#Artisan excursion
glamrpevents · 4 months
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Glamcity, we're heading to France! Prepare to be enchanted as we whisk you away to the beautiful and captivating city of Marseille, nestled on the sun-kissed shores of southern France. Marseille, often hailed as the "Gateway to the Mediterranean," beckons with its irresistible blend of old-world charm and cosmopolitan allure. Lose yourself in the rich tapestry of Marseille's history as you wander through its ancient streets, where each cobblestone whispers tales of bygone eras. Marvel at the architectural splendor of landmarks like the majestic Notre-Dame de la Garde, perched atop the city's highest point, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the azure coastline below. Indulge your senses in the breathtaking aromas wafting from bustling markets, where colorful stalls overflow with fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and fragrant spices. Savor the culinary delights of Marseille's renowned bouillabaisse, a traditional fish stew bursting with flavors that will transport you to gastronomic heaven. But Marseille is not just a feast for the senses—it's also a playground for the adventurous soul. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Calanques National Park, where dramatic limestone cliffs plunge into turquoise seas, inviting you to explore hidden coves and secret beaches. As the sun sets, surrender to the city's infectious joie de vivre as its vibrant nightlife comes alive. From chic rooftop bars overlooking the glittering harbor to cozy wine bars tucked away in labyrinthine alleyways, Marseille offers endless opportunities to toast to new adventures and unforgettable memories. So pack your bags and join us on this journey to Marseille, where every street corner holds the promise of discovery, and every moment is infused with the magic of the Mediterranean. Get ready to fall in love with the charm, beauty, and boundless allure of this enchanting city. A bientôt à Marseille!
This event will take place from Friday May 17th until Sunday May 26th, 2024.
All celebrities within the group are invited and are expected to participate in some capacity.
As this is an event that spans over the course of more than a week, we will ask that you put all non-event threads on hold, as we hope for active participation for the event.
All characters will be staying at the same hotel for the sake of convenience within the group. The roommate list will be posted the day before the event takes place.
Threads, paragraphs and interactions written for the event should be tagged with GLAMCITYMARSEILLE + GLAMCITYEVENT004
We highly encourage people to post event outfits and aesthetics. These should be tagged with GLAMCITYOUTFIT.
Please like this post once you've read it!
As we prepare for our upcoming excursion to Marseille, we'd like to remind all participants that while this trip offers a wonderful opportunity for relaxation and exploration, it's also a chance for your characters to engage in group activities that will be posted in the coming days. These activities are designed to enhance the overall experience and foster interaction among characters.
We kindly request that all participants make an effort to participate in these planned activities to enrich the collective narrative and ensure everyone's enjoyment. However, if for any reason your character is unable to join the scheduled events, we encourage you to still have them explore and enjoy the city of Marseille independently.
Attendance at this event is mandatory for all characters. If your character is currently on tour or vacationing abroad, please arrange for them to go to France for the event. For characters who are married, we will naturally accommodate their marital status and assign them roommates accordingly. However, please communicate with the admins if this applies to your character. Failure to do so may result in the assignment of a random roommate.
To ensure everyone has some input regarding their roommates, please send us an ask or an IM with one person you'd prefer to room with and one person you would not prefer to room with. Even if your preference is random, please provide two names. We kindly request that these names be sent within the next 48 hours to allow ample time for us to organize everyone into groups of three.
Additionally, it is required that attendees interact with their roommates at least once during the event.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
Just a silly thing I thought of. Sweet and fluffy thoughts of Maxiel parents at the Renaissance Fair.
“Hanna banana do you want another– no don't eat that!” Daniel scooped up the toddler in his arms, tickling under her arms to get her to giggle. Her poofy princess dress floofed over his tattooed arms, making him look like he was holding a giggling ice cream cone.
Daniel smiled and kissed her ruddy, chubby cheeks, walking them back to their group that were holding spots in the little grandstands. They'd been at the Renaissance Fair all afternoon, seeing all the different acts and artisans. Now they were waiting on the final jousting show of the day to begin.
It was their last excursion of the afternoon, Max had eagerly wanted to see the thrilling conclusion after the Tournament of Champions turned into a fake bloodbath filled with intrigue and subplots of deception and political drama.
Hanna squealed a happy sound and reached out of the circle of Daniel's arms towards Max who grinned over at them. Daniel found himself struck dumb as always at how beautiful Max looked when he and Hanna looked at each other like they both hung the moon and stars.
Max took Hanna in his arms and the baby burrowed her face into Max's bare neck. Daniel reached over to flick an errant loc of hair from Max's eyes. His baby blues looked bright and especially vibrant today under his dark blue eyeshadow.
“Did you enjoy looking at the horses?” Max asked, using the billowing sleeve of his costume to wipe at a smudge of dirt on their daughter’s cheek.
“She didn't even like want to look. Started toddling towards the bar that one.” Daniel chuckled and Max exhaled a laugh, clutching Hanna close and kissing at her beaming cheeks.
“Oh no lil bean, you're not old enough to try mead yet.” Lewis leaned over and tickled Hanna’s side, grinning when she giggled into Max's skin.
Daniel packed away the half eaten snacks in the bag in their stroller and then slipped his now free arm around Max's tiny corseted waist. His red and blue wench’s costume was beautiful in how it showed off his neck, shoulders and chest.
“Daniel, could you– my knot came undone again.” Max asked sheepishly and Daniel pecked his cheek before kneeling happily at his booted feet. He made quick work of bunching Max's long skirts and knotting them at thigh height so that his darling wouldn't overheat in the humidity.
“Every time you knot it you go higher and higher. I think you are trying to expose me to all these people, maybe.” Max teased.
“Babe with those legs, everyone will be getting a treat.” Daniel smirked at Max's blush.
“God you both are gross.” Lando complained walking up to them, his hands laden with drink. He handed a copper tankard to a now standing Daniel, and Lewis.
“One day you'll grow up and find someone you can stand in the daylight young one.” Daniel teased, accepting a silver tankard as well and popping a metal straw in the sparkling liquid. He brought it to Max's pink lips.
Lewis snorted and sipped his own drink before getting everyone's attention. “We have to remember to take that group pic.”
“I wish we thought about it before Hanna spat up on Daniel's costume.” Max commented mournfully, looking over at the large three that adorned Daniel's chest instead of the vest and shirt that matched them as a pair.
“Eh, no sweat it Maxy. I don't think our little princess liked it as much as you did.” Daniel laughed. “Next year we can be a pirate family.”
“And if you're lucky, Hanna won't want to be a dinosaur.” Lando chuckled which caused them all to laugh.
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meowww-ffxiv · 13 days
Prompt: Tempest
Once again borrowing a WoL, Qisya from my friend on Twitter, @/bardings.
Bad sea weather was common enough in the Ruby Sea, to the point where the Confederates had docked all of their ships hours before the ocean began to churn with the force of winds.
