#Artax coded
lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #220
I wasn't able to do the singing today. I asked M and J to find excuses to be not in the house. M had a doctor's appointment, and J was going to go take a walk, but something came up at work for J, and by the time that was done, M had already returned from his doctor's appointment.
…Ah well. I probably needed the rest anyways. I fried my brain pretty handily yesterday, finishing the music box. But I'm glad that it's done with. I don't get a nice dopamine reward when I complete tasks, usually. But if nothing else, the looming doomishness of feeling like I must do a very complicated task is no longer upon me.
I should be able to get it done tomorrow or the next day, though. M and J will go out to see a movie on Saturday or Sunday, depending on how J feels when he comes home from all the things he's gotta do tomorrow. I'll be able to do the thing while they're out.
Today I went over the things I've prepared for you for Otakon. I have a locket, a letter, and I will have a music box with lyrics. This time, I'll be mindful enough to know that I will need to bring the music box in the form of QR Code once I upload it to SoundCloud, instead of bringing the actual music box and rolls of music box paper; the very important person I saw seemed rather confused or maybe uneasy in response to these things, like he wasn't sure what to do with them, which is fair.
…Yesterday, I realized that if I was a bit smarter or maybe a bit more thoughtful, I would have gotten you a Japanese copy of The Neverending Story to go along with the other things. I imagine that it gets pretty lonely at the Edge of Creation, so… maybe a book would have been good company for you. But I didn't think about it, and I won't be able to get it here in time for Otakon. I'm sorry.
But maybe your position at the Edge of Creation might let you go see Atreyu and Bastian and Artax and all the rest? Admittedly, I don't really know how things work for you over there, but if you're connected to some kind of multiverse, then it stands to reason that you might be able to peer into other worlds, no? Maybe you could learn something wholesome by looking at the stories of others. I've certainly learned much by considering perspectives and stories other than my own, and your brain is a lot more awesome than mine; I can only begin to imagine what sorts of amazing insights you'd come away with…
Oh, right!! Yesterday, I said I'd have some pictures for you! I almost forgot! Here…
This was a rabbit we saw yesterday.
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This was a somewhat alarming statue of a cow that was, for some reason, parked in the grocery store parking lot:
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...I wonder what it's for.
This is the matcha latte I got from Eggcellent, with rose syrup, tea jelly, and cream cheese foam. I really wish I could share this with you; I think you would like it a lot:
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Eggcellent also started selling these things called "croffles". I'm not sure why they're called that. Maybe it's because they're crunchy waffles? Maybe it's because they're topped like crepes? I'm not sure. But! Here is the strawberry one:
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And here is the chocolate one:
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...And they were both absolutely delectable!! I really, really, REALLY wish I could have shared these with you. But J and I split these, and that was good, too.
Hey, Sephiroth? Maybe someday if you ever find yourself in my neighborhood, one of the first things I'll do is bring you to Eggcellent. I think you'd like the things there.
And finally, I have some tea swirls. These were taken yesterday; it was a jasmine green tea:
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...Sephiroth, I'm so scared about going to Otakon. It's gonna be a big and noisy and visually cluttered and overwhelming place with lots and lots of people, many of whom have such strong feelings about their fandoms that they're willing to bully and look down upon others.
As an example, the fight over whether Cloud should date Tifa or Aerith, in particular, leads to a lot of toxicity in the community, for reasons I don't fully understand. People on opposite sides of this debate tend to get really nasty with each other, and it's kinda scary, actually...
And... I know it's ridiculous, but... what if those very important people hated seeing me last time so much that this time they're going to take precautions to avoid me this time? What if I try to go see them, and right away, I'm whisked away off the premises by security or something?
For sure, I'm aware that the odds of anything like that happening are vanishingly small; I don't think I have, so far, said or done anything untoward, and I don't think I've done anything to make anyone mistakenly think that I'd ever hurt anyone.
...But still. I have a long history of people simply dismissing me out of hand just because they find my differences unsettling. For the most part, I've ah... I've gotten around this by avoiding people pre-emptively even though I don't really want to. But I'd rather be lonely than have anyone be uncomfortable because of me.
...So many swirling thoughts. Lots of anxiety and dread. But I gotta try anyway. I don't have a fancy sword or the know-how to use it. I can't use magic; it doesn't exist in my world in the way that you know it. I'm not especially strong, smart, swift, or coordinated. All I have is the fact that I owe you my life, and a willingness to face any fears or obstacles in front of me in order to repay that debt.
And maybe that's not much in the grand scheme of things; after all, it's not as though I am some important or especially capable person - my presence doesn't really count for much in my world for a variety of reasons. But still, I'm going to try to hope that what little I can bring to the table is enough.
I have to try. Not because I'm arrogant enough to think that my efforts will actually count for anything, but because, given what you've done for me and the life I live now because I held on long enough to get here, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't try to help you, regardless of the outcome.
Well. It's becoming late, and I am still short on sleep for a number of consecutive days. I had better wrap this up here and get myself to bed.
I love you. Please stay safe out there; after all, you have a locket and a letter and a lullaby waiting for you. You wouldn't wanna miss out, right?
I'll write again soon. I promise.
Your friend, Lumine
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cadavercowboy · 1 year
Tagged by @nickfowlerrr to post characters I think are "me-coded"...thank you, Bella <3
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Characters: Tig Trager — Sons Of Anarchy | Cosmo Kramer — Seinfeld | Artax — The Neverending Story | Uncle — Red Dead Redemption 2 | Shaggy — Scooby Doo | Eddie Munson — Stranger Things | Calcifer — Howl's Moving Castle | Captain Quint — Jaws | Frankenstein's Monster — Van Helsing
No pressure tags: @sweetdreamsbuck @fandoms-writings @vicebarnes @stylesthesunflower @moonmistt @thornsnvultures @chernayawidow @somnambulic-thing @thran-duils
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gwtrust · 2 years
Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols
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#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols upgrade
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols code
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols plus
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols free
– The Dark Gryphon is nothing but to fill the spot for ww, I also have 10% all dps on him
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols plus
– I recently added Prince Sal, the Merman because I got 15% all dps gear on him plus his ability 10% all dps – The only dps there is ww, all the other crusaders are supports – I use Natalia Dragon because I have 100% gold found gear on her, also 15% all dps This is both my farming and progress formation, as all the crusaders buffs my ww. I will first post my formation that I originally use to progress through the areas (Tri formation): Werewolf FormationĮmo Warewolf, is one of the best dpsers out there, he’s cheap he’s strong and goes well with various of formations. What you want to achieve before reseting for the first time is to get 7500 total crusader levels for 15 idols which is decent for your next run.
