#Arzu Okay
yesilcam1replik · 11 months
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arzuera · 11 months
Hello, everyone! There have been a few posts going around in the DP and Danny Phantom tags that need to be addressed.
There is an artist called @mysticalcrowthings who has been posting Danny Phantom AI art to the tag without tagging it as such. Instead, they have been tagging it as their own personal work.
Here are a couple examples:
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Original links:
Picture 1
Picture 2
Please note the many extra fingers, weird hand shapes, as well as proportions.
But ARZU! Danny is a ghost! He could be doing weird eldritch stuff!
Okay! I'll give you that. But I have further proof!
If you go into Crow's archive you will find these posts from June and July of this year 2023:
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Link to original
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Link to Original
Here is a screencap of the archive as I saw it at the time:
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Then in October, 2-3 months later. They are posting art like this:
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Link to Original
(BTW look at that weird ass birb placement in the middle)
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Link to Original
The screencap of the archive as of this current moment:
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That is an insane amount of improvement for only 2-3 months between those examples. Not to mention, each piece is drastically different. I'm sorry to say that this is AI-generated and should be tagged as such.
Now, @mysticalcrowthings I don't like doing this but what you are doing is wrong. AI art takes from art all over the web to make those images meaning it is STEALING art from other artists and using their resources without their permission. AI isn't talent. Anyone can put a word or image into AI and hit the button enough times to get something halfway decent. AI is a tool that should be used to learn from or to be like "Hey look what the bot did! Isn't that neat how it did that?"
Making AI art does not make you an artist. You did nothing.
Ai art is its own thing and should be tagged as such.
This may sound a bit harsh but I just want to think that this is from a young mind who lost their way a bit and tried to go for a quick grab at fame.
Listen. I highly doubt you will read this but I do not want you to give up on your art because it didn't get a lot of notice initially and a bot could do it better. You have a great foundation and a wonderful start on both traditional and digital pieces! The best thing you can do as an artist is practice and keep LEARNING. We all start somewhere!
There are tutorials for everything everywhere! I want you to be as good as that someday! So I hope you realize your mistake and get back on the right path because this one is just going to end in you giving up art for good, from being discouraged and outcasted by the fandom spaces you love to frequent.
And that saddens me to no end.
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suizidverrueckte · 3 months
wirst es nie lesen
die gedanken, meine gedanken
das tagebuch, mein tagebuch
wirst es nie lesen, versprochen
so viele texte
die ich schrieb
wirst keins davon lesen
wie mein anderer tumblr account
das hier wirst du auch nie lesen
warum auch?
einmal verliebt
nur ein einziges mal
nie wieder
safe haven
habs nicht ohne grund gestochen
werds dir nie sagen
meine gedanken, mein geheimnis
werds nie jemanden erzählen
mein lieblingslied
werds dir nie zeigen
besser jetzt
als später
lieber jetzt
2 wochen
von heute auf morgen
passend zu meinem sternzeichen
die kette
4 klasse
da war sie
hab geleuchtet
mich gleich verliebt
so viel geld für eine kette
4 klasse
konnte nicht anders
war bei so vielem dabei
