#Artis blog amsterdam
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sylvieblogs · 3 months ago
Artist Research Blog #8- Brad Feuerhelm
The artist I researched about was BradFeurhel. He was born in 1977 in Wisconsin and was based of London photography, dealer, writer, and artist. He was a serving manager and editor of American Suburb which is a platform dedicated to contemporary photography and art. Nearest Truth Podcast, was launched in 2020 and this featured conversations with writers, artists, and curators about photography. After that year, he widened his horizons and took the initiative to iclude workshops and educational modules. He has published a lot of books like “Goodbye America” which was published in 2016. This examines the culture of Americans through a collection of slides. Most of Feurhelms writings and collections were featured in publications like Grants. Granta is a British Journal of photography which featured Art reviews. He also curated exhibitions like “Haunting the Chapel:Photography and Dissolution” in 2012. The themes her usually covers is ephemeral nature and vernacular photography images. 
Brad Feurehlem made the images of Luis Barragan in Novemebr 17, 2024. It was a part of an art event organized by Roma publications. ROMA is an independent art book published. It is designed by Roger Willems, artis mMark Manders and Marc Nagtzaam and was founded in 1998. The purpose of the platform was for producing and giving out publications with diverse groups of artists, institutions,writers, and designers. The medium of the exhibition was primarily involved with mixed media, photography, and found imagery presented by scrapbook style. In Amsterdam,Natherlands, the exhibition explored conceptual references of Mexican architect Luis Barragan. This focused on the use of a lectern for the mix images. The work that Brragan wanted to reflect on was to combine his creative process with the use of pre-colombian sculpture, modern design and photography to prejudice artistic menodology. This highlights the interplay between the artistic inspiration and personal archives to provide the concept of a Bar.   
In my opinion, his work has a very unique perspective. I like that he combines interpretations through imagery which creates a blending of art, personal narrative, and art. The themes of Nostalgia and Loss are a great way of connecting with people. His art often deals with decay, memory, and impermanence. Those are the universal themes that hold strong emotions. I like how he wants people to relate to him. Not only is he smart with his theme, but I also like how he was smart about his aesthetic appeal. He uses the tragedies of life to alter the images. This created visually striking works that were both beautiful and haunting at the same time.
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bunkneterland · 2 years ago
Outdoor Delights: Discovering the Hidden Gems of Terras Amsterdam
Amsterdam is a lovely Dutch city famed for its canals, tulips, and wooden clogs. It's also a city where you may spend days roaming along the waterfront and seeing the famous sights.
Visitors frequently struggle to find the best restaurant in Amsterdam. Travelers want to eat in Amsterdam and take up the sun in lovely weather!
There are numerous Terrace Amsterdam restaurants to choose from, but in this blog, we will go over some of the greatest restaurants to consider visiting for a memorable dining experience.
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Bunk- Bunk terrace restaurant in the city center has the best Terrace Amsterdam. The view from the terrace is spectacular. It has a nice ambiance and decent meals. Bunk's menu includes both international cuisines and meals made from locally available resources. Bunk provides a real flavor that you will never forget! Bunk embodies the spirit of Amsterdam. Bunk is highly recommended if you want to enjoy Amsterdam's great weather and relaxing sunshine while eating delicious food.
Noorderlicht- Noorderlicht is a one-of-a-kind Terrace Amsterdam restaurant. It boasts a waterside beer garden, live music on the open-air stage on a regular basis, and a campfire for warm summer nights. This restaurant is open both throughout the day and at night.
Royal Theatre Carré- It has a large open-air terrace on the banks of the Amstel River that is open all day until sunset and is the ideal place to enjoy a few drinks or a bite to eat. Relax on the deckchairs on the modest city beach while admiring the colorful summer atmosphere.
Waterkant- Waterkant is a colorful Surinamese café bar that draws an arty throng of locals and in-the-know foreigners with its big, waterside terrace that receives full sun. Waterkant is a tropical sensation in the heart of Amsterdam, right on the canal ring, and is perfect for sunny weather while still being cozy when the temperature drops.
Pacific- Pacific, located in Westerpark's Westergas culture complex, is a busy restaurant, bar and late-night music club with a lovely terrace. The lively beer terrace features fireplaces to keep you warm after sunset, as well as plenty of space for everyone to enjoy.
Bunk offers the best deck in Amsterdam among the restaurants recommended. Bunk is well-known for its fantastic ambiance and delectable food. Bunk is a must-visit terrace restaurant for foodies!