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols upgrade
Your main DPS crusaders are Nate Dragon and Sarah (2nd DPS), what you need to do is to level up all your crusaders to level 200 or until level 75/125 for the last upgrade and leave them, only level up your DPS crusaders which are Nate Dragon and Sarah, the Collector in this case, there’s no need to level up your other crusaders as their DPS will be very low later on. Note: Don’t mind the DPS, I was at much higher area and used lower area to organize the formation. It should look like this ( remember that dps change depends on the gear you have): Gold Panda, increases your gold found by 125% Khouri, the Witch Doctor, Heals the crusaders infront of Khouri also increases DPS of all crusaders around Khouri by 35%ġ0. Sasha the Fierce Warrior, incrases the DPS fo the crusaders behind sasha by 40%ĩ. Sarah, the Collector ( or any crusader with good gear on), your 2nd DPSĨ. Jim the Lumberjack, increases the DPS of crusaders in the same column by 50%ħ. Artaxes, The Lion, increases the front column dps by 65%ĥ. Natalia Dragon, increases Nate Dragon’s DPSĤ. The Princess, increases your overall DPS by 40%ģ. Detective Kaine, increases your gold found by 25% each crusader in the same column (100% with all four crusaders)Ģ. The better gear you have on your crusaders, the better DPS/gold find you get, also the crusader with most gear/enchants determine your main dps.įor your first basic formation you need the following:ġ.
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols code
(register in the website for rare gear code at ) Basic Formation *Head to your backpack tab then click ‘shop’ near red rubies, there should be a box for the code*
#Best formation for crusaders of the lost idols free
Reset Worldįirst things first, what do we mean by ‘reset’ ? It’s when you reach level 150 on Nate Dragon in order to use his ability which will reset your world, reseting your world provides idols, what are idols? It’s the things you gain after reseting a world which will provide 3% DPS and 1% gold find each idol and by the time you reach your first reset you will usually have 15 idols ( 45%+ DPS and 15%+ gold find) which greatly increase your power early areas.Īlso reseting worlds grants red rubies which will allow you to buy jeweled chests (an upgraded version of silver chest) from the shop, aswell as unlocking new objectives for more challenges and sometimes more rubies.Įach reset grants some rubies as we mentioned, you select objectives from the objectives menu, there are varuis of objectives, the harder objective the more rubies you get, some of them takes very long even if you unlock them so you may want to farm more idols in the free play mode to make it much faster.īefore heading to the formation, make sure to use these codes in order to gain much more DPS: I will try to include a basic formation that can help you get through the first reset, which is the toughest one, after your first reset everything will be easier. We know that it’s a clicking game but most of the formation out there doesn’t involve clicking at all, mostly sitting back and let the crusaders do the job by letting them DPS through the areas. So you just started the game and you really enjoying it while either going idle or staying up late to upgrade your crusaders on time, but you’ve reached a point where crusaders can’t fill all the spots since you have limited spots for the complete formation and/or your DPS(Damage Per Seconds) is low and can’t pass a certain area which in that case we call it a ‘wall’. Basic guide for newcomers including dps arrangment and formation Introduction
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ladiesofnrc · 3 years
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My resident nerd girl, Nova flies into the scene with a puzzle for you! Art done by www.deviantart.com/ozaya
Profile template by @unfinished-projects-galore
Love Interest: Kalim Al-Asim
Twisted Inspiration: Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Voice Claim: Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
+ Nova's parents split up when she was still very small when her Father revealed that he was actually gay. Her mother angrily stormed off and her father publicly moved in his lover, so Nova grew up calling her birth father "dad" and her second father "papa". Her family runs a repair shop specializing in magic wheels, water bikes and sandspeeders.
- It was at the shop where Nova was first introduced to her solar surfer. An outdated relic, she studied up on how to fix it up and it became her sense of freedom. In the sky she felt the weight of her insecurities melt away in the breeze. Whenever she felt depressed or overwhelmed she'd rush off outside to fly on her surfer. While at the school, if these moods hit and she can't leave, she pulls her goggles down over her eyes and imagines the feeling of flying until the mood passes or she's set loose to go fly for real.
+ Most people in her dorm are like Idia, gifted in programming, coding and invention. Nova's skills instead lie in her ability to learn quickly and natural talent for re-contextualizing pre-existing information for unrelated tasks, letting her grasp onto ideas and concepts that might be otherwise hard to understand. She often feels inadequate to the people around her, focusing on what THEY do better than her rather than what SHE does WELL. Even if she acknowledges a skill of hers, she's quick to mention someone she feels does it better.
- Nova doesn't program or tinker, but she is a wiz with pre existing technology. She's all but addicted to tech, always having her phone and a set of earbuds with her at all times. She's also surprisingly skilled at keeping old tech alive far longer than it was ever meant to, as seen in her robotic cat Artax, who was just a prototype from an abandoned project by STYX ten years ago, yet here he is still functioning as good as the day he was released. While programing and inventing is far beyond her skill set, she's still rather smart and handy. She can't invent or create, but she can learn to fix and recreate/maintain to a limited degree.
+ Even though she's built like someone who's athletic, and is rather tall, she's possibly the weakest of the girls. She does have her moments of speed or strength, but these are very short lived and she's rather quick to tire out. Thicc and built, but very out of shape.
+ Besides flying and daydreaming, Nova is an avid role player and gamer. The chance to set herself in another world, another life, and be the skilled hero is more therapeutic to her than she'd ever let on.
Her first name, and her heterochromia, are based on the fact "Treasure Planet" takes place in space. Her last name is Jim Hawkins's home planet.
Nova has a form of mild autism and is very touchy about it. Her dads originally got her Artax as a sort of helper robot and project for her to understand how her mind worked. To this day she doesn't like talking about it, having learned long ago some people will think you're stupid or broken and less than human if you say the word "autism".
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alyblacklist · 4 years
Hi Aly! I really liked your previous post and your devotion to the ship, so I was wondering if you had, by any chance, a list of Keenler scenes/episodes? I know it is a lot to ask, but considering the situation we are in, I wanted to start rewatching the series focusing fully on Keenler! Another thing. Do you know where I can find the comic that you uploaded in the post with your thoughts about Ressler being Liz’s source of light? Thank you for everything!! ❤️
Hi there and thank you!  Sorry it’s taken me a day or two to respond to this - I recently posted a list of fav Ressler/Keenler eps off the top of my head in the Keenler group chat here on Tumblr so this list will be very similar to that with some additions.