It was quite different to view a storm from underwater rather than upshore, Qisya thought. Sound was much dulled in the bubble that served as the Blue Kojin's village, but she could still see the way the currents strengthened and flowed through the patches of seaweed, violently swaying them to the point of uprooting. She felt bad for the fishes desperately struggling against those currents, of all sizes and colors drifting rapidly around the bubble, but there were some that looked like they'd just given up the fight and let life take them wherever. Those were quite funny.
At her side, G'raha chuckled. He, too, was watching the fishes. "There is a metaphor here somewhere about no matter whether you are above or below the surface, the storm reaches you all the same," he said.
"At least all the ships are docked," Qisya remarked, eyes drifting directly upwards. With her keen sight, she could just barely make out how the surface above rippled with what must be a powerful rainstorm. "I haven't seen any ships' undersides for hours."
G'raha squinted after her. "You can see that far?"
"Not very well... But, kind of?"
"The bards don't sing enough of your sharp eyes," G'raha sighed, like a scholar who had just discovered a deficiency of information in some common topic. Only to immediately cringe, like he just realized how weird he sounded. "I-- I only mean that, um. Most people don't seem to know something so... You are the Warrior of Light, after all. Yet history speaks of your deeds and so rarely your person."
Qisya smiled at the way his words tripped and stumbled over each other. Seeing this, G'raha's face colored an interesting pink, and he stammered something else incomprehensible before seemingly giving up on the whole endeavor. Ears drooping, he shrugged, then gestured to a nearby... Something that passed for an outdoors restaurant, perhaps.
The Blue Kojin who manned the stall, in a very poor attempt to not look like she'd been watching them for the past ten minutes, nodded as the two visitors sat down. "Warrior of Light," she greeted Qisya, then turned to G'raha. There was suspicion written all over her reptilian features. "And her friend. What will you have?"
"What do you recommend?" Qisya asked her, since honestly, she didn't even know there were places that served foods to non-Kojin here. It had been awhile since she visited, but with the two of them in the middle of the ocean as the storm was beginning to gather, coming here seemed the only way to not throw away their entire Ruby Sea excursion altogether.
And better these folks than the rowdy, gossips-starved Confederates. Especially when G'raha was with her.
In short order, Qisya and G'raha were served some sort of small fish that was grilled until the bones were digestible, ostensibly. They were also given water that still tasted slightly salty, but both of them were too polite to mention it. The stall owner then moved to the back of the kitchen, seemingly content to give them their privacy.
G'raha studied the stone cup their water had been served in, fascinated. "This must come straight out of the rock in the cavern you took me through to get here," he told Qisya, rotating it to show her the reliefs of tiny shells and coral branches on the side. "Do you think this was carved, or were they fossils already in the stone?"
If joy was a source of light, G'raha could almost be said to radiate heat. Qisya leaned her chin on her hand and watched his continued fascination with a smile, her answer unneeded as G'raha emptied the salted water in one gulp so he could turn the cup upside down to look at its bottom for an artisan's mark. Then he studied the plate of fish served to them, then lifted his eyes once again to the bubble ceiling above their heads.
His eyes, red as the most precious pearls on display in Kugane's jewelry shops, gleamed with curiosity and excitement. The gentle light from the many lanterns the Blue Kojin had set up all around seemed to stick to them, and to his hair, a subdued yet warm crimson glow.
"I have read of these towns in the chronicles of your life," he said to Qisya, though sounded like he was talking to himself. "Yet never could I imagine it to be so grand in person."
His tail entwined with her, a sort of hand-holding that made Qisya blush. But she leaned close to him, and G'raha leaned over to touch their heads together. His smile was wide.
"Thank you, for taking me here," he said.
"But of course. If only the weather isn't so bad," Qisya replied.
G'raha shook his head. "Detours are what adventures are all about, isn't it?"
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Garahirn Grimtotem
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Born to Grimtotem warriors, the Tauren was raised by the tribe on a dogma of hatred and violence. He spent his days carrying materials for the tribes smiths as they fashioned weapons of war, and his nights falling asleep to the battle stories of the tribes raiders. Despite the brawny physique the calf sported as a result of constantly lifting ingots and anvils, he showed little aptitude for combat. In all of his training he was berated for his clumsy footwork and his weak sword-arm. The most concerning issue for the tribes Elders though was the child’s lack of killer instinct. In all of the calves sparring rounds he would fail to press any advantage he would win, preferring instead to hang back and prepare his defensives for a counter attack. For a tribe built on the belief of supremacy over others, this was a problem. For years the tribes warriors would work with the child, impressing the importance of aggression in pursuit of the tribes goals, but one by one they resigned from tutoring him, frustrated and enraged by the youths lack of drive and assertiveness.
Deemed a liability in combat he was assigned permanently to the role of blacksmithing; a position afforded great honour for a battle-hardened elder, but great shame for one as young as he. Thus Garahirn spent the early ears of his adolescence under the tutelage of Elder Kwahrol, who though the subject of a great many battle songs, was weary of violence and grateful for the company. For 3 long years he worked to melt down and reforge the metals that the raiders returned with. He ignored the disdainful looks they shot him and focused on cladding them in the highest quality equipment he could forge.
In his 14th winter a famine gripped the tribe, leading to infighting and unrest within the Grimtotem. Several Elders were supplanted by young upstarts dissatisfied with their efforts to provide for the community. This new regime brought with it a cleansing of those deemed superfluous by the leadership. Elder Kwahrol knew that this did not bode well for the smithing pair and though he didn't voice these concerns to Gara, he crafted a plan to spare him. The youth was sent on a mining expedition to the eastern edge of Mulgore. Though this was not an uncommon excursion for him, the location Kwahrol directed him to was not one Gara had visited before. Knowing better than to question the Elders instructions, he set out immediately armed with a pickaxe, buckler and knapsack. He never made it to his destination. As he approached the area marked on his map he was accosted by a group of Thunder Bluff Braves. They hauled him back to the city where the guards searched his knapsack. Within they found a strange letter.
"Whomever finds this young calf I beg you spare him. Though he was born a Grimtotem, he was never meant for this life. He was blessed with a gentle soul that no amount of training was able to break. He harbours a great love for smithing and the crafting of fine metal works. Our tribe has suffered greatly this season and I'm sure the Elders will not suffer him much longer with our sparse resources. If able to I ask that you look past the sins of our tribe and take him into your care."
And so it was that Garahirn was welcomed, despite his heritage, into the myriad tribes of the Horde Tauren. He quickly established himself as one of the foremost smiths in Thunder Bluff and spent countless hours discussing techniques with artisans of all professions. Before long he had his own forge and was sought after for projects of all sizes. One such request came from Aponi Brightmane. The head of the newly formed Sunwalkers, Brightmane entered his smithy to request the creation of arms for order. Behind the paladin, shuffled a young calf no older than he. She wore her hair in a braid on her right flank and as she looked at Garahirn with her piercing azure eyes, she gasped audibly. It may have been her exclamation, or that Gara felt he had never seen a more beautiful Tauren, but whatever the reason, he tripped, spilling the half dozen scabbards that he was carrying across the tent floor. As he gathered up the results of his clumsiness, he heard the two women exchanging hushed whispers.