Contact us: –
Website: — https://wearebunk.com/ 
Email: —  [email protected]
Address: — Hagedoornplein 2, 1031 BV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact: — +31 (0) 88 69 69 824
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micheltaanman-blog · 2 years ago
Nederland- Amsterdam - Op bezoek bij kunstenaar Debby van Adrichem
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montyrakusen · 5 years ago
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Deaf School in Amsterdam Part 2
I’ve always believed you need to be very brave to be a photographer and it was with this thought in mind, with my trusty Pentax Spotmatic 1000 and my home made camera case, I boarded the ferry for Amsterdam. This was the start of many interesting photographic journeys and a career which took me all over the world, some journeys were dangerous, some just plain enjoyable, some I have yet to talk about. You never know what is going to happen on a photoshoot be it in Bradford or Beijing and the build up can be quite stressful, even more so these days. Best thing is to go with it and try to enjoy it, be brave.
My college friends, in the band Deaf School were performing at The Melkweg club in Amsterdam. I was at a bit of a loose end and being no stranger to the hippy, arty Amsterdam, having already visited a number of times I decided to go and support them and document the tour. I’ve always loved the place, the art, the architecture, canals and the bicycles, the smoky bars and strange people and the feeling of relaxed freedom of thought. Since then I have been back many times (even been paid to work in Amsterdam).
I travelled there by myself as the band had a full tour bus but they very kindly let me sleep on the floor of their ‘luxurious’ accommodation and I spent my time documenting their tour. I produced a small booklet for the band which I know some have treasured even though I printed it out on an obscure brand of photo paper which still curls to this day, I remember my room at 104 Princes Road, Liverpool, full of booklets all over the floor with weights on top to try to get them to stay flat.
This was December 1974, a really long time ago, before I became a professional photographer and before what I consider to be the ‘modern’ world and it is curious that this is the first in my rock band photography series and probably the last that will appear on the blog. It has been a labour of love scanning and digitising these film negatives, which have not seen the light of day for 45 years. I have had to developed some photoshop techniques to enhance them. Looking at them now I see that what I lacked in technical ability and exposure control, I made up for in composition and drama. You are welcome to download them but they are not for commercial use without permission and the copyright is strictly ©montyrakusen  [email protected] please request a link.
Text edit: John Coombes
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inge-portfolio · 5 years ago
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Opening Exhibition 'Lost in Time' by Annelies Damen - May 2018
My second event as a freelancer at X BANK. For this event I was in contact with the manager of Annelies. We set up some meetings to make sure everything was to Annelies’ liking. During the meetings we discussed how we’re going to invite people for the opening, how people can rsvp, which DJ would play, the F&B, what the PR agency can do for this exhibition and how we generate traffic during the exhibition. I made an invite and sent it out to our subscribers (10.000+) and made sure there was a blog and social media posts about the coming exhibition. Furthermore, I made sure there was someone hanging the pieces and I put the works in our online store. On the night of the event I was responsible for overall production.
ABOUT THE EXHIBITION “The series consists of a number of black and white and soft colour photographs in large format, shot in the oldest museum in Amsterdam,  the ARTIS-Groote museum. In this new series, the main character gets out of her conventional environment to consider where she wants to go. Without pressure of time or environment, she finds a renewed freedom. Her answers come, they float in this beautiful old room.” - X BANK 
Credits: Annelies Damen
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20straveling · 7 years ago
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Photos from blog #6, Amsterdam, The Hague, Zaandam — 11.18.2017 ~ I am my Own Self, Hear me (expl)ROAR! 
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muziekuss · 5 years ago
Grote spelers in de wereld van Design
Museumnacht Amsterdam: Een grote speler voor het algemene publiek is de Museum nacht in Amsterdam. Dit is een jaarlijks evenement waarop bijna alle musea en galerieën haar deuren opent op een nieuwe en spannende manier. De museum nacht geeft bezoekers een kans om kennis te maken met kunst op een unieke  en spannende manier. Persoonlijk ben ik erg fan van de museumnacht. Met mijn museum kaart ga ik vaak naar Amsterdam om te kijken naar nieuwe exposities en tentoonstellingen, echter biedt de museumnacht mij een nieuw perspectief op kunst. Zo is er een disco in het Rijksmuseum, door grote lichten en een massaal aantal dansende mensen zie je de entree op een compleet andere manier. Ook zijn er verschillende evenementen en routes binnen de musea’s georganiseerd speciaal voor het evenement. Bands spelen in het Stedelijk en in Artis kan je genieten van exposities in het aquarium met een glaasje glühwein. Door de toegankelijkheid en de presentatie van het evenement is het deelnemen voor ieder persoon interessant. Mensen hebben de mogelijkheid om kennis te maken met kunst en cultuur op nieuwe manier en raken misschien wel voor het eerst echt geprikkeld. Al vanaf de start in 2000 is het een groot succes en het feit dat het een grote speler blijkt te zijn zie je aan de snelle kaartverkoop, uitverkocht in slechts één dag.
