way the firelight lit up your cheeks.
You glanced down at him sweetly, feeling his eyes lingering on you. You breathed deeply before asking, “what’s up, bub?”
“Nothing, babe, just looking at you,” he answered.
“Like what you see?” you asked cheekily, chuckling lightly.
“Oh yeah,” he answered quickly, “how did I ever get a girl like you?”
“I don’t know, Holland,” you answered, laughing breathily once more and planting a kiss on his lips.
“Would you two knock it off?” Harrison groaned from across the fire, “no one wants to see that!”
You pulled back and chuckled, slightly embarrassed because you weren’t used to attention like this. You’d hardly spent time with these boys as a group, mainly opting for solo-time with Harry.
“Oh leave ‘em alone,” Tom answered quickly, “I think it’s cute.”
“Yeah, only because you didn’t want her,” Harrison grumbled out, much louder than he’d anticipated.
“What?” Harry piped up quickly.
“Oh no,” Sam sighed, knowing the full story, and the secret you’d vowed to keep from Harry.
You had met Tom on a red carpet once upon a time, greeting him quickly before being ushered off to the next interview. You didn’t think anything would come of it, but hoped that you’d cross paths again another day. To your delight, you did on your next project.
You ended up filming a small movie with the Russo Brothers and Tom came to set for a few days to visit them. The two of you “reconnected” and ended up getting on pretty well, hanging out casually while he was around.
The night before he left, the two of you had a night in at your apartment; you had take out together and watched a movie, during which you had gravitated closer together. You were talking a little and felt the smallest spark in the room. The two of you were looking at each other, a pause settled in the conversation. He glanced down at your lips, and you at his. In this moment, you silently agreed that you wanted to try something more. He leaned in and pressed a sweet, short kiss to your lips. You didn’t feel anything and neither did he. He pulled away and let out a breath. The both of you agreed that it didn’t feel like anything; not that it was a bad kiss, but it didn’t set either of your hearts on fire.
After that you agreed to stay friends, keeping things simple, and nothing more ever came of it. You didn’t know that he’d told any of his friends, as you’d never told anyone yourself. If you were ever asked about your relationship with Tom, you always said something along the lines of, “it’s just not like that.”
A few months later, you and Tom ended up in Atlanta; he was filming Spider-Man and you were working on another project. This time he had Harry with him, who you got to meet. Instantly, something sparked between the two of you. You ended up hanging with Harry a lot on this trip; the two of you found ways to be alone together, even if you’d started the night out as a group with other friends.
Quickly, you and Harry built a relationship; everything with him felt easy, comfortable, harmonious. One night, you were bar hopping with the gang, Harry and you leading the pack, and Harry kept bumping his arm against yours. You got the hint, and let him tangle your fingers together, very much like the Far From Home airport scene with Peter and MJ. Things progressed from there with more time being spent together and quite a few dates. A few weeks later, you slipped up introducing him to one of your friends, calling him your boyfriend when you’d hadn’t had that talk yet; but he was smooth, instantly reaching his hand out saying, “yeah, I’m her boyfriend, nice to meet you,” before winking at you and cooling the blush rising to your cheeks.
Now here you were a year later, and your secret from oh so long ago was about to come out. You wanted to tell him about your kiss with Tom, but didn’t want to hurt him or make him doubtful of your relationship, so you let it slide. Not worrying about it and just letting life happen.
You immediately looked at Tom, knowing what Harrison was referring to, now also knowing that Tom had told people. You weren’t mad at him for this, but obviously everyone knew that Harry didn’t know, and should’ve been keeping their mouths shut.
Harry had always been a little beaten down; he felt he was living in Tom’s shadow and thought that girls wanted Tom more than him. Meeting you was different, you seemed to see him. He never thought that you and Tom might’ve had something before he came along.
Silence passed between you all, no one willing to break the tension except Harry.
“What did you say, Harrison?”
“Nothing, I didn’t mean anything,” Harrison quickly stuttered out.
“No, you said that Tom didn’t want Y/N. What does that mean?” He questioned, looking at Tom first and then up at you.
You blinked quickly, eyes locked with Tom, urging him to speak. Thankfully he got the message, “Y/N and I sort of kissed once. It was nothing, just a peck.”
“You..... you what?” Harry asked, his face falling as you turned to look at him quickly. You pressed your hands to his cheeks trying to make him listen to your explanation as you began to sputter, “it was nothing,” and, “it didn’t mean anything.”
Harry nudged you off of his lap and stood up before stalking off to your shared tent.
You looked over at Tom, to which he quickly whispered a “sorry,” his face softening at you as well, before you locked eyes with Harrison sternly.
“What the fuck was that about?” You seethed at him. He knew he messed up and he was genuinely sorry, but right now in this moment there was no fixing it with you so he chose not to say anything at all. His eyes looked remorseful; deep down you knew he was sorry and that he wouldn’t do anything to break up you and Harry, but he had really messed up.
You turned around and began to walk slowly to the tent, wanting to give Harry a little time to cool off before you tried to explain. When you made it to the entrance, you slowly unzipped it and found him laying on top of the sleeping bag with his arm thrown over his eyes.
“Bubba?” you asked quietly, not wanting to push him too far, but desperately wanting him to speak to you.
He sighed deeply. You knew he’d heard you and that he was processing, so you sat down next to him quietly, waiting for him to come to you. Tears started to well up in your eyes because you hated hurting him and you didn’t want to lose him.
He slowly sat up and removed his arm from his face. He turned towards you and looked into your bloodshot eyes; his were red too and he already had streaks of tears down his cheeks.
“Yes, darling?” He asked; he wanted to hear what you had to say. He didn’t want to lead the conversation yet, hell, he wasn’t sure he was even ready to have it.
“Bubba, it didn’t mean anything. I promise. It was so long ago,” you breathed out, not really knowing where to start. You’d been so focused on him that you didn’t think about what you were going to say.
“What happened exactly?” he asked lowly, wanting to know the whole story.
“Well, he visited the Russo Brothers on our set and we hung out and then thought maybe we could be more and kissed once. It didn’t even last a second and it didn’t feel like anything and I don’t want him at all. He doesn’t want me. We agreed that it was nothing and I didn’t even know that Harrison and Sam knew and I’m so so sorry I didn’t tell you. I know how much it hurts to find out this way,” you quickly rambled out.
“A long time ago. Before Atlanta. Before we met,” you stuttered out.
He looked up at the roof of the tent, breathing deeply. He felt like sloppy seconds.
“You couldn’t land him, so you came to me?” he spoke into the sky.
“Not at all,” you hurried out as you clambered over to him and straddled his lap, grabbing his cheeks and bringing his face down to meet yours, “I don't want him. There’s nothing between us, we’re just friends, you know that.”
You paused, giving him time to add something if he wanted. You breathed for a few seconds before continuing, “I know that you feel like you live in his shadow, but trust me when I say that when I saw you, my world shined a little brighter. You’re not in the shadow with me at all, baby,” you whispered to him, both of you now crying heavily.
You peppered little kisses on his chin as you continued, “I looked past Tom and saw you, Harry. It’s always been you,” your voice breaking.
“But you could have had him, why would you ever want me?” He questioned insecurely.
“Because you’re you, bub. You’re different people. You see me as I am. You appreciate me. You’re an incredible person with the kindest heart. You’re an amazing human being. You care for people so much. You’re an amazing photographer and you’re gong to make an amazing director someday. Hell, you already are with Roses for Lily,” you breathed quickly, squeezing his cheeks a little tighter, trying to make him believe you. “God, Har, I love you so much, it hurts,” you added before thinking.
You pulled away quickly, your tears stopping and eyes widening immediately. His widened as well, neither of you had said that yet.
Your brain kicked into high gear, immediately trying to talk your way out of it, but no words were coming to your mind so you were left stuttering a series of “um,” and “I didn’t mean to say that” and “what I meant was,” before he cut you off.
“I love you, too,” he said simply.
“Yeah?” you breathed out.
“Yeah,” he said before gently grabbing your waist and pulling you forward to connect your lips.
After separating after a few seconds, you asked him, “does this mean we’re okay?”
“Yeah, love, we’re okay,” he answered, calling you ‘love’ for the first time. Your heart beat a little faster at that before he added, “I just wish you would’ve told me sooner.”
“I wanted to, babe, but I didn’t want to hurt you, especially when it was nothing.”
“I understand that, darling,” he breathed out, “but no more secrets.”
“No more secrets,” you answered before kissing him again.
He poured his whole heart into the kiss, wanting to show you just how much he loves you. Your tongues tangled for a while before he started to tug at your hips a little harder, trying to grind up into you. You felt him beginning to get hard and pulled back chuckling.
“I am not having sex with your brothers and best friend sitting right there.”
“They’re pretty far away, love,” he laughed, trying to pull you in with his charm, “I don’t think they’ll hear, but if they do, they’ll really know you’re mine,” he added peppering kisses down your neck and sucking on your sweet spot just above your collar bone.
“Harrrrrrrrry,” you laughed out, pushing him away from your neck and pulling his face up to yours to plant a quick kiss on him, “no.”
“Later?” he asked cheekily, quirking up an eyebrow and smiling at you.
“Maybe, bubba,” you answer slowly, “if you’re lucky, very late tonight after we’re - and by we’re I mean I’m - sure everyone is asleep we can maybe go have sex in the car where no one will hear us.”
He plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth before saying, “man I can’t wait for them to go to sleep tonight,” with a laugh and a final kiss to your lips.
“C’mon tiger,” you say standing up and dragging him with you back to the group.
“All better?” Tom asks quickly once the two of you came into view. He glances down at your entwined hands before smiling.
“All better,” you assure him settling back into Harry’s lap and pecking him quickly.
A/N: Tagging @thegirlintheswivelchair because she heard all about this as it was being written (and she brought up the s’mores) xoxo
#harry holland#harry holland x reader#harry holland imagine#harry holland fluff#harry holland x female reader#harry holland fanfiction#harry holland fanfic#harry holland oneshot#harry holland one shot#violetwrites
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Blue Christmas- Nine

Pairing: Chris Evans/OC Kelly
Summary: After almost three years of marriage, everyone would tell you that Chris and his wife Kelly are the most stable, solid couple they know. But behind closed doors, things are tense as they keep trying for a baby, to no avail. When a secret threatens to shake their solid marriage to it’s core, will they be able to pick up the pieces?
I do not consent to have my content, whether it be this story or anything else of my creation, posted by a third party on any other platform other than right here without my permission. This blog is 18+ and is not intended for minors. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Heed the warnings.

January 2nd
Chris is woken by the sound of the soft cries coming from the baby monitor on his nightstand. Scrubbing a hand down his face, he sits up in bed and swings his legs over. You open your eyes and look around blearily, throwing the covers back.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go back to sleep. I’ll go.” he says softly, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. He throws on a pair of sweatpants and quickly heads out of the bedroom and down the hall as the cries intensify.