"Him? Are you sure?" "Yes mother. I'm certain. It's almost as bright as yours" "I see"
The elder of the two women strolled over and offered Garahirn her hand. He took it, meekly as she explained the exchange.
"I had come to find the craftsman I'd heard worked here, said to produce great works the like of which are rare even in the great cities of the elves. It seems I've found something more." She paused, regarding the youth slowly. "My daughter has a gift. She is able to see the aura of those blessed by the children of The Earth Mother; be it Mu'sha, or in your case, An'she. While most of our people bare some level of connection to both, a few are afforded something far more incredible."
Gara looked from Aponi to her daughter, not quite sure what the former was talking about, but certain that her child was, as she said, incredibly special.
Aponi bade him come with them to the heart of their order and while he was reticent to leave his forge, something from within told him that he needed to see what she had to offer.
Over the following years the young Grimtotem learned of a The Earth Mother, An'she, and the order of Sunwalkers that drew upon his power. Aponi's daughter Hunadi had not been wrong in her assessment, and he found that channelling An'she's power came as naturally as swinging a smithing hammer. With it he could craft weapons and shields from pure light and wield them in combat. With practice he found that he could also infuse the light of An'she into all of his crafting, affording the metal he worked with incredible strength and flexibility. Using these armaments, Gara found a new confidence in battle beyond anything his tribe had been able to impart upon him. Though he was more competent as a bulwark against attack, in time he was able to provide something of an offense, and before long he was accompanying other Sunwalkers on excursions away from the orders halls.
As much as he enjoyed his newfound confidence, he was always eager to return to his forge and to Hunati Brightmane, a friend with whom he had grown incredibly close. By day the two youths spent countless hours sitting in his forge, talking on everything from their studies to their favourite cuisine. By night they would lay under the gaze of Mu'sha, watching her glint with the reflected light of her brother, talking at length about their plans and the adventures they hoped to embark on. Before long the two of them were inseparable and a badly hidden romance began to blossom.
By the time the Sunwalkers departed for Pandaria in an attempt to quell the Sha's destructive rampage, the two had promised themselves to each other. They fought against the emotional emanations of this new land in perfect harmony, protecting each other and striking against their foes in equal measure. Garahirn found himself particularly resilient to Sha influence, likely owing to the same inner strength that failed to break his spirit during the long years of Grimtotem dogma. Hunadi did not find resisting as natural but spent many hours in quiet contemplation of the Earth Mothers wisdom to prevent undue influence.
As the Horde offensive continued and the sickness that festered within its leadership grew, the Sunwalkers became a beacon of tranquillity and reason amid a storm of vitriol and chaos. Many horde combatants found themselves drawn to the group, especially those of Tauren heritage. To aid in the curbing of negative emotions the Order of the Earth Mother held numerous services and held many celebrations and festivals. Frequently the merriment would extend far into the night, and it was on one such evening that the couple discussed the taking vows of bonding. They had discussed the idea before of course, but it had always seemed like a far-off concept. Now, beneath the swaying boughs of the strange flora in this foreign land, they could think of nothing they wanted more than to pledge to one another and set about creating a life for themselves.
Within a month, the ceremony was held and while the resulting party lasted for several days, it was nought compared to the lifetime of joy that lay before them. The two continued to adventure alongside one another for many years, facing all manner of foes, and exploring ever more exotic lands. No matter how far their journeys took them, they always returned to their home in the Krasarang Wilds, and it was in their hovel on an otherwise unremarkable warm spring morning that the two welcomed their firstborn into the world. Looking upon the newborn, Kuoth Kwahrol Brightmane, was the single greatest joy that either had ever experienced. As they clutched the babe between them, they swore to safeguard the child above all else and to continue to fight for the betterment of the world he would inherit.
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Named by Garahirn's son for the shafts of light that shine into his forge, Beem was a small doll crafted by a merchant in Thunder Bluff and gifted to the lad by his father. Despite his protests, the sunwalkers boy insisted that he take it with him as his duties took him far from home. Seeing the warmth and love in the childs eyes, An'she formed a simulacrum of the toy and granted it life. It is that creation that follows Garahirn as he roams, a constant reminder of the young calf waiting for him to return.
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callmearcturus · 9 months
(it was about rpg maker games) i personally dont have much experience with them other than finding them on my excursions through the ero-game mines, since theyre just not my flavor wrt graphics. i do know there are a BUNCH on steam, though- thats where i see most of them!
Ugh steam has no taste in horny, I want that artisanal itch.io horniness.
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crqstalite · 1 year
now tell me some about your bg3 blorbo kallista!! 👀👀
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oooo thank you!! similar warnings for minor (act 1?) spoilers below :) im not actually super well-versed in baldur's gate lore, so some of its vague for the sole reason i have zero idea what i'm talking about lmao
her full name is kallista fortuna raeburn. she prefers the name kalli though usually. or 'the caster'. or 'the artisan'. or 'that tiefling down the road with the weird magical abilities'
she's about 27, turning 28 mid-campaign. 5'6", asmodeous tiefling sorc with a penchant for electricity and of course -- fire <3
( the wild magic bit doesn't help much )
grew up in a semi-major town outside baldur's gate. she worked primarily as an artisan at the request of her house mother after leaving the orphanage she grew up in. she loves to make things with her hands.
on that thought, she ended up in an orphanage shortly after her parents disappeared. kallista has never found out what happened to them, but it is part of her sub-story. her parents were adventurers, not unlike who she'd eventually become, and often took off on long trips. however it was unusual when her father didn't return after a particular excursion, and her mother went after him -- never to return again. kallista believes them dead, but has never really stopped looking. they left her with a pendant that would direct her back to the matching one her father wore, but finding it crushed and buried at seventeen certainly didn't help matters. her mother's is still out there, keeping the pendant warm, but she's never had the means to find it when it lead out to open ocean.
her father was a seldarine drow while her mother was a tiefling.
with the others often not-so-well-veiled distrust of her because of her tiefling background, kallista became a bit of a wily one early on. she's a little too dexterous for her own good (her claws allow her to attempt lock picking), and a bit of a charismatic smooth talker. it allowed her to sneak in and out of the orphanage, lie and often persuade others to give her what she wanted. usually she was rather benevolent, it just could get destructive if she forgot details (like what she told whom or how she had gotten in/left the night prior). high dex/charisma score v. low wisdom/int score troubles
very much a 'react first, ask questions later' person. easily spooked. not a good idea to sneak up on her. however not so easily grossed out (collects specimen off battlefields like it's nothing. likely is always covered in...someone's blood. not always her's.)
she's actually incredibly smart in the arcana, even with her avg. intelligence score. she has a crazy photographic memory, and if she's experienced the spell firsthand, it's way easier to remember the history attached to it and the grimoire it was in.
very chaotic good! she's always down to help someone...but that doesn't mean she'll do it right. or legally. but you lived right? stop getting bogged down in the details.
her closest party members are likely halsin (her RO), lae'zel (she has a weird amount of respect for her...and is terrified of her), shadowheart (similar reasons), karlach (she had a major crush on her early on before it waned into 'no, i just really respect and like you around' ) and astarion (the only person she organically got to know without being scared of him)
not so much a fan of gale, and largely academically curious about wyll. of course, he's her friend, but she's never met a warlock prior to him. she likes to learn, even if she's a little nosy. actually, yeah, she's similarly academically fascinated by gale and his problems with mystra. she just thinks he's a little odd (and perhaps pretentious...he's a proper wizard to her wild magic sorcery)
( sorry weird amount of astarion & kallista content...ivelina's run will be romancing him bc im not normal about him )
astarion is a weird case for her because unlike the others, she didn't immediately clock him as a threat. yes, he did try to sink his fangs into her and suck her dry, but after the initial 'holy shit youre so very very lucky i did not fireball you into next week' wore off, oh boy astarion got bombarded with so many questions. he thinks he would've been better off had she tried to stab him.
