#Arthur: I dunno but how about we get some ice cream?
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scoffingatgravity · 1 year ago
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This image in particular really sells me on Orm’s little brother energy. Why does this look like their mom had Arthur pick Orm up from school, so they could bond?
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fruitcoops · 4 years ago
Okay, but hear me out. Cap cuddles become what everyone is OBSESSED WITH like since Finn hasn’t shut up about them, everyone now wants em. Sirius very rarely gives them out, but if u receive them they live up to the hype. So could u maybe write another part to the cap cuddles pls 😊😊
Anon 1: If you have time, I would love to see some platonic/brotherly cuddles between Lo and Cap! Their relationship just makes me smile🥰
Anon 2: wait wait wait... we've had finn & cap cuddles... what about some loops & lelo cuddles? bonus points if remus and sirius are cuddling later and something leads to remus saying "yes but now I want /two/ of you"
Prompt 16 (as requested by 4 people): “What’re you all pouty about?”
The Cap-Cuddles-verse has grown! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, of course!
Nado rolled up his towel and smacked Logan on the ass with it as he passed. “What’s with the lip, Tremzy?”
“What’re you all pouty about? You look like someone just took your ice cream away.”
Logan’s frown deepened as he looked into the hotel common space. “Finn won’t stop talking about Cap cuddles.”
“And…you’re jealous?”
“Yes! I want Cap cuddles!”
“Not happening, Tremz!” Sirius called without moving the brim of his cap from over his eyes. “Your boyfriend drooled on me. Tes privileges sont révoqué, souviens?”
“It’s not my fault!” Logan protested, walking out and perching on the arm of Leo’s chair. “I’m basically your brother, give me my privileges back!”
“He’s been whining for days,” Leo muttered as he wound an arm around Logan’s waist and continued scrolling through Instagram. “Finn waxes poetic every night. I’m going to kill them both. Help me, Obi Wan Cap-nobi, you’re my only fuckin’ hope.”
Sirius sighed heavily; after a moment of silence, he opened his arms up. “Viens ici, Lo. I hope you know this is for Leo’s sake and Leo’s sake o—oof.”
Logan practically threw himself onto the couch, scrambling to shove his arms under Sirius’ back and nestling his head beneath his chin. “Oh, this is nice.”
“That’s what Finn said.”
“Keep talking.”
“You’re all rumbly when you talk and it feels amazing.” Logan pressed his cheek against Sirius’ soft tshirt and closed his eyes. “I’m never leaving.”
“Yes, you are.” He cracked one eye open and saw Remus standing over him, looking amused. “Up, Tremzy, it’s my turn.”
“I just got here!”
“Fiancé privileges. You have two whole boyfriends to snuggle you.”
“You can have them for the afternoon,” Logan mumbled as he shut his eyes again. “They won’t mind.”
“You’re selling me out?” Leo gasped.
“Nice try,” Remus laughed at the same time. A few seconds later, two arms wrapped around his chest and began hauling off of Sirius; when he tightened his grip, Remus began shaking him lightly.
“I’m gonna get whiplash!” Logan shrieked, though he maintained his hold. Sirius braced against the back of the couch, but the fabric was too smooth—with a thud, both of them slid off and hit the floor in a heap.
A foot nudged him gently in the ribs. “Up you go, Lo. If you ask nicely, Knutty might let you back into his chair.”
The assistant coach was hilariously underprepared to deal with the Lions. He fumbled practice times, mixed up names, and dismissed superstitions until ninety percent of the team was ready to throttle him.
Then he assigned bus seats and hotel rooms, and that percentage increased sharply.
Finn glowered at him in the rearview mirror from the front of the bus as Logan and Leo tossed balled-up notes back and forth across the aisles dividing them. Remus winced each time his head smacked against the window and finally grabbed one of the many duffel bags that shared his seat, cramming it between him and the glass as a makeshift pillow. Olli, who was been smushed into the very back with Kuny, grimaced whenever his knees hit his chest as they went over bumps.
One pairing, however, seemed perfectly content. Sirius tapped messages out on his phone as Talker curled into his side, dozing on and off with both their jackets as a blanket. He murmured in his sleep once in a while and Sirius rubbed his shoulder until he quieted down, adjusting to make more space under his arm.
“Are they…together?” The assistant coach asked Moody under his breath, gesturing to the duo in utter confusion. “Arthur mentioned something about couples on the team before he went on sick leave.”
Moody pinched the bridge of his nose. “You fucking idiot, no wonder none of them like you.”
“Bliz, you good?” Sirius asked as Kasey shivered in the cold air. Their Uber would be arriving soon, but it wasn’t fun standing in thirty degree weather without a coat when a storm was blowing in.
“Totally,” Kasey said, wrapping his arms around his torso and stamping his feet. “Fuck, it’s windy.”
“I’ll warm you up.” Kasey raised an eyebrow and Sirius rolled his eyes, holding the front of his coat open. “Not like that, asshole. Come here, you’re making me cold just watching you.”
Kasey shuffled over and cuddled up into Sirius’ warmth; his shuddering subsided as soon as Sirius wrapped his arm around his shoulders and pressed him in closer. “Shit, dude, this is awesome,” Kasey laughed, leaning his head on Sirius’ chest. “I get Cap cuddles just for being cold?”
“You get Cap cuddles because we need you for the game tomorrow,” Sirius grumbled. There was a beat of quiet. “Fine. Yes, you get Cap cuddles because you’re cold. Don’t tell anyone”
Kasey fist pumped and closed his eyes, feeling an edge of drowsiness creep in. “Nat’s going to be so jealous.”
“What did I just say?”
Contrary to popular opinion, Cap cuddles go both ways, but only two people have had the privilege of cuddling Sirius Black. Remus is the obvious one, of course—it’s a common sight to see him reading as Sirius’ dozes on his chest or settles between his thighs with his phone.
James, however, has clocked nearly as many hours as Remus over the course of six years of friendship. He’s broad enough that Sirius can lay comfortably across his front without squishing him, and he radiates warmth like a favorite blanket. He hums when he cuddles people, little tunes and fragments of songs as he traces wide circles on their back with his palm.
If there was a race between Harry and Sirius for who falls asleep faster when James cuddles them, it would be the competition of the century.
Remus has come home from running errands to find them curled up together more times than he can count; when Lily bought the couch for the house, she specifically found one long enough for them both to fit. It’s useless to try and dissuade them from cuddling, and there’s no reason to in the first place.  Both James and Sirius are perfectly contented when they’re passed out cold together in a tangle of limbs.
V: Bonus
“Scoot over, baby,” Remus yawned as he slid under the sheets. Sirius obliged, creating a few extra inches of space before setting his phone on the nightstand and wrapping an arm over Remus’ waist to pull him close.
“It’s good to be home,” Sirius muttered, kissing the base of his neck. “I missed you.”
“Missed you, too. Coach will be back Monday, thankfully.”
“Talker is amazing and all, but I hate not sharing a room with you.” They laid there in silence for a few heartbeats. “Why are you moving so much?”
“You keep shifting around. Are you cold?”
Remus sighed through his nose. “I want two of you.”
“What?” Sirius propped himself up on his elbow and stared down at Remus. “Re, I thought we agreed that we didn’t want an open—”
“No, no, not like that,” Remus said quickly, rolling onto his back. “I love and adore you, and I only want you. It’s just—you know how I shared a room with Leo and Logan because what’s-his-face is an idiot and didn’t do his research?”
“Yes. He thought Talker and I were a couple.”
“Right. Anyway, we were watching shitty cooking shows on my bed and we huddled up to fit since twin beds are crazy small and I got kinda sandwiched?” Remus cocked his head to the side, looking confused at his own memory. “And it was nice? Like, really nice? I dunno, I was super warm and kind of compressed.”
Sirius took a moment to let that sink in. “Do you…want me to grab you a pillow or something so you can cuddle it?”
Remus shook his head. “Not really, you’re perfect. It was just strange. I didn’t think I’d like it.”
“So we’re good?”
In lieu of a verbal answer, Remus tugged him down by the front of his sleep shirt and kissed him gently. “You’re the best, my love,” he said between kisses. “No matter what, you’re always my favorite.”
Sirius smiled into his lips. “Good to know.”
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platypanthewriter · 5 years ago
Blind as a Bat
Silly 5+1 misunderstanding chat prompt for @susiecarter!  Ao3 link in the notes!
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Clark Kent widened his stance in front of Bruce Wayne’s desk, steadying himself for a blow. He frowned down, and adjusted his press pass. “So, ah, the thing is. I love you.”
Bruce’s smile flickered, the arms of his calf-leather desk chair creaking under his hands, before he spun it around and stood, straightening his blazer. “...really.” He crouched, and ran his fingers along the bottom of the chair, then frowned under his desk. “I, also, yes, our posteriors are obviously designed to complement each other, Mr. Kent.” Standing, he waggled his eyebrows, grabbing his desk phone and frowning into the undercarriage. “Go on, I’m listening--”
“...Bruce. Your office isn’t bugged. I seriously can't make this any simpler, I love you. I, Clark Kent, love--”
“Are you mind controlled?” Bruce stepped in close, eyes narrowed. “This is a clever signal.”
Clark backed away, waving. “Actually, you know what, no, Mom was wrong. I can't do this, Superman out--”
“I have a scanner for interference by hostile entities--”
Clark groaned. “Nope, no, we’re good, it's fine, I fixed it. Just now.”
The stillness made Bruce Wayne resemble his alter ego. “That's an astoundingly obvious ploy, but given the initial attempt at intimacy, not out of character--”
Clark stalked out. “I am having a picnic. With my blanket, on the moon.”
Months later, Aquaman requested their help, and Clark found himself questioned in front of a device humming in the rhythm of the dancing fish that hovered and stared at it.
“No, I’m not feeling it, Arthur,” he sighed.
Batman’s voice burbled through his scuba gear. “I'd know if Superman was mind controlled. We have a signal.”
Clark repressed a vicious urge to point out Batman looked ridiculous with bright orange diving weights strapped everywhere, and a fish swimming in and out of his cape. “Oh my god.” He turned to smile at Arthur. “Yes, okay, if I get whammied I'll just...I’ll tell Batman he's hot even though he can't move his neck in that getup. His little ears make me wild.”
“...that should do it,” Arthur bit back a grin, crouching to frown at the device.
“‘I would thrill to remove his Batboots, and see whether his Batsocks have little Batpatterns,’ I’ll say.”
“...that is more than sufficient,” Batman burbled, drifting slightly sideways. “If we could stick to the actual plan.”
“I could say absolutely anything, couldn't I?” Clark’s Politeness Smile felt more fake than usual, and he dropped it. “Bruce Wayne, I'd like you to smile and suffer through my weekly meatloaf for the rest of our lives. I'd like to help you into the Batsuit, and every night, help you peel out of it.”
The barnacle-covered rebar Batman was clinging to in his inexorable tidal drift burst as Clark spoke, crunching into a cloud of grey shell fragments and rust in the water. Batman adjusted his grip on the machine in his other hand. “Stick to simple control statements, or I can’t recalibrate the sensor.”
“Bruce.” More barnacles crunched, and they both ignored them. “What would convince you I'm telling the truth. One truthful sentence. What kind of tests--”
“Howzabout you two go back to the boat, if you’re not gonna help--” Arthur glanced back, eyebrow raised.
“If you could take this seriously--”
Clark laughed so hard he had to steady himself against the rocks, and Arthur glanced back with a grimace. “I have never taken anything so seriously, nor been so tempted to fling a human being into the soundless vacuum of space. What tests.”
Batman made a noise. It was hard to tell through the scuba bubbles, but probably he was clearing his throat. “Nothing can rule out every possibility--”
Clark snorted, leaning his head away from an inquisitive fish. “Or we could borrow Diana's lasso. ‘Diana,’ I’ll say, ‘We need your lasso to discuss my mom's recipe for meatloaf, because Bruce Wayne believes in nothing and no one’--”
“...I would never doubt your mom's recipe for meatloaf,” Batman said flatly, and Arthur covered his mouth, shoulders shaking.
Clark, not seeing the humor, hissed back. “In that case, I will tell my mother that at least you believe in something.”
Diana crossed her arms, watching Clark floating on his back in a slow, ranting circuit of her apartment ceiling. “ ...of course you may borrow it. I can do no less, if you think it will help.”
“It has to, right?” Clark turned to frown down.
“I once offered to cover while he was on vacation,” she confided. “He clenched his jaw and said he'd keep me in mind the next time he required transplant of a crushed organ.”
“The...the next time?” Clark froze in midair, staring back, and she gave a wide-eyed, graceful shrug.
“Keep it as long as you like,” she said, eventually. “I’ll use the time I’d spend doing paperwork for interrogations on doing my actual job.” At her soft smile, he dropped to watch her unwrap something extremely...broken. “This just arrived from a dig in Akrotiri. You...understand my fascination, I think,” she glanced over, “--having so little, of Krypton.”
He nodded, and whisked off to get the brushes and glue. Together, they leaned over the shards until close to morning.
“I’d give up on him,” Clark muttered, squinting at what might have been a piece of a pattern, then leaning back to see the sizable chunk of urn they’d reassembled. “I mean, I did quit trying for a while. But it's just bothering at me, now. How can someone so smart--”
Diana grinned. “I wish you both joy.”
When Clark wafted down onto the balcony at Wayne Tower, Bruce was leaning on the railing. “So do you have a few minutes free? Or are you busy staring out over Gotham and adding to the Batman Translate on Google.”
“What?” Bruce snorted, his gaze fixing on the lasso Clark had wrapped around his arm. The ice in his glass settled.
“May I,” Clark breathed through his nose, trying to sound civil, “--have your permission to tie us up securely in this, Diana's lasso, for the purpose of convincing you that you, Bruce Wayne are honest to god my--”
“You have some reason to believe I’ve been compromised.” Bruce's smile faltered, and he held out his hand.
“Uh, I'll, ah.” Clark wavered. “Y’know, actually, I'm--I’m losing momentum. Uh, do you remember what I was saying in your office, when, um. And about meatloaf.”
Bruce frowned deeply, taking the end of it. “I do remember. You suspect someone successfully duplicated a lasso? This is excellent scotch.” The lasso glowed and twined, and he winced. “It seems to be working.”
“...never mind,” Clark sighed, and whipped back to Diana.
Behind him on the wind, he heard Bruce Wayne’s voice. “...what?”
When Bruce showed up at the party Diana and Atlanna were throwing for the finale of Game of Thrones--“To yell at it?” Clark had asked. “They, ah, they sort of address it with great sincerity, and then tell it they’re disappointed,” his mother laughed. “It’s worth watching.”--Clark was in the kitchen, sliding the third pizza in the oven. Arthur and his mom had oddly similar confusion squints at the screen, heads cocked in unison, and Diana was flopped over the arm of the couch on her belly, investigating Clark’s mom’s knitting. Clark found a plate to scrub just as Bruce Wayne crossed from the front room carpet to the linoleum kitchen floor.
“...may I help?”
The gall of him, Clark thought, posing like a fashion ad in my mother’s kitchen. “I dunno, can you understand the words I say?”
“You have been...strange, recently.” Bruce stepped closer, placing a gift bag with two bottles of wine on the counter. Their chests nearly brushed. Their breath mingled, Bruce minty, and Clark, he thought in passing, probably redolent of pepperoni. He met Bruce’s gaze, and watched him swallow, his gaze flicking down. Bruce opened his mouth, closed it, and Clark leaned in without meaning to, letting his head tip just slightly, so their lips would meet. “You’re standing in front of the drawer with the corkscrew,” Bruce whispered.
Clark stalked by him, remembering he was Superman, and as satisfying as it would have been to shoulder-slam by, he could hardly claim Bruce deserved a broken collarbone. He let himself drift to rest on the roof, listening to his city, and only roused himself at the rising smell of burning pizza.
Two weeks later, Clark watched Batman fail to find any crime, and dropped next to him on a roof. He dodged two batarangs, and caught the third. “Okay, as an experiment. If someone were in love with Batman, what signs would you expect them to exhibit.”
Bruce’s voice was especially throaty when startled, unless he was coming down with a cold. “No one knows Batman, he's a construct of--”
“Someone that does.” Clark held up a hand. “Okay. Let’s just say. Someone that does know Batman.”
“...I am not participating in any of the Flash’s ridiculous projects, and I do not need a personals ad.” Batman swooped his cape around him like a smoke bomb, and rapidly scrabbled down the side of the building.
Clark thought about that for a long moment, cocked his head, and then shook it to dismiss the image. Bat seeking partner for aerial maneuvers, his reporter brain supplied. He dropped next to Batman in the alley. “Somebody three blocks away is trying to pee on a wall, but mostly it’s going in his boot,” he reported, saluting. “Unless that needs your attention, can we talk?”
“...you’ll let me know if anything else happens,” Batman growled.
“I’m not trying to get anyone hurt.”
Batman snorted and muttered something, unintelligible in the Batvoice, and stalked away down the alley, and Clark floated along behind him like a balloon on a string.
“I--I know this isn’t anything you want to talk about,” Clark kept his voice low, “--but if--if you are repulsed by--by all the people that know Batman, now’s the time to speak up, and, uh, I’ll. I’ll just--I’ll go buy some ice cream.” Bruce had stopped walking, and the silence stretched out. “...there’s even an apple pie flavor,” Clark forced a laugh. “Perfect for me, midwestern boy, right? And Mom sent me a new comfy sweater, it’s, uh, it’s fine, y’know. Fine.”
“If you already assume I will not be receptive,” Batman’s voice scraped, “--than this is a truly--” He staggered forward as the breeze of Superman’s passage whumped his cape against his back.
When the knock came, Clark was in his Kansas City Royals boxers, and his fluffy sweater with the too-long sleeves and the slightly crooked sigil of the House of El. It still smelled like his mom--her lotion, and instant coffee, and the slight lingering stench of burned pizza. He’d ensconced himself on the couch with a spoon and a gallon of mint chip, just as his phone lit up with a Songs To Cry Through While Heartbroken playlist from Kara.
The knock came again. As it wasn’t likely to be League business, he hunkered down, stuck a huge bite of ice cream in his mouth, and resisted the urge to laser his visitor through the door for interrupting his caterwauled duet with Adele.
“What!” he finally yelled.
The knock came a third time, and then movement made him pay attention to the other end of the couch, where Bruce Wayne stood. He was dressed down, a bit, holding a leather briefcase in both hands. Of course Batman wasn’t slowed by a locked door. “What,” Clark groaned, wishing he could get drunk.
“I did ask if I could come in,” Bruce pitched his voice over Adele, and Clark narrowed his eyes, and clicked her off.
“Pretty sure I didn’t say ‘yes’.”
“...is that...Titanic, The Notebook, and Romeo + Juliet?”
“Yes. I’m watching loving couples die. What do you want.” Clark shoveled in another mouthful of ice cream.
“...of course I’ll leave, if you want me to,” Bruce clicked his briefcase, and shiny cobalt silk billowed out, “--but I did bring pajamas. And--” he waved back towards the door, “I asked for your order at the bodega. Pastrami sandwiches?”
Clark considered for a long moment, eyeing the Batjamas, then the delicious smelling bag of sandwiches. “...I don’t want to make a habit of accepting bribes, but…”
“It is one of the things I admire about you,” Bruce said, straight-faced, and Clark paused half out of his blanket cocoon to stare over.
Bruce’s eyes strayed down the admittedly lumpy sweater to his Kansas boxers, and Clark hugged himself, shuffling over to the bag of sandwiches. “Apology accepted, then. Why’d you bring your...loungewear, or whatever? You can’t think I’d want to see you.” He snorted, unwrapping the deli parchment. “And you obviously didn’t want to see me--”
“What I said about knowing Batman was true,” Bruce came over to lean against the counter, watching the lights of the city outside Clark’s apartment, and Clark rolled his eyes. “No one truly knows Batman, not enough to love him. No one...really knows Bruce Wayne, either.”
Clark wanted to argue, or throw a sandwich at his head, but either of the options involved more pastrami in his mouth, so he listened, and chewed.
“I’m not...perfect--”
Clark coughed. “Well that’s your application in the trash,” he snorted. “I can only date perfect people.”
“I have...hidden some things, even from the League,” Bruce smirked, ducking his head, “--my money makes certain aspects of my...unforgivable lack of foresight just...go away. There have been times I have--not chosen the most effective plan, because it caused me personal discomfort.”
“If this is supposed to make me feel better,” Clark swallowed, and took a sip of the supplied root beer, “--it doesn’t. What do you want, Bruce. I won’t cause problems in the League, I’m not--you have every right to refuse my attentions.”
“I brought the pajamas in case you would like to know...me,” Bruce told the counter, smile practiced and charming, his knuckles white on the handle of his bag. “I will understand, of course, if you--”
Clark dropped the sandwich, speeding so fast around the counter it probably looked to Bruce like he’d teleported. “You’re saying yes?”
“You brought your pajamas, Bruce,” Clark clenched his teeth, torn between the fizzy feeling of hope urging him to spin them around the ceiling like Mary Poppins characters, and the strong need to tie Bruce Wayne to a lamppost outside a police station--with his own pajamas--and a note taped to his chest that said ‘DANGER TO SELF AND OTHERS’. “When you couldn’t prevent harm as Batman, you did your best to help as Bruce Wayne, that’s what I’m hearing.”
“That is--optimistic.”
“Get in your goddamn pajamas,” Clark pointed with his second sandwich half, and narrowed his eyes at Bruce covering a grin. “I’m not Superman right now, I’m enraged. What do you mean ‘personal discomfort,’ that’s what we’re working on, you not risking yourself in every fight. Flash is talking about making a stamp booklet. You get one every time you don’t dash in front of a bullet--” Clark choked, pounding his chest, as Bruce dropped his pants, revealing black athletic socks, pale, scarred hairy legs, and a rapidly-covered patch of black silk undies.
Bruce shook out the pajama pants, pulled them on, and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Sometimes the strategy requires the strategist endanger himself, for the cumulative good.”
“Don’t give me that--”
“I don't want to watch any of those movies,” Bruce told his own buttons, frowning down. “I’m not sure why anyone does--do you have something less...?”
“Ye-yeah,” Clark swallowed, close enough he could feel the warmth from Bruce’s skin. He grabbed his half-eaten sandwich, slowly chewing as Bruce revealed more scars, and muscles, and he tasted nothing. “Um. Is this a date?”
“Perhaps.” Bruce buttoned himself into his pajama top, and Clark watched his fingers fly, wishing he didn’t have pastrami all over his own. He frowned at the sandwich, wondering if he’d fallen for a trap.
“Depending on what?”
“Whether you like what Martha Wayne’s boy actually turned into.” Bruce smiled his polished magazine cover smile, dropped it to go oddly blank, and then stared into the distance between he and Clark’s bag of sandwiches.
I should enjoy his discomfiture more, Clark thought, but he just changed the subject to Netflix selection, and watched Bruce flick through the selection with a darkening frown. “Does Martha Wayne’s boy want a bowl of ice cream?”
“...maybe?” Bruce squinted back at him, and Clark leaned over the back of the couch to bump shoulders.
“You are your choices, and all, but I promise not to decide who you are based on Netflix special.” He caught Bruce’s eye, and grinned, enjoying the quirked smile he got in return. “Just pick the next thing that looks fun, you’re thinking too hard about this.”
Bruce nodded, watching the preview for what looked like a show about friendship between female wrestlers.
Clark properly served a bowl of the less-melty ice cream near the bottom, instead of passing over the carton, and Bruce’s lips twitched.
“Oh, just remembering Alfred sitting the ice cream out until it wasn’t rock-hard. Your powers are so versatile.”
“I’ll remember to list ice-cream scooping next time anyone asks.” Clark grinned back. “Is that why you're here? You staying the night? There’s a good diner around the corner.”
Bruce accepted the bowl. “I did bring condoms.”
Clark steepled his fingers, frowning at the drippy ice cream scoop. “...so either you’re saying yes to dating, or you’re planning to zipline off my balcony as soon as I fall asleep. I hope it’s the former.”
“Not that kind of boy?”
“I mean,” Clark glared over, “I want to--to at least date you, not just ...have sex with Bruce Wayne, like I’m some--some person you will smirk at in the elevator for the rest of our lives.”
Bruce raised his eyebrows at his spoonful of ice cream. “Batman does not smirk.”
“What a relief,” Clark growled. “And no, look, there is a Bat Smirk--do you want to make up a contract, would that work better for your brain? Should I let you talk to lawyers first?”
Bruce went still again. “...I--I apologize if--”
“No, sorry, I’m--I’m sorry.” Clark took a deep breath, and let it out. “I just--I thought you’d say yes, and--” he scrabbled at his hair, “--this would stop, I feel like--do you even want to be here?!”
“Relax,” Bruce scooted closer, leaning in to press his lips warmly against Clark’s, “--yes. And I can promise I won’t sneak away. If something does come up, I’ll leave a note.” He was smooth-shaven and cologne-scented, his pajamas warm and smooth under Clark’s uncalloused fingers.
Clark pulled him closer, grinning against his mouth, and feeling only slightly guilty about introducing pastrami onto Bruce’s mint-chocolate tongue. “We do usually figure things out,” he whispered, licking in for a deeper kiss, while Bruce waved the bowl of ice cream until it hit the coffee table.
“We do,” Bruce agreed, then relaxed--a bit--into the kiss. “That we do. If anyone could make this work--” He trailed off, letting Clark pull him closer, and smiling against his mouth.
Clark let his eyes close, until he felt Bruce laughing. He pulled back to realize he’d floated up with his arms around Bruce.
“Someone is going to look up and see us...why doesn’t the weight of my body make your points of contact hurt my ribs?”
“You know nobody looks up,” Clark nuzzled into the smooth-shaven skin at Bruce’s throat. Bruce leaned his head back, eyes fluttering shut. “...why isn't my face covered in bugs when I cross the city,” Clark mouthed against Bruce’s thudding jugular, breathing his cologne, “--it’s because I’m magic, Bruce. I’m a magic alien.”
“...hrmph," Bruce grunted, frowning his scientist frown, and Clark grinned, letting himself slowly spin in the air with inertia. He squeezed Bruce carefully tighter. "We should try out those condoms,” Bruce hummed against his mouth, and then staggered as Clark dropped back to the floor.
“There’s not--I didn’t--we don’t have to--”
“I know. But I’m very much that kind of boy.”
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writtenonthesubwaywalls · 7 years ago
(part one) (prev) (next) 
Alfred collapsed onto the couch in his apartment. Within moment, he was joined by his brother, who plopped down with a huff. Their legs tangled together in the middle between them, and one of them turned on a stereo across the room with a remote.
“So,” he started, “Design anything fancy today?”
“You do realize that just because I’m a military blueprinter, that doesn’t mean that that’s the only thing we do, right?”
Alfred laughed at his brother’s exasperated eye-roll. “Yeah, I know. It’s just so fun to mess with you.” He groaned dramatically. “What’s on right now? Train?”
Matthew turned his head in the general direction of the stereo. “I think so. Want me to change it?”
“God, please change it. Put on something good like the Offspring or something. Just turn off Train for the love of god.”
“What do you have against Train?” Matthew asked him. Nonetheless, he leaned over the arm of the couch to change the song. “How about Weezer?” Alfred hummed. “Alright, Weezer it is then.”
He turned the volume up a tad, and the brothers stayed like that, just listening to their music and relaxing for a few minutes. Matthew interrupted the song a few minutes later. “Today was your first day at the library, right? How was it?”
Alfred sighed. “It was good, for the most part. The library’s director wasn’t there, because he’s visiting family out in Russia or something, but this other guy named Toris was there and he was super nice and stuff. Oh and there was this older guy there. He didn’t work there, but he apparently is like a regular or something and knows everyone well. Anyways, he was saying how I wouldn’t be able to keep up with everyone else there or something.” He stopped and stared at the ceiling in confusion. “You know, I didn’t think much about it at the time, but now that I’m talking about it he almost sounded like he was threatening me because I’m new.”
“That’s… really weird, Al,” Matthew commented, in equal confusion. “Why would he do that?”
“I don’t know! I didn’t do anything to him, so why would he have it out for me?” Alfred voiced his exasperation from the day, emphasizing it with a flourish of his hands. “I had only been there for, like, a few hours, so it’s not like he could’ve just decided I was a terrible person or anything, right?” He shook his head and huffed, pouting.
Matthew waited a moment before changing the subject. “So what’re we doing for dinner tonight?”
“I don’t want to cook,” Alfred whined, drawing out the syllables. “Why don’t we just order a pizza or something?”
“With what money?”
“...Fair point.”
The duo thought about their current dilemma, the day’s events already forgotten. “What do we have in the kitchen, anyways? Sugar and cereal?”
Matthew stood, going into the kitchen to search it. Soon, after hearing a bunch of shuffling around, Alfred joined his brother.
On the fold out care table set against the wall was several boxes and containers, all containing various foods or food ingredients. Matthew motioned to it. “This is everything we have in the apartment right now, besides the ice cream and thin mints in the freezer.”
Alfred raised his eyebrows, disbelieving. He pointed at each item as he named them off. “Cereal, cereal, pop tarts, half of a box of pasta, sugar; You’re sure this is it?”
“Yep, this is it. We really need to go grocery shopping soon.” Alfred nodded in agreement. He opened his mouth to suggest something, when Matthew cut him off. “No, we can’t just eat frozen dairy-solution and girl scout cookies for dinner.”
Alfred let out a sigh that turned into a groan. “I don’t want to skip dinner again. I haven't eaten since yesterday, Mattie! I’m going to die!” He threw himself down on the floor dramatically, laying his arm across his eyes as though he were a lady in a play set in old England that had fainted.
Matthew kicked him in the side playfully. “Come on you idiot, we need to go to the store so we don’t starve.” Alfred grumbled, but picked himself up off of the floor to follow him out the door.
They got to the car, and Matthew tossed him the keys over the car, slipping into the passenger side at the same time.
“Why do I have to drive?” he complained.
“Because you are the one being dramatic about our not-having-food-ness. Therefor, you have to drive.”
“You are the worst, you know that?”
He grinned smugly. “Yeah, I know.”
At the checkout aisle in the store, once they had gotten everything that they had needed- “Alfred, no, we don’t need that, put it back.”- Matthew pulled out his wallet to pay, all in cash.
“We really need to start putting our money in the bank. I feel like a criminal that’s on the run paying in cash like that. It’s fucking shifty as hell.”
“Alfie, you are a bartender and I strip. All of our money right now is made from cash tips. Our account balance is at maybe twenty bucks? You’re just going to have to deal with feeling like a criminal for a while until we can both get our paychecks in about two weeks or so.”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he added under his breath. The brothers grabbed their bags and left the store. “When does your shift start tonight? Ten?”
“I think yours is earlier than mine today. Why?”
“Dunno. Just curious I guess.”
“Now that I think about it, isn’t it kind of weird that we, twin brothers, work at the same club? I mean, wouldn’t normal people think that’s strange?”
Alfred shrugged. “Who knows? But we’re not exactly normal people, are we? We don’t even live apart from each other. Just don’t think about it too much. I don’t!”
“Al, I’m not so sure you think about anything.”
“Shut up, Mattie.”
Alfred drove them back home, and they threw together something quick to eat before they had to depart for their night jobs. While they were eating, they talked about little things like the latest hockey game and whether or not the color red was too bright to have as the color of your bedroom.
They cleaned up, and both got dressed. “I drove to the store so you have to drive to work,” Alfred said, tossing him the keys on the way out.