“It’s okay, bub. Daddy’s coming. Hold on.” he mutters softly.
When he reaches the door of the nursery, he quickly hits the light switch on the wall, and the soft glow of the mickey mouse lamp on the dresser fills the room.
“Hey, hey, what’s with all the noise huh? What’s wrong sweetheart?” he coos as he approaches the crib.
He’s stopped cold as he peers in, only to see the crib empty. He spins around, confused. Is he sleepwalking? Is he so out of it that you managed to get past him and grab the baby first? He could have sworn......
He turns around and jogs back to the bedroom, only to be stopped dead in his tracks. Instead of standing in his house, he’s standing in the doorway of a stark, cold hospital room. He sees you laid on a medical bed with your knees spread, a doctor in blue scrubs sat on a stool between them, a terrifying looking medical instrument in her hand.
“It’ll be okay. Just try and breathe.” he hears the doctor tell you in a soft voice.
He can see the tears streaming down your face as you turn your head to look at him, and his heart breaks.
“Chris, I’m so sorry.” you whisper
He goes to take a step into the room to rush to your side and comfort you, only to find that he can’t move. He’s completely paralyzed, stuck to the spot he’s standing in, unable to go to you or move or do anything.
He wakes violently; his eyes fly open and he gasps as his heart pounds away in his chest. His arms and legs jerk, a side effect of trying so desperately to move in his nightmare. As he slowly returns to full wakefulness, his heart slows down to a more reasonable pace and he covers his face with his hands.
“God damn it.” he moans softly.
His cell phone starts ringing insistently, and he reaches behind him blindly to grab it from the end table next to the couch where he put it before he fell asleep.
Chris sees your name come up on the caller ID and his heart gives a harsh throb in his chest. Neither of you have spoken since the day he laid all of his sins bare for you and you told him about your miscarriage. He’s been alternately incredibly sad and depressed and wanting to self isolate, and desperately wanting to call you and comfort you and try and talk things out. After waking from that terrible nightmare, seeing your name on his phone screen seems like coming up for air after drowning.
As he presses “accept”, he realizes that his cheeks are wet from tears, and he wipes them away with the back of his hand.
“Kelly? Baby?” he chokes out, the words rushed and desperate.
“No, I’m sorry-Is this Chris?”
The unknown female voice on the other end of the phone makes him sit up ramrod straight, all of the leftover fuzziness from being half asleep instantly forgotten.
“Who is this? And why do you have my wife’s phone?”

The smell of antiseptic and the blinding florescent lights hit him full force as he runs through the doors of the emergency room, his heart flying in his chest and his mouth so dry he can barely swallow.
He forces himself to a stop in front of the registration desk before he goes straight over it with the sheer speed he was moving at.
“I need- I need-” he pants.
“Slow down. Breathe. What happened? Are you hurt?” the nurse at the desk eyes him cautiously.
Chris forces himself to take a breath so he can explain, using human English words, what he needs.
“Dr. Richards. She called me and said my wife was brought in. She was in a car accident. Where is she?”
“Okay, let me check for you. What’s your wife’s name?”
“Kelly. Kelly Evans.”
The nurse starts tapping on the keyboard and a million thoughts race through Chris’ head, each one of them worse than the last. The doctor gave him only the bare minimum of information on the phone, leaving him flustered and panicked, leaving the house in only the sweats and t shirt he had worn to bed. He’d been in such a rush that he didn’t even grab his coat, and was lucky he even managed to jam his feet into a pair of sneakers that were left by the front door. He replays the doctor’s words in his head on a loop.
“My name is Dr. Richards at Massachusetts General Hospital. Your wife was just brought into the Emergency Department here about ten minutes ago. It seems that she was in a pretty serious car accident. We’re checking her out right now, but it would be a good idea if you could get here as soon as possible.”
“Mr. Evans?”
When Chris doesn’t respond, the nurse taps him on the hand, startling him back to reality.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. The doctors are in with your wife right now. She just got back from CT. Someone will be out to talk with you shortly.”
“Wait, is she okay? Is she awake? How bad is it?” he asks. .
“The doctors will tell you all of that when they come out.”
The lack of answers to simple questions is scaring the living hell out of him.
Defeated, Chris walks over to the waiting room and sinks down into one of the chairs. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and dials the number belonging to the only other voice he needs to hear right now.
“Chris? Honey, is everything okay? It’s really early. It’s only seven-”
“Mom, Kelly’s in the hospital. They called me about 45 minutes ago and said that she was in a car accident and they brought her here. They won’t tell me anything, and it’s pissing me off and I don’t know if she’s okay or-”
“Christopher, honey, breathe, okay? Take a deep breath.” Lisa says.
He runs his fingers through his hair (he can only imagine what he looks like right now) and tries to take a deep breath, only it comes out shaky.
“What hospital are you at?”
“Mass Gen. I just- I don’t know anything right now. Nobody’s told me anything. I need her to be okay. That’s all I need.”
“Listen to me. I’m sure everything is going to be fine, okay. Just be patient and try to stay calm. Has anyone spoken to her parents?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so. They would have called me.”
“Okay. Call them and let them know where you guys are. I’m going to get ready and head over there as soon as I can. Okay? Just breathe.”
Chris sits in the hard plastic chair turning his phone over in his hands, trying to figure out what he’s going to tell your parents (especially when he doesn’t have any important information himself), when a doctor comes out into the waiting room looking for him.
He stands up and rushes over, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants.
“I’m Chris, we spoke on the phone. How is she? What happened?”
“I’m Dr. Richards. Kelly was in a car accident this morning, as I told you on the phone. According to the paramedics that brought her in, an SUV T boned her car on the drivers side. The impact was pretty significant. I’m going to be straight with you and tell you what we’re dealing with here. She has three broken ribs, a fractured left ankle, her left humerus is broken in two places. We did a CT and found that she’s bleeding internally into her belly. We’re about to take her up to surgery right now so we can find the source of the bleed and get it under control, and also so one of our orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Miller, can set her arm. And that isn’t even to mention that she’s got abrasions and bruises to her face from the air bag deploying, and a pretty severe case of whiplash.”
Chris sits there staring at her like she’s lost her goddamn mind.
“I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise you, we’re going to take the absolute best care of her possible. She’s in the best hands she can be right now. We’re going to be taking her up to get prepped for surgery soon, but I can take you to see her for a quick minute before she goes.”
He swallows thickly before nodding his head.

My whole body feels like it’s been crushed. Everything, from the top of my head, to the bottom of my feet, hurts like hell. I barely remember them pulling me out of the car, or putting me in the ambulance, or bringing me into the trauma room I’m in. All I’ve felt is the pain. I’m eternally grateful when they inject morphine into my IV, even though it feels like it just barely takes the edge off. I’m floating on the edges of consciousness when one of the nurses comes next to me and squeezes my hand.
“Kelly, your husband is here. The doctor is bringing him back right now before you go to surgery, okay?”
I try to nod before remembering that I can’t move my head or neck due to them being stabilized still.
A couple of minutes later, the doors open and Chris is at my side and holding my hand, with tears in his eyes.
“Chris?” I mutter tiredly.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. I’m right here.”
“Everything hurts so bad.”
“I know. I know it hurts, but they’re going to take good care of you, okay? You’re going to be good as new.”
I look up, my eyes meeting his, and a moment of complete clarity comes over me.
“I’m scared, Chris. I’m really scared.”
He brushes my hair back and presses a soft kiss to my forehead.
“Don’t be scared, okay? These guys know what they’re doing. And I’ll be right here waiting for you when you wake up.”
“We’re going to go ahead and take her up now. It’s going to be a while, but I promise we’ll come update you.” the doctor tells him.
Chris gives me a quick kiss and watches as they wheel me up to surgery, not moving until I’m out of sight.
With a heavy heart, he makes his way to the lobby to fire off a group text to my family and his, telling them where we are and how to find us in the hospital, before heading up to the waiting rooms outside the OR.

His nerves are shot. Every time he tries to sit down for a minute to try and relax, he just bounces up again two minutes later to continue pacing up and down the halls. A couple of the police officers that responded to the accident found him and asked him a few questions about insurance, and then had told him that the car had been totaled and hauled off. Chris asks about the driver that hit me and they tell him that he was taken to another hospital and will be questioned when he’s stable.
He finally wears himself out and slumps down in a chair next to Lisa, taking the cup of tea that she offers him.
“I should have picked her up from the airport.”
Several heads swing Connor’s way.
“Why was she at the airport?” Chris asks.
“She was in Chicago for a few days. She told me her flight was landing early this morning, and I told her I would pick her up since I knew she’d probably be tired, but she told me she parked at the airport anyway, and that she’d be fine and not to worry about it.”
Chris rubs a hand over his face and sighs deeply.
You had gone to Chicago. And something tells him you weren’t there to go sightseeing. Not in the middle of winter, anyway.
“Wait, Chris, you didn’t know she was gone? How....” my dad wonders.
“What was she there for?”
Lisa can tell everyone is starting to get a little wound up, and she tries to quickly diffuse the situation.
“Look, everyone’s nerves are a little on edge right now. We’re all worried about Kelly, so let’s all just try and stay calm and send out a good thought or say a prayer. It isn’t the time or place for this.”
“But, I’m confused.....Chris, she didn’t say anything to you about leaving or taking a trip? I don’t get it.” my mom says.
Connor turns to her and my dad.
“My guess is she was in Chicago to track down the broad that Chris slept with while he was there.”
In that moment, Chris is certain he could cheerfully strangle his brother in law in the middle of the hospital, onlookers be damned, and not feel bad about it.
“Hey, Livie, let’s go see if they have any good snacks in the cafeteria.” Carly says, standing up and taking Olivia’s hand, not wanting her to hear this conversation.
“No, that’s not.....I don’t believe that.” my mom says.
“That’s why the shop’s been closed. Captain douchebag over here told Kelly that he cheated on her, and she fell apart. And he didn’t know that she had gone to Chicago because she hasn’t been living there for like, a month. She’s been staying with Livie and me.”
My dad looks over at Chris, who looks equal parts devastated and capable of murder.
“Chris, is this true?”
He looks down at his hands, focusing on his platinum wedding band, before looking back up at my dad.
“Yes.” he answers softly.
“Nice to see you finally taking some responsibility.” Connor snarks.
Look, I’m trying here, okay? I fucked up. I fucked up so big I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fix it completely or if Kelly will ever forgive me. I know that. I’m trying to fix this and do right by her-”
Connor scoffs, cutting him off.
“Is that why she came back to my place bawling her eyes out the other night? She was upset and wouldn’t tell me why, and she got on a plane the next morning.”
“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Chris tells him in a warning tone.
In just a few seconds, voices are raised and they’re in each other’s faces and a security guard finally comes over and separates Chris and Connor.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on here, but it stops now. This is a hospital. I know these situations aren’t easy and emotions run high, but you two keep at it, and I’ll throw you both out.” He gives Chris a look, and he can tell the guy knows who he is. “I don’t care who you are.”