( she's a sciency gal at heart )
still, she likes his sarcastic nature and his willingness to be vulnerable with her later on. they become rather quick friends (well, she calls him a friend the day after he bites her, it takes him a while to get past 'pest-like woman who won't leave me be')
she regularly lets him drink from her, it takes him a while to come around to actually, well, even coming close to enjoying it, but somewhere after kallista stops flinching everytime he does it they have a nice amount of comradery. there's some fleeting romantic interest that isn't reciprocated by either party, but it isn't unusual to find them sitting by the fire later, the pair of them discussing the days events...and maybe astarion making sure the all-too-nice tiefling doesn't pass out from blood loss.
they nitpick at each other quite a lot. usually in good fun, in the wiity, dramatical way he does and the sarcastic, innocent-but-not really way she does. if astarion wasn't incredibly pale and kallista did without the horns and tail, it wouldn't be all that bad of a guess that they were half siblings in another life.
on that note, she is...not good with boundaries. unlike koda this appears more as her inserting herself into everyone's problems and lives. mostly because her own is such a mystery and her feeling like she's never belonged turned her into a social chameleon. she needs people to like her. after all, if she's all-knowing, it means she can control what others think of her...and if she stays in their good graces, they won't leave her, right? if she becomes a fixture in their lives, they have to stick around. right? yeah. yeah...
( her parents disappearing + her rough childhood in the orphanage did...wonders for her self-perception )
in the "best" sense of the word, she doesn't really know when no means no. and it takes just about everyone (but especially lae'zel post vlaakith reveal) to get her to back off and relax. she struggles immensely with the lack of stability in her life, and getting tadpole-napped did not help matters. on the outside it shows more as her just wanting to be "helpful", but in reality she subconsciously wants to give you a reason to stay around her. to need her for something. it's manipulative -- she doesn't know it, but i do.
is learning how to navigate her new relationship with halsin. while she is monogamous, she respects that he is not, but perhaps gets a little forlorn thinking about the after...and how he may not always be around. or that her little tadpole family may not be either. it keeps her up at night.
living in the here and now is hard with so many emotional loose ends for her. but halsin does his best to sooth her worries, and peppers her with enough affection to garner attention from the others. kallista never minds this. wyll has not slept peacefully in a minute.
their dynamic is very much that she's the spitfire short girlfriend who has to remind the barkeep her beloved teddy bear of a boyfriend did not want pickles and so help her hells if they didn't take it off his sandwich--
has been to baldur's gate a few times on trips for the business she used to work for. however in-game, it's her first time going by herself...and so much has changed.
has a scar on her face after accidentally slicing open a part of her face with a paring knife when she was practicing telekinesis as a teenager.
thank you for asking im incapable of shutting up <3333
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🖤🍷❌️❤️ for the man the myth the legend Ulrich (I hope I did this right ajsjjdjdjwjdhd)
⌣ ☆Thank you so much for the ask! And don't worry, you did it right!
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(🖤) how does your farmer feel about krobus? He currently isn't aware of the existence of the silly sewer creature. However, if he did know of Krobus's existence he'd be fascinated. He's a huge mythology geek and adores reading about magical creatures and things of the sort, being able to see one in person that wasn't trying to kill him would literally cause such a jolt of energy to burst through him. He'd ask Krobus SO many questions if they met, and he'd definitely respect the lifestyle he has. (🍷 ) what is your farmer's main way of making money? After resigning from Joja Corporation his main way of making money became doing odd programming jobs online and scouring for a more permanent position somewhere that valued him. For a while, he chose to stick to his comfort zone, uncertain of how to approach the agricultural angle which Pelican Town thrived on. Eventually, he eases himself into producing artisan goods through ducks and a variety of other animals. He also sells minerals he finds during excursions through the mines, and fish! ( ❌️ ) what are their hated gifts? Pickles, Beer (He likes Pale Ale), Mayonnaise, Coleslaw, Fried Eel, Escargot, Hashbrowns, Algae Soup, Fish Stew, Any flavor of Joja Cola, Goat Milk, Jelly (Strawberry Jelly is liked!), Wild Horseradish, Slime, Bug Meat, and All Universal Hates with the exception of fish ( ❤️ ) what are their loved gifts?
Iridium, and Radioactive Bars, Battery Packs, Celestine, Solar Essence, Triple Shot Espresso, Chocolate Cake, Complete Breakfast, Fried Calamari, and Blackberry Cobbler, and Blue Jazz Flowers
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mulaasritha · 6 months
Exploring the Serene Majesty of Bishops Beach, Homer, Alaska
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Introduction: Nestled along the shores of Kachemak Bay in Homer, Alaska, Bishops Beach stands as a hidden gem awaiting discovery by travelers seeking tranquility amidst breathtaking natural beauty. With its sweeping views of snow-capped mountains, pristine sandy shores, and abundant wildlife, this coastal haven offers an immersive experience into the rugged charm of Alaska's wilderness.
A Natural Oasis: Bishops Beach beckons visitors with its unspoiled natural landscapes and serene ambiance. Stretching along the coastline, the beach provides a peaceful retreat where one can unwind, explore tide pools teeming with marine life, or simply soak in the majestic vistas of the surrounding wilderness.
Wildlife Encounters: As part of the rich ecosystem of Kachemak Bay, Bishops Beach offers ample opportunities for wildlife encounters. Visitors may spot bald eagles soaring overhead, seabirds skimming the water's surface, or even sea otters playing in the waves. Keep an eye out for the occasional glimpse of whales breaching offshore, adding to the enchantment of this coastal paradise.
Seasonal Splendor: Throughout the year, Bishops Beach undergoes a transformation, each season painting its own unique tableau of colors and textures. In the summer months, wildflowers carpet the dunes in vibrant hues, while autumn brings a symphony of golden foliage along the shoreline. Winter casts a serene blanket of snow, creating a picturesque landscape reminiscent of a winter wonderland.
Outdoor Adventures: Beyond its tranquil shores, Bishops Beach serves as a gateway to outdoor adventures in the Homer area. Explore the nearby Homer Spit, a bustling hub of activity offering fishing charters, seafood eateries, and artisan shops. Embark on a kayaking excursion to explore the waters of Kachemak Bay, or venture into Kachemak Bay State Park for hiking, wildlife viewing, and overnight camping.