They were both dressed fairly nicely, but differently, as their roles were different. Alfred had on a blue dress shirt under a black vest, with black dress slacks and a bright blue bowtie. Matthew was wearing a loose-fitting, dark red satin shirt, and similar pants, although his were tighter.
When they got to the club, Alfred led the way inside. At the doors, he paused, hand on the handle. “I’ll never understand how you can do what you do Mattie, and I commend you for it. I really don’t think you get enough respect and recognition for it.”
The comment caught the other off guard, and he tilted his head to the side. “Thanks, Alfie. I appreciate it. But if we don’t hurry we’re going to be late and we’ll have to work over.”
“Right, right,” Alfred turned and hurriedly opened the door. “Then let’s get to work.”
In the club, the neon lights colored their hair the colors of the nightlife, and shone off of their skin brightly. They both immediately went to their stations, working themselves right in along with everyone else smoothly, like they had been there the whole time.
Alfred carded a hand through his neatly styled hair to fuss his bangs, and he flashed his signature smile. He quickly got into the familiar rhythm of bartending; taking requests and filling them with a flamboyant show. He may have a English degree, but this was his true passion. It was raw, it took energy, and it was fun. Plus, it fed is extroverted need to be social.
One of his regulars came in and sat at the bar. He never paid any attention to the dancers like most of the guys that came in, but he never tried hitting on any of the bartenders either.
“Your usual, Arthur?” he asked, sliding a shot glass down the bar to another customer.
Arthur nodded, slumping over the bar and resting his head in his hand. Alfred finished with his drink, straight bourbon, and leaned on his elbows on the bar. “So, what was it today, chief? Homicide, rape victim?”
Arthur sighed. “I don’t know why you always ask me why I come here to drink. It’s never good, and I can only imagine it kills your mood.”
Someone yelled Alfred’s name, so he went back to making drinks while the two talked, just with less theatrics than before. “Yeah, but I don’t do it for me. It feels better to talk to someone about whatever’s eating at ya, isn’t it? So tell me, what’s up?”
“Today, we responded to a domestic abuse report by a man, and when we got there the woman had locked herself in her house with her hostage husband and set the whole thing on fire. It was brutal, and we couldn’t do anything about it.”
“Sounds rough, dude. That sucks.” He slid him another drink, this one a mix of Everclear and lemonade. “Here, this one’s on the house.”
“I don’t need your pity alcohol, Alfred.”
Alfred shrugged nonchalantly, wiping out a mug. “I could charge you for it, if you want me to.”
Arthur muttered something too quiet to hear over the music, but took the glass and tossed it back anyways. “Thanks,” he eventually said. Alfred smiled at him in response.
“Good to know you have some manners after all, Artie.”
“Oh, bugger off of it, Alfred.”
Alfred spared a glance at his brother to check on him, and he noticed the expression on his face; happy and exhausted. He, too, was truly in his element while they were working in the club, and it was here that he could let his colors fly.
“What are you looking at?” Arthur asked, turning to look in the same direction. “Do you have a thing for the blonde or something?”
Alfred chuckled and shook his head. “No, I don’t have a ‘thing’ for him; he’s my brother.”
Arthur’s eyed widened in surprise, and he had to do a double-take. “Your brother? Why do you and your brother work in the same club? Isn’t that weird?”
“Funny you should say that, actually. We don’t think it’s weird, but I guess a lot of people would. I mean, come on, it’s not like I watch his dances or anything. I’m over here bartending, so how would it be weird?”
“You were watching him just now, weren’t you?”
“I was just checking the crowd for creeps. He and I have a trust system going. He makes sure I don’t work myself to death and I make sure he doesn’t get kidnapped or something.” Alfred broke off the conversation, as he was called over by the other bartender for a house-unique display, finished with a flame that fogged the glass.
Instead of sticking behind to continue the conversation, Arthur left his money on the bar and departed. Alfred collected and counted it, and smiled. There was fifty dollars there, and the bill was only fifteen.
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years ago
1. Where are you from?
I am from Finland
2. Where do you live and for how long? A town in the western part of Finland, i’ve lived here my whole life
3. What’s your favorite thing about where you live? I like the city center even tho it is under construction atm and looks like a total mess. but it has pretty much every shop and store i need in my life
4. What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? Like i said, i’ve lived here my whole life
5. Do you have any pets? My mom has two cats but i don’t live with her anymore, but i still call them my cats
6. What was your 1st pet’s name? We had a pet hamster whose name was Hermanni, lol
7. What’s your favorite season? Probably winter or summer
8. What’s your favorite movie? There’s plenty, for example Gothika, Shutter Island, Misery, Seven…
9. Favorite movie in the past 5 years? Same as now, lol
10. What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Maybe Fun With Dick and Jane, that movie was really funny, i love Jim Carrey
11. What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The only movie i’ve cried while watching was Train to Busan, the ending is really really sad
12. What’s the best-animated movie ever created? I don’t know about the best but i’ve always liked Over the Hedge
13. Favorite TV show? CSI Miami
14. Favorite TV show that is currently on? Well they have CSI Miami rerun on tv at the moment
15. What’s your favorite restaurant? The local American Diner we have here
16. What’s your favorite food? Pasta. And sushi, also chicken and salmon
17. Least favorite food? Anything pickled
18. What toppings do you get on your pizza? Mushroom and tuna, also garlic
19. Favorite beverage? Just plain water. I also like lemon cola
20. Favorite dessert? Ice cream
21. Is there a dessert you don’t like? I don’t really enjoy cream cakes
22. Cake or pie?
Pie i guess
23. What’s your favorite ice cream? Vanilla, raspberry and liquorice lol
24. What’s your favorite condiment? Garlic or paprika mayo
25. What do you get for brunch?
I don’t know exactly what brunch means
26. It’s 4 am on a Saturday night, what do you eat? I’m usually sleep by then LMAO
27. What one thing do you have in your fridge at any given time? Milk i guess
28. Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? I don’t think i’ve ever eaten anything weird
29. What’s your favorite band? I don’t listen to bands
30. Favorite solo artist? James Arthur
31. Favorite nonliving musician? I’d say Amy Winehouse. i like some of her songs. i don’t really listen to deceased singers
32. Favorite lyrics? So many
33. Favorite song of all time? I’ve been listening to Figure 8 by FKA Twigs alot
34. Favorite album? Ummm dunno
35. What’s the last song you listened to? Juicy by Doja Cat haha
36. If you life were a song what would the title be? I’m so bad with these
37. What song would you probably be caught dancing alone to? I dance to alot of songs, can’t just pick one
38. If you could sing a duet with somebody who would it be? I can’t sing. i don’t want to embarrass anyone so i wouldn’t pick anyone lol
39. If you could master one instrument what would it be? Piano i guess, i used to play it but then i stopped and forgot everything
40. What is your go-to karaoke song? Noooo you will never hear me sing karaoke
41. What book are you currently reading or the last book you read? I’m not reading at the moment
42. What’s a book that you plan on reading? My Friend Dahmer, i fell in love with the movie so i really HAVE TO read it, first i’ll just have to find the book somewhere lol
43. What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I don’t think that eve happened, i don’t really read alot
44. What’s a book that you read in school that positively shaped you? What does that mean? idk but book i enjoyed reading for school was this finnish book about a girl who was addicted to drugs, it was a true story and really interesting
45. What’s a book in school that you hated? I don’t remember
46. What’s your favorite book? I’d have to say Lolita
47. What’s a book you wish you had written? Idk, some succesful book is guess lol
48. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate
49. Underwater or Outer space? Noo i’m afraid of both
50. Dogs or cats? Cats
51. Kittens or Puppies? Kittens
52. Dolphins or Koalas? Koalas
53. Bird watching or whale watching? Uuh, bird watching?
54. What is your spirit animal? I have no idea lol, a cat?
55. To be or not to be? Lol
56. IPhone or Android? i have iphone
57. Twitter or Instagram? Instagram, i don’t even have Twitter
58. Vine or snapchat? Vine is my life lol
59. Who should everyone be following right now? I don’t know, ha
60. What’s your favorite app? Website? Youtube for both
61. What was your favorite subject in school? English
62. What was your best subject in school? English and chemistry
63. What was your worst subject in school? Math for sure
64. What subject would you teach in school? I would never be a teacher
65. What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? How to actually study properly
66. What advice would you give yourself at 13? Just be confident
67. How tall are you? 163cm
68. Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one
69. What’s you favorite fashion trend? I know nothing about fashion trends
70. What are 3 things you always have in your bag (besides phone and wallet)? Keys, bus card and lot of old receipts lol
71. What is a current trend you hope doesn’t exist in 100 hundred years? I’m bad with trends
72. What’s your must have fashion accessory? My earrings and belly button ring lol
73. Heels or flats? I love both but flats are more convenient
74. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
75. Blow-dry or air-dry? Usually air-dry
76. What color dress did you wear to prom? I didn’t attent prom
77. Favorite cocktail? I don’t drink cocktails
78. What do you usually order at Starbucks? I’ve been there only couple times but i’d say just plain iced coffee is the best
79. Coffee or tea? Coffee
80. How do you like your coffee? A café latte please
81. Who is a person you want to have coffee with? My friend
82. What historical figure do you want to have coffee with? I have no idea
83. If you could live in any historical decade, what would it be and where? I’d rather just stay here
84. What’s your favorite country to visit? I loved Cyprus
85. What’s the last country you visited? Spain
86. What’s a country you wish to visit? Italy, Iceland, Thailand
87. What’s your favorite state to visit? I’ve never been to the states
88. What’s the last state you visited? ^
89. What’s a state you wish to visit? Florida because of Miami lol
90. What’s the best vacation spot? Cyprus i guess
91. Where does one go on a perfect road trip? I don’t really like road trips
92. Favorite city? Stockholm, i would live there
93. Pilates or yoga? Yoga for sure
94. Jogging or swimming? Swimming
95. Favorite way to workout? Dance and gymnastics
96. Least favorite way to workout? Running
97. Best way to decompress? Just to be alone
98. What’s the best first date idea? Maybe to go to a nice coffee shop
99. What’s love?
100. Major turn on? Intelligence
101. Major turn off? Being gross
102. What’s the weirdest thing a guy has done or said to try and impress you? I don’t this ever happened
103. What’s the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them? Eyes
104. Do you believe in love at first sight? In some cases yes, like mothers who see their child for the first time
105. Best gift you ever received? i like all my gifts i’ve received
106. Last gift you gave a friend? Chocolate from Spain
107. Best gift to get for someone? Depends on who it is for
108. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? I don’t really know
109. What’s your favorite color? Pastel blue
110. Least favorite color? I like all the colors
111. What’s your favorite type of flower? Dunno, roses i guess
112. Who is your favorite comedian? Jim carrey or Kevin Hart
113. Who is your favorite action star? Matt Damon
114. Best superhero created? Spiderman
115. If you had one superpower what would it be? Invisibility
116. What’s your kryptonite? What is that
117. Biggest phobia? Losing someone close
118. Favorite Disney Movie? The Lion King
119. Favorite Disney character? Idk i like all of them
120. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
121. What’s your best Halloween costume? I don’t dress on Halloween
122. What’s your favorite plot-twist? I don’t know
123. If you could do a flash-mob where would it be? Haha i wouldn’t
124. What’s the coolest thing in your bedroom? My bed
125. If you got a tattoo where would it be? Uhh, maybe on my wrists or my ribs. underboob tattoos are pretty too
126. What’s your favorite curse word? Fuck
127. What’s your favorite board game? That finnish board game Afrikan tähti which translates to a star of Africa, that game was my childhood lol
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 8 years ago
and more stuff
Kid: *stretches* stocking: tired already? Kid: "Not sure..." *lies down* stocking: *hug* Kid: =w= *hug* -elsewhere- Zuno: "Where am I? Who are you?" Assi: "..." *sad smile* "It's me, Assi. Remember?" Zuno: "...Oh! Right!" *awkward laugh* mono: .... Assi: "..." *puts out notes in front of him, with photos* "I've done better taking notes for you. Remember this?" Zuno: *nods* "Yeah. We got groceries this afternoon." Assi: "Good! And yesterday?" Zuno: "..." *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Mori: "You clean up nicely." miura: ...no comment, sir. Mori: -_-; "I think this suit looks good on me. Wouldn't kill you to give me a compliment." miura: ...it's fitting, sir. Mori: ^^; "...Close enough." *opens the door to the club* miura: hmm? Mori: "Let's head on in. We can enjoy a cigar, take in the music..." miura: right. *Mori gets them a second-floor booth overlooking the dance floor, setting out drinks for them* miura: *observing* Mori: "They look quite happy, don't they?" *sips* miura: they sure do seem to be enjoying themselves. Mori: "Some humans enjoy social gatherings. Some humans prefer a bit of privacy." miura: so i've noticed. Mori: *points to one person in the corner of the dance floor, drinking alone at a booth* "What do you think that person is feeling?" miura: judging by their heat signatures, they seem lonely. Mori: "...Well, that's one way to figure that out. I was thinking more how they were slumped over, drinking alone, staring at nothing...Perhaps they need company." miura: are you suggesting we intervene? Mori: "But of course~" miura: -.-; Mori: *gestures to club employee* "Extend an invitation to that lonely person below..." employee: sure thing. Mori: *smiles at Miura* "Let's show you a bit more about human interaction." miura: -.-; lady: um...hi? Mori: "Hello. Care to share a drink with us?" lady: um...sure? Mori: "I'm Mori. And this is my associate, Miura." miura: *nods* lady: just call me reina. Mori: "Pleased to meet you." *opens bottle of wine, pours glasses* "How do you like this establishment?" reina: it's nice. it'd be even nicer if my shithead date didnt stand me up. bastard. Mori: "I'm sorry. It sounds like you were looking forward to that date." *passes wine glass to her* reina: *sigh* whatever, it was just a hook up, anyway... Mori: "Ah, I see." *sips* "Had you made alternative plans in case your hook up did not work out?" reina: i dunno. Mori: *smiles* "Well, you know what I think? I tend to think that things in life are meant to be. And now Miura and I get to meet you." reina: i see. so what exactly do you guys do? Mori: "I'm a physician, Miura is my assistant." reina: ah. i see. Mori: "And what is your profession?" reina: just an office lady. Mori: "Aw...Is the work not satisfying?" reina: well, pays the bills. *sips* Mori: "That's a positive way to look at it...What do you do for fun?" -elsewhere- Relan: *yawns, walking to the kitchen* yu: zzzz Relan: "???" *looks around for a blanket* -early morning- FD: *sits up, stretches* zoey: *asleep on the floor* FD: "...Zoey. Awaken." zoey: *yaaaawn* hmmn? FD: "I require your services." zoey: what do you wish of me, master fyodor? FD: "Get atop me. I want to look at your face." zoey: *crawling onto him* FD: "..." *strokes her cheek* "Such incredible eyes..." zoey: ahhh....*blush* FD: "What do you see...?" *rubs a hand along her side* zoey: *pant* my beloved master. FD: *smiles, as he kisses her lips lightly* zoey: mmmn~<3 FD: "Zoey...You love me, don't you?" *draws her down, holding her* zoey: of course! i love you more than anything! FD: "Ah...I'm glad...Are you still sore?" -elsewhere- Gin: *yawn* higuchi: zzzz Gin: "..." *pulls her closer in a hug* higuchi: =w= Gin: "Good morning." *smooch* -elsewhere- Arthur: *brushing his teeth* "Die, vile cavity goblins, die." -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* -silence- Mori: "..." *presses his intercom* "Breakfast." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I think Grandma has a day outing planned for you..." sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *smiles* "So make sure to say 'please' and 'thank you,' and don't talk to strangers, okay?" sonia: ok, papa. and i'll stay away from the demon and the waste of bandages. Chuuya: ^^ "Good girl." *hug* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in her sports uniform* "Let's do this." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "...Good luck out there." atsushi: we will. Lucy: *weak smile* atsushi: *hug* Lucy: .\\\\\. "...O-O-Okay..." *pat pat* atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: "You can do more hugging later. We're going to be late at this rate." atsushi: ah! right! Lucy: "I'll watch at work today. Stay safe, you two." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *steadying his breathing* naoya: you gonna be ok, kiddo? Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* "I have been picturing what victory will look like..." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: *opens his eyes...smiles* "I will win." -elsewhere- fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, time to get up. Todoroki: *turns over* =____= fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, get up. Todoroki: *pushes himself up* "I'm up, I'm up..." fuyumi: you have a big day ahead of you. Todoroki: "Right...A few hours to go." fuyumi: ^^ Todoroki: "I'll get ready. Thank you." fuyumi: *smiles and heads back downstairs* Todoroki: *walks to the bathroom...* -silence. his reflection is his only company- Todoroki: *he stands at such an angle that the mirror shows only his scarred side* "..." -...- Todoroki: *shivers* "I don't need it...I don't need it..." -elsewhere- Mineta: "And then I'll put the trophy in the center of my room, and it will attract every girl and woman in the world to my bedroom, and then I'll be happy." -elsewhere- Izuku: owo;;; *stretching* "It'll go fine...Just stay calm..." -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusting his tie* "What will you be doing today?" stocking: work. you? *kiss on the cheek* Kid: =\\\= "I-I was thinking of attending the games on Father’s behalf." stocking: sounds like fun. ^^ Kid: "I hope so...Have a good day at work." stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: *picks up Toru* "Guess who has the day off?" toru: bupa? Yohei: "Yep--Papa!" toru: *laughs* ^u^ Yohei: "Hee hee...We'll get to play all day--" *BOOM* chie: o-o EMINE! D8< Emine: "...What? I thought I was helping her with making the mini-freezer." nea:..... ^^ *cracks knuckles* Kepuri: *glaring at Emine...her face is covered in soot, there is a small fire on her right shoulder* "..." *holds a very large wrench, tapping it against her hand* Emine: "..." *pushes Chie out of the way as he tries to run away* chie: *grabs him by the ankle with a shadow arm and drags him back* oh no you dont, mr! Emine: O______O "SHOTARO! DO A GOOD DEED!" Shotaro: "On it!" *hands Kepuri a bigger wrench* Kepuri: ^^ Emine: "YOU TRAITOR!" Yohei: -_-;;;; "...Be smarter than him, Toru." -elsewhere- Announcer #1: "Welcome to the next round of the Sports Festival!" announcer 2: this time, we have our UA students taking center stage! Announcer #1: "And here they come! Starting with Class 1A!" ochako: ^^ momo: *determined* Todoroki: "..." Izuku: owo;;; Iida: *super serious* Bakugo: *glaring* Mineta: *staring at Momo* eijiro: *looking at the audience* tsuyu: *tongue slap* stahp that. Mineta: >3< Audience Member’s sign: "I <3 Red Hair Guy!" eijiro: ^^ denki: *waves* hi ma! Mama Kouji: "Do your best, sweetie! Did you make sure to wear clean underwear?" Kouji: ^^; announcer: following up, we have class 1B! Bakugo: .\\\. *looks back* itsuka: ^^ yui: ... Bakugo: "..." *wave* pony: ^^ Monoma: *low growling* itsuka: !. *waves* ^^ yui: *signing* <monoma, chill.> Monoma: "I am chill! I am absolute zero!" hiryu: you sure about that? ibara: lord have mercy on him. Monoma: *sips a juice pack--angrily* *ANGRY SLURPING* Bakugo: "...Oh, I'm going to eliminate him first. After I kick Deku's ass." Izuku: "...Then that would be 'I'm going to eliminate him second.'" Bakugo: "SHUT UP, DEKU!" -class 1C is up next- mei: *waves* -then the other classes- hitoshi: .... Izuku: "!!!" *meek wave* yuuji: *glances up at the audience* Audience Member #3: "Do your best, stitch-face guy!" yuuji: it's face paint, but thanks. *scratching the back of his neck* Aizawa: "Okay, line up..." -students lining up- Aizawa: "And now, Midnight will introduce the theme to Round 1 of your competition." Mineta: *shiny eyes* "Hells yeah!" pony: o///o midnight: *pulls the lever to show the game played* Iida: "What do you think the first round will be?" -obstacle race- Bakugo: "..." *gleeful face--that still looks evil* "Heh heh heh..." Todoroki: "..." Izuku: o_o; itsuka: *sweatdrop* eijiro: you're kinda freaking me out, man. Bakugo: "I get to blast my way to the finish line _and_ finish off some people in the competition." Izuku: *intense stare back* Monoma: "NO! IT IS I WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" itsuka: neito do not. -_-; ochako: *determination* Todoroki: "..." *glances at Ochako* ochako: ^^ *peace sign* Todoroki: "..." *nods* Monoma: -3- Iida: "I wonder what kind of obstacles will be in store..." atsushi: so it's like what we did then, huh? Kyoka: "Yes. Let us hope it turns out better for them." *looks down* "..." *small sigh* atsushi: you ok? Kyoka: "I feel badly Tamaki is not continuing in the competition." atsushi: yeah, i guess. Kyoka: "...Then we'll have to do even better now." *stares* "You have to beat Akutagawa." atsushi: .... 7.7 r-right. Kyoka: *looks around* "At least he's not here." atsushi: thank god. in all seriousness, he kiiinda freaks me out. Kyoka: "I know. Just don't be alone with him." atsushi: yeah, who knows what he'd try to do..... (thinking: DONT THINK ANYTHING PERVY, BRAIN!) {Akutagawa: "Let me wash your back..."} atsushi: *cringe* Kyoka: "???" {Akutagawa: "I made the bed for you~ <3 " } atsushi: *smacking head against the seat* Kyoka: !!! "Stop that. You can't afford the brain damage." atsushi: im fine! Kyoka: "...We'll get you some ice cream." atsushi: thank you. Q.Q Kyoka: *raises hand* "Two ice creams, please." vendor: here ya go. atsushi: *nom* TTuTT Kyoka: ^^ *nom nom* atsushi: *lick lick* Akutagawa: "Do you like that flavor?" Kyoka: o_o atsushi: *SCREAMS* -his icecream flies up....and lands on his face- atsushi: ACK! Kyoka: "...Let me get a napkin--" Akutagawa: "I'll clean it off." *leans closer* atsushi: O_O;;; *SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Kyoka: "..." ("Nope nope nopenopenope--") Akutagawa: *opens his mouth slightly...then removes his handkerchief, wiping it off Atsushi's face* atsushi:...thanks....i think. Akutagawa: "You are welcome. Remember what I did--as I was kind to you today. But in competition, I will dominate." atsushi: riiiiight. >-> Kyoka: *spray bottle* "Go away." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *passes out the sodas* "Drink up!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chopping vegetables* naho: *streeetch* Sakuya: "??? Hungry?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Look what was on sale!" louisa: hmm? mary: cool! bram: ... 0_0 Fitzgerald: "I think the patchwork look will create a toyshop atmosphere for this room." mary: i think it's super cute! bram: 7_7; of course you would, mary. Fitzgerald: "Great! Let's figure out where to put it..." *takes out a tablet and stylus* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks at the line* "Jeez...It's going to take forever to get in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "The students are approaching the starting line..." ochako: *focused* Izuku: *sweating* Iida: *staring forward* midnight: get ready.....GO! *The students take off--into the doorway* ochako: *sprinting* student: urk- student 2: move it! student 3: ow! who's elbow is that? Mineta: *squeezed* Izuku: "Th-They made the doorway this narrow so people couldn't get through..." Todoroki: "Pardon me..." *charging up his ice powers* momo: *summons a javalin to get herself out* there we- GO! *LOUD EXPLOSION* Bakugo: "OUTTA MY WAY!" ochako: WOAH! *gravity'ing herself out* Student #1: *drooling, as they pick up--* hitoshi: ... yuuji: 0_0; um...thats.... hitoshi:...you want on? yuuji: um...im good...thanks..... hitoshi:....alright then. Student #2: *drooling, making groaning noise* "Yeaaaaaaah..." yuuji: (thinking: freaky) Aizawa: "Todoroki is in the lead. But--" *splat splat splat* Todoroki: "??? ...Sticky balls?" Mineta: "YES! Todoroki! Prepare to taste the fury of my killer--" -KO- Mineta: *PWNED* "AAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAH!" *SLAM--roll roll roll roll...* Izuku: o____O ochako: HOLY HOT CROSS BUNS! Iida: "The robots? From the entrance exam?" Todoroki: "...I never faced these." Bakugo: "Ha! We have! So I guess you're at a disadvantage--" Todoroki: "They should look more threatening." Bakugo: "Yeah! ...Wait, what?" Todoroki: *summoning ice...* announcer: AND SHOUTO TODOROKI IS COOLING THINGS DOWN! BUT THE COMPETITION IS HEATING UP! Todoroki: *freezes the robot--and runs* Student #3: "Follow him!" Todoroki: *passes the legs* "Bad idea...I froze the robot while it was top-heavy, so I'm going to let gravity do it's work...while I escape." Student #3: "...What'd he say about 'gravy'?" -BOOOM- ochako: D8 eijiro: *breaks through* IM OKAY! THAT WAS A DICK MOVE TODOROKI! DICK. MOVE. Student #5: "HOLY CRAP! That hard guy survived!" student 6: phrasing! eijiro: *notices something* WOAH! heavy metal much?! Tetsutetsu: *smashes out* "CLASS 1A, YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF DICKS! I'D BE DEAD IF I WASN'T ME!" Student #5: "Another hard guy!" eijiro: *already running* YEET YEET! hiryu: come on, we should work our way through as well! Bakugo: "OUT OF MY WAY, LOSERS!" *runs forward--then blasts upward over the robot* hanta: *following with his tapes* you surprised me there, bakugou, here i was thinking you'd just blast your way on through! Tokoyami: "We will follow your example. Right, Shadow?" dark shadow: *screeaw* ^w^ -more students rush through- Announcer #1: "Jeez, Class 1A is just smashing through without hesitance! They must have some incredible powers!" Aizawa: "...That's not why..." namiko: ?? announcer 3: oh, they were part of the USJ incident a while, back, right? Aizawa: "And when you face that kind of fear, you learn. You get the experience, the courage, to face your fears, rather than run from them." ochako: *phew*.... o_o; oh. Present Mic: "THESE ARE THE FALLS!" Aizawa: "...I'm not a fan of 'Sherlock.'" tsuyu: *crawling on a rope* announcer: and tsuyu asui is already taking a lead! satsuki asui: go tsu! ??? fufufufu~ ochako: huh Iida: *finally caught up, pants, looks at ???* "???" mei: consider this an open letter to all those tech companies out there. the wire arrows, and the hover soles. *flying forwards with her wires* MY PRECIOUS BABIES~! hitoshi:...huh. mina: no way! i call hax! ochako: come on! let's go! Iida: "...I cannot fail, not in front of my brother. I mustn't show an unsightly performance." *assumes figure skater pose on the tightrope* -in the stadium- attendee: that kid up front, that's endevour's kid, isnt it? shinra: wait....are you telling me....that shouto todoroki is the son of endevour? as in _the_ endevour?! Relan: "??? Um...Is he the guy with that fire beard?" shinra: yeah, i met him once actually.....he was a big bag of dicks. Relan: o_o; "...'Kay. Um, I mean, Todoroki seems a little...cold, so to speak. But if he's Fire Beard's son, why doesn't he use his flame abilities?" shinra: well, endevor isnt a fire ability user, but a quirked human. i guess todoroki's ice powers comes from his mom's side? Relan: "But if you had both fire and ice abilities, why would you rely on only one and not both?" shinra: *shrugs* -soon, they make it to the mine field- Todoroki: ("Damn. They designed this portion so that it would require those in first to be cautious how they proceeded through the mines. I will have to be careful and--") Bakugo: "YOU ICEY-HOT BASTARD!" Todoroki: -_-; Bakugo: "YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WRONG PERSON!" *blasts the ground in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "?!!!" *ice shield* announcer: and it's broken into utter chaos! -BOOM! BOOM! KABLOOIE- Bakugo: "?!! What the hell?!" Todoroki: "That was multiple explosions..." Izuku: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!" announcer: AND IZUKU MIDORIYA APPEARS TO BE SURFING ON THE RECOIL!!! inko: *SCREAMS and faints* Bakugo: "DEKU! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Izuku: *determined zoom-in stare* Todoroki: *summoning ice along the battlefield* "This may clear the path for others--but I cannot let them win!" *Todoroki and Bakugo follow Izuku...* *Izuku is flipping over* Izuku: o____o Izuku: ("ALL MIGHTY CRAP! Okay, I'm stalling--calm down...Wait...If I time it right...") *EPIC EYE STARING MOMENT* Izuku: "SHEET METAL...FLIP!" *Izuku slams down the metal in front of Bakugo and Todoroki* *KA-BOOM* Present Mic: "Holy cow! Great work on teaching them that technique, Eraserhead!" Aizawa: "...Not me. That's something they learned on their own..." Izuku: *back on his feet...stumbles to first place* announcer: ....IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!!! shinra: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!! -massive cheering- inko: *sobbing with joy* MY BABYYYYY!!! announcer: coming up in second and 3rd respectivly are Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou! Izuku: *crying, smiling* Bakugo: *clenching his fist* "Why that little..." Todoroki: "..." *ice coming off of him* ochako: congrats you guys! ^^ itsuka: *hugging katsuki* congrats on making 3rd! Bakugo: =\\\\= *angry grumbling noises* Monoma: *GLARE* Iida: *traumatized* "I failed...The speedster was too slow..." momo: you did your best. *smiles* *Something is behind Momo* momo:.... -beatdown ensues- Mineta: X______X -later- ochako: *sipping her drink* whoo! that was exciting today! Izuku: QWQ "frozen* tsuyu: congrats on making first, izuku. Todoroki: "..." *sitting away* Izuku: "Th-Thank you..." ochako: ^^..... hmm? hey, arent you gonna sit with us, todoroki? Todoroki: "...No." *gets up and leaves* ochako: ah-........ mina: jeez, who stuck a thumbtack up his butt?? ochako:... Iida: "...So focused." ochako:...brb. *follows him* Izuku: "..." -outside- ochako: todoroki?? jeez, where is he? hitoshi: ....? ochako: did you see- hitoshi: *points* ochako: thanks. Todoroki: *seated on top of wall* ochako: *gravities herself up to the wall* urk....