#Arthur's like the mayor's son
takingasterix · 2 months
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@lil-gremlin-things requested a Merlin Stardew Valley AU, and I am happy to supply! :) Thanks so much for the super fun request!
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
The fate of Evelyn Miller is so fucking fascinating, I had no idea.
Although Dutch admired him like a saint, his books and writings were heavily criticized by others in the same field as him. Miller wrote very poetic and socially progressive novels (a big deal considering the time period), his empathy and understanding of the world around him was the main reason for the criticism.
He was painted as a fraud and a fool who had ideas far above his station, his books also sparked a lot of controversy in the gang. When Dutch tried sharing 'wisdom' from one of the books, Lenny was especially critical of Miller's philosophies. Lenny also said that Miller was a fraud, a man who came from a privileged life and was pretending to live like a lower class citizen. Dutch took it personally, but carried on reading, he does this in a few interactions with explaining or reading out some of Miller's writing to gang members.
But the interesting part is despite Dutch preaching Miller's philosophies and reading his books to the last letter, he proved to not fully understand the meaning behind the writings after all.
It was shown that Miller was an advocate for nature, the Wapiti, and native Americans in general. He tried to help them with the situation regarding the peace treaty and convinced Arthur to help them too. Miller's allyship with the Wapiti was met with a lot of scrutinization, he was insulted by guests at the mayor's party for sympathising with minorities, but Miller still aided them when they needed it.
And as we know, this is quite the opposite to what Dutch did. Dutch took advantage of the Wapiti and helped fuel the war between them and the army for his own gain. He preached his idea of a fair and free world, but killed innocents and indoctrinated the vulnerable. He preached second chances, but shot without hesitation. He preached loyalty, but left his sons to die.
I could go on, but ultimately, Miller was also critical of himself. He pushed himself hard to write and improve, so much so that he died of starvation whilst trying to finish his last book. His last request was wanting his body to be burned so he could soar in the air with the eagles.
Dutch loving and preaching Miller till his dying day only further cemented the hypocrisy that ran deep in Dutch as a person. He fed on the thrill that came from leading people to a 'better world' - and it killed them all.
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veritasangel · 2 months
Dandelion Wine
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov (gn pet name 'dove' used) ୨୧˚ warnings: none
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Thinking about Arthur with mayor's daughter/son reader.
He met you during some fancy event that Dutch had snuck them into. He tried to blend in with the rich folks only to bump into you, who laughed at him saying he stuck out like a sore thumb. 
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“So how’d you know?” he questions, eyebrows raising quizzically at you, as he tries not to admire your looks.
“For starters you can’t dance." you chuckle a little as you take a glass from one of the waiters, "Second, your accent. It’s very strong and not at all proper. And thirdly, you look like trouble.” you grin as you sip on your drink.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Many playful quips occurred throughout that conversation and Arthur could lie and say he was just trying to get information out of you but he knew full well that he found himself forgetting who he was for the moment, just enjoying the exchange.
He wishes he could say he had discovered something worthwhile to return to Dutch with, but as morning came and he woke up in the softest bed he’s ever been in, his mind was completely blank.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
You got out of bed and began to open your curtains as his eyes slightly opened, looking at you as if you were insane, “You actually leave this thing?” he scoffs, “If I rested my head on something like this every night I’d never get out of it.”
You laugh, mumbling something about being used to it, as you look back at him, admiring his face and chest under the warm glow of the sun.
“Well you’re gonna get out of that bed pretty damn fast the moment you realise my Father’s carriage is pulling up.” 
He rolls his eyes, groaning before stumbling out of the bed searching for his clothes, watching as you leave the room to head downstairs to greet him.
As he’s dressing he can’t help but peek out of your window and he almost dies inside when he sees that the father you spoke of, is the mayor. He knew you were some rich brat, but the mayor? Just his luck.
As soon as you have the man distracted he quickly makes his way round the back of the house to leave, knowing that his days of climbing out of windows are long gone.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
And that should’ve been the last he saw of you but of course it wasn’t. He should hate you, you had everything he never did. You were rich and spoiled, and so unbelievably naïve when it came to the real world.
Yet it never stopped him coming to see you whenever he was in town.
You spoke about all sorts of things together, your life, his life, everything. He told you about his gang and laughed at your innocence whenever you asked if you could meet them.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“They’d eat you alive, dove. I’d be a fool to lead you to a den of wolves. They’re not good men- I’m not a good man.” He says as he gently rubs small circles along your waist, looking at you with the most adoring eyes.
The two of you were sat on the outskirts of some shady part of town, away from the prying eyes of your father or anyone he knew as you both watched the sunset.
He swore one day he’d leave you alone for your own good, but that day wasn’t today. Nor any day soon.
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if i could only choose 2 fictional men to obsess over it would be arthur morgan and simon riley
༄ m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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mint-8 · 2 months
Moral Orel AU - Everyone’s happy and good (ish)
Trigger/Content warning: Mentions of guns and death, plus implications of child abuse. Also there Christianity is used a lot.
Clay Puppington
- Moralton’s respectful mayor, Orel and Shapey’s proud father, Bloberta’s loving husband, Danielle’s loyal best friend and the prime example of a good Christian man, dad, and spouse to his family and everyone in town.
- Clay has a loving and healthy relationship with his nuclear family. He deeply respects Bloberta for being so capable at managing things around the house, and pretty much lets her be the one to call the shots in their home. He is deeply in love with her and will always find any opportunity to compliment her or showing his affection (helping with chores, buying her gifts, hugs, kisses). He also encourages her to go out and have fun if she is ever too stressed, as in his own words: “You already work so hard for our family! Is only fair you take a break every once in a while”
- Alongside Bloberta, they tend to monitor Shapey more than Orel, mostly due to his behavioral issues, although Shapey is going to a therapist and actively taking psychological treatment, so his reactions are more toned down. He still loves him though, and buys him plenty of toys and enjoy some son-father bonding activities, usually playing board games, doing art or just talking.
- Orel is his pride and joy, his little son and big champ. Yes, Orel tends to get himself into trouble, a lot. And yes, he also tends to get into random shenanigans like, every other day, but he firmly believes that nothing can’t be solved without proper apologies, attaining for your actions and talking about it. He absolutely will not harm Orel even if he was threatened, but does have multiple talking sessions in his study, usually with some apple cider. He also spends quality time with Orel, and just like Shapey, they partake in bonding activities, with the added bonus of Clay being the town’s scout leader and taking him and his friends to camp every other weekend.