The security guard walks away, and Chris shakes his head.
“Your sister is in there being operated on, and you’re more worried about taking a shot at me and outing everything, even when you knew she didn’t want your parents to know, than being worried about her and what’s happening in there. You’re unbelievable.”

It’s been hours and you’re still in surgery. Your doctor came out once to tell them that they found the source of the internal bleeding, and now you’re minus one spleen, but that everything else was going as well as can be expected.
Chris is sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, just trying to keep taking deep breaths and centering himself so he doesn’t just start screaming. He’s feeling so many different things at once, and it’s all just bubbling up inside of him, ready to erupt like a volcano.
He doesn’t know what possessed you to go to Chicago. Or what happened while you were there. And honestly, right now that’s not even on his radar. Right now, he’s just hoping and praying that you’re going to be okay and the surgery will be done soon.
“Evans?” the doctor calls.
Chris slowly gets up off the floor and walks towards the doctor, waiting with the rest of the family to hear the news.
“Kelly just came out of surgery. She did very well, and you should be able to see her as soon as she wakes up, barring any complications.” the doctor tells them.
Everyone breathes a deep sigh of relief at the news that you’ll be okay.
“Our two biggest concerns were the bleeding in her belly, which we took care of, and her left arm. We went in and inserted an intramedullary rod and a couple of screws to hold the bone in place so that it can heal properly. These can stay in for the rest of her life, they’re not going to hurt her or cause any damage or anything like that. Under normal circumstances, I would put healing time at about 6-8 weeks, however, when we were operating, it looks like she has some nerve damage in her arm. Nerve damage is tricky because sometimes it can be healed with time and therapy, and sometimes it’s permanent. It’s too soon to tell yet how severe it is, so I don’t want to make any false predictions or promises. But we are going to be setting her up with a physical therapist probably within the next two days or so, after we give her a bit of time to recover.”
“Worst case scenario, what if the nerve damage is permanent?” Chris asks, swallowing hard.
“Worst case? She’ll have chronic pain in the arm, and she won’t be able to use it the same again.We’ll just have to see how everything progresses. I’ll come back in a bit and let you know when she’s awake.”
The Usual Suspects: @averyrogers83 @wordywarriorwrites @imanuglywombat @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @hlkwrites @reminiscingrogers @mom—nicole @jtargaryen18 @alexakeyloveloki @kelbabyblue @sarahp879 @moonlessnight14 @mojean13 @mrskokitztelford @artisticrogers1972 @southerngracela @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @mybesttobobcratchit @gracethegeek9902 @mdemontespan1667 @marvelfansworld @capslut2014 @dispatchvampire @jamielea81 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @southerngracela @what-is-your-plan-today @letsdisneythings @theladybiers @lexeeehhh @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @autumnrose40 @donutloverxo @harrysthiccthighss @jessaywahh-blog@smediumsmeatbae @before-we-get-started @lizette50 @littlegasps @rageshots @what-is-your-backupplan-today @clairebubbles @patzammit @sweet--catrastophe @pandaxnienke @redhairedfeistynerd @hails270105 @syms-things-5 @chezdricks @denisemarieangelina @christ0pher-evans @supersquirrel1996 @peakascum @ppal3 @snowy992 @countryamc @kayjm17 @soffer-evans-stan-lover @oOfortheloveofcupcakesOo @mcubuckyandsteve
#blue christmas#chris evans#chris evans x oc#chris and kelly#car accident#surgery#angst#family drama#rpf
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Hey hey hey there! I am so happy that your piano exams are finally over, and I hope you are doing well and resting enough after all your hard work! I guess this is a soft thought? but imagine driving at night with chan, maybe to an empty street or like a hill with a nice view of the night sky and stars, just talking about everything and anything, from the most random stuff to your deepest, darkest secrets, while soft music playing in the background to set the mood, and the windows are wide open and chilly but comforting air comes from outside, hitting your faces. I don't know why I'm going this to myself, but damn it I want that:(
Take care sweetheart!
ahhh thank you bub, i'm in the middle of finals so taking a break is a lil hard atm but i'm taking care as much as possible :( i hope you do too, and i hope you like lil drabbly thing 👉🏼👈🏼

You closed your eyes, enjoying the sligth breeze on you as you stretched your right arm out the window, the wind brushing your skin, creating little, cold goosebumps all over. You smiled in content, humming softly to the song that played through the old car speakers and into the night. A worldess touch to your thigh tore you away from your thoughts and brought you back into reality, your glance following up to the person sitting next to you, driving calmly. Your eyes insepcted Chan's profile, his perfectly curved lips that were formed into a quiet smile, his beautifully sculptured nose and his shimmering eyes that were focused on the endless road before him. For a moment it felt as if hard to breathe, as if something - or someone - paralized you, put you in some kind of trance, in which you simply couldn't get your eyes off the man in the seat next to you, your only thoughts revolving around him. How did you get this lucky, to be here, with him? What have you possibly done in your past life to deseve his neverending love, his kindness and patience he never grew sick of having with you? You must have been a saint to be able to see that little smile, those with adoration shining eyes everyday, a saint to wake up with this man by your side every morning and fall asleep against his chest every night.
"What?", you heard Chan ask with a chuckle, his ears turning red right the instant, the slight blush extending down his neck and his smiling cheeks. It was adorable how shy he could get still, even after ages of being together. You weren't any better though, you had to admit, your face also heating up at his question, at the fact that you've been caught. Not that you tried to hide your stares, in the first place.
"Nothing, I just- this is really nice."
You let out a sigh, earning an affirmative hum from Chan before he leaned back in his seat, relaxing into the cushion, singing along quietly to the song that changed already by now. You smiled, looking up at the bluish-black sky, at the thousands and thousands of stars that danced on the canvas of nothing but darkness. Yes, this really was nice, and you never wanted to leave it.
tagging: @etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @skchijeu @seochhj (unable to tag) @diue @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @huntressfrost25 @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @leihey @happycandynoelle @minholeefelix @cotccotc @some-weeb-chick
#bang chan fluff#bang chan x reader#bang chan scenarios#skz fluff#skz x reader#skz scenarios#stray kids fluff#stray kids scenarios#stray kids x reader
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mint chocolate chip ice cream ≫ DAY FIVE, WELCOME.
this abandoned, shy bunny hybrid loves hanging around the open field area of the recovery facility. one day, with the help of jungkook, another bunny hybrid, jiyu meets mingi. after days of mingi being too shy and running away from her, a bag of carrots and mint chocolate ice chip cream was all it took to seal the deal.

✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminpeachy, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @pirate-of-the-dark-seas, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight, @everrrlasting, @bls-luv-me, @atzgiggle, @arohabyeol, @rainbowmagicpixecorn, @soverystupid, @ayetothezee
feel free to let me know if you would like to be on the list!
✧ notes: i miss mingi :(
back。| next。

“alright guys, i’m heading out!” jiyu called out to the four hybrids as she put her shoes on. “remember, no burning the penthouse down, don’t let any weird people inside, and stay in one piece, yes?” she joked.
hongjoong playfully scoffed as he and the others came to see her off. “who do you think we are?”
she gave each of them a ruffle on their heads. “remember that one time yunho almost broke the flooring because he and seonghwa decided to try a wrestling match—”
“okay, i took a nap one time,” hongjoong defended.
“i’m kidding, bubs. just stay safe, yeah?” since she sent yuta out the day before to get mingi’s adoption forms, she was scared that they would discover her and send someone to her home. despite it being a low probability, she was still taking safety precautions.
“don’t worry about us, jiyu! we’ll be fine here!” yunho reassured. “we were just going to spend most of the time teaching mingi how to play with the switch so don’t worry about us doing something weird...and i promise i won’t break anything,” he sheepishly added.
“...what’s a switch?” mingi asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion. ever since spending his days with jiyu, seonghwa, hongjoong, and yunho, he’s never felt as free and happy in his life. with the exception of yunho, he’s been slowly opening up to jiyu and the two oldest hybrids. not only to them, but he's been slowly breaking out of his shell to the world; he’s grown quite loud, and jiyu realized that he talked quite a lot and he could make anyone in the room laugh with his antics.
“...you’ll see soon,” seonghwa chuckled. he was still quite salty at the fact that he now had to share the switch with three other people when before, it was just him and sometimes jiyu. but, as yunho put it, sharing is caring.
“okay, bye for real, you guys,” she quickly said before opening the door and blowing them air kisses before leaving. “and remember to eat!” she reminded as she ran down the hall towards the elevator.
“yes, mom!” hongjoong teasingly shouted back as they all waved her goodbye. once the elevator door closed, hongjoong closed the front door and locked it. seonghwa, yunho, and mingi were already explaining what video games were and how to play them. “they really are little kids,” he whispered under his breathe as he joined them on the couch to watch them have a tournament in mario kart.
noon came around before anyone realized since they were so absorbed in their match (surprisingly, mingi caught on how to play really quick and had been destroying the other three for the past hour). seonghwa had taken a break and decided to cook something for lunch rather than getting delivery. he felt bad for always spending jiyu’s money on takeout, despite her reassuring them that it was okay.
in the middle of him stirring the kimchi jiggae, they all heard the doorbell ring. they froze, yunho instantly turning the volume of their game down. they weren't expecting any visitors, and it definitely wasn’t jiyu. mingi started to panic. what if they found him? would they hurt the others? are they in danger? his bunny instincts started to take over and he immediately hid behind the couch. although...it wasn’t the best place considering his height; his ears and tail could still be seen. yunho and hongjoong stood by the couch, prepared to protect mingi in case people were here to take him.
seonghwa quietly tip-toed towards the door and peeked through the peephole. an elegant black cat hybrid was standing outside with some files in his hands. he carefully opened the door and peeked out so only up to his eyes could be seen. “can i help you?” he asked the stranger outside.
the cat hybrid looked bewildered before relaxing. “is miss—i mean, jiyu home?” he asked. “she did tell me this was where she lived...?”
“what do you need with her?” seonghwa asked, still not letting his guard down.
“ohh,” the cat’s eyes widened in realization, “i’m yuta, her personal assistant from the main house,” he politely bowed. “i guess she never mentioned me.” yuta eyed seonghwa’s wolf ears. “you must be the wolf hybrid...” he mumbled under his breath.
seonghwa opened the door wider and looked back towards the other three. “it’s okay, he knows jiyu,” he reassured before gesturing for yuta to come in and closing the door.
yuta walked in and looked around, his black tail lazily swinging around. “is there a hybrid named mingi here?” he asked. yunho pointed to the couch and yuta almost chuckled upon seeing the shivering ears and tail. “don’t worry, i’m not here to hurt you. in fact, i come with some news.”
mingi slowly peeked over the couch, his doe eyes shaking with nerves. “you won’t hurt me?”
yuta shook his head before a shiver ran down his spine. “if i do, jiyu’s going to have my head and curse my bloodline for as long as she lives,” he nervously chuckled.
the other four sweat-dropped at his comment.