*gulp* hey todoroki. ^^ Todoroki: "...Hello." ochako: ...congrats on making 2nd! *smiles* Todoroki: "It was not first." ochako: but at least it's something, right? Todoroki: "Unless you're at the top, it is nothing." ochako: *small pout* .....so, i hear tomorrow they're going to have a halftime concert. that should be fun, right? Todoroki: "...I would rather train. But no point in over-working my body." ochako: yeah, it'd be bad if you injured yourself now. *looks up at the sky* Todoroki: "...Congratulations on placing." ochako: ^^ thanks. im just glad i made it in! that counts as something, right? Todoroki: *grunt* ochako:....*looking at the passers by below* shark kid: i didnt make it in... shark dad: it's ok son, you did your best, and im proud of you for that. shark kid:...*small smile* ochako: ....*small smile and looks at todoroki* Todoroki: "..." *sniff* *one icy tear* ochako:..??? todoroki? are you...ok? Todoroki: *wipes his tear* "Fine. Thank you for asking." ochako: .....you gonna stick around? maybe play some of the games? Todoroki: "...Okay." ochako: awesome! ^^ Todoroki: "...What do you play?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Another drink?" naoya: hell yeeeeah. higuchi: ^^ Gin: *pours for Naoya* "Ichiyo?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Calvary." karin: hmm? Arthur: "Calvary would be a great game to play." Vulcan: "...It'll never catch on." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking through the streets* atsushi: *walking home with groceries* Akutagawa: "..." *watches from afar* atsushi: ok. that should be everything now. Akutagawa: "Hello." *now next to him* atsushi: YEEP! jeez, what the heck?! Akutagawa: "...Do you need help carrying?" atsushi: umm...im good, thanks. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Very well. Okay." atsushi: *walking away* Akutagawa: "...Watch your back." atsushi: *looks back* Akutagawa: "You shouldn't let something happen to you." atsushi: noted. Akutagawa: "..." *follows* atsushi: .... ouo;;;; Akutagawa: "...Oh. You were heading this way?" atsushi: um... yeeesss? Akutagawa: "So am I." atsushi: ookaaaay then. *screaming on the inside* Akutagawa: *walks beside him* "...You like bread?" atsushi: i guess. im more of a chazuke guy to be honest. Akutagawa: "...I never get to have that." atsushi: well, there is a nice restaurant that serves it. i could write the address down for you if you want. (thinking: lucy save me) Akutagawa: "..." *hold out his hand* atsushi: *writes it down and hands him the paper* Akutagawa: *takes the paper* "..." *intense stare* atsushi:....well, i should be heading home now. Akutagawa: "...If you must. I suppose you need rest for competition." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the festival go?" shinra: it was awesome! tamaki: his friend won first. Akitaru: "Hey, that's great for him!" Relan: "...Not when Bakugo gets his hands on him..." tamaki: not if bakugo's girlfriend is there to calm him down. Relan: "Hope she's around, then. And can get release his tensions, then." Akitaru: "..." *inwardly cackling* karin: *elbows him in the side* Relan: "???" Akitaru: *covers his mouth, calms down* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "You wash behind your ears?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay. Time to brush your teeth." sonia: ok, papa. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Your mini-freezer is complete!" nea: yay~! ^^ Emine: *pixelated mess* Shinoda: ^^ -elsewhere- atsushi: im back! Kyoka: "That's good. Did you get my ice cream?" atsushi: *hands it to her* Kyoka: "Yay. Also, you had some visitors." atsushi: oh? Kyoka: "Dazai left a note. Lucy has been knocking every five minutes looking for you." atsushi: ah. *looks at dazai's note* Dazai's note: "Do your best!" atsushi: *smiles* Dazai's note: "I'll be watching! And when this is done, you're getting all you can eat!" atsushi: ...*shiny eyes* Kyoka: "???" atsushi: chazuke.... =u= Kyoka: "...You should bring that home, too." -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT "So proud of him..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: *patting his belly* "Sweet child, doing so well in competition, using his opponents to his advantage..." mii: zzzz Dazai: *strokes Mii* "Cat been behaving?" kirako: *nods* mii: =u= Dazai: "That's good...Hey, Kirako?" kirako: hmm? Dazai: "Thanks for letting me hang out here." kirako: no problem. ^^ Dazai: *smiles* "You know what would be great? I can mix a drink..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: welcome back! Todoroki: "...Hi. ...I'm sorry I--...That I failed." fuyumi:...*hug* you did your best.......do you want to spend the night here? Todoroki: "...Okay." fuyumi: *smiles* i'll go set up the guest room. Todoroki: "...Thank you." fuyumi: ^^ *goes to do that* Todoroki: "..." *sits on couch* -text alert- Todoroki: "???" *looks at phone* -text from; dad- Todoroki: "..." *deletes* -text from; ochako- Todoroki: "..." *opens it* ochako: [hey todoroki! you get home OK? ^o^] Todoroki: "..." [at sister's] ochako: [neat.] Todoroki: [are you home?] ochako: [yep! dad ordered pizza!] Todoroki: [must be nice] ochako: [yeppers ^^] Todoroki: "..." [which toppings?] ochako: [pepperoni] Todoroki: [well, enjoy it] ochako: [aaand my dog just stole one slice >.< ] Todoroki: [oh, you have a pet?] -she sends a pic of her and a golden lab, with a pizza slice in its mouth- ochako: [this is trixie. #ftselfie] Todoroki: [so, a pizza dog] ochako: [actually she's a lab. XD] Todoroki: "..." [ha] -elsewhere- Emine: *bandaging himself* lin: *tending to his injuries* at least you completed your bad deed today. Emine: "Yes. Just wish it was with fewer injuries..." *looks at her eyes* lin: ^^ Emine: *leans to her face* lin: *smooch* Emine: o\\\\o "..." >\\\< *smooch* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Thanks for the meal, Mom." ^^ inko: ^^ of course, sweetie! *hug* MY BABY WON! Izuku: "GRK! M-Mom...Can't breathe--" -knocks- Izuku: "??? I-I'll get it." *looks through peephole* yuuji: *scratching the back of his head, looking away awkwardly* Izuku: "!!! Oh, Mom? It's a friend from school." *opens the door* yuuji: um....hey mrs M. inko: oh, hello. yuuji, was it? yuuji: *nods* ....yeah. Izuku: "You were passing by? We were just sitting for dinner..." yuuji: oh...cool. mind if i...uh... inko: it's fine. ^^ yuuji:...'kay. Izuku: "I'll get another plate!" -and so- Izuku: ^^ "So, what do you think about the Festival?" yuuji:.....ok i guess.....congrats on 1st. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I mean, the competition isn't done yet..." yuuji: far from it. Izuku: ._.; "...Yeah...Lot of competition out there, too." yuuji: *nods* i didnt make it to the next round, but it's all good i guess. Izuku: "...I hope you go to the rest of the Festival. There are a lot of fun activities for the audience members." yuuji: yeah, i saw. might help aizawa out with stuff maybe. Izuku: "Oh, good! You like working with him?" yuuji:...it's cool, i guess. dont have much else to do. Izuku: "...Hobbies?" yuuji: *shrugs* guess i've been listening to music more often. Izuku: "Do you play any instruments?" yuuji: nah, not really...doesnt that jirou kid in your class play bass? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah. I only heard her play once." yuuji: cool. Izuku: "Maybe you could ask her? She performs now and then." yuuji: she gonna be at the half time show tomorrow? Izuku: "Yeah. I could introduce you." yuuji: cool. Izuku: ^^ "What kind of music do you like?" yuuji: old school stuff. led zepplin, AC/DC, stuff like that. Izuku: "Then I think you and Jirou will get along great!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *splashes water on his face* kabuki: it's starting to get a lot colder out. Benimaru: "Yes." *summons a flame* "I think many of us will keep warm." kabuki: indeed. sister kirei told me the shrine got their kotatsu out today. Benimaru: "That should be comforting. Will you be making use of it?" kabuki: if they invite is to. Benimaru: *nods* "I assume they will. The shrine has been welcoming lately." kabuki: they usually are. Benimaru: "...Hmm. I think I'll bring a gift." -elsewhere- Higan: *adjusting his suit* lavender: *helping with his tie* Higan: ^^ "Thanks. You're looking good." lavender: ^^ Higan: "I can't wait to get there...I think you'll like the atmosphere." -elsewhere- Gin: *sniffs, passes box of tissue* naoya: jeez, colds are a bitch, aint they? Gin: *nod nod* "Been drinking as much green tea as I can." naoya: *chuckles* here i thought you wearing that mask would prevent you from getting sick. Gin: -_-; "Ha ha...ha...AHCHOO!" -elsewhere- Kid: *washing Stocking's hair* "Feel good?" stocking: *nods* =///= Kid: "You must've had a long day..." *massages her shoulders* stocking: yeah no kidding...how were the games, babe? Kid: "Impressive...The student, Midoriya, won this round without using his ability." stocking: woah. Kid: *nods* "Truly remarkable." *readies the mobile showerhead* "After what his class did against supervillains at the training facility, he must have been prepared for such an outcome." stocking: i guess. Kid: *smiles* "Ready to rinse?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* elise: *drawing* Mori: "???" *looks over her shoulder* -it's a drawing of shizuka with her head off, rain in a grave, and miura- Mori: "...That's...an interesting illustration, Elise." elise: it's all your secretaries. Mori: "...Yes, they are." elise: ^^ Mori: "...Do you miss Shizuka and Rain?" elise:...i guess. *shrugs* but shizuka's right behind that door. Mori: ^^; "But you promise not to tell anyone that's where Shizuka is, yes?" elise: im not gonna say anything. Mori: "Good, Elise." ^^ "...What do you think of Miura?" elise: ...i mean, i _did_ pull her head off once. Mori: "That is true. Do you like her more since doing so?" elise: maybe. as long as she isnt going psycho terminator mode. Mori: *small chuckle* "I know you'll be able to handle her if that were to happen. But I think she's been on good behavior." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Glad you got home safely." atsushi: yeah, same here. Lucy: *pats his head* "Did you have any problems?" atsushi:.......define 'problems' Lucy: "...Of the stalker variety?" atsushi: then just a lil, yeah. Lucy: *sigh* "Did he hurt you?" atsushi: no, luckily. Lucy: "..." *pats his cheek* "Be safe. You may have to go tiger on his butt." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at a photograph* -it's of himself, higuchi, and rain- Chuuya: "..." ("Sonia looks so much like her...") sonia: ?? Chuuya: "??? Sonia? Can't sleep?" sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "...Do you recognize who's in the photo?" sonia: papa, aunt higuchi, and mama Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes." *points to Rain* "That's her. And you look like her..." sonia:....*looks at the mirror* do i? Chuuya: "...I think so." *smiles* sonia:....*lean* Chuuya: *pat pat* "Want some tea?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay..." *leaves her in front of the mirror, as he walks to the kitchen* "..." ("I can't not see him...") sonia:....(thinking: the demon isnt my father....the demon will never be my father) Chuuya: ("What he did to Rain...What the Rats said...I just can't...") sonia: ..... mito: *resting on sonia's lap* sonia:...good kitty... Chuuya: *heating the water, exits, sees Mito on Sonia's lap* "..." *smiles* "Want a snack?" sonia: yes please. *picks up mito* you're a nice kitty. you'll scare the mean ol rats away, right? mito: *mew* Chuuya: "Mito is good at chasing down rats..." sonia: *hug* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *hugs back* sonia: =///= Chuuya: "You're a great child, Sonia..." sonia: thanks, papa. {naoya: that kid's gonna be depending on you, you know.} Chuuya: ("I know...But...I just...") sonia: =////= zzzz Chuuya: "..." *picks her up carefully* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *takes her to her bed, tucking her in* sonia: *holding her bear* Chuuya: "..." *strokes her hair off her face, kisses her forehead* sonia: =w= Chuuya: "Sleep well, Sonia..." -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= kirako: zzzz mii: *standing guard outside the door* Dazai: *turns over, hugs Kirako* kirako: =///= Dazai: "Mmm...Zzz..." mii:...*taps the door* Dazai: "Huh?" *looks up* -tap tap- Dazai: *gets out of bed, opens the door* mii: *walking over to where the tea is* Dazai: "..." *sits there* "What's up?" mii: i was meaning to speak with you about that rodent i found a while ago. Dazai: "Oh?" *takes a cup* mii: do you recall it having a camera inside? well, after a little digging around, i've discovered our culprits. Dazai: "Oh? Who?" mii: the rats in the house of the dead, fittingly enough. Dazai: "Hmmm...Any location?" mii: it's difficult to detemine that, but i suggest you keep everyone alert. Dazai: "Understood." mii: in the mean time, i'll see if they hid any more cameras around. Dazai: "Thanks. Hate to think what they've recorded so far." mii: ...i'll be taking my stroll now if you dont mind. Dazai: "Hey, do what you gotta..." *opens the door* mii: *walking off* -elsewhere- FD: "Any new discoveries?" katya: <at the given moment, no> FD: "Hmm..." <Perhaps need to have some surveillance in additional locations.> katya: <when are you gonna pit me against enemies who actually put up a decent fight, huh?> FD: "..." *smiles* <I could have you practice...> katya: <my guns crave to kill> FD: "Hmm..." <I have one prisoner...> katya: <ugh, not the neet. she'll probably piss herself at best. i want someone i can actually enjoy fighting!> FD: *sigh* <Then why don't you take a walk and find someone to shoot?> katya: *hmph* <very well, i'll go play in the old sewers.> FD: <Have fun. Hide the bodies, collect their valuables.> katya: <will do> FD: *starts reviewing a file...* yana: trigger happy, that one. guess thats why they call her the 'silver bullet witch', huh? FD: *nods* "At least she meets her target. Helpful to have her right now." yana: *nods* FD: "Speaking of meeting one's target..." *hands Yana a photograph* "Try to find more info on this one." yana: hmm? *examining* *It's a photo of Izuku* FD: "Care to visit the Festival again?" yana: hmm...eh, sure. FD: *smiles* "Good girl." yana: still creepy! FD: "Yes." yana: -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: ^W^ rowena: tea's ready now. lenore: cool. Poe: "Thank you. It smells good." lenore: *looking at photographs* -one displays poe and rowena's other brother with his wife and daughter- lenore: there's more of you? Poe: *nod* "So to speak." rowena: *nods* henry would be the oldest of us. Poe: "It has been a while since I saw them...How old is she now?" rowena: i think emilia is 7 now. Poe: "...That's good." *sips, looking down* karl: o^o~? Poe: "..." *pets Karl* "H-Henry probably hasn't been interested in seeing me." rowena: should i call him and ask? Poe: .\\\. "I-I-I wouldn't go out of your way..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *tossing in bed* {ami: papa!} {Akitaru: "Ami!"} {-she and chitose are burning-} {chitose: *screaming*} {Akitaru: *looking all around, trying to find a blanket or something...*} -knocking- Akitaru: *his eyes break open...he's covered in a cold sweat...he trips of the bed to the door* shinra: cant sleep.... Akitaru: "...Yeah. I can't either.....Have something to drink?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: "Okay..." *goes with Shinra to the kitchen* "I'll have some milk...Want some? Or tea?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: *starts making tea* "You having bad dreams?" shinra: just trouble sleeping i guess. Akitaru: *nods* "...A lot happening at once. Including missions." shinra: yeah...*his hands are shaking* Akitaru: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:...t-thanks dad. Akitaru: *smiles* "You're welcome. Just got to take things one day at a time." -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie ^///^ Yohei: *smooch* "...You're huggable." chie: *hug* so are you~ Yohei: ^\\\^ "I try..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looking out a window* naoya: looking for something? Akutagawa: "...No. The streets seem quiet outside." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...You ever think there's something wrong with yourself?" naoya: what do you mean? Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't be like this if I wasn't so messed up. Dazai. The Tiger. There's something corrupted with me." naoya: .....need some tea or something? Akutagawa: "...Okay sure." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through village* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug, smooch* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *rests his head next to hers* "...Your hair smells great." stocking: thanks~ Kid: *smiles* *small kiss on her cheek* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, hun~<3 Kid: *closes his eyes, smiling, lying next to his wife* stocking: *smoooooch* Kid: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Joker: "Another beer?" scarlet: yeah, sure. ivy: *hic* hi-heebahnah y-yew fughkin bitch! i'll-i'll fugk-gin khill ya... Joker: "...Maybe not another beer for Ivy." *hands one to Scarlet* scarlet: no kidding. *sweatdrop* Joker: "Hey, Ivy? How would, you know, go about cornering Hibana? She's pretty powerful..." ivy: i dunnu...i jus...wanna shee her die, yknow? she pisshes me off shoo much. Joker: "Yeah, I hear ya. You tried the hostage thing, you tried breaking and entering...Maybe you need another strategy, like when she least expects it." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *tucking her in* odasaku: like a real dad. atsushi: thanks. Kyoka: =w= *curls up under the sheets* atsushi:...*hands her her rabbit plushie* Kyoka: *happy sigh as she hugs her rabbit* atsushi: .... Kyoka: *her breathing grows more steady...* atsushi: *exits the room* Kyoka: "Dad...Mom..." odasaku:....*head pats* Lucy: *asleep on his couch* "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*puts blanket over her and carries her to his bed. he ended up taking the couch* Lucy: =w= ("Zzz...So comfy...") -elsewhere- Spirit: *has ice on his back* -____- sachiko: jeez. -_-; Spirit: "I think I'm out of the competition..." izumi: i think you're a champ, dad. Spirit: ^^; "Thanks, kiddo...At least I can watch the games on TV..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Scoot over." -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep at his work station* nozomi:...*puts a blanket over him* Victor: "Mmmm...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *asleep in his bed* -silence- Chuuya: *tosses slightly* -...- {Chuuya: *hears a noise from Mori's office* "???"} {rain: *exiting, whimpering*} {Chuuya: "??? Rain?"} {rain: !!! m-mr nakahara!} {Chuuya: "You okay?"} {rain: y-yeah...j-just finishing up some last-minute work. ^^ *there are tears in her eyes, and she looks slightly disheveled*} {Chuuya: "..." *removes his handkerchief, offers it to her*} {rain: *wipes tears* i-im fine, really... ^^ } {Chuuya: "...Do you...need some help?"} {rain: *shakes head* t-thanks for offering though. ^^ } {Chuuya: "..." *looks past her into the office* "I can...give you a ride. Home."} {rain:....} {Chuuya: "...My car is just outside." *inside, he sees Mori*} {rain:...its fine....i can take a cab. im sure you're really busy right now...} {Chuuya: "...I'm not. But I don't want to make you..." *pulls out a card, hands it to her*} {rain: ?? *looks at it*} {*It has his cell phone number on it*} {rain:...*sniff*} {Chuuya: *soft smile* "If you ever need anything...just to talk..."} {rain:...ok} Chuuya: *whimpers in his sleep* -silence- Chuuya: *opens his eyes, rubbing his tears away* "...I missed everything." -...- Chuuya: *looks at the alarm clock: 4:14 AM* "..." *goes to the bathroom, splashes water in his face* -silence- Chuuya: *looks in the mirror* "...Rain...Why didn't I...It was so obvious." -...- Chuuya: "...Mori...All of it...Why didn't I stop it." -...- Chuuya: *closes his eyes--and only sees Rain's face* rain?: *tearfully smiling* Chuuya: *sobs* -...- Chuuya: *hugs himself, trying to get a grip...* -...- Chuuya: "Rain..." *crying* mito: *nuzzles his leg* Chuuya: "!!" *looks down* "..." *pets her* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: ("I'm not getting back to sleep any time soon...") *walks Mito to the kitchen* mito: *follows* Chuuya: *opens a tin of food, setting it onto a plate* mito: *nom nom* Chuuya: *starts brewing coffee...* *looks at his phone* -no new messages- Chuuya: "..." *pulls up news* -A Champ In The Making! Izuku Midoriya's Victory!- Chuuya: "Hmm...Good for him on that one. But that's gonna make him a target..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Mito, scratches lightly under her chin* "Good meal?" mito: *mewl* Chuuya: "That's good..." *finishes making his coffee* "..." *types a text* [can't sleep. just checking in] kouyou: [what's wrong?] Chuuya: [nightmare about something from earlier. still feel bad about rain] kouyou:..... [i see] Chuuya: [sonia reminds me so much of her] kouyou:..... [its mind boggling] Chuuya: "..." [yeah. sorry for waking you] kouyou: [if you need any help, let me know] Chuuya: [will do. thanks] -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* *grunts* yu: zzzz *asleep on a cot* Vulcan: "???" ("Got to get him a decent bed...And not that hospital one that looks like Baymax.") -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *making breakfast* Kid: *sniffs* "Smells good..." stocking: you want anything on it? *she's making pancakes* Kid: "Whipped cream?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding up a burnt plate of food* "..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *opens his eyes, looking around* -morning daylight shines through the window- Todoroki: "...Oh, right." *looks at the blanket* "..." -it's a goddamn frozen blanket- Todoroki: o_____O *internal screaming* -elsewhere- Joker: *waking up, muttering in his sleep* "No more beer, Dad--I've had enough." -phone call- misora: wakey wakey, mr manager! Joker: -___-;; "My head has tiny men inside, hammering inside...Why are you calling so early?" misora: are you hung over? Joker: "Yes. Give me a status update." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Shotaro, don't sleep on the dining table." Shotaro: *snoring* Kepuri: "...Could someone pass the salt?" -elsewhere- Karim: *buttoning his coat* foien: *streeeetch*.....*looks at his stub* ...... Karim: "...Ready to start drills?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *putting on a t-shirt* "I'm about to head out, Mom." inko: dont forget your phone, sweetie! Izuku: "Oh, right!" *unplugs it, grabs it from his desk, along with his keys and wallet* "And I charged it, too!" inko: ^^ Izuku: *hug* "I'll be home by curfew." -elsewhere- Meme: "Yummy!" mio: *nom* Anya: "Quite a variety of options at the Festival." tsugumi: it's got stuff from all over the world, some of these things i've never even _heard_ of! Anya: "Hmm...Oh! They have oysters! From the Rocky Mountains!" ???: i wouldnt do that if i were you. Anya: "???" twain: *waves* ebie: *nomming on a caramel apple* ^^ Anya: "Why shouldn't I have them? Would I be allergic?" twain: if you want to be on your knees hugging the porcelain throne, go nuts. Anya: o_o;;;; "How...crude." Meme: "Not the only reason to skip it..." *whistles innocently* tsugumi: *notices one game* ooh! Anya: "???" *looks at the game* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stretching in the locker room* student: oi! araragi! you going to be at the concert today? Akutagawa: "Is it just noise, or does it have some redeeming aural value?" student:...huh? Akutagawa: "...Is the music going to be good?" student: oh! sure. Akutagawa: "...Might as well. Anyone else going?" -elsewhere- Gin: "...Well, this is foolish." miura: tell me about it. -_-; elise: -__-; Mori: "But they're matching outfits! You have to love them." higuchi:.....my eyes burn. Gin: =\\\\= "Kill me." hirotsu: i could, in theory, but i would rather not incite your brother's wrath. Gin: "Not literally." Mori: "Smile for the camera!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got the tickets?" soul: got 'em right here. kilik: awesome. Black Star: "Then let's do this!" -elsewhere- Q: *whistling* Kyoka: "Oh." Q: hmm? oh hiya traitor! Kyoka: "Hello. Are you still wetting your bed?" Q: have you met number 36 yet? atsushi: ._.; um... Q: oh, i know you! you're big bro dazai's new boy toy, right? Kyoka: "???" atsushi: *almost chokes* THAT'S NOT WHAT IS GOING ON! Kyoka: "..." *trying not to laugh* Q: oh. because akutagawa would get pretty mad if that were true. i think he wants to stick it up your bum. atsushi: ............*almost dies* odasaku: ...... *silent tears of shocked horror* Kyoka: *struggling to breathe, covering her face* Lucy: "Oh! There you two are!" *walks up--then sees Q* "..." Q: hmm? oh, is this the girl you pee in? atsushi: *FAINTS OUT OF PURE SHOCK* Kyoka: *catches Atsushi--still shaking as she tries to hold in laughter* Lucy: "..." *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, little boy~" ^^# Q: *pokes lucy's stomach* are you pregnant? atsushi: LUCY NO! Lucy: "..." .\\\. "YOU ODIOUS PARASITE! Anne! Smash!" anne: *BAM* Q: owie! Lucy: >\\\\\< Kyoka: *doubled over, laughing* atsushi: D8 Lucy: *picks up Atsushi* "Let's get you home. For your own sake. Not for anything else. At all." Kyoka: "...A likely story." Q: *pouts* meanies! im telling mori on you! *runs off* Kyoka: "...I wonder how he'll react upon hearing that you just beat up a member of the Port Mafia." Lucy: -\\\- "It was just a small smack." Q: you arent even with us anymore, traitor!...........but aunt kouyou might get mad..... oh noooooo Q_Q mama chuuya save me! Chuuya: -____-;; "That's not my name. And what the hell happened to your face?" Q: the weretiger's girlfriend is being mean! sonia: *peeeek* Chuuya: *sighs* "Q, what did you say to her?" Lucy: *spots Sonia* ^\\\^ Q: i asked if she was pregnant because- atsushi: *covers his mouth* he was saying silly kid stuff! ^^;;;;; Q: =n= Chuuya: "???" *looks at Kyoka* Kyoka: "..." *whispers in his ear* Chuuya: "..." sonia: ?? Kyoka and Chuuya: *doubled over, trying not to laugh* sonia: ????? Lucy: D:< "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" atsushi: .//////////. please kill me god. Kid: "I can arrange that." atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into a tree* Q_Q Q: hmm? hiya zebra man! Kid: "??? Oh, hello." Lucy: -_-; "Now I'm going to need a fireman to get the cat out of the tree..." sonia: ??? Kid: "??? Oh. Is that your sister?" *looks at Q, points at Sonia* atsushi: can we help you? *muttering* and why do you sound like dazai? Q: oh sonia?....*shrug* Chuuya: -_-; ("He's dense _and_ sounds stupid...") "She's my daughter." Kid: "...You're awfully young." Chuuya: "!!!" atsushi: she's adopted, actually. Kid: "Ah. Well, that answers all of my questions. Now, for my last order of business--" *picks up Q* Q: OuO; atsushi: WAIT DON- Kid: *dropkicks Q* "DISGUSTING ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" Q:.... *smirks* Kid: *having kicked Q away, pats his hands* "There. I feel relieved." *turns around to face the others* -a hand print appears on kid's neck- Kyoka: ._.; "...He just kicked Q down the street..." Chuuya: -_-;;; "He'll get what's coming to him..." atsushi: *SCREAMS* SOMEONE CALL DAZAI! Kid: "??? What?" Q: *grins and pulls his doll out. it's laughing* Kid: "???? Oh! My wife has a doll, too! I'm glad to see a young boy willing to play with dolls and not be constrained by gender normatives about--" *sees Atsushi* atsushi: *grabs the doll* IMDOINGYOUAFAVOR! Q: D8< HEY! I WAS GONNA CURSE HIM WITH THAT! Kid: "...Curse me with a doll?" *happy sigh* "That's just like my Stocking. She's so--" *realizes* "YOU WERE GOING TO CURSE ME?!" Q: OuO;;; *murderous smile at atsushi* you rotton shit. Kyoka: "You may not kill him yet. He and Lucy have not yet had congress--" Lucy: o\\\\\o -after an explanation [obviously leaving out the whole 'mafia' thing]- Kid: Q____Q "...Get this mark off of me." stocking: *worried* atsushi: oh! there he is now. stocking:...oh, you're that weird guy from a while back. -__-; Q: *pouts* Dazai: "Hello! I'm here to save you all!" *puts on a long rubber glove* "Drop your pants and bend over." Kid: ._. stocking: D8< Kid: "It's on my neck!" atsushi: *hands dazai the doll* Q: aww, no fair. i bet cursing a death god would have been hilarious. Dazai: "..." *takes the doll* "I don't know why they let Q play with these things like this." stocking: *looks at chuuya* what is wrong with that kid? Chuuya: *frowns* "It's...a condition. Tactile." stocking:...... Q:.... stocking: well, we'll be off now. *hugs kid and exits with him* Kid: =\\\= Chuuya: "...Come along, Q, Sonia." sonia:....... Q:.....*sniff* Lucy: *sighs* "This was all bizarre." atsushi: no kidding.....thanks again, dazai. that could have been disastrous. Dazai: "Maybe...I mean, he is a death god. Maybe he could've survived it and-- ... DEATH GOD?! Wait a minute! You think he knows suicidal techniques?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: -3- Lucy: *shakes her head* Kyoka: *thumbs down* -elsewhere- Relan: "I got the drinks!" shinra: awesome! -elsewhere- Assi: *hanging upside down from the storm gutter on the roof* DX -elsewhere- yana: *walking around* .... ???: "Lost, little lady?" yana: *shaft head tilts back* nyeh? ???: owo; "...I was just asking--" yana: you!....who're you? Steinbeck: "J-Johnny. Steinbeck. John Steinbeck. Johnny John Steinbeck--" yana: woah, chill dude, i just asked who you were, not for your life story. Steinbeck: "...I can tell it to you. I grew up with vines everywhere--" yana: uuh huh. cool story bro. Steinbeck: owo;;;; "...Are you going to the Festival?" yana: i've been going for the past few days. *sips her soda* Steinbeck: "Oh? You enjoying it?" yana: *shrugs* gives me something to do. dad said i could use the fresh air. Steinbeck: "Oh...You live with your dad?" yana: ....a bunch of people actually. big house. Steinbeck: "Oh! I come from a big family, too." ^^ yana: oh. cool. Steinbeck: "...What's your name?" yana: call me 'yana'. *sips* i'd ask you the same thing, but you just told me. like. 5 times. Steinbeck: *giggles* "Yeah...You like grape soda?" yana: hold up. *kicks mineta into the trash* .....he was lookin at us funny. Mineta: *bouncing in the trash can, screaming "DAMN IT!"* Steinbeck: "...Thanks for doing that." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *passes dish along* "Here you go." eijiro: awesome! *nom nom* Bakugo: "One good thing I can say about the Festival: good eats. Almost makes the weaklings around here worth it." eijiro: *nom nom* Bakugo: "So, who you think will get eliminated next?" eijiro: probably that monoma guy. he's a dick. Bakugo: "Tch. No kidding. Dude's got so many hangups that's just a walking ball of creep." Monoma: *hiding behind potted plants* *glare* eijiro: i dont know what's up his butt, but he needs to get over it. Bakugo: "I bet it's still Itsuka's foot up his ass." Monoma: "!!!!" eijiro: oooh. sick burn. Bakugo: "As sick as he is in the head--" Monoma: *pops from the plants--covered in leaves* "I AM NOT SICK IN THE HEAD, YOU HOT-HEAD AND COLD, HARD MAN!" eijiro: *SCREAMS AND THROWS HIS CHICKEN AT HIM* Monoma: *chicken'd* X_X *KO'ed* Bakugo: "...Did he just get defeated by fried chicken?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Happy to get out of that ridiculous outfit." miura: seconded. Gin: "...Is his mind going?" miura: it's anyone’s guess. i'll schedule a therapy appointment for him. Gin: "Thank you....Do you like this work?" miura: *shrugs* it's all i know, so sure. Gin: "Given what I've seen Motojiro accomplish, he could always adjust your work." miura: perhaps. and given his apprentice working as hard as she is... Gin: "How is she, by the way?" miura:....she's certainly energetic. -_-; ayako: MYEE HE HE HE! XD Gin: "...??? What is that noise?" miura: best not to question it. *knock on the locker room door* miura: ?? *x-ray vision on* *Motojiro is outside, shoving Ayako* Motojiro: "Go in! Leave me alone for a bit!" -WHAM- ayako: *falls face first* OOF! >3< ..... oh heya! Gin: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Brave knights! Take your steeds and assemble!" child: ._.; child 2: who is this guy? child 3: *raises hand* where's the teacher? Arthur: *is on a hobby horse* "I am your leader now! I will teach you the ways of chivalry, jousting, and how to roast a boar and cure the meat for proper storage in the winter!" girl: ._.; *Muffled screams are heard from the closet* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing metallic butterfly wings* "Okay, keep the camera rolling...This is Iron Butterfly, Test Number 1." akaderu: *thumbs up, recording* Kepuri: *thumbs up--and presses a switch...the wings start flapping* "It's working! This is great!" *The wings start flapping faster--and go so fast they bury her into the ground* mana: oh shit. Kepuri: @~@ "My legs hurt now..." Emine: "..