- Clay’s relationship with his father, Arthur, is a bit awkward. He still caused his mother to die due to his stupid prank, but Arthur still did his best to raise him properly, however he never really forgave him for killing his lovely bride. Clay still feels extremely guilty and made a promise to himself, his dad and his mom at her funeral, that he will definitely live his life as a proper Christian, to atone for the sin that he committed and which he will never forgive himself for. He still sends letters to his father regularly, usually giving him updates about his family, the town and sometimes sending money through post if he ever needs it but, more often than not, he sends him gifts and letters from the other family members.
- Danielle’s best friend and drinking buddy. They’ve known each other since high school and have stuck together through thick and thin over the years. While they usually talk about Orel and Shapey’s school performance, they tend to reminisce about the old times and set up drinking parties or simple hang outs. He doesn’t really care that Danielle is gay, after all “God loves all his children equally”.
Extra facts:
- Clay doesn’t like guns, and only has 1 fire arm for emergencies. He will teach Orel how to use it one day.
- Not super fond of alcohol, he is more of a social drinker. Instead he has an apple cider collection in his study.
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eriksmaiden · 11 days
Doll - Chapter I (Clay Puppington x Reader)
Moralton. A stupid, dead-end town. It’s worthless, just like its Mayor— at least that’s what he thought.
Clay Puppington’s every day life was nothing short of a maddening nightmare. A loveless marriage, a disappointment of a son, and a job he absolutely detested. The only mere fraction of solace he had was at the bottom of his third bottle of whiskey, its stinging warmth was his only comfort, and even now it felt like far too little in the face of his son’s ungodly antics.
He often questioned how worthless of a father, of a man, he had to be for his son to turn out the way he had so far. He would look down upon his innocent face after every routine visit to his study, and he could only see himself, staring back up at him. A young Clay who seemed so similar to Orel. Maybe Clay hadn’t been worth it to Arthur, but Orel would be to Clay now— in his own twisted way. He wanted to give Orel everything he thought he’d wanted when he was in much smaller shoes, and he supposed that included a strong female presence, because clearly Bloberta wasn’t cutting it to help keep his son in check.
‘What to do? What to do?’ Clay paced around his room, haphazardly stitching trains of thought together through his nightly drunken stupor, until his eyes fell upon the town’s phone book. ‘Perfect! I’ll just make my idiot trouble child some other woman’s problem, it’s foolproof!’ Clay’s shrill inner voice chimed, celebrating a half baked victory as he dialed some randomly selected babysitter’s phone number, who for all he knew, could be insane. Not that he cared, he was sure he’d been stricken with a new vein of genius that he had to seize immediately. The phone rang as he waited impatiently, he hardly realized the time at which he’d been calling this strange woman.
“Hello? Who is this?” A soft voice came out from the receiving end of the call, somehow still sweet despite clearly being groggy, and at least mildly upset over being woken up in the late hours of the night. The uncharacteristic warmth of the woman’s tone shocked Clay, who hadn’t heard a single woman direct herself even slightly positively towards him in years.
“Clay— Clay Puppington,” he hesitated, suddenly his drunkenness was nowhere near enough to help him brave through this conversation. “I was interested in your babysitting services for… for my son, Orel,” Clay rambled on about his son’s situation, as if the whole town wasn’t aware of Orel’s escapades already, and yet this strange babysitter still listened to him drone on and on about it. When he was finally done with his useless rambling, her soft voice chided in again, an unfamiliar feeling of respite surging through him.
“I understand, Mr Puppington— When would you like me to start?” Her ever patient tone put him at a distrusting ease, and he immediately barked that he wanted her there as soon as possible, to pick up Orel after school, and make sure he didn’t get in any trouble. She hardly seemed fazed by his harsh voice, and simply obliged, agreeing to start work the very next day. As soon as she hung up, he realized he didn’t even know her name, hastily he flipped through the phone book until he finally found it— Y/N Cross. ‘What a good, Christian name,’ he thought humorously to himself before downing his fourth, no… fifth, bottle of whiskey. That tawny colored bottle bottom really was this pathetic man’s only solace.
Morning came and went, Clay could hardly remember if he’d even told his wife about the babysitter that would soon invade their family home, or if he’d even told Orel she’d be picking him up. ‘No matter,’ he thought, ‘they’ll figure it out themselves.’ Moralton’s mayor was far too preoccupied with hating his job while he was in his office, to even think of doing anything else, much less go out of his way even further than he already had to help his family. Just the idea itself seemed ludicrous, they could fend for themselves while he did his job as man of the house, he thought bitterly.
Much later rather than sooner, Clay was able to clock out of the town hall, begrudgingly making his way home, all thoughts of the babysitter or his son’s misbehavior, were all left far behind him— only one thought remained in his head: booze. He wanted nothing more than to shut himself in his study, engulfed by all his trinkets, and taxidermy animals of his very own creation; fully delve into the pleasant buzz his favorite amber colored drink shot through his bloodstream. But as soon as he uttered the words “stupid dead end job” like he usually did when burst in through the front door, he was met with a face he didn’t expect.
She seemed like a simple girl, soft features, kind eyes— those certainly got him, her bright eyes, full of life that he’d never seen anywhere in Moralton before. Suddenly he wasn’t thinking about booze, or how he’d have to discipline his son over some other idiotic misdemeanor, or even about his precious taxidermy, he could only think about what this innocent lamb was doing in the wolf’s den.
“Mr Puppington, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, I’m Y/N Cross.”
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exitoath · 5 months
IF Fred Jones was real he'd be a country boy in my opinion.
It mainly comes down to how a character would be if you swapped their gender and how well that can translate depending on qualities about that character and how much would change.
IE someone like Daphne needs to be a female character because of her connection to femininity or at the very very least would be a queer man. While someone like Shaggy or Velma could much easier be translated into the other gender as their archetypes are more defined by things like stoner, hippie, or nerd.
If you want other media, like Arthur Morgan could be a female but he wouldn't be the same character, because of how women and men were socialized especially in the time and setting Arthur would've been in.