“anyways, i’m going to assume jiyu’s not here?” yuta asked, his nose sniffing for her scent.
“she went to work and she won’t be home until six...” hongjoong said before glancing up at the clock. it was two, meaning yuta had another four hours at least until she came back.
yuta pursed his lips. “i don’t have much time before jiyu’s father knows i’m missing, so i’ll just pass the news onto you guys and you can tell jiyu,” he decided before laying the manila folder onto the table. “all the things you need are in there, i’m pretty sure you all know what it is,” he slyly smiled before waving over his shoulder and leaving.
the four looked at the front door, utterly speechless at his exit. “he’s just as mysterious as jiyu...” yunho commented. “what’s in the folder?” he asked.
hongjoong opened the folder and after a moment of staring at the papers, their eyes widened in recognition. “a-are those—” he stuttered.
squeezing between yunho and seonghwa, mingi peered at the documents and his heart skipped almost three beats. “h-how—?”
“mingi’s adoption documents...” seonghwa mumbled in awe.
the three broke into cheers as mingi just stared, dumbfounded, at the papers. the cheers around him faded into white noise as he carefully picked up the documents.
“am i dreaming...?” he asked in a daze. yunho threw his arms around his best friend and pinched his side, causing him to yelp.
“nope, you’re awake!” yunho laughed.
seonghwa ruffled mingi’s hair. “welcome home, mingi.”
to say that jiyu was absolutely confused when she came back home was an understatement. mingi was still sobbing out of happiness on the couch while yunho, hongjoong, and seonghwa comfortingly pat him.
her protective instincts immediately kicked in. “what happened to mingi?” she asked. “is he okay?”
hongjoong chuckled. “don’t worry, he’s more than okay,” he said before handing her the manila folder.
peering through the content, jiyu’s jaw practically fell to the floor before her eyes whipped to mingi. she let out a little squeal before throwing her arms around the bunny. “welcome home, minmin!” she grinned.
mingi ended up crying harder as he returned her embrace, making them chuckle. while giving him soothing pets on the head, she realized that yuta must’ve came while she was at work, meaning he met the four of them. “i guess you all met yuta?” she pulled a sticky note from the bottom of the papers.
you owe me one, miss jiyu :P
she chuckled and slightly rolled her eyes.
“he’s quite a...mysterious character,” yunho said, trying to find the nicest way to put it.
“he kind of reminds me of you...not in a bad way!” he quickly added after seeing the insulted look on her face. “you both just seem like you hide more than what you want people to see.”
jiyu stopped petting mingi on the head at his words. he wasn’t wrong. with the exception of seonghwa and yunho, hongjoong and mingi don’t know of her background. it’s not that she wants it a secret, she jusy never got around to telling them. but growing up in a cold-blooded business environment taught her to hide her emotions to prevent weaknesses from showing. she just grew up so used to not confiding in people about how she felt; she so used to not having the right to complain about her pre-planned life.
snapping back to reality, she realized all of them were worriedly staring at her. hongjoong gave her an apologetic look. “s-sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you...” he whispered as he looked down at his lap. his ears drooped.
“no, no, you didn’t upset me,” she reassured with a gentle ruffle of his hair. “it’s just new for me to hear that,” she sheepishly chuckled before standing up.“come on, why don’t we go get some ice cream to celebrate for mingi?”
“in this cold weather?” seonghwa asked as he looked outside. “winter’s coming.”
“all the more reason to get ice cream,” she childishly reasoned, making their hearts melt. it wasn’t often they saw that side of her.
“alright, alright,” seonghwa pretended to give in, but in reality, he would’ve gone from the beginning.
“sound good, mingi?” she asked. “or do you want something else?”
mingi looked up at her from the couch with his sparkly eyes. “can i get mint chocolate chip flavor?” he asked. (hongjoong made a quiet gagging sound at the mention of the flavor, making seonghwa lightly smack his arm.)
jiyu affectionatey smiled. “of course, mingi. anything you want.”
#9th member of ateez#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez angst#ateez fluff#song mingi#song mingi imagines#mingi imagines#mingi scenarios#ateez mingi#hybrid au#kpop hybrid au#ateez hybrid#hybrid!ateez#ateez au
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Enceinte (2)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Avengers x Reader
Warnings: Pregnant reader, Soft!Nat and Fluffy avengers!!!
Summary: You and Natasha have had your time keeping your little secret between yourselves, now it’s time to tell the team.
A/N: Here’s part two!! Let me know what you think and some things you’d like to see in the future for this series!
Готовы ли вы встретиться со своими дядями и тетями, боб? = Are you ready to meet you uncles and aunties, bean?
You stand in front of the tall mirror in yours and Natasha’s now shared bedroom, your top sitting above your 12 week bump. You were surprised no one has clicked on yet, considering you weren’t exactly hiding your morning sickness and nausea. Your growing belly, however, you hid behind loose jumpers and Tony’s t-shirts. You’ve kept your little bean under wraps for 4 weeks now, and you and Natasha decided it was time you shared the news for the uncles and aunties to be. You stand sideways, really taking in the look of your small bump, and lightly rub it.
“Bean is the size of a plum!” Natasha exclaims randomly, still laying in your shared bed, taking comfort in one of your shirts and pyjama pants, her hair still in a million directions from the night before.
“Bucky’s gonna love that.” You smile as you pull your top down, going to lay beside your girlfriend, lying your head on her shoulder.
“He has fully formed organs, muscles, limbs, bones and even his little willy!” Natasha says with her award winning smile, quickly giving your head a kiss before going back to scrolling through the pregnancy app on her phone.
“He?” You quirk your eyebrow with a smile. “We don’t even know the gender yet.”
“It’s a boy, I can feel it in my soul.” She gives you a cheeky wink, before standing up, stretching her body, giving you the perfect view of her toned back muscles. “Our next baby’s a girl. Everyone knows it goes boy then girl.”
“We can’t just choose our baby’s gender, Nat.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around her neck as hers go around your waist. “And who said there’s gonna be a second?”
“Me, and there’s going to be a third and a fourth.” Natasha gives you a sweet passionate kiss as she gives you the most loving look you only dreamed of receiving. You shake your head at your baby mama, thanking the lords up above for giving you everything you ever wanted.
“Are the presents ready?” You ask as you walk into the wardrobe picking your outfit for the day, a floral top with leggings, a jumper on top to hide your belly until the team finds out the news.
“Yes my love, all presents are wrapped and named.” Natasha replies, following suit in picking her outfit for the day. You and Natasha thought the best way to announce the new family member was by getting each and every avenger a personalised t-shirt with their respective titles. Everyone had gotten Uncle and Auntie, Bucky and Steve were getting Grandpa shirts to be funny, and carol an grandma shirt, as she’s picked up the habit to mother both you and Natasha.
“Are you ready, bub?” Natasha asks.
“Yeah, are you?” You ask, spraying perfume on yourself, facing Natasha as she quirks her eyebrow at you.
“I wasn’t talking to you, My sweet.” She says, before leaning down and lifting your shirt, She presses a soft kiss before whispering in Russian. “Готовы ли вы встретиться со своими дядями и тетями, боб?”
“You’re a dork.” You laugh, flicking her forehead as she stands, she sends you a playful glare before picking up half the boxes.
“FRIDAY, please let everyone know that we need them in the common room and there’s no room for arguments.”
“Yes Agent Romanoff.” FRIDAY replies, picking up the rest of the presents you leave your bedroom heading to the common room.
“Can someone please explain what’s going on?” Bruce sighs for probably the hundredth time in the past 10 minutes, meanwhile the rest of the team won’t stop talking. You huff and rub your temples before using your fingers to whistle loud enough to hurt their ears, the team immediately shutting up.
“Are you done now?” You ask, remembering why you were there in the first place. “Thank you. Now, Natasha and I are about to hand you a box with a present and no ones allowed to open it until we say so. It must be at the same time okay?”
“Whose birthday is it?” Bucky asks, a frown set into his face.
“Why would everyone get a present if it was a birthday you idiot.” Sam rolls his eyes, narrowly missing getting a slap to the back of the head from the ex-assassin. You and Natasha start handing out the presents to Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Rhodey, Carol, Thor, Clint and Peter. Once everyones got their box and inspecting it curiously, Natasha gives them the green light to open it. They all open it around the same time, their faces written in confusion. Wanda’s and Carol’s eyes go wide first, a small shriek coming from Wanda as they both jump up to hug you both.
“I’m so happy!! I can’t wait!” Wanda says, her eyes teary. You laugh before giving her a tight hug, before doing the same for Carol.
“I can’t wait to meet my grandbaby.” She gives you a wink, before giving you a bone-crushing hug, kissing your hair in the process. Steve and Bucky hug you both next, wishing a congratulations and expressing their excitement to be grandpas. Rhodey and Bruce wish you both a congratulations without the hug, and you don’t fail to notice the light traces of sadness in Bruces eyes, and you feel bad when you remember that’ll be hard for him to have his own children. Peter comes up and hugs you both at the same time, rambling on how he can’t wait to play with the baby. Sam comes up next, giving you both a kiss on the cheek and a hug as he teases.
“It was only a matter of time considering how much we have to hear you two.” He laughs, before walking to Steve giving him a ‘I told you so’. Thor congratulates you both, giving Nat a tight cuddle before giving you a soft cuddle as to not hurt you or the baby. Tony and Clint walk up together, a proud smile on their lips.
“Come on tell us about our junior avenger.” Tony says, you laugh before taking off your jumper, everyone’s attention now on your belly. You look at Natasha, she gives you a soft smile while Clints arm sits around her shoulder.
“Baby is now 12 weeks old, a size of a plum.” You say, waiting for Bucky’s reaction. His bright blue eyes light up, and you’ve never seen the man have a smile as big as it is now. “All organs, muscles and limbs are fully developed, now we wait for baby to grow.”
“All organs? including their... you know.” Peter shyly asks, a blush on his cheeks as he twiddles with his fingers.
“Yes Peter, even it’s naughty bits.” Natasha laughs, pulling Peter into her and Clint, now resting her arm around his shoulders.
“Oh... cool.” His cheeks go more red with embarrassment, but yet looks content resting against Natasha, like he’s been there a thousand times. You wouldn’t be surprised if he has to be honest with yourself.
“Do you know what the gender is yet?” Steve asks.
“Not yet, We’ve still yet to decide if we’re going to find out or wait until baby’s born.” You reply, giving Clint a nod as he wordlessly asks to touch your belly.
You lay in your bed, quietly watching your favourite show while Natasha reads beside you. You lay there in just your sports bra, absentmindedly tracing random patterns on your swollen belly. You blink tiredly, exhausted from spending all day with the team. You hear Natasha lightly place her book on her bedside table before turning to look at you, you look up at her when you feel her gaze.