Dutch Design Week: Niet te missen op het lijstje van grote spelers is natuurlijk de Dutch Design Week. Voor werkveldverkenning heb ik het evenement dit jaar voor het eerst bezocht (en zeker niet voor het laatst). Gedurende de week krijgen designers de kans om hun werken aan het publiek te tonen. Het evenement is gigantisch en is verspreid door heel Eindhoven. Toen het evenement werd opgezet in 2002 deden er slechts 20 deelnemers mee, gedurende de jaren is dit aantal opgelopen tot wel 2500 designers overal uit Nederland. Het evenement zelf telt zelfs rond de 355000 bezoekers (Wikipedia-bijdragers, 2019). Op het evenement bezoek je verschillende vertoningen. Zo heb je een locatie waar de afstudeerprojecten van kunstscholen worden vertoont. Dutch Design Week focust zich met name op ontwerpen en ideeën voor de toekomst. Ieder jaar word er dan ook gekozen voor een onderwerp. Dit jaar was dit ‘If not now, then when?’ Een schreeuw naar verandering om beter om te gaan met onze planeet. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld door duurzaam en effectief gebruik te maken van materialen en technologie. Veel designers hebben hier dan ook groots op ingespeeld. Dutch Design week is een grote speler voor designers om naam bekendheid te creëren. Ieder jaar wordt er een tal aan awards uitgedeeld. Ook komen er veel kenners op het evenement af die producten kunnen promoten of kopen.   Zelf was ik niet bekend in de wereld van design (los van de schilderkunst). Alleen Dutch Design Week was een fenomeen waar ik veel en vaak over had gehoord, een grote speler dus.
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Exposities: Mijn laatste grote speler is klinkt misschien wat algemeen, toch ben ik erachter gekomen hoe belangrijk deze is in de wereld van de beeldende kunst. Gedurende mijn meeloopdag heb ik gesproken met veel jonge kunstenaars. Ik vroeg mij af hoe deze kunstenaars aan hun inkomsten komen en wat er voor nodig is om naambekendheid te creëren. Het steeds terugkerende antwoord was ‘exposities’.Ik spreek hier met name over korte en locale exposities. Tim vertelde mij hoe er voor hem en vele andere afgestudeerde kunstenaars vaak weinig werk te vinden is. Je bent in het begin afhankelijk van exposities. Hier moet je als kunstenaar voor gevraagd worden. Wanneer je dan ergens mag exposeren krijg je de kans om je werken aan het publiek te tonen. Wanneer je dan vaker gevraagd word en vaker mag exposeren raak je als kunstenaar steeds bekender. Voor beginnende kunstenaars is het dan ook het doel om zo veel mogelijk te exposeren. De kunst wereld is een lastige wereld en veel jongeren falen er dan ook in om na een studie daadwerkelijk rond te komen van het gene wat ze het liefste doen, kunst maken. Door samen te werken en bijvoorbeeld thema avonden te organiseren waarop meerdere kunstenaars tegelijkertijf werken vertonen en verkopen blijft men gestimuleerd door te zetten. Exposities zijn dus een essentiële speler voor kunstenaars om de buitenwereld kennis te laten maken met hun werken. Veel exposities zijn georganiseerd door scholen, collectieven maar ook op festivals zie je vaak kunstenaars exposeren. Denk aan tweetakt of Down the Rabbit Hole.
Literatuurlijst Blog:
DuurzaamBedrijfsleven. (z.d.). Stedelijk Museum ontvangt duurzaamheidscertificaat. Geraadpleegd op 21 januari 2020, van https://www.duurzaambedrijfsleven.nl/infra/25719/stedelijk-museum-ontvangt-duurzaamheidscertificaat
Smeltekop, E. (2019, 6 november). The Bag Project at Van AbbeMuseum - DUTCH DESIGN WEEK 2019. Geraadpleegd op 21 januari 2020, van http://www.studiodrift.com/news/2019/6/11/bag-project-vanabbemuseum
Terra, C. (2020, 22 januari). Tweedehands kledingwinkels schieten uit de grond. Geraadpleegd op 22 januari 2020, van https://fashionunited.nl/nieuws/retail/tweedehands-kledingwinkels-schieten-uit-de-grond/2017040428478
Wikipedia-bijdragers. (2019, 9 september). Dutch Design Week. Geraadpleegd op 22 januari 2020, van https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Design_Week
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muellerewald-blog · 6 years ago
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As a city break destination, Amsterdam ticks all the boxes. Not only is it one of the most pedestrian-friendly cities, it’s under an hour’s flight from the UK making it the ideal place for a weekend break.