Idgie Threadgoode from Fried Green Tomatoes is basically a masc lesbian and to make her a man kinda misses the point of who her character is and what she represents.
That outside of the way let me yap more about Fred's character and what I'd personally think he'd be like if his home life was thought through a lot more.
Fred doesn't fit the Jock archetype. It's kinda like how Michael Scott is a bigot, (which I'm not claiming he is) it's not because he's genuinely hateful he's just kind of stupid.
I imagine Fred having been a very big Mama's boy, and that some way or another lost his mother, and this caused him to be fairly disconnected with his father, something he tries to rekindle time and time again.
It's why he does seem to show a big interest in sports and other dude-bro but he's clearly not someone who's very well known for it and hangs out with a socialite, nerd, stoner, and talking dog, instead of one of the bros. (to simplify their characters)
In Mystery Incorporated, it is also established that Fred's father is the mayor and also is deeply disconnected from his son like all the parents are with the main cast. Though I personally headcanon that Fred would be raised by a much less powerful figure in the town. More that Fred's father is a lot more conservative politically and though religious is not someone who follows the teachings of the Bible strictly. A working class father.
Anyway, Fred's issue would be focusing on trying to be manly enough even though none of his legitimate interests match closely up to what the men in his community enjoy or are interested in.
I imagine Fred would join the Football team to make his Dad proud, but dislikes the behavior of the fellow Jocks and fakes an injury or worse purposefully gets an injury or breaks some sort of major rule to get off the team.
Anyway it's too late to write down everything and so I'll make another post maybe to talk some more.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
So I clearly missed some things due to my severe lack of activeness on this hellsite (derogatory) but I'd very much like to know more about Then He Got Rough if you feel comfortable sharing.
If not though, that's totally okay!! Either way, hope you're doing well, my friend 💜🙏🏻
!!!! Thats my Original Work!! I occasionally mention it on here, but I do need to be quite careful about what I say cuz theirs a lotta stuff in it that is meant to be a surprise XD But goddddddddddddddd I love talking about it, so thank you for asking!! ^^
Basically it is a small town murder mystery, but using Slasher Movie Tropes. Its also got a lotta platonic love and other more complicated kinds of relationships because I'm, of course, aro and I need that shit XD Here's a basic blurb I made up for someone else who asked one time ^^
Hallie (the virgin) meets Edward Brown (the killer) and they hit it off- she's exactly the kinda girl he likes; friendly, kinda reserved, and they have... err- certain things from their pasts... in common, it turns out. And to her, Edward's the perfect guy, too! He's a young English teacher at the high school and he's got this skinny Clark Kent thing about him?? Awkward, and funny. She doesn't realise he's a part of the little town's most powerful (and tight-lipped) family, the Bamford's (He was adopted into it- Edward Bamford-Brown), until she tells her best friend and roommate Maggie (the whore) about him. Maggie immediately develops a bad taste in her mouth when it comes to Edward. She goes rogue and decides to investigate, employing Hallie's family doctor, Arthur (the scholar), and his old friend/new roommate combo; anxious ex-con Rodney (the fool), who just so happens to be Edwards adoptive aunt Carla Bamford's ex husband. Doors are opened for Maggie into the world of the Bamford's through Arthur and Rodney, and Winnie Bamford (the athlete) later on, and she uncovers some bone chilling secrets about everyone in this family, and everyone a r o u n d them, too, that make her determined to save her friend before its too late.
**You might also be interested to know that, in my head, Rodney (Who is a very charismatic, but very anxious man who used to do some pretty bad things but feels terrible (he knows his behaviour had everything to do with self-loathing) is really truly trying to clean up his act these days post-divorce; rooming with his old friend Arthur and working at the grocery store as its the only job he could get) is played by a more middle-aged Robert Englund XDD (Closer to Professor Wexler in Urban Legend then Inkubus) . Arthur is played by Brad Dourif XDD (so yes- freddy kruger and chucky XD Of course.)
Some little tid-bits I can/want to share also:
The Bamford Family Line-Up:
Mrs Emily Bamford: The matriarch. A cold-hearted snake woman. She pretty much only loves Edward.
Mayor Richard Bamford: He and Em were highschool sweethearts back in the day but broke up when he left to pursue politics in a big city-- but mysteriously came back and married Emily a few months later despite everyone knowing he was doing so well in the city?? Took the Bamford name and everything. Its rumoured that Emily's parents blackmailed him *cough*. Everyone knows Emily is in charge. Richard always looks kind of like a show pony next to her, despite being actual Mayor.
Carla Bamford: Emily's adopted sister and town journalist. She's kinda lily-livered. The only thing she really stood against the family about was her marriage to Rodney (They didn't approve. He was a damn con), but even that fell apart eventually.
Rodney Hawk (Formally Bamford. They made him take their name but he's got his back, now): I already talked about him XD
Edward Bamford-Brown: THE MAIN VILLAIN. Edward is Emily and Richard's adopted son, the same age as their biological daughter (Winnie. up next) who... well, its no secret- is the favourite. Emily would let him get away with anything. She would help him get away with anything. He can do no wrong, in her eyes.
Winnie Bamford: Emily and Richard's biological daughter. She's an insane freak- they sent her away to boarding school in Georgia but she came back worse, and there are s o many rumours about her in town; Orgies and deviant sexual activity, mostly (most of it is true, too). She has a major thing for 'Uncle Rodney' and makes him very very uncomfortable. On the bright side though?? She's more then happy to fuck things up for her spiteful mother by assisting Maggie to uncover some dark secrets (: She wont make it easy, though 😅 That would be no fun.
Unnamed Bamford Family Member: I cant tell you anything about them, whoops.
And Tom Manning: Richard's best friend, and the town lawyer (Edwards lawyer). So close with Rich and Em (And Winnie and Edward) that he's practically part of the family. I have described him as 'a hot dill pickle in a sharp suit if he was a harvard law graduate'. He's slimy, charismatic and seemingly perfect.
Here are the main characters Looks, if you're interested 😅
(Also another little thing that is really just a convoluted blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of inside joke- Maggie, who has a huge thing for Arthur and constantly describes his eyes as 'brad dourif-blue', is a major Childs Play fan.