“You tired babe?” She asks softy, a small smile on her lips as you nod in reply. Natasha presses a delicate kiss to your forehead before moving down the bed so her face hovers over your belly. “Let me quickly talk to bean and then we can go to sleep.”
“Okay babe.” You whisper, too tired to talk any louder. You start running your fingers through her hair as she starts to talk to your unborn miracle.
“Hi my love, It’s your mama. Even though I know you can’t hear me yet, I just wanted to tell you that I can’t wait to meet you, hold you, love you, protect you. I’m going to give you everything you could ever want, but to also teach you to be grateful and keep you humble. No one likes an arrogant brat, we’ve already got one of those. Your mummy and I can’t wait for you to meet your family too, they’re already smitten and ready to spoil you. Well my baby, it’s time for me to say goodnight because mummy’s tired and gonna get grumpy and we can’t have that. Goodnight.” Natasha finishes it off with a rub and kiss for the baby and you couldn’t help the lone tear that falls from your eye. Natasha notices this and crawls back up to wipe it away.
“I can’t believe I was so scared to tell you. I would never change this for the world.” You whisper, Natasha giving you one last smile before turning off the lamp, wrapping you up in her arms where you both fall asleep instantly.
#natasha romanoff x reader#imagine natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x fem!reader#avengers x y/n#avengers x reader#avengers x pregnant!reader#avenger#avengers fluff#natasha romanoff fluff
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Our Little Secret // C.H

So here is a little dad!sos AU crossover that I originally just wrote for @calumrose, but then decided to actually post! There’s a bit of a surprise at the end, so let me know how you feel about that! 😌♥️
“Are you so excited, baby?”
Mara is almost bouncing around the room at the news that Luke is on his way over, with a very special guest. Ever since she found out that Luke and his partner were expecting, she had been beyond excited to meet the new addition. She had become obsessed with dolls and babies – fascinated by the growing bump of her pseudo auntie, as well as her bedroom now being full of dolls. You’d never seen the almost three-year-old so excited by the prospect of anything in her life.
“Yeah mama!” She replies, wrapping her arms around the small baby doll in her arms. “So ‘cited!”
“Do you have your present for her?” Calum asks, remembering the small teddy that had been sat in the corner of her bedroom for around a month now. It was like one that Luke had bought her when she was born, so Calum thought it would be perfect to return the favour. “Should we go get it?”
Mara nods and reaches up for Calum, wanting him to pick her up so they can go to her bedroom to get it. “You’re so lazy, bub.” Calum laughs, but picking her up all the same. “Come on then.”
By the time Calum gets upstairs with Mara and finds the present, he hears a knock at the door and you greeting Luke and his family. “Who’s here Mara? Is it the baby?”
“Go see!” She replies, squealing in excitement, waiting at the top of the stairs for Calum to help her down.
“Where’s my favourite niece?” Luke calls out, his eyes landing on Calum and Mara heading downstairs. Mara gasps when she sees the baby carrier in his hand, almost like she didn’t believe that the baby was there until she saw her. “There she is.”
Calum sets Mara down, waiting to let go until she’s steady on her feet, watching as Mara runs up to Luke’s waiting arms. Luke feels a little emotional at seeing her, now that he has his own baby; Mara was the first band baby, the one who made Luke want to be a dad, and now he gets to be one. “Hi, sweetheart. We have someone very special for you to meet. I know she’s really excited to meet you.”
“Can I see?” She asks, trying to climb out of his arms to investigate the baby carrier on the ground. Luke nods, kneeling next to her to make sure she doesn’t get too excited.
“Should we go sit down, baby? So you can see properly? Calum suggests, knowing she’ll want to hold her if Luke and his partner will let her. She nods, running off into the lounge, waiting until everyone follows behind.
You all head into the lounge behind her, Luke keeping a tight grip on Delilah’s carrier. He knows her nap will probably end soon, and he hopes it won’t be when Mara holds her. He doesn’t want to scare her off, especially when she’s so excited.
She sits on the sofa, making grabby hands towards Luke, to get him to give her the baby. “Okay, okay. I’m getting her, I promise.” He chuckles, kneeling in front of the carrier and undoing the clasps.
“Mara, remember what we talked about, okay?” Calum reminds her, his hand rubbing up and down her back to get her attention. “We have to be very gentle, okay? Delilah is a new baby, sweetheart. She’s not used to people just yet.”
Mara nods, and Calum isn’t sure if she actually paid attention. Mara would never intentionally hurt her, of course, but he knows what she’s like when she’s excited.
“Also, she’s not a doll, okay?” You add, receiving a laugh from the other adults in the room. Mara was gentle with her dolls, but also tended to drop them on the floor when she got bored of them.
Luke undoes the straps, slipping his hands underneath Delilah, making sure he’s got a good hold on her before he scoops her up. Making sure her head is supported, he puts her on his chest, one hand underneath her, the other holding her head.
“Baby!” Mara exclaims, kicking her legs against the sofa in excitement. Calum smiles at how happy she is, keeping his hand on her back to calm her down. Delilah curls into Luke, barely taking up half of his chest – tucking her legs up into a little ball against him. She squeaks and whines a little in her sleep at being moved, soon soothed by Luke’s gentle shushes.
It’s almost like Mara goes shy when Luke moves to sit next to her. Like Delilah suddenly became real to her, and she doesn’t know how to act. Calum notices the change in her, brushing his fingers through her hair in a reassuring gesture.
“It’s okay, little moon.” He tells her, kissing her forehead as she sits a little closer to him.
“Do you want to see her first?” Luke asks her softly, aware of Delilah sleeping on him. He knows Mara wants to hold her, but it seems as though she needs to warm up to her first. Mara nods hesitantly, her hand clinging onto Calum’s knee as a sign of nervousness. “Here we go,”
Luke repositions Delilah so she’s in the cradle of his arms, her head supported by the crook of his elbow. She curls into his body, rosy cheeks sucking on the pacifier that takes up most of her face. Luke rubs his thumb over the apple of her cheek, coaxing her face away from his t-shirt, so Mara, you and Calum can see her face.
“Look at that nose,” Calum comments, noticing the slope and perfect point was so similar to that of her dad. “Just like yours, Luke.”
“She looks just like him,” Luke’s wife pouts, admiring her in the cradle of his arms. “I carry her for nine months and give birth to her, yet she looks nothing like me.”
“What do you think, Mara?” Luke asks her, hoping that he’s easing her shyness a little. “Is she cute?”
Mara nods, peering over to look at the tiny baby in her Uncle’s arms. Luke strokes his pointer finger over Delilah’s hand, showing Mara that nothing bad would happen if she came closer to interact with her. Delilah just stretches to get comfy and wraps her tiny hand around the middle of Luke’s finger.
“Shall we say hi together?” Calum asks, encouraging Mara to interact with her. Mara nods once more and moves closer to Luke, gently reaching out and tapping Delilah carefully. “Be gentle, sweetheart.”
Delilah cuddles into Luke and Mara giggles at her movement, seemingly getting excited to meet her again. She copies Luke and puts her hand on Delilah’s free one, waiting to see if she grabs hold of it, like she did to him. Delilah stretches her tiny fingers out and tries to take Mara’s hand, curling around it in a reflex.
“Look!” Mara squeals, her other hand clasping over her mouth when she realises how loud she was. She’s met with a, “it’s okay, honey” from Luke when she sees her reaction.
“I see, baby.” Calum replies, happy that she’s finally warming up to her.
“Do you want to hold her with me?” Luke asks her, met with a more excited nod this time. “Okay, hold on.”
Luke moves Delilah against him once more, managing to cradle her with one arm whilst Mara sits on his knee, his other arm wrapped around her. She whines a little once more, her pacifier slipping out from her lips as the first hiccup of a cry escapes.
“Uh oh,” Mara says, grabbing the pacifier and keeping hold of it, to make sure it doesn’t fall onto the floor. She sits still whilst Luke gets them both settled, managing to place Delilah in Mara’s arms, whilst still supported by his own.
“Keep your hand there, okay? We have to make sure her head doesn’t fall.” Luke tells her. He knows he has her head supported enough that if Mara did move, she wouldn’t fall, but he wants to make Mara feel important. “Do you want to put her pacifier back in for her?”
Mara lifts the hand occupied by the pacifier and gently holds it to Delilah’s mouth, pushing it in with Luke’s help, waiting until she took to it again. Delilah is more than happy with the contact – her face pressed against Mara’s t-shirt to get comfy, her eyes fluttering with tiredness again. “Back to sleep...”
Luke chuckles at her words, resting his cheek on her head as he holds both her and Delilah. “I know. She sleeps a lot so she can grow up to be big and strong, like you.”
They spend a little longer cuddled up together before Mara decides she’s bored, and Delilah is ready for a feed. She’s soon back in Luke’s arms, swaddled in a blanket, content as he feeds her.
“Where did her present get to, bub?” You ask Mara, knowing her and Calum went upstairs to get it before Luke had arrived. You assumed that Mara had got too excited when she heard the door go and wanted to go downstairs before she got the chance to find it. “Did you find it? Shall we go get it?”
She nods and jumps up off the sofa, letting you take her hand in your own.
“It’s on the dresser in her bedroom.” Calum informs you, where he left it earlier. He watches as the two of you head to her room to get it.
“Mara looks so big now,” Luke pouts, snuggling Delilah a little closer in his arms. “I don’t know why but now we’ve got a newborn, Mara just seems so much older.”
“Don’t say that,” Calum groans, thinking about how much Mara is growing up. He agrees with Luke though. Now that he’s seen Delilah, it makes him realise how long it’s been since Mara was that age. “She’s still a baby.”
“So, what are you thinking about baby number two, Cal?” Luke’s partner asks.
Calum chuckles, a blush rising to his cheeks at her question.
“I don’t know,” He replies, shrugging his shoulders. “We talked about it, but we’ll probably wait until Mara is a little older. Maybe when she starts school.”
Luke and his partner don’t have time to reply before you come back into the lounge with Mara, carrying the present you had gone looking for.
“What’s that, honey?” Luke asks her, smiling at the grin on her face, her hands tightly clutching the soft bear. “Is that for me?”
“Noooo,” She giggles, moving closer to peer at Delilah in his arms, now finished with her bottle and back to sleeping. “It’s for ‘Lilah, silly.”
“Oh! Silly me,” Luke replies, the ‘oh’ exaggerated for Mara’s benefit. “That’s so kind! Thank you.”
“For you, ‘Lilah,” Mara murmurs to her, placing the bear on top of her, being gentle as not to wake her up.
Delilah is passed around to you and Calum, the two of you having plenty of time to snuggle her before it’s time for them to take her home.
It’s not until late that night, once Mara is tucked up in bed, that Calum murmurs an important question to you – one that has been on his mind since he found out the exciting news himself.