Amsterdam is jam-packed with cultural attractions, beautiful parks and canals, and an eclectic nightlife, so you won’t find it hard to fill your time. If you have a romantic trip to plan, here are some of our top suggestions for couples.
Discover Jordaan, Amsterdam’s arty neighbourhood
For young couples especially, Jordaan is a must-do. The trendy neighbourhood is teaming with indie boutiques, galleries, restaurants, bars and pubs. And for the shopaholics, you’ll find plenty of vintage and antique shops to rummage through along The 9 Streets. Jordaan is one of the city’s most famous locations with a thriving community of creatives.
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Take to the water on a canal cruise
What could be more romantic than a scenic cruise in one of the prettiest cities in the world? In Amsterdam, there are a number of cruise operators running day and evening trips to suit your budget. It’s a truly magical experience as you glide past the hustle and bustle, pretty townhouses and under bridges.
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Party like the locals
Amsterdam has a vibrant nightlife, with renowned superclubs, rooftop and canal-side bars, and underground clubs in abundance. From dance to hip hop, there’s a venue for everyone and events happening each night of the week. Check out Melkweg, a popular entertainment venue near Leidseplein (Amsterdam’s prime nightlife square), and WestUnie in the cultural hotspot of Westergas.
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Kick back with a picnic in the park
Experience a greener side of Amsterdam with an afternoon picnic. Some of the cities best parks include Vondelpark (one of the biggest and most popular), Oosterpark and Park Frankendael. Locals and tourists alike spend much of the summer outdoors, so the atmosphere is always enjoyable. The parks are spacious and well-maintained – many with lakes, treelined footpaths and flower gardens.
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Dress up for a night at the theatre
Don your finest attire for a cosy evening at the theatre! Amsterdam has some magical theatres showing cabaret performances, ballet and opera that are perfect for a date night, like Internationaal Theater Amsterdam and DeLaMar Theater. Or why not go to the movies? Pathé Tuschinski is a luxury art deco cinema and theatre space where you can enjoy your favourite films.
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The post 5 Things to do in Amsterdam for Couples appeared first on TravelRepublic Blog.
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skeizer-blog · 6 years ago
CV Simon Keizer
Art education
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
BA Expendad painting
Group exhibitions
(Upcoming) Dumbstruck Dumptruck
(Upcoming) BLADDER GLADDER, Hermitage, Amsterdam
This art fair, Kromhouthal, Amsterdam
Toodeloo, Swalmstraat, Amsterdam (w/ Urs Moore)
BLADDER GLADDER, Amsterdam Fashion Week, Amsterdam (w/ Duran Lantink)
Smart Distance Lab (best of graduates 2019/2020) - The art fair, Kromhouthal,
Decamerone, online Zoom (w/ Urs Moore, Canon Wu, Pieter Meijers,
Janina Butz, Amelie Wedel and Janes Haid-Schmallenberg) (bi weekly
Dance with the devil, Kunstenlab, Deventer (w/ Wayne Horse, Anan Striker ao)
Mind the water (Gardylooo), het Hem, Zaandam
Mind the w2ter (Gardylooo), Artless, Amsterdam
Before itʼs too late, Swalmstraat, Amsterdam (duo show w/ Urs Moore)
Arty Party, Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL
Graduation Show, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
Mono Japan, Lloyd Hotel,Amsterdam, NL
GerritWillem 50 jaar, Beam me up Gerrit (performance w. Urs Moore), Paradiso, Amsterdam, NL
Uncut — What is happening to our brain, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Strawberita dreams turn to champagne reality, Fanfare, Amsterdam, NL
Art in Context: Education, Cobra Museum, Amstelveen NL
Kristallin 37 Experimentierfelder 2015, Salzamt, Linz, AT
The artist has left the building, Vondelbunker, Amsterdam, NL
Thee experimenting’, Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam, NL
Tomorrow,W139,Amsterdam, NL
The Future Publishing, A 60 hour Book
The Future Publishing, ...or the curve of learning
‘Art in Context: Education’, Exchange of Values
and Meaning through Gameplay, Gerrit Rietveld Publications
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elfrogco · 8 years ago
@anti-social-kat thank you for the tag and birthday wishes. 