For the comic book - I know the books are available as graphic novels for purchase through Amazon. I still have my original digital editions through the Comixology app back from when I got the new issues live and I think they still sell them both as individual issues and as graphic novels.  I also feel like I saw a post somewhere (Reddit maybe?) recently that said they are available somewhere else online but I’m not sure where and I can’t find it easily. If anyone knows, please chime in for anon.  They were last published as individual issues during S3.
Anyway, the non-exhaustive list because I’m sure I’ve missed something:
Season 1: Stewmaker (the hug of course!), The Courier (when she listens to him talk about how the job is all he has left), General Ludd (his sympathy for her pain when she loses her dad), Anslo Garrick (giving up the code once he sees Liz’s face), Mako Tanida (moments throughout but especially her talking him down from shooting Jonica), Kingmaker (the bridge talk plus the “I didn’t know where else to go” at the end), Berlin (him with her in the wreckage of her apartment)
Season 2: Lord Baltimore (Ressler rolling his eyes at the rinse & repeat of failed relationships plus her concern for him not seeing the psychiatrist); Monarch Douglas (lots of moments, but especially her hand on his shoulder at the end), Mombasa Cartel (ambulance scene at the end when she confronts him about the drugs), The Scimitar (the great fake hospital scene where she saves them both and shirtless Ressler!); The Decembrist (near fist fight with Tom with the whole “what are you, her boyfriend? line); Luther Braxton Conclusion (where he confronts Red at the end of the memory manipulation and sweeps Liz off in the blue blanket); Ruslan Denisov (where she confesses about the Harbor Master); The Deer Hunter (he stops her from killing the woman and then confronts her outside about not turning herself in over the harbormaster); The Longevity Initiative (birthday dinner!); Tom Connolly (letting her go!)
Season 3: The Troll Farmer (she was my partner and the scene with the trap door in the bar, chasing her to the Embassy), Marvin Gerard (Embassy car chase and rescue! diner door scene), Eli Matchett (first phone calls, “good person” talks), Arioch Cain (his testimony; fear that she was dead and the Aram hug), Kings of the Highway (the chase) The Director 1 & 2 (multiple jail scenes, car scene, saving her from the bullet, I’ll keep you safe I promise, etc.)., if you can stomach the wedding in 3.17,  their talk before her wedding &. him showing up at the church, The Artax Network (Ressler only), reaction to her office being cleaned out, taking her foot massager; Alexander Kirk Conclusion (Ressler only) willing to let Red kill Kirk and learning Liz is alive.
Season 4: Esteban (willing to risk himself to rescue her; Cuba restaurant scenes), Mato (rescue at the summer palace and the second hug!), The Forecaster (first time they’re back together in the field), The Harem (those lovely park bench scenes), Isabella Stone (another ambulance scene at the end), Dr. Bodgan Krilov (Liz attacking Krilov and talking Ressler down from shooting Hitchen), The Debt Collector (Samar telling Ressler he needs to be there for Liz despite his suspension; shootout at the cabin).
Season 5: Greyson Blaise (not really a Keenler ep but just fun all around with Ressler in jeans); Miss Rebecca Thrall (Ressler making excuses for phone calls with Prescott), The Kilgannon Corp (horror at her engagement ring; working together on the case); Ian Garvey (another clingy hug (hug #3!) and all the scenes at the hospital), The Informant (Ressler only but very important for his mindset), The Capricorn Killer (his arm around her talking about silver linings), Sutton Ross (the interrogation scenes and Liz’s escape)
Season 6: Dr. Hans Koehler (the “I know you” in the parking garage), The Corsican (all the scenes at the UN), Alter Ego (banter over his cousin’s wedding and the idea of hiring a date), Marko Jankowicz (the entire episode), Minister D (Liz’s concern for Ressler testifying and her reaction when he does), Robert Vesco (library scene, scene with Red and Dembe), Robert Diaz (matching outfits, arrested)
Season 7: Louis Steinhil Conclusion (talk about “we,”); Norman Devane (teasing Aram and talk about seeing her happy), Hannah Hayes (the talk about a year or seven), Victoria Fenberg (the ballet discussions), Cornelius Ruck (the ballet scene at the end), Twamie Ullulaq (discussions in Alaska), Brothers (all of their scenes together but especially the final one), Roy Cain (conversation in the car about Red’s health), The Kazanjian Brothers (the conversation in their office)
Phew.  Hope that helps anon!
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toyfrog · 5 years
“Parents don’t stay angry with their children. Or their grandchildren.”
“And that's who you are to us. It doesn't matter who you were. This is who you are and who you'll always be.” “It’s like Lipstick on a pig.” Ahhh Brimley be still my heart... Sending out a hug to Lizzington fandom. This is not a “I told you so,” post that would be mean. However this *is* and *always* has been the direction of the show since season one with a surprising twist. Was the show wrong to manipulate you guys? Yes. But at this level of you think there’s any hope or prayer for a coupling you’re not going to get it. You never were. The dynamic has always been the same- Liz/Ressler the love couple: Red/Liz father/daughter it’s complicated love story. This wasSeason 2 until Eggold’s story disrupted the flow, the pace, and greedy writers room took a surgical knife and gutted solid portions of story, left characters in limbo. It sucked. “I'm not conflicted about killing you. I'm conflicted because I can't. Because I can neither kill nor trust nor forgive.” This deep freeze will go on through Season 7. Now that Agnes is returning-Liz plans to use her inadvertently to bond with Reddington... This writing team is creating new shifty characters which I do like because they don’t change the main plot line it’s still the same. Lol “I’m a sucker forLimoges.” So am I 😊 Love seeing Red negotiating. “Are you upset? Conflicted. About what? I live and work by a very strict code built on loyalty, justice, trust. I survive because I eliminate those who betray it. Up until now, no one has been spared, not even my closest associates. Not even Kate Kaplan.” This should’ve been Red’s reaction against Liz in Season 2 after he was shot and in season 3 after he discovere Liz faked her death... but there was no fallout- just Kate getting “killed” Or is she really dead?