Local Culture and Community: Bishops Beach is more than just a scenic destination; it's a reflection of the vibrant local culture and community of Homer. Visitors can immerse themselves in the town's artistic spirit by visiting galleries and studios showcasing the work of local artists, or savoring fresh seafood at waterfront restaurants overlooking the bay. Be sure to check out the Homer Farmers Market for a taste of Alaska's bounty and a glimpse into the community's agricultural heritage.
Conclusion: Bishops Beach in Homer, Alaska, epitomizes the rugged beauty and untamed wilderness that defines the Last Frontier. Whether you're seeking solitude amidst nature, thrilling wildlife encounters, or exciting outdoor adventures, this coastal oasis offers a haven for exploration and discovery. So, pack your sense of adventure and embark on a journey to Bishops Beach, where the untamed spirit of Alaska awaits on its pristine shores.
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How To Get Unparalleled Views Of Vancouver City
Vancouver is renowned for its striking natural beauty, with breathtaking coastal scenery nestled against a backdrop of towering mountains and glittering waters. Whether taking in panoramic city vistas or escaping into nature, magnificent views await around every corner. This blog provides a guide to some of the best locations for soaking in Vancouver's visual splendors, from lofty observation decks to shoreline promenades and forested peaks high above the treeline. Visitors staying at the centrally located Grand Park downtown hotel will find easy access to many of these scenic spots, helping them maximize their time experiencing one of the most picturesque urban landscapes in North America.
The Lookout at Harbour Centre
Located on the top floor of the Harbour Centre complex downtown, The Lookout offers a spectacular panoramic vista spanning from English Bay to Stanley Park and across the entire downtown Vancouver skyline. With floor-to-ceiling windows surrounding the space on three sides, visitors feel suspended high above the city as they take in sweeping views of Burrard Inlet, Coal Harbour, and the North Shore Mountains. A great spot for photos, The Lookout is especially impressive at sunset when colors bounce off the surrounding glass towers. As one of the tallest structures in the downtown core, it provides a bird's eye perspective of the city from over 200 meters above street level. The Grand Park downtown hotel is within easy walking distance of the Harbour Centre, allowing guests to easily visit The Lookout following check-in to get their first taste of Vancouver's natural beauty from on high and help orient themselves to the city below.
English Bay Beach
Nestled along the southern shoreline of English Bay, Vancouver's largest sandy beach is a popular urban oasis year-round. On sunny summer days especially, locals and visitors flock to the three-kilometer stretch of golden sand to relax, swim or play beach volleyball. With panoramic views of the Coast Mountains to the north and the downtown Vancouver skyline just east, English Bay Beach also offers beautiful sunsets and scenic seawall strolling. Come evening, the beach bustles with activity as volleyball players, joggers and picnickers enjoy extending their time outdoors. As it is situated only a few kilometers from the downtown core, guests staying at the Grand Park downtown hotel can easily access English Bay Beach by foot, bike or public transit to experience the lively beach scene and enjoy unobstructed vistas of the city from the shoreline.
Granville Island
Located just south of downtown in False Creek, Granville Island has become one of Vancouver's most popular tourist destinations. As partly a residential and commercial area and partly a public market, it offers a vibrant blend of shops, artisan studios, cafes, and a thriving community of small businesses. Visitors can browse for local goods, artisanal chocolates, fresh bakery items and more while soaking up the laidback atmosphere. Adding to Granville Island's charm is its proximity to the waterfront trails and docks, where ferries come and go and float planes take off. On sunny weekends, the island bustles with activity. Guests staying at the Grand Park downtown hotel can easily reach Granville Island by car or via the Aquabus water taxi, making it a simple and scenic half-day excursion between exploring the downtown core and experiencing this colorful and eclectic neighborhood.
Queen Elizabeth Park
Nestled high upon Little Mountain, Queen Elizabeth Park offers visitors spectacular panoramic views of Vancouver and beyond. At over 70 hectares, it is one of the largest urban parks in North America. From its elevated position over 500 feet above sea level, the park provides a bird's eye perspective across the skylines of Vancouver, Burnaby and beyond. Within the park, visitors can follow a network of trails between beautifully manicured gardens and open meadows. In spring, flowering cherry blossom groves paint the hillside pink, while summer and fall months see gardens exploding with color. A particular highlight is The Blodel Conservatory, a triodetic dome greenhouse home to various tropical plant species from around the world. With scenic lookouts and benches scattered throughout for taking in the vista, Queen Elizabeth Park is the perfect spot for those seeking an escape into nature with unbeatable city views.
Grouse Mountain
Nestled in the forests of North Vancouver, Grouse Mountain offers visitors awe-inspiring panoramic vistas stretching from the Coast Mountains to downtown Vancouver across Burrard Inlet. An exhilarating six-minute gondola ride takes visitors from the mountain base to the peak, where several viewing platforms and a revolving restaurant provide 360-degree views of the city, islands and ocean. On clear days, scenic vistas extend all the way to Whistler and the Cascade Mountains in Washington State. Grouse Mountain also features hiking trails, a lynx habitat, and a lumberjack show with axe throwing and log-rolling exhibitions. With activities for nature lovers and thrill-seekers alike, it's an ideal full-day outing for those looking to escape the city while also taking in remarkable views of Vancouver from above the treeline.
From English Bay Beach to Grouse Mountain, Queen Elizabeth Park to Granville Island, Vancouver never fails to impress with its stunning panoramas. Whether enjoying the ever-changing plays of light across the downtown skyline or gazing out over verdant forests and coastal waters, taking in the city's sights from elevated vantage points offers memorable perspectives to cherish for years to come. Located in the heart of it all, the Grand Park downtown hotel provides an ideal home base for exploring everything Vancouver has to offer both visually and adventure-wise. By following the tips highlighted here, travelers are sure to return home with fond memories and incredible photo stories from their trip to one of the world's most stunningly scenic cities.
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apocalypticavolition · 11 months
Let's Play Book of Hours! Up & In
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Monday April 20th
In my dreams, the Wood fell away to stranger places, closer to Nowhere. I wandered empty landscapes, searching for a way to consciousness but finding none. When it seemed there was no way left to go but down past the threshold of the abyss, a terrible wind picked me up and carried me away, presenting me with gray robes. Whispering in my ear, the breeze said that Solomon Husher had worn these when first he came to the library. I knew at once upon waking what I must do. It may be some time before I return; I dare not let this journal leave the library.
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Friday April 24th
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I have received a true boon. A week on the wilderness, fasting, camping under the stars, sacrificing some rabbits for nothing else was on hand, and it has paid off. In the hollow of a tree, I found a strange package. Clearly it had meant to be sent in the post, but how it had wound up in the wilderness I cannot fathom. I shall take to battle and cut it open tomorrow in a fashion deserving of the belongings of the great Solomon Husher. Tonight I shall bathe and thus cleanse myself in preparation.
Saturday April 25th
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I don't want to talk about it. What on Earth was someone's laundry basket doing upon the moors?