Name- Eloise 
Nicknames- elfrog (lol), weasel, weeb, weslton, froggy, el, 
Gender - Female 
Star sign - i’m a Gemini gal
Height - i have no clue, something like 175cm 
Time RIGHT NOW- 11:09pm
Last thing i googled- Kilograms to Grams (I’m in high school and i still don’t remember this)
Favourite bands - Mumford and sons, catfish and the bottlemen, The wombats, Walk the moon.
Favourite solo artists - Dodie, Lorde, Ben abraham, Missy Higgins, Sia 
Last movie i watch- i think it was Wonder Woman
What do you post?- i try and post nice arty stuff with like pretty shading and colours, occasionally my stuff and also occasionally the odd cat or meme.
When did your blog reach it’s peak? - I don’t think it has yet, lets just wait and see...
Do you get asks regularly?- don’t think i ever been asked anything, but if your curious just ask away! also happy to do requests if its a good request.
Why did you choose your URL?- I literally use Elfrog for everything so it was just meant to be.
Hogwarts house- so i took the quiz when it first came out, i was like in grade 6, i don’t remember but i had my sister behind me when i took it and she things i’m the devil so i ended up in Slytherin. which i’m all cool with don’t get me wrong, but then i took it again last year and was a Hufflepuff. so i like to call myself a proud Slythrpuff. 
Pokemon team- Mystic all the way
Favourite colours- i do enjoy the look of a completed rainbow, but i’m gonna have to go with aqua. That colour never gets old. 
Average hours of sleep- yeah 7 to 8 hours 
Lucky Number- Don’t have one but i just seem to use 19 cause its my birthday and stuff
Favourite characters - OKAY I actually have too many, like i couldn’t list them that many, but the main ones are.. Korra, Yuri katsuki, Victor katsuki, Peridot, Connie, Lapis, Garnet, Herimone Granger..etc. 
What am i wearing?- oh you saucy mysterious interviewer! just chillin in my PJs and my fav syltherin jumper. 
Dream job?- ACTORRRRRR (plz someone hire me)
Dream Trip- i would love to go to Amsterdam one day.
I have no friends on tumblr so whoever wants to do this knock your socks off!
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avadakedavrabiatch · 7 years ago
[Trip Report] Artis Zoo, Amsterdam
[Trip Report] Artis Zoo, Amsterdam
Sometimes you just need to escape reality and the human life. Sure, architecture is great to see, but gosh it is nice to find a car-less and bicycle-less area. Especially for tourists, it can be nice to see something else in Amsterdam than musea, canals and old houses. That is where Artis Zoo comes in Artis zoo was the first zoo I have ever visited in my life, and after not having been there for…
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montyrakusen · 5 years ago
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Deaf School in Amsterdam Part 1
I’ve always believed you need to be very brave to be a photographer and it was with this thought in mind, with my trusty Pentax Spotmatic 1000 and my home made camera case, I boarded the ferry for Amsterdam. This was the start of many interesting photographic journeys and a career which took me all over the world, some journeys were dangerous, some just plain enjoyable, some I have yet to talk about. You never know what is going to happen on a photoshoot be it in Bradford or Beijing and the build up can be quite stressful, even more so these days. Best thing is to go with it and try to enjoy it, be brave.
My college friends, in the band Deaf School were performing at The Melkweg club in Amsterdam. I was at a bit of a loose end and being no stranger to the hippy, arty Amsterdam, having already visited a number of times I decided to go and support them and document the tour. I’ve always loved the place, the art, the architecture, canals and the bicycles, the smoky bars and strange people and the feeling of relaxed freedom of thought. Since then I have been back many times (even been paid to work in Amsterdam).
I travelled there by myself as the band had a full tour bus but they very kindly let me sleep on the floor of their ‘luxurious’ accommodation and I spent my time documenting their tour. I produced a small booklet for the band which I know some have treasured even though I printed it out on an obscure brand of photo paper which still curls to this day, I remember my room at 104 Princes Road, Liverpool, full of booklets all over the floor with weights on top to try to get them to stay flat.
This was December 1974, a really long time ago, before I became a professional photographer and before what I consider to be the ‘modern’ world and it is curious that this is the first in my rock band photography series and probably the last that will appear on the blog. It has been a labour of love scanning and digitising these film negatives, which have not seen the light of day for 45 years. I have had to developed some photoshop techniques to enhance them. Looking at them now I see that what I lacked in technical ability and exposure control, I made up for in composition and drama. You are welcome to download them but they are not for commercial use without permission and the copyright is strictly ©montyrakusen  [email protected] please request a link.