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You all look like a mess." atsushi: long day. Lucy: -\\\- Kyoka: *sly smile* Kunikida: "In any case, I have one task for you." *hands paperwork* "And you have mail." kenji: hmm? atsushi: oh? Kyoka: *looks at Kenji* Kunikida: "From that model." atsushi: oooh. her. *excalibur face* Lucy: "...Who is 'her'?" -one explanation later- Lucy: "...Hmph." atsushi: dazai, could you read it? my head is still spinning from today. Dazai: "On it!" *opens the letter* " 'Dear cutie-potootie--'" Lucy: -_-; atsushi: *gags* why? Dazai: " 'I saw you in the sports competition thingie on TV. Congratulations! You were really doing well out there, running back and forth and stuff.'" -Dazai was reading all of this with a Valley Girl voice...- atsushi: -_-; Dazai: " 'I'll be recording the other rounds--so you better not lose, 'cause when you win, I'll give you a big hug and kiss! x's and o's.' Signed Honey Crisp." atsushi: *throws up in the garbage can* Lucy: D8> Kunikida: "..." *sighs* Dazai: owo;;; "....Maybe ginger ale, sweetie?" atsushi: in perspective.....having akutagawa stalking me sounds just about dandy. -___-; Kyoka: "...Never say that." atsushi: .x.; Lucy: *rubs his back* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Where's the best spot for the concert?" tsuyu: how about over there? Izuku: "Oh, great! Let's go!" -elsewhere- Mori: "And then she hit you, Q?" Q: TT3TT *nods* Mori: "Hmm...That was mean of her. I don't know whether that technically violates the agreement we have with the Agency, as that girl is not with them officially..." Q: *pouts* elise: =n= Mori: "Elise, what do you think we should do to her?" elise: *shrug* Mori: "..." *smiles* "I think we'll have a meeting with her..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sets out the food* "Just about ready for the watch party!" fang-hua: awesome! Konro: "Should be enjoyable. The games so far have been competitive." Tsukiyo: "So the concert should be even better!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Y-You're sure the mark is gone?" stocking: *hands him a mirror* -yep, it's gone- Kid: *sigh* "Thank goodness..." *falls back* stocking: *stroking his head and hums* Kid: =w= stocking: ^^ Kid: "Thank you..." *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *laughing at an online video...* iris: *small chuckle* Vulcan: "Ha ha ha...Check this out. A giraffe was just born...It's so freaking cute." shinra: .-. Vulcan: "See? There's the mother tending to her child. And then--" *loud noises heard on the video* ???: "Kill that motherfucker!" -someone in video got tazed- shinra: .___.;;; Patty: *passed out in the grass* Vulcan: "...Sister? Why does that girl kinda look like you?" iris: i think that's takeru's girlfriend? Vulcan: "Huh. Hope she has a good lawyer." Baby Giraffe: Q~Q -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Lunch is ready." sonia: *nom* Chuuya: "You like pasta?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "It was a favorite of mine growing up, too." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "DOWN IN FRONT!" itsuka: hmm? Bakugo: "Can't see the stage..." -3- guy: WOOOOO! Todoroki: "..." ochako: *levitating them* how's that? itsuka: woah! Todoroki: "!!!" Bakugo: "Oh, sweet, I can see things." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "That's it for today. Go home." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "Want dinner at home, or go out?" atsushi: maybe we could have dinner at home? Lucy: "Okay. Order in, or are you expecting me to cook something?" atsushi: just leave it to me ^^ Lucy: ^^ "Good." Kyoka: "Make it tasty." -elsewhere- yana: <im home!> FD: <Welcome. How did it go?> yana: <well, found out the guild remnants have a new leader of sorts> FD: <A capable leader?> yana: <from what i gather. but we'll see soon enough.> *smirks* FD: <Indeed. Something to look forward to...> -elsewhere- Poe: *shiver* karl: O^O~? Poe: "...Just felt something off..." karl: *resting on his head* Poe: *pet pet* ^^ karl: =w= Poe: *opens a new notebook, starts jotting* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *spits up dirt* "That was awful..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "I finished the forms." mary: awesome! louisa: that's good to know. ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what have you all been up to?" -elsewhere- Monoma: X____X pony: nate? you ok? Monoma: "I was hit by chicken...I'm dead now." pony: ._.; chicken man: i didnt do anything! pony:.... *picks him up* i'll take ya to da nurse, den. Monoma: X____X "My head hurts..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...The music wasn't terrible." naoya: at least you got to enjoy yourself, today, right? Akutagawa: "Eh..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* hanako: hmm? Hibana: "Oh, nothing, sweetie." *smiles* "Just a lot on Mommy's mind." hanako: oh.... *resting her head on her lap* Hibana: *strokes her head* "Feeling okay?" hanako: yeah Hibana: "...I love you." hanako: love you too, mama. Hibana: ^^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Joker: *sipping milk* "Ugh..." scarlet: how you holding up? Joker: "Fine enough--just overdid it on the drink. Needed something to settle my stomach." scarlet: ah. Joker: *passes a plate of cookies--all poker symbol shaped* scarlet: *nom* Joker: ^^ "Old recipe I had." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *holds up a drawing* "Who did this?" *he's designed like a gorilla* iris: hibana sent that in the mail, today. Akitaru: "..." *hands it to Iris* "Burn it." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *holding a cross, rubbing his thumb along it* -silence- Hawthorne: *sighs* ("Please, God...") -...- Hawthorne: "..." *starts weeping* -...- Hawthorne: *tosses the cross down, covering his face* -.....- Hawthorne: *sobbing--as he starts slapping his wrist* "Stupid stupid stupid..." -.....- Hawthorne: "You're so stupid! What did you think was going to happen?!" -...- Hawthorne: *collapses against the wall...curls up in a ball and sobs* -silence- Hawthorne: *continues sobbing silently* -in another room- keek: *whimpering* i wanna go home soon.... *knock knock* keek: !?! w-who is- Hawthorne: "It's me." keek: oh....i see.... Hawthorne: "...May I enter?" keek:...s-sure, whatever. Hawthorne: *enters* "...Oh." keek: *she's by herself, huddled under a blanket on a makeshift bed* Hawthorne: "...Not the most comfortable beds here." keek:...its something.... Hawthorne: "...This place?...It is...not good." keek:...*tears falling* i never asked for this... Hawthorne: "...No one does." *sits beside her* keek: i've seen some messed up shit on the deep web. i-i thought i'd be prepared for something like this... b-but this...i-its too much....i just want my mom. *crying* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* keek: *crying* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry. This is...a trying time, to be sure." keek: a-am i just a bad kid? Hawthorne: "...No. No, you are not." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "This is...This has to be part of God's plan." keek:...d-does he hate us? Hawthorne: "No, no...He doesn't. God loves all of his children." keek: ..... Hawthorne: "We can't know what He wants...We just have to believe He knows what he is doing..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Well, good night." fuyumi: night. Todoroki: *nods, turns and starts walking* -...- {Todoroki: *a child, hiding*} {-BOOM-} {???: get out here. NOW!} {Todoroki: *shudders, pushes himself further back under his bed*} {???: i know you're in there!} {Todoroki: *shaking, trying to keep quiet*} -...- Todoroki: "???" *his hand has moved to his scar--and he quickly pulls back his hand with a grunt* -silence- Todoroki: *shakes his head, keeps walking* -elsewhere- stocking: better? Kid: *nods* "Thanks..." stocking: any time, babe *smooch* Kid: =w= "So soft..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hug* *sighs* "This is perfect..." stocking: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, resting with her* stocking: i love you so much, you know that? Kid: *opens his eyes, looks at her...nods* "...I do." *smiles* "But I appreciate the reminder--as if my love for you was not already a reminder." stocking: *chuckles and holds him* Kid: =w= *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Gin: "More?" *hold wine bottle* -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." shinra: *tucks him in* Relan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep on the couch* mito: =w= sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *shifts slightly, pulling the blanket over himself and Sonia* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *happy sigh, holds her close* -...- {Chuuya: *flipping through photos on his phone*} {rain: hmm? what are you looking at?} {Chuuya: .\\\. "!!! N-Nothing!" *on his phone is a photo of a younger Kouyou with a small boy wearing a big hat*} {rain: is that you?} {Chuuya: .\\\\\. *nods*} {rain: ^^ you looked really adorable....n-not implying you arent adorable now! *muttering* i mean your more handsome than adorable.. i-i mean- } {Chuuya: -\\\\- "I get it, I get it...Th-Thanks...Kouyou just insisted on sending old pics to me."} {rain: i see.} {Chuuya: "...This isn't fair. I should get to see a pic of you when you were a kid."} {rain:...i dont exactly have any on me...} {Chuuya: "...Oh. Sorry. ... Um...Want to see another one?"} {rain: sure ^^} Chuuya: *shudders* sonia: *shifting in her sleep* Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "??" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in a bit more, looking up at the ceiling* -silence, the lights from the cars driving past shining on the ceiling- Chuuya: *closes his eyes, sighs* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." {Mori: "Do you like it here?"} {shizuka: *nods* i think this office will work nicely, mr mori. ^^ } {Mori: "I'm happy to hear. I imagine this will take getting used to, so if you have a question, please feel free to ask."} {shizuka: *nods* understood, sir.} {Mori: "I also would like to call in for lunch. Tell me, what do you like to eat?"} {shizuka: oh, it's alright. i brought my own for today, but i appreciate the offer, sir. ^^ } {Mori: "Not even a dessert?"} {shizuka: ah! darn i forgot. *sigh*} {Mori: "Then let me order you something. Name it."} {shizuka: eh? are you sure about that, sir? i-i mean you're probably busy-} {Mori: "I'm making time, because I want to make sure you are taken care of while you are at work." *smiles*} {shizuka: *small blush* um...t-thank you, i guess.} {Mori: "You're welcome." *sets a menu down in front of her, looks over her shoulder* "Pick what you wish. I'm buying."} -...- Mori: *sighs* "...I want something sweet." -silence- Mori: *hits the intercom* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in his sleep* -knocks on his door- Akutagawa: =___= *gets out of bed, answers the door* -it was gin- Akutagawa: *opens the door* "...Hello." gin: cant sleep? Akutagawa: "..." *shakes his head* "How did you know?" gin: sisterly instincts. Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "...Care to come in?" gin: *opens the door* *small nod* Akutagawa: "...Thanks." *sits down* "Can't sleep either?" gin: *shrugs* anything bothering you? Akutagawa: "...My regard for the Tiger." gin: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wonder what I should be doing..." gin: did you try telling him? Akutagawa: "...I did not get the answer I wanted." gin: ...*pats his back* Akutagawa: *shudders* "...I'm never going to convince him, am I?" gin: who knows. Akutagawa: "...I don't know what to do. I feel like I've wasted my time." gin: ....*hug* Akutagawa: "..." *hug* *sniff* gin: its going to be ok. Akutagawa: "...I hope so..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "It's okay, buddy..." *pat pat* toru: *hic* chie: *rocking him and humming* toru: .... Yohei: *smiles* ("She's so good at this...") chie: *humming* toru:.....zzzzz chie: *sigh* Yohei: *smiles at her* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *tucking her in* Kyoka: *smiles, resting more comfortably* atsushi:....*sighs and relaxes on the couch* .... Oda: How are you feeling? atsushi: alright, i guess. Oda: That's good. You deserve the rest. atsushi: *smiles and yawns* night. Oda: ...Good night. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *unbuttons his shirt, lies down in bed* -silence- Kunikida: *stares up at the ceiling, arms behind his head* "..." *sighs* -...- Kunikida: "Hmph." *takes off his glasses, sets them on his nightstand, and turns off the lights* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sipping milk, walks into the garage* karin: zzzzz *asleep at her desk* Akitaru: "..." *takes a blanket, drapes it over her shoulders* karin: =w= Akitaru: *looks at her...then at what she is building* -it appears to be a pair of fisticuffs- Akitaru: *looks at the size of them against his own hands* -on the desk is a picture of karin and irina as kids- Akitaru: "..." ("To lose someone in your family...") -...- {ami: when i gwo up, im gonna be big and stwong just like you, papa!} {Akitaru: "Oh, really? Let me see that strength..." *holds up his palm*} {ami: *high five* hehe! ^^ } Akitaru: *sets down the photo carefully, exits the garage* -early morning- Chuuya: *yawns, opens his eyes...looks around* sonia: *asleep* mito: zzz Chuuya: *smiles* *nudge nudge* sonia: mmn? *yawn* morning, papa. Chuuya: "Good morning. Sleep okay?" sonia: *nods* i got to see mama in my dream again. she's making lots of friends. Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* "Really? That's really good. She talked with you?" sonia: *nods* she misses us a lot....i miss her too... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "That makes sense...We love her. And I wish she was back too..." *pats her head* "At least she is watching over you." sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "And I'm here, too. *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "Your mom and I love you, Sonia." -elsewhere- Kid: *washing his hair* stocking: *streeeeetch* Kid: *smiles* "Sleep well?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Quite well..." *his voice gets muffled, as he puts his head under the water to rinse* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Morning, Mom!" *he's in All Might pajamas* inko: morning sweetie. *kiss on the forehead* Izuku: ^\\\^ "I had a lot of fun at the concert! And I'm excited about the Festival! There's so much to do there!" inko: ^^ Izuku: "Want me to bring something home? They have delicious spongecake..." -elsewhere- yuuji:....*staring at the ceiling*....*sigh* *his phone buzzes* yuuji: *checking it* hmm? Aizawa: [where are you?] yuuji: [at the apartment. just woke up] Aizawa: [hurry up to the school. pick up cat food. Dry Bones brand. will pay you back] yuuji: ... [k] Aizawa: [thanks] -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Breakfast is almost done! How y'all want your eggs?" -elsewhere- Stein: *walking to school, carrying a first aid kit* "Wonder why Aizawa needed both of us..." valentine: hopefully there are survivors. Stein: "True. In any case, will offer good time to analyze the subjects..." Aizawa: "Yo." *waves* "Over here." -inside- Aizawa: *puts on his coat, steps into the hallway* valentine: so what's the damage? Aizawa: "Nothing too terrible. Just a fight that got out of hand..." Monoma: -____x valentine: i see. Bakugo: "HE STARTED IT!" valentine: both of you just chill out. -_-; *administering the tranquilizers* Monoma and Bakugo: *both collapse on the bed* Bakugo: *drooling* "Stoopid tranq..." Monoma: "Mah mooh mah..." valentine: -_-; Aizawa: "Thank you. Please tend to their wounds." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding coffee* naoya: sleep well? Akutagawa: "A bit better after speaking with Gin." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...Just still feel conflicted." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "Zzz..." RHOD member: oi, get up. Hawthorne: =_= *sits up* "I'm awake..." *turns over--and sees his Bible on the floor* "..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sips tea* "So Bram, are you feeling better?" bram: a little bit, yes. *sigh* Fitzgerald: "...It is a difficult condition, isn't it?" bram: *nods* though it isnt nearly as bad as it used to be. when i was a child, i couldnt even leave my bed because i was so ill. Fitzgerald: "..." *nods* "That sounds horrible." bram: it was horrible. Fitzgerald: "...Well, I'm glad you have made some progress. And that you have help." bram: *nods* when i first met mary, she was being attacked by wolves, she didnt look like she had means of protecting herself, so i had to step in and chase them off. i sort of became a bodyguard for her after that incident. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...I'm surprised, given how different you two seem." bram: *nods* despite all the misfortunes that befall her, she always looks to the brighter side. it's a rather admirable trait to have in this world. Fitzgerald: "..." *looks down into his tea* "I suppose so...Would need to if we want to move forward." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing an All Might mask* shinra: ?? Relan: "...You actually bought one of those at the Festival?" Arthur: *muffled* "A knight must wear a helmet." tamaki: *sighs* *she has on a wild wild pussycats t-shirt* Relan: "Cool shirt, Tamaki!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at burrito stand* "..." eijiro: whats up? Todoroki: "Debating what to eat." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rolling out pizza dough* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "File this." atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "??? Problem?" atsushi: *shakes head* i'll get right to it, sir! Kunikida: "Thank you." *looks back at the letter* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, chewing a slipper* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Anticipating what the next round will be?" atsushi: not sure. Kyoka: "I hope it is one you win." atsushi: me too. Kyoka: "??? Oh. Hello." Chuuya: "Hey." atsushi: good luck! OwO;;; Chuuya: "...Relax. He's not here." atsushi: who? oh...right... ahahahaha....haaaa.... ^^;;;; Chuuya: "So, you two enjoying the festivities? I was going to take Sonia on some of the rides." atsushi: sounds good. sonia: *staaaare* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello, Sonia." sonia: *waves* eijiro: eeeey! ozaki! what's up? sonia: ??? Chuuya: ^^;; "Not much..." eijiro: ?? who's that? your sister or something? sonia: no, he's my papa. eijiro: ^^........ OuO; Chuuya: o\\\w\\\o "...It's a long story." odasaku: awkwaaaard. Chuuya: "...Sweetie, this is one of my classmates, Eijiro." eijiro: um....hiiii? .u.;;; sonia:....spiky. Chuuya: "..." *small chortle* -elsewhere- Mori: "The others are at that Festival?" kouyou: seems so. Mori: "Hmm. Hope it yields good results...The child?" kouyou: *glare* you wont be laying a single finger on my granddaughter, understood~? ^^# Mori: owo;;;; "I was thinking nothing of the kind!" kouyou: you better not be. Mori: owo;;;;;;;;;;;; "...I still think she would enjoy a playdate with Elise." -elsewhere- Hibana: "More cotton candy?" hanako: yep! mikami: ^^ Hibana: "Here you go..." *plucks some for Hanako* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sitting on the balcony* namiko: TT~TT Dazai: "??? Hey, what's wrong?" namiko: everything pretty much.....the river looks nice today. how deep do you think it is? Dazai: "Oh! Oh! I know this one! It's three me's deep!" namiko: ......so from this height, i wont break my neck then. Dazai: "..." *calmly turns his head, still smiling* ^^# "...What?" namiko: uhh..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q___Q;;; Dazai: "Why would you want to do that?" namiko: my life is too stressful, my quirk just causes problems, my own parents forget i even exits half the time *mutter mutter* Dazai: "Yo, kid...What is our Quirk?" namiko: uhhhhhh..... Dazai: QWQ "...And why are my eyes burning?" namiko: *absconds* Dazai: "!!! Wait, don't just go!" -she escaped- Dazai: "...." *starts rubbing his eyes* "Jeez..." -elsewhere- Motojiro "..." *sighs* "Quiet." ayako: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* .u. Motojiro: *putting together a lemon device...* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *grunts* hirotsu: ?? Tachihara: "Just not feeling this, man. I think I need to have an actual opponent." -elsewhere- Gin: *in casual wear and a jacket* "Ready to ride?" *holds up a motorcycle helmet* higuchi: *nods* naoya: *thumbs up* Gin: *puts on her helmet, gets on the cycle* "Hold on tight." higuchi: *holding on* Gin: *starts the engine--and takes off* -elsewhere- Yumi: "More crayons, sweetie?" shiori: *nods* Yumi: *opens a new box* "Here you go! Just remember to draw on the paper only." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *his face is painted like a cat* "..." ochako: hehe, cute. Todoroki: "I was pressured into it." Izuku: ^^ *his face is painted like a bunny* ochako: brb. *goes to the stand, later she returns with her face painted like a puppy* Todoroki: "...Ha. That suits you." Izuku: *thumbs up* ochako: ^u^ Izuku: "Come on! Let's get a photo. You two first!" ochako: peace! *v sign* Todoroki: "Um..." *SNAP* ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: -\\\- Izuku: "Came out great!" *shows the pic* ochako: awesome! Izuku: "Yeah, you two look good in it." Todoroki: .\\\\. ochako: *giggles* you look adorable, todoroki. Todoroki: "...Th-Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...May I ask a question?" kirei: yes? Benimaru: "...My shoulders feel a bit sore." kirei: *rubbing his shoulders* Benimaru: *sigh* "Thank you...That is nice..." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei...I...love..." kirei: *smooch* i love you too. Benimaru: =\\\= *hugs her* kirei: u///u Benimaru: *rests his head against her chest* "...Your heart." kirei: *hug* Benimaru: *soft hum* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Another slice?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Good work. I appreciate the cat food." yuuji: no prob. Aizawa: "How much was it?" *pulls out his wallet with his scarf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a mannequin--which has some tech on it* "Nice threads." karin: thanks. it's a little pet project im working on. Akitaru: *looking behind it* "Got a name for it?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *walking slowly with a slight limp* -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and then she ran away." yosano: huh. Dazai: "Any idea what was up with her?" *still rubbing his eyes* "Gah, they still burn..." yosano: hold on a sec. *hands him eye drops and pulls her phone out* Dazai: "Thanks..." *puts in drops* "What you looking up?" yosano: did she look like this? -on the screen is a photo of the pro hero, teary blue- Dazai: "That's her! I think. My eyes are still recovering." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Better head home. Be safe getting back." atsushi: good night! ^^; Kyoka: "Good night." *waves at Sonia* sonia: *wave wave* Kyoka: "That went well. You didn't get stalked." atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "Want to stop by somewhere for food?" atsushi: sure! Kyoka: "Tofu. And dessert." -elsewhere- Gin: "Just up that hill..." *Gin parks the motorcycle...where a blanket is left...with a picnic basket* higuchi: wow, the view is amazing! Gin: *nods* "I scouted it out for earlier missions. Thought it would be the best location..." *holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: ^/////^ Gin: *leads her to sit on the blanket, as she removes food from the basket* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *covering his ears* -___-;;; zoey: *moaning* FD: *grunting, slapping her bottom* Hawthorne: "It never ends..." keek: TT____TT i feel sick. Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Let's get you some ginger ale." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry." FD: "Take it harder..." zoey: ah~! FD: "So close...So close..." *rests his fingers along her neck* zoey: nnh~<3 FD: *he pants--thrusts harder, his fingers increasing their grip along her neck, and then--* "ahhhh…" zoey: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3<3 FD: *cums inside her, his body shivering, his hand vibrating along her neck...before it shifts down, massaging her side* "Ah...God damn..." zoey: *panting, her whole body shaking* ah~ FD: *pulls himself out of her, massaging her sides* "How did that feel...having all of that inside you?" zoey: *pant* f-feels so good... FD: "I am glad to hear...It was excellent for me as well." *his fingers slide into her* zoey: ah~<3 *blush* FD: *his teeth bite lightly on her ear, as he massages her inner walls...he rubs himself along her side* zoey: *panting* m-master~ FD: "mmnn..." *licks behind her ear, his thumb along her clitoris...he's already getting hard again* keek: *urk* Hawthorne: *covers her ears* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: =///////= *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee..." *smooch, pats her hip* stocking: *nuzzle* hehe~ Kid: *sniffs her hair* "It's fruity..." stocking: =////w////= Kid: *kisses the back of her neck, under her hair* stocking: this is nice. Kid: "Mmm..." *holds her, breathing steadily* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *sips her beer* "...Not bad." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *walking* yuuji: .... Todoroki: *spots Yuuji...narrows his eyes* yuuji: yo. Todoroki: "The former villain." yuuji: i have a name, you know. Todoroki: "Then actually earn the privilege of being called it." yuuji: tch-, you must think your hot shit because you’re the son of the number two hero, huh? whatever, its none of my business- Todoroki: "I think I am powerful and capable because I am. My parents have nothing to do with it. My actions speak for themselves--as do yours." yuuji: .... whatever. im not trying to be a hero or villain or anything here. im just trying to find a purpose in life, i guess. Todoroki: "...I guess that is all anyone can do. I can relate." yuuji: that's why i enrolled in the general department. im not exactly 'hero material'. im just me. Todoroki: "And why should anyone believe you won't continue being a villain?" yuuji: because the only reason i had to be a villain is long gone... *his eyes look dull* Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: .....*rubs his eyes* Todoroki: "...Need to sit?" yuuji: ....let me just get something from the machine real quick. *gets a soda* Todoroki: "..." *looks at flavors available* yuuji: i guess this is the part where i start elaborating my tragic backstory to you, right? Todoroki: "...I suppose so." *gets a cinnamon cola...He chills it with his touch* yuuji: when i was just a kid, my mom kind of walked out on us. few days later, my old man took his pistol and just... *puts his fingers to his head like a gun and 'pulls the trigger'* bang. Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: i ended up in foster home after foster home after that. one night, i got bored and just kind of left. decided to hang around the graveyard....that's where i met sachi. Todoroki: "Sachi?" yuuji: sachi inaba... her home life...she was way worse off than i was. her parents were one of those extremely religious nutjobs. we're talking westboro level nutjobs. they treated her like complete shit, all because she had a quirk. Todoroki: "...And so you two..." yuuji: we just took off. sachi was angry at the world. she wanted to make it pay for all she was put through. she thought 'if they wanted to treat me like the bad guy, then i'll become the badguy'. of course, this was after a few weeks of getting to know each other first, i mean, we didnt just elope on the first meeting, that'd just be silly. Todoroki: "...So you acted like villains." yuuji: yeah, eventually kurogiri found us and brought us in....sachi was happy. she had the life of freedom she always wanted for so long, and i just wanted to be by her side...then....*he is tearing up* she was....killed by mafiosos...by some...shadowy demon....i-it wasnt tokoyami, it was...something different... Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." yuuji: well, now you know my reasons, right? Todoroki: "Yes." yuuji: if you still want to judge, then judge all you damn well please. *sips his drink and sighs* Todoroki: "...Everyone has an origin story. Yours clarifies your motive." yuuji: i guess...its getting late, i should head home. thanks for the talk, i guess. hitoshi: *listening from behind a tree* ..... Todoroki: ".. Thanks for sharing. Night." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *looking at sweets at bakery* ranpo: *nom* Kunikida: *takes a cookie* "Any idea about the Rats?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *wipes off table* himawari: *tending to plants* Shamrock: "How are the plants?" himawari: doing well. Shamrock: "...They look healthier than ever." himawari: *small smile* Shamrock: "You must be treating the plants well." himawari: *nods* Shamrock: "Good work..." *sets out plates and cups* "I'll finish the tea." himawari: ^^ Shamrock: "Milk? Honey?" himawari: sure. Shamrock: *pours tea, then starts to add milk* "Say when." -elsewhere- Anya: *holding large bags of Festival souvenirs* -elsewhere- Hibana: "There you go..." *has made a flower crown* -elsewhere- Tool: *sips water* "..." *hiccup* -elsewhere- Mori: *signs the last form* "Here you go." miura: *nods and files it* Mori: *watches her* miura:...sir? Mori: "...You're surprisingly lifelike." miura: i'll take that as some kind of odd compliment, sir. Mori: "Sorry, it's just, given my medical studies, I didn't think it was possible for someone robotic to pass so convincingly as human--at least, when it comes to appearance and movement..." miura: i see. well, given technological advancements in the past few years... Mori: "...Can you change your voice?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay? Need anything before bed?" sonia: im good. Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes, you are." *forehead kiss* "Sweet dreams, Sonia." sonia: night, papa. Chuuya: "Good night..." *turns off the lights* sonia: *closing her eyes* Chuuya: *carefully shuts the door, watching her as he does* sonia: *holding her teddy and sleeping* Chuuya: *shuts the door completely* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *puts some soft music on his phone, at a low volume* mito: *resting on the couch* =w= Chuuya: *sits down next to Mito, pets her before checking his phone* -text from; dazai, kouyou, kyouka, akutagawa- Chuuya: "..." *starts with Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [did you see the Tiger?] Chuuya: "..." [yes] Akutagawa: [okay thank you good night] Chuuya: "...???" *checks Kyoka's text* Kyoka: [pic] *It's of Atsushi* -it shows atsushi with tiger face paint- Chuuya: "..." *snort laugh, saves the pic* Chuuya: [that's pretty funny] Kyoka: [^^] Chuuya: *looks at Kouyou's text* kouyou: [doing well?] Chuuya: [okay. took sonia to festival] kouyou: [did she have fun?] Chuuya: [i think so. i took a pic] *attaches one of her with a candy apple* kouyou: ^^ [how cute!] Chuuya: [i know, right?!] kouyou: [^^ good night.] Chuuya: *smiles--then sees Dazai's text* o____________O Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* mito: 0^0~? Chuuya: "...Butt dial. Awful, awful butt dial." mito: *peeeeek* *Dazai is looking over his shoulder, blowing a kiss at the mirror...He's wearing only socks* mito: .... ._. Chuuya: "...He must have texted the wrong person. I _hope_ he texted the wrong person." *the phone rings, hiding the image* Chuuya: "???" *looks* Dazai: [...yeah, just ignore that. that wasn't for you] Chuuya: "..." [I KNEW THAT!] -it was a mass text (yosano: *deletes pic* ranpo: ....huh. naomi: ..... atsushi: .