... and hallie loves a nightmare on elm street *cough*. she doesnt really interact with rodney, but during the few times they do, they totally have Something. and when she describes her perfect guy?? its the opposite to edward. its rodney. anyway- )
Anyway, thank you for asking! And reading, if you made it this far XDD Sorry for the word-vomit!! I just really really love this story and I really hope one day I can finish it ^^ <3<3<3<3<3<3
I hope you are doing well too- better then before at least ^^ I hope the time away from Tumblr is doing you well! You're right, it can be a very harmful atmosphere and I'm so proud of you for knowing when you need to take a step back!! 💛💛💛💛💛
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nightingaelic · 8 months
YOOO I didn’t know you had fallout ocs tell me abt them. Who are their companions what’re their roles etc
Ah, what the hell.
My Lone Wanderer is Paladin Elizabeth Titus, who spent her early 20s trying to help the Capital Wasteland by completing her father's dream of Project Purity and bringing the might of the Brotherhood of Steel to those who most need it. She's been romantically connected to Amata Almodovar, Sarah Lyons, and Point Lookout's Nadine, and she's on good terms with Butch DeLoria, Star Paladin Cross, Fawkes, and a liberated Clover. Post-game, she has become estranged from the Brotherhood of Steel, and she's now doing work with the Abolitionists and Reilly's Rangers despite her activities being a topic of much speculation throughout the Capital Wasteland. She is a field medic and a pilot, she wields heavy weaponry with finesse, and she tends to keep everyone at arm's length in the belief that her own reputation will eventually harm them.
My Sole Survivor is Murphy Olson Kelly, thawed pre-war lawyer who made her way through the Railroad and the Brotherhood before finally settling with the Minutemen to find her son, then bring down the Institute. She's been romantically connected to Mayor John Hancock, Elder Arthur Maxson, and Robert Joseph MacCready, and she considers the rest of the companions close friends. She is a darling of the Commonwealth and is on good terms with nearly everyone besides the Institute, fundamentalist Brotherhood members, and skeptical Railroad agents. She relies on her charisma, persuasiveness, and twin plasma pistols to get by, and she is chock-full of survivor's guilt that sometimes manifests as psyker abilities, but more often results in her getting involved in every problem she finds.
My Courier Six is Fox, a desert enigma who seized New Vegas and the Hoover Dam as her own in an attempt to crush the Legion and fend off the New California Republic. She's been romantically connected to Benny Gecko, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, Red Lucy, The King, Ulysses, Beatrix Russell, and Craig Boone, and she is on good-to-mixed terms with the companions not because of her perceived reputation as a heartbreaker, but because of her inability to stand still and commit. She is generally liked, if a little feared, by the Mojave Wasteland, and she is considered a threat by Caesar's Legion and the NCR, albeit one that will eventually move on in the pursuit of something new. Fox follows whatever trail she is inclined to at the moment, and she wards off most dangers with shotgun blasts. It's unknown whether she still has her memories from before Goodsprings.
My Vault 76 Dweller is Dolores, the daughter of a wartime photographer and a veterinarian who took up residence in the Savage Divide in an abandoned train station that she turned into a home and renowned moonshine distillery. She's connected primarily to Foundation, but she's on good terms with the Crater, the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, and the Responders because everyone in Appalachia loves liquor. Her weapon of choice is a railway rifle.
My other Vault 76 Dweller is Rosalyn, whose last act before the bombs fell was making sure her mob-connected husband didn't make it to the vault in time. She spent some time with Rose and the raiders of the Crater, but recently became fascinated with the ill-fated Order of Mysteries and has been trying to restart the group. She primarily uses the Voice of Set and the Blade of Bastet in combat, but she does occasionally bust out the silver submachine gun of the Mistress's paramour.
With the exception of Rosalyn, my OCs have all made it onto my Archive of Our Own account in some form. Murphy and Elizabeth cross paths in my long-running post-game Fallout 4 series; Fox appeared in a one-off prompt fic that explores her relationship with Boone; and Dolores underwent a name change for some explicit encounters in Appalachia.
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the-delta-42 · 10 months
Hindsight - Chapter 1
[First] [Previous] [Next]
Chapter 1
Hector Damocles prided himself in his work. College Francis Dupont housed the children of the elite and influential, from the daughter of the mayor to the son of a famous Fashion Mogul. He also prided himself in his skills when handling a delicate situation. One such situation was when a pupil not only cheated on a test but stole from and attacked another student. To Hector, there was only one course of action. Expulsion in front of all her peers.
He didn’t back down from his position, not when the girl’s parents protested it, not when a member of his staff approached him and told him there was no way the student could’ve cheated on a test, not when her score matched up with her previous scores and that the student, she attack was acting perfectly fine. Hector didn’t hesitate when telling Caline to hand in her notice. He had made it clear on everyone’s contracts that they were not to question him on such matters.
To Hector, everything was perfect.
Across the city, at Jeanne D’Arc Creative Arts College, Caline Bustier was openly gaping at her contract.
“There’s no exceptions list.” Said Caline, getting a frown from Arthur Coleman.
“What do you mean ‘exceptions list’?” Asked Arthur, leaning forwards.
“At my previous workplace, there was a list of students that we weren’t allowed to punish.” Said Caline, “The Mayor’s daughter for one.”
“And that was written into your contract?” Asked Arthur, putting his fingertips together, “Well, Ms. Bustier, here at Jeanne D’Arc we have no such stipulations, if a student is misbehaving or bullying another student they are to be treated like any other student and punished.”
Caline was quiet, soaking in the new information.
“Now, if that is everything, I believe we have work to do.” Said Arthur going to stand up.
“Wait!” Gasped Caline, “At my previous workplace we had a student that was expelled based on accusations that didn’t make sense, the principle didn’t investigate the claims and refused to after he expelled her.”
Arthur mulled over the information, before asking the student’s name.
A few hours later, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng were at the school doors with their daughter in tow. Arthur looked Marinette over, noting that amount of makeup under her eyes, as well as the slight limp in her left leg.
“Fallen down the stairs recently, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?” Asked Arthur, getting shocked looks from the girl’s parents.
“No, I jumped down a trap door and landed awkwardly.” Said Marinette, making Arthur frown.
“A new member of staff made us aware of your expulsion from your previous school, as well as your creativity.” Said Arthur, as he led the group to his office, “Caline told us about the lack of a proper investigation and how the evidence was circumstantial at best. As well as the schools ‘course of action’ when it came to the bullying of students.”