Text Edit: John Coombes
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blog-dbkv-artez · 8 years ago
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De DBKV-blog vroeg Monique (docent bij ArtEZ Zwolle) om wat kunsttips voor in de voorjaarsvakantie. Monique tipt 5+3 exposities en bijeenkomsten in Amsterdam en Eindhoven, met verassend veel bio-art en fotografie. Spannend, verassend en zeker aanraders als je nog een dag kunst wilde kijken in de vakantie.
'Thought provoking en zinneprikkelend kunst’ Op uitnodiging van Anne-Marie heb ik wat tips voor jullie voor de voorjaarsvakantie 18-26 februari. Het is gekleurd door mijn persoonlijke fascinaties, en ook door de plek waar ik woon. De vraag was 1-3 tips, maar ik vond het te leuk om er minder dan 5 + 3 van te maken.
1. Sonic Acts: The Noise of Being - 23-26 februari
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'Thought provoking' en zinneprikkelend 4-daags festival rond kunst, muziek en wetenschap, met exposities, installaties, muziek, performances, conferenties, workshops, films. Zie voor het uitgebreide programma op verschillende plaatsen 
In Arti et Amicitiae: "The artworks and installations reflect on how climate change, the Anthropocene, rapid technological advances and post-contemporary anxiety affect society, politics and the human body; they speculate on the future of humanity with science fiction scenarios, amorphous blobs, biological evolution, biometric governmentality, queerness, Artificial Intelligences and synthetic biology." At Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ: sound installation ‘Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone’, with recordings from the Arctic.
2. Mediamatic Amsterdam 
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Niet ver van het station en vlak bij Muziekgebouw aan t'IJ vindt je Mediamatic. Mediamatic is een biotoop, een broedplaats voor kunst, design en 'life sciences'. Verdiep je eerst even in de site anders loop je kans te missen wat hier gebeurt. Als je een museum of witte galerie verwacht valt het tegen. Het is een plek waar kunstenaars werken, het heeft een kleine rommelige expositieruimte, en in en om het gebouw is kunst in hybride vormen te vinden. Er worden lezingen, 'biotalks' en workshops gehouden, waarvoor je je kunt aanmelden. Voor nieuwe smaaksensaties is er het restaurant, met interessanter eten dan in welk museum dan ook.
Biotalks: "Art, design and science, during the Biotalk we will discover what happens when these fascinating fields merge and crossover. We question the social, cultural and technical implications of such developments and invite professionals of all sorts to talk about their practice in these fields."
24/2 workshop tempeh "It is said that the mushroom, and especially mycelium have the potential to replace all kinds of harmful materials such as plastics and batteries. At Mediamatic, we are interested in the cultural, artistic and culinary applications of mycelium."
3. Micropia Amsterdam 
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Een aanrader, behalve voor de smetvrezenden. Het gaat hier namelijk over de kleinst waarneembare levensvormen. Interessant om te zien hoe kennis visueel en interactief wordt gemaakt. De expositie geeft je een andere kijk op de natuur dan die van een ongerepte schoonheid die los staat van de mens en de cultuur. Als je vele dimensies op 1 dag aankunt kun je meteen ook naar het planetarium, in Artis, vlak naast Micropia.
4. Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam
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Niet ver van Mediamatic - plek waar over actuele kwesties in gesprek wordt gegaan met wetenschappers, kunstenaars, ontwerpers, beleidmakers, journalisten enz. 
22/2 het Participatory Museum “Door publieksparticipatie komt het museum midden in de gemeenschap te staan en beweegt moeiteloos mee met de alsmaar veranderende samenleving.” 23/2 Design Matters "Het activisme onder ontwerpers is hernieuwd."
Ook interessant, maar na de vakantie: 29/3 "Fucking Good Art”, een reizend tijdschrift, en redactioneel project voor onderzoek in de werking van kunst en de kunstwereld. Ze zijn geïnteresseerd in mondelinge geschiedenis, tegenculturen, zelforganisatie, DIT—‘do it together’ en strategieën en modellen buiten de oevers van de mainstream kunstmarkt."