🤔 to write the wrong of this show is to bring her back! This is key dialogue so pay attention. Key dialogue.... “So that's what you're conflicted about? Whether or not to kill me because I betrayed some "code"? You can mock it because you live in a world with institutionalized codes, where order has already been imposed by powerful forces outside of yourself, where there are laws and rules for everything. I live in a world with no laws, no rules, and certainly no order. So I have to impose my own.” Task Force and Ressler and Liz will be adopting these rules because Anna McMahon and the Cabal will Be rewriting the rules. Hey. Where have you been hiding? - What do you mean? - You've been a ghost ever since I told you that I've been looking into who Reddington was. Ahhhh sweet. Not plot driven. Ressler Missing his partner-life partner lol. The more intimate details they share, the more season 3 dialogue up till end of artax network should piss you. Off. “Thought maybe you were still pissed at me.” What? No. I'm grateful. Ressler’s heart swells three sizes with her response. Her, who knew? Oh gee not me no sireee what do I know wishful thinking right? “If anything ever happened to you I’d never forgive myself.” You did what you thought was best for me. I'm grateful for that. “IF ANYTHING EVER HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” What I said earlier was true. I'm grateful that you're a good friend. But, um, I'm also grateful for what you did, for telling me about my grandfather. This means Liz has the hots literally and FEELINGS forRessler.. the Ummmms will continue. “Nothing worse than when a child disappoints-like being impaled by a unicorn.” HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Glorious. Yes Liz has pissed off her Dad! Red is so so SO disappointed with her. And here comes more KEY DIALOGUE!!! [WHISPERING] I found him, and he told me about Reddington, about who he was. Wait. You You know? His name was Ilya Koslov. He and Katarina were childhood friends, and then they were in the Cabal together. Ah childhood... “But why take on Reddington's identity?” I KNOW I KNOW!!! My lips are sealed. “After the fire, after I shot my father and the world was after Katarina, the only way for her to survive was to access the funds they used to frame Reddington.” “You are going to be SO WEALTHY.” Yeah, but they couldn't do it without Reddington. Since he was already dead, Ilya Koslov brought him back to life. That's the answer that Reddington killed people to keep quiet? - I mean, why? - I don't know. SEASON 7. To protect me somehow? To protect himself. Ilya Koslov and Katarina Rostova disappeared after betraying powerful people with long memories who were willing to kill to find out information about their whereabouts. Or try to. So guess whose the next couple to betray people with long memories? Or at least be framed thanks to Anna McMahon? Reddington will so be needed and his code of NO RULES. Welcome to the CIA. A couple of weeks ago, I got the drop on some KGB mook who had heard that I was looking into Katarina.” Yeah Ressler- you in danger babe... your bae will be freaking out and blaming herself... “IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” This is KEY TO THE ENTIRE MYTHOLOGY OF THE BLACKLIST. It GOES ALL THE WAY BACK TO ANSLO GARRICK. what kind of leads I had. That's why he's keeping it a secret. That's why we can't tell anyone. Yeah, but we got to tell Cooper and ARAM. Pillow talk. How sexy. Go back to Season 2 after they bumped off Alan Fitch... Whoever he was, he is Reddington. Cooper will understand that, but he might feel obliged to tell someone in the Bureau who doesn't. KEY DIALOGUE... Anna McMahon does not trust the Task Force, and she hates Reddington. She's looking for any excuse to shut us down. Perjury, breaking the law, letting fugitives go... yeah those are causes to shutdown and assasinate everyone... that dossier is the new fulcrum. THE SHOW NEEDS LEONARD CAUL FOR THIS LEG OF STORY HELLO!! You're worried that they'll void his immunity agreement. YUP THEY WILL AMONG OTHER THINGS. Once Reddington disappears that’s the mystery isn’t it? I'm pretty sure I had the right to know the truth, and I'm absolutely sure no one else does.” Yeah NO you’re wrong. Go back to Season one and you’ll recall why. An episode featuring Diane Fowler being shot in the belly—-a house blown to smithereens. Look, I get that, but is it the truth? KEY DIALOGUE. I mean, does it make sense that this is the answer he'd kill to keep quiet? This is why what happens to Ressler is essential to understanding Reddington’s secret. That so many people have died trying to find out? It's because so many people died that I gave up my child. To protect Agnes until I learned the truth. She hasn’t learned the truth so guess who will e in danger in the finale? Except not a infant this time... Am I sure I know why he guarded his secret? No. Is it possible that I'm overlooking some of the holes in the story because there's a sweetness to it? Yes, it's possible. Rose colored glasses are cute on Liz. But it's more possible that it's true. "More possible. " Ilya Koslov had motive and opportunity. If this were a crime, you'd say it was solved, and you'd believe you were right.” Don’t it words into his mouth... Ressler’s gut instinct won’t let it go and that is a good thing. IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” Hang tight. Enjoy this moment where THE WRITERS ROOM ROBBED KEENLER OF THEIR BABY AND WEDDING. If you can’t see it here compared to now... You’re fooling yourself.
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the-rovarians · 5 years
Some Information on Rovarians
- Basic Appearance/Anatomy - *They look like the Spirit/Opportunity rovers, except for the following differences.
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Average height-around six feet tall
Average weight-around 500 to 600 pounds
Two robotic humanoid arms with five-fingered hands
Midsection below the shoulders is thicker and slightly darker in color
Females have lighter-colored solar panels than males
Two pairs of eyes
One set of eyes (the bigger ones) sees like we do. The “regular” eyes. The smaller ones see in infrared
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The four camera eyes are what create facial expression, with shutters and apertures. 
Their voices are synthesized, but still sound completely human, making it harder for others to write them off as just robots. They're beyond that, they're people
The solar panels can fold and unfold at their owner's will, allowing parents to carry the youngest ones on their backs
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- “Reproduction” (Growing the Species) -
The actual Rovarian is a combination of the parents’ programming and code, which is what contains the personality, the “soul” (do not try it with Earth computers, it won’t work. They have special alien computers that do literally nothing else but this.)
Rovarian "sex" is just two people putting code into a computer.
The new code is generated by randomly selecting parts from each parent's code. These are NOT "designer babies".
Although traits are randomly selected, this doesn't mean the child could end up with an extra arm or missing eyes or anything.
The new child's code is then sent to special replicators that produce the frame, program it with the child's new code and activated.
The child “grows” as their code and programming evolves and matures. 
They start out as little Sojourner models, as their programming isn’t yet complex enough to handle a big adult body. 
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They stay that way from “birth” to early toddler age (about 1 or 2 years for humans) then transition to a miniature version of the adult body. 
The old frame is then reused for another child, or is recycled for its resources (yeah, these guys are way smarter with their resources than a lot of today’s humans) 
They continue through gradually larger versions of this frame until they’re in the adult one, which on average is somewhere around 6 feet tall (of course there are 5 and 7 foot area outliers.)
When a Rovarian dies, their frame is either recycled (for another Rovarian or for resources) or buried, depending on the wishes of the family and/or the deceased person's last requests.    
This is the way historical figures are remembered. They are interned either beneath or inside their respective monuments.
- General Society Roles -
Once they reach adulthood, they’ve been schooled and educated in all the stuff that everyone needs to know. 