Sunday April 26th
Between my excursions for the past week and yesterday's rather depressing debacle, I decided to spend today at The Sweet Bones, helping the proprietor clean the back storage area. I'm not sure what were in the boxes there but I imagine that it at least belongs.
Monday April 27th
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I turned my attention today to one of the other two manuscripts that had been left behind in the Keeper's Lodge. This one was much more recent, written within my own lifetime. Again, much of my day was dedicated merely to preparing a new cover that I might be able to recognize it on sight. Due to its connection to the Lantern-light of Glory, I elected for a charming yellow. It was The Locksmith's Dream: a Light through the Keyhole" by Teresa Galmier. If only her examination of parallels in the mystic dreams of artisans had been available to me before, I might have realized my own dream was building to disappointment. Alas, hindsight is everything.
Tuesday April 28th
I finished my cataloguing of what had been left in the Keeper's Lodge with the third book, which was a little older as it belonged to the Curia period. That said, it is an updated version of an older work: Kerisham's heavily censored manuscript on The Three and the Three. It describes operations of the Chancel and the Calyptra, two triads of Hours with subtle, far-reaching powers and responsibilities, though most of the original's juiciest details have been excised for political reasons. Nonetheless, I suspect that there are secrets that might be revealed by Moon-light or similar machinations.
Wednesday April 29th
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I spent a good deal of time at The Sweet Bones today. The miners are warming up to me a little, but I soon concluded that none of them were up to the task of helping me repair the Watchman's Tower. I barely know what I'm doing; architecture is far too mundane an art to be recorded in my journal. In the end, I posted a notice that I was hoping for assistance. I must make progress quickly; people in the pub were complaining about the prime minister's plan to increase taxes to pay for defense. War comes.
Thursday April 30th
Though I still have had no reply to my advertisement (I checked at breakfast and dinner), I have done what surveying of the top floor of the tower I can. My work here is sadly quite limited: a leak developed in these past seven years and the ceiling of the first floor study is sagging noticeably. I dare not wander freely for fear of plummeting back down! Thus, the various covered instruments - and they are immense - remain a mystery to me, though I have my hopes based on the large windows. All I've been able to do so far is determine that the leak definitely isn't directly above the door to the stairs.
Friday May 1st
I have had luck at last! This morning at The Sweet Bones I met Thomas, a traveling performer of sorts. Though these days he makes his living traveling the Isles and getting tips in pubs and on street corners, he explained that he had once been part of an orchestra. It seems he fell out of favor after getting into a fight with the conductor shortly before a performance; something about a woman. Though it has been some years since Thomas has visited the capital or other large cities, he remembers well the theaters he once toured. He says he enjoyed wandering the backstage and seeing how the fascinating architecture of large buildings was held up from within. I hired him at once.
We have spent most of the day laboring away upstairs, first testing the floor with the safety of a second pair of eyes and then moving a ladder about to gain access to the roof. We patched several holes and will be ready to continue tomorrow.
Saturday May 2nd
Another busy day. We finished our survey of the roof and I think we've taken care of everything. I suppose there's no way to be certain until it rains. We then spent the day ripping out the damaged wood. Neither one of us is much good at this, but I suppose I am only going to get better.
Sunday May 3rd
Much too tired to keep writing. Lugging the new wood up the stairs quite exhausted me. We are done though.
Monday May 4th
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Today I was finally able to appreciate the Observatory. Baron Silence had it constructed just in time for the passage of the Great Comet of 1577. I nearly squealed in excitement when I pulled away the massive sheet covering the telescope and got to enjoy it in its full glory. (Later I would use the sheet to wrap up the laundry basket I found on the moors that I might never be taunted by it again.)
My regret is that today was a little too cloudy for any sustained observations. I am certain that with a fuller understanding of the stars my progress may make leaps and bounds. I may even be able to create something, if I could deduce the recipes. For now I contented myself with a brief examination of the waxing moon, which was visible for an hour after sunset before disappearing behind the sky.
Tuesday May 5th
I returned to The Sweet Bones once again in the hopes of finding good jobs to do. Until the Trust sends me another annual stipend, I fear that I am going to be struggling making ends meet.
Wednesday May 6th
I examined the door on the far side of the Cloistered Garden today. It is covered in many strange sigils and signs that my diary has few notes upon; I was always a man of more conservative tastes when it came to painting. Until I understand them, I dare not open the door, for what little I can recognize carries a warning against disturbing the sanctity of the library. I went down to the pub again to place another advertisement.
Thursday May 7th
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Success! Today I met Olivia, an experimental painter of some sort. She showed me her catalog and frankly I'm not certain if she isn't a bit deranged, but her work has been displayed at several minor exhibitions in the isles, so clearly someone appreciates it even if it's not to my tastes. In truth I'm uncertain if she'll be able to make any headway at all, but she was quite enthusiastic to hear that I was the new librarian. She'd expected she'd be painting the library from afar, but I've agreed to let her spend some time on the premises if she makes serious progress - and while there is little of the library to show off, I gave her a tour of Hush House to get started. She promised to return Saturday and begin in earnest.
Friday May 8th
I spent today cataloging one of the books I found in the Watchman's Tower. Another work of Forge, I think.
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Saturday May 9th
Olivia returned today. She spent the day in the garden asking me strange questions. I wonder if there is more to her than there seems or if she simply is so ignorant of the occult that she has no fear of asking preposterous questions. She wanted to know the age of the rooms, whether they had ever been built in a different fashion, what I thought the house might look like if the Watchman's Tower had never been built, and so on.
Sunday May 10th
Unfortunately, I spent the day indisposed. I think I caught a cold passing around the village. I hope Olivia didn't catch it, but I saw no sign of her.
Tuesday May 12th
My fever broke today. Still no sign of Olivia. I spent the time cataloging The Book of the Centipede. Unlike most of the books I've catalogued so far, this one is written in Greek. I suspect it pertains to that strangest of Principles: Rose, which contains all hopes and possibilities within.
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Wednesday May 13th
Olivia returned. As I feared, she'd caught ill and needed slightly longer to recover. I left her to her work while working on another book from the Curia period, which I suspect might refine my Knock, that principal which opens and allows passage. Serendipitously, Olivia revealed the fruits of her labor: still feeling a bit ill, she elected to paint the hall doors and all the sigils on them, entirely obscuring them. I was uncertain, but she passed through the doorway without incident. I will check on her tomorrow.
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Thursday May 14th
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Olivia was fine. Finally able to enter the Entrance Hall, I spent today appreciating the glorious collection of statuary present. Much of the history of this library is captured within. Two busts of the Dewulfs - Hendrick and Valentine, first and last of the barons. A full statue of the first Eva, Lady de Braose who donated generously to the Abbey in the thirteenth century, an odd statue of the protector of the House Lady Rowena (none have ever seen her, but either she is real or someone is pretending to be her through St. Rhonwen's Trust), and a truly ancient bust from the Dawn labeled "Sister". Two of the abbots: the early Thomas and the later Geffrey, who built a tower to house a Jewish surgeon. Another bust, St Melancthe, the alchemist, inscribed "The cross died not but passed within."