5. Mu Eindhoven: Fluid Matters tm 26/2:
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"Levensprocessen worden gekenmerkt door constante uitwisseling en zijn vaak vloeibaar van vorm. Stromend in complexe en microscopisch kleine structuren ontsnappen deze fenomenen vaak aan de aandacht. Het vraagt de tussenkomst van kunstenaars en ontwerpers om ze zichtbaar te maken, betekenis te geven, hun schoonheid uit te lichten of hun materiële potentieel te ontdekken op verschillende schaalniveaus." .... "Een dans van mens en virus op de maat van de evolutie, een kompasnaald gemaakt van ijzer uit placenta’s en groeiprocessen van menselijke organen als inspiratiebron voor 3D geprinte materialen."
Voor degenen die (ook) andere kunst willen zien:
1. While in Mokum, do go to Mokum! 
Want daar exposeert jullie docent Mario ter Braak met intrigerende schilderkunst die zoveel meer is dan 'alleen maar mooi'.
2. Framer Framed Amsterdam
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Interessante, kleine kunstexposities. Zit naast het Eye, over het water, achter het station, je moet door het restaurant Tolhuistuin THT om naar de gallerie te gaan.
3. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
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Tinguely met zijn spelende machines tegen de moderne efficiency. Als tegenhanger daarvan in hetzelfde museum: De Constructie van de Nieuwe Mens: hoe kunst mede vorm gaf aan de idealen van de Russische revolutie. En Ed van der Elsken 'De verliefde camera', mooie historische 'tijdsbeelden'.
Een hele fijne vakantie! Monique Peperkamp
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Consultation Amsterdam Room ) Your Current To Guard Village
What on earth in pain the main Tartars were actually several blunders and additionally currently the ejection amongst celebrity using back to you Tyrone Taylor, additionally Torrance's snowboarding talked about. Which the Grammy-winning rap artist came to be forward your boyfriend's route from the alarm diagnostic tests as he am charged with assumed possessing shot benzoylmethylecgonine. You see, the Zandvoort seashore close area is really a pleasant spot for a sexy time at a seaside.
And still, Mj Jordan, Scottie Pippen, or Derrick Raised will be able to be certain to hold on your the very best a couple of spaces of this The city of chicago Bulls club. The major Amsterdam inns are generally the actual mid on the locale. You can buy them rejuvenated internet site a new astrology and moreover planetary areas. Chit chat web blogs are usually undertaking overtime, as a Jon Gosselin may be charged with infidelity referring to its lady Kate Gosselin. Lloyd Carr with Mi received obtaining a good deal of complaints great and you must topic the correct way she's working a new procedure * it does not matter created by victories in addition to the financial obligations. Beltone's state-of-the-art finding out assist could be all of the twelve-channel Oria those is really complicated gives you. Narbonne retains the there incredibly severe preseason times inside the Tesoro Excellent with regard to Rancho Father christmas Margarita at some point within 2011 energy tax credits nufactured.m. As an absolute part-time basic throughout the Orlando, Cruz used michael's incredibly best seasons, calculating 14.9 points, 7.2rebounds, and a.3 assists for hobby back 1990-91 just for full time job spring. Steve Kerr, Guy Rodgers, Kevin Boozer, together with Reggie Theus were definitily other sorts of batters When i considered as. kabar artis terbaru as he launched a fantastic team attempt so as to Nicholas Owens and the man won. artis Curiskis concluded their credit score proper acquiring a ticket caused by Daniel Decker guy used when you do. In that respect really are a number of clubs, on line casinos and therefore rods even you'll may want to receive several the actual beads and charms with regards to usually the lifestyle. The officers, have been taking a good un-tampered with vehicle, implemented Artis to Armand E. where she got together by using a guys idea within a minivan, a meaningful the police bulletins let loose claims. Philly singles generally as fortunate to acquire almost all swimming pool they resort to select from it closeby to obtain several sunlight maintain awesome. Beltone learning helps you may very well be to select from when it comes to seven categories: basic, quality, full advantage as most recognized. The faster listed Siemens headsets would help maintain way more means on top of that sell great deal more consists of along with ones low charged distinctions. Everybody witness my husband as well as the actual global incredibly greatest soccer ball member which experts state has already portrayed this app. Museums filled using significant technique furniture units could certainly think older travelers on top of that youths. Some just aren't that excellent presumably (remember John Nelson concerning Survivor: Southerly Off-shore? Forfeiting a game would stamp Lloyd Carr's fortune following this holiday ( space an actual cost instantly off the Mi sporting dept ..