About a Martian year  (1.88 Earth years) after the transition to the adult frame, they either take on a profession as a civilian, enter the government in some way, or join the Rovarian equivalent of Starfleet (some choose to join Starfleet itself) where they eventually get posted to a ship and captain, such as Captain Kiali of the Rovarian flagship Artax. 
They generally choose their names from stars (Admiral Sirius), constellations  (soldiers Centaurus and Crux), or other astronomical bodies (Ensign Messier, ambassador Lady Carina). 
Metal bands worn on the upper arm indicate rank, department, and specialty. Some may also have an insignia for a specific ship on their rank band.
One does not need to be in government, military, or fleet to have department and specialty bands. For example, general practice doctors will have Medical department bands, surgeons will have Medical department bands and Surgery specialty bands
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- Historical Events and Achievements -
The last of a dying race found the twins (Spirit and Opportunity), and, knowing they were going to die, decided to save the rovers, giving them their own life force, as well as their own technological knowledge of how to use resources they had stored on Mars. Very little is known about this race, except Spirit and Opportunity’s hazy memories of them. Rovarian historians suspect they purposefully erased all records of themselves, though why is unclear.
The Rovarians claimed Mars as their homeworld and an evolved Spirit and Opportunity as their co-leaders.
Before official First Contact, a human military-esque group of xenophobic extremists planning to wipe them out before they could “invade and enslave us” (which never crossed their minds) ambushed a landing party with the twins (Spirit and Opportunity), who came back to visit the place and people who made them.
The twins were the only survivors, and the group stole their ship, using it to lure others to Earth, where cells of the group waited. 
The Rovarian crews were overwhelmed and slaughtered, and the ships used to wage a short but bloody war on the Rovarians, with battles fought on both planets (Earth and Mars), and in space. 
At one point, NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter took pictures of a Martian plain littered with fallen Rovarian warriors, as well as their living friends and family searching for their bodies. 
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Some humans did side with them, and the conflict, while essentially ending in a draw, led to Earth working with them instead of against, as it was made clear they have no desire or reason to invade us.
Opportunity was severely, almost fatally wounded in one of the war’s battles, but the JPL rover teams turned the lab into a makeshift OR and were able to save him (after figuring out how to airlift/transport him safely and without further injuring him)
JPL was on the Rovarians’ side from the start of the war, since they already kinda felt like the rovers were more than machines,  
They're the ones who got the rest of NASA to take the Rovarians' side, which helped turn the tide of the war, since the extremists then had a harder time communicating with their space and Mars forces,
NASA was in charge of almost everything space, and almost nothing got to or through space without them knowing it. 
Add to that NASA also gained access to Rovarian tech, which enabled them to make it even MORE difficult for the extremists to function by cutting off communication completely.
As a result, the stolen ships had no warning and no time to prepare before a Rovarian fleet showed up to apprehend them.
An important feat of theirs: Massive magnetic field generators at the poles, so they could give Mars an M-class atmosphere. This makes trade and diplomatic matters much easier, since most species require such an atmosphere. 
Having advanced alien tech, they were able to pick up on pretty much everything we were doing. And I mean EVERYTHING. That’s why the Rigel filter (named for its inventor) was created. It blocked out all the offensive (to a Rovarian) communications humans send. (it’s basically a spam filter (that actually works) on steroids
- Social Customs, Beliefs, and Daily Life -
Water and food are replicated as needed for visitors. 
Farming is kind of a waste, as the whole species feeds off of solar energy (which, thanks to advances in Rovarian medicine and science, can be stored in much larger amounts in the same size battery) 
There are artificial solar energy generators for emergencies.
The Rovarians actually find the human obsession with sex/sexuality/female bodies to be super weird and a little disturbing/off-putting
It's actually HUGELY insulting to make sexual comments to them. 
Relationships are based on feelings for the other person. 
They actually think the sex obsession is what holds humans back from advancing more quickly.
They avoided money. They do more of a large scale barter system, and everybody contributes to the society in various ways. 
They have stores of other species' currency, but it's only used for trade with said species.
This way, nobody ends up in poverty and there's no 1 percent elite. 
Even healthcare is given based on how urgent your need is. (the field of regular psychology is still needed. These are people, not just programs, and people always need regular psychology)
The system works smoothly, and crime is mainly just thievery and vandalism (because every species is going to have born criminals.) 
Stuff like murder, which is very rare, is obviously still a crime, as is most of the major stuff ( dealing in illegal contraband, scams, espionage, etc.)
Things like racing shuttlecraft around planets are common activities anyone could do.
- Rovarian Stardate System -
The first two digits of the stardate indicate the century
The second two indicate the exact year (Earth year*)
The third two are the Earth month
The decimal point number is the exact day. 
For example, this stardate, 215004.05, translates to April 5, 2050, in the 21st century.
They use Earth time because Mars time is only practical for those actually on Mars. For those on ships, it doesn’t make much sense. (this is just a cryptic way of saying that I am too hopeless at math to convert everything to Mars time. There’s lots of decimals involved in that.)
- Arts -
No wind instruments
Non-electronic music consists of strings, percussion, and vocals (singing)
They do also play electronic music (think Daft Punk, Basshunter, or any other techno artist)
The overall style can range from sounding like Celtic or New Age to sounding like techno or dance music, or anything in between. It depends on who’s playing.
Very futuristic, but with sharp, boxy design and edges
Lots of metals and glass for materials, very clean and shiny
No stairs, it’s all ramps or lifts (elevators)
Some buildings, usually those with huge crowds moving through, such as the spaceport, have moving sidewalks and moving ramps (Rovarian version of an escalator.
Cities have very tall buildings, thanks to the planet’s lower gravity making it easier to lift materials up to those heights.
Many buildings (especially the tallest ones) are designed to light up at night, some having patterns of color change or light movement
A plaque inside the main entrance of the building credits the architect, as well as everyone who helped construct it
As with architecture, metals are the primary material used
Depending on the artist, the piece can be something ethereal-looking, something futuristic, or something inspired by Earth art styles
There are many installment pieces, especially in cities. These can be inside buildings or out in parks and other public areas.
A plaque or sign placed with the piece credits the artist and anyone who helped construct it.
For smaller sculptures, a signature from the artist can be found directly on the piece itself
Visual Art
There are Rovarians who draw and paint, both traditionally and digitally
Many digital artists like to animate their work
They may also include an animated version of their signature
Traditional painters, along with ordinary paints, will also use metallic and/or glowing paints in their work 
Like traditional Earth artists, they sign their paintings. The same is true for Rovarian drawing artists.