so viele ging in erfüllung
wegen der grünen kette
meine erste liebe
die flucht aus der klinik
der kampf gegen meine eltern
gegen meine gefühle
mein erstes mal
mein erstes mal als sich jemand sich in mich verliebt
lisa "du nimmst alle so wie sie sind, bin gerne mit dir"
hab nächte geheult wegen deinem geschenk
im auto, neues heim
durfte dich nicht sehen
keinen von euch
werde diesen brief nie wieder vergessen
".. mach was aus dem neuanfang und pass auf dich auf"
nie wieder vergessen als du sagtest das du mich liebst
4 jahre später sah ich dich
mitten in der stadt, hunderte personen
ich hörte nie wieder etwas von dir
dabei war ich dein halt
3 monate
4 monate
6 monate
svenja, die versunken ist in depression
bis ich etwas mit ihr machte
nahmst mich mit
zeigtest mir alles was du liebtest
stundenlang sind wir durch die pampa gelaufen
bis ich gehen musste
mein erster liebesbrief
bei ihm
er sagte es mir, schickte ein foto
vor 2 wochen
nach all den jahren hatte er es immer noch behalten
er sagte:
"seit letzten jahr herbst kann ich nicht auf hören an dich zu denken"
bat mich
es zum 10 mal zu beenden
ich sagte ihm:
"mach dir lieber mal gedanken warum du so fühlst dann können wir gerne nochmal sprechen"
hab gezögert
bleibt mein geheimnis warum
"liegts an mir oder warum hast du mich diesen einen tag so grob behandelt, mir einfach die hose ausgezogen"
"ja, arzu es lag an dir"
hab nichts getan, wollte gar nicht
hast geheult wie ein mädchen
hab dir gesagt das ich geh, meine letzten worte
"such dir hilfe, du endest wie dein vater"
hab dir nie deine worte verziehen
die du anderen erzähltest
"ich kann sie nehmen wann ich will"
"gehört ganz mir"
"die hure"
alles gelogen, hast mich nie gefragt warum ich mich ständig trennen wollte
hast mich bedrängt
hätte dich am liebsten zerstört
hab es
100 mal
immer wieder
warst immer noch da
hast dennoch andere über mich gestellt
hab gegen dich gekämpft
2 jahre
bis leo kam
mich vor dir beschützte
dein bester freund
wurde mein bester freund
selbst letztes jahr als ich ihn sah
hat sich nichts geändert
deine kette trag ich immer noch
neues zuhause
1 mal
2 mal
3 mal
4 mal
"wäre es möglich würdest du hier wohnen"
kampf gegen meine betreuerin
gab mir die schuld
kampf gegen die schulleiterin
"wirst es nie schaffen"
frau lang, als wäre es gestern:
"nicht okay das du entlassen wirst"
sie sagte tage vorher, icj solle dinge mehr genießen
es stand drin
fehlende genussfähigkeit
sie isst ihren joghurt
wäre am liebsten aufgestanden
habs bemerkt
war 13
oder 14
"du wirst das nicht überleben"
habs versucht
1 mal
2 mal
3 mal
irgendwer rief den notruf
alle suchten
außer du
war 14
"hab einen laden zuführen"
bin mit dem zug gefahren
polizei "willst du mit in die klinik?"
mein erstes konzert
mein erstes mal
nächster tag
"ich möchte mich umbringen, die gedanken sind so laut. "
war nicht alleine
sie wollte es auch
hab im krankenhaus geschrien
im betreuerzimmee
therapie stunde mit ihrem hund
"das hat der noch nie gemacht"
hab mich besonders gefühlt
meine ehemalige jugendamts tante
"du brauchst mehr unterstützung"
1 heim
2 heim
3 heim
4 heim
eine qual
franz-stock haus
erstes mal zuhause angekommen
in der schule
anderer schulleiter
wie oft weinte ich vor ihm
meine erste eins
"du bist eine der besten"
war so verwirrt
hab nur noch den unterricht geschwänzt
nicht zugehört
"selbst unser autist merkt dass etwas nicht mit dir stimmt"
hab mich so unendlich einsam gefühlt
in der wohnung
in der gegend
war nicht bereit
habs abgebrochen
bin nachhause
war da
dann da
immer wieder
besten freund
wochenlang bei ihm geschlafen
geliebt im beim zocken zu zuschauen
ständig seine wohnung aufgeräumt
die nachtwanderungen
mit der ganzen truppe
fühlte mich angekommen
"luis, wir sind hier allein und es ist 3 uhr WO MÜSSEN WIR LANG"
es war unfassbar lustig
bis du dich verliebtes
"was hättest du getan wenn ich dich geküsst hätte?"