Tom and Sabine exchanged a worried look at his statement.
“Rest assured, this school has a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and will punish the aggressor as we see fit.” Said Arthur, “As well as a full and proper investigation into the matter. Now, shall we begin with the tour?”
Marinette nervously shifted as she waited outside her form room. The receptionist reassuringly squeezed her shoulder, before knocking on the door to the class.
“Alright, everyone, we have a new student today,” Said the teacher, Mr. Stolberg, “She’s a new transfer and I expect everyone, Allan, Claude, to be kind and welcoming.”
There was a half-hearted muttering, before Mr. Stolberg called them in, “Everyone, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, meet your classmates.”
There was the sound of someone choking, making everyone look at them, a dark-skinned boy was thumping his desk mate on the back.
“I thought I said everyone was to be kind and welcoming, Allan.” Sighed Mr. Stolberg, making the dark-skinned boy sit up straight.
“Hey, this was all Claude!” Protested the boy, as Claude, a light skinned boy with brown hair and eyes coughed up a ball of paper.
“Dude, again with the spitballs?” asked a blonde-haired girl with tanned skin.
“That’s enough, Allegra.” Said Mr. Stolberg, “Now, I’m going to need a volunteer to show Marinette around.”
Allegra’s hand shot up as she practically launched herself from her seat, “I’ll do it!”
Mr. Stolberg looked around, seeing a few hands up, before he turned back to Allegra, “All right, Allegra, since you don’t have a desk mate, you can show Marinette around.”
There was collective groan, as Marinette made her way over to the blonde girl.
“Hi, I’m Allegra Musique, but everyone calls me Allegra, well, since it’s my name and- I’m babbling aren’t I, hehe, Sorry, I don’t meet many celebrities.” Babbled Allegra, giggling nervously.
Marinette quirked an eyebrow, “Oo-kay,” Said Marinette, slowly, “I’m not a celebrity, but, sure.”
“W-what do you mean you’re ‘not a celebrity’?!” Exclaimed Allegra, “You are Marinette Dupain-Cheng, right?”
“Yeah, have been since I was born.” Said Marinette, taken aback by Allegra’s outburst.
“You did design Jagged Stone’s Sunglasses and CD cover?” Asked Allegra, getting a nod from Marinette, “You did design the Messenger bowler hat that was modelled by Adrien Agreste?” Marinette nodded again, “Aren’t also working on a multi-coloured sequin jacket that was commissioned last week?!”
“How’d you know about that last one?” Asked Marinette, as Allegra went red with embarrassment.
“She’s a fan of your work.” Said Claude, leaning forwards, “Personally, I prefer magic tricks to clothes.”
Marinette glanced him over, before her mouth said, “I can tell.” Before Marinette clapped a hand over her mouth.
Allan laughed, “Oh, she’s gonna fit right in.” As he thumped Claude on the back, who cracked a smile.
Alya internally groaned as the new teacher went through the lesson, Ms. Bustier never made the class so boring. Alya saw Adrien rub his wrist, before remembering that the Teacher had ordered him to write Lila’s notes for her.
Strangely enough, Lila had walked into the school with a spring in her step, a far cry from how Marinette had supposedly injured her. Alya had made a group chat with all of her classmates, excluding Lila and Chloe. After Marinette was gone, everyone had started to notice how some of Lila’s stories did not add up. They all agreed that they owed Marinette a very big apology.
Three months later, Marinette had a new friend group in her new school, she had introduced the trio to her old Classmates, Allan and Claude nearly fainting when they met Nino and Mylene, respectively.
“We’ve managed to convince Marinette to audition for a role in an upcoming production,” Said Claude, leaning back in a chair in Marinette’s living room, “it became a group effort after everyone heard her singing voice.”
“Wait, Marinette can sing?” Gasped Rose, looking at the dark-haired girl.
“It’s not as good as Allegra’s.” Mumbled Marinette, her face going red.
“Bullshit.” Said Allegra, flipping her braid over her shoulder, “You build everyone up and try to make everyone forget about you, if anyone of us is going to be famous, we’re going to drag you to the top with us.”
“What did she sing?” Asked Alya, resting against her arms.
“History has its eyes on you.” Said Allan, through a mouthful of croissant.
“Yeah, we tried to get her to rap once,” Shuddered Allegra, getting a pillow thrown at her, “She bit her tongue while doing it though.”
Everyone stared at Marinette, “I panicked, and my jaw seized up.” Defended Marinette.
“We’re going to try to train her in the art of rap.” Said Allan, throwing his arm around Marinette’s shoulders.
The ground suddenly shook.
“ADRIKINS!” Screamed a high, shrill voice, “WHERE ARE YOU?!”
The sound of a pot breaking, swiftly followed by a thud, made everyone look up, just as Adrien slid into the room.
“Adrien…” Said Nino, as the ground shook again, “What did you do?”
No one noticed Marinette slip out of the room.
A few moments later, Ladybug swung past and landed on the roof.
The giant form of Chloe Bourgeois stomped around the city. Chat Noir landed next to Ladybug and winced.
“Okay, I’ve got to admit,” Said Chat, rubbing his arm, “I did not expect this to happen when I woke up today.”
Ladybug glanced over at Chat, before doing a double take.
“Chat, what happened to your arm?” Asked Ladybug, turning towards her partner.
“A, uh, ‘friend’ gripped it too tightly.” Said Chat, rubbing his hand over the cast.
“That ‘friend’ better not still be a friend.” Muttered Ladybug, readying her yoyo, “Any idea where the Akuma could be?”
“Picture in her hand.” Said Chat, pointing to an over-large piece of paper in Chloe’s hand.
“Okay, I’ll trip her, you get ready to destroy the picture.” Said Ladybug, before throwing her yoyo into the air, “Lucky Charm!”
A second yoyo fell into Ladybug’s hand, who grinned and spotted two Lamp posts standing opposite each other. Ladybug quickly hooked one yoyo around the two lamp posts and then looped the second around Chloe’s legs. Chloe face planted the floor, dropping the picture in her hand.