There are other wonders here as well. A homey fireplace for visitors to warm themselves beside as they put on leather gloves and slippers, soothing paintings of trees, the crook Authority (no doubt left behind by the Suppression Bureau), and gloomier paintings too. One is of the beach at high tide, the other is called "The Boy Prays" but I see no boy in the picture and nothing resembling prayer. Finally, an ancient wood sits over the fire. I cannot imagine simply burning it however.
Friday May 15th
Truly I must be a fool. Once again I have had a strange dream brought by the winds. They led me down into the depths of the Earth, following after the Cross, so far down that the caves around me became like shifting seas with every step uncertain. They coiled around themselves and spiraled down and down and down. I shall set out on the moors at once.
Wednesday May 20th
I returned from my excursion late today. I circled the island many times, perhaps seven times seven, eating only bread and drinking only water. I followed the winds as they blew me, listening in to the rumors of war they foretold. On my last circle, my foot stumbled and I nearly fell headfirst into a little pit in the earth. I reached in and pulled out this single viper's egg. I am still far too low on resources to have a pet at the moment, but I think I shall hatch it once I can.
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zinouillezetruenoodle · 8 months
Post 120:
Après mon excursion à la Médina de Tunis, j'ai commencé à travailler sur un storyboard de Kashabeya et Mr Datte entrant dans le souk de la médina de Sidi Bou Samak(🐟).
Il a été fait sur papier avec un feutre gris et des crayons graphite puis j'ai fait la mise en page et j'ai rajouté des ombres digitalement (total: 2-3 heures).
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Keyframe d'un artisan tissant un tapis sur le sol proche de sa boutique (environ 10 minutes)
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Keyframe de vases, autres poteries et "darboukas" (tambours traditionnels tunisiens) réalisé en 5 minutes.
Keyframe d'une perspective arrondie d'un stand de souk avec des assiettes traditionnelles en fer accrochées au mur, en 8 minutes.
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yashvitours · 1 year
Beyond Beaches: Embracing Adventure and Tranquility Activities to do in the Maldives
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Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives embodies paradise on Earth, renowned for its pristine white-sand beaches, crystalline waters, and abundant marine life. Beyond its breathtaking landscapes, this archipelago offers many activities that cater to every traveler’s desire for relaxation, adventure, and cultural exploration. Whether you seek to bask in the sun, explore the ocean’s depths, or immerse yourself in local traditions, the Maldives has something for everyone. Here’s a glimpse into the enchanting activities that await you in this tropical haven, perfect for those considering Maldives tour packages from India.
Snorkelling and Diving:
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The Maldives is celebrated for its vibrant underwater world, making it a dream destination for snorkelers and divers. With some of the world’s most diverse and colorful coral reefs, you’ll have the chance to encounter mesmerizing marine life, including majestic manta rays, graceful sea turtles, and an array of tropical fish. Popular diving spots like the Banana Reef and Maaya Thila offer an unforgettable opportunity to explore the underwater realm.
Overwater Bungalow Retreat:
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Enjoy luxury by staying in one of the Maldives’ iconic overwater bungalows. These idyllic accommodations offer unparalleled views of the azure ocean, with direct access to the water below. Relax on your private deck, dip into the lagoon from your doorstep, and revel in the beauty of the sunset from the comfort of your room.
Sunset Cruise:
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Embark on a romantic sunset cruise and witness the Maldives’ breathtaking landscapes bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. Whether you choose a traditional dhoni sailboat or a modern luxury yacht, this experience is bound to be a highlight of your trip, offering tranquility and panoramic views of the horizon.
Dolphin Watching:
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The Maldives is home to several dolphins that grace its waters with their playful presence. Book a dolphin-watching excursion to observe these intelligent creatures as they frolic in their natural habitat, creating unforgettable memories for families and couples.
Local Island Visits:
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To truly immerse yourself in the culture of the Maldives, take a trip to one of the local islands. Experience the daily life of the Maldivian people, sample traditional cuisine, and engage with local artisans. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain insight into the local way of life beyond the luxury resorts.
Water Sports Adventures:
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For the thrill-seekers, the Maldives offers a range of exhilarating water sports activities. From parasailing and jet skiing to kite surfing and windsurfing, there’s no shortage of options for those seeking an adrenaline rush against stunning natural beauty.
Spa and Wellness Retreats:
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Indulge in ultimate relaxation with a spa treatment set against the backdrop of the ocean. Many luxury resorts in the Maldives offer world-class spa facilities that incorporate traditional techniques and local ingredients, providing a truly rejuvenating experience for both body and mind.
Marine Conservation Efforts:
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For travelers passionate about preserving the environment, the Maldives presents opportunities to engage in marine conservation efforts. Participate in coral planting initiatives and protect the delicate marine ecosystem that makes the Maldives extraordinary.
Underwater Restaurants:
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Delight in a culinary adventure by dining at one of the Maldives’ famous underwater restaurants. With panoramic windows that showcase the underwater world, you can savour gourmet cuisine while surrounded by the enchanting marine life of the Indian Ocean.
Seaplane Tours:
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Take to the skies and gain a new perspective on the Maldives’ beauty with a seaplane tour. Marvel at the intricate network of islands and atolls and capture breathtaking aerial views that encapsulate the magic of this tropical paradise.
In the Maldives, every moment is an invitation to experience pure wonder. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural enrichment, this tropical haven promises to fulfil your every desire. With its luxurious resorts, stunning landscapes, and a rich tapestry of marine life, the Maldives is undoubtedly a destination on every traveler’s bucket list. If you felt the urge to book your tickets and tour to Maldives just get in touch with Yashvi Tour and Travels.
Article Source : https://www.yashvitours.com/beyond-beaches-embracing-adventure-and-tranquility-activities-to-do-in-the-maldives/
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morgianesffs-blog · 2 years
Okay, So... TALOCAN Thought’s.
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I have questions, so many questions. Just from the glimpse they gave us, this is a solidified culture, not just a group of people that scavenge stuff from the surface. They built their own city, and make their own things. This suggests they have industry, and commerce.
There is masonry present given the stone work, and given the details present in their jewelry, I suspect some form of forging or smelting, as opposed to just carving. One because they look to smooth and finished, and two, because I suspect vibranium is very difficult to carve. So, I'm curios how they how they manage to get around the fire requirement of forging?
My theories are thermal vents and controlled uses of underground volcanoes as a heat source. Or utilizing underwater caves is for smithing, which would require specialized equipment to protect the artisan from the drying affects of the fire. What are yours?
Also the fire topic, leads into the next one.
They have some sort of agriculture, give the amount of kelp in Talocan, and the melons they offered Shuri and Riri (which could have just been acquired from the surface for them specifically), but I don't think so.