ich sagte dir
"bitte hör auf zu reden, lass mich in ruhe"
verlor einen freund
du fandest jedoch jemanden neuen der dich wertschätz
oder chris
"lass mal auf den berg morgens wenn die sonne auf geht"
2 std normalerweise
wegen mir waren es 3
trafen die anderen
sie sind mit
wir beide gingen die hälfte alleine
ich sagte dir lass uns da lang gehen
"das ist keine abkürzung"
du bist trotzdem mit
und wie oft flogen wie hin
7 uhr morgens
wir schliefen einfach alle auf dem berg
du verliebtest dich auch, sagtes es nie
wollte es nicht sehen
verlor wieder einen freund
mein erstes mal
als ich merkte, dass es ihm spaß machte
als es mir gefiel
war so überfordert
habs abgebrochen
wäre am liebsten weg gelaufen
mein erstes mal dass ich alleine in die klinik wollte
mich einweisen, ganz alleine
"dir gehts zwar schlecht, du schaffst das"
hab jeden anruf ignoriert
der mich mochte
hast du mich nicht berührt
bis zu unserem ersten kuss
werds nie vergessen
hast mich so genommen wie ich war
so unfassbar schüchtern
selbst deine mitbewohner waren nie unangenehm
manchmal so lustig
so viel glück
wegen der kette
so viel unglück
brauch sie wieder
hab mich nie alleine damit gefühlt
will schreien
so sehr
muss mich zurückhalten
nichts unüberlegtes sagen
oder tun
großer fehler
weiß es
habs geträumt
0 notes
netbilge · 2 years
Arzu Okay kimdir? Kaç yaşında? Arzu Okay son hali, afişleri, Arzu Okay instagram adresi?
Arzu Okay kimdir? Kaç yaşında? Arzu Okay son hali, afişleri, Arzu Okay instagram adresi?
Arzu Okay kimdir? Kaç yaşında? Arzu Okay son hali, afişleri, Arzu Okay instagram adresi? Arzu Okay, Ekim 1954 yılında İstanbul’da dünyaya geldi. Babası şoför, annesi ev kadınıdır. Arzu Okay 10 aylıkken boşanmışlar. Mecidiyeköy Lisesi’nde okudu. Okulu bitiremedi. 14 yaşındayken Zeki Müren’le fotoromanda oynadı. Saklambaç gazetesinin açtığı yarışmaya katılıp kazandı. 1970 yılında ‘Sinema Yüz…
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Turkish actress Arzu Okay, 1970s
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k-1imparatorluk · 6 years
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Ekrem Bora, Arzu Okay & Sadri Alışık
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mankenkiz · 3 years
Arzu Okay film benimle sevişirmisin
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Benimle sevişirmisin Arzu Okan oynadığı 1972 yılında sinemda yayınlandı. Filmde Salih Güney, Arzu Okay, Feri Cansel ve Seyyal Taner birlikte oynadılar.  Benimle sevişirmisin adlı sinema filmi yönetmenleri Nazmi Özer ve Bülen Öner yaptılar.
Arzu Okay film benimle sevişirmisin
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
So for matchups thingy
My names Arzu i use he/him and they/them pronouns. I am A genderfluid Bisexual. a few of my hoobies are reading, Drums, Archery And my imtrest is watching documentarys about marine animals, genuinely anything thats to do with animals and or water.
In a relationship i want someone who cuddles with me, forhead kisses and cute stuff like that someone who understand me and doesn't pressure me into stuff. I want someone with the same love language as me(Quality time, Physical touch)
In a relationship dont want them to pressure me into sex, eating if im not hungry and someone who doesn't push they're intrest onto me. (Like force me to watch football with them for example).
Little things that attract me are tattoos, from behind cuddles, a beard, babyface(absolutely adorable on men), ACCENT, Russian, spanish, German, french etc.
Im not very talkative but when i do start talking about something i will never stop, i switch topics fairly easy. I cant sit down and watch a movue without talking, i have to comment everything. If im bored i follow my friends/family around like a lost puppy and watch what they're doing. Im a total Motorcycle freak, i love them over anything. But cars are also cool. I hate hiking and i love the beach.