Char quickly Cataclysmed it, releasing the Akuma within it. Ladybug caught the Akuma, purified it and then cast the cure, restoring everything to normal. Unbeknownst to Ladybug and Chat Noir, a woman glared at Ladybug, before rushing forwards.
Ladybug froze the second she felt someone’s hands on her ears, before the earrings were ripped from her earlobes. In a flash, Chat had the woman pressed against the ground, with the earrings in hand. Chat almost reared back when he recognised Nathalie, before he looked up at Ladybug and his stomach dropped the moment, we saw her. Marinette knelt on the floor, blood coursing from her ears, her hands to occupied to cover her face. The sight of the camera was the cherry on top, letting Chat know Ladybug’s, Marinette’s, identity had just been thrown to the wind. Looking down, Chat spotted something on Nathalie’s chest, a small peacock fan shaped broach. Gently removing it, Chat watched as it changed its shape into the same style of broach, but vastly different from what it had been.
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cannotflyarc · 8 months
@soldwrecked's arthur d.onaldson sent: ‘ i’ll make you some soup. ’
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it feels silly how she's a victor, yet hides away in someone else's house for no reason other than simple paranoia. johanna survived a brutal event that most children don't, but she can barely confront the judge still. it's only made worse by the fact that she didn't feel very much like herself upon waking this morning. she shouldn't have come over, in case this is a life-threatening flu ( which it does feel like ). if she is to die, then selfishly, she doesn't want to die alone. the judge always told her that she would, but this isn't entirely out of spite. if she were to die with anyone, she would want it to be by art.
the offer of soup after the long, grueling process of getting her to admit she didn't feel well shocks her to her core. johanna sits at the table, blinking. it isn't the sickness rendering her dumb ( not completely, anyway ), simply the shock that someone would do something so gentle for her.
❝ you don't have to. i really don't feel that bad, art. i'm alright. ❞ she says it as if she wasn't just panicking about her own death moments prior. ❝ do you . . . do you even know how to make soup? i'm sorry if you do and i'm just underestimating you! i don't mean to! i just . . . you're the mayor's son. if you grew up anything like me, you didn't exactly learn . . . life skills. ❞
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
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ghost-qwq · 9 months
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okay I don't feel like posting these two separately so um,, my Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor
info about both of them under the cut hehe
Brotherhood of Steel fan... clearly
#1 fan of Sarah Lyons!!!!
He has a brotherly relationship with both Arthur Maxson AND little Mayor MacCready
Moira is like an older sister to him--
Besties with Amata like he should be
technically part of the Railroad??
His bandana was a gift from Butch after almost dying starting the purifier
he's autistic and his special interest is US history
so obviously he lost his damn mind when he had to walk through museums
oh and the Capitol Preservation Society, he loves that place
bro falls in love with Butch,, he told Charon about it once and almost cried because he was so ashamed--
"I fell in love with him." "...why?" "I DON'T KNOW."
Minuteman general AND Railroad agent
convinced he can fix Gage somehow
He ADORES the Atom Cats
big teddy bear :)
He usually either looks tired or pissed off
When he first heard Gage's voice in the train he out loud said "maybe raiders aren't so bad"
He gets flustered easily
His wife was named Adhara and he misses her so much
I hate fallout lore why did I make SIRIUS and ADHARA name their son Shaun that's so messed up
He's the #1 Nick Valentine fan
Nick and Old Longfellow are like grandparents to him
he hates the BoS
He thinks they're selfish assholes who pretend they're helping people when in reality they only care about themselves
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Although she was born in London, and retained a classic English poise all her life, Angela Lansbury, who has died aged 96, was a Hollywood and Broadway star for more than seven decades, and one who was completely unclassifiable. On her film debut, she played Ingrid Bergman’s cockney maid in George Cukor’s Gaslight (1944) and was promptly nominated for an Oscar, though she was never to win one. She graduated to play Laurence Harvey’s evil, possibly incestuous, mother – although she was only three years older than Harvey – in John Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate (1962), and then a dotty amateur witch in Disney’s follow-up to Mary Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971).
This versatility, allied to her natural grace, vitality and chastely appealing features – her eyes were full, blue and unblinking, her face almost perfectly round, her mouth a cupid’s bow from the studio era – propelled her to stage stardom in Jerry Herman’s Mame (1966) and, in London at the Piccadilly theatre in 1973, as the show-stopping Mama Rose in Gypsy, by Jule Styne, Stephen Sondheim and Arthur Laurents.
Lansbury had been initially reluctant to assume Ethel Merman’s mantle in Gypsy but, like Merman, she gave the performance of her life, full of steel and tenderness in equal measure. Her performance was more nuanced and needy than Merman’s; the critic Robert Cushman described “a slow steady build towards magnificence”.
But she became best known worldwide for Murder, She Wrote, an American television series running from 1984 to 1996, with four subsequent TV films. She played the incisive and level-headed Jessica Fletcher, a retired English teacher, mystery writer and amateur sleuth in the coastal town of Cabot Cove, Maine, a sleepy location with a criminal body count as delightfully high and unlikely as in Midsomer Murders.
“It really was a fluke success,” Lansbury said, “and came at a time when that kind of family entertainment seemed needed.” She added that, of all the characters she played, Fletcher was the one most like herself: intuitive and sensitive, a voice of calm and reason in a troubled time. She gradually assumed ownership of the CBS series. Peter Shaw, whom she had married in 1949, was joint director of the production company; her son, Anthony, and stepson, David, were executive producers, her brother Bruce was supervising producer.
Family was always of paramount importance to Lansbury. She came from strong, muscular stock: her father, Edgar Lansbury, was a lumber merchant and one-time member of the Communist party and mayor of Poplar (his father was George Lansbury, a reforming leader of the Labour party); her mother, Moyna MacGill, was an Irish actor who took Angela to the Old Vic theatre in London from an early age. One of her cousins was Oliver Postgate, the British animator best known for Bagpuss.
She was educated at South Hampstead high school for girls and trained at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Her father died in 1934, and her mother merged her family – Angela and her younger twin brothers, Edgar and Bruce – with that of a former British Army colonel in India, Lecki Forbes, under one roof in Hampstead.
It was not a happy arrangement.
At the outbreak of war, Moyna decamped with her children to New York, and Angela continued her training for two more years at the Feagin school. While her mother toured Canada in a variety show for the troops, Angela did cabaret turns in Montreal. When Moyna’s agent sent her to Hollywood for an audition, she decided to move the children out there with her.