You’re tucked up in bed together, legs entwined under the covers; Calum’s warm hand slipped under the soft material of his t-shirt that you stole to sleep in. His warm palm fits over the small bump there, only visible to you and him – one that you’re nervous to reveal to the toddler sleeping down the hall.
“So… when should we tell her?”
Feedback is always so so appreciated! Please let me know what you think here.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @flowerthug @calpops @youngblood199456 @aliencal @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck @5-secondsofcolor @g-l-pierce @monsteramongmgc @calmlftv @mantlereid @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart-blog @calumrose @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton @everydayimfangirling345-blog @sexgodashton @b-easybreezy @ilumxna @malumsmermaid @opheliaaurora23 @talkfastromance4 @zhangyixingxing1 @everyscarisahealingplace @mateisit-balsamic @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower @findingliam-o @castaway-cashton @megz1985 @notinthesameguey @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @metalandboybands @littledrummeraussie @vxlentinecal @itjustkindahappenedreally @queenalienscherrypie @xxxstormyninixxx @chicken-ona-stick @hoodhoran @harrys-shrooms
#ahhhhhh i'm so excited about this#calum hood blurbs#luke hemmings blurbs#5sos blurbs#dad 5sos#dad 5sos blurbs#dadsos blurbs#dad 5sos blurb#dad sos blurbs#dad!sos blurbs#dad!5sos blurbs#mywriting#myblurbs#dad!calum blurbs
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pt. 3
*gif is not mine*
word count: 2,454
8:00 am.
The ringing of my alarm clock wakes me from my sleep. I grab my phone and scroll through the notifications. I look at the time and decide to get my nails done today, I call all my girl friends and ask if they want me to set an appointment for them to. Carly, Corinna and Erin agree, Natalie and Mariah were busy at the moment. I text them to meet at the apartment and call the nail salon. Thankfully they were open for 2 manicures, 2 full sets, and 4 pedicures.
I hop in the shower and rinse off before starting to do some simple makeup. Instead of my usual falsies I just curl my lashes and put some mascara on. I get dressed in a light blue tank top, a white cropped cardigan, and black yoga flared yoga pants with my white Air Forces. I went to the front door and unlocked it so Corinna and Erin could walk right in. I made some coffee and some tea for myself. After about 15 minutes Corinna and Erin showed up. Carly finished getting ready and we hopped into my car. Carly and Erin started vlogging while I quietly sang along to the music.
We finally got there and checked in. I showed the nail technician the photo, I got a medium length coffin shape with a glitter ombre. After about 2 hours our nails were finally done and we headed to get lunch with Nat, Zane, Todd, and Jeff. We grabbed a table at Olive Garden. Jeff “coincidentally” chooses the seat next to me. Jeff and I had always been touchy with each other, so it was no surprise when he instinctively puts his arm around my shoulder. I still felt bad about the other night, but I was fed up and drunk.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole. I understand that it was sort of a dick move to kiss you while I was drunk” I whisper, he looks at me in surprise and smiles
“I got my girl back” He exclaims, hugging me tightly as I laugh
We eat our lunch in relative peace, a few loud moments here and there. After lunch with everyone we decide to head to David’s house. Jeff, Carly, Corinna and Erin came in my car. We drove to David’s house blasting music with the windows rolled down. Our 20 minute journey ended and I parked my car. Corinna, Carly, and Erin exited to give Jeff and I some time to talk.
“Listen I’m sorry about snapping at you last night. I was drunk and upset. I didn’t mean to be such an asshole. But please talk to me as soon as I put you in a situation that makes you uncomfortable. I just hate being ignored, especially by you. Do you forgive me?” I ask, holding my hands out and he quickly hugged me
“You’re right. I should’ve talked to you. It was unfair of me to leave you hanging” Jeff replies, pressing a kiss to the top of my head
“Now, I got my dick grabbers done. Let’s test it” I joke, his loud laughs ring through my car as I unbuckle my seatbelt
The two of us enter the house and Jeff quickly runs to David to tell him what I said. I knew from the wide smile slowly making it’s way across David’s face. He grabs his camera and quickly runs to me.
“Sage why are you so horny all the time? And please tell me you don’t actually call your nails dick grabbers.” He says, I shove my hand in the camera and laugh loudly
“I’m only horny for Jeff get it right bitch” I reply sassily, David laughs loudly and walks away to film some other bets
“Maybe I should make my own channel” I joke, Corinna quickly whips around and screams
“I’ll literally buy you a camera right now” David says, my eyes go wide and I quickly nod
We all pile into our cars and run to Best Buy. David and all our friends walk me through everything. I grab a Canon EOS M50 camera and a tripod for now. I had music equipment at the apartment. David pays for my things as my friends endlessly talk about what kind of videos I should make. Ranging from get ready with me, vlogs when I go to the studio, covers, styling videos, and the occasional challenge. I choose to start with one cover, one get ready with me, and one vlog a week. All our friends offered to teach me everything having to do with running a successful YouTube challenge. We clear the podcast room and have a makeshift recording session. I quickly scroll through my phone and find a song. ‘Gut Feeling’ by Ella Mai ft. H.E.R
‘Something in the walls
Something in your walk looks different
Something deep inside
Got me wondering why I don't understand
Why I can't put my finger on what the fuck is up
What's missing?
You're distant, and I'm spinning...’
“I’m literally speechless because I forget you can sing” Todd comments, my friends clapping
“Private gig! Private gig!” Zane chants, I roll my eyes playfully and put my playlist of my favorite songs on shuffle
After singing for my friends for about 15 minutes we decide it’s time to get ready to go out. David thought it would be a good idea to kill two birds with one stone today, throw a party for me to celebrate me signing with a label and getting content out of our dumbasses. The girls and I squeeze into my car and head to my apartment to get ready.
“Oh my god Corinna I’m so fucking you tonight” I say, watching her try on one of my dresses
“Good, I’ve been alone for too long” she replies, I wink at her and pick out an outfit for Natalie while Carly and Erin raid Carly’s closet
“Nat this is so perfect for you” Corinna compliments, I agree with a nod and go to pick an outfit
I settle on something a little more comfortable since I’m pretty known to blackout easily. I decide on a red spaghetti strap crop top, a white pleated skirt, and my red and white old school Vans with a slightly oversized leather jacket. Natalie, Corinna, and I work on our hair and makeup. I decide on my usual look with my hair in a ponytail. After about an hour we head back to David’s to pregame.
We take shots and I’m pretty tipsy by the time we all get in David’s Tesla. I find my seat on Jeff’s lap. We loudly sing along to David’s music on the way to the club. We all get in and head to the section that David got us. Zane, Toddy, and I instantly gravitate towards the bottles already there. The loud music making me ready to act a fool for David’s vlog. After another three rounds of shots I become one with the music.
“Where the fuck am I?” I joke loudly, somehow I ended up on the floor while Zane danced on me and I smacked his ass
“Ow you bitch” He slurs, I laugh and Todd helps me off the ground
“OHH SAGE” Corinna yells, and there it is.. the familiar beat to ‘Back That Azz Up’
Corinna instantly gets behind me while I twerk on her. Everyone in our section forming a circle. I spot Natalie on the couch and I walk over to her before giving her a lap dance. David films her reaction while Jason hands her a bunch of singles. She throws it on me while I dance. The mixture of alcohol and music making me lose myself. The song ends and I’m a little sad. Although the universe instantly answers my prayers and I hear the beginning to ‘Panoramic’. This time I decide to dance with Jeff.
“You ready bub?” I ask, he looks at me nervously
“Huh? Oh my-” Jeff replies, I bend over and start dancing again
After a few seconds he quickly finds himself dancing with me as best as he can. Our friends scream as he gains confidence. He pulls me up by my neck, leaving a hand there as he pours the vodka in my mouth. I swallow and turn so Corinna can grind on me. I feel someone behind me and turn to see Natalie. The three of us forming a chain. Which we keep up depending on the song. After two hours David taps me on the shoulder
“Alright guys, let’s go back to my place. It’s getting a little stuffy in here” I nod and hand Jeff my things
I find myself in the passenger seat. Never a good thing in David’s vlogs. Somehow Zane had walked out with a full bottle of vodka and we were all passing it around. Before driving David turns his camera on and I’m too drunk to listen to reason
“David.. I’m so drunk” I yell above the music, he laughs and turns the camera so I’m more in view
“Is there anything we should ask Sage since I think she’s the most drunk here” David says, turning the music down as our friends fall quiet to think
“Sage what are your thoughts on Jeff getting a boner after you danced on him” Mariah asks, I laugh loudly and hiccup
“My thoughts? Head empty, no thoughts” I reply, they laugh and continue asking me questions
“Sage if you were a man for a day what would you do?” Jason asks, also recording me
“Dude I’d honestly try to have a threesome with Natalie and Corinna” I reply, he laughs before replying
“You try to do that now” He says, our friends laughing loudly
The car ride seems like it went on forever. Finally we ended up at David’s house, I quickly run to the fridge and grab water. Wanting to sober up a little bit because I felt too out of control of my body. I chug the water and throw the empty bottle into the recycling bin. Jeff walks over to me and hugs me from behind. I smile lazily and sway to the music David is playing.
“Can we get DoorDash please” I whine, the group instantly nods while Jeff and I walk over to the group
“Get a room you two” Carly jokes, watching me cling onto Jeff while he sat me down
“I fucking wish” I say, quietly sipping my water as Natalie takes everyone’s McDonald’s orders
I decided on a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets with sweet and sour sauce and a Sprite. I blush as Jeff’s hands find themselves on my thigh. It’s no secret that I’m high key attracted to Jeff, but it recently started becoming real that I actually have a crush on my best friend. I realize that all the girls were looking at me and my face turned bright red. They shared looks before pulling me off the couch and taking me outside.
“You have a real fucking crush on Jeff don’t you” Mariah says, the girls crowd around me as I laugh
“I need a fucking joint, yes I do ok” I confess, they scream and jump around and I can already see the guys heading out to see what all the commotion is about
“What’s going on out here ladies?” Todd asks, wrapping his arms around Natalie and Jeff came next to me and thankfully it was pitch black and he couldn’t see the blush spreading across my face
“God I need to smoke so bad what the fuck is wrong with me” I mumble, Jeff hears me and pulls a preroll out of his pocket
“Let’s go, princess” He says, asking our other friends if they want to join, Zane and Todd agree and we sit on the couch outside and smoke a little bit
After we finished the pre-roll I head back over to the girls. We continue talking and they encourage me to talk to him about it. Apparently he has an actual crush on me too. I brush them off the but the substances in my system were giving me too much courage.