______________________________. WHY?!?! odasaku: ... no comment. ango: D.8 Kunikida: "..." *sets down the phone...writes onto his paper...pulls out a hammer from the page--and smashes the phone, along with his living room table*) Dazai: [well, i got other apologies to make. l8r!] Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "Why..." (kirako: ..... ./////. nice ) (Dazai: "MY PUBLIC ADORES ME!" *hug*) Chuuya: "..." *lies back on couch* "Ugh..." mito: *rests on his stomach* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: *purrrr* Chuuya: *closes his eyes* {Chuuya: *trying to take a photo with his phone* "...Did it flash?"} {kouyou: yes, yes it did.} {Chuuya: ^^ "I'm glad. I couldn't tell with the hat covering my eyes..."} {kouyou: did you two want to see how it turned out?} {Chuuya: *nod nod*} {Dazai: "Better hold it low enough for Chuuya to see..."} {Chuuya: Q_Q } {kouyou: *tugs dazai's ear* behave you. *she shows it to them*} {Dazai: QWQ } {Chuuya: "Oh! It looks good...Doesn't it?" *looks at Kouyou*} {kouyou: *she smiles and nods*} {Chuuya: ^\\^ "I'm glad."} {Dazai: *nod nod*} Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "...He still doesn't know how to take photos." -elsewhere- Gin: "Mmm..." *hug, kiss* higuchi: ^////^ Gin: "..." *pulls back...takes off her own jacket, hugs Higuchi again* "...So nice." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *shivers* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: *nods* "Just cold...Ironic." -elsewhere- Poe: *reading* karl: *asleep* Poe: *closes his book, puts on his nightcap--pets Karl before blowing out his candle* -elsewhere- lana: night dad. Mr Shephard: "Good night, honey. Get some sleep." lana: *smiles and heads to her room and goes to sleep* *yawn* {Poe: *smiles*} lana: =///w///= -elsewhere- mafura: ?? Touma: *looking at an old photo* -it appears to be of two men and a younger shuuhei- Touma: "Hmm...I wonder..." mafura: ~? Touma: "He did have some family..." -elsewhere- himawari:..... {-a sister is laying on the outskirts of a burning nunnery, bleeding badly-} {sister: <ah.....am i....going to die here?> } {???: You don't have to.} {sister: *she looks up* ?? } {*A man in a kimono stands...One sleeve covers his hand*} {Mr. Tsubaki: ...You can continue to live...in a way. But you would survive this.} {sister: *she reaches out* <please.....save me...>} himawari:....*sighs* Shamrock: "???" himawari: ?? ^^ just thinking. Shamrock: *nods* "..." ("She's talking a lot more now...") "I was wondering...whether you could help me in the garden this weekend." himawari: ^^ sure. Shamrock: *smiles* "Good...It will help before the weather gets colder." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Zzz..." *BANG* yu: WOAH WHAT THE *BAM* ow Vulcan: "?!!!" *sits up, looking around* -...- Relan: *sits up* ("Wh-What was that?") *BANG* Relan: "!!!" *looks at Button's cage* buttons: >~< *hiding under his wheel* *Loud moaning and growls coming from the hallway* Relan: Q___Q ("Vulcan, if you brought another wolverine into the building...") tamaki: what the hell is going on?! *There are dirt footprints in the hallway* shinra: *has a fire extinguisher out* tamaki: *arming herself with a mop* *The dirt footprints lead into...the cellar* tamaki: *gulp* *Chittering is heard--then, from the shadows...something is tossed at them* shinra: *tugs the nozzle* -SPRRRRT- tamaki: *SCREAMING* *PTPTH* STOP! STOP!! *The object tossed rolls along the floor at them...It's a donkey's head* tamaki: *SCREEEEEEEAM* iris: EEK! >^< shinra: WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE IS THE LIGHTSWITCH?! Relan: "I got it!" *presses the light switch--off...five times* "...Oh, right!" *presses it on* *DUN DUN DUN...* shinra: ._. tamaki: ._. iris: ._. Relan: ._. shinra: someone get the commander down here. *Arthur is on the floor, in an awkward pose, in his boxers, eating a very large chunk of meat...he's covered in something red* maki: O_____O what the heck?! Relan: *screams* karin: what the hell is he doing covered in ketchup? Akitaru: "Wh-What's going on?!" Takehisa: *yawn* "Obviously he wanted condiments..." shinra: a good question. iris: arthur? are you dead? *poke poke* Arthur: "Mmm...Meat...Hamburger...Fish...Squirrel..." yu: ._.; we really need a medic here. tamaki + shinra + iris + maki: so true. Akitaru: "Hmmm...I suppose I could start interviewing." Death the Kid: Relan: "Yeah, and a medic would help when Tamaki has her accidents--" tamaki: *glare* shinra: *protective stance* >8\ Relan: Q~Q Arthur: *suddenly wakes up--and his fist slams into Akitaru's jaw* Akitaru: "..." *unaffected* "...Um...???" Arthur: "..." *looks around--then at himself* "...Am I underdressed? Where's my armor?" *then sees the donkey's head* "AND WHO KILLED MY STEED?!" -elsewhere- Joker: *on the phone* -_____- "I know, I know..." -elsewhere- Stein: *typing at his computer...takes another sip of coffee* "Okay. Done with this file." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sips his beer* kirako: *buzzed* hehehue~ Dazai: "Hee hee...Really good, isn't it?" *pats her back* kirako: yeeeep. =w= Dazai: "Hee hee..." *reaches for her glasses, taking them off carefully--and putting them on* kirako: owo Dazai: "Do I look cute and sexy now~?" *bishi sparkle* kirako: *gets really close to him*.....i cant see shit. Dazai: "Then you won't see this coming..." *kisses her lips* kirako: O////O ?! Dazai: *leans back, smiling* "See?" kirako: TnT you naughty boy. am i going to need to punish you? Dazai: "If I keep misbehaving...will you?" *his hand rests on her lower back...and downward* kirako: *crawling onto him* you tell me~? Dazai: "I guess you will...Guess I have to be really bad..." *his other hand takes her breast* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *taps a finger on the table* bartender: *slips him some orange juice* Akutagawa: "Thank you." *sips* -early morning- Izuku: *skipping rope* -elsewhere- Kid: *small snore* stocking: ...... *kisses both his earlobes* Kid: "Mmm...Ah..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* "...M-Morning." ^\\\^ stocking: good morning yourself, handsome~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *rests hand along her cheek* "Beautiful..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hugs her* "I wish I could just spend all day here..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmm...Out of orange juice. Apple juice okay?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *pours a cup for her* "Drink up!" sonia: *sips* ^^ Chuuya: "Good for you trying something new..." *pours milk on his cereal* "So, Gin and Higuchi will be with you today." sonia: okay. Chuuya: "They said they had some fun activities planned." sonia: *smiles* Chuuya: "And I'll be home tonight after the Festival. And we'll have ice cream." -elsewhere- Gin: "??? The small child who follows our lemonheaded explosives expert?" hirotsu: college student, actually. and yes, today is her birthday. Gin: "...And Motojiro has no plans to celebrate, does he?" hirotsu: not that i know of. in all seriousness, i think the young lady has forgotten herself. her mind seems to be all over the place. Gin: "Then a party may ground her." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Another cushion, please." TTWTT ranpo: *puts on his glasses*....dude. you guys are nasty. Kyoka: "..." kirako: ahahaha...haha...haaaa .w.;;;; Kunikida: "???" ranpo: i'll tell you when you're older, kunikida. yosano: yeah, im not even gonna touch that. Kyoka: "I think Kirako already touched it." -stunned silence- fukuzawa:...... *inhales* atsushi:......*FAINTS* odasaku:....*stoic face as a single tear falls* bruh. Dazai: owo;;; "Get him a cushion!" ranpo: preferably not one that was on your butt. Kyoka: *nod nod* Kunikida: "Yes." Dazai: o\\\w\\\o -elsewhere- Monoma: "..." *evil chuckling* hitoshi:.....*turns away and speed walks away* Monoma: "Yes...Yes..." *writing notes* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *puts on his kimono* ???: pardon me~ are you the head of this little town~? Benimaru: *feeling tense* "Yes." tsurugi: we're looking for this man, he's a vampire. a scary scary vampire! *holding up a photograph....of mr tsubaki* Benimaru: "Hmm...Yes, I did see this person." tsurugi: oh~? Benimaru: "A few months ago he had passed through, during an attack on this village. I had meant to question him--but he had escaped before I could." tsurugi: *pouts* i see. weeeeelll if you see him again, let us know~ *leaves behind a C3 business card* Benimaru: "Of course. Thank you." *turns and departs...heading to the infirmary* *inside* reimi: hmm? commander? Benimaru: *walks by Reimi, enters Mr. Tsubaki's office* reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, commander! Welcome! How was that ointment for your--" Benimaru: *pulls back his fist...* Mr. Tsubaki: owo;;; Benimaru: *heats up his arm, increasing the force of his blow, extinguishing the flame just before his fist collides with Mr. Tsubaki's face--knocking the 'doctor' back into the wall* reimi: O_O ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *collapsed on the floor* "...WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL WAS THAT FOR?! Homicidal nutty rage is _not_ a side effect of medicine for your--" Benimaru: "Oh, no, the doctor had a nasty fall from his chair..." *takes Mr. Tsubaki by the back of his head--and keeps slamming it against the floor* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ow!" *slam* "Hey!" *slam* "It's not my fault you--" *slam slam slam slam* Benimaru: "You're going to need a lot of bandages for that. Sister, please hand me bandages for the doctor." reimi: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: "Give me the damn bandages! Now!" reimi: why are you attacking him?! Benimaru: *grabs Reimi by the shoulders* "They are hunting him. Need an alibi--and a disguise." *pushes her aside, grabs the bandages himself--and starts wrapping them around Mr. Tsubaki's face* reimi: ah! *wince* Mr. Tsubaki: "GRK--?!" *his mouth is covered, as Benimaru wraps his entire head in bandages* *muffled mutter groan* reimi: ??? Benimaru: "Yes, I know. You're welcome." *looks at Reimi* "The doctor is on leave until he recovers. He is not to leave his home. You better stay under the radar, too, in case they come back for you." reimi: what are you talking about? Benimaru: "..." *looks at her eyes* reimi: *worried* Benimaru: "...Vampire. I can't believe it." reimi:.......do you want us to leave? *tearing up* Benimaru: *pats her shoulder* "I wouldn't be hiding him if I was kicking you out right now. We'll discuss this further. Just get him home and keep him there." Mr. Tsubaki: *muffled yelling* Benimaru: *DEATH GLARE* Mr. Tsubaki: o______o *shuts up* reimi:.....right.... -elsewhere- Touma: *on the phone* "No sign of him?" tsurugi: not yet, but we'll find him soon, mr touma! ^^ Touma: "Any information you gathered?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivers* tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: *looks around the room* "...Sorry. Just something feels...off. Or like..." *touches his eyepatch* tsubaki:...is it your.....y-you know...? Shamrock: "My eye?" tsubaki:....*she nods* Shamrock: "...It's like a phantom pain." tsubaki:.....i see.... how did it happen? Shamrock: "..." *swallows* "A mission that went badly. Training didn't prepare me...Bad information on the mission." tsubaki:...*pat pat* Shamrock: *nods* "...I was told by a supervisor that getting your scars in battle were just indications of injury..." *holds a hand to his heart* "...but that there are far deeper scars that do not heal." tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "...I won't act like I'm at 100 percent, but I learn to live without an eye. Learning to live with other experiences...actions I have taken..." *stares into Tsubaki's eyes* "That is more difficult, to live with what you have done." {Masamune: "Sister...Want to play?"} tsubaki: *tears streaming* ...r....right... Shamrock: "!!! Oh dear..." *snatches four tissues out of the holder, quickly hands them to her* "H-Here..." tsubaki: *sniff* t-thanks. Shamrock: *pat pat* "I'm sorry." tsubaki: i-it's fine.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "...It doesn't go away." -elsewhere- Poe: QWQ lana: is everything ok? Poe: "...I'm happy. So why am I crying? Did I break? Is my head torn asunder? Has my heart exploded into flames?" lana: ???? ...ACK! MY EYES! namiko: Q_Q Poe: "?!!!" namiko: *SCREEEEEAMS and runs* karl: Q^Q Poe: "L-Lana!" *looks at the person running away* "...What was with that person?" -elsewhere- Arthur: -_-; "Why do I have to get the groceries? I only ate all the hamburgers, most of the hot dogs, the chips, four bottles of ketchup, a Diet Coke--" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Are you coming down with a cold?" yuuji: ?? Aizawa: "You seem distracted." yuuji: ....just had a talk with a classmate the other day. Aizawa: "Oh?" yuuji: yeah......is mic not in today? Aizawa: "Hence why I asked you: he's under the weather." yuuji: ah. that sucks. Aizawa: "He may be back at work tomorrow--so I need your help today." yuuji: ok then... um...how do i use this? Aizawa: "...What? The microphone, the soundboard, or the tranquilizer gun?" yuuji: wait the what now? 0-0 Aizawa: "Mic gets overly excited. I need a nap. I tranq him, then I sleep like someone who is in a deep sleep." yuuji: .______.; Aizawa: "Is that a problem?" *aims the gun at him* yuuji: o______________________o not at all sir. Aizawa: "Good." *zips up his sleeping bag* "I'm taking my break. Get the studio ready." yuuji:...*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Motojiro: -_______- ayako: O.O sonia: happy birthday. ayako: waaaait a sec..... *checks phone* ohSHITIFORGOT! Gin: ^^; "We tried not to." -elsewhere- Kishiri: .\\\. vivian: arent these outfits super cute? *in one of the cheerleader outfits* Kishiri: *nosebleed* "Wh-Why are you in that outfit, though?" vivian: i wanted to show off for you <3 Kishiri: .\\\w\\\. "I wasn't complaining...You look so hot." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and that's when Mom grounded me for a month." eijiro:....yikes. denki:....how do you _kick a ceiling_?!....on _accident_?! Bakugo: "I"m that good!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at his left hand* -...- {Todoroki: *crying, stepping back from a lit candle*} ???: todoroki? Todoroki: "..." *sighs, cold coming from his mouth* "Yes?" ochako: you ok? Todoroki: "Fine. Thank you. And you?" ochako: super excited! Todoroki: ._. "Oh?" -elsewhere- ???: "Atsushi?" atsushi: ?? hmm? Lucy: *looking down at him* "Wake up..." atsushi: *reaches up....his hand on her cheek* Lucy: .\\\. "Y-You had a pretty bad faint, from what they told me..." atsushi: ow, my head...am i dead? is this heaven? Lucy: o\\\\o "...No? J-Just stay down...I'll get more ice." atsushi:.... !!! *gets up* MY NAME IS ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA, 18 YEARS OLD! I WAS BORN MAY 5TH AND AM A MEMBER OF THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY! ...ok. i dont have amnesia, that's good. ahhhh. headache... shouldnt have been yelling. Lucy: -\\\- "I said lie down." *gently pushes his shoulders down* "You need to recuperate, or Dr. Hacksaw will try something desperate." atsushi:... ._. noted. Lucy: "..." *strokes his face* "Just glad you're relatively okay." atsushi: .... .//////. r-right.... .... *sweating* (thinking: OHGODNONOTNOWPLEASEGODOWNBEFORESHESEESITPLEASEGODPLEASE) Lucy: *smiles, leans down...* yosano: need some alone time, i see? atsushi: O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;;;; kill me Lucy: o\\\\o *looks over* "I-I was just checking his eyes! You know, make sure he can still see!" *her hands rest next to each side of his head* atsushi: OwO;;; yosano: ....*glance* looks like he can see and feel just fine. atsushi: O________________________O;;;; Lucy: "??? What does that mean--" *shifts--and falls forward* atsushi: O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\o *loud scream--as she slaps Atsushi's face* atsushi: yeah, i kind of deserve that. Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o *pulls back...looks down, then up* "...I HAVE TO KNEED DOUGH!" *runs--into a wall* atsushi: could you do me a solid and dig a hole for me to die in? i would appreciate that. Dazai: *pops up behind him* "On it! Meanwhile, Doc will have to help Lucy--" Lucy: X______X atsushi: DAZAI WHEN DID YOU- nevermind. -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *reading his Bible* -...- Hawthorne: *whispers passages to himself* "...valley of death..." -...- Hawthorne: "..." *sighs...looks around* -the room is still. stagnant- Hawthorne: *sniff* "Ugh..." ???: *sniff* Hawthorne: "?!!!" *looks* -it is a younger hawthorne? bloodied and crying- Hawthorne: "...You again." -the boy looks up, empty holes for eyes and a wide smile- Hawthorne: "...I shouldn't be surprised." *holds his Bible closer* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...They seem shaken." naho: *sigh* i dont know what to do. *hugging her pusheen pillow* Sakuya: "...I guess be there if they want to talk...Sure Black Star and Himawari know better than us..." naho: ....does black*star hate us? Sakuya: "...I don't know." naho: .... Sakuya: "...Dude's got all of us living here, Mr. Tsubaki trying to sleep with his partner and girlfriend...I don't like it. But I get why he'd be pissed." naho:......*frowns* Sakuya: "...We can't take it personally. He is letting us live here." naho: i guess. Black Star: "...Just have to be the kind of person we're supposed to be. Able to look ourselves in the mirror..." *glances at a mirror* -white*star is reflected- Sakuya: o_o;;; "...How long you been listening?" Black Star: "..." *looks away from the mirror* "Long enough." naho: .... Black Star: "...I don't hate having either of you here." naho: really? Black Star: "Really. I'm not upset with you all." naho: hmmm... Black Star: "...What have I done to make you feel that way?" naho: well, um.... >->;;; Sakuya: " 'Damn vampire' tends to be a common phrase from you..." Black Star: "Yeah, but--" naho: *puppy eyes* Black Star: o\\\o "St-Stop that! I'm just saying, like...you all just showed up here out of nowhere, and everything got all turned around--" naho: *puppy eyes intensify* Black Star: Q____Q "...I'M SO SORRY!" naho: *hug* TT3TT Black Star: *hug* TT__TT -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *bandaged, in bed* -_____- reimi: .... Mr. Tsubaki: "...How did they find me?" reimi: i dont know.....what do you plan on doing now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I got nowhere else to go. And I'm not leaving you here to get captured." reimi:.....but asakusa is my home now... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "So I'm not leaving. Not right now..." *cringes* "...Do I stay in hiding? Change my face? Stay a fox?" reimi:....im not sure.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did your commander hide me?" reimi:....im not sure... Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "He seems protective of what is inside this community...Maybe that's all..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *still chuckling evilly* hitoshi: *avoiding monoma like the plague* student: that monoma kid freaks me out student 2: are you _sure_ he's a hero? Monoma: *smiles, now friendly* "The plan worked perfectly. Now onto Round 2." -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding a giant frog plushie* "...Thanks for winning it." ^^; tsuyu: any time. Izuku: "Looking forward to the next round?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at his bowl of ice cream* "...Thanks." itsuka: no problem. ^^ Bakugo: "...Good that you moved onto the next round." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering metal* "Just a bit more...Yu! Where are the fuel tanks?!" yu: i got them here. Vulcan: "LOAD THEM IN, THEN!" yu: on it! -elsewhere- Gin: "The cake was delicious." ayako: zzzzzz higuchi: seems she tuckered herself out. Motojiro: -_- ("Thank God...") Gin: "I'll carry her to her bed." -elsewhere- Mori: "It _is_ tasty cake." ^^ elise: *nods* Q: true that! Mori: ^^ "And some ice cream." *scoops out some* -elsewhere- Kid: *adding peppermint to dessert* -elsewhere- Hibana: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Touma: *tracing paths on a map* mafura: ~? Touma: "Where could he have gone..." *all paths lead to and from Asakusa* mafura: is mr foxy there? Touma: "Only place he could be." mafura: aaah. Touma: "...Mafura. How would you like to visit a friend of mine?" mafura: uu! mafura-chan would love to meet one of mr touma's friends!
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 8 years ago
first day of school is always the hardest
Akutagawa: *moves to the center of the room...* *blasts out black tendrils* teacher: woah! shadow entity summoning. very nice. Akutagawa: *knocks down the dummies--one landing in the front row of students* tamaki: fuck! Arthur: o_O Akutagawa: "...Then you should have gotten out of the way." tamaki: *growls and cat tails* Akutagawa: "..." *summons another black tendril* Arthur: *moves away* Chuuya: "!!!" teacher: *blows whistle* now now, everyone settle down! Akutagawa: "...'Kay." tamaki: *pouts* fiiiine. Chuuya: Q~Q tamaki:....oi, shorty, whats you're problem? Chuuya: *starts sobbing* "I'M NOT SHORT! YOU ARE!" tamaki: O-O; Chuuya: *hugs Tamaki* "I won't let him hurt you ever again!" tamaki: G-GET OFF ME! *knees him in the groin* shinra: hey arthur, some stranger is flirting with your girlfriend again. Arthur: "..." *removes Excalibur* "I will slice you where you--" Chuuya: *levitates Arthur* shinra: oh shit. Arthur: o____O "HE'S A WITCH! BURN HIM!" Chuuya: *still clutching his groin* several witch students: RUDE! Chuuya: *tosses Arthur up into the air* Arthur: "Curses!!!!" -they got the baryion punishment later- Chuuya: O___< "My balls ache from this rock..." Arthur: >____> "It's your fault!" tamaki: =3= ow. Akutagawa: "..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...The food here is disappointing." atsushi: *nom nom nom nom* =w= Kyoka: "..." *tries to take his slice of pie* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "What exactly is he planning?" taxidermist: beats me. he said something about looking for a 'book'? dunno what that's about. *glancing at the incubator* Hawthorne: "Hmm. That detail makes sense. What is the incubator for?" taxidermist: growin a baby. it was inside the body. so im growin it cause im bored. Hawthorne: o____O taxidermist: .....do you think the white dress would look better on her or the red one? Hawthorne: "...THIS IS AN ABOMINATION TO ALL THAT GOD HIMSELF DESIRES! A SIN! A RED MARK UPON YOU, YOU DESPICABLE, WICKED, NO-GOOD TINY LITTLE MAN!" taxidermist:.....you do know im a girl, right? Hawthorne: "NONE THE LESS! YOU SHOULD JUST LET IT BE DEAD AND HAVE THAT BE THE END OF IT! YOU CAN’T GO AND PLAY GOD LIKE THIS! HAVE YOU NO SANITY-" taxidermist: *gets out duct tape and tapes his mouth shut* there. better. Hawthorne: *muffled screaming* FD: =___= "Shut up out here..." -elsewhere- Kenji: *pouts, looking through clothing magazine* -elsewhere- Ponera: *looks around...* grimoire: looking for something? Ponera: "!!!" *slaps a hand over his mouth, pulling him with her into a room* grimoire: ?! Ponera: *locks the door* "Shh...I don't want Shaula or Medusa finding my book..." grimoire:...is that it? Ponera: "It's a spell book...my first. And I keep secrets in it. Kind of like a diary..." grimoire: ah. shaula: chill girl. if im gonna pry through anyone's diary, it's gonna be medusa's. Ponera: o_____o "HOW DID YOU GET INTO THIS LOCKED ROOM?!" shaula: scorpion through the vent. Ponera: "Damn it! Well, go back and read your sister's diary--" Medusa: "Read what now?" Ponera: .___.; "I need new locks..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What do students do after school?" atsushi: i guess hang out around town? Kyoka: "Very well. Where would you like to go?" Kyoka: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- kouyou: he got into a fight? Chuuya: *pouts* "Not my fault..." kouyou: *grumble* oh son of a bitch. mafioso: you're words! kouyou:.....*realization*. o_o Chuuya: "I don't wanna go back to school...It all reminds me of pain..." hirotsu: *ear tug* you're going. -_-; Chuuya: TT_TT "You can't make me!" Akutagawa: *looking at numbers...phone numbers...* kouyou: make any friends today, akutagawa? Akutagawa: "I don't know. Random girls kept handing their phone numbers to me." kouyou: oh my~ Akutagawa: "...This one has her name dotted with hearts over the eyes." Chuuya: Q~Q *tosses his notebook with numbers in the trash* higuchi: *cracks whiskey glass...her hand bleeding* Mori: "...Please, don't get blood on the floor, Higuchi." higuchi: *through teeth* my...apologies....sir. also. may i have a word with you later? Mori: "??? I have time right now." higuchi: in private. *dark tone* Mori: .w.; "Like I said, I have time..." *opens a door* higuchi: *takes a seat* Mori: *shuts the door...locks it* "Now, then..." *sits* "What did you--" higuchi: you realize rain was pregnant when she died, right? Mori: "..." *smiles* "No." higuchi: more likely than not, she had become the mother of your child....which lead her to make a sacrifice to end her life by breaking her condition. Mori: "These are strong accusations. What proof do you have she was pregnant?" higuchi: i found a pregnancy test in her garbage. it was positive. and i know just what you did to her all that time... Mori: "And what evidence do you have to accuse me of sleeping with Rain?" higuchi: dont give me that! you know how often you sexually abused her! she told me this when we went out together for drinks. Mori: "And you believed her?" higuchi: of course, she's my friend. and she seemed very sincere. Mori: "Then I owe you a sincere response..." higuchi: *listening* Mori: "I take nothing that is not available to me." higuchi:.....? Mori: "If I can take it, it is mine." *stands* higuchi: ..... Mori: *walks by her* "And when it is mine, I do as I wish. This Mafia serves me--as does everyone in it." *a hand rests on Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi: *cold chill* Mori: *small squeeze on her shoulder, as he leans down and whispers* "Just remember that. And please, don't think I am a terrible person. After all...the way Rain screamed?" higuchi: *resisting the urge to punch him* Mori: "Those were screams of pleasure." higuchi: *stands up and walks away* Mori: "Let's talk again soon, Higuchi. Maybe over drinks~" higuchi:....*walking away* Mori: *smirks* -elsewhere- Kyoka: =w= "Tasty..." -elsewhere- Arthur: TT_TT "My aching groin..." maki: tamaki kick you in the loins again? Arthur: "Not directly...Punishment at school because of a fight." maki: oh jeez, what happened? Arthur: "This weird short guy was hugging Tamaki--and I threatened to light him on fire." maki: oh jeez. Arthur: TT~TT "Why did this have to happen today? That stupid shorty brat..." -elsewhere- atsushi: and that's what happened today. Kunikida: "...So...The Mafia?" atsushi: *nods* Kunikida: "That is troublesome. You, then, will keep an eye on them." atsushi: ._. right... i heard he was with some short guy with red..orange hair? *Footsteps heard running quickly* Kyoka: *standing by the door, about to bite into ice cream cone--* *The door slams open, crashing into Kyoka's face* Dazai: "YOU MET CHUUYA?!" atsushi: O-O; not.....in person. o-o; *The door slams open, as Demon Snow appears, cradling Kyoka--and Dazai tumbles down the stairs* Kyoka: *glare* *The door slams shut* kirako: eek! O o O Dazai: "Ow ow ow ow--" *crashes* Kyoka: *holding onto Demon Snow* "We will keep an eye on the small one and the creepy one who is getting way too close to Atsushi for my comfort." -nice catch- kirako: are you....alright? ._.; atsushi: um...thanks.... ^^; Kyoka: "...I don't like doors slammed in my face." =\\\\= "And my ice cream fell on the floor." kirako: mr dazai? Dazai: "..." *thumbs up* -underground, music can be heard over a gramophone- zoey: *dancing quite gracefully* FD: *seated, the small table next to him with a bottle of vodka and two small glasses, watching intently* "..." *smiles* FD: "Elegant." zoey: *smiles as she finishes* FD: *claps* zoey: ah... FD: *holds two glasses of vodka* "You are so graceful, Ballerina." zoey: only for you, master fyodor~ FD: *hands her the glass* "Of course. Thank you, my dear. Cheers." -clink of the glasses- zoey: ^^ FD: *sips* "I had no idea you were a dancer." zoey: i think..i had lessons.....at a young age.... FD: *sits...and pats his lap* "Tell me." zoey: *she does as instructed and sits in his lap, facing him* FD: "What do you remember from your lessons?" *holds her in his lap, letting her sit relaxed* zoey: *whispering into his ear* FD: "Mmm...I wish I could have seen you..." *rests his hand on her hip* zoey: ah...~ FD: "Did you have some fun in your classes...?" *slides his hand up and down lightly* zoey: *shivering* i-i suppose... FD: "Did you get along with the other girls..?" *his hand now goes up under her skirt, just brushing her skin* zoey: i-oh! d-dont recall... FD: "I'm sure you got along well...You were probably the cutest of them all." *his hand slides to her thigh...* zoey: *soft moan* FD: *whispers in her ear* "Is my cute girl wearing her underwear?" zoey: y-yes~ FD: *sits her up, and has her on her feet* "May I see?" zoey: *lifting her skirt up, showing both her undergarments and her branding scar* FD: "..." *gets on his knees...stares at her scar* "...Does it still hurt?" zoey: only if you want for it to hurt.... FD: *smiles* "Always the correct answer..." *he traces a finger along the trim of her panties* zoey: a-ahhh~ FD: *kisses above the waistband, before he starts to pull them down* -elsewhere- Victor: *sipping soda* nozomi: how's everything in here? Victor: *shrug* "Not much more progress. Feel a little stuck." -in another room- karin: ..... Akitaru: *knock knock* karin: door's open! Akitaru: "Hey, Doc. I got the inventory report for you." *hands her a clipboard* karin: thanks. *puts down a photo back on her desk* Akitaru: *spots the photo* "..." -it's a photo of karin, toshiaki, a baby nozomi, and another woman- Akitaru: "...Nozomi was so young there..." karin: yeah....she sure takes after her dad....she's a good kid, and i want the best for her. Akitaru: *nods* "That's all you can do..." *looks at the woman in the photo* -she bears a strong resemblance to karin- karin: that's nozomi's mom...*sad smile* and my sister. Akitaru: "...I had no idea that..." karin: that i'm nozomi's aunt? Akitaru: "Yeah." karin:.....she's got her mom's eyes. kinda. Akitaru: "Y-Yeah...Um...Does Nozomi know?" karin: of course she knows, haha!....i actually became her legal guardian after toshiaki.... Akitaru: *nervous laugh* "Ha ha...I just...I mean, I never hear her call you her aunt...And...Yeah." karin: ah. i guess she is pretty professional with work, just like her old man, haha. Akitaru: *nods* "...I'm sorry for your loss." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: ....*tucks him in, kissing his ear* Kid: *slight shift and giggle* stocking:....*gets in with him, being big spoon* Kid: =w= *sighs* stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: "Zzz..." -morning- Arthur: *groans* shinra: *watching, waiting* any second now. *smiles at relan* Relan: *trying not to laugh* Arthur: *moves his hand* -flrp- Arthur: .|||||. "...You...You...You!" Relan: *laughing, as he starts running* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *still asleep in bed* -something smells delicious- Chuuya: *rises out of bed...like, floating, following the smell* rain?: good morning mr nakahara, i made breakfast. ^^ Chuuya: *smiles* "Mmm...That sounds delicious, R--" *eyes break open* "!!!" *he collapses* hirotsu: oh, you're awake. Chuuya: *picks himself up from the floor, looking around* "Wh-What happened?" hirotsu: we're making you breakfast. -hirotsu has a little frilly pink apron that reads 'please refrain from touching the cook'* Chuuya: ._______. "..." *slaps his face* "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." gin: *pours water on his face*.....better? Chuuya: "...No. But at least that takes care of my shower." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What is for breakfast?" -elsewhere- higuchi: *SNEEZE* guh.... higuchi's sister: honestly, sis... *Knock knock* higuchi's sister: yes? ???: "I am here to see Higuchi. Is this her residence?" Higuchi’s sister: yeah. hey sis? you have a visitor! ???: *steps inside* higuchi: mmn? Akutagawa: "Good morning." higuchi: O/////O r-ry-ryunosuke! Akutagawa: "Yes. Hello. I was passing by on my way to school. How are you?" higuchi: sick...i think i caught a col- *COUGH COUGH HACK COUGH* guh.... Akutagawa: "..." *holds up a bag* "I was bringing hot soup to lunch...You should have it." higuchi:...*sniff* thanks....*checks calander. it's still august yet.* i thought....school started next month... Akutagawa: "Visiting. Wanted to get the lay of the location." *sits at her bed* higuchi: i-i see... *pulls blanket up to her nose* .////. Akutagawa: "...How bad is your temperature?" higuchi: havent checked... Akutagawa: "..." *puts his hand on her forehead* higuchi: .//////////////////////////. Akutagawa: "Damn. You're burning up. Perhaps get you to a doctor." higuchi:.... =////= *muffled* good idea... Akutagawa: "We can have one visit from the Mafia...We need you to take care of yourself. Can't afford to have you suffering." higuchi: r-right. Akutagawa: "It is a good thing that Mori is a doctor--" higuchi: NO! Akutagawa: *falls back* "Wh-What?" higuchi: ..... 7-7 m-mori and i...are kind of at odds with each other right now. Akutagawa: "...You don't think he will set that aside and perform his doctorly duties?" higuchi: dont we have any other medics? Akutagawa: *nods* "I will see who is available--and I will make sure it is not Mori. I promise." higuchi:...thank you. QuQ Akutagawa: *pulls out his phone, calls, looks at her* "...You'll feel better soon. Now, smile." higuchi: *awkward smile* Akutagawa: "...I would kiss your forehead, given how pathetic you look--but it would get me sick." higuchi:.... *KO* Akutagawa: D: "Oh no! I'm going to need an ambulance!" -elsewhere- FD: "Good morning." taxidermist: mornin. still not sure what dress to give her. also i had to strangle hawthorne into unconscious cause he was being a dick. FD: *looking at the corpse* "Why's it got to be a dress?" taxidermist: ...*shrug* they were the only ones i could scrounge up. FD: "But imagine her in a business suit. Or a swimsuit. Or a maid outfit." taxidermist:....yyeeeeeah mind keeping your fetishes out of my work station? that'd be great. FD: *shrug* "Just offering guidance...Where did you leave Hawthorne's body?" taxidermist: oh he isnt dead. i just locked him in the shower....taped up. FD: *smirks* "And you criticize my fetishes?" taxidermist: he was being a judgmental prick for growing this lil shit here. FD: *sigh* "I'll set him straight..." *walks to the shower* "..." Hawthorne: X_____X FD: "..." *turns on the cold water* *LOUD SCREAM* taxidermist:......*smirks* serves you right, <stupid bastard>. Hawthorne: "GET ME OFF OF THIS! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED IN THIS MANNER--" *rip* FD: "...Huh. I hope ripping off that tape didn't take off too much hair. And skin." Hawthorne: *wails, as he crawls away...* FD: *smirks* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "I am hungry. Let's get food." atsushi: alright then. -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, love." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "I'm glad..." *stretches* "Ready for today?" stocking: *nods* Kid: *sits up, gets out of bed* "Breakfast?" -elsewhere- Rin: *checking his watch* shura: charter bus should be here soon. Rin: "And then that takes us to Kyoto?" shura: yep. shiemi: ^^ <isnt that exciting?> .....bon and the others have been teaching me. ^^; Rin: "Oh, cool! I'd like to learn some phrases!" Bon: "..." shiemi: well...uhh.. izumo: *rolls eyes* i'll teach you some stuff on the way there......well _someone_ has to!.....weenies. Rin: "Thanks, Izumo! Okay, how do I say, 'Where is the bathroom?'" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "Hello. I was told there is a patient here?" higuchi: *raises hand* Dr. John: *smiles, waves* "Hello. I'm Dr. John. And you have a cold?" higuchi: *nods* Dr. John: "Okay. Let me take your temperature." *offers the thermometer, then takes a clipboard* "Do you have any allergies?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *sniff* iris: feeling better? Takehisa: "A bit. My hand-eye coordination is still off." -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Do you know anything about this Licht kid?" gabriella: you mean the piano player? Hibana: "No--the tall creepy guy the 8th got assigned." gabriella: oh right!...i've been searching, but nothing's come up. weird. Hibana: "...Maybe check his fingerprints." -elsewhere- Kuro: "Am I going to have to go with you to school again?" mahiru: yep. Kuro: "...You could drop out of school.” mahiru: im not going to do that. -_-; Kuro: "Home schooling?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Any word from our traveling troops?" exorcist: they're heading to kyoto today. there was a landslide that kept them from getting there earlier... Mephisto: "How odd...Hm. Can't be helped. Any injuries?" exorcist: thankfully no. Mephisto: "Good. Well, let me know when they arrive in Kyoto." -elsewhere- Dr. John: "I recommend plenty of sleep, but you should recover quickly." *smiles* higuchi: thank you. *John's phone buzzes with a text* Dr. John: ^^; "Well, if you need anything, just call." *waves* higuchi: *nods and rests* Dr. John: *once outside, looks at phone* "..." Text: [how is the patient?] Dr. John: "..." [recovering. recommended rest] Text: [good. keep an eye on her for me~] Dr. John: "..." *shakes, biting her lip* Dr. John: "..." *walks* -elsewhere- Yukio: *points at map* "We'll be checking these locations." seiya: *nods* Yukio: "We have all supplies? Water? Food?" -elsewhere- Rin: "I got the snacks and drinks!" shura: nice. Rin: "Yep. Here's your beer--I was surprised they let me buy it with your ID." -elsewhere- Higan: "You all ready for school soon?" naho: yep! lilac:...*nod* Sakuya: *grunt* naho: i got a new pencil case too! Higan: "That's good." Sakuya: "...Looks cute." naho: ^^ -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *shivers* -a stray cat walks up to him- Chuuya: "!!!" *sits back* cat: *rubs against his leg* Chuuya: "..." *tentative pet* cat: ^w^ Chuuya: "...Where did you come from?" *pet pet* -elsewhere- shura: here we are! -they've stopped at a ryokan- izumo: ?? a ryokan? Rin: "...Um...What's a ryokan?" Bon: *shaking nervously* izumo: it's kind of like an inn. same basic concept. -several people have noticed bon- person: ah! it's bon! Rin: "Neat! Who runs the ryokan?" hey! bon's back! Bon: *waves his hands* "Hey! Hey! Back off!" Rin: ._. woman: ??....!! ryuji....you......YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BE A ROOSTER WHEN YOU GROW UP?! Bon: "MOM! LET GO OF MY HAIR!" Rin: ._____. Shima: -_-; Rin: "...Okay. That _can't_ be Bon's mama. She looks so...small and nice." bon's mom: hmm? oh! renzou, neko, so good to see you again. konekomaru: likewise, ma'am. izumo: oh i get it, bon's the <young master> here. maybe i should start calling him 'bonbon' *snickers* Bon: "DON'T YOU START, IZUMO!" *his mother mussed his hair until it is a mess...a bigger mess* Rin: "Huh...And your family owns this inn?" bon's mother: yes. the temple was struggling, so we needed a side business for some income. shura: thanks for letting us stay here. bon's mother: oh it's no trouble at all. bon, renzou, neko, it's been so long since you've been home, why not visit your families? Shima: .w.; Bon: "..." Rin: "???" -later- bon's mother: yaozo? you have visitors. Shima: "!!! D-Dad!" *runs to Yaozo* yaozo: renzou? *coughs* bon's mother: you should be careful... Shima: "I'm here, Dad..." yaozo: relax, torako. i'm not dead yet...how is everyone? Bon: "We've been doing our best, sir." bon's mother: they're alright. no one died, thankfully... yaozo:...konekomaru. konekomaru: *gulp* y-yes sir? yaozo: thank you for looking after bon. you've done a great job. konekomaru: w-well....um...i-uh- Shima: "I-I've been looking after Bon, too, Dad--" -CHOP- yaozo: ALL YOU'VE BEEN DOING IS DYING YOUR HAIR AND CHASING SKIRTS! Shima: *holding his head* "I still fit in time to protect friends while still flirting with girls! Sometimes both at the same time!" yaozo: why you little-…. *grumble* bon....you're father.....you're father's fine...he was just a little startled by the whole thing. Bon: "...Where is he?" bon's mother: he goes to the temple every day, but he doesnt have a cellphone.. Bon: "...Oh. That's...pretty far." -in a hallway- ???: hey hey there, mind giving an old man some help? Rin: "??? Um...Sure? They just have me moving trash around..." o___O "Are those watermelons?!" old man: yep. freshly picked, too. they're for the patients, so do you mind cutting them for me? you're welcome to a slice too. Rin: "..." *stares at his sword* "...Yeah, I better use the slice." *sets down his sword* "Surprised you kept these hidden so long. End of summer, you know..." old man: yep. with school just around the corner for you kids...ah, im just ramblin'....so, i heard some people from death city came here. i take it you're with them? Rin: "Y-Yeah...Actually, I'm with True Cross, too." old man: i see. so i guess you're friends with my son, ryuji then? Rin: "...'Friend' is a bit strong. Dumb old rooster head doesn't like me..." Rin: "...!!! YOU'RE BON'S DAD?!" old man: yep. see the resemblance? Rin: "...No? I thought Bon's dad would be 'GAWR! I'M ANGRY AND ON FIRE!' kind of a guy?" ryuji's dad: oh?.... *laughing* you sure have quite an imagination, kid. Rin: "..." *small laugh, remembering his dad* "I guess...Dad always says so." ryuji's dad: ah...by the way, what's your name, kid? Rin: "...Okumura. Rin." ryuji's dad: !!! .... (thinking: oh, so then he's.....) say, you said you and ryuji havent been getting along, right? Rin: "...Since he...Um...Y-You already know what I am, don't you?" ryuji's dad: actually, ryuji and i have been on difficult terms recently as well. Rin: "Really? What's been happening?" -elsewhere- izumo: .....(thinking: jeez, that girl).... ???: I'M SICK OF LISTENING TO YOUR CRAP! izumo: ?! *listening* ???: "Please, calm down--" ???: dont you forget that the deep keep is the hojo jurisdiction! the only reason we're in this mess is because your security is such a farce! ???: "Your face is a farce!" izumo: *peeeeks* Mamushi: "Back off, or you'll be bitten." hojo sister 1: you tell him, sis! juzo: tch- you hojo's have some damn nerve! Mamushi: "We have nerve--that's what you lack." juzo: why you-! *staff smack* izumo: O.O ao hojo: mamushi! nishiki: *grrr* you damn shima's are all the same! izumo: ?!?! (thinking: SHIMA?! so then, these guys are shima's-) Mamushi: "That's it! Naga, attack!" *summons snake, thrusts it at Juzo* -the door slams open- izumo: ?! (thinking: bon!) juzo: bon! Bon: "Stop this arguing!" Mamushi: "!! You have returned?" juzo: ....my apologies, bon. Bon: "...Whatever. Just keep the noise down..." *turns* Mamushi: "..." nishiki: come on sis, lets go. izumo: .....(thinking: so refined....) nishiki:...*smirks* nice eyebrows~ izumo: !!!........*calm but fuming* i dont think i like those girls very much. -elsewhere- torako: do you think you can bring these to the field office's guardhouse? we're a bit short staffed at the moment. Rin: "Sure!" -later, after bon and konekomaru went to do their own thing- Rin: "..." *sighs, opens can of juice* -phone call- Rin: "???" *answers* "H-Hellllos?" kyouko: hey rin, its me, kyouko, how's the trip? Rin: "..." *sets down his juice* "S'Fine...Just...Everyone h-here is all upset..." kyouko: jeez, that bad, huh? Rin: "I guess they're still reeling from...well, what happened when I was born." kyouko:....just try not to let it get to you too much, ok? all you can do is move forwards. Rin: "...I hope. How is everything at home?" kyouko: doing well. uncle shiro's been doing a bit better, thought its not saying much. with school starting soon, me, madoka, and the others went out and bought school supplies. Rin: "You all get all you needed?" kyouko: yep. -elsewhere- ???: ryuji. Bon: "?!" *turns* "...Hey." uwabami hojo: thank you for defusing that fight earlier. i apologize for mamushi's attitude. Bon: "...It was nothing." uwabami hojo:...i actually wanted to talk to you about something. the recent attack, there's a rumor someone in the myoda was responsible. i was hoping to gather everyone together for an internal investigation. Bon: " 'Everyone' meaning not people from True Cross?" uwabami hojo: everyone in the myoda sect. even your father is under suspicion. Bon: "And you come to me, telling me my father might be a suspect--and you trust me to help you on this?" -elsewhere- shura: !!!!!....oh crap...this is the soda....then that means.....aw crapbaskets. -hojo estate- Rin: "...The hell youse staring at?!" Shima: .____. nishiki: GET OFF OUR ROOF YOU SHIT! Rin: "No! You get _on_ the roof! 'Cause we're gonna raise it tonight!" Rin: *dancing* "We gonna party!" Shima: *covers his face* "Mortifying." -elsewhere, on the roads on the death city outskirts- serpent: it's closssse now. Yukio: *shivers* "I just got a chill, too..." ("...Rin, don't screw up...") "Take us to the site." -much later in the evening- hojo girl: *brushing her hair* *A lute being strummed is heard* hojo girl: ?? (thinking: who's playing a shamisen at this our of the night? *opens her window* ?! Shima: *strumming* "Oooooh, my Juliet! I embrace the trembling you!" hojo girl:.... <what the hell?> Shima: "Praaaaaaaaaayers surpass time! Tell me, oh the wind that spreads across the ocean, as I go toward the still unseen you-oooooooo!" hojo girl: ...........*twitch* Shima: "Oh, pret-tay snakey girl! I am Shim-zo--Renzo Shima! And I confess my loves to you!" hojo girl: <s-shima?!> O _ O Shima: *hiccup* "Come on down...or should I come up~?" hojo girl: <WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU!> Shima: "...Oh!" *clears his throat* <"I want to be with you tonight!"> hojo girl: !!!! <y-yo....you-> Shima: <"Me-Me wants to be the Romeo to your Juliet! Like I was singing, I seek the unseen you!"> hojo girl: *throwing a hairbrush at his face* Shima: *p0wned* *falls off the roof, the shamisen flying upward--then crashing down on his crotch* .\\\\. -windows slammed shut- nishiki: <the hell was that?> hojo girl: <a devil had come for my soul...> Mamushi: >___< <Keep quiet out here...And if it's a devil, then exorcise them, damn it.> hojo girl: <a pink haired devil...> Mamushi: "..." *smirk* <He's not your type?> hojo girl: .... <he's...outside...> nishiki:...!!! YOU! Shima: @~@ "My tiny Renzo is in pain..." -morning- Rin: *snoring* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep...the cat is resting on his belly* hirotsu: oh. i didnt think you were a cat person, chuuya. Chuuya: *sits up* "Huh?" *looks down* "...This cat...found me." hirotsu: ah, i see. cat: =w= Chuuya: "..." *strokes cat's back* "I guess I better start my day...We got any cat food?" hirotsu: .....we'll have to buy some. Chuuya: *nods* "Canned fish then to start..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *making breakfast* Kyoka: "..." *sniff sniff* *bounces up, quickly walks into the room* "Breakfast." atsushi: morning. Kyoka: "...Morning." *sits down* "What is for breakfast?" atsushi: egg toast. Kyoka: "...Okay. I want a big helping, then the bathroom." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *groans* yana: oh, you're up. Hawthorne: *glares* "What happened?" yana: .....you slipped on some ice. *putting the finishing touches on rain's corpse* Hawthorne: "I'm sure..." *stares at Rain's corpse* "..." *turns to leave...* yana:....*shrugs* mitchell:........*no reply* Hawthorne: *sits beside her bed...takes her hand* -no response- Hawthorne: "You will come back...Your family will be redeemed. I will help you." -do you promise?- Hawthorne: "??? ...I promise you." -if anyone tries to prevent you.....eliminate them- Hawthorne: "...Always." -....good- Hawthorne: *small squeeze on her hand* FD: *watching* *smirks...* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Only a few days left of summer--time to do something fun!" naho: water park! Sakuya: "Sounds good." Higan: *big smile* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "When's the end-of-summer celebration?" fang-hua: it's on the 31st this month. Tsukiyo: "Yay! Gonna party hard! You figure out your outfit?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knock* higuchi: it's open... Akutagawa: "Hello." higuchi: ./////. g-good morning ryunosuke... Akutagawa: *nods* "You look better. How do you feel?" higuchi:....better... Akutagawa: "Good. I am happy to know you will be back to work soon." *steps closer* "You know what else you need?" higuchi: ?? w-what is i- Akutagawa: "Something...to quench that thirst of yours..." *leans closer* higuchi: .////. w-what do you mea- Akutagawa: *leans closer--then holds up a bottle of sports drink* "You can't afford to dehydrate." higuchi:....*sips* thank you.... -///-; Akutagawa: *nods* "You are covered in sweat, too. I recommend a shower or a bath." -elsewhere- Ranpo: *reviewing papers* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring inside a jewelry store* "..." eijiro: looking for something? Bakugo: "!!! ...You never saw me here, and I certainly was not buying a necklace!" eijiro: um...ok? OwO; Bakugo: "And if you tell Itsuka, you'll be pulling your teeth out of your butthole!" eijiro: oh, the girl from class 1-B? Bakugo: "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING ABOUT ME BUYING A GIFT FOR ITSUKA?!" eijiro: *shutting up* Bakugo: "..." *holds up a necklace* "How's this one look?" -in the bushes- Monoma: *glare* pony: hey nate? why're we doing this again? Monoma: "Because I do not trust that trigger-happy explodely man being around _my_ Itsuka!" pony: you know, you're being kinda creepy. and its stuff like this that made itsuka dump you in the first place. Monoma: "_I will win her back!_ I just have to show her evidence how awful Bakugo is--then she will realize how concerned I am for her safety." *pulls out camera* pony: ..... *facepalm* Monoma: "Just got to get photographic evidence..." *snaps pics* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "We have a problem." nedzu: oh? Aizawa: "We have lost track of villains, and I anticipate they will try to reach out to other factions in this city." nedzu: perhaps a security sweep? Aizawa: "Agreed. I have recommended some teachers and students for this task." nedzu: we've also gotten reports of some vigilantes in the area. Aizawa: "We'll investigate those as well. Which addresses?" -elsewhere- Rin: *holding ice to his head* shura: learn your lesson? Rin: *pouts* "Yeah. Don't let you hand out drinks..." shura: shaddap. Shima: *collapsed on floor* TT~TT "I didn't even get to first base..." konekomaru: you were really playing baseball so late at night? [<=virgin=] Bon: "..." *snort laugh* Shima: *turns over* "Shut up..." konekomaru: ??? Rin: "??? Um...If it makes you feel better, I don't think she'd be into you. Something about she already has enough snakes in her life." Shima: Q~Q konekomaru: ?????? Bon: *struggling to stifle himself* izumo:...*PUNCH* Rin: D: *knocked back and--* Shima: @~@ "WHY ME?!!!" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *reviewing files* yosano: find anything interesting? Kunikida: "Yes. Dazai's expense reports are obscene, Kenji needs to stop giving the office number to potential suitors--" Kenji: "Only way to get them off my back..." Kunikida: "--and I have a lead on a Guild operation." yosano: ok. one. try using a fake phone number. and two, oh really? Kenji: "...I don't remember fake numbers very easily..." Kunikida: *nods* "A skirmish in town..." *whispers* "...that includes someone who looked like the Guild's leader." yosano: !!! Kunikida: "...Don't tell Atsushi yet. It would unnerve him to know until we confirm." yosano: *nods* Kunikida: "Speaking of which, how has their orientation in school been?" yosano: they've made some new friends. *smiles* Kunikida: "Are they bad influences on them?" yosano: well, i wouldnt say so. kirako: that reminds me, wasnt dazai on a date with one of the teachers a while back? Kunikida: "...Oh no--" *Footsteps heard running* yosano: *steps aside* *The door slams open, revealing--* Dazai: "THE WOMAN WITH THE EYE-PATCH THAT I ASKED TO JOIN ME IN A LOVERS' SUICIDE PACT?!" Kenji: "???" Kunikida: "...Yep." Dazai: "...I WILL USE ATSUSHI TO SCORE ME ANOTHER DATE!" yosano: *facepalm* kirako: O.O (thinking: HOW DOES HE HEAR THIS FROM SO FAR AWAY?!) Kunikida: "If you ruin things for Atsushi and Kyoka, I will make every last moment in your life into hell." Dazai: "Already there!" Kunikida: "And cut your pay." Dazai: D: -elsewhere- FD: "My dear, please pass that book to me." zoey: of course, master fyodor. *hands it to him* FD: "Thank you. Did you finish your other tasks?" zoey: of course. *smiles* FD: "Would you like your reward now?" *opens his desk drawer* zoey: yes~ *already on her knees* FD: *removes a piece of candy, unwrapping and holding it up over her* zoey: *opening her mouth* FD: *drops the candy onto her tongue* zoey: *licking, moaning slightly* FD: "You know what I added to this candy today?" zoey: *squirming* mmn. *slightly panting* FD: "Yes, this will stimulate you...but I have a rule for you to follow." zoey: a-anythiiing~ FD: "You can't touch yourself." *smirks* "Enjoy." zoey: *squirming* mmmmnnn~ *pant pant* FD: "Are you horny, my pet?" zoey: y-yesss... *biting at her thumbs till they bleed as not to touch herself* FD: "Hey. Stop that biting. Do I have to handcuff you?" zoey: *stops, still panting* FD: "...I did have another gift for you..." zoey: ah~? FD: "But I need something in exchange. The dress. Off." zoey: anything...anything for you...*undressing* FD: *hands her a small rectangular box* "You may touch yourself with this..." zoey: *taking it and opening the box* *Inside is a very long vibrator* -elsewhere- Montgomery: *holding up school uniform* "...Blech." dorm lady: is there a problem, hun? Montgomery: "I don't like this uniform. Looks silly." dorm lady: i think it's a lovely color on you. ^^ Montgomery: -\\\\- "F-Fine. I'll try it. But I think this whole plan is goofy." dorm lady: take your time, hun. Montgomery: "...Okay. Thanks. I'll try it on to make sure it fits..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *passed out* reimi: *putting him in a wash basin of cool water* Mr. Tsubaki: *slight shiver before relaxing* =w= reimi: didnt want you to get heat stroke. Mr. Tsubaki: "Th-Thank you...My fur never grows well in this weather." reimi: .....say....how long did you plan on staying here? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Do you want me to leave?" reimi: im not saying that! i was just curious. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am scared. Those C3 freaks will be after me...and you...and the rest of my family." reimi: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm not ready to take the fight to them. Not until we find their weakness." reimi:...*nods* -elsewhere- Meme: "Candy kit!" mio: neat. Meme: *lays out the pieces* "Which one do you want to play with?" -elsewhere- Police Officer: "Rather slow day..." sancha: nyeah. Officer: *checks watch* "Should be off duty in a few minutes..." *points across the street* "What's their story?" sancha: *looks* Fitzgerald: "--so we will need a lot of funds." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- mono: *looking at her school uniform* .... *cuts off one of the sleeves* better! Shotaro: *thumbs up* "Can't wait!" Emine: "..." lin-kimpur: isnt this exciting? Emine: "Yay." Assi: @_@ Zuno: "...What's going on?" -elsewhere- Yukio: "...Those bodies..." gilda: *already making burial preparations* Yukio: *sigh* "What does this have to do with the Impure King's eye? What was being hidden?" seiya: i cant be certain... adrian: it's pretty messed up... Yukio: "Any new leads on their identities?" -elsewhere- FD: "I think you're done..." yana: how does it look? i think i did a pretty nice job. *smiling proudly at the corpse* FD: "Hmmm..." *smiles* "Exquisite." yana: im sure with this, we can convince that petit mafia to help us. FD: *stares into the corpse's face* "Sublime." zoey:..... FD: "...Dearest, you're going to catch a cold." *removes his jacket, puts it over her* "What do you think of her?" *pointing to the corpse* zoey:....alright...i suppose.... FD: "??? Something the matter?" yana: <im assuming she's jealous....> FD: *nods* *whispers in Zoey's ear* "You know that you are far more perfect than this corpse~" zoey: ...ahh~ *blush* FD: *kisses lightly behind her ear, holds her hand* "You are warm, full of life...So vital." zoey: *shivers* master fyodor~ yana: ugh, <get a room, damn you.> FD: <Gladly> *takes his jacket off of Zoey, picks her up bridal style* -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: *streeeeetch* ah. Kid: *hug* stocking: *smooch* Kid: *nuzzle* "You know..." stocking: hmm~? Kid: "We won't get this much time to ourselves when we both get back to work." stocking: i know...*smooooooch* Kid: "Mmmm~" *smooch, holds her* "We'll have to make the best of this time...and make time when we can." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holding up his swimtrunks* naho: ./////. Sakuya: "??? What?" naho: >///w///> n-nothing... Sakuya: "...You want me to put these on?" tsubaki: it may be a good idea. ^^; Sakuya: *shrugs* "Okay." *exits for bedroom* -elsewhere- Triple A: "Marie, I--" marie: yes? christa: TnT Triple A: "I was wondering, if you would consider--" ???: "MARIE!!!!" marie: ?? Triple A: "What the devil--" *Dazai pushes Triple A out of the way* christa: ^u^ marie: O_O; um... Triple A: *knocked down* Dazai: "Long time! Nice to see you again!" *holds Marie's hands* "Have you considered what we had discussed?" marie: um. i have a daughter to raise and a job to do! Dazai: "...How about when she is 18?" *pats Marie's hand* marie:.....*CHOP* no. Dazai: "...Ow." *looks up, smiles* "Then may I invite you for a simple date, just so I may see you smile?" Triple A: *slowly gets up...unsheathes his sword* marie: ^^;;;; Dazai: "???" *turns* "Oh. Nice knife. You use that for spreading butter on toast?" Triple A: "Cursed knave! I, Arthur Auguste Angel, will--" Dazai: *blows raspberries* "Jeez, Marie, you're hanging out with this loser?" marie: O-O; christa: *giggles* Triple A: *swings his sword* "Have at thee!" Dazai: *dodges, moving Marie and Christa out of the path* "Temper, temper, Sir Drools-A-Lot." marie: D8 christa: *laughing* Triple A: "Incompetent fool!" *swing and a miss* "Troll!" *miss* "Bloody reprobate!" Dazai: *steps back* "Ha! Missed me!" *then his pants fall down, showing heart-print boxers* "...Okay, you got my belt. But that's about it." marie: O_O Triple A: *pushes back Dazai, who trips over his pants* "I end this..." *lifts up his sword* Dazai: o___o -DOUBLE SHOCK- Dazai and Triple A: *electrocuted* o____O -KO- marie: now both of you just knock it off! D8< Dazai: "Whatever you wish~" Triple A: "B-But he started it!" -double ear tug- marie: no excuses, mister! Triple A: "Ow!" Dazai: -\\\\\- "...I mean, 'ow'!" christa: *giggles* Triple A: TT~TT "First time I made Christa laugh..." christa:....*glaring at triple A* Triple A: o____O Dazai: *whispers to Marie* "You really want to be with a dude who doesn't get along with your child?" christa: *reaching for dazai* ^u^ marie: well... Dazai: "Hee hee..." *waves at Christa* Triple A: o\\\\o "I-I am a provider!" christa: \(^o^)/ Dazai: "...May I pick her up?" marie: um, well...just be careful. Dazai: "I will." *bends down, carefully picking up Christa* "Hey, buddy." Triple A: *clenching his teeth* -elsewhere- Rin: *holding ice to his head* *groan* izumo: and thats why you dont sleep on the roof. Rin: "I didn't mean to. Who was the one who gave me beer instead of juice?" Q~Q shura: *glaaaaare* Rin: "What you getting mad at me for?! You gave it to me! And to Shima!" Shima: *black eye* "..." nishiki: *glaaaaare* hojo girl:....*looking away, blushing slightly* Shima: .\\\. *looks away--and crashes into a wall* "...Ow." izumo: .....shima....what....did....you...do? Shima: "...I don't remember? But it involved a musical instrument?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Coming with us to the pool?" lilac:...... Belkia: "Aw, come on! It'll be fun! Get to cool down, put on floaties, have burgers and shakes by the water..." lilac: i'll just....wait here..... Belkia: "...Well, not alone. Someone should stay here." otogiri: i'll stay here with him. Belkia: *nods* "Okay..." *pats Lilac's back* "Hang in there, buddy." -elsewhere- Touma: *looking over files* "Giant whale...Man-Tiger..." mafura: ~? Touma: "These are resources I want to learn more about." *hands off a file* "Find out what you can about their location, names, schedule." mafura: *nods* Touma: "We may find some allies..." *smirks* "Or new playthings." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yuu! Hold this..." *hands him a heavy engine* yu: um. grk-....*shaking under the weight* Vulcan: *sweeps the dust on his workstation* "Okay. You can drop it back there now." yu: *place it* phew... Vulcan: "Good. Now organize those parts." *thumbs at a pile of supplies rising to the ceiling* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- misora: *relaxing in her room* *Ring ring* misora: *answers* misora speaking~<3 White Hood: "Have you prepared?" misora: yep. i've been working really hard~! so what's up next? White Hood: "How would you like to visit a scrapyard?" misora: a dirty old scrap yard? sounds so laaaame. =3= White Hood: "...They have fluffy animals?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Okay...I think I have enough strength to cook something...What do you want?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: "Just saying, you could change up your outfit..." gin: *ignoring him* Tachihara: "At least show your face. Why you hiding it all the time?" gin:.....reasons. Tachihara: "What, afraid I won't keep my eyes off you?" gin:........ -_-; Tachihara: "...Oh, screw this!" *grabs for her mask* -KO- gin: denied. sit down Tachihara: *pool of blood underneath his twitching body* -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *shudder* karl: O^O~? Poe: "J-Just chilly in here, Karl..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Anya: *staring at Ao* "..." ao: yes~? ^^ Anya: "...What's your game?" ao: oh? Anya: "Ever since you came here, you have always had some weird vibe to me--like you hate me or something." ao: that's quite a strong accusation. Anya: "Really? What do you call standing over my bed all the time with a knife? Or back-handed insults? Or that time you slapped my face?!" ao: oh that? mind refreshing my memory a bit? Anya: *glaring* "February 17, 4:37 PM. You said a mosquito was on my face. There wouldn't be any mosquito in the middle of February!" ao: oh that. perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me ^^ Anya: "...And what if I slapped you right now...?" ao: well it would hurt. but i would like to avoid a confrontation at the moment. for tsugumis sake. Anya: *frowning* "...You will use that excuse all the time, won't you?" ao:....well, i do because i love her. Anya: o\\\\o "WHAT?!" ao: of course. and i guess....i was jealous of you, for having been so close to her. Anya: o\\\\o "Y-You think I-I am close t-t-to Tsugumi?!" ao: well, you are one of her meisters, are you not? and she often spoke of you and miss tatane when the two of you were away... Anya: o\\\\\\\o *grabs Ao's hands* "What did she say about me?" -elsewhere- Relan: *sits in bed* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Things'll be quieter when so many of them are at school." chie: yeah. Yohei: *picks up Toru* "And you and your cousin will have fewer people to play with while they're in school?" toru: *pout* io: -3- Yohei: "But they'll be home after school. And your parents will be here!" *pats Io's head* io: ^u^ saki: ^^ chie: ^^ Tool: "..." *picks up Io* io: hehe! Tool: *bounce bounce* "Not too long before they'll be in school, too." saki: yeah. nea: ..... Shinoda: *pat pat* "You okay?" nea: yeah. -elsewhere- Chuuya: *petting the cat* "Comfy?" cat: *pleased meow* Chuuya: *smiles, strokes her cat* "I hope so..." *sigh* "...I miss her..." cat: o^o~? Chuuya: "..." *pets the cat* "She didn't deserve this...I just..." *teary-eyed* cat: *nuzzle* ^w^ Chuuya: *hugs the cat* "Don't leave me, too..." cat: *purrs* Chuuya: *strokes cat's back...