Romantic: Timur ‘Glaz’ Glazkov
By the end of the second paragraph, Glaz stood out for some reason as a good pick for you. And by the end of reading your submission, I’m pretty sure he fits really well. He’s always got his heart in the right place and he’s very good at reading people. He’d love to watch you practice your archery skills sometime! He’ll definitely sketch you as well, always saying things along the lines of, “How could I not? You look gorgeous with a bow.” Being someone with great patience, he’ll watch whatever documentaries you want, even if he has no interest in the topics they’re covering. There weren’t many beaches where he’s from, so whenever he can he likes to go to them, trips with you are the best of course. He likes to see you happy and will always encourage you to do the best things for yourself but he knows how to do this without pressuring you. <3
Platonic: Dominic ‘Bandit’ Brunsmeier
Hear me out, Dominic would be a great friend to someone! It takes him a while to open up to anyone, let alone become their friend, but starting a conversation about cars would probably get his attention. Maybe you’d get him to ramble a bit about them as well. He’s interested in hearing you play the drums and has a knack for rock music so if you play anything like that on the drums, he’s impressed. Hopefully, you’re okay with some dry or dirty humor because that’s one of his specialties!
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yesilcam1replik · 2 years
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unchecked-too-long · 3 years
Sinf E Ahan Episode 1 initial thoughts
Okay, so for a brief summary, the show is about 5? girls from different backgrounds trying to step ahead in their career, prove themselves to family, or improve their family's financial situations, by joining the army. Because clearly that's the only way to achieve glory :) jk jk.
spoilers ahead for the entire premise in the first episode.
Yeah so. I plan on doing this similarly to how I did my ehd e wafa posts so let's just start with my reactions to the leads. Please note that I still do not remember any of their names because clearly ISPR has sworn to make everyone's work harder, including their own by having way too many plot lines.
First we have Islamabadi girl # 1
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She's a nice kid. She's throwing a surprise party for her older brother who's been away for quite some time as most military brothers are. She's also very mad because she thinks getting admitted to MIT is conquering the world and since she isn't the one getting admitted and also acts like a habitual topper this added to the fact that she's on a gap year is clearly the end of the world. Matters are only made worse because of general annoying nature of rishta searching and being constricted because of it being on going. And thus decides to go through a rebel phase and join the army.
Y'know. She sounds like pretty sound rep for an upper middle class Islamabadi what could possibly go wro-
Yeah she thinks screaming into the phone to trick her brother into coming home earlier is a completely reasonable thing to do. Excellent. That was actually so random I just stared at the screen for a full 2 minutes not registering what else happened because bro what.
Anyway next we have Islamabadi girl # 2
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Her parents fight a lot. She would very much spend her time in her very expensive closet room (which I am jealous of) instead and post pictures online and occasionally go on dates with? her friend? her boyfriend? her cousin? i don't even know? so they can have a roasting match. After her mother tells her she can't ever possibly be as cool as General Nigar, she decides she is going to go through a proper rebel phase and join the forces as a lawyer.
How much of that was because she just wanted to get away from home again I don't know but that was probably a factor. Understandable tbf. She is a little off but that's fine. Or maybe not because she's an influencer which automatically makes her unrelatable I'm sorry <:')
Then we have the resident Pashtun from Peshawar:
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She would probably kill her fiance and her brother if murder wasn't illegal. Her hobbies include shaming her brother for not getting maths at the dinner table during revision in place of her dad, sketching herself as a soldier, and feeling mad she isn't allowed to work or accept money for the tutions she's been giving kids in her entire extended family and her mahala. Very understandable.
Her sister is extremely sly, a skill developed from trying to keep a vague sense of peace in the household since her childhood, probably, and makes a deal with their mother to let the elder take the entrance exam in exchange for her accepting her mangetar. Bad plan. It results in shoes flying. As they should.
And then we have Arzu (I think?) who is a Lahori and a Christian:
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She's a teacher, is probably underpaid, and struggles to make ends meet for her and her family, which includes her parents and two younger siblings. They live in a rented apartment owned by her boyfriends father (an unnecessarily huge red flag), and financial issues regularly make it so she has to get said boyfriend to talk to his father and get them extra time to pay. To fix this, she decides she wants to try out for the entrance exam, and is immediately met with ridicule from her boyfriend, who probably deserves to get tied onto a raft and dropped into one of Lahore's various ganda naalas. I may change my mind about him later but so far. Well.
Either way she deserves a better neighborhood, a house of her own, and a better boyfriend.
Last but not least, we have our baloch rep:
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She comes from a small village and her father has lost his right to his land because of debt to the villages sardar. She's also the only educated girl in her village due to her fathers support, knows how to use a rifle, and is pretty straightforward. She appears to want to build a career of her own and looks so heartbroken at hearing that there's potential rishtas I wanted to give her a hug.