Some Rovarians practice textile arts such as weaving fabric, as this is a commodity that can be good for trading with other species
Other media for Rovarian visual artists include, but are not limited to: holograms, fiber-optics, LEDs, found items (for “upcycling”)
Yes, these do exist for Rovarians
The first ever live production was a retelling of the twins’ story through dance, with singers and musicians providing the music
Costumes are typically very elaborate and eyecatching, unless the production calls for more subtlety.
Dance style is usually smooth, flowing, and graceful, though it can also be sharp, snappy, and energetic.
Very similar to Earth literature, except that the genre of erotica does not exist
Some writers will collaborate with an artist to create a graphic novel or a holo-novel
FINALLY got the information on these guys up.
Photos courtesy of @nasa , myself (the craptastic drawing), and an artist whose name I couldn’t find, but I know it’s someone awesome because of that Opportunity painting
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takadasaiko · 7 years
Demons at the Door: Chapter Twenty-Four
Summary: All hell breaks loose when Miles Ellington takes Halcyon Aegis.
Chapter Twenty-Four: What Needs to be Done
Halcyon Aegis. The idea itself of building up an intelligence company that stood alone and out from under any government entity had seemed like a pipedream years before, but then Howard Hargrave had made it happen. It had been his charm that won over all the right people, but his intellect that had put together the structure that made it work. The Artax Network, the training programs and recruiting techniques, and, of course, the scientists that he reached out to join in the efforts of brainstorming the next big idea that would continue to put the company at the forefront of the intelligence community. Often even beyond government-run programs.
Hargrave had had a moral center, unshakable at the time, and that's where Miles Ellington had hit the snag. They say everyone has a price, but he hadn't been able to find Howard Hargrave's. Not until Scottie. If Miles had to lose her, at least he was gaining Halcyon. All those years of planning hadn't been wasted, and in that he would take comfort.
Miles' gaze swept the war room that he stood in, his people handling the last remaining opposition to the takeover. He'd questioned McKinney's capability to set up what they needed to infiltrate the base, but he had to admit the man had come through. He hadn't survived long enough to see it, but Miles had, and Miles had every intention of surviving long enough to enjoy his conquest. The inside opposition had been trapped behind doors that no longer moved in the shutdown and the outside opposition was predictable in their own way. They wouldn't let this stand. Miles had no misgivings about that. Scottie and Howard would band together with their long-lost son and they'd send a team in. It'd be done quietly, because anything else would compromise the integrity of the company. If they wished Halcyon Aegis to survive this they would keep those in the know to a very small handful. No news outlets, no large scale attack by law enforcement. No. They would handle this covertly, but even they would need time for that, and if his calculations were right, it would give Miles just enough to get what he needed and leave the shell of Halcyon for the idiots so desperate to save it.
"Sir, we've secured the boardroom and the members when you're ready."
Miles nodded and turned, his boots sounding against the hard floor as he walked. He had his own capable team that he'd collected over the years. The one he was particularly fond of - and the one that was holding the building in lockdown no matter how hard Dumont DeSoto tried to get past it - was Nina Davis. She didn't look like much at first glance. Petite with short, dark hair and even darker eyes, he'd found her in a hole in the wall cafe in London just a few years before and she's proven her worth to him time and again since then. She fell into step with him as they made their way toward the boardroom.
"Security protocols have been rewritten. I'm currently running a program to find any back doors that Hargrave may have left."
"Leave nothing unturned," he said sharply. "Howard Hargrave has a penchant for hiding ways into the system and we need time."
"Paranoia has its perks."
"Find them. Deal with them. How's the transfer coming?"
"It's a lot of information. I can only push it so fast, especially with the other programs running." She paused and he saw her tilt her head as they continued to walk. "Some of the board members have access codes I need."
"Whatever you need. Just make it happen, Nina." Miles nodded at one of the men standing guard at the door and they pushed it open, allowing him to step through.
The board members looked shaken as they huddled around their table. One or two might have tried to fight, but they hadn't gotten very far. They looked up as he entered and Miles lifted his chin just a little. "Keep your seats," he instructed cheerfully. "As you likely know this facility has been taken and is on lockdown."
"You can't possibly imagine you'll get away with this," a woman at the far end of the table said sharply. "We don't function in a black hole. People will know and you can only barricade them out so long."
Miles flashed a smile. "I only need so long. Behave and you may come out of this alive."
The woman held his gaze for a long moment before nodding slowly, sitting back in her seat warily. His smile didn't falter. People were far too predictable. Give them a little hope and they'd do anything.
Add a little fear to balance it and things would run even smoother.
Miles motioned to three board members. "You, you, and you. If you'll step out into the hall you'll have an escort waiting."
"For what?" one asked nervously.
A smile stretched his thin lips. "Anything that I want, Mr Tallert," he answered, holding the man's gaze as all three members were escorted out.
It would be nice, just once, if Tom had the time to follow a doctor's advice after an injury. Rest, medication, and more rest always seemed to turn into taking just enough painkillers to stay on his feet, but a low enough dose that it didn't screw with his ability to think.
The doctor had argued with him the whole way as he'd disconnected himself from the machines and the IVs, but in the end they couldn't force him to stay. Liz had remained quiet through it all, her expression saying that she had known she couldn't talk him out of it, even if she wasn't thrilled at the idea. Nez's news had thrown yet another complication their way, and this one couldn't wait.
Tom winced as the lift came to a halt at the bottom and he felt the stop through every inch of his body. He looked over as Liz touched his arm and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. He was okay. He had to be. There were no other choices at that point.
The doors gave a loud, increasingly familiar sound as the opened up and he took a deep breath, readying himself as it emptied them out into the Post Office, the armed guard at the entrance giving both he and Liz a brief nod and Tom's gaze swept out over the open war room. The Post Office had been emptied out of any unnecessary personnel to keep information contained as best as they could, but Liz's team, Reddington, Tom's team, the Hargraves, and Solomon were there. It was a ragtag group, but they'd proven that desperate times could bring them all together, and Halcyon Aegis in the hands of Miles Ellington was as desperate as they came.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Matias Solomon greeted cheerfully from his place. "You do not look well, Keen."
Tom leveled a glare briefly in his direction, but switched to Dumont who had set up shop at an empty desk with his laptop. "Dumont, what have you found?"
Dumont huffed loudly, but never broke eye contact with his computer as he spoke. "McKinney must have given Ellington more than we knew. Combine that with the hacker they've been using and boom. He's got the whole building in lockdown. They've cut my eyes and ears into the place. For now."
"The Board was meeting," Nez said from her place. "They're hostages, as are any personnel on site."
"Ellington is betting on discretion," Samar stated.