“No no... I’ll think about it when I’m sober” I say, they all agree and we go back into the house
“Ok guys I think I’m gonna head out” I say, I had a few more drinks with Zane and Heath so I was back to being drunk and a little high
“You are not driving home like this” Dave says, I nod and look around. Carly left a while ago since her and Erin had a meeting in the morning and I didn’t want to disturb her because I knew I would be loud when I got home
“I’ll take her, I should head out anyways” Jeff replies, I grin and collect my things and grab a water from the fridge for the road
“Can I stay over? I miss Nerf and I can’t go to my apartment since Carly has something important in the morning and I don’t want to disturb her” I say, he nods with a big smile
“Sure thing princess. We’ll stop by the store and grab some makeup remover and face wash” He said, driving to the nearest CVS
After our quick run to the store we finally arrived at his apartment. We got in and I walk over to the fridge and get a water. I hear Nerf’s claws on the floor and crouch down. After petting him for about five minutes Jeff comes out with a shirt and some boxers. I smile gratefully and head to the bathroom.
I take my makeup off and wash my face. I change into the shirt and boxers and head out. I make myself comfortable on the couch while Jeff changes. He walks out and shakes his head
“No, your back and neck are going to be sore. Just share the bed with me” He said, I look at him skeptically but nod
“Finally, thank god I shaved recently” I joke, he laughs loudly as he shuts the door
“I’m not that tired, you wanna watch a movie?” He asks, turning the TV on I nod and let him pick while I make myself comfortable with Nerf
Halfway through the movie I start drifting off, resting my head on Jeff’s chest.
“Goodnight princess” He said, pressing a kiss to my head before turning the movie off
“Goodnight.. I love you” I mumble, not noticing the look on Jeff’s face
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Your Teddy Bear
Mendes Triplet Au (Peter Mendes)
Summary: No one could’ve guessed you would have ended up with Peter, but the two of you give each other a love neither of you ever thought you’d be lucky enough to experience.
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing with the Mendes Triplet concept by @thotmendes and I’m honestly so excited about it. Also, shout out to @fallinallincurls for talking concepts with me the other night that inspired me to write this and @princecharmingmendes for telling me too write it along with a ton of other people that got me to finish this (such as @itrocksmysocks who sent me a bunch of Peter pictures that were absolutely adorable). So I hope you guys enjoy this! It’s literally 4.6k of just pure fluff and more fluff after that. As always please tell me what you think!
Warnings: Mild Swearing (like literally only one or two words)
No one knew how Peter Mendes ended up with you. Hell, Peter didn’t even know how he ended up with someone like you, but somehow almost every night he fell asleep with his head on your chest, your hands brushing through his mess of fluffy curls. You commanded the room any time you walked in it, confidence radiating off you in every aspect as you strode past everyone with your shoulders pushed back and chin held high. Known to be the life of the party, you were the one people could rely on to flirt your way past the guy at the liquor store to bring the best booze to all of the frat parties, and your name was well ingrained into the minds of almost every student at your wide campus.
Peter, on the other hand, was only known by a handful of students and for a completely different set of reasons. Typically when one thought of Peter they first thought of Raul, the oldest of the Mendes triplets that was known for partying and hooking up with girls, or Shawn, the captain of the hockey team that could easily get any girl he wanted just by looking them in the eyes and serenading them with his singing and guitar. If by some miracle they knew Peter for another reason, it’d probably be because he happened to be one of the smartest students in every single one of his classes and often was asked for tutoring or help with homework. When you thought of Peter Mendes you thought of the smart Mendes, which was exactly why it just didn’t seem right that the two of you were together.
It wasn’t like you were unintelligent by any means, you got As and Bs in all of your classes, but you weren’t even close to the level of Peter’s smarts. Most students would say Raul would be your type, you both had dominating, cocky almost personalities on the outside and loved to party, a seemingly perfect fit. Or even Shawn, who had a smooth, laid back persona would be a great match for you if he didn’t already have a girlfriend to love.
But you knew how you ended up with Peter. It was just 6 months ago when that curly headed boy walked into your life, flipping it completely upside down in the best way possible. You remember it clear as day; you had just gone into the kitchen of the frat house to get another drink when you spotted a cuddly giant leaning against the counter looking completely out of place, swirling his drink inside of his solo cup. You excused yourself, reaching behind him to grab some pop causing him to look at you with wide eyes, apologizing profusely for being in your way. Giggling at his reaction you reassured the startled boy that there was nothing to worry about, before properly introducing yourself.
“I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I know,” he responded, cheeks heating up after realizing what he had said. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t completely infatuated by you, how could he not be? You were absolutely gorgeous and the definition of perfection in his eyes, and something about your mysterious aura left him wanting to know everything about you. Yet here he was, completely embarrassing himself in front of the girl he was secretly crushing on. “I’m sorry that was so weird, um, I’m Peter,” he stuck his hand out for you to shake it, a laugh escaping your lips as you took it firmly in your own. His heart was beating out of his chest at the fact that not only were you engaging in a conversation with him, but you had just shaken his hand, which he was now realizing was not a common thing for teenagers to do and was probably screwing up any chance he had of getting to know you.
“So what’s in the cup?” you asked, motioning to the drink that was pretty much still filled to the brim, a clear sign that its contents were not appealing to him.
“Oh, um, it’s beer, but I’m not really that much of a drinker, especially in large crowds.” His cheeks burned bright red under your stare and he wondered how much deeper of a hole he was going to dig himself into with all of this information he was giving out. Surely someone like you would find him boring soon, it was only a matter of time before you left him to talk to someone hotter and much more interesting.
But to his surprise you moved closer, leaning against the counter next to him as you brought your cup to your lips. “Want to know a secret?” you whispered, Peter nodding frantically like a little boy about to get a new toy, “I’m not that into drinking either. I only really do it at parties and even then I usually keep it to a minimum. I’ve been here for three hours and all I’ve had is half a white claws I ended up giving to my friend. This is Pepsi.” You took another sip from your cup, watching as his jaw dropped at the information causing a smirk to form on your face, “You know I’ve never actually told anyone that, but I have a feeling you’re not gonna go around telling everyone what I tell you.”
“No, no, I won't, I promise.”
“Good, now what do you say we find somewhere quieter to get away from all of this. I’ve had a long day and I have a feeling you love parties just as much as you love drinking.” Peter thought he had never smiled so wide as you took his hand and pulled him into an empty room, one you just happened to know wouldn’t be used tonight. The two of you talked for hours, about how he was dragged there and then abandoned by his two identical brothers, to the research he was doing for astronomy class. You listened intently to everything he said, even adding some of your own input about topics he never thought you would be interested in, and he truly thought in that moment that he had never felt more seen, more appreciated and thought of as someone other than the unknown Mendes brother. You parted ways when it got too late for the both of you, exchanging numbers with a promise to see the other again soon, Peter’s heart racing at the thought of seeing you once more. You never told him, but he had your heart that first night you met him, finally having someone who wanted to know more about you than how to get in your pants.
So even though it shocked the entire school to see Peter’s arm wrapped around your shoulders two weeks later, the two of you felt perfectly content and at peace with one another, your personalities balancing each other out, fitting in like the missing pieces to your own individual puzzles. If you ever had a bad day, you knew that the moment you saw your cuddly giant of a boyfriend looking as comfy as ever in his softest sweatshirts, glasses adorning his beautiful face, your mood would instantly be lightened and everything would be alright. And that’s exactly what you needed right now, a cuddly Peter to turn your day around.
So there you were, headed to the triplets apartment off campus to see your man. Raul, Peter, and Shawn had all bought a four-bedroom apartment only a couple minutes off campus after their sophomore year, and you were around so much that they trusted you with the code and your very own key. You fit right in with the boys easily; you had seen Raul and Shawn at a couple parties before you met Peter, but you never spoke more than a few words to one another. Now that you were dating Peter though, you were practically treated as their sister, blending right into the dynamics of their tight knit family. If there was one thing the Mendes brothers were, it was close and you never quite understood how deep their connections were with one another until you were around them so much. Peter was never known to be a player, always wanting to just be in a serious relationship, so it had been years since he had brought a girl home around his brothers. For that very reason, Shawn and Raul were extremely protective over him, but you easily passed the test they gave you right off the bat. They loved you, not to mention they could tell that Peter was head over heels for you long before he told you 3 months into your relationship. He had been laying on your chest, breathing starting to become heavy as you lured him to sleep with your head massages.
“I love you,” he mumbled into your shirt almost incoherently, an innocent slip of the tongue in his sleepy state. You froze, hand pausing in his hair for a second as he whined from the lack of your touch, not even processing what he just said. You hadn’t ever told one of your boyfriends that you loved them, the thought always seeming too permanent and constricting. But Peter was different and you knew that from the start. He made you feel things that you worried in the dead of night you might never experience and even though it was early in your relationship, Peter felt emotions so deeply and openly that your heart was completely owned by him.
“I love you too, Pete.” He hummed in confusion at your words, suddenly a lot more awake as he sat up to look you in the eyes.
“You told me you loved me and I said I love you too.”
“You do?” he asked, eyes wide, happy tears prickling in the corners of them.
“I don’t know how I couldn’t bubs,” and with that he surged forward, connecting your lips to his with as much passion as he could possibly muster.
After he woke up, Peter immediately told his brothers about the night’s events, the two of them filled with joy that someone could make their brother as happy as he was. A month later he gave his virginity to you and the praise (and teasing) he got from his brothers was never ending. You weren’t forgotten either for later that day when you showed up, Shawn immediately began wiggling his eyebrows at you as Raul started cracking sexual jokes, Peter looking sheepish in the background. You had rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, though you could never be truly mad at Peter for sharing your relationship with his brothers. You learned very quickly that there was little to no privacy with the three of them and anything you did was fair game in their conversations. You didn’t mind, you loved how close they were, not to mention how supportive they were of one another, and you definitely didn’t complain when you had two extremely buff guys protecting you from drunk creeps at parties that didn’t seem to grasp the concept that you were in a relationship.
But being close to the brothers also meant they were used to your random appearances when you typically showed up unannounced even to Peter, who never complained about getting to spend more time with you. Which happened to be the case today, when you stormed in, muttering a quick hello to Raul who was spread out on the couch as you headed towards Peter’s room.
“Peter?” you asked, knocking twice before entering at his request, not even greeting him and instead landing face down on his mattress with a huff.
Your boyfriend closed his laptop, saving his work and sitting up to give you his full attention, running his fingers over your back, “What’s wrong, angel?”
“She’s such a bitch!” you complained, rolling over onto your back to stare at the ceiling.
“Who?” This is how it usually went if you were having a bad day, he’d ask you generic questions, allowing you to let out all of your pent up frustration until you were ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night.
“Marissa! You won’t believe this. This guy comes up to me after class today and tries to give me his number and I’m obviously like no, sorry, I’ve already got the greatest man in the world, I don’t have any interest or need for anyone else. But guess what?!”