She was the first character introduced but I feel like we didn't see enough of her to be completely honest. Or maybe I was starting to zone out at the end of the episode ahaha. She's definitely the more interesting out of the five, and I'd put Arzu after her. Also her father gets the role of the kind, witty elder man this time around. No ISPR drama is complete without that clearly.
All in all I'm not sure why we needed two Islamabadis, not that I have anything against them but like. Still. The cast seems fine and all but I am really concerned with how they're going to handle all 5 plot lines, given how that played out with ehd e wafa.
This is only one episode in though, hopefully this one will be better idk.
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kshira · 3 years
is arzu okay??
yessss!! my sweet babe needed a break to work on school, she’ll be back in a couple of weeks! <3
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volkaneray · 7 years
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fitfilmizle-blog · 6 years
▶️ Ateş Parçası 1977 izle ◀️ ↪️ http://www.fitfilmizle.com/ates-parcasi-1977-izle.html 🔊#TürkçeDilSeçenekleri 📺#imdb: ⏩#Süre:1 saat 29 Dakika⏪ 🎬 http://www.fitfilmizle.com
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istandistmag · 7 years
“ 7 Kocalı Hürmüz ” 28 Ekim’de Perdelerini Açıyor…
Usta oyuncu Müjdat Gezen’in yapımcılığını ve yönetmenliğini üstlendiği, güçlü oyuncu kadrosu ve Barış Dinçel imzalı görkemli dekoruyla seyircisiyle buluşacak olan “7 Kocalı Hürmüz” müzikalinin prömiyeri, 28 Ekim 2017, Cumartesi günü gerçekleşiyor!
Oyuncu kadrosunda; Müjdat Gezen, Birce Akalay, İlker Ayrık, Yonca Evcimik, Ercan Bostancıoğlu, Suzan Kardeş, Ömür Arpacı, Mehtap Ar, Arzu Okay, Can Bana, Aykut Taşkın, Barış Taşkın, Cengiz Okuyucu ve Cengiz Gezgin’in yer aldığı “7 Kocalı Hürmüz” müzikalinin biletleri, TİM Show Center gişesinde ve Biletix’te satışa çıktı.
Türk mizahının önemli isimlerinden Sadık Şendil’in kaleme aldığı, yıllarca birçok önemli tiyatrocu tarafından sahnelenen “7 Kocalı Hürmüz” oyunu aynı zamanda sinemaya da uyarlandı. Farklı meslek ve tiplerden 6 kocası olan Hürmüz’ün yedinci kocasıyla evlenmesiyle yaşanan olayları mizahi bir dille anlatan “7 Kocalı Hürmüz” müzikali, iddialı bir kadroyla ve usta tiyatrocu Müjdat Gezen’in yorumuyla yeniden sahneye taşınıyor. Müzikalde, Atilla Özdemiroğlu’nun ünlü bestesi “Yalnız Kullar (Tanrım)” parçasının yanı sıra Sadık Şendil’in vasiyeti üzerine İstanbul türküleri de yer alıyor.
Kostüm tasarımını Leyla Gezen ile Bahar Korçan’ın, koreografisini Pınar Ataer’in üstlendiği oyunun müziklerini Emirhan Cengiz hazırlarken fotoğraflarını ise Ayşegül Dinçkök çekecek.
TİM Show Center’da 28 Ekim ile 3, 11, 18 Kasım 2017 tarihlerinde saat 20.30’da ve 26 Kasım 2017, Pazar günü saat 15.30’da sahnelenecek olan “7 Kocalı Hürmüz” müzikalinin biletleri, Biletix’ten ve gişeden temin edilebilir.
The post “ 7 Kocalı Hürmüz ” 28 Ekim’de Perdelerini Açıyor… appeared first on Şehri Keşfet & Explore the City.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2gdCzFu
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yesilcam1replik · 2 years
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Arzu Okay & İzzet Günay
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dakikamagazin · 3 years
Yeşilçam'ın erotik güzeli Arzu Okay, yıllar sonra ortaya çıktı
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