This culture originally came from land, knew how to do everything from land, and was familiar with things from land. What they knew, what they were nostalgic for was from land, and since they use them in the flashback they developed their air breathing masks pretty quickly on. They also have domesticated some sea-life (since they use whales for transport at the very least). So do they cook and grow foods on floating gardens like the Mayan and Aztecs did, do they have cave farms since they can duplicate sunlight, Is cooked food a luxury, or commonplace among the Talokanil? Or at least was it for the older generations, and maybe Namor since he was raised by the first generation?
The clothes. They have legitimate dresses, cloaks and capes, just sitting around. They didn't just make that gown for Shuri while she slept. The same goes for Namora's and the servants dresses, or Namor's cloak. Even if the dress Shuri wore was a royal artifact, that they preserved, the rest is impractical for swimwear, and only practical as surface-wear. Which suggest at least semi frequent excursions from the waters, and to me supports a potential above the surface workforce. Thought?
There is also the question of water in general. Talocan, not being pinned down on a map, seems to be in the Atlantic ocean. So, being in an ocean, that means its salt water. Now my high-school biology / I grew up fishing, lets me know about saltwater / freshwater species and why they cant survive the different environments. But... we see them in two rivers in the movie and rivers are fresh water. The first one I will let slide because Cambridge / MIT is spitting distance from the ocean, and therefore close enough to saltwater to either be a mixture, or survivable for a short amount of time. Wakanda though is supposed to be landlocked, so they must have used a river, and therefore freshwater. So can they just survive in both water types, or do you think the invented a solution for it?
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pistolslinger · 2 years
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@artisanals​ / zafiya said:  ❝ time for a drink. ❞   ( not accepting! )
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      oh, god yes.  jesper has never been happier to hear those four little words than he is now: at the end of the most unnecessary excursion brekker has ever sent him on.  it’s one thing to send the dreg most qualified for a matter of smoothing out some recent aggressiveness between the dregs and their next closest allies, but another entirely to pick jesper solely because he happened to be the ringleader’s daughter’s type, whatever the fuck that meant.
( he shudders to think of kaz scheming that part at all: how did he know this about the girl, and why the hell arrange this, if not as part of some protracted display of how completely fucking unfunny he is. )
“ you’re an angel, ”  he says, very nearly brought to piety by the offer,  “ sent from above.  or wherever the fuck angels are supposed to come from — i’m not religious, ”  boy, is he not religious.  “ tonight’s been woeful, darling, utterly woeful.  tell me some good news; something fun.  are we celebrating something with this drink, oooor — ? ”
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scruffycatra-a · 2 years
📁📁📁 for prince catra !!
[ for @multiicolor !!! ] [ 𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎. ] ‏‏‎ ‎ᵇᵒⁿᵘˢ ᵉˣᵗʳᵃ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ
✘ — Prince Catra did not know he was a descendant of Magicat royalty until much later in his life. ‏‏‎ ‎He found that he was abducted by the Horde during a siege on the last Magicat stronghold of Etheria, ‏‏‎ ‎Dryl. ‏‏‎ Commissioned by the Magicat Queen, ‏‏‎ her artisans built the kingdom as a bridge between the First Ones of Etheria and the Magicats of D'riluth III.‏‏‎ ‎ The Magicat Queen and her family would often visit on political excursions to maintain peace with the First Ones. ‏‏‎ ‎‎It was an ancient multicultural hub and safe harbor for interstellar travelers. . . ‏‏‎ until the First Ones revealed their true intent. ‏‏‎ ‎Inciting war caused complete chaos. ‏‏‎ ‎When Mara sent Etheria into the starless system of Despondos, ‏‏‎ ‎the transporters between Dryl and D'riluth III became disconnected, ‏‏‎ ‎leading the Magicats and the royal family to become separated. ‏‏‎ Most of the Magicats made it back to D'riluth III, ‏‏‎ ‎while the rest were stranded on Etheria. . . ‏‏‎ ‎Over time Horde Prime and his forces annihilated the royal bloodline on D'riluth III, ‏‏‎ ‎gutting the planet for its wealth and resources in their conquest of the universe ; ‏‏‎ ‎While Hordak relentlessly sent wave after wave of soldiers to Dryl in order to scavenge for technology. In spite of all this, ‏‏‎ ‎the youngest Magicat Princess survived, ‏‏‎ and with the help of her followers, ‏‏‎ ‎defended the last piece of their homeland. ‏‏‎ ‎They prevented the total desecration of Dryl for many years. ‏‏‎ ‎In the end, ‏‏‎ ‎they were overrun. ‏‏‎ ‎The only survivor of the attack was C'yra. ‏‏‎ ‎Great-great grandchild of the Princess, ‏‏‎ ‎the sole heir of the Magicat Throne, ‏‏‎ ‎a singleton kit whose eyes hadn't even opened yet, ‏‏‎ ‎found completely alone in the main chamber - clinging to a crimson mask. . . She was dubbed Catra for Anglicization and trained with the other cadets, ‏‏‎ ‎being raised as a warmongering soldier intent on ending the Rebellion. . .
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yachtscaymanmexico · 2 years
When Should I Take a Private Yacht Charter
Where do you want to go on a private yacht charter vacation? There are limitless possibilities, according to crewed yacht brokers. Popular destinations for a United States sailing vacation include San Diego, Chicago, Yachts Cayman, Honolulu, Hilton Head, Martha's Vineyard, Fort Lauderdale, Galveston, Long Island and Annapolis, yet why stop there? A whole lot more awaits you, which are all discoverable by power boats and luxury yacht charters!
A Mediterranean private yacht charter has much to offer. In Spain, you can discover the passionate flamingo dancers and proud matadors, sip sangria, eat delicious olives and enjoy modern marinas from Barcelona to Valencia. Euro club goers and party animals can't miss the amazing entertainment venues on Ibiza, where vibrant beaches are as world renowned as the nightlife.
Some of the other Balearic Islands offer a quieter respite, from the secluded beaches of Formentera, to the cobble street village of Cindadella, to the culture-rich fishing village of Mallorca to the National Park on Dragonera. Other Mediterranean destinations include Greece, Croatia, Turkey, France and Italy.
For those chilly winter months, why not take a private yacht charter to the warm Caribbean waters? Travelers come to the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, the Florida Keys and the Bahamas for the white sandy beaches, the pleasant trade winds, turquoise waters, West Indian cuisine and fun activities year-round.
There are more than 100 Virgin Islands, offering a plethora of coves for snorkeling, swimming, scuba diving, surfing, marine-life watching and lounging. On the shores, you will enjoy dancing, frozen blender drinks, crafts from local artisans and the dramatic mountain peak topography.
In the Bahamas, you can feast on spicy cuisine, fish on beautiful beaches, snorkel underwater grottos, gaze upon a habitat of 60,000 flamingos, star gaze the midnight skies, dance in nightclubs and splash around at the world-renowned Atlantis water-park and culture center. A sailing charter in the Cayman Islands will whisk you away to the famous Seven Mile Beach (one of the best in the world!), the historic Pedro St. James castle, scuba diving shipwrecks in Cayman Brac, bird watching the rare red-footed Booby on Little Cayman and partaking in the museums and shops of George Town. Nothing beats the winter blues like a Caribbean yacht excursion!
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