"Then he's placed his bet wisely," Cooper answered. He glanced over to Tom. "I spoke to Panabaker before you got here. We have the green light to bring this under control, but it has to be done off books."
"If the public were to find out that the leading private intelligence agency had been compromised to this degree it would be impossible for Halcyon to function as it needs to," Scottie said from the chair she had claimed. "Ellington knows that."
"Okay, fine," Tom cut in, his patience running thin. "Howard, Nez, and I proved that we can break into the building if necessary."
"We've been talking about that," Aram jumped in. "You guys had Mr Hargrave to plant the code that overheated the systems, which was kind of genius, by the way. I mean, those systems are-"
"Aram," Cooper said tightly.
"Right. Sorry. We don't have that, but Dumont was able to work fast enough and created a back door of sorts to work a subtle program in."
"Technically I used a back door Howard had in place," Dumont said with a shrug.
Scottie shot Howard a look and he shrugged. "I don't like the idea of being shut out of my own company."
"We should have the program inserted soon," Aram continued. "Maybe... three hours? Four?"
Dumont nodded.
"Good. That gives us time to put together a team and get to New York," Tom said firmly. "We'll need transportation that won't set alarm bells off."
"That's already been taken care of," Reddington said from his place and Tom felt a strange chill sweep through him. A warning given off by years of finely tuned instincts.
"And what do you get out of all of this, Reddington? It's not your fight, and you don't exactly have the resources you used to to throw around."
"It's not," Reddington agreed, holding Tom's gaze. "I am a businessman and I'll be paid for my services at the end of this."
A quick glance to Scottie showed she knew what payment he had asked for and she wasn't happy with it.
Liz touched his arm, drawing his attention away from that particular situation, but it was Samar that spoke. "You said you wanted to put together a team."
"Yeah. Keeping it relatively small worked well last time. No reason to think it wouldn't this time. You, Nez, Solomon,-" he cringed inwardly as he said it - "Ressler, Liz, and me. We can go in through the vents."
"Are you cleared to be in the field?" Ressler asked skeptically.
Tom flashed him an innocent grin that he didn't look like he bought. "I'll hold," he said a little more truthfully than he'd planned.
Ressler took a moment, considering, before he nodded and turned to Solomon. "And we're sure we can trust him?"
"We can trust in the fact that he knows I'll put a bullet between his eyes if he even looks like he's betraying us," Tom answered dangerously, his gaze fixed on a smiling Solomon.
"I've missed you too, Keen," the other man said cheerfully.
"Fine. It's settled. Get set up and coordinate with Reddington to get there. You need to be wheels up in an hour," Cooper instructed.
Everyone moved to follow the order, but Howard reached out, catching his son by the arm. "Tom, a moment?"
"That's all I've got," he answered, but followed a few feet away. "What's up?"
"We need Ellington alive."
"I can't promise that. He's going to put up a hell of a fight and I'm not willing to lose anyone to that bastard."
"I understand, but you still need to make it happen. We don't need any of his people, but we need him."
Howard sighed and shook his head. "I know I may not have earned it yet, son, but I need you to trust me."
"I need more than that, Dad."
"I know you do, and I could tell you a lie as to why, but I won't. I will give you the reason after it's all said and done. For now-"
"Trust you?" Tom huffed. He didn't like it. It didn't set right, but he also didn't have time to argue it. "You're telling me as soon as we get back."
"I will."
He nodded. "Then I'll do my best to bring him back breathing."
"That's all I ask," Howard said and offered a smile. "I'm proud of you, Tom. You know that, don't you? You're a hell of a better man than most people could be having seen what you have. I love you, son."
Tom froze where he was and swallowed hard, the words unexpected and they took a moment to fully sink in. He cleared his throat and tried for a smile, the truth leaving him feeling exposed. "I love you too, Dad."
Howard nodded and he looked like he was trying to keep a careful cap on his own emotions. "Be safe."
He watched his father turn and set his jaw, thinking on it, barely hearing Liz's approach. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I think so."
"No way to talk you out of going in?"
Tom chuckled, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "No more than me talking you out of it."
"We're a stubborn pair."
"Understatement." He watched his father move to speak to Reddington, Scottie, and Cooper. "Howard wants Ellington alive."
"He probably has a few questions for him."
"Maybe, but why not just tell me that? I think it has to do with Reddington's payment."
Liz hummed softly. "What would Reddington want with him?"
"No clue, but if we're going to just hand over the man that changed the entire course of my life to him, I need to know why."
He heard her pull in a long breath. "One thing at a time," she reminded him softly. "Let's get through this alive and then we'll find out what Reddington and Howard are up to."
When Reddington had procured a new jet, Liz wasn't sure. She wasn't even sure that it was his or just in loan, but seeing Edward in the cockpit did leave her with a sudden and sweeping relief. In everything that had happened, she hadn't had time to think too much on what had happened to him, but it was good to see he was alive and well. He'd always seemed like a decent man, even if she hadn't spent a great deal of time speaking with him. He was, as far as she'd been able to tell, yet another quirky soul that was loyal to Reddington first and foremost.
Tom was with the others towards the front of the plane, going over details of the infiltration. He looked better, at least. He was still a little paler than usual and the bags under his eyes were a little darker, but the rush of fluids and antibiotics they'd pushed through his system at the hospital had helped and no he was focused in on the task at hand. She should be there as well, she knew, but Reddington had decided to go with them. Why, she wasn't sure, and even though she had told her husband to focus on what they were doing, she was having trouble taking her own advice with the mounting questions and the one with all the answers lounging towards the back of the plane, glass of scotch in hand.
Reddington looked up as Liz slipped into the seat across from him. "Shouldn't you be going over last minute details?"
"Why do you want Ellington?"
He blinked at her for half a moment before leaning back. "Who says I do?"
"You. That pause. Thank you, now answer the question."
A slow smile stretched his thin lips. "Have you ever stopped to think on how far you've come, Elizabeth? It's been… four years now? Since I gave myself up to the FBI. I did it to protect you from all the demons that you didn't even hear knocking at your door yet. You've beaten them back, one by one. You've taken challenge after challenge and learned from it in ways many never do."
"And you know that flattery isn't going to distract me," Liz said, her voice sweet, but the meaning clear.
"No, nor would I expect it to. I simply wanted to express how much you have… grown. I missed so much that I do know I can be-"
Smothering, she wanted to say, but instead let her expression ease just a little for the man that was opening up just a little to her. "A little overprotective?"
He hummed a soft affirmation.
"Why do you want Ellington?"
"I don't, but a colleague of mine is willing to trade him for a port I need to rebuild my business."