Nothing much happened at first, so mother and daughter took jobs as sales clerks at Bullocks Wilshire, the art deco department store in Los Angeles, while continuing to audition. Angela was still only 17 when she landed the role in Gaslight, and this set a pattern of playing older than her age. A notable exception was The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), in which she played Sibyl Vane, the chirpy music-hall singer, a role that brought her second Oscar nomination; through her co-star, Hurd Hatfield, she met her future husband, Shaw. She had been married previously, for just nine months, to the actor Richard Cromwell, who was almost twice her age.
By this point a Hollywood fixture, Lansbury played Elizabeth Taylor’s older sister in National Velvet (1944), sang Jerome Kern’s How’d You Like to Spoon With Me? in Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), fooled with Danny Kaye in The Court Jester (1955), peaked in glory in The Manchurian Candidate, with her third and final Oscar nomination, and joined another great cast list in The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), which David Lean took over as director from George Stevens.
Lansbury took American citizenship in 1951, and made her Broadway debut opposite Bert Lahr in Feydeau’s Hotel Paradiso in 1957, following with Helen in Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey in 1960 and, most significantly, Cora Hooper Hoover, the corrupt mayor in Sondheim and Laurents’s 1964 flop Anyone Can Whistle. The show, which has since become a concert favourite, closed in a week, but Lansbury came out of it with flying colours, commended by critics for her agility and engaging personality; she was even likened to a young Bette Davis.
This led to her Mame acclaim, and her first Tony award. Lansbury played Auntie Mame, a free-spirited woman who picks herself off the floor of the stock market crash to sing Bosom Buddies (Lansbury duetted with Bea Arthur) and who ultimately recoups her fortunes by marrying a southern aristocrat. She won a second Tony in Herman’s next show, Dear World (1969), a musical based on Jean Giraudoux’s The Madwoman of Chaillot, in which she appeared to be dressed in “a wedding cake made of cobwebs”, according to the critic Walter Kerr.
A belated London debut followed in 1972, when she joined the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych in Edward Albee’s All Over, playing the mistress of a dying man, locked in battle with Peggy Ashcroft as his wife. She took Gypsy back to Broadway in 1974 for a few months, winning her third Tony, then joined the National theatre at the Old Vic in 1975 to play a fairly youthful, glamorous Gertrude to Albert Finney’s thickset, plainspoken and powerful Hamlet, directed by Peter Hall; the production was part of the opening season in the National’s new home on the South Bank in 1976.
Back on Broadway, she hit another great milestone in Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s Sweeney Todd (1979), playing the gleefully cannibalistic, pie-making Nellie Lovett (and winning a fourth Tony) opposite Len Cariou’s demon barber in a dark and scintillating production by Hal Prince that played on Broadway for a year before touring the US for another 11 months.
Before Murder, She Wrote, a series of starry film roles included John Guillermin’s Death on the Nile (1978) with Peter Ustinov, David Niven, Bette Davis, Mia Farrow and Maggie Smith; Guy Hamilton’s The Mirror Crack’d (1980), in which she did some sleuthing stretches by playing Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple, with Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak, Tony Curtis and, in his penultimate movie, Rock Hudson; Wilford Leach’s rocked-up The Pirates of Penzance (1983), opposite Kevin Kline as the Pirate King; and Neil Jordan’s wonderfully weird The Company of Wolves (1984), in which she played yet another eccentric old granny figure.
She did voices for two animated movies – Beauty and the Beast (1991, for Disney) and Anastasia (1997, for 20th Century Fox) – but was not in a feature movie again until she played Great Aunt Adelaide in Kirk Jones’s Nanny McPhee (2005), starring and written by Emma Thompson. Subsequently, she was with Jim Carrey in Mr Popper’s Penguins (2011).
For many years, Lansbury kept a home in County Cork, Ireland, where she and Shaw would spend two months each year while maintaining their base in Brentwood, Los Angeles. She rented an apartment in New York in 2007 to return to Broadway in Terrence McNally’s Deuce, a specially crafted two-hander for her and Marian Seldes about former tennis partners reliving past glories while watching a match at Flushing Meadow, and switching their heads from side to side during the rallies.
The play was not a huge hit, but Lansbury was electrifying and was greatly moved by the affection with which audiences greeted her. She had not been on Broadway since a possibly ill-advised 1983 revival of Mame.
Regarded by now as a national treasure, in 2009 she won her fifth Tony as Madame Arcati in Noël Coward’s Blithe Spirit, wearing a bright red wig and “with a superfluity of bad jewellery, the gait of a gazelle and a repertory of poses that bring to mind Egyptian hieroglyphs”, wrote Ben Brantley of the New York Times.
At the end of the same year in New York, she appeared for six months as Madame Armfeldt in Trevor Nunn’s Menier Chocolate Factory revival of Sondheim and Wheeler’s A Little Night Music, winning plaudits for her nostalgic litany of fading qualities in Liaisons: “Where is style? Where is skill? Where is forethought? Where’s discretion of the heart? Where’s passion in the art? Where’s craft?”
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences compensated for her lack of an Oscar with an award for “some of cinema’s most memorable characters” in 2013, and the following year she was made a dame, and took Madame Arcati to the Gielgud theatre in London. She was Aunt March in the BBC’s adaptation of Little Women (2017), and in 2018 she both appeared as a balloon-seller in Mary Poppins Returns, and joined up with another member of that cast, Dick Van Dyke, as guardian angels in the Christmas tale Buttons.
Shaw predeceased her in 2003, and she is survived by Anthony, David, her daughter, Deirdre, three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and her brother Edgar.
🔔 Angela Brigid Lansbury, actor, born 16 October 1925; died 11 October 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
Can you recommend any contemporary romances with cheating? Thank you!
I shall do my best, but give me some leeway lol--cheating is a romance "third rail" and it's hard to find books with like... legit infidelity (to me).
The Art of Scandal by Regina Black. Opens with the heroine, the mayor's wife, finding a dick pic from another woman on her husband's phone. The relationship is effectively over after that, but she agrees to stay married to him through the end of his campaign... Only to have an instant connection with a younger artist guy, who ends up being her frenemy's son. Very emotional and well-written, it gives a cheating vibe to me because, for all intents and purposes in the public eye, she is. Also, her husband DEF cheats lol, he just isn't the hero.