* "You still okay with your name...Mito?" mito: *mreow* ^w^ Chuuya: QWQ *pets...* "And I'll have to get you a scratching post..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing a crown and cloak, holding a scepter* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "...I am merely guarding these until the King returns." nozomi: the king? Arthur: "Yes! One whose majesty will grace this planet in the light of goodness! My namesake, Arthur himself!" *presses a button on a tape recorder, playing applause* shinra:....*not even shocked* Takehisa: "...Please clean up when you're done. I'm tired of your glitter getting on the carpet." Arthur: *hold up scepter* "BOW TO THE TEMPORARY KING!" Takehisa: "..." iris: never a dull moment, huh? Relan: ^^; "No kidding--" Takehisa: *picks up Arthur by the collar, flinging him across the room* Arthur: ._____. Relan: D: shinra: yikes. Takehisa: "Do not boss around your supervisor, 'King.'" Arthur: "AAAAAH!" *crash* -lets just say arthur....had a soft landing.- tamaki: KYAA! shinra: *digging a grave* -the grave reads 'here lies arthur boyle's dignity. again.'- Arthur: =\\\\\= "At least I landed safely..." Relan: "..." *hides behind Iris* -too violent to show- Relan: Q~Q "Horrifying..." -elsewhere- Higan: "...Tall slide." naho: ......challenge accepted. Sakuya: "Same..." *follows her* -elsewhere- Mori: "Updates?" kouyou: still looking for a replacement for Ace. Mori: "Hmm...Any prospective candidates? Perhaps from other organizations?" kouyou: we did make an offer to hirotsu, however he sadly declined. Mori: "Why? Not enough money?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *face-down* Q:...*pokes with a stick* Akutagawa: "Please don't. I want to lie on the floor." Q: are you dying? Akutagawa: "...No? This helps me contemplate my problems. You know, like killing a coworker, tracking that Man-Tiger, figuring out what is wrong with Higuchi." Q: oh. ok. Akutagawa: "...Why does it all hurt and confuse me?" Q: *shrug* Akutagawa: "..." *imagines...being hugged* "..." Q: *walks away, humming* Akutagawa: -\\\\- *muttering to himself* "Hold me in your big strong arms..." -elsewhere- atsushi: did anyone else feel a cold chill or is it just me? OwO; Kyoka: "...Have a hot meal and a bath?" atsushi: good idea. Kyoka: "Good. Make a hot meal for me as well." *returns to reading* -elsewhere- FD: "And what have we learned?" -elsewhere- Emine: *hiding under blankets* lin-kimpur: there you are! Emine: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...What a rush!" naho: woohoo! Sakuya: "Yeah! Get ready for splashdown!!!" *SPLASH* naho: WHEEEE! Sakuya: *pops up out of the water, underneath Naho* "Woo! That was awesome!" naho: hehe ^^ Sakuya: *lifts her up, like chicken game* "Spot anything from up there to check out?" naho: hmmm *squints* Sakuya: "Oh, right-- your glasses...Need to go get them?" naho: im good. -elsewhere- Patty: "..." liz: hmm? Patty: "I'm bored." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Well, here you are. Have a good afternoon, Marie." marie: you too. 7.7; christa: bye bye! Dazai: *waves* "Bye-bye, Christa!" *smiles* Triple A: "..." -after marie closes the door- Dazai: *smirks at Triple A* "You still got blood on your nose--" Triple A: *picks up Dazai by the collar, shaking him* "Don't you dare come between me and Marie!" Dazai: *smirks* "She didn't let you in. I'd say I don't need to try..." Triple A: *pulls back his fist* "I will not stop until you are a smear on my fist! Then Marie will--" *KICK* Triple A: X____X *high-pitched whimper, as he drops Dazai* Dazai: "...Huh. Your balls are sensitive..." atsushi: there he is! Dazai: "Hi, guys! Meet my new friend, Mr. No-Balls!" Triple A: *fetal position* atsushi:....*looks at kunikida* Kunikida: "...Brat, pick up the injured man. We'll have the doctor take care of his injuries." Triple A: *high-pitched* "Thank you, good sir, for tending to my wounds..." Dazai: "...You won't be happy for long~" -elsewhere- Yumi: [how was the date?] marie: [it didnt go as hoped.] -she explains what all happened- Yumi: [i'm really sorry. on the one hand, good you got away from them. on the other hand--you now have men fighting over you] marie: [whether this is a pro or a con has yet to be seen] Yumi: [marie...how are things with arthur?] -elsewhere- Kid: "Keep them closed..." stocking: ok... *has her eyes closed* Kid: *walks her forward, then to a seat, which he pushes closer to the table* stocking: .... *A plate is heard set down* Kid: "Okay...Open!" stocking: *opens her eyes* ah! *The table is set with black and white desserts* stocking: aw, kid, honey~! Kid: *holds up a spoon and fork* "For you, my sweet~" stocking: ahhhh~<3 Kid: *smiles at her* "I would give you anything, Stocking..." stocking: i know. ^^ Kid: "Well, let's dig in~" -elsewhere- Anya: o\\\\\o ("Just going for a walk...Clear my head...") ???: and did you see what they did to the pool? they flipped the bitch! Anya: "???" *looks* -elsewhere- Higan: "...Think we went too far?" lavender: well, security didnt chase us out, so no. Higan: "Good point. Well, better get our meal before heading out. Where is everyone?" -elsewhere- Victor: *on the phone* "...Yes...Yes...I understand." nozomi: ?? Victor: "Right...Drop it off tomorrow, and I'll get to work. But I wish you had sent it sooner. Feels like it's been months." nozomi: ??? Victor: "Right. Right. Love you too. Goodbye." nozomi: who was that? Victor: "Hmm? Oh, Nozomi! Hello. That was my aunt. She is delivering a pickup truck tomorrow for me to repair." nozomi: oh. i see. *smiles* Victor: "Wanna help? I could use a hand with attaching this--" *picks up a claw device* -elsewhere- Hyde: "I AM GOING TO JUMP OFF THIS ROOF!" licht: good luck. Hyde: "AND LIKE THE VAMPIRE I AM, I WILL FLY TO SAFETY! YOU CAN'T STOP ME, LICHT!" julian: you turn into a hedgehog! not a bat like your brother! or a butterfly for that matter. Hyde: "...Hedgehog's bounce though, right? Like, on those springs, right?" julian:.....*silently weeps* Hyde: owo;;;; "Maybe I should just reconsider all of this and--" *slips* o_____o; "Oh no..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *falls back in bed* lord death: long day? Yumi: *nod nod* "Looking over case files, Shiori ran me tired, Marie has men problems--" lord death: *listening* Yumi: "I just want to lie down..." Yumi: "Mmm...Busy day...Trying to figure out the attack with that whale..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Zzz..." naho: zzzzzz -in the hospital- himiko: ^w^ *holding her newborn son* Kurogiri: "Congratulations. He is precious." Dabi: *hiding in the corner* himiko: =w= baby: zzzz.... Kurogiri: "Have you and the jerk considered a name?" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "Veronica, do you have the hospital records?" veronica: yes, right here. Dr. John: "Hmm...Files missing?" veronica: three actually. two patient files and one staff file. Dr. John: "...Who was the staffer?" veronica: it was zoey's file... Dr. John: "...Oh." *looks down* "Thank you. What do you remember about the two patient files?" veronica: one was comatose, the other had really bad injuries.. Dr. John: *nods* "Remember anything about them?" -elsewhere- Mori: *smiles* "Got the information I needed..." kouyou: oh? Mori: "It helps to have an inside-person. May lead us to what has happened to the remaining Guild members." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." *whimper* atsushi:....*puts blanket over her* Kyoka: *pulls it over herself* "M-Mama..." atsushi:....*hugs* ...... Kyoka: *holding on* "...Zzz..." atsushi:....(thinking: her mother.....).....*closes his eyes, remembering being hugged by kirako...the soft warmth.....* -the next morning, he woke up in a sweat....and took a long cold shower- Kyoka: *knock knock* "Are you going to be in there all day?" atsushi: im...f-fine.... .////. (thinking: STUPID PUBERTY!) -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "This is the address. Follow me." higuchi: *nods* Akutagawa: "Here should be the last location of the Guild leader...Search for clues." higuchi: understood. Akutagawa: "Hmm..." *looks in the room* "Looks as if they cleaned up. No fingerprints? And..." *bends down, picks up--* "...Do you recognize this coin?" higuchi: *examines the coin* Akutagawa: "Seems...Foreign? Or old?" *checks front and back* "I don't recognize it..." higuchi: hmmm... Akutagawa: "...Hang on." *checks his phone* "...There. That's what it is..." higuchi: a subway token? Akutagawa: *nods* "Do you have money to buy our subway fare?" higuchi: yes. Akutagawa: "Then let's find the station...We'll be on a lot of subway lines today." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *examining his coat* louisa: how is it? Fitzgerald: "Acceptable. Is it within our budget?" -elsewhere- Arthur: X____X -elsewhere- Nals: "Then we draw out their fire here--" milia: *nod* Nals: "And you'll cover there until we procure the item for Shaula. Ready?" -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= atsushi: good morning. Dazai: *wave* "Howdy. Isn't today just beautiful?" atsushi: i guess. kirako: morning. atsushi:.... .////.;;;; Dazai: *looks back and forth at Atsushi and Kirako...then...smirks* "Yo, Kirako, one of the light bulbs in the ceiling went out. I'll hold the ladder, you put in the bulb." atsushi: i can put the bulb in! Dazai: -3- "Fine...Kirako, keep the ladder steady, too, 'kay?" kirako: right. Dazai: *holds the ladder with Kirako* -objective complete- Dazai: "Great!" *shakes the ladder a bit* "You were so cool, Atsushi!" atsushi: thank you. Dazai: "Wasn't he great, Kirako? Our little boy is doing so good!" *pinches his cheek* atsushi: ^^;; kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Good work, buddy!" *pats--hard--on Atsushi's back* atsushi: oof...thanks. Dazai: "Oh, I have your next task." *holds up paper* atsushi: what is it? Dazai: "You are investigating a series of thefts. Lots of valuable items going missing in one neighborhood..." *points on a map...around Gallows Mansion* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *buying school supplies* "...Still need more pens..." -a couple of the girls from school are giggling- Chuuya: *stares at them* "..." -some of them wave at him- Chuuya: "..." *nods at them...* "Hi." girl: so, you seeing anyone~? Chuuya: "...Sorry. I am not dating." girl: oh. 7-7 Chuuya: "...I'm sorry. I just..." *shakes* girl 2: maybe we should leave him alone... girl 3: i bet its just like dead man evans... Chuuya: "Wh-What? 'Dead man Evans'?" girl 2: yeah, that kid soul? his partner died and it really messed him up. he kind of looked like he was barely alive... Chuuya: "..." *breaks down crying* girl 2: !? girl 3: dude holy shit! Chuuya: "R-Rain...I can't do this..." ????: come on, give the guy some damn space. girl 2: !!! soul: jeez, some people....oi. you ok? Chuuya: *can't speak, just sobbing* soul:...easy there...*pats his back* need something to drink? Chuuya: *nods* -he got him a canned coffee- Chuuya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you..." *sip* "I'm sorry. I'm just a wreck..." soul: yeah, i sure as hell know that feeling. Chuuya: "O-Oh?" *trying to sip more* soul: yeah, it's tough. but i've been getting by. Chuuya: "...I don't know how...I just feel..." soul: like dying? like nothing really matters anymore? Chuuya: "..." *nods* soul: ....but you know...even after they've passed on....they're never really gone. Chuuya: "...How so?" soul: *smiles* a part of them always stays with you. in your heart, your mind....your soul. Chuuya: "..." *puts his hands over his heart* "...I'm worried I'll forget..." soul: that's the thing. you never really do, as long as you keep their memory alive. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "I have to figure out how..." -elsewhere- Victor: "Okay...claw is almost attached..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "How did healing the creepy knight guy go?" yosano: i think he's fine. if a little shook. Triple A: Q~Q Dazai: "Super! I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him...Unless you make something bad happen to him. Then that's okay." -elsewhere- Hyde: *lying in hospital bed* D: licht: have you learned your lesson? Hyde: "That Mother Nature should've made hedgehogs with wings. Or jet packs." licht: *facepalm* Dr. John: "And how is the patient--" Hyde: "And I need more of your blood!" Dr. John: owo;;; licht: doing fine. just give us a moment. -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Who is going with you on the investigation?" atsushi: seems it's going to be dazai. Kyoka: "Oh. Keep an eye on him." atsushi: can and will do. Kyoka: *takes his hand* "And be safe." atsushi: *nods* i will. Kyoka: "Good. Because I need someone to make my meals." Dazai: *overhearing, smirks* atsushi:...right. *sweatdrop* Dazai: *appears, slaps Atsushi's back* "Ready to investigate, partner?" atsushi: y-yes sir! Dazai: "Later, Kyoka!" *waves* "We're going to meet with rich people at their houses!" *puts on a bowtie* atsushi: ok. then. Dazai: "Hmm...But you could stand to look a little fancier, too. Better get you new threads." atsushi: oh, um... ._. -and so- Dazai: *adjusts his own suit* "How you like it?" atsushi: looking good. Dazai: *takes Atsushi's tie, adjusts it* "Yep! Nothing better to impress a client than a sharp-dressed detective!" atsushi: r-right. well, here we a-..... O_O;;; Dazai: "...Day-amn. Big place." atsushi: ARE THOSE GUILLOTINES IN THE FRONT LAWN?! Dazai: owo "I LOVE THIS PLACE ALREADY." *presses the doorbell* ellen: yes? Dazai: "We're with the Armed Detective Agency, here investigating local robberies." ellen: ah, i see. we havent had problems here. gallows mansion has very tight security. Dazai: "I'm sure." *pulls out notepad* "Have you seen any suspicious people hanging around the premises?" atsushi: *looking around* (thinking: this place is really big....and....symmetrical....) *sweatdrop* Kid: "Ellen? Who's there?" ellen: some people from a detective agency. atsushi: ??? Dazai: "Investigating recent thefts and--" Kid: *already nose to nose with Atsushi* *stare* atsushi: um.....hi? OuO;;; Kid: "Your hair...It is not...symmetrical." atsushi: neither is yours. Kid: "HOW DARE YOU!" atsushi: EEP! stocking: easy there, hun. *rubs kid's shoulders* Kid: =\\\\= "Okay...I still think we should give him a haircut..." Dazai: *stares at Stocking* stocking: ....who the heck- Dazai: "Osamu Dazai, Armed Detective Agency, here to investigate reports of thefts in this neighborhood." *hands her his card* stocking: i see.... Dazai: "Have you seen any suspicious persons hanging around the premises? Perhaps ones in gaudy obvious outfits that stand out? Or ones trying to hide their identities?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Th-Thanks again, Soul..." soul: no problem. anyway, i think you're gonna do great, kid. Chuuya: "??? Why's that?" soul: call it instinct, i guess. Chuuya: *nods* "Well...This is me." *points to his apartment* "Later..." soul: later...*exits* Chuuya: *opens the door, heads to his room...enters* "...Mito?" mito: mreow! *nuzzles against his leg* Chuuya: *smiles, pets her* "Hungry?" -elsewhere- ???: *looking over loot* "One heck of a haul..." *picks up a ruby-encrusted tiger statue* "This one is the best...And that just leaves...Gallows Mansion." -one goon pummeling later- Tiger Goon: X___X "Ouchie..." atsushi: i see this solves the catnappings....eh?...eh? anyone? kirika: *holding mocha close to her* Dazai: "Boo." *pats Tiger Goon on the head* "Now, who exactly were you selling these items to?" Tiger Goon: "Hmph. I will say nothing." Dazai: "...Who wants to interrogate her?" stocking: please. allow me~ ^^# -too graphic- Dazai: owo "She is impressive." Kid: "Don't even think about it." Dazai: "THINKING ABOUT IT!" Tiger Goon: *loud screams of pain* "That's his address! Just stop hurting me!" stocking: welp. that settles that incident~ she was even kind enough to reveal the one responsible! Kid: *smiles* "I knew you could, sweetie." *smooch* Dazai: "...Huh. I guess you did more of the work than we did--but we still get to take the credit!" *pats Atsushi's back* -elsewhere- Victor: *holds up the keys* "Ready for a test drive! Who wants to call shotgun?" -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *on his knees, praying* -who do you pray for?- Hawthorne: ("Mitchell...") -do you remember what did this to her?- Hawthorne: ("Yes...That Mafia monster...")) -he did this to her....monsters like that....did this to her.....monsters like that....must be purged...dont you agree?- Hawthorne: ("Yes...Exterminate these monsters...Cleanse the world of these sinners...") FD:....*smirks* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "It seems the mission was completed. Surprised Dazai and the Brat did so well..." atsushi: looks like everything went pretty well. Dazai: *nods* "Yep! We made a good first impression on the rich people in this town! And they are friends with Marie..." -elsewhere- Excalibur: "FOOLS!" -ELSEWHERE- Free: "Call back your folks?" eruka: yeah. they're doing good as usual. *smiles* Free: "...Glad you do that. I..." eruka: hmm? Free: "...never get to do that." eruka:...*pats his back* Free: *nod nod* "Yeah..." *taps his head* "There are times when I remember...then they're gone." eruka:....*hug* Free: "!!! ..." *hug* -elsewhere- Anya: "...Tsugumi? Can we talk?" tsugumi: what is it? Anya: "...Are you happy with your meisters?" tsugumi: of course, you guys are like my best friends. ^^ Anya: "...'Friends,' then?" tsugumi:...is something wrong? Anya: "..." *nods* "...Do you like Ao?" tsugumi: aochi? of course. she's one of our partners, after all. Anya: "...You know I have not always gotten along with her." tsugumi: i've noticed. it's far more tense than when you and meme were my partners. Anya: "...I thought she didn't like me...now...I don't know." tsugumi: oh no, did something happen? Anya: "...I asked her what she thinks about me...and about you. She said she...loves you." tsugumi:......eh? *tsugumi.exe has stopped responding* Anya: *not noticing* "I don't know how she meant it...but it makes me...jealous." tsugumi:....ehh? Anya: *holding hands over her heart* "I don't know how I feel...but I like you...I love you, too. I just...I don't know what it is that I'm feeling." tsugumi:....*she's blue screened* ......*steam is coming off her head* Anya: "And I...I...Tsugumi. Please say something." *finally turns, looks* o\\\\o "TSUGUMI!" *clutches her shoulders* "Wake up!" tsugumi: IM UP! THE ANSWER IS NUMBER 4! Anya: D: "...Maybe you need to rest...Let me get you to your bed..." -elsewhere- Izuku: "And this was the action figure my mom gave me when I was three." -elsewhere- Relan: "Any word from Vulcan?" shinra: nothing yet. Relan: "...You think he's a good guy?" shinra:...i know he is. stubborn, yes. but im know he's a good person at heart. just got to keep trying. Relan: "...I guess a good person would see that." *pats Shinra's hand* shinra: *smiles* iris: ^^ Relan: "How about we have something to eat? I found out where Takehisa is hiding snacks..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "You should have seen the great job Atsushi did back there! Amazing how he knocked that cat-burglar around!" atsushi: .u.; all i did was knock them back at that lady.... Dazai: "Maybe--but we still get to take credit for the attack. Which means..." *holds up a check* "BAM! Payday for returning that loot to those robbed houses!" atsushi:......*JAWDROP* Dazai: "Should keep us funded for a bit...Imagine how many drinks I can get. How many meals you can buy Kyoka. And who knows what else everyone else here wants to buy..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering at engines like he's playing drums* yu: master vulcan. do you have a moment? Vulcan: "Hmm?" *lifts up his mask* "What's up?" yu: i wanted to show you this prototype i made. Vulcan: "Wow...Yuu, this is amazing!" yu: ^^ lisa: hey guys! dinner's just about ready! -elsewhere- Giovanni: "We are ready." -late in the night- shinra: gah! *waking up in a cold sweat* *Knock knock* shinra: *opening the door* ?? Relan: "..." shinra: rel? you ok? Relan: *stares* "I could ask you the same..." shinra:...bad dream...no...a vision, maybe.... Relan: "..." *takes his hand* "Come on." shinra:....i think vulcan is in trouble. Relan: "...Just a feeling? Or do you need to tell the Commander?" shinra:....think you can get the squad? Relan: *nods* "I already got some tea brewing...Go get some." *forehead kiss* shinra: right. -after that, shinra explains the situation- iris: that sounds scary. Arthur: "...But this was your dream?" shinra: yeah, but it's like what happened in asakusa. Arthur: "Okay...So, what's the plan? We head on over, talk to Vulcan?" tamaki: if this is the case, then i have a plan. shinra, arthur, and iris will go to vulcan's and investigate. while me, relan, and nozomi stay as home base. iris. if anything is wrong, call us and we'll send back up. iris: right. Arthur: "..." *takes Tamaki's hands* tamaki: just be careful you guys. shinra + iris: *hugs relan* Arthur: "I will return, victorious." nozomi:...... Relan: ^\\\^ "Be safe." -and so- -knock knock knock- Vulcan: *grouchy* "Who the hell is knocking at this hour..." *looks through peephole* iris: we've come bearing a fruit basket! OuO Vulcan: "!!!?!" *throws open the door* "I don't like fruit! I like soda!" lisa: vul...*yaaawn* what the fuck? *in an octopus shirt and undies* iris: sorry to disturb you, but we wanted to ask you about something- Arthur: o\\\\\o Vulcan: "Just spit it out, Sister!" iris: we think you guys are in danger! Vulcan: "??? Um, that's nothing new. We know. Giovanni is after us--" *a scream is heard* iris: ?! yu: *running* t-theres....there's crusaders! outside! iris: ?!?!?! Arthur: *reaches for his Excalibur and--* "...Oh. I left it at home." iris: NOW?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Arthur: "It's late at night. How was I supposed to remember?" lisa: shit. everyone get inside, now! Arthur: *pushes Yu inside* "Okay..." -in the wooded area- shinra: no sign of anything yet.... ???: "Kill all in the workshop." shinra: ?!?! *peeeks* !!! (thinking: giovanni! oh no...) Giovanni: "And make it look like an accident. Understood?" shinra: *turns to warn the others* *Two fingers poke his eyes* shinra: OW! jeez!....what the *grabs the hand* aha- *It's a disembodied hand, wriggling in Shinra's hands* shinra: what the heck? creepy- *The hand starts to feel warmer...before it is burning hot* shinra: *lets go* GAH! what the hell?! *The hand moves forward, slamming Shinra in his chest, knocking him back* shinra: OOF! what the-... *looks up* oh fuck. Giovanni: "Hello. You found lefty." *The hand wraps around Shinra's neck, pulling him up the tree* shinra: grk- *puuuulllll* -he managed to break free- shinra: *coughing* what the hell?! Giovanni: "I will be capturing you now." *fires his right hand at Shinra* shinra: OH MOTHER- -back at the workshop- iris: so that's the plan? Arthur: "I need a sword. Forge me one." Vulcan: >_< "IT IS 2:30 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING, AND YOU HAVE FIRE ABILITIES BUT CAN'T JUST GO OUT AND FIGHT--" iris: ok um.... here! take this! Arthur: *holds up a mallet* "Is this a sword? No, it is not. So make me a sword." Vulcan: "...Yuu. Can we use him as a human shield?" yu: how about this? Arthur: "...I don't know what this hand-cranky-wrench thingie is. But it hardly can hold a flame...So make me a sword, engineer." Vulcan: "...Yu, keep him busy. I'll make him a goddamn sword." Arthur: "And make me a horse." Vulcan: *angrish* -and so- shinra: nn....huh? ...!!! *struggling to break free* Giovanni: "Do not make me electrocute you again, Kusakabe." shinra: what do you want from me, giovanni? Giovanni: "Adora..." shinra: !? -back at the workshop- iris: come on arthur! dont give up! Arthur: *slicing at Hoods* "High-ho, Silver! Let us ride into battle against these monstrous Hoods!" lisa: ...... Silver: *annoying donkey noises* yu: do your best! lisa:...vul...*hugs him from behind*.....no hard feelings..... Vulcan: "???" -she then tasers him- Vulcan: "!!!" yu: MASTER VULCAN! lisa wha- lisa: get out of the way, yu. *kicks him into the wall* iris: !!! Vulcan: "Wh-What...?" lisa: *takes a knife and holds it to vulcan's neck* dont come any closer, or i'll kill him. Vulcan: "L-Lisa...Stop..." lisa: it doesnt have to be this way vulcan. just give me the key to the amaterasu. Vulcan: *dazed* "Amaterasu? Key? I don't--" lisa: you do. after all, your family did build the amaterasu, didnt it? Vulcan: *struggling to push her away, but he's too weak* "What are you doing?! Lisa, we're family--" lisa: *slaps him* please...dont make this harder than it needs to be. Vulcan: *holding his hand to his cheek* "...Lisa...No...You're not...You're working with Giovanni?" -she doesnt say a thing- -in the wooded area- Giovanni: "Good...Wrap him up in the fire-proof sheets and take him back to headquarters. I will bring the key and eliminate Vulcan." shinra: dammit!.... Giovanni: "And tape his filthy mouth shut." -halfway out of the woods, several feather bullets attack the hoods- shinra: ?!?! ???: there he is! Hood: "URK!" *collapses* ???: good, we werent too late... shinra: mmmn? ???: *yawn* "Yeah, great..." ryuuko: *takes the tape off his mouth* shinra: ryuuko! mikami! *looks up* um.... Hibana: "What the heck did you get yourself into, Shinra?" shinra: how did you know to find me? mikami: i had a dream that....you were in danger....no..it was more of a vision... shinra: so then....!!! we need to get back to vulcan's workshop! Hibana: "With all these hoods around? I think you'll need cover..." ryuuko: hmmm. Hibana: "Okay. We'll provide backup for Shinra..." shinra: ryuuko, the two of us will be the combat team. hibana and mikami are defense team. mikami: *nods* Hibana: "Okay." *pats Shinra* "Now get running!" shinra: you can count on us! *runs* ryuuko: i shall not fail. *flames surround her arms like wings, as she takes flight* Hibana: "So, Mikami, how are you at beating on Hoods?" mikami: i-i dont know...im not much of a fighter... Hibana: *pats her shoulder* "Hey. When in doubt, aim for their junk." mikami: their garbage? Hibana: "...Their daddy parts." mikami:....eeehhhh? Q-Q -in the workshop, shinra has burst through the window, and knees giovanni in the face- iris: shinra!......*snaps a pic* Giovanni: *muffled yell of pain* ryuuko: *lands, gracefully* honestly kusakabe, you lack tact. Vulcan: "!!!" shinra: well, i now know what its like to be tamaki. Giovanni: *collapsed against the wall, weezing* *muffled* "Mmmrah Krusakmmbbb..." ryuuko: *glares at giovanni* i knew you werent to be trusted, giovanni. Giovanni: "Rymmmko? Mhat rawr ruu booing mhrree?" Vulcan: "PULL YOUR GODDAMN MASK OPEN, YOU BASTARD!" Giovanni: *knocks the back of his head into the wall--pushing open his nose* *inhales* "Ah. Better. Now, then..." *pulls himself up* "Ryuuko. I am surprised you have come. And dare attack your commander." ryuuko: the only person i attacked is a criminal. Giovanni: "I am simply here to fulfill what I was destined to." *points his cane at Lisa* "Has he given up the key?" lisa: he's still being stubborn... shinra: lisa?! -outside- Arthur: *slicing at Hoods, getting only duplicates--then he faces a Hood that looks like him* "...Who's this fool?" -something pierces through a fake white hood, causing it to disperse- Arthur: "?!!!" mikami: l-like that? Hibana: TT_TT "I am so proud. Now, this time, make him _really_ feel the pain..." mikami: u-understood! *kicks arthur in the junk* Arthur: Q~Q "I'm not...the Hood..." *collapses* "Save me Silver..." mikami: m-mr boyle? oh my goodness im so sorry! Q-Q Not!Arthur: *lifts up his sword at Mikami* mikami: !!! x-guard! *her hair ignites and forms an X to deflect the sword* *Not!Arthur dissipates into nothingness* Arthur: "Whyyyyyyy?" Hibana: "Because women do not discern between idiots." -inside- lisa: isaribi! attack! Vulcan: "...What the fuck...?" Giovanni: *chuckles* shinra: GAAH! Vulcan: o~o "..." -fiery tentacles shoot out and attack shinra- Giovanni: "You can't escape her, Kusakabe..." *preparing his fist...* ryuuko: *kicks him in the face, causing him to hit a button* Giovanni: *mask punched in again* "HMPH!" Vulcan: "...Oh, not again--" *BOOM BOOM BOOM* -outside- mikami: EEP! Hibana: *sending flower petals at different Hoods* "Hohohoho! Cower before me, mere worms! I am the Princess Hiban--" *A bear head hits Hibana in the head* Hibana: "...Ho." *collapses* X___X mikami: Q___Q Arthur: "...Iris?! Did you hit the button again?!!!" -inside- Giovanni: *struggling to breathe through his mask* *cough* "I-I'm tired of this...What do I have to do to convince you to surrender Vulcan?" Vulcan: "...Nothing. I will die before you get anything from me." Giovanni: "...So, only death will convince you?" -on a hilltop- ???: it appears the fun started without us. such a pity, wouldnt you agree, lord sho? Sho: "...There. That's where the Adora is...No. _Two_?" arrow: this is unexpected. Sho: "Indeed. I wonder whether Giovanni has succeeded..." Hibana: *pointing up to the sky* "Is that a bunny cloud?" mikami: princess, please pull yourself together! -BOOOOOM- Vulcan: "Crap!" shinra: OH YEAH! HOW DO YOU LIKE US NOW BIRDBRAIN?!....no offense. ryuuko: none take-.....we have company. shinra: wha.........!!!!!!!!!!! Sho: "..." *whispers to Arrow* "Why is that guy staring?" shinra:...sh....sho.... *tears begin to fall* SHO! Vulcan: *looking around...and sees the projector, wrecked...and...* "!!! Yuu!" Sho: "...Who are you?" yu: *coughs* shinra: sho it's me! your older brother shinra! Vulcan: "No...No!" *struggling to crawl, his ribs broken* "Gah!" Sho: "...So, the story is true. Brother?" iris: what...what do i do? shinra: yes! im alive! it's ok sho! we're getting you out of here! then we can be a family again! Vulcan: "Sister...Get Yuu to safety..." mikami:...a family.... Sho: "...But...I have a family." shinra: eh- *Sho has disappeared...and a feather seems to pass by Shinra and Mikami's faces* mikami: eh- *SLICE SLICE BOOM* shinra: !!! mikami: !!! mr kusakabe! Sho: *in front of Mikami* "You will also be valuable." *lays a hand on her arm* ryuuko: !!!! *CHARGES* DONT YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HER!!! -feather bullets rain down, injuring her- mikami: !!!! RYUUKO!!! -a female figure is in the air, with flames on her back, almost like angel's wings- seraphim: what a pity... Sho: "???" seraphim: as you were saying, lord sho? shinra: lord? sho....are you really.... Sho: "I want these tools collected. We are bringing them with us to begin the conversion." shinra: what are you talking about?! mikami: *paralyzed, tears falling* Giovanni: *coughing* "S-Sir? I have the key..." *holds it up* "We have all we need...I give the Adora to you...Please...take them..." Sho: "...Okay." Vulcan: "Sister...Call for help..." iris: already did.... Sho: *his hand approaches Shinra--* *Low rumbling heard* shinra: ?! nozomi: EEEEEEP!!! Sho: "???" Victor: *honking the horn* "DELIVERY!" *The truck is heading right for Giovanni* Giovanni: "...Oh bother." mikami: !!! *CRASH* *Giovanni is hit, slamming into the junkyard* Victor: O___o "...I'm gonna lose my license, aren't I?" nozomi: *cough cough* is everyone alright? shinra: we need to evacuate! Vulcan: "I-Injured..." Arthur: X___X "My balls..." iris: *grabs the key off of giovanni and runs* Hibana: *getting up* "My head..." Giovanni: "You little...b-b-bitch..." mikami: ryuuko! tamaki: i got her! Sho: "...Seraphim. Kill all but the Adoras." Victor: owo; "..." *taps his phone, causing a poker card to appear* seraphim: understoo- *BOOOOOOM* -smoke bomb- lisa: what the?! ???: "Ha ha ha...Oh, hey, aren't you that octopus girl?" lisa: ?! Joker: *kicks back Lisa in the head* Vulcan: "!!!" lisa: GRK- Sho: "...Who is this fool?" scarlet: this is why i hate fighting up close and persona-.