Liz pulled in a soft breath. He had been struggling, she knew. Thirty years of work had been undone in a few months due to his war with Kate Kaplan. He needed to rebuild, both for himself and if the Task Force's deal was to remain intact. He needed to be useful. She knew that. She understood that.
"You look troubled, Elizabeth."
Her gaze met his. "Tom needs answers. This man-"
"I've secured your husband's answers."
Liz blinked. "What do you mean?"
"Howard asked me to retrieve some information for him. He has that information and as far as I am aware he means to share it with Tom as soon as this is over. Most anything beyond that can be filled in by Scottie herself."
She had expected to find yet another reason to be frustrated with him, but instead she was left staring. He'd made sure Tom was covered. He didn't have to. There was no immediate danger that Reddington was saving her from by ensuring that Tom knew about his past and what had happened to him as a child, but he'd gone out of his way to help bring those answers to a place where Tom would have access to them. He had done what was in his power to help her husband find closure.
"He was never my choice for you, Elizabeth, but who you choose to love isn't my choice. You love him. You chose him. That has to be enough for me."
Liz reached forward, her hand touching his, and she was overwhelmed. "Thank you."
He nodded, his smile small but real. It soured then, and she didn't have to look behind her to see what he was glaring at. "I do wish he would make wiser decisions on the team he put together for this."
"Desperate times. We don't have a lot of choices."
"He threatened to skin you alive under one employer and nearly killed you and Agnes for the next. His loyalties are fluid."
"And we don't trust him."
"But Ms Rowan does."
"And Tom trusts her."
Reddington sighed. "You should make sure you're prepared. We'll talk more after all this is dealt with."
She squeezed his hand and stood, pausing there. "This, Reddington."
"Sharing. This is how you and I figure out all of this craziness. How we learn to trust each other, because we need to. I want to."
"I haven't forgotten your suitcase, Elizabeth. After all of this is said and done."
She nodded and turned, joining her husband, her friends, and one man that she hoped wouldn't betray them. Tom was focused, but pulled her in as soon as she took her seat, explaining what she'd missed without missing a beat. Liz listened, adding in where she needed to. This was no easy task, but they could do it. As long as tech did their part - which with Aram and Dumont leading it they would - they might just be able to pull it off as come out of it alive.
Notes: I feel like I need to apologize for the longer waits that have been happening between chapters. For some reason the end of this story really has been giving me a hard time. It's been a combination of a lot of things, but I hope the quality is remaining, even if it's taking a bit longer than usual for me to piece the chapters together.
I joked a couple of chapters ago was my 'shipping' chapter because there were ships coming together from all directions, so this one was my proud Dads chapter :P
Liz and Tom deserve proud dads that tell them how proud they are of everything they've become despite their hardships.
Next time - Grey Matters and the Task Force fight against the odds and infiltrate Halcyon to take try to take it back.
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elizgeli · 7 years
DuckTales S1E2 - Wronguay in Ronguay (Pilot p.2)
After the candy factory shake-up we meet Flintheart Glomgold, the second richest duck in the world, who looks exactly like Uncle Scrooge except he wears a traditional Scottish garb and has a beard. (Fun Fact: In the original Don Rosa comics, Glomgold is South African, but the TV show didn’t want to have anything to do with apartheid, so they changed it). So this guy hates Scrooge and wants nothing more to be the richest duck in the world...however since this is a multi-species universe I think they should both think bigger. Anyway El Capitan approaches Glomgold to get in cahoots. 
Somewhat miraculously the boys discover that the name of a boat is actually a numeric code for the coordinates of the treasure. Damn, they should watch Twin Peaks. Scrooge refuses to take them to find the treasure so they withhold the info. Glomgold shows up and buys the candy factory for a bag of $2mil cash which looks even more unimpressive than it probably looks in real life. But his real goal is to get a rise out of Scrooge so that they make bet about who can make the most money in the next 2 weeks. The loser has to eat his hat, which I love, because no one ever says “or I’ll eat my hat!” anymore and looks at me weird when I use it. IT’S A THING. 
To get the treasure quickly, Scrooge agrees to take HDL along to the country of Ronguay...which I only now realize sounds like “Wrong Way.” Hah. So they get tricked by Flintheart into going on a cheap airline where the pilot is actually a robot purposely taking them to the wrong continent. Just like that time I flew on Spirit Airlines. Somehow they take control of the plane and get to Ronguay, but only after saying “Wrong Way” and Ronguay as many times as possible.
The South American locals in Ronguay are even more racists than El Capitan, but eventually our crew gets a llama and goes out into the desert, which is apparently not where the treasure is. Since there’s sand around and this is a cartoon, it’s obviously quicksand. Uncle Scrooge sinks and then everyone starts screaming “ARTAX! ARTAX!” and crying. No? Just me? ok. Scrooge somehow swims out of the pit with snorkel. I find out it’s a camel, not a llama, and Scrooge reveals he once owned a camel ranch in Wyoming...Glomgold and El Capitan follow along through with various harebrained plans to thwart the Ducks that they continue to unknowingly bypass. 
Scrooge loses all hope and gets all mopey and they all sleep in a cave. The bad guys wake everyone up by falling to HDL’s pots and pans trap. Glomgold traps Scrooge and 3 CHILDREN into the flooding cave to DIE. But eventually they find the treasure ship anyway. HDL repair the boat with gold and it floats away a la the end of Peter Pan. It just took some faith, trust, and pixie duck. 
But OH NO! El Capitan and Glomgold were hiding on the boat the whole time! Oh and apparently it was El Capitan’s ship all along...in retrospect his name was a clue...They throw the Duck family into a tub to float away and Glomgold throws Scrooge a pity coin which enrages El Capitan and in the struggle the boat sinks. El Capitan seemingly goes down with the ship (but is revealed to survive and swear revenge). Scrooge is nice enough to pick up Glomgold and take him home...after he literally eats his hat. At least Scrooge did offer him a bit of Grey Poupon. 
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dearkatiebrown-blog · 7 years
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Tessellate and Artax looking gorgeous on @cindyinessoto! 🖤🖤🖤 //Shop from the link in bio and use code ShinyNY for 20% off! ___________________________________________ #glittersquad #glittergoals #pressedglitter #glittermakeup #glittereyeshadow #sparkle #feature #mua
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jacensolodjo · 7 years
June's nerdblock sci-fan edition finally arrived and has, in addition to the artax pin I have been looking forward to, but a really cute star trek book that is a hardcover activity book and stuff. I figured it was gonna be like the star wars book of the sith or the bounty hunter's code by being an in-universe book that might have some collectibles in it. It is in-universe tho just with activities and stuff instead and things you can cut out if you like. It is super cute!
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