Possession by Adriana Anders. Again, "technical". The hero is an A-list actor and the heroine is a rising star/America's sweetheart type who agrees to a PR marriage to him. They're married, but they agree to zero sexual contact. He then gets caught on camera fucking a woman who looks a lot like her... in a kinky context. So good. The heroine follows him to this kink oasis he frequents, and she's like, determined to get at what he's ACTUALLY into.
Saint by Sierra Simone. M/M, heroes were together before one of them had a crisis and became a monk. The other one comes to the monastery five years later with his new fiancee and.... well, it ain't over. The cheating doesn't go TOO far and is handled quickly, but it does happen.
American Queen by Sierra Simone. First in an MMF trilogy about the president, first lady, and the VP--it's an Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot situation in the modern day, but like... everyone wants each other. An all time forever favorite. Greer and Ash (President Sexy) begin dating after his wife died, rekindling a flame that never went anywhere before he was married. What Ash does NOT know is that in between Ash getting with his wife and the wife dying, Greer lost her virginity and had a "love at first sight" thing with Embry, his best friend and VP. So throughout this book, while Ash and Greer are together, she's tempted by Embry and they're basically having an emotional affair... with a twist. There is definitely cheating in this one, though it doesn't go too far physically.
Give Me More by Sara Cate. Another MMF contemporary that is so good and might scratch that itch. Hunter and Isabel have been married a while, and Drake is Hunter's best friend since childhood who became Isabel's close friend too. Hunter is a partial owner in a sex club, so the three of them are on a road trip touring the competition, as you do. Hunter catches Isabel and Drake in a compromising moment, and sees that they want each other... but instead of getting jealous, he asks to watch.
Jana Goes Wild by Farah Heron. A "fallout from cheating" book. Jana and Anil have an amazing two week fling wherein she falls head over heels, and thinks he feels the same way... Then she finds out he's married. THEN she finds out she's pregnant. Skip five years into the future where they're co-parents who barely talk, and suddenly find themselves at a destination wedding where she's a bridesmaid and he's a groomsman. WHOOPS.
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hannibalzero · 1 year
You got the money honey, I got the time!
Charthur omegaverse sugar baby wip.
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Arthur after being replaced by Micha, is itching to leave the gang. But he won’t leave without Hosea. While in Saint Denis at the mayor’s party, Arthur meets Charles Smith a world renowned horse trainer and breeder. Charles offers Arthur a sugar relationship, Arthur is taken aback. Could he really do this? That stupid card is burning a hole in his satchel.
Anywayyyyy here’s the wip!
Things change, the sun sets, flowers wilt. This was the nature of life. Arthur Morgan knew this well, his life had changed so much since his Mother had gone to pick apples with his sisters and never came back. Arthur held his glass of champagne, feeling terribly alone in this grand party. He didn’t belong here, he wasn’t a man of standing in Saint Denis, He didn’t know the plan that Dutch was running. The man only wanted Micha Bell nowadays, Arthur wasn’t useful anymore.
Arthur took a nervous sip of the champagne enjoying the feeling of the bubbles at least. He had trusted Dutch, every time he asked about what needed to be done. He was waved off and told to run jobs. To not worry son, have a little goddammed faith. Arthur did nothing but worry anymore. Even the jobs seemed crazier and crazier as of late. More risks, more bullets, more law. So much so that John had r-u-n-n-o-f-t’ed with Abigail and Jack. John finally found his balls and went after what he truly wanted. What did Arthur have any more?
Mary? No doubt she had loved Arthur once but nowadays? She liked to use him to make her daddy mad and feel the rush of being wild. Hosea? Yeah, Arthur did have his Pa but he could tell that Hosea was having trouble with Dutch as late too. Horses? He had his girls and Silver Dollar. Lenny was gone, and Sean and Karen left to marry. Tilly and Mary-Beth too.
Shaking his head and sets down the empty glass. Arthur was to stupid to be thinking this hard about shit. Why was he here at this party? Just back up? Saint Denis’s elite was swishing around him having a good time at least. But a sound caught his attention, the sound of horses. Very expensive, prized horses that were just begging for treats. Looking around, no one would know Arthur was missing. Swiping a few apples from the Buffet table, Arthur went back to the lovely stables.
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sunlitsorrows · 2 months
the thing is an old west town setting lends itself really well to a King Arthur story
Arthur as the son of the towns founder Uthyr and newly elected Mayor
the knights as deputies
an ongoing search for Arthur’s (father/grandfather/whatever) buried treasure the Holy Grail of treasure hunts
Merlin, a wealthy cattle baron and Uthyr’s business partner keeping Arthur distracted looking for this treasure (which he will never find because Merlin stole it when he killed Uthyr and used it for nefarious ends/to found the town) so he can run the town as he likes
Gwen as Arthur’s wife and the one actually keeping the community together—mostly by duping the deputies and running circles around Merlin with various townfolks help
Morgana as the firstborn of Igraine before Uthyr and Merlin killed her husband so Uthyr could marry her—Morgana is possibly mentally ill/traumatised/both; Merlin got Morgana pregnant and then tried to get rid of her but failed; now keeps trying to get her hung for witchcraft but
Hlot the local Pastor/Priest is in love with/protecting her
Mordred is Morgana’s son by Merlin, raised in part by Hlot before being adopted by Arthur and Gwen hence his being called Arthur’s son
Lancelot the Sheriff, madly in love with Gwen and trying to have an affair—Gwen is trying to balance being faithful to her husband with getting Lancelot to listen to her and not Merlin
Loholt actually being Arthur’s son but Arthur’s believing the rumors that he is Lancelot’s leading him to put a hit out on the boy so he won’t inherit the King Ranch, planning to leave it to Mordred instead (on Merlin’s advice naturally, because Merlin is getting old and sentimental and he doesn’t care if he ruined Morgana’s life but Mordred is his son he wants to ‘do right by him’) and Mordred finding out and going absolutely off the deep end because of his love for Gwen who has been his mother and Loholt who is his baby brother leading to the town dividing/shootouts and showdowns grand finale etc etc
i dunno i just think the setting/era really works for the elements I like to explore…
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