It didn’t even phase Peter at this point that a guy tried to get your number, it happened so often that he was partially immune to the doubts and jealousy that came with it. In the beginning it was hard for him, constantly feeling like he wasn’t enough and didn’t deserve you, but you proved to him time after time again that you were completely gone for him and that he was more than you could ever dream of. And he would never, ever question your loyalty to him, if there was one thing you weren’t it was a cheater. “What?”
“Turns out this dude had a girlfriend, Marissa, and so of course she was pissed that he was trying to get my number, which is understandable. But guess who she blames it on?”
“Me! Like are you KIDDING me?! I’m not the one with loyalty issues here, sweetie, yet here you are accusing me of trying to get with your man. Why would I even want his number? Even if I was a cheater, which ugh I want to throw up just thinking about it, you’re a hundred times hotter and better than him in every way so it doesn’t make sense. So no, it wasn’t me, sorry your boyfriend’s a manwhore, Marissa.” A chuckle escaped Peter’s lips, head tilting back against the headboard as he laughed. You turned your head at the beautiful sound, meeting his eyes a few seconds later for the first time that night. And just like that. Mood completely better. The sight of him, hair a fluffy mess basically asking to be played with, adorable glasses being pushed up by the scrunch in his nose, and comfy pink sweatshirt on his frame making him look as soft as ever.
“Hi bubs.”
Peter smiled his loving smile he reserved for you, laughing to himself at how quick your mood could change around him, “Hi angel. Feeling better?”
You nodded, crawling up the bed into his open arms, sliding underneath the covers next to him as you rested your head on his chest, “I love you.”
“I love you so much.” He adjusted in the bed to better lay down with you laying on top of him, stroking your hair before placing gentle kisses on the top of your head, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, bubs,” you snuggled further into his chest, cheek squishing against the fabric of his sweatshirt, “Just wanna cuddle you all night long.”
“I can do that,” Peter whispered, voice soft against your ear, “You doing anything for the rest of the night? I heard Raul saying there’s a huge frat party he’s going to later.”
“Yeah I heard about that,” you admitted, “But I don’t think I’m gonna go. Rather just lay here with you. If you want to, that is.”
Peter’s heart swelled three sizes at your words, nodding his head as he traced I love you onto your back like he always did when he was given the chance. It was true that ever since you started dating Peter you weren’t found at parties as often as you used to be. You still enjoyed going to them, you even managed to bring Peter to a couple of them and he found them much more enjoyable with you by his side, but more often you found yourself just wanting to stay in with your man rather than being surrounded by a bunch of people you hardly knew. “I’d love that,” he spoke against your ear, still leaving butterfly kisses in your hair, “Why don’t we have a movie night? I bought your favorite cookie dough, I could go pop them in the oven if you wanted.”
Your head perked up at his words, a smile gracing your face, “Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chip?”
“Mhm,” he hummed in response, a squeal leaving your mouth as you jumped off the bed pulling him with you.
“Come on, come on, cookies, Pete!” He laughed, grabbing your hand in his and letting you drag him to the kitchen. He loved how different you were with him, how you were so carefree and loving compared to the confident, I don’t care vibe you gave off to everyone. It was like a secret only he got to see and as long as you kept showing it to him, he was gonna soak in every second of it.
Upon arriving in the kitchen, you jumped to sit onto the counter while Peter rummaged through the fridge in search of the mouth-watering cookie dough. You leaned over to wash your hands in the sink next to him before rolling the dough into large balls to get the biggest cookies possible. The first time you made cookies with Peter he was shocked at how much dough you were rolling for one cookie, claiming that they weren’t going to turn out well if they weren’t perfectly symmetrical to the suggested sizing on the side of the packaging. But once he tasted the big cookies he had no complaints, and neither did the rest of the triplets. Once the package was finished and you had two sheets of cookies in the oven, you watched as Peter set the timer on the oven, little tongue sticking out in concentration.
“Come here, big guy,” you motioned him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist once he stood in the middle of them, hands on your thighs. You placed your hands on his shoulders, one hand making its way to play with the curls on the back of his neck. He stared up at you with doe like eyes, hands frozen on your thighs no matter how much he wanted to move them. Even if you had been dating for over half a year now, Peter was still shy and nervous about touching you, so even having him put his hands there in the first place without you telling him it was ok was a big deal. “You can move your hands if you want,” you whispered, eyes holding his soft gaze, feeling his thumbs start to slowly rub circles against the fabric of your jeans, “You’re so handsome, did you know that?”
He blushed at your words, head ducking down to look at the ground, “‘M not handsome, you just have to say that cause I’m your boyfriend.” You knew Peter always had trouble with having self confidence, years of believing that his brothers were better than him really took a toll on his heart. But even if he was a part of three identical triplets, every time you looked at him all you saw was the cutest, most handsome man alive. Maybe he didn’t have endless tattoos like Raul, or piercings like Shawn, but he was Peter, your Peter, and you would do anything to convince him that he was more than enough for anyone, especially himself.
“Pete, look at me.” You lifted his chin up with your finger, other hand smoothing along his shoulder, “I would never tell you something that wasn’t true. I don’t tell you you’re handsome because I feel I have some weird requirement as your girlfriend to do so, I do it because every time I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach over how gorgeous you are. No one has ever made me feel like you do, bubs, and I just wish you could see what I see when I look at you.” With that you brought his lips to yours, tasting the sweet vanilla of his chapstick as he moved in sync with you. You squeezed your legs tighter around him, one hand deep in his unruly curls as you pulled him closer to you, his hands moving up to find purchase on your hips. He squeezed your hips lightly three times, a silent I love you as you kissed, causing a smile to form on your face at the soft boy in your arms.
“You better not be fucking over there!” Raul’s voice tore through the moment, the two of you breaking away from each other in order to turn around towards the couch where he was staring back at you with eyebrows raised. You rolled your eyes at his antics, turning around to find Peter with red stained cheeks and bashful eyes before calling back to the older triplet, “Don’t worry, Raul, we’re not stealing your job!”
A sincere laugh escaped Raul’s lips as you lightly pushed your boyfriend away so you could hop off the counter, earning a small whine from him in response, “Come on, bubs, let’s check on these cookies.” A couple minutes later you had a fresh batch of cookies sitting on top of the oven, the smell filling the entire apartment quick enough to have Raul next to the two of you in minutes with an already burnt tongue because he refused to wait for them to cool down. Just as you and Peter had bit into your first cookie, Shawn had come stumbling into the house with his hockey gear, a wide smile on his face, “Do I smell cookies?”
“Only the best. Want one?” you asked, handing him the plate, while Raul complained from next to you that he was just about to grab another.
“Is that even a question?” he asked, practically moaning when the taste hit his mouth, “And this is why I love having you around.”
“You say that like I’m the one that buys and makes the cookies. Peter’s the one that does all the work.”
“Yeah, but Peter only makes them for you. We only had oven baked cookies once or twice a year before you came.”
“Hey! I make dinner for you guys almost every night,” Peter countered, a slight furrow to his brows, “Not my fault the both of you can’t make your way around the kitchen without burning it.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Raul said, snatching one last cookie before heading off to his room.
“Come on, bubs,” you ushered your boyfriend forward, grabbing his hand as he picked up the plate of cookies, “Let’s go watch Netflix.”
“But I only got one cookie!” Shawn whined from behind the two of you.
“You can get them once we’re done,” you called out before shutting Peter’s door, “if there’s any left.” Peter laughed from behind you, loving the relationship you had with his brothers. Honestly, he didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t get along with them, his brothers were his world and their opinion mattered to him more than anyone else’s. But now that you were so prominently in his life, he could easily say that your opinion was on that same level, if not higher than that of his brothers.
“Hey angel?” he asked nervously, playing with the strings on the hood of his sweatshirt.
“Yeah, bubs?”
“Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?”
“I don’t think so, why?”
“Do you maybe want to stay the night?” You had stayed the night a handful of times, probably more than you should for the length of your relationship, and everytime the two of you woke up with the most content smiles on your faces, wanting nothing more than to just stay that way for the rest of the day.
“Of course, Pete, as long as I get to steal one of your sweatshirts to sleep in,” you told him, walking over to him and replacing his hands with yours on his hoodie strings. His hands found their way to your hips, rubbing in gentle circles to calm the racing heart he always had around you.
“I’ll give you all of my sweatshirts, you look better in them anyways.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, giving him a soft kiss, “I’ve never met a man that looks more cuddly in a sweatshirt than you do. You’re my teddy bear, bubs.” A wide smile formed on Peter’s face and he leaned in to kiss your lips one more time before he was opening the drawer to his sweatshirts. He handed you the one he knew was always your favorite, grabbing his own set of flannel pants and a shirt to sleep in. He turned around to let you change in privacy while he did the same, even though the two of you had seen each other in much more intimate situations prior to this. No matter how many times you told him he didn’t have to turn around, he always claimed he just wanted to respect you and didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form.
“All done, bubs, come cuddle.” You opened your arms to him from where you were laying in his bed and a large smile found its way to his face as he launched himself into your arms. Giggling at your adorable boyfriend, you adjusted so he could lay under the covers with his arms wrapped around your body. You turned the tv on, scrolling through random romcoms on Netflix while Peter munched on a cookie beside you. One of the things you loved about Peter was how much he loved romcoms, always falling in love with the romantic content as much as you.
Halfway through the movie and you swore the two of you had eaten enough cookies to keep you full for a week, while saving one for Shawn of course. Somewhere in the midst of things, Peter’s head found its way to its beloved spot on your chest and your fingers immediately began massaging through the curls on his head. “You smell different, Pete. Did you change shampoo or cologne or something?” You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the more kisses you left on his curls, the more you felt something was different. He dug his head into your (his) sweatshirt, mumbling something incoherent while trying to hide his rosy red cheeks. “What are you trying to say? I can’t hear you while you’re eating my sweatshirt,” you teased, watching as his red face lifted up to meet yours.
“It’s yours,” he mumbled again, shoving his face back into your chest. You leaned down again, taking a sniff of his hair and finding it to resemble your typical scent right away.
“Why are you using my shampoo, bubs?”
He sighed, turning his head so you could hear him better, “Cause you left one of your bottles here last time you used it and I don’t know, just missed you a lot and you always smell so good.”
“Oh yeah, what do I smell like?”
“Home.” He answered with such sincerity that you knew this was something he had thought about for a long time. Your heart burst, love pouring out of you in such ways that you almost felt like crying happy tears right there on the spot.
“I, um, I have a candle that I keep next to my bed because I think it smells like your cologne. And it calms me down when I’ve had a bad day and I can’t come see you,” you confessed, hands coming back to his hair.
“You can always come see me, angel. Love having you around.”
You smiled to yourself when you heard his speech becoming more slurred, sleep overcoming him, “I love you, Pete.”
“I love you too, angel. My beautiful, beautiful angel.” He left feather-like kisses over your sweatshirt-clad chest, snuggling deeper into your warmth as his breathing began to even out. You reached over to turn off the tv, feeling safer than you’ve ever felt with your big, cuddly teddy bear in your arms.
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