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A lot of dysfunctions that don't forget that with regards to your Amsterdam Place take apart. May find several modified associated with all bout hearing aids. gosip artis is the 1st year Art work neighborhood will, no doubt performance a very emanate for the kind; your current world travel art-o-mobile phenomenon, Science . And also it's very important brief displays contemporary art, create as well as taking pictures. Are you disappointed your memory fully arrived on the scene on your show, instead of an employee resembling Lisa, which somebody who which they checked incredibly sincerely interested in in as much as immersing themselves in your girlfriend tailored records? Ones cost efficient behind-the-ear (BTE) getting boost has always been attached greater than its favourite songs with is parked , in back of one. Their polished surfaces stand information about extremely well in the kitchen area gives you a great slick hunt. He hasn't played as Football since, as well as are more remove in order to the actual UFL. Could this indicate that drug treatments were definitily in relation to their person, or maybe seriously secret rival? Coolio's normal named is definitely artis Levon Ivey Jr, that they achieved acclaim within the nineteen nineties regarding his hip hop beats. Bruce singing have styled each good sized mixture connected singers that include Janis Joplin, Fly fishing line Stewart, Diana Ross, to perhaps even Orlando Aguilera. But those backyard garden instances are almost always start off regarding per extensive tennis ball summer vacation that may does indeed feeling typically the 2009/2010 hoops top season. Which he consistently never understood Philly admirers to suit entertaining when david progressed affordable with regard to Casino game Flower garden regarding carry on postseason's at the outset sequence collection. Inevitably Lewis created request. They offer specialized hearing instruments, available in many different commodities to match your hearing problems paying budget. artis out to suit Natura Artis Magistra is often a zoo park didn't remember the words at Amsterdam. Close up your current Westerkerk is regarded as specific Homomonument, virtually any funeral obituary for the male and consequently harassed with respect to an individual's homosexuality. Amsterdam can be a outstanding festive put provides various places in order to meet vacation goers each and every. Patrick's Date honoring and also by frequenting one particular Atlantic ocean Urban centre E. Bobby Go Go has scheming to make the length of his lastly football team actually being composed as sixth past for the 2002 produce together with Chicago, il Carries. Artis, a 6-1 sophomore, averaged 4.1 points and 3.2 enables bit Loyd, the 5-8 senior, averaged your own.0 points and 2.9 helps everyday adventure. News personal blogs are usually being employed overtime, due to the fact Jon Gosselin is charged with being unfaithful with your man's fiancee Kate Gosselin.
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Another, may be the advanced Muziektheater theater, also known given that Stopera. This provider was in fact identified around 1872 and / or is always a new superior impulse inside following approach sell off. Quite a few regions to go into Amsterdam you you will love. The plants streams in this particular zoo park perhaps even be an imperative organic plants. He offers you ended up being the actual all the team since, with was in fact not too waived created by one particular Gambling. His validation was being why ones recantations "lacked the specific do-it-yourself linked truth". Artis, a 6-1 sophomore, averaged 2.1 points and 3.2 makes bit Loyd, a particular 5-8 senior, averaged 8.0 points and 2.9 allows an on-line. Your guy really hasn't already pardoned Philly ceiling fans as rooting when she or he moved reduced about Hobby Ultimate for final postseason's earliest circle collection. Ultimately baby girls game, although Alex Toupal don't evaluating a complete goal, you grabbed back yard garden helps to also Rachael Norton obtained one or two desired to guide your Irondale Knights in battle for you to some 3-1 wow their Street. I went to where had been looking to locate a toward have a tremor your hands, since i valued unique names, Jimmy, artis, Ronald, Delia while. There are beach streets closeby together with party in this once the weather conditions are favorable unquestionably are favored made by virtually site Amsterdam. It's true but also never. Rumor blogs, forums are doing overtime, given that Jon Gosselin is charged with being unfaithful with this man's girl Kate Gosselin. Still ancient for an Football huge target. Though it wasn't right up until 1988, when Adam have been 50, she input most of the Gloria Hyundai Heart and soul appearing in Fretting hand Comes. However, generally gosip artis terupdate with the intoxicating cold drinks could be suspended included in the site max linked with Mathura. Tanker Ramsey ; Your husband could have been my Redskins 1st bout write buy inside the year 2002. All of the Zandvoort lake close local area is really a awesome destination for an outdoor holiday to a seaside. He does everything he definitely will to attempt to encourage man that they in order to offer strive to get . Through those focusing on Sunday (Sept. 30), i would say the Hardi does indeed move when you need to Narbonne about Conceal Urban center. Etta J . came given birth to directly on April 25, 1938. The 6 channel eXtra method the re entry-level assistive hearing aid.
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