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Playing cards hit Hoods in the head and shoulders* mikami: *eyes wide, pupils small*....a...kami? scarlet: *her heart drops to her stomach* Joker: "...Oh, shit..." Sho: "..." *removes his sword* "Fine. I'll kill them myself." Vulcan: *cradling Yuu* "Lisa!" scarlet: !!! *points to victor* you! get mikami and the others out of here. NOW! lisa: ah...v-vul.... mikami: AKAMI! *trying to reach for her* Vulcan: "..." *reaches to her* Joker: *pats Scarlet's shoulder* "You talk with her. I'll have fun with Shinra's bro." Joker: *rushes at Sho* Sho: "..." *slice* mikami: akami! come with us! Sho: "You block with a mere card?" Joker: "Well, you're so short--" scarlet: i....its not that simple....please...just forget seeing me here. Vulcan: "Please...Lisa..." lisa:....*turns away* im sorry.... mikami: AKAMI! PLEASE! Vulcan: "...N-No..." scarlet: STOP CALLING ME THAT! Victor: "...I don't have time for this." *hits the gas* mikami: *tears falling* ah... scarlet:......*bites her lip* Vulcan: "Lisa!" *The truck drives off, avoiding blasts from Sho and Hoods* Victor: "...Hospital? Hospital." -escape successful...- scarlet:......... Joker: "Now, 'Hero'...Or 'Angel'? Or maybe 'Dem--'" *SLICE* Joker: *cut in two* "...Well, this sucks." Sho: "..." Joker: "Hey, Red! Let's get out of here!" scarlet:....right. seraphim: *watches the truck as it drives away....looking at nozomi in the window* oh....so that's where you are now....my daughter. Joker: *tosses smoke bomb* "Until later..." *Joker and Scarlet disappear. Sho stands on the hill. Giovanni is a mangled mess. Vulcan's workshop is a mess* arrow: damn. the girl took the key.... Sho: "...Then we take the girl." -on the hill- scarlet:...........dammit.....she....she wasnt supposed to be here.... Joker: *checking his chest* "Hmm...No harm done." *looks at Scarlet* "...It could not have been predicted." scarlet: .....hopefully, that so called 'idol' has some information on the hoods we could use..... Joker: *nods* "And I'll have Victor give us a report on what the 8th has learned..." scarlet:....(thinking: mikami....you're going to be ok...i promise...) -the next morning- Arthur: "And then this weirdo appeared with a donkey between his legs--" Relan: Q~Q *hugging Shinra* Hibana: *holding ice to her head* "I hate hospitals..." gabriella: TT~TT Vulcan: *his ribs are bandaged...but he is standing, looking over Yuu* shinra: ...hey vulcan? for the time being, it might be best to stay at the 8th....f-for your safety... Vulcan: "...So, you finally get to own me, huh?" shinra:..... mikami: how've you been, relan? Relan: *sniff* "F-Fine...I really like the 8th more than our old branch...and I think I had good reason to." *weak smile* "...I'm so sorry..." mikami: it's ok....*smiles* ryuuko and i have decided to join the 5th. Hibana: ^^ Relan: "Hey, great! I'm happy for you both..." mikami: they seem to know a lot of stuff, and....maybe i'll understand what this is...the adora burst.... shinra: i think it'll do you both some good. Hibana: "Gabriella and I will mold you into successful, powerful young ladies!" ryuuko:....*faint smile* unfortunately, this puts us in the same brigade as kishiri. but hey...small sacrifices. Hibana: "...I can have him removed." ryuuko: it's fine. we'll manage. Hibana: "...Fluffy hair man..." Victor: "??? Yes, Princess--" Hibana: *wraps her hands around his neck* "IF I FIND OUT YOU WERE INVOLVED WITH ANY OF THIS, I WILL CUT YOUR HEAD OFF AND PUT IT UP ON MY SHELF!" Victor: X____X Vulcan: O____O Relan: *hides behind Shinra* nozomi: ^^;;; if it means anything....i-i think you did a great job, victor. *smiles* Victor: *collapsed on the floor...gives a thumbs up* "Thank you, Nozomi." shinra: *whispers in mikami's ear* good luck. you're gonna need it. mikami: ^^; Akitaru: "I know it's asking a lot, but Takehisa will need to take statements from you." mikami: i understand.....(thinking: akami....) Takehisa: "Mikami, I can start with you first..." mikami:....right. Takehisa: "How did you know to come to the workshop?" -elsewhere- scarlet: *in her bed, staring up at the ceiling fan* {mikami: Big sister!} {akami: hehe! up ya go!} {mikami: Hee hee...Higher!} scarlet: ......... {akami: *aiming*} {servant: did you hear the rumors? i heard ----------.} {akami: ?! *shoots, but it hits mikami in the eye* !!!! MIKAMI!} {mikami: *screaming*} {norio: MIKAMI! akami, what the hell did you do?!} {akami: n..no..it was an accident..i didnt mean to...} scarlet: ..........*sigh* *Knock knock* scarlet: doors open... Joker: *holding up a bottle and two glasses* "..." scarlet:...thanks. Joker: *sets down the glasses, fills up each* "...Next step?" scarlet: soon....just...need to cool off after- *winces*....... Joker: "??? You haven't tended to injuries?" scarlet: physical ones, yeah.....the emotional ones on the other hand.....heh, you know..i honestly cant tell if you're being sincere right now or not... Joker: "...I can't have you being down. That's not productive. So, for now, let's drink..." scarlet: right...bottoms up. Joker: *clinks glasses* scarlet: *downs the glass* ah...much better. Joker: *smiles* "Good." *fills up another one* "I talked with Victor, so that's taken care of...So, let's finish this bottle." scarlet: yep. may have to get out the jack daniels too. long night. Joker: "Then pull that out! Hee hee..." *sips his next glass* -elsewhere- Giovanni: *tied to a chair* "...Sir...I said I was--" Sho: "Silence." Giovanni: "..." Sho: "...Seraphim, take care of him." -elsewhere- karin: vul! good to see you again! Vulcan: -_-; "Hiya, Doc. I'm in pain. How are you?" karin: just handling things here. seems we're gonna be working together now, isnt that great? Vulcan: "..." *ugly tears* karin: *sweatdrop* Vulcan: "Yuu is injured! Lisa was secretly a villain! My workshop is totaled! They smashed my projector!" karin: jeez....its gonna be ok kiddo. -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Welcome back, Boss Lady. How is--" owo ryuuko: *rolls eyes* mikami: um, h-hi.. *holding her suitcase full of her belongings from the 3rd* hanako: mommy! *hugs hibana* Hibana: "Sweetie!" *her head is bandaged, but she picks up Hanako* "I'm so happy to see you!" gabriella: hi honey~ *nuzzles hanako's head* hanako: hehe! ryuuko: oh, so this is your daughter then? mikami: aww, how sweet. Hibana: *smiles* "Our pride and joy. Hanako, this is Ryuuko and Mikami. They're moving into the 5th." Rino: "...Oh. Super. I get to clear more rooms. Darn it." hanako: hiya! mikami: um...h-hi there...im mikami kurai. ryuuko: and im her girlfriend, ryuuko. Rino: "...Hi. My name is Rino. My life is a never-ending H--" *spots Hanako* "...Heck." hanako: rino were you about to say H-E-double hockey sticks? Hibana: *glares at Rino* Rino: o\\\\o "N-No! I wasn't!" *nervous laugh, patting Hanako's head* hanako: ...im calling bull on that. Kishiri: *already picking up Mikami and Ryuuko's suitcases* Hibana: "AND HOW DID SHE LEARN THAT, RINO?!" Rino: o____o -elsewhere- yu: ....*opens eyes* mooom? Dr. John: "??? Um...Hi." yu: oh....!!! master vulcan! lisa! are they- sachiko: easy there, its ok. Dr. John: "You were admitted after injuries sustained at the local junkyard. You were shot...hit with debris." yu: *winces* ah... Dr. John: "Lay back...You will need to heal. Your friend, Mr. Vulcan, will be here later for visiting hours..." yu: oh....b-but lisa- Dr. John: "...I think you should wait for your friend to speak with you. It's complicated." yu: ...... Dr. John: "...I wanted to check on your healing. I know your wounds have to hurt." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Junkyard! That is where money can be made!" louisa: s-sir? Fitzgerald: "We dumpster dive! Remove the valuable parts and sell them at markup! How are your sculpting skills? We can refashion scrap iron into pricey statues!" -elsewhere- Touma: "--so we have a book, a key, and random people going on fire." yumikage: and before all we had to deal with was vampires. god, fuckin, dammit. Touma: "Your work is cut out for you." *passes a phone number to Yumikage* "I want you to make a phone call." yumikage: who the hell is this? Touma: "A contact I made with one of the Brigades..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...You've been quiet." shinra: sorry just....a lot to take in. Akitaru: *nods* "Want to talk about it?" shinra:....well, we managed to save vulcan and yu....lisa's still MIA.... Akitaru: *nods* "We'll find her." shinra:......sho.... Akitaru: "??? 'Sho'?" shinra:.... -he explains what happened last night. all of it- Akitaru: "...Jeez. Your brother..." shinra: yeah....i knew he was alive....but this.... Akitaru: "...We have to investigate this. First the fire at your home...then your brother ends up with the Hoods..." shinra: and how does joker play into all of this? Akitaru: "And whose side is he on?" shinra: i dont know...but that woman with him...with red hair....mikami's sister.....she told victor to get us to safety... Akitaru: "...You think...?" shinra: i heard it myself..... heh, with the adora burst and our siblings....seems mikami and i have a bit in common. Akitaru: "..." *pats his head* "You got such a good attitude!" -elsewhere- Hood: "Come with us, Tako." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *asleep on couch* atsushi: *watching tv* Reporter: "--and the fire was put out. In other news, we have a new restaurant review..." Kyoka: *murmur* atsushi: morning. Kyoka: *opens an eye* "...I had slept here, waiting for you to get back." atsushi: ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: *picking produce--puts his hand out for an orange and--* "Oh, sorry..." ruby: its cool, man. dia: ... pearl: ah... Dazai: "Oh, hey! Neat uniforms!" ruby: thanks. though dia has the fancier one, being a company commander and all. dia: 7-7; Dazai: *staring at the sleeve on Dia's coat* "Yeah, I see. Fine fabric." *holds up a business card* "You ever need a detective, you know you can call me!" pearl: oh goodness, you're all bandaged up! are you alright? Dazai: QWQ "Of course. I just have to tend to my injuries...physical and emotional." pearl: oh, you poor thing. Dazai: *nod nod* "I just have to power through the next day. That's what I tell the young people whose minds I mold." *sniff* "So proud of them." pearl: i see.... ^^; Dazai: "And what is your name, ma'am?" pearl: i-it's pearl fiamma, sir. Dazai: "Osamu Dazai, with the Armed Detective Agency." *shakes her hand* ruby: im ruby, and the lady with the white hair is dia. dia: ... Dazai: *waves at Dia* "You running errands, too?" dia: yes. that would be correct. Dazai: "Yep, same--got to get them for coworkers, pick up donuts and coffee...'cause I'm generous like that." *winks at them* dia: *unamused* pearl: ^^; Dazai: "I think my Agency is on the way to your branch. Need help with your groceries?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Got the whipped cream..." -elsewhere- Joker: *hungover* @___@ scarlet: it's barely been a day.... -_-; Joker: "The beer hit me harder this time..." *lies on the table* "How do you do it?" scarlet: i didnt have that much, for starters. -_-; Joker: "Zzz..." *fetal position on the table* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *typing on his laptop* elise: *peeeeek* Akutagawa: "And then...I just need to fix this chapter ending...make it more realistic...Hmm...Is that even possible?" *spots Elise* o\\\\o *slams laptop shut* "Wh-What?" elise: noooothing. Akutagawa: "It-It's rude to read over someone's shoulder! Do you do that to Mori?" elise: sometimes. Akutagawa: "?!!!" elise: but to be honest, it wouldnt have been the weirdest thing he asked me to do for him. -ELSEWHERE- Kunikida: "...It's rather quiet here...Okay. Where is Dazai?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *tied up, hanging in an alley* "...At least don't bruise the oranges..." taoka: be silent you. pixie: hehe~ Dazai: "Sorry, I'm not too good on being quiet. I talk all the time. Like, if I start, I just keep going--" taoka: *aims her spear at him* bothersome.... Dazai: ^^ "So I've been told. Tell me, are you an ability user?" taoka: depends on what type of abilities... Dazai: "Hmm? I guess it wouldn't work anyway...So, I'll try a different tactic: would you like to form a suicide pact with me~?" taoka: ......foolish. pixie: nah. i still have stuff i wanna do still~ Dazai: "I could help you finish that bucket list! Maybe make out with a handsome man?" pixie: well~- taoka: do not. Dazai: "Okay, okay...I guess we need another solution...What do you want? Money?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "...This vehicle...this 'Matchbox'?" karin: yep. Vulcan: "...Looks busted. One smash of a lightpost on it, and the engine is out of commission for a month." karin: guess we're fixin this puppy up then? Vulcan: "..." *takes off his shirt, puts on his mask* "Let's get started." karin: *cracks knuckles* hell yeah! -elsewhere- Izuku: *cleaning up debris* "...This junkyard is really wrecked." ochako: yeah. phew. mei: *putting some stuff in her back* i'll fix you up, lil babies. Izuku: "???" ochako: oh, you're from the UA support department, right? mei: that's right. mei hatsume, at your service! Izuku: *waves* "Izuku Midoriya." mei: nice ta meetcha! ^^ -elsewhere- FD: " 'Seraphim'...Quite an angel..." zoey: ....... FD: *lying in bed, with a book opened, showing a photograph to Zoey* "See? They have such long wings..." zoey: ....i see.... FD: "Have you ever seen an angel?" zoey:......i dont....recall.... FD: "...I have." zoey: really? FD: *looks at her, smiles* zoey: ah.... FD: "And an angel brings people closer to Heaven..." *kiss on her cheek* "Whether through love...or by sending them to meet their maker..." zoey: yes....*blush* FD: *holds her hand* "Your blush...shows you have more life than the angels in this book...and we may find their angels, for our purposes..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Hi, all! I'm back!" atsushi: WHERE WERE YOU?! Dazai: *his head is poking through the door* "Well, I got groceries, was going to bring donuts and coffee, met some lovely Fire Brigade girls...then I was mugged." *opens the door, revealing he is just in his boxers* atsushi: .... ._.; yosano: dang. Tanizaki: *covers Naomi's eyes* naomi: eh? Kyoka: "..." *thumbs down* Kunikida: "We do have a dress code, Dazai. Change into clothes in the locker room, then report for your next missions." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How are you settling in?" ryuuko: fairly well. mikami: the room is really nice. thank you princess. ^^ Hibana: ^^ "You're welcome. I do have a favor to ask..." mikami: oh? Hibana: "Watch Hanako for a bit?" mikami: ok. ryuuko: a-alright.... hanako: yay! Hibana: "You'll be a good girl for Aunt Mikami and Aunt Ryuuko, right, honey?" hanako: ok mama! Hibana: *smiles, waves to Hanako* -elsewhere- Triple A: TT_TT caliburn: oh cheer up. you'll find someone. if not, you still have me~<3 Triple A: "Thank you, Caliburn...but I don't think Marie is going to speak to me again...and I want love..." caliburn: *pouts* Triple A: *sniffs* "What am I to do...?" *looks at his phone* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Troubling." kirei: ..... Benimaru: "..." *holds her hand* "I have reached out to the 8th..." kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "We will be participating in some searches for Giovanni and others..." kirei: right. Benimaru: "...Would you like to go with me to a meeting?" kirei: if you wouldnt mind. Benimaru: "I would prefer it." kirei:...*smiles* i'll speak with the shrine head. -elsewhere- Kuro: *asleep* mahiru: *cleaning around the house with the TV as background noise* TV: "--and if you order now, we'll throw in these five vacuum attachments--for free." -elsewhere- Giovanni: *beaten...his mask is ripped off* *wheezing* dahlia: have you recovered as of yet? Giovanni: "M-My mask...My failure...Give me something to breathe..." -elsewhere- misora: is that what happened?! Joker: *groan* "Not so loud...I'm still hungover...But yeah, Scarlet ran into her sis, we just barely got the 8th out of there, and they got the key..." misora: damn. well, things are still uneventful here with squad 0... also im gonna need a new phone since that wretched worm got a hold of my number and keeps sending me stuff to annoy me. Joker: "Right, right, I'll send you a new phone...Wait--what 'worm'?" misora:.....*excalibur face* _that_ worm. Joker: "...Oh. Say no more. But I need a favor..." misora: what is it, mr manager? Joker: "Get close to the 5th. We got an Adora there to keep an eye on." misora: can do~! Joker: *smiles--then winces* "Also, get me a coffee, some ibuprofen...and something nice for Scarlet." misora: i'll send it your way~<3 Joker: "Thank-ee..." -text on her phone- misora: O^O~? Jonah: [oh divine work of art. 'tis been so long since i have seen your face. for your mere smile, i would paint on any surface to remember forever] misora:.... [i hope you choke on your own spit and die <3 ] Jonah: [i'd rather choke on your spit <3 ] misora: *disgusted* *blocks number* *ring ring* misora: hello~ Jonah: "I got multiple phones~" misora: *hangs up* *text alert* misora: *smashes the phone* Jonah: "??? ...Why doesn't she want to talk?" miwa:.... ._. misora: telemarketer. miwa: ah. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *passes plates to Iris, Tamaki, and Maki* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *wearing Dazai's clothes* naomi: the coat's so big on her it's adorable! Dazai: -w- "I'm just glad someone found my clothes--and bought them at the pawn shop!" Kyoka: " 'Would you like to form a suicide pact with me, pretty lady?'" kirako: ^^; *pats her head* Kyoka: *small smile, nods* "Thank you." atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: "We do have work to do...Chibi Dazai included." Kyoka: -_-; -elsewhere- Burns: *on the phone* "...Yes...I understand...We will consider this." dia: who was that, commander? Burns: "A contact with the investigation unit monitoring that attack on Vulcan's junkyard." dia: ah. any reports? Burns: "...The 8th is amassing quite a number of outcasts..." dia: ..... Burns: "Now they just happen to attract Vulcan to their unit? I don't like it...Perhaps it's time someone had a talk with our old friend, Kotatsu." -elsewhere- Arthur: *sigh of relief* tamaki: hey arthur. Arthur: *smiles, waves* "Hi..." *limps towards her* "You don't know how happy I am..." tamaki:........ Arthur: *hug* "I missed you..." tamaki: you....*shaking him* YOU IDIOT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS?! Arthur: @~@ "R-Really, really scared?" tamaki: you could have died, stupid!...*hug* Arthur: "...I know." *hug* "And when I was facing death, there was only one person I was thinking about...You." tamaki:.... *sniff* 7////7 Arthur: *cuddles* "Tamaki...I love you." tamaki: U/////U i love you too, dummy. Arthur: "Hee hee..." *smooch* shinra:...i'll...i'll just give you two sometime to- tamaki: *GLAAAAAARE* Arthur: *GLARE* shinra: leavingnowbye! *exits* Arthur: *sighs* *pats her back* "...I'm happy." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: *asleep* Neuhaus: *holds her hand* exorcist: she's been sleeping a lot since removing the jorogumo... Neuhaus: "How is her recovery?" exorcist: we arent sure... Neuhaus: "...Then...I only hope sleep helps...Please, Michelle...be well." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *struggling* "Stupid tie..." lavender: need help there, kiddo? Sakuya: *nods* "I wanted to try on the school uniform..." lavender: ah. *helping him out* there we....go! Sakuya: ^^ "Thanks!" *looks in the mirror* "You think the colors look good?" lavender: looks good, kiddo. *thumbs up* Sakuya: "Cool...I guess I'm about ready to go back." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking over a file* "Hmm...Subway tokens leading to secret rooms...What on earth was Akutagawa looking at...?" *holds up paper to Mito* "What do you think?" mito: *meow of 'i dunno'* Chuuya: "Same, kitten." *pats Mito's head* "Hungry?" mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *gets up, walks to kitchen and puts out a dish of tuna* "Enjoy." mito: nyan! *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *smiles, watches her eat* "..." ("Please, be in peace, Mito...") -elsewhere- Hyde: *leg in a cast, walking around the hospital* "...Hey, you. Tiny kid. What're you in the hospital for?" yu: i almost died. Hyde: "...That's rough, buddy." *sits* "Seen enough of that...I'm Hyde." yu: im yu. Hyde: "..." *looks back and forth* "You're me?" yu: no no, my _name_ is yu. it says so on my chart. Hyde: "..." *picks it up* "Oh. So it is. And you were--jeez, shot and had debris fall on you? That sucks." yu: im just....glad im alive... Hyde: "...You got family?" yu: well.... -elsewhere- Joker: *knock knock* "Coffee." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You. Muscle Girl. Come over here." maki: yo. Vulcan: "You look strong. keep pressure on this part of the engine while I replace the valve." maki: alright. Vulcan: "Right, just like that..." *removes the valve* "Keep a hold on it..." *reaches for the new valve* "And now, put this in...Done. Thanks...Um...What's your name again?" maki: its Maki. Vulcan: *nods* "Maki. Vulcan. Good to know." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...How did Fitzgerald do all of this?" twain: *shrug* i dunno. Steinbeck: "Let's see...We still have this building for surveillance, this one for weapons...Twain, we need recruits. Muscle." twain: *smirks* leave the recruitment to me~!....btw, you still arent shook up over the whole 'toshiko' thing, are ya? Steinbeck: "...Only that he--they?--still aren't interested in working with me. You?" twain: like i said, isnt the first time i've fallen for a guy dressed like a chick. but i've got other things ahead of me now. Steinbeck: "Such as?" twain: scoring a date! ^^ Steinbeck: "NOT BEFORE ME!" -elsewhere- Sho: "...I want our forces gathered." seraphim: understood. dahlia: of course. guruna: okaaay~ Sho: "With the 8th knowing of Giovanni's allegiance to us, what is happening to his Brigade?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "I am sorry about those thefts in your neighborhood, Death--but at least the culprit was found!" lord death: and so, all is well! the neighboring houses have amped up on security as well. Mephisto: "If they need any help, I can recommend--or loan--some of my security..." *sips tea* "But I came here for something more important to discuss with you..." lord death: oh? Mephisto: *slams a baby catalog down in front of Death* "Why have our precious children not spawned yet?!" stocking: DAD! D8< Mephisto: "Hello, sweetie~ Are you pregnant yet?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *writing out a math equation on the mirror* chie: *smooch* Yohei: "!!! Oh, hey...." *smiles* "Sorry, got distracted when I thought up a way to fix up the speed on the Silver Gun--" chie: ah. Yohei: "...Sorry. Nerding out again." *hug* "How are you?" -elsewhere- Wes: "Ah...How is this?" *in a suit* liz: looking good. *kiss on the cheek* Wes: *smiles* "Thanks...I'm excited. This should be a good performance." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *screams into a pillow* kim: jackie?! what's wrong?! Jacqueline: *muffled* "My new boss is an idiot!" kim: what happened? Jacqueline: *lifts her head* "I work there for so long, they open a position as supervisor--and some mumbling, lanky guy gets the job--with a raccoon!" kim: ......a raccoon you say....? Jacqueline: "...Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that." kim: i-its fine. but jeez, that sucks. Jacqueline: *pouts* "And he's so ineffectual. He just spends the time writing down his 'novels' instead of helping people asking questions. And his raccoon keeps sneaking into the refrigerator." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "..." *loud screaming* hina: whaaaat?! what is it?! saku: ?! PlushFix: "NOTHING IS HAPPENING, AND I EITHER NEED TO KILL, FUCK, DRINK, OR EAT!" hina:...wanna go murder some shit? PlushFix: "Fuck yeah!" PlushFix: *pulls out a newspaper* "Find me the target!" -elsewhere- Kid: -_-; "Our fathers are drunk..." stocking: so unprofessional... Kid: "...So expected. I just can't get over how obsessed they are about kids..." lord death: zzzzzz *asleep....on top of a book case some how* felisia: *carrying mephisto back* nice chatting with you. ^^; Yumi: "Likewise. Say hello to your staff for me, Felisia." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Can I get you anything?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, sitting in the shade* =w= -elsewhere- Hibana: "Was she much trouble?" mikami: not at all. ryuuko: .... 7///7 mikami was....a natural. mikami: aww. ^^ Hibana: "...You two are adorable. Remind me of Gab and me." *picks up Hanako* "Time to put this girl into her bed...I owe you two." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *lies down in bed* "Not happy about sharing a room..." karin: it's temporary for now.. Vulcan: *sigh* "Who's my roommate?" -elsewhere- Meme: "Good night, Mio." mio: night meme... =u= Meme: *pats Mio's hand* "Night, Tsugumi." tsugumi: zzzzz... Meme: "Good night, Anya." Anya: o\\\\\o Meme: "...Um...Night, Ao!" ao: zzzzzz Meme: "..." *shrug, pulls up the covers and turns off the light* "Mmm...Zzz..." Anya: O\\\\\O -early morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~<3 *smooch* Kid: "Mmmm~" *holds her, kissing back* "Good morning, indeed." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *smiles* "I think today should be good...Father and I are finishing preparations before new student orientation..." stocking: ah. Kid: "How about you? Any prep work at True Cross?" stocking: yeah. things have been kind of hectic though. Kid: "Since the Impure Eye?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...Anything we may do to help?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *muttering* shinra: how's he holding up? Takehisa: -_-; "I couldn't sleep all night with his teeth grinding and sleep-muttering." shinra: jeez.... Arthur: "I think he's visiting his friend in the hospital today." shinra: we should pay him a visit too... Arthur: "Sounds good. What about you, Captain--" Takehisa: *fell asleep in his bowl of cereal* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- gabriella: so how was your first night at the 5th? ryuuko: it went well. mikami: the beds are much more comfortable than at the 3rd. Hibana: "Only the best for my troops~" gabriella: ^^ Rino: -_-;;; *puts down plates of food for breakfast* "Eat your damn food." Hibana: -3- -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *yawns and gets breakfast ready* *Inside a cabinet is...Dazai* atsushi: hey dazai....wait dazai?! Dazai: "Funny story. I wanted to see whether being locked in the kitchen cupboard while smelling delicious cooked food could torture me to death...but I'm just stuck." -one dazai removal later- Dazai: owo "Thank you! May I have breakfast?" atsushi: alright then... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *passed out* higuchi: RYUNOSUKE! Akutagawa: *lifts up his head* "Wha...?" higuchi: are you ok?! Akutagawa: "...Am I dreaming?" *Underneath his head are books on subways* higuchi: no, you're awake... Akutagawa: "...Then why is an angel looking at me...?" higuchi:... ./////////. um...w-well... Akutagawa: *falls back asleep* "Zzz..." higuchi:.... *carrying him to bed* Akutagawa: *holding onto her* *inhales* higuchi:....*blush* Akutagawa: "Higuchi..." higuchi: ?? Akutagawa: "Teach me..." higuchi: ??? Akutagawa: "Teach me...how to be normal..." higuchi: eh? Akutagawa: "I'm...weird." -elsewhere- Black Star: *doing push-ups* "9978, 9979, 9980..." tsubaki: *keeping count* Sakuya: *puts out pancakes with a smiley face made in chocolate chips* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "One Frappuccino." barista: coming right up, sir. gin: .... Tachihara: "...What, you aren't ordering?" gin:....one coffee please. Barista #2: "On it!" Tachihara: "Hmm...Kind of a simple order." gin:....so? Tachihara: *shrug* "Thought you'd want something more extravagant. At least add some whipped topping." -elsewhere- Anya: "...Here's your tea." ao: why thank you. ^^ Anya: "...I wanted to speak with you, about how we can...I can, start getting along." ao: oh? Anya: "As you said, we are both Tsugumi's meisters...and I care about Tsugumi as well." ao: *nods* have you come to term with your feelings on the situation? Anya: "...Not entirely. But I'm trying." *sips* -elsewhere- Giovanni: "You have been quiet, Lisa." lisa:..... Giovanni: "We have work ahead of us. So I need to know that you will serve our leader." -elsewhere- Dr. John: "He's right this way...Yuu? You have visitors." yu: hmm? master vulcan! Vulcan: "...Hey, kid." *walks up to his bed* "How're you doing?" yu: a lot better now. Vulcan: "Heh...Stronger than you look, huh?" yu: yeah, haha. Vulcan: "...Yu...I...am having to get security protection from the 8th." yu: i heard... Vulcan: "D-don't think I trust those guys or anything!" yu: ^^ Vulcan: "And when you get out of here, you'll end up under their protection, too." yu: well, i dont think i'd mind....they seem really nice. Vulcan: "...I wouldn't go that far, but they seem like people who aren't going to...hurt us..." yu: ..... Vulcan: "..." *covers his face* "I'm the real idiot." -elsewhere- Burns: *tosses a file at Dia* "We got our lead." dia: oh? *examining the file* *Inside is a photo of Lisa* dia: hmmm. foien: that's the girl from vulcan's workshop, isnt it? Burns: *nods* "Our task is to find her before the 8th does." dia: *nods* understood. Karim: "Sir? How did you get this profile before the 8th--?" Burns: "Hard work and investigating. Now, get to work." Karim: "..." ("What's with him?") pearl: ... -elsewhere- Mori: "Progress report, now." secretary: i got the files here, sir. Mori: "Thank you...Um...What was your name?" elise: who cares. XP secretary: -_-; Mori: "Excellent point, my dear~" *reviews the files* "Hmm...So, can't find where the last Guild member went...Perhaps he ran to the Agency?" secretary: it's likely. Mori: "Then I think we should send someone to visit the Agency...Black Lizards or Chuuya?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Have you seen these receipts?" kirako: hmm? Kunikida: "$100 for breakfast with a client? That's excessive. Tell Dazai we're keeping meal reimbursements to $10 per person." kirako: understood. Kunikida: "And as for medical supplies...Doctor, you could switch to the cheaper bandages..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walking to the wine shop* clerk: afternoon, mr nakahara. Chuuya: "Afternoon. I wanted to see which year you had in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Ready for a new semester?" nedzu: *nods* how are preperations for the sports festival? Aizawa: "Slow, but should be ready in time." nedzu: good to know! Aizawa: *zipping up sleeping bag and lying in the PE field* "I'm taking my nap now. If you need help, ask my assistant, Sadface Former Villain Guy..." yuuji: i have a name, you know. -__-; Aizawa: =_= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "We have the baby's room ready." himiko: yay! fang: zzzz Kurogiri: "I put in the baby monitor, so how about you sleep, while Dabi watches--" Dabi: "I don't wanna." twice: who wants to take bets on who's quirk the kid's gonna inherit? Kurogiri: *puts Dabi in a headlock* "I hope not the father's..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Another slice of watermelon, please!" fang-hua: here you go! Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Thanks for doing this." *nom nom* "You finish reading that report from Beni-Hottie?" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* yeah. giovanni is still MIA. Tsukiyo: "Nuts." *spits out a seed* "Hope they find that guy soon. Always seemed like a creep...Is the Commander meeting with anyone at the 8th?" fang-hua: we'll have to wait and see. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *sitting in hospital hallway* shinra: i got you some soda from the vending machine. Vulcan: "..." *takes one* "Thanks." *pops the top* shinra: ....so i heard yu is going to be starting classes again with us. Vulcan: "Yeah. Felt it better he be around some strong people and learn something." *sips* "His engineering sucks." shinra: still, practice makes perfect. Vulcan: "...Not fast enough...I was blind." shinra:......so, i learned something interesting about miss karin...turns out, she's not only nozomi's mentor, but also nozomi's _aunt_! can you believe that! Vulcan: "...Duh." shinra: ??
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